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"Staying out of Trouble" Act 2

By Vega
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2024-03-25 02:11:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Act 2: Rarity's house of horrors.
  3. >You only hyperventilate for 20 minutes before calming down to a point where you only pace around the room in a mild panic.
  5. >Ok ok, it's going to be ok.
  6. >You look back at the element again. Yeah, it's still broken straight down the center.
  7. >Without access to your old equipment books and magic it's hard to diagnose its exact magical state, but you can tell the damage is more than superficial.
  8. >The mana flow, the pulse if you will, of the element is all wrong.
  9. >It's not gone but instead twisted in on itself backward, upside down, and inside out.
  10. >Problem is that all this really tells you is that it's simply wrong.
  11. >Back in Equestria you'd have had data point to compare to, and equipment to give you more accurate readings.
  12. >But you aren't in Equestria. You are in your room at Anon's house with absolutely nothing magical at all to help you.
  13. >It's a shame you don't have the power to pull the other elements out right now to compare to them.
  14. >Then again, that might just panic you even further if you find generosity isn't the only one with issues.
  15. >Would even magic be intact? So far your best friend is a colt you trade yourself to for a quick meal...
  16. >Ok, none of that, let's just take a step back.
  17. >You'd talked to Rarity.
  18. >At first she had seemed normal, but things had gotten weirder and weirder as the conversation went on.
  19. >You know she's a free mare from the lack of any collar she wore, and by her own admission you know she owns a few other mares.
  20. >You do not know why she owns them, what she does with them, how she treats them, or anything like that.
  21. >Maybe she'd just been so eager to get you under her protective wing that she'd forgotten to fill you in on the plan.
  22. >Maybe...
  23. >You sigh.
  24. >If that was the case the element probably wouldn't be a beacon of disharmony laying on your floor and giving you the chills.
  25. >The things she'd said about discipline being for the best and watching her mares closely just added to the evidence piling up against her.
  26. >A knock on the door makes you jump in surprise.
  27. >"Twilight are you ok? You were acting weird, did things not go well with your friend?"
  28. >Of course, he'd check on you, you must have been acting very strangely.
  29. >Scooping the element up off the floor you hide it under your mattress for now.
  30. >You lack the power to put it back in your pocket dimension for now, and to be honest you didn't know how Anon would react to the fact you kept a bunch of priceless magical artifacts from him.
  31. >Trotting back to the door you open it to let him in.
  32. "Hi. It was just not what I expected..."
  33. >"Do you want to talk about it? You seemed really upset."
  34. >Anon sits down on your bed so you take a seat on the floor in front of him to scratch the back of your head awkwardly.
  35. >You'd never really told him about your friends and especially not about the elements of harmony.
  36. >They hadn't exactly worked out when the humans invaded. The one upside to that was no one knew exactly how important you girls were.
  37. >It's probably the only reason you ended up with an average joe type instead of being dissected by the government.
  38. "She's just changed I guess..."
  39. >Anon just gives you 'go on' motion with his hand.
  40. "I don't know. She used to be so kind and generous, but she was just treating me like her next piece of property to buy. And then she was telling me about all the others mares she owns, and how discipline is good for a slave, and she wasn't treating me like me, and she just wasn't Rarity and and and!"
  41. >Scooping you up in his arms anon sits back on the bed and holds you against his chest while you break down.
  42. >"Woah, woah, woah. Shhh, it's ok maybe she changed a little, but maybe it's not as bad as you think. Look, I chatted with her a lot before you got here and she doesn't seem that bad."
  43. >Doesn't sound bad to someone whose morals let him own a living sapient creature...
  44. "But... she's a pony and she's my friend how can she own anypony? How could she own me? it's just not her."
  45. >"I'm sure she just wants to protect you Twilight. As soon as she found out you were here she immediately wanted to buy you off me. To be honest I thought you'd be mad at me for turning her down. Especially after uh the other day."
  46. >Is that remorse?
  47. "I... I just don't know... The other day I might have been, but now I don't even know what she wants me for."
  48. >"Look she gave me her number. Why don't you just calm down a little and call her later to clear everything up ok?"
  49. >She gave him her number but not you?
  50. >Did she not want to upset Anon by giving it to you without permission, or was that just how her mind worked now?
  51. >Let Twilight's OWNER decide things for her...
  52. >Your collar feels heavier than usual but you nod your head in agreement.
  53. >"Good and umm look about the other day..."
  54. >Still held up against his chest you look down at your flanks when he starts to rub them with a free hand.
  55. >Back when he'd first bought you this kind of physical contact would have you shaking like a leaf, but you guess you can get used to anything.
  56. >That and it feels pretty good when he's not about tom well you know... smack your rump into next week.
  57. >"Wow you're still sore... I know I don't say this often but I'm sorry. I went overboard. You were upset and were only a little out of line with your backtalk. You didn't deserve such a hard lesson."
  58. >Talk about an understatement. Then again in your 3 years with him, he'd never said he was sorry before.
  59. >He'd tried to make things up to you by being nicer or buying you stuff, but never actually said the word sorry.
  60. >Burying your head deeper in his chest you purr a little as his other hand reaches up to scratch the back of your head.
  61. >Curse him and his cheating way of cheering you up!
  62. >"I'd had a really shitty day at work and then a few awful games. I was frustrated and when you come to me with some attitude it just set me off. You needed to learn but I went too far. I was hoping finding your friend was a stroke of good luck and you'd feel better, but now even that hasn't gone like I wanted..."
  63. >His fingers really dig into your backside as he massages it and you purr even louder, you hate to admit it but fingers are great!
  64. >If any other pony ever saw you like this you'd have to remove their memories.
  65. >"So, can you forgive me?"
  66. >The quick 'Yes sir!' you give him earns you a few more minutes in hand paradise before he scoops you up and places you beside him on the bed.
  67. >You hate to admit you groaned a little when he stopped.
  68. >The scratches had melted your brain to the point you'd forgotten about your troubles for a few minutes, but even with them over you have to admit you feel a bit better.
  69. >This is the best part about living with Anon. He may be essentially treating you like a giant purple cat, but when you and he are watching tv and he just runs his hands up and down your coat it's impossible to feel bad.
  70. >Normally that didn't involve a sore seat massage, but it wasn't totally unwelcome.
  71. >Had anyone else tried it you'd have attempted to kick them in the face though.
  72. >cough cough Mrs. Angie cough.
  73. >But Anon had been back there enough that it was no big deal anymore.
  74. >Repeating what you'd just thought in your head again your face blushes as red as your rump.
  75. >Wow let's never even think that again!
  76. >"Come on. Let's go eat and I'll give you Rarity's number to call whenever you're ready."
  77. "Aye aye cap'n!"
  78. >Newly energized you hop up and take the lead out the door.
  79. >Walking a bit too slowly in front of him gets you a light swat on the rump to speed you towards the kitchen faster.
  80. >Not enough to hurt, especially after the massage, but enough to make you instinctively trot faster.
  81. >The playful favor is returned with a swift tail whip as you outpace him with your superior number of limbs (Quadruped master race).
  82. >Things aren't great, the broken element can't be removed from your mind so easily, but maybe, for just a little, they can be ok.
  84. >An hour or so later you and Anon are on the couch together watching TV.
  85. >Guess the 'no ponies on the couch' rule doesn't exist when he wants to give you back scratches.
  86. >Jokes on him you use the couch every time he leaves the house.
  87. >it's not like he can tell, despite purring like a cat sometimes you don't shed like one.
  88. >You remember reading somewhere that cats don't naturally purr it was just to trick humans into giving them attention.
  89. >Works for them and works for you, Humans are too easy.
  90. >Besides you'd already given up on the whole dignity thing tonight after breaking down in front of him and getting manipulated back into a good mood via massages and scratches.
  91. >The same thing must have occurred to Anon as he scratches under your chin and receives a hand nuzzle for his efforts.
  92. >"You sure are affectionate tonight."
  93. >Freezing mid nuzzle and blinking you sit back up straight and cough into a hoof.
  94. "Yeah well today didn't really go as planned, but you checked up on me... and you did say you were sorry about THIS... That's a first you know."
  95. >You wiggle your flank to indicate what THIS is. Like he doesn't know what you're talking about already.
  96. >"Wait, what's a first?"
  97. "Well, you saying it, that you were sorry. You've never apologized to me before."
  98. >He gives you a kinda weird look.
  99. >"I've never said sorry to you before? Ever?"
  100. >Hmm gotta play this carefully, you don't want to insult him somehow.
  101. "Well no not that I recall. It's no big deal it just um you know made me feel I don't know valued or something..."
  102. >The more you say the sillier it feels, you turn your head so you don't have to look him in the eye.
  103. >"Hey look at me. Do you think I don't value you?"
  104. >You turn to look in his direction but keep your eyes and ears low and submissive.
  105. "Wellllll nooo of course not, it's just I don't know you can be so strict, and in the end I'm just a... you know..."
  106. >The weight of the collar and Rarity's cold attitude echo in your mind.
  107. >"I'm strict because if you remember our first few months together were not so great."
  108. >Ok so you still had a little fire in you back then, who can blame you?
  109. >"But, I didn't just get you because you were cheap. Well ok, to be totally honest, you really were a really good deal, but that's not the point."
  110. >Eloquent. Good to know you were a bargain bin steal, the value of your life dreams and ambitions reduced to a 50% off sticker.
  111. >"The point is I do value you. You're a great little worker when you set your mind to it, and you've made my life a lot easier!"
  112. >You know his intentions are noble, but in the end, what he's saying kinda sorta breaks your heart a little bit more.
  113. >He doesn't like you as a pony or an individual he likes you as a slave.
  114. "That's very kind thank you, master.
  115. >The response is a little automated as you retreat further into yourself and he notices.
  116. >"No no wait I'm sorry what did I say wrong?"
  117. >He puts a hand under your chin and turns your face towards his.
  118. >Gone is the happy tail wagging catpony he had a few minutes ago and he can tell.
  119. >What do you even say?
  120. >He's your 'owner' for Celestia's sake there's no way he'd ever understand.
  121. >To him ponies are probably just useful pets to train up and make his life easier.
  122. >The funny thing is you don't even consider him a bad person.
  123. >He'd never seriously injured you, he fed you, hell gave you luxuries some ponies would kill for.
  124. >He'd invested thousands in your room, entertainment, and collar. Even bought you pony only foods you enjoyed.
  125. >But he still enslaved you.
  126. >No matter how sugar-coated it is he owns your life destiny and fate.
  127. >There's no malice in his eyes though. ignorance maybe? naivete.
  128. >Can he be taught anything else? Can any human?
  129. >You knew humans used to enslave each other but now it was considered abhorrent.
  130. >How many generations did it take for that sentiment to grow though? Can you teach an old dog new tricks, or is it too ingrained in the current cultural mindset?
  131. >Nature vs nurture they say but you never really cared for the soft sciences.
  132. >He looks so sincere right now though...
  133. >You suppose it never hurts to try.
  134. "I... Well, you..."
  135. >"Come on you can tell me."
  136. >Ok nevermind this is dangerous, this is very dangerous.
  137. >You could redefine your entire relationship with Anon right here and now for better or for worse.
  138. >The easy thing is to play it safe, tell him everything is fine and he's great.
  139. >Keep wasting your time surfing the web watching TV doing the chores and being a quiet happy little slave.
  140. >A slave with no future, no hope, and no life worth living.
  141. >Fuck it.
  142. "You value me as a slave and not as a pony Anon. Before coming to earth I had hopes, dreams, ambitions, friends, a life! Then I'm being hunted like an animal, drugged, conditioned, shoved into a cage, sold for next to nothing! Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep? How much I miss my family and friends? I like you, you're good to me but I'm still just your little slave running errands her whole life! What kind of future do I have? Am I just an animal to you? Your pet? Do I get my own family? Friends? Choices? Please Anon if this is it then I... I just don't know! What's the point!?"
  143. >Whew that was a mouth full, deep breaths, deep breaths.
  144. >You take a few deep breaths because well you need them and to help calm your nerves.
  145. >He's just staring at you.
  146. >Shit he even stopped scratching your back.
  147. >Did you go too far? Is it no longer your place to question your status in the world?
  148. >An outburst like that would earn some slaves a beating you know for sure.
  149. >You'd had your share when you'd first been captured... Please not again...
  150. >When he speaks it's not in anger at least, perhaps more in shock.
  151. >"I, wow... I, ok... I didn't know you felt that way..."
  152. >Your ears flatten against your head and you look away.
  153. >You and your big mouth, you had a good thing going and now you've ruined it by being an ingrate!
  154. >Don't cry don't cry don't cry.
  155. >"Hey it's ok don't look away."
  156. >You keep your eyes low but turn back towards him.
  157. >It takes every fiber of your being to not prostrate yourself before him and beg for forgiveness.
  158. >Gods above just how much you've changed.
  159. >You told yourself you wouldn't let the conditioning at the training camp get to you but right now to grovel more than anything in the world.
  160. >Your heart beats slow and loud in your ears as the inner turmoil churns away.
  161. >"Ok, I'm not really sure what to say... Maybe I... I dunno maybe I didn't think this whole thing through. You're not just a pet, or an animal to me you're, well, you. And ok, I don't really know what that means, man I suck at this. I'm sorry. Just like, what do YOU want then? What can I do?"
  162. >Moment of truth filly.
  163. >Ask for an allowance raise or shoot for the moon.
  164. "I want to be free..."
  165. >There you said it.
  166. >He just stares at you until you break eye contact.
  167. >Most of your mind is screaming at you to beg for forgiveness, to tell him that he's the best thing that's ever happened to you.
  168. >But there's a proud unicorn in there somewhere still surrounded by her friends and family that tells you otherwise.
  169. >That things CAN be better.
  170. >"I... See... I'm sorry Twi I just... need some time to think about all this is that ok? I think I'm gonna turn in why don't you turn off the TV when you're done?"
  171. >Well all in all could have gone better, could have gone worse.
  172. >You give him a firm nod and levitate over the remote.
  173. "Yes sir, sleep well."
  174. >"Yeah you too."
  175. >He looks uncertain as he gets up and leaves for his bedroom.
  176. >You know you are too but maybe just maybe things can change.
  178. >That night was restless, the pit of worry in your stomach just doesn't go away.
  179. >He hasn't said no and he seemed to really listen to you but you really had no idea what he'd decide.
  180. >The bottom line was you had laid your all cards on the table and there was probably no going back.
  181. >Up until this point you'd never really expressed genuine unhappiness to him.
  182. >Sure you'd complained about this and that and been mad at him for petty things but this was different.
  183. >You'd basically rejected everything about your current life.
  184. >He'd made it cushy for you and you'd told him it wasn't good enough, that you had to be free.
  185. >Realizing how far you'd gone makes you shiver a little.
  186. >A less kinda master would simply beat you back into submission, hell you could even see him spanking you for this.
  187. >No he wouldn't do that now. He still felt bad about the other day when he blew up on you.
  188. >Maybe that discipline had been a blessing in disguise, sure it was awful when it happened but if it made him more sympathetic to your cause then some good could come of it.
  189. >Mulling the situation over in your mind can only go on for so long until you eventually fall into a well-deserved sleep
  190. >Having gone to sleep at a somewhat early hour you don't mind the gentle shaking that wakes you up the next morning.
  191. >Someone may or may not have said something you didn't pay attention to as you uncurl and give a big yawn.
  192. >Get them morning stretches done, a few more yawns, bump into a few walls, and boom you're in the kitchen.
  193. >Grabbing a bowl-like always you sit down and start eating before you finally notice something across the table from you.
  194. >Your brain sputters pathetically for a few more minutes as it tries to wake up and identify the human sitting across from you.
  195. "Don't you have like work?"
  196. >"Actually awake now? I'm going in late today because I wanted to talk to you first."
  197. >Huh he never misses work, he must feel like this conversation is really important but you aren't sure if that makes you feel better or worse.
  198. >"Alright so. I thought about what you said and I wanted to be sure I knew what I was talking about before I told you anything."
  199. >You just nod, so far so neutral?
  200. >"You probably don't really remember this but have you ever heard of the pony safety act?"
  201. >You shake your head, you'd been in a pretty bad place when you first arrived so watching the news wasn't on your to-do list.
  202. >"Yeah I kinda thought so, it passed when you'd just arrived here on earth. It's like... Well ok, let's start with your friend Rarity? You know free ponies are really really rare, right? Like, she's the first I've ever even heard of. Do you know why?"
  203. "I just thought not many humans wanted to free them. It's a big financial loss at the very least..."
  204. >"Well yes and no but it's a little more complicated. Rarity isn't free. In fact, there's actually no legal way to free a pony."
  205. >What?
  206. >You're pretty sure you'd have noticed a collar and most ponies don't get free rein to own other ponies...?
  207. "I don't understand?"
  208. >"I looked her case up. Rarity is owned by Rarity. Her previous owner was a smart businessman who also used to own her company but when he got brain cancer he wanted her to take over since most of it is her work. Ponies can't own anything, but for some reason being a registered slave owner meant she could. Some legal trickery and she now owns herself with all the privileges that gives. He wasn't the first to use that loophole but that was part of the pony safety act, all those tricks are gone. They said a lot of sketchy things were going on with laundering money in ponies names but the bottom line is you just can't do it anymore."
  209. >Wow so that's it huh?
  210. >You feel stupid for never looking into it before, why else would free ponies be so insanely rare?
  211. >"I know that's not what you wanted to hear... And I get that you're not happy here..."
  212. >Uh oh gotta head this off.
  213. >He thinks you're unhappy, then that makes him unhappy, then who needs a pony that isn't improving their life?
  214. >Back to the auction for little Mrs. Purple and next time you might not get so lucky.
  215. "No no Anon! It's not... It's not like that. I meant what I said you're really good to me. A gilded cage is still a cage and all but you've been nothing but accommodating. I'm sorry I guess I'm just a little ungrateful sometimes."
  216. >Damage control filly!
  217. >You've got a long-standing tradition of not having things shoved inside of you by sadistic owners, and if you wanted to keep that up, staying with Anon is your best bet!
  218. >If he's right then, it sounds like you're a songbird for life. May as well pick a comfy cage.
  219. >Ugh, he doesn't look convinced...
  220. >"I don't want you to have to pretend to be happy, but I do think you have it better here than you realize sometimes. With that said, Rarity contacted me this morning and wants to rent you for a few days. She said something about needing to test a unicorn product line that you'd be perfect for. I think it's real work, but maybe that would be good for you. I know she's your friend, but she runs a real tight ship, and it might show you how other ponies live. However, I'll let you decide if you want to do it.
  221. >Huh, you usually don't get asked your input on, well anything actually.
  222. >The idea of spending time with Rarity would have sounded great just a few days ago, but now you have mixed feelings about it.
  223. >Then again, there's no way you're going to address her situation by ignoring it, might as well face it head-on.
  224. "Yes sir, I think you're right, a little perspective could be good. I'd like to take up her offer if it's ok with you."
  225. >"Alright, I'll give her a call. You know she's a pretty tough business mare, drives a hard bargain when it comes to price. She barely wants to pay at all to borrow you, and her offer yesterday was crazy low."
  226. "She had a lot of business experience even back in Equestria."
  227. >"I can tell. I could barely talk her up to a grand yesterday, but to be honest you're worth a lot more than that."
  228. >Weird compliment is weird.
  229. >"You were a deal when I got you because of your behavior rating, but you're such a good girl now aren't you!"
  230. >Cue the mane ruffling and blushing.
  231. "Hey, cut it out!"
  232. >You bat his hand away with a flurry of hooves and share a good-natured laugh.
  233. >"But really, why don't you spend some time with her. Then when you come back we can see how you feel about your life here. If you really aren't happy still, we can talk about selling to Rarity if she's willing to offer a reasonable price. Ok?"
  234. >You give him a nod and he gets up from his seat while looking at his phone for the time.
  235. >"I've gotta get to work. I'll call her on the way. She might even pick you up today. I'm not sure, I'll text you when I find out."
  236. "Sounds good, have a good day at work."
  237. >A casual wave and he's out the door.
  238. >No point pretending you aren't let down by the "whole freedom not even being possible" thing, but you can't let it break you down right now.
  239. >The most important thing at this moment is mentally preparing for Rarity.
  240. >Last time you'd kinda shut down when she started to treat you... less than ideally...
  241. >Hopefully it was just the shock of a friend being that way with you, you'd had worse at the auction house, but you couldn't let it happen again.
  242. >If you're going to find out what's going on with her and hopefully help her you need to be alert attentive and on the ball.
  243. >You continue to mentally psych yourself up as you hop in the shower.
  244. >Best to be ready just in case she does want to come by soon.
  245. >It ends up being a good call since mid shower you get a text from Anon informing you she's already on her way to pick you up.
  246. >How does she even travel? Ponies can't drive even free ones.
  247. >You find out soon enough when a hoof knocks on the door.
  248. >"Yoo hoo, Twilight!"
  249. >No question who that is then.
  250. >One deep breath later you unlock and swing the door open to see your smiling friend.
  251. >"Oh Twilight I'm so glad Anon took me up on my offer! We got to spend so little time together yesterday!"
  252. >Pulling you into a crushing hug you can't help but smile and return the favor.
  253. "It's good to see you too Rarity. You sure got here fast."
  254. >"Ahh, that will be master or mistress to you for the next few days young mare!"
  255. >Her voice is still sing-song, her smile bright and the nose boop she gives you playful, but 'mistress' shows no sign she's joking.
  256. "I... Do I really?"
  257. >"Well of course darling. I thought anon the more strict type based on the state of that backside of yours, but he must be somewhat lax if that's not second nature to you by now."
  258. >She runs you up and down with a critical eye clearly eager to hear how you respond.
  259. >You aren't sure if Anon set any rules or limits with her so it's probably best to play it safe.
  260. "Yes umm, mistress I just thought... well you know..."
  261. >"Oh I'm sorry! Don't think we aren't still the best of friends, but things do change, and I can't have you being a bad example in front of my other fillies. You understand?"
  262. >You give her a nod simply so you don't have to say mistress again.
  263. >"Wonderful now let's go! You have your collar yes? Perfect, now in you go."
  264. >You find yourself herded out the door and towards a rather nice car parked in the street.
  265. >Pushing you towards the back seat Rarity opens the door with her magic and helps you climb in.
  266. >Why the back and not the passenger seat?
  267. >Hoping in the front Rarity fiddles with a computer for a few moments before the car starts up and begins to drive itself.
  268. >Makes sense, how else would she get around? Her legs wouldn't even reach the pedals.
  269. >"There we go, we're on our way. Now darling did Anon give you the details? No? Well, that's not a problem, I simply need a rather powerful unicorn to test some of our more advanced 'Magical Management' devices on. The company owns quite a few of course but none up to your caliber!"
  270. "So, I just flood them with magic?"
  271. >"Well yes, more or less. Our technicians can fill you in on the details tomorrow, today we'll just get you home and settled in. And besides, we have so much to catch up on!"
  272. >You smile as encouragingly as you can.
  273. >"Now we spoke briefly of your 'status' shall we say yesterday but I took the liberty of pulling up your paperwork earlier today. Let's see ah yes here it is they only gave you a 46% for magical prowess were you simply holding back on them?"
  274. "Yes, I thought if they thought I was just an average unicorn I'd be a bit safer."
  275. >"I daresay you might have been right. I imagine if they'd know the truth one of the labs would have picked you up for a test subject."
  276. >The idea of being experimented on makes you visibly shudder.
  277. >"Oh no no darling it's not that bad. Nothing like what you've no doubt imagined at least. They aren't allowed to do anything that dangerous or invasive anymore there are ethical standards in place."
  278. >So at one point there wasn't...
  279. >You'd heard all kinds of horror stories of horns dissected, brain probing, and uhh other things probing.
  280. >"Well either way you needn't worry about that here, what we need you to do should be quite simple. I should warn you though we'll have to do a physical first to be sure you're fit for the tests. You don't have any recent vet visits on file and insurance can be so demanding."
  281. >Seeing vets was generally against your 'Not having things stuffed into you' policy, but you didn't see much choice here.
  282. >Hopefully a large company's medical professionals would have a better bedside manner than you'd received in the past.
  283. >"Once that's taken care of I'll give you the grand tour then we'll get you set up with a bunkmate. I believe you'll be sharing a room with Azalea she's a lovely little pegasus mare, one of my own. you two will get along great I promise."
  284. >The short drive barely leaves you any more time for small talk until the car pulls up in front of a towering glass building.
  285. >Stationed in the middle of downtown the building must be at least 50 stories tall and proudly proclaims on the front to be 'Diamond In The Rough inc'.
  286. >You knew it was a clothing line from the article you'd read, but given the size of the building and how Rarity wanted you here to test horn suppressors, it must also be much much more.
  287. "Wow, Rarity that's quite an impressive building."
  288. >"Well thank you Twilight but I feel I must remind you of the rules. Since it was just us in the car I didn't mind but from now on you really must address me properly."
  289. "Oh, right I'm sorry... Mistress."
  290. >"There's a good girl! Now let's go we have much to do and will be waiting to see you upstairs."
  291. >She squishes your face with her hooves when she proclaims what a 'good girl' you are.
  292. >Whys does everyone feel the need to talk down to you?
  293. >Following her inside the building is impressive: fountains, a sculpture, TVs everywhere, a dozen elevators and so much open space.
  294. >Trotting directly to an elevator you and Rarity ride about halfway up the building to the 24th floor.
  295. >So far the style of the building was surprisingly high tech everything sleek modern and sterile.
  296. >The floor you got off on embodied the sterile part even more so and was clearly some sort of medical area.
  297. >Seeing the two of you arrive the receptionist hops to her feed immediately.
  298. >"Oh Miss Rarity the doctor is expecting you, please wait in room 2 for just a moment."
  299. >With a quick thanks she heads into the room as you follow.
  300. >"I can tell you're a bit confused darling."
  301. "No no... Well, this is just a much bigger operation than I expected.
  302. >"Oh yes the New York location may be our headquarters but this is where we house all our ponies as well as run R&D so it's quite the facility. You'll find the company owns several dozen ponies that are housed on the lower floors and help out all over the place in everything from fashion to taste testing to arcanotech accessories. You'll be upstairs with me and my personal fillies though. Not to say the rest of the dorms are unsatisfactory but you'll just love my loft I guarantee it."
  303. >If she was going to say more she's interrupted by a knock on the door that quickly swings open.
  304. >A rather young human female walks and shakes Rarity's hoof.
  305. >"Miss Rarity you made good time. So this is our temp is it?"
  306. >"Yes this is my friend Twilight Sparkle we just need to get her cleared for R&D so she can run a few quick tests for us."
  307. >"Alright we can do that. Miss Twilight if you wouldn't mind stepping over here onto the scale."
  308. >Wow when's the last time someone called you miss?
  309. >You can't tell if she's just a nice person or if she's pouring on the charm because the boss is here.
  310. >A quick weight and height measurement later and she's got her hands around your stomach picking you up and onto the examination table.
  311. >Kicking your hooves a little you frown, so much for dignity. Sure this thing's human height but why does everyone pick you up without asking? You can jump!
  312. >To be fair, she's actually pretty nice though. Actually, telling you what she's going to do before just grabbing you? amazing!
  313. >"Now take a deep breath. Ok and again. Alright and one more, great. Can you stand back up for me and turn around."
  314. >Oh fuck.
  315. >Your legs betray your nervousness with a little shaking as you turn your hind end towards her.
  316. >Thankfully the evidence of you and Anon's disagreement has faded but when you hear the snap of plastic gloves behind you your heart jumps into your throat anyway!
  317. >"Ok and tail up please."
  318. >Oh shit not this again!
  319. >You can't help but clamp it down and look to Rarity for support.
  320. >"Twilight I know this isn't your first doctor's visit ever. Don't be difficult for the doctor."
  321. >You can't help but whimper and wiggle as the doctor grabs your tail and starts to pull it up and out of the way.
  322. "Wait! Rarity please do you have to watch?!?"
  323. >"Twilight..."
  324. "Mistress I mean mistress!"
  325. >With an exasperated sigh Rarity lights her horn and rolls over a small mobile divider from the corner of the room until she can just see your head on one side and the doctors above it.
  326. >"Better?"
  327. >You open your mouth to answer only to find all thoughts put on hold as the doctor starts breaking your number one rule!
  328. >No stuffing things in the unicorn!
  329. >There's no way you can't whine and squirm in a vain attempt to escape her firm grasp on your tail!
  330. "Ah no no no!"
  331. >"Miss Sparkle please I can't do my job if you don't hold still."
  332. >Fuck your job fuck earth medical science oh Celestia quit touching that! Get it out get it out!
  333. >"Twilight really! Don't be a foal about this!"
  334. >You'll do no such thing until she gets her hand out of you!
  335. >Or at least that's the plan until you feel Rarity's magic envelop you and forcefully pin you to the table!
  336. >Using your magic on another unicorn is taboo enough but to do it so they can be violated?!!?
  337. >Don't cry, don't cry, at least be somewhat dignified...
  338. >You totally manage to only cry a little and only once the spectrum came out because you 'weren't cooperating'.
  339. >Well fuck you of course I'm not cooperating hands don't belong in there!
  340. >"Now that I can actually see everything looks fine Miss Rarity. She isn't spayed but she's not going to be full time right?"
  341. >Luna tits spayed!?!?!
  342. >"Oh yes that's not a problem she'll only be with us for a few days"
  343. >They fuckin spay ponies here?!?!? That's disgusting!
  344. >The doctor finally decides she's had enough fun molesting you and let's go of your tail.
  345. >Rarity still has you pinned to the table though, this seems excessive.
  346. >"I'll file the clean bill of health with our insurance but if we decide to take her on full time she'll have to come back to be spayed."
  347. >Holy fuck ok plans over you want to go house to Anon now.
  348. >If living here is gonna cost you your ovaries then anon was right the grass isn't greener!
  349. >The doctor leaves the room and Rarity turns on you in a heartbeat.
  350. >"What! Was! That!?!?"
  351. >What the fuck!
  352. >"You really embarrassed me Twilight it was just an exam!"
  353. "I... I'm sorry I just don't like humans touching me there!"
  354. >"You must have been the luckiest slave in the world until this point then Twilight but you had better not embarrass me like that again! Do you understand!"
  355. >The venom in her voice is terrifying but if she thinks you're just going to lay down and let any human play with your bits she's got another thing coming.
  356. "Maybe I am lucky but Anon didn't send me here to get molested! And what the fuck Rarity! Spaying!???"
  357. >"You do not take the tone with me little filly! Do you think I like it? I do what I have to do to keep these ponies safe and sometimes those things aren't pretty! But you know what? Every pony here is safe, well-fed, alive, and not raped on a nightly basis! I think that's pretty generous!"
  358. >No wonder generosity is shot if her new definition of it is only having your holes filled sometimes.
  359. >She sighs and runs a hoof through her mane before releasing you from her magical grasp.
  360. >"I'm sorry maybe this is all just too much for you at once darling. Let's just get you to your room for now and we'll talk about it in the morning ok?"
  361. >You just nod, you don't trust yourself to not lash out and you sure as hell aren't calling her mistress right now.
  362. >To your mild surprise you two take the elevator all the way to the top
  363. >Whoa ok this is a penthouse if you've ever seen one!
  364. >Art everywhere, huge windows overlooking the city, amazing furniture! Sheesh, she lives here??
  365. >Walking towards the back Rarity opens the 3rd door in an identical row.
  366. >"Twilight this is Azalea. I'm sure you two will get along great."
  367. >You don't even notice the other pony in the room until she waves a hoof at you and offer a small 'Hello'.
  368. >She's lying on her back on her bed with her head hanging off the side making her upside down so the wave is a little loopy.
  369. >She doesn't say anything though, she just gives you two a curious upside-down stare and waits on Rarity to say something.
  370. >Which she does, finally breaking the silence with a sigh.
  371. >"I'm sorry girls, please excuse me. Twilight I'll pick you up here in the morning.
  372. >Shutting the door and trotting down the hall you just stare after her for a few moments.
  373. >Not off to the best start... Maybe this Azalea mare you could tell you more.
  374. >Turning back around she's well still upside down.
  375. >"So what? Are you a new girl?"
  376. "Well, just a temporary thing..."
  377. >"Good. Word of advice. Don't stay here if you can and don't cross the mistress."
  379. >Okkkkay that's not dramatic in the least.
  380. "I wasn't really planning on it. Is it really that bad here?"
  381. >Finally rolling upright the mare scratches her chin with a spare hoof.
  382. >"I guess it depends. Mistress isn't outright cruel or sadistic like so many humans can be. But the trouble for most starts when they expect her to be a pony first and a master second."
  383. >That's pretty in line with your experience so far.
  384. >You'd expected your friend, and that wasn't totally gone. But what you'd found was much much more.
  385. >Does she feel she has to earn her place among the humans by displaying a firm hoof?
  386. >Is this simply what she experienced herself in the past so she's emulating it? From what you knew of her last master he seemed kind. Must be since he freed her at the end, but for all, you knew she had other masters before him that were different.
  387. "I'll try to remember that. We already had a slight uh disagreement..."
  388. >That gets Azalea's ears perked and eyes grow wide.
  389. >"Oh crap I hope it wasn't bad!"
  390. "I'm just not so good with doctors..."
  391. >"Wait she went with you for your exam?"
  392. >Oh yeah that's probably not the norm for any random new hire.
  393. >No real way to explain that away without just telling her your past relationship with Rarity. What would it really hurt anyway?
  394. "Yeah, I actually kinda know her from back in Equestria. We were pretty close."
  395. >No need to make it a big deal, don't want to paint a target on your back.
  396. >"Oh well maybe she'll cut you some slack then, you said you were just here temporarily right?"
  397. "Yeah, she said something about some high-end horn ring testing?"
  398. >The wince and ears flattening she gives you is not very encouraging.
  399. "Oh gosh don't do that? Is it bad?"
  400. >Shit now you're worried! She can't get you hurt, you aren't hers to put at risk. Right?
  401. >"Well I'm no unicorn but they say it's exhausting. They keep going through the powerful ones because it wears them out sooner or later..."
  402. >Ok a little ominous.
  403. >Trying to push lesser unicorns beyond their safe limit for too long would do that though. Not to brag but it's probably something you don't have to worry about with your excess of power.
  404. "I see. I think it's just a day or two though so I should be fine."
  405. >"Oh for that little yeah. That's really really short for a rental though."
  406. "To be fair, she's trying to buy me. I think it's just a baby steps kind of thing. Speaking of which, what about the whole 'don't stay here' thing?"
  407. >"What they didn't mention it at your medical check-up? Unless you've had it done already."
  408. >Oh. That.
  409. >Must have suppressed that. It's got that whole 'being too horrible to imagine' thing going on for it.
  410. "I was kinda hoping I'd imagined that..."
  411. >"No, it's way way too real. Everypony that works here has it. It's supposed to make us more manageable; less hormones or something and no downtime for estrus. But in the end, it's just the icing on the cake, taking away any chance for future happiness..."
  412. >Fuck how could anyone do that another thinking living being?
  413. >Because it wasn't enough to take your present freedom, we have to take your future freedoms as well.
  414. >You're sure there some rationale about your future belonging to your owner too but still.
  415. "I... I'm really sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine."
  416. >"Thanks but I never wanted foals anyway, it hits some a lot worse. Life here isn't bad if you stay in line but for most your future foals is a horrible price to pay."
  417. >Well shit now you're even more depressed just imagining the anguish that must have caused so many.
  418. >Rarity had insisted she didn't want to do it, that it was the price of keeping them 'safe'.
  419. >You knew there were worse places than this. Some places were allowed to work ponies in insanely dangerous conditions, by comparison here the risk was minimal. Despite all that it just didn't seem right.
  420. >A beep on Azalea's hoof phone interrupts the conversation.
  421. >"Sorry duty calls. I hate to leave you when you're just getting settled in but no choice."
  422. >Trotting up to you she throws a hoof over your shoulder and starts pointing around the room.
  423. >Bathroom there.
  424. >Kitchen there, help yourself.
  425. >TV there, plenty of channels.
  426. >And your bed there.
  427. >Simple enough. The room is basically a mini condo with fairly nice furnishings.
  428. >It's got nothing on Rarity's immaculate interior decorating on the other side of the building but it was nice nonetheless.
  429. >You offer Azalea your thanks and she flies out the door. Literally
  430. >Some owners are strict on pegasus but you guess the high-end collar she wore made it ok.
  431. >You poke around the room for a bit checking everything out.
  432. >You know what that bed looks great actually.
  433. >Further testing proves you were correct and the bed is in fact great.
  434. >Despite the crazy early hour you find yourself unable to get up out of the soft bed.
  435. >Still a little tired from the fight you put up at the check-up, and a little sore, you soon pass out into a graceful pile of limbs.
  436. >ZZZZZZ...
  437. >BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Holy shit turn that off.
  438. >Commence wild limb waving around.
  439. >at least until you remember you don't have an alarm that isn't named Anon and that this alarm is in fact across the room at another ponies bed.
  440. >She finally turns it off and rolls out of her bed towards the bathroom, one shower later and she's poking you.
  441. >Why does everyone feel the need to poke you to wake you up? Can't they use words or something?
  442. "M'up. E'mup. I'm up..."
  443. >"Sorry but mistress usually gets an early start so you should get ready too."
  444. >Hearing ponies call Rarity that is weird but she's right. You manage to drag yourself to the shower soon enough.
  445. >To your surprise when you get out Azalea is already gone and instead, Rarity is sitting on the couch watching TV.
  446. >"It seems your sleeping habits haven't changed much hmm? At least Azalea already got you up, I expected to have to come in here and shake you awake myself."
  447. "I'm sorry we aren't late are we?"
  448. >"Oh no no I came to wake you up so we're actually early. Come along, we have time for an extra-long breakfast now."
  449. >You both head out the door and back into the fantastic luxury that was Rarity's loft.
  450. >The modern decor theme extends to the dining area as well where the two of you take a seat.
  451. >Already covering the glass table is a wide selection of food mostly consisting of fruits, pastries, and strudels.
  452. >Compared to your usual bowl of cereal it looks absolutely amazing!
  453. >Floating an apple strudel (that would make Applejack jealous) to your mouth, you open your muzzle wide for a much-needed bite.
  454. >Only to catch Rarity watching you with a raised eyebrow.
  455. >Shit it's a trap!
  456. "I mean, may I? Mistress?"
  457. >She pinches your cheek with magic as she smiles at you.
  458. >"There's a good girl! You may!"
  459. >Always with the patronizing. Do you have a 'treat me like a foal' sign on your back?
  460. >Whatever, food's good.
  461. >You've only managed to stuff one and a half apple-based confectioneries in your muzzle, what you didn't have dinner last night before a middle-aged earth pony mare appears from the kitchen.
  462. >Holy crap is that pancakes?!?!
  463. >Your eyes must be shining because Rarity snickers at you.
  464. >"Yes darling I remembered how much you love pancakes so I had Cherry Sweets whip you up a few."
  465. >The mare slides the plate off her back and in front of you with practiced ease.
  466. "Ohhh thank you both!"
  467. >You were hungry so you're sure no one judged you as you crammed your face like crazy.
  468. >You heard Rarity thank the mare as well but otherwise she was silent as you inhaled the food.
  469. >How long had it been since you'd had a good pancake? You're way too lazy to cook them yourselves so basically forever.
  470. >Leaning back in your seat after you'd finished you notice Rarity trying to hide her smirk behind her half-eaten peach.
  471. >"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Cherry really is a marvelous cook."
  472. "I haven't had pancakes that good since, well since spike..."
  473. >Great there goes the good mood, hers too by the look of it.
  474. >"Yes I figured as much... The truth is I wanted to make yesterday up to you. I have high expectations but it's not fair for me to push those on you so soon."
  475. >'So soon' so not 'at all'.
  476. >"I usually don't get involved with new hires so I suppose I had forgotten how jarring things can be for the untrained.
  477. >untrained...
  478. >that along gave you the shivers.
  479. >"But no harm was done. You passed your exam so we can get you started today as planned. I do apologize for yelling at you though."
  480. "I'm sorry too I didn't mean to be difficult It's just I really don't like humans touching me there."
  481. >"You are a truly lucky filly then Twilight. Many mares never got much of a choice in that matter."
  482. "I guess I have been... But um just one question. Spaying?"
  483. >Rarity visibly winces and looks the other way.
  484. >"Yes' I expected you'd pick up on that. The insurance insists on it. It's cost-saving in the long run when you run the numbers vs the price of prenatal care combined with other contraceptive methods, and it has the added benefit of making the workforce more manageable. It's not... It's not pretty though."
  485. "Rarity that's still monstrous, come on! You can't just let them take away ponies' future joy!"
  486. >Her head snaps back towards you in an instant and you can tell she's not happy with the backtalk.
  487. >"You think I don't know that?! But a more expensive insurance plan reduces the number of ponies I could keep here by a severe amount! You don't know how bad it is out there in the seeder areas Twilight! Ever seen a breeder's facilities? Or worse yet a filly brothel's? We try to pick up ponies that have already had it done as a cost-saving measure on paper, but the reality is I am trying to protect them Twilight!"
  488. >Every voice in your head says to back away and bow your head but you have to remain strong this time!
  489. "But but what about the others? I can't even imagine how it must feel?"
  490. >"Oh you can't imagine?! I've worked here from the ground up Twilight! I wasn't always in charge, I started here as a seamstress, and let me promise you the policy hasn't changed since then!"
  491. >Policy hasn't changed?
  492. >Fuck.
  493. "Rarity did... did they...?"
  494. >She'd turned away from you to pace around the room during her speech but now her eyes snap back to yours.
  495. >She's crying.
  496. >"Yes Twilight! Do you want to see the scars? They're hard to see but they are there I assure you!"
  497. >What can you do?
  498. >What can you do but hug your crying friend.
  500. >You squeeze Rarity as hard as you can.
  501. >It takes a moment but she wraps her forehooves around you and returns the favor, burying her chin in the crook of your neck.
  502. "I'm so sorry Rarity. I didn't know."
  503. >"*Sniff* It's alright. I made peace with it long ago, this just brought up some old memories."
  504. >Pushing away from the hug she starts to wipe an eye with her hoof.
  505. >"This isn't a world a foal should be brought into Twilight. If you've seen the things I've seen you would understand. Having a foal should be a wonderful experience full of joy, not terror as it's torn from your hooves. They deserve to group up happy and free not slaving away by day and brainwashed by night."
  506. "But, but still it's wrong to decide that for ponies! What about when slavery ends? This isn't something you can undo!"
  507. >Sighing Rarity turns to look out the floor to ceiling window at the city below.
  508. >"This isn't ending darling. As much as we might want it to this is here to stay. You would know better than me how little is left of the Equestria we knew."
  509. >She's right about that. You'd been on the run for years through ruins and forests before they'd caught you. You'd seen it all and it's not much left to see.
  510. "Just because things can't go back doesn't mean things can't get better..."
  511. >She turns to brush your cheek with a hoof and a sad smile.
  512. >"You've always been an optimist Twilight but sometimes you need to be a realist as well. I don't doubt sometime in the future this might all be an ugly blotch on history, but not in our lifetime. The few humans who care about our rights don't even bother fighting for freedom yet. Right now they push for laws to ensure more humane treatment, baby steps as it were."
  513. >She's right about that too and even those groups are small and insignificant.
  514. >"You just need to find someplace safe darling. Come be mine. If we can convince Anon to give you up you'll be part of my personal stock. I've bought all my personal mares from the company so it was too late for them, but there's no reason for you to be fixed if you come straight to me. I can protect you."
  515. >You want to say yes. You really really want to be part of Rarity's 'stock' and that gave you a lot of conflicting feelings.
  516. >You wouldn't even have to face you're new greatest fear. You'd never thought about foals in a place like this but you don't want the opportunity taken from you either.
  517. >Would Anon give you up though? He'd said you could discuss it if you were still unhappy but only if Rarity offered a reasonable price.
  518. >Price, if she wanted you so bad now then why had she tried so little the first time?
  519. >You don't consider yourself prideful but it kinda hurt a little remembering how little she'd been willing to offer.
  520. >Was that why it had upset you so much? Because it seemed she didn't care?
  521. >Like she didn't value you.
  522. "I... I'm not sure. It would never be like old times would it?"
  523. >"No, no it wouldn't. I'm a different mare than the one you knew Twilight; changes both physical and mental mean things will never be quite the same."
  524. >That's true actually. The lack of estrogen she used to possess could have considerable consequences on her personality.
  525. >Biology was never your chosen field but you think that might also explain her lack of empathy and intense mood swings.
  526. >"I want to help you but you are correct I will have expectations of you as well."
  527. >Oh boy here it comes.
  528. >"We're still friends darling I promise but if I buy you it's not going to be like Ponyville. We can still have fun when appropriate but I will expect obedience from you. Probably more than Anon ever demanded of you to be frank. No backtalk, no dilly-dallying, no disrespect, and no 'Rarity'. It really will have to be mistress."
  529. >Leaning into a meaningful nuzzle she breathes the last part quietly.
  530. >"But, I'll still love you like always."
  531. >Pulling back she gives you a genuine smile.
  532. >"I really have missed you. But I wish the choice to be yours! And now if you'll excuse me my makeup is a mess! Ugh, I have a meeting in 30 minutes and I am back to square one! Azalea will be about to escort you to the labs. I'll check in on you soon, I'm confident it's nothing you can't handle! Ta ta for now!"
  533. >You watch as your friend canters away in a panic searching for someone named Lilly to help her with her makeup disaster.
  534. >She's still there.
  535. >When you'd seen the element you were convinced that the mare you knew was gone; but you were wrong.
  536. >She's still there, battered bruised, and changed but she's still Rarity.
  537. >Damaged and twisted like her element but maybe just in need of a helping hoof.
  538. >You still didn't agree with her on a few matters, and her new strict and explosive personality scared you a little but that was no reason to give up.
  539. >A true true friend helps a friend in need after all.
  541. >With Rarity gone you took a moment to poke around the penthouse.
  542. >The views from all the floor to ceiling windows are amazing, you can only imagine waking up to the city stretched out beneath you.
  543. >Actually it kinds of reminds you of the royal palace in Canterlot, but that's something you don't need to think about right now.
  544. >Turning another corner you find yourself snout to snout with Azalea.
  545. >The two of you exchange the usual greetings and soon enough your riding the elevators back down to the labs.
  546. >You were feeling much more confident about work after Rarity's assurances.
  547. >She knew your magic better than most did so you were sure she wouldn't put you up to anything you couldn't handle.
  548. >"So how was breakfast with the big boss?"
  549. >Oh, makes sense she'd be curious about that.
  550. "It was good that cherry mare is a great cook."
  551. >"Oh yeah her food is great but the rumor is you made mistress cry!"
  552. >Cherry must have heard and told the others.
  553. >You're sure Rarity wouldn't appreciate knowing rumors were spread behind her back, but should you tell her?
  554. >She's just so 'shudder' strict.
  555. >Either way you aren't sure how much the other mares know of Rarity's past and you don't plan on telling them without her permission.
  556. "It was, just some personal stuff. Nothing important."
  557. >"Aw come on we never get gossip about mistress. I can't remember ever seeing her cry!"
  558. "I'm sorry I really don't think it's my place to talk about."
  559. >"Fine but the rumors are gonna spread that there's finally someone that can get through her rocky exterior."
  560. >The elevator dings for your floor and Azalea escorts you down a few halls to a lab.
  561. >Oh sweet Celestia, what a lab it is! Look at all that equipment!
  562. >Earth and equestrian tech both littered the lab, it was beautiful!
  563. >Your enthusiasm had to be short-lived however as the researchers were eager to get started.
  564. >All in all it was even easier than you'd expected.
  565. >They'd taken off your normal horn ring first. Anon must have transferred control from his phone to Rarity's at some point.
  566. >After that it was a simple matter of putting on a ring and being told to try and break it.
  567. >You'd been nervous at first but after destroying the 4th one in a row felt quite a bit more confident.
  568. >It also made some of the researchers look a little afraid of you so that was kinda funny.
  569. >They were probably realizing you could bust out of the testing chamber and gone on a violent magical rampage ant minute you wanted.
  570. >Fighting and running had lost their spark for you years ago though so you played nice.
  571. >The time passed quickly and before you knew it the day was gone.
  572. >With the last test complete you trotted past the blast-proof glass to find not Azalea waiting for you but Rarity.
  573. >"I told you that you would knock their socks off dear. They'll have enough data to analyze for a while. Now, what do you say to some dinner hmm?"
  574. >With all the magical exertion you had worked up an appetite so you nod.
  575. >Riding back up the elevator Rarity gives you a somewhat sad smile.
  576. >"I do apologize, I wish we could go somewhere nice but I've found most places are a bit averse to serving a pony. Not to worry though Cherry is sure to have whipped us up something tasty"
  577. >She wasn't wrong about that, the daffodil soup was amazing. It reminded you of simpler and happier times.
  578. "Oh wow there's no way any human restaurant has food like that."
  579. >"I am glad you enjoyed it Twilight. Speaking of humans though have you given any more thought to what we discussed this morning?"
  580. "Umm, a little."
  581. >She giggles a little.
  582. >"You know I have to give you back soon darling. As much as I'd love to keep you forever, if you want this then you need to decide soon."
  583. "I know, can I just sleep on it?"
  584. >"Well I do still have you till the day after tomorrow. Even though you actually finished all the testing today, everyone was most impressed by the way."
  585. >That makes you smile, compliments were hard to come by nowadays!
  586. >"I tell you what why don't we just hang out tonight? just the two of us, we can watch a movie."
  587. "I did kind of want to see that giant TV in action."
  588. >"Wonderful I'll even let you pick it, come along."
  589. >You ended up watching Arrival. It was kind of funny that the movie was about how humans would peacefully interact with aliens when reality had turned out so much different.
  590. >Nevertheless it was a good movie, you found yourself imagining how you'd have reacted in the same situation.
  591. >Rarity was... less into sci-fi. In fact, she was constantly asking you questions the entire movie but the truth was you didn't mind.
  592. >It felt like old times, snuggled up against your friend just hanging out.
  593. >By the time the movie ended your eyelids were heavy, work must have taken more out of you than you realized.
  594. >"Hmm is my little pony sleepy?"
  595. "No no I'm up I'm up..."
  596. >Poking your downed head with her muzzle she challenged the truth of the statement.
  597. >"Yes clearly you are wide awake, come here darling."
  598. >Picking you up. Why does everyone pick you up?
  599. >You're too tired to protest the magical lift and instead curl in on yourself and try to drift off to sleep.
  600. >"Did you have a good day Twilight?"
  601. "mhmm."
  602. >"What about Azalea, was she nice to you?"
  603. "mhmm. asked about this morning... me and you..."
  604. >"Oh gossiping about my little breakdown this morning hmm?"
  605. "mhmm.
  606. >"I see..."
  607. >Holy crap this bed is soft and big.
  608. >This isn't the same one as last night.
  609. >A weight on the bed behind you gives you a hint of exactly whose bed it is.
  610. >Wrapping her forehooves around you Rarity pulls you close until you're her little spoon.
  611. >Back when you girls had spent the night parties somehow rarity had always ended up being the big spoon to your little.
  612. >The few extra inches she had on you resulted in a good and comfy fit you had to admit.
  613. ZZZ ponies shouldn't be made out of bananas ZZZ Discord will never fit into that dress ZZZ
  614. smack smack smack
  615. >Ugh. awake. no. why.
  616. >The warm forelegs are gone, why are the warm forelegs gone?
  617. >"Going to do that again hmmm??"
  618. >Is someone yelling?
  619. >"Want to spread rumors I'll give you something to girls something to gossip about!"
  620. >"No no mistress I'm sorry!"
  621. >Oh fuck oh shit!
  622. >You're in Rarity's room but she's not.
  623. >There's yelling coming from the other side of the building where Azalea and the other mares rooms are.
  624. >Holy shit was this your fault? You'd told her about what Azalea had said in your sleep-deprived state!
  625. >Listening more carefully your heart sinks.
  627. >You know the sound of something smacking pony flesh all too well.
  628. >It's not frenzied or insanely loud like your lessons tend to be but it doesn't exactly sound fun either.
  629. >"You're lucky! I'm in! a good! mood!"
  630. >"Ow ow ow we're sorry mistress!"
  631. >Is everyone going to hate you now? No one likes a rat.
  632. >"Good, now off to bed all of you. I expect you all to remember this lesson! No spying, no gossiping, and no lollygagging!"
  633. SMACK
  634. >"Yes mistress!"
  635. >No wonder Rarity was glad to hear how Anon handled you. She's the exact same way!
  636. >You wouldn't call what you'd heard a harsh beating, it sounded somewhat tame compared to what you were used to, but you still feel awful.
  637. >You didn't want to get anyone in trouble! Now you're the favorite and the tattletale!
  638. >Your ear twitches as hoof steps approach the bedroom.
  639. >"Bunch of immature fillies..."
  640. >Was she trying to hide their discipline from you?
  641. >It seemed like she'd waited till you'd gone to bed on purpose.
  642. >Deciding not to test your luck you do your best to pretend to be asleep as Rarity quietly slips back into the room.
  643. >Sliding back into the bed you try to act casual as she once again claims you as her little spoon.
  644. >You can barely hear her whisper to herself as she tucks your head beneath her chin.
  645. >"Well at least someone is still asleep..."
  646. >Yeah asleep, totally. Don't panic, don't panic; just relax and pretend to be asleep.
  647. >If you aren't will you be in trouble too? No, that's silly but your feeling of from safety earlier is now replaced with one of fear.
  648. >She'd just beat a pony with these hooves and now they are wrapped around you in a tight embrace.
  649. >Just what would it take to set her off to turn those hooves on you?
  650. >Just how safe were you? She'd promised to protect you but does that include from herself?
  651. >It was a long and uneasy night.
  653. >Noises are bad, make the noises go away.
  654. >"wilight... wake up twilight..."
  655. >You try to bury your head further into the soft pillows; like you usually do when Anon comes to bug you in the morning but strong forehooves around your stomach prevent you from escaping.
  656. >The grip tightens as the fuzzy creature behind you pulls you even closer into its diabolical grasp.
  657. >Your ear twitches as your captor breaths into it again.
  658. >"It's time to get uppppp."
  659. >No no no, it's time for more sleeps, evil sing-song voices can go away.
  660. >Apparently unsatisfied with your response your tormentor grasps the tip of your ear in her teeth and pulls lightly.
  661. >The shock of being chewed on sends bolts down your spine and confused feelings through your sleep-addled mind.
  662. "Quit it... Go away..."
  663. >You suppresses a moan as the vicious chewing only gets worse, squirming you try to wiggle out of the hold.
  664. >Unfortunately the pathetic struggles are in vain as the much more awake pony behind you giggles and continues her ear based assault.
  665. >Finally opening your eyes you turn to face your torturer as best you can.
  666. >The white mare with a mouth full of purple ear just gives you a quick smile before letting go.
  667. >"Now that's the heavy sleeper I remember. Always so stubborn."
  668. >Learning down towards you Rarity subjects you to aggressive nuzzles. The monster.
  669. "I'm up, I'm up."
  670. >"I know how you are, the minute I leave you alone you'll be right back to sleep."
  671. >That is 100% totally not true.
  672. >"Besides one does not tell their mistress to go away you naughty thing."
  673. >She punctuates her statement with a giggle and a squeeze.
  674. >Had you been more awake and her tone more serious it might have scared you a little, but right now it was just playful banter.
  675. "Fine, Go away mistress."
  676. >"Hmm maybe someone needs an early morning lesson?"
  677. >You hear her horn light up and suck in a sharp breath as something floats right into your field of vision.
  678. >Holy crap that's a huge hairbrush!
  679. >You whimper and try to squirm away from it, it's giving you flashbacks of screaming over Anon's knee with your flank on fire!
  680. >Sensing your distress Rarity floats it away quickly.
  681. >"Oh my I'm sorry darling I just meant to poke fun. Shh it's ok you're safe you aren't in trouble."
  682. >Despite the assurances you pulled yourself into the smallest ball of purple pony you could.
  683. >Rarity gives chase though and wraps even further around you covering you in a shell of white and purple.
  684. >"You've been a good girl darling it's ok."
  685. >It takes a few minutes of quiet assurances from your big spoon but you eventually begin to relax again.
  686. "I'm sorry Anon has one just like that."
  687. >"That's good sweetie, that's good that he trains you so well."
  688. >You don't feel safe arguing with her so you just nod a little.
  689. >"A good healthy fear of the brush keeps many a mare out of trouble I assure you. Some more than others though."
  690. >She sort of chuckles at her last statement, is she talking about her other mares?
  691. "Is... Is that what happened last night?"
  692. >"Oh. I was hoping you wouldn't have to hear that."
  693. >Pulling her right forehoof out of her death grip she places it on your side and begins to brush your fur up and down.
  694. >It feels nice.
  695. >"Yes a few of the girls got in trouble last night I will admit. I promise I was not too harsh with them but a quick lesson set them straight in no time."
  696. "Does that happen a lot?"
  697. >"I'm not sure I would say a lot but it's not uncommon. A lot of the time just the sight of the brush is enough to make them think twice."
  698. >Her hoof absentmindedly drifts down your side to your cutie mark as she continues the light massage.
  699. >"But if that doesn't work then a quick pop pop pop and they remember!"
  700. >Each pop is emphasized by a light pat to your cutie mark that makes you blush like a school filly!
  701. "Rarity!"
  702. >A tut tut issues from behind you hear her magic and feel the brush coming to rest on your flank!
  703. "Mistress I meant mistress!"
  704. >She gives you one light swat before floating it away again.
  705. >"You're lucky we're friends darling. Now come along it's time to get ready!"
  706. >You find yourself frozen in place for a minute as your mind focuses on the light sting where the brush had just landed.
  707. >She spanked you! Rarity disciplined you and you aren't even hers yet!
  708. >"Up up let's go Twilight."
  709. >Hearing her horn light again you quickly evacuate the bed before you find out if she was going to lift you or the brush with her magic.
  710. >"There's my girl! Here the bathroom is this way, I think you'll love it."
  711. >Ok she was right, but to be fair the bathroom was bigger than your entire room at Anon's house.
  712. >The more you looked around the more it rivaled the royal bathrooms in canterlot and those were built for alicorns!
  713. "I think this is the biggest bathroom I've seen in my life..."
  714. >"I knew you'd be impressed, to be honest, I had the entire thing rebuilt when I moved in. A guest bedroom is a small price to pay for your own built-in spa!"
  715. >You can't argue with that.
  716. >"Well come on hop in. Lilly already drew the bath for us, it's just the right temperature I promise."
  717. >Get in!? We don't need a bath scene Rarity we're both ponies!
  718. "Us?"
  719. >"We've been to the spa together before Twilight. I know it's been a while but don't be modest."
  720. >Grabbing you lightly by the ear with her magic she softly pulls you with her as she trots to the side of the small swimming pool-sized tub.
  721. >Not enough to hurt but enough to get you moving.
  722. >"Well, can you get in by yourself?"
  723. >She giggles at your blush. No way out of this it seems so you trot down the stairs and into the bubble-filled water.
  724. >Following close behind you Rarity goes over to the side to pick to scrutinize her selection of products.
  725. >"Have you been taking care of your mane? Anon doesn't seem the type to spend much on shampoos."
  726. "He just has some human stuff, it's ok."
  727. >"Oh no no that just wouldn't do. Come here darling I know just what you need!"
  728. >You back away from the determined gleam in her eyes as she approaches you with 3 different bottles in tow.
  729. "I can wash my own mane..."
  730. >"Hmm maybe you can but not today!"
  731. >Wading towards you even faster you soon run out of the tub to escape too!
  732. "No no wait!"
  733. >Your cries for mercy are ignored as she once again grabs you with her magic, taboo! and turns you around.
  734. "Ra-Mistress please I'm not a filly!"
  735. >"You're my filly as long as your mane is in such dire straits Twilight."
  736. >With no real choice you simply resign yourself to the washing.
  737. >Her ear pulling hadn't been painful but it was clear she was going to have her way one way or another, may as well behave and make it easier on yourself.
  738. >Besides it was kind of nice to have someone take care of you for once.
  739. >"I'm sending you home with some of my products Twilight. You've already got split ends and those cheap human shampoos are only going to make it worse."
  740. "Yes ma'am..."
  741. >Aggressive washing is aggressive. Your head bounces all over the place as she really digs her hooves into your mane.
  742. >"Oh don't be so drab I know this must feel amazing."
  743. >Ok it does feel nice but you aren't going to admit that to her or yourself, you are fairly sure this counts as gentling. Like you need MORE psychological conditioning messing with your head.
  744. >Instead of giving her the satisfaction you just sit in a place like a statue as she has her fun.
  745. >"Ugh fine have it your way, you spoilsport. But just for that, I'm doing your coat now as well."
  746. >You just groan and hang your head, until she pulls it back up to rinse out the 3rd and final application of product.
  747. >"Just think if you're a good girl you get this kind of brushing instead of the 'other' kind."
  748. >The kind that involves a sore seat yeah you get it...
  749. >"Tail darling."
  750. >She tabs your rump under water to get you to raise it.
  751. "Please I can do my tail myself..."
  752. >"Don't be silly just get it up here."
  753. >Wrapping her the base of your tail in her magic she starts to pull.
  754. >The sensation of having your tail pulled is like nothing else and instantly your whole rear is out of the water.
  755. >Pushing you forward off the side of the tub she soon has you bending over the edge with your tail end completely out of the water.
  756. "Rarity this is embarrassing!"
  757. >"Hmm the price of disobedient I suppose."
  758. >You turn your head back to plead with your eyes, but she doesn't even spare you a glance. Instead already focusing on lathering up your tail with the soapy shampoo.
  759. >"I envy you Twilight."
  760. >wat?
  761. >"You've never had anyone do this, have you? My first owner loved to bathe me, it's some kind of an obsession for some of them"
  762. >Shit that sounds awkward.
  763. >"It was as pleasant as you can imagine. Those little monkey hands everywhere..."
  764. >You can feel the shiver through her hooves as she remembers.
  765. >"I hope my hooves are a bit kinder, this isn't our first time at least."
  766. >That does help a lot, communal bathing was common in Equestria.
  767. >While not a big deal for unicorns the less magically inclined races had no real way of scrubbing their backs. As a result bathing with family or friends was an everyday activity.
  768. >Rarity had scrubbed you plenty of times but this time it was still somehow different.
  769. >The power dynamic was always on your mind, as well as the way she so easily marehandled you with her magic when you resisted.
  770. >"There, back in the water now."
  771. >Don't have to tell me twice, the less humiliating posture was welcome as you climbed back into the tub.
  772. >Catching your eye she offers you an apologetic smile.
  773. >"I hope this isn't too unpleasant for you. I don't get an opportunity to behooves on with any pony anymore. I fear it would frighten the girls and I don't want to put them through what I've been through."
  774. >Wow that's a first, not gonna say that though.
  775. "It's fine it's just been a long time."
  776. >Sure it's awkward but you know she's not gonna molest or abuse you, it's still Rarity.
  777. >"Oh this is why I want you darling! I can be so 'me' around you!"
  778. >Squishing your face with her hooves she rubs noses with you.
  779. >You can't help but notice yesterday it was all about keeping you safe, now it's all about you making her comfortable.
  780. >Of course no one else wants to snuggle or bathe with her when she's so strict with them.
  781. >But if you lived here would that strictness ever turn on you?
  782. >So far she'd been rather gentle even when upset with you.
  783. >This morning's little demonstration made you question that sense of safety though.
  784. >Turning you back around Rarity begins to lather up your back with her various coat shampoos.
  785. >It does feel kinda nice but more importantly you can tell it's doing wonders for her.
  786. >Up until now she'd always seemed too serious. Sure she'd give you a smile when you caught her eye but most of the time it was the visage of someone planning, calculating, never relaxed.
  787. >Now she's genuinely smiling, even humming as she picks up a foreleg to wash it.
  788. >You don't doubt that's what she needs. A friend instead of another slave to break beneath her hoof.
  789. >Could that be you though? Your strength of will wasn't what it used to be, if she started to discipline you seriously you'd break just like you did with Anon.
  790. >Your mind wandered through the possibilities until jarred back to reality by a knock at the door.
  791. >"Come in Lilly."
  792. >A young unicorn mare trots in with a load of fresh towels in her magic.
  793. >"Here are the towels you asked for mistress. Do you want to start on your makeup now?"
  794. >Her magic looks a bit weak. It seems she's so focused on keeping the towels under control she didn't notice where the two of you were at.
  795. >"Well it might be a bit soon for that dear."
  796. >"What? Why what are - oh."
  797. >"Lilly this is Twilight, I don't believe the two of you have met."
  798. >She's kind enough to NOT stop bathing you as she introduces you.
  799. >Yeah that's not awkward at all as she turns you and begins to lather up your chest.
  800. >Ponies usually help each other with backs, not everything else...
  801. >Lilly clearly finds it as awkward as you based on her blush.
  802. >Oh god her hoof just keeps going lower and lower as she reaches into the water to scrub your underbelly.
  803. >If she keeps going down you're going to have a real problem here!
  804. >Your discomfort must be easy to read as she giggles.
  805. >"Good fillies get to do this themselves you know."
  806. >Wow thanks for patronizing in front of someone, that's great!.
  807. "Alright, I'm sorry. Just please let me do it..."
  808. >You practically whimper the last part but it seems to do the trick.
  809. >"I'll let you off the hook this time, but only because I think you've learned a lesson in cooperation."
  810. >You sure had. A mane washing is pleasant compared to where her hooves were slowly moving towards.
  811. >She floats her products over to you as she herself climbs out of the tub.
  812. "Getting out already?"
  813. >"Hmm? Oh yes, I bathed last night."
  814. >So she just wanted to play with you, lovely.
  815. >"I do need to do my makeup though. Let's get started, Lilly."
  816. >Sinking further into the water you're finally able to relax now that you're alone.
  817. >"You can soak for a minute Twilight but breakfast is soon."
  818. >You sink your head beneath the water for a moment of peace and silence.
  819. >What a weird start to the day.
  821. You were eventually fished out of the bathtub by Rarity when you failed to get out yourself.
  822. >Why can't you just stay here for rest of the day? You're a merpony now, go away.
  823. >The bubbly water gave you great cover but tragically she finally managed to snag you around the stomach with her magic.
  824. >I am the sea put me back!
  825. >You were good though; you even let her dry you with a towel since Lilly had left.
  826. >"One would think you haven't had a proper bath in ages little fish."
  827. "Well, Anon's bath is a little smaller than yours. I can't exactly swim in it like that."
  828. >"I told you you'd love my bathroom!"
  829. >Her sing-song voice reeks of being right but technically she is.
  830. "I never said I wouldn'tttttt"
  831. >Tail clamp!
  832. >"I swear you can be such a filly. Oh well dry enough."
  833. >Her lack of concern for personal space was getting to be an issue.
  834. >Then again she also lacks concern for your personal freedom and a bunch of other rights. Maybe you had to pick and choose your battles here.
  835. >You take the towel in your magic and dry your own backside (thank you very much) as she starts to brush your mane.
  836. >"Now the reason I borrowed you from Anon for 2 days was because that's how long these tests usually take. You however, finished them all rather ahead of schedule yesterday by destroying most of the equipment. You might need to hold back a little next time you know, either way, everyone down in R&D was very impressed. Hopefully, even if I can't acquire you, we can still get you back over here on a regular basis to help us again."
  837. >It WAS fun flexing your magical muscles again.
  838. >"That said, you are going to help me convince Anon, yes?"
  839. >Crap.
  840. >Your life with Anon might be boring, but he's nowhere near as 'intense' as Rarity's had already been.
  841. >Assuming she doesn't crack down even harder on your 'training' when the leash is actually in her hooves.
  842. >Visiting when you can and hopefully being a positive influence in her life? Sure, absolutely.
  843. >Being owned by her?
  844. >You're fairly sure the only thing that saved you from a tanning the first day at the vet's office was the fact you technically aren't hers to punish. Yet.
  845. "I'll have to have a long chat with him."
  846. >"But you do want to come be mine, do you not?"
  847. >The question is a little aggressive, as if you'd already offended her by not jumping at the opportunity.
  848. "I-I'd really have to talk about it with Anon first. He's not so bad..."
  849. >Please don't pressure me.
  850. >She sighs and trots over to take a seat at her vanity where she can look down on you.
  851. >"I'm glad he's good to you Twilight, but you need to be careful. He's a man, what if he gets lonely one night, hmm?"
  852. >Holy shit, why does everyone think Anon is 5 minutes from creampieing you?!?
  853. >"Oh it starts out innocent enough. Just some cuddling, he promises no funny business of course. Then a quick blowjob right? it's no big deal. Next thing you know he's not asking he's telling and believe me darling he's the only one having a good time."
  854. "R-Rarity he's not like that I promise!"
  855. >"Ha I thought the same thing about Danny... It gets easier for them after the first time. Before you know it he's coming to your room every night for his little 'pony ride'."
  856. "T-That's horrible Rarity. I'm so sorry but I don't think Anon will-"
  857. >She suddenly slams a hoof into the vanity and leans toward you!
  858. >"You don't think? You hope? Twilight I love you but you're naive! I know how humans are! You've been lucky so far but sooner or later THIS WILL HAPPEN! If not by Anon then a neighbor or his friend or your next owner! I've been there, my girls have been there, all mares will be there if the humans have anything to say about it!"
  859. >Wow! Ok fuck, this came out of nowhere! Mood swings due to imbalanced hormones or past trauma?
  860. >"I don't understand why you're fighting me on this!?!"
  861. >She hops off the chair and starts to quickly circle you, you would back away but she's so fast you can only spin your head to keep an eye on her!
  862. "Rarity please, calm down!"
  863. >"Still Rarity is it?!"
  864. >She sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose with a hoof.
  865. "I mean mis-"
  866. >"Shhh! I've been very patient with you Twilight! I've given you the carrot these past few days, but maybe you only respond to the stick! You won't be the first stubborn mare I've handled!"
  867. >Stopping in front of you, she floats the brush between the two of your threateningly!
  868. >Now's the time for panic! Back away, back away!
  869. "Stop please, we just need to talk about this!"
  870. >"About what?! What else can I offer you Twilight?? I've been very kind, the only thing Anon gives you that I haven't is this, so maybe this is what I need to get through to you! "
  871. "No! Hold on! Wait!"
  872. >You loudly protest as she aggressively marehandles you in her magic, turning you around and bending you over the edge of the tub you'd backed up to.
  873. >You desperately try to wiggle out of her grasp! A position like this has never ended well for you in the past!
  874. "There no shame in needing a firm hoof Twilight! This is for your own good!"
  875. "Stop! Let me go!"
  876. >You try to swing a forehoof at her only to be rewarded with magic grabbing that limb too and pinning it behind your back.
  877. >She pushes your front half further over the edge of the tub raising your bottom high into the air!
  878. >Shit shit shit, no! She's raising the brush!
  879. >"YOU DON'T! TELL ME! WHAT TO! DO!"
  881. >It burns sweet Celestia it burns! The heavy brush is even worse than you'd imagined!
  883. >"You'll be mine soon enough so YES! I! CAN!"
  885. >"I'll make anon an offer he can't refuse!"
  886. >SMACK
  887. >"You'll be mine and we will do whatever it takes for you to LEARN! YOUR! PLACE!"
  889. "NO NO NO NO NO!"
  890. >You kick your hooves and struggle desperately as she pours on the pain!
  891. >The seconds turn into minutes as she turns your purple plot redder and redder with no sign of stopping!
  892. >You can't take this! It hurts Too much; not just your flanks but your heart as your friend abuses you!
  893. "Mistress, please! Please, please, please!"
  894. >Huffing from the magical exertion Rarity gives you a break from the rapid-fire tanning.
  895. >"Oh now it's mistress? I guess you can learn. I hate that this is what it takes to get through to you Twilight, but I'll do whatever I have to to protect you. Even if that means protecting you from yourself."
  896. >Your brain and your butt are both telling you to submit. To just say yes ma'am and tell her you were sorry, that you'd do whatever she said.
  897. >But what Rarity need isn't another submissive yes mare, what she needs a friend to stand up to her.
  898. >Easier said than done with your red flanks on fire but here goes nothing.
  899. "Anyone will do what you say if you abuse them enough but that doesn't make you right!"
  900. >Growling Rarity raises the brush back to your hot seat and starts to pats a cheek with it.
  901. >"I admire your will Twilight but this isn't a fight you'll win."
  902. "Just listen AHHHH I'm worried about youUUUUUUUU!"
  903. >"You should be worried about yourself!"
  904. >She doesn't lose a beat as she flattens your cheeks, again and again, the burning now a raging fire in your backside!
  905. "Look at yourselffFFFF! OW! Look what you're doing!! AHHHH!"
  906. >"I'm helping you!"
  907. "You're beating meeeeeEEEEE!!!"
  908. >That seems to get her attention causing her to abruptly stop.
  909. >No going back now! Gotta strike while the irons hot!
  910. "The Rarity I know wouldn't beat her friends into submission!"
  911. >She looks unsure as she stares at your cherry red cheeks and the brush in her magic.
  912. >"You - You made me do this. If you were just a good girl..."
  913. >Oh Celestia it feels good to catch your breath.
  914. >Your backside is throbbing like there's no tomorrow and the bottom of the tub has quite a few tears in it but your voice only shakes a little as you confront her.
  915. "Rarity why do you want to buy me?"
  916. >"To - to protect you... from those monstrous humans."
  917. >Her eyes are still glued to your rump looking at least a little remorseful.
  918. "But you're doing the same thing! Look at what you did!"
  919. >Your tail had fallen when as she'd relaxed her magical grip but you raised it yourself to force her to confront her actions.
  920. "You might not rape me but if I'm afraid of THIS every time I open my mouth what kind of life is that?"
  921. >"You're a good mare... you'll learn..."
  922. "I don't want to learn to be your slave Rarity I want to be me!"
  923. >That snaps her out of her daze. She looks past your backside and into your eyes with fiery ones of her own.
  924. >"Well you don't get what you want Twilight! What if something happens to me and you're sold off again? A real master would eat you alive! This backtalk would end is much much worse than a spanking!"
  925. "Please Rarity I'm sorry your experience was horrible but mine doesn't have to be! This isn't the generous mare I knew!"
  926. >"You're right it isn't! You know what happened to that mare? While you were out playing in the woods she was being raped and bred like an animal! The only generosity in this world is to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen to others too!"
  927. >Without warning she yanks your tail up and smashes the brush into your relaxed rear end!
  928. >You were completely unprepared for more and it shows as you squeal like a filly!
  930. >"NOT! UNTIL! YOU! LEARN!"
  932. >OW OW OW! you can feel the bruises forming as she punishes you even harder than ever!
  933. >There's no getting through to her and your bottom CAN NOT take more of this!
  934. >Pouring everything you have into your horn you try desperately to conjure up the magic to reach into your pocket dimension.
  935. >The element! it's your last hope!
  936. >This is hard enough with your ring normally, but trying while also suffering Rarity's thrashing feels impossible!
  937. >Ow ow ow ow ow you have to do this! For her and for you!
  938. >You can't concentrate though! Where finesse fails you, raw power will have to do!
  939. >Your horn bursts into brilliant light as the molten slag formally known as your horn ring hits the bottom of the tub.
  940. >With a burst of sloppy magic the element of generosity explodes into being and lands right on your croup.
  941. >Her next spank is interrupted as the element's gem falls right between her brush and your flank.
  942. >"Wha-What is this?"
  943. >Oh sweet glorious Celestia she stopped. You collapse over the side of the tub in magical physical and emotional exhaustion.
  944. "It's your *pant pant* it's your element."
  945. >"I don't understand. Why is it broken?"
  946. "Because, this isn't generosity!"
  947. >You wince and pray you didn't push her too far.
  948. >You had promised yourself you'd be strong but in reality, you were at your limit! Any more 'quality time' with the back of her brush and you'd break down into a pathetic pleading broken mess!
  949. >She's quiet but you dare not look back. If more is coming you don't want to know ahead of time.
  950. "Please please I'm just worried about you please no more..."
  951. >You close your eyes and try to suppress the tears as fear claws at your heart. Her continued silence making you expect the worse.
  952. >It didn't work! She's going to beat you more! You can't take anymore you just can't! You'll break completely and be just another trophy for her collection!
  953. >But more blows don't come, instead, you feel her lift the element off you with her magic.
  954. >"I did this?"
  955. >Her voice is soft, the fiery anger that tore you up now gone. Is there hope?
  956. "I don't really know when it happened. I only checked it after you came over to Anon's house the other day..."
  957. >"I see, lost faith in me so soon?"
  958. >Your ears droop, she sounds so sad.
  959. "I'm sorry you were just so, not what I expected."
  960. >She pats your haunches twice as if to signal something.
  961. >"You can get down darling, no more."
  962. >It's as if Celestia herself had parted the heavens to assure you everything would be fine!
  963. >With immense relief you climb down off the side of the tub.
  964. >Your everything is sore, not only from the discipline but the painful position it had been done in.
  965. >Trying to sit down on the hard tile floor proves to be a mistake. You whimper as your flanks protest being used and instead lay down on your stomach.
  966. >You're busy inspecting the damage in the mirror behind when you hear something placed on the floor in front of you.
  967. >It's her brush, just the sight of it makes you whimper and splay back your ears in submission.
  968. >"We seem to be at an impasse Twilight. I see now why you had your concerns and I'm willing to listen. So let's just talk, alright?"
  969. "Yes, yes I'd like that."
  970. >You can't take your eyes off the brush, did she put it there as a threat? A reminder? It's not floating menacingly anymore but it still clearly has meaning between the two of you.
  971. >"Now the element, what does this mean? Is it ruined?"
  972. "It-it isn't destroyed. The magics still there and it's still connected to you it's just... Wrong... damaged..."
  973. >"And you think that's because I'm wrong?"
  974. >Fuck fuck fuck!
  975. >Back it up slowly. She's going to explode, she's going to start all over again!
  976. >A hoof interrupts your constant vigil of the brush and picks your chin up to look her in the eye.
  977. >"It's ok, it's ok. You aren't going to be punished, I can see you've had enough. You can tell me the truth I wouldn't give you more."
  978. "I-I think all you've gone through has changed you, hurt you. And it hurt the element too."
  979. >Floating the element to the side she stares at it sadly.
  980. >"I guess I can't say that's wrong. Even I know I'm not the same mare I was 6 years ago. What do you suggest then?"
  981. "You just need a friend Rarity! You've been alone for so long here at the top that you forgot what it means to be a pony!"
  982. >"Ugh you just don't get it Twilight I don't get to be a pony! Ponies go back to their cages and I have a responsibility to my mares to protect them!"
  983. "But Rarity you're spaying them! You're beating them!"
  985. >You can't take it, you cover your head with your hooves and wait for the beating to begin again.
  986. >But it doesn't. The moment passes as you tremble and cower but the only thing that comes is her now smaller voice.
  987. >"I'm sorry."
  988. >You dare to peek up at her.
  989. > She wiping her own eyes and looking away from you.
  990. >"I heard you out now will you hear me?"
  991. "Yes."
  992. >"I don't like being the bad guy. I don't like being the bully. But I also can't guarantee I'll always be in charge around here. I escaped that life due to some silly lawyer tricks, all it would take is more tricks to put me back. So I try to prepare every mare I own for the future. They learn respect and obedience to make their lives easier. And yes they lose their right to foals to keep them from the breeders. Do you know where my little filly is Twilight? They took her from me when she was less than a year old, I don't even know if she's alive. No mare should have to live through that and none of mine will."
  993. >You can at least appreciate where she's coming from even if you don't accept the result. Celestia always told you that understanding was the first step to peace.
  994. "I'm sorry about your filly and I understand your motivations, but I just can't agree with your conclusions."
  995. >"A compromise then?"
  996. >She turns back towards you and lays down on the floor just like you, eye to eye.
  997. >"You don't agree with my methods I get that. I don't agree with your willfulness, but I also don't want to lose you from my life. Anon seems to really like you, I'm sure you could convince him to keep you from me permanently but neither of us really want that. So how about this, temporary immunity. Once or twice a week we can have a 100% totally honest heart to heart. You can share your concerns complaints and arguments about anything and everything I've done without fear of discipline. I will argue my side but you'll be completely safe."
  998. >Sounds conditional but what you wanted nevertheless, kinda how compromises work really.
  999. "And in return?"
  1000. >"The rest of the time you listen to me. You listen to me, you be a good girl and you submit to discipline if you act out."
  1001. >You whimper and break eye contact, she talks about it so casually!
  1002. >"No no, look at me."
  1003. >You let her place a hoof under your chin again and guide your eyes back to her own.
  1004. >"I know you don't like the idea. I don't like the idea of letting you argue with me freely either. I think it undermines my efforts but that's how most good compromises work, neither side is perfectly happy. I promise I'll take your concerns very seriously when it's your turn but I also promise to do what I've done tonight when it's mine. Do you understand?"
  1005. >You nod.
  1006. >"Hugs?"
  1007. >It's a little strange hugging someone who was very recently so mad at you but it feels good nonetheless.
  1008. >"Now I've already had my turn tonight so tell me honestly. Do you want to come be mine or do you want to stay with Anon?"
  1009. >Any other time or with any other master you'd be scanner her eyes for signs of deceit. A tip that this was just fishing for another excuse to get on to you. But not now, now she's genuine.
  1010. "I want to spend more time with you, I really do. I want to try to change your mind on a few things but being owned by you? Honestly no not yet, I just don't feel ready. Maybe I can talk Anon into letting me visit often. You said they appreciated my work downstairs I'd love to come help anytime you need."
  1011. >She looks a little sad but nods her head in agreement.
  1012. >"Yes yes I'm sure Anon and I could come up with a more permanent rental agreement, perhaps a few days a week or so."
  1013. >Reaching up she suddenly boops your nose.
  1014. >"You know you really are going to break the bank like this darling. I always hated renting, it just feels like throwing money away when you could be buying."
  1015. "But I'm worth it right?"
  1016. >"You certainly are."
  1018. >You feel better about the whole situation. Everything's far from perfect but you consider what happened progress.
  1019. >Would have been nice if that progress hadn't come at the cost of your poor cheeks though.
  1020. >Rarity finishes using the brush for its intended purpose (fixing your mane instead of your flanks) and the two of you head to breakfast.
  1021. >Oh gods. You'd forgotten about her hard wooden chairs in the dining room.
  1022. >You stood for breakfast after Anon's 'lessons' and that was after a night of sleeping it off.
  1023. >You've had mere minutes to cool down this time. Then again you don't want Cherry to see the results of what just happened either.
  1024. >Gathering your courage you pull out the chair and sit down gently.
  1025. >The pained gasp and whimper you let out draws a look of sympathy from your friend.
  1026. >Sympathy not regret.
  1027. >"That can't feel nice. Why don't you just stand or lay on the floor?"
  1028. >Lay on the floor while she sits above you. yeah ok no.
  1029. >You nod your head towards the kitchen where you can hear Cherry still cooking.
  1030. >Rarity giggles.
  1031. >"Twilight I already told you, you aren't the first willful filly I've had to deal with. It's nothing Cherry hasn't seen before."
  1032. >Fuck that noise you still aren't showing this off.
  1033. "Th-The seat's fine really."
  1034. >She doesn't look convinced.
  1035. >"Cherry! Cherry, will you bring a pillow when you get a moment?"
  1036. "R-mistress no!"
  1037. >She gives you a lopsided smile.
  1038. >"We have so far to go with you Twilight."
  1039. >Cherry pokes her head through the kitchen door.
  1040. >"A pillow mistress?"
  1041. >"Yes darling to sit on, you understand."
  1042. >She gestures towards you causing you to bury your face in your hooves from embarrassment! Let's just tell the world why don't we!?
  1043. >Cherry must have understood as a few moments later Rarity was giving your tail a light pull with her magic to get you up.
  1044. >Ok the pillow does really really really help but there must have been a less degrading way to get it.
  1045. >You distract yourself with some of the fresh fruit Cherry had also delivered.
  1046. >"Now, even though you finished your work early mine is never done. I simply must get a few things done today so I, unfortunately, can't spend much time with you until this afternoon. Will you be ok here? You can take a nap or watch some TV, whatever you like really."
  1047. "A nap sounds great actually."
  1048. >Getting discipline drilled into you was really exhausting, who knew?
  1049. >"Wonderful. If you need help just ask any of the girls they'll understand. And Twilight, they've been through the same thing you have. I'd just love if you all became friends."
  1050. >Breakfast finishes and Rarity is soon out the door, or rather down the elevator. Whatever.
  1051. >A day off sounds nice. A day off in a fancy place like this sounds even better.
  1052. >First things first though. Rarity woke you up early then you exhausted yourself fighting her so it's time for a nap.
  1053. >Aw yeah and her bed is amazing. So big, so soft.
  1054. >You hop in, cover yourself in the sheets then your head in a few pillows to block out the lights.
  1055. >ZZZZZZZZZ
  1056. >A knock on the door gets your attention. Feels like you were out for at least a couple hours.
  1057. >You can always tell when you slept well when you're leaning off the side of the bed.
  1058. >What? You toss and turn a lot.
  1059. >More knocking. Who would even bother knocking around here?
  1060. >"Mrs. Twilight? Are you awake?"
  1061. >You mumble something indistinct causing her to open the door.
  1062. >It's Lilly, she looks a bit nervous for some reason.
  1063. >"C-cherry made you some lunch ma'am. If you want..."
  1064. >You opt to display your grace and civility by rolling out of the bed directly onto the floor.
  1065. >This is becoming a habit.
  1066. "Ow. Lunch, yeah okay."
  1067. >You crawl out and bed and towards the dining room.
  1068. >You take your seat and rub your eyes. Your hazy sleep-addled mind fails to register the mini feast laid out before you.
  1069. >At least until you get a heavenly sniff of the carrot soup right below your nose.
  1070. >You give your head a little shake and actually look around.
  1071. >There's at least half a dozen different dishes laid out before you. Everything from soups and salads to hayburgers and daffodil sandwiches.
  1072. >"We um we didn't know what you'd like ma'am. I hope this is ok..."
  1073. >Lilly nervously stands at the head of the table with her head bowed.
  1074. >Before you could say anything Cherry enters from the kitchen with more food on her back and cuts you off.
  1075. >"Lilly relax I told you you don't have to be nervous. She's just the same as us."
  1076. >"But but she sleeps with the mistress and even bathes with her!"
  1077. >Cherry doesn't look impressed. While Lilly is barely a teenager Cherry has at least a decade on you and Rarity so she's a bit harder to impress.
  1078. >"Well why don't we just ask her? Now, Twilight was it? There's a lot of rumors going around among the fillies up here. Azalea said you started out rooming with her but now Lilly says you sleep with the mistress herself. You her lover, close friend, bed mare, what?"
  1079. >Oh no, no no. You shake your head vigorously.
  1080. >You'd really rather not get singled out here, especially not as the mistress's favorite. You had no doubt they could make your life more difficult if they thought you were against them.
  1081. "No no, we're just friends! I'm just like you really!"
  1082. >You point towards your collar for emphasis.
  1083. >Emboldened by the claim Lilly seems to forget her former nervousness.
  1084. >"But you're so close! I've never seen mistress share her personal bathroom with anyone."
  1085. "We kinda know each other from back home, back in Equestria. She's a close friend but believes me she's tough on me too..."
  1086. >You know Cherry already knows about your current 'condition'. Actually, now that you're awake enough to notice it, you're still sitting on the same pillow she brought you at breakfast.
  1087. >The more mature mare gives you a knowing look.
  1088. >"I could tell, don't feel bad you aren't the first. She's not a bad owner but she does have a temper."
  1089. >That makes your ears splay back.
  1090. >Not like you didn't know that already but it's not great hearing it confirmed either.
  1091. >Still this is a good opportunity to get to know the ponies closest to Rarity. The ones who have interacted with her the most.
  1092. "Yeah, you're telling me... I guess she's always like this? I really want to help her, to help you, girls, too. She's not the same pony I knew but I think there's still a lot of hope for her."
  1093. >Cherry sits down across from you.
  1094. >"I was her second 'acquisition' so yeah, I can tell you she's pretty much always been this intense. New fillies learn to listen fast or else."
  1095. >The 'or else' makes you wince.
  1096. "And she's always so... Physical?"
  1097. >"Unfortunately yeah, new purchases get one or two warnings before things get old fashion. I think it's how one of her old masters handled things, but of course, we don't talk about that."
  1098. >Makes sense.
  1099. >You can't imagine Rarity would take kindly to anyone referencing a time when she wasn't in charge.
  1100. "She mentioned a little about her past, it sounds like she's had it rough. Makes me more and more thankful for Anon to be honest."
  1101. >"Anon?"
  1102. "Oh yeah, my current master."
  1103. >"He let you call him by his name?!?"
  1104. >You have officially blown Lilly's mind. She's so young she might barely even remember a time before coming to earth.
  1105. "Yes, he's really really relaxed compared to Rarity."
  1106. >Saying the name out loud makes Lilly gasp and cover her mouth. Cherry just shakes her head at the younger mare.
  1107. "I mean mistress..."
  1108. >"I can't believe you said it!"
  1109. "It's a habit we're both trying to break..."
  1110. >Unlike Lilly, Cherry is determined to keep the conversation on topic.
  1111. >"If you're going to be spending much more time here, I'm sure it's something she'll expect. I know you're rented for now, but do you think she'll buy?"
  1112. >Talking about your monetary value still puts an uncomfortable pit in your stomach.
  1113. "She really wants to, I'm not sure it's a good idea though. We had a disagreement about it this morning..."
  1114. >"Do you want some ice?"
  1115. >You blush bright red but nod. At least she's not laughing.
  1116. >She returns with the ice pack which you put under your seat.
  1117. >It feels even better but you can't look either of them in the eye anymore out of shame.
  1118. "She's just planning on renting for now though, so hopefully that will help. I even got permission to speak my mind from time to time. I really don't agree with some of the stuff does around here. I think maybe I can talk some sense into her."
  1119. >Cherry gets up and starts to take a few finished dishes back to the kitchen.
  1120. >"You're a brave mare butting heads with her. We'd all like to see a kinder mistress but try not to get in over your head. I can sometimes talk a little sense into her, but if she really decides you're in trouble then I just hope you can take it."
  1121. >Ugh scary.
  1122. "Thanks. I'm pretty tough, anon disciplines sometimes too."
  1123. >"Good. You clearly didn't break today and it sounded like she was pretty upset so maybe you'll be ok."
  1124. >Wonderful so everyone did hear your not so little lesson.
  1125. "I'll try to be strong."
  1126. >"We'll be rooting for you. I'll be nearby if you need another ice pack or a shoulder to cry on."
  1127. >"Me too!"
  1128. >They really are nice ponies. You hope you can get to know and help them more later.
  1129. >Neither Cherry and Lilly can't neglect their chores any longer. They leave you alone to finish your lunch.
  1130. >Polishing off lunch you take your new best friend, Mr. ice pack, and go curl up on the couch.
  1131. >Gotta make Anon buy a TV this big. He makes ok money.
  1132. >You spent a few hours flipping through the channels, nothing super interesting but it passes the time.
  1133. >Blame the comfy couch and the fact you never really woke up properly from your nap but you must have dozed off again.
  1134. >Either that or some vaguely white blob is messing with your ear for some other reason.
  1135. >Time to bat it away.
  1136. >Classic overextension.
  1137. >Hello ground.
  1138. >Ouch.
  1139. >Definitely a habit.
  1140. >"Is this how you always wake up?"
  1141. >Mumble mumble fuck off.
  1142. >"Sorry dear I didn't quite catch that?"
  1143. >You roll over onto your back and look up at the smiling face of your friend.
  1144. >"There you are."
  1145. >She boops your nose, monster.
  1146. >"Wake up now It's almost time for me to take you home."
  1147. >You yawn, roll over and do some stretches.
  1148. >Rarity picks up Mr melted ice pack and inspects it.
  1149. >"You must have made some friends. Cherry is always good to take care of my naughty fillies afterward."
  1150. "She's nice."
  1151. >"Good I'm glad. Now come along it's almost time for dinner and I want to make this morning up to you."
  1152. >You follow her back to her room. She leads you to her walk-in closet and starts to rummage through a drawer.
  1153. >"Do understand I standby what I had to do but I still want to do a little something for you."
  1154. >She's going to fall into that drawer if she leans over anymore.
  1155. >If only you had her hairbrush, she's basically asking for it...
  1156. >"Hm I believe this one will do."
  1157. >Is that a... leash...?
  1158. >"Chin up precious."
  1159. >She lifts your head with a hoof and clips it to your collar.
  1160. >Shit it really is a leash. A leather one studded with diamonds arranged like her cutie mark.
  1161. >You whimper and pull away a little.
  1162. "Do we really need this?"
  1163. >"Does Anon not use one?"
  1164. >You shake your head.
  1165. >"Well I'm sorry if you aren't used to it but we do have leash laws downtown."
  1166. >She gives your new leash a light tug to guide you away from the mirror you were inspecting it in.
  1167. >That's not something you'll be getting used to anytime soon! The feeling of being guided around like an animal really rubs you the wrong way and you fight her pull a little.
  1168. >"It takes some getting used to I know. Just try to relax and not think about it ok?"
  1169. >The more you try not to the heavier and more oppressive it feels.
  1170. "Please I don't like it..."
  1171. >It's really bothering you and she can tell. Turning around she quits trying to lead you and sits down eye to eye with you.
  1172. >"Twilight what's the matter?"
  1173. >You continue to paw at it uselessly until she picks up your chin with a hoof.
  1174. >"Look at me. It's just a leash what's wrong?"
  1175. "It just feels wrong, please!"
  1176. >"Shh shh shh."
  1177. >She reaches up and unclips it from you.
  1178. >"You're used to a collar darling this isn't much different. I want to take us somewhere nice for dinner but we can't go if you don't wear this. Tell me what's wrong."
  1179. >Truthfully you'd worn a leash before. At the training camp.
  1180. >You'd tried to forget but the sensation of being pulled had dredged up some painful memories.
  1181. >Rarity was always good at reading you.
  1182. >"Have you had a bad experience with leashes?"
  1183. >You nod.
  1184. >"Not with Anon though? Your initial trainer maybe?"
  1185. >You nod harder.
  1186. >Don't cry, those days are over, don't cry.
  1187. >"It's ok, it's ok. He's gone Twilight it's just me now. The leash doesn't mean anything bad. We aren't going anywhere bad, anywhere that hurts. Do you trust me?"
  1188. >You can't look her in the eye but you can give a shaky nod.
  1189. >"I'm going to put it back on but I want you to tell me it's ok first."
  1190. "O-ok."
  1191. >With a click it's hooked back to your collar.
  1192. >"See? It's just a silly string. It's a dumb law but it's one we have to follow. Now I'm going to lead you around the apartment a little ok?"
  1193. >You don't nod but when you feel the gentle tug a moment later you do climb to your hooves.
  1194. >This isn't so bad, right?
  1195. >Just because you'd been lead to bad places in the past didn't mean that being led has to always be associated with bad things.
  1196. >Of course it's easy to tell yourself stuff academically.
  1197. >You've still gotta believe it.
  1198. >It takes a few minutes of trotting before you feel safe looking up.
  1199. >You were not supposed to look up the last time you'd been leashed but this was Rarity, you were safe here.
  1200. >Her smile when you finally lock eyes with her is genuine.
  1201. >"See it's not so bad right?"
  1202. "I guess not... Thanks."
  1203. >Oh gosh the fabled full body size nuzzle.
  1204. >"Now come on you'll love this place! They've got everything and they just love me!"
  1205. >Outside. In public. Like this. Oh boy.
  1207. >"They've the best vinaigrette salads. Oh, even the bread is to die for..."
  1208. >She must be really hungry.
  1209. >You zone out for a moment as she blabs on and on while gathering her things.
  1210. >When was the last time you'd been to a nice restaurant anyway?
  1211. >Anon preferred to eat in, so you did as well.
  1212. >"Oh my! I'm sorry darling I'd almost forgotten."
  1213. >What?
  1214. >Turning your head you find her behind you looking at your... THAT...
  1215. >Oh yeah can't really go in public looking like that from behind.
  1216. >"Not to worry, I have just the thing."
  1217. >Two light tugs at your leash have you following her before you even think about it.
  1218. >That's probably a problem, but one for another day.
  1219. >She leads you back to her bedroom and into the walk-in closet.
  1220. >"I think you might remember this little number hmm?"
  1221. >Wait how does she have that?
  1222. >It's your dress. The yellow sundress she'd given you for your birthday all those years ago. The one that was left in Ponyville with every other earthly belonging you had.
  1223. "that's... how do you have that?
  1224. >"Oh no no, it's not the original but it was simple enough to remake. When I knew we'd be spending a little time together I thought it would make a nice surprise. Do you like it?"
  1225. >Suspiciously generous. There's a hook there somewhere.
  1226. >"I had planned on saving it for a 'welcome to the herd' gift so to speak but we do what we must."
  1227. >She unclips your leash and begins to float the dress up over your head.
  1228. >Really?
  1229. "I can dress myself..."
  1230. >"Oh I know but this is far more fun, now hooves up!"
  1231. >It's not worth the argument.
  1232. >You raise your hooves and grumble as she pulls it over your head.
  1233. >Rarity liking to play dress-up is nothing new but this is an entirely different level.
  1234. >You drop back down to all fours. She smoothes out and adjusts the garment.
  1235. >And reattaches your leash immediately. Definitely trying to get you used to it.
  1236. >Mental note: Don't.
  1237. >"You look wonderful. How's the fit? Here take a look in the mirror."
  1238. >It looks cute. You always liked this dress. It's comfy, simple, cute, and has Rarity's cutie mark on the side right over yours
  1239. >There's always a hook.
  1240. >She must have caught your unamused glance at it.
  1241. >"Well I did say it was meant to be a welcome gift."
  1242. >Now you've got her mark on your flanks and neck, wonderful.
  1243. >"You look great now come along I'm famished. If it helps the car is right beside the elevator down there so no one will see you at all."
  1244. >It did help a little but you knew you'd be in public soon enough.
  1245. >She spends the elevator ride fussing over you even more.
  1246. >Finally you've had enough and bat away at her magic in your mane
  1247. "Rarity please."
  1248. >she tuts at you but stops.
  1249. >"You never would let me do anything with your mane, I still say it's a shame. If you were mine I'd make you fabulous!"
  1250. >The elevator saves you from having to come up with a response.
  1251. >The car is nearby but to your surprise Rarity leads you to the passenger seat instead of the back.
  1252. >You raise an eyebrow at her when she climbs in on the other side.
  1253. >"I know. Just don't tell the other girls ok?"
  1254. >Not gonna say you're the teacher's pet but you kinda are.
  1255. >Also not gonna let anyone else know that.
  1256. >She plugs in the address and turns to you as the car takes off.
  1257. >"Alright now two things. First, I spoke with Anon and since you're finished here early I'm going to be dropping you off today instead of tomorrow. It's cheaper that way and I dare say he misses you. We'll head that way after dinner. Second, A few rules when we're in public ok?"
  1258. >Oh boy.
  1259. >"Number one is of course you have to stay on the leash. You won't be the only one so try not to feel self-conscience."
  1260. >Easy for her to say.
  1261. >"Two, let me do the talking. If you're addressed feel free but otherwise stay behind me."
  1262. >That's fine. You don't want to do much talking like this anyway.
  1263. >The idea of having to walk behind her makes you a little sad though. Just highlights how much the good old days are over.
  1264. >"And lastly Twilight. It really really really must be mistress."
  1265. >She emphasizes each 'really' with a brutal nose boop.
  1266. >Your friend is dead replaced by this booping monster.
  1267. >"Understand?"
  1268. "Understood."
  1269. >"Wonderful, don't worry you'll love it. Then we'll get you home to Anon, you can talk to him about our little arrangement and everything will be just fine."
  1271. >Okay she was right the food is fantastic.
  1272. >Sure you'd had to let her order for you, but to be honest you didn't know what half the menu meant anyway.
  1273. >"Mmm yes well I did warn you not to eat too much."
  1274. >She says as she's stuffing her muzzle.
  1275. "I'll have you know I ate just the right amount."
  1276. >"Of course why did I ever doubt you?"
  1277. >Probably because you're leaning back with your hoof on your stomach barely able to breathe.
  1278. >But hey this went better than expected.
  1279. >Being lead around was a bit nerve-wracking but she was right you weren't alone. Despite it being a fairly nice restaurant almost every table had a pony with them.
  1280. >Everypony was even sitting in the chairs instead of on the ground or in the back or something dumb like that.
  1281. >Maybe you should quit assuming the worse.
  1282. >One check and a to-go box later and you're both ready to go.
  1283. >"Twilight be a dear and carry that for me would you?"
  1284. >You channel a bit of magic to pick up the bag only to have your spell sputter when Rarity taps a hoof to your horn.
  1285. >"Oh no no darling with your mouth please."
  1286. >She leans a little closer so others won't hear.
  1287. >"They're very strict about magic around here. It makes a lot of humans uncomfortable."
  1288. >She'd given you a new ring identical to the one you'd slagged but, to be honest she'd set it so low there was no way it was legal. You had access to almost all your magic with barely any resistance.
  1289. >Probably something they didn't want in the middle of a big city.
  1290. >Being forbidden from using your magic at all is still dumb though so you sigh.
  1291. "It's just a little levitation. Lots of ponies can do that with a ring on."
  1292. >Oh wow that's a death glare.
  1293. >"I am aware of how magic works Twilight but I told you to use your mouth."
  1294. >Ok that tone's getting dangerous.
  1295. "Fine."
  1296. >The 'attitude' earns you an ear flick with her magic.
  1297. >Ugh, you reel in the desire to snap back and pick up the bag instead.
  1298. >In your mouth
  1299. >Like a good girl.
  1300. >She can clearly tell the exaggerated smile you give her is fake but the eye roll and leash tug are a small price to pay.
  1301. >What? You like your magic, that's not a crime.
  1302. >Back in the car and away from public eyes Rarity turns and gives you an unamused glare.
  1303. >"You were doing so well until the end there. I know you like your magic, but I know how it's viewed in this city. When I tell you something I expect you to listen."
  1304. >You lower your ears and try to look pathetic. Woe is me.
  1305. >"Nice try. I've thought of just the thing though, learn forward."
  1306. >What? Sure?
  1307. >You lean forward and she pushes your head down until your horn is pointing directly at her.
  1308. >Can't see shit captain.
  1309. >She better not be messing with the ring. Ok, she's messing with the ring!
  1310. >Alright you care now, you don't like this at all.
  1311. "Ra-mistress wait don't."
  1312. >"It's just until we get you home but I think that this will be effective for you especially."
  1313. >She turns the ring up to its absolute max.
  1314. >Wow wow wow! She's right, that's unpleasant.
  1315. >Sure you could break if it you really wanted, but somehow a show of open defiance seemed like a bad idea.
  1316. >It doesn't hurt per say, but having most of your magic cut off is amazingly not fun.
  1317. >Some say it's like losing a sense, like the world is muted or something. But it's worse than that.
  1318. >It's the feeling of vulnerability.
  1319. >A unicorns natural magical aura protects her from invasive or malicious spells and natural phenomena.
  1320. >For a caster of your caliber yours wards you against all kinds of magical surveillance subversion and subterfuge.
  1321. >Admittedly there wasn't really any of that to worry about here on earth, but after long enough it becomes second nature.
  1322. >Having your magic suppressed down to just enough to keep your heart beating (Unicorns are either miracles of evolution or disasters depending on who you ask) feels awful.
  1323. >You squirm in your seat and pull away from her before she makes it worse.
  1324. "Ohhh mistress come on! It's awful!"
  1325. >She strokes you back as you curl up into a tiny trembling purple ball of discomfort.
  1326. >"I'm sorry but you know there's always consequences."
  1327. >At some point the car starts moving towards its destination.
  1328. >Honestly nothing else matters but the magical hole in your brain right now.
  1329. >You were fairly sure at some point you'd been picked up and moved to the back seat.
  1330. >There's also something and soft draped over you.
  1331. >It's also breathing.
  1332. >You'd be grateful for the comfort but it's also her fault.
  1333. >Unsure of what to do you just whimper in distress.
  1334. >"Shhhhh it's ok I'm here. I know you don't like it but I'm here."
  1335. "Please turn it up..."
  1336. >"You know I can't. You'll be fine just relax."
  1337. >You do not in fact feel fine.
  1338. >Wow are we driving around in circles? This ride is taking forever.
  1339. >Rarity continues to rub you back and side soothingly.
  1340. >Pretty sure this counts as gentling or some other kind of manipulation.
  1341. >You love Rarity but it's gonna be nice to be home with Anon for a while. You know not worrying about your mental defenses constantly.
  1342. >She does still give good massages though.
  1343. >Too bad it's so hard to enjoy right now.
  1344. >Shit for a 30 minutes drive this is taking forever!
  1345. >Finally Rarity speaks up again.
  1346. >"Alright we're almost there so I'm going to turn it back down."
  1347. >Oh thank fuck!
  1348. >Wow, magic feels amazing as it flows back into you.
  1349. >The tension flows out of you. Your friend/masseuse sinks an inch lower as you relax underneath her.
  1350. >If only the rest of the girls were here to contribute to the pony pile.
  1351. >A quiet moment passes, Rarity climbs a little higher for a soft nuzzle.
  1352. >"I really am sorry. I don't like punishing you like this, but it would be doing a disservice not to."
  1353. "I know. I don't agree with you but I get it."
  1354. >"See you can be such a good girl."
  1355. >She gives you a friendly peck on the cheek before climbing off and stretching.
  1356. >Stretches sound great actually, good thing the back seat of this car is gigantic.
  1357. >"I think you learned a good lesson. Perhaps we can use that in the future instead of the brush."
  1358. >Ugh, you aren't even sure which is better. One makes your flanks burn, but the other fills your whole body with terror and just general wrongness.
  1359. >Is that a word? Wrongness? It's your own head who cares?
  1360. "Can't you just like, ground me or something?"
  1361. >She giggles then pinches your cheek with her magic and gives you a wink.
  1362. >"Nice tryyyyy. I doubt being told to stay home would work on you Twilight, that's what you'd do anyway."
  1363. >The clever plan has failed.
  1364. >"Not to worry though, we'll have plenty of time to figure out what works for you in the future!"
  1365. "How exciting..."
  1366. >A firm slap on your ass from her hoof sends you through the newly opened door at a swift canter.
  1367. >"Do try to contain your excitement. I'm here to drop you off, not train you here and now."
  1368. >Ok cantering right to the front door now. Gotta get away from that hoof of her, that hurt!
  1369. >The door unlocks automatically in range of your collar, but you wait for your friend. This is your last few minutes alone with her for at least a little while.
  1370. >That being said, you still make sure to position yourself so that she can't smack you again.
  1371. >You know, just in case.
  1372. >"Well, here we are. I'll let you speak with Anon about our little arrangement. Feel free to have him contact me or call me yourself when you've come to an agreement."
  1373. "Ok. I know we had our disagreements but it was still good to see you."
  1374. >You kick the ground awkwardly and break eye contact with her.
  1375. "And um, thank you for our little deal. I know you don't like it but it means a lot to me."
  1376. >"Oh, twilight I just don't want to lose you again. If I have to take a little backtalk from you, and you have to take a little discipline from me, then so be it. You're a good filly, you'll learn fast and we'll get through this one step at a time."
  1377. >You huge one last time before opening the door.
  1378. >Anon must be in his room or something.
  1379. >"I'll be on my way then, I already spoke with Anon a few hours ago."
  1380. "Ok drive safe, I'll talk to you soon."
  1381. >Rarity waves a goodbye and trots back towards her car.
  1382. >You'd only been with her for 3 days but it felt like much longer.
  1383. >Now where the hell is that stupid human?
  1384. >He's not in the living room, not in the kitchen, and surprisingly not in his room.
  1385. >You're standing in the foyer considering calling him when the front door opens. He must have been on a walk.
  1386. >And now he's just gonna stand there awkwardly like an idiot instead of saying something.
  1387. >Sure you'd left on somewhat strained terms last time. What with the whole "I can't be happy being your slave" speech you gave him. But he can still try to act normal.
  1388. >Idiot.
  1389. >You walk up to him, rear up on your hind legs and hold your forelegs up to him.
  1390. >He just kinda awkwardly catches your forehooves to keep you from falling.
  1391. >This guy.
  1392. "Up you idiot!"
  1393. >He always loved to carry you around like some kind of giant house cat but you rarely allowed it.
  1394. >This time it was ok though.
  1395. >Finally picking you up Anon wraps one arm under your forehooves and the other under your rump.
  1396. "I'm only going to say this once alright? Please... keep me..."
  1397. >He can't see you blushing when you're faced away from him like this, tactical genius on your part.
  1398. "I know I said I can't be happy as a slave, but you're really good to me and Rarity is my friend but she's really really strict and I'd still like to visit her but I still want to be yours and..."
  1399. >And he covered your mouth with his hand.
  1400. >"You're rambling again."
  1401. >Rude as fuck! You were talking there! You should lick his hand.
  1402. >Licking his hand has no effect but getting salty human taste on your tongue.
  1403. >He carries you over to his recliner and sits down, leaning you onto his chest.
  1404. >"So, you want to stay?"
  1405. >Bleh human taste, at least he removed his hand.
  1406. "Yes."
  1407. >"Things didn't go well with Rarity?"
  1408. "She's still my friend, but she's really messed up in the head... I think it would be safer for me to visit her than be owned by her."
  1409. >"Do you want to visit her a lot?"
  1410. >You scratch the back of your head awkwardly.
  1411. "Well, yes if possible master... She said she'd like to continue to rent me from time to time to continue to help with her company's R&D."
  1412. >It's kind of a favor to ask of him really.
  1413. >"I don't know Twi. I brought you to keep the house running smoothly and if you're gone all the time you can't do that."
  1414. >Shit! Time to pour on the charm.
  1415. >Squirming in his arms, you manage to turn around and lay belly to belly with him.
  1416. "Don't worry I'll keep up with the housework. I can pre-make meals for you, you'll just need to throw them in the oven. She may be messed up, but she's still my friend, and she really really needs me. Please Anon."
  1417. >You crawl up his chest to nuzzle into the small of his neck but he bats your head away instead.
  1418. >"Ok you little suckup. We can try but your performance to me comes first understand?"
  1419. "Yes yes yes! Anon, you won't notice a difference I swear!"
  1420. >You treat him to more close-range nuzzles.
  1421. >He's always been weak to physical affection.
  1422. >Partially because you play so hard to get, and partially because lonely nerds are easy to manipulate.
  1423. >Now that you'd know first hoof or anything. Cough cough.
  1424. >After a few more thanks, you spin back around and throw both hooves over the arm still wrapped around you.
  1425. >It's not a position you let him hold you in often, but it's a comfy one.
  1426. >He turns the TV on and you both settle in for a quiet night in.
  1427. >You tell him how your visit with Rarity went and he tells you about his last few days at work.
  1428. >When you get to the part about your lesson this morning he frowns and squeezes your seat with the hand supporting it.
  1429. >Once upon a time that would have made you shriek, but it's just Anon.
  1430. >"I thought you felt a little warm. Is it ok?"
  1431. >It's still embarrassing though.
  1432. "I'll live, she's can be about as tough as you."
  1433. >You squirm as he unexpectedly removes both arms and places them around your stomach.
  1434. >He picks you up and places you on all fours standing on his legs and facing away from him.
  1435. "Anon!"
  1436. >"I just want to make sure you're ok. Can I see?"
  1437. >Well at least he asked.
  1438. >You reluctantly agree but still, face away as he lifts the back of your dress.
  1439. >Pervy humans.
  1440. >You keep your tail clamped but thankfully he's only interested in your cheeks.
  1441. >"Ouch Twi, you sure you don't want an ice pack?"
  1442. >You let out a held breath as he drops the dress back into place.
  1443. "No sir it's fine. I've had worse."
  1444. >He pulls you back into your previous position on your back leaning against his chest.
  1445. >"I know you have but I still care if you need one now."
  1446. >You just shake your head and squirm into your comfy human seat.
  1447. >It's funny, back when you first got here something like that little scene would have sent you into a panic.
  1448. >You remember your first morning in Anon's care:
  1450. >Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck you've done it now!
  1451. >You were so nervous you just couldn't stop asking him questions even though he's clearly less of a morning person than you.
  1452. >When you hadn't stopped talking he'd left without saying a word. Did you upset him already?
  1453. >Master returns to the kitchen carrying something in his hand. He kneels in front of you and opens it.
  1454. >Oh no! Oh no, oh no, oh no! It's a ball gag!
  1455. >This is it! This is the part everyone warned you about!
  1456. >The part where he breaks his new slave in!
  1457. >you whimper and back away as he approaches you with it.
  1458. "Master no, please! I'm not ready!"
  1459. >He calmly reaches forward and secures the gag in your open mouth, mid protest.
  1460. >No no, please, you don't want the weird human dick!
  1461. >you told yourself you wouldn't cry but it's all happening so fast! It's just too much!
  1462. >Master gets up.
  1463. >Walks back over to the table.
  1464. >Sits down.
  1465. >And eats more cereal.
  1466. >"You can like run in a circle if it helps"
  1467. >You run in the best panicked circle he's ever seen.
  1469. >You never got him to tell you why he owns that ball gag.
  1470. >Either way he'd never used it again.
  1471. >And he'd never done what Rarity and all those other mares said he would.
  1472. >Now look at you snuggling into his chest and letting him lift your dress like it's no big deal.
  1473. >All those other mares were wrong.
  1474. >Anon just isn't like that.
  1475. >You'll let him see you like that because you trust him.
  1476. >Rarity may have had a horrible experience with her humans, but yours is different.
  1477. >There are many like him, but this one is yours.
  1478. >He's no knight in shining armor.
  1479. >He still has expectations of you, makes demands of you, and sure, isn't afraid to whip your flanks from time to time.
  1480. >But despite all that, right now he makes you feel safe.
  1481. >He isn't trying to change you, mold your mind, get inside you, or abuse you.
  1482. >That's probably why you fell asleep in his arms.
  1483. >You aren't sure why he brought you to his bed tonight instead of dropping you off in yours but it doesn't matter.
  1484. >Like he needs a queen size bed all to himself anyway.
  1485. >He's not as soft as your alabaster unicorn big spoon from last night but his bigger and stronger stature makes you feel even more secure.
  1486. >You slip back off to sleep once again.
  1488. >How you woke up lying directly across anon's face is a mystery for the ages.
  1489. >So you squirm in your sleep? That's not a crime.
  1490. >What is a crime is what sleeping on someone's face has done to your back.
  1491. >Also Anon picked you up off his face and threw you to the end of the bed.
  1492. >Probably thought you were a pillow.
  1493. >A really heavy purple pillow that squeals when you chunk it.
  1494. >"Ugh shit sorry Twi."
  1495. >You just pull up some covers and throw them over your head.
  1496. "This is pony abuse. I have rights."
  1497. >"Yeah, you have the right to come back up here."
  1498. >He grabs you by the hips and drags you back to the top of the bed.
  1499. >Having your head pulled out of your nice dark covers cave displeases you.
  1500. >The only rational course of action is to hiss at him.
  1501. >"Poor little snake horse."
  1502. >You will main him with your mighty snake horse fangs!
  1503. >As soon as he tries to turn you around you strike!
  1504. >"Eww cut it out."
  1505. >These cursed herbivore teeth have failed you once again!
  1506. >And now he's wiping the slobber on your coat. Rude.
  1507. >"I'd get the spray bottle for that if it wasn't so early."
  1508. >The threat of the bad pony spray bottle is enough to mildly improve your behavior.
  1509. >Or at least enough to make you quit struggling and accept your snugly fate.
  1510. >You're still defiant to the end though. You stick your head under the pillow so he can't play with your ears.
  1511. >Get outplayed.
  1512. >Without ears to play with his hands go straight for your chest fluff.
  1513. >This is lewd. You squirm but the strong arms and firm human chest offer no escape.
  1514. "Molestation!"
  1515. >Your voice is muffled by the pillow. Your lightly kicking hind leg also betrays your real feelings on the subject.
  1516. >Pulling your head out from under the pillow you twist your neck to give Anon a fierce glare.
  1517. >If only you had claws or fangs. But no you have to be a fragile helpless small horse.
  1518. >A small horse with a sharp horn but he's out of range of a good stabbing.
  1519. "You sure are grabby today."
  1520. >"Maybe I missed you?"
  1521. "Stupid handsy humans..." You mutter to yourself.
  1522. >He leaves his left hand working over your chest fluff while the right roams to your stomach and side.
  1523. >Any other human running their hands all over would give you a panic attack but it's just Anon.
  1524. >He's handled pretty much every square inch of you plenty of times before.
  1525. >It's still lewd.
  1526. >Early morning pampering is nice though.
  1527. >At least until you squirm a bit too much and get poked in the butt by HIS early morning.
  1528. >Nope nope nope nope nope.
  1529. >"Whops."
  1530. >He puts an arm under your hind legs and slides you up and away from it.
  1531. "Not gonna say you're sorry?"
  1532. >"Not for being a guy."
  1533. >Grumble grumble vague stabbing thread.
  1534. >Can't really blame him though.
  1535. >You squirmed, it's not like he was trying to poke you with it.
  1536. >Not the first time either. Struggle snuggles were a fairly common game for the two of you especially in the winter (Get a new heater you cheapskate!).
  1537. "You know if Rarity saw this she'd have a fit."
  1538. >"Whys that?"
  1539. "She's just convinced it's a matter of time before you try to rape me."
  1540. >That must have shocked him, his arms stiffen around you.
  1541. >"What? But why? Me and her got along pretty well I thought..."
  1542. >He sounds hurt just by the accusation. You reach up and rub the arm buried in your chest fluff soothingly.
  1543. "It's not you. She's had a rough past, that's why she needs me. I told her you aren't like that, that you're sweet, but she doesn't believe it."
  1544. >That seems to relax him. He goes back to his previous scratching, though a bit less aggressively.
  1545. >"Thanks for standing up for me."
  1546. >He runs his right hand over your cutie mark as a reward making you groan loudly.
  1547. >Oh shit that's good! The deep scratches soothe your aching muscles.
  1548. >He chuckles at your pleasure. Maybe he knows how to mess with you a little too well.
  1549. >Eventually he stops and you can speak again.
  1550. "That's not fair."
  1551. >"You're just so cute when I do that."
  1552. >Good thing you're facing away from him so he can't see the blush.
  1553. "Anon."
  1554. >"Hmm?"
  1555. "Did you ever think about mating with me?"
  1556. >"Sounds like Rarity got you worried?"
  1557. "No no, I trust you. Rarity is just so convinced, and all the other mares at the auction said it was what all human males did. I was so scared when a man bought me but then you never tried anything. I'm thankful but, why?"
  1558. >"They aren't wrong. A lot of guys do that stuff, some even buy ponies specifically for their beds. I umm... I mean I'm a guy, I've had thoughts-"
  1559. >Hmm maybe shouldn't have had this conversation with his raging morning wood pointed right at your vulnerable lower lips...
  1560. >"But I knew it would hurt you. Hurt you in a way where things would never be the same. Even if you consented like some I wouldn't feel right, there's just too much power difference between slave and master. Besides I really like what we have now, I like you the way you are. Even the day I met you you were different. You were nervous, like all the other mares, but you didn't hide in your cage you were responsive and inquisitive."
  1561. >Yes keep singing your praises.
  1562. >"I mean yeah you've got a cute flank too but I get enough of that when you're acting up."
  1563. >Ok squeaking now! He just grabbed a huge handful of flank and squeezed it!
  1564. "Anon!"
  1565. >The husky whisper in your ear catches you by surprise.
  1566. >"Why? Do you want to be my mate..."
  1567. >Oh Celestia! Dominating yet caring! down hormones down!
  1568. >Thankfully you don't have time to answer before he laughs and releases your cheek with a light slap.
  1569. >"Just messing with you."
  1570. >You huff in righteous anger.
  1571. "I'm starting estrus, don't mess with me like that..."
  1572. >You aren't panting. Only a slut would be panting right now.
  1573. >"Naughty little pony gets herself worked up?"
  1574. "You were grabbing my ass!"
  1575. >"Do you want me to do it again?"
  1576. >Just say no! It's so easy! Why aren't you saying no?
  1577. >Shit shit shit you took too long! Oh god don't squirm! You have more dignity than this!
  1578. "Anon please..."
  1579. >You barely manage to pant out the plea.
  1580. >Twitching is all you can do as he marehandles your rump and pins you tight to his chest!
  1581. >He laughs again but finally does as you asked.
  1582. >Of course you'd been asking him to stop cough cough.
  1583. >Why on earth would you want him to keep going? It's not like you gonna make a mess on his sheets if he doesn't stop.
  1584. >Perhaps sensing you're at your limit he reaches over and throws the covers off the two of you.
  1585. >Just like that your flush overheating body is attacked by the cold bedroom air.
  1586. >Things get even more chaotic when Anon gives you a firm enough slap to make you jump all the way out of his bed!
  1587. >"Get out of here you purple perv. Go take a cold shower. It's Saturday and I've got plans besides teasing you."
  1588. "Ugh fuck you Anon!"
  1589. >You hear him laugh as you dash out of the room.
  1590. >What an asshole, your body's on fire now with no relief in sight.
  1591. >You swing by your bedroom to pick up your two favorite rubber horse cocks.
  1592. >Yeah you have dildos, Dusty didn't always live next door.
  1593. >Fuck his cold shower, this one's going right up your ass and you're going to enjoy it!
  1594. >And you're gonna think of dusty while you do it! Not him!
  1596. (Masturbation scene not included ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
  1599. >The look he gives you from the table makes you suspect he MIGHT know what you did.
  1600. >"45-minute shower huh?"
  1601. "I like... the shower..."
  1602. >He walks over to you and picks you up under the forelegs.
  1603. >He gives you a little shake making your lower legs swing in a particularly carefree manner.
  1604. >Ok maybe you're feeling a little loose and relaxed, that proves nothing.
  1605. >"Do I need to get Dusty?"
  1606. "No no, I'm good."
  1607. >Dropping you back down onto all fours, he shakes his head.
  1608. >"I thought I was supposed to be the perv."
  1609. "You did start it."
  1610. >"How was I supposed to know you'd be so weird about it?"
  1611. "I put my estrus on the calendar."
  1612. >"You did? I don't read that and that's really weird."
  1613. >Wow rude, but who cares? You're wayyyyyy too relaxed right now to be bothered by his attitude.
  1614. "It's so kind understanding masters can avoid teasing poor lonely vulnerable slaves."
  1615. >"You get laid more than I do."
  1616. "That says something about one of us..."
  1617. >He grabs your horn and slowly turns you in a small circle.
  1618. >You know what's coming, but it's worth it.
  1619. >The spank makes you jump and squeak but it's more of a warning slap.
  1620. >Either that or you're still riding your endorphin high and he can spank all day for all you care.
  1621. >"Sassy today huh? Must have build up at Rarity's. Just eat your breakfast."
  1622. >It's no gourmet breakfast cooked by cherry, but there's something nice about the casual atmosphere.
  1623. "So, what's the plan?"
  1624. >"I actually don't have work to catch up on for once. I was thinking we could hit a movie."
  1625. "Wonderwoman!"
  1626. >"Why did I know you'd pick that one."
  1627. "Because it's about female empowerment and you know you need that in your life?"
  1628. >He lightly grabs your ear and gives it a light tug.
  1629. >"Yeah, because you need more empowerment."
  1630. "No bully, please. Ow."
  1631. >He releases it and gives you a head rub.
  1632. >"You remember the deal?"
  1633. "Yeah yeah I'm your service pony. Pony tickets are super cheap any way you know."
  1634. >"And service animals are super free."
  1635. "Yeah but I have to sit in your lap."
  1636. >"Like you don't love it."
  1637. >He didn't win this argument you just choose not to engage him further.
  1638. >"Go get your service vest and let's go."
  1639. >You trot back towards your room to find the vest.
  1640. >Movies are usually a rare treat. He's being unusually kind, maybe you should go away more often.
  1641. >You find the emotional support animal vest and throw it on, no idea where he got this.
  1642. "I still say this is immoral."
  1643. >"Whatever you look adorable. Why the glasses though?"
  1644. >You adjust your reading glasses.
  1645. "Duh, I'm a psychologist service pony."
  1646. >He throws his hands up in surrender and motions for you to follow him.
  1647. >Silly humans.
  1649. >You buckle yourself into the passenger seat and pull out your clipboard.
  1650. >Subject: Mr. Anonymous
  1651. >Age: 26
  1652. >Occupation: IT Security
  1653. >Adjusting your glasses you turn to your patient.
  1654. "Now Mr. Anonymous, when did these feelings of inadequacy begin?"
  1655. >He gives you a confused look.
  1656. >"You really brought a clipboard?
  1657. "How else would I psychoanalyze you?"
  1658. >"You know most service animals just sit there and look cute."
  1659. >He takes his eyes off the road and runs them up and down you. It kinda makes you self conscience.
  1660. >"I guess you haven't totally failed at that."
  1661. >Ha still got it!
  1662. "Flattery will get you everywhere sir but you still can't avoid the question."
  1663. >He stops at a stoplight and grabs your clipboard out of your magical grip!
  1664. "Hey!"
  1665. >He holds you at bay with one arm while he skims the papers.
  1666. >Stupid short pony arms! You wiggle them in frustration in his general direction.
  1667. >"Questionable moral compass? Repressed ponysexual tendencies? Really Twi?"
  1668. >Crap he wasn't supposed to read that thing.
  1669. >You'd been messing around earlier but the papers were real.
  1670. >You were actually board-certified back in Equestria. Clinically analyzing his personality and disposition had helped you understand him in the past.
  1671. >He didn't seem upset though just genuinely curious, maybe being honest would be best here.
  1672. "I know a lot about psychology ok? It helps me understand humans sometimes."
  1673. >"Yeah but moral compass and ponysexual?"
  1674. "Don't look at me! You own a slave and just had your hands all over her flanks!"
  1675. >He keeps driving but keeps his eyes on the road.
  1676. >"Weren't you just telling Rarity I was sweet?"
  1677. "You are sweet. It's not an insult."
  1678. >You lean over the console and place a hoof on his shoulder.
  1679. "You said you had thought about me that way but you didn't think it would be right. That's all It means. That you sometimes find ponies attractive but you don't act on it."
  1680. >"But you think I'm a bad person."
  1681. >It wasn't a question.
  1682. "Well... Yes and no? I think it takes quite a bit of moral 'flexibility' to own someone. But I also think you're the best thing that could have happened to me in my situation.
  1683. >You move back to your own seat.
  1684. "Besides I also gave you kind and reasonable if you'd bothered to keep reading."
  1685. >"And strict."
  1686. "Come on, you can't really argue with that one."
  1687. >"Well maybe if someone quit giving me a reason to have to spank her cute butt."
  1688. >He reaches over and pokes you right in the nose as you blush.
  1689. >Et tu Brute? First Rarity and now him.
  1690. "I'm well behaved..."
  1691. >That didn't come out quite as strong as you wanted, more of an embarrassed mumble.
  1692. >"Most the time, yeah."
  1693. >You twist your tail around to be between him and your backside.
  1694. >If he notices the defensive measure he says nothing and continues driving.
  1695. >After a quiet moment of contemplating your flank's mortality he speaks again.
  1696. >"I don't like hurting you. You know what right?
  1697. "Don't worry I believe you. Rarity would agree it's for my own good anyway."
  1698. >"Maybe she's onto something."
  1699. >You know neither of them does it for fun, but you still disagree.
  1700. >Celestia herself had stopped using discipline like this in your early teens. No chance in Tartarus Rarity or Anon knew better than her.
  1701. >This isn't the time to argue though. Not when this week's been going so well so far.
  1702. "Maybe... But I'm still recovering from her brand of 'good for me' so be gentle!"
  1703. >He laughs and uses another stoplight as an excuse to take his eyes off the road and hands off the wheel.
  1704. >Off the wheel and right to pinching your poor cheeks!
  1705. >"Don't worry you've been such a good respectful girl since I got you back."
  1706. >No no no!
  1707. >You slap one hand away with a hoof and bite at the other!
  1708. >No treating you like a foal!
  1709. >"Still a little feisty, but no harm done."
  1710. >Easy for him to say. Your face stings a bit now.
  1711. >What a jerk.
  1712. >The next time his parents come by you're going to tattle on him.
  1713. >They'll give him a hard time for bullying their precious only grandchild.
  1714. >Your scheming is interrupted when he parks the car. Oh here already.
  1715. >"Leave the clipboard."
  1716. >Spoilsport. You throw it back into the car.
  1717. >It's like he doesn't want to be psychoanalyzed for some reason.
  1718. >You do it in your head anyway.
  1719. >'Subject is a tool.'
  1720. >The internal roasting continues as you follow him to the ticket booth.
  1721. >Blah blah "Service pony something something".
  1722. >That's your cue, you turn broadside and strike a cute pose to show off your vest.
  1723. >Somehow it works. He should really just buy a pony ticket, cheapskate.
  1724. >One big bucket of popcorn later and the two of you walk into the theater.
  1725. >There are two problems with watching a movie with Anon.
  1726. >#1 You don't get your own seat.
  1727. >You can either sit on the floor or sit in his lap.
  1728. >Since you're here to see this movie there's really only one choice there.
  1729. >It's not like sitting in Anon's lap is new to you but that's usually in the privacy of your own home.
  1730. >Bitter old women disapprove of the unholy union of man and beast.
  1731. >Even if it's just sitting and nothing crazy like they imagine.
  1732. >Their issue and not yours.
  1733. >Problem #2 however is your issue.
  1734. >With Anons arms busy holding you it's up to you to hold the popcorn bucket.
  1735. >No big deal but Anon refuses to let you use magic in the theater, something about too much light.
  1736. >No magic, no hooves, and lots of buttery popcorn.
  1737. >It's getting in your face one way or another.
  1738. >Bottom line is that's how you ended up in Anon's lap being hand-fed.
  1739. >If he fails to alternate between feeding the two of you he's gonna get a biting and he knows it.
  1740. >Movie is great is the good news.
  1741. >Bad news is you've overestimated Anon's desire to feed you.
  1742. >You shake your head back and forth trying to avoid the popcorn he's offering you.
  1743. >Too much! You're going to pop!
  1744. >Ugh, he just keeps poking your closed mouth with it.
  1745. >You relent and let him cram it in.
  1746. >Ha, lewd.
  1747. >Oh gods another piece, he must be getting some sick pleasure out of this. Might as well embrace it.
  1748. >Yes tiny human, this pleases your pony god! Bring me Solo and the Wookie!
  1749. >Tragically, the movie finally comes to an end.
  1750. >Anon only had to keep you from cheering 3 times all in all.
  1751. >In Equestria when you like a play you cheer, just because they can't hear you here doesn't make a difference to you.
  1752. >He gets up to leave but your sleeping legs and bloated belly make following Anon quickly an issue.
  1753. >Guess who's getting carried through the parking lot now?
  1754. >Best to just pretend you're a royal princess and he's your loyal servant.
  1755. "So Anon what did we learn from the film?"
  1756. >"That you'll gorge yourself until you can't walk if hand fed."
  1757. >He wiggles his fingers above your exposed belly.
  1758. >That son of a bitch better mess with you! You swear to Celestial you'll bite his finger off or vomit all over him, either or.
  1759. >Fucker! You violently swing all four hooves to keep him at bay.
  1760. "I will make a scene right here!"
  1761. >"Nah I don't think you will because you know the consequences."
  1762. >He's right.
  1763. >You'd made a big scene in the parking lot just a bit after he'd first bought you.
  1764. >He'd only took you as far as the back seat of the car before putting you over his lap and teaching you a painful lesson.
  1765. >"Don't you?"
  1766. >Normally you'd just ignore him but you feel strangely compelled to answer.
  1767. "Yes sir..."
  1768. >"Wow, good girl."
  1769. >He's arrived at the car now. He flips you back over and gives you a light toss.
  1770. >You hit the ground with a graceful if sluggish hop and slip around to the passenger door before climbing in.
  1771. "Thanks for today."
  1772. >"When did Rarity have time to teach you all these manners? You're very welcome, you've been very good."
  1773. >Some odd impulse in the back of your mind twitches at the praise, wow that feels great.
  1774. >He gives you a scratch and heads home.
  1776. >The drive and afternoon are uneventful.
  1777. >You spend a few hours refreshing yourself on your favorite activity.
  1778. >Shitpositing.
  1779. >So many (You)'s. Humans are too easy.
  1780. >That and the few games you play remind you how much you missed your laptop while you were gone.
  1781. >Maybe you can take it with you next time.
  1782. >Ugh you're already feeling sleepy and it's only midnight.
  1783. >Guess that's what happens when someone wakes you up early.
  1784. >You make a quick trip to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before bed.
  1785. >Hmm there's some light coming from Anon's room still.
  1786. >Usually he's out by 10 or 11 since he has to be up early for work.
  1787. >With the door already cracked it's easy to sneak in.
  1788. >He's in his bed looking at his phone.
  1789. >Probably playing some casual mobile game.
  1790. >Casual filth must be punished.
  1791. >You stealth over to the bed. He doesn't seem to notice.
  1792. >Either you're a master ninja or he's really really distracted.
  1793. >You manage to sneak yourself under the sheets at the back and slowly move your way up.
  1794. >Time to strike!
  1795. >You burst out of the covers with a mighty roar!
  1796. >Only for him to swiftly turn and grab you!
  1797. >Abort abort!
  1798. >It's too late he's got you!
  1799. >"Think your sneaky huh?"
  1800. "Release me!"
  1801. >The usual strategy of flailing limbs is thwarted when he pins you tightly against him, chest to chest.
  1802. >Oh boy why is he not wearing a shirt?
  1803. >Keep it together girl it's no big deal.
  1804. >Why does it feel like a big deal? You've never reacted like this to Anon before.
  1805. >"Your own bed not good enough anymore?"
  1806. "It is, it is! Let me go! my body pillows need me!"
  1807. >"You mean your Princess Celestia daki?"
  1808. "She's very snuggly!"
  1809. >There's nothing wrong with missing your mentor.
  1810. >"Uh-huh, yeah, sure it is. Remember, that time I walked in on you and it with the strapo-"
  1811. "That's enough out of you!"
  1812. >You manage to reach up and plug his mouth with a hoof before he says something stupid.
  1813. >That clearly never happened and he's delusional.
  1814. >"Little pervert."
  1815. "It was estrus leave me alone."
  1816. >"The stallions must love that. I wish human women had a season to get extra horny."
  1817. "I'm sure they do and I'm sure you would. Typical males."
  1818. >You struggle against his chest but he holds you firm.
  1819. >You're used to being spooned but this chest to bare human chest is really more than you bargained for.
  1820. >Some tiny primal part of your instincts tells you to lean in for a sniff.
  1821. >Another strangely louder part says to make master happy.
  1822. >Another says buck off you two we gotta get the fuck out of here.
  1823. >"We're gonna have to call Dusty. I'm sure he can help you out again. Just you know, no babies."
  1824. >Ok you really don't need him talking about you being impregnated right now!
  1825. "Just shut up. I'm not a filly I know how to be safe."
  1826. >No spell is 100% failure proof though. Genetic incompatibility on the other hoof...
  1827. >Ugh fuck off brain!
  1828. >Both the lack of your usual fight and your heavy breathing tip him off to your inner turmoil.
  1829. >He runs a comforting hand up and down your spine until he accidentally bumps into your tail.
  1830. >Your tail that usually isn't that high.
  1831. >Anon is clueless with girls usually but even he knows it's a naughty sign.
  1832. >So of course the tool things it's funny.
  1833. >"Twilight Sparkle, just what has gotten into you?"
  1834. "Shut up..."
  1835. >"Lifting your tail in bed?"
  1836. "Shut up!"
  1837. >"If I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to seduce me."
  1838. "Shut uppp AH!!"
  1839. >Oh shit he grabbed your whole cheek!
  1840. >Oh gods don't massage it! Luna help he's kneading it like dough!
  1841. >Your legs twitch and your whole body trembles as your pants and pleads get more and more desperate!
  1842. "An-on! Please ah AHH stop please!"
  1843. >Instead of reaches his other hand underneath you and attacks your other cheek!
  1844. >Shit shit shit it feels so good but it's so wrong!
  1845. >You can only bury your face in his chest and try not to pant like a dog in heat!
  1846. >Please stop! Please don't stop!
  1847. >The vicious mare handling only gets worse as he really digs his fingers into your sensitive rear!
  1848. >"This is what naught fillies get, a good teasing!"
  1849. >You can't take much more!
  1850. >"Like you're always teasing me with this naked butt all over the house!"
  1851. "I thought YOU OH didn't want to AH FUCK ME!"
  1852. >"Well you're right I don't. You're in no position to consent to that."
  1853. >You feel like you've been issued a challenge.
  1854. >"That doesn't mean you can't at least cover up you cute little slut!"
  1855. >You're going to make a mess if he doesn't stop!
  1856. >Dusty's been balls deep inside of you and not gotten you this hot! WTF is going on?
  1857. >And now you're his cute little slut?!? Fuck why does that sound so good?
  1858. "I'll wear whatever you want, please!"
  1859. >You shameless hump at the empty air behind you! Can't take it anymore!
  1860. >"So I can dress you up?"
  1861. "YES!"
  1862. >"Maid outfit?"
  1863. "YES, PLEASE!"
  1864. >"Schoolgirl uniform!"
  1866. >Ripping the covers off he picks you up so fast your head spins!
  1867. >Before you know it he's got you held under one arm facing backward with tail held high.
  1868. >"You're a little temptress today that's for sure!"
  1869. >The fingers are gone! Why are the fingers gone? AH!
  1870. >Your question is soon answered as he applies several rapid light spanks to your exposed backside!
  1871. >Not nearly enough to really hurt but enough to fan the flames between your legs!
  1872. >He's got to either quit teasing you or fuck you before your head explodes!
  1873. "ANONNNNN!"
  1874. >He stops.
  1875. >Holds you out in front of him.
  1876. >Opens the door.
  1877. >And drops you outside.
  1878. >You instinctively fall into a mounting stance with your head lowered and rump raised.
  1879. >Since he'd put you down facing him it probably just looks like bowing.
  1880. >"We'll call Dusty tomorrow if we have to. Go play with your toys."
  1881. >Fucking asshole. All he had to do was fuck your asshole!
  1882. >Doors already closed.
  1883. >Fuck that guy.
  1884. >You stumble to your room and pull out every dildo you own.
  1885. >This ones going in here! This ones going in there! This one's also going in there!
  1886. >Double pen! Triple pen! quadra pen?
  1887. >It's all quickly lost in a haze of over-stimulation panting sweat and delirium.
  1888. >At some point it occurs to you this reaction is far from normal, you've been horny before but nothing like this.
  1889. >Too bad your newly enchanted automatic dildo brigade drives the thought far from your conscious mind a minute later.
  1890. >Pretty sure your Celestia daki got involved at some point or three.
  1891. >Or was that a life-sized Celestia illusion?
  1892. >Hopefully you'd dreamed one or both of those parts.
  1893. >Either way he's was getting his face perforated tomorrow for putting you through this shit!
  1895. >That's right, you gotta stab Anon.
  1896. >Gotta roll out of bed first though.
  1897. >Oh gods everything is sore. Places you didn't know could be sore are sore.
  1898. >Your bed is a smelly mess of dildos and dakimakuras.
  1899. >Well ok it's actually just the one daki, and she's wearing the strapon...
  1900. >No time for repressed issues right now. You've gotta go end your owner.
  1901. >You manage to roll off the bed and land on all four hooves without falling over. This is a triumph.
  1902. >Maybe not though, standing just reminds you how sore everything is.
  1903. >Legs, butt, vag, throat, neck, back you name it.
  1904. >What the hell even happened? Estrus had never hit you like that before.
  1905. >You manage to stumble to the shower and fall in.
  1906. >Warm water rinsing off the sweat and filth feels amazing.
  1907. >You just lay on your side and close your eyes for a few minutes.
  1908. >Let's review:
  1909. >You went to Anon's room to mess with him.
  1910. >He'd caught you and teased you again.
  1911. >For some reason you got wetter than a school filly for him.
  1912. >Like ok he's nice and he isn't ugly but the reaction was extreme.
  1913. >He'd thrown you out of his room without fucking you and you'd gone to your room and done it yourself.
  1914. >Crap you should probably be thankful to him.
  1915. >You had really been out of it.
  1916. >Literally lifting your tail and dripping all over his bed and he hadn't slept with you.
  1917. >Either he's gay or has some degree of actual morals.
  1918. >You'd seen his porn stash, so one of those things are out.
  1919. >Side note: he's a butt man, can't really blame him.
  1920. >You pat your own generous flank with a hoof. Butts are great.
  1921. >You relax in the warm water for a few more minutes.
  1922. >This is running up the water bill but you've decided you're worth it.
  1923. >There's only so much hot water though.
  1924. >You sit up and start to actually wash yourself.
  1925. >Ow, ok yeah, might have pulled a muscle there.
  1926. >Nothing a quick medical magic scan can't identify.
  1927. >Slight pull there, a little bruising in there ouch, that will recover soon enough, oh, and a small magical WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?!?
  1928. >You resist the urge to blast the small magical aberration.
  1929. >It could be dangerous to remove. Even if it's not you'll never know what it is if you don't examine it first.
  1930. >This still makes you panicky as fuck. A spell implanted on your brain could be doing all kinds of crazy stuff.
  1931. >It's ok you just have to relax.
  1932. >It doesn't look like a curse, the structure is all wrong.
  1933. >Some kind of enchantment? Maybe an amateur compulsion.
  1934. >It's definitely designed to influence you.
  1935. >The fact that it's failing to block your perception of it points to a rookie job.
  1936. >Still it's hard to say exactly what it's doing.
  1937. >It could be linked to your inhibitions based on its locations, which would make the most sense, but it could hit several other spots instead.
  1938. >Pleasure center? There's just not enough data.
  1939. >Normally you'd be more careful with this sort of thing.
  1940. >Have another unicorn oversee its removal, do personality and brain diagnostics etcetera.
  1941. >You don't have that luxury on Earth.
  1942. >You blast it with purifying magic. Thankfully it dissipates almost instantly.
  1943. >No noticeable difference, that's probably a good sign but it's hard to say.
  1944. >You let your mind wander as you lather your coat up with shampoo.
  1945. >You've been around a few other unicorns lately but only one with the motivation and opportunity to plant a spell in you.
  1946. >Rarity is like a big sister to you. You trust her with your life, rather literally lately, but she's definitely the one behind this.
  1947. >Where had she learned such a thing?
  1948. >The spell work was clearly amateur, it's possible she made it up herself.
  1949. >Why try and compel you though? To make you more docile?
  1950. >It fits her M.O.
  1951. >First she'd tried gentling, then disciplining, now compelling.
  1952. >You get that she doesn't want to lose you but, damn girl, just chill.
  1953. >You try not to get too lost in your thoughts.
  1954. >Anon bugs you about the water bill sometimes so go ahead and finish up.
  1955. >It's nice to feel cleaner and slightly less sore but nows the time for food. Worrying about dangerous spells can come after a full stomach.
  1956. >Maybe something wholesome like fruit for once, lord knows you lost a lot of valuable fluids last night.
  1957. >You trot to the kitchen with only a slight wobble to your gait.
  1958. >Oh yeah, he would be here too.
  1959. >"Wow bright and early huh?"
  1960. >You look at the clock. 9:43 pretty early for you.
  1961. "I was tired after someone teased the shit out of me."
  1962. >"I thought I was a gentleman."
  1963. "Well. Kinda I guess."
  1964. >This is awkward.
  1965. "Thanks for not umm you know."
  1966. >"'Mating' you?"
  1967. >Just because you chose the word mate that one time he's always gonna use it now isn't he?
  1968. >Not that it's inaccurate but it's very... animalistic. It's probably insulting on some level.
  1969. >At least he didn't use 'breeding'.
  1970. "Yeah, that."
  1971. >"Well I'm glad you aren't mad at me. It's not that I don't think you're pretty, I just don't think it's a good idea. Realistically I have too much power over you for me to be comfortable with it. That and you didn't seem like yourself last night. Are you ok now, or should we call Dusty?"
  1972. "No, I'm good. I can... appreciate your moral concerns, it's actually somewhat noble."
  1973. >He's not wrong that a lot of slaves would do anything to make their lives a little less miserable.
  1974. >Even if that means raising a tail for someone you don't really want.
  1975. >Still there's good reason for you to stay mad at him!
  1976. "I could have done without the teasing though!"
  1977. >"Alright I got a little carried away. But you're the one that climbed in my bed with a hiked tail."
  1978. >What male wouldn't be receptive to that?
  1979. "Fine. I'm sorry too. I just wanted to mess with you then my body got so out of control so fast."
  1980. >Your ears flatten and you look away in embarrassment.
  1981. >"I'd say we're even. Looks like you've cooled off now, estrus already over?"
  1982. "No it's not, but I've made it more manageable with a few spells, and like you said last night wasn't natural. I was doing some magical scans in the shower and found... something. It was a spell of some sort, some kind of compulsion. I think Rarity put it there to make me more receptive or docile or something. I'm not really sure yet."
  1983. >"She did what? Is that legal?"
  1984. "I doubt it but then again there are very few free magic users."
  1985. >"She shouldn't have done that without telling me. I told her she was allowed to discipline, I don't get this magic stuff. Are you ok now?"
  1986. >You don't really get the difference in using magic or brushes to reach the same end goal but like he said he doesn't understand magic that well.
  1987. "I purged it so I think so but this is kind of a big deal. Forced mind magic like that would get her arrested or even banished back in Equestria and she's an amateur at it on top of that. She could seriously hurt someone if just one thing goes wrong. Maybe keep an eye on me for the next few days? If I'm acting too strangely something else might be messed up."
  1988. >"So she put you in danger. If it's that serious I can take a vacation day or two to watch you. I've got too many built up anyway."
  1989. >Ok that's actually kinda sweet. Then again it's also protecting his investment. All a matter of perspective really.
  1990. >Your stomach grumbles and reminds you of why you came to the kitchen.
  1991. >Aw yeah you forgot you got all these peaches the other day.
  1992. >The sweet juice and vitamins are just what you need to replenish your depleted fluids.
  1993. "So if you're going to take time off what are we going to do?"
  1994. >"As much as I hate to say it it's been too long since I've visited my parents."
  1995. "Grandma and grandpa's house!?!"
  1996. >You hop in place in excitement!
  1997. >"They aren't your grandparents!"
  1998. "Oh yes, they are. You're just jealous they love me more than you."
  1999. >"No it's just weird they spoil you, you aren't my kid."
  2000. "I mean I kinda am."
  2001. >"No your not!"
  2002. "You sorta treat me like it."
  2003. >"No I don't! And even if I do that's not the point!"
  2004. >Yes he does, and yes it is.
  2006. >Grandma and Grandpa's house is amazing.
  2007. >You eat all the cookies you can shove in your muzzle.
  2008. >Grandma takes you dress shopping while grandpa and Anon go fishing.
  2009. >She'd even knitted you some comfy socks.
  2010. >It's help you almost forget your worries about the whole spell incident.
  2011. >Anon was a spoilsport about the whole thing but that's fine. He's still keeping a close eye on you, you can tell.
  2012. >You're still going to take every opportunity to relax you can.
  2013. >Why yes I will take Anon's childhood bedroom and let him sleep on the couch.
  2014. >Of course I'll have a third serving of ice cream while Anon shoots me daggers.
  2015. >He wasn't usually too strict about it but he did sometimes limit your sweets intake at home, didn't want you getting fat he said.
  2016. >Rude. It's not his body... well ok maybe it technically is since it legally belongs to him.
  2017. >Not the point. You just want some ice cream sandwiches!
  2018. >Fortunately grandpa overrides Anon in the human authority tier list so you get pretty much everything you want!
  2019. >Speak of Anon he just returned from working on some shed outside.
  2020. >He looks exhausted. You give him a smug wave from your spot curled up in the recliner with grandma.
  2021. >The two of you are watching TV while she manicures your hooves. According to her they aren't too different from nails.
  2022. >It's the closest thing you've had to a spa visit in years and it's glorious.
  2023. >"Mom come on you're going to spoil her."
  2024. >"Oh hush. My poor little baby is sick!"
  2025. >Anon sighs and drops his tools. He'd explained to his parents a little about the incident. What they took from it was that you were sick and needed extra pampering.
  2026. >They were of course correct.
  2027. >"She's not sick she's fine!"
  2028. >"Did you take her to the doctor?"
  2029. >Doctor not vet, damn right.
  2030. >"No because someone hates the vet. It's a weird magic thing anyway they wouldn't help."
  2031. >You nuzzle into grandma's scratching hand and yawn, she's the best human.
  2032. >"See you work this little darling too hard Anon."
  2033. >"She's not little, shes an adult! It's her job!"
  2034. >"Nonsense. Is he always this mean to you sweetie?"
  2035. >Oh man you should throw him under the bus. She'd give him such a lecture.
  2036. >Let it be know you are merciful.
  2037. "Well... he can be a little strict sometimes-"
  2038. >He's shooting you a glare that promises a lesson in strictness if you keep going.
  2039. "-but I guess he's ok."
  2040. >"Honestly Anon you bring this cute innocent little thing home then you work her to death. It's just wrong."
  2041. >"Yeah she realllly looks worn out..."
  2042. >You roll onto your back and play dead.
  2043. >It gets a neck tickle from grandma and a groan from Anon.
  2045. >Unfortunately your time with Anon's parents has to draw to a close eventually
  2046. >It may have only been two days but it really made you feel better.
  2047. "I wish we could have stayed longer."
  2048. >"Yeah I'm sure you do. I've gotta get back to work tomorrow and if I let them spoil you any longer you'll be completely useless."
  2049. "Yeah right. I'll keep the house running as smooth as always. What would you ever do without me?"
  2050. >"On the downside I'd eat more instant food. On the plus side I'd save a lot of effort not having to motivate a certain lazy purple freeloader."
  2051. "Hey I do a good job!"
  2052. >"I've only got like 2 clean work shirts right now Twi."
  2053. "And you only need one. When was the last time you ran out of shirts?"
  2054. >"A few weeks ago when I didn't have one for my date and I had to turn your seat bright red."
  2055. >Shit that's right.
  2056. "Well... I've been doing better."
  2057. >He reaches over and ruffles your mane.
  2058. >"I think I have Rarity to thank for that. Evil mind magic aside you've been much more motivated since you got back."
  2059. >He means well with the statement but it makes your collar feel heavier all the sudden.
  2060. "Please don't say that..."
  2061. >"Why? Whats wrong?"
  2062. "She's my friend and I love her but what she wants isn't me. What she wants is a slave that looks like Twilight Sparkle but acts like all her others. I'm slowly getting through to her but she wants more than obedience, she wants dominance."
  2063. >"You don't think that's a little dramatic? Sure she wants you to be a little more formal but she still seems to care about you."
  2064. "I hope so. Sometimes she just makes me feel so small, and then she tried to plant a compulsion in me? Did I tell you she threatened to have me spayed? Her company does it to all their ponies, it's terrifying."
  2065. >You rub a hoof over your abdomen just at the thought. Babies are cute, please don't take yours away forever.
  2066. >"I've heard of some people doing that yeah, seems a bit extreme to me. You're mine though not hers. Even if I let her borrow you she can't do that to you ok?"
  2067. "Yeah. Thanks."
  2068. >It's odd being comforted by a reminder that someone owns you but it still reassures you. He'll protect you.
  2069. >What an odd knight in shining armor to have to rely on.
  2070. >"Do you still want to go back to her then? The money is nice but I'm not going to make you."
  2071. "Yes. She still needs me, she needs a friend. She's going to give me time to give her real honest feedback without having to be afraid. I know I can get through to her, I know she's still the pony I remember somewhere in there."
  2072. >"Just catch up the housework and have her pick a time then. And listen, if you ever feel unsafe with her just call me ok? she's allowed to discipline you but she can't do anything I wouldn't."
  2073. >You nod.
  2074. >He's still your jailor but one you know you can trust.
  2075. >You've just gotta catch up on the housework, setup a new date with Rarity and gently explain mind control magic is wrong without getting further mind raped.
  2076. >Oh boy.
  2078. >Ding Dong!
  2079. >Sounds like your date with destiny has arrived.
  2080. >You and Anon's trip to grandma and grandpa's house was just 3 days ago.
  2081. >As agreed upon you'd worked your cute purple tail off getting the house in tip top shape.
  2082. >All the laundry, meals for a few days, even vacuuming. The place was pretty spotless.
  2083. >You'd asked Anon permission to talk to Rarity and he'd given you the go ahead.
  2084. >He'd offered to have a talk with her about what is and isn't allowed in light of the latest magic incident but you'd declined.
  2085. >You didn't want her knowing that you'd already removed it, gotta be sneaky.
  2086. >Still Anon had concerns about sending you back.
  2087. >You choose to believe he cared for personal reasons but realistically he's also protecting his investment.
  2088. >You've found you can look at even that positively with the right perspective. You're very valuable and he wants to protect that, that's nice right?
  2089. >In the end he caved to a combination of begging and twilight brand seduction. AKA crawling in his lap while he was watching TV and acting all cute and helpless without big strong Anon's help.
  2090. >He'd given your permission but first taken your hoof phone away to install some new app on it.
  2091. >Something about a one press panic button if you didn't feel safe. It's a really sweet gesture and makes you feel warm inside.
  2092. >But all that was yesterday. Today Rarity is here and ready to take you away to her little house of fun.
  2093. >Ugh you're a little nervous. If she was willing to go that far to 'teach' you before then who knows whats next.
  2094. >You just have to remind yourself she's still your friend, even if she a little off in the head lately.
  2095. >"Twilight! There's my little walking invoice."
  2096. >Ok you can't be THAT expensive.
  2097. >You lean into the nuzzle anyway.
  2098. "Glad to see you too."
  2099. >"Oh you know I missed you so. Come along we'll catch up in the car."
  2100. >After setting the destination she crawls into the back seat with you.
  2101. >"Well? How have things been? You must have been good for Anon to let you go again so soon."
  2102. "Things have been good. We got along well this week and even got to visit Anon's parents."
  2103. >"Really? What do they think of your whole situation?"
  2104. "Oh grandma and grandpa are the best! Grandma knitted me some socks and grandpa had sweets for me! I'm the grandchild they never had!"
  2105. >"Anon must be an only child. With him still single I'm sure they're dying for someone to spoil."
  2106. "They're really sweet, I like them a lot."
  2107. >"That's wonderful Twilight. Sounds like a good week. Someone must must have been very well behaved."
  2108. >Her sing song voice is clearly intended to tease, as is the flick of her hoof across your snout.
  2109. "I always behave..."
  2110. >She raises an eyebrow at you until you just break eye contact and look out the window.
  2111. >"Always?"
  2112. >You shrink and hide from her reflection in the window.
  2113. "Please don't."
  2114. >"Fair enough, it's a new week afterall. Let's me and you get off to a good start as well hmm?"
  2115. >You turn back to her. She seems genuine in wanting to try.
  2116. >Maybe giving a little ground on your end could go a long way.
  2117. "Yes... mistress."
  2118. >You're starting to get used to using the term but it still makes you blush and splay back your ears.
  2119. >The hug you receive is nice though.
  2120. >"Ohhhhh good girl!"
  2121. >Humans are cool but the sensation of coat on coat is something you can't replace.
  2122. >"We're going to have a great week I promise! Since you broke R&D's toys last time there's not a lot they need out of you at the moment but I've got some other ideas where we can put you to work. Nothing you aren't up to I promise. Oh and I haven't forgotten about our little deal. We didn't really clarify how this would work before so what do you say to 30 minutes of honest talk every night? I'll let you decide when."
  2123. >Oh wow she brought it up herself! See she's trying too!
  2124. >You throw your hooves around her and pull her into a tight hug. Ugh don't cry!
  2125. "Yes mistress! Thank you mistress."
  2126. >She rubs you back with a hoof and cooes in your ear soothingly.
  2127. >"What a good girl. Anything for you my good little filly."
  2128. >You should find the 'filly' thing more insulting but her embrace is soooo soft.
  2129. >Can't hurt to stay here just a few more minutes.
  2130. >And a few more minutes and a few more minutes.
  2131. >Ok maybe you spent the rest of the car ride having her rub your back and tell you what a good girl you are.
  2132. >A little positive reinforcement never hurt anyone.
  2133. >Though this could be an attempt at gentling you... nah you'll choose to believe it's just genuine friendship.
  2134. >She breaks the embrace as the car pulls up to the building entrance.
  2135. >A soft click pulls you out of your happy warm feelings.
  2136. >"Just a little bit of practise alright love?"
  2137. >You nod. You knew the leash would be back and it's just a few minutes up to her penthouse.
  2138. >The two of you trot inside.
  2139. >No one really gives you a second glance. Rarity leading ponies around must be a fairly common sight around here.
  2140. >You wish she'd stop getting distracted talking to random humans though.
  2141. >You just awkwardly sit on the floor behind her as she has a few short conversations about this and that.
  2142. >It feels a bit degrading sitting there on a leash waiting on master.
  2143. >It's almost like you're some kind of pet. At least no one draws any attention to you.
  2144. >Finally you both make it up to her humble abode and she unclips you.
  2145. >"You did very good Twilight. I'm sorry for the delays."
  2146. "It's fine."
  2147. >"See the leash isn't so bad? I'd really like you to get more practise on it. I'm not going to force you yet but it's something that will be good for you to get comfortable with."
  2148. >On one hoof you didn't have any flashbacks of nervous attacks that time.
  2149. >On the other hoof it's degrading as fuck.
  2150. >On a third hoof (quadruped master race) it's an easy way to show effort and goodwill on your part. Goodwill she'll hopefully return.
  2151. "I-I'm ok with a little more I guess..."
  2152. >In a flash she's re clipped the leash to your collar and used it to pull you into a snuggly embrace.
  2153. >"Such progress today already Twilight!"
  2154. >Can't breath! muzzle full of chest fluff!
  2155. >"For being such a good girl we can spend an hour talking tonight instead! Good behavior is always rewarded with your mistress!"
  2156. >You push your way out of her chest and gasp for air.
  2157. >"Oh don't be so dramatic darling. Now let's go, I've got the perfect idea. You never got the full tour on your first visit!"
  2158. >Trying to gasp for air here! Ahh! Ok nevermind you're now being yanked to your hooves by your collar!
  2159. >You only stumble for a moment before catching up with her.
  2160. >"Now last time you saw R&D. This time let's stop by the fashion and accessory departments!"
  2161. >Aw she's so excited, it's cute.
  2162. >You have to canter to keep up with her as she pulls you towards the elevator.
  2163. >"Now this floor is where we shoot our pictures for the catalog and website. Can you imagine coming all the way to earth and ending up a model? Some ponies get all the luck."
  2164. >Yeah like you?
  2165. >She lead you around to a few photoshoots in progress.
  2166. >The dresses were pretty and the mares look genuinely happy to be posing for the cameras. Then again looking happy is their job.
  2167. "Are any of your designs down here?"
  2168. >"I rarely have the time anymore, it's still my passion but business does come first. When I finish my next one perhaps you can model it?"
  2169. "I'd love to."
  2170. >She turns to appraise you with a critical eye.
  2171. >"Hmm I could really tease you with something from our lingerie line but I know you'd never forgive me."
  2172. >Well that makes you blush!
  2173. "I-I didn't know they made pony lingerie..."
  2174. >"Oh of course. We cater to all tastes here, come."
  2175. >She takes a quick left turn off the path the two of you had been going down.
  2176. >The next room is ummmmm whew yeah.
  2177. >Ok those are panties and garters! Goodness she must work out too.
  2178. >Rarity just snickers at your wide eyed expression.
  2179. >"Surely you've seen lingerie before Twilight?"
  2180. >You'd seen some pictures on anon's computer but those were all humans.
  2181. >Humans are cool and all but ponies are hotter, and have prettier butts.
  2182. >Butts this mare is putting to good use filling out those panties good lord!
  2183. "I umm it's very appealing..."
  2184. >"Well that is the idea. Lots of owners are into that and some slaves too. Do you want me to get a nice pair for you too? I know you'd look cute!"
  2185. "No no no!"
  2186. >"I tease."
  2187. >The hair on the back of your necks stands on end as she whispers into your ear.
  2188. >"I'm sure Anon would love it though, you'd be very pretty all dressed up like the prize you are sweetheart."
  2190. >You pull your head away from the temptress and walk as far down the hall as your leash will allow.
  2192. >She smiles but humors you.
  2193. >"Well the only other thing on this floor is accessories. Collars, leashes, muzzles, saddles, halters stuff like that. Not exactly as interesting to see but I suppose we're already here."
  2194. >The series of smaller rooms were occupied by various machines seemingly designed to test durability and quality.
  2195. >One machine stretched collars and leashes to test their durability.
  2196. >Another put pressure on a saddle over and over to see when and where it would wear out first.
  2197. >Another few swung crops, canes, brushes and paddles over and over into padded surfaces.
  2198. >Wait what?
  2199. >You must have looked traumatized as Rarity places a reassuring hoof on your withers.
  2200. >"Don't worry they're just machines. I admit I've considered putting a bratty mare or two in them before but I find a more hooves on approach to work better."
  2201. >The loud smacking noise of the paddle makes you tremble. You wrap your tail around yourself protectively just at the thought of experiencing it.
  2202. >"Good girl don't need to worry about paddles Twilight, you are a good girl yes?"
  2203. "Yes mistress..."
  2204. >The response comes naturally, anything to avoid thrashing under the ministrations of THAT.
  2205. >"Then you have nothing to fear."
  2206. >She gives you a light tug and you happy leave the will weakening scene behind.
  2207. "Y-you sell those to humans? So that ponies can be punished?"
  2208. >She gives you a sad smile.
  2209. >"Yes, it's safer for a pony to be disciplined with a tool designed for it than whatever an angry human can get his hands on. I understand you don't like the idea but if not from us they'd get less safe implements elsewhere. We make sure even the paddles aren't too heavy for a pony to bear and that they won't splinter or break at a critical moment."
  2210. >Her argument makes sense but still puts a nervous pit in your stomach.
  2211. >You wonder if you'd felt one of Rarity's crops on your seat back your training camp days.
  2212. >"Speaking of which what kind of brush does Anon use? Understand I don't want him to have to use at all but I want it to be safe for you if he does."
  2213. >Your ears splay back in embarrassment, do you really have to talk about this?
  2214. >You do if you want to still be a good girl.
  2215. "It's an old one, I'm not sure where he got it..."
  2216. >"Those are usually tough but prone to breaking if overused. Would you be angry if I gifted you a new one to take back to him?"
  2217. >Carrying the instrument of your discipline back to your disciplinarian? No that's not degrading at all.
  2218. >Her heart is in the right place though. Well at least you think.
  2219. "A new brush?"
  2220. >"Yes one that would be safer for him to discipline you with. Just in case of course."
  2221. >You nod your consent.
  2222. >"Excellent. I hope he never has to use it Twilight."
  2223. >Looks like the two of you have made a full circle of the building, the elevators are just ahead.
  2224. >"There's plenty more to see but it's getting close to closing time so perhaps we'll try again another day. You did well with the leash though, I'm very proud of you."
  2225. "Thank you mistress."
  2226. >She beams at you and gives you a chaste kiss on the cheek.
  2227. >So far so good. She's in a great mood so hopefully when you confront her about the spell she'll not totally lose it.
  2228. >Guess you'll find out later tonight.
  2229. >Dinner is some hayburgers and fries. You suspect she had them made just for you, burgers were never her style.
  2230. >You spend a few hours watching TV, some surprisingly trashy reality show, before the night draws to a close.
  2231. >You're lying on her bed nice and relaxed when you hear her return.
  2232. >Does she have something in her magic? Is that a HOLY FUCK IT'S A BRUSH!
  2233. >Fuck no not again! You scramble to the far side of the bed! What did you do?
  2234. "Mistress no! Please not again!"
  2235. >She looks confused for a moment before looking between you and the brush. Regret flashes across her face and she floats it over to the nightstand.
  2236. >"Oh no no darling I'm so sorry! Don't be afraid, this is the one I wanted to give you remember? You've been very good today I'll not use it on you."
  2237. >You can't help but shy away from the outstretched hoof. Your heart's still beating a mile a minute.
  2238. >You were so sure she was about to spank the fire out of you again!
  2239. >"I didn't mean to frighten you. Please don't hide."
  2240. >She sits on the other side of the bed with an outstretched hoof but moves no closer.
  2241. >Seems she's willing to wait on you to make the first move and that helps a lot.
  2242. >It takes a few minutes but you finally calm down and uncurl yourself from your protective purple ball form.
  2243. "Sorry I just panicked."
  2244. >"It's quite understandable. May I touch you?"
  2245. >It's very sweet she asks so you nod.
  2246. >She walks over and takes a seat beside you rubbing her side up against yours.
  2247. >Gotta admit it's warm and comforting.
  2248. >"Do you want to talk? Your safe talk?"
  2249. >Might as well get it over with.
  2250. "I'd like that."
  2251. >"Alright then, anything you say for the next hour can't get you in trouble. What do you want to talk about? Do you still have objections about those accessories we sell? or the lingerie?"
  2252. "Well a little but I get your point with those. I even appreciate the brush gift even if it's embarrassing."
  2253. >"Twilight please don't be embarrassed. There's nothing shameful about needing discipline."
  2254. "That's easy for you to say..."
  2255. >It was a bit uncomfortable back talking her but she takes it in stride.
  2256. >"Do you think I wasn't in your same horseshoes at some point? My first master seemed to never stop disciplining me!"
  2257. >Ok that's a surprising confession.
  2258. "Disciplining as in...?"
  2259. >"Yes spankings dear, lots of them. They absolutely ruined my makeup and you should have seen how well red shows on a white flank. Be glad your coat color hides your red a little."
  2260. >The idea of a crying red bottomed Rarity makes you flush a bit. Is it hot in here?
  2261. >"You know how dramatic I could be. Letting that get in the way of my duties wasn't acceptable. It took me time to learn that so yes, I was firmly disciplined for a number of years. I know your pain I promise you and I know you should not be ashamed. You're still learning and that's fine!"
  2262. "I'll try not to be."
  2263. >"You're a smart kind and good pony Twilight, be proud of yourself."
  2264. >You smile and give her a friendly nuzzle that she returns.
  2265. >"Thank you. So what else is bothering you."
  2266. >Might as well tackle this head on.
  2267. "Some really weird stuff happened to me this last week. It was like I was being influenced to obey Anon and when I started my estrus things got even weirder."
  2268. >You look at her for any form of acknowledgment but her expression remains neutral. Might as well jump right in.
  2269. "Rarity did you hex me?"
  2270. >Her expressions falls a little and she lets out a sigh.
  2271. >"Oh dear, you always were the smart one. I promise it wasn't a hex, just a little cantrip I developed that helps ponies having trouble with their new lives."
  2272. "Rarity it looked a lot like a compulsion! Were you trying to manipulate me?"
  2273. >"Twilight I swear it was a very minor charm. It could never change you it just helps you 'accept' feelings you already have."
  2274. "What do you mean? You know how dangerous mind magic can be."
  2275. >"I promise darling I've used it a hundred times. All it does is take feelings of obedience or submission that you already have and reward you for them. It doesn't create feelings or change who you are, you know I'm not skilled enough for that. It's just, a nudge. Really it's not very different from offering a pony a day off for good behavior."
  2276. >She's right about one thing, outright creating new feeling is much more advanced and likely beyond her.
  2277. "Even if that's all true unauthorized invasive magic is just wrong."
  2278. >"By equestrian standards yes, it's a violation and a serious one I admit. But look around you Twilight, ponies are violated every day. Equestria and it's morals are unfortunately no more. I'm sorry I enchanted you without your permission, I only wanted to help. Did it not make you feel better this last week?"
  2279. "Well at times yes but if it was a simple training tool both myself and Anon would have liked to have known about it."
  2280. >She looks like she wants to argue but also doesn't want to upset you.
  2281. >"If the pony knew it wouldn't be the same. I will admit I should have told Anon but humans can have such varying reactions to even the mention of magic I wasn't sure how he would take it."
  2282. >Before you can respond Rarity's ear twitches and she turns her head towards the door.
  2283. >"Lilly is that you?"
  2284. >A surprised squeak sounds from the other side of the door before Rarity opens it.
  2285. >"Do you need something?"
  2286. >"I-I just wanted to drop off some towels mistress! I'm didn't realize you were getting ready for bed!"
  2287. >"It's quite alright, go on."
  2288. >Lilly quickly scurries through the room with towels in tow.
  2289. >You open your mouth to speak but Rarity holds up a hoof to stop you.
  2290. >"Just a moment..."
  2291. >She's watching where Lilly had just entered the bathroom.
  2292. >It only takes a few moments for the mare to emerge again and excuse herself.
  2293. >Rarity mumbles something to herself but all you can catch is the word 'odd' before she turns back to you.
  2294. >"Apologies, where were we?"
  2295. "You said you should have told Anon."
  2296. >"Yes. I will apologize to him and keep him informed of my efforts better in the future. I assume you removed the spell yourself yes?"
  2297. >You nod.
  2298. >"You don't think it helped?"
  2299. "Maybe a little but after what it did to my estrus I'm not sure it's safe."
  2300. >She actually looks concerned at that part.
  2301. >"Why what happened? I admit the mares and stallions I've used it on in the past have were all sterilized first."
  2302. >Uh yeah this is why testing your spells is important.
  2303. "Rarity that's really irresponsible! It sent my estrus into overdrive! I couldn't control myself even around Anon, I practically threw myself at him!"
  2304. >Her face hardens at the criticism but she control herself.
  2305. >"Tell me exactly what happened, did he hurt you?"
  2306. "No but he could have! All it took was one touch from him and I couldn't control myself! Thank Celestia it was him and not any other human. I was dripping all over his bed with my tail a straight up and even then he didn't... take me..."
  2307. >"Really? He does like females correct?"
  2308. >You just give her a deadpan look.
  2309. >"Sorry. Maybe you're right that I don't give him enough credit. And-"
  2310. >She looks pained over what she's about to say but looks you right in the face anyway.
  2311. >"-I'm... sorry. For putting you through that. You're right it was irresponsible to use it on you without knowing it was safe."
  2312. "Thanks you."
  2313. >That was big for her, you pull her into a tight hug. You wonder if she's ever actually admitted she was wrong to a slave before.
  2314. >"I'll don't apologize for trying to help you but the way I did it was... wrong."
  2315. "I really don't agree with invasive magic like that..."
  2316. >"I suspected you wouldn't but it's not something I'm willing to back down on in general. I'll run any ideas for you by Anon, and I suspect be shot down, but my other mare are my own business."
  2317. >You can't say you're completely satisfied but this is a moment to pick your fight.
  2318. >You've won a small battle now it's time to not throw the war.
  2319. "Yes ma'am."
  2320. >She gives you a big embarrassing smooch on the cheek.
  2321. >"Good girl, anything else?"
  2322. >You shake your head.
  2323. >"Bedtime for us both then. Come my little snuggle bug."
  2324. >Her cuddly attitude makes you laugh.
  2325. >You both crawl under the sheets and burrow into one another.
  2326. >Small spoon position for you as always but that's fine.
  2327. >"I think today went well don't you?"
  2328. >She can feel you nod your head from it's position tucked under her chin.
  2329. >For how badly this could have gone you really are happy.
  2330. >"I'm glad. I'll make my mistake up to you I promise, but for now off to sleep with you."
  2331. >She drags you closer and covers you in a white unicorn blanket.
  2332. >It's nice.
  2334. >Pancakes.
  2335. >You dream of pancakes.
  2336. >Blueberry, raspberry, strawberry even chocolate chip.
  2337. >A pancake cloud? sure why not?
  2338. >Pancakes bedsheets? Seems reasonable, throw in a pancake pillow for good measure.
  2339. >But that's what?
  2340. >Someone dare disturbs your perfect pancake world by whispering in your ear?
  2341. >The pancakes are so heavenly you can smell them. Why would you ever want to wake up?
  2342. >The intruder is shaking your side now. You'll open an eye but only to aim the telekinetic shove.
  2343. >You crack open your left eye and squint.
  2344. >Are you still dreaming? Your foggy vision is still consumed by pancakes.
  2345. >"-efore they get cold sweetheart."
  2346. >You give your nose an experimental sniff. It could still be your eye playing tricks on you after all.
  2347. >Nose reports in a positive response to the query, smells like blueberry.
  2348. >Definitely possible that there are real pancakes right in front of your face.
  2349. >You shift your head further over on the pillow and bite in the potentially imaginary pancakes general direction.
  2350. >Captain we have pancakes!
  2351. >You don't bother to lift your head off the pillow as you continue munching.
  2352. >At least until a hoof slaps you on the shoulder.
  2353. >"Honestly! At least sit up!"
  2354. "Shhhhh pancakes."
  2355. >"I know there's pancakes! I made them!"
  2356. >The big bully moves the plate away from your head with her magic.
  2357. "No! pancakes!"
  2358. >You flail a sleepy hoof towards the retreating plate!
  2359. >They were so tasty and now their gone forever!
  2360. "Give em back!"
  2361. >"Only if you sit up like a big pony."
  2362. >Grumpy grumpy! You sit up but you give a big dramatic huff to express your displeasure.
  2363. >Displeasure that only lasts until she returns the plate to you.
  2364. >Forget yo fork this is face food!
  2365. >"I had hoped your manners would have improved dear."
  2366. "Pancks..."
  2367. >Ok maybe not elegant but you just woke up and you love pancakes. You see no need to quit eating to talk.
  2368. >"Well I'm glad you like them. Consider them my apology pancakes, you know for the whole spell thing."
  2369. >She made these herself?
  2370. >Maybe that's why they were a little dry, still good but not perfect. It's doubtful she gets much practise.
  2371. >You swallow a mouthful and turn your head to look at her properly.
  2372. "Thank you. I love pancakes..."
  2373. >"I know you do that's why I made them."
  2374. >She shakes her head with a small exasperated smile.
  2375. >"You've been trying so hard and I'm sorry about everything."
  2376. >It only takes a few minutes to destroy all 3 pancakes.
  2377. >At least you managed to not make a huge mess.
  2378. >Well you avoided a mess on the bed, it's all over your face though.
  2379. >"I guess you were a bit hungry."
  2380. >She turns your head towards her with a hoof under your chin.
  2381. >"Oh dear, let's get you cleaned up."
  2382. >You're still half asleep so it's fairly easy for her to drag you out of the bed and into the bathroom.
  2383. >"It's nice and warm I promise."
  2384. >Something something leading a horse to water.
  2385. >Her bathtub is fun though so you do slide in with her right behind you.
  2386. >A pair of hooves around your belly prevent you from swimming away to your true life as a merpony.
  2387. >"Nah ah. No getting away from me today my little fish."
  2388. >You feebly squirm in your captor's grip! You must become one with the deep!
  2389. >Despite your weak and sleepy efforts Rarity maintains a firm one hoof grip around your stomach and pulls you up onto your rear hooves.
  2390. >You never had great balance reared up on two like this so you're forced to rely on her to keep you steady.
  2391. >She doesn't seem to mind.
  2392. >In fact she pulls you closer until your rump is pressed up against her in a way that would be lewd if she wasn't a she.
  2393. >Her other hoof gets to work washing your back.
  2394. "I can wash myself."
  2395. >"Oh I know, just think of it as Twilight and Mistress bonding time."
  2396. >Yeah because we need more of that.
  2397. >It does kinda makes you feel a warm inside.
  2398. >Having someone take care of you for once is undeniably nice.
  2399. >That said two bath scenes in one story should be illegal.
  2400. >You can't think of many other choices but to submit to the soothing scrubbing.
  2401. >Ok that really feels nice between your shoulder blades.
  2402. >You get so sore laying in bed shitposting on your computer most nights.
  2403. >"Oh my, does that feel nice?"
  2404. >Huh? Oh shit did you moan? Oh you really hope you didn't but her smirking face tells you otherwise. You're still sleepy and it felt good who can blame you?
  2405. >Your bluff roll fails and you blush hard.
  2406. >Just keep looking forward and pretend nothing is wrong.
  2407. >That pretending gets harder when her restraining hoof gets soap put on it also.
  2408. >You can only squirm as a hoof grips you on both sides and scrubs nice and deep.
  2409. >The hooves run up and down your sensitive sides makes you shiver in involuntary delight.
  2410. >Evil cow knows your sides are where you're extra sensitive. Rainbow used to take great pleasure in poking them just to see you jump.
  2411. >Just like Rainbow Rarity seems to take great pleasure in your squirmy blushing response.
  2412. >Somehow your pathetic whimpers work and she quits teasing you.
  2413. >Though truthfully both hooves moving down towards your cutie mark is probably worse.
  2415. "R-Rarity!"
  2416. >"Awake now?"
  2417. >You try to slip out of her grasp only for her to quickly spin you both around and corner you between her body and the edge of the tub. You're forced to catch yourself with your forehooves up against the side.
  2418. "I'm up! I'm up! Quit messing with me!"
  2419. >"You are quite fun to mess with. It's just a little bathing though, don't be a baby about it."
  2420. >You most certainly will be a baby about it!
  2421. >Especially when she wraps your mane up in her magic and given it a firm yank!
  2422. >A bolt of electricity shoots down your spin and stops your struggling and squirming instantly
  2423. >"See? That's not so hard."
  2424. >Your body remains shock still as she keeps light pressure on your mane.
  2425. >It's a dirty trick that works on a lot of mares and has an extra strong effect on you.
  2426. >The running medical theory of the cause points towards pony's ancient hindbrain.
  2427. >Supposedly when less evolved ponies mated the stallion pulling on the mare's mane from behind was a signal to her that it was time to be... taken...
  2428. >Since a still mare is easier to 'claim' than one running around the trait was passed on.
  2429. >Fortunately Rarity isn't claiming you. At least not in that sense. Nevertheless it's an effective way to make you stay still for her ministrations.
  2430. >Ministrations that seem to be taking forever!
  2431. >You can really only blush as she runs a newly acquired loofah up and down your hind leg.
  2432. >Is she humming? It's actually pretty soothing.
  2433. >"Sweetie squirmed in the bath also so I know how to deal with a difficult subject. This old trick works even better on you than her."
  2434. "Just wonderful."
  2435. >Finally she finishes up with both your legs. She's basically scrubbed everything down there that isn't a teat or currently covered by your tightly tucked tail.
  2436. >Seems she's decided to have some mercy on you today as she leaves those parts alone and instead works her way back up starting at your stomach.
  2437. >Can't turn you around for that though. Oh no she's gotta reach around you from behind just to make it more intimate.
  2438. >You shiver as runs both hooves over your chest and whispers in your ear.
  2439. >"What a good girl. Isn't this nice? Just some me and you time?"
  2440. >You have to suppress some out of place instincts.
  2441. >No hindbrain that isn't a stallion despite how dominating it is. Baby time is not now just calm down.
  2442. >On the bright side you aren't losing total control like you did with anon. You're just flustered instead.
  2443. >Your having to come up with a response is interrupted by stomping hooves.
  2444. >Azalea bursts into the bathroom with little warning and great excitement.
  2445. >"Mistress I-"
  2446. >Her no doubt important announcement freezes when her eyes locked on the scene in the tub.
  2447. >Rarity's head resting on your shoulder and her hooves wrapped around your chest.
  2448. >You pinned up against the side of the tub and blushing like a school filly.
  2449. >She was probably getting the wrong message.
  2450. >"I-I'm sorry am I interrupting."
  2451. >"Yes a lovely bath but I trust you have a good reason."
  2452. >That seems to jar her out of her stupor, she lifts a smartphone velcroed to her hoof.
  2453. >"It's Mr. David he says it's an emergency!"
  2454. >"Can't it wait?"
  2455. >"I'm sorry mistress it sounded really urgent."
  2456. >With a sigh Rarity finally releases you from her death by humiliation hold.
  2457. >She feels the need to pat your haunches underwater as she slips away though.
  2458. >"Stay."
  2459. >What are you a dog?
  2460. >You still stay but only because you wanted to see what was happening.
  2461. >Rarity wades to the edge of the mini pool and floats the phone over to herself.
  2462. >"This has better be important David I'm not even decent yet. Fine fine just tell me. Ok? Well go on. I'm sure it's no big deal. Absolutely not. No no no it's a matter of principle."
  2463. >You can't hear his side of the conversation at all but whatever he's saying seems to exasperate Rarity more and more.
  2464. >"Enough. First I am going to finish my bath you've interrupted. Then I'm going to go to my office where you me and Joline will calmly figure this out. Yes well that's what you get for interrupting my beauty time. No I'll call you, it may be a while I've got quite a bit of work to do."
  2465. >She glances over to where she left you and gives you a smile and wink.
  2466. >So you followed orders and are still reared up against the wall big deal.
  2467. >After a few more words she hangs up and hands the phone back to Azalea.
  2468. >"You did well bringing this to me dear thank you."
  2469. >She mare smiles and takes the phone back.
  2470. >"I'll just umm leave you two to it."
  2471. >She shoots you a nervous smile as Rarity prowls her way back up behind you.
  2472. >She places an underwater hoof just above your tail and gives you a gentle and somewhat patronizing rub.
  2473. >"Just where I left you very good."
  2474. >Both hooves soon slide around your hips over your stomach and up to your chest. The rest of her body follows and is soon molded to the curve of your rump and back.
  2475. >You huff in annoyance but keep any 'tone' out of youfr voice.
  2476. >According to Anon and your mother it's 'disrespectful', who knew?
  2477. "What was that all about?"
  2478. >"Oh just the board panicking about nothing again. Humans have their strengths when it comes to business but they can be a flighty as ponies at the first sign of trouble."
  2479. "Trouble?"
  2480. >"Nothing for little you to worry about darling."
  2481. >She brings up a soapy hoof and pokes you in the snout.
  2482. >"You just relax and let Mistress get you nice and clean."
  2483. >Like you have a choice.
  2484. >It is kinda fun though. Rarity's head is perched on your shoulder again so you give it a nuzzle, the action gets you a pleased purr in response.
  2485. >You are both quiet for the next few minutes as she scrubs and explores every inch she can find.
  2486. >It's not as awkward as it sounds. Ponies are herd creatures after all so they are inches she's felt before. It's just... nice.
  2487. >"Now this is the kind of work I could do all day."
  2488. >She turns her head and gives you a quick peck on your lower jaw.
  2489. >You didn't nicker she just imagined that.
  2490. >"I knew you'd like bonding time if you just gave it a chance."
  2491. >Three more rapid kisses dot your jawline making you squirm in totally not delight.
  2492. >If it were any other pony you'd think they were coming on to you but Rarity has always been extremely affectionate with her close friends.
  2493. >Dash hated it.
  2494. >Which just made it more cute for her to do.
  2495. >You take it as a good sign she's can still be so warm and gentle with you despite everything.
  2496. >That's also the reason you've given up fighting off her tender touches. Not because it feels great or anything.
  2497. >You can't help but give a small disappointed whine when she finally untangles your bodies and pulls back.
  2498. >This seems to delight her as she gives you reassuring a rub down your spine when you do it.
  2499. >"So good today. You've come so far already Twilight, I'm very proud of you."
  2500. >Ok you blush a little this time, praise is hard to come by nowadays.
  2501. >"And now you can get down."
  2502. >Oh yeah, you'd forgotten you were still reared up against the wall.
  2503. >You drop back to all fours. It almost feels weird without a furry alabaster back support to guide you.
  2504. >"I'll give you a few minutes to wrap up. Don't you go swimming off though, I've no time for Twilight fishing today."
  2505. >Fuck her you're a good fish.
  2506. "I'll try and stay close."
  2507. >She raises an eyebrow but doesn't rise to the provocation. Instead so squishes your cheeks between her hooves and speak to you in a sing song voice.
  2508. >"If little fish runs away I'll just catch her and fry her right up!"
  2509. >It's a joke and you aren't afraid to bat away the hoof, she just laughs and climbs out of the waters.
  2510. >Last time you were in this bathroom she had turned your flank over the edge of the tub and spanked you into pathetic crying submission.
  2511. >This time she kissed and coddled you into embarrassed blushing submission.
  2512. >You'll take affectionate clingy Rarity over angry spankie Rarity anyday.
  2513. >As instructed you take the next few minute washing the intimate bits she skipped. You also enjoying the giant warm soapy pool she called a bath.
  2514. >At some point she'd dried herself and slipped out, must be back on the phone.
  2515. >You're a bit surprised when she fails to return for quite a while.
  2516. >It must be 20 minutes later when she comes to fetch you from the bubbly waters.
  2517. >"I said just a minute and looks who's still in hmm? Out out come on. Plans have changed unfortunately."
  2518. >Best to play nice she seems busy today.
  2519. >You find yourself ushered out of the waters and hoof dried while she talks.
  2520. >Yes hoof dried. You both have magic sister does she have to manually rub down your everything again?
  2521. >You do kinda feel like a princess lifting your hoof for your peasant to tend to though.
  2522. >"We were supposed to have 3 days together again but some silly humans demand to see me up in New York. I hate to cut our time short but I doubt Anon wants me dragging you all over the country and I am unsure of my return time."
  2523. >Guess you're dry enough since she put down the towel and starts to braid your tail.
  2524. >"Hopefully Anon will give me a refund before you drive me bankrupt."
  2525. >She chuckles and gives your haunches another friendly pat as though it were what was costing her so much.
  2526. "Is everything ok?"
  2527. >"It will be. Just another something or other getting the board all bent out of shape. Don't you worry I've handled them before and I shall again."
  2528. >As long as she's confident so are you.
  2529. >"There."
  2530. >You give you tail a swing so you can catch a glimpse of it. It looks nice, no doubt she had plenty of practice with braiding for sweetie.
  2531. >"I have to be going rather soon. The car can take you by itself if you'd like, Or would you rather someone accompany you?"
  2532. "I'm sure everyone is busy. I can make it myself."
  2533. >"I thought so I just feel bad for kicking you out."
  2534. >You pull her into a hug and a nuzzle.
  2535. "It's fine, I had a good visit. I was afraid confronting you about the spell would go badly but you apologized and even made me pancakes."
  2536. >"It's good you brought that up. I'm sure you and Anon are still a bit angry with me about it but I still think it could help you."
  2537. >You open your mouth to protest but she stops you with a hoof.
  2538. >"Just hear me out. I'll let you examine it first, deconstruct it if you will, and we can even talk about making improvements. You are a better mage than I of course so I'm sure you'll have ideas. It really is just to reward for good behavior and I'd love to reward you Twilight."
  2539. >It sounds like good intentions but a lot of bad ideas do.
  2540. "We can talk about it with Anon. I'd also have to test and analyze it extensively. Behavioral magic always was a shaky field of magic and no offense but homebrewed magic is notoriously risky."
  2541. >"Yes we'll include him of course, it's his decision most of all really. Does he approve of magic in general? He has your ring set so low."
  2542. "He trusts me with mine but I'm not sure what he'd say about all this."
  2543. >"Of course. One must be careful speaking for one's master dear."
  2544. >She gives you a conspiratorial wink for reasons beyond you. Best to just ignore her weirdness sometimes.
  2545. >"Now I really must be going. I'll walk you to the car and get you safely on your way."
  2546. >A few minutes later you're riding back home alone in Rarity's fancy car.
  2547. >As soon as it left her sight you'd slipped up into the front seat.
  2548. >Stick it to the man. Or mare. Whatever
  2549. >You hoped this whole new york business wasn't a problem.
  2550. >She'd been in charge of Diamonds in the Rough for years though so she must know what she's doing.
  2551. >You're sure everything will be fine.
  2554. >The car pulls to a stop in front of the house.
  2555. >You poke in the few commands Rarity showed you before hopping out.
  2556. >Just like she said it starts to drive away on its own, how high tech.
  2557. >No doubt he's still at work so you scan your collar at the door and let yourself in.
  2558. >Despite having a rather pleasant trip to Rarity's it's always nice to be home.
  2559. >To be at Anon's home. Whatever.
  2560. >When did you start thinking of this as your home?
  2561. >You're the one that takes care of it so maybe that's where the feeling of ownership comes from.
  2562. >That and Anon does make you feel like you belong.
  2563. >You guess.
  2564. >Baka.
  2565. >Speaking of Anon he left you some dishes to do. What a great guy.
  2566. >You take care of the few chores and spent a little time on your laptop.
  2567. >The poor stupid thing is getting so slower and slower.
  2568. >He'd bought you a shitty one in the first place and now it's got a few years on it.
  2569. >You'll have to stroke his ego and beg him for a new one for christmas.
  2570. >Nothing a little cuddle based manipulation can't fix.
  2571. >Before you know it you hear someone bumping around on the other side of the house.
  2572. >Past 5 already? Time sure flies when you're fucking with unsuspecting humans.
  2573. >You trot over to great Anon and bring him up to speed.
  2574. >Oh lovely he already found the brush.
  2575. >You'd tried to leave it at Rarity's but she'd made sure you took it with you.
  2576. >It was technically a thoughtful gesture but also a somewhat humiliating one.
  2577. >You'd left it on the coffee table in the living room.
  2578. >You could have hid it but if Rarity mentioned it to him you didn't want to be get in trouble.
  2579. >"Oh hey."
  2580. >He pats his lap so you climb up and into the familiar seat leaning your back against him.
  2581. >"Rarity texted me that something came up. What happened?"
  2582. >Oh that feels nice, he's started to run the brush through your mane.
  2583. >Not the purpose Rarity had in mind for it but fine by you.
  2584. "I'm not sure myself. Someone named David said there was some kind of emergency then she said she had to run off to New York. She didn't think you'd want her taking me all over the country."
  2585. >"Hmm yeah probably not. Pony taking other pony across the country, sounds like the perfect way to run away."
  2586. >He pokes you in the sides with a sharp finger making you jump.
  2587. "Hey!"
  2588. >You bat at the offending finger with a hoof.
  2589. "I'm not going to run away. Not from you at least."
  2590. >You lean your head back and rub the tip of your muzzle into the bottom of his chin. It's the best you can do with he's so much taller than you.
  2591. >"Yeah I'm pretty great."
  2592. "Ok Mr. big shot don't get too cocky, you're alright."
  2593. >"Best owner you've ever had?"
  2594. "Only owner I've ever had."
  2595. >"They say virgin slaves are the best."
  2596. "Don't make it weirder than it has to be."
  2597. >Your protests fall on mostly deaf ears as he starts to scratch under your chin with a finger.
  2598. >Fingers are weird. They feel so claw like when he's raking them over your body.
  2599. >It used to really kick in your prey instincts when he scratched you but you'd gotten used to it over time.
  2600. >"They just need a little housebreaking sometimes."
  2601. "What did I say about making it weird?"
  2602. >"Most pets are cheaper though."
  2603. >Jerk.
  2604. >"Anyway what's with this?"
  2605. >He waves the brush in the air in front of both of you.
  2606. >"You've already got plenty of different brushes and combs. This one's not even that fancy boar's hair or whatever."
  2607. >Can't tell if dense or messing with you.
  2608. >Yeah the bristles aren't fancy on the brush rarity gave you, they aren't the important side for that particular brush.
  2609. >The backside however is a thick laminated oak that makes you tail curl just looking at it.
  2610. >Omg do not want.
  2611. >Also do not want to spell its purpose out for him.
  2612. >Wait maybe you don't have to.
  2613. "Really?"
  2614. >You point towards the handle.
  2615. >Above a small watermark with her company logo is a tiny picture of a pony and the phrase 'Attitude adjustor'.
  2616. >It doesn't get more clear than that.
  2617. >Ugh you used to be a proud free independant mare, student of the princess even.
  2618. >Now you were handing your owner an attitude adjustor to roast you rump with when needed.
  2619. >Is embarrassment a better feeling than depression in this situation? Because that's what you got.
  2620. >"Ohhhhh. Do you not like my brush?"
  2621. >You just look up at him with a deadpan stare.
  2622. >Really??
  2623. >"Well not like it like it. I mean what's wrong with it, why get a new one?"
  2624. "For the record I like you but I hate being disciplined by you. It's degrading for a full grown mare to be treated that way."
  2625. >"Wait you're full grown?"
  2626. "What? Of course I am how old did you think I was?"
  2627. >"I thought the paperwork said like 15."
  2628. "Yeah and that's full grown for ponies."
  2629. >"Oh that's still a kid for humans kinda."
  2630. "Please tell don't tell me things would have been different if you'd know I was an adult."
  2631. >"Um yeah maybe."
  2632. >A vein in your head throbs in anger at the thought of all the horrors you could have avoided.
  2633. "Well im now 18 and still fully grown. Does that mean no more of this?"
  2634. >You point towards the hairbrush in his hand.
  2635. >He chuckles.
  2636. >"Nice try. Maybe if things had started out different but I know how well physical discipline works on you now. Just behave and you don't have to worry about mean old Mr. brush!"
  2637. >There's that sing song voice Rarity keeps using on you too.
  2638. >That combined with him rubbing the heavy wood against your cheek (face!) is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
  2639. >You hop off his lap in an angry huff.
  2640. "I've kept quiet about it but come on it's just cruel using stuff like that on me!"
  2641. >He just shrugs.
  2642. >"You aren't supposed to like it."
  2643. "But I'm an adult!"
  2644. >"Act like it and you'll have nothing to fear then."
  2645. "Can't we negotiate some other discipline method? Grounding?"
  2646. >"Twilight I know you don't like it and I'm sorry but it works really really well on you so I'm not going to remove the possibility. Besides is arguing with your master about it what a mature good girl would do?"
  2647. >Fuck no it's not. He could turn you into a sorry mess right now and be pretty justified.
  2648. >This clearly isn't an argument your winning, might as well not lose it and suffer extra consequences.
  2649. "No sir..."
  2650. >"That's right. Now tell me why Rarity sent this home with you? Did you act up?"
  2651. "No! No we had a good visit. Diamonds in the rough sells discipline equipment for ponies. It's supposed to be safer for the pony and she just wants me to be safe if you had to use something on me..."
  2652. >Ugh you can't even look him in the eye.
  2653. >"If I text Rarity about this she'll tell me the same thing."
  2654. "Yes sir I swear."
  2655. >"Ok I'm going to trust you. I'm proud of you for dropping it. I don't want to welcome you home with a test run from this thing.
  2656. >You can't help but back away a little and lower your head.
  2657. >The fiery attitude you had earlier is gone, replaced by a submissive side that you hate but know all too well.
  2658. "I'm sorry sir, I'll be good."
  2659. >"I know you are."
  2660. >He leans forwards and puts the brush down in the middle of the coffee table.
  2661. >"It seems you're finally learning lately. Hopefully soon I'll never have to discipline you again, but until then let's leave the brush right here as a reminder ok?"
  2662. >The 'Attitude Adjustor' right in the middle of the living room? Fantastic.
  2663. >"Now are you mad at me or do you want to watch TV?"
  2664. >You keep your ears low but climb back into his lap where you curl up like a cat.
  2665. >No point hiding from him and sulking. This is the most important relationship in your life right now so it needs to be as perfect as can be.
  2666. >The next few hours are spent quietly having your back scratched and watching TV together.
  2667. >You're still mad at him but at least you aren't a sore teary mess.
  2668. >You must have fallen asleep a few times, somehow it's already midnight.
  2669. >Anon is on the verge of passing out himself but seems to not want to disturb you by getting up.
  2670. >You poke his stomach with your horn to get his attention.
  2671. "Go to bed, it's late."
  2672. >He grumbles something, looks like he's already half asleep.
  2673. >You hop off his lap and do a little stretching and yawning.
  2674. >It's not that late but you're sleepy too for whatever reason.
  2675. >He's up and headed towards his room, You rub up against his leg and follow
  2676. >DING DONG!
  2677. >"Who in the hell..."
  2678. >Great question. It's past midnight, what could anyone want at this hour.
  2679. >Anon is either a brave man or to sleepy to be worried about the axe murderer on the other side of the door ready to destroy you both.
  2680. >Without hesitation he unlocks and opens the door to reveal a rain soaked pony.
  2681. >An alabaster unicorn with messy hair, runny makeup and red eyes that somehow hold a spark of steel and determination despite her look.
  2682. >"Anonymous I have a proposal for you. Buy me."
  2684. >>Continued in act 3

"Sparkle Spanker 2000" ~Complete

by Vega

"Rarity & the Minotaur" ~Complete

by Vega

"Twilight's Political Plot" ~Complete

by Vega

"Trixie's Magic Trick" ~Complete

by Vega

"Mortified Modeling" ~Complete

by Vega