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"Staying out of Trouble" Act 4

By Vega
Created: 2020-12-18 19:05:50
Updated: 2024-03-25 02:12:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Act 4: Mettle
  3. >Sweetie Belle.
  4. >This doesn't look good.
  5. "Is this all you have?"
  6. >"He thinks he can find more, but this all he had at the moment. Twilight, what do we do!?"
  7. "First we need more information. This is just a preliminary report, they could have found more details that change everything. Police reports aren't public record, but if this went to court then those would be."
  8. >"What if she's hurt?! What if they decided she's dangerous!?"
  9. >You subtly unclip your leash (No fun with Anon tonight) and slide out of the bed.
  10. >Oh boy she's already pacing in circles.
  11. "Rarity! Rarity look at me!"
  12. >"Should we go to the police station!?"
  13. >You hold the panicking mare's face with both hooves.
  14. "Rarity this report was weeks ago! I doubt she's still there, and even if she was they might not even tell us."
  15. >"I have to do something!"
  16. "It's late Rarity. We can do more research in the morning, but no one's going to answer the phone in the middle of the night. I know that's not what you want to hear, but there's nothing we can do at 11pm."
  17. >"I'm sorry I'm a bit lost. Sweetie is your...?"
  18. >Had no one ever mentioned sweetie to Anon?
  19. "Her sister."
  20. >"My sisterrrrrr!!!"
  21. >Oh and here comes the waterworks.
  22. >You float the hysterical mare back into the bed with you and do your best to calm her down.
  23. >Unsurprisingly consoling her is a fool's errand. In the end you can only hold her until she falls asleep.
  25. >A morning of searching the internet for more details on Sweetie is mostly wasted time.
  26. >Anon holds a cup of coffee under your nose until you take it.
  27. >"Anything?"
  28. "Just a tiny article that says the same thing as the report 'Man attacked by slave'. I already called the police station, but they were no help either. Blah blah blah can't give out that information."
  29. >"But you can't find any court cases either?"
  30. "No, which means it didn't go to any trial. It's possible she was just resold, but those records are a nightmare."
  31. >He gives you a kiss on the cheek.
  32. >"I believe in you."
  33. >At least someone does...
  34. >"Is she still asleep?"
  35. "Yeah I didn't want to wake her. I was thinking of getting some donuts for when she wakes up?"
  36. >She would never admit it, but the mare has a sweet tooth to rival pinkie pie.
  37. >"Sure if you want, just don't eat them all? I know how you can get around sweets, and I'd like at to taste at least a little of my money before it's gone."
  38. >What?! You have perfect self control!
  39. "I guess we can try. Such is the cost of owning so many mouths to feed though."
  40. >He flicks your ear for the teasing attitude. The light sting isn't nearly enough to discourage you however.
  41. >"Speaking of that though. I'm guessing you two expect me to be willing to buy this Sweetie Belle given the chance."
  42. >Horseapples, you never did ask him.
  43. "I... well we. I guess it is a lot to ask..."
  44. >"It's like you said: more mouths are more money. Our finances are a lot more stable with Rarity's little dowry, but even that won't last forever without careful management."
  45. "B-but this is Sweetie Belle..."
  46. >His hand rubs the side of your neck in response to your ears splaying in discouragement.
  47. >"I'm not saying no, I'm just saying we need to be conscious of our decisions and their impacts. My job was alright to support the two of us, but we'd be hurting right now without Rarity's backwards price tag. That was a one time thing though. We can live off what we have now for a long long time if we play our cards right, but the more ponies you talk me into buying the harder that gets."
  48. "Yes sir, I understand. This whole situation really just fell into our laps, but I should have asked you first instead of assuming you'd be willing to help. Thank you for being willing to help."
  49. >"You're very welcome."
  50. >You walk him to the garage to see him off, but stop him before he pulls totally out of the driveway.
  51. >Devious idea time. He rolls down the driver's side window as you trot up to it.
  52. "Hey, so um thanks again. If you want a... well like you said..."
  53. >Ok this went a lot smoother in your head!
  54. "I-If you want a taste of your money then you can get a taste of me tonight!"
  55. >Abort abort! This was more embarrassing than anticipated!
  56. >Attempts to run away and hide your blushing face fail when he hooks a finger in your collar and pulls you in for a kiss!
  57. >You want to resist, you really do. Kissing outside is risky as tartarus, and yet he's still pull you in for a smooch!
  58. >Finally he breaks the kiss, but doesn't release your collar.
  59. "A-anon! Not out here!"
  60. >"Don't start what you aren't willing to finish little mare. I WILL be getting another taste tonight like you promised."
  61. >Forceful.
  62. "Y-yes sir..."
  63. >"Did you know you cost more than this car?"
  64. >Your eyes widen a little a little.
  65. >They'd never actually told you your price. Maybe it had something to do with your sense of self worth? Can't have slaves getting a big head just because they carry an expensive pedigree.
  66. >"You were a little discounted for behavior issues, but I still had to take out a loan. Best loan of my life. When I got that money from Rarity do you know what the first thing I did was? Paid you off so that no one can ever take you away."
  67. >A small blush and smile creep across your face.
  68. >"So since you're all mine when I get home tonight I'm going to tie you up, pin you down, and ride-"
  69. "LA LA LA LA LA!"
  70. >A short range teleport frees you from the hold on your collar, and allows you to escape the merciless tease!
  71. >You make sure to slap his hand with your tail as you turn to canter back to the house. Tail high and on display of course.
  72. >Two can play at the teasing game!
  73. >To your small disappointment he pulls out of the driveway, and heads to work.
  74. >He could have chased you down, and pinned you to a table, but you suppose work is the responsible choice.
  75. >It only takes you 20 minutes to calm down from the flustered state he left you in.
  76. >Kissing you outside like that! Then getting you riled up with talk of binding and 'riding'.
  77. >Ugh.
  78. >You'll get back at him somehow. Maybe text him a lewd picture in the middle of his work day...
  80. >Sending him a lew pic might be a bit too mean.
  81. >In the end you decide your revenge shall be only saving him one donut.
  82. >Running to the store and back doesn't take too long, neither does polishing off 4 donuts in one sitting.
  83. >You don't have a problem.
  84. >Should you wake Rarity up? It's almost 11 already.
  85. >Eat another donut or wake Rarity up...
  86. >Deliberation are interrupted by a knock on the front door.
  87. >What a shame, you were going to make the responsible choice too.
  88. >No time to debate it now. You grab another donut in your magic and trot to the door.
  89. >Looks like a mare through the peephole.
  90. >You open the door to greet a vaguely familiar light gray mare with a charcoal mane.
  91. "Hello? Can I help you?"
  92. >"I'm certain you can."
  93. >The mare offers you a hoofshake.
  94. >"Octavia Melody, charmed."
  95. "Oh, Twilight Sparkle nice to meet you."
  96. >"The same to you. I live across the street with with my master, Mr. Roger."
  97. "Oh, of course! I've been meaning to meet the neighbors. Myself and another pony named Rarity live here with Anon."
  98. >The gray mare tilts her head and raises an eyebrow.
  99. >"You call him 'Anon'?"
  100. "Well he was never big on titles and such..."
  101. >Why is she looking at you like that?
  102. >"Why, how progressive."
  103. "Uh, yeah he's very... nice."
  104. >Lame.
  105. >"And what do you do for this Mr. Anon Twilight sparkle?"
  106. >She sure put a lot of emphasis on the 'Mr.' part.
  107. "I'm umm, I'm just a housemare I guess."
  108. >"What of your personal relationship?"
  109. "We get along-"
  110. >"Do you tend to the house or to him?"
  111. "I umm... both?"
  112. >Confusion!
  113. >"I'll cut to the chase Miss Sparkle. Your escapades in the driveway earlier didn't go unnoticed including your little 'display'."
  114. >Oh buck, she saw the tail tease you gave him!
  115. >"The neighborhood would appreciate if you keep such 'relations' behind closed doors."
  116. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
  117. >The mare cuts you off before you can finish your apology.
  118. >"It's bad enough when a mare is forced into such an arrangement, but when one is willingly complicit. Well, as I said I'd just ask you keep it out of sight. There are many outstanding and hard working ponies in this neighborhood who don't need human pony fraternization thrown in their faces."
  119. >You bite your lip, avert your eyes and splay your ears.
  120. "Yes ma'am, I-I'm sorry."
  121. >Ugh just the way she talks radiates authority. You feel so thoroughly chastised.
  122. >"Thanks you."
  123. >Can't say you're unhappy when she turns to leave.
  124. >"Oh, and welcome to the neighborhood."
  126. >You feel so dejected that you don't even finish your donut.
  127. >Anon had warned you that some might not approve of your relationship, but it still hurt.
  128. >What's wrong with being happy?
  129. >Sure he's a human and you're a pony, but it's not like interspecies relationships never happened back in Equestria.
  130. >Ok, it's a bit different when one race is subjugating the other, but still.
  131. >Just because some humans do bad things doesn't mean all do.
  132. >On the other hoof he did buy you.
  133. >Some might consider that alone a bad thing. Heck even you did at one point.
  134. >Your happy about being his little car loan now, but without context the average pony wouldn't understand.
  135. >Heck it took forever to convince Rarity that he's good for you, and she lives in the same house.
  136. >Ugh, what do you do now?
  137. >You want to try and clear things up, but you doubt you could make this Octavia mare understand.
  138. >That authority in her voice was also pretty scary, even worse than Rarity at her worse. Definitely not somepony you want to get into an argument with.
  139. >Deep in your thoughts you don't hear the other mare sneak up behind you.
  140. >Normally you'd be upset with her for taking a bite out of your floating donut, but today you just turn it and offer her more.
  141. >The act of giving up your donut sets off alarms in Rarity's head. Does that say something about your eating habits?
  142. >"Darling whats wrong?"
  143. >She drapes herself over your back and brings her head up besides yours for a nuzzle.
  144. "Our new neighbor isn't very nice..."
  145. >Sliding off your back she turns your face to look at hers.
  146. >"Oh no, what did she do? Do I need to go have a word with her?"
  147. "No, it's my fault. She saw me giving Anon a goodbye kiss in the driveway.
  148. >"I can certainly understand ponies not understanding, but that doesn't give her the right to show up at your door and berate you."
  149. "She didn't yell she was just very... firm."
  150. >Rarity regarded you for a moment before taking the donut and shoving a bite into your mouth.
  151. >"I understand your susceptibility to authority figures well, but that's not her right."
  152. "What? I'm not su-"
  153. >She fixes you with a withering glare causing your to wilt.
  154. "Fine..."
  155. >"Don't worry dear I think it's very cute. If she wants to talk to you again however i'll be there too."
  156. >She pushes another bite of donut into your mouth which you reluctantly accept.
  157. "Thanks..."
  158. >She bops you on the nose and takes the rest of the donut for herself!
  159. >"Shame on you for letting me sleep in so late though. I hope you haven't been up all morning killing yourself with research."
  160. "I've been trying but I can't seem to find anything."
  161. >"Well if someone had woken up me I could have showed her the follow up email I received this morning."
  162. >All that wasted effort.
  163. >She floats her tablet out of the back room and gives it to you.
  164. "A retraining facility? I've never heard of one of those."
  165. >"I have. There's a whole business of buying troubled slaves cheap and rehabilitating them to raise their value."
  166. >A quick google search pulls up the facility sweetie should be in, 'Gentlehoof behavioral health center'.
  167. >Why do they pick the cheesiest pony sounding names?
  168. >You'd originally been trained at 'Happy Horse Trainers'. Shockingly it was not a very happy place, so you can't help but question exactly how gentle 'Gentlehoof' is.
  169. "Looks like a pretty big operation. Can we just call and ask about her?"
  170. >"I doubt we could call the facility itself, she would be a private patient, but we could try the auction house that purchased her and placed her there."
  171. "Would they talk to ponies, or do we need Anon to call?"
  172. >"Anon, too many ponies in this same situation I'm sure."
  173. >That's a little annoying.
  174. "Well at least we know a little more. How are you holding up? This seems like pretty good news after what happened?"
  175. >She sighs.
  176. >"I would guess the police report we saw was a bit of an exaggeration. If she really assaulted a human she'd either be at a work camp or simply put down. A retrainer is good news but it still depends. If she's willing to be obedient then it's no problem after whatever she did though..."
  177. >She doesn't need to say it. The sweetie belle you both knew and loved wouldn't have threatened a fly.
  178. "She's a tough filly I'm sure she's fine. If they're in the business of reselling ponies then that makes it even easier."
  179. >"I hope you're right. Anon will buy her will he not?"
  180. "Yes, I spoke with him about it this morning. I should have asked him earlier, but he's still willing to help. Didn't I tell you he's a good one?"
  181. >"I already believe you, but if he can save my Sweetie Belle then he can have whatever he wants from me."
  182. >That earns her a boop.
  183. "He just wants you to be you."
  185. >Anon had a phone thrown in his hand the minute he got home.
  186. >To his credit he only required a brief explanation of the situation before dialing as instructed.
  187. >Good human, you should give him head pats.
  188. >"Yes, 'Sweetie Belle' ID number 1453590."
  189. >"Alright sir let me just look that up for you."
  190. >The auction house agent at least sounded helpful.
  191. >"Oh, this pony. Yes sir she's one of ours but unfortunately she's not ready for resale. Due to her history she's required to undergo intensive retraining for safety purposes."
  192. >Or not.
  193. >"There has to be something we can do. I'm aware of her history, but I'd still really like to make an offer."
  194. >"I'm sorry sir, these aren't just company policies there are state laws we have to comply with."
  195. >Buck.
  196. "Ask him if he knows when she'll be out."
  197. >"Do you have any idea when she will be ready for purchase then?"
  198. >"According to her file her rehabilitating is slow going. It could be weeks, it could be months, it's just up to her."
  199. >So it's just a matter of her not cooperating. You suppose that makes sense if she's willing to go after humans with knives.
  200. >Rarity interjects from Anon's other side.
  201. >"Ask if we can visit! I'm sure I can talk some sense into her, she just needs to knows there something out here worth looking forward too!"
  202. >And she's already getting emotional again. You slip around and rub up against her to calm her down.
  203. >"Is there at least anyway to see her? I have a pony I think she'd really be interested to see again."
  204. >"I'm afraid not. Interrupting a pony's rehabilitation can be very detrimental to the process. We can inform you when she's ready for purchase, but until then there really isn't much we can do."
  205. >The news doesn't go over well with Rarity.
  206. >"Please there must be something! Just five minutes! I just need to talk to her for five minutes!"
  207. >Oh buck! You grab the unicorn by the haunches and drag her away from the phone.
  208. >"I'm really sorry. Thank you for calling, we'll be in touch with any news."
  209. >Anon stands and walks away to finish the call in peace.
  210. "Rarity please!"
  211. >"I'll never see her againnnnn!"
  212. >That's a lot of tears. You draw the bawling creature up into your forelegs.
  213. "Shhh we can think of something else. We might not even have to, she might be ready to go tomorrow."
  214. >"No! They broke her and they'll only make it worse! She'll never get out! They'll remove her horn! They'll put her down!"
  215. "Rarity we don't know that!"
  216. >"It's what they do to unmanageable ponies Twilight! They either ship them off for a low ending at a labor camp or they make it quick!"
  217. "We'll come up with a plan I promise. We'll think of something."
  219. >Several hours later you've put the emotional pony to bed.
  220. >Not to say you missed the colder and more detached 'mistress Rarity', but Rarity with her hormone supplement is exhausting.
  221. >Can't blame her though.
  222. >You flop down over Anon's lap in the living room.
  223. >"She ok?"
  224. "She fell asleep, finally. She has every right to be upset I guess."
  225. >"Suppose so."
  226. >He scratches up under your collar with one hand while rubbing your legs and flanks with the other.
  227. >"You're a good friend to her you know."
  228. >You kick a hind leg and purr as he attends to you.
  229. "I just wish I could do more"
  230. >"We can keep calling, keep hoping."
  231. >His hands run over your body like a master playing his instrument. It feels great, but maintaining a conversation while he works you over is a little difficult.
  232. >Then again, the stress is practically flowing out of your body in the form of small gasps and twitches.
  233. "I just- Oh that's good! I just feel so helpless."
  234. >He takes a firm grip of the back of your collar and lifts your head for a kiss. Goddesses you love it when he pulls by the collar.
  235. >Breaking the kiss he looks you right in the eyes.
  236. >"You're doing all you can Twi. I'm proud of you."
  237. >There must be something in your eye. No way you'd mist up over something as simple as his approval.
  238. "I had one last idea."
  239. >"What's that?"
  240. "If waiting doesn't work I could possibly go in? Like undercover?"
  241. >He just gives you a funny look.
  242. >"Have you been watching too many spy movies?
  243. "I'm serious! All she needs is to know we're here for her! You could just send me there for some made up behavior issue. I'm sure I could sneak a few minutes with her at some point."
  244. >"There are soooo many things wrong with that plan. What if she's in a different part of the facility than you? What if she's not willing to listen to you? What if they hurt you?"
  245. >Aww! He hugs you a little tighter at the mention of someone hurting you. What a sweetie!
  246. "I'm tough. I doubt it could be worse than 'Happy horse trainers' or even you on a bad day."
  247. >"Me?"
  248. >Ha, he has the audacity to sound offended.
  249. >You wiggle your rump to emphasise your current position of bent over his knee.
  250. "Oh please Anon, just a few months ago you were blistering my flanks in this position!"
  251. >He looks down at your raised derriere and gives it a light pat.
  252. >Uh oh, you hope you didn't just give him any ideas!
  253. >"In my defense you were a huge brat, and this is a really nice ass."
  254. "Hey!"
  255. >Whack!
  256. "HEY!"
  257. >He may be spanking your ass, but this time it isn't in anger.
  258. >No, this time he's gonna get that taste he promised this morning, and give you a taste in return!
  259. >Holy buck that's hot!
  260. >Are you a pervert now?
  261. >Ok, this still really stings even it does make you drip!
  262. >Ow!
  264. 'Chains and Reins' ~ a SOoT halloween special
  265. (Events take place after moving, but before finding out about sweetie belle.)
  266. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  268. "I can't wear this!"
  269. >"Pish posh, you look adorable."
  270. "Adorable?! What am I supposed to be? A bondage slut?
  271. >The outfit was beyond questionable.
  272. >Straps on straps on straps clung so tightly to you body you could hardly move.
  273. >"What? Oh, don't be silly you're the damsel in distress kidnapped and locked away by the wicked witch!"
  274. >Rarity's own outfit was much more tasteful by comparison.
  275. >A witch's outfit complete with cute hat and striped stockings.
  276. "Why can't I be the witch?"
  277. >"Well first of all I tailored the outfit specifically for me weeks ago. Secondly evil villain is more my thing and cute mare that needs saving is more yours."
  278. "Hey!"
  279. >What the heck!? You used to be the leader of your little band of friends, and now you're the helpless one?
  280. "I'm tough and I'm good with magic! I would be a great witch!"
  281. >She boops you in the muzzle and giggles.
  282. >"You are a very skilled wizard Twilight, but you're no witch. Besides, do you really want me to be the damsel if your Anon is the hero?
  283. "The hero?"
  284. >"Well who else to rescue the fair maiden?"
  285. >Damn her that sounds pretty good actually.
  286. >She takes your silence as a victory.
  287. >"He'll look dashing I promise. I even got him a big sword to carry around!"
  288. "Not a real one right?"
  289. >"Well..."
  291. >She got him a real sword.
  292. >Where do she even get a real sword? And not just some tiny thing either, a legit two hander. Greatsword? Claymore? You like fantasy novels, so you really should know your swords better.
  293. >Of course he loves it.
  294. >"This is the most badass halloween ever!"
  295. >While the new neighborhood was nice you'd all decided to return to the old one for trick or treating.
  296. >Close together houses and a lack of hills made it a popular spot every year, and it appeared this year was no different.
  297. >Usually you'd be at your own door handing out candy to all the cute kids and foals, but as far as you could tell the new neighborhood wouldn't be getting many young ones knocking on doors.
  298. >Only a few houses were decorated, and the hike from large lot to large lot deterred most would be candy seekers.
  299. >So here you were back at the old stomping grounds to trick or treat.
  300. >A witch, a hero, and a damsel.
  301. >But for some reason the damsel is bound up in some fetish outfit and blushing like a tomato.
  302. "Do you really have to carry me?"
  303. >When you started to slow them down Anon had thrown you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
  304. >It's not your fault that trotting in this thing is hard.
  305. >"Darling the hero always carries the damsel after he's saved her."
  306. >Maybe that's true, but most damsels probably aren't self conscious of their skin tight outfit showing off their everything.
  307. >Sure you're usually naked, but this is somehow worse.
  308. >Rarity had even completed your look with an exaggerated horn ring and tail tie. The tie was at least tasteful, no lift, but still a bit embarrassing.
  309. >You huff and resign yourself to your fate as the group approaches another house.
  310. >*Ding Dong*
  311. >A sweet looking older lady answered the door.
  312. >"Oh my, what do we have here? A witch and a warrior?"
  313. >"And his rescued damsel."
  314. >Rarity points to your perch on Anon's shoulder.
  315. >You give your pumpkin candy pail a helpful little shake.
  316. >"Oh, of course! It looks like he pulled you right out of the dungeon dear!"
  317. "Haha yeah, he's my hero I guess."
  318. >Ok, that was lame.
  319. >No penalty for being lame though so you still get candy.
  320. >The squad continues on from house to house.
  321. >Your bucket is certainly filling up quickly, but laying over Anon's shoulder is starting to get a bit uncomfortable.
  322. >He wraps his arm tighter around you when you squirm to reposition yourself.
  323. >You'd be lying if you said his firm hold didn't feel a little nice.
  324. >"Don't fall off up there."
  325. "Sorry, just getting a little sore."
  326. >He hands his candy bucket to Rarity and reaches up to shift you across both shoulders.
  327. >The position is certainly more comfortable. Your stomach rests up against his neck and each set of legs are now held by one of his hands.
  328. >It might be even more embarrassing though.
  329. >When you'd been thrown over one shoulder your tail fell straight down like a pony's should.
  330. >With your hips and rump now sideways your tail falls over a flank instead of where it belongs.
  331. >Rarity's outfit keeps you from being completely indecent, but it's still blush worthy.
  332. >Worse yet your cutie mark is now on display from the front.
  333. >It wasn't enough to just buckle you into the world's sexiest pony halloween outfit. Rarity also insisted on a surprisingly complex bit of illusion magic over your cutie mark. You're natural mark was still there, only now covered beneath what looked like a lock.
  334. >A more sensitive pony would be offended.
  335. >Then again, you literally chain yourself to your masters bed for a loving rutting of your own free will.
  336. >"Better?"
  337. >He'd put you down if you told him to...
  338. >Maybe you don't totally hate the butterflies in your stomach right now though.
  339. "Yeah, thanks."
  340. >Lord, if your mother saw you now...
  342. >The rest of the night goes well enough.
  343. >You bumped into Dusty with his family later in the night.
  344. >As usual Mrs. Johnson was a sweetie, complimenting everyones outfits and even popping a piece of candy into your mouth.
  345. >Mmmm caramel.
  346. >At some point during the catching up Rarity and Dusty disappeared.
  347. >No human can notice the scent or the light spring in both their steps but you do.
  348. >Once upon a time you might have been jealous, he even gives her a nuzzle before slipping off to follow his family.
  349. >Now you just snicker at how short their little departure was. Maybe 5 minutes tops?
  350. >You can't blame Rarity for enjoying a quick flank bump, and it's just how stallions are so you can't judge Dusty either. >Compared to Anon though...
  351. >Well you know he'd still be warming you up after only 5 minutes.
  352. >Whew is it hot out here?
  353. >You snap your tail around a few times and steady your breathing.
  354. >Oh lord the tight elastic grip of the outfit isn't helping either.
  355. >"You ok up there?"
  356. >You must have been squirming.
  357. "Sorry yeah. Just a bit antsy I guess."
  358. >He looks one way and then the other before turning to you and whispering.
  359. >"You aren't getting a little hot under the collar after what Rarity and Dusty just did are you?"
  360. "W-what?! How did you know?"
  361. >"You think I don't keep a close eye on my ponies?"
  362. >He leans in for a quick peck on your lips! In public!
  363. >"Including you."
  364. "I..."
  365. >"I also know when you're a bit too agitated."
  366. >Oh buck he can read you like a book.
  367. >That's actually super hot.
  368. >"You know what I'm going to do to you when I get you home right?"
  369. "Anon!"
  370. >You look around frantically! What if someone hears!
  371. >"I'm going to take that tail-"
  372. >You shove your free hoof over his lips.
  373. "W-when we get home... not here..."
  374. >He just laughs and catches back up with a patiently waiting Rarity.
  375. >Ugh, that smile she's giving you tell you she knows exactly what's going on between the two of you.
  376. >Buck.
  377. >You're tail swishes back and forth as you try to think calming non-sexy thoughts.
  378. >It doesn't work.
  380. >Chains.
  381. >If someone had told you just a few months ago that Rarity would be chaining you to Anon's bed you'd have laughed.
  382. >Now you're here and just trying to keep your breathing steady.
  383. >Several elaborate chains from different directions all meet on various sides of your neck. You still have some slack, but you aren't going far without some 'rescuing'.
  384. "I can't believe you're such a deviant."
  385. >"Oh hush darling. I know both your tastes well enough by now. You should be thanking me for making you an outfit I knew he'd enjoy."
  386. "You told me it was just a normal costume!"
  387. >"Well it is, a normal sexy costume."
  388. >She stepped back to inspect her work.
  389. >The snug outfit is apparently far more devious than you'd initially been told.
  390. >Not only does it have several spots to clip chains to it can also be unbuckled from the rear.
  391. >For 'easy access'.
  392. >Sweet Luna, she's a total pervert since getting her hormones back.
  393. >"It's also your fault for being so incredible loud. What am I supposed to do when I have to listen to THAT all every night ?And for so long too! I'm not sure how you stand it!"
  394. "Oh my god! Please, this is embarrassing enough!"
  395. >She tuts at you disapprovingly.
  396. >"What a naughty captive talking back to her mistress."
  397. >Oh lord. The way she's leaning over you is rather intimidating.
  398. >"Perhaps I should teach my little prisoner some manner?"
  399. "R-rarity what are you doing?"
  400. >Ow! A firm hoof lands right on your cutie mark!
  401. >"That's mistress Rarity to you!"
  402. >Another slap lands on the exposed part of you flank!
  403. >It's not enough to really hurt compared to what you're used to, but it gets your attention.
  404. "Mistress wait!"
  405. >Ouch, this is bad!
  406. >Little did she know that earlier you'd made a couple quick additions to her little setup.
  407. >Maybe you'd been watching too much hentai recently because a dangerously devious idea had popped into your head.
  408. >All it took was a very accurate bit of magic to teleport in two of your favorite toys. Yes, teleport them into there.
  409. >The plan was that when he peeled back your layers he'd find you already quite thoroughly 'occupied'.
  410. >That's something an evil pervy witch would do right?
  411. >You're good idea at the time was now a very big problem!
  412. >The toys are big, and send massive shockwaves of pleasure up your spine when your haunches moved even the tiniest bit!
  413. >If a little bit is bad then the bouncing Rarity is making your rearend do is unbearable!
  414. >You bite the pillow as she slowly turns your flanks a nice warm pink.
  415. >Come to think of it, has your ass always been this tough?
  416. >Sure she's only using her hoof, but it doesn't really hurt that much at all. Sure it stings, but it's more of a naughty sting than an 'Omg please stop, i'll be good' sting.
  417. >Perhaps a tougher bottom is the result of taking your disciplinarian as your lover.
  418. >Wow, you're never saying that statement out loud.
  419. >Speaking of your lover he must have heard your mews of distress. Or the loud noise of hoof on pony butt, either way he bursts through the door.
  420. >"Stop evil doer!"
  421. >That's taking RP to a whole new level. Either Anon is indulging Rarity's flare for the dramatic or he has interests you're still learning about.
  422. >For her part Rarity takes no commands from goodly knights.
  423. >Instead the mare hops to your other side, putting your body between his and hers, and begins to attack your tushy even harder!
  424. "Oh oh oh!"
  425. >It still doesn't hurt that badly yet, but if she keeps up this pace your howls will be real given enough time.
  426. >Good thing your knight is here to save you.
  427. >Right?
  428. >Bucking hell! He's just standing there watching with his mouth agape.
  429. "Anonnnnn! Ah! Ow!"
  430. >"Oh right! Stop right there!"
  431. >The resulting dive and tussle not only gives your hiney a break, but is truly entertaining to watch.
  432. >Rarity really gives no quarter when it comes to wrestling, something she likely picked up from dash or applejack, but even the strongest mare will fold under superior human strength before too long.
  433. >Despite most your mental process being tied up in your warm and full lower body, you still have enough mental facilities to remember Rarity's previous issues with the human touch.
  434. >When Anon finally pins her belly down on the bed beside you you decide it's time to intervene.
  435. "I think you got her sir knight."
  436. >"Indeed. I admit defeat. The maiden is yours to do with as you please so long as you release."
  437. >That... that's a rather hungry look he's giving those marshmallow flanks.
  438. >Sure they're pert, and huge, and pinned to the bed beneath him, but they aren't that great.
  439. >No, you aren't the jealous type.
  440. >A moments delay more and she's released.
  441. >At least somepony around here is freed.
  442. >She snakes around to your far side and starts to give Anon a tour of his reward.
  443. >"You're prize sir knight."
  444. >She runs a hoof along your spine from your neck to your flanks.
  445. >"As you can see she's quite helpless and at your disposal. A truly goodly knight would free her immediately, but a slightly less virtuous one?..."
  446. >Steady your beating heart!
  447. >"Well, she opens here or here. Your choice really, ta ta now!"
  448. >'Here or here' is indicated by one hoof pointed at the collar of the outfit and one at the tail end!
  449. >The mare practically bolts out the door.
  450. >A sensitive pony nose such as yours tells you she was having fun, but probably didn't want to intrude any further.
  451. >Thoughts of Rarity are banished when a most virtuous knight's hand cups your most unspoiled and maidenly bottom.
  452. "Eep!"
  453. >"Truly an evil witch to abuse one as pure as yourself fair maiden."
  454. >Oh that feels divine!
  455. "Y-yes sir knight it was most horrid. Perhaps you could free me now?"
  456. >Your legs threaten to give out when you feel him unbuckling the outfit from behind.
  457. "Sir knight!"
  458. >"Fear not fair maiden I merely seek to make sure you aren't hurt."
  459. "S-she spanked me most viciously sir! Tis no sight you need see I promise!"
  460. >He knows you don't mean that of course. You had your safeword if you meant it, and right now you had no intention of using it.
  461. >With a final click he lifts the seat of your outfit.
  462. >A gasp tells you he's found your little surprise for him.
  463. >"Thou can be no maiden like this."
  464. "T-twas the wicked witch! Please sirrrrr!"
  465. >Your vision goes white as he swiftly and unexpectedly pulls out the dildo!
  466. >All the teasing and stimulation comes to a head as your body explodes in a burst of pleasure!
  467. >"I see no evidence of maidenhood. Have I been tricked? Art thou instead a common harlot?"
  468. >Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck! You just came so hard!
  469. >You brain takes a few minutes to reboot after the surprise climax.
  470. "P-please sir knight... I-I am but a simple wench abused by a most wicked evil doer."
  471. >Breath catches in your throat as he slides over your back completely covering your body in his!
  472. >He's even hot dogging your buns with his-!
  473. "Sir knight! What are you doing!?"
  474. >The growl in your ear makes your mane stand on end and your heart beat a mile a minute.
  475. >He's even poking your hot and ready entrance!
  476. >Some last minute squirming and half hearted fighting is all the encouragement he needs.
  477. "AHHHH!"
  479. >The riding you received that night was the longest, most thorough, and most satisfying to date.
  480. >He didn't even fall asleep after pounding you into pleasantly pleased purple pony paste.
  481. >A hard fucking and a personal washing afterwards? You could get used to this!
  482. >Note to self: Do RP with Anon more often.
  483. >Also use a smaller butt plug.
  484. >Still, best halloween ever.
  485. >Oh, and you're keeping the outfit.
  487. (End halloween special)
  489. >The next couple of weeks pass slowly.
  490. >You, Rarity, and Anon takes turns calling to further inquire about Sweetie Belle with little success.
  491. >No news isn't necessarily bad news, but staying positive is getting harder and harder for your friend.
  492. >In an attempt to lift spirits the three of you are at the park today.
  493. >It was... nice.
  494. >It would be nicer if Octavia wasn't feeding the ducks just on the other side of the pond.
  495. >"She did what now?"
  496. >Anon sat in between you and Rarity with an arm over each of his mares.
  497. "You remember that morning right? In the driveway? She saw it."
  498. >He cringes a bit.
  499. >"Didn't take it well?"
  500. "You could say that. She basically told me to keep it in the house. That it's wrong enough when mares were forced, but to choose it..."
  501. >"I'm not surprised she felt that way, but that's still a little much. Was she mean about it?"
  502. "Not mean but... forceful?"
  503. >You scratch the back of your head with a hoof. This is a little awkward.
  504. >Rarity chimes in from the other side.
  505. >"Firm I suspect."
  506. >"I could go have a talk with her. It's not her place to chastise someone else's ponies."
  507. >He starts to rise only to be pushed back into his seat by a bit of Rarity's magic.
  508. >"Master if I may? Perhaps we should leave sleeping dogs lie this time. Not that I disapprove of the two of your relationship, at least not any longer, but there will be many ponies who share her views."
  509. >He sits back down and sighs.
  510. >"Yeah I know, humans too."
  511. >Deep down you know he's right, but it still hurts to hear him say it.
  512. >It's not like he's saying he's ashamed of you, but it still means that your love isn't socially acceptable.
  513. "I-it's fine. I know most ponies don't have such wonderful masters, so I get why they wouldn't understand."
  514. >You squirm when he pulls you closer and rubs one of your ears.
  515. >"And not every human has such adorable ponies."
  516. >He pulls the pair of you into a hug tight enough to make you both squeak.
  517. >"Oh master, watch the mane!"
  518. >You and Anon giggle.
  519. >If one good thing had come up Sweetie Belle's predicament it was the shift in Rarity and Anon's relationship.
  520. >That first night sleeping in your bed with the two of you seemed to have broken some kind of barrier for her.
  521. >She'd been lightly involved with the two of you before that, most notably that little adventure on halloween night, but she never stayed for the main event or slept in the same bed.
  522. >Now however she'd joined you all for several cuddle sessions.
  523. >Nothing too intimate mind you. You usually ended up sandwiched between your friend and man as a sort of squishy purple safety buffer. But it was clear she's getting more and more comfortable around the human.
  524. >"Sorry. I know how hard you work on your hair."
  525. >She tuts and playfully bats at his arm.
  526. >"And well you should! Ruin my mane and you ruin me! Why, it's... it's practically all I have left..."
  527. >She trails off and looks down at her hooves.
  528. "Rarity that's not true. You have us."
  529. >She sighs but doesn't look up.
  530. >"You're right of course, I'm just thinking about Sweetie Belle again. Alone, cold and, abandon in that dreadful facility."
  531. >You share a look with Anon.
  532. >Perhaps it's time to tell her about your little plan?
  533. >Not here though.
  534. "Why don't we head home. We've got something we should talk about."
  536. >Rares is understandably sullen the whole ride home.
  537. >"Rarity we'll get her, you'll see."
  538. >The mare sighs and leans up against you in the passenger seat you share.
  539. >"Yes in a year or two perhaps. When she's so broken and damaged she doesn't even remember me..."
  540. "No, I promise. We... well..."
  541. >You'd kept your little suggestion of going in after Sweetie between yourself and Anon until now.
  542. >You continue assuring your friend as the three of you enter the house.
  543. >Or rather as Anon carries you under his arm and backwards while Rarity trots behind.
  544. >Walking is for peasants.
  545. "We have a plan... of sorts..."
  546. >Anon sits in his chair and places you in his lap. Rarity curls op on the couch across.
  547. >"She mean she has a crazy idea."
  548. >You kick him in the gut to shut him right up.
  549. "Ignore him."
  550. >You sit up tall and proud to present your idea.
  551. "If we can't contact Sweetie from the outside then we should try to contact her from the inside."
  552. >"The inside? What do you mean? Going for an in person visit?"
  553. "No, like from the inside as like a-"
  554. >Mr. rude humans interrupts you.
  555. >"She wants me to send her in for retraining so she can look for your sister between beatings."
  556. "Of course it sounds dumb when you say it that way!"
  557. >You're just trying to help, why is he fighting you on this so much?
  558. "Besides they wouldn't beat me."
  559. >He gives you a 'are you serious' look."
  560. >"Twilight I know you remember Happy Horse. You even told me about it."
  561. >Wait, what?
  562. "I did?"
  563. >"You don't remember?"
  564. "When was this?"
  565. >"I dunno like a month ago? We'd just finished a 'bridle session' and you said you wanted me to know everything."
  566. >'Bridle session' is your code word for hard horse riding.
  567. >Which is in turn is your code word for bucking.
  568. >What? Codewords are cool.
  569. You choose 'bridle session' because:
  570. A.) You normally wore a bridle for it.
  571. B.) Bridle sounds the same as bridal and kinda makes you feel like a proper wife.
  572. >You never told him that 2nd part though.
  573. "I don't remember. I get a little loopy afterwards ok?"
  574. >"Well that's true."
  575. "Hey! Don't judge me! Ponies aren't supposed to go for that long..."
  576. >"She's right dear. I have no idea where she gets the stamina."
  577. >Thanks for the commentary friend!
  578. >"Honestly she really doesn't. By the end she-"
  579. "Not important!"
  580. >Hoof to human mouth once again.
  581. "Yes I remember Happy Horse. Yes they beat ponies. Yes I got torn up plenty of times."
  582. >"And I'm not keen for that to happen to you again."
  583. >Ah that makes sense now. He's just worried about you.
  584. >That's actually really sweet.
  585. >"I have to agree darling. This seems extremely risky."
  586. "I appreciate the concern, but Happy Horse was a different situation, and I was a different pony back then. Even when I tried to cooperate their job was still to break me. They set impossible standards to give themselves an excuse to tear a pony apart so they could rebuild them as something else. Something they could sell."
  587. >Goddesses Anon is the best.
  588. >The bad memories are much easier when Anon runs a hand up your back and side.
  589. "I know humans now. I know how they think, how they discipline, and how they manipulate. I'm also stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally then I was before. If I go in for a simple behavior issue instead of a complete retraining I'm sure I can handle it."
  590. >The white mare looks unconvinced.
  591. >"Or you could be beaten within an inch of your life. We don't know how extreme this particular company is. We don't know their limits, their techniques, their anything. Even if we asked I doubt they'd tell us the whole truth about how they do things. I simply can't ask you to risk yourself like this for my family. If anyone it should be me."
  592. >You'd anticipated this argument.
  593. "I get why you feel that way, but I really think it should be me. How long has it been since you were trained?"
  594. >"Goodness quite a few years now I admit. Nothing I can't fake though."
  595. "If these people are as good as they make themselves out to be they'll know if you're faking. Be that faking the behavior change they're trying to teach you you or faking your reason for being there in the first place. I doubt they'd take the case and let you in as a 'patient' if they don't think there's any reason to."
  596. >"As if any company hates money."
  597. "No, but from what I can tell these guys care about their reputation a lot. If they can't get results that make them look good they'll reject the job. It doesn't look like they suffer for business if big operations like the one that has Sweetie uses them."
  598. >"I don't understand. Why would I have to fake it but not you?"
  599. "I can think of a few issues for them to work on with me, and I think I could take the actually training better than you. You said yourself it's been years since anyone bossed you around. How would you take someone just yelling at you? What about something even worse? You give me a hard time about my susceptibility to authority figures, but you're the opposite. You'd buck the system left and right."
  600. >"I suppose that's true, but I still don't feel comfortable with the idea of you doing this. Besides what behavioral issue do you really have?"
  601. "Well..."
  602. >You scratch the back of your head and look away.
  603. "I can be lazy..."
  604. >"And demanding."
  605. >Betrayed by your own human!
  606. "I am not demanding!"
  607. >"And naughty."
  608. "I'm usually not naughty..."
  609. >"Disrespectful?"
  610. "Ok sometimes I guess..."
  611. >You did just kick him in the gut.
  612. "Wait I thought you liked naughty!?"
  613. >"Oh, I do."
  614. "What the buck then?"
  615. >He laughs and scratches you under the chin.
  616. >"I'm just messing with you babe. I doubt they need a laundry list of issues to let you in for a quick attitude adjustment."
  617. "Ok, first of all don't use the term attitude adjustment. It gives me flashbacks to when YOU disciplined me."
  618. >"Implying I still don't."
  619. "It's different now and you know it."
  620. >He stops scratching your chin and instead pulls you closer for a kiss on the cheek.
  621. >"It's different you're right."
  622. >Damn right you're right.
  623. >Stupid human making you blush when you're trying to make a point though.
  624. "Point is we still need to make a legit case. I admit I can be lazy and disrespectful and maybe that's something it wouldn't be horrible for me to actually have worked on."
  625. >"You really want to do this don't you?"
  626. >Aww he looks sad.
  627. >You turn around and wrap yourself around his chest in a hug.
  628. "I want to help Sweetie. She could be really hurting in there, and I know what that's like. Alone, afraid, and thinking there's no hope? No future? I know that feeling, and there's nothing worse. I think I'm the best choice for this. I've got reason to be there, I'm resilient enough to take a bit of training, and I'm obedient enough to make it through it."
  629. >"I still don't like it."
  630. >A mare's voice from behind you chips in as well.
  631. >"Neither do I, but she may be right."
  632. >Anon sighs and turns you around to hold you like a teddy bear.
  633. >"Yeah, maybe so."
  634. >He tilts your chin back and looks you right in the eyes.
  635. >"You really want to do this?"
  636. "Yes."
  637. >"Ok."
  639. >After all these years it's finally happened.
  640. >You've finally found paperwork you DON'T like!
  641. >For years you've happily filled out countless lists, forms, documents, notes, you name it.
  642. >Paperwork is great! Paperwork makes the world go round! Without paperwork the universe as we know it collapses into chaos, fire, and death!
  643. >This paperwork though?
  644. >This paperwork is not great.
  645. >The usual questions are easy enough: age, height, color, species, weight.
  646. >You had him leave that last one blank for now. No need for him to worry about that little detail.
  647. >The rest of the form though?
  648. "I don't get why you can't just put lazy/disrespectful and call it a day."
  649. >"We need to be more specific, really sell the issues. We've got an appointment set up for them to evaluate you tomorrow, but we need the finish the paperwork and figure out our story first. If they think it's an easy case they might just refer us to someone who makes housecalls for this kind of stuff."
  650. "They have those? Traveling pony trainers?"
  651. >"Yeah sure. Methods and price vary, but it's a real business. Some price by the hour and some by the issue."
  652. >You scratch your chin and squint at him.
  653. "You seem to know a bit too much about these guys..."
  654. >At least he has the good grace to look a little sheepish.
  655. >"In my defense, you were a handful for a bit there."
  656. >He gets even more squinty eyes for that one.
  657. >"End's up it was easy enough to just do it myself though."
  658. >And he gets slapped with your tail for that one!
  659. >He shrugs and goes back to the paperwork.
  660. >"Alright, how's this: Twilight has severe work ethic and disrespect problems. Ignoring her chores is common, as is backtalk when confronted about it. My attempts to discipline her myself seem to only lead to more disrespect when she recovers."
  661. "I guess it's ok."
  662. >He pushes his computer chair back and pats his lap. A sign for you to climb up that you reluctantly comply with.
  663. >It's not that you're mad at him, it's just...
  664. >You don't know. It's just weird hearing him talk about you like that.
  665. >"Remember I don't mean any of this, ok?"
  666. "I know, it's just... strange."
  667. >He starts to braid your mane. Something Rarity taught him a while back on a lazy sunday morning.
  668. >"I'll have to say a lot of mean things about you if we want this to work."
  669. "You're right."
  670. >"And you'll have to play the part too."
  671. "I'm up to the challenge."
  672. >"You always are. Just remember the truth in here ok?"
  673. >A hand placed in the center of your chest signifies where 'here' is.
  674. >The warmth of his hand seeps into your barrel for a quiet moment. Just him feeling your heartbeat and holding you close.
  675. "I'll remember, I promise."
  676. >"Good girl."
  677. >You snort and nudge him up under the chin.
  678. "You don't have to worry so much about me, really. I know I don't act it all the time, but I'm tougher than you realize."
  679. >"It's just hard not to worry. I don't want you to get hurt."
  680. >You turn back around and begin to pour mana into your horn.
  681. >Maybe it's time for a little show.
  682. >Despite being set to it's lowest setting your horn ring still limits the rate at which you can exert mana. That's nothing a little creativity and knowhow can't fix though.
  683. >Teleportation and Traditional combat magic require a quick and responsive horn to throw out energy quickly.
  684. >Conjuring and manipulation do not.
  685. >The small fusion reaction takes about a minute to form, but once ignited only your shield contains the heat and radiation.
  686. >You can't look at him while monitoring the microsun but you can tell the demonstrations a success.
  687. >"I-is that? How did you? Is that real?"
  688. "Very real and very dangerous. If I'm in real danger, as long as I have access to at least a little magic, I can figure something out."
  689. >You allow the fiery orb to burn out before looking up to see his shocked expression.
  690. >"Can most unicorns do that?"
  691. "No, but I'm no normal unicorn."
  692. >"Well that's the truth... If you could do that at any time then why did you ever let me...? Well you know."
  693. "Blister my cheeks? Because running just isn't worth it anymore. I did it for years, and it's no way to live. Even if I got away from you, then what? Best case scenario I get my collar off, but I know there's a chip or two implanted in me somewhere. I know they're there, but I don't know exactly where or have the means to get them out. They'd made rudimentary tracking possible until I collapsed in exhaustion and got my ass hauled to a cage for a real beating."
  694. >"But you could just... fight."
  695. >It's funny how hesitant he sounds.
  696. >Does he think you'll just now realize that and run away?
  697. >Silly humans.
  698. "I couldn't do that. I was taught too much control as a filly to really use my magic for violence. I'd hesitate and that's all a pro would need to take me down. Then I've gone from being disobedient pony who needs a thrashing to a serious threat who needs her horn removed."
  699. >Just the idea makes you shiver.
  700. "To answer your question I never resisted you because crying over your knee was awful, but it was way better than what I was used to. A flank is padded enough to take some punishment, b-but the rest of me isn't... Those bastards at Happy Horse just never stopped swinging that Celestia damned riding crip..."
  701. >When did you start shaking?
  702. >The memories of screaming for mercy, of swearing to obey, grow a little quieter when he crushes you against his chest.
  703. >"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Even if you were a little fiery you didn't deserve that."
  704. >This is a good human. You suppose you might keep him.
  705. "Thanks. I shouldn't have even ended up in that horrible place. Arnold tried to get me sent somewhere kind, but they lied to him."
  706. >He massages your chest fluff and listens.
  707. >He knows enough about arnold to know what you're talking about. At one point you'd told Anon about the man and even attempted to track him down.
  708. >Sadly you'd been unable to find head nor tail of the elusive hunter.
  709. >"Stories like that are why I'm afraid to let you go on this little mission."
  710. "This is different. Happy Horse was an initial training facility and one of the harshest ones. Gentlehoof is a behavioral health center without any reputation for being cruel."
  711. >"Even Rarity said there's no way to know exactly what to expect until you're in there."
  712. "That's true and yes, it's a risk, but a calculated one. I did a lot of research before proposing this plan. They're known for results, but they don't have any complains of 'damaged goods' like some retrainers do. It's also located in an old hospital, so the conditions are probably cleaner and more humans than places run out of barns and such."
  713. >He sighs. Clearly he's still unhappy about the whole thing.
  714. >"Fine. I really want to trust your judgement on this, but I also really want to protect my cuddle buddy."
  715. "You're just gonna miss your bed warmer."
  716. >You stick your tongue out at him jokingly.
  717. >He retaliates by tickling your sides! Not good! He's got you right where he wants you for tickle torture!
  718. "I take it back! I take it back!"
  719. >He laughs and plants a big sloppy kiss on your cheek making you blush.
  720. >"Good, you better. You're a lot more than a cute flank for me to play with."
  721. >You know that of course, but he's fun to mess with.
  722. >"Though you do have a cute flank."
  723. >You purr with contentment when he slips a hand under your a cushy cheek.
  724. "Oh, don't worry. I know."
  725. >Ow! He pinched you!
  726. >"Confident little thing aren't you?"
  727. >You rub the pinched spot with a hoof.
  728. "If you've got it, flaunt it."
  729. >He laughs for a while at that one.
  730. >"I'm really going to miss you Twi. You'll come back to me the same right? I like you the way you are. I'd better not pick up a new pony in a few weeks."
  731. "I'd rather not be a new pony either trust me. Ironing out some laziness and respect shouldn't be more than just a bit of motivation from them and some lip service from me. I wouldn't mind if you were clear on that with them though. That you don't want my personality changed or spirit broken, just my attitude adjusted."
  732. >"I thought you hated the term 'attitude adjustment'."
  733. "Well it works here... Even if it does have some weird connotations in my head."
  734. >Oh! A shiver shoots up your spine when he lightly tugs on you sensitive ear and whispers into it.
  735. >"Reminds you of what a brat you can be?"
  736. >Why the buck does that ignite such a fire in your belly?
  737. >Don't squirm! He can taste embarrassed arousal like some kind of weird sexy pony predator.
  738. "I-I am not..."
  739. >"You know what masters do to brats?"
  740. >Oh Celestia he's tugging on your ear even harder!
  741. >A series of tiny "Ow's" escape your lips as you lean in to lessen the sting.
  742. "T-they discipline them..."
  743. >Can't say you're too proud of the reaction he's getting out of you right now, but you're also too into it to care.
  744. >"Mhmmm, and how do brats get disciplined?"
  745. >Oh please please please don't make you say it!
  746. "T-they umm..."
  747. >"You know the answer you bratty little minx you. How do brats get disciplined?"
  748. "D-dont make me..."
  749. >Oh gods above the harder he pulls your ear the harder it is to resist!
  750. >"Say it. Now."
  751. "S-spanked... They get spanked..."
  752. >You're face is going to burst into flames at this rate!
  753. >"So what do you need?"
  754. "A-anon come one, the form! We have to get this done!"
  755. >"The form is basically done and I have to show them a bratty filly tomorrow at the appointment. What are they going to expect a misbehaving filly to look like when I bring her in?"
  756. "I-I don't follow..."
  757. >You do.
  758. >"If I'm going to tell them that I attempted to discipline you myself what will they expect?"
  759. "Fine I get your point... Can't you just get it over with though? Why do I need to say it?"
  760. >He lifts your chin with a finger until you're looking up into his beautiful eyes.
  761. >"Because I want you to have fun too of course."
  762. >Have fun!? Getting your pert bottom smacked!?
  763. >Well, ok maybe that's been happening a bit lately, but he doesn't have to say it in such an embarrassing way!
  764. >"Go fetch your brush, ok?"
  765. >You instinctively leap off his lap when he starts to stand.
  766. >The brush!
  767. >Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh! He's wants to use the brush!
  768. >He hasn't used that in what feels like forever! Heck Rarity was the last person to brush your sorry hide!
  769. "D-does it have to be the brush?"
  770. >The question comes out smaller than you'd intended.
  771. >Realistically, if he wants visual results then the brush is the best choice.
  772. >That doesn't mean it doesn't make you shiver in anticipation.
  773. >He pulls an armless chair into the middle of the room and sits down firmly.
  774. >The way he raises an eyebrow at you is definitely a yes.
  775. >You dash out of the room with your heart in your throat!
  776. >This is happening! The brush! You didn't do anything wrong, but you know he's right about this having to be done to sell the story!
  777. >Oh gosh this is so stupid though!
  778. >You dig through various boxes looking for the old tool of flank destruction.
  779. >The brush. So that he can spank you. Over his knee.
  780. >Oddly enough the feelings of dread and overwhelming fear you should be overcome with are more... mixed.
  781. >Mixed with desire? No no no no no absolutely not desire!
  782. >Only a total whorse would be looking forward to her master driving a lesson into her... then maybe driving something else into her...
  783. "Ugh! Where is that stupid thing!"
  784. >"Dear is something the matter? You look a fright."
  785. >Of course your frantic scrambling got her attention.
  786. "I. Umm. Well yeah. Do you have that brush?"
  787. >"Brush?"
  788. "The one that you ah... the one you gave to me for Anon to use a long time ago... You said it would be safer for him to use?"
  789. >Eye contact is overrated anyway. Wow the floor sure is interesting!
  790. >"Darling what happened? Is Anon angry?"
  791. "NO! No it's nothing like that, it's just... selling the story. Disobedient and all that..."
  792. >Her eyes widen.
  793. >"Darling. surely that's excessive! We're already asking so much of you, there must be another way!"
  794. >Ugh! You trot in circles and tear into another box. Where's the is the damn thing?!
  795. "It's fine really. Just, do you have it?"
  796. >"Well I do but-"
  797. "No buts! Just give it to me."
  798. >"Twilight you can't expect me to be ok with you suffering through this for mine and Sweetie's sake!"
  799. "Please just give it to me! I'm... I'm not afraid I promise, It'll be fine!"
  800. >"Not afraid? Twilight we're talking about-"
  801. >She sniffs the air.
  802. >Oh no. Don't sniff the air. There's absolutely no reason to sniff the air.
  803. >"Oh I see."
  804. >Yep, she sniffed the air.
  805. >She gives you a naughty smile and gestures for you to follow her.
  806. "Rarity PLEASE don't make this weirder than it has to be."
  807. >"Ah, don't worry. I don't judge."
  808. >She pulls the heavy wooden 'Diamond's in the Rough' brand hairbrush out of a drawer and offers it to you.
  809. >"Would you like your bridle as well?"
  810. >Your ears splay and face turns even more red.
  811. "N-no."
  812. >"Your choice."
  813. "Thank ah!"
  814. >The ear! Why is it always the ear!?
  815. "Rarity!"
  816. >"Hmm? Is that what you should be calling me?"
  817. "M-mistress! Please!"
  818. >She tuts and continues to escort you towards your bedroom.
  819. >"Such a naughty filly sometimes. Something I'm sure master can assist you with, am I right?"
  820. >She turns to look at you and give you a little wink. Like that makes it any better.
  821. "Y-yes mistress!"
  822. >Before you know it you've been hoof delivered to your bedroom door.
  823. >"I'd offer to help you prepare yourself, but it seems you're quite ready to go already."
  824. >Prepare? She doesn't mean like that does she?
  825. >Judging by the mirth in her eye and flick of tail she just might.
  826. >She's right about you being ready to go though.
  827. >You wouldn't be surprised if there was a trail leading all the way from Rarity's room to your own.
  828. >Before you can protest she opens the door and pushes you inside with her magic!
  829. >"All yours master!"
  830. >You stumble into the room only to freeze when you catch the intimidating sight of your master.
  831. >Those eyes! That firm and imposing posture! Oh lord he looks so serious!
  832. >"Well?"
  833. >You pick the fallen brush back up in your magic and slink over to his side.
  834. "I-I found it master... but..."
  835. >"Backtalk still? When are you going to learn young lady?"
  836. >He grasps the back of your collar and drags you towards your demize!
  837. "N-no master please!"
  838. >He has little trouble dragging you across his lap and to position your rump in a very compromising position!
  839. >Before you can beg again a firm hand lands on your upturned globes!
  840. "AH!"
  841. >"Still bratty after all this time..."
  842. SMACK!
  843. "OH!"
  844. >"How many times have we done this Twilight?"
  845. SMACK
  846. "TOOO many! AH please!"
  847. >"And how many times until you learn my litte brat?"
  848. "I'm sorry! I'll learn!"
  849. >Oh! He isn't playing around! Your haunches bounce left and right as blow after blow warms your well used cheeks!
  850. >Good thing you're well practised when it comes to enduring this kind of treatment from him...
  851. >"You'll learn huh? Where have I heard that before?"
  852. "Ah ah ah ah ah..."
  853. >You trail off into light pants and what are definitely not moans as the warm up continues.
  854. >Just his hand and you're already stinging back there!
  855. >And he's gonna use the brush!
  856. >Rarity's brush specifically designed for punishing pony plots!
  857. "Master... master please..."
  858. >He takes a few moment to stop and grab a handful of flank.
  859. >It feels so nice yet so naughty.
  860. >You tremble even more when he whispers into your ear.
  861. >"I'm going to teach my little pony her lesson Twilight."
  862. "Y-yes sir..."
  863. >Just breath girl! Deep breaths!
  864. >"I'm going to teach her until she's red and sorry and sore, and then I'm going to teach her even more by taking her body for myself."
  865. >You gasp and wiggle as two fingers slip into your sloppy depths!
  866. >Just two fingers and it's already so good!
  867. >You milk them for all your worth, but he pulls out far too soon!
  868. "P-please! G-give it back!"
  869. >"Fingers are for good ponies Twilight, and good ponies take their discipline. Isn't that right?"
  870. "Y-yes sir..."
  871. >"So what do you want Twilight?"
  872. "Please... Please d-discipline me sir!"
  873. >"The safeword is avocado."
  874. >Safeword? You get a safeword? Since when does discipline come with a safeword? Well you guess this isn't really legit discipline but sti-
  875. WHACK!
  876. "AHHHHHHH!"
  877. >The brush! Why is it the brush already!
  879. "NO NO NO PLEASE!"
  880. >He didn't finish warming you up! It shouldn't be the brush already! It shouldn't be this hard!
  881. >You can feel the angry blisters forming as he busts your butt with the fury of a thousand suns!
  882. >What did you do?! Why is it so awful!?
  884. >The tears burst forth and flow down your face in no time! It's way too much! Way too much! You're gonna be even more purple than usual!
  885. >If he keeps this up you'll be too numb to even feel it soon!
  887. >Some analytical part of your mind points out that that's probably the whole point.
  888. >By starting you with some light smacks and playing with your marebits he'd got the endorphins flowing through your brain to take the initial edge off.
  889. >Then, by switch to an extremely rapid and intense pace you'll blister in the blink of an eye. Soon your seat would be too numb to feel anything anymore.
  890. >Analytical Twilight maybe make some good points right, but squirming, squealing, and burning Twilight is gonna keep doing her thing until said numbness sets in.
  892. >Thankfully the numbness only takes another minute or so. Another agonizing minute filled with Ow's, Ah's, and Please's.
  893. >The brush finally begins to become more and more a sensation of movement and vibration than torment.
  894. >Glorious glorious vibrations.
  895. >Maybe he really did think this through.
  896. >The point of warming up your tush with his hand was usually to KEEP you from going numb. By mostly skipping the step he'd opted to be merciful to you while still getting results.
  897. "Oh! Oh Anon..."
  898. >Your flanks continue to bounce to his music, but the sensation is now as much pleasurable tremors as searing pain.
  899. >You think you might love this human. Even doing this he found a way to be kind to you.
  900. >How many minutes have passed?
  901. >The room is still filled with the sound of wood on flesh, but instead of screaming pony agony the sounds of soft moans and panting fill the room.
  902. >He's running his free hand through your mane as he works. It feels divine. Every sense in your body is in overload as he continues to tend to his little brat.
  903. >You can only imagine what a sight you must be back there now.
  904. >Hopefully one still pleasing to him.
  905. >Finally the dull thudding sensation stops and you hear the brush drop to the floor.
  906. >So tired.
  907. >You lay there and pant as one hand continues to work your mane while the other rubs your cheeks.
  908. >"You ok?"
  909. >You manage to roll your head to one side.
  910. "Kisses."
  911. >He finds that pretty funny, but obeys his queen.
  912. >You moan into his mouth as he runs a finger over your lower lips.
  913. >"Heh did you seriously already get off?"
  914. "Just once..."
  915. >"You are so naughty."
  916. >You smile and push your hips up to offer him better access. That'll show him what you think about being called naughty.
  917. >It's a cue even he can pick up on.
  918. >If you weren't so exhausted you'd be ashamed of how quickly you came.
  919. >At least he's kind enough to not tease you for it.
  920. "How's *pant* it look?"
  921. >You're a bit surprised to hear a camera snap.
  922. >He puts the phone in front of you so you can see for yourself.
  923. >Welp.
  924. >No one should have any problem believing you have discipline problems.
  925. >Holy buck that's the sorest flank you've ever seen. Thanks the stars you can barely feel it.
  926. >"I think it'll work."
  927. "It better..."
  928. >"You did great Twi."
  929. >Yeah you sure did. Toughest mare this side of the mason dixon.
  930. >If he doesn't delete that picture he'll find out just how tough.
  931. >He has to settle for kissing the back of your head since you've hung it in exhaustion.
  932. "Just... Just move me to the bed. You still have to have your fun."
  933. >He quietly scoops you up and carries you to the bed.
  934. >You vaguely wonder if it'll hurt being pounded with such a sore flank?
  935. >Even if it does you resolve to take it like a big mare. It wouldn't be fair for you go finish twice and leave him hanging.
  936. >He drops you on your stomach as expected.
  937. >It'll be a weekly struggle to raise your rump into a mountable position, but it's for him.
  938. >Before you get the chance sweet comforting covers are draped over your body.
  939. "You want me laying down?"
  940. >He'd never done it like that before.
  941. >"Shh don't worry about that. You're way too tired."
  942. >Ohh he's playing with your mane again. So good, so sleepy.
  943. "No that's not fair to you... come on I can take it..."
  944. >"You're exhausted Twi. Take a nap."
  945. "Nooo..."
  946. >Your voice is barely a whisper. Don't fall asleep filly. Only bad marefriends leave their males rock hard and wanting.
  947. >"Shhh."
  948. "You're gonna... fuck... me..."
  949. ZZZZZ.
  951. >Breakfast in bed!
  952. >More specifically pancakes in bed!
  953. >Rarity surprises the two of you with a veritable smorgasbord of pancakes, fresh fruit and juice served while you're still snuggling in your sheets.
  954. "Rarity this is fantastic, thank you."
  955. >She smiles and levitates a napkin to the edge of your mouth to remove some syrup.
  956. >"It's the least I can do darling. It sounded like you were very brave for me last night."
  957. >"She was amazing."
  958. >Anon wrap an arm around your hips and pulls you closer to him.
  959. "It wasn't so bad I guess."
  960. >You distract yourself from the blushing by burying your face in more pancakes.
  961. >Pancakes make everything better. They even make sitting on this soft bed a little easier.
  962. >Needless to say Anon's efforts last night worked.
  963. >With the numbness gone you could feel the evidence of poor pony behavior proudly displayed without even needing to see it.
  964. >It's not a wholly unwelcome sensation though...
  965. "So when's the appointment?"
  966. >Anon pulls out his phone to check.
  967. >"10:30."
  968. >Not that far away!
  969. >The reality that this is really happening makes your chest flutter just a bit faster.
  970. "Ok, is there anything else we need to do?"
  971. >"Not that I can think of. They just said be there by then."
  972. >Rarity clears her throat.
  973. >"Sir if I may? They might expect a rebellious pony to be a bit more... contained? A leash or a muzzle? We have a bridle."
  974. >Muzzle...
  975. >Anon considers it for a moment then turns to you.
  976. >"What do you think?"
  977. >Asking the damned to choose their own fate?
  978. >Respectful or cruel?
  979. "I guess the bridle would be ok..."
  980. >The bridle...
  981. >To go with your spanked flanks...
  982. >To sell the story that you're a disobedient pony who needs to be trained...
  983. >Sweet Celestia, just what have you gotten yourself into?
  985. >The few hours left before you interview are passing all too quickly.
  986. >Nervous? Ha! No, of course you aren't nervous!
  987. >You pet your own tail as Rarity runs a comb through your mane.
  988. >You're glad she's there. Without her your thoughts and emotions threaten to spiral out of control.
  989. >"So, the details are all worked out?"
  990. "I think we've gone over the story enough times. At this point it's all just a matter of nerves and execution."
  991. >Perhaps sensing your turmoil she starts to massage your back with both hooves.
  992. >"I know you can do it love. No challenge is too much for my Twilight."
  993. >She's laying it on thick, but who are you to turn down encouragement?
  994. >"I'm sure the moment Sweetie hears we're waiting to pick her up everything will be alright."
  995. "Yeah. I'm sure too."
  997. >Time sure flies when you're nervous as hell!
  998. >In the blink of an eye, you find yourself following Anon into an interview room at Gentlehoof.
  999. >He leads you by a solid chain clipped to your bridle.
  1000. >At least the bit remained clear of your mouth for now.
  1001. >You're already having regrets about this dumb plan of yours.
  1002. >Being lead around by your bridle is embarrassing!
  1003. >Being seen in public with a scorched tush like this is even more embarrassing!
  1004. >"Mr. Anonymous?"
  1005. >"That's me."
  1006. >A man in a white lab coat that screams 'science' stands to shake Anon's hand.
  1007. >"I'm Dr. Roger nice to meet you."
  1008. >An actual doctor? That's interesting.
  1009. >"And you must be Twilight."
  1010. >You're unsure if the condemned is supposed to speak.
  1011. >Then again you're supposed to be trouble already so why not?
  1012. "Yeah, Twilight sparkle."
  1013. >You keep your eyes low, but not too low. More disinterested than submissive or scared.
  1014. >"Great to meet you both."
  1015. >He doesn't seem too bad so far. He even offered a handshake to the 'problem' pony in the room.
  1016. >"Now-"
  1017. >Taking a seat on a stool behind him, the Dr. rolls away behind some kind of platform.
  1018. >You only now bother to take in the whole room.
  1019. >Anon unclipped you and took a seat on a bench against the wall you came in in.
  1020. >Between yourself and the Doctor is some kind of raised platform that rises roughly two feet off the ground.
  1021. >Steps in the back seem to imply it's purpose it to be climbed on, presumably by the pony being interviewed.
  1022. >No big deal.
  1023. >What is a big deal is the metal pole at the end topped with what looks like a leather muzzle.
  1024. >Was he going to put you in that? It doesn't look dangerous in it's own right, but the idea of having your head locked in place wasn't exactly comforting.
  1025. >"Twilight, if you would?"
  1026. >Guess you were right about the platform's purpose.
  1027. >No point being too difficult yet. You climb the steps to bring yourself eye level with the doctor.
  1028. "Do I...?"
  1029. >No way you're shoving your face into that trap unless it's necessary.
  1030. >"Well that depends on you. Can you be a good mare for your interview? According to your master you can be a little hard headed at times."
  1031. >You look away and kick a hoof against the ground.
  1032. "I can be good."
  1033. >"Good girl."
  1034. >He still attaches a heavy chain to your collar, but at least this way you can still move your head around.
  1035. >"Now, would you describe yourself as a good pony Twilight?"
  1036. >Psh, define good pony. Morally good? Nah, he's asking if you're subservient.
  1037. "Uh, generally yes."
  1038. >"So if given a command you follow it?"
  1039. "I try to."
  1040. >"As soon as you're told?"
  1041. "Yes."
  1042. >Anon chimes in in regards to that one.
  1043. >"Twilight..."
  1044. "Most the time..."
  1045. >The good doctor shuffles through some papers and continues.
  1046. >"It seems your master has some problems with your work ethic Twilight. Do you understand what that means?"
  1047. "It all gets done eventually."
  1048. >"Eventually? Is that when your master asked you to do it?"
  1049. "I guess not..."
  1050. >Acting is easy! Add a little annoyance to your voice and voila! You should be an actress!
  1051. >"Is that why you were disciplined Twilight."
  1052. >You look away and refuse to answer. Classic evasive behavior, right?
  1053. >No need to act for what happens next though!
  1054. "Hey!"
  1055. >He lifts your tail to get a better view of the results of your trouble!
  1056. >Trying to snap your head around, only gives yourself whiplash when you overestimate how long the chain is.
  1057. >"Woah there! Just relax. I thought you said you could be good for me?"
  1058. "I don't like humans back there!"
  1059. >"You don't like humans touching you in general, or just touching you back here?"
  1060. >He hasn't let go of said tail.
  1061. >You thrash it back and forth as hard as you can, but he keeps it raised with a firm grip.
  1062. "Back there..."
  1063. >Instead of removing his one hand, he get's even more personal with the other.
  1064. >Ok, the way he's running it over your side actually isn't that bad.
  1065. >You may have nickered a little.
  1066. >"Good girl, just relax. No one's gonna hurt you."
  1067. >You lightly stomp your hoof and shake your head back and forth as he pokes and prods at your flanks.
  1068. >Nothing invasive or too personal thankfully, just checking the damage.
  1069. >"Why did you master have to discipline you Twilight?"
  1070. "I was lazy..."
  1071. >"Is that all?"
  1072. "..."
  1073. >"Twilight?
  1074. "I back talked him when he scolded me about it."
  1075. >"You're sure that's all?"
  1076. "Ok I yelled, happy?"
  1077. >"And why did you yell?"
  1078. "Ugh! Because I don't need some human scolding me like I'm a little filly! I'm a grown mare! I know the laundry wasn't finished! I know you the trash wasn't taken out! I could be doing it right then if he'd just leave me alone! I could-"
  1079. >You cover your mouth in feigned shock.
  1080. >Pretending to lose control and he eats it right up.
  1081. >Surely his notes are less and less in your favor.
  1082. >"I see what you're talking about Mr. Anon. That's quite an explosive temper she has."
  1083. >He gently pushes down on your haunches until your seat meets the hard metal platform.
  1084. >You let a soft hiss of displeasure escape your lips and try to squirm away.
  1085. >The heavy hand holds you in place quite firmly.
  1086. >Perhaps making you sit on your abused cheeks is his way of gently chastising you for your outburst.
  1087. >Anon speaks up from your right.
  1088. >"Yeah, now just imagine if her last lesson wasn't still fresh on her mind. She get's a lot worse than that."
  1089. >The doctor let's go of you to jot down a few more notes.
  1090. >Without a hand pinning you down you start to stand.
  1091. >"No Twilight, I want you to remain seated."
  1092. >You growl but comply.
  1093. "Ow..."
  1094. >Sitting really isn't that awful, just a sting, but it's an easy thing to act out over.
  1095. >He ignores you and address Anon instead.
  1096. >"Would you mind telling me a bit more about her history? Are you her first owner? Was she like this when you got her?"
  1097. >"I'm her first yeah."
  1098. >You try not to giggle. He's your first human in more than one way.
  1099. >"She was on sale for attitude issues at the auction, but when I first met her I couldn't really see why. It wasn't until a few weeks in her true colors started to show. At first I just scolded. She'd be sorry for a few minutes, then back to her tricks an hour later. Next I tried grounding, but she's so sneaky it was hard to keep up with that. I didn't want to hit her, but a lesson she can't forget for a few days seems to stick best."
  1100. >Heh, that part isn't even made up.
  1101. >"And what do you think Twilight?"
  1102. >You mumble something about humans being monsters.
  1103. >"What was that?"
  1104. "I try to remember..."
  1105. >"Mhmmm."
  1106. >Yep he heard the mumble.
  1107. >"Well Mr. Anon I certainly think we can help out little Twilight here. Defiance is just a bit more deep seated in some more troublesome ponies, but don't worry we've seen her type time and time again. Ponies so head strong that even physical discipline fails to get to the root of their issues. Pride."
  1108. >His hand grabs the back of your head and pushes it towards the mounted muzzle!
  1109. >He caught you completely off guard, so you're unable to resist before he has you strapped tightly to the metal pillar!
  1110. >You hate feeling trapped! Unfortunately straining and pulling against the tight bonds get you nowhere.
  1111. >"Just relax Twilight."
  1112. >Easy for him to say!
  1113. >Ugh if only this stupid muzzle wasn't keeping your mouth shut!
  1114. >With so few options, you opt to do the exact opposite of relax.
  1115. >You know that thrashing and fighting isn't going to get you out, but it still sells the narrative.
  1116. >What you didn't expect is the blindfold he pulls down over your eyes.
  1117. >Tied to a post with zero vision isn't really how you thought today would go.
  1118. >Hopefully the loud and angry whinny you manage speaks the volumes that you mouth can't.
  1119. >"We can fix pride though, pride is easy."
  1120. >Woo, spooky.
  1121. >"Why don't we step into my office to discuss the details? Twilight will be well taken care of here I promise."
  1122. >They're just going to leave you like this?! Bound and blind? That's just mean!
  1123. >"Sounds great, lead the way."
  1124. >Is this is? Is this how he leaves you? You can't even see him go...
  1125. >The light touch on your neck doesn't scare you. You know just who it is.
  1126. >"Now you be a good girl Twilight. We'll be waiting for you as soon as you're ready, understand?"
  1127. >Oh, what you'd give for a kiss goodbye.
  1128. >Instead you have to settle for a quiet grunt of acknowledgment.
  1129. >Your neck still tingles where his fingers were.
  1130. >How long until you feel that hand again?
  1132. >Soooo, what now?
  1133. >You heard the two humans leave the room forever ago, and nothing since.
  1134. >Ok, maybe it was just a few minutes ago, but it's hard to tell with so many senses hindered.
  1135. >It was long enough for you to get tired of pulling against the muzzle at least.
  1136. >Finally, the sound of another door opening.
  1137. >Are they back? No, the footsteps are all wrong.
  1138. >"Goodness, another one."
  1139. >Female, and possibly pony?
  1140. >"Miss sparkle, correct?"
  1141. >Uhh, can't she see you can't speak?
  1142. >"I'm Nurse Olive. I'm just here for a quick exam."
  1143. >A nurse! An exam! No, not like this! Not while you're tied up!
  1144. >You're trepidation must be obvious.
  1145. >"Yes I know, and I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to release you."
  1146. >Ok, definitely a pony based on the hoof on your shoulder.
  1147. >"Don't worry it's not a full exam. Just a quick vitals check as well as looking for any contraband."
  1148. >Contraband? Where would you even put contraband? Does it look like you have pockets?
  1149. >You soon learn two things.
  1150. >Nurse Olive is a unicorn with very precise magic. Magic she isn't afraid to use.
  1151. >There are two specific places for ponies to store contraband. Neither of which you were very happy to have explored.
  1152. >At least she was gentle.
  1153. >As awful as the inspection was, there was one thing even worse.
  1154. >She took your hoof phone.
  1155. >Not that you'd really expected to be allowed to keep it, but losing your one means of communication sucks.
  1156. >"Don't worry we'll keep it safe. You'll get it back when you check out, I promise."
  1157. >You wish you could thank her for the small kindness of treating you like a pony.
  1158. >You wish you could say anything at all really.
  1159. >Instead you grunt an affirmative sounding noise.
  1160. >"Glad you understand. And a word of advice? Just go with the flow. You'll be in and out in no time."
  1161. >Hopefully.
  1162. >You also hope she understands your 'affirmative' grunting.
  1163. >"Now I'm going to unhook the muzzle ok? You'll still be wearing it, but able to move around. Can you promise not to do anything rash."
  1164. >More grunting. Ok, she definitely gets it.
  1165. >You roll and pop your neck when you're finally free.
  1166. >Being able to move is an upgrade for sure. Too bad you're still blind.
  1167. >"Miss Melody here will be your handler. She'll take you to take you to your room now. Just follow her lead."
  1168. >Melody... That sure sounds familiar.
  1169. >"This way."
  1170. >A light yank tells you where 'this way' is.
  1171. >You could swear you'd heard that voice before, but where? Light, refined, and sorta classy. It reminds you a bit of Rarity.
  1172. >The mystery mare remains quiet as she leads you down corridor after corridor.
  1173. >Does the place really wind around that much, or are you simply disoriented?
  1174. >"In here if you would. Watch the door."
  1175. >Watch the door? Yeah ok. Maybe she forgot that you're BLINDED!
  1176. >You still manage to find your way inside without incident.
  1177. >The lead slackens when you enter, and to your relief a hoof unclips the blasted muzzle.
  1178. >It's not really been that long, but you're still glad to have it off.
  1179. >"This will be your room for a time, and I will be your liaison."
  1180. >Liaison? Fancy.
  1181. >You work your jaw around when she also pulls off the blindfold.
  1182. >Oh.
  1183. >Light gray coat, dark gray mane.
  1184. >Melody.
  1185. >Octavia Melody.
  1186. >Your neighbor.
  1187. >"Now why don't you tell me exactly how you ended up here, Twilight Sparkle."
  1189. >Fuck!
  1190. >She knows too much!
  1191. >She's too close to all this!
  1192. >The mare in question circles you slowly.
  1193. >"I must admit when I read the name 'Twilight Sparkle' on my paperwork I assumed it be mere coincidence."
  1194. "I-I can explain..."
  1195. >What's she doing? Why's she walking around you like that?
  1196. >You gulp, knowing she's checking you out from every angle.
  1197. >Inspecting the damage to figure out how you ended up here.
  1198. >"Oh, please do."
  1199. >She finishes her second revolution and stops to meet you face to face.
  1200. >Two options here: If she can be trusted then you could really use her help reaching sweetie, if she can't be trusted then she could make your life absolute hell for the foreseeable future.
  1201. >Time for a judgement call.
  1202. >What do we know?
  1203. >Octavia is your neighbor.
  1204. >She views pony x human relationships in a negative light.
  1205. >She works at Gentlehoof as a handler/liaison. Presumably that means she's in charge of delivering ponies to the humans in charge, and generally watching after them.
  1206. >Is she here of her own will, or was this job forced on her? Does she enjoy, or hate it?
  1207. >Her intense demeanor reminds you of a dominant slavemaster Rarity you once knew. A pony who believed that ponies NEEDED discipline and wasn't afraid to make that happen.
  1208. >Then again, just because Octavia reminds you of Rarity's old self doesn't mean she has the same beliefs.
  1209. >You've shared so few actual words with the pony.
  1210. >With any luck you're just jumping to conclusions about her.
  1211. >She did said it was bad when ponies were forced into intimate relations with humans.
  1212. >Does that mean she respect ponies and doesn't want them reduced to sexual objects, or is it a simple disdain for deviance?
  1213. >Realistically you just don't know enough right now.
  1214. "Well... I really didn't know you worked here..."
  1215. >Good one, she raises an eyebrow and waits for more.
  1216. "You read the paperwork, right? Me and Anon have some... disagreements sometimes."
  1217. >She seems unconvinced.
  1218. >"You do?"
  1219. "We do..."
  1220. >"Yet the times I've seen the two of you out and about he's been extremely affectionate. Hugging you, scratching your ears, even kissing you as one would a lover."
  1221. "He..."
  1222. >"But this-"
  1223. >She flicks her gaze towards your backend, making your face burn.
  1224. >You'd known showing up here with 'punishment' written all over your buns would be embarrassing, but you hadn't expected your neighbors to find out about it!
  1225. >"-this seems like quite a different story, a severe one even."
  1226. "V-very."
  1227. >"So either I misjudged you and you're a very naughty mare-"
  1228. >OH MY GOD! Don't say that!
  1229. >You flush and mumble something about being a good girl, but she talks over you.
  1230. >"Or something else is going on."
  1231. >She studies you for a quiet moment, even going as far as picking your chin up and raising your face to hers.
  1232. >You can only avert your eyes and splay your ears in shame at the situation.
  1233. "I don't want to be here more than any other pony..."
  1234. >You finally meet her with the saddest most pathetic eyes you can manage.
  1235. "You'll help me right? One pony to another? I pushed master too far, and now I'm stuck here! I don't even know what's going to happen to me next..."
  1236. >You manage to hold her gaze for a full 10 seconds before closing your eyes for some mostly fake crying.
  1237. >Being pathetic may be degrading, but it gets results.
  1238. >Finally she sighs and awkwardly pats your shoulder. Not the touchy feely type clearly.
  1239. >"you'll be fine, I'm just trying to understand. What exactly is your relationship with your master? You looked so happy in your driveway that day, even going as far as flirtatious teasing."
  1240. >Trying to deny your relationship with Anon is a sunk ship at this point.
  1241. >You'd been smiling and giggling like a school filly that day, and no mare flicks her tail like that without meaning it.
  1242. >There is one other possibility though.
  1243. >A sick twist on a real relationship that Rarity had once accused you of.
  1244. >Who would have thought you'd ever be trying to convince someone you were a victim of Stockholm Syndrome?
  1245. "We... We're usually really close."
  1246. >"Romantically?"
  1247. "Y-yes..."
  1248. >"Sexually?"
  1249. >Flushing and looking down at the ground isn't even acting at this point.
  1250. >Still she perceives the tiny nod.
  1251. >"So he forces you?"
  1252. "No, I-I love him..."
  1253. >You can taste her displeasure without even looking.
  1254. >"Yet he beats you?"
  1255. "W-when he has to... Please, I don't want to talk about it anymore."
  1256. >She very clearly wants to press the issue further, but relents. For now at least.
  1257. >"Very well, we'll discuss it in the future. You need to get ready for your magic testing soon anyway."
  1258. >That doesn't sound good.
  1259. "Magic testing?"
  1260. >"From my understand it's rather harmless. Some simple tests to determine your magical capacity and general magical health. You have a recent physical on file so we don't need that, but few ponies have regular magical exams."
  1261. >On one hoof that's true and magical health is very important. On the other hoof you've kept your power level hidden for a very very long time and would rather that not change.
  1262. >Not that you have a choice either way.
  1263. >"Try not to worry about it too much. I'll be back in half an hour to collect you. This is your new room for the foreseeable future, so make yourself comfortable. If you can think of anything else you may need we can talk about it."
  1264. >She slips out leaving you alone in your new dungeon.
  1265. >All things considered it's surprisingly nice.
  1266. >A somewhat comfortable bed, a bedside table with a lamp, a small desk, even a private bathroom complete with shower hidden behind a curtain.
  1267. >It's not a literal cage, which you'd half expected, and it seems to at least offer basic dignity/privacy.
  1268. >You give the bed a cautious poke.
  1269. >Maybe this won't be too awful?
  1271. >Nevermind this is going to be awful.
  1272. >As promised, Octavia dropped you off for your magical aptitude test with a Doctor Taylor. Someone she had explained would be one of your primary physicians from here out.
  1273. >In the past human magic testing was limited to asking the pony to perform levitation or some simple spell.
  1274. >See how large an object the pony could lift, then derive relative magical strength from there.
  1275. >Sure it was an awful system, but nopony was going to tell them how to do it correctly.
  1276. >Either some stupid unicorn squealed and helped them gain a better understanding of magic, or human ingenuity has picked apart one more aspect of ponykind.
  1277. >You squirm uncomfortably as Doctor Taylor attaches more and more electrodes to your head and body.
  1278. "So how exactly does this work? Does it just observe my mana? The currents in my brain? Does it send any currents into me?"
  1279. >Dr. Taylor is by far your favorite Gentlehoof human yet.
  1280. >"It's just a tiny current to stimulate your magic. It might feel a little weird, or even make you a little tired afterwards, but I promise you'll be fine."
  1281. >She pets the side of your neck as she continue to wire you up.
  1282. >You want to believe her, you really do.
  1283. >She's been very nice so far, answering your questions without sounding condescending, and even giving you a few moments to get comfortable with the situation before strapping you down to her little table.
  1284. >The table in question is pretty intimidating.
  1285. >You're currently secured to said table on your side.
  1286. >Four leather bindings hold all your hooves to one side, while another wraps around your barrel, and a final one around the base of your neck.
  1287. >No shame in being intimidated by what looks like a torture device in your opinion.
  1288. >The only reason she'd managed to get you tied down at all was her calm demeanor, patience, and plethora of treats.
  1289. >What?
  1290. >There's nothing with enjoying the sugar cubes she offered you.
  1291. >Even if you have to lick them off her hand.
  1292. >Ok, maybe there's a little bit wrong with it, but tasty is tasty.
  1293. >"And the final touch."
  1294. >Some sort of metal loop is pulled down over your whole horn.
  1295. >It doesn't seem to have any noticeable effect, so you assume it's some sort of magical receiver.
  1296. >"Good girl."
  1297. >Heh. At least someone recognizes how good you are.
  1298. >"Now I'm going to turn it on ok? Just relax and let the machine do the work. Don't fight it, you'll only wear yourself out."
  1299. >Hmm, you don't really like the sound of that.
  1300. >Let it do all the work? So you don't have to cast? She did mention something about it stimulating your magic. Is it going to force your magic out against your will?
  1301. >If you have no control this could be a real problem.
  1302. >You open your mouth to protest, but the hum of the machine starts before you get a chance.
  1303. >Ok, this isn't so bad. Nothing so far really. It seems like maybe it just tests yourrrrrr!
  1304. >Magic! Some sort of static current prickles the base of your horn and the magic just starts flowing!
  1305. >Y-you can't stop it!
  1306. >You hear the heart monitor go crazy as the panci sinks in!
  1307. >"Twilight, It's ok I promise. just relax."
  1308. >Poor Dr. Taylor tries to calm you down with soothing pats and scratches, but to no avail.
  1309. >The involuntary flow of magic grows more and more intense.
  1310. >For a normal unicorn this would pose no problem. They'd wear themselves out and probably end up taking a nap.
  1311. >For a unicorn of your caliber a wild unrestrained dump of magic could easily cascade into a dangerous flare or worse!
  1312. "Please! Please, turn it off! This isn't safe you have to believe!"
  1313. >The human just doesn't understand.
  1314. >"It's perfectly safe I promise. Just let it all out, everything will be ok."
  1315. >Celestia bless her, she's trying so hard to sooth you with her hands and her words. She just doesn't understand.
  1316. "You don't get it, I'll flare! I'll lose control, please just turn it off!"
  1317. >"It's ok, it's ok, you're safe."
  1318. >You are 100% not safe.
  1319. >She may think you are, but the way the machine is beeping sounds suspiciously like an alarm.
  1320. >Your head aches and horn strains as the river of mana turns into a torrent and then a flood.
  1321. >Is the machine supposed to catch all your magic?
  1322. >If so it's failing.
  1323. >The room is quickly filling with the static and ozone of uncontrolled magic. Even a human should be able to feel this.
  1324. "Make it stop, you have to make it stop!"
  1325. >So much mana! The room is a powder keg ready to explode at the smallest spark!
  1326. >Surely she can tell something's wrong, right!?
  1327. >Even the machine knows it! It's upgraded it's alarm all the way to a deafening siren!
  1328. "I-I can't stop it!"
  1329. >The feeling of having your magic involuntarily dragged out of you is awful!
  1330. >In the end the body is a machine. Stimulation the right bits and there's nothing the poor pony can do.
  1331. >This is it! You're going to flare and blow up half the building! The survivors will blame you! The government will take you apart! The- OW!
  1332. >I-is that a... is that a needle...?
  1333. >It must be. What is she doing? Why are you so sleepy...
  1334. >Oh wow, so sleepy...
  1336. >Mmmm, since when does Anon hum?
  1337. >You snuggle closer into his chest with a tiny yawn.
  1338. >What a nice peaceful tune, it threatens to lulls you back to your slumber.
  1339. >You reward him with a bit of teasing flank wiggling.
  1340. >Maybe he'll get the message and wake you up in a fun way.
  1341. >Goodness he's so soft today though.
  1342. >Must be a new shirt.
  1343. >You rub your face around a bit.rech
  1344. >A new shirt with two large squishy mounds in the front of it.
  1345. >Wait...
  1346. >With your eyes still closed you explore the creature you're clinging to with your muzzle.
  1347. >That's not a new shirt.
  1348. >That's not a new shirt at all.
  1349. >A feminine giggle makes you freeze in place.
  1350. >Gentlehoof, Dr. Taylor, magical test, needle, soft mounds, female human anatomy.
  1351. >Buck.
  1352. >You've may have your face buried in a human female teats.
  1353. >You try and pull away slowly, but one hand scratching your back, and another petting your mane prevent it.
  1354. >"You up? Just relax, everything's alright."
  1355. >No point in fighting you suppose. The position is extremely comfy if a bit compromising.
  1356. >"Good girl."
  1357. >It feels really nice when she says that.
  1358. >"I'm sorry, something went wrong with the machine. I couldn't turn it off to safely, so I had to turn you off instead."
  1359. >Heh, turn you off.
  1360. >She rubs your neck where she'd given you the emergency shot.
  1361. >"How do you feel? Any pain?"
  1362. >You lift your head to at least be on top of her *ahem* pillows instead of in between them.
  1363. >So soft...
  1364. "Just sleepy."
  1365. >She pets your mane some more and smiles down at you.
  1366. >"Glad to hear it. It's my fault, so I want to tell you I'm sorry. I should have been monitoring the machine closer, noticed that it was malfunctioning."
  1367. >Your guess was it simply overloaded. If she wants to think it was a technical failure though then that's fine.
  1368. >What kind of 'behavioral health' professional apologizes to the pony though?
  1369. >A human that is nice to you and holds you in a caring embrace? You really hope you end up in her care more often.
  1370. >Heck, if you didn't already have Anon you'd be trying to subtly convince her you would be a good purchase.
  1371. >"Now the rest of the other news. From the data I did gather your magic is, well incredible. More than we've ever seen in a single pony. We didn't get to finish the test to find your real limits, but protocol is pretty clear on what we have to do with a pony as powerful as you."
  1372. >You avert your eyes and hope you're wrong.
  1373. "A bigger suppressor?
  1374. >"I'm afraid so."
  1375. >She picks up something off a table behind her.
  1376. >Oh, buck no.
  1377. >It's not a ring, it's a whole sleeve!
  1378. "P-please, I'll be good."
  1379. >She looks genuinely sad at your response.
  1380. >"I know. I'm sorry, but I really have to. It's just for while you're here though. When your master comes to collect you it's up to him again."
  1381. >Not whimpering just isn't possible when looking at the monster about to cut you off from magic completely!
  1382. "I won't use my magic at all, I swear."
  1383. >"I'm sorry baby."
  1384. >You may cling to her tighter as she lowers the suppressor, but at least you don't try to avoid it.
  1385. >It. Is. Awful.
  1386. >You gasp as it slides all the way down to your ring and latches on!
  1387. >It's gone! Every bit of magic is gone!
  1388. "Take it off, please! Take it off!"
  1389. >"Shhhhh. I've got you."
  1390. >She wraps both arms around you and holds you tight while you thrash and cry.
  1391. >You'd told Anon you were safe as long as you had a little magic, but now you have none!
  1392. >Absolutely none!
  1393. >You're defenseless! They can do any horrible thing to you here and you're completely at their mercy!
  1394. >Buck this, you want to go home!
  1395. >It's all too risky now. You're so vulnerable to humans whose only goal is change you.
  1396. >You'd thought of this little mission because you were confident in your ability to defend yourself.
  1397. >That confidence came from your magic.
  1398. >Even when Arnold drugged you in the woods all those years ago you could at least feel it.
  1399. >If he'd tried to kill you you probably could have flared and leveled half the forest.
  1400. >Now though? It's like they cut it off!
  1401. >You can feel a dead stump on your head, but that's it.
  1402. >You have no final defense, no last resort, no deus ex machina to fall back on.
  1403. >Dr. Taylor practically crushes you as she holds your body against hers.
  1404. >The way you're feeling right now is her fault, but you can't be mad at her.
  1405. >She's just doing her job and she's being oh so kind when she really doesn't have to be.
  1406. >So what now?
  1407. >All you just have to protect yourself is wits, your body, and... and maybe this human holding you.
  1408. >She must be a very kind person right?
  1409. >A human would be a very good friend to have if you want to survive.
  1410. >You bury your muzzle in her bosom and try to relax.
  1411. >After all, a true true friend helps a friend in need.
  1413. >You aren't sure exactly how long Dr. Taylor holds you.
  1414. >No doubt the woman has other things to do. It's kind of her to instead calm you with quiet assurances and gentle rocking.
  1415. >You still feel awful, but your shaking eventually diminishes.
  1416. >"There's a good girl. See, you're ok."
  1417. >Far from it in your opinion, but things could technically be worse.
  1418. >Human magic suppression technology must to have advanced quite a bit in the last few years.
  1419. >The horn rings you're familiar with would crudely constrict magical circulation through the unicorn's horn.
  1420. >Doing so got the results they wanted, a magically weakened unicorn, but cranking up such a system to completely cut off the magic was extremely dangerous.
  1421. >Due to some 'special' evolutionary traits unicorn mana circuits don't just go through the horn. They snake through the entire body including most major organs and all extremities: heart, lungs, brain, legs, you name it.
  1422. >As a result, completely preventing mana from flowing through a unicorn's horn literally kill them.
  1423. >The one positive side of this is it makes dehorning unicorns extremely rare.
  1424. >Technically it can be done, but the surgical cost to reroute mana the flows make it impractical.
  1425. >Your new horn sleeve however seems to operate on different principles.
  1426. >Mana is certainly entering your horn, and even exiting, but when inside the appendage it seems to vanish.
  1427. >Some kind of nullification to render it inert perhaps.
  1428. >It's a safer method, but one that's still taking it's toll on you.
  1429. >The mana coming out of the suppression is 'stale' for lack of a better term.
  1430. >It may work, but it's just not quite what it should be.
  1431. >Your body won't be in danger, but you'll be undoubtable weaker.
  1432. >"Let's get you on your hooves, ok?"
  1433. >You try to burrow deeper into her oh so comfy pillows instead. You don't wanna stand, standing is bad and you feel so tired.
  1434. >She giggles and scoops you up around the midsection.
  1435. >You try to cooperate you really do, you're just so exhausted.
  1436. >Her hands still support you around the belly as your hooves touch the floor.
  1437. >The more weight she let's you try to support the worse it goes.
  1438. >It isn't too long before you tremble, groan, and have your legs go out completely
  1439. >At least she's ready to catch you.
  1440. >"Goodness. You poor little thing, you shouldn't be that worn out."
  1441. >She tries one more time before accepting that you just can't.
  1442. >You end up back in her lap. This time on your back with her lightly massaging one of your legs.
  1443. >"It's normal for a unicorn to feel a weak with a stronger ring, but it shouldn't be this bad."
  1444. >Most unicorns aren't nearly as magically capable as you either, not that you'll tell her that exactly.
  1445. "M-maybe it's because magic is my special talent. I could be more dependant on it than the average unicorn."
  1446. >"Really?"
  1447. >She rolls you over a bit to take a look at your cutie mark.
  1448. >It's a bit awkward being flipped so she can check your flank, but whatever.
  1449. >"So that symbol means magic? It is one of the more abstract ones i've seen. It sounds like a very special talent."
  1450. >You try not to flush as you squirm back into a more dignified position.
  1451. >If such a thing exists for a full grown adult unicorn being held like an infant in a human's lap.
  1452. "Thank you, I really like my talent... T-there's no way you can give me just a little magic is there? I really don't feel good without it, it's more a part of me than other unicorns. I won't evem use it if you don't want."
  1453. >She looks down sadly at you and starts to scratch your chest fluff.
  1454. >Oh, that feels good.
  1455. >"Sorry baby, them's the rules. I can ask for special permission since it's your talent, but i can't guarantee anything."
  1456. >Baby.
  1457. "I'd really appreciate it, thank you."
  1458. >"Aww, you're so polite!"
  1459. >Heh, she starts to scratch under your chin making a hind leg kick involuntarily.
  1460. >"Most ponies that get sent here are so mean, but you're a little ray of sunshine!"
  1461. >You hadn't considered that.
  1462. >Most ponies must be pissed when they get here, then extra pissed with some human straps them up to machines that ravages their horn
  1463. >You nicker as she continues to pamper you with scratches and attention. This is a good human.
  1464. >"Can you try standing for me one last time?"
  1465. >You nod and are again lifted and flipped over.
  1466. >She knows to support you as you try, but your legs give out after just a few seconds.
  1467. >"Normally I'd say you were faking, but I can see you're trying really hard."
  1468. >And now you're belly up on her lap again.
  1469. >You're gonna get dizzy if she keeps flipping you over like this.
  1470. >"Hmm, how do you feel?"
  1471. "Just really weak."
  1472. >She stands and gently deposits you on the table.
  1473. >Uh oh, are there more tests?
  1474. >Maybe not, she didn't bind you she just places you here.
  1475. >Perhaps this is a chance to get on her good side. What would a cooperative pony do?
  1476. >You look at the bindings you're laying on top of.
  1477. >Not that you want to be tied down again, but you can trust this human. Would she appreciate you helping?
  1478. >You wiggle a bit until you manage to poke your head inside the neck strap. It's not tight, but it'll safe her a second getting it around you.
  1479. >"Hmm, I really can't see any reason you-"
  1480. >She turns around and sees you struggling to put a hoof in it's loosened restraint.
  1481. >"Oh, you don't have to do that Twilight."
  1482. >She pets you mane and starts to casually play with your ear.
  1483. >It tickles.
  1484. >"The straps are for bad ponies and you've been a very good girl."
  1485. >You give her a sheepish smile while she undoes the binding.
  1486. "I just wanted to help."
  1487. >"You are just precious. I wish everypony here was as behaved as you."
  1488. >She finds a sweet spot on your ear that makes you nicker and giggle.
  1489. >"How did a sweetie pie like you even end up here?"
  1490. >She round the table and starts to massage a hind leg with both hands.
  1491. >Sweet Celestia where did she learn that!
  1492. >You're worries melt away as your legs twitches in pleasure.
  1493. >"Does that feel good?"
  1494. "Y-yes!"
  1495. >She laughs and continues playing your body like an instrument, knowing just how to draw out soft nickers, pants and squeaks.
  1496. >You haven't made this much noise from a human touch since Anon, and he touched you somewhere very different!
  1497. >"Does your master ever touch you Twilight?"
  1498. "Y-yes *pant* yes ma'am."
  1499. >"Does he make you feel good when he touches you? Or is it your job to make him feel good?"
  1500. >Of course he does but you've got a narrative to uphold here.
  1501. "It's my jobbbb!"
  1502. >Oh that spot!
  1503. >"Heh, so sensitive."
  1504. >So sensitive indeed, you feel like putty in her hands.
  1505. >"Do you spent a lot of time in his bed Twilight?"
  1506. >That's embarrassing! You look away and mumble your answer.
  1507. >"Speak up Twilight."
  1508. "Y-yes ma'am..."
  1509. >You pretend to tremble and hide your face in shame.
  1510. >"Shhh, it's not your fault. You're just doing your job Twilight."
  1511. >One of her hands slides down your leg to your deep fried caboose.
  1512. >If you weren't trembling you are now.
  1513. >The soft hand feel great rubbing the abused part of your body.
  1514. >"I can't believe he did this so such a sweet little pony."
  1515. >Don't raise your hips you little purple slut! This isn't Anon!
  1516. >"What happened? Did you try to say no?"
  1517. >A bashful nod really sells the 'innocent abused pony' story.
  1518. >"You poor thing."
  1519. >She rolls your hips to put your legs underneath you and your rump up.
  1520. >What is she doing back there? You aren't sure you like this!
  1521. >Oh!
  1522. >Two soft hands start to massage you in a very embarrassing way!
  1523. >"I know discipline is important for ponies-"
  1524. >Interesting that such a nice human still believes that. Then again she does work here.
  1525. >"But to beat a good girl like you just for not lifting her tail..."
  1526. >You're glad to hear she's on your side with the whole 'spanking the pony' thing being bad.
  1527. >Goodness those hands though!
  1528. >Oh, goodness they need to stop before you do something you'll regret!
  1529. >This would have been ok months ago, before spankings and rutting become synonymous in your head!
  1530. >Don't flag you dirty whorse!
  1531. >Despite your best efforts your tail seems to have a mind of it's own!
  1532. >Don't notice! Please don't notice!
  1533. >"Oh!"
  1534. >She's giggling, she noticed.
  1535. >Hands are removed from your tingling cheeks and one pushes your tail down for you.
  1536. >"No no, Twilight you don't have to worry about that with me. I'm sorry, I should have thought about how a pony in your situation would feel about that. How about I just get you an ice pack?"
  1537. >Not waiting for a response, she ducks out of the room.
  1538. >On one hoof she just left you unsupervised and unrestrained.
  1539. >On the other hoof you're currently dying of embarrassment over what just happened.
  1540. >Before you can do anything stupid she reenters the room and slaps an icepack on your warm cheeks.
  1541. >Cold!
  1542. >The shock extinguishes more than one fire in your lower body!
  1543. >"Better?"
  1544. "T-thank you ma'am."
  1545. >"She even says thank you. You're already my new favorite patient Twilight."
  1546. >Yes, yes, all according to plan. Muhahahaha.
  1547. >"We've still got some time before Octavia comes to pick you up. Why don't you tell me a bit more about your relationship with your master. Does he hurt you a lot?"
  1548. >You close your eyes and let the wonderful ice pack do it's work.
  1549. "Not that much, just when I'm... rebellious."
  1550. >"How often is that?"
  1551. >Hmm, often enough to land you here, but not enough to make you seem like a huge brat.
  1552. "Once or twice a month I guess?"
  1553. >If that's a lot or a little to her she doesn't say.
  1554. >"And does he always use spankings?"
  1555. >Goddesses above you hate that term, it's just so embarrassing to hear.
  1556. "At first it was more... traditional beatings..."
  1557. >"What changed? I think there are better ways to discipline, but I guess a spanking is a bit safer than other beatings. Pony flanks are pretty well padded, no offense."
  1558. >Well she isn't wrong.
  1559. "I umm... I asked for it..."
  1560. >"You asked to be spanked?"
  1561. >Ok, the blushing isn't acting now!
  1562. "Y-yes m-ma'am..."
  1563. >"You are just so too adorable!"
  1564. >She lifts your ice pack and really gives your derriere a look!
  1565. >"It looks like you've got the hardware for it."
  1566. >You sputter and blush!
  1567. "Doctor!"
  1568. >She laughs loudly and scratches you between the ears as apology.
  1569. >"I'm just messing with you Twilight. You're just such a cute pony. I'm guessing he was either pleased with how well disciplined you were after a spanking, or if he's anything like most guys, he found a new appreciation for your bottom?"
  1570. "A little of both ma'am."
  1571. >"Gotcha. That probably lead to a whole new pain in the butt for you."
  1572. >Is she... is she alluding to butt stuff? You really can't be sure, but you think she is.
  1573. "Lots..."
  1574. >"Ugh, men. You've had a physical right? Yeah, it says here you have. Is he gentle with you at least?"
  1575. >No brain! Now isn't a good time to flash back to the last time he was pounding your ass like a freight train!
  1576. >Who knew butt stuff could feel so good?
  1577. >No wait! Ahh!
  1578. "He umm... he usually is. I'm tough."
  1579. >"No lingering pain? I am a vet."
  1580. >No no no no no no no!
  1581. "I'm fine ma'am, I promise."
  1582. >"I'll take your word for it."
  1583. >She checks her watch.
  1584. >"Octavia should be here soon to collect you for dinner, but I doubt you feel like walking yet."
  1585. >You shake your head, You really aren't.
  1586. >"How about I take you to the cafeteria myself. I need to grab something to eat anyway."
  1587. "I'd appreciate the help."
  1589. >You're pretty used to being carried at this point.
  1590. >And to think, at one time you resented the act.
  1591. >This time's a bit different though.
  1592. >As soon as the two of you start down the hall the weird looks begin.
  1593. >Octavia herself had commented that this was 'most irregular' only to be waved off by Dr. Taylor.
  1594. >No doubt she's right, and this isn't how things normally work around here.
  1595. >You'd squirmed around in her arms until she carried you right side up instead of belly side up.
  1596. >It's a bit more dignified.
  1597. >A bit.
  1598. >You sure hope this doesn't make you any enemies among the other ponies or earn you the ire of Octavia.
  1599. >Maybe you'll talk about it with her later.
  1600. >Still, you offer a friendly smile with anyone that you can lock eyes with.
  1601. >Good impressions!
  1602. >The doctor finally deposits you at a lunchroom table.
  1603. >"We'll get yours Twilight, you just stay here."
  1604. >That perks Octavia's eyebrow.
  1605. >"Dr. I don't think it appropriate to leave a new patient alone. Perhaps I should remain here."
  1606. >Taylor doesn't even look back, simply snapping her fingers and continuing to walk.
  1607. >"I said with me Octavia. Come on."
  1608. >Is the finger snap some kind of code?
  1609. >It makes the mare jump and rush to comply.
  1610. >She spares a few concerned glances back and forth between you and the human.
  1611. >What's that look mean?
  1612. >She gestures at you and makes a firm 'stay there' motion with her hoof.
  1613. >Oh, that's what that means.
  1614. >You really don't want to upset her so you nod.
  1615. >No doubt she's torn between following orders and her responsibility to make sure you don't do anything stupid.
  1616. >You get the impression Dr. Taylor is bending the rules too.
  1617. >For you.
  1618. >Oops.
  1619. >It's not like you asked for special treatment. These Things just kinda happen to you sometimes.
  1620. >It's fine, you'll stay here and nothing bad will happen.
  1621. >Yep.
  1622. >Just sitting here patiently.
  1623. >Just looking around at the other ponies.
  1624. >That's a few weird looks you're getting.
  1625. >Probably because you're sitting alone and they don't recognize you.
  1626. >You tell yourself you're just being paranoid.
  1627. >There are plenty of ponies not looking at you too.
  1628. >Like that blue mare, and that red mare, and that brown stallion, and that white unicorn with the two tone mane.
  1629. >Wait!
  1630. >You recognize purple and pink mane!
  1631. >You've seen it running around ponyville causing mayhem countless times!
  1632. >Sure the mare wearing it is older now, almost an adult really.
  1633. >And sure she has a huge monster of a metal collar around her neck, complete with the same heavy duty horn ring as yourself.
  1634. >But you'd never not recognize your friend's little sister!
  1635. >You should come up with a plan.
  1636. >You should be tactical here.
  1637. >Don't make a scene.
  1638. >Don't draw attention.
  1639. >Definitely don't yell across the lunchroom at her.
  1640. >Unfortunately that all occurs to you a minute too late.
  1641. "Sweetie!"
  1642. >Like they say: hindsight is 20/20.
  1644. >Maybe you got a little overexcited.
  1645. >Who can really blame you though? There's your goal right in front of your eyes.
  1646. >She even sees you!
  1647. >Granted, she looks extremely confused, but that's fine.
  1648. >You shouldn't have yelled though.
  1649. >You shouldn't have yelled, and you definitely should have tried to get up and gallop her way.
  1650. >Just one hug and a few words!
  1651. >But such a thing was not to be.
  1652. >A blur of gray crashes into you and pins you against the table!
  1653. >"What! Are! You! Doing!?"
  1654. >Ow ow ow!
  1655. >She's pinned one of your hooves behind your back!
  1656. "Please, I just need to speak with her!"
  1657. >"Absolutely not! Stay still!"
  1658. >Even if you weren't weakened Octavia's earth pony strength would still easily overpower you.
  1659. >That doesn't mean you can't struggle though.
  1660. "Please just a few words! It's really important!"
  1661. >"You need to learn your place! That pony talks to no one. She's on probation, and if you don't straighten up you will be too!"
  1662. "It's just a message! Just 1 minute! I'm begging you!"
  1663. >The earth pony growls and yanks you up off the table.
  1664. >"No! I know I left you alone, but I expect you to be able to follow basic directions! If you can't behave then no dinner! Let's go!"
  1665. >Buck!
  1666. >She's so mad, but you have to try at this point.
  1667. >You've already made a scene and earned her wrath. May as well make the results worth the cost.
  1668. >Then again that's kinda stupid.
  1669. >A tiny twilight in the back of your head scolds you for trying to use the sunk cost fallacy to justify even more stupidity.
  1670. >A moment of self doubt is all Octavia needs to shove you towards the door.
  1671. >This of course results in a weak purple pony's legs going out from under her.
  1672. "Ah!"
  1673. >Faceplant.
  1674. >Ouch!
  1675. >"Up! Now!"
  1676. >She painfully yanks you by your mane to get you back on your hooves!
  1677. >What she doesn't understand is you simply lack the strength.
  1678. >"I said up, now!"
  1679. "Ow ow ow! I can't!"
  1680. >"You'll do what I say this instant!"
  1681. >"Octavia, stop!"
  1682. >Dr. Taylor! She'll save you! She'll protect you!
  1683. >She leans down to scoop you up.
  1684. >Oh thank the goddesses! You're saved!
  1685. >You knew cooperating with her would pay off.
  1686. >The good doctor addresses the furious and glaring mare beside you.
  1687. >"She's very weak the tests she really can't walk."
  1688. >Yeah buck you Octavia!
  1689. >"I want her fed-"
  1690. >Hahahaha you win!
  1691. >"And taken to her room. The rest is up to you."
  1692. >Wait.
  1693. >What?
  1694. "Doctor I-"
  1695. >A finger and a withering glance from the woman silence you.
  1696. >Ok, maybe this isn't going as great as you thought.
  1697. >Octavia's mollified enough to just glare at you with lightly simmering rage.
  1698. >"Yes ma'am. Orderly!"
  1699. >Orderly? What an orderl-
  1700. >Oh, ok that's an orderly!
  1701. >A huge human male approaches and takes you from Dr. Taylor's protective arms!
  1702. >Your whimpering and reaching for the woman you were pried from earns you another sneer from your liaison.
  1703. >She's just jealous.
  1704. >"Cage and bridle her then take her in her room. I'll be there shortly."
  1705. >Cage?! Bridle?!
  1706. "No, please! I'm sorry, you really don't need to! I'll cooperate!"
  1707. >The orderly doesn't really care.
  1708. >He's clearly well practised at subduing frantic ponies.
  1709. >One pathetically weakened unicorn offers no challenge has he hauls you out the door.
  1710. >This is bad!
  1712. >Staring down the bridle tells you your fears were right.
  1713. >It's the same model as earlier today.
  1714. >It wasn't fun then, so you doubt it will be better now.
  1715. >You whimper and squirm as he fits the snug device over your head.
  1716. >It wasn't supposed to go like this! You thought Dr. Taylor would defend you!
  1717. >He pulls the straps a bit too tight, but with the bit between your teeth your only means of communication is grunting.
  1718. >Shockingly, he doesn't seem to speak grunt.
  1719. >Still, the bit isn't as bad as the blindfold.
  1720. >Darkness is usually fine by you, you're a night owl after all, but not when it prevents you from seeing what's coming.
  1721. >Like right now! Why is he grabbing your hooves?!
  1722. >You try to squirm away but he has little trouble tying your forehooves together then your rear ones.
  1723. >First sight, then speaking, and now mobility.
  1724. >The final step is really no surprise: the cage.
  1725. >A cage you wish you could see, and one you really would prefer to walk yourself into.
  1726. >Blinded and bound, your body goes stiff when he slips a hand under your belly and lifts.
  1727. >You're no longer afraid of all human touch, but this one doesn't sit right with you.
  1728. >This isn't someone you trust or even someone you can see.
  1729. >Instinct screams at you to keep unknown entities away from your soft underside.
  1730. >There's not a lot you can do besides whimper as he shoves you backside first into the tiny cage.
  1731. >A very tiny cage indeed!
  1732. >You're rump brushes up against the top as he carefully slides you inside.
  1733. >You barely have a few inches clearance in any direction!
  1734. >Good thing you aren't claustrophobic...
  1735. >Right?
  1736. >Right!?
  1737. >You totally aren't gonna start getting claustrophobic now!
  1738. >Having settled you inside the orderly folds your forehooves inside and closes the gate.
  1739. >A bit of probing with your muzzle tells you you've got at least a few inches ahead of you.
  1740. >Enough to lie down, but not nearly enough to be comfortable.
  1741. >Not claustrophobic though so it's fine!
  1742. >The sound of squeaking wheels and sense of motion tell you he's wheeling you back to your room.
  1743. >The motion stops and a door closes.
  1744. >You must have already arrived.
  1745. >At least you assume so.
  1746. >It's hard to be sure of anything right now.
  1747. >How long has it been anyway? Seems like a while.
  1748. >Again, time isn't easy to measure with so few ways to experience the world.
  1749. >You hope Octavia comes soon, you don't like being alone like this.
  1750. >Plus you're hungry.
  1751. >At least Dr. Taylor had ordered you fed.
  1752. >Bedtime without supper was always a surprisingly effective punishment.
  1753. >At last the door opens and shuts.
  1754. >Definitely a pony by the noise.
  1755. >She sighs.
  1756. >"Just what am I going to do with you?"
  1757. >You could think of a few suggestions, but you can't talk and you really doubt she'd appreciate them.
  1758. >She spends a few more minutes pacing.
  1759. >Thinking maybe? Hard to say.
  1760. >It's cool she can take her time.
  1761. >You'll just be over here trying to remain calm.
  1762. >Calm twilight time comes to an end when something swishes through the air and whacks the cage above you!
  1763. >What the hell was that!?
  1764. >"I see I've got your attention."
  1765. >Well, yeah!
  1766. >"Do you know why I'm mad at you Twilight?"
  1767. >Because you made a little bitty tiny scene in the cafeteria?
  1768. >"You know, I actually don't dislike you."
  1769. >Surreeee.
  1770. >"I admit I lose some respect for you after that day in your driveway. Flaunting your tail around for your master like his little windup fuck toy-"
  1771. >Ok, that's a little mean!
  1772. >Some nagging bit of your conscious says there MIGHT be some truth to the statement, but still.
  1773. "But you're neither the first nor last mare to take the easy way out by degrading herself"
  1774. >So what's her problem then?
  1775. >Attempting to grunt at her just gets your cage smacked again.
  1776. >That's so loud! Stop that!
  1777. >"Quiet."
  1778. >Soft hoofsteps put her right in front of you.
  1779. >She opened the gate?
  1780. >Is... is she letting you out?
  1781. >Seems unlike, but then what is she - OK THAT'S A CROP!
  1782. >You'd become intimately familiar with the crop back at Happy Horse all those years ago, and you don't need a refresher course!
  1783. >Too bad there's no more room to squirm away!
  1784. >She raises your chin with the tip of the implement.
  1785. >You've little choice but to follow her lead and try not to let your fear show.
  1786. >Please don't let her hit you! Not the crop please!
  1787. >You know you're visibly trembling at this point, but you just can't help it.
  1788. >You really didn't think your first beating would be at the hoof of your neighbor!
  1789. >"The problem is you aren't just any mare, are you?"
  1790. >Wat?
  1791. >"Don't insult my intelligence. Did you think we'd all forget about you? Twilight sparkle, savior of the realm."
  1792. >...
  1793. >"Twilight Sparkle element of magic. Twilight Sparkle bane of nightmare. Twilight Sparkle scion of the sun."
  1794. >That's... that's a lot of titles.
  1795. >"Twilight Sparkle the bringer of dawn."
  1796. >You bring back the sun one time!
  1797. >Plus you had help then.
  1798. >To your surprise a hoof lifts the blindfold off your left eye.
  1799. >You can't look away from her with the crop still holding your face in place
  1800. >You really wish you could though.
  1801. >"Ponies from the more distant provinces might not know your face, but I do. I grew up in Canterlot, I saw you with her."
  1802. >Her...
  1803. >You try really really hard not to think about the princesses.
  1804. >"The humans say that they're both dead. Maybe they're telling the truth. I struggle to believe Celestia wouldn't have done something by now if she could. But do you know who ponies still believe in? Who ponies whisper about when no humans are listening? The element that got away. The one the rumors say was too clever and powerful to be taken by the humans, the element of magic."
  1805. >Shut up.
  1806. >"Most ponies might not know your faces. Some might not even know your names, but you know what they do know? Your story. They've heard of a group of mares who saved ponykind against insurmountable odds. A group of mares who fell a dark god with nothing the light of their friendship, nothing but the embodiment of pure equestrian values. And they hope, they hope that maybe, just maybe their brave leader can save us again!"
  1807. >Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
  1808. >Fuck her crop!
  1809. >You shake your head and pull away from her hoof. Unable to stand looking your accuser in the face for one more second.
  1810. >She just scoffs.
  1811. >"Running away again?"
  1812. >Buck her!
  1813. >Sorry you found some small slice of happiness in this horrible fucked up world and you took it!
  1814. >What does she want you to do!? Go wage war against humanity!?
  1815. >All Octavia hear of this is a series of angry grunts.
  1816. >Wait what!?
  1817. >The feeling of hooves on both sides of your muzzle make panic flare in your chest!
  1818. >Did you piss her off even more? Is she going to hurt you!?
  1819. >Just as suddenly the hooves are gone along with the bit.
  1820. >"We're all looking for a hero and what do I see outside my window? Another broken mare taking the path of least resistance."
  1821. >You sputter and cough.
  1822. "Not broken..."
  1823. >"What was that?"
  1824. >Buck, you can't even look at her.
  1825. "I said I'm not broken... I don't just give into Anon to make my life easier. I... we're..."
  1826. >You love him.
  1827. >You love him a lot, but can you tell her that?
  1828. >"Oh, so you choose him?"
  1829. >You nod slowly.
  1830. >"Sweet Luna you actually choose him!"
  1831. >She drags a hoof down her face and chuckles, it's a cold and cruel laugh.
  1832. >"So while there's ponies being beaten, raped, and killed their savior's getting her plot plowed by the enemy because she likes it!? Because he gives her a few kisses before bending her over again!? And it's not even just that! I come to pick you up today and what do I find? A human carrying you like a child while you cling to her! Do you have any dignity left, any pride at all!? We may as well all abandon hope if this is how our heroes act!"
  1833. "I'm! Not! Your! Hero!"
  1834. >"You don't get to choose that! You were the sun's student! The most powerful mage in the land and yet you squander your power with subservience!"
  1835. "Do you think I didn't try!? I was on the run for years! I tried everything and you know what it got me!? Beaten within an inch of my life! So yeah I broke, and you know what happened then!? I found someone who was nice to me! Someone who didn't treat me like the dirt under his boot, someone who valued me! I'm sorry that I couldn't single hoofedly save the world, but I'm not sorry for being happy!"
  1836. >You really wish you could see her face but the blindfold keeps you in the dark.
  1837. >Is she mad? Sorry? Something in between?
  1838. >Something circular is thrown on top of your hooves before the cage door slams shut.
  1839. >"Enjoy your dinner."
  1840. >She sounds defeated, but you don't feel victorious.
  1841. "Wait."
  1842. >The hoofsteps stop.
  1843. >She may think you're just a coward and you may not want to be a hero anymore, but the fact is you're here for a reason.
  1844. >You're on a mission to offer hope to a pony even at great personal peril.
  1845. >If taking risks to help others isn't brave then what is?
  1846. >You didn't want to tell her though.
  1847. >You didn't know if you could trust her, but with all she just said...
  1848. >Fuck it, all in.
  1849. "You were right, I'm here under false pretences and I need your help."
  1851. >"This is the dumbest plan I have ever heard."
  1852. >Ok. It's not perfect, but it's not that bad.
  1853. >Though you remained in the cage, Octavia sits opposite and listened to your tale.
  1854. >She's at least removed the blindfold.
  1855. >It's something.
  1856. "Hey, we tried everything else! What were we supposed to do?!"
  1857. >"I don't know! Just wait for her to get out?"
  1858. >That's dumb.
  1859. >She's dumb.
  1860. "Every person we talked to said that could be a very long time. I'm not going to leave her in here to suffer when she's clearly struggling. Didn't you say she was already on thin ice?"
  1861. >"Probation yes, she just got out of isolation last week I believe."
  1862. >Isolation! For a herd species isolation is a truly cruel punishment.
  1863. "A-am I really close to that like you said?"
  1864. >She blows a bit of mane out of her face and looks away.
  1865. >"Not for a first offense. I admit I was just trying to frighten you into compliance."
  1866. >You glare at her a little.
  1867. >"To keep you from escalating to the point it really was a dangers. It was for your own good.
  1868. >Even more glare.
  1869. >"Oh, now you want to go to isolation?"
  1870. >Maximum glare!
  1871. >"Fine, I'm... sorry. I guess."
  1872. >You're pretty sure saying that caused her physical pain.
  1873. >This is good though, this is progress.
  1874. >She's treating you more like a pony and less like the dirt under her hooves.
  1875. "I forgive you. You have a job to do, I'm sure they have expectations of you."
  1876. >"Quite. Losing control of a patient has... consequences."
  1877. >Your ears splay back at that.
  1878. "D-did I make trouble for you?"
  1879. >"Perhaps I'll simply be scolded. It's hard to say."
  1880. "Sorry."
  1881. >Horseshoe's on the other hoof now.
  1882. >It's not like you mean to make her life harder.
  1883. >"I suppose we're even, but let's stay on task. You simply need to speak to this Sweetie Belle?"
  1884. "Yes. Anon's willing to buy her, but he can't do that if she never 'suitable for sale' like they kept telling us. If she knows me and her sister are waiting on her though..."
  1885. >"Anon you say?"
  1886. >Crap.
  1887. >You should have said master but you're so not used to it.
  1888. >"And what exactly is his involvement in all this? What does he stand to gain? Even a troublesome pony like her isn't cheap, he must gain something aside from another mouth to feed."
  1889. "It's just the right thing to do."
  1890. >She looks unimpressed.
  1891. "And it'll make me and Rarity happy."
  1892. >Even more unimpressed.
  1893. "Why is that so hard to believe? He likes making us happy!"
  1894. >"Giving your pony a treat for dessert is one thing. Spending thousands upfront and more down the road to provide for another soul is another."
  1895. >There's no way she'll understand.
  1896. "He just... we're very close. Look, it's not important right now. Just take my word for it, ok? I need to speak with sweetie, how do we do that?"
  1897. >She rolls her eyes.
  1898. >So. Much. Attitude.
  1899. >"Typically you don't. She's shown extreme resistance to any and all training, even going so far as to snap at any human that get near her. Perhaps her time in isolation calmed her down a bit, but she's still not to be interacted with."
  1900. "There has to be some way even if it's just passing along a message."
  1901. >"Perhaps. I'll inquire with her handler, but I can't make any promises."
  1902. "Thank you."
  1903. >Silence reigns for a moment until you add.
  1904. "I didn't really know if you'd be willing to help."
  1905. >She huffs and looks away.
  1906. >"I'd be a hypocrite if I was angry at you for not trying then didn't help when you did. Make no mistake I don't enjoy being a part of all this, but what choice do I have? This is the job my master bought me for, and thus it's the job that I do. A lot of ponies view the staff ponies as the enemy, but in the end we're just as powerless."
  1907. "I'm sure they prefer it that way. The staff ponies acts as the perfect buffer between themselves and the patients. Pit us against each other to cut down on sympathies. Are you sure you won't be in too much trouble because of what happened?"
  1908. >The mare holds the crop up to her face to inspect it.
  1909. >"I'll be scolded and possibly swatted a few times, it just depends on his mood."
  1910. >Crap.
  1911. >You didn't just get yourself trouble, you're going to get her hurt too.
  1912. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know it's like that."
  1913. >"Of course you didn't. You aren't supposed to. I'm supposed to discipline you in order to avoid discipline myself. For your part you don't know I live under constant threat so you assume I'm simply cruel or worse yet on the human's side. Pony employees are cheap, but they can't have us making life too easy for the patients."
  1914. >Makes sense.
  1915. >Without warning she levels the crop in your direction.
  1916. >"All that being said, listen very carefully. You know nothing of this. I came in here tonight, I scolded you, I threatened you, I frightened you, and you hate me. You will drop whatever little act you had in mind to get you in here. Master Roger already took you on as a patient and to be honest I suspect he saw through your act already."
  1917. "What? What do you mean?"
  1918. >"He's a very perceptive man, annoyingly so sometimes. Even I can tell you have feelings for your 'Anon' but they don't exactly translate to 'proper' slave/master respect. I understand your plan was to fake a behavior issue to get in so it would be easy to stop faking and get out. We won't know for sure until you see Master Roger tomorrow, but I'm afraid you might be here for different reason than you thought."
  1919. >Gulp!
  1920. >But he seemed taken in by your little outburst during the interview!
  1921. >Had he really seen right through you?
  1922. >You respect Anon, right?
  1923. >Sure you aren't afraid to mess around with him, but deep down you respect him.
  1924. >Crap! Crap! Crap!
  1925. "I really don't like the sound of this all the sudden..."
  1926. >"I did tell you it was a dumb plan. Like I said your first real session is tomorrow. My advice? Do not lie to him. He can tell you're lying and he will get to the truth in very unpleasant ways."
  1927. >Double gulp!
  1928. >Her expression softens a minute bit and you catch what might be a ghost of a smile.
  1929. >"Just be glad your liaison is on your side now. Do what I say and we'll find a way through this."
  1930. "Thanks. I feel like I'm suddenly in over my head so it's good to have a friend."
  1931. >If she wants to be your friend or not she doesn't say.
  1932. >Instead she reaches both hooves back into the cage and pulls your blindfold back down.
  1933. "Aw, come on. Do you have to?"
  1934. >"Dr. Taylor's orders remember? I can release you in the morning, but I can't have anyone seeing you going unpunished for earlier. Open."
  1935. >She's trying to put the bit back in, but you don't wanna.
  1936. >"Twilight..."
  1937. >Don't wanna!
  1938. >You squirm away a bit until she lifts an eye of your blindfold again and gives you a hard stare.
  1939. "Fine..."
  1940. >You fight back strange feelings as she secures your mouth.
  1941. >Anon used to do that...
  1942. >Don't think about Anon. It's too early to start missing him already.
  1943. >"Hooves in."
  1944. >At least you were able to finish your dinner earlier so it's not crammed in here with you.
  1945. >"I'll be by in the morning. Try to get some sleep."
  1946. >You're shoved in a cage too small to even stretch out in, what else are you going to do?
  1947. >She couldn't even give you a pillow...
  1948. >Even Rarity's fat flank would make a better pillow than your bound forehooves.
  1949. >You miss your bed and cuddle buddies already.
  1951. >Being woken up while wearing a blindfold is a strange experience.
  1952. >Eyes open or closed it makes little difference.
  1953. >"Twiligghhtttt. Wake uppppp."
  1954. >The sing song voice is too kind to be Octavia.
  1955. >You grunt and try to squirm away from a finger tickling your plushy pony cheek.
  1956. >"Wake up sleepy head. Let's get you out of that nasty cage ok?"
  1957. >Careful hands slide underneath your body and begin lifting you out of the cage.
  1958. >Your hoof bumps the door on your way out, but you're otherwise lifted clear of the punishment box.
  1959. >"Goodness! Such a healthy girl!"
  1960. >First thing in the morning and someone's already calling you fat.
  1961. >Typical.
  1962. >The rude human drops you onto the bed with a squeaky thud.
  1963. >Now even the mattress springs are calling you fat.
  1964. >A rogue finger starts to scratch you under the chin.
  1965. >In your drowsy state you lean into it. Anon often woke you up with gentle touching so it's not big deal.
  1966. >Hearing the woman giggle reminds you that this isn't anon though.
  1967. >A second questing hand finds your chest fluff and starts to scratch that.
  1968. >You really really want to let her pamper you, especially after spending the whole night in a tiny metal cage.
  1969. >Too bad Octavia's speech last night about dignity echos in your mind.
  1970. >Maybe she has a point.
  1971. >It's one thing to let your lover spoil you, but Dr. Taylor's starting to treat you more like an overgrown cat than an intelligent individual.
  1972. >Appearances matter especially if ponies know who you are.
  1973. >Not that you're under any obligation to be anyone's hero.
  1974. >Ugh, why does everything have to be so complicated!?
  1975. >You shake off her hands and roll over into an upright position.
  1976. >"Someone finally up?"
  1977. >Grunting into your bit and waving your head at her gets the point across.
  1978. >A few minutes later you're free of the internal device blindfold, bit, and all.
  1979. >Oh how nice, she has a glass of water for you.
  1980. >Having to hold it in your hooves instead of your magic is a painful reminder of your state though.
  1981. >"Feeling any better today?"
  1982. >Now that she mentions it you are. Still weak, but not even close to as pathetic as yesterday.
  1983. "A little. Were you able to ask about getting some magic back?"
  1984. >She frowns as the smooths out your fur where the bridle was.
  1985. >"Sorry cutie it looks like you're stuck this way for now. You seem to be adjusting well though. Maybe it was just some initial shock. Can you stand for me?"
  1986. >Damn.
  1987. >There goes that tiny hope.
  1988. >You've manage to stand and begin a few stretches when the door opens.
  1989. >"Good morning Doctor."
  1990. >If the grey mare is surprised at the human's presence she doesn't show it.
  1991. >"Wonderful, I'll leave you to your keeper Twilight. I'd say you're making a good recovery, but if you feel weak or woozy please inform a member of staff ok?"
  1992. "Yes ma'am, I will."
  1993. >"Good girl. I've got plenty to do so I'll leave you two to hit the showers. Bye bye!"
  1994. >Showers?
  1995. >After being crammed in such a small space a shower sounds delightful!
  1997. >Why would you even think something like that?
  1998. >By thinking it would be nice you automatically jinxed it.
  1999. >The 'showers' are actually a line of ponies getting thrown through an assembly line of humans.
  2000. >When the pony first walked in they were hosed down from head to hoof in lukewarm water.
  2001. >Next an orderly with a brush scrubbed your every square inch in the blink of an eye.
  2002. >You didn't even have time to protest when he roughly cleaned the more personal spots!
  2003. >At least he was quick and professional though, dude clearly did not care about pony bits.
  2004. >Next another hosing down to rinse you off.
  2005. >Why's it have to be so cold!?
  2006. >And finally a few orderlies with towels to give you a rough dry.
  2007. >Did you mention stallions and mares were both in here at the same time?
  2008. >Overall you looked and felt like you'd been thrown through a high speed car wash.
  2009. >Your fur was fluffy in some spots, damp in others, and you still had soap in a lot of places you wish you didn't.
  2010. >Even Octavia smiled at you.
  2011. >"We have a few minutes. Feel free to use the sink."
  2012. >The mane is a total loss.
  2013. >No way it doesn't just look frizzy all day now.
  2014. >Still it's worth trying to salvage if you have a chance.
  2015. "I get that they need to process ponies quickly, but come on!"
  2016. >"Don't worry, there are personal showers if you earn the privilege."
  2017. >Earn the privilege.
  2018. "I guess yesterday hurt my chances of that."
  2019. >"Well, yes. Nothing you can't make up for in time though."
  2020. "When you say tim-"
  2022. >Thwack.
  2023. >"AH!"
  2024. >What the hell?
  2025. >You looks back towards the showers and take in the scene.
  2026. >One orderly grimaces with a hand to his stomach.
  2027. >Another holds a mare's forehooves to a nearby wall while a final one raises a crop!
  2028. >Thwack!
  2029. >"OWW QUIT IT!"
  2030. >Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!
  2032. >Holy crap that's a thrashing!
  2033. >Angry red marks quickly cover the soaking mare's hide as the orderly swats rump and back alike!
  2035. >This isn't your business.
  2036. >You try to focus on your mane, but the loud meaty whacks and cries of pain refuse to be ignored.
  2037. >"PLEASEEEEEEE!"
  2038. >Poor thing. You know what it's like to be that scared.
  2039. >The other ponies just try to pretend it isn't happening.
  2040. >If you could just...
  2041. >Octavia hooks a foreleg around your shoulder before you even realize you've turned that way.
  2042. >The whisper in your ear is low but full or authority.
  2043. >"Do not interfere."
  2044. "But-"
  2045. >Thwack!
  2046. >"I'M SORRYYYY!"
  2047. >Octavia's little speech last night about ponies' hope echos through your mind.
  2048. >Hope for a hero, a savior.
  2049. >You can't save the world, but can you just sit idly by while one pony suffers?
  2050. >Memories of Rarity's penthouse and crying mares bubble to the surface of your mind.
  2051. >You did it before, so why not now?
  2052. >Thwack!
  2053. "S-she's had enough..."
  2054. >"Do NOT interfere or you WILL be next!"
  2055. >Y-you really don't want to be next...
  2056. >But someone really needs to help her...
  2057. >The poor mare starts to bawl as the lashing continues.
  2058. >There's barely an inch of hide left without some kind of mark.
  2059. >The mare behind you bites you mane and slowly pulls you out of the bathroom.
  2060. >'Not their hero.'
  2061. >You can't just leave that poor pony though!
  2062. >Your head spins as two hooves grab it.
  2063. >"You WILL NOT drag US into this. Do you understand me?"
  2064. "Just listen to her!"
  2065. >"I've heard worse! I really have! And do you know what running in there will accomplish? We'll both join her!"
  2066. >She's right of course.
  2067. >Completely magicless you're about the least threatening thing in the building.
  2068. "I... I just..."
  2069. >With a snort Octavia and moves behind you to push.
  2070. >Your heart tells you to fight it, but your brain still clings to some concept of self preservation.
  2071. >This isn't Rarity's where you have a personal connection with the head honcho you can exploit.
  2072. >No matter how messed up in the head Rarity was back then, you'd known deep down that she was still your friend.
  2073. >You have no such advantage here.
  2074. >Here you're a slave to the system no different than anyone else.
  2075. >Here you walk down the hall and abandon the pony behind you.
  2077. >You feel awful abandoning that mare to her fate but Octavia is right, there really is nothing you could do.
  2078. >Breakfast is at least not awful.
  2079. >Instead of waiting at the table, your dragged through the line with Octavia this time.
  2080. >Something about 'refusing to let you out of her sight' after last time.
  2081. >So dramatic.
  2082. >You poke at you hayhash absentmindedly.
  2083. >It's not that it's not good or anything.
  2084. >Actually it's kinda nice to have hay again.
  2085. >You never have it at Anon's house because, of course, humans don't eat hay.
  2086. >Even if they probably only serve it here because it's cheap, it's still tasty.
  2087. >Still, you can't stop thinking about your upcoming appointment with Dr. roger.
  2088. "So you're sure I should-"
  2089. >A hoof to the mouth interrupts your 15th question about your upcoming doom.
  2090. >"Eat. I know you're nervous, but you need to eat. Dr. Taylor specifically instructed me to see that you build your strength and worrying about your appointment will change anything."
  2091. >Fine.
  2092. >You inhale half the plate in a totally healthy manner.
  2093. >She only cringed a little.
  2094. >Hay is for horses and you're a horse so QED no problem found.
  2095. >You try to wiggle away but her hoof follows you until she's managed to wipe the corner of your mouth.
  2096. >Rarity did always scold you for being a messy eater.
  2097. "Happy? Now what's he like? What should I expect? Will he be determining my whole treatment now or is this just a quick meet and greet?"
  2098. >"Twilight! I don't know! It varies on a case by case basis. If I had to guess I'd say he'll just ask you some question and start to come up with a strategy. Play it by ear, be respectful but don't suck up, and above all don't lie. You'll have to stick to your story about why your master sent you here, but that's his bending of the truth not yours."
  2099. "Ok, ok I can do this. I'll just be myself!"
  2100. >Yeah, be yourself.
  2101. >Your charming right?
  2102. >Who doesn't love this face?
  2104. >Update: Dr. roger does not seem to particularly love your face, and is even resistant to your disarmingly cute smile.
  2105. >His office has two seating options for two different types of patients:
  2106. >1) A comfy looking lounging couch one would typically see at a real therapist.
  2107. >2) Another one of those evil metal tables they keep putting you on.
  2108. >No surprise which one you're currently climbing up on.
  2109. >You even gave him the pleading eyes!
  2110. "So umm, I just wanted to apologize about last time. I was a little up-"
  2111. >As soon as climb all the way up he cuts the apology off.
  2112. >One hand goes to your chin to turn your face this way and that. The other slides and probes it's way up the side of your neck like he's looking for something.
  2113. >"All ancient history now Miss Sparkle, think nothing of it."
  2114. >He pushes your collar up and puts a finger right along a vein.
  2115. >Ah, he was looking for your heartbeat.
  2116. >Good thing it's not beating crazy fast right now!
  2117. >Hahahaha!
  2118. >"You were understandably agitated in light of being disciplined. Based on the marks I'm sure you still haven't forgotten."
  2119. "N-no sir I haven't."
  2120. >He rolls his chair further down the table and begins to poke and prod at your side.
  2121. >"That's good, very good, that you remember. Now tell me miss Sparkle, do you think it's wrong to discipline ponies?"
  2122. >That's kind of an odd question.
  2123. >He didn't ask if it was wrong for humans to discipline ponies, he asked if it was wrong to discipline ponies in general.
  2124. >Your parents disciplined you quite a bit growing up.
  2125. >Mom had a firm hoof that knew just what to do with fillies who hid in the library instead of going home.
  2126. >Heck, even the princess gave you quite a few sore flanks when you'd tried to sneak a forbidden spellbook or stayed up all night reading one too many times.
  2127. >With parental permission of course.
  2128. >Thanks mom, what filly doesn't dream of experiencing the iron hoof of the sun.
  2129. >Ugh, you rub your flank at the painful memories.
  2130. >So is it wrong to discipline ponies?
  2131. >If so then the sun princess herself was wrong, and you're pretty sure that's impossible.
  2132. >No, it's not wrong to discipline ponies.
  2133. >Does that mean it's ok to tan full grown mare's hides like they're bratty fillies?
  2134. >Uhhh, probably not.
  2135. >Octavia did say to be honest.
  2136. "I don't think it's necessarily wrong sir, but I think it depends on a lot of things. Age, offense, and method just to name a few."
  2137. >Is it ok for humans to do it to their slaves though?
  2138. >Most ponies wouldn't like to admit it, but living and eating rent free in someone else's house does to some degree endebt you to them.
  2139. >Sure you'd all rather be home and free, but that doesn't suddenly make food free.
  2140. >It's not really unreasonable to expect somepony to pull their weight if they're treated right.
  2141. >"Care to elaborate?"
  2142. >Key part being 'if they're treated right'.
  2143. "Well, a scolding or a loss of privileges seems fair if the pony isn't helping around the house."
  2144. >"Just not more physical methods?"
  2145. >He punctuates the question with his right hand sliding right over your still slightly sore cutie mark!
  2146. "I... I don't support that sir, I'm sorry."
  2147. >"That's perfectly alright, you're allowed to have opinions."
  2148. >That's surprisingly reasonable.
  2149. >Maybe he's not so bad?
  2150. >"You just need to remember that your opinions don't matter."
  2151. >Wait what?
  2152. >SMACK!
  2153. "OWWWW! HEY!"
  2154. >As quick as lightning he'd raised his right hand and delivered an heavy whack right to the cutie mark!
  2155. >That's gonna leave a handprint!
  2156. >You'd have jumped right off the table if his left hand didn't have a firm grip around your neck.
  2157. >"See? Even though you don't approve of physical punishment you can still get it. Do you know why that is Twilight."
  2158. >Because your a slave.
  2159. >Fucking not saying that though.
  2160. >"Twilight? Do you know why you're opinion doesn't matter? Why you can be punished any way the human in charge of you deem necessary?"
  2161. >Because your entire race wears a collar.
  2162. >Because pony legal rights only entitle them to 'reasonable living conditions' and not to actual voices in their own treatment.
  2163. >"I want you to tell me why Twilight."
  2164. >As soon as he lifts his hand you know he's going to hit you again if you don't.
  2165. >That first swat was really really hard.
  2166. >You could maybe take a minute or two of that before breaking, tops.
  2167. >Is it worth it though?
  2168. >At least a real master would care about damaging his property or scaring your long term relationship with them.
  2169. >The good doctor on the other hoof probably has plenty of signed waivers saying he can do whatever's necessary.
  2170. "Because I'm a pony."
  2171. >"Good but more than that. A pony is what you physically are, but believe it or not I don't think that inherently makes your opinion less valuable. Your a pony physical, but what are you socially Twilight?"
  2172. >Really? He just wants to hear you say it?
  2173. >Talk about rubbing salt in the wound.
  2174. >Like you can't feel the collar around your throat at this very moment.
  2175. "A slave... I'm a slave."
  2176. >"That's correct. Some ponies have a tendency to forget that from time to time, and it just makes everyone's lives more difficult. A person rightfully expect results out of a pony they've bought, fed, and sheltered but not all ponies seem to appreciate that. I think you get it though Twilight. I think you understand your situation very well, but just get a little prideful from time to time and forget."
  2177. >He's talking down to you and you hate it.
  2178. >Thankfully he lets you wiggle out of his grip.
  2179. >"I know this is a sore subject so let's talk about something else for for a moment. I heard you had a little incident at dinner yesterday. Want to tell me about that?"
  2180. "It was a misunderstanding..."
  2181. >"Oh is that all?"
  2182. >He goes back to looking you over.
  2183. >It's starting to give you a weird feeling.
  2184. >Turn this way, turn that way, open your mouth, lift your hoof, turn your ear.
  2185. >At this rate he'll have every square inch examined in no time.
  2186. >"Sit."
  2187. >Buck, it's like yesterday all over again.
  2188. >When you don't immediately comply he once again pushes down on your haunches until they rest against the cold hard table.
  2189. >You only let out a small hiss.
  2190. >It stings less than yesterday at least.
  2191. >"Still not so good with some orders huh?"
  2192. "It stings..."
  2193. >"That can be the price of disobedience yes."
  2194. >You shiver as he runs a hand from the base of your neck to the base of your tail.
  2195. >"You don't need me to tell YOU that though."
  2196. >You curl your forehooves underneath you to lay down on your belly instead of sitting on your sore cheeks.
  2197. >If he cares about you shifting to the more comfortable position he doesn't mention it.
  2198. "No sir, I understand."
  2199. >"So you had an outburst and tried to approach a pony on probation yesterday. It doesn't look like anyone physically discipline you for it though. Am I right?"
  2200. >You guess that's what he was checking you over for, damage from a beating.
  2201. >Finally he sits back in his chair and starts to take notes
  2202. "They put me in a cage overnight..."
  2203. >"Did you like that?"
  2204. >Well that's a stupid question.
  2205. "No sir."
  2206. >"Will you cause an outburst like that again?"
  2207. "No sir..."
  2208. >"So you did something bad and someone found a way to get through to you. Anon said you don't respond well to the scolding and grounding he'd tried before, methods you also suggested, but we've already found something else that works for you."
  2209. >Please please please don't let that be his whole plan!
  2210. >Trying different discipline methods on you just to see which ones you like the least sounds awful!
  2211. "I'm sorry, I was just excited to see a friend..."
  2212. >"Of course. Octavia explained the situation to me while being reprimanded for losing control of the situation."
  2213. >Oh no!
  2214. >She didn't look hurt this morning...
  2215. "Please it's my fault! Don't take it out on her!"
  2216. >"It's nice that you're worried about her but don't. She's already received her correction for the incident and she's all the wiser for it."
  2217. >She said she might be swatted but you hadn't seen any evidence.
  2218. >"What we're here to focus on is you. Like I said earlier I think you understand your situation rather well. Would you say you like your master miss Sparkle?"
  2219. >Don't lie.
  2220. "Yes sir."
  2221. >"Well that's good, that's very good. And do you like your job?"
  2222. "I'm not a great cook but running errands isn't the worse job in the world."
  2223. >"I understand you used to be the solo housemare but a Miss Rarity helps you with that now. My understanding is you have a new job now as well."
  2224. >Wut?
  2225. "A new job? I'm not sure I understand."
  2226. >"For simplicity sake we tend to divide ponies into rough categories. We've got generic laborer ponies who're mostly used for raw strength. Specialized trade ponies who use things like flight or magic for more advanced jobs. Then there's of course housemares who do the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, perhaps even look after the kids. And then we have so called 'comfort' ponies."
  2227. >Oh boy.
  2228. >"'Comfort' ponies, 'companion' ponies, 'erotic' ponies. I'm sure you get the point."
  2229. "I-I ah, well, I have been doing that lately I guess..."
  2230. >"Understand there's nothing wrong with that. It's a very important job to some people and I know he appreciates you when you comply without attitude."
  2231. >'Comply'
  2232. >It sounds so... clinical.
  2233. >"You said yourself you quite like your master, perhaps making him feel good comes naturally to you?"
  2234. >Ha!
  2235. "Something like that..."
  2236. >"Anon only complained about your laziness with household chores. Would you say you're a more responsible bedmare than housemare?"
  2237. >WOW OK!
  2238. "I-I well that seems a bit personal..."
  2239. >"Twilight I'm a professional. I'm not here to judge or make you feel ashamed, I'm here to help. If you prefer your bed duties to your house duties then maybe that's another avenue to alleviate this situation. A single human isn't a large household and you ran things solo before another pony was added to the mix. Have you asked Anon if Rarity can take over more of the household chores so you can focus more on being available for him?"
  2240. >Whether he's a professional or not, the idea of being a full time tail lifter still makes you blush.
  2241. >Come to think of it you should probably be offended by this too.
  2242. >Does sound like a fun job though...
  2243. >No! Now's not the time for that!
  2244. "No sir I haven't."
  2245. >"It's something to consider. Anon seems the gentle type and you don't seem opposed to the idea. Do you like servicing your master?"
  2246. >Oh goodness, is it hot in here?
  2247. >Is it time to go yet? It has to be time to go soon right?
  2248. >"Twilight? Do you enjoy servicing Anon?"
  2249. >Perhaps he can read your twitching tail and flicking ears better than most humans.
  2250. >You shouldn't admit it.
  2251. >You really shouldn't.
  2252. >"Twilight?"
  2253. "Y-yes sir. I like it..."
  2254. >Even though your looking away from him you can feel him smile.
  2255. >"That's a good girl."
  2256. >He starts to pet you with one hand and offers you a sugar cube with the other.
  2257. >Hmm it's blue, different.
  2258. >"A pony that knows her place can be very happy Twilight. See?"
  2259. >See what?
  2260. >Oh!
  2261. >You can feel it! You can feel your magic! You can feel the world's magic!
  2262. >Yours doesn't seem to respond to your will, but you're still ecstatic just to feel it's natural flow into and out of your horn!
  2263. >You MAY have moaned in a slightly weird way.
  2264. >"That's a treat for ponies who are honest Twilight and you're doing great so far. In fact you can have another if you'll answer another question truthfully."
  2265. >Bitch you'll tell him anything for another one of those!
  2266. >"We know Anon isn't completely satisfied with your housework but is he satisfied with your bedroom work? We have, let's call them 'classes', here that could give you some pointers on being with humans. It might be the same basic principle as stallion but I'm sure you've figured out it's not exactly the same."
  2267. >Tips and tricks sounds ok, but you doubt courses around here are strictly bookwork.
  2268. >Him calling it a class makes you a bit more comfortable with the subject though.
  2269. >Maybe you can pretend all of Gentlehoof is just a semester abroad.
  2270. "Are we talking lectures or is there umm lab work?"
  2271. >He laughs.
  2272. >He actually genuinely laughs.
  2273. >"Your profile labeling you as the studious type is spot on I see. Let's call it a mixed course load. Some verbal instruction and some hands on practical application."
  2274. >hands on huh?
  2275. >hands on your flanks while you get your purple pony plot penetrated more like.
  2276. >At least he's honest about it.
  2277. "I-if possible I'd rather respectfully decline sir."
  2278. >He told you you're opinion didn't matter just minutes ago, but he seems to be genuinely asking you this time.
  2279. "I'm actually pretty good at p-pleasing him and well... I'd rather save myself just for him."
  2280. >If he's upset he has a funny way of showing it.
  2281. >Two blue sugarcubes!
  2282. >When you come down from your blissful magical high you find yourself sprawled all over the metal table.
  2283. >It's not very dignified but damn those things are great.
  2284. "T-thank you sir."
  2285. >"You're welcome. We won't put you through that you're sure. It's not what Anon sent you here for anyway."
  2286. "I'm sure thank you. We umm, we don't have trouble in the bedroom..."
  2287. >Without warning he suddenly grabs your closest flank and pulls it to the side exposing our prize to prying eyes!
  2288. >The peak is over as soon as you manage an indignant squawk but before you can complain.
  2289. >"You look the right size so I'm sure you're fine. Some smaller mares have trouble accommodating larger humans."
  2290. >Ouch, that sounds awful. Nothing's worse than getting jabbed in the cervix!
  2291. >"Don't worry, you're a natural physically and mentally."
  2292. >That's not really as nice as it sounds, but you're still coming down off your blue sugarcube endorphin ride.
  2293. >"I bet once he broke you into bedroom duties you never gave him lip over it since. It's a wrong mare for the wrong job issue if you ask me, but the customer gets what the customer wants. We'll sign you up for some 'classes' on basic discipline, instruction following, and manners. Hopefully we can break your dependence on spankings to learn while we're at it. A sore bottom isn't exactly productive for a bedmare unless that's her kink-"
  2294. >hahahaha! Good thing that could never happen right!?
  2295. >"-and if it's her kink then it's not good for discipline."
  2296. >It's normal to blush when someone says weird stuff like that right?
  2297. >"Our time's about up for today though. Why don't you stand up for me Twilight?"
  2298. >Standing ends up being a messy exercise but you manage.
  2299. >"I'll talk to Anon about utilizing your skillset properly when I next speak to him."
  2300. >AKA tying you up to the bed and never letting you go.
  2301. >Whew, it's getting even hotter in here.
  2302. >"In the meantime though let's get off on the right foot for obedience training why don't we? I want you to bow and thank me for my time."
  2303. >Just a bow?
  2304. >That should be easy right?
  2305. >Right?
  2306. >You lower your head slightly and rush out the words.
  2307. "Thankyouforyourtime."
  2308. >"No."
  2309. >He grabs the back of your head and guides you into a full face to the floor bow.
  2310. >It's just a bow, why does this bother you so much?
  2311. >"And say it slower."
  2312. >You try to squirm away but he's a good grip.
  2313. >"Twilight, thank me."
  2314. >But you really really really don't wanna.
  2315. >"Twilight!"
  2316. >Ugh! Fine, but he gets zero enthusiasm.
  2317. "Thank you for your time... sir."
  2318. >Instead of letting go he lifts your head to look him in the eyes.
  2319. >"Now see that's that pride I'm talking about. You may be used to submitting to Anon in some ways but you need to be able to express your servitude as well. Now do it again, this time on your own."
  2320. >When he finally releases you you trot back a few steps.
  2321. >It's not a big deal.
  2322. >You just lower your head and say the words.
  2323. >It's the principle of the matter though.
  2324. >You hem and haw for a minute or so.
  2325. >Look, he doesn't even care! He has his phone out!
  2326. >If he doesn't care then why does it matttttt!
  2327. >The few times Anon shocked you with your old collar were quick sharp, painful, and quick.
  2328. >You'd heard horror stories of ponies with burns on their necks from the tiny contact points sending them into electrical agony.
  2329. >This is different though.
  2330. >You didn't see any tiny pokey contact points on your fancy new collar so you'd assumed it simply lacked a shock feature.
  2331. >You were wrong.
  2332. >What started as a low buzzing feeling you'd dismissed quickly became more and more intense.
  2333. >It isn't scream inducing yet, but you still grit your teeth in pain!
  2334. >Worse yet it's starting to make your muscles seize up!
  2335. >One moment you're standing and the next you've collapsed as your legs involuntary curl up underneath you!
  2336. >Sweet Celestia it's really starting to hurt!
  2337. >Graciously the sparking abruptly stops before it gets unbearable.
  2338. >No way you're taking a chance of that starting again!
  2339. >As soon as you catch a breath you push your face down into the table and yell the phrase loudly!
  2340. "Thank you for your time sir!"
  2341. >That seems to please him.
  2342. >He puts away the phone and reaches over to pet your lowered head.
  2343. >"Good girl."
  2344. >Your body is too tingly for you to care at this point.
  2345. >"Be glad your master bought you such an expensive collar young mare. Most the cheaper ones don't have a setting that low. He must really appreciate you to spend so much money on you."
  2346. >That was low?
  2347. >You'd managed not to scream so you guess that makes some degree of sense.
  2348. >Still painful though.
  2349. "Y-yes sir. I'll be sure to thank him."
  2350. >"I bet he'd like that very much."
  2351. >When you don't bother to lift your face off the cold table he slips a finger under your chin and lifts it for you.
  2352. >"Thank me again Twilight."
  2353. >You already did it once, what's one more time hurt?
  2354. "Thank you for taking the time to teach me sir."
  2355. >"Much better."
  2356. >He rubs a thumb over your plushy pony cheek and looks at you nice and hard.
  2357. >"You're a pretty mare when your good Twilight. Open your mouth for me nice and wide."
  2358. >...
  2359. >What?
  2360. >He's standing and you're laying on your stomach right at just the right height.
  2361. >Now he wants you to open wide?
  2362. >Anon only said that when you were about to get a muzzle full of... Anon...
  2363. >You thought he respected your wish to save yourself for Anon though!
  2364. >It's a bluff.
  2365. >No!
  2366. >It's a test!
  2367. >You open your muzzle as wide at it goes and close your eyes.
  2368. >If there's one thing Twilight Sparkle can do it's pass tests!
  2369. >He leave you gaping and blushing for a few moments without saying anything.
  2370. >No unzipping noise! Called it!
  2371. >After a few embarrassing minutes something sweet and slightly magical lands on your tongue!
  2372. >Sugar cube!
  2373. >"You're a quick learner, that's good."
  2374. >He probably says more about what an ideal slave you are, but you're too far off in blue sugar cube land to care!
  2375. >The magic! The colors! These are great!
  2376. >Woooo!
  2378. >You're already missing the full effects of the blue sugarcube as Octavia drags you back to your room.
  2379. >"Twilight, Twilight look at me."
  2380. >She clops her forehooves together in front of your face to get your attention.
  2381. >"Twi *Clop* light."
  2382. >Why can't she leave you alone?
  2383. >The effect is fading fast, and you're trying to experience the last beautiful seconds of magic you can.
  2384. >An invasive booping to the nose forces you to give her your attention.
  2385. >Bully.
  2386. >"How many of those sugarcubes did he give you?"
  2387. "Umm... a few...?"
  2388. >She puts a hoof on both cheek and forces you to look her right in the eye.
  2389. >"How many?!"
  2390. "Three...? Yeah, it was three."
  2391. >"Three? Twilight did he give you three? Are you sure?"
  2392. >Why is she so stressed, everything is going great.
  2393. >All you had to do was a bit of bowing and some lip service (heh) and he let you feel your magic.
  2394. >Magic more wild and free than you've felt in years!
  2395. >Sure Anon sets your ring to the legal minimum, but it's not the same.
  2396. >You wonder what else you can do to earn more of the heavenly blue cubes?
  2397. "Well... actually I guess it was four since he gave me two at once the second time."
  2398. >"Four? Goodness he's really trying to real you in. Listen to me Twilight, I know how good those things feel for unicorns, but you can't let him hook you. They aren't chemically addictive, but I've seen proud ponies positively degrade themselves for even a tiny one. Are you listening?"
  2399. >You aren't listening. Not one bit.
  2400. "What? Yeah, sure. Dignity, honor, pride, and no groveling. Got it."
  2401. >See you listened.
  2402. "But you can get me more right?"
  2403. >She's gonna hurt herself facehoofing that hard.
  2405. 2 weeks later
  2406. ~~~~~~~
  2407. >"Alright, now shake."
  2408. >Shaking hands, shaking hooves, it's all the same.
  2409. >Ponies shake hooves sometimes so it's not like you're being told to do silly trick for no reason.
  2410. >"Good girl! Now roll over."
  2411. >Ok, that one's kind of a silly trick.
  2412. >Whatever, it's worth the cubical payoff you know you'll get for cooperating.
  2413. >"What a cutie!"
  2414. >She stops you half way through the second roll and digs a hand into the fur on your chest.
  2415. >It's not that chest fluff is super intimate, but something about laying on your back and having her run fingers through your poof without consent makes you uncomfortable.
  2416. >You try to roll the rest of the way over only to be stopped.
  2417. >"nuh uh, just relax. If a human wants to touch you that's ok remember?"
  2418. >Ugh, yes you remember being told that a million times now.
  2419. >You don't have to like it though.
  2420. >She cups the side of your head and runs a thumb over your plushy cheek.
  2421. >"Shhh, it's ok just relax."
  2422. >Her fingers dig a bit deeper into your chest.
  2423. >Despite how... exposed you feel you know it's best to just lay back and let her have her fun.
  2424. >It's just petting.
  2425. >"Gooooood. Doesn't that feel nice? Hmm?"
  2426. >Oh, she wants a real answer.
  2427. "Y-yes mistress."
  2428. >"I thought you might like it. Remember that humans can make you feel good if you're behaved."
  2429. >She punctuates the statement with a light poke to the nose.
  2430. >It makes you go crosseyed for a moment and makes her giggle.
  2431. >"And your a very good student Twilight, I'm proud of you already."
  2432. >Being told your a good and faithful student makes you smile even if the curriculum is questionable.
  2433. >"Alright you can hop up. Can I get a bow from my favorite student next?"
  2434. >Technically pony bowing is the same as your morning stretches, so it's no big deal really.
  2435. >"Very good! One last thing and you can have another cube Twilight, doesn't that sound nice?"
  2436. >Another so soon!
  2437. "Yes it does mistress!"
  2438. >Ever since your meeting with Dr. Roger they'd taken to rewarding you with blue sugarcubes for cooperation.
  2439. >You've only been training with Dr. Taylor for a bit over an hour today and she's already given you one.
  2440. >Now she's offering you another?
  2441. >Truly there is a god.
  2442. >"You're such a sweetheart aren't you? You're doing much better with basic commands and obedience now Twilight. I'd say you started out as a C student but now you an A+ one!"
  2443. >You're just playing along of course.
  2444. >Whatever it takes to get more of those angelic blue cubes.
  2445. >"I want to work on something a little different now ok? I know you've got two jobs at your house so let's just lightly touch on the second one."
  2446. >Uh oh.
  2447. >"Can you present for me? Like you would for your master? Dr. Roger said your very good at caring for master Anon, but let's just make sure your well trained in every regard."
  2448. >You thought he said no bedroom training!?
  2449. "J-just presenting right... Nothing more umm hands on?"
  2450. >A finger to your lips quells any further inquiries.
  2451. >"Good ponies don't question remember? Good ponies do what their masters tell them, and I know your a good pony Twilight."
  2452. >The pit in your stomach tells you to back away, but another finger snags your collar before you can.
  2453. >She brushes your cheek again as she gives you a sad look.
  2454. >"You've been doing so good Twilight. Just think of the reward ok?"
  2455. >She's right. If you just think about how amazing your magic will feel you can do this.
  2456. >Trembling forelegs fold beneath you as you lower your upper body and raise your haunches.
  2457. >Just think of the reward, that's it.
  2458. >Don't think of what your doing for someone that isn't Anon.
  2459. >"That's it, keep going."
  2460. >In theory bowing and presenting aren't too different.
  2461. >In practise one's usually a lot more traumatic.
  2462. >A tap to your inner thigh tells you that she isn't totally satisfied.
  2463. >"You know your stances needs to be wider honey, this isn't your first rodeo."
  2464. >You aren't some bronco to be broken either...
  2465. >Still, you spread your hind legs until she stops tapping.
  2466. >So wide... and you know she's somewhere behind you.
  2467. >You can't tell where exactly since you've long buried your face in your forehooves, but the only thing preserving your dignity right now is your tail.
  2468. >Speaking of your tail she gives it an unsuprising light tug.
  2469. >"And the final touch?"
  2470. "P-please... I know how to take care of Anon I promise."
  2471. >She runs a hand up and down a trembling rear leg.
  2472. >"I want to believe you sweetie but if you can't even present on command... I just need to be sure ok? Lift? Be a good girl?"
  2473. >You don't want to!
  2474. >Even if Dr. Taylor is a nice lady she's not Anon.
  2475. >You've done much weirder stuff than this for him, but you did it for him not some lady.
  2476. >"Twilighttttt."
  2477. >A surge of panic shoot up your spine and right into your heart when she starts to scratch your back. This time with the very tips of her nails!
  2478. >Have her nails always been that sharp?!
  2479. >They feels like... claws!
  2480. >You know they're not and that human nails aren't that powerful, but the sharp sensation dragging across your sensitive flesh tells you to do whatever it takes to make her happy!
  2481. >Flipping your tail up and out of the way does just that.
  2482. >"Good girl!"
  2483. >You breathe a sigh of relief when the nails vanish replaced by a few light pats to the rump.
  2484. >"See that wasn't so hard was it? And you're a very pretty girl Twilight. I can see why Anon enjoys such a cute bedmate!"
  2485. >The compliment is nice, but knowing she's got a facefull of bits back there makes you more embarrassed than proud.
  2486. >"We'll be working on this some more ok? Nothing too intense just following orders even if they're harder ones like this, understand?"
  2487. "Y-yes ma'am."
  2488. >"Wonderful."
  2489. >A sharp scratching sensation on your cheek makes you recoil.
  2490. >With your muzzle now unburied you're reminded of the reason you were cooperating in the first place.
  2491. >So what if you you ate the cube right of her hand and licked the palm?
  2492. >She seemed to like it and you got every last bit of the magic dust!
  2493. >Any indignity you were still sore over is soon forgotten as the magic takes you away!
  2495. "Today?"
  2496. >"Yes, Today"
  2497. "As in like now?"
  2498. >"I know those things haven't melted your brain yet. Yes, they are here to see you NOW in visitation."
  2499. >Octavia's been less than thrilled about your enjoyment of a certain blue cubical candy as of late.
  2500. >Something about you playing exactly into their hands.
  2501. >Sure her concerns are understandable, but you still think they're a bit overblown.
  2502. >Then again, your also glad she didn't see you with Dr. Taylor just a few hours ago.
  2503. "So can I go?"
  2504. >But now Anon is here!
  2505. >Nothing else matters as you jump off the bed and prance in place!
  2506. >Honestly you thought they'd have come earlier.
  2507. >You were starting to feel a little forgotten, but not anymore!
  2508. "Can I? Can I? Can I?"
  2509. >She sighs and pushes you away from her with a hoof.
  2510. >"Please calm down. You may, but try to remember visitation is monitored. Do not say anything about... us."
  2511. >Us?
  2512. >The collusion, right.
  2513. >She's supposed to be your big bad scary disciplinarian who carries a riding crop to keep you in line.
  2514. >Instead she's your inside mare who you only slightly exasperate.
  2515. "You're scary, got it. How long do I have with them? Are there cameras or just audio recording?"
  2516. >"Cameras so please try to control yourself. Some affection might show your therapy is working but nothing uncouth."
  2517. >Permission to jump Anon?
  2518. >Well, ok then.
  2519. >"Some affection!"
  2520. >Well you did have presenting training today...
  2521. >Maybe if visitation was private.
  2522. >Oh well a mare can dream.
  2523. "So can I go? Can I?"
  2524. >She sighs and waves you off.
  2525. >"Yes, fine, go. Dinner is served in an one and a quarter hours. Do not make me come looking for you!"
  2526. >The last bit is half yelled as you canter out of the room.
  2527. >Lately you've been given more autonomy within the facility.
  2528. >Having a dedicated pony escort for ever patient would be ideal, but prohibitively expensive even with literal slave labor.
  2529. >Octavia still tells you where to be and when, but your expected to get there on your own.
  2530. >You suppose the idea was that you'd fear upsetting her by being late or playing hooky from a session/meal/recreation time/ect.
  2531. >You'd seen first hand what happened to late ponies.
  2532. >It wasn't pretty and usually involved the horrible sound of leather on flesh
  2533. >You'd been good though.
  2534. >You were sure to always be on time so she didn't have to choose between keeping up appearances by taking a crop to you or looking weak by not.
  2535. >None of that is important now though.
  2536. >They're here! They're here to see you!
  2537. >It's a struggle to keep your speed to a swift canter as you head towards visitation.
  2538. >Galloping patients tend to look suspicious and usually get held up one way or another.
  2539. >Nevertheless you eventually make it.
  2540. >Visitation is a big room full of various small tables.
  2541. >Assorted humans and ponies sit around each table chatting.
  2542. >Some looking happy, some look scared, and some look somewhere in between.
  2543. >Forget them though, where's your visitors?
  2544. >They have to be here somewhere...
  2545. >There!
  2546. >The no running rules goes out the window as you leap into Anon's arms.
  2547. >You're so glad to see him you'll even let the 'oof' slide.
  2548. >"Someone's happy to see me!"
  2549. "Don't act like you didn't miss me too master!"
  2550. >He laughs and pulls you into a wonderful hug.
  2551. >Oh, that's so nice.
  2552. >It's just a simple hug, but it feels like it's been forever since you've received such pure and honest affection.
  2553. >You bury your muzzle in his chest and breath deeply.
  2554. >Aw yeah, that's the stuff.
  2555. >Though his scent does seem to have a bit of something extra to it...
  2556. >New detergent maybe?
  2557. >"Ahem, is Anon the only one who gets a hug?"
  2558. >Anon let's you go so you can turn around and collapse onto the white mare behind you.
  2559. >She catches you.
  2560. >Mostly.
  2561. >"Goodness! Lovely to see your too darling. We wanted to visit earlier, but they told us to wait. That it was a 'critical time' in your training. I hope they've been treating you well?"
  2562. >Rarity squeezes you a bit tighter.
  2563. >Odd, she smells a bit off too.
  2564. >Must be a new shampoo or something.
  2565. >She breaks the embrace to look at you over with concern.
  2566. >"You look well enough..."
  2567. "I've been... ok I guess. Eep!"
  2568. >Strong arms scoop you up from behind and place in a familiar lap.
  2569. >You've done a lot more with this lap than just sit on it, but none of that was in the middle of a room full of strangers!
  2570. >To make things worse he's pulled you onto your back and started to scratch your underside!
  2571. "M-master please, there's a lot of people in here!"
  2572. >Feeling a little compromised here!
  2573. >You cross your hind legs before he draws any attention!
  2574. >"Oh, yeah I guess you're right."
  2575. >He helps you roll over but keeps you in his lap.
  2576. >You're still a bit embarrassed when he starts to pet you from neck to flank but, well, if a human wants to touch then they get to touch.
  2577. >Right?
  2578. >"Since when do you call me master though?"
  2579. >Whoops, didn't even realize you'd done that.
  2580. "I uh, sorry. It's just kinda habit here..."
  2581. >Is he mad? Does he dislike that?
  2582. >They told you to always call your master master but you knew Anon wouldn't be used to that.
  2583. >Still you hadn't even meant to do it, it just sorta, happened.
  2584. >Instead of anger though he looks down at your with worry.
  2585. >"Hey, really, are you ok? You don't look hurt-"
  2586. >He casts a critical eye and a familiar hand over most your body to check for any evidence to the contrary.
  2587. >"But I don't want them messing with your head too much either. How's it been? They gave me a good report on you, said you're a quick learner, but I was hoping that was just you playing along. If you want out just say the word."
  2588. >Out?
  2589. >Like home?
  2590. >But your mission isn't done.
  2591. >Besides it's not like they've been mistreating you here.
  2592. >Just... teaching.
  2593. >Nothing too crazy though, right?
  2594. >A mental image of your spread legs and lifted tail from earlier today flashes across your minds eye.
  2595. >Ok, being taught to present on command is a little... much, but you've done that for Anon plenty of times anyway.
  2596. >Not on command though.
  2597. >You gave yourself to him when you wanted to and of your own volition.
  2598. >Maybe they are starting to get to you?
  2599. >"Darling he means it. Just say the word and we can have you home in no time. We can find another way."
  2600. >The offer is sweet, but just looking at the white mare reminds you of your real task.
  2601. "No. I'm fine, I promise. I've only seen sweetie from a distance and I'm not going to waste our only opportunity."
  2602. >"So you did see her?! How does she look!? Was she happy to see you?!"
  2603. >Oh lord so much Rarity all up in your face!
  2604. "She just looked confused. I don't think she's hurt, but I'm not allowed to talk to her because she's on probation for behavior issues."
  2605. >"Behavior issues? I just don't understand, she's such a good filly! They must be mistreating her, they simply must!"
  2606. >"Rarity."
  2607. >One word from Anon keeps her from a complete meltdown, but it's not enough to totally calm her.
  2608. >The mare inches closer and exchanges nuzzles with you.
  2609. "Well, she looked alright when I saw her. I actually got in trouble for trying to talk to her the first time, but she should be off probation in just a few days. If I just wait it out it should be easy."
  2610. >She rubs up against you even more affectionately.
  2611. >"Please play it safe darling. As much as I want sweetie safe I don't want you doing anything crazy either."
  2612. "I will, I promise. They're firm here but not unreasonable. If I stay within the rules everything will be fine.
  2613. >You'd give them more details, but now isn't the time to explain how your jailer is not only sympathetic but also your neighbor.
  2614. >Plenty of time for that conversation when you aren't being recorded.
  2615. "She's right Twi, please stay safe. If something happens to you because of this silly plan I'll never forgive myself."
  2616. >Aww, he really is the best master.
  2617. >You lean into his hand on one side then Rarity on the other.
  2618. >The three of you spent a quiet moment just being together.
  2619. >Something's still bothering you though.
  2620. >That scent, it's almost like...
  2621. >Now that you have them both together it almost smells the same.
  2622. >You lean in to your right to sniff Rarity then to your left to sniff Anon.
  2623. >You know for a fact that Anon uses body wash and Rarity uses a fancy coat shampoo.
  2624. >They should pretty much never smell the same and neither would smell like this.
  2625. >"Something the matter darling?"
  2626. >You're sure as heck starting to think so.
  2627. "Rarity, when I left I asked you to take good care of Anon."
  2628. >"And I have dear I assure you."
  2629. >Suspicion rising.
  2630. "What exactly have you done?"
  2631. >She looks a bit confused but responds anyway.
  2632. >"Well you know clothes in the closet, food on the table, house clean. That sort of stuff, all his needs met."
  2633. "ALL his needs?"
  2634. >Smells like she really went above and beyond to meet them ALL.
  2635. >"Darling, I'm not sure I understand what your getting it...?"
  2636. >She's not gonna slip up, she's too smart.
  2637. >You know who isn't too smart though?
  2638. >You turn to Anon.
  2639. "That true? Everything's good? Not getting too cold in that big bed without me are you?"
  2640. >"Cold? Nah, I've still got one cuddle buddy."
  2641. >One cuddle buddy.
  2642. >Yes, you've been encouraging Rarity to join you and Anon in bed for the last few weeks.
  2643. >To cuddle! Just to cuddle! And only with your supervision!
  2644. >You wanted to both offer her comfort and get her more used to being around the human.
  2645. >So that they could be friends! Not... not this!
  2646. >Ponies may herd, but sneaking around behind the lead mare's back is a big no no.
  2647. >"Twilight, dear, I'm not sure what you're thinking but let's not get carried away."
  2648. >Oh yeah, she's nervous.
  2649. >You turn back to her and cock your head.
  2650. "So you kept him warm for me?"
  2651. >This bitch.
  2652. >"Twilight. It was... we didn't do anything you wouldn't approve of."
  2653. "Anything I wouldn't have approved of?! Do you think I'm dumb?! I can smell him all over you!"
  2654. >Ok, your yelling but she deserves this!
  2655. >"Darling please it was nothing I swear!"
  2656. >You hop off Anon's lap to poke the white hussy in the chest with a hoof.
  2657. "I gave you Dusty, was he not enough?! How far did you go with him?
  2658. >"H-he's on vacation with his family... P-please I only... I only... with my mouth..."
  2659. >She tries to back away from your accusatory hoof but you press the advantage.
  2660. >Anon is saying something behind you, but he's easily ignored right now.
  2661. "So what you just thought you'd steal him while I was gone?!"
  2662. >"Steal him?! Twilight I don't understand! You're the one that invited me into your bed! I-I thought you wanted us to be close! You said to take good care of him! You've been gone for weeks! He has needs! I just... I..."
  2663. >And now she's crying.
  2664. >And now YOU feel like the asshole even though she's the whorse.
  2665. >And now you're being dragged off by an orderly.
  2666. "Stop it! Let me go!"
  2667. >You're basically screwed at this point so you might as well make it count.
  2668. >A mini Twilight in the back of your head tries to scold you over the sunk cost fallacy, but the time for rationality is long gone.
  2669. >No amount of struggling frees you though.
  2670. >No amount of yelling let's you finish your 'chat' with rarity.
  2671. >And no amount of begging keeps you from being thrown in solitary until Dr. Roger can 'deal' with you.
  2672. >FUCK!
  2674. "No no no!"
  2675. >The orderly roughly deposits you in one of solitary's tiny cell.
  2676. >And by roughly deposits you, you mean practically threw you.
  2677. >Thankfully, you landed on your hooves, but you're not quick enough to get to the heavy metal door before it closed.
  2678. "Wait, come back! This is a big misunderstanding! Please!"
  2679. >Buck!
  2680. >You look around the room for anything you can use.
  2681. >Nothing, just a tamper resistant bed and toilet.
  2682. >How long are they going to leave you here!?
  2683. >You try to look out the tiny slot on the door but he even locked that!
  2684. >Dr. Roger is gonna kill you!
  2685. >There's barely any room for panicked pacing but you manage nonetheless.
  2686. >What's he going to do?
  2687. >Beat you?
  2688. >No, that's too simple for him...
  2689. >Maybe he'll have Octavia beat you while he watches?
  2690. >Maybe he'll make you beat Octavia?
  2691. >He's smart, he'll find the way to cause you the most anguish no matter what it is.
  2692. >UGH! Why'd you even make such a big scene!?
  2693. >The truth is you did want to get Rarity more used to Anon.
  2694. >Lots of ponies herd.
  2695. >Not all of course, look at your brother and sister in law, but with Equestria's gender ratios it was more the norm than not.
  2696. >You and the girls had talked about the of herding one day.
  2697. >It's often a normal extension of close mare friends, a step from friends to family.
  2698. >Maybe Rarity had taken steps faster than you'd expected, but that's not the worst thing.
  2699. >She did do it without talking to you first, which was bad, but then again how was she supposed to?
  2700. >She couldn't exactly just call you up and ask if you were cool with it.
  2701. >You're Anon's first mare so you're the lead.
  2702. >Traditionally she'd have asked your permission, but not only couldn't she, she also thought you'd given it when you asked her to take care of Anon.
  2703. >Maybe she'd jumped to conclusions, but it's a situation you could have just talked out.
  2704. >You were suddenly just so insanely... jealous.
  2705. >You want to say that's not like you, but then again this is your first serious relationship.
  2706. >Plus this relationship is... special.
  2707. >Not to be cold about it, but any slave would value a strong relationship with their human like yours.
  2708. >Not only is it a meaningful relationship, but it keeps you safe from falling into the hands of an owner who's much less sympathetic.
  2709. >He protects you from a cruel cruel world and you aren't willing to let anything risk that.
  2710. >After all humans are traditionally monogamous, what if he falls in love with her and forgets about you?
  2711. >That's silly and you know it, but you can't shake the thought.
  2712. >Still, you shouldn't have yelled at her.
  2713. >The look on her face is still frozen in your mind's eye.
  2714. >Scared, hurt, confused.
  2715. >She probably had to really push herself to be intimate with a human, especially given her past.
  2716. >Heck, she might have done it just for you if she really thought it was what you wanted.
  2717. >And instead of thanking her for taking care of Anon's perfectly normal male needs, or even just clarifying that that's not what you'd wanted her to do, you'd screamed at her.
  2718. >Screamed at her and left her baffled and wounded.
  2719. >And now your scared of the future plus regretting the past.
  2720. >Great.
  2722. >Ok.
  2723. >Maybe the beating would be better than this boredom.
  2724. >There's nothing in here!
  2725. >No books, no TV, no computers, nothing!
  2726. >How long has it been? Surely it's been a few days?!
  2727. >They've only given you one meal through the tiny slot so maybe it hasn't been that long, but it feels like an eternity.
  2728. >You count the spots on the ceiling for the 45th time.
  2729. >134.
  2730. >There's 134 dots.
  2731. >You think.
  2732. >Can he just hurry up and get it over with?
  2733. >Maybe he's planning something truly horrible and needs to set up the pony beating machine...
  2734. >Rarity's old company had those weird machines that one time.
  2735. >They were for product testing and not putting ponies into, but you imagine they could be modified.
  2736. >Just the thought of a cold unfeeling machine blistering your flanks makes your tail curl around you in fear.
  2737. >Dr. Roger wouldn't do that though.
  2738. >He's more of a 'personal touch' type.
  2739. >Not quite as touchy as Dr. Taylor, but he still seems to prefer to work with his hands.
  2740. >Probably some kind of dominance/conditioning thing now that you think about it.
  2741. >Or maybe he's just an old pervert.
  2742. >If he is though what does that make Dr. Taylor?
  2743. >Despite being nice she doesn't have much respect for your personal space either.
  2744. >She even called you pretty while basically molesting you.
  2745. >Weird lady.
  2746. >Any further musing is cut short when you hear someone on the other side of the door.
  2747. >Is it time for more food?
  2748. >Oh shit, door's opening!
  2749. >If it was food they'd just open the slot!
  2750. >That means its-!
  2751. >Dr. Roger looks down at you with what would be best described as... disappointment?
  2752. >No, resignation.
  2753. >"Anything to say for yourself?"
  2754. "I-I... I didn't mean... Thing's just got out of hand, this is all a big misunderstanding I swear! I-"
  2755. >You stop as soon as he holds his hand up.
  2756. >Do what he says!
  2757. >Don't piss him off!
  2758. >That resolve wavers when he throws something at your hooves.
  2759. >A bridle.
  2760. >"Put it on."
  2761. "S-sir please if I could just explain..."
  2762. "Put. It. On."
  2763. >Crap crap crap!
  2764. >How are you supposed to even put this thing on without magic!?
  2765. >You try but to be honest hooves suck.
  2766. >At least he's not in a rush.
  2767. >Finally you manage to arrange the straps around your head.
  2768. >You can't tighten them because again, hooves.
  2769. >Thankfully he doesn't mind doing that part, he even removes the bit you'd chomped down on.
  2770. >"Come."
  2771. >You don't need to be told twice.
  2772. >He takes your leads and walks you out of solitary.
  2773. >You may have only been there for a few hours, but you're still glad to see the place go.
  2774. >Where he's leading you though? Well, you have no idea.
  2775. >It seems to be in the same direction as your original magical examination with Dr. Taylor?
  2776. >You hadn't been back in this direction since then, your understanding was it was the medical wing.
  2777. >Medical wing.
  2778. >Why would he be taking you to the medical wing?
  2779. >Suddenly you want to go back to solitary.
  2780. >A sharp tug on your lead snaps your attention back to the situation at hoof.
  2781. >The truth is, he's taking you there whether you like it or not.
  2782. >You continue following obediently, but there has to be something you can do.
  2783. "Sir please this is... this is all just a mistake. If I could just speak to Rarity and Master again I'm sure we could talk it out."
  2784. >The human says nothing and opens a nearby door.
  2785. >You get the message when he holds it open for you and scurry inside.
  2786. >What you see...
  2787. >What you see isn't quite what you were hoping for.
  2788. >Really you aren't sure what you were hoping for, but you know it's not this.
  2789. >Stockades.
  2790. >Not quite like the old wooden ones you picture in your head, but stockades nonetheless.
  2791. >You aren't ashamed to say you hesitate as he pulls your lead towards the padded metal restraint device.
  2792. "Please don't put me in there..."
  2793. >He simply pulls harder until your sliding across the floor.
  2794. >You should obey, you really should.
  2795. >Despite knowing this you dig your weight in and resist harder.
  2796. >As soon as he gets your restrained in that thing, well...
  2797. >Your imagination is running wild, and none of the possible endings go well for you!
  2798. "Please sir just talk to me!"
  2799. >Finally he's had enough, he rounds and grabbing your face with one hand!
  2800. >"We've done a lot of talking Twilight. We've been talking to you for two weeks and we THOUGHT you were making progress."
  2801. >Releasing your face the human grabs a hold of your collar and starts to drag you again!
  2802. >"But then what happens? You decide to have a screaming match with another slave right in front of your master. You ignore him completely and go off on a self righteous tangent about how YOU'VE been wronged. About how her taking care of your master while your gone is somehow a slight against you. Because it's all about you isn't it Twilight?"
  2803. >You desperately push backwards but your hooves just can't get the traction you need!
  2804. >"I'll let you tell me your side in a moment but first..."
  2805. >First he's going to push your neck down and lock it into the restraint!
  2806. >You continue struggling as he wranges your forehooves into their respective bindings as well.
  2807. >The entire setup is rather low, as a result you assume a sort of bowing stance.
  2808. >'Top down bottom up' as some uhh 'sites' you'd visited called it.
  2809. >What you were experiencing now is decidedly a lot less fun than those sites though.
  2810. >With the locks firmly in place you let yourself take a break from struggling.
  2811. >You know they're professionals here, no weak little unicorn is going to break something like this just by squirming around.
  2812. >Your introspection is shattered when a hand lands gently on your croup!
  2813. >You don't want him touching you there! Not like this!
  2814. >"I'm sorry Twilight. I thought we could do this the easy way, that's why we started you with the carrot. Dr. Taylor said you really enjoy your little blue treats, but It's clearly not enough. Not to worry though. Where the carrot fails there's always the stick."
  2815. >The stick!?
  2816. >The stick sounds painful! The stick sounds like a beating!
  2817. "No wait, please! I like to obey, please I do! This was just one tiny slip up! Forgive me please!"
  2818. >"Shhhh. I know you do Twilight. You respond well to positive reinforcement, but sometimes it's just not enough."
  2819. >That's it, he's going to fetch the crop and thrash you into next week!
  2820. >Why'd you make such a big scene!
  2821. >Why were you such a bitch to your friend!
  2822. >You brace for the kiss of the crop but it doesn't come.
  2823. >Is he just making you wait? Taunting you? Waiting til you least expect it?
  2824. >None of the above.
  2825. >Before you can understand what's happening something locks onto one hind leg then the other.
  2826. >Something that keeps them far far apart.
  2827. >A spreader bar.
  2828. >You'd heard about them, seen them in pictures.
  2829. >From your understanding they weren't for beatings.
  2830. >They were for...
  2831. >No!
  2832. >You squirm trying to turn your head and look behind you but it's no use!
  2833. >Why would he spread you!?
  2834. >Unless he's going to...!
  2835. >You praise the sun when he walks back around to your front and sits instead of touching you.
  2836. >"Before we get started, why? The orderly tells me you were seconds from jumping on that other mare. We've had fights here before Twilight and they're insurance nightmares. We have to take this stuff very seriously. Our customers don't pay us top dollar to let their slaves hurt each other in petty brawls."
  2837. "S-she umm she and Anon..."
  2838. >"Yes, I heard the recording. So, she's been sleeping with him while you're gone? That's it? Being protective of your master is fine, but when YOU start to feel a sense of ownership over HIM. Well, that's a problem."
  2839. >You owning him?
  2840. >It's not that you feel you 'own' him but... he IS yours.
  2841. >The Doctor wouldn't understand that though.
  2842. >He'd never understand a slave x human relationship that goes beyond simple master and servant.
  2843. >"If he wants to take other bed mares he can. If he wants to get a girlfriend or a wife and kick you out of his bed that's fine too."
  2844. >The idea of Anon leaving you for a human female puts a pit in your stomach you can't shake.
  2845. >It would be a lot easier for him to be with someone that doesn't need a literal leash to go out with him...
  2846. >"Because he's the master Twilight. It's great if you want to do a good job and keep him happy. I think you really do want that, and that's why you have a lot of potential to be great at your job. Most slaves are begrudging but your eager, and that's something money can't buy. You just can't let your ego get in the way, understand?"
  2847. >From a practical point of view he's right.
  2848. >That's exactly how a good bedmare would behave, doing whatever makes master the happiest even if that's without her.
  2849. >He doesn't know Anon though.
  2850. >Anon doesn't just want a supple body or a fat flank to rut.
  2851. >He wants you for your body, mind, and spirit.
  2852. >Does he want Rarity too?
  2853. >Maybe?
  2854. >It's something for you all to discuss like adults instead of foals.
  2855. >"This is normally the part where I'd discipline you the old fashion way."
  2856. >!!!
  2857. "No, sir please!"
  2858. >A hand clamps down on your muzzle and shuts you up fast.
  2859. >"But! I don't think that's going to work for you."
  2860. >Wat?
  2861. >"Based on the few slaps I gave you last time and your history of spankings from Anon you either have a very high pain tolerance or derive pleasure from being hit."
  2862. >Y-you do not!
  2863. >"Don't feel bad, you aren't the first mare to adapt to enjoy her discipline, in a way it means your smart."
  2864. >You sure don't feel smart.
  2865. >You feel mortified to be told you have a fetish for abuse.
  2866. >"But your problem isn't discipline Twilight. You're actually quite obedient and well trained most the time. No, your problem is pride, and what's the opposite of pride?"
  2867. >The opposite of pride?
  2868. >Humiliation?
  2869. >"Drink this."
  2870. >Ok wow, that doesn't sound like an awful idea right after he finished telling you about humiliation!
  2871. >When you turn your head away he sighs.
  2872. >"There are two ways to get this into your bloodstream, this end or that end."
  2873. >For 'that end' he gestures behind you.
  2874. >You'd heard of some desperate alcoholics pouring drinks down the other end to get drunk faster.
  2875. >Between the two choices opening your mouth was the preferable one by a long shot.
  2876. >It's bitter, but all in all it could be worse.
  2877. >If only you knew what it was going to do.
  2878. >"I'll be back in 10 minutes. Just try to relax and let it do it's job."
  2879. >Relax.
  2880. >Right.
  2882. >Oh Luna, why?
  2883. >True to his word Dr. Roger left you alone in the room to experience your fate.
  2884. >Ugh if only you weren't so tightly restrained!
  2885. >You wiggle your rump back and forth the few inches you can.
  2886. >The slight breeze across your nethers is the only sensation you can achieve from your current position, but even still it's nice.
  2887. >Nice because you're on fire...
  2888. >Because that monster fed you a heat potion.
  2889. >Wow, it's hot in here.
  2890. >One thing you can do is flick your tail so flick, and flick, and flick you do.
  2891. >Realistically there's probably drips and drops of your 'essence' all over the place back there with how much you've been snapping the thing around.
  2892. >You do have to give him credit though.
  2893. >If he wants to discipline you by humiliating you then this is the way to do it.
  2894. >Why such a smart person has to use his intelligence for something like this you'll never understand.
  2895. >Either way there's not much you can do now but try to cope.
  2896. >The raging inferno in your belly demands attention you know you can't give it and it's driving you crazy.
  2897. >He'll probably make you beg for it when he returns, you just hope your strong enough to resist the temptation for at least a few minutes.
  2898. >At last the door opens.
  2899. >Annoyingly your ass is towards the door so you can't see whos there, but you can make an educated guess.
  2900. >Any doubt is erased when he places something long and phallic right between your cheeks!
  2901. >Your bent over angle keeps it from falling off so it can tease you!
  2902. >"How are we feeling now Twilight?"
  2903. >You try to keep the breathiness out of your voice, but there's only so much a mare can do.
  2904. "I-I've learned, please..."
  2905. >"Please what?"
  2906. >Please pick up the dildo and put it where it belongs!
  2907. "Please let me go!"
  2908. >The human squats and looks you right in the eyes.
  2909. >Ugh, you know your panting like a bitch right now. Why does he have to look at you like that?
  2910. >You try to break eye contact but he grab you by the chin again.
  2911. >Oh Celestia, his thumb running across your cheek feels divine.
  2912. >Then again any physical contact feels amazing when your brain and body are on fire.
  2913. >You lean into it and purr loudly.
  2914. >"Are you sure that's what you want Twilight?"
  2915. >Shit!
  2916. >He reaches behind you and pulls the base of your mane!
  2917. >Damn him! It makes sense that he'd know that trick, but come on!
  2918. >The harder he pulls the harder your tail flags and the louder you moan.
  2919. >"Is there nothing else you want Twilight?"
  2920. >Don't say it! Don't say it! Don't say it!
  2921. "P-please put it in..."
  2922. >"What was that?"
  2923. >Don't say it!
  2924. "Please put it in!"
  2925. >"Please put what in where Twilight?"
  2926. >Fuck him!
  2928. >Fuck him! Fuck slavery! Fuck your body's weakness!
  2929. >Tears flow down your face as you give up your dignity.
  2930. "I'm just a slave but I need it please! It's my job, please fuck me, please let me go my job!"
  2931. >Anon forgive you.
  2932. >You lift your tail high and raise your rump invitingly as he steps behind you!
  2933. >Maybe he'll give you something warm to milk instead of cold rubber!
  2934. >Maybe you can please him and he'll be kinder to you!
  2935. >[spoiler]Maybe this is exactly what he wants[/spoiler]
  2936. >You gasp and moan as he cups your sloppy wet prize.
  2937. >Fingers, dildo, dick, something please!
  2938. >Instead he just gentle rubs without even a hint of penetration!
  2939. >Your body hits a fever pitch of pitiful moaning, winking, squirming, and humping at the air.
  2940. >Come on! Come on! Come on!
  2941. >"No."
  2942. >What!?
  2943. >"I'm glad you've learned your place but here's one more lesson."
  2944. >He removes his amazingly warm hand from your needy sex completely!
  2945. >"Bad ponies don't get pleasure."
  2946. >No no no!
  2947. "Sir, please!"
  2948. >"I think we made some important breakthroughs today Twilight."
  2949. >Fuck him!
  2950. >You're body's so desperate it's making you cry and he's lecturing you!
  2951. >"You're pretty tough when it comes to physical discipline, but you don't enjoy this do you?"
  2952. "NO!"
  2953. >"Octavia will be here to pick you up in a couple hours. Until then why don't you just think things over."
  2954. "NOOOO!"
  2956. >Hours!? Hours!?
  2957. >He said he was going to leave you here for hours!
  2958. >You'll pass out from exhaustion!
  2959. >You'll die from need!
  2960. >Oh sweet Celestia what do you do?
  2961. >Call for help?
  2962. >It's a stupid idea but your desperate!
  2963. >Every fiber of your being burn with the worse heat you've ever experienced!
  2964. >Whatever he gave you is far far worse than a natural heat, if it isn't quenched soon you fear you'll lose your mind!
  2965. >Maybe you can call him back.
  2966. >Beg, and plead, and promise to do anything he says.
  2967. >Self-respect be damned if it gets you some relief!
  2968. >Even if he does come back though he'll probably just taunt you more!
  2969. >He'd rubbed your pussy just to rile you up before leaving you alone and unable to attend to it.
  2970. >Two puddles form beneath your bound form: one of need from between your legs and one of shame and frustration from your eyes.
  2971. >It can't have been more than 10 minutes before the door opens again.
  2972. >Is he back?!
  2973. >And if so what for?!
  2974. >Any more teasing and you'll break!
  2975. >"That asshole."
  2976. >A feminine voice?!
  2977. >Before you can ask Octavia slips into your vision and begins unlocking you.
  2978. "Octavia!? B-but Dr. Roger said-"
  2979. >"Yes hours I know, so he could leave you to suffer an agony he could never understand."
  2980. >With a click the final binding opens.
  2981. >"An agony I can't leave a friend to. Let's go."
  2983. >Your head spins as Octavia drags you down the hall to parts unknown.
  2984. >Thankfully no one else is around to see your pathetic state, everyone must be at dinner.
  2985. >Hopefully you aren't leaving a trail of need behind you, but with your current status...
  2986. >You can burn with shame later.
  2987. >Right now your mind's a little... busy.
  2988. >Curiously, the mare you're leaning on doesn't seem to be going back to your room.
  2989. >You don't recognize the area, and are on the verge of asking when she turns towards a door.
  2990. >A plate by the door reacts to her hoof phone and unlocks a room labeled 'staff shower'.
  2991. >Ok, a shower sounds amazinggggg!
  2992. >The tiny bathroom consists of only a single shower, sink, and toilet.
  2993. >Clearly not meant to process huge numbers like the patient showers, it suits your current needs just fine.
  2994. >"We can ride things out in here. The staff showers are only used in the event of a mess so no one should bother us."
  2995. >You stumble forward and collapse onto the cool tile of the shower while Octavia locks the door.
  2996. >The cold ground feels great against your heated body.
  2997. >If you could just...
  2998. >You barely stop yourself from shoving a hoof between your legs and 'addressing' your problem.
  2999. >As much as you'd love to Octavia hasn't exactly left.
  3000. "O-octavia could you..."
  3001. >You can't see her, but you can hear her somewhere near the entrance.
  3002. >"It's unlikely, but if I leave anyone could come in and find a patient in staff facilities. All they'll have to do is check the logs to see who let you in then we'll both be in trouble."
  3003. >Oh, come one!
  3004. >Does she just expect you to not 'take care' of this?
  3005. >Your fore hooves have already drifted down to your lower body subconsciously.
  3006. >You gasp and whine when one gently touches your puffy portal!
  3007. >So sensitive!
  3008. "Octavia I really can't just..."
  3009. >The sound of running water fills your ears, the sink no doubt.
  3010. >"I can't reasonably expect you to just sit there, I know. Would you like me to turn the shower on as well? For more noise?"
  3011. "Please."
  3012. >She pokes her upper body around the wall of the shower and adjusts the knobs.
  3013. >She's deliberately avoids looking your way.
  3014. >All in all, very considerate since your hooves are currently buried in your sloppy sex.
  3015. >The cascade of pleasantly warm water falls right on top of you.
  3016. >"Hot enough?"
  3017. "Mhmm."
  3018. >She disappears back around the shower wall.
  3019. >You'll just pretend she's not there.
  3020. >Pretend you're at home having a nice private night of personal relaxation.
  3021. >Your legs twitch erratically as the edge of your hoof drives you closer and closer.
  3022. >Under normal circumstances a hoof wouldn't be enough to 'get the job done', but right now it'll more than do.
  3023. >You just wish you were quieter.
  3024. >You just wish you didn't say Anon's name when you finished.
  3025. >To your eternal shame once isn't even though.
  3026. >As soon as your senses return your back to self servicing your still hot body.
  3027. >Some heats are hard to quench, but this is an entirely different level.
  3028. >Just what in tartarus did he give you?
  3029. >The second climax is even more explosive than the first.
  3030. >You just hope no one outside heard... that.
  3031. >At least the fire is sated for the moment.
  3032. >You pull your legs up into your body and curl into a sad small ball.
  3033. >There's no avoiding the shame now.
  3034. >Laying here in the middle of a correctional facility going to town on your foal hole like a total slut.
  3035. >The crying tells your liaison the fun part is over and the self loathing's begun.
  3036. >"Hey hey hey, it's alright."
  3037. >It most certainly is not.
  3038. >The other mare doesn't hesitate to step into the water herself and gently rub your shoulder.
  3039. >"Shhh it's over now, you're safe. He isn't here. He's not going to touch you or do anything else. It's just me and you."
  3040. >Safe or not what he did to you isn't just going to go away!
  3041. >Despite having just orgasmed hard and TWICE you already feel a twitchy heat seeping back into your nethers!
  3042. >This is inhumane!
  3043. "W-what did he do to me?!"
  3044. >"He used to be in pharmaceuticals, it's a concoction of his own design. The dose he gave you is relatively small so it should run out within the hour, but it's hell."
  3045. >You buck your hips at an imagined male behind you then shake your head of the fantasy.
  3046. "Please there has to be something!"
  3047. >She gives you a sad look and pulls your head and neck into an awkward hug.
  3048. >"I'm sorry. Satisfaction only lasts a little while no matter what. The best thing I've found is to simply keep at it."
  3049. >The implication that she's been in the same state goes right over your head.
  3050. >It's hard to focus on anything that doesn't revolve around your squirming flanks or fat imaginary cocks at the moment.
  3051. >Where your tail was tightly tucked in shame a few minutes ago, it's already resumed it's fully raised status.
  3052. "Please, I don't want to! Not again!"
  3053. >Your mouth says one thing but your actions say another.
  3054. >Ugh, your lips are already getting tender from so much work but you can't help it!
  3055. >Hooves suck at this! How do earth pony's survive?
  3056. >If only you had your magic!
  3057. >Octavia slips back out of the shower when your hoof moves lower and lower, thank the sun.
  3058. >Your efforts take a bit longer to come to fruition this time, but you get the job done.
  3059. >And so the cycle circles back to shame again.
  3060. >You're still panting like a bitch in heat (silly human phrases) when she returns to your side.
  3061. >"It should be wearing off soon I promise. Are you thirsty? I expect you've lost a lot of fluids."
  3062. >Considering how much liquid's been pouring out your backside...
  3063. >You turn your head to drink some of the water showering down upon you.
  3064. >Oh, that nice.
  3065. >In your lust driven haze you hadn't realized just how thirsty you really were.
  3066. >"Perhaps your through the worst of it, three is quite a lot. How do you feel?"
  3067. >For a normal mare three orgasms would have probably knocked them out.
  3068. >For a mare that's been with Anon for months dealing with his crazy human stamina...
  3069. "Tired."
  3070. >Tired yet still a fire burns under your tail.
  3071. >"To be expected. Here, drink a little more."
  3072. >The gray mare lifts your head to help you drink.
  3073. >You know she means well, but even just the slightest physical contact effects you.
  3074. >Briefly your mind wanders to lewder thoughts.
  3075. >Her hooves are so soft and she's so sympathetic...
  3076. >You wonder if she'd...
  3077. >A tongue would be much easier on your sore bits than another hoof...
  3078. >No!
  3079. >You will not put her in an even MORE awkward situation! Not when she's going so out of her way to help you.
  3080. >Then again a good lick could help even more...
  3081. >Focus Twilight focus!
  3082. >You've just got to think of something productive.
  3083. >Come on filly, what did she say earlier about this disgusting drug?
  3084. "Y-you said he came up with this potion himself?"
  3085. >Stupid voice! Quit sounding so breathy!
  3086. >"He discovered the effect on accident via the interaction of a few other drugs. He's since been refining the formula for over two years now. It gets more powerful every time."
  3087. >The way she shuddered tells you all you need to know.
  3088. >Who better to test your crazy drugs on then your own slave?
  3089. "He does this to you?!"
  3090. >She snuggles up closer to you in a bid for comfort.
  3091. >It's nice but maybe not the kind of comfort you should be getting right now.
  3092. >Don't think about how soft she is! Focus!
  3093. >"Only when he's upset with me now, or when he has a new batch that passed animal testing with his stupid rats."
  3094. "That's terrible! H-he can't even do that! There's no way this stuff is FDA approved!"
  3095. >"Approved?"
  3096. "Yes! You can't just give pump ponies full of random chemicals to see what happens! Animal testing laws don't cover stuff like rats but bigger creatures get a lot more protection, especially ponies! You said he's a chemist by trade or at least used to be?"
  3097. >"Something like that before he purchased me. My understanding is he started working with ponies almost as soon as the first ones were dragged through the portals. "
  3098. "Do you know why he changed careers? Pharmaceuticals to behavioral therapist is a bit of a leap."
  3099. >"No I don't. We don't have the most... open relationship."
  3100. >Can't say that's surprising.
  3101. >"All I know is he planned to develop the drug for breeding farms but so far that plan's failed. It induces an extremely aroused state but not actual ovulation."
  3102. "So now he just uses it for torture? He literally can't do that. The law allows ponies to be disciplined but protects us from cruel and unusual means."
  3103. >Your temporary snuggle buddy reaches over and turns the heat up a bit.
  3104. >The hot water is most welcome as the unnatural heat slowly leaves your body.
  3105. >"I admit I was never well versed on the laws. He monitors my activities so looking up pony rights was always an unnecessary risk. Is there anything we can do?"
  3106. "First of all I can tell Anon. If nothing else he'll be pissed off enough to bite Dr. Roger's head off."
  3107. >The other mare gives you an odd look.
  3108. >"He'd be angry? He did send you here, even if it was under false pretences. He had to have known you'd be in danger."
  3109. "To be fair he really didn't want to let me go in the first place. He knows I can take a bit of smacking around-"
  3110. >Octavia grimaces.
  3111. >"Does he hit you that much?"
  3112. "What!? No! Well, I mean he used to in the past sometimes... I-it's more of a umm fun thing now..."
  3113. >And now she's giving you an even weirder look!
  3114. "Look that's not important right now! The point is he's very protective of me because he loves me!"
  3115. >She repeats the word quietly to herself 'love'.
  3116. >"And he also loves his other mare? Rarity was it?"
  3117. "No!"
  3118. >"But the visitation..."
  3119. "That... that was a mistake... I think. I'm not sure what happened, but I really regret the way I acted."
  3120. >"So you're supposed to be exclusive? A couple? You were mad because he cheated on you?"
  3121. >'Cheating' is more of a human term really.
  3122. >The ponies that did form exclusive bonds would be very upset to find one member of the paring had broken that bond, sure.
  3123. >For ponies more interested in herding it's different though.
  3124. >Everypony within the herd is open with each other about needs so no on really considers 'cheating' even possible.
  3125. >The closest one could come to 'cheating' would be a mare from outside the herd trying to seduce your herd's lovable but often easily manipulated stallion.
  3126. >That's easily solved though, you just beat the snot out of the mare.
  3127. >Anon's a human though and humans are generally monogamous.
  3128. >You knew that and he knew that ponies herded, but the two of you had never actually sat down and discussed which you'd prefer.
  3129. "I... I don't know. I can't believe he'd willingly hurt me, but I'm still pretty mad about it. I'm trying not to jump to conclusions but how else could THAT happen!?"
  3130. >Making assumptions was one thing the princess always warned you against.
  3131. >And then you'd gone and done just that.
  3132. >And now your getting upset because your doing it all over again.
  3133. >How else do you suck a dick though Rarity!
  3134. >Ugh, just breath filly!
  3135. "Look, that's an issue for me to address later. Right now we can get Dr. Roger in real trouble for unauthorized medical testing on unwilling test subjects. Even if they don't slap him with a huge fine we can get him to quit dosing you with it."
  3136. >Octavia sniffles and rubs her eyes.
  3137. >"You have no idea what that means to me."
  3138. >Oh dear.
  3139. >Here comes the breakdown.
  3140. >"Can you imagine the constant terror his home is!? I never know when he'll send me into another drug fueled craze! If I'm in trouble he ties me up for hours until I break down into tears! If not he'll just wait until I beg for it then ravage me until it's over!"
  3141. >Well that would explain why she so strongly disapproved of you and Anon.
  3142. >"I-I'm thankful at the time, but then I hate myself later!"
  3143. >You wrap both forelegs around the mare and pull her into a tight hug.
  3144. "I know... I-I begged him too. Even though I already have someone I begged him to *gulp* take me just for the relief."
  3145. >How close had he been?
  3146. >You'd been tails up and winking right at him.
  3147. >Simply knowing he'd seen you like that...
  3148. >Hell he'd even touched you!
  3149. >You'd been trying not to think about it but now the memories are all rushing back.
  3150. >Bound.
  3151. >Burning.
  3152. >His hand on your...
  3153. >And you'd wanted it there.
  3154. >You'd wanted even more!
  3155. >His fingers... his...
  3156. >Both Octavia's tears and your own are washed down the drain.
  3157. >One thing's for sure though: he did this to break you.
  3158. >You shiver at the memory of his hand on your quivering prize.
  3159. >He did this to break you but he won't.
  3160. >You'll break him.
  3162. >After taking time to compose yourselves, the two of you escape back to your room without incident.
  3163. >You could still make it to dinner but with how rough you must look...
  3164. >Thankfully Octavia volunteers to simply fetch a plate for the both of you.
  3165. >Food you gladly devour.
  3166. >"I saw Sweetie Belle's liaison on my way. She'll be off probation tomorrow, it should be a simple enough matter to find her in the cafeteria or yard and having a word with her."
  3167. "Perfect! All I have to do is let her know and have Anon come pick me up!"
  3168. >"Just like that? How will he know?"
  3169. "Well, I was going to wait til he next visited, but now that I think about it maybe you could just give him a message? He's just across the street."
  3170. >She thinks for a moment before responding.
  3171. >"If I stop by on an errand run it shouldn't be a problem."
  3172. "Great! And umm..."
  3173. >You're still pretty mad about the whole Rarity x Anon thing, but you're trying to keep your head about it.
  3174. "Could you tell them I'm sorry. You know for, earlier? I still want a damn good explanation, but I shouldn't have reacted that way."
  3175. >Rarity's crying face flashes across your mind's eye again.
  3176. >Ugh.
  3177. >"I don't see why not. What's your plan exactly regarding Dr. Roger though. Do you have a plan for that part, right?"
  3178. >Psh, do you have a plan.
  3179. >Wait.
  3180. >Do you?
  3181. "Well..."
  3182. >The look she gives you doesn't inspire confidence.
  3183. "Hey, just give me a second! Ok, tell me this, does the rest of the staff know about his stupid little potion?"
  3184. >"Not that I'm aware of, no. You're the first patient I know he's used it on."
  3185. >Wtf not fair!?
  3186. "Why me!?"
  3187. >"What? How should I know? I told you we barely talk. The only thing he's said about you is how strong willed you are."
  3188. >Oh she's tough, better fuck her up real good then.
  3189. >Wait, that makes sense.
  3190. "Whatever, so no one else knows. I doubt they'd approve if they did."
  3191. >The other mare sticks more food into her mouth and cocks her head to the side.
  3192. >"Perhaps not. What do you have in mind?"
  3193. "Well..."
  3195. >"Ohhh, my poor baby!"
  3196. >Dr. Taylor is the obvious choice for a sympathetic human.
  3197. >She may lack respect for your personal space, and you as a thinking individual in general, but she's still taking quite a liking to you.
  3198. >At present your seated in her lap being... pet.
  3199. >It could be worse.
  3200. >You're technically supposed to be practicing more stupid tricks right now, so this is way better.
  3201. "Ok ok, I get it! Quit, your smothering!"
  3202. >As soon as you walked in her door she'd scooped you up.
  3203. >Clearly she heard about our little spat in the visitation room.
  3204. >The way she's looking you over for damage confirms your suspicions though.
  3205. >Dr. Roger didn't share his methods with her.
  3206. >"You certainly look alright. I'm surprised he'd leave you in solitary since your his new favorite."
  3207. >Wat?
  3208. "Favorite? MMM!"
  3209. >Talking is hard when she keeps hugging you so tightly!
  3210. >"Of course! He keeps talking about how your eager you are for your master! You can train submission but not true eagerness, at least not if you want the genuine thing. You must really be sweet on your masterrrr!"
  3211. >Buck that singsong voice.
  3212. >And she got to tickle you under the chin! Ahh!
  3213. >You swing a hoof to fend off the offending hand.
  3214. "We get along..."
  3215. >Grumpy Twilight doesn't need to be patronized like this!
  3216. >"Sure seems that way. Maybe someone has a little crush on master? Hmm?"
  3217. >That's it!
  3218. >You bite at her hand but she pulls it away just in time.
  3219. >Why are all humans so quick to dodge that?
  3220. >"Someone's playful today!"
  3221. "'m not playful..."
  3222. >She just laughs and goes back to petting instead of tickling.
  3223. >"Like I was saying though, he likes you a lot. Thinks your the perfect 'specimen'."
  3224. >The term specimen sends a shiver down your spine.
  3225. >Ponies aren't 'specimens' they're intelligent beings!
  3226. >"I thought he'd at least have a word with you for your little slip up yesterday."
  3227. "He did, quite a few."
  3228. >"Oh?"
  3229. >Whatever, it's not like he told you NOT to tell.
  3230. "He gave me some speech about selfishness and gave me this awful drug."
  3231. >"Drug? A little something to calm you down?"
  3232. >Ha.
  3233. "Hardly it made me go crazy! Some kind of heat potion?! It was unbelievably cruel!"
  3234. >"Heat potion? Must be something new, I'll ask him about it. You seem ok though right?"
  3235. >Oh yeah cool just emotionally scared is all!
  3236. >It's not like he... touched you...
  3237. "I-I don't know..."
  3238. >"Hey hey hey, it's ok."
  3239. >Even if she only cares for you as a cute product at least she's gentle.
  3240. >She pulls you closer as you start to shiver and curl up into yourself.
  3241. >"I'll talk to him ok? You'll be fine."
  3242. >You spend a few quiet minutes trying to forget.
  3243. "Dr. Taylor?"
  3244. >"Hmm?"
  3245. "Thanks."
  3246. >Oh, a sugarcube!
  3248. >A few hours later your sitting on another table.
  3249. >This time in much less welcomed company.
  3250. >After lunch Octavia had found you to inform you that Dr. Roger wanted to see you.
  3251. >Needless to say neither of you were too excited at the prospect, but what could you do?
  3252. >She'd promised to wait right outside the door for you.
  3253. >More for emotional support than anything else you suppose.
  3254. >You'd entered the room to find him in his usual seat.
  3255. >This time though he didn't say anything, nothing at all.
  3256. >Great.
  3257. >Either this is some kind of test or he's super pissed you tattled on him.
  3258. >In the event it's the former you climbed the metal table and waited patiently on your haunches.
  3259. >And waited.
  3260. >Nervousness starting to set in!
  3261. >Finally he speaks.
  3262. >"Twilight."
  3263. "Dr. Roger."
  3264. >"You know what? Why don't you come sit over here?"
  3265. >Oh, the lounge couch?
  3266. >Interesting yet suspicious.
  3267. >Still, you don't need to be told twice.
  3268. >You hop off the cold metal table and seat yourself on the soft couch.
  3269. >No way your going to sprawl out on it, too vulnerable, but you will sit on your haunches with your forehooves in front.
  3270. >"I just had a very interesting conversation with Dr. Taylor. I assume you know what I'm referring to?"
  3271. "Yes sir, I wasn't told not to talk about my... experiences."
  3272. >He waves a finger in your direction and nods slightly.
  3273. >"You're correct you were not told that."
  3274. >He doesn't seem mad.
  3275. >Either that or he's just really good at hiding his rage.
  3276. >"Do you know why I chose to do what I did Twilight?"
  3277. "No sir."
  3278. >Fuck it, might as well poke the bear.
  3279. "It seemed unnecessarily cruel."
  3280. >"Cruel? Interesting. You see when a pony is in trouble around here we have a few choices. Option 1, and the usual one is some time with the crop."
  3281. >Despite your resolve to stay strong the mention of the implement makes you ears sag.
  3282. >"You see the crop stings horribly but only does damage to a small area. It can be used to great effect, especially on a ponies' fleshy flanks, without severely injury."
  3283. >That's... true.
  3284. >It burns like hell but honestly the brush is worse in terms of long term damage.
  3285. >"But it's not for you."
  3286. >That's, not what you expected.
  3287. >A welcome thing to hear but still unexpected.
  3288. "I... umm that's good to hear, but may I ask why? What makes me special?"
  3289. >"What makes you special is not every pony walks into the clinic with an backside that looks like someone beat the skin off it."
  3290. >Oh.
  3291. >That makes some degree of sense actually.
  3292. >"Not only did you walk in here severely punished already. you still had the capacity to smart off even with the sorest seat I'd ever seen."
  3293. >This is now officially embarrassing.
  3294. >"The law let's me discipline a pony 'within reason'. The amount of discipline required to get through to you-"
  3295. >He pokes you right in the nose!
  3296. >"Is outside my purview. We try not to return things more broken than how we received them, and like I told you earlier. Either your pain tolerance is immense or you've adapted to not mind any swift contact to the rear."
  3297. >And now you sound like a pain slut.
  3298. >Which you aren't for the record!
  3299. >"So what's my second option for dealing with an unruly pony? Solitary, solitary or the cage to be specific. Both choices take a very long time by comparison and since your master put us on a rather strict timetable..."
  3300. >Wait he did?
  3301. >He wants you back soon?
  3302. >You told him you'd be able to talk to sweetie in a few days, maybe he'd just set the date just a few days after that.
  3303. >Some small voice tell you that he must miss you.
  3304. >Some other voice tells you that he's got Rarity now instead.
  3305. >Both voices better shut their dirty pie holes now!
  3306. >"I simply couldn't let you go undisciplined for your actions so what did I do?"
  3307. >Molest you?
  3308. >"I tried to break your pride."
  3309. >Fucker.
  3310. >You stare him straight in the face.
  3311. >Sure you're trembling deep down, but you won't let this tool see it.
  3312. "What you did was cruel and inappropriate."
  3313. >Voice level, eyes steady, ears forward, stomach doing backflips.
  3314. >"Inappropriate? You ARE aware of your job right?"
  3315. >Yeah yeah bed horse.
  3316. >"Normally a pony in your position would have already gone through much worse than that here. The only reason you didn't is because your master didn't send you here specifically for bed training, and you assured me that it was a matter you were confident on. Something I believe."
  3317. >Worse?
  3318. >No, don't think about it. You don't need to know.
  3319. "I-it was still cruel! You have no idea what that's like for a mare! It was absolutely hell."
  3320. >"Well discipline usually-"
  3321. "No!"
  3322. >You know pushing the point is a big risk but you've got the upper hoof here.
  3323. "Not only are there laws protecting ponies from cruel and unusual punishment, but that wasn't even an approved substance was it? No label on the bottle, and Dr. Taylor had never heard of it? Where'd you get it?"
  3324. >Honestly you almost wish he'd just get mad already.
  3325. >At least then you'd know where you stand.
  3326. >Instead he just studies you quietly.
  3327. >"That's not something you need to worry about."
  3328. "I'm sure it's something the FDA would worry about."
  3329. >Danger zone!
  3330. >What if he decides he has to kill you to keep the secret!?
  3331. >What if Anon never finds the body!?
  3332. >What if you make a break for the door right now!?
  3333. >Instead of trying to strangle you with his bare hands he just sighs.
  3334. >"You know, maybe I didn't give you enough credit Twilight. You're even more clever than I thought."
  3335. >Push the advantage!
  3336. "Agree to never use that stuff on a pony ever again."
  3337. >"Or what? You'll call the police? A pony's word against mine?"
  3338. >Shit!
  3339. "A-an anonymous tip could lead to an investigation... Besides you must have cameras. Even if the video vanishes it'll look suspicious and mar Gentlehoof's spotless reputation."
  3340. >"Not in the husbandry wing no."
  3341. >Husbandry? Ew!
  3342. >Is that what those stocks were for!?
  3343. >"And besides do you really want to stop my research?"
  3344. >Uhh yes?
  3345. >"I'm sure you're aware breeding farms exist. No matter your opinion of them I'm sure we can both agree that the lives of the ponies there must be very hard. Wouldn't it be nice to make things a bit easier on the mare? Things would be a lot less painful and traumatic if she's more receptive. Plus there's of course the economic advantage of not having to wait until spring to start the process, but that's more a business benefit than humanitarian."
  3346. >Oh look at me I'm Dr. Roger and I'm an asshole for all the right reasons!
  3347. >Humanitarian your purple ass.
  3348. >At least he admitted it was his research.
  3349. >If he hadn't you'd have to tiptoe awkwardly around the issue to avoid selling out Octavia as a rat.
  3350. "Taking away a pony's choice isn't going to make it less traumatic!"
  3351. >"No? The mare's going to be impregnated either way. I don't think helping her be more prepared, more eager, is an awful thing."
  3352. "Violating somepony's body is bad enough, but your shitty potion also violates their will!"
  3353. >"That's a fair point, but have to understand most breeders aren't going to have much respect for a pony's will though. If they did they probably wouldn't be in the business."
  3354. "I don't really think that's an excuse. It's also beside the point. Your testing potentially dangerous drugs on unwilling test subjects, and I doubt I'm your first victim."
  3355. >He shuffles his paper and wait...
  3356. >Is that the ghost of a smile?
  3357. >"Even if that is true you still can't prove it. How about this, I promise to stick to traditional methods for your training. Agreed?"
  3358. >'Traditional methods' likely involves a crop to your vulnerable hide, but you ignore that and press onward.
  3359. "I want you to stop using it on anypony."
  3360. >"It's very noble of you to look out for your fellow ponies, but the truth is you just don't have proof. It's a medical professional's word against a slave's. Who do you think they'll believe Twilight?"
  3361. >He's right about that...
  3362. >Buck buck buck!
  3363. >"Well? Who do you think?"
  3364. >Oh rub it in why don't you.
  3365. "You..."
  3366. >"What was that?"
  3367. "They'll believe you... But please it's just not humane. Even ignoring your motivations, using that as punishment is sick."
  3368. >"What if I at least promise to think on it?"
  3369. >You know that probably won't amount to shit, but what else can you do?
  3370. "Fine. Thank you... sir."
  3371. >"There's a good girl. I'm glad we had this chat, why don't you run off to dinner?"
  3372. >An opportunity to leave suits you just fine.
  3373. >Octavia falls in behind you as you leave the office.
  3374. >"I suppose that could have gone worse."
  3375. >Of course she'd be listening.
  3376. "Could have gone better too."
  3377. >She's right though, he could have blown up on you.
  3378. "But yeah."
  3379. >You aren't covered in bruises, burned around the neck, or panting in a punishing heat.
  3380. >Still it's hard to be satisfied with a amounted to a stalemate.
  3381. >You're only card left is Anon.
  3382. >He'd believe you, and probably be just a pissed, but even he can't make evidence appear out of thin air.
  3383. >Seeing him stand up for you would be a nice consolation prize at least, even if nothing comes of it.
  3384. >But it still doesn't do what you want.
  3385. >It still doesn't save Octavia from the possibility of more cruel treatment.
  3386. >Ugh!
  3388. >There has to be something else you can do about roger's reign of terror, you just need to calm down and think about it.
  3389. >Evidence...
  3390. >To be honest, you'd expected him to simply deny any wrongdoing instead of pointing out that you couldn't prove it.
  3391. >That fact alone isn't an admission of guilt, but in your mind it's damn close.
  3392. >How can you prove it though?
  3393. >It's not like you could have just run down the store, and pick up a recording device for your last little chat.
  3394. >There might be some type of medical evidence, but frankly there's too many factors at play for you to know that right now.
  3395. >Was his concoction purely chemical?
  3396. >In your estimation it came on and vanished too quickly to be a normal hormonal change.
  3397. >Heat inducing magic exists, but where would he get access to the pure mana to make something like that, much less the knowledge?
  3398. >There were plenty of unicorns working at Gentlehoof, but you can't see him sharing his little pet project with any.
  3399. >Maybe if his personal slave was a unicorns, but Octavia's an earth pony.
  3400. >If you had your horn you could scan for magical interference, but this damn horn sleeve says otherwise.
  3401. >You need time to think and time is exactly the thing that's going to make any evidence inside you slowly disappear.
  3402. >The only thing you can think of it to finish your mission as soon as possible, get out, and have anon take you to Dr. Angie.
  3403. >As invasive as the vet tends to be, she'd at least be able to run some bloodwork on you.
  3404. >Plus, as soon as you get out you'd get this damn horn sleeve off, and you can do some diagnostics yourself.
  3405. >You'll just find sweetie, pass on the message, and have anon pick you up tomorrow!
  3406. >Easy!
  3408. >Super easy.
  3409. >Except you don't see Sweetie at breakfast or lunch the next day.
  3410. >She's got to eat sometime so where is she?
  3411. >Even roaming the halls searching for her fails to turn up the filly.
  3412. >Great.
  3413. >And now you have to report to Dr. Taylor for an hour of being treated like a doll.
  3414. >You don't dislike the woman, but she just doesn't seem to get it.
  3415. >As evidenced 15 minutes later when you find yourself upside down on her lap having your belly scratched.
  3416. >"So did you and Dr. Roger have a good chat?"
  3417. >The way her claw like nails dig into your vulnerable underbelly makes concentration extremely difficult.
  3418. "It was, ohhh, it was okKKK!"
  3419. >You can't carry out a real conversation like this!
  3420. "D-Dr. can we pleaseEEE talk!?"
  3421. >"I thought we were talking?"
  3422. "No, no I mean can you please put me down and w-weeee just talk!?"
  3423. >The woman frowns down at you but releases you as requested.
  3424. >"Aww, I thought you liked spending time with me..."
  3425. >Aww, she sounds so hurt!
  3426. >You take the moment to slip out of her grasp and roll onto your hooves.
  3427. "I do."
  3428. >You actually do, as far as humans go she's rather sweet she just...
  3429. >She doesn't seem to grasp that you have feelings, hopes, and dreams just as real as hers.
  3430. >Dr. Roger at least understands that even if he chooses to deliberately ignore them.
  3431. >Dr. Taylor though?
  3432. >It's almost like she's just ignorant.
  3433. >The one good thing about ignorance though, is that it can be fixed.
  3434. "I do like talking to you. You're very nice you just... can I ask you something?"
  3435. >She looks a little sad as she leans back in her seat and crosses her arms.
  3436. >"Yeah, what's on your mind?"
  3437. "I... what's the best way to phrase this... What do you think of ponies? Like in general? I mean you work here where we're turned out like products, but you don't act like that with me. Not completely at least."
  3438. >The human scratches her chin and looks up to the ceiling thoughtfully.
  3439. >"Well, I think most are a bit... unruly? You're all so cute, but without someone to keep an eye on you there tends to be trouble."
  3440. "So you don't think we can be trusted?"
  3441. >"Maybe some can? When ponies first started to arrive I was just a normal vet. You guys are super adorable, but you were all a bit out of my budget at the time, so the only ponies I ever met were ones my customers brought in. A few we're just there for checkups, but more often than not I'd hear some tale of a pony being at least a little naughty."
  3442. >She leans down to emphasize the word naughty with a poke on the muzzle.
  3443. >Yeah yeah, you're supposedly here for naughty behavior yourself. You get it.
  3444. >"So I started giving advice: a spray bottle here, a slap to the rump there. I'd trained a few dogs in my days, and ponies are even easier since they can actually understand you and respond. Before too long I ended up here doing retraining. It's easier than initial training since usually the pony just needs a reminder, and I get to work with little cuties like you still."
  3445. >You slap away the hand pinching your cheek, ow!
  3446. "But don't you... I don't know, feel bad turning running all over ponies feelings and turning them into obedient little wind up toys? You seem like such a nice lady to be a part of all this."
  3447. >"And you're like such a sweet pony to be here yourself. Most ponies that come through here aren't like you Twilight. they kick, and scream, and yell, and fight every step of the way. No one can live with that. If we don't do something for them they'll end up at some awful work camp for some major corporation. I'd feel bad about hurting a pony like you sure, but those ponies who only want to be trouble? I think that getting them to behave is what's best for them in the long run."
  3448. >There's like a dozen things wrong with that logic.
  3449. "But they probably act like that because they've been abused! I'm lucky to have avoided the rapes and savage beatings a lot of ponies get. My master's reasonable so I can be reasonable. Is it really a mare's fault if she gets tired of getting constantly raped?"
  3450. >"Well no, but at the same time it's not her owners fault if he wants to get rid of her if she's unmanageable?"
  3451. >You can at least kinda understand where that's coming from.
  3452. >If it's their fault the pony's unmanageable they should take responsibility, but you know that's asking a lot of some humans.
  3453. >Side note: a lot of humans suck.
  3454. >Then again maybe your coming at this from the wrong angle.
  3455. >She's not going to suddenly quit her job because you told her it's mean.
  3456. >Heck you might not even want her to quit her job.
  3457. >If she does someone else will inevitably fill her slot and they could easily be worse.
  3458. >Even if she doesn't respect ponies personal space she's at least gentle.
  3459. >That's what you need focus on.
  3460. >Getting her to respect ponies even if she's still going to train them.
  3461. "Alright I get your point, but do you have to be so..."
  3462. >Literally as your talking she leans forward to scratch you behind the ears.
  3463. "I feel like you don't respect me."
  3464. >The owlish blink and raised eyebrow speak volumes.
  3465. >"Don't respect you?"
  3466. >She doesn't say it in a derisive or offensive way.
  3467. >No, it's almost like the idea's simply never occurred to her.
  3468. >You shake your head and scoot back out of arm's reach.
  3469. "Respect. Again, you're very nice, but I feel like I'm just a toy to you instead of a thinking feeling being."
  3470. >You hope the slight frown at least means she's thinking.
  3471. "I get, it I really do. We're slaves, so our opinions are second rate, but I think a lot of ponies would respond a lot better to just a little bit of respect. Maybe something as simple as asking if you can touch before you do it? Even if 'yes' is the only correct answer it feels nice to at least be asked, to be considered worthy of asking."
  3472. >"Hmm. I can't really make any promises, but I think I get what you mean. Something like that is really a case by case thing, but I'm always willing to try something new."
  3473. >She extends a hand in your direction.
  3474. >"May I scratch your ears?"
  3475. >You trot forward a step and slip your head under her awaiting fingers.
  3476. >"Good girl."
  3477. >It's not much, but it's something.
  3478. >"May I pick you up?"
  3479. >You trot another step closer and nod your consent.
  3480. >"Aww so good!"
  3481. >She's still babying you a little by holding you belly up but meh.
  3482. >"May I tickle your stomach?"
  3483. "What? Tickle? no! no nooo ahahahaha!"
  3484. >Why do they always tickle!?
  3486. >Thankfully you didn't have to run aorund the room evading the tickle monster for long.
  3487. >She seemed to take your suggestions in stride though.
  3488. >You suspect she'll at least try it.
  3489. >Is she a friend to ponykind now?
  3490. >Eh, probably not, but she's better than a lot of alternatives.
  3491. >With your appointments done you wander to the yard for some much needed exercise.
  3492. >And by exercise you mean light trotting.
  3493. >If you exercised properly you probably wouldn't have such a plushy behind.
  3494. >Not that Anon thinks that's a bad thing mind you.
  3495. >Still a little trotting actually does feel nice.
  3496. >You sweep your head around for any signs of a Belle sister and holy crap there she is!
  3497. >You CALMLY canter up behind her and smush her in a crushing hug.
  3498. >It... doesn't go as planned.
  3499. >As soon as you wrap your forelegs around her your world flips upside down!
  3500. >Before you know it you're on the ground looking up at an angry Sweetie ready to stomp your face in!
  3501. "Wait wait it's me! It's Twilight!"
  3502. >The mare takes a few moment to process but she removes the hoof pinning you to the ground.
  3503. >"Don't sneak up on me like that! What are you doing here? What do you want?"
  3504. >Wow, not the response you'd expected.
  3505. >You look around quickly to verify no one else will hear you.
  3506. "Don't tell anyone else, but I'm here for you."
  3507. >She takes a step back and looks at you a little suspiciously.
  3508. >"For me? Why would you be looking for me?"
  3509. "What? Why wouldn't I be?"
  3510. >And why are you so defensive?
  3511. "Your sister's been looking for you for a long time. When she finally found you we tried to buy you immediately, but they won't let us while you're still in training."
  3512. >"So it's true what they say about her, huh? That she's one of them now? First Rainbow Dash and now my own sister!?"
  3513. >Woooooah!
  3514. "Woah woah woah! One of them? You're probably talking about back when she was... well when she was free."
  3515. >That sounds a lot worse than it is!
  3516. "Things have umm changed. Both me and her are both owned by the same master, but he's a great guy. He's agreed to buy you, we just need to get you out of here."
  3517. >Clearly she's had some less than stellar experiences with humans so far.
  3518. "What was that about dash though?"
  3519. >"Agreed to buy me to do what? Not like I get a choice but if he's another perv-"
  3520. "Nothing! Just for us! Just to keep you safe."
  3521. >Suspicion.sweetiebelle
  3522. >"Why would he do that? He an abolitionist?"
  3523. >Are there human abolitionists?
  3524. >It stands to reason there must be some, but you doubt many.
  3525. >Either way Anon really... isn't.
  3526. >He bought you for housework and that's still what you do.
  3527. >He'd looked into it that one time, but when you get down to it you aren't sure if he would or wouldn't free you given the opportunity.
  3528. >Then again would you really want to leave?
  3529. >Thoughts for another time.
  3530. "Well no, he's not. He's just very kind person. You just have to trust me, ok? Suck up to the humans here for a week or two and you can come home with us. It's a lot better than this place I promise."
  3531. >"Like I have much of a choice. I've got a bad history with trusting Rarity's friends though."
  3532. >Filly do you want to stay here!?
  3533. "What do you mean? What happened? You've seen dash?"
  3534. >That's a dark laugh.
  3535. >"Seen? Yeah you could say that, she-"
  3536. >"Belle let's go!"
  3537. >Some random mare (her handler?) canters towards the two of you.
  3538. >"If you're late again they'll whip you. Let's go! Get a move on!"
  3539. >Crap you're not done talking!
  3540. >You match the pair's canter back towards the main building.
  3541. "So you'll do it right? I'll be gone soon, so I'm not sure if I'll see you again!"
  3542. >"Ugh, fine. Like I said, I don't have much choice."
  3543. "Great! I umm, I look forward to seeing you... seeing you more, you know? Can I uhh..."
  3544. >She's so different.
  3545. >She's trying to act tough, but to go from the sweet filly you knew to this must have been traumatic.
  3546. "Before you go can I... have a hug?"
  3547. >She stops for a moment to give you an incredulous look.
  3548. "What!? You used to hug me all the time! Don't you remember Twilight time...?"
  3549. >For a moment she's caught between being an eager filly and a damaged mare.
  3550. >You can see a moment's conflict flash across her face before she throws caution to the wind and leans in for a close nuzzle.
  3551. >Awwww, that's the sweet filly you remember.
  3552. >You wrap hooves around her neck and whisper into her ear.
  3553. "We'll be there for you I promise. You're sister misses you sooo much."
  3554. >She's in a hurry so you break the hug and gently touch muzzles/horns with her.
  3555. "Be safe."
  3556. >She graces you with a small smile that reminds you of the sweetie belle you remember.
  3557. >Looks like the tough filly act's melted, at least a little while.
  3558. >"I will."
  3559. >With that she breaks the huddle and canters down the hall.
  3560. >Well that's it.
  3561. >You still might not be the shining hero Octavia though you should be, but you've done all you can.
  3562. >For Sweetie, for other ponies under Dr. Taylor, and maybe you even scared a little sense into Dr. Roger.
  3563. >Not that you're done with Roger, but first...
  3564. >Time to go home.
  3566. >A little birdy relays your message to Anon that night.
  3567. >The next morning that same little birdy tells you to be ready to go right after lunch!
  3568. >Home! You're going home!
  3569. >You practically skip through the showers and breakfast you're in such a good mood.
  3570. >Home home home!
  3571. >Away from this dumb place!
  3572. >Away from these dumb showers!
  3573. >Away from this dumb food!
  3574. >Ok, in all fairness the food is actually not bad.
  3575. >Then again, how hard is it to prepare hay.
  3576. >Also it probably helps that you don't have to prepare it yourself.
  3577. >Still, you're actually starting to miss some good ole home cooking.
  3578. >Rarity's home cooking to be exact.
  3579. >Like you actually cook, ha!
  3580. >You stop by Dr. Taylor's office to offer her a quick goodbye.
  3581. >She's sad to see you go but offers you a hug, a sugarcube, and A BAG OF SUGARCUBES!
  3582. >It's not like you'll need them once you get this damn sleeve off your horn, but until then they're great!
  3583. >Sugarcube, sugarcube, sugarcube.
  3584. >Are these fattening?
  3585. >Buck it, who cares you're getting out of here today!
  3586. >You pop a few in your mouth and throw the rest in your saddle bags.
  3587. >Maybe Sweetie would like one?
  3588. >You check the yard but can't seem to find her.
  3589. >Oh well, it's not like you won't see her soon.
  3590. >Lunch passes before you know it and soon enough Octavia comes to fetch you!
  3591. "Is he here!? Is it time!?"
  3592. >"Yes, he just arrived. Are you ready?"
  3593. "Yes!"
  3594. >Like you want to spend anymore time here than you absolutely have to.
  3595. >You match her stride as the two of you head toward the same examination room you'd first arrived in.
  3596. "So just like we talked about right? You just keep your head low, and I'll have Anon take me right to the vet as soon as we leave. Assuming there's evidence left we'll... well, we'll do something. I'm not sure if Anon will want to confront the Dr. himself or involve the police or what."
  3597. >"Understood. I do hope everything works out."
  3598. >She's trying to keep her cool about it, but you're sure she's as nervous as you.
  3599. "Hey."
  3600. >She stops and turns to face you when you fall back.
  3601. >"Something the matter? I thought you'd be ready to leave."
  3602. "I am just... thanks, for everything. We'll figure this out ok? Just believe in me."
  3603. >She smiles and trades a quick nuzzle with you.
  3604. >"If you'd told me that two weeks ago I'd have felt very different. Now though? I know you'll try your best.
  3605. >It might not be total confidence but you'll take it.
  3606. >You share one last hug and trot over to the door.
  3607. >"Good luck."
  3608. "You too."
  3610. >The room's empty upon your arrival.
  3611. >Figuring you'll take some initiative, you hop up onto the stupid metal table and wait patiently.
  3612. >Thankfully it's not a long way before the door opens and in walk two humans!
  3613. >While your sorely tempted to hop down and crush him in a hug, it's probably better to show at least a little restraint.
  3614. >After all, they were supposed to be training you here.
  3615. >Instead you settle for walking to the edge of the table and swishing your tail eagerly.
  3616. >He's here! He's here! He's finally here!
  3617. >Any anger you harber towards him for the Rarity thing can wait until later.
  3618. "Master!"
  3619. >You lift a foreleg and awkwardly wave like he'd somehow miss the only living thing in the room.
  3620. >"There's my girl!"
  3621. >You learn so far out to meet his hand you almost fall off the table.
  3622. >Fortunately your human catches you and pushes you back onto more stable footing.
  3623. >"I guess someone did miss me!"
  3624. "Oh, you have no idea!"
  3625. >He holds your hoof with one hand while rubbing your face with the other.
  3626. >Dr. Roger is wandering around somewhere, but as far as your concerned it's just you and Anon right now.
  3627. >"I dunno doc. I hate to take her away when you don't think she's ready, but she seems better behaved already."
  3628. >He brushes your cheek for a moment more before removing his hand and slowly running the tip of a finger up your neck.
  3629. >You breath catches as he traces the digit further and further up until he runs it along your lips!
  3630. >D-does he want you to...?
  3631. >He wiggles the tip to worm his way between your lips!
  3632. >H-here?! Now!? That's so lewd!
  3633. >If he's trying to prove how well behaved you are though...
  3634. >You part your lips and let the finger slide inside!
  3635. >T-this is soooo inappropriate to do in front of an audience!
  3636. >You'll tell yourself the small moans you let out are act and totally not real.
  3637. >He only lightly pumps the digit in and out a few times before pulling it out and wiping the liquid on your cheek!
  3638. >"Mmm, a very good girl indeed!"
  3639. >You look away in embarrassment only to get the side of your neck scratched instead.
  3640. >"How about this? If she gives me more trouble I'll bring her right back. Normally I'd leave it up to the professionals, but something's come up and I need her sooner rather than later."
  3641. >You finally bother to locate Dr. Roger to your left.
  3642. >He's in his stupid little chair, probably thinks he's all fancy what with the wheels and the rolling.
  3643. >Psh.
  3644. >"She's your pony Mr. Anonymous you're free to take her whenever you please. Truthfully we only had a few setbacks with her and her progress has been more steady ever since. I would have been calling you myself in another week. If she seems to be regressing though, you know who to call."
  3645. >"So she was a bit of trouble huh?"
  3646. >You lower your head and look at the floor in mock shame.
  3647. >"Nothing we couldn't handle I assure you."
  3648. >Too bad you couldn't handle it legally!
  3649. >"If you're sure you want to pick her up though..."
  3650. >He pulls some kind of tool out of his pocket and and gestures towards your horn!
  3651. >Yes! Get it ofF! Get it off! Get if off!
  3652. >You collapse into Anon's hands as the magic rushes back!
  3653. >Glorious glorious magic!
  3654. >You still have on the old horn ring from Anon underneath, but it's restriction is a fraction of the evil sleeve.
  3655. >"How about I give you two a moment while I fetch the paperwork?"
  3656. >Time alone sounds good to you!
  3657. >As soon as the Dr. walks out the door you lift your head and smile up at your human.
  3658. "You really have no idea how glad I am to get out of here."
  3659. >He chuckles and scratches you under the chin.
  3660. >"Glad to have you back myself. You ok? We didn't really get to finish talking last time I saw you."
  3661. >Last time. The time you'd freaked out and screwed up everything.
  3662. "Well... yes and no. I'm fine now, but could we uhh... can we go by Angie's clinic?"
  3663. >That gets a concerned look out of him.
  3664. >He leans to the left and right of you looking for any sign of something wrong.
  3665. >"Why what happened? Yes and no, whats thats mean?"
  3666. "I'll explain on the way."
  3667. >"Twi tell me now, what happened?"
  3668. >Why's he so forceful about this?
  3669. >Whatever, if the Dr. comes back you'll just shut up.
  3670. "After our visit, ummm, went wrong his punishment was a bit... unfair."
  3671. >"Tell me what happened exactly. I don't see any marks on you."
  3672. "No, he didn't beat me, but h-he had this drug? Potion? Some kind of concoction that induced heat. Like a really really reallllly bad heat, the worst I've ever felt. I... I can't say I'm proud of how I reacted..."
  3673. >"He did what? A heat potion? He didn't do anything while you were like that did he? I specified no penetration on your forms."
  3674. >That's a checkbox for that!?
  3675. >While your horror over a 'penetrate or don't penetrate' form is real, it can wait.
  3676. "No he didn't he just... touched me a little."
  3677. >You shiver a little but shake your head of the memory.
  3678. "That's not the important part though. What matters is whatever it was he gave me was definitely not FDA approved. It's some little side project of his that he whipped up on his own. I confronted him about it, but as he was kind enough to point out, I don't have any proof. I was hoping if we went to Angie she could run my bloodwork and maybe find something. Ponies may not have a lot of rights, but having unknown substances tested on us in an unregulated environment definitely violates them!"
  3679. >"Wait wait, you're tell me he-"
  3680. >Whatever questions Anon has are interrupted by the good doctor's return.
  3681. >"So here's the discharge papers. If you'd just sign on the bottom then she'll be completely back in your capable hands. If you've got any other questions then-"
  3682. >"Uh yeah actually I do. Twi here was just telling me something about a potion? A heat potion? I don't remember being asked anything about that."
  3683. >Now that you don't appreciate the effort but THERE'S NO PROOF RIGHT NOW!
  3684. >He's just going to deny it, and then you'll be right back to square one, but now the Dr. will be aware that Anon's onto him.
  3685. >"Ah, that little story again. I did have to give her a sedative to calm her down, but I assure you it's completely standard procedure. You know she's a very good girl. She was so upset about the scene she made I didn't even have to punish her, but of course I didn't want her hurting herself so a little something to calm her down was in order. Unfortunately she's been quite mad at me ever since. She even tried to sell that same story to Dr. Taylor. My coworkers know better than to take an upset pony's word at face value though. I can show you the exact bottle I used if you'd feel better."
  3686. >Sedative ha, what a jackass.
  3687. >Anon rubs your neck reassuringly so you say nothing.
  3688. >"Yeah that'd be great if you don't mind."
  3689. >Roger nods and walks back towards some shelves.
  3690. >As he does so Anon pulls out his phone and begins to fiddle with your collar.
  3691. "What are you-"
  3692. >"Lift your chin just a bit Twi? Thanks"
  3693. >What is he pressing?
  3694. >Dr. Roger returns with a bottle and shows it to Anon.
  3695. >"This one here. Standard stuff I assure you, just a little something to calm her down."
  3696. >Anon purses his lips and locks eyes with the doctor.
  3697. >"Alright great just one more questions. Your the medical professional here so just let me ask, something like that should bring her vitals down right? Nice and calm?"
  3698. >It's nice to see Roger looks confused for once.
  3699. >"Yes of course a little bit below her resting usually."
  3700. >"Right, and this happened when?"
  3701. >"I believe it was, what, two days ago Twilight?"
  3702. "Tuesday around 4pm."
  3703. >Like you could forget.
  3704. >Anon continues to tap his phone and lighty nod his head.
  3705. >"4pm got it. So one more time, she was upset about the scene she'd caused. You scolded her and gave her a sedative, right?"
  3706. >Roger leans back in his chair and laces his fingers together.
  3707. >"To my recollection that sounds correct."
  3708. >"To your recollection..."
  3709. >Anon leans forward and turns the phone towards Dr. Roger.
  3710. >"So 'to your recollection' why is there a huge spike in her bpm, stress levels, and internal temperature from about 4pm until about 5:30pm. If, as you stated, you sedated her."
  3711. >Wut?
  3712. >How the buck does he have that?
  3713. >"I uh, may I?"
  3714. >Anon shrugs and hand Dr. Roger the phone.
  3715. >"It's all right there: Heart monitor, blood pressure, respiration, temperature, you get the idea. I'm sure you've seen the 3300 model collar before. It's expensive stuff, but they really scam you on the storage. If you want more than 2gigs they almost double the price for some reason. However, if you know how to take it apart you'll find it's actually got a normal micro SD port in it. Just a way for them to turn a profit I guess. Anyway I slipped in a 32gig so it holds about 2 weeks worth of data without having to back up to the cloud. Good for long trip from home and such."
  3716. >Oh shit!
  3717. >Roger BTFO!
  3718. >Roger sweating bullets!
  3719. >Anon the valiant hero!
  3720. >You scoot to the edge of the table, bury your muzzle in the crook of his neck, and purr approvingly.
  3721. >Good human, smart human, take care of your pony!
  3722. >Finally Roger manages to sputter out a response.
  3723. >"I'm sure this is some kind of mistake Mr. Anon. I assure you we only use-"
  3724. >"Oh by the way it records audio too. Just whenever there's an 'event' but I'm sure it turned on for this. Could be she was was having a little fun with herself-"
  3725. >He pinches your far cheek with one hand and reaches around to grab your far flank with the other!
  3726. >"Couldn't really blame her, but we can find out either way."
  3727. >Is he saying he can't blame you for playing with yourself since your cute? That's sorta sweet?
  3728. >Problem is he's also implying that it could be recording you anytime you're worked up...
  3729. >That's something to address later, but address it you will!
  3730. >"So? Shall we?"
  3731. >Dr. Roger is looking a bit pale.
  3732. >You'd really rather Anon not hear you patheticly beg like you did, but if it condemns Dr. Roger...
  3733. >"I... No, I don't think there's any reason to do that. If you'd just let me explain-"
  3734. >Anon's not going to let him weasel out of this one!
  3735. >"How 'bout this, the way I see it we've got two options here. Option A.) you admit you lied to me, and called Twilight a liar, then you tell me the truth. Option B.) we can get the authorities involved in this because this is sounding more and more like a cover up by the second."
  3736. >Oh snap!
  3737. >"I promise there's no need to contact anyone over this... minor miscommunication."
  3738. >Weasel.
  3739. >"I admit I used some... unorthodox practises in regards to Twilight, but I assure you they were perfectly safe and with her best interest in mind."
  3740. >Sure he hopes they're perfectly safe since he's been subjecting Octavia to them for years.
  3741. >"You leave her best interest to me. What I'm really interested in now is just how perfectly safe. Can you show me the bottle like you showed me the sedative earlier?"
  3742. >Wow he's looking realllly uncomfortable.
  3743. >"I... can not. We just ran out and it's a very hard to acquire mixture..."
  3744. >"Look, I'll just get right down to it. Twilight says you gave her some untested homemade concoction. That true or not?"
  3745. >"Untested isn't entirely true..."
  3746. >Anon's done playing games.
  3747. >The human leans in and looks Dr. Roger right in the eyes.
  3748. >"Yes or no?"
  3749. >"It's not approved yet, but I can assure you it will be very soon."
  3750. >Tartarus he can beat around the bush!
  3751. >"I'll take that as a no. It should go without saying I'm pretty upset about this. Not only that it happened, but that you decided to lie to me about it. Needless to say we won't be back and people will hear about this."
  3752. >With that your human stands, scoops you up into his arms, and heads towards the door.
  3753. >"Wait! I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement here Mr. Anon., we're both reasonable men. What can I do to make this better?"
  3754. >Anon just chuckles and looks down to the purple pony in his arms.
  3755. >"Make it up to me? Make it up to her."
  3756. >Ohhh that's gotta sting!
  3757. >"Mr. Anon give Twilight's attitude issues I'm not sure it's best-"
  3758. >Anon interrupting Roger is becoming the norm at this point.
  3759. >"I'm not worried about that. You asked how to make it up to us, this is how.
  3760. >Dr. Roger's uncertain eyes fall to meet yours.
  3761. >"Twilight you're an intelligent mare you understand I only meant what was best-"
  3762. >You wave a hoof to silence him.
  3763. >Squirming out of anon's grasp you hit the floor on all fours and advance on the nervous human.
  3764. >Once you're right in front of him you gesture with your hoof for him to come down, to meet you at your level.
  3765. >He's clearly not a fan of lowering himself, but he's also not a total idiot.
  3766. "I told you once and I'll tell you again. What you did was cruel, unusual, and just plain sick! if I ever hear even a RUMOR that you've used that shit on another mare I'll-!"
  3767. >Anon pulls you back a bit before your hoof pokes him in the chest.
  3768. >"What she means is this will NEVER happen again, am I right?"
  3769. >Surely Roger's can't get any more pale at this point.
  3770. >"Of course, you have my word. And for what it's worth I'm... sorry. You're a very special mare Twilight I just wanted to do the best job I could for you."
  3771. >The best job he could.
  3772. >That gets him the patented Sparkle glare!
  3773. >Anon scoops you back up and speaks again.
  3774. >"Passion's great but maybe not with someone else's pony."
  3775. "Not with any pony!"
  3776. >Buck him he's not gonna subject Octavia to this shit anymore either!
  3777. >Anon pulling you tighter into his chest means it's time to calm down.
  3778. >Fine!
  3779. >"Like she said, not with any pony."
  3780. "I've got sources! I'll know!"
  3781. >"Twilight."
  3782. "He needs to know!"
  3783. >"Twilight I think he gets it, and we'll be in touch don't worry. Right Dr.?"
  3784. >Despite being white as sheet Roger manages to maintain a dignified if shaky disposition.
  3785. >"Yes I... understand. You both have my apologies and my assurances that nothing like this will happen again."
  3786. >Blah blah blah you have my assurances blah blah blah.
  3787. >You give him a 'watching you' motion with your hoof as Anon carries you towards the door.
  3788. >"I certainly hope so because I'll be holding onto this data and a recording of this conversation."
  3789. >He taps your collar for emphasis.
  3790. >"Have a nice day."
  3792. >You smother Anon with kisses as soon as the two of you are in the car.
  3793. >"Alright alright I get it! I'm happy to have you back too. Still want to go see Angie?"
  3794. >You rub your nuzzle all over his chest as you talk.
  3795. "No need, my human already has my back. I knew this new collar was nice but I didn't realize just how much effort you'd put into it. Thank you."
  3796. >He kisses the top of your newly freed horn and smiles.
  3797. >"Anytime."
  3798. >You spend a quiet moment just being together.
  3799. >You even do a little squirming in his lap.
  3800. >He still has to answer for the whole Rarity debacle, but for right now he's in your good graces.
  3801. "Oh uhh by the way. Dr. Roger might sorta kinda maybe be... our neighbor..."
  3802. >"What?"
  3803. >Heh, whops.
  3804. >You pop a sugarcube in your mouth while he gawks.
  3806. >He rubs the bridge of his nose as you explain the whole Octavia & Roger situation.
  3807. "Hey, it's not the end of the world. We'll just pretend he's not there. Even if he's a few doors down what difference does it make? You'll have to see him what, once a year at homeowners association meetings?"
  3808. >"I just wish I'd known all that before hand."
  3809. >You shrink back and scratch the back of your head awkwardly.
  3810. "I'm sorry. I'd have told you if I had the chance, but we've had so little time to talk..."
  3811. >He loops an arm around you and pulls you into his lap.
  3812. >One arm encircles your midsection and the other begins to play with an ear.
  3813. >"We'll handle it. What matters is that you're back safe and sound."
  3814. >You squirm around in his lap joyfully!
  3815. >A strong arm holding you in place and the mmmm warm seat!
  3816. >Most satisfactory indeed!
  3817. >You crane your head backwards to kiss the underside of his jaw.
  3818. "Glad to be back."
  3820. >Letting him drive you home while still in his lap probably wasn't the safest idea ever, but who cares.
  3821. >Neither of you are willing to let the other go after so long apart, and besides, you kinda feel like a badass breaking the rules a bit.
  3822. >When he pulls into the garage and you don't climb off he takes matters into his own hands.
  3823. >And by matters you mean your plot.
  3824. >The squeeze makes you squeak and jump in place!
  3825. "Eeep! You could just ask!"
  3826. >You put a hoof to your chest in mod offense.
  3827. >Too bad you can't keep the smile off your face while you do it.
  3828. >"You say that but you're still sitting here."
  3829. >He leans down to assault the side of your neck in kisses while pulling you closer!
  3830. "Ok ok, I'll get up!"
  3831. >Or not.
  3832. >Your attempts to squirm away prove futile as the arms around your belly refuses to release you.
  3833. >"Too late now young mare! Now you're coming with me!"
  3834. >A line like that would terrify a lot of mares, but being carried off by your master is just a day in the life for you.
  3835. >You can only go along for the ride as Anon steps out of the vehicle with pony in tow.
  3836. "I can walk you know."
  3837. >"I guess you could, but I imagine you did plenty of that at Gentlehoof. Unless they taught you something actually cool like walking on your hind legs, I hear some ponies can do that."
  3838. >A mental image of rolling over for Dr. Taylor flashes across your mind.
  3839. "Some can, but most just fall flat on their muzzles. The only tricks they had me doing was stuff like shake, lay down, and roll over"
  3840. >He looks down at you with a raised eyebrow.
  3841. >"They had you doing dog tricks? That sounds kinda stupid."
  3842. "It was a humality thing I think. They're big on the mind games that's for sure."
  3843. >"Could be worse. I kept having nightmares of picking you up and finding you covered in bruises or seriously injured. You're sure you don't want us to go to the vet by the way?"
  3844. >You shake your head.
  3845. "I feel fine, and the recording and data will be enough to twist his arm should the issue back up. Doubly so if you recorded his confession too."
  3846. >He runs a hand up to the center of your chest to feel your steady heart beat.
  3847. >"You're a tough one so I'll let you make the call."
  3848. >Heh if Dr. Taylor or Roger heard that.
  3849. >A human leaving a decisions up to a pony!
  3850. >"But yeah, I'm sure glad they didn't beat you. I'm actually a little surprised."
  3851. >He lifts one of your forelegs like you're hiding a wound underneath.
  3852. "Don't get me wrong they DO beat ponies there, and they even use the crop to do it. I hate to say it, but it was actually your stupid little plan that saved me from it."
  3853. >"Plan?"
  3854. "Yeah the 'Spank my flank black and blue' plan! They saw how horribly blistered I was and yet I was still smarting off. They figured if you could beat the hell out of my ass like that, and I was still a brat, then trying to physically break me was too dangerous to be practical."
  3855. >"Hahahah, didn't I tell you it was a good idea?"
  3856. >You mumble something vaguely affirmative as you look away.
  3857. >He's currently carrying you through the living room and towards your bedroom.
  3858. >Oddly enough you don't see Rarity anywhere yet.
  3859. >You kinda expected her to be running to meet you the moment you got back, if only to get an update on sweetie belle.
  3860. >Probably avoiding you.
  3861. >"So I was right wasn't I? It was a good idea? Still mad at me for it?"
  3862. >Mumble mumble mumble.
  3863. >"What was that?"
  3864. >He pats your bottom with the hand supporting it.
  3865. "I said I guess not... But if you ever smack me that hard again!"
  3866. >He laughs and starts to rub your flanks instead!
  3867. >He even lets a couple fingers slip between your legs!
  3868. >"So I'm allowed to smack you just not that hard? Is that it? You seemed to even enjoy yourself last time if I remember right."
  3869. >Oh Celestia!
  3870. >The fingers aren't inside but he knows exactly how to rub them up and down your lips to get your motor running!
  3871. "Y-you're a, ohh! Your a bully!"
  3872. >You wiggle in his grasp as he plays with your defenseless body!
  3873. >"That's the cute Twi I remember!"
  3874. >You lean your head back, spread your legs, and concentrate on breathing as he refamiliarizes himself with your every crack and crevice!
  3875. "I, oh goodness! I'm not in this house for 5 minutes and you're already molesting me! Ohhh!"
  3876. >"Oh, any objections to that?"
  3877. "MMM!"
  3878. >Houston we have penetration!
  3879. >You wiggle around as he finger explores your already lubricated love lair!
  3880. >"Sounds like a noooo."
  3881. >He's teasing you but you really really don't mind!
  3882. >After weeks with nothing but your hoof to keep you company a finger is most welcome!
  3883. "N-no master! No objections! Ohhh!"
  3884. >Finally arriving in the bedroom he gently lays you on your back and spreads your hind legs.
  3885. >The bed's so soft and he's soooo determined to make you squirm in pleasure!
  3886. >He pulls the single finger of his right hand out and replaces it with two fingers from his left!
  3887. "Ahhh!"
  3888. >As if that wasn't enough he brings his wet right hand up to your muzzle to give you something else to do!
  3889. >Reveling in your own 'flavor' is really twisted, but something he's got you used to over the past few months!
  3890. >You're very... sweet.
  3891. >"Someone missed me as much as I missed her."
  3892. >You twitch and gasp when he hits a particularly sensitive spot!
  3893. "Y-you have no idea! Oh Luna!"
  3894. >"Just tell me if I'm going too fast. A few weeks without you has me worked up too."
  3895. "Yeah? What about Rarity?"
  3896. >To your great displeasure he pauses his efforts and lifts his head to look you in the eye.
  3897. >"No no no. That's all a big misunderstanding hear me? She's out right now-"
  3898. >Definitely avoiding you.
  3899. >"But we're going to straighten all that up as soon as she's back. Or would you rather talk about it now? I think we should all be present, but if you're mad-"
  3900. >You put a hoof to his stupid sexy lips.
  3901. "Anon your knuckles deep right now, and I'm leaking all over the place. No one's off the hook, but we can talk about it later, just keep going!"
  3902. >Even if he did fuck up and do something stupid with her you can hardly blame a male.
  3903. >How many stallions have been seduced by some cute mare in heat over the generations?
  3904. >It's not that they're dumb, but they really can't help themselves when they get a good whiff of mare pheromones.
  3905. >That IS the entire biological purpose of pheromones after all.
  3906. >See mare, breed mare, that's how their brain works when the tails start to rise.
  3907. >Then again Anon's a human so maybe...
  3908. >Maybe a white hot wave of blinding pleasure destroys your thought process as anon runs his tongue up the length of your slit!
  3909. "AAAAAnon!"
  3910. >Instead of giving you a break he escalades things by diving into your flush mound face first!
  3911. >Sweet gods above human tongues aren't that long, how does it feel so good!
  3912. "Ahhh!"
  3913. >You thrash and buck so hard he has to hold your hips down!
  3914. >Your vision starts to flicker as the ravishing goes on and on!
  3915. >Holy buck! He's really hungry for some of his mare!
  3916. >You aren't even ashamed that you come all over his face just a few minutes later. It's just that good!
  3917. >Extracting himself from your nethers he gives you a cocky grin.
  3918. >"That was quick."
  3919. "S-shut up! I... oh my goodness! You know what? I don't even care."
  3920. >You only spend a few moments resting, don't want to leave him waiting after all.
  3921. >You grunt as you roll over and try to struggle into a traditional mounting position, face in the pillows and ass in the air.
  3922. >Your legs are weak but you manage to spread and lock them through willpower alone.
  3923. "J-just get up here and be my master."
  3924. >A bit of reposition by him sees you pulled closer to the edge of the bed.
  3925. >No doubt so he can stand and you'll be at the perfect height to accept him.
  3926. >"You know it's pretty hot when you say stuff like that..."
  3927. >Something long, warm and thick lands between your cheeks!
  3928. >Hotdogging is such a tease!
  3929. >"But since when do you call me master?"
  3930. >The human seemingly melts over your back and whispers the last bit in your ear!
  3931. >He holds himself up with his hands so you don't have to support his entire weight, but you almost wish he'd let you.
  3932. >You're his mare! You're strong! You can take him! All of him!
  3933. "Y-your my master so why not?"
  3934. >Ugh, it's so close! Just right there!
  3935. >You buck your hips and wink at the empty air only to get teased by him sliding his member up and down your cheeks!
  3936. >"I know they probably told you a ton of weird stuff at Gentlehoof but right now there's no master ok? No masters, no slaves, just the two of us. If you want me to stop or do anything different you just say the word and that's it. I want you to have as much fun as me."
  3937. >If your heart could swell anymore it would burst!
  3938. "Y-yes Anon just us!"
  3939. >If your tail wasn't pinned under him you'd swish it happily.
  3940. "A-and just between us I want you to do it! Do me! claim me! I want to be yours again! Show me I'm yours!"
  3941. >He doesn't need to be told twice!
  3942. >The human pulls back and pierces you to the hilt in one smooth motion! Perfect aim!
  3943. "Ahhhh!"
  3944. >Your body explodes in a heady mixture of pleasure and pain!
  3945. >He's always been just a bit too big for you, but the slight ache feels right!
  3946. >The beast upon you grunts in obvious pleasure yet wastes no time pulling out for another go!
  3947. >It's all you can do to keep from falling over as he pounds your pony plot relentlessly!
  3948. "A-a-a-anonnn! Ohhhh!"
  3949. >He wastes no time bottoming out in his pony again and again!
  3950. >So thick! So full!
  3951. >You're treated to a few minutes of powerful hip slapping before he stops, hilts, and holds position.
  3952. >He simply pants for a few moments while keeping you nice and full!
  3953. >"Doing, whew, doing ok?"
  3954. >The sensation of speaking while being so thoroughly... occupied is a strange one.
  3955. >If you didn't know better you'd say your lung capacity was reduced just to make room for... him!
  3956. "F-fine!"
  3957. >You clamp down hard and draw a groan out of him!
  3958. >Success!
  3959. >"I was going to ask if you needed a break but I'll take that as my answer!"
  3960. >Oh shit!
  3961. >As if you'd challenged him the human stands to his full height and firmly grasps both your cutie marks!
  3962. "Let's not lose our headddsss!!
  3963. >Any further attempts at speech devolve into a series of pants, yelps, squeaks, and moans as Anon pounds your pussy like it's going out of style!
  3964. >Your upper body practically bounces around like a rag doll as flanks slap into hips over and over and over!
  3965. >If you weren't gushing wet this would kill, but as things stand the pleasure is enough to make your eyes roll back into your head!
  3966. >"Getting *pant* close?"
  3967. >Speaking is off the table but hopefully he'll understand frantic nodding!
  3968. >"What do you need?"
  3969. >What do you need to push you over the edge?
  3970. >The truth is the both of you know exactly what will do it, but he just wants to hear you say it.
  3971. "P-please!"
  3972. >He yanks your tail hard and drives you even deeper into the bed!
  3973. >It's a struggle to simply keep your footing against the hard dominant riding!
  3974. >All he needs to do it... ugh!
  3975. "Anon please! My cutie mark please!"
  3976. >He digs his fingers deep into both mark but that's not what you want!
  3977. "Ugh! Just slap it already!"
  3978. >That's all the permission he needs.
  3979. >One hand wraps around the base of your mane and pulls while the other crashes into the center of your cutie mark!
  3980. >"Mmmmm!"
  3981. >Any fight you might have had to resist the second slap is suppressed by the firm tugging on your mane!
  3982. >Luna! You'll pass out if this keeps up!
  3983. >Your pussy overstuffed, your flank being spanked, and your body rendered powerless to do anything about it!
  3984. >A third smack has you moaning, clenching, and blushing at the same time!
  3985. >No doubt there's three nice red hand prints claiming your rear already!
  3986. >Just how many more will you be wearing before he finishes!?
  3987. >Ohhhhh! That's number four!
  3988. >If Octavia saw your ass now you'd die of embarrassment!
  3989. >You'll be wearing a skirt for the next few days for sure!
  3990. >After nearly a dozen handprints adorn your seat his twitching tells you he's finally close!
  3991. >You double down your efforts to milk him dry, do your duty, and save your plot!
  3992. >"Inside or out?!"
  3993. "In in!
  3994. >Since humans and ponies aren't compatible it doesn't matter, but he always asks anyway.
  3995. >He always asks and you always say in!
  3996. >You feel it pump a half second before your insides are painted with hot sticky spunk!
  3997. >Hot hot hot! It's so hot!
  3998. >You remain perfectly still as he fills you to the brim with his thick steaming love!
  3999. >Not that you really have a choice!
  4000. >His grip on your mane keeps you in place even for the insemination, just like the mares of old!
  4001. >Unlike the mares of old though you have to deal with human emission instead of stallion!
  4002. >Pony pussies are small and soon your full and leaking as he gives you more!
  4003. >He's kind enough to paint the rest over your presented flanks like an artist to his canvas.
  4004. >You really don't mind being his canvas, but that stuff takes a lot of shampoo to get out.
  4005. >Finally spent, the human lands on the bed beside you.
  4006. >Already closing his eyes too, stallions.
  4007. >You nudge his chin and give him a quick kiss.
  4008. >Instead of already being asleep like you'd expected the human pulls you into a tight hug!
  4009. "Wahhh!"
  4010. >Despite having his eyes closed his grip isn't letting you go anywhere!
  4011. "Oh come on! I've got to clean this off before it dries in my coat!"
  4012. >A spunk covered ass is better than a creamed face but still!
  4013. >"Was it fun for you too?"
  4014. "Always. I'll be gross tomorrow if you don't let me shower though."
  4015. >Instead of letting you go he cracks and eye and gives you a devious grin.
  4016. >Uh oh.
  4017. >You squeak in surprise as he runs a hand up your hide wiping the seed off as he goes.
  4018. >Not that that isn't nice but it's still gonna be gross and oh...
  4019. >Oh that's his plan...
  4020. >The white coated hand appears right in front of your muzzle.
  4021. >The implication is clear.
  4022. "You're such a pervert..."
  4023. >He just grins and moves the hand a little closer.
  4024. >"You don't have to if you don't-"
  4025. >Buck it.
  4026. >With a huff you... lick it.
  4027. >It takes a few minutes for you to clean his hand with just your tongue.
  4028. >And ugh the taste...
  4029. >It's so...
  4030. [spoiler]>Well, it's an acquired taste... one you mayyyyyy have acquired.[/spoiler]
  4031. >Of course instead of letting you up he runs his hand over your painted cheek a second time.
  4032. >You shudder knowing just how much is back there and just how much you have to go.
  4033. >Perve humans!
  4034. >You'll have your revenge though.
  4035. >You'll try to kiss him after!
  4037. >Ugh you'd never regret time with Anon, but you really should have had that shower last night.
  4038. >Despite his best efforts your fuzzy butt's still caked in dried fluids, not to mention other even more private places.
  4039. >Wow and your head feels all fuzzy.
  4040. >You know an easy fix to that at least.
  4041. >As expected your magic feels magnitudes better with the sleeve off, but to your surprise things still seemed a bit... off without a sugarcube.
  4042. >Nothing a quick snack can't fix.
  4043. >You reach over to where you left your saddlebags the night before.
  4044. >And here we go!
  4045. >Or... not?
  4046. >They're gone?
  4047. >Shit.
  4049. "Anonnnn!"
  4050. >He's not in the bathroom or his office.
  4051. "Anonnnnn have you seen my... medicine?"
  4052. >It has medical properties.
  4053. >Technically.
  4054. >You grumble as you struggle down the stairs.
  4055. >You're gross, sleepy, and now your head is fuzzy.
  4056. >Just gotta get a cube, and take a long hot soak in the tub.
  4057. >Poking your head in the living room turns up another dead end.
  4058. >The cubes were in your bags last night, you're sure of it.
  4059. >Either they fell out somewhere, unlikely, or some little birdy told Anon more than she needed to when she was here.
  4060. >Look at me I'm Octavia and I hate it when unicorns have fun!
  4061. >That's not fair, she's a nice mare trying to look out for you, her fears are just a little overblown.
  4062. >She herself said they aren't supposed to be chemically addictive.
  4063. >What kind of business would want to return addicts to their owners?
  4064. >Besides a pony of superior self control such as yourself can stop popping them at any time.
  4065. >Just, not today.
  4066. >You finally hear something as you bumble towards the kitchen
  4067. >"-hat she said. It's something we have to nip in the bud."
  4068. >Do some bitches be talking 'bout you!
  4069. >Is Twilight Sparkle gonna have to smack a filly/human?
  4070. "I'll nip you in the bud..."
  4071. >You drag your sleepy ass into the kitchen and drop your head onto the counter by the pot of coffee.
  4072. >Sweet sweet coffee!
  4073. >"Speaking of our little sunshine!"
  4074. >Rarity trots over for a nuzzle, but pulls back when she gets a whiff of you.
  4075. >"Oh my! Our rather ripe sunshine!"
  4076. "I didn't shower yet, don't bully me."
  4077. >She smiles and starts to fill a mug for you with her magic.
  4078. >For some reason yours isn't quite working right.
  4079. >"Sweetheart I would never."
  4080. >No she wouldn't, but she would tease, pester, and annoy.
  4081. >You grunt out a thanks and take the cup towards the table with you.
  4082. >Your horn is at least cooperative enough for such basic levitation, if just barely.
  4083. >Downing half the drink at once is a must to get your brain going.
  4084. >Putting the cup own you drop your head to rest on the table and look at the human sitting beside you.
  4085. "Where are they?"
  4086. >He takes a moment to chuckle at your disheveled appearance.
  4087. >Sorry that some us are aren't morning person like him and little Miss sunshine!
  4088. >"Where what Twi? Your breakfast?"
  4089. "Don't play smart with me they were in my bags last night."
  4090. >"I really don't-"
  4091. "Anon!"
  4092. >You fix him with the hardest glare you can muster when you're only half awake.
  4093. >"Alright yeah, your little drugs."
  4094. "Give em back! They're just sugarcubes!"
  4095. >"Twi Octavia told us about those-"
  4096. >Of course she did.
  4097. >"You don't need them and they aren't good for you. Rarity was going to make us pancakes, wouldn't you rather have those instead?"
  4098. >Pancakes DO sound good, especially Rarity's pancakes, but first you're getting your freakin sugarcubes!
  4099. >Even if you don't need them, you want them!
  4100. >Without the horn sleeve they're even better!
  4101. >Originally the cubes simply let you feel your own magic.
  4102. >Now, with just your horn ring instead of the sleeve, it's so much more!
  4103. >It's like they expand your magical senses to new heights!
  4104. >Heights you haven't felt since, well, since equestria.
  4105. "Anon I'm not screwing around, give me back my sugarcubes. Dr. Taylor gave them to me and she's the nicest doctor there. If they were somehow bad for me she'd know."
  4106. >You leave out the part where her morals are a little off sometimes.
  4107. >"Sweetheart please. What if I give you extra chocolate chips on your pancake?"
  4108. >Trying to buy you off with other forms of sugar huh?
  4109. >Not that that's a bad idea, but it won't work this time.
  4110. >You push yourself up off the table and wipe the sleep from your eyes.
  4111. "Ok look, I appreciate the concern and all that, but I'm really going start getting upset if you two don't cut this out."
  4112. >"Twi-"
  4113. >Just give me one then we'll talk about it."
  4114. >Rarity brings you a new cup of coffee and sits on the other side of the table.
  4115. >"Darling, that's just making things harder on yourself in the long run."
  4116. >Oh so it's gang up on Twilight day huh?
  4117. >Her and Anon teaming up against you?
  4118. >That's cool, real cool.
  4119. "Harder on myself? Everything's fine except my two friends ganging up on me to take my stuff!"
  4120. >You pull your hoof away before Rarity can take it in her own.
  4121. >Trying to act like she cares, pft!
  4122. >"Twi no one's ganging up on you we just both care about you. Try to understand our concern here. When Octavia first told us about these things we were worried. Now I take them away for a few minutes and you're already getting upset over it.
  4123. >Wow your upset?
  4124. >Thanks for the update Anon!
  4125. >Well yeah who wouldn't when people hide your shit!
  4126. "I'm mad because you stole my stuff instead of talking to me about it first!"
  4127. >"Twi you need to calm down. No one's stolen anything I just moved them until we could talk."
  4128. >Oh ok, he didn't steal your stuff he just moved it.
  4129. >Wow big difference.
  4130. "Don't try and argue semantics with me Anon. Dr. Taylor gave them to me not to you!"
  4131. >"Because I didn't meet Dr. Taylor Twi. How was she supposed to give them to me? I really don't want to pull this card but..."
  4132. >He hesitates and looks to Rarity for help.
  4133. "What?"
  4134. >"Twilight we can't own things, you know that. I'm sure she intended for you to give them to Anon to be used at his discretion. I understand they're treats of some sort?"
  4135. >Wow so that's how it's going to be!?
  4136. "Really Rarity?! Treats!? What are we dogs!?"
  4137. >"Darling please you need to-"
  4138. >You ignore her and turn back to the human.
  4139. "And thanks for reminding me of my station! Didn't you tell me last night there was no master and slaves here, just us? Or is that just when you want under my tail!?"
  4140. >Oh, that really gets under his skin.
  4141. >"Hey, I didn't want to make this a power thing, but your the one bringing this up like she gave you a personal gift!"
  4142. "She did!"
  4143. >"No she didn't Twi. I'm your owner anything she gives you belongs to me!"
  4144. >Your owner?
  4145. >When was the last time he'd called himself your owner?
  4146. >That hurts.
  4147. >That actually hurts.
  4148. >You push hard off the table knocking the chair over as you storm off.
  4149. >"Hey!"
  4150. "Oh no, did I scuff the floor?! Is that something else you own!?"
  4151. >Now it's Rarity's turn to try and approach.
  4152. >"Sweetie please. Just take a deep breath, he didn't mean anything by it."
  4153. "How are YOU going to take HIS side in all this?! Just a few months ago you were terrified of humans and now your all buddy buddy!?"
  4154. >"I'm not taking anyone's side I just want what's best for-"
  4155. "Oh so you two aren't besties who know better than me now? Did you decide that before or after you sucked him off!"
  4156. >The mare recoil as though you'd physically hit her.
  4157. >"T-that wasn't... That was a misunderstanding! I'm sorry, ok?!"
  4158. "A misunderstanding?! You accidently sucked his dick?! Did it just fall in your mouth!?"
  4159. >The poor thing is crumbling in on herself under the weight of your accusations.
  4160. >You should feel awful about making her cry, AGAIN, but for some reason you're just too mad to care!
  4161. >Guess it's time for her lover to step in and save the day.
  4162. >"Twi back off her! I told you we'd talk about what happened and were going to do that like adults! Not screaming at each other without listening!"
  4163. >Yeah you're sure he'd like to try and talk his way out of this one.
  4164. "First taking my stuff because it's 'yours' now giving me orders because I'm 'yours'? Is that it?"
  4165. >"I didn't say that."
  4166. "But your bossing me around!"
  4167. >"I'm just asking you to be reasonable!"
  4168. "Reasonable!? She tried to steal you away from me! Do you know what I'd do to a mare that did that back in Equestria? I'd kick her ass!"
  4169. >The openly crying alabaster mare looks up in a mixture of shock and fear.
  4170. >"T-twilight please!"
  4171. >She starts to slowly backs away before suddenly galloping off to hide behind her human!
  4172. >"P-please I thought you wanted me to take care of him! I was terrified and I hated it, but I did it for you!"
  4173. >If her pleads calm you down even the slightest bit, seeing his hand go to scratch her ears does the exact opposite!
  4174. "Why on earth would you think that?! Did I ever tell you to gargle his cock!?"
  4175. >She closes her eyes in shame and back further behind the human.
  4176. >No answer huh!?
  4177. >"Twi you've been bringing her into our bed for weeks what's she supposed to think? Ponies herd you told me that yourself."
  4178. "Yeah and humans don't so what's your excuse?! Stallions are at least used to multiple mares but you knew you were cheating on me!"
  4179. >"Hey! I did not cheat on you and I would never! You mean way too much to me for that! I was as-"
  4180. >Ahh, your so tired of his bullshit excuses!
  4181. "Just shut up! I am so sick of talking, just give me my cubes! If you'd never cheat on me and I'm more to you than just a slave then give me the Celestia damned cubes!"
  4182. >His hands are shaking but he stands his ground.
  4183. >"No. I'm not going to let you hurt yourself I care too much about you. I-"
  4184. "Fine, prove it! Take off my ring!"
  4185. >"... What?"
  4186. "My horn ring! If I matter so much to you and I'm not just your little fuck slave then TAKE OFF MY RING!"
  4187. >"Twi you know it's illegal."
  4188. "Oh what are they gonna bust down the door the second you do it!? Put your money where your mouth is! Either I'm your fuck bitch and you leave it on or you actually care about me and you take it off!"
  4189. >Rarity just whimpers while you and Anon stare each other down.
  4190. >He doesn't care.
  4191. >He just wants a docile flank to slap around when he pleases.
  4192. >You just can't believe it's taken you this long to see it, but at least now he'll tell you where you really stand.
  4193. >No matter how much he says he loves you you're still his slave, and the two of you will NEVER be equals.
  4194. >You back all the way up to the wall when he pulls out his phone.
  4195. >So this is it?
  4196. >The part where he shocks you and turns your ring up to max?
  4197. >The part where he shows his true colors and you finally get put in your 'proper place'?
  4198. >No more lies, no more acting like he cares about you?
  4199. >No more-
  4200. *Beep*
  4201. >That... didn't hurt?
  4202. >It wasn't even your collar that beeped it was your ring.
  4203. >You thought maybe he'd cranked it up but no, it almost feels... loose?
  4204. >You lean forward and it... falls right off.
  4205. >"Master..."
  4206. >Rarity looks at the ring on the floor with just as much shock as you.
  4207. >B-but you were so sure.
  4208. >You kick the ring just to be sure it's real.
  4209. >It's off, it's really off.
  4210. >This is a trick, it has to be.
  4211. >An attempt to get you to feel like he respects you, while in reality he still has his finger on the button.
  4212. >The phone is still in his hand after all.
  4213. >"Happy? I'm still not giving you your drugs but-"
  4214. >Buck it.
  4215. >With your released magic you do a magical scan of the house.
  4216. >The tiny baggie of sugary goodness is easy enough to locate in the back of one of the kitchen cabinets.
  4217. >You take a hold of it and Anon's phone and teleport.
  4219. >You and your payload snap back into existence in one of the empty guest rooms upstairs.
  4220. >Taking your ring off was a ploy, it had to be.
  4221. >He probably figured he could make a big show of it to try and gain your trust so you'd stay inline.
  4222. >A quick peek at the phone reveals it to still have the pony control app open.
  4223. >That clenches it.
  4224. >At best you've got a few minutes before they find you and do something stupid.
  4225. >A few minutes is plenty of time to escape.
  4226. >You pop not one, not two two, but three sugarcubes and close your eyes.
  4227. >Without the ring holding you back your senses expand to unbelievable heights.
  4228. >With your arcane eye you look for somewhere to teleport to.
  4229. >Maybe your waterfall spot in the woods?
  4230. >No, you'd have your share of hiding in the woods over the years.
  4231. >Perhaps the middle of town?
  4232. >You've still got your collar no one would suspect anything.
  4233. >What about...
  4234. >Wait.
  4235. >Whats what?
  4236. >You attune your vision to a spot a couple miles east.
  4237. >The human world lacks the great ley lines of equestria carrying magic to and fro all over the globe, so then what's that?
  4238. >Even heavy unicorn magic use wouldn't create such a steady stream of mana.
  4239. >On top of that it's not the magical volume that's unusual but the purity.
  4240. >Is that? Love magic?
  4241. >It's almost like it's straight from...
  4242. >!!!
  4243. >You need more power!
  4244. >Igniting your horn you rip all 6 elements out of your dimensional pocket!
  4245. >Power! You need more power and what better source than 6 ancient magical artifacts?!
  4246. >Slipping into existence they slowly rotate around you.
  4247. >Generosity first.
  4248. >It's... actually it looks a lot better than last you saw it.
  4249. >Where several spider cracks used to cover the surface, now only one remains down the middle.
  4250. >It's no surprise artifacts of this caliber can repair themselves but still.
  4251. >Even if your currently mad at her your glad Rarity is doing so much better.
  4252. >Next floats by Honesty.
  4253. >Three heavy scratches mar the surface but it shines as bright as ever.
  4254. >You knew they'd never break AJ.
  4255. >Laughter and kindness share similar fates, dull.
  4256. >There's very little physical damage, just a chip or two, but but the light within...
  4257. >It's not gone but you can tell something isn't right.
  4258. >Pinkie and Fluttershy, be strong.
  4259. >Loyalty.
  4260. >Holy tartarus loyalty!
  4261. >Where Generosity's cracked state worried you loyalty shocks you!
  4262. >Gone!
  4263. >Half the gem is simply gone!
  4264. >Cleaved right down the middle it's almost as if half the gem simply fell out.
  4265. >That's impossible though, if it had it would be in your subspace pocket and you know it's not!
  4266. >What does it mean?
  4267. >Rainbow Dash? What does it mean?
  4268. >The prospects are horrifying and reminds you of what Sweetie Belle said.
  4269. >Just what happened?
  4270. >You almost don't want to look at the last element as it floats into view.
  4271. >The last element, your element, magic.
  4272. >There's no putting it off forever though.
  4273. >You take a deep breath and...
  4274. >Perfect.
  4275. >It's absolutely perfect.
  4276. >Not a scratch, chip, flaw, or blemish.
  4277. >But why?
  4278. >You certainly don't feel perfect! Especially not right now!
  4279. >Unfortunately these are questions for another time!
  4280. >Right now you need to go.
  4281. >With your heightened senses the magical anomaly shines like the sun against a new morning sky.
  4282. >It's small and it's risky but it'll do.
  4283. >Linking all 6 elements to your horn you to draw tremendous magic directly into your body!
  4284. >Your hooves leave the ground.
  4285. >Your eyes burn with light.
  4286. >Your horn sings and shines with overflowing power.
  4287. >And you go.
  4288. >This time you don't teleport a few meters.
  4289. >Not a few miles.
  4290. >Not a city over.
  4291. >Not a country over.
  4292. >Not a continent over.
  4293. >You go beyond.
  4294. >And the elements clatter behind you.
  4296. >>Continued in SOoT Intermission

"Sparkle Spanker 2000" ~Complete

by Vega

"Rarity & the Minotaur" ~Complete

by Vega

"Twilight's Political Plot" ~Complete

by Vega

"Trixie's Magic Trick" ~Complete

by Vega

"Mortified Modeling" ~Complete

by Vega