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Paradise Goes To The Park [Paradise] [PiE #110] [PART: 1]

By punki
Created: 2020-12-18 12:46:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and man are you pooped.
  2. >You know it’s been “one of those days” when you’re taking a bus home when you live literally 20 minutes away on foot.
  3. >Sitting there, you can’t help but reflect a little on just how much of a drag today has been.
  4. >You swear, if you had to type another line of Javashit you were going to blow your brains out. Out of all of the shit you have to deal with, JS has to be the most soul destroying with how plain ol’ boring it is.
  5. >At least you’ll be home soon. Can kick back, relax, watch some garbage on YouTube with your waifu under your arm and probably crash out together after a while.
  6. >Programming bullshit aside, life is pretty good right now all things considered.
  7. >As the bus screeches to a halt, you groggily get up out of your seat and make your way out into the cool afternoon air.
  8. >Feelsgoodman.
  9. >Before you even know it, you’ve made a short walk around the corner onto your street and the path down to your house is already in sight.
  10. >Thank Christ for that.
  11. >Hurriedly making your way to your front door, you practically scramble your way into the house, kicking your shoes off and into the rack by the bottom of the stairs.
  12. >Home sweet h-
  13. >”oOo.. Who could that be downstairs?”
  14. >Was that a giggle..? Is that Paradise?
  15. “Para? It’s me! You alright up there?”
  16. >With a hurried little clip-clop of hooves, you see her poke her head around the corner with a big beaming smile, looking at you from the top of the stairs before making her way down to immediately give you a big hug around the torso and cosy up to your side as she always does.
  17. >”Oh! Hey Anon! How was your day?”
  18. >Giving her hair a little tussle and kneeling down to give her a kiss on the forehead you can’t help but smile when you see her.
  19. “Much better now I’m home to see you. Who were you talking to up there? You doing voice chat with your mom again or something?”
  20. >With a little head tilt of confusion, she just looks at you all puzzled-like.
  21. >”Oooh.. Nope. Y’know how mom is, she’s not really the best with technology.. H-Haven’t you checked your phone? I’ve been messaging you all day.. Never mind though! It’ll be a surprise, come see! [spoiler]nwn[/spoiler]
  22. >Before you can even get a word out, she begins leading you upstairs with a pretty intense spring in her step.
  23. “Woah there, easy cowboy. I haven’t seen you this excited since you learned how to pirate PS2 games, what’s up? You didn’t have one too many Monsters again while on a programming bender did you?”
  24. “Na-ah, is in here, be super quiet though!”
  25. >As she leads you up the stairs, she veers off towards the bathroom where you can hear the light slish-slosh of water coming from within.
  26. >Maybe she ran you a bath or something? That’d be pretty sweet right about now.
  27. >Closing your eyes, you feel the warm air of the bathroom hit you in the face as you get ready to wind down after a hard day of tearing your hair out.
  28. >As you open them, you look towards the bath annnd... That is definitely not what you were expecting to see bobbing up and down in your bath tub.
  29. >”Tada! It’s a duck!”
  30. “Paradise, what in the..”
  31. > ”Quack!”

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