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"Staying out of Trouble" Act 3

By Vega
Created: 2020-12-18 19:03:57
Updated: 2024-03-25 02:11:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Act 3: All things change.
  3. >"What?"
  4. "What?"
  5. >You both stand there dumbly.
  6. >Buy me? What the hell happened?
  7. >For her part Rarity gives a shaky sigh and puts a hoof to her chest to steady herself.
  8. >"May I come in?"
  9. >"Oh in yeah sorry sure."
  10. >Anon tries to rub the sleep from his face as he lets the unicorn inside.
  11. "Rarity what happened? What's going on?"
  12. >You lead her to the living room and guide her towards the couch.
  13. >After taking off her saddlebags you climb up with her.
  14. >"I knew it could happen someday but I never thought it would be so soon. It's all coming down around me. Somehow someone on the board found out about my little spell. You know how poorly humans understand magic, now they're trying to say I've had everyone around me under some kind of mass mind control."
  15. >Someone found out. She didn't think-?
  16. "Rarity I swear I didn't tell anyone!"
  17. >"Oh no no. I doubt it was either of you. Lilly has been acting strangely lately, I think she was eavesdropping on our little conversation last night."
  18. "Lilly really? That seems so bold for her."
  19. >"She's been... different ever since your first visit. I think seeing how you acted around me emboldened her. It was just little things at first like calling me Rarity instead of mistress or not getting all her work done. Lately however she's been openly defiant. I've had to punish her a few times but it's not been very effective. I admit I've been more focused on you than her, maybe all she needed was more attention."
  20. >You take her hoof in yours.
  21. "So is this what David called about?"
  22. >"Yes David is a friend, one of my only on the board. He wanted to warn me. I've been at odds with the board before but this is different. This isn't just a business decision they disagree with it's a coup. There have been several members that wanted me gone for years and a rumor I've been using mind control magic is the perfect opportunity, it doesn't even matter if it's true."
  23. >She buries her face in her hooves as she talks.
  24. >Poor thing looks miserable, you move closer to her and run a hoof over her back.
  25. "Shhh it's ok. We'll figure something out right Anon?"
  26. >"Uh yeah right of course."
  27. >He seems caught off guard, he's just staring at her.
  28. >Seems kinda weird since he's usually good at comforting you.
  29. >Then again he usually does that by putting you in his lap and holding you tight, something he might not be comfortable doing with any other pony.
  30. >To his credit he at least takes initiative.
  31. >"So it sounded like you had a plan?"
  32. >Rarity leaves her face buried in her hooves but you can still understand her.
  33. >"Yes. I expect the police will be around tomorrow to haul me away for questioning or worse. I plan on not giving them the chance. There is no evidence that I used my little spell on company property or in my official role as CEO just suspicion. They have testimony that it has been used but they can't prove it wasn't done in the privacy of my personally owned penthouse. If that's the case it could be argued these actions were taken by Rarity the slave. A slave's actions are the responsibility of their owner. The human judicial system isn't really setup to accommodate my dual existence much less a suspect suddenly ceasing to legally exist."
  34. >She finally lifts her head and looks deep into your eyes then Anons.
  35. >"I just need somewhere to go."
  36. >She gracefully slides off the couch and moves to sit on her haunches directly in front of Anon's chair.
  37. >"So yes as you said I have a proposal."
  38. >Her posture is proud despite the puffiness of her eyes, Rarity you're so strong.
  39. >"I will sell myself to you for the price of $1. That's of course quite a deal but I do have a few conditions we can go over in a moment. However in exchange for shoving myself into your life I come with a gift, a dowry if you will."
  40. >She fishes out some papers from her saddlebags and floats them over to Anon.
  41. >Judging by the way Anon's eyes went wide it must be no small sum.
  42. >"This is the total of my liquid funds. It's a shame I didn't have more time to settle things more properly, it could have been more. Never the less if you purchase me the sum becomes yours."
  43. >"That's... ok wow. Before I jump to any decisions though what are these conditions."
  44. >That gets a small smile from Rarity.
  45. >"A wise business man doesn't get distracted, very good. The conditions are 3 fold. Number 1: I will obey you as my master in all things except sexual matters."
  46. "Rarity Anon doesn't-"
  47. >Her raised hoof interrupts you.
  48. >"I know darling but it's not something I could fail to mention."
  49. >She address Anon again.
  50. >"Twilight tells me you are 'different' than my past experiences with male masters. I do believe her and I want to believe in you but I still must fight for my right to say no."
  51. >He looks thoughtful and even leans forward a bit to regard her.
  52. >"I totally understand. You don't have to worry I can agree with that one."
  53. >"I'm glad to hear it. My second condition is a bit of a different direction. All the money I showed you will of course be yours as I will no longer be able to own anything at all. My wish however is to be allowed to keep a small bit for myself in a separate account, under your name of course. I was thinking perhaps $50,000 but the exact amount is negotiable. Understand I trust you are an excellent provider, this is only something I would use for very particular situations."
  54. >"Such as what?"
  55. >She looks a bit sad but continues.
  56. >"I still wish to look after my mares. Azalea, Cherry and even Lilly all belong to me personally not the company. I have plans to provide good homes for them but if those fall through i still want to be able to help. I also currently employ a personal investigator who's attempting to track down my daughter, I wish to keep him on the case."
  57. >"If you run stuff by me first I don't see a problem with it. I see no reason to say no to any of those things but I still want say so before money starts moving out of my accounts."
  58. >The ear droop is barely noticeable but it's there.
  59. >"Yes sir..."
  60. >Having a wrench thrown in her plans seems to have taken the wind of our her sales.
  61. >Gotta help. You squirm up under one of her forelegs until it wraps around your shoulder.
  62. >That seems to brighten her spirits. She pulls your in closer and lets out a deep shaky breath.
  63. >"The final condition is the hardest."
  64. >She uses her other hoof to part your mane around your horn.
  65. >You have to look up at her, was she always taller than you? Or is her posture just better?
  66. >She runs a hoof along your jaw before turning back to Anon.
  67. >"I want to still be in charge of Twilight."
  68. >Wat?
  69. >"I think you'll agree she's been doing very well and that I've been a positive influence on her. I want to be the head mare."
  70. >No no no you don't need this shenanigans following you all the way home.
  71. >You squirm in her grip and give Anon a big blatant 'cut' motion with your hoof across your neck.
  72. >Do not! Do not!
  73. >Anon looks at the both of you before speaking up.
  74. >"You're right that's a tough one. I don't think she like the idea."
  75. >Rarity pulls your closer despite your protests and nuzzles the top of your head.
  76. >Yeah nice try! No sucking up now you bitch!
  77. >"I didn't think she would but I also trust you to know what's best."
  78. >You push away from her hard with both hooves but can't quite escape her grasp, why's she so strong???
  79. >"Twilight!"
  80. >Anon snaps his fingers to get your attention, you must not have heard him.
  81. >"Calm down. Rarity would you mind giving us a moment?"
  82. >The white traitor releases you so you can follow Anon to his bedroom.
  83. >Gonna shoot this plan down right now.
  84. >He sits on his bed and your hop into his computer chair.
  85. "No!"
  86. >"Twilight calm down."
  87. "No no no!"
  88. >"You're over reacting."
  89. "You don't know what she's like. I can't live under that 24/7!"
  90. >"Relax. Look, she's desperate to hold on to anything from her old life. She's losing her job, her money, her possessions, her status. Really her whole way of life but she wants to hold on to you. You both because you're a friend and being in charge of something gives her purpose. I've seen those eyes before Twilight she needs to hold on to something or she'll blow away."
  91. >What the fuck look at Mr deep over here.
  92. >Blah blah blah I'm a human im insightful and use analogies.
  93. "I still don't like it."
  94. >"I'll ultimately be in charge, you trust me right?"
  95. "Sometimes..."
  96. >"I'm not gonna let her bully you. I'll keep a close eye on everything and if there's an issue all you have to do is tell me."
  97. >Fucker probably just wants all that money.
  98. >Ok you're being mean but you have a right to be.
  99. >"I thought you'd want us to help her."
  100. >Shit he's right.
  101. >You're being awful selfish when your friend's life is falling apart.
  102. "I do I'm just a little scared of her having that much power over me. I trust you though, if you say you can keep a handle on everything then yeah I do want to help her."
  103. >"Theres my little trooper. Come on I'll lay down some ground rules."
  104. >You likes rules, rules are good, rules will protect you.
  105. >Rarity lifts her head back up as the two of you return.
  106. >You decide to play nice and crawl up beside her on the couch, even snuggling under a foreleg again so she can hold on to you.
  107. >The things you do for friends.
  108. >"Alright here's the deal. I can't deny you've been good for Twi's behavior so you can be in charge."
  109. >She squeals a little and tightens her grip on you pulling your head into her chest.
  110. >"But everything has to be justified to me, any punishment you want to give you better be able to give me good reason for. If I think she's been disciplined unfairly then your next understand?"
  111. >"Yes sir I understand."
  112. >"I'm serious about you being next. Will you be able to accept discipline of your own?"
  113. >She gives Anon a bitter laugh.
  114. >"Worry not sir, I have plenty of experience with my own discipline. I promise you'll very rarely need to do so."
  115. >"I hope so too. You'll be expected to help Twilight with the housework as well, no just sitting around while she does all the work."
  116. >"Of course, your household will run even smoother than before."
  117. "Hey I do a good job!"
  118. >"The first time I saw you didn't you tell me you'd just been in trouble for not keeping up with the laundry."
  119. >Grumble grumble good job most the time.
  120. >"So that's all 3 conditions then?"
  121. >Anon saves you from having to respond.
  122. >Thank the heavens Rarity also released you, you can breath again.
  123. >"Yes that's all 3. I already have the paperwork ready, if you'd do me the honor of signing it now then I'll be yours."
  124. >He takes the paperwork floated to him and scans it before putting it down on the table and taking the pen in hand.
  125. >He doesn't sign it instantly, instead he looks up at Rarity one last time.
  126. >"I just want to be sure you're sure about this."
  127. >She smiles at him, a genuine smile this time.
  128. >"It's not how I imagined things working out but this is the best solution in a bad situation. You're doing me a great favor Anon, I'll be loyal to you for as long as I'm able for this."
  129. >"You're a wonderful mare Rarity and your Twilight's friend so I'm happy to help."
  130. >He leans down and signs the papers.
  131. >You feel Rarity tremble a little so you lean into her for support.
  132. >"Thank you, master."
  133. >He hands her back the paperwork.
  134. >"You don't have to be too formal if you don't want to Rarity."
  135. >"I understand but respect where respect is due sir."
  136. >He seems to accept that either way.
  137. >"So what now?"
  138. >"You don't have a spare collar do you? It would make me feel much safer."
  139. "We've got my old one?"
  140. >"Yeah go grab it."
  141. >You go to go dig through your messy room, it's gotta be in here somewhere.
  142. >Ah here it is. It's purple so it kinda matches her? It also has a dog tag on it with Anon's name and address.
  143. >You hated the dog tag part but this was from way before he trusted you.
  144. >It would work for Rarity at least in the short term.
  145. >You bring it to her but instead of taking it she raises head and exposes her neck to you.
  146. >It's a vulnerable position and her slight trembling tells you the weight of the situation isn't lost on her.
  147. >You lean in and firmly clasp the collar.
  148. >Only you could hear the tiny whimper she gave when it clasped.
  149. >Physical contact always helps and indeed the long firm nuzzle eventually earns a content noise from her.
  150. >"Thank you. Thank you both. I know this was a lot to drop on the two of you at midnight but you've both been so kind."
  151. "That's what friends do."
  152. >She quickly leans forward and licks your cheek! Ew!
  153. >"Friendship lessons are always appreciated."
  154. >She hops off the couch and approaches Anon.
  155. >"There are a few lose ends I must tie up before it all comes crashing down. Specifically see to the emergency plans for my mares and property. With your permission I'd like to return to my place just for tonight."
  156. >Anon nods.
  157. >"Just keep me up to date if anything happens, texts are fine."
  158. >"Of course, may I then?"
  159. >"Yeah, go ahead."
  160. >She smiles at both of you before leaving.
  161. >"Thank you."
  162. >She's gone. At least for now.
  163. "That just happened right?"
  164. >"I think so. Looks like you've got a sister now."
  165. "We were always sisters. She'd just better not start trying to be a mom instead with all this head mare crap.
  166. >"I'll keep an eye on her. All you have to do is tell me if you aren't happy ok? And if she's mean to you it's her turn for the attitude adjustor next."
  167. >The idea of Rarity getting a spanking should scare you but it actually just makes you smirk.
  168. >He's a good human.
  169. >You jump up into his lap and curl up.
  170. >You can't help the small happy noises when he starts to scratch your back.
  171. "Don't worry I will."
  173. >Rarity is back the next day after lunch only this time in a taxi instead of her fancy car.
  174. >She looks, tired.
  175. >It's probably emotional exhaustion but judging by all the bags she's carrying with her maybe a bit magical too.
  176. "Did you bring... everything?"
  177. >"All I could. I know it's a lot but I have no idea what will happen to the things I left. Where should I...?"
  178. "Ummm my room I guess? We don't really have a guest room. Anon said something about getting another bed for mine but it might be a little tight."
  179. >"Well we'll just have to make do then right?"
  180. >Yeah, she's your friend. A little close quarters living can't change that.
  182. 3 weeks later
  183. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  184. >Holy shit you're going to strangle this mare!
  185. "It is on my side!"
  186. >"Twilight we agreed the divider was right here!"
  187. "It's a sleeve over an inch an inch! Kick it or something I don't care!"
  188. >"It's the principle!"
  189. "AHHHH"
  190. >You storm out of the bedroom in a rage!
  191. >Things were ok at first but as the time goes by the two of you started to clash more and more.
  192. >It started out as tiny things, annoyances really, but as things have grown worse she's started to get more and more angry.
  193. >At first you weren't used to it. At first you'd just given in, deescalated as best you could.
  194. >Even you can only put up with so much before even you snap though.
  195. >According to her you everything you do and always have done is wrong.
  196. >Twilight do your chores.
  197. >Twilight go to bed.
  198. >Twilight wake up early.
  199. >Twilight get off that computer.
  200. >Twilight don't be so casual with master.
  201. >Buck you he's Anon and he's your friend not some big bad giant to tiptoe around!
  202. >"Do not walk away from me missy!"
  203. "Don't call me that! You're barely older than me!"
  204. >"Then act like it! I am just trying to get this house in running order and you've been fighting me every step of the way!"
  205. "It already was in running order! It ran fine before you got here! You don't have to change everything just because you can!"
  206. >"He barely had any clean clothes to wear! You had the same few dishes every week for dinner! The living room and kitchen were a mess! It was unacceptable, something had to be done!
  207. "Buck you Anon was happy and that's all that matters!
  208. >"Anon was happy? Was that before or after he had to punish you? I know for a fact he spanked you like a brat for failing to keep up with chores multiple times. Is that what you need? To be treated like a brat? I tried reasoning with you, I tried taking away your stupid little computer, do I have to try this now?"
  209. >Holy shit she's got the brush!
  210. "F-Fuck off. Get away from me with that thing."
  211. >"Oh not so defiant now? Maybe you're just a bit overdue is that it?"
  212. "I'm not a filly so don't talk to me like one."
  213. >She points the brush at your menacingly.
  214. >The painful memories that flood in make you whimper and cringe away from it.
  215. >"You may not be but you've been acting like one! I've tried to be understanding given the situation but I think it's finally time for a lesson!"
  216. >As she approaches you back away.
  217. "Get away from me! I don't agree to this! you can't!"
  218. >Your backside bumps into the wall.
  219. >With flight no longer an option the fight instinct kicks in instead.
  220. >You charge your horn to project a simple barrier.
  221. >Your magic's always been stronger than hers, she'll be unable to get you as long as you keep it up.
  222. >Ow ow ow! She yanked your ear with her telekinesis causing your spell to fizzle!
  223. >"Oh you did not just point your horn at me! You ungrateful little brat! After all I'm trying to do for you here!"
  224. "Let go!"
  225. >Shit not good! You struggle but the firm grip on your ear keeps you moving towards the coffee table and your certain doom!
  226. "Stop it! Anon isn't going to let you do this!"
  227. >"Oh he's not? Who did he put in charge again? Oh that's right it was me!"
  228. >She forces you over her the coffee table and yanks your tail up painfully high.
  229. >You're forced to stand on the tips of your hooves and are painfully aware of just how exposed it leavesy ou.
  230. >"Any last words before we get started?"
  231. >You can't struggle, she's just got too good of a grip on you. You also don't dare light your horn again given how easily she disabled you last time.
  232. >This is bad! This is really bad!
  233. >The heavy 'attitude adjustor' taps your flanks far far to firmly and sends your mind into a panicky spiral.
  234. >You've never seen her this mad! She's going to destroy you!
  235. "P-please don't. Anon wouldn't want this please."
  236. >"Anon will agree with me and so will you by the time! I'm! done!"
  238. "AHHHHHHH!!!"
  239. >"You're going! To learn! Your lesson!"
  240. >Each statement is punctuated by a savage meeting of flesh and wood that already has you howling!
  242. >"None of this backtalk!"
  243. WHACK!
  244. >"Attitude!
  245. SLAP!
  246. >"Or laziness!"
  247. WHAP!
  249. >Holy fuck she's just getting started!
  250. >Holy fuck you're never going to sit down again!!
  251. >"You will never raise your horn against me again!"
  252. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!
  253. >Oh my god you can feel the welts!
  254. >Anon at least warmed you up first. A hand to get started wasn't fun but it got your cheeks hot before he came down hard with the brush.
  255. >Not Rarity though! Straight to this hard of a brushing means horrible welts and blisters!
  256. >You can't take it you just can't!
  259. >She bring the brush down ever harder!
  260. >She's basically destroying your ass! You have to do something.
  261. >You bring your hoof phone up to you.
  262. >Gotta call Anon! Gotta get help you can't take this it feels like she's branding your backside with a hot iron!
  263. >Shit! You can't dial when every spank sends you reeling!
  264. >"-nswer me Twilight!"
  265. >She stopped!
  266. >Your chance may be just a moment so you press his number as fast as you can.
  267. >Ringing. Ringing. SPANKING!
  268. >"Hello? Twil-"
  269. SMACK!
  271. >"The fuck? Twilight?!?"
  272. >"What are you? Oh, horseapples."
  273. >"Rarity what the hell is goin-"
  274. "Anon Anon please make her stop!"
  275. >"Make her stop what!? What is going on?!"
  276. >"I-I'm very sorry master just a little discipline. I didn't see she'd managed to call you I assure you she'll be in extra trouble for this."
  277. >"No! No no no. This is the third time you two have butted heads in a mere three weeks. Just wait until I get home. I want both of you in separate rooms until I get there do you understand?"
  278. >"Sir! Surely I can handle-"
  279. >"Rarity Belle you will do as I say do you understand?"
  280. >She actually visibly recoils from the chastisement.
  281. >Not used to that huh bitch?!
  282. >"Of course sir. I'm sorry to disturb you."
  283. >Anon doesn't say goodbye before hanging up abruptly.
  284. >"I can not believe you did that."
  285. >Buck her, you bury your head in your hooves for a nice cry.
  286. >"Now he's mad at the both of us. I hope you're-"
  287. "He said separate rooms."
  288. >And you aren't going anywhere with what feels like a very blistered bottom.
  289. >At least she gets the message, with a huff she leaves towards your shared bedroom.
  290. >With her finally gone you can finally relax.
  291. >You move a hoof back to feel the damage.
  292. >Ugh that's not supposed to be that hot or raised. You'll need a mirror proper to see the damage but it feels absolutely awful.
  293. >Maybe you shouldn't have raised your horn at her but still this is getting crazy.
  294. >When she was a remote threat to weather every now and then it was fine. Living like this day to day though? Something has to give.
  295. >It's a while before you can move.
  296. >Walking only makes it worse but you can't lay on the coffee table until Anon gets home.
  297. >No lying in your bed though since she's in there.
  298. >You head to Anon's room instead.
  299. >Ok yeah mirror says you've been brutalized.
  300. >Holy crap you can see at least 12 individual red oval brush marks outlined back there.
  301. >You had avoided complaining to Anon so far, you didn't want to make the transition even harder for her.
  302. >This is the last straw though.
  303. >You climb into your human's bed and curl up.
  304. >His comfy sheets agitate your flame touched behind a little but the comfort is worth it.
  305. >You really really need the warmth right now.
  307. >Someone's gently shaking you awake.
  308. >The tingly fingers tell you which someone so at least you aren't afraid to open your eyes.
  309. >"Hey there sleepy head, you awake?"
  310. >You give him a tired nod then smile when he cups your muzzle.
  311. >"I hate to wake you up but I want to get to the bottom of all this as soon as possible. I already got Rarity's side of the story so now I need yours. First though can I see?"
  312. >He gestures towards the covers hiding the rest of your body.
  313. >Wow look at that, asking is polite.
  314. >And polite people get a nod of consent, you even roll onto your belly for him.
  315. >He slowly pulls back the covers until he reaches his goal.
  316. >Wow even he winces when he sees it.
  317. >"Yeah that might be a little much. No warm up?"
  318. >You shake your head.
  319. >"And that was just a few swats... I'll get you something."
  320. >Ah Mr. icepack your long lost friend.
  321. >An icepack and some backrubs are just what the doctor ordered.
  322. >"So tell me what happened."
  323. "My hoodie sleeve was on her side of the room. I was so tired of being lectured I just ran away instead of being yelled at again."
  324. >You can feel yourself tearing up quickly.
  325. "Please Anon I can't even relax anymore! Every minute I spend on my computer is 'Lazy', every time I'm not up at 8 is unacceptable, even calling you Anon is 'inappropriate'! I thought she was just stressed, that she needed time to adjust but it's only been getting worse and worse! I'm constantly stressed, I feel like she's coming between me and you and I'm just not happy!"
  326. >His face crumbles from stern and angry to sad the more you talk.
  327. >As soon as you finish he scoops you up in his arms.
  328. "Ow careful!"
  329. >"Sorry!"
  330. >He runs a cool and soothing human hand over your abused seat.
  331. >"I'm really really sorry Twilight, she did a number on you and it's my fault. I promised you I'd keep a close eye on things but with how crazy things have been at work since the buyout I failed you. You always made her sound so reasonable so I thought I could trust her more and that's my mistake."
  332. >Mmmmm those human fingers feel amazing tending to your hot and needy flanks.
  333. >You bury your snout in his chest and purr as the message continues.
  334. >Sure it still burns painfully but when he's got two handfuls of twibutt it's almost a good burn.
  335. "I forgive you if you keep doing that."
  336. >He gives your body a squeeze and chuckles when it draws a cute squeak out of you.
  337. >"I should go deal with Rarity while the iron is hot but you come first. You've earned that much."
  338. >Yes, yes you should be the priority in his life.
  339. >You squeal in delight as he gets even more aggressive in his servicing.
  340. >Ugh your so beaten down and weak, he could do anything but he's here making you feel better.
  341. >No doubt he's enjoying it also, he's admitted to finding your butt cute, but it's still a powerful kind gesture.
  342. >"You can sleep in my room until we get you your own room ok?"
  343. >You nod into his chest not trusting yourself to not sounds too breathy and flustered.
  344. >"And I'll give you a massage every night if you want."
  345. >Oh gods yes.
  346. >You flush as he really grabs a handful of purple plot and spreads it all over before giving it a few comforting pats.
  347. >"Rarity isn't going to be in charge anymore. I'm very disappointed in her."
  348. >You almost came hearing that alone, no more big mare on campus!
  349. >You don't want her totally out in the cold though. She's still hurting in her own way.
  350. "Please Anon don't be too hard on her. I think you were right she had to cling onto something from her old life and what she chose was her authority."
  351. >"I think so too but if she can't be trusted with it then that's that. I want to return the favor of what she did to you but I want your permission first. You're the one she's wronged."
  352. >Is this what power feels like? You could get used to this.
  353. >You want to be the nice friend and stand up for her, protect her, but it just isn't in you this time.
  354. "I really really really appreciate you asking my opinion. It means so much to me you don't even know. But I want to place my trust you, you always knew what was best for me."
  355. >You crane your head up to look at him.
  356. "Well most the time."
  357. >He gives you a firm swat that just makes you giggle happily despite the light sting. It's a loving sting.
  358. >"We'll continue this later. I have a white unicorn that needs some very firm discipline. Do you want to watch?"
  359. >You shake your head, you'll hear it well enough from here and it feels more fun sending your personally commanded human out to do your bidding.
  360. >Like you're some kind of princess sending her knight to slay the dragon.
  361. >Also it's some small mercy sparing her the extra humiliation.
  362. >Thankfully you manage to suppress the disappointed groan when he deposits you back into the bed and removes those glorious hands.
  363. >It's ok though. You feel good, great in fact, more powerful than you have in a very very long time.
  364. >He's going to go avenge you because you're important to him and worth avenging.
  365. >You hear the argument.
  366. >Him telling her how disappointed he is.
  367. >Oh wow yes deflect those excuses!
  368. >"Master please this is all just a misunderstanding! You can't be serious!"
  369. >"I thought you said you had experience with discipline? The more you fight me the worse it will be, now come here."
  370. >Mmmmm this is going to show up so well on that white flank!
  371. >"No no wait! Please I'm sorry!"
  372. >Ok you'd wanted to give her a bit of privacy for such an embarrassing situation but your curiosity is a bit too much.
  373. >You'll just use a scrying spell, she'll never know you were there.
  374. >You tune in just in time to see Anon marehandling her over his knee. So strong!
  375. >"Didn't I tell you to give me updates if there were issues Rarity? Didn't I tell you I wanted to know every detail of how things were going? Why do I only hear of these fights after you've already taken them in your own hands?!?"
  376. SPANK!
  377. >Like a true pro he's starting with his hand, it will only sting a little but it's just the warm up.
  378. "It was nothing I couldn't handle! AH!"
  379. >"I didn't tell you to handle it I told you to inform me!"
  381. >Oh baby he's going rapidfire on her!
  382. >"She's covered in blisters Rarity!"
  384. >"Did you really think that's what I wanted!?!"
  386. >Those big strong human hands are already making her generous derriere pink!
  387. >"Please please I'm sorry!"
  388. >"Not yet you aren't but you will be!"
  389. >He hasn't stopped wearing out her white hide for a full minute, she's progressed from pink to light red in no time at all!
  391. >"I trusted you to follow my directions! Twilight is in there crying to me that she's miserable with her life! Do you know how that makes me feel!?"
  393. >"You are no longer in charge of her do you understand!?"
  395. >The backtalk seems to piss him off.
  396. >He grabs the attitude adjustor off the table and gives her swats with it so hard you could feel them from here!
  397. >"You can't even take your own discipline right! Why should I trust you with hers?!"
  398. >"I can I cannnnnnnnn!!!"
  399. >"Prove it to me, lift your tail and raise your bottom. Present yourself for what you've earned, Twilight can do that."
  400. >Well sometimes but who's going to correct him.
  401. >He releases her tail and let's her fall a bit into his lap.
  402. >Just be a good girl about it Rarity, raise your bottom he's going to discipline you either way.
  403. >"Wait wait can't we talk about this please!"
  404. >His hand is a blur as he yanks her tail back up and tears into her upturned cheeks!
  405. >"NO! WE! CAN'T!"
  406. >Holy shit she's now fire engine red and he's not stopping!
  407. >You'd seen sweetie's rump like this once but never imagined you'd see your friend crying her eyes out.
  408. >Maybe you should step in.
  409. >It's been a few minutes and he's still going at her like there's no tomorrow.
  410. >You can see the bruises starting to form on her lower cheeks already, it's a position Anon might not have the angle to notice.
  411. >The truth of the matter is he's used to dealing your your hide but your hide is also used to dealing with him.
  412. >You've been his for years and rarely make it more than a month or so without some 'quality time' over his lap.
  413. >Rarity has probably been decades without so much as a swat.
  414. >Her bottom just isn't as tough as yours and it's starting to show, that and the pool of tears on the floor in front of her is actually kinda pathetic.
  415. >You hop out of bed and hurry towards the living room.
  417. >Her voice jumps up and down in time with her constant brushing.
  418. >It's even worse in person. Her flanks looks like a burning inferno and the pool of tears of nearly doubled.
  419. >Careful not to catch a faceful of brush you approach Anon from behind and put a hoof on his back to get his attention.
  420. >It seems to surprise him and he stops.
  421. >Rarity for her part collapses into a sobbing mess, can't really blame her.
  423. "Anon I think she's had enough."
  424. >He regard for your a second then looks back down at his handiwork.
  425. >He gives you a hand motion to turn around and you do so obediently raising your tail to give him the full view. You know what he wants.
  426. >"She's not that much worse than you."
  427. "Yes but I have experience over your knee anon. You even started me out light all those years ago."
  428. >Oh how you miss the days of just anon's hand when you were in trouble, ah the good ole days.
  429. >He looks back and forth a few more times as if comparing, even turning Rarity further over his knee for a better view.
  430. >Finally he pats her back.
  431. >"Up."
  432. >It's not graceful but she complies, more like falling onto the floor in a heap of pain and tears.
  433. >"We're all going to sit down and talk about this tomorrow, there's going to be changes around here. For tonight just go to your room, I'll bring you some dinner later."
  434. >She needs no more excuse to escape and scurries off even if she limps as she does.
  435. >Breathing an exhausted sigh Anon slumps back in his chair.
  436. >After a moment he holds up the brush to take a closer look.
  437. >"This is a really mean brush."
  438. >He motions for you to come closer then rubs a hand over your flank again to check the damage.
  439. >No your legs do NOT go weak.
  440. >"Maybe we should go back to the old one. Which one was worse?"
  441. "The new one but it's not a big difference."
  442. >"Keep it then?"
  443. "It's supposed to be safer. I'd rather not get a splinter if it breaks."
  444. >"You may change your mind next time it's your turn."
  445. >You just stick your tongue out at him.
  446. >He feels bad for you now, no way he'd even think of disciplining you for a while.
  447. >You float over Mr. Icepack and some lotion from the other rooms.
  448. >When offered them he takes them both in his hand then let's you climb up.
  449. >TV, a nice lotion rubbing and an icepack?
  450. >Horrible day but a pretty good way to end the night all things considered.
  452. >Bedtime rolls around before you know it.
  453. >Thankfully you don't have to go back to your shared bedroom where Rarity is hiding.
  454. >Instead Anon tosses you into his bed before climbing in after you.
  455. >Literally tosses, good thing you have cat like reflexes and are oddly used to being lightly thrown.
  456. >Just gotta do a few quick circles to make your spot nice and soft and ok nevermind guess you're going over here now!
  457. >He makes you his little spoon as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
  458. >When he'd told you he'd let you sleep in his bed you figured it was just that, sleeping.
  459. >Not that you mind a little cuddling. Ponies are pretty much always down for a that, herd instincts or something like that.
  460. >"We're going to have to work on the rooming situation if you two can't get along."
  461. "What you don't like this?"
  462. >You turn your head to the side and look up at him so as to not stab him with your horn.
  463. >"I'm sure you'd get tired of having to share a room with me."
  464. "Nah your bed is really soft."
  465. >And his arms are really strong.
  466. >Not saying that though.
  467. >Nope nope nope.
  468. >"You know you're always welcome to be my bunk buddy. You're like a cute snarky plushy."
  469. >He better move that finger away from your face!
  470. >He better not try to boop you!
  471. >You snap at his finger but he moves it away at the last moment.
  472. >"A plushy with teeth."
  473. "Just shut up and hold me, I'm sleepy."
  474. >Aw yeah those strong arms both wrap around you and pull you close.
  475. >Be still my beating heart it's just your human.
  476. >There are many like it but this one is yours.
  477. >He falls asleep fast, always does.
  478. >Today sucked but he did come through for you.
  479. >Not only saved you from the rest of your lesson via Rarity but took away her authority then turned the tables on her.
  480. >You feel bad about enjoying watching her suffer but it had been a long time coming.
  481. >Hopefully tomorrow she'll be a bit more reasonable and you can all talk it out.
  482. >Still, gotta reward your gallant knight.
  483. >He's asleep right? Yeah must be.
  484. >You lift your head and give him a quick kiss on the underside of his jaw.
  485. >Every protector deserves a rewards from their beautiful princess after all.
  487. >Mmmmm you swear his bed is softer than yours.
  488. >You should make him trade you, he doesn't need a queen size for just him.
  489. >Better plan its both your beds from now on.
  490. >The idea of permanently moving into his bed makes you blush a little.
  491. >So maybe you're a cuddle slut big deal, better than a true bed mare.
  492. >The horror stories from the auction told of mares permanently chained to their masters beds.
  493. >Forced to live off scraps and seed alone.
  494. >What a silly idea, sperm isn't nutritious enough for that and you know it.
  495. >Why you know that isn't important.
  496. >Anyway time to get up, you rarely feel well rested so this is a nice change of pace.
  497. >Only this is this weird poking pressure at your lower back.
  498. >The more awake you get the more it occurs to you just what could be poking you in the back.
  499. >Your face threatens to catch the bed on fire as you very calmly scramble out of the bed and directly onto the floor.
  500. >Face first.
  501. >You're his benevolent princess but he hasn't earned that.
  502. >Yet.
  503. >No no don't think about that, bad filly!
  504. >You manage to reorient yourself on all four hooves.
  505. >The good news is you are NOT at all flustered by being that close to his... maleness.
  506. >Time to poke him, yes that's the right thing to do.
  507. "Wake up. Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup."
  508. >He pushes your hoof away and mumbles something that sounds vaguely like "I'm up". Vaguely.
  509. >"Time is it?"
  510. "Almost 10. I'm gonna take a shower but you need to get out of bed you bum."
  511. >He sits up and rubs his eyes.
  512. >Lord man put on a shirt.
  513. >This could take some getting used to if you're gonna sleep in his bed long term.
  514. >You're about to go before he speaks.
  515. >"Hey let me see."
  516. >He does the little turn around motion with his hand.
  517. >He just wants to see how you've recovered from yesterday.
  518. >Good thing you aren't flustered from earlier.
  519. >Just relax, breath, don't wink. Holy Celestia don't wink!
  520. >Lifting your tail for him doesn't help the situation but you manage to contain yourself.
  521. >Thank goodness he just looks and doesn't touch, you think your forehooves might have given out.
  522. >"Still looks bad, do you want more lotion?"
  523. >You barely manage to cover yourself and turn back around before you wink hard!
  524. >The idea of laying over his lap and having him rub your backside is too much right now!
  525. >"No no I'm good thanks! Just need a shower is all!"
  526. >Out out out!
  527. >That was too close. You aren't really sure if he would understand horse signals the same way a stallion would but it's not a risk you want to take.
  528. >Also praise the nine that humans have awful noses.
  529. >Not to worry you can fix all this in the shower.
  530. >Oh wait someone is in your room. Your room where all your good toys are. Shit.
  531. >Maybe a cold shower then, boo.
  532. >You're almost to the bathroom when you hear clattering in the kitchen.
  533. >Is Rares already in there?
  534. >You cautiously poke your head around the corner.
  535. >Waffles! Pancake's equally delicious cousin!
  536. >You must have made an excited noise as Rarity turns her head to catch you.
  537. >Oh shit! You back up a little just in case.
  538. >"No no don't go."
  539. "Sorry, I didn't expect to find your in here."
  540. >"That's quite alright. I'm afraid it's more apology cooking. I was a bit over the line yesterday with you and I had lots of time to think about it last night. I've felt very out of sorts lately. Are you alright?"
  541. >You turn to try and inspect your own flanks.
  542. >It's of course hard to see but nonetheless you can see a couple oval brush marks still plainly visible.
  543. >"A little sore still."
  544. "Sorry, if it helps I'm no better off."
  545. >She shakes her hips and moves her tail ever so slightly.
  546. >The red underneath really shines through a white coat, anon busted that backside for sure.
  547. >"Thank you by the way, for stopping him. You really saved me."
  548. "He was just really really mad."
  549. >She chuckles a little.
  550. >"I could tell. I didn't know he was so protective of you, it must be nice."
  551. >That puts a stupid grin on your face, it really is.
  552. >She walks a bit closer to you to grab something from the fridge but stops to sniff the air.
  553. >Uh oh, she follows her nose until she's sniffing you directly.
  554. >"So you slept in his bed? Was he gentle?"
  555. "I... He... Well yeah. I mean cuddle wise that is."
  556. >No no no wrong idea!
  557. >Though you imagine he would be gentle with you. Gentle and kind as he...
  558. "Anyway those look great let me just grab a quick shower!"
  559. >Hightailing it out of here!
  560. >Shower! Cold shower! Oh wow that's awful!
  561. >A few minutes of cold misery later you hop out.
  562. >Not fun but had the desired effect.
  563. >You magic the water away from your coat but take a few minutes to blow dry your hair just for the feel of it.
  564. >Ok totally calm and collected now.
  565. >You're gonna go in there, eat your pancakes then you Anon and Rarity are going to have a nice long conversation about everything.
  566. >Anon is already at the table when you get there.
  567. >Looks like he took a shower as well in his adjoined bathroom.
  568. >"There she is. We thought you fell back asleep."
  569. >Wow funny guy, he gets a raspberry blown at him.
  570. >You go to climb up to the kitchen table and notice both remaining seats have cushions in them.
  571. >Thoughtful, it barely even hurts to sit.
  572. >Rarity brings the plate of finished waffles to the table and takes her seat to your right leaving Anon on your left.
  573. >"Thanks Rarity these are great."
  574. >That gets her to smile at least a little.
  575. >"You're welcome sir. As I told Twilight I wish to make up for yesterday. I've been so restless lately and I was wrong to take it out on her."
  576. >"Yes, you were. I think I drove that point home last night though."
  577. >She nods and breaks eye contact to look at her plate.
  578. >"I guess now is as good a time as ever to talk about all this. You already learned your lesson so no more lecturing or anything but everything I said last night still stands. You're no longer in charge of Twilight, none of this head mare business for either of you."
  579. >"Sir please can't we talk about-"
  580. >Anon cuts her off with a pointed finger.
  581. >"No, absolutely not. I think you learned enough last night Rarity and I'm proud of your for taking initiative to apologize like this so don't argue with me now. I'm told you're both adults here-"
  582. >Is that a jab at you? That's so a jab at you.
  583. >Note to self: delete something important off Anon's computer.
  584. >-So I want you both handling yourselves. Everyone will be responsible for their own chores, maybe Twilight can do laundry and cleaning and Rarity can do cooking and shopping? You two can hash it out between yourselves just let me know because that's what you'll be held responsible for. That means if something's not done then that's the one that will be in trouble alright?"
  585. "I hate shopping so that works for me. There's a few other things to talk about if we're splitting chores but we can figure it out in a bit."
  586. >"If you think that's best..."
  587. >She doesn't sound convinced but also not willing to argue.
  588. >"Good. I trust you two can figure this out, Twilight was doing a fine job before and Rarity you have experience runnings things a lot more complicated than a household."
  589. >See? You did do a great job before, not the time to rub it in to some ponies though.
  590. >"Which brings me to the second order of business, we need more space. When I moved here it was just me then when Twilight got here she took the guest bedroom. You two need your own space mostly because I'm tired of hearing you argue. With all the money Rarity brought in there's no reason we can't start looking for a new place."
  591. "Oh oh can I help?! Are we looking here for closer to your work? Can we get a pool? What's our budget?"
  592. >the news seem to even perk up Rarity.
  593. >"Oh that's perfect master, I need something else to keep busy with and I love interior design! I have a lot of experience with decoration I'm sure I can find a look everyone will enjoy!"
  594. >Psh needing more work to entertain her. Not surprising given the pace she's used to keeping but not something can sympathize with either.
  595. >"You two will get to help don't worry. You've still got all that furniture in storage too right Rarity?"
  596. >Even when her life was falling apart Rarity had been calm and collected.
  597. >She'd hadn't just gotten the other mares squared away with their new homes when she'd gone home that night.
  598. >She'd also taken everything she could practically move and stored it offsite.
  599. >Since the legal owner of all her property and belongings, aka Rarity the slaver, was going to vanish in a puff of legal smoke it was a good call.
  600. >"Yes sir, I'm sure we can use quite a bit of it."
  601. >"Great, we can talk about it later I just wanted you give you guys a heads up. We've got other plans for today that you're both gonna like a lot less than house shopping."
  602. >Not ominous at all.
  603. "Do I even want to know?"
  604. >He walks to the fridge and pulls some small business card off.
  605. >Oh no!
  606. >no no no!
  607. >It's a reminder card but not just any reminder!
  608. >"Sorry Twi it's that time of year."
  609. "No Anon no not Angie! Not the vet!"
  610. >Anything but the vet!
  611. >"Calm down, I know you hate it but we both know you have to go."
  612. "Anon no Anon you don't understand Angie has no sense of personal space. She's used to dealing with dogs not things that can feel shame! Please Anon I'm perfectly healthy let's just skip it! It's a waste of money I can take care of myself I swear!"
  613. >You desperately grab his arm and give him the sad eyes.
  614. >He can't resist the sad eyes usually but he's pretty strict when it comes to your health.
  615. >Like those nasty vitamins she made you take for months last time you went there. Bleh.
  616. >"Sorry Twi were going, all of us. According to the paperwork Rarity hasn't been in years either right?"
  617. >She perks up at the mention of her name.
  618. >"Ah yes I was rather lax about it, I just so busy all the time."
  619. >No no no! You're gonna get poked and prodded!
  620. >Angie's obsessed with breaking your number one rule: No putting stuff in the unicorn!
  621. "No Rarity You don't understand! The tools! The fingers! You'll never be the same!"
  622. >"Twi she's a very good at her job."
  623. >"Are you sure you aren't overreacting darling?"
  624. >They don't understand! None of them understand!
  625. >But Rarity will know the terror soon enough! Nothing will be able to save her from Angie's grabby hands! Nothing!
  627. >You'd spent the next few hours after breakfast sulking in front of the TV.
  628. >You don't want to go! It's not fair and they totally can't make you get up from this couch.
  629. >"Appointment is in an hour Twi so be ready to go."
  630. >Evil human is on mental mute for his crimes.
  631. >"Twilighttttttt helloooo."
  632. >He waves his hand in front of you obnoxiously.
  633. >"Get dressed or you're going outside with this on display."
  634. >Normally you'd be pretty ok with him poking your butt, maybe even enjoy it a little, but not right now.
  635. >You whip your head around and bite at the air where his arm used to be.
  636. >Damn he's quick or maybe he just knows you too well.
  637. "I'm not going!"
  638. >He raises and eyebrow and just stares at you.
  639. >Stop doing that.
  640. >You squirm uncomfortably. Why he is doing that.
  641. "I mean it, I'm not."
  642. >The conviction in your voice is gone already.
  643. >He's done that thing where he cocks his mouth to the side and just stares at you.
  644. >Humans aren't as expressive as ponies in your opinion but you know that's a disapproving sign.
  645. >The idea of disappointing him hurts more than you expected.
  646. >"We're going and I think you know that already. Now do you want to dress yourself or do I get to put that maid outfit we talked about the other day on you?"
  647. "You didn't..."
  648. >"You told me I could."
  649. >Uh oh here he comes!
  650. >You jump up and violently scramble over the back of the couch before he can pick you up and carry you away to a lewd dress up adventure.
  651. >He's gotta be bluffing. There's no way he actually bought you a maid outfit.
  652. >You duck into your room to grab a hoodie and some socks you know will reach all the way up.
  653. >Socks are cute.
  654. >Scratch that, you are cute with socks.
  655. >It's the mare that makes the clothes after all.
  656. >Rarity will probably want to put something on two so you trot to Anon's room to change instead.
  657. >Mmmm socks feel nice hugging your legs and this is your favorite hoodie.
  658. >Technically it's Anon's but one of his first kind gestures was letting you borrow it when he saw you were cold.
  659. >Naturally you kept it forever.
  660. >It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, just the emotions you'll be needing once a certain medical professional gets her claws on you.
  661. >You risk peaking into Anon's closet for the aforementioned maid outfit.
  662. >Not here, he's so full of crap.
  663. >There's no way he'd dare, oh wait nevermind.
  664. >It was off to the side.
  665. >No way this things covers your backside.
  666. >Oh it's ok it has panties.
  667. >Holy shit he bought you panties.
  668. >Should... should you wear them?
  669. >Would he like that? Clearly so right? Are panties sexy? These are kinda cute you guess...
  670. >You step into them and pull them up experimentally.
  671. >Panties are a human thing so the way they seem to hug everything takes you a bit by surprise.
  672. >This could take some getting used to.
  673. >Maybe they would make a nice surprise for him at some point?
  674. >Then again he mentioned dressing you himself.
  675. >Wait why are you even thinking of giving him sexy surprises?
  676. >Oh man is it hot in here?
  677. >"Twilight let's go!"
  678. >Crap! No time for this now!
  679. >You put the outfit plus panties away and trot back to the living room.
  680. >Might as well try to get out of this one more time now that you've got your cute socks on.
  681. >Stopping a distance away you scratch the floor and try to look pathetic.
  682. "Please Anon I don't want to go..."
  683. >Plz take pity on poor pony.
  684. >Instead he huffs in annoyance before walking over and grabbing you by the collar.
  685. >"Stop being difficult we're going to be late."
  686. >One problem with socks is the lack of traction, you slide on the hardwood floors easily as he drags you towards the door.
  687. >Your attempts to backpedal don't accomplish much.
  688. >Vet is bad! Don't want to go!
  689. >Poor foolish Rarity waits by the door ready to go, if only she knew what she was in for she wouldn't be so cooperative!
  690. >You notice she's got on a reasonably simple blue and white dress to cover her shame as well.
  691. >Simple by her standards at least, it's got some frills and fluff but not too much.
  692. >"Twilight stop being difficult!"
  693. "Never!"
  694. >You thrash your head back and forth but his grip on your collar is far too strong to escape.
  695. >He'll never take you alive!
  696. >Or so you think until he pulls back on your collar instead and WHACK!
  697. "AH!"
  698. >The firm dose of human hand on your sore rump makes you jump and dash forward on instinct.
  699. >He hit you!
  700. >You're supposed to be the favorite! He's supposed to be your strong protector but he swatted you!
  701. >"In the car, go!"
  702. >No need to tell you twice, you gallop out to the waiting vehicle and scurry into the back seat instead of your usual front seat.
  703. >The hand print on your backside stings and sends your mind into a tizzy.
  704. >He hadn't disciplined you in forever, it almost felt like the two of you had moved beyond it.
  705. >Clearly not though if the hand shaped warm spot under your hoodie was any indication.
  706. >You've of course had much worse but it hurts your heart more than your seat.
  707. >He's silent as he climbs in and starts the car.
  708. >Is he mad at you? You didn't mean to upset him.
  709. >It's a few miles before anyone breaks the silence.
  710. >"I get that you don't like the vet Twi but sometimes we all have to do stuff we don't want to."
  711. >Engage sulking.
  712. >Truthfully you're more upset about him hitting you than the vet, you knew you'd have to go deep down.
  713. >"I'm think she learned her lesson master."
  714. >You can't tell if she's smirking or not.
  715. >She's probably glad to see she's not the only one who can get whacked by 'master'.
  716. >"Twilight?"
  717. "Yes sir..."
  718. >If your shortness upsets him he says nothing.
  719. >The radio keeps the silence away until you all arrive at the vet.
  720. >Shock the lobby is full of things cats dogs and birds in kennels and cages instead of sapient creatures like yourself.
  721. >When Anon goes to sign in you go to find a comfy chair to curl up in so you can continue to ignore him.
  722. >Rarity lays on her side in the chair beside you.
  723. >"I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it dear. He just didn't want to be late and you were being rather difficult."
  724. "I really hate the vet but he didn't have to hit me..."
  725. >She rubs a hoof on your back.
  726. >"Shh it's ok, I'm sure he feels bad about it."
  727. >Maybe, he did seem a bit subdued.
  728. >When he'd disciplined in the past it's been in the heat of the moment.
  729. >This was more deliberate situation but then again you didn't openly defy him often.
  730. >"Mr. Anonymous?"
  731. >You hop up and walk towards the nurse while Anon stays behind.
  732. >Catching up to you Rarity looks back at Anon still in his seat.
  733. >"Is he not coming with?"
  734. "He'd just get kicked him out halfway through anyway. You know when things get more... personal."
  735. >You shiver, it's coming.
  736. >You're gonna get freakin molested again you can feel it.
  737. >The nurse doesn't seem to care either way and leads the two of you to an exam room.
  738. >It's not quite like the exam room back at Diamond's in the Rough. Instead of a fancy bed covered in paper the vet has an adjustable metal table you'll soon be expected to hop up on.
  739. >For now though there's a bench you stretch out on. Usually it's for the owners while they watch the vet pokes and prods their poor animal but you see no reason to not use it while you wait.
  740. >Also the table is really cold.
  741. >Rarity climbs up on the other side.
  742. >"This isn't too bad so far right?"
  743. "You haven't met Angie yet. She's not mean, just way too used to working with animals that can't complain about her bedside manner."
  744. >It's only a few more minutes before the woman herself arrives.
  745. >"Twilight Twilight Twilight there's my favorite neighbor!"
  746. >She across the room and goes straight for the kill!
  747. >One hand scratching your ears the other shoving that damned sugar cube up to your mouth.
  748. >Why's it gotta be so stupidly good?
  749. >You can't help but lick it right out of her hand while she smiles.
  750. >"And who's this? Rarity was it? Oh I just love what you've done with your mane!"
  751. >she quits scratching your ears to instead gentle pick at Rarity's mane.
  752. >"Oh well thank you. Yes I'm Rarity it's a pleasure to meet you."
  753. >Of course she's basking in the attention.
  754. >Angie guides her head to one side then the other to get the full view.
  755. >"What a lucky man. Anon sure does find some pretty mares! Why don't you hop up on the table beautiful and we can get started."
  756. >Phew you didn't want to go first.
  757. >For her part the praise seems to have lulled Rarity into a false sense of security.
  758. >She happily climbs up on the table putting herself at eye level with Angie.
  759. >"Good girl, now say ah."
  760. >Angie gives her the usual checks for her eyes, ears, nose and throat.
  761. >"Elegant and obedient what a prize you are."
  762. >"You're too kind Mrs. Angie."
  763. >Yeah we'll see how long you two get along so well.
  764. >Angie puts down her instruments and gives Rares a quick rub on the side of her neck for a job well done.
  765. >"Well SOME ponies don't do as well with being examined as you sweetheart. Can you get undressed for me? Your outfit is adorable but it'll be in the way from here on."
  766. >Oh wow yeah SOME ponies prefer dignity.
  767. >"Oh. I-um yes yes of course."
  768. >And so it begins.
  769. >Rarity slides out of the dress with practised ease and a noticeable blush.
  770. >Her eyes catch yours for a moment and she gives you a nervous smile.
  771. >Nervous is right. You just shrug back at her.
  772. >"Oh no not again."
  773. >She's caught sight of the naked unicorn's flanks.
  774. >"Here let me see."
  775. >She turns your friend so she's facing you with her backside towards the vet.
  776. >And so it begins.
  777. >"Ugh that man. Bend down a little bit for me your poor thing."
  778. >Hm yep now she's top down bottoms up.
  779. >Hot tag but you can already see Rarity's discomfort growing.
  780. >"Umm Mrs. Angie could you not-"
  781. >"Was this recently? Looks like the brush again, can you sit?"
  782. >Based on Rarity's eyes widening Angie's getting a bit personal back there.
  783. >"Ah careful please!"
  784. >Ok Angie's really getting into that, or rather into her, time to step in.
  785. >"Angie please Rarity-"
  786. >She peeks up at you over your friends tail like she forgot you were there.
  787. >"Oh no you too Twilight? Get it off I want to see."
  788. >She gestures to your hoodie.
  789. >Ok first of all how did she know you were sore too also wtf it isn't even your turn yet!
  790. >You hesitate and squirm further back into the bench.
  791. >"Twilight..."
  792. "Nevermind just ignore me."
  793. >"Take it off young mare."
  794. "Don't wanna..."
  795. >She huffs but smiles at your obstinance before walking around the table and scooping your curled up body into her arms.
  796. >Maybe if you curl into a tighter ball she can't undress you.
  797. >She deposits you onto the table with Rarity and tries to coax you into cooperating.
  798. >"Twilight come on, be a good girl like Rarity here."
  799. >Yeah because butt up Rares really looks like she's enjoying cooperating.
  800. >You just bury your head in your hooves.
  801. >At least until a well aimed poke to your vulnerable side makes you spring open like a windup toy!
  802. >"It's a good thing you're so cute you know that?"
  803. >You try to curl back up but are treated to another poke every time.
  804. >In the end you can only blush and look away as she pulls off your socks leg by leg then lifts up your hoodie to reveal your spanked flank.
  805. >You whimper a bit as she runs a hand over your sore cheeks.
  806. >"I'm getting worried about this girls. Does he do this often?"
  807. >"I wouldn't say so Ma'am, this is my first one from him."
  808. >You look to your side. Rarity is still stuck in the awkward position with one hand on her flank as well.
  809. >Needless to say she doesn't look very comfortable about the whole situation.
  810. >Whether that's the whole 'being striped naked and inspected' thing or the fact that your flanks are her doing and not anon's you aren't sure.
  811. "It's pretty rare."
  812. >"I know you like him Twilight but that doesn't mean you should let him abuse you. If he's beating you for no reason he can be reported for that. I don't like people that are mean to their cute little ones."
  813. >Pft you don't like that guy, he's a bully who smacked you just an hour ago.
  814. >Really this is an opportunity to get back at him by telling her some kind of sob story and getting him investigated.
  815. >Seems like a bad idea though, if you get taken away from him you know you'd regret it.
  816. "He-he's not like that."
  817. >"You told me that last time too and yet here I find where he's done it again. Were you naughty?"
  818. >Fucker. You're only options are to tell her you were a brat who earned her spanking or you aren't and therefore Anon is abusive.
  819. >Trying to explain that Rarity did most of it might just confuse her plus the giant handprint is 100% anon's work.
  820. "Yes ma'am..."
  821. >Rarity squeezes your hoof comfortingly.
  822. >"You aren't just telling me that are you? What did you do to earn all this?"
  823. >Ugh stupid human!
  824. "I was defiant ok? He's a good man and I'm a bad pony!"
  825. >"Aww it's ok everyone makes mistakes. What about you Rarity?"
  826. >"I was out of line as well. Twilight tells the truth he's not unreasonable, you've just caught us on a bad day."
  827. >How does she manage to make it sound dignified while you make yourself sound like a bratty filly?
  828. >"Alright but if this keeps happening I'll have to make a note. What about the other thing we talked about last time Twilight? I had a poor mare just last week who was being forced to sleep with her master. Still good there?"
  829. >OMG you're getting so tired of everything accusing Anon of being a rapist.
  830. "No nothing's happened!"
  831. >"Well you do sleep with him darling."
  832. >WTF! You shoot your friend daggers! Thanks for throwing you under the bus!
  833. >"Twilight?"
  834. "We cuddle that's it!"
  835. >"So you sleep in his bed?"
  836. "Yes but nothing happens."
  837. >"Are you a virgin Twilight?"
  838. "No... but i-it wasn't him..."
  839. >Go away brain this isn't the time for mental images!
  840. >"Are you sexually active?"
  841. "Not in like a month..."
  842. >"With Anon?"
  843. "With a neighbor stallion!"
  844. >"Oh I didn't know they were trying to breed you. Did it take? We should do some tests."
  845. >If your face gets any redder you just might pass out.
  846. "No! He's just a friend we use protection!"
  847. >"That's a shame foals are so cute."
  848. >Yeah with their cute little hoofsies and their teeny tiny - ok stopping now.
  849. >"It really sounds like your hiding something from me though, I'd like to check just to be sure."
  850. >No no no not again!
  851. "It's the truth I swear!"
  852. >Oh no it's too late she's already got a speculum! She's gonna pry you wide open! Evasive action!
  853. >You tense to run away but Rarity's hoof on yours interrupts you.
  854. >"Mrs. Angie I've known Anon for quite a while and I assure you he's very kind and protective of his little Twilight. He'd never do anything to hurt her outside a little discipline."
  855. >She looks back and forth between the two of you for a moment before putting down her tool of vaginal destruction.
  856. >"Alright fine, I've just seen too many poor ponies afraid to say a single bad word about their owners. It's a little suspicious when a single guy buys a lot of pretty mares but he's always seemed like a good man to me. Someone has to look out for you girls."
  857. "I appreciate it but he's nice I swear."
  858. >"Aww you're such a loyal little cutie, I hope Anon knows how lucky he is!"
  859. >Oh another sugarcube, tasty.
  860. >"What about you Rarity? Sexually active as well?"
  861. >She's taken the opportunity to lay down on the table when Angie wasn't looking.
  862. >"Haha oh no it's been quite a long time I'm afraid."
  863. >Angie huffs.
  864. >"Not passing along that beautiful mane color? For shame!"
  865. >"I'm afraid I'm no good for foaling anymore, not since the operation."
  866. >"Oh no they didn't!"
  867. >Flipping through her papers for a minute she slumps when she finds it.
  868. >"You poor baby. I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I think that's just wrong especially for one so pretty."
  869. >If Rarity is sad about the whole sterile thing she doesn't show it. She actually seems to be eating up the praise, scratches and treats.
  870. >"And you aren't on any estrogen? Would you like that? It could help with some mood issues you may be experiencing."
  871. >That perks her ears up.
  872. >"Oh yes, yes actually I would like that."
  873. >That thought had crossed your mind.
  874. >Why didn't she take any before though? Perhaps she thought a tougher personality served her well in her past role.
  875. >Having a more emotional Rarity back sounds nice even if she could be a total drama queen.
  876. >"I'll write you a prescription then. That's enough talk now though, let's keep going so we can get you two back home."
  877. >She stood Rares back up and continued with the exam as stated.
  878. >Heart rate, respiration, reflexes blah blah.
  879. >The only other issue was temperature.
  880. >Less intelligent animals can't be trusted to cooperate with oral thermometers so they only had one kind here.
  881. >Yeah that kind.
  882. >You held Rarity's hoof as Angie did it.
  883. >And now she understands why you didn't want to come here.
  884. >It of course only takes a minute but it's still super awkward having a glass rod put up there.
  885. >She manages with only few small noises of protest.
  886. >You're a little jealous, you've never managed to remain that calm and collected.
  887. >Unfortunately that means Rarity is done and you're next.
  888. >Bad news is you're already in grabbing range up on the table so there's no escape.
  889. >You're good for the normal parts of the exam, even letting her touch your sensitive ears without fidgeting.
  890. >You're not so great with the temp part though. Rarity ends up putting a hoof over your back to hold you still.
  891. >Gods how expensive can a mouth thermometer be!
  892. >After only one eternity the trauma is over and you're both allowed to get dressed.
  893. >"So here's one prescription for you and another treat for both of you."
  894. >What is this your 3rd sugarcube? Gonna get fat but who cares?
  895. >"You two be good now. I'll see you next time."
  896. >Rarity waves her goodbye but you just leave and head towards the waiting room.
  897. >Sure she means well but she's still not your favorite human by any stretch.
  898. >As soon as Anon sees the two of you he joins you at the counter to pay.
  899. >Forget this you just want to leave.
  900. >You poke his pocket where the car keys are with your horn.
  901. >He fishes them out and hangs the ring on your bony magical protrusion.
  902. >Haha very funny. you float them off and go to hop in the car.
  903. >Rarity stays behind talking with him about something.
  904. >You'd defended him in there when under pressure for some reason.
  905. >You wanted to stay mad at him for hitting you but you couldn't let her do anything stupid either.
  906. >The other two climb in the car.
  907. >"Ok now I get why you put up such a fight."
  908. "I told you. Thanks for backing me up by the way. You know when she wanted to 'check'..."
  909. >She shivers.
  910. >"If it goes where I think it goes then I didn't want that thing near myself either."
  911. >She looks a little traumatized.
  912. >What a baby, she only got it up the butt this time. It could have been a lot worse.
  913. "Yeah well welcome to the pet life."
  915. >The three of you had stopped for pizza on the way home.
  916. >Pizza always lifts your mood so you upgraded anon from the silent treatment to the cold shoulder.
  917. >You still run off with your laptop when you get home instead of hanging out in the living room with him.
  918. >He's in the doghouse until you get an apology for this morning.
  919. >Midnight rolls around with you still in his bed shitposting.
  920. >You ignore him as he bumps around the room getting ready for bed.
  921. >It gets harder to ignore him when he climbs in and gathers you up in his arms.
  922. >You growl a little but he isn't discouraged.
  923. >"Still mad at me?"
  924. "Yes."
  925. >"For making you go to the vet?"
  926. "You hit me!"
  927. >You turn your head to give him the stinkeye.
  928. >"And you were being unreasonable and you know it."
  929. "You didn't have to hit me."
  930. >"Twilight I was literally having to drag you out the door. Even Rarity was ready to go."
  931. "Only because she didn't know what she was getting into, she hates the vet too now."
  932. >"Hey listen to me."
  933. >He said listen but not look so you turn your head away stubbornly.
  934. >"Me and you need to be on the same page here. Rarity's out of practise on this whole slave thing so you need to be the good example. I'm sorry I hit you but I can't have her thinking what I usually let you get away with is normal."
  935. >Yeah like you get special treatment.
  936. >Well ok you do get kinda special treatment but that's not the point.
  937. >"I need you on your best behavior until she's more settled in. You can still be your cute snarky self but no open defiance ok?"
  938. "...Fine."
  939. >"Are you still mad."
  940. >He said he was sorry so not really.
  941. "A little."
  942. >"How can I make it up to you?"
  943. >You light your horn and move his hand from your stomach to your cutie mark.
  944. >Oh shit it feels so good when he digs those fingers in!
  945. >Fine he's out of the doghouse.
  946. >For now.
  948. >Maybe it was being sensually massaged to sleep in his arms.
  949. >Maybe it was your lack of any quality time with a stallion in a while.
  950. >Either way your dreams were... spicy.
  951. >Dusty is a nice stallion but pretty vanilla.
  952. >You on the other hoof went through puberty and beyond as a total shut in. When you've got only your books and hoof to keep you company you mayyyyyyy develop a kink or two.
  953. >There'd been many a night you'd missed your old collar.
  954. >Ok sure you have a collar all the time now but there's a difference in a 'fun' collar and a 'this is your life now' collar.
  955. >The blinder and gag that came with your dream collar told you which kind this one was.
  956. >He was behind you firmly making you his, claiming you in a primal way.
  957. >His powerful hips slammed into yours as he went on and on! It must be over three minutes already!
  958. >Every stallion has their limits though and your dream stallion is no different.
  959. >Just when it seems like you'll get your well deserved reward he pulls out completely!
  960. >Your cry of dismay is cut short when his plan becomes clear.
  961. >He's undoes your gag, the impressive member now dominates your narrow field of view.
  962. >Oral was never your specialty but you're his to command at this point.
  963. >You open wide and moan as he slides himself deeper and deeper into your muzzle.
  964. >It's so big! You wrap your tongue around it and work it in and out of your mouth as best you can.
  965. >It's so salty, shouldn't it be sweeter since it's covered in your-.
  966. >"-light. Twilighttttttt helloooo."
  967. >No! The dream collapses, returning you to the not nearly as sexy land of the living.
  968. >Naughty dreams are fun! Come back!
  969. >Wait. It was just a dream... right?
  970. >If it was just a dream then what this in your...
  971. >Your slowly look down your muzzle in terror.
  972. >There's a hand right in front of you, at least the back of one.
  973. >Unfortunately the fingers are umm... the term suckling might not be inaccurate.
  974. >You're tongue is lewdly wrapped around the two fingers your sleeping self decided were for you.
  975. >"Having fun?"
  976. >Ok you've done weird stuff around him before but this is a new low.
  977. >He makes no effort to remove the fingers and you're too frozen to do anything about it yourself.
  978. >"Are you awake in there?"
  979. >It's ok he's pulling them out.
  980. >It's less - ok nevermind he's pushing them back in!
  981. >You DO NOT moan as he toys with you.
  982. >He's slowly pushes his fingers in then back out out. Leading your head this way and that just to see how pliable you are.
  983. >The answer is very. Something in your brain must have shorted out because you don't even think about stopping him.
  984. >You lower your eyes and ears and give into the lead.
  985. >It's his collar around your throat right now anyway.
  986. >His collar that's feeling more and more like a 'fun' collar by the minute.
  987. >You've already been his in body for years. If the two of you are to be a united team for Rarity's sake then maybe it's time for him to have even more?
  988. >The line is saliva between your lips and his fingers as he pulls them out makes you shiver.
  989. >Judging by the breathy quality of his voice it's starting to get to him too.
  990. >"What did I tell you about teasing me my cute little troublemaker?"
  991. >The possessive term makes you smile and open even wider for him.
  992. >Instead of giving you something else to suckle he runs his wet fingers over your cheek.
  993. >It's gross and lewd and you don't care at all.
  994. >"Let's see how you like having the tables turned."
  995. >He's not bluffing! His spare hand snakes around under and around behind you to gives you a squeeze!
  996. >You whiny as he pulls you closer to him with the arm now encircling you. At this range there no hiding from the fingers he pushes back into your open muzzle.
  997. >Is this it? Is it finally going to happen after all these years?
  998. >Once upon a time the idea would have filled you with terror but not now.
  999. >You bob your head on the digits and wiggle your backside in a way you hope is enticing.
  1000. >You're too far gone to care what exactly he does just as long as it's him doing it.
  1001. >"I know your heat's over Twi. No blaming that this time."
  1002. >You take his fingers as deep as you can and really put some effort into the tongue.
  1003. >He's right. This time you have to accept that you actually want this. Not from your heat but from your heart.
  1004. >Or maybe a combination of heart and throbing libedo. There's no time for details like that right now.
  1005. >He has to work hard but manages to extract his hand from your mouth.
  1006. "No heat. Just me."
  1007. >Words. hard. when. out. of. breath.
  1008. >"Admit it huh? We should talk about this first before going too far. It's complicated and you know it."
  1009. >Stupid slow humans. It's nice he wants to do right by you but come on.
  1010. >You just grab his hand in your magic and put it back where it belongs. If he's not gonna do something productive with the limb you will.
  1011. >Your actions spark an instinct in him he struggles to ignore.
  1012. >His hand under the sheets gets more aggressive making you squirm in delight and go limp when he hits just the right spot.
  1013. >You can't say you're dissatisfied with the way he draws your trembling form up into his chest in response.
  1014. >He's still holding back on you though. Aren't males supposed to have worse self control?
  1015. >At least he's started to move his fingers on his own, if only a bit.
  1016. >It's a little mean when he pulls the glorious digits out and makes you reach for them, but teasing from him is something you're used to.
  1017. >Being this close to him is fun but the fire in your belly begs you to push for more.
  1018. >Fingers are nice but not as 'filling' as other parts.
  1019. >Unfortunately instead of more he gives you less and pulls the fingers out completely.
  1020. >"Little strumpet. Don't you try to distract me, we really are going to talk about this first."
  1021. >He pokes your muzzle with the wet fingers making you blush and giggle.
  1022. >His is truly the iron will if that didn't seduce him. Guess you'll have to do things his way after all.
  1023. >If he's gonna mess with you though then you're gonna mess with him.
  1024. "Strumpet? We using Ye old english now m'lord? Me thinks I do recall a time when you's was quite opposed to the olden speech."
  1025. >"Oh my god no! We are not going back to your old english phase!"
  1026. >Ha sucker. The Old english phase was super fun! You may have got a bit overboard speaking it exclusively for a few months after he'd introduced you to human fantasy novels but whatever.
  1027. "Phase m'lord? Whatever do you meanNNNNNN!"
  1028. >Tickling! He's tickling both sides! Mayday mayday! abort!
  1029. >You practically scream as his fingers dig into your sensitive sides! You hate tickling! Make it stop!
  1031. >"Master? Master don't you have that company picnic today? It's already 10:30 you'll be late."
  1032. >"Shit!"
  1033. >Saved!
  1034. >He pushes you off and practically flies out of the bed.
  1035. >"Crap crap crap! We'll talk about this tonight Sparkle, I promise!"
  1036. >He gets no response, you're too busy gasping for breath as your sides still tingle from the few moment of torment.
  1037. >What a bully. The beast slips off towards the bathroom and closes the door behind him.
  1038. >It takes a while for your breath and heart rate to return to normal but that gives you time to think.
  1039. >You'd basically admitted your feelings to him and he didn't reject them outright.
  1040. >He probably had a point anyway. This could be a big change, it's not really something to jump right into tail first.
  1041. >Sooner than you'd expected the bathroom door opens again.
  1042. >He doesn't waste a second heading to the closet and getting dressed.
  1043. "Poor planning m'lord."
  1044. >"I swear if you start this again no cuddles for a month."
  1045. >As walks over to you as he finishes buttoning up his shirt.
  1046. "Fine. You're no fun you know that?"
  1047. >Grinning he leans down and kisses you right on the snout!
  1048. >"No fun huh?"
  1049. >He kissed you!
  1050. >Well on the snout but still!
  1051. >You're brain must have shut down for a second because before you can think of a response he's already gone.
  1052. >Ok he wins this round.
  1053. >A growl from your stomach distracts you from your humiliating defeat.
  1054. >Some honey nut cheerios are calling your name. You head to the kitchen, grab a bowl and sprawl out on the couch.
  1055. >"So I heard some noisessssss."
  1056. >Oh yeah she lives here, the gossip queen herself.
  1057. >Rarity's head pops over the top of the couch with a devious looking grin.
  1058. >She knows. She has to know.
  1059. "It was nothing..."
  1060. >She just raises and eyebrow.
  1061. >"That was some very loud nothing."
  1062. "We were just messing around."
  1063. >"Having a moment then? An intimate one?"
  1064. >You blush and break eye contact.
  1065. >"One you wanted."
  1066. >Now she's just teasing.
  1067. "Yeah he's... nice..."
  1068. >Wow that was lame.
  1069. >"You are ok right? It's your choice too?"
  1070. >It's easy to see the concern in her eyes when you look back.
  1071. "Yes I promise. I'm safe with him you have to trust me."
  1072. >She leans further over the couch to give you a familiar nuzzle.
  1073. >"Good."
  1074. "You know you're safe with him too right? Like you can trust him, tell him things, I think he'd like that."
  1075. >"I'll try, it's just all so different. I'd expected to be in charge to some way. To be trusted and responsible, to have drive and purpose. I lost my company, my mares, everything but I had you. You were my drive, to protect you, to guide you, to be there for you. But I guess I messed even that up. Now the only thing I'm responsible for is dinner."
  1076. >She doesn't look down but the bubbly happy aura she had moments ago is gone.
  1077. >You reach up, put your forelegs around the back of her neck and pull her right over the back of the couch.
  1078. >She squeals at the sudden fall but the strong hug you pull her into helps.
  1079. "No reason we can't still be there for each other. Braid my mane?"
  1081. >Most the day is spent on quality time with your friend.
  1082. >Mane/tail braiding, cooking, even just watching TV.
  1083. >You didn't solve all the world's problems in a day but you were both happier in the end.
  1084. >Anon had texted the both of you he wouldn't be back until later that night. Some more business stuff no doubt.
  1085. >A couple hours ago it'd have bugged you, this upcoming conversation had you more than a bit nervous.
  1086. >Spending some time mending your friendship had been good for you though. It had given you time to step back and think about the situation. Evaluate it with your head as well as your heart.
  1087. >The more you think about the more you understand his reservations to just jump right in.
  1088. >Realistically you know relationships like this rarely work. The difference of slave and master is far from a healthy joining of equals.
  1089. >But you also know he doesn't treat you like a slave a lot of the time. You benefit from freedoms that would make a lot of ponies green with envy and a shockingly casual relationship with your master.
  1090. >You need to talk it out with him. Go over rules, expectations and boundaries with a fine toothed comb.
  1091. >Waking up horny and throwing yourselves at each other probably wouldn't have been the best start for all that.
  1092. >You glance at the clock. It's getting late, he should be home pretty soon.
  1093. >A somewhat happier Rarity had retreated to her room to read about half an hour ago so you might as well return to yours.
  1094. >You climb up on the bed and spin around a few times to get the spot just right.
  1095. >Should you do something special for when he gets home?
  1096. >No doubt this morning will be on his mind too. You aren't the most graceful pony but you try to find a way to arrange your limbs and tail to be tantalizing without going over the top.
  1097. >Could put on the maid outfit. No you don't want it to look like you're trying too hard.
  1098. >Could put on your wizard outfit. I mean it would piss him off instead of turn him on but it would be funny.
  1099. >Nah no outfits, a nice pair of socks is the perfect way to draw attention to places without it being trashy.
  1100. >Eventually you settle on a position that offers a generous view of your *ahem* assets but covers all the important bits with your tail.
  1101. >You classy now.
  1102. >Good news is classy Twi can still screw around on her laptop until he actually gets here.
  1103. >Human politics are stupid and easy to get sucker riled up about.
  1104. >You almost pity them for not having a benevolent god empress to rule them like the savages they are.
  1105. >You'd whipped them into a frenzy when you hear the door open.
  1106. >Showtime! Head high, smile, look confident and happy to see him.
  1107. >After bumping around somewhere else forever he finally opens the door.
  1108. >Aaaand now he's frozen staring at you.
  1109. >Thats a good thing right? Stunned by your beauty?
  1110. >Ok do something dude. He's kinda making you nervous now.
  1111. "Umm welcome back."
  1112. >"Well hello beautiful."
  1113. >Beautiful! Not cute but beautiful!
  1114. >He puts a bag on the floor before walking over and giving you a quick chase kiss right on the lips!
  1115. >"Surprised? You looked like you were expecting something like that."
  1116. "I didn't think it would work so well!"
  1117. >"What can I say? You just know how to get to me!"
  1118. >You let out a loud happy whiny as he slaps a hand onto your presented flank and gives a firm squeeze!
  1119. >So forceful!
  1120. >"That's for trying to seduce me for the 2nd time today."
  1121. >His grin is infectious but you still stick your tongue out at him.
  1122. >"Now first things first, I got you a little something while I was out."
  1123. >Gifts!?! You don't recognize the company on the bag but it looks fancy.
  1124. >"I know your current one bugs you a bit and funds are kinda generous right now sooooo, I got you this."
  1125. >Your breath catches in your lungs.
  1126. >The collar is one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen.
  1127. >Your current one is bulky and asymmetric with all it's electronic components. This one is a gorgeous sleek dark leather band fit with a gold plated nameplate and even a single amethyst.
  1128. 'Twilight Sparkle'
  1129. 'Property of Anon'
  1130. >Your name took front and center inscribed in larger more elegant script than anon's.
  1131. >You have to have it! Exposing your neck you wait for him to do the honors.
  1132. >He fiddles with the buckles on your old collar for a moment. That was one thing you always hated about it. It reminded you of a dog collar.
  1133. >Sure it was loaded down with fancy gizmos but it was clear form took a backseat to function in it's design.
  1134. >This new one though? Not even close.
  1135. >Finally he pulls the old one off and drops it on the bed.
  1136. >To your surprise he doesn't pick up the new one though. Instead his hands go to your neck, to the sensitive fur usually underneath the collar you hadn't taken off in years.
  1137. >The old one wasn't too tight but the fur was matted and messy nevertheless.
  1138. >A hands on both sides of your neck make your breath hitch and your heart jump.
  1139. >The throat is a classic weak point for any animal, even more so for a prey species like ponies. Exposing your neck before had already sent chills down your spine but having your throat held and massaged was a step above.
  1140. >You must have trembled as he pulls your head back down and looks you in the eyes.
  1141. >"You ok?"
  1142. "Just sensitive."
  1143. >"In a bad way?"
  1144. "No. No it's fine, you don't have to stop."
  1145. >He gives you a smile and a tap at the bottom of your chin. The message is clear and you lift your head once again.
  1146. >It feels weird not having anything around your neck. At first you'd hated collars but now you feel completely naked without one.
  1147. >Doesn't help that he's giving the spot so much attention.
  1148. >Seem's he considers the job done and your neck ready for it's new long term accessory.
  1149. >Wow It's even prettier up close.
  1150. >"It's got the same features as your old one just with improved accuracy. Plus it can read vitals and call for help if there's something wrong and has a programmable near field connection you can play with."
  1151. >This means a lot.
  1152. >The thing must have cost a fortune and he spent it just on you, just to make you prettier.
  1153. >Hell even the amethyst is authentic and the perfect shade to match your mane.
  1154. >"Do you want to do it?"
  1155. >He's offering it to you? No it doesn't carry the same weight that way.
  1156. "You please. I wasn't very grateful the first time you gave me one of these so I want this time to be different. Make me your vassal."
  1157. >He rolls his eyes but chuckles anyway.
  1158. >"I claim thee Twilight Sparkle to be my servant evermore."
  1159. >All messing around aside the way he says it makes you blush and smile. It really is a claim. A binding contract that you literally belong to him. This time though it doesn't make you sad or afraid, it makes you really really happy.
  1160. >It snaps around your neck with some kind of electromagnetic lock.
  1161. >This thing isn't one size fits all, it was definitely made just for you.
  1162. >The weight of the gift and the feelings behind it are a bit overwhelming. You rush forward into another chase kiss.
  1163. "I love it thank you."
  1164. >A finger on your lips keeps you from saying more.
  1165. >"Anything for my mare."
  1166. >Only by force of will do you fight the flagging your tail wants to do at being called his mare.
  1167. >He pushes his forehead to yours for a moment before breaking away and walking over to his computer.
  1168. >Pulling his chair over he gets comfortable and looks you right in the eye.
  1169. >"Now I told you we'd talk about this so let's talk about this. It's really important I get the honest truth here ok? Nothing you can say will upset me, nothing you can say is wrong."
  1170. >He waits for your nod before going on.
  1171. >"I know we've been teasing each other and messing around for awhile now and that's fine, hell it's been fun. Then things got heated this morning and then I came back this afternoon to find you so ready and waiting for me; we just need to be sure we're on the same page here. Do you like me?"
  1172. "Yes."
  1173. >You both smile broadly but he tries to keep a serious face.
  1174. >"Ok, you like me and I like you. That's great and I'm crazy happy about that. But! You and I both know this is tricky. No matter how much we like each other we aren't quite the same. This can't change how the house runs or who either of us are. If things go south we can't just break up. We can barely even have a normal argument like most couples. I like to think I already value your opinion but I still need to be the head of this household."
  1175. "I understand and I don't want any more special treatment, you give me plenty of that already. I'll still be your vassal."
  1176. >For some reason that term comes a lot easier to you than slave.
  1177. "I'll still work hard around the house and If I mess up you'll still discipline me. I just... I think you're a really kind and wonderful guy. That's all"
  1178. >You nicker when he runs a hand through your mane and cups the side of your head.
  1179. >"Sounds like we both get each other then. What do you say we take this slowly? Work's crazy right now, we're about to move, Rarity is still getting settled in and getting started on this new medication. Maybe it's not the time for us to rush."
  1180. >You nod into the warm hand and smile.
  1181. >"We'll keep rooming together, keep playing around i'm sure, but maybe we don't go too crazy yet? Just for now."
  1182. "And you call me the tease. I at least demand another kiss!"
  1183. >He laughs and takes your chin in his hand, leaning closer and closer.
  1184. >"Your wish is my command."
  1187. >Sleeping in Anon's bed is great. He holds on to you like an extra plushy teddy bear and fills you with a sense of safety.
  1188. >Great until the morning that is. Stupid human waking you up early so he can leave for his stupid job.
  1189. >Really, what's more important, keeping his marefriend comfortable or going to do some work he doesn't even like?
  1190. >To that end you're refusing to let go of his left arm this morning.
  1191. >He’ll stay and be yours forever!
  1192. >He tries his little tricks: whispering nicely, kissing the back of your neck, even tickling your ears with his other hand.
  1193. >That last one makes you giggle but not let go.
  1194. >"You've gotta let go eventually Sparks."
  1195. >You shake your head in denial.
  1196. >"Good thing you're cute when you're stubborn. Also, a good thing I know just what to do with stubborn ponies..."
  1197. >You let out a tiny squeak when his free arm gives your cutie mark a firm pat.
  1198. >"Last chance."
  1199. >He'll not escape that easily. As a show of your dedication to the cause you rotate your hips to give him better access to his target.
  1200. >Yeah dedication, that's why you're doing this, definitely not because you know he’s easy to manipulate with a fat flank.
  1201. >Smack!
  1202. >Not even a warning!
  1203. >It's not a real tanning, but it's still a nice firm swat!
  1204. >"How about now?"
  1205. "D-do your worst..."
  1206. >Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!
  1207. >Oh Celestia!
  1208. >Ends up his worst is still playful, but nevertheless has you gasping and squirming before long.
  1209. >"Is this how *SMACK* we're going to *SMACK* start every morning now? *SMACK*"
  1210. >If he expects a genuine answer he gets none, just half-gasps half-moans as he continues to work on your delicate tush.
  1211. >"Because starting the day on your beautiful bottom is fine with me!"
  1212. >Smack! Smack! Smack!
  1213. >His continued efforts to focus the same spot really start to make you feel the burn!
  1214. >It's still far more fun than punishment though, as indicated by your slightly lifted tail.
  1215. >All you have to do is let go of his arm and the human on pony violence stops.
  1216. >Proud mares like yourself aren't broken by puny humans though! Never give in! Never surrender!
  1217. >Then again, most proud prideful mares don't lay back and let master turn their purple cheek pink just for fun, either.
  1218. >Suddenly, his alarm clock loudly buzzes for the second time this morning.
  1219. >That seems to actually panic him. It must really be time for him to go.
  1220. > Oh fine you’ll play nice. You start to release his trapped arm when his other hand catches your eye.
  1221. >No wait what's he doing!? He's raising it high! He's raising it far too high! Don't bring that down, you'll let go! Don't! Don't!
  1222. >SMACK!
  1223. >Your cutie mark erupts in fire as the pre-tenderized flesh gets a very real swat!
  1224. "OWWW!"
  1225. >You can't help but let go as the far too real smack sends you jumping!
  1226. >"Sorry babe, I really got to go."
  1227. >Your hooves dart from his arm to your stinging seat. Seeing his chance he escapes the bed and flees to the bathroom
  1228. >Jerk! You would have let go!
  1229. >You try and crane your head to see what the big bully did to you.
  1230. > Most of the damage done shows in a nice, light pink sting. Maybe, that part isn’t that unpleasant. That’s not the point though. The point is that your cutie mark is a very different story, a fiery red story.
  1231. >You can't really see from this angle though. You throw the covers off and turn so you can see yourself in the full-length mirror across the room.
  1232. >What you see makes your face blush redder than your derriere.
  1233. >The pink is noticeable, but just barely. The cutie mark, on the other hoof, is unmistakable.
  1234. > Centered directly where your mark should be was instead a bright red human handprint, bright and shiny for the world to see
  1235. >Between the collar around your neck and the handprint on your flank you looked every bit the part of the subjugated mare.
  1236. >Which, technically, you are, but unlike most you're much more than just a bed warmer to him.
  1237. >You can't help but think of the handprint as another sign of ownership, one your heart takes embarrassed pride in.
  1238. >You’re so lost in your thoughts you don’t hear the bathroom door open.
  1239. >What you do hear is the phone camera snap.
  1240. >Wait, what!?
  1241. >He gives you a cheeky grin.
  1242. >"Sorry, you were way too cute to pass up."
  1243. "Let me see!"
  1244. >He points the screen towards you but keeps it out of hoof’s reach.
  1245. > Well, at least you actually don’t look half bad in this picture. You might be awful at posing for pictures but candid ones can turn out alright.
  1246. >Except this candid shot was of you lying on the bed, head turned to look at your man-marked backside! No mare bits were on display, but it was still a generous view of your sizable flanks!
  1247. "Delete this!"
  1248. >You flail for the phone but fail to reach it.
  1249. >"Are you kidding? This is one of the best pictures I've ever taken."
  1250. "It's my ass!"
  1251. >"It's a cute ass."
  1252. >That makes you relent and blush a little. A little!
  1253. >"Maybe I want to remind myself what's waiting at home sometimes."
  1254. >Perverted but also kind of sweet.
  1255. “Aren’t you moving a little quick?”
  1256. >Didn’t he literally throw your heat driven flank out the door just a few weeks ago?
  1257. >”I’ve thought you were cute for a long time now. Pretty sure I told you that.”
  1258. "Yeah but pictures?”
  1259. >"I won't let anyone else see, I promise. But, I’ll also only keep it with your permission, can I??"
  1260. >He kneels by the bed to rub your mark with one hand and your neck with the other.
  1261. >Stupid sexy human trying to charm you.
  1262. >”Pleaseeeee?”
  1263. "F-fine, but it's just for you.”
  1264. >"You're the best."
  1265. "Don't forget it."
  1266. >He gives you a quick peck on the cheek.
  1267. >"I'll try not to. I'm off, be good."
  1268. >Keeping a picture like that...
  1269. >What if someone else sees? Plenty happens between humans and ponies, but few would consider any of it normal. At best, he'd be considered a pervert. At worse, an abuser.
  1270. >You catch another glimpse of the now fire-red mark as you slide out of the bed.
  1271. >Then again, it's just one mark. It's not like you really look abused, just quickly chastised.
  1272. >You briefly wonder what would happen if you went out in public like this. Would people say anything? Stare? A single slap can't be that uncommon.
  1273. >You lick your lips at the slightly naughty idea. Maybe you'll try it, who knows.
  1275. >A sudden spike of hunger tells you to figure it out later.
  1276. >The kitchen's empty when you get there. Anon must have grabbed something to eat in the car, since he was running late.
  1277. >You're feeling rather domestic, so you set to work whipping something nice.
  1278. >And by 'something nice' you mean frozen waffles that you put in the toaster.
  1279. >Cooking is hard.
  1280. >Drown subject in syrup and good to go.
  1281. >Your fourth bite freezes in midair when a white unicorn catches the corner of your eye.
  1282. >Why is she looking around like that? Looking for something? Someone?
  1283. >"Darling I'm so glad you're alright! What happened, did you upset him? It must have been horrible! Why, I could hear it from across the hall!"
  1284. >Ok one thing at a time:
  1285. >#1. She heard this morning. That's bad.
  1286. >#2. She's checking out every inch of you from foreleg to ear to hoof. Why?
  1287. >#3. She looks like she's about to panic and bolt any second. Again, why?
  1288. "Ok wait. Just slow down, what's going on?"
  1289. >Guess she missed the slow down part. Shame because her inspection soon leads her to your other side where she finds the handprint on your cutie mark.
  1290. >"Oh Twilight you poor thing! It's ok, just tell me what happened. Did you refuse him? Is that why he hurt you? Were you misbehaving, or just defending yourself? I can't believe I stood up for him with Angie. We can call her right now, how about that?"
  1291. "Rarity, you've got to calm down."
  1292. >"I know you're scared little light but mama's here, it's ok."
  1293. "Rarity no, stop! Quit freaking and talk to me!"
  1294. >"I heard what happened Twilight. I heard you moaning then I heard him smack you! It's good that you told him no. It's good to stand up for yourself. You did the right thing, I promise. It will all be ok."
  1295. >Holy crap, headache incoming. She not listening to you at all. You don't really feel bad when you magically zip her mouth shut as a result.
  1296. "I'm not sure what you THINK you heard this morning, but It wasn't that. We were just playing around, nothing bad happened."
  1297. >If glares could kill.
  1298. >She puts her best effort into a huff and points at your sore side.
  1299. "I wasn't in trouble, and he didn't try anything. I swear."
  1300. >With a spark from her own horn she unzips her mouth. Huh, you didn't know she knew how to do that...
  1301. >"Then why is this here."
  1302. >Can she quit pointing at your butt? It's weird.
  1303. >"Hmm? Why else would you have a handprint right here Twilight?"
  1304. >And now this is awkward.
  1305. >You mumble something and hope she'll drop it.
  1306. >"What was that?"
  1307. >You try again.
  1308. >"Lovely, you have to speak up."
  1309. "Like it..."
  1310. >"You what? Twilight, you really must tell me what happened so I can get help. Angie said if she saw this again she'd intervene. We have to talk to her."
  1311. "I said I like it when he plays rough!"
  1312. >Why did you yell it!?!
  1313. >Seems she's wondering the same thing. Either that or her brain broke from shock and she's frozen forever.
  1314. >"Twilight Sparkle!"
  1315. >Ok, not frozen.
  1316. >Your ears splay back while your face turns as red as than his handprint.
  1317. >"That - that's just wrong! That’s the stockholm syndrome talking darling! This is abuse!"
  1318. "No, it's not..."
  1319. >"Yes it most certainly is! I know more about discipline than most Twilight. If he's convinced you that you like being hit then this is wrong!"
  1320. "He didn't convince me..."
  1321. >"Well it sounds to me like you did nothing wrong? Did he ask before he hit you?"
  1322. "Not exactly..."
  1323. >"Not exactly? Twilight you can't keep defending him, he hurt you. We'll talk to Angie, to the police. I just knew this would happen! I wanted to believe in you, to believe in him, but he's no different than every other human!"
  1324. "Just shut up! We're not going to anyone! Do you hear me!?! He's different! I like it! I like it when he's rough with me and I like it when he takes control!"
  1325. >"Twilight that's just twisted!"
  1326. "He loves me! I'm sorry you had bad experiences with humans but HE! LOVES! ME!"
  1327. >You're fucking pissed! You're so tired of her doubting him! It seemed like she'd made some real progress when she'd stood up for him with Angie but you guess you were wrong!
  1328. "Fine you want the truth!?! We're a couple now! Yes, we're going to sleep together and yes we might even do that kind of stuff! Not because he manipulated me! Not because of stockholm syndrome! Not because he's broken me or abused me but because we love each other!"
  1329. >"Twilight you can't be..."
  1330. "I don't care if you don't approve! I don't care if you think it's wrong! I don't care!"
  1331. >A violent crackle of magic hurls you through the aether. You just barely manage to catch yourself on the other end right outside the house.
  1332. >She's just so... Ugh!
  1333. >Hopefully no one's looking outside. The angry, bed-headed, magically sparking unicorn stomping down the street might raise some concerns if so.
  1334. >Not that you really care, but more hassle is the last thing you need right now.
  1335. >There's a walking trail nearby some of the more outdoorsy neighbors use from time to time. Back when you'd first arrived at Anon's house you'd scouted the area in case you’d needed to run away. Most probably don't know about the small waterfall and pool about half a mile up, so that's where you're going.
  1336. >Stupid Rarity and her stupid jumping to conclusions.
  1337. >You waste no time running and diving into the pool as soon as you see it. There was no time for a shower earlier, so this is the next best thing. The water’s cold but that's alright, you're still heated from your outburst earlier anyway.
  1338. >You swim over to the moderate sized waterfall. The chilly water running over you helps to clear your head.
  1339. >Stockholm syndrome, really? Academically you know what it is, and sure you can see why she would THINK it applies to this situation, but it really doesn't.
  1340. >Is he your captor? Depends on the perspective, you could argue he was your protector or caretaker just as much as captor.
  1341. >Is he your abuser? Not unless every parent ever is also an abuser.
  1342. >Not that he's your parent but his discipline style, at least in the past, was rather parental. In his defense, at the time he also thought you much younger than you actually are for your species.
  1343. >And she has the nerve to say he’s manipulated you? Her of all ponies?
  1344. >You're willing to admit that it's possible you've changed a little. In the past you'd have considered this morning inappropriate but that doesn't mean your 'twisted', Just different. There's nothing wrong with having likes and dislikes even if they are a bit, unconventional...
  1345. >And now it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself too.
  1346. >You look over your shoulder at the mark over your cutie mark.
  1347. >It's not so bad. Plenty of mares and human women like being ‘handled’ by their partners. This is vanilla compared some things you’ve seen online.
  1348. >If you'd told him to stop you're sure he would. Respect and communication are what relationships are built on and the two of you have that in spades.
  1349. >Rarity just... she just doesn't understand.
  1350. >Her point of view is influenced by her past experiences with some... less noble humans. It's not even completely her fault.
  1351. >You soak and let the situation sink in for a bit.
  1352. >Your anger fades as the chill of the wild stream starts to set in. Time to get out.
  1353. >Some light water walking magic lets you hop right out of your makeshift bathtub. What liquid you can't shake off you instead burn away with a soothing heat spell.
  1354. >A good bath fixes anything. You were angry going into the water and your calm and collected now that you're leaving. Calmer at least.
  1355. >Either way there's only one way to fix this situation. You'll talk to Rarity, get this cleared up, and everything will be fine.
  1357. >It's a bit surprising to find her waiting on the couch. The TV isn't even on, she must have been waiting for you to return.
  1358. >If so it's an odd choice to let the awkward silence hang for so long, but neither want to speak first. Finally, she does.
  1359. >"You look... good. Where did you go?"
  1360. "There's a small natural pool in the woods nearby."
  1361. >"That sounds lovely, you'll have to show me sometime."
  1362. "..."
  1363. >Hello silence.
  1364. >Since she’s sitting in Anon’s armchair you throw yourself onto the couch.
  1365. >"I didn't mean to upset you..."
  1366. "I know. You just can't understand it."
  1367. >"I admit, I don't see the appeal."
  1368. "That doesn't make what we have wrong."
  1369. >"No, I suppose it doesn't."
  1370. >She turns to meet your eye but instead has hers caught your collar.
  1371. >"Did he get you that?"
  1372. "Last night."
  1373. >You lift your chin when she walks over to inspect it.
  1374. >"I know this brand it's very expensive, latest model too."
  1375. >She'd brought her own collar when she'd come to you and Anon, one that put your old collar to shame. In your humble opinion yours was now the prettier of the two, and most likely a newer model as well.
  1376. >"Maybe I am quick to jump to conclusions about him. Even if his finances are a bit easier now this is still a hefty investment. One I can't believe he'd take lightly."
  1377. >You nuzzle your face up against hers.
  1378. "Please don't worry about me. I'm safe with him and you're safe with the both of us."
  1379. >"Perhaps you're right."
  1380. >She crawls up on the couch and lets out a long sigh.
  1381. >"I feel a little foolish now. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions; I should have listened to you. How can I make it up to you? I... no that's a bad idea. What if I..."
  1382. "What?"
  1383. >"I can’t pretend to understand this ‘relationship’ of yours but I do have experience being with humans."
  1384. >You're ears splay back and you lean into to offer some comfort.
  1385. >"Oh thank you darling. What I was getting at though is I sort of know what they like, what he might like."
  1386. "Like what?"
  1387. >"Well if you're comfortable with it, and this is totally up to you, have you ever worn a bridle?"
  1388. >!!!
  1389. "What!? No! Of course not!"
  1390. >Does she know??? Does she know you're a closet pervert who's literally dreamed about this?
  1391. >"I think he might like it. It doesn't have to be degrading or flashy, they can even be somewhat classy. You would decide of course."
  1392. >Don't squirm! Don't let her know the images going through your head!
  1393. "Well he might like it..."
  1394. >Play it cool!
  1395. "It can’t really hurt to try right?"
  1396. >Holy shit a bridle! Will it have a bit? Knowing Rarity it'll be studded in jewels. Will he like it?
  1397. >A mental image of him pulling your reigns pops into your head.
  1398. >Yeah, he'll like it.
  1401. >Since she doesn't have the materials lying around, Rarity settles for taking your measurements.
  1402. >It's a bit awkward sitting there while she sizes you up. The end result is a bridle, afterall.
  1403. >It's either a kinky accessory, or a symbol of oppression depending on your perspective.
  1404. >Is it naughty to be a bit excited?
  1405. >"You're squirming dear, are you alright? If you aren't comfortable we can stop."
  1406. "No, it's fine. It's just kinda..."
  1407. >Embarrassing, weird, inappropriate?
  1408. "Odd."
  1409. >She unwraps the tape from your muzzle.
  1410. >"Have you never worn one before?"
  1411. "Just when I was first captured."
  1412. >"Really? I imagine your experience was quite different than my own."
  1413. >You know that Rarity, along with most ponies, had been taken in the initial blitz.
  1414. >When the portals had opened the humans sent their best diplomats. Tensions were understandably high but the talks seemed to be going so well. A little too well, in the end the entire thing was a distraction. Just a few short weeks after initial contact strike teams had flooded through every portal, taking entire towns by storm.
  1415. >Unlike most you'd managed to escape, teleportation helped.
  1416. "He'd spent so long chasing me, i guess he wasn't going to take any chances."
  1417. >"He?"
  1418. "Arnold, hunter extraordinaire and 'unicorn specialist'."
  1419. >"That's quite the title, I didn't know such a thing existed."
  1420. "I'm pretty sure he made it up. He'd said he'd been tracking me for months, but it wasn't until they stepped up their tech that he finally got me. Like I said though, he wasn't taking any chances. Bridle, blindfold, chains, even tied my legs together."
  1421. >"The idea of a new bridle doesn't make you uncomfortable does it? Those couldn't have been happy times."
  1422. "Not happy, but not exactly awful either. It was nice to eat something besides grass for once, to not have to constantly worry about being on the move. He was just glad to have someone to talk to, even if she had a bit in her mouth. It took a while to get back to civilization so we got to know each other pretty well, I even missed him with how awful the training camp was."
  1423. >"It sounds like he actually took fairly good care of you. We both know Anon will be the same so another bridle will work out nicely I think. You should have seen my first time in one. My first master had previously owned horses, so he knew quite a bit about tack: bridles, blinders, saddles, halters, reins, bits, and collars to name a few. I love accessories as much as the next mare but goodness."
  1424. >No brain! No imagining the lovely Rarity reduced to straining against her reins as her human...
  1425. >"He was a strange man. He didn't seem to quite grasp that I wasn't like his old horses for the longest time."
  1426. "What do you mean?"
  1427. >"Why, he tried to have me do manual labor! Can you imagine? Needless to say I wasn't as strong as his old horses, and neither did I take kindly to being stored in a stall. Perhaps I should have tried harder though. He sold me off to the first offer he got and that man... well let's just say he had a different use in mind for a tied up mare."
  1428. >You try to place a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. Try is the key word, it's kinda hard when she's holding your head still so you missed.
  1429. >"But, you tell me our Anon is different! I'll try to keep an open mind, but in return I want you to be honest with me about him. Deal?"
  1430. "Deal."
  1431. >"Excellent... So, have you kissed?"
  1432. >Did you just walk into this?
  1433. >"I see that blush and I'll take it as a yes."
  1434. >Stupid nosey mare.
  1435. >"Have you seen it yet?"
  1436. "Rarity!"
  1437. >"Oh be a big mare Twilight. Have you seen it or not?"
  1438. "No..."
  1439. >Thankfully she's finished her measurements, so you're able to look away and mumble all you want.
  1440. >"I could offer you some advice? Though, I'm a afraid you might pass out if you keep blushing like this."
  1441. >Advice!? Advice on what!? What it looks like!? How to take it!?
  1442. >"Oh you really are overheating, forget I said anything sweetie."
  1443. >You've seen human dick before, you made the mistake of going to /b/ once so it was pretty much unavoidable.
  1444. >Sure it's different, but not that different, right? The mechanics should all be the same... you think...
  1445. >You face her to voice your concerns, only to find her already snickering behind a hoof.
  1446. >"Don't worry dear, I'm sure nature will take it's course. You are the clever one after all."
  1447. >She's gotta be fucking with you now. It's a penis, not a rubix cube. You put it places, move around a little, and a few seconds later 'boom' you're done.
  1448. >You'd seen a few videos where the male seemed to last an eternity, but clever editing can do anything nowadays.
  1449. >"Perhaps start with the mouth. Do you know how to do that?"
  1450. >You nod. Why did you nod?
  1451. >"Realllly? Twilight you naughty filly!"
  1452. "B-but Dusty really wanted..."
  1453. >"He's your old coltfriend yes?"
  1454. "Just friends..."
  1455. >Is this how the lamb feels before being devoured by the wolf? She's literally circling you.
  1456. >"But you're done right? You can't have him and Anon at the same time, that's just selfish. Maybe you could introduce the two of us? I'm sure we'd get along, believe it or not you aren't the only one good with her mouth!"
  1457. "Rarity!"
  1458. >Your hooves cover your mouth in shock and spin around to find her.
  1459. >The way she licks her lips makes things even worse! You know she's supposed to be getting back on estrogen but come on!
  1460. >"Twilighhhhhhtt, you can't hog all the boys for yourself! Won't you please introduce me?"
  1461. "I mean, if you really want. We'll can get Anon to mention it to Mrs. Johnson or something."
  1462. >"Ah yes, you mentioned they were arranged trysts didn't you? Time with a beautiful mare in return for good behavior was it? Not a bad deal for a stallion really, behave and he gets cute tail delivered right to his door!"
  1463. "And, you're ok with that?"
  1464. >"If he's been with you, then I imagine he's a fine stallion darling. You don't mind if I steal him, do you? I'm sure he loves that cute butt of yours, but I can offer one thing that you can't."
  1465. >Slithering another loop around your back she whispers the last word in your ear.
  1466. >"Bareback..."
  1467. >You push the dirty mare off and blow her a raspberry. It's not your fault you're fertile.
  1468. "He's nice, but you can have him if you really want."
  1469. >Rolling back to her hooves, Rarity circles around for a nuzzle.
  1470. >"What a good friend! These hormones are already hitting me harder than I expected, getting to know a good stallion is only prudent."
  1471. >And they call you the pervert.
  1472. >You slap her with your tail before setting off towards Anon's bedroom.
  1473. >"I'll get right to work on our little surprise dear. Don't you worry."
  1474. >A new bridle huh?
  1475. >It really does remind you of arnold. The memory of an angry hogtied Twilight Sparkle near his campfire makes you giggle a little.
  1476. >What strange times those were.
  1478. >>Side story "The chase" starts here:
  1480. >Light bad.
  1481. >Mornings bad.
  1482. >You throw your pillow over your head, but it seems sleepytime is over.
  1483. >What a dream, you'd been remembering your time with Arnold all those years ago.
  1484. >Those days were definitely odd, a mixture of sadness, happiness, and resignation.
  1485. >Your ear perks up at the sound of Anon bumping around in the bathroom. Just the thought of Anon makes you smile.
  1486. >You'd thought your life was over when the humans first took over. You'd thought the same thing a second time when you'd been captured. Then again at that 'training camp', and one last time when you'd been bought.
  1487. >But look at you now: happy, warm, cared for, even loved.
  1488. >Love... have the two of you used the word yet? You don't think so, maybe it's still too early?
  1489. >Your musing ends when the bathroom door open.
  1490. >The pillow still covers your head. Usually you sleep through his departure so you decide to see if he notices.
  1491. >It sounds like he's getting closer?
  1492. >You swear you can feel his eyes on your body. A tiny shiver shoots up your spine as you imagine him surveying his mare, drinking in your form.
  1493. >The bed dips to support his weight.
  1494. >Is that...? Is he unlocking your collar?
  1495. >The beautiful new neck ornament he'd bought you is much easier to remove than the old one. So easy in fact he has it unlocked and off your neck in no time.
  1496. >You feel... exposed.
  1497. >The old one so rarely came off that the fur underneath was a little discolored.
  1498. >Pretending to still be asleep gets more and more difficult when he begins massaging your neck with both hands.
  1499. >His hands encircle your entire throat so easily. You can't help but melt into the vulnerable yet thrilling feeling.
  1500. >"I get the feeling someone's pretending."
  1501. >You grunt an acknowledgment only to gasp when his fingers dig into just the right spot.
  1502. >"Like that?"
  1503. "Feels good."
  1504. >His hand slide off your neck and down your body until they wrap around your midriff.
  1505. >With a tiny grunt he lifts you up into his lap with your back against his chest.
  1506. "What are you - Oh!"
  1507. >He buries his face in the crook of your neck, and hugs you a bit tighter.
  1508. >"Your fur's a different color here, probably from all your time wearing your old collar. Does it hurt? I should be taking care of every inch of you, but I just now noticed."
  1509. "It's fine really. It actually feel a little weird having it exposed."
  1510. >"Afraid I'll eat you right up!?"
  1511. >Dick! You burst into laughter as he tickles your sides and blows a raspberry into your neck!
  1512. >Why is he so much stronger than you!?
  1513. "ANON QUIT IT!"
  1514. >Pony tickle torture goes on for far too long!
  1515. >Where's a pony right advocate when you need one? Non consensual horse tickling should be a felony offense.
  1516. >You finally manage to push his head away and catch your breath.
  1517. "You know I hate tickling!"
  1518. >If you could keep the residual laughter from your voice he might take your more seriously.
  1519. >"And you know I love it."
  1520. >Grumble grumble you know where he sleeps.
  1521. >He gives you a kiss on the cheek before releasing his now grumpy marefriend.
  1522. >You wipe the kiss off with a hoof. Gotta stick it to the man sometimes.
  1523. >"So what do you have going today?"
  1524. "I wanted to do some preliminary house shopping. I know you haven't had the time to even start looking. I can narrow down the choices and then we can go over them together."
  1525. >"That sounds good. Already got a few in mind?"
  1526. >You nod and levitate over your laptop.
  1527. "Well... there is one I really liked."
  1528. >You turn the computer towards him.
  1529. "It's spacious, in a good area, close to a park, and reasonably priced.
  1530. >"5 bedrooms? Doesn't that seem a bit large? It's only the three of us."
  1531. "Well yeah, but it's future proofing. We didn't think we'd need more than two this time last year yet here we are."
  1532. >He looks up from the screen to give you a funny look.
  1533. >"Either you're planning on buying a lot more ponies or you've got something to tell me."
  1534. >Something to tell him?
  1535. >Your unspoken question is answered when he pokes you in the belly with a grin.
  1536. "No no no no no! Not that! No foals! I'm not..."
  1537. >He laughs and slides the laptop back to you.
  1538. >"I sure hope not. Otherwise Dusty better be ready to take some responsibility!"
  1539. >You cover your face in embarrassment.
  1540. "We're not... I wouldn't... I mean, not without your permission..."
  1541. >Shouldn't have said that. You should not have said that.
  1542. >"So you do want one?"
  1543. >Ugh!
  1544. "Why are you asking me his?! I don't know! Someday!? I-if you do..."
  1545. >He gives your cheek a mortifying pinch and smiles.
  1546. >"I don't think we're exactly compatible Twi. Thought I'm not opposed to finding out."
  1547. "ANON!"
  1548. I'm sure there's some stud services we could talk to though, or even just Dusty if you like him."
  1549. "SHUT UP!"
  1550. >A hoof to the face makes him shut his stupid human mouth.
  1551. >Would he... really let you though...? Does he want one?
  1552. >You shake your head and kick him off the bed with your rear hooves.
  1553. "Just go to work already."
  1554. >"Alright alright, fine. You can look into that house if you want. We've got quite a budget now and future proofing isn't the worst idea."
  1555. >He continues talking as he finishes getting dressed.
  1556. >"But Twi? This isn't a pony rescue operation. Rarity just kind of fell into our laps and frankly she was a good opportunity. If we can find more of your friends we can talk about it, but we aren't going to start taking in every pony you come across. Understand?"
  1557. >You roll off the bed and trot over to him to rub up against his legs.
  1558. "Yes sir. Thank you sir."
  1559. >He ruffles you mane and gives you a kiss right above your horn before leaving.
  1561. >Setting up a showing with the real estate agent proved difficult.
  1562. >The two of you had exchanged several pleasant emails about the property over the past few days. However, the minute you got on the phone with her and she found out you were a pony her attitude changed abruptly.
  1563. "Yes ma'am. I understand you're more comfortable dealing with humans, but my master's put me fully in charge of this."
  1564. "I understand that."
  1565. "No."
  1566. "Yes, we're very serious."
  1567. "My master would be even more upset if I was wasting time I assure you."
  1568. "Yes we can do that. Thank you very much, we'll see you then."
  1569. >You'd have throw the phone if it wasn't attached to your hoof.
  1570. >Rarity is at least sympathetic.
  1571. >"She sounds wonderful."
  1572. "Pretty sure she's a bitch, but I want to see this place."
  1573. >"It is in a good area. I just wish it had a pool. What time did she want to meet?"
  1574. "She said 12:30. If everything looks good we might be able to get Anon to come over during his lunch break."
  1575. >"I see. It shouldn't take more than an hour or two right? You were going to introduce me to Dusty today were you not?"
  1576. >Ha thirsty. Those hormones must really be kicking in.
  1577. "I think we'll have plenty of time."
  1578. >"Have you told him about me yet? Put in a good word?"
  1579. >You bodily push away the crazy mare.
  1580. "No I havn't. He'll love you, and I'm sure he'll love to do whatever you want! Now back up!"
  1581. >"I'm just so excited darling! You know what? Why don't you join the two of us?"
  1582. >She pushes your restraining hoof aside and clings to your side.
  1583. "I don't think Anon would like that."
  1584. >"Is he the jealous type?"
  1585. "You know humans don't herd. He just wouldn't be comfortable with that."
  1586. >"But he sent you to dusty for all these years already?"
  1587. "That was... before. I-i think he wants me to himself now."
  1588. >"My my."
  1589. >You slowly push the hungry creature away with a hoof the same way you'd pushed Anon earlier.
  1590. "Just go get ready to look at the house with me!"
  1591. >She lets you push her completely off the couch and lands on her hooves.
  1592. >she just has to give you a wink before going on her way.
  1593. >Your eye twitches.
  1594. >Is today bug Twilight day or something?
  1596. >The house is awesome.
  1597. >The agent is a bitch.
  1598. >"As you can see the kitchen was recently redone with all new appliances and cabinets. Which one of you is the maid slave and and which one is the bed slave?"
  1599. >You realllly want to bite her head off but you resist.
  1600. >Maybe you should though, it's just one snide comment after another with no end in sight.
  1601. "We aren't like that. We both manage his household..."
  1602. >"Riiight. Well the laundry room is here too, nice and spacious. Plenty of room for a pony bed if either of you need that."
  1603. >Either she's implying ponies don't deserve beds or ponies belong in their master's beds.
  1604. >Both are offensive even if one may be your reality.
  1605. "This washer and dryer look pretty old. Are they even energy star certified?"
  1606. >"They aren't the newest but they're built to last. I'm not sure about energy star, but it's not like you pay the bills anyway..."
  1607. "I still care about the energy bill."
  1608. >Relax Twilight. Don't yell at the bigoted bitch who can help you get this house.
  1609. >"Look why don't you just call your master? I'm sure he'd love to see all this."
  1610. "I'm not going to bother him until i can verify this place meets our needs!"
  1611. >"Kitchen and laundry room should really be all a pony needs to see. What else do you need? Master bedroom?
  1612. >Aka are you the bedwarmer who's only kept around for master to pound!
  1613. "I have tried to be nice-!"
  1614. >A white unicorn jumps between you and the woman.
  1615. >"Twilight, darling, why don't you let me handle this?"
  1616. >She better be happy Rarity's holding you back! You snort loudly and stomp off by yourself leaving Rarity to deal with the woman.
  1617. >What's that lady's problem?! Your a bucking customer! If she'd just dial back the attitude she could make a ton of money!
  1618. >You roam the house while you continue to fume.
  1619. >She's probably just jealous. You've heard of human women who hated ponies. Like it was somehow the mare's fault that some men found them more attractive than humans.
  1620. >More attractive or just easier to get their hands on.
  1621. >Come to think of it she hadn't been wearing a ring. That's must be it. She's mad you've got a man, and she's all alone.
  1622. >The master bedroom is fantastic.
  1623. >High ceilings, lots of room, two huge closets, and an amazing bathroom completely with a shower and jacuzzi.
  1624. >The other four bedrooms are spacious and share two bathrooms between them.
  1625. >Rarity could have her pick, and the other three could be used as guest rooms or offices.
  1626. >Perhaps even a workroom for Rarity if she wanted to get back into dress making.
  1627. >You text Anon to see if he can come by and check the place out.
  1628. >He must be bored, as the affirmative response comes in immediately.
  1629. >You finally wander back downstairs. Rarity's attempts to pacify the lady seem to barely be working.
  1630. >She gives you an annoyed look as soon as she spots you.
  1631. >"I've indulged you horses long enough you're going to have to leave."
  1632. "Oh, that's a real shame. Anon was just on his way over the see the place for himself."
  1633. >"You mean your master. In that case we can wait, but I will be telling him about your little outburst earlier."
  1634. >Oh you want to tell her off, you so want to tell her off.
  1635. >Anon wouldn't want that though. He's always wanted you to be respectful to humans even if they are stupid ignorant bitches.
  1636. "Fine. He's here to see this house, but if you think that's more important then be my guest."
  1637. >Oh if looks could kill.
  1638. >Thankfully Rarity is able to run interference until Anon arrives.
  1639. >It's like night and day. The instant he walks in the door she goes from all scowls to all smiles.
  1640. >"You must be Mr. Anon! Julie here, it's great to meet you."
  1641. >"Nice to meet you too. Twilight's told me a lot of good stuff about this place? Mind if I take a look around?"
  1642. >"Oh of course! Right this way, I'll give you the grand tour. First here on our right we have the..."
  1643. >Blah blah blah. Would you look at that? She actually CAN act civil around someone.
  1644. >You wander into one of the bathrooms while she gives him the spiel.
  1645. >He know was right this morning. You can't expect him to start a pony rescue for every pony you come across. Wouldn't it be nice to find another of your friends though? You can already picture pinkie or rainbow making a mess in here.
  1646. >"Is that so? Twilight?"
  1647. >Crap, did she tattle on you while you were distracted? What a baby.
  1648. "Yes?"
  1649. >"Julie tells me you two had a bit of a disagreement?"
  1650. >Ugh she looks so smug.
  1651. >You want to demand he stands up for you. Your his marefriend after all, but you know you can't. He'd warned you ahead of time your roles wouldn't change. You'd still be the pony and the slave. Even if he loves you privately stuff like that just isn't the social norm.
  1652. "Yes sir, I snapped at her."
  1653. >You lower your head apologetically.
  1654. >"Well, just say you're sorry."
  1655. >You grit your teeth but you manage.
  1656. "I'm sorry for snapping at your Mrs. Julie."
  1657. >Bitch.
  1658. >"Good girl. What about you Julie?"
  1659. >Wut?
  1660. >"What?"
  1661. >The woman looks aghast.
  1662. >"Twilight's very level headed. I doubt she'd have snapped without reason. She said she's sorry so what about you?"
  1663. >"Mr. Anon with all due respect she's your to boss around, I'm not."
  1664. >"Oh no, your not, but I can't see myself doing business with someone I can't respect. If you can't say two little words then I've got no problem continuing to look somewhere else."
  1665. >You really shouldn't, but you can't stop yourself from prancing over to anon's side and rubbing up against his leg.
  1666. >Yeah bitch he's yours.
  1667. >"I..."
  1668. >You try to look TOO smug.
  1669. >"Fine. I'm sorry too."
  1670. >"Great. Now about this paneling here..."
  1671. >The rest of the tour goes without incident.
  1672. >Anon likes it as much as you expected him to and even tells Julie to she'll hear back from him soon.
  1673. >That at least fixes her attitude. Silly humans and their love for money. Can money buy love?
  1674. >Technically money had bought love for Anon because it bought you, but that doesn't count.
  1675. >Besides, money isn't going to make her less of a tool.
  1676. >The three of you climb into Anon's car after exchange farewells with a much more pleasant Julie.
  1677. >The promise of money may have made her forget about Anon standing up for you, but not you.
  1678. >You lean over the carseat and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
  1679. "You for standing up for me."
  1680. >"What back there? No big deal, I could tell she was just trying to get you into trouble."
  1681. >You pointedly ignore the light giggling from the back seat as you nuzzle his shoulder affectionately.
  1682. >You'll have to reward him. When is that new bridle supposed to be done? You're sure he'd love to come home to find you modeling...
  1683. >Naughty thoughts of chaining yourself to the bed and 'dropping' the key around your head. Would he unchain you or take full advantage first?
  1684. >Whew Celestia. Not now Twilight, if you mkae a mess of the car seat Rarity will never shut up about it.
  1685. >You're able to keep your fantasies under control until he drops the two of you off back in your neighborhood.
  1686. >You've got to drop Rarity off at her 'date' before heading home yourself.
  1687. >You'd made sure Dusty was available earlier. Sure he was expecting some purple flank but you doubted he'd complain about an extra plushy white one instead.
  1688. >Extra plush and extra needy by the sound of it.
  1689. >"So you say he's open to anything? Is he skilled, big, attentive? Are you sure he'll like me? Is he traditional or adventurous?"
  1690. "He likes flanks... I'm sure he'll love you."
  1691. >She scoffs and bumps your flanks with her larger ones.
  1692. >The mass difference almost makes you lose your footing.
  1693. >"I'll take that as a compliment. We're both well endowed in that regard, just ask Anon."
  1694. >He does like your butt.
  1695. "Speaking of Anon how's the umm bridle coming?"
  1696. >"Oh I suppose I didn't tell you. I finished it last night, it's in my room. Why don't you go try it on, see how it feels? Just try to imagine Anon pulling those reins while he f-."
  1697. >You pinch her lips together with magic!
  1698. "Ok great thanks!"
  1699. >She giggles and nuzzles her whole body up against yours.
  1700. >"I was impressed with him today, the way he stood up for you. Maybe he is worthy of you Twilight. If you want to give yourself to him then I suppose I approve."
  1701. "I... Thanks. I do kind of want to reward him."
  1702. >"All my accessories of that nature are in the chest in my closet. The saddle won't match your bridle but the rest is all neutral colors."
  1703. "Rarity!"
  1704. >"What? It never hurt to be prepared! Just do what you're comfortable with."
  1705. >She barely even had a sex drive until recently so why did she even own a saddle?
  1706. >"I'm sure he'll love whatever you decide darling."
  1707. >He better.
  1709. >It didn't take much talking to convince Dusty to play with Rarity instead of you.
  1710. >He was a little disappointed you wouldn't be joining as well, but Rarity's gigantic ass seemed to be compensation enough.
  1711. >Based on the look he'd been giving her backside you hope she likes butt stuff.
  1712. >He'd never given you that look without something ending up there by the end.
  1713. >Do humans do that too?
  1714. >You're a little ashamed to say your tail flicks at the idea.
  1715. >It's easy enough to find the new bridle. It's as beautiful as expected.
  1716. >Sleek elegant straps curve and wind their way around your head. A little lace here and some jewels there make are all it takes to it look like a fashionable accessory instead of a tool of domination.
  1717. >It even comes with a bit and silver chain.
  1718. >You can't help but tremble at the sight in the mirror. If anyone else saw you like this you'd die of embarrassment, but the idea of Anon finding his Twilight putting on a show... waiting for him...
  1719. >You leave Rarity's room before you make a mess. You and Anon's bed seems to call your name as you climb up.
  1720. >You wrap the chain around the bedpost and regard the magic resistant lock.
  1721. >Where did she even get a magic resistant lock?
  1722. >You could break it if you really wanted to but that's not the point.
  1723. >If you lock it in your know you'll not break it. You know you'll wait there until he comes home and finds his mare waiting.
  1724. >You shove your muzzle into his pillow and inhale his scent before closing the lock.
  1725. >His mare. Will he finally make you his mare?
  1726. >A spike of shame and excitement shoots through you as the strands of your tail hit your upper back.
  1727. >You couldn't even lower it if you tried.
  1729. >The finality of what you're doing washes over you.
  1730. >Not only are you wearing a full bridle, you've chained yourself to his bed like a true bed slave. A fate you were terrified of at one point you've now chosen. Context is everything you suppose.
  1731. >Your heart gives an excited flutter when you pull on the chain and feel how firm it is.
  1732. >He should be home relatively soon. What if he didn't come back here though? Should you warn him? Something teasing? That's what marefriends do right?
  1733. >Buck if you know.
  1734. >You pull him up on your hoofphone.
  1735. >Hmm something saucy yet tasteful... Mysterious perhaps?
  1736. "Hey sweetie-"
  1737. >Does that come across too strong? You've never called him that before. You delete it.
  1738. "Hey I've got a surprise for you when you get home. Just come back to our room."
  1739. >'And do what feels right?' No, that's too obvious.
  1740. >You just leave it as is. He'll figure it out what's for him when he sees your pert tail held up for him.
  1741. >Speaking of your tail, it's still raised as high as it goes.
  1742. >A light breeze down there makes you flush with embarrassment. The exposure is naughty and thrilling at the same time.
  1743. >Should you point your backside towards the door? The mental image of him coming in to spread purple legs makes your face burn even more.
  1744. >That's just a bit too slutty even if it is kinda the ultimate goal.
  1745. >A more dignified position is soon found. Lying with your side to the door will give him a pleasing yet tasteful view of everything from bit to bottom.
  1746. >You look down at your hoof phone. Your message is marked as read, but there's no response. That likely means he's in the middle of driving.
  1747. >Just a few minutes until he...
  1748. >You gulp. Are you nervous? No, of course you aren't nervous. This is just your first time with him is all, with any human...
  1749. >Will he be gentle? Is it different? You'd seen pictures online, at least it's not barbed or something, but you can't get rid of the butterflies in your stomach.
  1750. >Your mind runs into overdrive simulating every scenario. What if he doesn't get what all this is for? What if he does but it hurts? What if he prefers a chaste mare, and doesn't like you being so open about it?
  1751. >The worry beings to eat at you more and more. There's just so many things that could go wrong! Maybe this wasn't such a good idea afterall...
  1752. >No! You're overthinking things again. The two of you love each other, if you want to *ahem* reward him for defending you earlier then that's fine.
  1753. >You're sure he'll appreciate the attire too. Heck he might just-
  1754. >What was that? Was that the front door?
  1755. >Oh Celestia this is it!
  1756. >You squirm around a bit for the perfect position.
  1757. >A nice 45 degree angle offers a slightly more prominent view of your rear than your face without seeming like too much.
  1758. >A muzzle laid delicately in his pillow looks back towards the entrance with bedroom eyes.
  1759. >At least you hope they're bedroom eyes...
  1760. >Also it's kind of hard to smile with a bit in your mouth...
  1761. >To be honest you really aren't sure you're doing any of this right, but you choose to believe he'll appreciate the effort if nothing else.
  1762. >"Twilight?"
  1763. >Here he comes!
  1764. >You can't answer him with a bit in your mouth, but it sounds like he's headed this way as planned.
  1765. >"Twilight what's this surprise you've got for-"
  1766. >He stops mid sentence when he opens the door.
  1767. >Holy crap say something you idiot!
  1768. >The shock is clear but how does it feel?! Excited? Disgusted?
  1769. >You can't help but wilt a little under his gaze. You bury your blushing muzzle a bit further into the pillow, and feel your tail droop slightly.
  1770. >Does he not like it?
  1771. >The smile and teasing tone he takes as he walks over assuage your fears.
  1772. >"Well well, what have we here?"
  1773. >He kneels beside the bed and runs a finger over the straps of your bridle.
  1774. >"Did Rarity make this for you?"
  1775. >Your muzzle's still half hidden in the pillow but he catches the small nod.
  1776. >"And did she do this as well?"
  1777. >He lifts the delicate chain connecting you to the bed.
  1778. >You shake your head.
  1779. >"If not her then who could have done this? I just know my little Twilight wouldn't tie herself up! That sure sounds awful naughty!"
  1780. >MMMMM!
  1781. >He punctuates his declaration of your naughtiness by grabbing a firm handful of flank!
  1782. >Any trepidation you had before vanishes as your tail lifts all the way up to your back!
  1783. >He gives you a kiss on the cheek (face!) and whispers in your ear.
  1784. >"Being naughty just for me Twilight?"
  1785. >You shudder and nod eagerly.
  1786. >"Do you know what we do to naughty mares?"
  1787. "'each th'm?"
  1788. >Oh! He smacks your flank with one hand and grabs your chin with the other!
  1789. >"Teach them is right."
  1790. >Oh my! He simultaneously plays with your flank and pulls you into a sloppy approximation of a kiss.
  1791. >Ends up you're awful at kissing with a mouth full of metal, but he's still willing to try.
  1792. >After a minute he pulls away and chuckles.
  1793. >"A bit and everything. I can't believe you sometimes."
  1794. >Disappointingly the tushy massage stops.
  1795. >You wonder why until the hand in question appears right in front of your muzzle.
  1796. >Does he want you to suck? You take the initiative and grab the extended index and middle fingers in your mouth.
  1797. >It's a tricky with the bit, but a basic lewd lubing up is still doable.
  1798. >He let's you go at it for a few minutes before removing the digits.
  1799. >The way they drip with saliva on the way out sends a chill up your spine.
  1800. >Was he just trying to get you riled up with that? You have to admit it got you more than a little hot.
  1801. >Perhaps he'll give you something else to suck soon?
  1802. >Or perhaps he'll put the fingers there!
  1803. >You jump in shock as the wet fingers find their way further between your flanks than ever before!
  1804. >He wasn't just getting your riled up! He wanted the lube for a purpose!
  1805. >You'd heard of humans 'fingering' their females, but you never thought you'd experience it!
  1806. >I-is he going to put them in you!?
  1807. >He's grabbed your ass before, but he's never been this close to the treasure between your legs! He must be mere inches away!
  1808. >Your whole body shivers in a mix of anticipation and trepidation! Sure you want it, but you can't help a twinge of fear over something so new!
  1809. >You gasp loudly when he finally brushes up against your folds! The reality that it's finally happening fills you with a volatile mixture of emotions! You hope he's gentle! You hope he's kind!
  1810. >You close your eyes hard and shove your head deep into the pillow. Why are you this nervous?! It's just some tiny fingers! You've had dicks and dildos several times larger! Usually by this point Dusty would already be mercilessly humping you, or already pumping you full of seed!
  1811. >Is it the foreign aspect? Such an alien creature entering your body. Or is it the slave aspect? You'd been told to fear this for months by the other mares at the training camp.
  1812. >To your small relief the fingers don't enter you. Even the light teasing stops when he hears your small whimpers.
  1813. >"Everything ok?"
  1814. >You nod shyly, but keep your face hidden away. You can't pussy out now. Not after you've come this far and teased him so much, it just wouldn't be fair to your master.
  1815. >"Hey, look at me."
  1816. >A gentle hand under your chin encourages you to face him.
  1817. >Oh, how you don't want to look at him right now. You feel so ashamed that you can't do this right, that you're somehow afraid of your coltfriend doing what coltfriends do.
  1818. >Splayed ears and downcast eyes express your disappointment in yourself well enough.
  1819. >Surely he feels the same way. Why can't he just let you hide your shameful expression and take your rutting like a good slave?
  1820. >Instead of looking angry he sets to undoing your bridle.
  1821. >Oh no! He doesn't want anything to do with you anymore! He's going to kick you out of his room until you can lift your tail like an obedient little slave!
  1822. >The tears are already brimming in your eyes when he finally removes your bit.
  1823. "I-I'm sorry Anon! Please let me try again! I'm just nervous I swear!"
  1824. >"Woah woah! Just calm down, it's ok!"
  1825. >You whimper pathetically as he starts to remove your collar! Is he disowning you?!?
  1826. "P-please don't get rid of me..."
  1827. >"What?"
  1828. >As soon as he slips your collar off he scoops you up into a hug. You feel undeniably vulnerable with a single accessory but the hug helps.
  1829. >"Why would I disown you? Just relax, everything's ok."
  1830. >You would like to say you maintained some dignity, but the truth is you cling to him like a scared baby koala.
  1831. >"You seemed like you were scared. All this kinky stuff with bridles and chains is fine, but not if you're scared."
  1832. "Just nervous..."
  1833. >"Then I don't need all this-"
  1834. >He pulls your off his chest so he can poke you in the snout.
  1835. >"I just need you."
  1836. >He's a little charmer isn't he? You smile and lean into his chest again.
  1837. "I just figured that as a slave... Can I please have my collar back?"
  1838. >"Twilight, what are you talking about?"
  1839. >What?
  1840. >"Why do you think I took your collar off? I don't want Twilight Sparkle the slave, I want Twilight Sparkle the pony. Don't you remember that little speech you gave me a few months ago? The one about how you can't go on as my little errand slave. The one where you told me about all the hopes, dreams, fears you had? You were so passionate! That's the Twilight I fell in love with, and that's the Twilight I want now! Please tell me you aren't just doing this because you think it's what a slave should?"
  1841. "No! I want to be with you I swear! I just... I just get nervous, and then I overthink things, and then I get more scared, and maybe it's easier to do this stuff if I'm just a slave..."
  1842. >You hadn't meant to say all that.
  1843. >"Twilight look at me. You're more than a slave to me now, you know that right? I'd never let someone push you around like that stupid realtor was trying to do. Just because I can't legally free you doesn't mean I have to treat you like any old slave. Maybe think of yourself more like a vassal."
  1844. >Vassal!
  1845. >"And no! No old english Twilight again!"
  1846. "Hehe, but m'lord!"
  1847. >He swats your nose playfully.
  1848. >"But seriously. You take care of me and I'll take care of you. You run the house, keep me company, just be yourself. I'll protect and provide? Maybe that's a more healthy view than slave and master, deal?"
  1849. "I like that a lot... m'lord..."
  1850. >Ok you deserve that rump swat.
  1851. >"But look at me. Right now it's just me and you right now no collars, bridles, chains, master or slaves. Do you still want to do this?"
  1852. >You firmly meet his eyes and give him a confident nod.
  1853. >Despite everything a fire still burns in your belly for him. The tail swishing back and forth in his lap is testament to that.
  1854. >"Good."
  1855. >His hand slide down your side until they both rest on your haunches.
  1856. >"If you aren't comfortable just say something. If you want me to slow down all you have to do is ask, ok?"
  1857. >The shy nod isn't enough.
  1858. >"I want to hear it from you. Ok?"
  1859. "O-ok. Please be with me..."
  1860. >Oh wow! That's all the invitation he needed! He must be as eager as you! He to start running a finger up and down your slit again instantly!
  1861. >You gasp and squirm in his lap until his other hand takes a firm hold of you.
  1862. >"Doing ok?"
  1863. "Yes!"
  1864. >His fingers part you just a little but refrain from penetrating you!
  1865. >Buck! This is already getting you so hot! It's way better than warming yourself up with a hoof!
  1866. >The teasing goes on for whole minutes complete with kisses and whispers about how much he wants you! You soon find yourself unable to resist pushing your needy hips a little lower!
  1867. >Such a tease! No stallion would bother with such foreplay!
  1868. >Stallions mount, rut, and go on their way. They might spend a minute nuzzling you after they've plowed your fields but nothing like this! Nothing like your human spending whole minutes just rubbing your outer lips!
  1869. "P-please..."
  1870. >"You want more?"
  1871. >You rub your muzzle up against his neck and nod feverishly.
  1872. >"I'm going to enter, ok?"
  1873. "Ok!"
  1874. >Celestia! Your world explodes as the narrow digits slide inside you! What they lack in size they make up for in dexterity! Your moaning like a whores in no time as he explores your every nook and crany!
  1875. "Oh fuck, Anon!"
  1876. >"Sounds like you're doing ok."
  1877. "Yes! Ohhh yes!"
  1878. >Just a few minutes are required to bring you to a shuddering climax! Any shame about the mess you made is lost under a tidal wave of pleasure.
  1879. "ANON!!!"
  1880. >He holds you tight as your body shakes in pleasure! You couldn't get ones like that even with your whole supply of dildos!
  1881. >"Heh, that was quick. I didn't expect you to be so sensitive."
  1882. "Quick?! That must have been 5 minutes!"
  1883. >"Like I said, quick. How long does dusy last?"
  1884. "3 at the most and he only mounts!"
  1885. >"Oh girl are you in for a surprise."
  1886. >Could the videos be true? You'd seen ones where the male goes for 15, 20 even 30 minutes! Can you even take that without passing out!? Your soaking plot somehow gets even wetter at the thought!
  1887. >"Want to go again?"
  1888. >A loud squeal pierces the room as he slides right back in! Again?!?!
  1889. "Wait! Wait, wait please I need a break. Let me return the favor."
  1890. >You whimper as he slides the fingers out and bit your lower lip in shock when he licks the juices off himself! Stallions just don't do that!
  1891. "Anon!"
  1892. >"What? You taste just like I thought you would."
  1893. >It's a good thing you can't blush any harder!
  1894. >Only mares do perverted stuff like that, and only because there aren't enough stallions to go around! To see a male enjoy your flavor...
  1895. >You shiver and crawl off his lap on unsteady legs.
  1896. >No way can you let him do so much for you without returning the favor.
  1897. >You waste no time nuding at the bulging prize hidden away in his pants. At least he's getting as fired up as you are.
  1898. >Opening your mouth as lewdly as you can, and look up at him with big pleading eyes
  1899. "Pwease?"
  1900. >He smirks and stands to unbutton his pants.
  1901. >"How could I say no to a face like that?"
  1902. >He drops the pants leaving him just in his boxers.
  1903. >You're more in your element with this. Dusty usually used your throat before and sometimes even after a rutting.
  1904. >No need to encourage him it seems, he quickly has his boxers down exposing his stallionhood to you.
  1905. >Despite years living with him, and occasionally feeling it through his pants you've never seen it.
  1906. >Stallions may be proportionally larger than humans, but sheer human body size makes up for it. In the end he's a couple inches longer than Dusty and a bit thicker.
  1907. >It still looks foreign to you, but you imagine the mechanics are the same.
  1908. "Ah."
  1909. >You open your muzzle wide and lean towards him.
  1910. >The message is clear enough, soon he's standing right beside the bed with his penis right at face level.
  1911. >You give it a experimental lick and are rewarded with a small moan.
  1912. >Yep, looks like it's basically the same as what you're used to. Now you can really show him just what you've got!
  1913. >Scooting to the edge of the bed puts you in the ideal position, it's now or never!
  1914. >It's thick! Sliding your lips over the rounded head you quickly work your way all the way down!
  1915. >Thanks for all the practise Dusty!
  1916. >He moans loudly when you rapidly deepthroat the entire length!
  1917. >"Fuck!"
  1918. >You regret the rapid descent a little, but it's worth the twitchy response! Luna it's so thick though! You can feel the bulge in your neck, suddenly you're glad he took the collar off!
  1919. >"Holy shit Twilight! Where'd you learn THAT?!"
  1920. >It feels great to impress him! You pull back and rush in for another thrust! You can do this! You can make him happy!
  1921. >A few thrusts later and he shows no sign of pulling you off. Usually Dusty would have pulled your off by now to take your pussy instead. It wouldn't do to waste seed, but Anon seems content to fill your throat for minutes on end!
  1922. >You can even taste his precum! Is he not going to stop you!? You don't want to ruin this by making him finish early!
  1923. >Just as you prepare to stop you're met with another surprise! A hand on the back of your head!
  1924. >You'd had your head pushed for a face fucking before, but never when the stallion was this close!
  1925. >Does he plan to finish here?! You wanted his essence inside you, but not like this!
  1926. >Before you have a chance to tap out you feel it coming! He's twitching way too much! He's going to pump your muzzle full!
  1927. >Wait wait doesn't he want to! MMMPHHHH!
  1928. >You have no choice but to swallow as a hot stick mess bursts down your throat!
  1929. >With a hand firmly holding you in place you can only close your eyes, and try to keep up as he paints your throat white!
  1930. >Holy shit it's so much!
  1931. >Swallow swallow!
  1932. >You stomp your hooves on the bed, but the twitching organ just keeps going!
  1933. >His hands hold your head so firmly up against the base of his penis that you start to see lights!
  1934. >Air! Less sperm and more air please!
  1935. >Finally he collapses onto the bed and clears your windpipe!
  1936. >Sweet glorious air!
  1937. >It's a little shameful that you accidently cough up some of his essence, but you'd swallowed so much already!
  1938. >At least he looks satisfied resting on his back back there.
  1939. >You take the opportunity to nuzzle his thigh and try to cover up your mistake. What stallion wouldn't be insulted by his mare spilling his hard work? If you can lap it up before he knows it he'll be none the wiser though.
  1940. >The human pulls your rear end for weak hug while you clean up the mess.
  1941. >"Ok that was amazing! Who taught you that? I never thought my little Twilight would be into deep throat! Wait, what are you? Oh, wow!"
  1942. >Crap he saw!
  1943. >"What good girl. Good girls get rewarded!"
  1944. >Good? You'd wasted it! And what does he mean by rewardddDDD!!! Ohh!!
  1945. "EEEP!"
  1946. >He kissed you! Right on the lower lips! He'd kissed you and licked you!
  1947. >You'd been licked before, sure, but only by mares! Even Fluttershy the cunnling master didn't feel this good! Human tongues are so wide!
  1948. >You loudly gasp and kick a rear hoof as he gives you another bottom to top lick!
  1949. "OH ANON!"
  1950. >A few more licks have your whole body trembling with pleasure! If you cum again so soon your brain just might explode!
  1951. >"You like that do you!"
  1952. "YES YES!"
  1953. >The human slides off the bed and pulls your quivering haunches right to the edge.
  1954. >It's a good thing your brain is so addled with pleasure. Otherwise the sight of your man on his knees just inches from your pussy would have given you an aneurysm!
  1955. >"I'm glad, because I like the taste too!"
  1956. >Luna save you! The next few minutes are a blinding haze of lewd noises, pounding hooves, and needy moans.
  1957. "Anon! Anon please I'll pop!"
  1958. >"Well that's the goal isn't it?"
  1959. >Hearing that he cares that much about your pleasure is just too much! As if you weren't winking hard enough already!
  1960. >You scream when he dives as the presented target and sucks on it!
  1961. "OHHHHH!"
  1962. >"Guess that's your clit huh?"
  1963. >No shit!
  1964. >"Want me to finish you off or keep teasing?"
  1965. "Buck... Please... It's too much..."
  1966. >He gives your vagina a break and starts to lightly pat your ample flanks instead. Ugh if only he'd spank a little.
  1967. >"A few minutes then?"
  1968. "No I... I just wish you hadn't finished early... I want it all..."
  1969. >"You mean this?"
  1970. >To your hazy mind the erect penis he shows you is the most beautiful thing in the world.
  1971. >How it's already ready again you have absolutely no idea, but it hardly matters.
  1972. >With tremendous effort you lift your haunches on shaky legs and flick aside your tail.
  1973. "Give!"
  1974. >You whinny in excitement when he stands and places both hands on your hips! It's a good thing the bed is low because it lines the two of you up perfectly!
  1975. >Wiggling your hips to make a more enticing target comes naturally. Never before have you needed a male so badly, a specific male so badly.
  1976. >Not to say your times with Dusty were cold or meaningless, but rutting is just what ponies do. Leave a male and female together long enough and she'll end up mounted. It's simply how the race continues.
  1977. >This is different though. You know Anon isn't going to give you foals, but you want him emotionally not just physically.
  1978. >Even the dry humping he's giving you makes you squeal with need.
  1979. >A firm slap on your right flank only makes it worse!
  1980. "Give it to me! Please, give it to me!"
  1981. >A hand grabs your stinging flank but the other disappears, he must be lining himself up!
  1982. >You push back a little and bump into it! Guess you were right about that!
  1983. >His voice is as breathy as yours.
  1984. >"Ready?"
  1985. "YES! OHHH!"
  1986. >All the way!!!
  1987. >No easing or slowly working his way in at all! Just hip to hip contact!
  1988. >You bite your hoof as you squeal and squirm!
  1989. >Despite the slightly larger size than you were used to it fits like a dream. Wide and long without hitting anything painful.
  1990. >Before you even get a chance to voice your satisfacting he's already pulled out and thrust back in!
  1991. >A long few minutes is all your overstimulated body can handle before your brain explodes in another burst of pleasure!
  1992. >Most mares were lucky to get one orgasm in a rutting, and here you are with two!
  1993. "A-N-O-N! A-N-O-N!"
  1994. >He's bounding you around so hard that even talking is difficult!
  1995. >Somehow he leans over you without losing momentum. His hands on your shoulders and breath in your ear feel so right!
  1996. >"Doing. Ok?"
  1997. >He pants between thrusts.
  1998. "Yes! Yes! Oh Celestia yes!"
  1999. >He stops, scoops up your head, and turns it for a quick kiss.
  2000. >Even simply having him stationary inside you makes your legs tremble with pleasure.
  2001. >"I'm glad you're having fun."
  2002. "*Pant pant* D-do humans ever cum?"
  2003. >Stupid question since he already had earlier, but it still feels like he's been riding you forever!
  2004. >He laughs and kisses you again. You can feel him twitch inside you, you clamp down in response.
  2005. >"Tired already?"
  2006. >To be honest your legs are going to give out soon at this rate. Too much pleasure and simple exhaustion from such a long rutting.
  2007. >You aren't even ashamed to nod your head.
  2008. "I-I guess you broke me in, heh."
  2009. >He kisses you right on the snout and stands back up to his full height.
  2010. >The way he firmly grips your hips tells you this is it! He's going to make you his once and for all!
  2011. >You turn your head forward and lock your legs. It wouldn't do to fail right as he claims you!
  2012. >The hard slap on your right cheek is unexpected! That's going to leave a mark, but you can't care with how hard he starts rutting!
  2013. >Oh gods! Don't fall over Twilight!
  2014. >Your hooves start to slide across the bed as the powerful thrusts make you scream with pleasure!
  2015. >A few short years ago you'd been terrified of this! Now your clamping down on him as hard as you can! Milking him for all your worth!
  2016. >But you know your worth more than this to him! You know he loves you! And you know he's filling you right now!!!
  2017. >Primal whinnies are all you can manage as he fills your body with the warm liquid! It's so much!
  2018. >You can't believe how long the pumping continues! Can you even take much more!? You only have so much space!
  2019. >The feeling of warm liquid running down your leg tells you just how over stuffed you are.
  2020. >Oh gods above, If only you could get pregnant from this.
  2021. >After an eternity he finally finishes and falls over onto the bed.
  2022. >The firm grip on your ass ensures you go down with him, but that's fine. You doubt you could stand much longer anyway.
  2023. >With a grunt from him, and a moan from you, he removes himself.
  2024. >Ugh it feels like a small puddle rushes out behind him, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
  2025. >So full. So unbelievably full. Where did he even get all this?!
  2026. >Before you can think further about the logistics of human reproductive organs he pulls you into a hug.
  2027. >It's sappy and kinda messy, but you love it.
  2028. >He sounds sleepy, some things don't change between species you guess.
  2029. >"How was that?"
  2030. "Amazing... thank you."
  2031. >He kisses you horn lazily making you giggle.
  2032. >"No, thank you. I'm gonna take a quick nap ok?"
  2033. "Go ahead, you've earned it."
  2034. >"Mhmmm... love you..."
  2035. >If the passionate love making wasn't enough that one line really did you in.
  2036. "Love you too..."
  2038. >Oh stallions. Always so sleepy afterwards.
  2039. >Sure coutis is a lot of work for them, but mares hold all the weight. Literally.
  2040. >You can't blame him though, he really blew you away.
  2041. >Unlike him you aren't content to sleep though.
  2042. >While you are tired you're also a pretty gross. The sweat alone is bad enough, but letting his seed dry into your fur won't do.
  2043. >A nice warm shower was in order. It wouldn't remove his scent from the discerning nose, but it would remove the globs of liquid life from every nook and cranny.
  2044. >It's a good soreness as you walk to Rarity's shower. You'd use Anon's but you don't want to wake him up.
  2045. >Oh the water feels divine.
  2046. >You'll never admit to anyone just how much human you washed out of your secret spot.
  2047. >Note to self: research human emissions quantities.
  2048. >A long shower makes a happy mare. Even after you finished washing up you simply stood under the warm water to think.
  2049. >Would your relationship with Anon change even more? This was just a natural step, but it was still a big one.
  2050. >Maybe you'd talk about it with him tomorrow. Remembering what he'd said about wanting Twilight the pony not Twilight the slave really made your heart glow. That and the vassal thing.
  2051. >You're so lost in thought that you jump when the bathroom door opens!
  2052. >Did he wake up already?
  2053. >A clopping of hooves tells you otherwise.
  2054. >Without a word Rarity slips between the shower curtains and into the water with you.
  2055. "Rarity! What-"
  2056. >"Am I a whore?"
  2057. "What? Rarity what's wrong?"
  2058. >"Am I a whore Twilight? A slut?"
  2059. "No, of course not. What happened?"
  2060. >"I-i've been so pent up all week, and then today I just threw myself at that poor nice stallion, and on my way out his mistress even paid me in casserole! Did I just sell myself!?"
  2061. >Oh. Whops.
  2062. "No no no! Just, just relax. The casserole thing is something I started. Dusty is just a friend and his mistress is just weird. Please don't read into it too much, I'm sure he loved his time with you."
  2063. >"I... Well yes I suppose he did. I'm sorry, I'm just no longer used to all these emotions!"
  2064. >You pull the downtrodden white mare into a hug. She eagerly returns the gesture, but after a moment sniffs.
  2065. >"Had your own fun too?"
  2066. >Oh boy. You blush and scratch the back of your head, but nod.
  2067. >"Was he nice? Are you happy?"
  2068. "Yes, yes I really am."
  2069. >"Than I am too."
  2071. 2 Months later
  2072. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2074. >Oomph!
  2075. "Rarity."
  2076. >"Yes, darling?"
  2077. "I'm trying to watch some TV here."
  2078. >"Oh yes, so am I."
  2079. "Could you... not sit there?"
  2080. >"Darling, it's the best seat in the house!"
  2081. "Come on! Please?"
  2082. >The rather heavy white unicorn plops her head down on top of your own.
  2083. >"What's a little cuddling between friends?"
  2084. >There's cuddling then there's crushing. Not that you want to call Rarity fat, but having her lay right on top of you makes breathing a little difficult.
  2085. >You light your horn and envelope the other mare in a magical aura. Picking her up and flipping her over lengthwise puts her face to face with you. Well, she's upside down, but still face to upside down face.
  2086. >"Spoilsport. He'll spoil you rotten with that much magic."
  2087. "There's plenty of other couches!"
  2088. >The magic thing is true, but you ignore it.
  2089. >"But I want to be with youuuuu Twilighttttt!"
  2090. >Ugh.
  2091. >Rarity has really been doing better these last several weeks. You'd made a conscience effort to get her more used to Anon after your little shower meeting, and it was paying off.
  2092. >When she'd found out the two of you had made love without anything horrible happening she'd finally been willing to accept that maybe, just maybe he wasn't like all the others.
  2093. "Fine!"
  2094. >You levitate the grinning pony back onto your back where she snuggles in.
  2095. >Encouraging her to occasionally sleep / cuddle with the two of you in the new bed seemed like a good idea at the time.
  2096. >At least the king sized bed had room for everyone plus a few more.
  2097. >The three of you had moved into the new house just a few weeks ago. Unpacking was still an ongoing operation, but the sheer extra space involved made everyone's life easier.
  2098. "Can you just-"
  2099. >"What? To the right?"
  2100. "Yeah, scoot a little-"
  2101. >"Uh, what are you girls doing?"
  2102. >This may look weird.
  2103. >You both respond at the same time anyway.
  2104. "Watching TV."
  2105. >"Watching TV."
  2106. >"On top of one another?"
  2107. "Yeah..."
  2108. >You try to put as much annoyance in your voice as possible. Rarity's tone is the opposite.
  2109. >"Oh Anon, I'm sure you know just how comfy our little Twilight can be!"
  2110. >"She is a plushy little thing isn't she?"
  2111. >The human hand moving towards your face looks pretty pinchy, so you snap at it.
  2112. >Too bad he learned long ago how to predict when you were in a biting mood.
  2113. >"Twilight!"
  2114. >The pony on your back light pops you on the head with a hoof.
  2115. >"Be nice to our esteemed master!"
  2116. >Mumble mumble mumble teleport you both into space.
  2117. >You ALLOW him to approach you and kiss you on the forehead before he leaves. To your surprise the mare on your back shifts and leans forward to muzzle him as well before he gets away.
  2118. >That's progress right?
  2119. >For weeks she'd kept you firmly between her and the human at all times. She still didn't often seek out his touch often, but now she doesn't seem to be actively afraid of it either.
  2120. >"Have a good day master."
  2121. >"Thank you Rarity, you two do the same."
  2122. >You wait until he leaves before speaking.
  2123. "Feeling more comfortable around him?"
  2124. >"I'm getting there. You know I certainly had my reservations, but he's been such a gentlecolt to us both. It's clear by now he'd never do anything to harm a hair on your head. Well, at least not without your consent."
  2125. "W-what!?"
  2126. >"Darling your room is better insulated than before, but it's not perfect. Is he, or is he not, a little firm with his mare sometimes?"
  2127. "S-shut up!"
  2128. >"You often have a hand mark or two in the morning..."
  2129. "I will throw you off!"
  2130. >Before you get a chance to buck the bully off she wraps her forelegs around your neck in a friendly hug.
  2131. >"Oh darling there's nothing wrong with liking what you like! As long as everyone's on the same page and happy then you let him slap that flank all night long! Why I'll even help him if he wants! I do have experience with disciplining a certain purple plot!"
  2132. >With a flash of purple magic you vanish out from under her!
  2133. "You keep this up and I'll... I'll ground you!"
  2134. >Can you even do that? Maybe, but the threat really didn't carry the authority you wanted.
  2135. >The evil creature snakes her way across the living room, and prowls circles around you.
  2136. >It's like a predator surveying it's prey.
  2137. >You bite your lip, and steel yourself for further teasing.
  2138. >She pulls her body up beside yours, and nuzzles her head up under your chin.
  2139. >"All teasing aside he seems to be a good man. Something I didn't think possible not too long ago. Some part of me keeps telling me he's just waiting for me to lower my guard, but so many nights in his bed and not a single untoward advance..."
  2140. "I'm glad."
  2141. >You give your intertwined tails a flick. She really does seem much happier lately.
  2142. "Now come one. We're going to the park today, remember?"
  2143. >"But Twilightttttt it's so hot out!"
  2144. "No buts! Anon wants us to keep making an effort to be more social, and I don't think he's totally wrong. There's a lot more ponies in this area than our old neighborhood, and the park is a popular hangout. We can't let Dusty be our only friend!"
  2145. >"Well, he is a very good friend..."
  2146. "We need friends other than buck buddies!"
  2147. >She huffs but smiles at you.
  2148. >"Very well, I'll get ready. Give me an hour?"
  2149. >An hour. She needs a whole hour to get ready.
  2150. "Fine, just hurry up. I want to try that new food truck so you can't take all day."
  2152. >It's a much larger park than you expected. There's trails to travel, benches to lounge on, trees to hide under, and even ponds to think about pushing rarity into.
  2153. >You don't of course.
  2154. >Not yet.
  2155. >"I'm just saying a treadmill would be great. Those can't be that expensive, and we can exercise even when the weather is bad."
  2156. "I'll ask, but don't get your hopes up. There's tons of walking trails here even if you suddenly hate the sun."
  2157. >"I don't hate the sun .I just... I'm not entirely comfortable being seen like this still."
  2158. >She gestures towards the collar encircling her throat.
  2159. >"No offense, but you're much more used to it darling. It's not that I'm ashamed of anon or anything..."
  2160. >She's not ashamed of Anon specifically, but she is ashamed to be collared in general.
  2161. "It's not like you're the only one."
  2162. >You gesture to the park full of ponies in the exact same situation as her.
  2163. >"I know. I just... I used to have such drive Twilight! I used to get up and live every day for the company. The better the company did the more ponies I could protect! I know we never really agreed about all that, but it gave me such purpose. You and Anon are so kind to me now, but now all I do is sit around and run little errands..."
  2164. "That's kinda why we're here. Sitting at home all day isn't going to give you new purpose, but maybe meeting new ponies will. You could make friends, find customers to make dresses for, maybe even find ponies with problems to solve. Either way you can't hide at home forever."
  2165. >You put a hoof on her back encouragingly.
  2166. >"I know. I'm trying I promise. We're here right now are we not?"
  2167. "Because I didn't give you a choice."
  2168. >She scoffs and bats a hoof at you.
  2169. >"Bold for such a little filly."
  2170. "Aren't you like only one year older than me?"
  2171. >"Oh, I think we both know I don't mean physical age."
  2172. >Psh, if she thinks she the big bad dom still she's wrong.
  2173. "Hey, we're the same now, and don't you forget it."
  2174. >She chuckles.
  2175. >"Oh I-"
  2176. >"Mistress? Mistress is that you?!"
  2177. >The young pegasus mare running over looks so familiar.
  2178. >Az something. Arizona? Azazel? Azalea!
  2179. >She skids to a stop in front of a frozen Rarity.
  2180. >"Mistress it is you! Oh it's been so long!"
  2181. >She pulls her former master into an abrupt hug.
  2182. >"A-Azalea! I-I thought you lived on the other side of town?"
  2183. >"Oh no, I got moved around a bit. Things didn't work out with the Connell's, but they made sure I went to a good home. I'm a nanny to their little girl now! We live just a few miles away."
  2184. >Rarity's ears droop.
  2185. >"I'm sorry, I should have kept up with you all better."
  2186. >"Oh, no no! I'm sure you had plenty on your plate already. Everything turned out fine for me I promise!"
  2187. >The dark blue mare leans a little to the side to get a better view of you.
  2188. >"It was Twilight right?"
  2189. >She offers a hoof you gladly accept.
  2190. "You got it. It's always good to see old friends!"
  2191. >"Absolutely! Are you two just catching up or..."
  2192. "We-"
  2193. >"We live together. Her master was kind enough to umm take me in..."
  2194. >She grips your hoof harder and looks down a bit in shame.
  2195. >"It was - it was very kind of them. We've had our ups and down, but they've been good to me."
  2196. >"I'm glad to hear it. I know we had our moments too, but I'm glad to hear you've been safe. So tell me everything. What all happened? Do you guys live around here? Who's your master?"
  2197. >"Well..."
  2199. >"That must have been a big moment for her. You think she's ok?"
  2200. >You and Anon tell one another about your days while spooning in bed.
  2201. "It went better than I expected. I think she was a bit ashamed, but Azalea was just so kind. That mare has plenty of reasons to be upset with rarity if you ask me, but she was great. I'll have to find a way to thank her."
  2202. >"That does sound nice of her, I understand Rarity was a bit harsh at times. Didn't she also have her spayed?"
  2203. >You shiver.
  2204. "Yeah, and now she's a nanny. I hope that doesn't make it even more painful for her... I still can't believe she did that..."
  2205. >He pulls you a little closer and places his chin on the top of your head.
  2206. "I thought she was going to try and do it to me too..."
  2207. >"Shh it's ok, you've still got all your bits. You're my fertile little cutie pie right? Had any more thought about foals lately?"
  2208. >Truth be told, seeing how much Azalea's charge loved her had stirred a few feelings in you.
  2209. >Not enough to do anything crazy, but maternal feelings nonetheless.
  2210. "N-no! And don't call me fertile like that, it's weird."
  2211. >"Plentiful?"
  2212. "No."
  2213. >"Bountiful?"
  2214. "No."
  2215. >"Arable?"
  2216. "I'm not a field!"
  2217. >"No, but you do get plo-"
  2218. >"Twilight!"
  2219. >You nearly jump out of your skin when the door slams open!
  2220. "Rarity!?"
  2221. >You draw the covers up to your chin in embarrassment.
  2222. >Not that he's doing anything besides holding you, but it's still a little more intimate than she usually sees.
  2223. >"Twilight look! look look look!"
  2224. >She is freaking the fuck out.
  2225. >You levitate the offered tablet over and scan the documents.
  2226. >Blah blah blah incident report blah blah victim's attacked with knife by his slave.
  2227. >That sucks, but maybe he deserved it.
  2228. >Blah blah suspect identified and taken into custody.
  2229. >Suspect description:
  2230. >age: 12
  2231. >Hair: purple and pink
  2232. >Other: white coat
  2233. >Uh oh.
  2234. >Name: Sweetie Belle.
  2236. >>Continued in act 4

"Sparkle Spanker 2000" ~Complete

by Vega

"Rarity & the Minotaur" ~Complete

by Vega

"Twilight's Political Plot" ~Complete

by Vega

"Trixie's Magic Trick" ~Complete

by Vega

"Mortified Modeling" ~Complete

by Vega