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"Staying out of Trouble" Intermission

By Vega
Created: 2020-12-18 19:07:12
Updated: 2024-03-25 02:12:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Intermission
  3. Rarity Belle
  4. ~2 weeks ago
  5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. >The smell of raw meat still makes you wrinkle your delicate white muzzle.
  7. >Twilight had poor master on an almost vegetarian diet before you'd joined the household.
  8. >It's a testament to his patience and kindness that he'd put up with her cooking for so long.
  9. >For better or worse you have far more experience with cooking for the human palate than she.
  10. >That fact is that humans arguably need and inarguably enjoy consuming meat.
  11. >Meat, flesh, fat, muscle, sinews ugh!
  12. >All the bits and pieces that make up living beings; humans will cook them up, fry them up, boil them up, and devour them.
  13. >Your new master's taste for such things is no exception.
  14. >With your magic you flip the pork chop over to ensure both sides are evenly breaded.
  15. >At least you don't have to actually touch the slimey things with your hooves.
  16. >A quick dip in the whipped eggs and back into the flour it goes.
  17. >He'll enjoy this you know.
  18. >When you'd first informed him of your experience with southern fried cuisine the man was over the moon.
  19. >Probably reminds him of home.
  20. >You deposit all four chops into the boiling oil and make a mental note of the time.
  21. >It's hard to blame him for enjoying the foods he was raised on, or for following the normal dietary needs of his kind.
  22. >After exactly four minutes you delicately flip all four chops, careful not to let the sputtering and popping oil stain your coat.
  23. >It would simply never come out.
  24. >Four minutes later they look done to you.
  25. >You place them on the rack to dry to ensure they remain nice and crispy.
  26. >Supposedly crispy on the outside and moist on the inside is the ideal texture for such a dish.
  27. >You try not to dwell too much on the implications of humans wanting the meat they eat to be 'moist'.
  28. >Moist just makes you think of blood and as a species hunted in the olden times...
  29. >Ponies are too valuable for that use at least.
  30. >The poor pig laying in pieces on the cooling rack on the other hoof...
  31. >You try to put it out of your head.
  32. >Animals here are different or so you tell yourself.
  33. >The oven timer informs you that the squash casserole is done.
  34. >That's at least a dish you can appreciate.
  35. >Truth be told it's probably a bit fattening, what with all the butter, but neither Dusty nor master have complained about your hips yet.
  36. >Master.
  37. >Twilight was always the buffer between the two of you.
  38. >With her gone on her little mission, Celestia keep her safe, it will just be you and the human.
  39. >It's not that you'd consider yourself scared of him it's just...
  40. >Uncharted waters.
  41. >The housework should be fine, but will he still want to hang out like the three of you used to?
  42. >Will you and he be able to carry on comfortable small talk or will it be awkward?
  43. >Will he expect you to continue sleeping in his bed as you have been?
  44. >You slept in Twilight's hooves, or her in yours, but if it's just the two of you...
  45. >You'll have to play it by ear.
  46. >The hot dish smells delicious, perhaps a quick taste test?
  47. >Mmm it's lovely, now just to wait for your dinner partener.
  48. >Your thoughts drift back to sleeping arrangements.
  49. >On the upside you know him to be a kind and thoughtful human.
  50. >You suspect he'll respect your personal space without even being asked to do so.
  51. >But still, just how are you expected to act around him by yourself?
  52. >Friendly but not too friendly?
  53. >You're sort of a friend of a friend to him, but he still holds the end of your legal leash.
  54. >Worry attempts to ganw at your heart but you won't let it, buck up Rarity!
  55. >You've always been a people pony, er pony pony...?
  56. >Point is you've always been good at interacting and getting along with individuals from all walks of life.
  57. >From your old job as a fashionista, to your job as a CEO, to even your position as a slave.
  58. >You'll just, manage.
  60. "Master, welcome home. I do hope it went well?"
  61. >Anon walks past you as he shrugs off his coat.
  62. >"I guess? They took her in, but I hated to see her hauled off like that. She sold the whole disobedience thing so well he put a muzzle and blindfold on her."
  63. >Goodness, just what have you got yourself into Twilight?
  64. "Well, that does sound awful sir, but our Twilight is a tough pony. If anyone can pull through it's her."
  65. >"Yeah I know that's true. I used to be pretty harsh on her myself at times and I'd only slow her down."
  66. >The mental image of your friend over her masters knee receiving the 'harsh' treatment you know of makes you giggle.
  67. "Some might argue she's stubborn. As you know I've had a go at her myself a few times and she bounced right back!"
  68. >That makes him chuckles as well.
  69. >"Yeah I guess you have done the same thing. Really wore her out if I remember."
  70. >Oh yes, you most certainly had.
  71. >In your defense she was being a brat and her bottom's oh so cute! [spoiler] It's so jiggly! [/spoiler]
  72. "Heh yes, sir for what little good it did."
  73. >No need to mention that the second time you punished little Twilight he'd grown angry with you and blistered your own flanks as payback.
  74. >Not a memory you'd like to revisit!
  75. "Let's not dwell on past unplesantries though. Dinner is ready if you are?"
  76. >"Oh yeah what are we having?"
  77. "Some veggies for myself as well as a few fried pork chops for you."
  78. >"Your pork chops?! For someone who doesn't eat meat herself you sure make the best pork chops."
  79. "I'm glad to hear they're satisfactory. They were one of my previous master's favorites as well."
  80. >You serve him a generous portion of veggies, a roll, and two pork chops.
  81. >Fortunately he's not so picky as to always demand freshly cooked food, so the other two will be saved for later in the week.
  82. >You help yourself to your salad before digging into the rest of your meal.
  83. >"So uhh..."
  84. >A promising start.
  85. >"How was your day?"
  86. >Hmm a bit awkward.
  87. >This was usually the part where Twilight would be yammering about something trivial but adorable.
  88. >Adorable because it's her of course, she gets so passionate.
  89. "It was lovely master, thank you for asking. After you and Twilight left I cleaned the upstairs then started on dinner."
  90. >You wince as he tears into the meat with just his hands and teeth.
  91. >It's bad enough when they use utensils but to just... rip into it!
  92. >Human jaws must be very strong... and dangerous.
  93. >"I hope you didn't work hard the whole time. Breaks are important right?"
  94. >You never thought you'd get told to work LESS hard.
  95. >A first time for everything you suppose.
  96. >Under normal circumstances you'd suspect some kind of trick or trap, but not with him.
  97. "I had the radio on, it wasn't all drudgery."
  98. >"Well just take it easy alright? You guys seem to always be cleaning and I've never seen a spot of dust."
  99. >That IS the point.
  100. "We try our best for you master."
  101. >He puts down the bone he's gnawing on and looks at you.
  102. >"I get that, but like take some time for you too. Things ran smoothly enough when it was just Twilight and she spent half her time shitposting."
  103. >You want to point out the new house has about four times the square footage of the old one.
  104. >Plus the fact that more individuals living under one roof means more laundry, cooking, and all around work.
  105. >Why bother though?
  106. >No need to look a gift horse in the mouth as they say.
  107. "I will sir."
  109. >The two of you finish dinner in relative silence.
  110. >So now what?
  111. >Normally you'd all three crash in the living room and watch something on netflix.
  112. >Twilight would be rather upset if you watched any episodes without her though.
  113. >Perhaps you'll slip off to your room to relax by yourself.
  114. >He did tell you to make time for you after all.
  115. >After cleaning up the plates you pass through the living room to get to the stairs.
  116. >"Not going back to work are you?"
  117. >The question catches you off guard.
  118. "I... no. Sir! I was just going to go to my room for lie down for a moment. If that's... acceptable? I could keep you company instead if you wish?"
  119. >He takes his eyes off the TV to give you a curious look.
  120. >"Rarity, do whatever you want. Just because Twi isn't here doesn't mean you have to babysit me. If you want to go upstairs then it's your house too."
  121. >It is?
  122. "I'm sorry, of course your right. I'll be upstairs if you need me."
  123. >"Have fun."
  125. >You in fact do have fun.
  126. >Twilight gave you one of her old laptops when you'd moved in.
  127. >It wouldn't keep up with her fancy games anymore, but to surf pinterest it works wonderfully.
  128. >Why she gives you trouble over pinterest you'll never know.
  129. >Everything's just so cute on here!
  130. >They even have pony fashion boards you can peruse.
  131. >Anon and Twilight had encouraged you to pick back up the needle again, and you'd been considering it just, not yet.
  132. >Really though you could do better than some of this stuff.
  133. >That dress was clearly made with her wings as an afterthought, and that color clases horribly with her coat.
  134. >There are some are cute ones though.
  135. >Human's place much more value on fashion than ponykind ever did.
  136. >When you absolutely have to wear something every single day it makes sense they'd have a large industry dedicated to it.
  137. >A knock at your door interrupts your fun.
  138. >You turn the handle with your magic to reveal the human on the other side.
  139. >"Hey uh I'm headed to bed. Are you..."
  140. >He gestures towards your bed.
  141. >Are you sleeping here or with him is the question.
  142. "Whatever you'd prefer master. I was of course *ahem* 'accompanying' you and Twilight lately but without her here... If you'd like me..."
  143. >"Hey, really it's up to you. Whatever you're more comfortable with. I know you probably enjoyed being with her and now she's not here and uhh..."
  144. "Yes that's true, but I could..."
  145. >"Maybe..."
  146. >An impasse, clearly neither side wants to be the one to push the issue one way or the other.
  147. >Truthfully you'd rather the privacy of your own bed, but Twilight did ask you to 'take care' of him.
  148. >Ugh, 'take care'.
  149. >The full implications of that request have weighted down up on you heavily ever since you'd accepted.
  150. >Feed, shop for, and clean up after go without saying, but she does more than that for him doesn't she?
  151. >She takes care of his more... base instincts.
  152. >And she loves it of course, but if she's gone.
  153. >Just relax Rarity he's an adult he can handle himself.
  154. >Surely there's no need for you to...
  155. >"Let's just say you're welcome in my bed or yours. There's plenty of room in both."
  156. "I..."
  157. >Twilight provides more to Anon than physical pleasure though, she provides companionship.
  158. >Perhaps you can start with that.
  159. "I'd umm... well if you don't mind your bed is a bit more comfortable. And as you said it's quite large..."
  160. >"Oh, yeah yeah sure plenty of room. Were you going to turn in now then or-"
  161. "Yes, yes now is fine. I admit I'm getting rather sleepy."
  162. >"Well great. I'll leave the light on then?"
  163. "Wonderful I'll be along momentarily just give me a moment to clean up."
  164. >The two of you split ways, him to his room and you to your bathroom.
  165. >Now relax Rarity it's just sleeping in the same bed.
  166. >Anon is a gentleman after all, he'd never demand anything of you.
  167. >You finish brushing your teeth and begin to brush your mane.
  168. >Truthfully you shouldn't be fussing overy our mane so much right before bed but you do anyway.
  169. >You don't want to attract any more attention from the male, but Rarity Belle can not show up with a messy mane!
  170. >Finally satisfied with your appearance you start towards the master suite.
  171. >Perhaps you should grab your robe?
  172. >You never wore it to their room before, but you doubt he'd mind.
  173. >Floating it over you wrap yourself in the thick warm fabric.
  174. >It's comforting.
  175. >You find the door partially opened when you arrive.
  176. >Do you knock?
  177. >He knocked but your door was closed at the time.
  178. >Since he's already invited you you opt to simply slip inside.
  179. >It appears he's still in the bathroom.
  180. >You take the opportunity to go to Twilight's side and take off your robe.
  181. >In retrospect it was silly to put it on in the first place, but you'll have something to cover yourself with in the morning just in case.
  182. >Burrowing under the covers is nice at least.
  183. >The pillow smells like Twilight and the mattress really is softer than yours.
  184. >A switched off light in the bathroom tells you it's time.
  185. >The human wears a simple white undershirt and what are they called?
  186. >Athletic shorts?
  187. >Something like that, the point is he's at least partially clothed.
  188. >His weight sinks the other side of the bed as he climbs in.
  189. >Oh goodness, you're really sleeping in the same bed as him.
  190. >You remind yourself again that he's a gentleman.
  191. >No arms wrap around your waist as a few of your old owners would have done.
  192. >No kisses grace the back of your neck to ready you for the coming storm.
  193. >No, he simply wiggles around to get comfortable and turns off the lights with his phone.
  194. >"Sleep tight Rare."
  195. >Rare? Do you get a nickname now too?
  196. "You too master."
  198. >A peaceful morning complement another restful night's sleep.
  199. >3 days have passed since you joined Anon in his bed and he's not made a single untoward advance.
  200. >TIt seems you were right to trust him to be a well mannered bed partner.
  201. >You roll over and find the human still slumbering.
  202. >Goodness he looks a little like Twilight.
  203. >Limbs thrown every which way, hair a mess, and a small puddle of drool on his pillow.
  204. >Exactly like her actually... how odd.
  205. >Did one rub off on the other or were they simply made for each other?
  206. >Either way she left him in your care.
  207. >You briefly check the clock: 7:23.
  208. >As it's still a weekday Anon's alarm should be going off soon.
  209. >Although you'd love a few more minutes beauty sleep, it would be best to have his breakfast ready when he is.
  210. >Shift around to get up must have disturbed the sleeping human!
  211. >You squeak when arms wrap around your waist and pull you backwards!
  212. >Before you can protest master's sleepy voice groans into your ear.
  213. >"Just 5 more minutes Twilight..."
  214. >H-he thinks your Twilight.
  215. >Of course, that makes sense, they must cuddle on many such cold mornings.
  216. >Should you wake him?
  217. >Perhaps you can just wiggle. A. Bit.
  218. >That's a no, his grip's both firm and possessive.
  219. >Your mind starts to wander back to another time a human grabbed you like this.
  220. >A firm grip around you waist.
  221. >A breathy voice in your ear.
  222. >Hands sliding to places you didn't want them.
  223. >Other parts invading you in even more vile ways.
  224. >Your breath speeds up as the memories rush back.
  225. >Grunting.
  226. >Pain.
  227. >Stretching.
  228. >Begging.
  229. >Crying.
  230. >You're little episode must have awoken your big spoon back in the waking world.
  231. >"Rares? What are you...? Hey, are you ok?"
  232. >He shakes you out of your panicked trance.
  233. >Now fully back in the world of the living you desperately scurry back to your side of the bed.
  234. "I. Master I, umm good morning. You just, uh, gave me a fright there. I'm not used to..."
  235. >Sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes Anon looks at you with worry.
  236. >You must look a mess.
  237. >You know your mane's ruined from thrashing about, your breathing's erratic, your heart's beating a mile a minute, and you're fighting the strong instinct to run like hell.
  238. >"Hey just relax ok? I guess I grabbed you in my sleep? Sorry if so, it's kinda a habit."
  239. "N-no it's quite alright sir, it's your right to do as you wish..."
  240. >'With his slave' but you leave that part unsaid.
  241. >He reaches forward to grab your hoof comfortingly but you flinch away.
  242. >You know he'd never hurt you, but the memories of those who would are too fresh on your mind.
  243. >"You don't have to talk like that, really. You're Twilight's friend, if I ever hurt you she'd kick me in the head!"
  244. >That filly just might.
  245. >"And besides that I don't want to make you uncomfortable anyway. You've had some rough experiences with people in the past right? If you need space that's fine."
  246. "No, it's alright you were kind enough to invite me-"
  247. >"Rares I only asked if you wanted to sleep here since you were before. Please don't feel obligated to be here here or anything like that. The only things I really need you to do are cook and clean, if you don't want to hang out with me after that then you don't have to."
  248. >You pull the blankets over your head like a hood so you can hide.
  249. "That's not fair to you thought. Twilight doesn't just cook and clean then wander off to leave you all alone, so I shouldn't either. Just because I'm damaged goods-"
  250. >Keep it together Rarity!
  251. >What will he think if you completely fall apart in front of him?
  252. >"Hey, don't talk like that. You do a great job around here. You keep the place running and you keep Twilight up off her lazy butt and working."
  253. >Celestia that's true!
  254. >"Plus it's great for Twilight to have another pony to spend time with, especially an old friend. So seriously, if your having flashbacks, or panic attacks, or whatever because of me-"
  255. "It wouldn't be fair for me to avoid you because of something someone else did. You've been nothing but kind and understanding ever since I showed at your door with my little proposal."
  256. >Ugh, what a horrible memory that is.
  257. >You try not to think about how free and powerful you used to be, but it's hard not to at times like this.
  258. >"Well I'm sorry about grabbing you, it was an accident. If you aren't comfortable being touched that's easy enough to remember."
  259. "I'm yours sir, if you want to touch-"
  260. >"Rares I just wanna do right by you. Quit making this an owners rights thing when it doesn't need to be. I know it's a perspective your familiar with, but I can be your owner and try to respect your feelings at the same time."
  261. >My, what a sweet talker.
  262. "I suppose you're right about my perspective, but I still think it's unfair for you to have to put up with a slave who's a threat to break down at the slightest touch. I rather like you to be honest and I'd love to be more comfortable I just need time to get there. Perhaps if we just start small? A little here, a little there, to help me acclimate to being around a friendly human instead of a cruel one."
  263. >"That sounds easy enough. May I?"
  264. >He holds his hand out in front of your hoof.
  265. >You take a steadying breath and place your hoof in the center of his palm.
  266. >The way he runs his thumb back and forth feels rather nice and helps you remain calm.
  267. >"See, it's not so bad? Small steps alright?"
  268. "Small steps."
  270. >The two of you continue to take small steps over the next couple weeks.
  271. >Hoof holding at meals, a hug before he left for work, even sitting close together on the couch with his hand sometimes on your withers.
  272. >You have your ups and downs with it.
  273. >Sometimes you'd forget his hand was even there and others you'd have to scurry away to collect yourself.
  274. >But he's patient and encouraging, giving you all the time you need and never once forcing the issue.
  275. >After quite a bit of what one might call 'acclimating' yourself, things finally begin to go smoother.
  276. >You can make it a whole movie with his arm around you without issue.
  277. >Hugs before and after work become the a welcome norm.
  278. >The truth is you find yourself rather liking the close platonic kindness.
  279. >Besides Twilight Dusty's the only other pony or person who ever touches you.
  280. >Not that there's anything wrong with what Dusty does for you, but it's so carnal in nature in comparison to your time with Anon.
  281. >You get along well enough with the stallion, but you know he's just there to mount your shapely flanks, and you're just there to get some much needed stallion meat between your legs.
  282. >It's a function relationship but it lacks real caring or affection.
  283. >Perhaps Anon only cares for you because he cares for Twilight but right now even that's enough.
  284. [spoiler]>Speaking of the stallion he'll be leaving for vacation with his masters soon.
  285. >You'd stopped by to wish him a safe trip, and oh my did he have a little something for you before you left!
  286. >You left his home delightfully sore in all the right places and filled to the brim with his 'satisfaction'!
  287. >Even if only see him for physical things you're glad Twilight hooked you up with such an eager one!
  288. >And oh how he loves being able to stuff his marshmallow full of cream for a change![/spoiler]
  289. >Your other 'activities' for the day have left you rather tired.
  290. >As a result you currently rest on the couch with Anon watching some silly pirate movie.
  291. >All the action and swashbuckling is more Dash's speed, but it has some little romance bits here and there.
  292. >Well, at least you think so.
  293. >Truthfully you keep nodding in and out as the movie drags on.
  294. >Who can blame you for being tired after Dusty so firmly drove you into the bed?
  295. >Master doesn't need those little details though.
  296. >You'd cleaned up and had his dinner ready when he'd arrived home so he's none the wiser.
  297. >"Rares? Rares you awake? Movies over."
  298. "Hmm? Wha? Oh yes I'm *yawn* I'm here. Lovely movie, I enjoyed the part... with the boat..."
  299. >He laughs and pets the side of your neck.
  300. >As nice as it would be to pass back out you should really get in bed before you do that.
  301. >Stretching about suddenly makes you aware of your current position.
  302. >Lying on your side by him on the couch is something you've grown accustomed to in the last few days.
  303. >Lying with your head in his lap is another step up.
  304. >The new degree of intimacy is a bit more than you'd planned.
  305. >You lift your head and slide off the couch with as much dignity as possible.
  306. >At least you don't feel any 'interest' poking you in the back of the head!
  307. >At least not that you remember.
  308. >"If your sleepy go on to bed. I've got a few emails I need to take care of, so I'll be in my office for a bit."
  309. >It feels silly going to bed so early but Dusty really did pound your lovely backside into next week!
  310. >It was all you could do to keep your footing while he delivered inch after inch to your supple derriere.
  311. >He even wound up inside your poor posterior instead of your perfectly good lower lips!
  312. >Why stallions liked that hole better than your well lubed love tunnel you'll never understand!
  313. >No matter, it was fun enough for you as well.
  314. >At any rate these aren't proper thoughts for a lady right before bed, especially one so exhausted!
  315. "You're right I think I will retire. Leave the lamp on for you?"
  316. >"Nah, I can stumble around in the dark, it's no big deal. Sleep tight."
  318. >And sleep tight you did.
  319. >For only an hour, according to the clock.
  320. >You can't say for certain what woke you up, but you find yourself in desperate need of a drink.
  321. >Stumbling out of bed you make the trudge towards the kitchen.
  322. >A nice glass of water and back to bed with you.
  323. >Warm soft sweet bed.
  324. >A light catches your eye as you begin to descend the stairs.
  325. >Anon's office?
  326. >He must still be working, or just browsing the internet.
  327. >Perhaps you'll spy and see just how diligent he really is.
  328. >Silently you slide over to the cracked door and peek inside.
  329. >What you see is...!
  330. >Oh my! You really should have minded your own business!
  331. >Master's chair faces away from you so you have a clear view of what's on his computer screen.
  332. >Mares!
  333. >Small mares with beautiful bottoms in very compromising positions!
  334. >Mares moaning and being claimed in every intimate way!
  335. >Mares being stretched to their very limits by terrifyingly large human cocks!
  336. >And a familiar purple mares blushing for the camera with her well warmed cheeks on display!
  337. >Anon's hand is right where you'd expect a male's to be when exposed to such images.
  338. >O-oh my...
  339. >Even he's rather large...
  340. >Not as large as the phalluses in the pictures, but enough to really push a mare to her limits!
  341. >Sweet Celestia how does Twilight put up with that thing!
  342. >Clearly you've either underestimated your friends endurance or Anon is a master of control!
  343. >Based on the noises you've heard though...
  344. >You shake your head of the mental image of Twilight skewered on that... thing!
  345. >Maybe you should be asking her for tips...
  346. >No! Bad Rarity!
  347. >You should be ashamed for intruding on masters privacy like this!
  348. >He obviously misses his mare very much.
  349. >No need to blame him for relieving a bit of stress after nearly two weeks without the attention he's used to.
  350. >In fact your laying your head in his lap tonight probably didn't help much.
  351. >It occurs to you that could have just used you to tend to these 'feelings' but he didn't.
  352. >He didn't because he respects you, because he cares about your feelings, and because he knows you wouldn't be comfortable with it even if you said you were.
  353. >He's not perfect, but Twilight really lucked out being bought by this one.
  354. >And she asked you to take care of him.
  355. >You're supposed to be taking care of his every need and here he is having to look at pictures to fulfill his base desires.
  356. >Gentlehoof finally gave you two the go ahead to visit Twilight tomorrow.
  357. >How will he feel when he's able to see his mare but not really touch her?
  358. >It's almost cruel to ask him to visit her when he's so in need just to then make him wait even longer.
  359. >And what will Twilight say to you?
  360. >She gave you one job and looks how you've done it!
  361. >Maybe you should...?
  362. >No it would be far too awkward to just walk in.
  363. >He'd either be ashamed or angry to find you were spying on him and neither accomplishes what need be done.
  364. >Wait until he goes to bed?
  365. >Once he's finished here you doubt he'll be in the mood for more 'fun' even if self service isn't nearly as satisfying as the real thing.
  366. >The morning perhaps?
  367. >It seems the only reasonable option.
  368. >Needing to see no more of Anon's spicy pictures you head downstairs for your glass of water then promptly back to bed.
  369. >Your heart beats a mile a minute just thinking about what you've resolved to do.
  370. >They've both been so good to you though, you owe them at least this much.
  371. >You can do this Rarity.
  372. >For Anon and for Twilight you can do this.
  374. >Thankfully your exhaustion keeps you from staying up all night worrying.
  375. >As usual you wake up before Anon.
  376. >You'd deliberately slept half on his side of the bed and half on yours.
  377. >The result was just as you'd expected, human arms encircle you and hold you close to his chest.
  378. >This time however you notice another little detail.
  379. >Perhaps you're situated lower than the last time or perhaps you simply didn't notice in your panic, but a certain something pokes you right in the flank.
  380. >Oh my.
  381. >You knew he wouldn't be satisfied after last night...
  382. >You take a steadying breath and slip down and out of his arms.
  383. >He's still asleep, good.
  384. >This'll be much easier without having to awkwardly explain your intentions first.
  385. >You scoot further under the covers until your at eye level with his... shorts.
  386. >Are you actually going to do this?
  387. >You'd resolved yourself to the idea last night but now that the moment's here...
  388. >No, you can't back out now!
  389. >Gently you light your horn and slip his shorts off.
  390. >I-it's just as large as you remember!
  391. >But it's ok!
  392. >He's asleep so there he way he can... take control.
  393. >Grab the back of your neck and gag you on it until you...
  394. >No no no, don't remember him!
  395. >This is Anon he's different!
  396. >You steel yourself and rub your nuzzle up against the semi hard member before you can chicken out!
  397. >It twitches in delight as your soft cheek presses up against it.
  398. >You're good, you're good, everything is fine!
  399. >This human isn't going to hurt you or force you, in fact he'll be very grateful!
  400. >You press your muzzle up against the now full mast length and give it a tiny lick.
  401. >He bucks his hips slightly and moans yet remains asleep.
  402. >A longer lick from base to tip gets an even louder moan.
  403. >The good news is you now know that not all humans taste disgusting.
  404. >You suspect hygiene had something to do with the flavor difference of Anon compared to the last man you did this for.
  405. >That makes things all the easier.
  406. >Another minute of licking sees him fully lubricated and already leaking precum from the tip.
  407. >This is it, no backing out now.
  408. >Moving around for a better angle you slowly and cautiously put your lips right on his tip.
  409. >Since he's still asleep it's easy to take control of the situation and slowly welcome him into your mouth.
  410. >It's wider than you'd anticipated stretching your mouth right to the limits of comfort, but it's still doable.
  411. >Two inches later your mouth is full and he's barely part of the way in!
  412. >You let out a small moan as he head hits your throat and keeps going!
  413. >Some ponies believe all things happen for a reason.
  414. >Maybe this is why you'd had your gag reflex so painfully trained out of you all those years ago.
  415. >This time though no hands grab your head and shove you downward nor hips buck forward, you can take things at your own pace.
  416. >You pull back for a moment to catch your breath and prepare yourself for the plunge.
  417. >It's a long way down to his base, but you think you can manage.
  418. >The intruder twitches wildly when you ram the whole thing down your throat!
  419. >Ow ow ow! It's been a while!
  420. >Still you persevere and work your tongue as best you can!
  421. >To say he seems to be enjoying it might be an understatement!
  422. >You struggle to keep his hips from bucking too far and louder more enthusiastic moans fill your ears even under the covers!
  423. >It isn't long before you're forced to come up for a breath, but you know just where to apply magic, hoof, and tongue to keep him going while you recover.
  424. >How does Twilight deal with such a beast on a regular basis!?
  425. >You take a deep breath and shove him all the way back down your throat again!
  426. >Great, now you'll be sore in all three holes after this is done!
  427. >At least you'll make it worthwhile for yourself while your at it.
  428. >A hoof between your legs adds more stimulation to your already winking nethers!
  429. >Ugh, you should have grabbed a toy before getting started!
  430. >You moan lewdly as you really start to get into the swing of things.
  431. >What would it be like to have something this between your legs you wonder?
  432. >You'd only been planning on a blowjob for maybe...
  433. >"MMMM Twi..."
  434. >It's fine with you if he dreams of his mare while you service him.
  435. >Afterall she's probably awoken him the same way countless times.
  436. >More frantic twitching tells you he's close to blowing his load!
  437. >Shoot, it's not a great time!
  438. >You need air but stopping now would be-!
  439. >A blast of hot liquid interrupts you before you have a choice!
  440. >So soon and so much!
  441. >You swallow desperately as it keeps gushing out!
  442. >Mercy please!
  443. >Where does it end!
  444. >You're starting to feel light headed when the thick viscous stream finally ends!
  445. >Any semblance of grace is discarded as you pull off, gasp, hack, and cough the seeming gallons of spunk out of your throat!
  446. >Weeks of emission all pumped into your belly at once!
  447. >Oh you just might be sick, you feel positively bloated!
  448. >"Oh wow, morning to you too Twi. Today special or something? I mean it's not even sunday. W-"
  449. >Whatever he wanted to express goes unsaid when he lifts the covers and finds an exhausted white mare instead.
  450. >"Shit."
  451. >That's... not what you expected.
  452. >Does he not approve?
  453. [spoiler]spoiler: No.[/spoiler]
  455. >>Continued in act 5:

"Sparkle Spanker 2000" ~Complete

by Vega

"Rarity & the Minotaur" ~Complete

by Vega

"Twilight's Political Plot" ~Complete

by Vega

"Trixie's Magic Trick" ~Complete

by Vega

"Mortified Modeling" ~Complete

by Vega