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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 7] [ENDING] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

By punki
Created: 2020-12-18 12:45:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >Welp, you dun did it now Paradise, you're gonna have to tell him.
  2. >B-brain please.. Not now.
  3. >Sitting up slightly while you look at a slightly puzzled looking, and for once quite sheepish Anon, you break your eye contact to stop and think to yourself.
  4. "I.. Uh.."
  5. >"I care about you a lot too Para, I mean, this is super heartwarming and all, but it's hardly news. It's what friends do, yeah?"
  6. >Kneeding at the couch with your hooves, you kinda struggle to really respond.. How are you going to explain this?
  7. >You're gonna have to say something, you can't just sit here.
  8. >Or y'know.. Drastic measures.. DO something.
  9. "A-anon.. It's different.."
  10. >"How, though?"
  11. >Gaah, why can't you say it?!
  12. >In a moment of nervous, anxiety-filled desperation to get your point across, you clench your eyes closed for a brief moment to build up the courage, and you find yourself just.. Going for it.
  13. >You reach your hoof to Anons cheek and lean in to very awkwardly give him a small, but soft caring kiss.
  14. >Taking a few moments to take it in, and feel Anons lips against your own, you feel your heart in your chest as your stomach fills with butterflies, you break away slowly and kinda just melt as you look into his eyes as you do so.
  15. >God, you've wanted to do that for so long.
  16. >You think you know what that feeling is now.. You think you might love Anon.. Like in a more than just friends kinda way.
  17. >He makes you feel like nobody else ever has, and you can't help but feel like this is well.. Right. You've not been sure about anything quite as much as you're sure about this.
  18. >Wait a second.. Did you just really do that?
  19. >More to the point, HOW did you just do that?!
  20. >... More-more to the point..
  21. >You love Anon..
  22. >Uhhh..
  23. >You.. Love.. Anon..
  24. >.. Ohhhh, SHIT..
  25. >Nonono..! What did you do!
  26. >Going into complete shock, you just blankly stare.
  27. "Uhhh.."
  28. >"Paradise"
  29. >Why did you do that?!
  30. >You kissed Anon, gaaaaaaaah shitshitshit!
  31. >"Hello.. Anybody home?"
  32. >Might wanna snap out of it for a second Paradise, there's a hand being waved in front of your eyes.
  33. >Giving your head a little shake, you jump back a little, startled as you come back to reality.
  34. "H-huh.. Ahh! Aaah.. I-I'm sorry Anon! I-I.. I couldn't.. I - I didn't know wha.. Gaah, I'm an idiot."
  35. >You've really done it this time.
  36. >Burying your face in the couch pillows, you prepare for the worst.
  37. >"I.. I can't say I saw my night heading in this direction, but hey-ho. We're good, don't trip. You're not an idiot."
  38. >[Press X to Doubt]
  39. >Peaking sheepishly up to look at Anon through the safety of your pillow pile of shame, you can't help but be just a liiiiiiittle surprised by his response.
  40. "W-waddya mean? I - I.. I kissed you..!"
  41. >Awkwardly shifting in his seat, obviously trying not to startle you with his movement, he rubs the back of his neck with his hand and exhales deeply.
  42. >"I.. I uh.. Christ, now I'm the one dropping spaghetti! I'm kinda.. Well, uh.. Happy you did, I guess? Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say."
  43. >Okay, now your ears are perking up. Now you're A LOT surprised by his response.
  44. "Y-y'mean.. You're not mad? W-what do you mean by you're happy?"
  45. >"Mad? God no, why would I be? Something like this isn't something I can really well.. Be mad about. You're my best friend. If you have feelings about something like this I'd rather you tell me than not.. As for being happy about it.. Uhh.. I dunno how to explain. It's complicated."
  46. >Tilting your head in confusion, you just look at Anon with eyes full of worry and a desire to know more.
  47. "C-complicated, how?"
  48. >"In short? Because I well.. Y'know, have some-sort-of feelings towards you too.. I care about you a lot Para. It's hard to explain, because I don't want things to go weird or change between us if you know what I mean?"
  49. "T-that's why I didn't say anything.. W-what do we do next? I'm a little scared Anon.."
  50. >Now it's Anons turn to give you an unsure and worried look, it seems.
  51. >"I mean, it's up to you, or us, I guess.. What do you want Para? No matter what you wanna do, I've got your back homie."
  52. >You think you know exactly what you want, but the downside is the thought of how scary it'll be making the actual leap to being more than just friends with Anon.. You're 100% sure that things will work out well given how well you two work together, but there's always that little voice in your head giving you the "what if's" that prevent you from ever taking a risk on things.
  53. >You don't want to ruin everything the pair of you have built up together and you don't want to hurt anyone or *get* hurt either.. Gaah.. What to dooo..!
  54. "I - I.. I want to be with you.. L-like.. I want to be your special somepo.. Wait.. Girlfri.. Special someone(!?) B-but I really like how things are with us a-and I don't want everything to change and go strange or something.."
  55. >"I get that. If it helps you decide at all, I don't want stuff to change either, I mean, we are practically already like a couple in a lot of ways. We live together, we share a bedroom, we often sleep together on the couch - Hell, we're eating pizza and cuddling up tonight for one. Friends typically don't do that, y'know Para?"
  56. "F-friends don't eat pizza on the couch?"
  57. >What miserable friendships those must be.
  58. >"The other bit. The cuddling."
  59. "O-oh! Y-yeah.. I guess that is a little bit strange for friends to do.. I never noticed though, I - I really like our couch time.."
  60. >"Kinda one of those things I've not thought about either. Just always felt right I guess."
  61. "S-so.. Does this mean we're together a-already? I'm confused again.."
  62. >"Errr, not quite.. But hear me out and let me know what you think. What if we just continue as we have been these last few years but with new added labels to it. Y'know. To make it official. We don't have to change anything. No pressure to rush into things, nada. Cross each bridge as we come to it."
  63. "Y-you sure? I - I mean.. I dunno really what couples well.. do. This is all a bit new to me.."
  64. >"Of course I'm sure, I don't wanna rush things either. Means we can both take it at a pace that just werks for both of us. Like I said before, we're pretty much already doing everything couples do. We're not really well, lacking anything. Nothing important anyways."
  65. >Thank Celestia that Anon is more level headed and less of a spaz than you are, you'd be completely lost on this stuff without him.
  66. >There is one more very important question you have to ask, though..
  67. "C-can we do more kisses in future?"
  68. >With a bit of a giggle, Anon just nods.
  69. >"Yes Para, we can do more kisses in future."
  70. "W-what about other stuff.. L-like more than kisses?"
  71. >With a bit of a blush, Anon suddenly looks incredibly nervous by your question for some reason and grabs the folding fan out of the side-table drawer next to the couch to hide his face behind as he wafts it like a damsel in distress.
  72. >"P-paradise..! W-what do you mean other stuff..?!"
  73. "W-well.. Humans hold hands and stuff.. I don't have those, but can we hold hand and hoof while sitting? Or if I ever fly alongside you?"
  74. >Instantly dropping his fan and easing up into his spot, he ruffles your hair and exaggeratedly wipes non-existent sweat from his forehead.
  75. >"Oh, thank God. That's what you mean. W-wew Paradise, thought I was gonna have to dust off the ol'"you'll have to buy me dinner first" line. That one's an antique! Next you'll be getting us to push the beds together!"
  76. >Oh GOD, he thought you meant..
  77. "A-anon you're awful.."
  78. >Playfully swatting him with your hoof you both share a laugh together and kinda just feel the anxiety melt away.
  79. >This is why you like him so much, he always just finds a way to make light of even the most poopy situations.
  80. >"Ayy, nothing like some bants to take the edge off, want me to grab the cider out of the fridge and we can stick another movie on when this one's done? Can make a long night out of this if you want?"
  81. >Giving you a pat on the back to urge you to stand so he can get up, you flutter up off of him and he heads over to the fridge to grab the delicious apple nectar that you could really do with right about now to wash down the days events.
  82. >"Hey Para, want a pint glass?"
  83. "Mhm, please..! Hey Anon?"
  84. >"Yeah?"
  85. ".. Does this mean we're in a.. Y-Y'know.."
  86. >".. In a relationship now? I mean, as long as you're still sold on the idea..?"
  87. >Oh thank goodness for that.
  88. >Letting out a big sigh of relief as you melt into the couch with a big smile on your face, you finally feel truly relaxed for the first time all night.
  89. "Definitely!"
  90. >Taking his spot back on the couch as he hands you your drink, he pops open a bottle and kicks his feet up on the table before you shimmy back over and nestle yourself under his arm and lean against him while the movie plays in the background and you enjoy your drinks together.
  91. >This is the life.
  92. "A-anon?"
  93. >"Mm?"
  94. "I-I love you Anon.."
  95. >[spoiler]Y-You too..[/spoiler] Paradise..
  96. // END

Change of Pace [PART 1] [NEETpone #10]

by punki

Change of Pace [PART 2] [ENDING] [NEETpone/PiE]

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Paradise Makes A Friend [O/S] [NEETpone/PiE]

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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 1] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 2] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

by punki