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"Staying out of Trouble" Act 5

By Vega
Created: 2020-12-18 19:08:06
Updated: 2024-03-25 02:12:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Act 5: Home
  3. >Fire.
  4. >The whole hill you landed on is now on fire.
  5. >A magical discharge of that magnitude must have ripped the aether asunder at your landing point.
  6. >The small ridge now sports a lovely crater several meters wide and a couple deep.
  7. >Oh, and it's on fire.
  8. >Not like a blaze, but all the tiny vegetation is either incinerated or currently burning.
  9. >You start to stomp out what you can, no point in causing a forest fire, but there's just so much of it.
  10. >Forget this, a quick flick of your horn extinguishes the immediate area in an instant.
  11. >Magic is so easy here!
  12. >You expand your magical vision and marvel at how lush and vibrant the local mana fields are!
  13. >Magic leaked into the human world through every tiny crack between the two universes but here you're standing in the source.
  14. >Even the air feels cleaner, more pure.
  15. >You can't help but giggle as you prance over to some fresh grass and literally roll around in the dirt.
  16. >You did it!
  17. >You did it, you actually made it back!
  18. >Equestria!
  20. >Once your initial giddiness wears off [spoiler]Only 15 minutes later. Nothing wrong with running, jumping, cheering, hooting, and hollering in joy[/spoiler] you take a good look around.
  21. >It's hard to say exactly where you are but it seems to be somewhere up north?
  22. >The crystal mountains look closer than they did in ponyville or canterlot and you think that's neighagra falls over there.
  23. >So...
  24. >What now?
  25. >You lay in the soft grass to think for a moment.
  26. >Time to take stock.
  27. >You've got your magic full unlocked if a bit drained from your jump.
  28. >You've got your a good supply of sugarcubes to keep your spirits up.
  29. >And most importantly you've escaped from earth and your life of slavery.
  30. >Actually speaking of that...
  31. >Prodding your neck confirms your collar's still there.
  32. >That's really no surprise, but if you're going to be a free mare it's the first thing that needs to go.
  33. >Conjuring an illusionary mirror you get ready to shatter the oppressive device.
  34. >You wrap your magic around it and...
  35. ~Twilight Sparkle~
  36. ~Property of Anonymous~
  37. >It really is pretty though...
  38. >If you don't look too hard you can't even see the property part.
  39. >Too bad it will probably lead humans right to you.
  40. >Maybe you can disable it?
  41. >To your surprise a magical scan reveals the deeds been done for you already.
  42. >Several circuits are completely fried, no doubt from the extreme trip across dimensions it just took with you.
  43. >Why do you feel bad about that?
  44. >Sure it's a nice collar but it's still a slave collar.
  45. >Anon only put it on you because your his slave, and he wanted to keep track of you, not because he wanted to give you a fashion accessory.
  46. >He spent so much though...
  47. >Even customized it in order to protect you better.
  48. >At least all that data got back up to the cloud already.
  49. >That way if Anon still needed your biometrics or Dr. Roger's confession he still has it.
  50. >Anon.
  51. >You'd managed to avoid thinking about him until now.
  52. >You're still mad at him... right?
  53. >He had no right to keep your things from you even if you are his.
  54. >Were his...
  55. >You look long and hard at your reflection in the mirror again.
  56. ~Property of Anonymous~
  57. >You never resented those words before and truthfully you still don't.
  58. >It was...
  59. >It was sorta nice being his...
  60. >Maybe that's the stockholm syndrome talking, but you don't think so.
  61. >The two of you had your disagreements and he didn't used to hesitate to smack you into compliance, but it was more than that.
  62. >He didn't just hold your remote he held your heart and you know it.
  63. >Popping another sugarcube gives you the rush you need to suppress those feelings for now.
  64. >Even if you start to miss him there's no going back
  65. >You yelled at him, stole his phone, and ran away.
  66. >Sure you left the phone behind but you're still a runaway now.
  67. >If he took you back now it'd be as Twilight the slave not Twilight the marefriend.
  68. >He'd probably kick you out of his bed and take away all your privileges.
  69. >That's what happens to disobedient property afterall.
  70. >But you aren't property anymore.
  71. >You're a free mare and you intend to stay that way.
  72. >You just... you need a plan.
  73. >Where do the free mares go?
  75. >Roaming the countryside helps you confirm your location as somewhere between canterlot and the crystal empire.
  76. >Last you'd heard the empire was the final bastion of pony hope.
  77. >It's formidable defenses and harsh terrain spared it from the initial blitz that claimed most of ponykind.
  78. >You knew the humans were advancing on it all those years ago, but you'd heard not a single word about it since.
  79. >Either it fell like everything else, or it stands under cover of a media blackout to avoid giving ponies back on earth a place to hope for.
  80. >You hope the latter isn't just wishful thinking because you'd rather not spend the rest of your life constantly on the run again.
  81. >Maybe you didn't think this whole thing through very well...
  82. >A bit of light grazing sustains you as you slowly work your way north.
  83. >The more you travel the more time that doubts have to worm their way into your head.
  84. >You should have grabbed more supplies before you left: Food, clothes, water, maybe a compass.
  85. >You should have also given some thought as to your plan when you got here.
  86. >Everything happened so fast though and the opportunity just presented itself.
  87. >Did you jump the gun?
  88. >No, there's no time for regrets now.
  89. >Equestria is bountiful enough, it's provided for pony kind for millennia and it'll provide for you.
  90. >Cresting a tall hill gives you a great vantage point to figure a few things out.
  91. >Canterlot's too far for you to make out any details, but a few of the smaller settlements around the neighagra areas are much closer.
  92. >A little magic let's you bend the light in front of you to get a better view over the distance.
  93. >It's about what you expected: each town is either nothing but ruins or clearly rebuild to accommodate humans.
  94. >You're still inspecting when a glint of light catches your eye.
  95. >On the rooftop?
  96. >It's so tiny, you refocus your makeshift lense to see...
  97. >A human!
  98. >A human looking at you through some kind of scope!
  99. >In a flash of magic you teleport down the hill and away from danger!
  100. >Did he see you?!
  101. >He must have why else would he be looking your way!
  102. >Did they notice the magical surge?!
  103. >Even if they missed the tidal wave of mana the resulting explosion and fire was sure to draw attention!
  104. >Oh why didn't you think of this earlier!
  105. >Are they already tracking you?!
  106. >If they catch you they'll be hell to pay!
  107. >You briefly consider ripping your collar off but decide against it.
  108. >Being a runaway is bad enough, but you know firsthoof what they do to fresh ponies ready for breaking!
  109. >Worse case scenario having proof that you were previously owned might save you quite a few beatings.
  110. >That's planning for bad ends though, the goal right now is to simply not get caught.
  111. >A series of long range blinks let's you rip across the land faster than any human could follow.
  112. >You'd keep going but even with a sugarcube you're really starting to push your limits.
  113. >Most the magic for your little dimensional hop came from the elements, but it still took it's toll on your own reserves.
  114. >Speaking of the elements you sure hope Rarity picked those up...
  115. >Of course she would and besides it's not like Anon even knows what they are.
  116. >They'll be time to think about that later though.
  117. >Right now it's canter'o'clock.
  118. >Your physical fitness may be so so, but even you can keep up a mild canter for a quite a while
  119. >Then again on open terrain like this they could just drive a jeep after you...
  120. >You step up the pace as best you can and look behind you for any signs of pursuit.
  121. >So far so - nevermind.
  122. >Something's closing on you fast.
  123. >In the sky.
  124. >Pony sized.
  125. >With a rainbow trail behind her.
  126. >This is good... right?
  128. >In wide open plains like this you'll never escape dash's speed and superior pegasus vision.
  129. >Instead you blink behind a small thicket and wait.
  130. >At least here no humans can see you while you have a civilized conversation with your friend.
  131. >Your good loyal friend... right?
  132. >Sweetie didn't exactly have great things to say about dash, and neither did her element, but deep down you know she's still your friend.
  133. >By the sound of flapping wings she's arrived.
  134. >"Alright, come on out now and no funny business!"
  135. >She must not know it's you.
  136. >You poke your head around a tree to get a look at the pegasus.
  137. >Wow, she's geared to the teeth.
  138. >The mare wears what looks like lightweight barding all over her body.
  139. >Even her wings are lightly armored along edge all the way to the rip of her primaries.
  140. >To say she looks intimidating is an understatement.
  141. >"Twilight?"
  142. >She's at a little less imposing when she lands and inches towards you.
  143. >"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh it really is you! They said a purple unicorn, but I never really thought!"
  144. >Her giddy expression falls a little when her eyes reach your neck.
  145. >"O-oh you're a runaway..."
  146. "Dash I-I didn't expect to see you. You look... well?"
  147. >"Heck yeah I look good! Look at all this awesome gear they gave me! I've even got a taser look!"
  148. >And she points it right at you!
  149. >You duck behind the tree in a panic!
  150. >No shock please!
  151. >"Heh sorry, I sometimes forget."
  152. >Sometimes forget.
  153. >Yeah that sounds like your old dashie.
  154. >You poke your head around the otherside and find the laser withdrawn, she even looks a little sheepish.
  155. "Yeah, let's just be careful with that ok?"
  156. >"Yeah yeah, sure."
  157. >She cocks her head and walks around the tree to get a better view of you.
  158. >"I do have like a job to do though. Could you just uhh stop hiding?"
  159. >You don't move further out, but you don't hide more either.
  160. "Retrieval?"
  161. >She grimaces and looks away while scratching the back of her head.
  162. >"Yeah, something like that. Fastest pony in the land plus great vision... well you know."
  163. "Dash I'm not going back."
  164. >"Ok ok, let's just relax and talk about this. How'd you get here? Resistance? AJ send you?"
  165. >There's a resistance?
  166. "I don't think I should tell you too much, but I'm here on my own. No one sent me."
  167. >"Ok cool, that's cool. So like, where are you headed then? There's nothing out here Twi, nothing but ruins and humans. You should come with me. My humans are really cool and I'd make sure they treat you right. We'll get you back to your human and everything'll be awesome I promise!"
  168. >The sad part is she actually believes that.
  169. "Dash I'm sorry, but I told you I'm not going back. I can't go back. Why don't you just tell them that you lost me? I'll head to those trees over there and lay low, and you can fly around for a bit looking for me."
  170. >"Ehhh yeahhhhh... I really don't think that's gonna work..."
  171. "Dash please we're friends right?"
  172. >"Yeah absolutely!"
  173. >She takes a step forward and you take a step back.
  174. >"And friends don't let friends hurt themselves right?! This is what's best Twi I promise. Is your human abusive? Is that why you ran away? We can get him investigated if it's bad then we can get you somewhere better. Hey! Maybe you can come work with me! Wouldn't that be awesome!? Between the two of us we'd be unstoppable!"
  175. >She's so earnest when she's excited, but there's no way in tartarus you're going to help her play pony catcher.
  176. "I really don't think that's a good idea..."
  177. >"Twilight come on. Your tired, even I can tell that. If you could teleport off you would have already. Why don't you just clip this to your collar and we head back. I'll let you have my dinner portion, eh!?"
  178. >A steel cable extends from the center of her outfit to her outstretched hoof.
  179. >The sad part is you can tell she's really trying, she actually wants to help you she's just so... wrong.
  180. "Dash, I'm sorry."
  181. >With that you blink.
  182. >It's not far but it's the best you can manage.
  183. >The magical demand of a teleport scales violently with range, as a result a series of short blinds is far far more efficient than one long one.
  184. >The downside of that is a pony with Dash's long range vision and speed can easily keep track of you in such an open area.
  185. >Still, you don't have much choice but to try!
  186. >Her signature rainbow contrail is already headed in your direction.
  187. >Why's she have to be so fast!?
  188. >A pathetic combination of blinking and running only slows her approach behind you.
  189. >She'll catch you in just a few minutes if you don't think of something!
  190. >Why'd you leave the elements!? You could really use a power boost right now!
  191. >You pop another blue sugarcube in your mouth and push yourself to the limits.
  192. >Even a blink that far isn't enough to put your out of her sight!
  193. >Buck buck buck buck buck!
  194. >A series of small shockwaves give way before her as she picks of more and more speed!
  195. >She really plans on chasing your flank down!
  196. >The telltale rainbow cone's already forming in front of her!
  197. >Is a rainboom really necessary!?
  198. >Your horn burns as you put mile after mile between you and Rainbow Dash over and over, but it's never enough!
  199. *BOOM*
  200. >You can't outrun a rainboom!
  201. >One last desperate blink throw you further than all the others, but you still see her.
  202. >That's it, no more magic, no more blinking, no more running.
  203. >You stumble to a stop and turn to watch the rainbow colored missile bear down on you.
  204. >She'll be here in what? 2 minutes?
  205. >Well, it was a good run.
  206. >A stupid run if you have to be honest.
  207. >Maybe Rainbow's right and her humans will be nice to you.
  208. >Maybe Anon won't be too mad, maybe he won't even sell you.
  209. >Boy that would be nice, anything but the auction house again...
  210. >You look up to watch your friend come to retrieve you.
  211. >Maybe 1 minute now.
  212. >1 more minute of freedom.
  213. >You drop onto your side to smell the sweet Equestrian soil.
  214. >It might be your last time after all, humans usually don't take too kindly to runaways.
  215. >She's much closer now and - wait, what's that?
  216. >Right behind Dash shockwaves break off another pony sized missile, a dark blue one.
  217. >Who... who else is that fast?
  218. >Another wonderbolt?
  219. >Backup for dash if you put up a fight?
  220. *BOOM*
  221. >You don't know of any other wonderbolt you can do that!
  222. >Instead of a rainbow explosion the pony unleashes a rainboom shaded every different kind of blue and purple!
  223. >What the hell's going on!?
  224. >You confusion only grows as the now faster pony climbs above dash, dips back down, and then slams right down into her!
  225. >The blue projectile's trajectory stabilizes but Dash's points her swiftly towards the ground!
  226. >Pull up, pull up, pull up!
  227. >No!
  228. >You sprint the hundred or so feet to the crash site in a panic!
  229. >Pegasi are naturally crash resistant, Dash especially, but at those speeds!
  230. >A heavy swath in the earth marks the progression of Dash's body from impact to final resting place!
  231. >The distinct lack of blood or feathers is encouraging at least!
  232. >Your relieved to find the crashed pony already coughing and struggling to her hooves when you arrive!
  233. >That armor must be made of diamonds!
  234. "Dash! Dash are you ok!?"
  235. >*Cough cough* "Twilight we need to get out of here now! Can you teleport us? We have to go!"
  236. "I don't understand what was that and why?!"
  237. >"That doesn't matter we need to go! It-"
  238. >HOLY SHIT!
  239. >Both yourself and dash jump backwards when a MOTHER BUCKING SWORD SLICES INTO THE GROUND BETWEEN YOU!
  240. >As tall as a pony and gleaming an unusual midnight blue the blade instantly reminds you of something you've read about in a history book
  241. >It can't be, but it is.
  242. >It looks just like Apogee.
  243. >But if one of Equestria's ancient named blades is here then-
  244. >Before your thought process has a chance to finish, any and all doubt is blown away.
  245. >Something even larger, much more solid than a blade, slams into the ground in front of you.
  246. >Not something, somepony.
  247. >A pony much larger than any normal mare.
  248. >A pony leveling Apogee's sister blade Apolune right at Dash.
  249. >A pony with wings spread and horn glowing.
  250. >The Sword of Equestria, the Warden of Dreams, Guardian of the night, Defender of the realm, Bane of corruption, and Terror in the dark.
  251. >Equestria's warrior princess.
  252. >Luna.
  254. "L-"
  255. >"Behind me young Twilight! Let not this snake poison thy ears with it's lies. We'll not let her claim one more!"
  256. >Despite the literal sword held towards her Dash walks a little closer.
  257. >"My lies!? I'm just trying to-!"
  258. >Dash jumps back as Luna swings the tip of Apogee right through the ground it's buried in and in an arc right where she was standing!
  259. "Luna!"
  260. >"Impressive as always Miss Dash, but we told you not one more! Retreat to your masters, for you'll not have this one!"
  261. >The rainbow mare growls but slowly steps backwards.
  262. >"You know you can't keep this up forever Luna! We'll find you and-"
  263. >"WE SAID RETREAT!"
  264. >Oh gods, canterlot voice why!?
  265. >With a scowl Rainbow kicks off the ground and floats a few feet back.
  266. >"This isn't over! Twilight you-"
  267. >A warning shot from Luna's horn shuts Dash right up.
  268. >"Ugh!"
  269. >You hate to see her go in a rage like that, but she WAS chasing you...
  270. >Only once she's sure the threat is gone does Luna turn her eyes to you.
  271. >"We're sure you have many questions little Sparkle, but first let us be off."
  272. >The alicorn bends down, sticks her head under your belly, and slides you down her neck onto her back like a sack of potatoes.
  273. >It's a system Celestia used for years so you know to twist around and wrap your hooves around her neck.
  274. >With her payload secure Luna lights her horn.
  275. >The two of you disappear in a flash of feathers and darkness.
  277. >Luna's hooves touch down in...
  278. >Actually where the heck is this?
  279. >It's almost like you're in the sky itself.
  280. >Stars and nebulas twinkle in every direction yet you can't make out anything distinct.
  281. >Heck, you can't even really see where the ground is, but it clearly supports luna's not insignificant weight.
  282. >Not that luna's fat, just... large.
  283. >Powerful, that's a better term.
  284. >It's a power you can feel just from being in her presence, much less riding on her back.
  285. >Despite your ride having come to a stop you don't immediately hop down.
  286. >Being carried is... nice.
  287. >It reminds you of simpler, happier, and safer times.
  288. >"Thou art welcome to stay up there if thou wish young Twilight."
  289. >Ok, maybe you shouldn't claim your perch without at least asking first.
  290. "Sorry, I - waaa!"
  291. >You tighten your grip around the midnight neck as she settles down onto her belly.
  292. >"Apologies, we did not wish to frighten thee."
  293. "No no, it's fine I'll just..."
  294. >You slide the short distance down your trusty steed's side and land on your hooves.
  295. "So uh-"
  296. >Walking around to face Luna you take another look at your surroundings.
  297. "Where exactly are we? This doesn't seem-"
  298. >You kick the nothing below your hooves only to find it perfectly solid.
  299. "Normal."
  300. >"We are glad to see your time in captivity failed to dull your astute nature."
  301. >Awww!
  302. >"This is indeed, as you put it 'not normal'. We stand not quite on Equis but not quite apart from it either. This realm's use was once more sacred, but desperate times call for desperate measures."
  303. >Sacred?
  304. "So why are we here? Where's the rest of the ponies? It's not just us is it? What happened to-"
  305. >"Twilight please we-"
  306. "Old Equish."
  307. >"Pardon?"
  308. "You're speaking in old Equish again what happened to your speech therapy?"
  309. >You specifically set her up with the best speech therapists in canterlot!
  310. >She was doing so much better last time you spoke to her!
  311. >The alicorn giggles and covers her mouth with a wing.
  312. >"Quite right, we apologize. Our focus on the realm has detracted from our studies."
  313. "Right, of course. I'm sorry that's totally not important right now it's just something I noticed."
  314. >"Worry not, you'll cause no offense. We - I will endeavor to remember my lessons."
  315. >That makes you smile.
  316. >You remember helping Luna acclimate to Equestria all those years ago.
  317. >You'd even helped her with the start of her speech therapy before referring her to a professional.
  318. >"And no it is not just us. There is a haven to retreat to, just not yet."
  319. >A haven! That sounds promising!
  320. "Why not, can we not get there from here?"
  321. >"Nay, I could take us post haste, but first we must talk."
  322. >That sounds eerie.
  323. "O-ok."
  324. >"No need to be nervous little one we just need ask a few questions. There have been... security issues in the past. Ponies twisted by humans infiltrating our ranks and making off with some of our number. Things are stricter now, you understand?"
  325. >Ranks? Infiltration? This sounds big!
  326. >Like not just a few ponies but a whole organization big!
  327. "Sure, no problem. What do you need to know?"
  328. >"Excellent. Our first order of business should be ridding you of that."
  329. >You follow her hoof to your collar.
  330. >Oh.
  331. >"Hold still and we will destroy it."
  332. >Dark blue alicorn magic surrounds your collar only to be slapped away with your own aura.
  333. "No wait, it's fine! It broke on the way over so it's not big deal."
  334. >If she feels disrespected she doesn't show it.
  335. >"Wonderful news indeed, but you have no need of that now sweet Twilight. It is a symbol of your oppression, days that are now gone. You should be rid of it. Allow me to remove it."
  336. >Her magic starts to push at yours in an attempt to wrestle control of the collar from you.
  337. >She's not really trying otherwise she wouldn't have let you push her back.
  338. >"Twilight..."
  339. "P-please, it's not hurting anything."
  340. >"It's hurting you Twilight."
  341. "No it's not I swear! Can't we just ignore it!?"
  342. >She just stares at you for a moment with a neutral expression.
  343. >"Why do you wish to keep it?"
  344. "I-I just. It's mine and I like it and I really hate it when people try and take my stuff from me and it should be my decision and-"
  345. >"Twilight!"
  346. >And now you've defied your one ally in both universes.
  347. >She's your princess, your ruler, and your friend and now you've upset her.
  348. >"You can keep it."
  349. >You blink back the tiny tears in the corner of your eyes.
  350. "Thank you."
  351. >She smiles and lifts a wing high.
  352. >It's a gesture you're used to.
  353. >You scoot around to her side and let it cover you.
  354. >It's nice.
  355. >"Perhaps you could tell me your story. We've been able to track down quite a few ponies, but they never had any records about what happened to you in ponyville."
  356. "Oh I escaped. I was on the run for a few years so it makes sense they wouldn't have any records on me."
  357. >"That long? You did well."
  358. "Heh yeah. Honestly I got tired of living in the woods though. I'd take our bed over those stupid leaves any day."
  359. >"Our bed? You and your master's? Did he hurt you Twilight?"
  360. >She pulls you closer until you lean up against her side.
  361. >Alicorns are so big even a full grown mare can feel like a filly when snuggled up next to one.
  362. "Some people have but he didn't. They aren't all bad..."
  363. >She looks down at you with a face knitted with concern.
  364. >"Kindness relative to their peers does not necessarily make a being virtuous."
  365. "No, it wasn't just that he's less awful. Anon really cares about me."
  366. >"Cares about Twilight Sparkle the pony or Twilight Sparkle the property? Who was this Anon to you? How would you describe him?"
  367. >You don't dare say lover, not now at least.
  368. "My master yes, but I barely ever called him that he's... different."
  369. >"Taking care of one's own property is only common sense. A well cared for tool does the job quickest. You would do best to forget about him. No matter how kind he seemed the fact remains he held your reigns and even placed his name upon your neck. If he truly cared he would have set you free."
  370. >Oh, she noticed the collar's inscription...
  371. "He... I asked to be free once..."
  372. >"Yes? Very bold. What did he say?"
  373. "He actually researched it. I'd just found our Rarity was free, and I guess it motivated me to try and get up off my flank. It wasn't possible though. The laws Rarity used got changed, even if he wanted to there was no way."
  374. >"And did he really want to?"
  375. >He never really said one way or another...
  376. "I-I don't know... I don't know, but he respected me enough to look into it and discuss it with me! He didn't just beat me for speaking out like most would do!"
  377. >The small smile she gives you seems genuine but maybe a little patronizing?
  378. >Bleh, what does she know anyway?
  379. >If she's been out here playing warrior princess, then she wouldn't understand what it's like to go from living in a cage to being respected.
  380. >"I'm glad he was nice to you Twilight, but I'm also glad you're away from him. Are you sure you won't let me remove his last claim upon you?"
  381. >You rub the collar with a hoof.
  382. "Maybe later..."
  383. >"Very well. We will revisit the topic in the future. Cadenza maybe better with this sort of sensitive topic."
  384. "Cadence?! Cadence is here?! Is Celestia too?! Is everyone?! Tell me everything!"
  385. >You try to jump up in excitement only to be reminded your currently wrapped in powerful alicorn wing.
  386. >Instead you settle for violently wiggling in excitement like a filly causing the poor alicorn to lean away in shock.
  387. >"Ah, Peace! Peace! Your foalsitter is here, however my sister is not. Please be calm, we'll explain everything in due time."
  388. >Her powerful wing squeezes you even tighter until huff and relax.
  389. "Fine. Are we gonna go there soon or...?"
  390. >Not that nebula-land isn't pretty, but you're rather excited to see what lies ahead.
  391. >You float a sugarcube out of your bag and pop it into your mouth in boredom.
  392. >"What was that?"
  393. "What was what?"
  394. >"What did you just eat?"
  395. >Ohshit.pony
  396. >You quickly chew up and swallow the cube.
  397. >"Don't you-! Open your mouth! Show me what you just ate!"
  398. "Luna relax it was just a quick snack."
  399. >With a flick of her horn the entire bag of treats appears in front of her!
  400. "Hey!"
  401. >You reach forward but it's just out of hoofs reach!
  402. "Give those back!
  403. >"These again. I suppose your master gave you these?"
  404. "It's just a treat give it back!"
  405. >You sound like a filly but you don't care.
  406. >"Twilight I've seen these before. They're just another tool to keep you under their thumb. Did your master give you these?"
  407. "No! He tried to take them away, but they're mine so give them back!"
  408. >With a strong surge you overpower Luna's magic and take the bag back.
  409. >The sudden magical backlash makes the alicorn recoil and hold a hoof to her horn.
  410. >"Twilight! Stop this at once, those are very dangerous!"
  411. >Scurrying out of your wing cocoon you make a break for it with your precious cargo!
  412. >First Anon and now Luna!
  413. >Why does everyone want to take your stuff!?
  414. >A solid black wall appears in front of you before you can get far!
  415. >No no no!
  416. >Skidding to make the turn another wall appears!
  417. >Before you know it hard magic walls encircle you and turn into bars.
  418. >God damn it! Caged here too!?
  419. >"Twilight please we wish you no harm, but those are not safe. Give them here."
  420. "No! Why does everyone want to take the one thing I enjoy! First Anon and now you!"
  421. >"If they are simple treats then is this not an over reaction?"
  423. >She gives you a flat look that makes you deflate a little.
  424. >"They are devious creations designed to instill a dependence in ponies, to weaken their wills. They interact with a ponis natural magic to make them feel good, empowered even, but the effect is not to last. With your magic the feelings must be even greater, but the Twilight Sparkle I know has a will of iron."
  425. >You back to the edge of your little pen and hold the baggie close to your chest.
  426. >Is all of that true?
  427. >They do feel great there's no denying that.
  428. >You look down at the tiny plastic bag full of happiness.
  429. >So what if it is true?
  430. >What's wrong with wanting to feel good?
  431. >Plus who's to say it 'weakens your will'.
  432. >You haven't done anything crazy for one.
  433. >Ok, you did a few basic tricks for Dr. Taylor.
  434. >Big deal.
  435. >You did maybe overreact slightly when Anon tried to take them away, but that's the principle of stealing your stuff more so than any kind of dependence on the things.
  436. >And now Luna wants to do the same thing.
  437. >"If he cares about you as you say, then your master was right to try and take them from you. Not only do ponies grow accustomed to the feelings, but each one unhinges a pony little by little. Makes them more impulsive and easily manipulated. You're the smartest pony I know Twilight so tell me: Where did you plan on running just now?"
  438. >What?
  439. >You were going to run away so you could keep your stuff, duh!
  440. >Away too...
  441. >You look through the black bars of Luna's temporary magic cage out into infinity.
  442. >You were going to run away into the endless stars that only Luna knows how to navigate.
  443. >Ok, so maybe you didn't really think that one through.
  444. >Are you supposed to believe that's some side effect of the cubes?
  445. "I just wanted to get away..."
  446. >"I see the guilt on your face Twilight. You realize now you acted foolishly and without thinking, traits that are usually foreign to one as careful as you. I've seen it before, and I can help. Here."
  447. >She lowers her head and sticks her horn through the cage.
  448. >Oh, she wants that.
  449. >Seeing little other choice you lean forward and touch your horn to her own.
  450. >Linking horns is a rather intimate gesture among unicorns.
  451. >Usually it's someone a mare would only do so with family, very close friends, or lovers and only in specific circumstances.
  452. >Luna qualifies for one or two of those categories at least.
  453. >Still, you hold your breath and wait to see what her intentions are.
  454. >Such a bonding can be used to share all kinds of experiences/feelings, and you aren't sure you want her rummaging through your memories of Anon.
  455. >It would be possible for you to resist a normal unicorn, but an alicorn?
  456. >You guess that what she usually does here.
  457. >Interrogate new ponies one way or the other.
  458. >To your relief she limits the mental connection to casting some sort of cleansing magic on your mind rather than shifting through it.
  459. >When you open your eyes things seem slightly... different?
  460. >The baggie in your hooves still seems important to you, but it's not longer THAT important.
  461. >"Twilight? It is no cure all, but do you perhaps see things a little differently now?"
  462. "M-maybe a bit..."
  463. >"A little is good. We will release you now. We trust you'll do nothing foalish?"
  464. >You sheepishly nod your head.
  465. >Trying to run was a stupid idea, why did you ever think that would work?
  466. >The impromptu cage vanishes leaving you feeling both exposed and silly in front of the larger alicorn.
  467. >"Are you mad at us? We are only trying to look out for you, we hope you understand."
  468. "No..."
  469. >"We are glad to hear it."
  470. >You still clutch the object of your obsession awkwardly.
  471. "C-can I still hold on to them? I won't take anymore I just want to have them."
  472. >"If you wish."
  473. >You briefly wonder if she's so permissive with other ponies or if your an exception.
  474. >First she indulged you by letting you keep your collar and now this.
  475. >"Do not be ashamed Twilight Sparkle. Few ponies could have made it back to Equestria all on their own as you have. When we felt someone coming through before the scheduled time we knew it had to be somepony special. You'll have to tell us the full tale over dinner, but for now let us go."
  476. "Go?"
  477. >"We touched your mind young Sparkle. You're the same pure hearted filly we always knew, and you're more than welcome with us."
  478. >Without warning a portal pops into being behind Luna!
  479. >Using a portal instead of teleportation further emphasizes the group's priority for security.
  480. >If one pony can teleport in then any pony can.
  481. >Portals on the other hand can be modified to only open to specific ponies and only under specific circumstances.
  482. >Luna steps aside and gestures for you to proceed her.
  483. >Wait is that?!
  484. >You hop to your hooves and gallop through the portal!
  485. >Is that?!
  486. >Bursting through to the other side takes your breath away!
  487. >You'd expected some sort of cave or makeshift everfree base.
  488. >Something hidden, secure, and functional over comfortable.
  489. >What you didn't expect was fields, trees, rivers, and in the middle of it all a city!
  490. >A crystal city crowned with a towering crystal spire!
  491. >The crystal empire shines in the light of a million stars under the same bizarre and nebulous sky as the realm you just left.
  492. >You look back towards the portal and find it set right on the edge of... everything!
  493. >The same shield cadance projected around the empire to repel Sombra marks the edge of the land and the beginning of the void.
  494. >Did they move the whole empire!?
  495. >"We thought you might be Impressed."
  496. "What?! Where?! When?! How?!"
  497. >"If that dark fiend can banish an empire then so can we. Welcome home."
  499. >This!
  500. >Is!
  501. >Amazing!
  502. >The whole empire, it's here!
  503. >The crystal spire, the crystal city, even all the field filled with crops!
  504. >They must be totally self sufficient here!
  505. >It's the perfect hide away!
  506. >An ideal sanctuary for pony to grow, live, and love in freedom and safety!
  507. >What start off at a slow trot turns into a fast canter up as your wonder grows!
  508. >Before you know it you're galloping towards the edge of the city with Luna flying above you.
  509. >So many ponies!
  510. >You can see dozens of crystal ponies at the edge of the city alone.
  511. >Not just crystal ponies though; earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns all mingle among their shimmering brethren in healthy numbers as well.
  512. >Galloping to the top of a small ridge a goofy smile crawls over your face as you take in the sight.
  513. >It's just... Wow!
  514. >"Are we to assume you approve then?"
  515. >You beam up at the hovering alicorn.
  516. "Luna this is amazing! I wish everypony could be here!"
  517. >The regal mare lands besides you and surveys her domain.
  518. >"Perhaps one day, but for now one pony at a time will do."
  519. "Sure sure, it's just... I was expecting shacks, or caves, or refugees gathered around campfires. Not this! This is unbelievable!"
  520. >You rub your side against hers.
  521. "Celestia would be proud."
  522. >She tenses up at the mention of her still lost sister.
  523. >"She... Yes, we would like to think she would."
  524. >Before you can formulate a response something catches your eye.
  525. >Something dropping off the top balcony of the crystal spire, leveling off, and headed straight towards you.
  526. >Something fast and getting faster.
  527. >Something pink.
  528. "Oh no no no no no!"
  529. >You turn tail and start run!
  530. >It's not that you don't want to see Cadence, but you know how she gets when she's this excited!
  531. >You barely make it halfway off the hill before you're scooped up from behind and listed high into the air!
  532. "Ahhhh!"
  533. >"Twilight! It's you, it's really you!"
  534. "Cadence the ground please!"
  535. >Higher and heigher! She just keeps flying higher!
  536. >Unicorns aren't meant to fly like this!
  537. >An amused lunar alicorn watches the two of you from beneath.
  538. >At least if Cadence drops you somepony might be able to catch you!
  539. >"I never thought I'd see you again, but when we felt that huge burst of magic I just knew it had to be you! Luna said not to get my hopes, but I just knew!"
  540. >Hovering in mid air your ex-foalsitter hugs you tightly from behind with her forelegs hooked under your own.
  541. >"I knew they'd never hold you! Not my Twilight! Not my big strong Twilight! Not my-"
  542. >She pauses to sniff you.
  543. >"Not my awfully ripe Twilight! I know just how to fix that though!"
  544. >Ok you still haven't had a shower, but there's no need to be mean about it!
  545. "Canence no, wait!"
  546. >If she hears you she pays your protests no mind.
  547. >She never did when it was bath time!
  549. >One quick teleport later finds you suddenly indoors.
  550. >You have a whole 2 seconds to contemplate your fate as Cadence dangles you over the swimming pool sized royal bathing quarters.
  551. >The crystal spire is a castle afterall.
  552. >You don't even get off a protest before being dropped right into the pool!
  553. "Ahhh!"
  554. >Fortunately she picked the deep end so you don't hit the bottom.
  555. >Sputtering and doggy paddling, you awkwardly claw your way to the shallow end.
  556. >You should really take some swim lessons.
  557. >Humans are so graceful in the water.
  558. >Ponies... not so much.
  559. >You get your hooves back on solid ground only to be assaulted with more hugs.
  560. >"You must be exhausted! I want you cleaned up, fed, and in bed within the hour young filly!"
  561. "Cadence!"
  562. >You try and push her away but she's using both hooves and her magic to scrub you down with multiple washcloths!
  563. "Cadence slow down!"
  564. >The pink predator doesn't let go of you, but at least draws back to look you in the eyes.
  565. >Oh no, she's about to cry!
  566. >"I just... I thought I'd never see you again, and suddenly here you are, and I'm going to take such good care of you, and I'm never letting you go again!"
  567. >She draws you into a fierce hug and sniffles loudly.
  568. >Don't cry! Don't cry! Don't cry!
  569. "I-I'm glad to see you too, you and Luna both."
  570. >Why's your vision getting all blurry?
  571. >There's absolutely no way you're crying too.
  572. "Where'd Luna go? I never actually thanked her. I finally escaped only to be so close to being caught again. I'd gave up hope and was just waiting for Dash to come collect me then she swooped in from nowhere!"
  573. >"Aunty has intel to report from her sortie but we'll see her shortly. You ran into Rainbow Dash though..."
  574. >Her voice isn't angry more... sad?
  575. "What happened to her? How'd could the element of loyalty end up on their side?"
  576. >"She was on our side at first but we had some loyalty issues... Not with her but another pony. Her, shining, and several of our best were lead into a trap."
  577. >Right, Luna mentioned something like that.
  578. >"A collaborator sold them out, somepony Rainbow especially trusted. I'm sure the humans saw how betrayed she felt and twisted that knife until her sense of loyalty twisted with it."
  579. >Dash...
  580. >Based on what you saw of her element twisted is putting it lightly.
  581. "And shining?"
  582. >She lets out a long drawn out sigh.
  583. >"No word unfortunately. Even Rainbow herself claims not to know where he's at. Your brother's strong though so try not to worry, we'll find him. As for Rainbow for better or worse she's safe with them for now. They wouldn't do anything to hurt their prized pony catcher."
  584. >Prized pony catcher.
  585. >Not something you thought you'd ever hear about a friend, poor Dash.
  586. >"Right now you're my priority. Turn around?"
  587. >Really she's babying you, but who are you to pass up pampering?
  588. >The alicorn gets back to work vigorously lathering up your back.
  589. >"Collar still huh? I'm sure Luna already offered to remove it, so it must be your decision."
  590. >You reach up to protect it incase she tries to remove it, but instead she slip the washcloth underneath it between the leather and your sensitive neck.
  591. "It doesn't work so it's not a problem..."
  592. >"Mhmmm. Tell me about him then."
  593. "Him?"
  594. >"A human so special you still wear his name. He must be nice? Handsome?"
  595. >Freaky alicorn of love.
  596. >At least Luna was straight with you, she wanted you to take it off.
  597. >Cadence was always more subtle, especially when it came to matters of the heart.
  598. "Nice yeah."
  599. >You aren't really sure how much you should tell her, but you suspect she'll drag what she wants out of you anyway.
  600. >"Well come on, tell me about him. What did you do for him? Was he firm or permissive? Shower you with gratitude and presents?"
  601. "Cadence it doesn't matter he's gone, I got away."
  602. >She pokes her head around and smiles at you.
  603. >"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm just trying to understand this."
  604. >She pokes the offending accessory.
  605. "It's just... It's not hurting anything. I broke it already on the way over so it's just a pretty necklace."
  606. >The excuse sounds just as lame as when you gave it to Luna.
  607. >"It's a lovely piece, but we both know what it represents. Did you like him?"
  608. >You gave up on trying to hide romance stuff from cadence back in your adolescence.
  609. "Yeah..."
  610. >You look away in embarrassment, but she moves with you to maintain eye contact.
  611. >"Love him?"
  612. "Cadence come on..."
  613. >She offers you a small but sincere smile.
  614. >"Twilight I'm not here to judge you just to understand. It's perfectly natural for some ponies to fall for their captors. Maybe it's even a good thing in some ways, makes things easier for the pony to some degree. The danger is when those feelings trap you in an unhealthy relationship."
  615. >This really isn't a talk you want to have.
  616. >Your relationship with Anon wasn't unhealthy...
  617. >Was it?
  618. >"But you've done great Twilight you overcame your feelings and you got away!"
  619. >Did you though?
  620. >Thinking about him is already getting more and more painful.
  621. >You just...
  622. >You just abandon him.
  623. >How does he feel?
  624. >Is he ok?
  625. >The idea of him being hurt absolutely devastated you, and why wouldn't he be?
  626. >He'd trusted you enough to take off your ring, something he did to prove he cared about you, and how did you pay him back?
  627. >You turned tail and ran away the first chance you got!
  628. >What if he thinks you never loved him at all and were always waiting for the perfect moment!?
  629. >Shit shit shit what have you done!
  630. "I-I... Cadence I-I wish I hadn't! It was a stupid argument over those stupid sugarcubes. They made me so irrational! I was just so mad he tried to take them away, but he was just trying to look out for me because he loves me! He really does, and I love him, and oh Celestia what have I done I need to go back! I have to go back!"
  631. >"Twilight!"
  632. "I abandon him! What if he's as heartbroken as me!? What kind of mare just abandons their special somepony the first chance they get!?"
  633. >"Twilight he owned you. Even if he was the nicest human in the world it wasn't healthy."
  634. "No! You don't get it, you don't understand! He didn't treat me like that, I never felt owned I just felt protected!"
  635. >The older mare looks down at your with watery eyes.
  636. >"Then I'm very grateful to him, but you belong here with ponies, with us. Not on earth with them."
  637. "I know that, but still I want to go back!"
  638. >She squeezes you tighter.
  639. >"You can't. When a new crack opens it's a race between us and them to locate it. You must have found one that just opened and slipped through before they showed up. Trying to go back through one is just too risky. We have extraction plans for ponies that show up on this side, on earth you'd be all alone."
  640. "But they'd take me back to him!"
  641. >"Maybe, maybe not. They seem to be growing tired of our games. There are reports of them beating ponies they catch senseless out of petty revenge. It's hard to say how true that is, but it's not something I'd want you to risk."
  642. >You whimper and rub your collar, even it might not protect you if that's true.
  643. >What about finding Dash again?
  644. >Could she protect you like she'd promised?
  645. >Too many variables.
  646. >Your bath buddy lifts your chin to meet your eyes.
  647. >"What you're feeling now isn't unusual. Regret and longing are very common feelings for a pony in your situation, and they've driven ponies to do some dangerous things. Just give it time ok? For me? Sleep on it and think about it for a few days. There's so many ponies here who either love you or would love to meet you. We could use your magical expertise on several projects were working on, and I know for a fact you haven't finished every book in the crystal library yet."
  648. >It's doubtful your feelings will change, but the crystal library IS a national treasure.
  649. >You lean into her chest and nod your consent.
  650. >She's probably exaggeration about how hard it is to get back to earth just to discourage you, but you can't know that for sure.
  651. >It's Cadence though, she just wants what's best for you.
  652. >Maybe she's right, you can't say you aren't emotional right now and possibly still slightly under the influence of a certain blue treat.
  653. >A few days to cool off and look at things with a level head can't hurt.
  655. >You opt to skip dinner.
  656. >It's true you haven't really eaten anything besides grass all day, but after your emotional outburst earlier you'd rather just lie down.
  657. >Cadence puts you up in a guest suite fit for a visiting royal.
  658. >The room's beautiful, the bed luxurious, and your body exhausted, but you still find deep sleep evasive.
  659. >After waking up from your second dream about Anon you decide enough is enough.
  660. >You crawl out of the bed and trot out onto the spacious balcony.
  661. >Night and day seems to somehow still work even in a realm no visible sun or moon.
  662. >Note to self: Ask Luna about that.
  663. >You throw your hooves over the balcony and look down at the slumbering crystal city.
  664. >The way the stars reflect off the buildings is breathtaking, but even that can't lift your mood.
  665. >You left him.
  666. >In the dream you'd just woken up from he was crying and asking you why you'd betray him.
  667. >How you wish you could tell him you didn't mean to.
  668. >How you want to blame those stupid cubes.
  669. >You fish the baggie out of your saddlebags with your magic so you can look the suspect in the eye.
  670. >You want to say they're to blame for all this, and they are partially responsible, but still this feeling of guilt naws at you.
  671. >The little squares call to you even now promising happiness, power, and relief from your feelings.
  672. >Now that you think about it what would it even hurt now?
  673. >The damage is done.
  674. >You're here and Anon hates you, so what's to lose?
  675. >Popping the bag open you fish out a cube.
  676. >Luna says they're bad for you but what does it matter anymore?
  677. >You float one to your mouth and hesitate.
  678. >Just one right?
  679. >You almost do it.
  680. >It floats so close to your mouth you can smell it but...
  681. >When you bite down you find only a mouthful of air.
  682. >What the buck? Where'd it...?
  683. >The shadowy corner of the balcony opens it's eyes and melts into the shape of a pony.
  684. >"Twilight..."
  685. >Anndd caught, of course.
  686. >The candies have already vanished from your magical grasp.
  687. >No doubt confiscated by your new watchdog.
  688. >You hang your head over the balcony instead of looking your accuser in the eye.
  689. "Spying on me?"
  690. >She slides up beside you drawing the corner of your eye.
  691. >The ancient alicorn is hardly dressed for espionage if stealth is her game.
  692. >Light silver armor replace her usual torc giving her a more intense look than usual.
  693. >Why wasn't she wearing this earlier when she fought Rainbow?
  694. >Did she set out in a such a rush she didn't have a chance?
  695. >"We prefer the term watching over. Besides the night IS our domain. We can tell when one important to us is having trouble sleeping."
  696. "It's nothing."
  697. >"Even with our busy schedule we do not yet neglect our dreamwalking duties."
  698. >Spooky alicorns stay out of your head please.
  699. "Luna I really don't want to-"
  700. >You shut up when she wraps you in a wing.
  701. >"As Cadenza told you, give it time. You may have left one you love, but never forget you are among loved ones here as well. In fact another familiar face will be returning shortly, one we think you'll enjoy."
  702. >She lifts your chin with a feather.
  703. >"Trust us."
  704. >Everyone keeps asking you that today.
  705. >Another familiar face though?
  706. >One of the girls?
  707. >Rainbow said that AJ was involved in all this somehow so maybe her?
  708. >"For now though it is late."
  709. >With her magic Luna turns you back towards the bed room.
  710. >With a hoof Luna motivates you to sprint across the room and dive into the bed!
  711. >"To bed with you!"
  712. >OW!
  713. >It's bad enough that a hoof to the rear commands instant compliance from you, but you can only hope no one heard the loud surprised neigh.
  714. >The elder mare giggles and mutters something about 'most interesting' as she slips inside and closes the balcony doors behind her.
  715. >It was a playful pat at worse but you still find yourself flush with embarrassment.
  716. >Most mares wouldn't have jumped to compliance from that kind of 'motivation'.
  717. >Ugh, she better not tell Cadence or this whole thing could get even more awkward.
  718. >The idea of your ex foalsitter finding out your best dealt with via a firm hoof...
  719. >You groan and cover your head with the blankets.
  720. >"We apologize but that was for the sugarcubes as well. We promise restful dreams in recompense, sleep well."
  721. >Even a clicking of the door isn't enough to coax you out of your cocoon of shame.
  722. >Luna caught you red hoofed about to take a sugarcube after you you'd promised her otherwise.
  723. >She'd scolded you and even smacked your rump like an errant foal.
  724. >Not that stuff like that is something you aren't used to, but you thought you'd finally escaped it!
  725. >Now she's going to tell Cadence who has real experience turning your flanks bright red from when you were much younger and much brattier!
  726. >Why does this keep happening to you!?
  727. >Is there a big sign on your flanks that just says 'please abuse me'!?
  728. >You bury your face in the pillow and groan in frustration.
  729. >Such seems to be the life of Twilight Sparkle.
  731. >True to her word Luna keeps the nightmares away.
  732. >No pleasant dreams replace them, but you'll take a dreamless sleep over torment any night.
  733. >You smack your lips and crack an eye to check the approximate time.
  734. >Sure doesn't feel like you got a lot of sleep so why are you awake now?
  735. >It wasn't a nightmare this time like the last couple times.
  736. >Blurry vision of a dark sky tells you that night still weighs heavily upon the world.
  737. >Forget this.
  738. >You close your eyes and wrap your forehooves around...
  739. >Something?
  740. >It's not a pillow.
  741. >Too tough to be a pillow, too small to be a pony, and too warm to be your saddle bags.
  742. >Warm?
  743. >Very warm and almost... leathery?
  744. >Your heart swells as you draw the sleeping purple and green dragon tighter into your chest.
  745. >So tight you'll never let go.
  747. >"And you know how useful dragonfire can be, so we've been using it to keep in touch with all the field teams when they're on the outside. Luna even figured out a way enchant a bottle so they can take a message worth of fire with em. When it's a real big mission I sometimes get to go myself! I don't get why they won't let me near the front lines though. I mean what's it matter? I'm a dragon! I don't even think the human's stuff works on me!"
  748. >You smile and listen as spike regales you with tales of his adventures.
  749. >According to him when things started to go south for canterlot, Celestia had sent himself and Luna to the empire for reinforcements.
  750. >The reinforcements bit didn't really work out, but you'll be eternally grateful to her for seeing to spike's safety even in such a chaotic time.
  751. >Celestia was always one to think ahead though.
  752. >You briefly wonder if she actually wanted reinforcements or if she just wanted her baby sister and adoptive grandson out of harm's way.
  753. "I'm proud of you spike, but I'd rather we don't find out how bullet proof you are."
  754. >"Nah it's cool they only use real bullets to scare us. When they think they'll hit someone they use like these tranquilizing or shocking rounds. I keep trying to tell Luna that scales are a lot thicker than pony hide but she babies me!"
  755. >You twist your head around to kiss the moody dragon on top of the head.
  756. >Usually he'd protest such sappy treatment, but this time he hugs the back of your neck tightly.
  757. "I bet Luna has you right where she needs you the most Spike. Remember, you've got an important job only you can do."
  758. >Making him sound important seems to mollify him a little.
  759. >"Yeah yeah, I guess I am pretty important. But what about you? Aren't you going to tell me what you've been up to?"
  760. >What you've been up to?
  761. >Memories flash through your mind:
  762. >Running through the forest.
  763. >Crying and pulling at your chains.
  764. >Beating.
  765. >Bending.
  766. >Breaking.
  767. >But then things changed
  768. >Stability.
  769. >Safety.
  770. >And ever so slowly, love.
  771. "Me? Nothing too crazy. I got myself a nice master and did the laundry that's about it."
  772. >"The laundry? You did the laundry? Next your gonna tell me you cooked."
  773. "Hey, I can cook!"
  774. >"So you finally learned to cook and do the laundry? So does that mean you were kinda his assistant? I'm still the #1 assistant but I guess you can be #2."
  775. >#2 assistant?
  776. >You weren't anon's assistant, right?
  777. >The more you think about it, your obligations to Anon aren't too dissimilar from the work spike used to do for you.
  778. >Sure you didn't buy spike, you hatched him, but still he did almost all the housework back then.
  779. >The more parallels your mind draws the more uncomfortable you get.
  780. >Spike had to ask your permission to do things just like you have to have to ask Anon's.
  781. >Spike had rules he had to follow or he'd be punished just like how Anon so often punished you.
  782. >Spike worked his butt off for a small allowance just like Anon worked your flank for an allowance of your own.
  783. >Oh boy.
  784. "That's... that's one way to put it. I was sorta a different kind of assistant but the basic principle's the same."
  785. >A quick mental image of Anon spreading his assistant's ample ass flashes across your mind.
  786. >A very very different kind of assistant at times.
  787. >Spike laughs and hugs you again.
  788. >"Well I'll still be your #1 assistant Twi."
  789. >That makes you oddly uncomfortable.
  790. >Spike's more your son than anything else, but maybe at times you didn't quite treat him like that.
  791. >He's always been such a great assistant.
  792. >In fact he seemed to genuinely enjoy it so much that it was sometimes easy to treat him more like a servant than a family member.
  793. >Servant, not the other S word...
  794. "It sounds like you have your claws full helping Luna Spike. Don't let me distract you from important stuff."
  795. >The dragon scoots himself further down your back, turns around, and start massaging your spine with his claws!
  796. >Sweet Celestia that's good!
  797. >You arch your neck and raise your haunches in response to the sharp claws digging into your sensitive coat!
  798. >It's like a human massage but even sharper!
  799. >You can feel him leaving a nice red trail underneath your coat with each pass!
  800. >Delightful!
  801. >Spike giggles as your tail thrashes and head collapses with the tongue lolled out.
  802. >"I'll keep helping Luna, but no way am I gonna stop being your #1 assistant Twi. Who else knows just how you like your back scratched?"
  803. >You can only grunt and whinny in pleasure when he climbs back up on your haunches and really digs in!
  804. >"Heh."
  806. >To your slight embarrassment a pony shows up to drop off your breakfast while Spike is still working you into a purring puddle of a pony.
  807. >It's hard to really be bothered by anything when you feel this good though.
  808. >Kinda weird though, you remember spike's massages being good but not like mind numbingly good.
  809. >Maybe it's the similarity of claws to hands thats messing with your head?
  810. >Hmm, that would be a bit awkward given how friendly you're used to hands being with you.
  811. >No big deal though, right now it just feels good.
  812. >Or at least it did until spike pushes off your cutie mark to get up and take the tray of food from the pony.
  813. >OWW, why'd that hurt so much!?
  814. >You peer back and yep, Luna left you with a light bruise right on your cutie mark last night.
  815. >To be honest you deserved a full five minute thrashing from the royal hoof for trying to sneak a sugarcube.
  816. >Celestia would have done no less if she'd caught you breaking your word like that back when you lived at the castle.
  817. >Luna's playing with kid gloves for now though since she doesn't know exactly how damaged you are.
  818. >Not that you're damaged.
  819. >You're tough, emotionally stable, and only highly receptive to physical discipline as she learned last night when you'd sprinted to bed at her command.
  820. >Great.
  821. >Spike sets the tray of food aside and closes the door.
  822. >Your hungry but if he wants to finish unwinding your tense muscles first that's fine.
  823. >As long as he's careful climbing back up that is.
  824. >You look back just in time to catch him climbing Mt. flank again and about to put his foot right back on your bruise!
  825. "Spike wait not righttttt ow!"
  826. >He steps off the spot as quickly as he can.
  827. >"Oops, my bad."
  828. >He hops the rest of the way up to sit right above your tail.
  829. >"What happened? That looks kinda bad?"
  830. >You drop your head into the pillow and close your eyes as he lightly rubs the spot.
  831. >It helps a little.
  832. >"Didn't keep up with the laundry huh?"
  833. >He's laughing but you're blushing remembering all the times Anon DID spank you for just that!
  834. >Come to think of it you've disciplined spike for similar things in the past...
  835. >You gave him plenty of warnings and second chances first, but still you've taken a hoof to his scaley behind once or twice.
  836. >He's a kid though, you were just teaching him right from wrong...
  837. >And now that you're acquainted with performance based punishments yourself that excuse feels kinda flimsy.
  838. "S-something like that..."
  839. >He giggles to himself even more as he gives your flank a pat before going back to working your spine.
  840. >First of all, no way you're telling him Luna is the one that left a hoofprint on your backside.
  841. >Second of all, you'll let him have his fun giggling at you as payback for all the times you were a little strict with him.
  842. "Spike?"
  843. >"Hmm?"
  844. "I just - mmm yeah..."
  845. >You whinny and lift your hips in pleasure when he hits just the spot causing him to learn forward and dig his claws even deeper into your coat.
  846. "I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you. You've always been such a great helper, and maybe I took that for granted, but I have a new appreciation for how hard you work."
  847. >Your scaley rider pats your side reassuringly.
  848. >"It's cool, I help because I like to not because you made me. It's fun being involved in all the crazy stuff you get up to, well most the time at least. A few more comic breaks every now and then would be nice."
  849. >You playfully swing your tail around to hit him.
  850. "Comic breaks whenever you want Spike I promise."
  852. >Breakfast is served with an itinerary (checklist!) written on Cadence's signature heart stationary.
  853. >Breakfast - Check.
  854. >Other tasks include informing the maid of anything you need for your room, checking in with the royal physician for a check up, meeting Luna on the training grounds after lunch, having fun in the crystal library, and dinner with both princesses.
  855. >To be honest you're glad neither Cadence or Luna is watching over you themselves all day.
  856. >It's great to see them, and you look forward to spending more time with them, but they're busy running an empire/resistance and you don't want to feel like a burden.
  857. >Plus they send the best escort they could.
  858. >You load up your reptilian rider and head out.
  859. >Spike is, of course, a huge help when it comes to navigating the sparkling halls
  860. >Halls that you could swear all look exactly the same! Ugh!
  861. >Can't they put down a carpet to help you tell halls 1-9394384 apart?
  862. >It's not your first time in the Crystal Spire but it's been years and you were never good at navigating it to begin with.
  863. >Still you get where you're going.
  864. >All you have to ask the maid for is more pillows and that's mostly for spike.
  865. >Maid - check.
  866. >Next is... ugh the royal physician.
  867. >Relax you tell yourself.
  868. >It's a pony Doctor not those crazy vets you grew to fear back on earth.
  869. >Despite your best efforts to get lost Spike eventually corrals you towards the medical wing.
  870. >As in he has to resort to physically turning your head to keep you from wandering off.
  871. >Doctors are awkward.
  872. >He's going to ask weird questions you just know it.
  873. >You open the door to nearly bump into a crystal pony in a medical coat.
  874. >Well you were wrong about one thing, it's a she, thank Celestia.
  875. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm looking for the royal physician?"
  876. >The mare offers you a professional smile and hoofshake.
  877. >"Of course you must be Twilight Sparkle. I'm Dr. Crystalheart, the princess mentioned you'd be coming by sometime today. Please, come in."
  878. >Crystalheart.
  879. >Kinda like tenderheart.
  880. >Is that some sorta requirement for being in the medical field or just a giant conspiracy?
  881. >Hmm you DO love a good conspiracy.
  882. >Time for that later though.
  883. >For now you follow the mare through the main door and towards what looks like a smaller examination room.
  884. >"You might want to wait outside Mr Spike. Lots of mare talk."
  885. >You wonder if he even knows what that means as he slides down and starts to walk off.
  886. >"Eww, count me out then."
  887. >He's grown up a little but he's still your little drake.
  888. "I'll be back in just a minute spike."
  889. >"Yeah yeah no problem."
  890. >Where'd he even get that comic?
  891. >Whatever, you follow Crystalheart into the smaller room and close the door behind you.
  892. >And now it's just you and a Doctor, great.
  893. >Last time you'd been alone with a Doctor he'd strapped you to a metal frame and made you beg for his... uhh yeah.
  894. >And there's the shame again.
  895. >Just stay calm Twilight she's here to help.
  896. >"Alright let's get started. As I said I'm Dr. Crystalheart royal physician and you're miss Twilight Sparkle. Always nice to meet new ponies especially friends of the princesses."
  897. "Heh, yeah we go way back. Thanks for seeing me on such short notice I'm sure you're busy."
  898. >"Normally the royal physician would focus solely on the princess, but as one of the few medical ponies in the city I do have my hooves full. It's no trouble though, checking up on new arrivals is extremely important especially a case like yours."
  899. "Like mine?"
  900. >The step up onto the scale she directs you towards.
  901. >"You might not be aware of it but your arrival's most unusual. Escaped ponies usually meet up with the earth resistance first and stay with them until the time's right. You're one of our first recent escapees in years."
  902. "I didn't even know there was an earth resistance. I just felt love magic flowing through that tiny crack and went for it."
  903. >Hmm this scale's off right?
  904. >You've been eating well but not THAT well.
  905. >"Crack? Not a rift?"
  906. "No a whole rift would have been much more noticable, it was just a tiny crack."
  907. >"Ah, that would explain how you got through when you did and undetected. The empire, or more specifically the Crystal Heart, has been pumping out as much love magic as it can for over a year now. My understanding is that by saturating Equus with it we can push again the boundary between the two worlds hard enough to cause cracks and eventually rifts."
  908. >Huh, according to the measurements she just took you've grown an inch.
  909. "Since earth is essentially a mana void that makes sense. I'm sure those rifts are hotly contested when they do open though."
  910. >"Exactly. If we could squeeze ponies through cracks though..."
  911. >Ah she wants your secret.
  912. "Uhh well, I'm not sure I'd exactly call it safe. I kinda blew up the hill I landed on and it took a huge magical boost just to give me the power."
  913. >"I guess if it was easy the princesses would have already figured it out. Up here please?"
  914. >You jump up on the paper covered table and lay on your side.
  915. >After a quick check of all your hooves she goes back to her clipboard.
  916. >"Alright so. We can't exactly ask for your medical records from earth and the old Equestrian ones are pretty much gone, so we'll have to just start new ones. I've got the basics here but let me ask you a few harder questions, ok?"
  917. >Ugh.
  918. >"Allergies?"
  919. "None."
  920. >"Major surgeries in the past 5 years?"
  921. "I fractured a foreleg at umm 'training' but they didn't do surgery they just put it in a cast for a few weeks."
  922. >"Foreleg? Which one? We'll run some scans."
  923. >You indicate your left foreleg and she scribbles it down.
  924. >What kind of surgeries would humans even do on ponies anyway?
  925. >Horn removal in some extreme cases you suppose, maybe - oh wait...
  926. >You cross your hind legs when you remember what Rarity and all her employees went through.
  927. >Spaying would be a pretty major surgery for sure.
  928. >Your insides churn at just the idea of having your eggs removed!
  929. >Not that you want foals right now, but to have that part of you completely removed!
  930. >"Alright great. Let's see, were you ever given any vaccination?"
  931. "Ugh, yeah seemed like a ton."
  932. >The needles!
  933. >"They probably didn't tell you but do you know which ones?"
  934. "I just remember huge needles that hurt a lot..."
  935. >"About this long? In the butt?"
  936. >Her hooves are so far apart but it really was that big, wasn't it?
  937. >You slowly nod and she writes it down.
  938. >"To be fair it's a good thing they vaccinate. Earth is filled with all kinds of new viruses that could easily kill a pony and the vaccines kept you safe. I'm sure the bedside manner wasn't great though."
  939. >And you aren't so great with needles.
  940. >It took two humans to hold you down for that one...
  941. "Don't like needles..."
  942. >She gives you a reassuring smile even as you draw up into yourself.
  943. >"Understandable. We will need one needle today for some blood, but I promise It's a tiny one."
  944. >Blood belongs inside pony...
  945. >"We'll take care of that at the end if it makes you feel better."
  946. "Please!"
  947. >"Not a problem. A few more things though, your previous owner, was he abusive?"
  948. >Anon abuse? No way.
  949. "Absolutely not."
  950. >"Ok great. You had a male owner correct? He didn't force you?"
  951. "No, Anon was always a gentleman about it."
  952. >"But you did have intercorse?"
  953. >Suddenly the far wall looks really interesting.
  954. "W-well yes..."
  955. >"Any tearing? Soreness?"
  956. >Tearing! Ow!
  957. "No, no I'm good I swear!"
  958. >"Twilight humans are too large for some mares and too rough for most. If he wasn't careful he could have really damaged you. Did he use lube?"
  959. >Thank the goddesses Spike's outside.
  960. "Not usually..."
  961. >She tilts her head a little and purses her lips.
  962. >"I think we'll need a full examination."
  963. "No!"
  964. >You'll not have angie spreading you all over again!
  965. "He didn't hurt me, we had lots of sex but he always made sure I was ready! He was attentive and took it as slow as I needed! I-I never had trouble... accepting him! Nothing's torn I'm sure of it!"
  966. >She doesn't look convinced but she also doesn't start pulling out tools to pry you open with either.
  967. >"This is a voluntary exam so you don't have to submit to anything you don't want to. In my professional opinion a full vaginal examination would be wise especially if you two had intercorse often and especially if he didn't use lube."
  968. "I-I could make my own for him..."
  969. >Your face is blushing red enough it threatens to burst into flame.
  970. "Everything's fine can we please move on?"
  971. >She gives you a tiny smile and nods.
  972. >"If you're sure."
  973. >You nod back, if something wasn't right back there you'd probably know.
  974. >Right?
  975. >It never hurt so that seems like assurance enough that he didn't hurt you.
  976. >"So we'll skip over the sexual aspects and move on to the physical. You said he wasn't abusive but I have to ask if he ever hit you?"
  977. >Ehhhhhh
  978. "I mean... Like a little..."
  979. >Crap.
  980. >"Can you elaborate?"
  981. "You know, just when I was in trouble..."
  982. >And now you sound like a battered mare defending her abuser...
  983. >Which you aren't!
  984. >"I'm a certified therapist as well Twilightm, you can tell me anything. Did he hurt you?"
  985. "Ok, he disciplined but it wasn't like unreasonable? If that makes sense? I know I sound like I've got a complex but if he seriously hurt me I wouldn't defend him. Like he just used his hand and uhh a brush..."
  986. >"A brush?"
  987. >Pllllease don't make you explain how brushing a mares bottom works!
  988. "He uhh... he only hit like my butt..."
  989. >"Ah, I see. He used a padded part of your body so you felt that was more fair?"
  990. >This is embarrassing!
  991. "Y-yes. At training they hit me all over and it was horrible. Anon only s-spanked me and was fair about it..."
  992. >"Never shocked you or anything like that?"
  993. "No, it was always... 'that' way."
  994. >"Is 'that' way how you got that?"
  995. >You follow her pointed pen right to the red spot on your cutie mark.
  996. >Of course she'd notice that.
  997. >Now you can either lie and throw Anon under the bus or tell the truth and throw Luna under the bus.
  998. >Would it be bad for public relations to hear that Luna smacks ponies tushies?
  999. >Does that even matter here?
  1000. "N-no that one's different..."
  1001. >"Different as in something else happened or someone else happened? Another human?"
  1002. "No! Anon would never let another human lay a hand on me!"
  1003. >Unless it involves some stupid plan to infiltrate a retraining facility.
  1004. >Still the point stands, he'd never sit there and watch someone abuse you.
  1005. >"Not another human? Do you mean a pony did this to you? Twilight no one has the right to hurt you here, the princesses would be very upset to hear about this."
  1006. >Well it was a princess that did it... awkward.
  1007. "No it wasn't like that just... Can we please drop it? I promise it's no big deal I'm fine."
  1008. >"I'm sorry but if there's abuse going on here then the princesses need to know."
  1009. >Ironic.
  1010. >"Why don't you just tell me what happened and I'll take care of the rest?"
  1011. "Ugh, I really don't want to talk about it."
  1012. >She places a reassuring hoof on top of yours.
  1013. >"If it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to tell me anything. I do have to put this in my report though-"
  1014. >Mare has red flank, great.
  1015. >"And inform the princesses."
  1016. >Well it'll be no surprise to one at least.
  1017. >"I'm really sorry."
  1018. >You wave her apology off.
  1019. "It's fine, you're just doing your job. I'll talk with them about it. I promise it's no big deal."
  1020. >"If that's how you want to handle things."
  1021. >She stands and straightens her papers.
  1022. >"Well that's all the question we have for you for now so there's just one last thing."
  1023. >One last thing?
  1024. >She rummages around in a drawer and pulls something out.
  1025. >Something long, sharp, and pointy!
  1026. >"Lab work."
  1027. >!!!
  1029. >Crystalheart is a gentle as she can be but you still leave the medical wing with a few extra holes poked in you.
  1030. >Why does she need so much blood anyway?
  1031. >You should send her a bill.
  1032. >Unicorn blood is expensive in some places due to it's healing properties, or so you've heard.
  1033. >Then again, there probably isn't much of a market for that around here.
  1034. >Lunch is served in the royal dining quarters for just you and Spike.
  1035. >Luna had apparently already passed through and Cadence didn't have time for a full sit down meal.
  1036. >"And so that's when Mane-iac says to Zapp-"
  1037. >Letting him regale you with stories from his comics feels just like old times.
  1038. >It doesn't interest you, but it matters to him and that's what's important.
  1039. >You let him prattle on until the two of you get to the library.
  1040. >Technically you were supposed to meet with luna after lunch, but she looked so busy yelling at those poor guard ponies.
  1041. >A random soldier you'd asked told you she'd be there until dinner today, so you figure you can go the library first.
  1042. >It's not like you'll lose track of time and spend the whole day here.
  1043. >Hahaha no, that would never happen.
  1044. >You're also not avoiding Luna because she may or may not still be mad at you.
  1045. >A grown mare like yourself would never be afraid of another mare, even if that other mare is an immortal alicorn both larger and vastly more powerful than yourself.
  1046. >Whatever, forget Luna, books are all you need.
  1047. >The crystal library is just as extensive as you remember.
  1048. >The librarian's eyes linger on your collar for a moment, but she answers your questions anyway.
  1049. >Either Cadence sent word ahead to let you read what you wanted, or Spike the brave and glorious still carries influence around the empire.
  1050. >Speaking of collars though not a single pony you've seen yet still wears one like you do.
  1051. >Since most slaves spend a lot of time with the earth resistance before arriving here signs of slavery might be few and far between in the empire.
  1052. >Standing out isn't the end of the world at least, so far no one's said anything or openly judged you for continuing to wear your little accessory.
  1053. >Ponies don't matter right now though because your in a library.
  1054. >The library!
  1055. >The crystal library!
  1056. >You drift towards the magic section first because uhhh magic duh.
  1057. >A lot of the theory books are outdated but you believe every book has value even if it's just historical.
  1058. >Oddly enough it looks like there's some newer books here?
  1059. >The library cards inside say they're from the Canterlot royal library!
  1060. >Oh wow!
  1061. >They're all either comprehensive modern spellbooks or antiques bordering on relics!
  1062. >Did Celestia send them here with Luna for safe keeping?
  1063. >You recognize a few famous historical journals and texts dating all the way back to the pre Equestrian era!
  1064. >Most you've seen and read before in Canterlot, but a few stand out.
  1065. >Of particular interest is a spiral bound notebook complete with a swirl plus two large and two small stars on the cover.
  1066. >It looks new but a pony with a keen magical eye would be able to detect a powerful preservation spell holding it together.
  1067. >Judging by the elaborate composition of the spell the caster was clever indeed.
  1068. >Unfortunately there's no title or even author written inside the cover.
  1069. >What it does have is spells.
  1070. >Goodness so many spells, some complete and some clearly works in progress.
  1071. >Most of the spellwork is brilliant though some you can see would never have worked.
  1072. >If this was written in the pre Equestrian era though those principles wouldn't have been discovered yet, so you can hardly blame them for trying.
  1073. >Whoever wrote this was clearly a brilliant mind of their day especially if the princesses went through the effort to preserve it.
  1074. >Your puzzling over a spell on one of the back pages when a shadow looms your shoulder.
  1075. >You move the book so you can keep reading, something about 'A mark of one's destiny singled out'?
  1076. >Singled out? What's that supposed to mean?
  1077. >Then it mentions 'alone' and 'fulfilled'.
  1078. >He must be referencing-
  1079. >"Ah, the one he never finished."
  1080. >And there's something heavy resting on your shoulder.
  1081. >Something that speaks.
  1082. >Perhaps some kind of head.
  1083. >You turn to confirm your suspicions.
  1084. >Yep, it's a head.
  1085. >It's even attached to a whole body, a really tall one.
  1086. >"Trying to wiggle out of our appointment?"
  1087. >She may have caught you avoiding her, but Luna gives you a good natured smile nevertheless.
  1088. "No, I just wanted to visit the library first. They said you'd be there all day so I thought it would be fine."
  1089. >And that's 100% true so you weren't avoiding her, ha!
  1090. >"Hmm and what time is it now?"
  1091. >Mare does it look like you have a clock?
  1092. >They probably gave Anon back your hoof phone when you'd left Gentlehoof, but he'd never had a chance to return it to you before... this.
  1093. >It's a poor excuse though since a look out the window reveals very little light.
  1094. "Late...ish...?"
  1095. >"It's 4:30 Twi!"
  1096. >Thanks for talking with your mouth full spike.
  1097. >Wait, why is he eating chips in the library?
  1098. >"Lateish is correct but time remains for us to get started. With me."
  1099. >Oh Luna, right.
  1100. >The 'with me' part is a command and one you'd best obey.
  1101. >You return the book to it's location and make a mental note to return for it later.
  1102. >Scooping up your dragon you fall in behind luna as she leads you back towards the training grounds in silence.
  1103. >Is she mad at you?
  1104. >First you breaking your word last night and now you missed your appointment too.
  1105. "Luna I'm sorry, for today and last night too. I just lost track of time and umm last night was a mistake."
  1106. >She brushes a wing over your back as you walk beside her.
  1107. >"We are not upset young Twilight. You've been through somes very traumatic experiences, issues are to be expected. We will work through them with you one at a time."
  1108. >To be expected huh?
  1109. >What does working through them entail though?
  1110. >"We will be making sure you stay away from your treats-"
  1111. >Well she already took them soooooo...
  1112. >Wait, does that imply theres other ways to get them around here?
  1113. >She did say you weren't the first pony to be given those things.
  1114. >Does that mean there's more around here? Maybe some kind of clandestine trade?
  1115. >The cravings aren't awful yet, but you could sure use one to take the edge off.
  1116. >"But compared to that tardiness is but a trifle."
  1117. >Well that's good at least.
  1118. "No more I promise."
  1119. >"We'll hold you to that."
  1120. >Turning a corner you find yourself right outside some kind of training ring?
  1121. "So what are we doing here?"
  1122. >"You were taken against your will once. We'll see to it you're equipt for that to never happen again."
  1124. >Combat magic, she's teaching you combat magic.
  1125. >Ok, maybe not exactly combat magic, but these aren't spells you'd find in Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.
  1126. >She starts out with defensive and utility magics designed to keep you one step ahead of any human pursuing you.
  1127. >Things like spells to automatically remove hoofprints, make your hoofsteps quieter, detect heat sources, adaptive shields and of course a few stunning spells.
  1128. >You're glad that ponies are sticking to non lethal means of combat just like their human adversaries.
  1129. >Ponies are probably doing so on a moral ground whereas humans want to keep ponies alive for economic purposes, but the result is the same.
  1130. >Another training dummy falls before the might of your stunning spell.
  1131. >"Yeah get 'em Twi wooo!"
  1132. >Having a draconic cheerleader helps but your horn burns and head aches after using so much magic at once.
  1133. "Ugh, can we take a break? This is more magic than I've done in years!"
  1134. >"Of course. We are surprised your stamina lasted this long with how out of practise you must be. Did your 'Anon' let you use much magic?"
  1135. "Not at first but eventually. He still made me wear a ring but it was set to the minimum. I could do pretty much any simple magic and even short range teleportation."
  1136. >"Generous of him and good for you. We were afraid your skills would be rusty but you're as strong as most already."
  1137. >Yeah yeah Twilight Sparkle master mage: the best.
  1138. >"We want you to practise with us daily. It is imperative you build up your strength and skills so you're never at their mercy again."
  1139. >Can't say no to that.
  1141. >"Soooo, how was your day?"
  1142. >Bless Cadence, she always seems so energetic.
  1143. "It was... good."
  1144. >"Good? Come on you've got to give me more than that. Did you follow my list? I made it special for you because I know just how much you love lists."
  1145. >Spike wave the rolled up list in the air with one hand while stuffing his face with the other.
  1146. >Didn't you teach that boy table manners?
  1147. >You pluck the scroll out of his claw with your magic and unroll it.
  1148. >Aw yes, look at all those beautiful checkmarks!
  1149. >So many completed tasks! It's ecstasy!
  1150. "We got them all done even *shiver* the doctor..."
  1151. >"Oh come on, Dr. Crystalheart has a wonderful bedside manner."
  1152. >She's right but Doctors are still traumatic.
  1153. "I just don't like doctors..."
  1154. >"Filly don't tell me you're still afraid of needles?"
  1155. "Hey! There's lots of grown ponies who don't like getting stabbed!"
  1156. >This is a reasonable fear! REASONABLE! PONIES AREN'T FOR STABBING!
  1157. >"Yeah but most don't need two stallions to hold them down just to draw blood..."
  1158. >That crystalbitch squealed on you!
  1159. "It was a big needle!"
  1160. >Luna finally decides to quit delicately sipping her soup and join the conversation.
  1161. >"We were not sold on this whole 'needle' business upon our return either young Twilight. In our day the only thing that pierced a mare was the tip of a spear or a virile stallion's-"
  1163. >When she gives you a confused look you subtly cock your head towards the oblivious drake with his face IN his bowl.
  1164. >In. The. Bowl.
  1165. >Ugh.
  1166. >Luna lowers her voice while you dejectedly watch your adoptive son poorly reflect of your parental skills.
  1167. >"Him? You must accept that he is a big drake now. We've caught him watching some of our guard mares wrestle with ravenous interest."
  1168. >As long as there's no mud involved...
  1169. >Why mare mud wrestling took off so much on earth you'll never understand. [spoiler] Ok that's not true, you totally get why humans love watching mares crawl all over each other [/spoiler]
  1170. >Spike interested in that though?
  1171. >You turn a critical eye to the dragon who's now lifted his bowl off the table and onto his face to lick it clean.
  1172. >Yeah, you find it hard to believe, he's not that mature yet.
  1173. "Right, well still let's keep the inappropriate comments to a minimum if we could."
  1174. >The elder alicorn shrugs and returns to her soup like she did nothing wrong.
  1175. >Pervy old mare.
  1176. >Perky pink princesses just shakes her head and takes back control of the conversation.
  1177. >"Well I hope you had at least some fun. I know Luna wants you to keep up you personal training with her but besides that your free to do whatever you want."
  1178. "I want to help."
  1179. >"As in help the war effort? We could probably use your magical expertise on a few different projects if your up for some research? Logistics could also use a pony with your organization skills if you'd prefer that?"
  1180. "No like out there, in the field. I want to help ponies directly and specifically I want to go after Rainbow Dash."
  1181. >Cadence's usual smile slips.
  1182. >"Twilight..."
  1183. >She's going to want to protect you, to keep you safe behind lines doing easy stuff.
  1184. "You said I could do anything. I can't just leave Rainbow with those people when I know what she's doing has to be hurting her."
  1185. >"I did say that but you just got here. You need time to decompress, come to terms with what happened to you, and heal. Rainbow Dash has been with them for a long time now, they'd never do anything to hurt somepony to useful to them."
  1186. "What she's doing isn't right and she knows it, they must be forcing her. If I can just talk to her or something..."
  1187. >"Twilight she... She's very passionate about her job."
  1188. >The element of loyalty missing half it's jewel flashes across your memory.
  1189. "I'm not giving up on her, that's not what friends do!"
  1190. >Cadence gives you a sad look but Luna clears her throat before she can say anything.
  1191. >"We would be wise to respect young Twilight's choices Mi Amora. She has the same rights and freedoms as anypony, and if she wishes to join the frontlines then that is her decision."
  1192. >Looking up from her soup Luna regards you with those deep cyan eyes.
  1193. >"Forgive her Twilight, she fears that this still influences your decisions more than you let on."
  1194. >'This' being the collar she lightly touches.
  1195. >"But we can see that the fires burn in your heart. No broken pony would put such passion into her training as you have today. We WILL respect any decision you come to, but we ask you see our perspective as well. A compromise perhaps? Spend another week preparing yourself both mentally and physically first. Hone your magic, rest your mind, and soothe your soul before throwing yourself into more fires."
  1196. >You'd rather get to dash as soon as possible but this might be a situation where you need to pick your fights.
  1197. >Cadence is probably right and Dash will be fine for a few more days with or without you.
  1198. >At the same time healing up a few scrapes and bruises plus practising these new spells would be prudent.
  1199. "Fine, 1 week."
  1200. >Cadence beams at you and float a slice of cake to your side of the table.
  1201. >Why do you feel like you've just been bribed with cake?
  1202. >"Wonderful! And while we're on the topic of healing..."
  1203. >The pink princess has a file folder that BETTER NOT CONTAIN YOUR MEDICAL RESULTS!
  1204. >"For the most part your results were good!"
  1205. "Does doctor patient confidentiality not exist around here...?"
  1206. >She winks and sticks her tongue out at you.
  1207. >Wow, real mature!
  1208. >"It does but I'm your sovereign sooo..."
  1209. >Your tempted to jump over the table and go sovereign all over her giant pink flank for invading your privacy.
  1210. >Actually is she even your ruler anyway?
  1211. >Sure she's a princess, but don't remember signing up to be her liege.
  1212. >Technically you're living in her kingdom though so you're to some degree under her protection/rule.
  1213. >A memory of swearing fealty to another not so long ago suddenly stings your heart...
  1214. >"No major injuries or illnesses so that's good. Some residual traces of some of their drugs is something to watch out for though. I know auntie tried to purge a lot of that, but magic can only do so much. How do you feel? Those little cubes may seem harmless but they're really really bad for you."
  1215. >How do you feel?
  1216. >You could sure use a cube to take the edge off, but you aren't exactly desperate for one or considering doing anything rash to get more.
  1217. "I'm... alright."
  1218. >"Twilight."
  1219. "I'd love more but I'm not gonna lose it."
  1220. >Especially not after you got caught red hoofed by a creepy stalker night princess who then proceeded to smack you for it!
  1221. >Cadence doesn't look quite convinced but what else can she really say?
  1222. >They'll probably just assign a guard to stalk you and make sure you don't try to acquire more.
  1223. >"Glad to hear it. If you want to talk both our doors are always open."
  1224. >It's hard to stay mad at her when she flashes you that smile.
  1225. >That's one good thing about being here, you don't have to worry about hidden or corrupted motives.
  1226. >You don't have to second guess every little thing looking for the angle, because you know they really do just want to help you here.
  1227. >Back on earth every action might have had a hook hidden behind it.
  1228. >Rarity showered you with affection when you'd first been reunited with her, but a lot of it was to gentle you into submission.
  1229. >Anon used to reward you with games and allowances, but only to motivate you to keep being an easily managed slave.
  1230. >Cadence doesn't want that, she just wants you happy and healthy.
  1231. "Thanks."
  1232. >"Of course! Oh and one last thing, Dr. Crystalheart mentioned something about a mark? One you said wasn't from your master? Maybe not even from a human?"
  1233. >If Luna feels guilty about smacking your rump she doesn't show it.
  1234. >The eventide mare continues politely picking at her meal while watching Spike inhale his desert with a smirk.
  1235. >"Dr. Crystalheart seemed to think it was somepony here. No one has the right to hurt you Twilight just tell us what happened and we'll take care of it."
  1236. >You pointedly stare at the oblivious elder alicorn.
  1237. >"Twilight?"
  1238. >Is Luna ignoring you or is she really that absorbed in spike's eating habits?
  1239. >"Twilight?!"
  1240. "Yeah it was another pony, and yes it happened here."
  1241. >THAT upsets your ex-foalsitter.
  1242. >"Under my roof?! Who was it!? A guard? Somepony on the street? Did they attack you Twilight?"
  1243. "No no it wasn't an assault it was just... a lesson..."
  1244. >"No one has the right to do that to you sweetie just tell me who did this and I'll set it straight!"
  1245. "Somepony in the castle."
  1246. >"A guard then?"
  1247. "Somepony in this room."
  1248. >"In this room? But it's just us?"
  1249. >You huff and meet Cadences eyes before flicking yours towards Luna.
  1250. >"... Luna!"
  1251. >That finally gets the alicorn's attention.
  1252. >"Hmm? Yes? We, apologize we were not paying much attention."
  1253. >"Did you hit Twilight!?!"
  1254. >Luna gasps and recoils are the accusation!
  1255. >"Did we what?! Dearest Twilight? One of our best friends?! Why we would never!"
  1256. >Gonna play dumb huh?
  1257. >You slip out of your seat, trot over to Luna's side, grab her forehoof in your magic, and plant it right on the red hoofprint on your flank.
  1258. >A perfect fit.
  1259. >She lets out a quiet 'Ohhh' when she realizes just what's being talked about.
  1260. >"That bruise from our tap last night? We thought the posterior of one raised by our sister to be tougher than that!"
  1261. >You just facehoof.
  1263. >On the plus side Cadence scolded Luna for abusing you.
  1264. >You were tempted to hide behind your pink protector and stick your tongue out at Luna, but you're a mature mare who absolutely isn't petty.
  1265. >On the negative side Luna herself is not the least bit repentant and infact now insisting on 'toughening you up' as a part of your training.
  1266. >Apparently a filly raised by Celestia should have flanks of steel because, well, the hoof of the sun isn't afraid to do what need be done.
  1267. >And that's true, Celestia corrected you the old fashion way more times than you'd be willing to admit to anyone.
  1268. >Unfortunately for you your time feeling the sun's wrath didn't translate into increased toughness, but instead maybe kinda conditioned you or something...
  1269. >Not her fault though, that's just how some mares are.
  1270. >At least you think.
  1271. >Either way you spent the next week not only practising magic but being literally chased around the damn field by a very aggressive lunar princess in an effort to toughen you up.
  1272. >A very aggressive lunar princess who happens to be wielding a whip!
  1273. >It hasn't hit you full on yet but buck if your gonna give it a chance!
  1274. >If you have to be honest the few light glances your flanks were treated to made you feel some very strange things, but you'll die before letting her find that out.
  1275. >Yet still she chases until you collapse every time.
  1276. >And then she steps on you and declares you her slave.
  1277. >Ok she didn't actually step on you, but she did throw in some verbal abuse.
  1278. >Things like telling you you were weak, that you deserved to be chained up, that you were a natural slave and would be better off submitting.
  1279. >To her credit she was hesitant to say such things to you at first, but it's something you need to be ready to deal with.
  1280. >To her discredit it took surprisingly little encouragement from for her to go full bully mode.
  1281. >You can take some yelling though.
  1282. >It might make you feel squirmy inside and make you really really really want to do as she says, but you can resist.
  1283. >The fact is this roleplay's important to prepare you for the harsh realities awaiting you outside.
  1284. >None of those humans outside will take it easy on you if they get a chance to come after you.
  1285. >None of them will ask if you're hurt or resist saying anything they think could trip you up.
  1286. >You'll need every little bit of physical and psychological resilience you can muster even if building that up isn't fun.
  1287. >And holy buck is this not fun.
  1288. [spoiler]>Side note: You suspect Luna has a secret dom streak.[/spoiler]
  1290. >Outside!
  1291. >Even with everything the empire has going for it you're glad to be back in action!
  1292. >It's not like you can't go back to your comfy bed, amazing library, and number one assistant in your downtime, but this is where you belong: getting things done!
  1293. >Spike wanted to come with but there's no way in tartarus you'll let him be exposed to any more danger than is absolutely necessary.
  1294. >With him safe and you back under Celstia's sun you happily canter out of the portal with a spring in your step.
  1295. >"Twilight."
  1296. >Equestria, the land I love! A land of harmony!
  1297. >"Twilight!"
  1298. >Ok, maybe now isn't happy skipping time.
  1299. >With a graceful leap you land in front of your commanding Alicorn and give her a snappy salute!
  1300. >"Twilight we don't salute this isn't a formal military operation."
  1301. "Oh, I knew that."
  1302. >What defines a 'formal military operation' then?
  1303. >You're all out here to secure some ponies coming through a rift, that seems like a pretty big deal.
  1304. >She probably just wanted to take the wind of your sales, meanie.
  1305. >"Of course you did."
  1306. >She closes the portal behind you all and addresses the gathered herd.
  1307. >In addition to yourself a dozen other mares and stallions outfitted with various arms and armor fill the clearing.
  1308. >Equipment is thrown together with most pony's armor consisting of various pieces of cloth or leather instead of actual metal.
  1309. >Yes leather, don't think about it.
  1310. >As for yourself Luna insisted you wear the last scraps of royal guard armor available in the armory.
  1311. >Really it's just the breastplate but it's better than nothing and makes you feel a little special.
  1312. >You just hope no one resents the new pony for being the clear favorite, but ponies already giving you a look because of the collar so meh.
  1313. >"You know the drill mares and gentlecolts. This is a standard extraction sortie set to occur in exactly 1 hour. Dropzone is a half klick west of our current position, as always our unicorn squad members will be able to point us towards the exact spot. I want alpha and bravo securing the perimeter but absolutely no eyes in the sky at this time. With the thick cover the area here offers we'll be maintaining a low profile. Any questions?"
  1314. >Clearly that made sense to them if the assortment of affirmatives is any judge.
  1315. >Too bad it was all zebra to you.
  1316. "Umm Princess?"
  1317. >She offers you a smile you try not to interpret as patronizing and lowers her voice to address only you.
  1318. >"Worry not young Twilight your task is simple. You are to be my, how do you say, floater. You'll stick with me tending to the ponies coming through until the situation changes. Think of yourself as a flexible unit that allows our plan to adapt to any circumstance."
  1319. >That sounds neat and all but it also sounds like thinly veiled babysitting.
  1320. "Luna I can help."
  1321. >That gets her to take her gaze off the crowd and look you directly in the eye.
  1322. >"We know you can Twilight. You must trust us when we say we believe in you. But you've not had time to learn our codes and procedures yet. So for now we need keep you on a short leash."
  1323. >Bad choice of words?
  1324. >Bad choice of words.
  1325. >"But we'll not coddle you understand? You'll gain all the experience you desire but you must follow our commands."
  1326. >Fine.
  1327. >You'd salute again but she'd bully you.
  1328. "Yes Ma'am."
  1329. >"Good, now one last thing. Open yourself to me?"
  1330. >She means magically of course, but you're still a bit taken aback.
  1331. >Linking horns here in front of so many ponies is borderline lewd!
  1332. >You blush as you bow your head for the magical link.
  1333. *ZAP*
  1334. >~"Can you hear us Twilight?"~
  1335. >Andddd you can hear her in your head.
  1336. >Neat? Useful? Kinda scary?
  1337. "Yeah, I can."
  1338. >~"Do not say it. You must think it towards us."~
  1339. ~"I can hear you."~
  1340. >~"Good. The range of this spell is limited, but it should suffice. just try not to stray."~
  1341. >You nod your understanding, a gesture she returns.
  1342. "Very good. Ponies! We'll be going 2 at a time same as always. You know the order and you know the stakes! Move out!"
  1344. >The half kilometer takes awhile to traverse due to the need for stealth.
  1345. >According to Luna the humans can detect the magical surges emitted by a rift, but only once it's fully formed.
  1346. >Ponies on the other hoof can tell when and where the phenomenal will occur, giving your group a crucial edge.
  1347. >That doesn't mean these pick ups are easy though.
  1348. >The human reconnaissance network, consisting of both machines and pegasus, is constantly on the watch for suspicious movement.
  1349. >Rift only occur in northern equestria due to the regions proximity to the source of the ambient magical pressure, the crystal heart.
  1350. >Even though it's technically in another dimension Cadence can shunt the pure love magic it produces out of the empire's original location.
  1351. >As a result the humans know where to focus their surveillance efforts.
  1352. >As an additional result your comrades teleport, fly, and dash from cover to cover as quickly and quietly as possible.
  1353. >It's actually pretty impressive how quietly they can slip around while sticking to the trees for cover from above.
  1354. >You on the other hoof haven't really been trained for this yet...
  1355. >After the third time you picked an 'unsuitable' tree to hide under Luna had once again stuck her head under your midriff and slid you onto her back.
  1356. >It was an evergreen!
  1357. >It had plenty of needles, no pony could see you through that!
  1358. >Whatever, good thing you're the world champion of silently pouting.
  1359. >Finally your mighty steed delivers you to the proper location.
  1360. >You clammer off of your ride quickly because:
  1361. >A.) Being carried is undignified.
  1362. >B.) Riding armor on armor is super uncomfortable.
  1363. >Even without your drug heightened awareness you can sense a massive magical anomaly forming.
  1364. >A true rift, not the tiny crack you somehow shoved yourself through a week ago.
  1365. ~"How long?"~
  1366. >~"Minutes at best. Keep your eyes and ears open but stay out of sight. As soon as the human's suspicion are raised they'll be upon us."~
  1367. >That's a little scary but you'll be strong.
  1368. >Could be worse though.
  1369. >At least you're in the middle of the makeshift formation instead of an edge, and your close to the resident alicorn just incase anything does happen.
  1370. >What could go wrong?
  1372. >The voice is a certain rainbow pegasus voice screaming at you from the sky.
  1373. >That's what could go wrong.
  1375. >This is bad! This is so bad!
  1376. >"I know you're in there Twilight! I saw you! Did Luna kick you out? Come on, I just want to help!"
  1377. >~"It sounds as though she's spotted only you young Twilight. If she thinks your alone we can work that to our advantage. Keep her busy, keep her from noticing the rest of us, and keep her from raising the alarm. Understood?"
  1378. >Luna's right, maybe this isn't a total disaster.
  1379. >Dash's always been easily distracted, if you can keep her engaged long enough for them to get the job done you can dive through the portal to escape.
  1380. >"Twil - oh hey."
  1381. >Her eagle eyes spot you and she swoops down the moment you step out of the woods.
  1382. >"So uhh hey! Are you ok? What happened? Where'd you get that?"
  1383. >Oh shit you're still wearing armor.
  1384. "I... found it...?"
  1385. >"Really?! Awesome! That's legit royal guard armor! Stuffs covered in cool enchantments!"
  1386. >She cocks her head to a side and raises an eyebrow.
  1387. >"I guess the whole disguise thing doesn't work without the full set. Or doesn't work on mares? Either way super cool!"
  1388. >Is this really the thing she should be focusing on?
  1389. "Yeah I just thought it was better than nothing."
  1390. >"I'll say, those things are great protection. They're even shock proof which is pretty useful because you know-"
  1391. >She lifts her hoof to indicate the build in taser!
  1392. "Ok let's not try though!"
  1393. >"Huh? Oh nah don't worry about it. It's cool now because I bet you're as happy to see me as I am you! So what happened? Luna kick you out of her stupid little club? Man I swear she used to actually be cool. What'd you do? Question one of the supreme leader's orders?"
  1394. >Oh come on Luna isn't that bad!
  1395. "Something like that... Look, Dash. Did you umm tell anyone you found me already?"
  1396. >"You mean like call it in? Not yet but I was about to? Why? You can't really be thinking of just running around and living in the woods for the rest of your life?"
  1397. >Psh been there done that.
  1398. "Well, no? Maybe? I don't know. Can we just talk about this first? Your my friend and I trust you I just... I've had bad experiences with humans in the past."
  1399. >Being open to the possibility of cooperation makes Rainbow's face light up in delight!
  1400. >"Sure sure, I get ya, no problem! We'll uhh... well we gotta get out of sight if we don't wanna be seen by another patrol. How about over there?"
  1401. >A cave?
  1402. >~"Do not, I repeat, do not follow her! We'll lose coms and visual! If I don't know what happening then I can't help you!"~
  1403. >Ok that's a no from Luna but what other choice do you have?
  1404. >It's the cave, the trees where everypony else is hiding, or the middle of an open field where the humans will find you.
  1405. ~"I have to if I want to keep her busy and the humans unaware. You said you trusted me so trust me to do this, please."~
  1406. >~"It would be far too reckless. One of our mages has a shot, move to your left and we can simply incapacitate her."~
  1407. >What!?
  1408. >You're trying to build trust with Dash not destroy the little bit she has left!
  1409. ~"Luna I want to help her not give her most reasons to hate ponies! Just... just carry on without me I'll be out in 15 minutes I promise."~
  1410. >~"Absolutely not! If you take one step towards that cave-!"
  1411. >Before Luna can finish her threat you teleport to the entrance of the cave and out of range of her spell.
  1412. >Dash is only confused for a moment before seeing where you went and joining you with a huge grin.
  1413. >"Great! They won't be able to see us here, we can talk about whatever you want."
  1414. "Good I just... In the past I-"
  1415. >"Twi I get it. Some humans were real assholes to you, probably didn't like a pony outsmarting them a time or two. Humans really hate stuff like that, but if you're cool to them, then they're cool to you, I promise.
  1416. >Cool. Right.
  1417. >"I even talked to Dan and got him to promise to be chill. All you've got to do is come with me!"
  1418. >Promise to be chill?
  1419. >Would he really though?
  1420. >You still want to get back to Anon but the way Cadence described the humans over here sounded far from chill.
  1421. "But they'd still like... cage me and stuff right? Chains? Leashes? Muzzles? I have panic attacks just thinking about that kinda stuff Dash."
  1422. >She rubs her chin thoughtfully.
  1423. >"I mean yeah usually, but maybe if you come quietly and I vouch for you? I'm pretty sure Dan would let you room with me If I promised to keep an eye on you. You'd be cool right? I know it'll be better than living in the woods, and if another pony finds you instead of me and has to bring you in forcefully they won't like that."
  1424. >She really IS trying but how much of that is Dash genuinely wanting to help you vs Dash wanting to be loyal to the wrong side.
  1425. "I-I don't know Dash I'm really scared."
  1426. >Best to just stall for time.
  1427. >Only a few more minutes before you can blink back to the woods and escape back to the empire.
  1428. >That is what you want, right?
  1429. >You've been trying not to think of Anon this whole week but if you could get back to him...
  1430. >The moments distraction considering your options let's Dash approach you.
  1431. >No big deal right? It's Dash, she's your friend.
  1432. >"Come onnnnn Twilight. After Luna kicked you out you're really gonna try and go it alone? I'm your buddy aren't I? Trust me!"
  1433. >You lean in to nuzzle the familiar mare beside you.
  1434. >She's even thrown a hoof over your shoulder in solidarity.
  1435. >In your head you know that Dash is pretty messed up right now and shouldn't be taken at her word.
  1436. >Stick to the plan, waste her time, and get out.
  1437. >Your heart though...
  1438. >Your heart has a bunch of stupid ideas about how you can get back to earth.
  1439. >Back to earth and back to him...
  1440. >Back to him and *BZZZZZ*
  1441. >Back to darkness...
  1443. >Ughhhh your neck!
  1444. >Either you slept on your head or you pulled a muscle doing Celestia knows what in your sleep.
  1445. >You try to stretch out only to bump your hoof into something solid.
  1446. >What?
  1447. >Holy crap, why is it so bright?!
  1448. >How'd you fall asleep with the lights on anyway!? Were you reading?
  1449. >Rather than destroy your vision you close your eyes and sit up.
  1450. >Or rather you try to sit up.
  1451. >Instead your head bumps against another solid surface.
  1452. >What the buck?
  1453. >Reluctantly you crack an eye and feel around with a hoof.
  1454. >Your blurry vision says the light's pouring in from in front of you yet every other direction's a vague solid gray.
  1455. >A solid gray that's cold and metallic to the touch.
  1456. >Metalic to the touch...
  1457. >Dash.
  1458. >The cave.
  1459. >The mission.
  1460. >What had happened after you left the cave?
  1461. >What happened after you left the cave?!
  1462. >Why can't you remember!?
  1463. >Terror claws at your heart as you open both your eyes and take in your surroundings!
  1464. >No!
  1465. >No! No! No! No! No!
  1466. >You bang at the cage door with your hooves again and again but it doesn't budge!
  1467. >Please Celestia no! Not again!
  1468. "Noooo!"
  1470. >Stay calm Twilight!
  1471. >Stay calm!
  1473. >The securely fastened door fails to budge no matter how hard you slam your hooves against it!
  1474. >Shit!
  1475. >What happened?!
  1476. >Did Dash trick you!?
  1477. >Is Dash smart enough to trick you!?
  1478. >Last you remember she had her foreleg around your shoulder then nothing but electricity and darkness.
  1479. >You massage the lightly burned spot on your neck where you'd absolutely been tased.
  1480. >Your fancy armor might be shockproof but your exposed neck sure isn't.
  1481. >Speaking of armor it's kinda odd you're still wearing yours.
  1482. >A unconscious pony is easy to undress [spoiler]Lewd[/spoiler] yet you'd been left bundled up in your golden wrapping paper.
  1483. >The only reason you can think of for them to to not remove it while you were out is that they want you to be aware of the act.
  1484. >Maybe some kind of undressing as a show of sign of dominance and submission.
  1485. >The idea of being stripped makes you cross your legs and curl up into a ball.
  1486. >Random strangers don't get to yanks off Twilight Sparkle's clothes.
  1487. >Only one human gets to do that...
  1488. >The one part of you not left unmolested is your horn.
  1489. >Two powerful military grade rings almost cover the entire spire.
  1490. >It's not a full sleeve like Gentlehoof, but it's enough to make you realize just how helpless you are.
  1491. >At best you can force out only weak telekinesis or some feeble little sparks, neither of which are any real use to you at the moment.
  1492. >You're able to at least summon one of the shields Luna taught you between yourself and the front of the cage, but it's practically paper thin.
  1493. >You doubt it would keep a determined human out for long but any feelings of security are invaluable to you at the moment.
  1494. >Speaking of humans, you shrink backwards when the shadow of one passes over the frosted glass door window to the room you've been left in.
  1495. >Thankfully they don't enter.
  1496. >Either they don't know you're awake yet or don't care.
  1497. >Most likely the first one if you're being realistic.
  1498. >Even if Dash did managed to talk one into 'being cool', which you question the truth of after SHE TASED YOU, they'll still want answers.
  1499. >Dash knows you were at least picked up and carried off by Luna.
  1500. >They'll have many questions about the night princess and her operations that they'll be looking to you for answers to!
  1501. >Buck what do you do?
  1502. >You aren't trained to resist interrogation much less torture if it comes to that!
  1503. >Anon could crumble your will with a firm look if he thought you were hiding something, and then have you breaking down with a swift but humane hand to the rump.
  1504. >What'll happen when they break out the crops and canes to really beat the info out of you?!
  1505. >You don't know the portal harmonics to actually get into the empire, but there's still tons of details you really don't need to be spilling!
  1506. >Just imagining the world of hurt your in for makes the tears start to flow!
  1507. >Where did you go wrong?
  1508. >You were just trying to help a friend!
  1509. >What did you do to deserve this!?
  1510. >Luna, Cadence, Celestia, Anon, someone help!
  1512. >They can't keep you in this tiny cage forever, right?
  1513. >A tiny rounded mirror in the corner of the room shows you to be in one of a few dozen cages built into the wall one on top of the other.
  1514. >Yours is situation on the 2nd row putting you at roughly human level and the only occupied one.
  1515. >Is this just a temporary holding room of some sort?
  1516. >Do they have danker darker cells to throw ponies in after they've been processed or are you just the only prisoner at the moment?
  1517. >Luna mentioned something about other captured ponies but she seemed to be talking in the past tense at the time.
  1518. >As far as you know not only are you a prisoner of war and recaptured runaway slave, you're also possibly the only pony in the entire building.
  1519. >Well, that's not entirely true.
  1520. >The humans seem to employe quite a few slaves/collaborators like Rainbow, but you're likely the only pony prisoner.
  1521. >Which means they'll be free to focus all their efforts on pumping you for information until you crack...
  1522. >You just hope that info is the only pumping they do to you...
  1523. >No pumping in and out of your...
  1524. >They wouldn't do that right?
  1525. >Bend you over and-
  1526. >"Already up huh pony?"
  1527. >Reality leaves you no time to dwell on any dark possibilities.
  1528. >"What's this?"
  1529. >The tall broad human male closes the door behind him and gestures towards your shield.
  1530. >"Cute but it's got to go."
  1531. >You scurry backwards a bit but don't lower the barrier.
  1532. "A-are you Dan? Can I talk to Rainbow please? I just want to talk to Rainbow..."
  1533. >"Hey. I do the talking here and you do the listening, understand?"
  1534. >It's best not to stir him up for no reason yet, you nod.
  1535. >He opens the cage door and flicks the shimmering blue barrier with a finger before pointing downward.
  1536. >Seeing as he's not going to ask twice and the barrier wouldn't actually hold up against real force you go ahead and dispel it as requested.
  1537. >"Good first steps. You do as we say and things will be a lot easier for you."
  1538. >His finger gestures you closer and you reluctantly obey.
  1539. >Not like he can't just reach in and grab you if he wants anyway.
  1540. >"You can either get the leash or the muzzle right now. Since you're doing as I say you're getting the leash, but start fighting me and that can change."
  1541. "Y-yes sir."
  1542. >Oh how you wish you didn't tremble as he clips the chain to your collar.
  1543. >"Property of Anonymous huh?"
  1544. >Yes!
  1545. >"Guess you couldn't get a tough model like this off too easy. Saves us the effort of IDing you though. Come on, let's get you marked."
  1546. >What?
  1547. "M-marked...?"
  1548. >You carefully hop down out of your cage to the floor as indicated.
  1549. >"Yeah, come on."
  1550. >Clearly not in the explaining mood he yanks the leash so hard you almost stumble.
  1551. "Please sir, what do you mean by marked?"
  1552. >"It's real simple, runaways get marked. Let's the market know they aren't trustworthy and lowers their value. You'll find out soon enough."
  1553. >He means something on your records right?!
  1554. >Right!?
  1555. >You've heard horror stories of ponies having their cutie marks burned off!
  1556. >Branded off!
  1557. >That can't be what he's talking about, right?!
  1558. >Your hooves plant themselves as the terror seeps into your bones.
  1559. >"And there goes the good pony act..."
  1560. >Searing hot metal melting the destiny right off your flank!
  1561. >Please gods in heaven no!
  1562. "N-not the brand! Not the brand please!"
  1563. >He sighs and yanks harder but you don't budge.
  1564. "Please please I'll do anything just don't brand me!"
  1565. >"Just calm down it'll all be over soon enough."
  1566. >The harder he pulls, the harder you push back!
  1567. "No please! Celestia please, no!"
  1568. >He sighs and pulls something out of his pocket.
  1569. >Before you can stop him he presses a button and your world erupts into agony!
  1570. "AHHHHH!"
  1571. >The searing electricity has you on the floor in seconds!
  1572. >What the Buck, when did they fix your collar?
  1573. >It only lasted a few seconds but it's easily the most powerful shock you've ever had!
  1574. >"Gonna come now?"
  1576. >"You can make this easy or hard pony. Coming or not?"
  1577. "Can't we just talk please! Rainbow Dash! Where's Rainbow Dash? I need to talk with her please! Don't take my destiny it's all I have, it's all I-AHHHHHH!"
  1578. >He holds the button twice as long this time quickly transforming a dignified purple pony into a thrashing crying and screaming animal!
  1580. >Oh, Celestia your vision has spots in it!
  1581. >Are you going blind!?
  1582. >Is he going to permanently injure you!?
  1583. >"You don't have to get more if you just move your ass and obey!"
  1584. "It's my destinyyyy pleaseeeeEEEE AHHHH!"
  1585. >He presses and holds the button until your voice breaks and the world starts to slip away.
  1586. >The agonizing and burning white mercifully replaced by a calm and peaceful black.
  1588. >You wake up back in the same cage as before.
  1589. >If you were sore before you feel easily ten times worse now.
  1590. >How long did he hold that button down to knock you unconscious?
  1591. >You really hope there's no permanent damage.
  1592. >Permanent damage...
  1593. >As soon as you were out he probably threw you over his shoulder and hauled you off to inflict some real permanent damage.
  1594. >To sear the talent right off your flesh.
  1595. >You don't feel sore back there but they're probably just the shock.
  1596. >Do you dare look?
  1597. >Briefly you wonder what they replaced your stars with?
  1598. >Will it at least be some kind of pleasing pattern?
  1599. >A boring bar code or Id number?
  1600. >Just a big burned square whose sole purpose is to deprive you of what made you special?
  1601. >The fact a stranger did it somehow makes it even worse.
  1602. >At least when Anon adorned your body with something new, aka your collar, he'd put thought into it.
  1603. >Into making sure it fit YOU.
  1604. >Some random soldier though?
  1605. >He was just following procedure and processing you like the piece of meat you are to him.
  1606. >Infact your back is probably sore because he didn't even bother to carry you right after knocking you out with 50,000 volts.
  1607. >Anon knows how to support your back to make you comfy, but what does this guy care?
  1608. >You swallow nervously and shift your haunches around in preparation for the big reveal.
  1609. >If you put it off you'll just keep putting it off.
  1610. >You at least promise yourself you won't cry whatever it is.
  1611. >Anon will still love you even if grabbing your cheeks will never be the same...
  1612. >Squeezing back the tears you promised yourself you wouldn't shed you turn your head and open your eyes to find-!
  1613. >A fuzzy purple pony flank graced with the same cutie mark it's always had.
  1614. >B-but he said...?
  1615. >You briefly check yourself over for other deformities.
  1616. >Nothing.
  1617. >What kind of mark then...?
  1618. >After a few minutes of fruitless searching you finally spy it in the mirror across the room.
  1619. >Your ear.
  1620. >Somehow the fur on your right ear is discolored in places.
  1621. >Instead of a uniform purple you now sport a large capital 'R', for 'runaway' no doubt, on both sides of the fuzzy appendage.
  1622. >Strangely it doesn't hurt.
  1623. >With the mirror so far away you can't make out every detail but you can make it out clearly enough.
  1624. >So that's it huh?
  1625. >It could be worse but you're still marked for life now.
  1626. >Even if all this slavery business eventually somehow ends you'll forever bear it's sign on your body.
  1627. >You flick the sudo-brand to and fro in the mirror to get a better look.
  1628. >It must be some kind of freeze brand?
  1629. >You'd still expect it to hurt though if so.
  1630. >Whatever they used seems to have also permeated the thin tissue and discolored both sides of the ear equally.
  1631. >Somewhat annoyingly that means it's actually backwards when seen from the front.
  1632. >Then again it doesn't really matter since it's wrapped up in the natural curl of the organ.
  1633. >From the back though it's clear as day.
  1634. >A sign that you're no good, that you can't be trusted, and that you're a slave.
  1635. >What will Luna and Cadence say?
  1636. >Will Luna be mad at you for not listening?
  1637. >In a way this is the price for your overconfidence.
  1638. >Overconfidence in yourself, your judgement, and in Rainbow Dash.
  1639. >If you'd just listened you'd be back in the empire eating a royal dinner.
  1640. >Instead you're huddled in a cage inspecting your new involuntary body art.
  1641. >You break your eyes from the mirror, shake your head, and rub your temples.
  1642. >This is no time for regrets or pity parties.
  1643. >Your fault or not this is happening and you need to be prepared for whatever comes next.
  1644. >So what does come next?
  1645. >They're had their fun with your body from rings to branding so next must be your mind.
  1646. >Interrogation.
  1647. >Clearly you can only be shocked so much before you give out so you doubt they'll use that to persuade you.
  1648. >Once they strip your armor off though they can carve the information right out of your flesh...
  1649. >What's your breaking point?
  1650. >Covered in bruises and welts?
  1651. >Screaming and begging them to quit cutting deeper and deeper into your hooves?
  1652. >Shivering in shock as your branded ear becomes your only ear!?
  1653. >They can just keep going and going until they get what they want.
  1654. >And what happens when they get it?
  1655. >What are you worth to them?
  1656. >That man said your collar made you easier to ID but will they return you to Anon?
  1657. >He clearly didn't ask him before branding your ear so maybe he doesn't care that you're already owned.
  1658. >What if you're resold just to make a quick buck?
  1659. >Do people even buy branded runaways?
  1660. >Do they just get rid of them!?
  1661. >Work camps and glue factories are just rumors right!?
  1662. >Rumors to scare small frightened little ponies, right?!
  1663. >Sweet Celestia what's going to happen?!
  1664. >You just want to go home!
  1665. >You just want to go back to Anon!
  1666. >"As I live and breath."
  1667. >W-who?
  1668. >"When they said purple unicorn I had my suspicions but I never really thought."
  1669. >That voice...
  1670. >A strong familiar hand reaches under your chin and lifts your gaze.
  1671. >"There's my favorite sheila."
  1672. >He grunts when you jump out of the cage and into his arms, but laughs once he has a firm hold of you.
  1673. >Arnold.
  1675. "Help me, help me, help me, you have to help me Arnold!"
  1676. >"Woah there! Just relax Sparks what's wrong?"
  1677. "What's wrong?! First my friend tazed me! Then that random human did it again and bucking branded my ear! Then I wake up locked back in my cage just waiting for something else awful to hapepen and you ask me whats wrong!?"
  1678. >He 'hmm's slightly and raises a hand to play with your newly imprinted ear.
  1679. >"You know white and purple looks kinda good on you actually. Gives ya that exotic look."
  1680. "Arnold! This is serious! I-I'm marked for life now! I'll always be a slave now... even if I get away or this all somehow ends I can never escape it... It's a part of me forever... I-I can't..."
  1681. >Don't cry!
  1682. >You said you'd be strong so don't cry!
  1683. >He hugs you tighter letting you bury your face in his chest and NOT CRY!
  1684. >"Shhh. It'll be alright. Just let it out, that's it."
  1685. "I... they're going to hurt me Arnold. Please can't you get me out of here? I don't want to hurt, not again. I don't want to be broken all over again, I can't take it, not another happy horse please!"
  1686. >You'd almost lost yourself in happy horse.
  1687. >A scared little pony went in and a semi comatose shell came out.
  1688. >You can't blame him for your time there though.
  1689. >They'd told him you were going somewhere kinder, somewhere they'd train you, but where they'd respect you while doing so.
  1690. >You'd been sent to happy horse behind his back for pissing off some human in charge, for wasting their time and resources by running for so long.
  1691. >"Nothing like that sheila, I promise. Sorry you went to that horrible place to begin with. I didn't know until I tried tracking you down a few months later and found your paperwork all 'missing'."
  1692. "I know. You tried to do right by me, I know. I just... I can't take that all over again please."
  1693. >You push off his chest and look up at him pleadingly.
  1694. >"No need to worry about that I swear. You be good and they'll treat you alright here. They like to keep the goods in good condition whenever they can."
  1695. >Is unconscious 'good condition'?
  1696. "I-I just got the buck shocked out of me Arnold. I was so scared of being branded I panicked. He just held the button down and shocked the buck out of me until I passed out..."
  1697. >His face contorts into an annoyed grimace and the hand supporting your back moves up to your neck.
  1698. >"Big broad bloke? Scrappy brown hair?"
  1699. >Your breath catches a bit as you lift your chin to allow him access to your sensitive singed neck.
  1700. >No matter how many times it happens something about human fingers around your vulnerable pony neck sends chills up your spine.
  1701. >Probably some deeply ingrained prey species thing.
  1702. "Y-yeah that sounds right. He was so nonchalant about it, like I was nothing but an animal to him..."
  1703. >Your initial trepidation about his fingers melt away as he starts to massage the sore flesh.
  1704. >You purr in pleasure but resist the instinct to wiggle your tush, that's behavior's for another human.
  1705. >"Randy's a right cunt especially when it comes to ponies. Ever since blue kicked his ass that one time he's taken it out on any horsey he can. I'll see if I can't keep him away from you, call in a favor or two."
  1706. "Thank you! Thank you so much master."
  1707. >He laughs and lifts your now dreamy gaze-
  1708. [spoiler]What? The massage feels really nice![/spoiler]
  1709. >-To meet his own.
  1710. >"I'll not soon forget what you did for me sparky, I owe you my life. It's the least I can do to look out for you when I can."
  1711. >It's odd, even though Arnold is technically the reason you wore chains in the first place it's impossible to blame him for it.
  1712. >He's not a pony sympathizer by a long shot, but never the less he respects and cares about ponies as intelligent individuals.
  1713. >He might be of the 'ponies are better off as servants' school of thought but still you could never hate him.
  1714. >To his philosophy's credit, you did end up in a happy healthy home where you were well cared for just like he'd promised.
  1715. >Anon's care vs hiding in the woods like you did before your capture is an easy choice.
  1716. >"I'm not your master though so just arnold will do!"
  1717. >Crap! Did you call him master?
  1718. >You didn't mean to do that!
  1719. >Awkward!
  1720. "I umm... I meant-"
  1721. >You never get a chance to come up with an awkward explanation.
  1722. >Instead something fast and blue flies into the room and lands on Arnold's shoulder.
  1723. >Something with a rainbow mane.
  1724. >"Hey guyss whats-ahhh!"
  1725. >The blue bitch doesn't even get to finish her greeting before you've leaped up and tackled her to the ground!
  1726. >"Ow ow ow Twilight stop it! Not the ear!"
  1727. >It most certainly will be the ear!
  1728. >You attempt to rip off the appendage as payback for what's happened to yours!
  1729. >Bucking taze you will she?!
  1730. >"Hey hey hey! Break it up!"
  1731. >You'll do no such thing!
  1732. >All you tried to do was help her and how'd she pay you back!?
  1733. >The pegasus struggles but you've got her pinned firmly to the ground with your teeth tearing at her sensitive ear.
  1734. >"Ok! Ok, I'm sorry owwww stop it!"
  1735. >Bitch you ain't sorry yet!
  1736. >"I said that's enough sparks."
  1737. >Despite your best efforts there's no fighting a hand pulling you by the back of the collar.
  1738. >Arnold pulls you off the now slightly battered mare and lifts you back into your cage!
  1739. "Hey come on! You don't have to-"
  1740. >Lock you back up...
  1741. >Well too late for that.
  1742. >Having taken care of you Arnold drops to the floor and scoops up the teary eyed pegasus.
  1743. >"I expected a bit better from you sparks. You know Blue right? She was just doing her job so no hard feelings."
  1744. >Oh now she gets held and you have to pace back and forth behind bars?
  1745. >No fair.
  1746. "I know Rainbow Dash or at least I thought I did!"
  1747. >That makes her tense up even if she refuses to look your way.
  1748. "I never thought a mare who prides herself on loyalty would taze a friend!"
  1749. >Her pride overcomes her shame causing her to turn and point a hoof towards you.
  1750. >"Hey! My orders were to bring you in and you looked flighty! Sorry I took you down, but I didn't want you doing anything crazy. Your one to talk though, weren't being honest with me either were you? Luna had a little group of hers nearby that I bet you were a part of huh?"
  1751. "Of course I didn't tell you that you'd call the humans on us!"
  1752. >"Uhh duh? Luna's just gonna get more ponies hurt playing her little war games and you don't need to encourage her."
  1753. "War games?! Rainbow this IS A WAR!"
  1754. >"Pft. You really think this is a war? You should see real human wars, this is just Luna trying to act cool and the humans not wanting to hurt perfectly good ponies."
  1755. >AKA not wanting to lower the value of perfectly good slaves.
  1756. "How can you be loyal to them Dash? One electrocuted me until I passed out today and then he put this on my ear! That's going to be there til the day I die!"
  1757. >Her ears splay a little at hearing you were hurt but she doesn't back down.
  1758. >"Y-yeah well you were probably putting up a fight weren't you? Or it was Randy, but Randy doesn't count because he's an asshole."
  1759. >Finally Arnold's had enough and steps between the two of you.
  1760. >"Yeah it was Randy, but that's enough out of both of you. Blue head back to the room and grab yourself a snack, you did great today."
  1761. >"... Yeah ok, thanks boss."
  1762. >She looks at you like she wants to continue the argument, but isn't willing to disobey Arnold's direct orders.
  1763. >In the end she silently slips out of the room.
  1764. >Now that it's just you and him you can't help but wilt a bit under the look he's giving you.
  1765. >She deserved it but maybe attacking his partner(?) on sight wasn't such a great idea.
  1766. >"The two of you go way back then?"
  1767. >He opens your door again but makes no effort to grab you or help you down.
  1768. >You lay on your belly neat the edge and swing your forelegs back and forth absentmindedly.
  1769. "Yeah..."
  1770. >"You don't have to get along with 'er sparky but you do have to watch your behavior around here. They won't keep you here forever and if you don't want to go back to training next you'd best act right."
  1771. >Training!?
  1772. >Happy horse!?
  1773. "No no no no no I can't! I've already done my time don't let them send me back!"
  1774. >"The big calls aren't up to me sheila. I'll mention your previous training and you be sure to cooperate and you'll probably get send straight to auction instead."
  1775. "Wait, auction?"
  1776. >"Yeah, can't keep you in this tiny box forever."
  1777. "No, I mean why the auction? I-I have an owner..."
  1778. >"This 'Anonymous' bloke right? Shame for him, but all the laws surrounding all this slave stuff that say your his only reach as far as earth. The minute you stepped foot back in Equestria you were free game."
  1779. >You're sure he means 'free game' as in fair for anyone to take a shot at and not 'game' as in an animal...
  1780. >"So just because you got caught again doesn't mean you go back to him. If he wants you back he'll have to buy you same as anyone else. It's a weird law, but if some bloke's got such poor control over his pony they end up a world away he's probably not a fit owner anyway."
  1781. >No no no! He is a fit owner!
  1782. >Is that weird to think?
  1783. >That's a little weird to think.
  1784. "I uhh, I guess there's no chance you can get me out of here either huh? Back to Equestria?"
  1785. >He gives you a weak smile and rubs the palm of his hand up against your plushy cheek.
  1786. >"Sorry girly, security's way too tight for that and they'd have my head on a pike. Took this job because I had fun working with you and though maybe I could give other ponies an easier transition to their new lives. I'd rather not throw all that away especially if it's not gonna accomplish anything. Better to have someone like me who'll treat 'em right then someone like Randy who'd smack 'em around just for fun."
  1787. >Well that's hard to argue with...
  1788. "I... I see. I didn't really expect you to be able to but I had to ask."
  1789. >You wouldn't want him to put himself at risk for you, especially if he's helping ponies in his own way.
  1790. >Sure he's still dragging them back into slavery but if he doesn't do it someone else will right?
  1791. >Someone like Randy?
  1792. >There's definitely some weird morals to argue there but you understand his perspective and motivation.
  1793. >Plus he seems to be good to Rainbow so you're thankful to him for that.
  1794. "So your rainbow's what? Handler?"
  1795. >"Blue? Yeah handler's a good way to put it. We work well together, she's a clever hard working girl that one."
  1796. "She mentioned a Dan earlier?"
  1797. >"Ha yeah, that's me. I gave her the nickname blue so she wanted to return the favor. She had a hard time coming up with a new name on the spot though. I think Dan's just the next human name she thought of, but it's what she calls me now."
  1798. >Yep, that's Dash.
  1799. "I'd believe it."
  1800. >It sounds like she's barely changed.
  1801. >You know besides the whole loyal to the completely other side thing...
  1802. "I'm just glad she's with you instead of someone like Randy. I know you'll treat her right."
  1803. >"Aww that means a lot sheila. We'll find someone to treat you right too I promise. Blue's been super excited ever since you showed up. Girl was even talking about you maybe coming and working with us. I wasn't sure if you were the same Twilight I knew but I figured the chances were good. Dunno if you'd be comfortable with this job though. If not we'll find you a good home minding someone's house."
  1804. "T-that's very generous Arnold, but I don't think i'd be comfortable helping with... this. Besides I have someone who treats me right... Well I..."
  1805. >Oh no, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
  1806. "I HAD someone who treated me right b-but I left him..."
  1807. >The ear scratch is comforting, you lean into it.
  1808. >"Regret running do ya?"
  1809. >You nod.
  1810. >"Shit sorry to hear that. Would he take you back?"
  1811. "I-I don't know... I'd like to think so."
  1812. >Would he?
  1813. >"Trouble is communication with the otherside is kinda slow from here. No electronic connection or anything. They'd normally just throw you back up on the auction block and never tell him you'd been found. Helps keep this place funded and avoid the legal drama of someone threatening to sue even though the laws on our side."
  1814. >No no no you don't want a new random master you want Anon!
  1815. "Isn't there some way to contact him?! Please, I'd really like to try! I don't want a new master!"
  1816. >He smiles.
  1817. >"He must have been sweet on you huh darling? You've got that desperate look of a girl missing someone important to her."
  1818. "I..."
  1819. >Are you really that transparent?
  1820. >Try not to blush.
  1821. >Blush a lot.
  1822. "If I have to go back I'd rather go back to him."
  1823. >You have to close an eye as he cups your soft pony cheeks with a hand and rubs it with his thumb.
  1824. >"There's a good girl."
  1825. >A good girl for begging for your slave master back?
  1826. >Hello weird squirmy conflicted feelings.
  1827. >"Not too proud to admit your mistakes are ya? Maybe if you tell em your sorry and offer him a nice big kiss he'll come a runnin with his wallet! Ha!"
  1828. >He teases but you'd offer Anon much more than a kiss to shell out the cash your for disobedient flank a second time.
  1829. >Surely he'll have some stern words for you once he gets you home, but that'll be it right?
  1830. >There was a time he'd have taken a more old fashioned approach to disciplining you over this, but the meaning of that has changed in recent months...
  1831. >M-maybe he'll use it anyway...?
  1832. >Down girl you can think about that later!
  1833. "M-maybe. There's some way we can contact him right? There has to be some way."
  1834. >"Eh, best I could think of is sending him a letter? Like I said, they'd rather keep him out of the loop to avoid the hassle, but they don't check my personal letters headed out of base. Hard to say if it'd get there in time though. Where did you live?"
  1835. "Georgia! Try, please! You have to try!"
  1836. >That makes him smirk and smile at you even more.
  1837. >"I know a smitten lass when I see one so I'll see what I can do. The portal here lets out in new mexico so it's no short trip but maybe an express letter would get there in time."
  1838. >Y-you are not smitten!
  1839. >Ok who are you kidding you've been smitten for a long time now.
  1840. "Thank you."
  1841. >No need to let him see your blush over the smitten comment.
  1842. "So what happens to me until then? Are they gonna question me? I really don't know anything I swear."
  1843. >"Yeah they'll want to ask you a few things. Just be truthful and it'll be no big deal."
  1844. >And betray Luna and Cadence's trust? Never.
  1845. >Problem is you're an awful liar.
  1846. >No choice but to play that bit by ear and hope.
  1847. "Anything else I should be worried about?"
  1848. >"Eh not that I can really think of. Most important bit is you've really got to act right if you wanna skip more training. Yes sir, no sir, doing what everyone says, answering question, being respectful, all that kinda stuff. You know I think you're a sweetheart so it probably won't be that much trouble for you but no outbursts like with blue earlier understand?"
  1849. "Alright. Er, yes sir."
  1850. >"Knew you had it in ya. Here, for your trouble."
  1851. >His hand goes into his pocket and returns with a cube.
  1852. >A blue sugarcube.
  1853. >You slap that shit right out of his hand so hard it shatters on the ground.
  1855. >"Name?"
  1856. "Twilight Sparkle.
  1857. >"Age?"
  1858. "18."
  1859. >"Gender: Female. Species: Unicorn. Weight: [spoiler]REDACTED[/spoiler]."
  1860. >No one needs to know that, that's not important.
  1861. >"How many previous owners have you had Twilight?"
  1862. "Just one."
  1863. >"And since your here it seems you ran away, correct?"
  1864. >No I just appeared here out of the blue.
  1865. "Yes sir..."
  1866. >"Not your best call unfortunately. I'm sure you're aware that'll be on your record from now on and places a number of restrictions on you going forward. Normally we'd ship a runaway off for re-training no questions asked, but Arnold's got history with you and wants to vouch for you. If we can save a buck by skipping a step we will, but we've got to be sure it's a good idea, understand? That's why your here right now Twilight. If you can cooperate, prove that you're obedient, and that you're genuinely sorry for what you did we MIGHT not send you off to retraining. I understand you had a bad time with that in the past and don't want to go back."
  1867. "It was Happy Horse. Arnold thought they'd send me somewhere gentler but I got sent to happy horse..."
  1868. >He types a few things on his tablet without looking up.
  1869. >"That makes sense then. If it helps Happy Horse got shut down for some ethically questionable practices about a year back."
  1870. >Ethics in slavery, that's cute.
  1871. >"Understandable you'd want to avoid going back if that place was your experience. Help me help you here Twilight. Tell me the truth and cooperate and we'll see to it that things go as smoothly for you as possible, ok?"
  1872. "Yes sir."
  1873. >"Great. First question then: How'd you get here? Out instruments didn't detect any rifts but they did pick up a massive burst of radiation. You also arrived alone and it seemed the other ponies weren't ready to pick you up. All of that's pretty unusual so we'd love to hear your side of things."
  1874. >Your first response is to lie but that's a bad idea.
  1875. >He'd spent the first few minutes of the interview asking you pretty generic questions.
  1876. >Normally you'd think he was just filling out paperwork, but before you'd come here Arnold had been kind enough to give you a heads-ups.
  1877. >They have full and total control of your collar.
  1878. >At one time it undoubtedly had strict security put in place by Anon, but when it was damaged all that went out the window.
  1879. >Normally taking off a pony's collar to replace the hard drive is pretty impractical but when she's out cold...
  1880. >Point is they now have full control.
  1881. >Full control unfortunately not only means they can shock the buck out of you, as you already knew, but they have access to all it's wide range of features.
  1882. >One such function being biometric monitoring.
  1883. >Biometric monitoring that when analyzed in certain ways can be used as a somewhat reliable lie detector.
  1884. >Which means those weren't meaningless paperwork questions they were baseline questions.
  1885. >You've got a polygraph strapped to your neck and your interrogator's reading the results.
  1886. >the interrogator who just gave you a little speech about cooperating.
  1887. >It's probably not a perfect lie detector but on the other hoof you're far from a perfect liar.
  1888. "It was, well, it was me. I was uhh on the run and I felt love magic coming from somewhere, magic I knew was native only to Equestria. I followed it until I found a... well like you said, not a rift but kinda a crack? It would have opened into a rift eventually I think. Anyway I'm pretty powerful, and I was really desperate, so I poured everything I had into forcing my way though. Somehow made it to the other side in one piece."
  1889. >No need to mention the elements.
  1890. >The humans don't even know about the elements so they wouldn't even care, right?
  1891. >Who would care if a random slave has an ancient super weapon that's defeated several major threats to Equestria in the past.
  1892. >Right?!
  1893. >Ugh breath Twilight.
  1894. >Calm.
  1895. >Steady.
  1896. >"Mmm hmm. So you just forced your way through? Like slipping through a cracked door or something? We've never seen any other unicorn do that and I'm sure many have wanted to. Why only you?"
  1897. >He's not calling you a liar, not yet.
  1898. "I'd say most unicorns lack the raw power. I was a mage and magical researcher back in Equestria. Most pony's magic primarily pertain to their special talent, but my special talent is magic itself."
  1899. >No need to mention you're the sun god's personal student hahaha!
  1900. >Nervous laughter doesn't belong in your own head Twilight!
  1901. >Nervous anything is forbidden in fact!
  1902. >Is this going well? You can't tell if this is going well.
  1903. >This doesn't feel like it's going well...
  1904. >"Alright that makes sense actually."
  1905. >Wow really?
  1906. >"You almost broke the equipments we use to measure pony magic after all. That's why you've got two of those up there instead of one."
  1907. >He gestures towards your horn.
  1908. >So they know roughly how powerful you are.
  1909. >Not necessarily a bad thing but probably not a good one either.
  1910. >"There was talk about seeing if any research groups back home would be interested in a mare as powerful as you, but i'm not sure what was decided."
  1911. >Great, now lab rat is one of your possible fates.
  1912. >Lab rats tend to end up dead, maimed, or comatose.
  1913. >Lovely.
  1914. >"We'll see what interested parties show up at the auction I guess."
  1915. >Please let Anon show up! Please!
  1916. >"Anyway your first encounter here was agent Dash. I understand her recruitment of you got interrupted by our local night princess. The way Dash talks your well acquainted with Luna. Did you know her back in Equestria prior?"
  1917. >Shit, what did Dash tell them already?
  1918. >How casually can you pass off your past association with the princesses before they become suspicious?
  1919. >Not only can you not lie, you can't get so nervous stretching the truth that it looks like your lying.
  1920. "I ummm... I knew her yeah."
  1921. >"How well did you know her? From our understanding most ponies only knew the princess as distance authority or even deity figures."
  1922. >Fuck fuck fuck.
  1923. "Better than most...?"
  1924. >"Twilight, cooperation remember? Did you know the princesses personally? If so why? Who were you in old Equestria."
  1925. >Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
  1926. "L-like I said I was a powerful mage and magical researcher. I worked with the princesses on projects from time to time and counted them as friends. But that's all I know! I don't know what they're planning or what they've been doing! I've been on earth living a normal life for the last few years. You guys probably know more about them than I do now!"
  1927. >He holds a hand up to stop you.
  1928. >"Relax. We've already confirmed your paperwork, we know you've been living a quiet life. If you were connected to the pony's little resistance you wouldn't have showed up in the middle of nowhere with no support. If we thought you had sensitive information this would be a very different interview I promise."
  1929. >Gulp!
  1930. >If they believe that though then what's the point of all this?
  1931. >Is it really just to see how truthful you'll be?
  1932. >You assumed that was just to get you to lower your guard.
  1933. >Should you actually tell the truth?
  1934. >Did Dash already tell them everything and this is just some a giant test?
  1935. >Ugh you should have talked to her instead of trying to bite her ear off!
  1936. >"What happened after Luna rescued you from agent Dash?"
  1937. "She took me back to the empire-"
  1938. >Surely they've noticed an entire empire missing, might as well call it what it is.
  1939. "-to keep me safe."
  1940. >"The empire huh? The term empire implying the missing Equestrian city and not some small camp."
  1941. >T-they did already know about the empire... right?
  1942. "Yes sir. It's hidden but I don't know where or how to get there or back."
  1943. >He just nods and writes more stuff.
  1944. >"Who else did you see there? How many ponies were there?"
  1945. "I don't know exact numbers, probably a few thousand? I was only there for a few days before... this. I just wanted to help but then I saw Dash and..."
  1946. >"No other notable ponies? Other leaders?"
  1947. >You aren't the first pony they've questioned so they must know the basics, right?
  1948. "Princess Cadence is still running the city."
  1949. >"Interesting..."
  1950. >He continues typing with one hand and passes you a glass of water with the other.
  1951. >Is this a reward?
  1952. >Did you pass the test by telling the truth?
  1953. >"And no pony in all the empire could get that off?"
  1954. >He's pointing towards your neck.
  1955. "I-I wanted to keep it."
  1956. >"What for?"
  1957. "... It was a gift."
  1958. >"A gift from Anon? From your old master?"
  1959. >Your voice might catch if you talk so you simply nod.
  1960. >"But your free now so why keep it?"
  1961. "I-I... I miss him. At first I told myself I was just keeping it because I liked it, but the truth is it reminds me of him. I was wrong to leave, I shouldn't have left! I was just so upset! I wasn't thinking straight and I saw an opportunity so I took it! He wasn't bad to me, he was really nice! I want to go back! I don't want a new master please, I want to go back to Anon!"
  1962. >You'd like to say you're acting just to make them believe you're contrite, but you mean every word.
  1963. >You take the glass of water in both hooves and chug it down in an effort to calm yourself.
  1964. >"The bad news is for various legal reasons contacting you old master isn't our policy. The good news is that this is good information that could prove useful and you seem to genuinely regret your actions. We'll probably send you straight to auction and hopefully find you another kind master."
  1965. >No no no you don't want another!
  1966. >You calm yourself before you say something stupid.
  1967. >It's ok, just relax, Arnold is going to contact Anon for you.
  1968. >Anon will fly across the country to come save you from your doom, then he'll forgive you, and still love you and...
  1969. >No no you aren't crying!
  1970. >Your quiet sniffles and silent tears finally draw his attention away from the tablet.
  1971. >"Hey it's ok. You seem like a sweet pony I'm sure whoever picks you up will appreciate that."
  1972. "... I just want to go home. I'm so stupid for leaving, I just want to go home."
  1973. >He gives you a quiet moment to try and pull yourself together.
  1974. "Now I'm marked as a troublemaker so only crazy people will buy me! I'll end up dying in some lab or being beaten by some psycho. Please I just want to go home."
  1975. >"Your status as a runaway does mean that only humans willing to deal with that will be at your auction. It does not mean you'll be bought by someone who'll seriously hurt you. Is that why you liked this Anon? Because he was gentle with you?"
  1976. >Hahaha gentle.
  1977. >You chuckle through the tears.
  1978. "I'm a tough mare. Anon would take a hairbrush to my ass until it was firetruck red and then some for disobeying him. I know he hit my butt so he didn't have to hit my face though. He wanted to discipline me in a safe way because he cared about me and I repaid him b-by abandoning him..."
  1979. >W-what's he writing down.
  1980. >Shit what's he writing down?
  1981. >Should you have not told him that?
  1982. >That you're used to being disciplined via a sore stinging bottom?
  1983. >Should you have not told him any of this?
  1984. >Oh Celestia here comes the self doubt.
  1985. >Why'd he say your information could prove useful, didn't they already know everything about the empire and Cadence?
  1986. >Why's he making a note about your history of respond well to corporal punishment?
  1987. >D-did you just sign up for more masters willing to roast your rump...?
  1988. >Buck.
  1990. ~Rarity Belle~
  1991. >Anon's slinked off to bed early again.
  1992. >You wouldn't quite say he's depressed, but he's never been himself since Twilight left.
  1993. >Twilight.
  1994. >Oh, that mare.
  1995. >If you could just get your hooves on her!
  1996. >You twirl the heavy 'diamonds in the rough' hairbrush in your magic.
  1997. >Naturally you hope she's safe, but you also hope there's someone there to bust that inconsiderate flank for what she's done to poor Anon.
  1998. >You've no idea where she is of course, but you've always believed wishes carry power.
  1999. "You hear that Twilight? A curse upon you until I get my hooves on you myself. May your flanks be ever red!"
  2001. ~Twilight Sparkle~~
  2002. >After your maybe disastrous questioning you'd been taken to a proper cell instead of back to your tiny cage.
  2003. >At least you have a bed and bathroom in here now.
  2004. >You still can't decide if the intreview went well or not.
  2005. >You don't really think you said anything important, but you can't shake the fear that you sold out Luna and Cadence involuntarily.
  2006. >And his little notes he took at the end...
  2007. >If you end up with another disciplinarian now it'll be partly your fault.
  2008. >Ugh you can already feel the sting of a new master breaking you one smack at a time...
  2009. >You're tougher now though, right?
  2010. >Maybe you can last a whole 3 minutes before your fiery flanks reduce you to an apologetic crying mess.
  2011. >You reach back and rub your purple plot just thinking about how awful it could be.
  2012. >Anon knew your limits from years busting your hide.
  2013. >In the end it even became a fun thing for the two of you thought you'd never admit it.
  2014. >A new master would have to find out just how durable you are the hard way and it certainly wouldn't be fun.
  2015. >What if you end up covered in welts and bruises because he doesn't know his own strength?
  2016. >Ugh it stings already!
  2017. >You swear you can feel a phantom brush patting your backside already.
  2018. >Sorcery! Clearly someone's cursed you to a life of humiliating discipline!
  2019. >Before you can dwell on your horrible fate any longer you hear the door on the other side of your bars creek open.
  2020. >In pokes a familiar rainbow maned pegasus.
  2021. >"Uhh, hey. Got a minute?"
  2023. >Do you have a minute?
  2024. >Really?
  2025. "I'm a bit of a captive audience Rainbow..."
  2026. >You're in a cell, what are you gonna do instead? Watch the wall?
  2027. >"Oh."
  2028. >She looks around as if she's just noticed your position.
  2029. >"Yeah I guess that makes sense. I just wanted to, you know, talk."
  2030. >You sigh and flop down on the tiny bed.
  2031. "Shoot."
  2032. >"I just wanted to be sure you aren't... well I guess you are mad at me, but like I wanted you to maybe not be?"
  2033. >Always had a way with words that one.
  2034. >You can't help but give her a flat look.
  2035. >"Look I know what I did wasn't very nice, but I didn't have a choice, and it was the best thing for you! Running around with Luna isn't good, you just don't get it! The humans tolerate her little games now but they're just that, a game!"
  2036. >You hold up a hoof to stop her.
  2037. "You've said that before, explain."
  2038. >"Come on Twi you're the smartest of all of us. You really think the humans couldn't find a way into the empire if they really wanted to? All they'd have to do is snatch the right unicorn and pry for info until she snaps. They use kid gloves around here because broken ponies aren't worth as much, but I've seen what happens to ponies they really wanna make talk. It's horrible, they're never the same."
  2039. >Your fear of a hot brand searing away your flesh flashes across your mind's eye.
  2040. >Horrible stuff like that?
  2041. >Ponies aren't a war hardened species like some humans can be.
  2042. >You know you'd spill your secrets as soon as you felt the iron's heat.
  2043. "Even if they knew the portal harmonics humans can't use magic."
  2044. >"Come on, do you really believe that? It might not be exactly like our magic, but over and over again their machines do things we thought the humans couldn't. Even if your horn wasn't locked up this entire place is magically shielded from the outside world. You'd try to teleport and bump right into an invisible wall. Why do you think spike hasn't sent you a letter yet? He can't."
  2045. >A barrier like that would probably be pretty complicated.
  2046. >They can do that?
  2047. >If you had your horn you could probe it to confirm all this, but at the moment you can only take Dash's word.
  2048. >"That doesn't even matter though because they don't even want to get in."
  2049. >Wut?
  2050. "I don't follow. What are you trying to say?"
  2051. >Your friend(?) walks right up to your bars and beckons you closer.
  2052. >What, now she wants to share some kind of secret?
  2053. >You reluctantly roll off the bed and take a seat just opposite her.
  2054. >"Ok just like, try to keep an open mind about all this, alright?"
  2055. >Twilight Sparkle is always 100% objective!
  2056. >"Did anything about the empire strike you as... odd? Like how Luna does stuff?"
  2057. "I'm not sure, what you mean?"
  2058. >"Ok, so first of all Luna's completely in charge of anything that happens outside the empire. Cadence makes sure the city runs smoothly and moral stays high and stuff, but only Luna organizes recons, rescues, lookouts, and all those kinda things."
  2059. >No new news so far.
  2060. >"And supposedly only Luna can tell when and where the rifts are going to open up."
  2061. >Well that's kinda new?
  2062. >Wait, is that even true?
  2063. >She said the other unicorns could help guide us to the exact location, but she never mentioned how she knew one would be in that area in the first place.
  2064. >"There's almost always a few casualties per week and you know why? Because her plans suck on purpose!"
  2065. >And here comes the crazy.
  2066. "I'm... What? I'm trying to be objective Rainbow but you have to be more clear."
  2067. >"Ok ok, she portaled you guys in a long way from the rift and made you hike right? Why not just portal right to it? She always drops the group in the middle of nowhere but seems to know exactly where to go."
  2068. >This is dumb.
  2069. >Rainbow is dumb.
  2070. "Dash this kind of stuff isn't really an exact science. She lands-"
  2071. >"No no no you're gonna say she wants to keep a low profile but guess what ALWAYS HAPPENS!"
  2072. >It's like talking to a flat earther.
  2073. "What Dash? What always happens?"
  2074. >"Almost every time everypony gets there and boom! The humans mysteriously show up and make off with a pony or two anyway!"
  2075. >Cuckoo.
  2076. >You wonder if she really is bleeding those kind of numbers though.
  2077. >There did see a surprising number of new recruits back at the training grounds.
  2078. >That doesn't necessarily mean she runs through troops like water, but you did kinda wonder what she'd do with so many considering how tiny your sortie group was.
  2079. >Who'd sign up for that stuff if it was a death sentence though?
  2080. >Then again you signed up for it...
  2081. "Isn't that why we try to get there early though? The humans can detect rifts too but it takes them longer. By sneaking in we gain the upper hoof and give ourselves the best chance of escape."
  2082. >"Ok ok ok, BUT why would it take them longer?!? They've been doing this for years, their technology changes stupid fast and they haven't figured out a way to find these things faster? Don't you find it odd that somehow only Luna knows when and where they'll show up, and after years she's still better at it than humans?!"
  2083. "Dash she's an alicorn she has a lot of mysterious powers."
  2084. >"No she - Ugh! The point is they're reliably recapturing a whole lot of ponies from Luna's little missions. It's not only her stupid little pick up sorties. There's all kinds of crazy risky recon and lookout missions ponies get sent on for almost no reason. And you know what happened when I started to question how smart her orders were? I got sent on riskier and riskier mission until they got me too!"
  2085. >So she thinks... Ugh.
  2086. "Luna said there was some big security breach, some betrayal, that got a lot of ponies caught?"
  2087. >"Pft yeah, her betrayal. Cloud got those coordinates from Luna herself and I know what for a fact. Don't think it's odd that almost everypony that was questioning Luna suddenly got rounded up all at once? I was the only one to escape and never got a straight answer out of her about it. Then like I said it was riskier and riskier stuff until I was next!"
  2088. >If that's true it is suspicious, but you have no way to verify it.
  2089. "I just want to be clear here: you think Luna is somehow in cahoots with the humans?"
  2090. >"Yes!"
  2091. "Dash that's really hard to believe. It's luna, you need something more concrete than that before you start pointing hooves at one of Equestria's princesses."
  2092. >"Twilight everypony that ever questioned her orders somehow ended up captured in the next couple weeks! Spitfire, me, Fleetfoot, Soarin, your brother!"
  2093. >Ok, that's at least something you can go on.
  2094. >"She's never even tried to get anypony back either. The second you're capture you're written off as beyond saving."
  2095. >Thanks Dash, just what you wanted to hear while sitting in a cell.
  2096. >"I volunteered to try and find out where Spits was and she flat out forbid me! She wouldn't even let me do simple recon in the area!"
  2097. >Interesting.
  2098. >Then again Dash's definition of recon is probably pretty suicidal.
  2099. "I mean if it's a really dangerous area that's magically shielded that might just be the tactical call Rainbow, and I say that as somepony currently being held here. You might not like all of Luna's calls, but that doesn't means she's not doing her best or that she's in some secret evil alliance with the enemy. Just because-"
  2100. >"I knew you'd be there."
  2101. >She what?
  2102. "You what?"
  2103. >"Ok, I didn't know exactly but all the scouts were deployed closer to that area that day."
  2104. >Hmm that might be an actual red flag.
  2105. "How much closer? Rainbow are there scouts at all in other places or was everyone focused right where we were at?"
  2106. >"Ugh, look they try not to make it obvious but I know patterns. I was in charge of a weather team then the wonderbolts for years. I know deployment and search grid patterns like the back of my hoof. Everypony wasn't right on top of you but someone somewhere up the chain pushed us towards the rough area. Either humans can detect these things earlier than Luna thinks, in which case they'd have us out there in force, or somepony talked to someone and they're trying to keep everypony from getting suspicious."
  2107. >This could very easily be paranoia but you'd like to give a friend the benefit of the doubt.
  2108. "Even if that's true it still doesn't make any sense. Why not tell the scout ponies? You guys work for the humans so why keep it a secret?"
  2109. >"Because forcing somepony to do a job doesn't mean they're loyal to you."
  2110. >Don't laugh in her face.
  2111. >Don't laugh in her face.
  2112. >Don't laugh in her face.
  2113. >"I mean I'm telling you all this right now aren't I?"
  2114. >Ok fair.
  2115. >"But look I've got the 'why' all figured out. Just picture this: you've got a slave population you're trying to keep in check. Some of them occasionally escape because that's just the business. What's better for you? Them running off and hiding where you've got no idea where they're at, OR them hiding right where you want them?"
  2116. >Is that a headache coming on?
  2117. >Sure feels like it.
  2118. "So what? It's some kind of 'false sense of security' thing? The escaped ponies think they're safe but Luna's secretly paying the humans tribute a few ponies at a time? Why bother though?"
  2119. >"Two reasons: 1. It keeps the escaped ponies contained without them even knowing it."
  2120. >Fine that's a fair reason.
  2121. >"And 2. population control."
  2122. "Population control?"
  2123. >"Yeah, exactly. How do you turn your profitable little group of slaves into a more profitable group of slaves? Just make more slaves right? But I've heard that the humans are having a pretty hard time with that. Even with sick stuff like forced breeding, mares just aren't getting pregnant that easily. Might be a magic thing or just the conditions I dunno, but if your having trouble making foals what's an easily solution? Set the ponies up where they think they're safe and happy so they'll have foals willingly."
  2124. >You're willing to admit you did see a lot of foals during your stay in the empire.
  2125. >It still sounds a bit crazy though.
  2126. >Are mares really not taking after being mounted on earth?
  2127. >Rarity had a foal you know, but you've never exactly asked for the details.
  2128. "So it's some kind of convoluted slave breeding scheme that involves a princess betraying her own ponies?"
  2129. >"Well, it sounds stupid when you put it like THAT..."
  2130. >Her voice trails off as she scratches the back of her head and looks away.
  2131. >"Just..."
  2132. >She meets your eyes again and gives you an intense look.
  2133. >"I really believe this Twilight. Maybe she's doing all this for the greater good or something like that, I dunno. I'm not saying she's evil or anything I'm just saying your better off here with me and Arnold where we can keep you safe. He's really cool and he's never lied to me. You saw how he wasn't even mad when you smacked the cube out of his hand. He even trusted you right off the bat and promised not to use them anymore! What other human would do that?! The two of us are doing great stuff and could really use you! We're make things easier on ponies going through all this. We're nice, and we try and protect them, and..."
  2134. >She wipes her shimmering eyes with a hoof.
  2135. >"Just please don't hate me too! First Luna betrayed me, and now AJ's super mad at me too. I'm just trying to do what I think is right, and I-I really miss you guys and..."
  2136. >Potentially crazy conspiracy theories aside you can't let a friend cry without offering comfort.
  2137. >It's awkward trying to hug through thick steel bars but you do the best you can.
  2138. "I don't hate you Dash."
  2139. >When's the last time she had a shoulder to cry on?
  2140. >You're sure Arnold would let her, but she probably doesn't want him to see her as weak.
  2141. "Me and Rarity don't agree on a lot of this slave stuff either, but I know she's did what she thought was right in her own way. If you think you can help ponies then just... just do you best."
  2142. >Is this enabling?
  2143. >You don't doubt she has good intentions, but the morals here seem extremely fuzzy.
  2144. "I can't stay with you and Arnold though."
  2145. >"W-what!? Why not?!"
  2146. "Rainbow this... this just isn't me. You're stronger than I am, you can deal with ponies hating you but I just couldn't. Besides I've got a master I need to get back to, a master and Rarity too."
  2147. >"Wait Rarity's actually there?! I thought you meant you'd just talked to her! What happened!? Is she ok!?"
  2148. "She's... well, she's ok now. She was a little messed up in the head there for a while when she was a slave owner herself but-"
  2149. >"What?!"
  2150. >Oh yeah, that might be a bit of a bombshell.
  2151. "Well...
  2152. >You and Dash end up sitting against the wall leaning shoulder to shoulder as you catch her up on your past few years.
  2153. >It's nice.
  2155. "So how long's this drive?"
  2156. >"About an hour, but keep your head back there til we're out of here sheila."
  2157. >You grumble a bit but pull yourself back through the small window separating the more comfortable front cabin of the truck from the cage like rear one.
  2158. >Arnold and Dash get seat cushions and air conditioning!
  2159. >You get a metal bench some jackass chained you to...
  2160. >Time for one of your many special talents: Whining.
  2161. "Arnoldddd I don't like it back here, the seats are too hard!"
  2162. >Judging by his chuckle you aren't as good a whiner as someone like Rarity.
  2163. >"Let me get us down the road bit first, then you can come sit with us. If you can fit through the window that is."
  2164. >If you can fit?
  2165. "Are you calling me fat?"
  2166. >Why does everyone call you fat?
  2167. >PLUMP!
  2168. >You're plump!
  2169. >Pleasantly plump!
  2170. >"Nah nothing like that, it's just a tiny slot."
  2171. >Sureeee.
  2172. >You wait the requested few minutes then set about proving him wrong.
  2173. >Normally the plexiglass window would be sealed or only open very slightly to allow the driver to communicate with the slaves being transported in the back.
  2174. >Since it's just the three of you Arnold opened it all the way and passed you the key to unlock yourself instead.
  2175. >Now to prove him wrong about your size.
  2176. >Just gotta...
  2177. >A little more...
  2178. >Almost there...
  2179. >Crap.
  2180. >Dash snickers and Arnold just shakes his head when you finally get tired and give up your struggling.
  2181. >It's not the most dignified position halfway through the window with your hips firmly stuck in the metal frame.
  2182. >"Don't say I didn't warn ya Sparky."
  2183. >Dash's snickering escalade to full blown cackling when you prove well and truly trapped, unable to move forward or backwards.
  2184. >Damn hips!
  2185. >When did they get so big!
  2186. "Stop laughing and help me!"
  2187. >"Hahahahah alright alright I'm sorry."
  2188. >Sorry your stuck ass.
  2189. >She at least grabs your hooves and yanks.
  2190. "Pull harder!"
  2191. >"I'm trying! I thought you said you could fit!"
  2192. "I can if you just pull harder!"
  2193. >"I said I'm trying!"
  2194. >"Girls if you make me wreck this truck..."
  2195. >With a pop you not only make it through the window but also tumble right onto your cyan assistant.
  2196. >"Ow! Buck, no wonder you couldn't fit! Get off me I'm suffocating!"
  2197. "Shut up you are not!"
  2198. >Your ass isn't THAT big!
  2199. "Just move your-"
  2200. >"Can't you just-"
  2201. "No no the other way-"
  2202. >"I'm trying I'm trying! Your squishing my wing!"
  2203. "Hey watch where you're putting your hoof!"
  2204. >"I wouldn't need to if you'd move your plot!"
  2205. >You squeak as a strong hand grasps the scruff of your neck and plucks you from the confused pony pile.
  2206. >Didn't need his help...
  2207. >You huff indignantly as you regain your footing and place your flanks firmly in the seat.
  2208. >Now that's a cushion! [spoiler]You're of course referring to the seat and not the 'ahem' build in cushion you have[/spoiler]
  2209. >None of that hard metal bench like in the back, buck that.
  2210. >Dash eventually recovers and climbs up onto the middle seat to join you.
  2211. >Drama queen, you didn't squish her that hard.
  2212. >"You know you gotta go back through that before we get there right Sparky?"
  2213. >Buck.
  2214. "It's fine, I fit didn't I?"
  2215. >Dashie has the AUDACITY to snort and rub her neck like you injured her or something.
  2216. >"Maybe so, but I think you mighta broke Blue."
  2217. >"Like getting hit by a bus..."
  2218. "She's fine! I've seen Rainbow Dash crash into the side of a barn! There's no way a little tumble actually hurt her!"
  2219. >Arnold pets the back of Rainbow's mane and laughs.
  2220. >"That was one time!"
  2221. >Heh, someone's embarrassed.
  2222. >"You're right though Sparky, ole Blue here is tough. Ain't that right girl?"
  2223. >That makes her puff out her chest in pride a little.
  2224. >"Yeah, of course! No big deal, I can take anything!"
  2225. >Oh for that kind of confidence.
  2226. >You just sit back and relax while Dash regails you all about some of the tough stuff she's done in the past.
  2227. >You could correct her slight exaggerations but you'll let her have this.
  2228. >Not that you aren't still salty about the whole 'tazing your ass' thing, but the two of you have at least come to temporary terms.
  2229. >She did what she did because she genuinely wanted to look out for you.
  2230. >Whether she is or isn't misguided you aren't really in a position to say.
  2231. >You'd have to talk to Luna and do your own research to be sure, which again, you aren't in a position to do.
  2232. >The other mare eventually gets tired of talking about herself (shockingly) and the ride descends into a comfortable silence.
  2233. >"Ya alright sheila?"
  2234. >Are you?
  2235. >To be honest you've been looking out the window trying to forget where the three of you are going.
  2236. "I... probably not, but that's to be expected ya know? You sent the letter right?"
  2237. >"Aye, sent it express early this morning. Should be there tomorrow and he can be on a plane soon after that."
  2238. >He'll come, he has to come.
  2239. "Thank you, for everything. For the advice, for the letter, for being the ray of understanding I needed, even just for letting me sit in the front seat."
  2240. >It seems silly to thank someone for allowing you so sit in a seat but you do it anyway.
  2241. >If Arnold didn't volunteer to drive you today you'd probably be chained up in the back crying and trembling in fear.
  2242. >This time it's your mane he pets.
  2243. >"Course Sparky."
  2244. >Ugh, just don't think about it Twilight.
  2245. >The more you consider how badly things could go here the more nervous you get.
  2246. >"You'll get through this girl I promise."
  2247. >You hope so.
  2248. >You really hope so.
  2249. "They won't give me any cubes here will they?"
  2250. >Arnold himself was pretty understanding once you'd explained your past experiences with the devious treats.
  2251. >"Nah, I wouldn't count on it. I got it put on your records that your allergic to them. Well, not allergic but that you have 'dangerous magical reactions' to them. We understand magic pretty well not ,but not perfectly. I doubt many would want to risk it."
  2252. >That's kinda brilliant actually.
  2253. "Thanks again then. I owe you."
  2254. >"Nah, I'm just payin you back. Wouldn't be here otherwise."
  2255. >"Hey you were supposed to tell me that story Dan. What happened? Why do you owe Twi?"
  2256. >You spend the rest of the drive telling Rainbow the tale of the hunter, the pony, and the hydra.
  2258. >Crawling back through the tiny window goes about as well as expected.
  2259. >At least this time Rainbow's pushing instead of pulling so you don't have to worry about falling on her.
  2260. >Unfortunately she's pushing your flanks, but beggars can't be choosers.
  2261. >In the end you make it back into the locked rear in the vehicle and wait patiently.
  2262. >Don't get nervous, don't get nervous, don't get nervous.
  2263. >You review the tiny piece of paper Arnold gave you again.
  2264. >It's his personal email address.
  2265. >He said he doesn't get to check it often, but if you ever needed help to send him a message.
  2266. >You don't exactly have pockets though so you'll have to memorize it.
  2267. >A somewhat intimidating prospect, but you're sure your photographic memory will serve you well.
  2268. >Are we not there yet?
  2269. >He said it was just a few more minutes.
  2270. >You'd really rather just get there and get settled in.
  2271. >Apparently the place isn't quite like the auction houses you've been to before.
  2272. >Instead of a tradition block you stand on with people yelling left and right, a silent auction goes on over the course of a few days.
  2273. >Or something like that at least.
  2274. >Arnold didn't seem to totally understand it himself to be honest.
  2275. >Finally the vehicle comes to a stop.
  2276. >The walls must be pretty thick as you can't really hear what's being said outside.
  2277. >Something something 'good to go'?
  2278. >Since the door's opening your guess must have been pretty close.
  2279. >Relax Twilight, breathe, calm.
  2280. >It's just the auction employee here to calmly lead you to where you need to go.
  2281. >Calmly and peacefully.
  2282. >That's why he's holding one of those animal catching poles... right?
  2283. >The metal rod with a loop of cable around the end looks a little menacing.
  2284. >You know the cable wraps around the targets neck and aren't too keen to experience that.
  2285. >You've just got to show him you're cooperative right?
  2286. >Surely the pole is reserved for troublesome ponies and he just didn't know what to expect.
  2287. "Hey."
  2288. >Oh no, he's already raising the pole.
  2289. "I'll come quietly, it's cool."
  2290. >"Put your head in the loop pony."
  2291. >So much for your original hypothesis.
  2292. "I-is that really necessary? I'll follow you it's no big deal. How about I just-"
  2293. >The instant you take a step he lunges forward to loops the cable around your neck!
  2294. >You'd like to say you remained calm and collected, but having something suddenly wrapped around your windpipe tends to spook a mare!
  2295. >Pure instinct has you to thrashing and bucking as he violently yanks you forward!
  2296. >"Oiy! I just told you she'll come quietly! No need to hurt her!"
  2297. >Despite your best resistance you find yourself aggressively dragged out of the vehicle by your neck!
  2298. >Jerk! Why's he doing this?! You said you'd be good!
  2299. >The man on the other end of the pole grunts as he works to control the bucking mare he's caught.
  2300. >"That's what they all say until you give them a chance to break free."
  2301. >Not fair! You weren't going to run!
  2302. >"Hell, look at her fighting me now!"
  2303. >"Because you spooked her! Sheila come on, just relax."
  2304. >Buck him, and buck him, and buck relaxing!
  2305. >Arnold tries to approach you but your primal panic keeps him at bay.
  2306. >Everything instinct screams at you to freak, to get away!
  2307. >Only predators go for the neck, and buck if your gonna make it easy for him!
  2308. >"Don't make me call for backup pony! You won't like the crop!"
  2309. >Ahh this is so not fair!
  2310. >You were going to go along but he attacked you, and now he's threatening you!
  2311. >The more he drags you the more upset you get.
  2312. >You tried to start this off with a good attitude but uhhhh!
  2313. >"Hey hey hey sheila look at me, relax."
  2314. >The hands cupping both sides of your face aren't so easily shaken.
  2315. >"Shhh shh shhh it's ok, just stay with me."
  2316. >Trying to squirm out of Arnold's grip proves more and more futile as fatigue starts to set in.
  2317. >"Just listen to my voice Sparky. Calm down and focus on the sound of my voice."
  2318. >The irrational drive to escape subsides a little in his familiar presence.
  2319. >This one won't hurt you.
  2320. >That voice doesn't belong to a predator out to get you.
  2321. >Arnold was the first human ever to restrain you, but he never harmed you, he feed and shelter you instead.
  2322. >"Good?"
  2323. "Better... He startled me, I'm sorry."
  2324. >He ruffles your mane and scratches your ear a moment before standing and giving the auction employee a thumbs up.
  2325. >"She'll be right mate. Just a bit gentler if you could."
  2326. >The employee doesn't seem too impressed.
  2327. >He grumbles something and yanks on the pole to lead you away.
  2328. >You try to put on a brave face but walking past Arnold hurts.
  2329. >You'd really rather not leave his protective care but there's little choice.
  2330. "Thanks Arnold, thanks for everything. I - Ah!"
  2331. >A sharp yank almost pulls you off your hooves!
  2332. >You scurry to catch up with your impatient leader.
  2333. "I'll never forget you Arnold! Take good care of Dash!"
  2334. >You just wish you could see your friend one more time.
  2335. >Arnold must have told her to stay in the truck, maybe to make this easier for the both of you.
  2336. >Aaaaand she stuck her head out the window and is waving at you desperately.
  2337. >"Screw this! Twilight! Twilight!"
  2338. >And she's crying.
  2339. >She's jumps out of the window and starts to run after you only to have Arnold scoop her up instead.
  2340. >She can't save you and everyone here knows it.
  2341. >She just wanted to protect you, she wanted you to stay with her, she wanted a friend her friend.
  2342. >You start crying yourself.
  2343. >Why are there always tears!?
  2345. >Being dragged into the building is a blur of tears and sorrow.
  2346. >The auction employee at least doesn't make it any worse for you, he simply leads you to your designated cage.
  2347. >Well, it's not really a cage is it?
  2348. >You find your collar clipped to a heavy metal ring embedded in the ground of... well it's like a mini yard of sorts?
  2349. >A white picket fence enclose the back and side with a shorter fence in the front.
  2350. >The ground seems to be some kind of fake grass that's not too uncomfortable on the hooves.
  2351. >In one corner is a pile of hay plus a bowl of water under a hoof operable water spigot.
  2352. >In the other a tiny doghouse you estimate your chain can just barely reach.
  2353. >Just how long do they plan on keeping you here?
  2354. >Now that you wipe your eyes and look around the facility is truly massive.
  2355. >An emptied out wearhouse with rows and rows of mini enclosures such as yours containing countless ponies.
  2356. >Holy crap you haven't seen this many ponies all in one place since the summer sun celebration!
  2357. >But why odd enclosures like this instead of just cages?
  2358. >Not that you're complaining, this is much nicer, you've just never seen anything like it.
  2359. >A tablet of sorts is mounted on the front fence of your tiny home.
  2360. >The chain has just barely enough range to let you see what's on it.
  2361. >*Twilight Sparkle*
  2362. >*Unicorn (Runaway)*
  2363. >Yeah like they can't just look at your ear and see that.
  2364. >You doubt they want you playing with the device, but you can see buttons for all kinds of additional information: history, medical, stats, temperament.
  2365. >Your curious for sure but you'd rather not press your luck right now.
  2366. >At the bottom of it all though is the one big button.
  2367. >The one that really matters.
  2368. >The one you fear.
  2369. >Bid.
  2371. >Your neighbors don't seem to be a talkative bunch.
  2372. >The only one who'll even acknowledge you is the mare to your left, and even then only to tell you the basics.
  2373. >Humans can come in any day to browse the stock and see if there's anypony they like.
  2374. >If they find a pony they're interested in they can either place a bid or go straight for the buyout price.
  2375. >Since this is essentially a silent auction everytime a new bid comes in the window to bid again gets reset to 36 hours.
  2376. >There is a minimum requirement on how close the new bid can be to the last one though, so eventually a pony's bid approaches their buyout so they don't get stuck here forever.
  2377. >As a result of the somewhat odd system this place tends to attract either humans interested in acquiring numerous ponies for as little as possible, or just very patient ones.
  2378. >Buying a lot of ponies cheaply sounds like the prerogative of a business.
  2379. >You're reminded of your interrogator's comment a few days back about research groups being potentially interested in your raw power.
  2380. >Corporate ownership sounds... awful.
  2381. >No offense to Rarity but a cold unfeeling business holding the reins to your life sends a chill down your spine.
  2382. >Especially after what happened to the poor mares and stallions under Rarity's care...
  2383. >No, just don't think about it!
  2384. >No one's going to take your eggs, or break your horn, or anything like that.
  2385. >In fact the whole system here is perfect for buying time for Anon to arrive.
  2386. >He should have a few days at least instead of just the one or two you were expecting.
  2387. >You just need to be sure either no one bids on you, or a few bid back and forth.
  2388. >Sounds easy enough.
  2390. >Welp there goes the 'No one bids on you' plan.
  2391. >Early the next morning a man in business casual walks up and down every row clicking 'bid' on everypony with a low enough price.
  2392. >He didn't even say anything to you!
  2393. >Heck, he barely even looked at you for that matter.
  2394. >Your pretty sure you'd rather not find out what kind of operation only cares about it's ponies being cheap and alive.
  2395. >It's cool though you've got a plan B: have someone else bid to keep your actual sale up in the air.
  2396. >That shouldn't be too hard though, right?
  2397. >You already got one bid in just the first hour, how hard can another be in the next 36?
  2399. >The next 24 hours are... troubling.
  2400. >Not only is there no sign of Anon yet but your time for another bid is running out fast.
  2401. >Plenty of folks have stopped by and even read up on you, but not a ones placed a bid!
  2402. >Do you not look inviting enough?
  2403. >Maybe you should try smiling more even if you really don't feel like it.
  2404. >Here comes a woman, you'll try it out.
  2405. >As she approaches your slot you crawl out of your doghouse and stretch.
  2406. >Anon will surely be here soon, but you'd still feel more comfortable having a woman lined up to own you rather than a company or some strange man.
  2407. >Less likely to get dissected or penetrated that way.
  2408. "Hi! Finding everything ok?"
  2409. >That's what sales ponies say right?
  2410. >Offer to help, act kind and friendly, you can do this Twilight.
  2411. >Every other pony seems content to sulk in their doghouses, maybe you can set yourself apart be being responsive.
  2412. >After all, Anon once told you that's how you initially attracted him.
  2413. >"Sorta. I'm looking for a housekeeping pony but your coat would clash with the furniture too much. Sorry!"
  2414. >Wtf really?
  2415. >You can only look at the woman in disbelief as she walks off.
  2416. >Your coat color?
  2417. >What's wrong with purple!? Purple's great!
  2418. >"Hahaha! It's ok little pony, I think purple's a pretty color."
  2419. >Who, what, where? Oh.
  2420. >Another woman stifles a giggle then gestures for you to come closer.
  2421. >"May I?"
  2422. >You aren't sure what she's asking but you approach anyway.
  2423. >At least she's not RUDE like that other lady.
  2424. >Oh!
  2425. >You were busy glaring at the other lady so a hand inspecting your mane surprises you!
  2426. >"In ancient times purple was the color of royalty on earth you know."
  2427. >She's gentle and she's complimenting your colors, this one's ok.
  2428. >"No split ends either. Someone must have treated you like royalty yourself huh?"
  2429. >Now's not the time to get depress you girl!
  2430. "Y-yes ma'am."
  2431. >"Oh, 'ma'am'. You must have been trained up in the south."
  2432. >You were actually... is ma'am not normal everywhere?
  2433. "Is ma'am not right? Should I say something else?"
  2434. >"Around here sir and ma'am might make some feel a little old. If you want to be respectful you could still use master or mistress though. I'm mistress Allison."
  2435. "Yes mistress, thank you mistress."
  2436. >"Awww, cute!"
  2437. >She practically squeaks and pinches both your cheeks in glee!
  2438. >"I like you already little pony. Twilight Sparkle was it?"
  2439. >You nod into the one hand still cupping and rubbing your cheek.
  2440. >Can't hurt to close your eyes and nuzzle into her touch can it?
  2441. >A little affection seems to go a long way with this one.
  2442. >"Sweet, how'd you end up in the troubled pony section?"
  2443. >She rubs your marked ear with her other hand and tut tut's quietly.
  2444. >"I guess running will do it. Were they mean to you? Sometimes I find it hard to blame little ponies for acting out when they aren't properly cared for."
  2445. "W-we had our disagreements."
  2446. >"Poor thing."
  2447. >She continues to rub your face with one hand while tapping your tablet with the other.
  2448. >"Let's learn a little about Twilight Sparkle shall we? Female, 18, no health issues, no foals, that all seems good. Shame about the foals though, they're so cute!"
  2449. >They really are...
  2450. >"Only one previous owner, and oh! Housekeeper and bedmare!"
  2451. >Ugh that WOULD be in your charts, Gentlehoof probably made sure someone added that.
  2452. >"Your exactly what I need ever since what happened to Sapphire."
  2453. >What? What happened?
  2454. >She looks a little sad so it probably wasn't good.
  2455. >She sighs and wipes an eye.
  2456. >"My girls in a better place now at least..."
  2457. >An accident maybe?
  2458. >Either way she shakes her head and regains her composure.
  2459. >"Only one owner means you must be pretty good at your job since he kept you. A lot of women get upset about the whole 'bedmare' thing, but you guys are just so cute sometimes I can't blame them. Spin for me?"
  2460. >You start twirling just her finger indicates.
  2461. >If this were a man you'd feel a bit like a piece of meat, but it's not soooo bad with another female.
  2462. >"Mmm yeah I can see why a guy would want to get into that!"
  2463. >What?!
  2464. "M-mistress?!"
  2465. >You spin around towards her face hot with embarrassment!
  2466. >"Hahahah, I'm sorry! I'm just teasing!"
  2467. >You look away from her face still flushed red.
  2468. >"Come here, I'm sorry I promise."
  2469. >You trot closer albeit reluctantly.
  2470. >She slips one hand under your chin to scratch and the other to your cheek to pet.
  2471. >"Hey, look at me."
  2472. >No!
  2473. >Twilight angry!
  2474. >You subtly shake your head and keep your eyes averted.
  2475. >"Cute little stubborn streak too..."
  2476. >Twilight isn't cute! Twilight angry!
  2477. >"I know how to deal with that though..."
  2478. >The hand on your cheek slips away and out of your vision.
  2479. >Deal with that?
  2480. >What's she going to-
  2481. >Bzzz!
  2482. >It's not a powerful shock but it was definitely a jolt from your collar!
  2483. >Customers can do that!?
  2484. >Your eyes snap forward to meet hers instantly!
  2485. >Customers can shock you!?
  2486. >Granted it was a tiny zap at best but that still seems unsafe!
  2487. >"There she is! Collars really are great aren't they? Just the press of a button and instant behavior improvement!"
  2488. >No they really aren't!
  2489. >"Looks like your previous owner liked to take a hands on approach as well. Spanked his little mare heh? I don't mind doing that either if that's what you need!"
  2490. "T-there's no need for that mistress I promise!"
  2491. >"They always promise to be good but there's only one way to find out little pony! Ready to come home with me?"
  2492. >What?
  2493. >What?!
  2494. >With a few taps of the button your buyout is purchased in full.
  2495. >Instead of extending your time at the auction house where Anon could find you you've accidently got yourself bought.
  2496. >Sold to a woman who just said she wasn't afraid to pick up where Anon's discipline left off!
  2497. >Help!
  2499. "What?! Wait are you sure!? Surely there's other ponies you'd like to look at as well mistress!"
  2500. >A delicate finger held against your lips silences you.
  2501. >"Shhh. I get that your not thrilled to hear I know how to keep you in line, but a good little pony is thankful to be taken home. Understand?"
  2502. >Keep you in line...
  2503. >No no no, not like this!
  2504. "I... yes mistress I'm thankful just surprised is all. Why me?"
  2505. >"Why not you? You're positively adorable, shapely in all the right places, and perfectly trained for what I need."
  2506. >Shapely???
  2507. >What she needs?
  2508. >Ugh forget this, enough cringing at the possibilities without actually knowing.
  2509. "I appreciate the compliments mistress, but what exactly are your needs? Just a housemare? I can't be the only one of those around here..."
  2510. >"That and a little more."
  2511. >She giggles and gives you a strange look.
  2512. >Why is she giggling?
  2513. >Why do you feel like you're about to be gobbled up?
  2514. >"I'll explain more when we get home. Let's just get going for now."
  2515. >No doubt signaled of your purchase an employee stops by to unchain you.
  2516. >How odd that you'd be sad to see yourself freed from bondage.
  2517. >Your new owner smiles and gives you a light tug to get you moving.
  2518. >New owner.
  2519. >You're trying really hard not to panic, but you really really really don't want a new owner.
  2520. >Just relax Twilight.
  2521. >Just think.
  2522. >Anon isn't here yet but he's presumably on his way... you hope.
  2523. >You've just been bought by someone else.
  2524. >It's a woman so you don't have to worry about getting your purple pony pussy penetrated, but she's still...
  2525. >Not that she doesn't seem nice enough, but she definitely has a bit of a... dominant streak?
  2526. >Something like that.
  2527. >Something that Anon doesn't have even as a male.
  2528. >You suspect any disobedience will be dealt with swiftly, painfully, and to your great embarrassment now that she knows what you're used to.
  2529. >Not to mention you're still wary of just how many times she's already called you cute or even 'shapely'.
  2530. >'I can see why a guy would want to get into that'
  2531. >Who says that?!
  2532. >She hums a cheery tune as you follow her through the giant warehouse and towards her car.
  2533. >If she just wanted a housemare they're a dime a dozen.
  2534. >As much as you don't want to face facts she must be interested in both your housemare skills as well as your... other slave experience.
  2535. >Bed warmer let's just call it, that sounds a little more dignified than sex slave.
  2536. >Maybe she wants an actual bed warmer? A cuddle buddy?
  2537. >If she literally just wants someone to keep her warm that's totally fine.
  2538. >But if it's more than that...
  2539. >Anon where are you!?
  2541. >"You don't have to sit so far away, come on."
  2542. >Can't even sit on your side of the car huh?
  2543. >She's patting the middle seat so you scoot over towards it.
  2544. >"What a good girl. You'll behave for our drive won't you? They recommend a cage for a new slave's first drive, but I just know you'll be a perfect little angel"
  2545. >Recommended so you don't freak out and cause a wreck no doubt.
  2546. >You've no intention of doing anything that reckless though.
  2547. >"Comfy? You can lay down if you want it's a short drive."
  2548. >Ponies usually sit upright in human cars so they can buckle up even if it's not the most natural position.
  2549. >Safety first!
  2550. >If it's short though then whatever.
  2551. >You swing your lower body around so you can lay on your stomach with your hooves under you.
  2552. >Anon once said it makes you look like a cat.
  2553. >Cats are cool you guess.
  2554. >They rule their houses just like ponies should.
  2555. >"Here, you can trust me."
  2556. >T-there...?
  2557. >You blush a little as you lean forward to rest your head in her lap.
  2558. >This is a little undignified especially curling up to someone you just met.
  2559. >Dignified or not she coos softly and starts to pet you from the tip to tail.
  2560. >The cat facade is complete when her ministrations make you purr.
  2561. >What? It feels good.
  2562. >"I can't believe they branded one as sweet as you. We'll get along just fine I promise."
  2563. >Your face remains a touch red as she drives you two of you home.
  2564. >With your head in her lap and her hand gentling you into submission it's hard not to flush a little.
  2565. >It could be worse though?
  2566. >You'd rather be back inside waiting for Anon, but this is far from the worst treatment you could be receiving from a new master.
  2567. >Most would have thrown you in a cage like she said.
  2568. >Maybe if you just obey her she can keep you safe until Anon tracks you down.
  2569. >Maybe.
  2571. >"Pantry's over here and the washing/dryer right through that door. Got it?"
  2572. "I think so mistress."
  2573. >You run a mental checklist in your head.
  2574. >Fridge over there, laundry there, bathroom that way, her room down that hall.
  2575. >Your mental map seems good if lacking one thing.
  2576. >Your room.
  2577. >Y-you do get a room right?
  2578. >She pointed out a guest room so is that yours?
  2579. >If so she didn't indicate it.
  2580. >Anon give you your room from day one.
  2581. >Sure you'd holed up in it and cried for hours and hours, but at least you had your privacy to do so.
  2582. >He didn't even pressure you to come out, you just eventually got hungry.
  2583. >Mare's gotta eat.
  2584. >"I got some leftovers tonight so we'll just have those instead of making you cook. I'll show you the recipe book Sapphire used later. I'm sure you can figure it out."
  2585. >Another mention of this mysterious Sapphire pony who, what? Died? Escaped?
  2586. >'She's in a better place'
  2587. >An accident maybe but really have no idea.
  2588. >"I guess that's it for now though. Take your time getting settled in and we'll get you started on the chores as they pop up, ok?"
  2589. "Yes mistress just one question. Where do I umm sleep?"
  2590. >She gives you a bit of a funny look then laughs.
  2591. >"Oh sorry right I didn't show you my room. There's a little pony bed in there you can use. I promise I don't snore!"
  2592. >A thoughtful look crosses her face and she stares at you intently for a moment.
  2593. >"Hmm I'd imagine you'll fit but you're a bit bigger than Sapphire was... We'll figure something out don't worry."
  2594. >Ok ignoring the fact she just called you big what kind of bed is too small for a pony?
  2595. >For that matter what did she mean by pony bed?
  2596. >You've never heard of such a thing.
  2597. >Most ponies just get put into single sized human beds and have a ton of room to spare.
  2598. >Guess you'll find out.
  2600. >It's a dog bed.
  2601. >Like literally a small cushion for a dog.
  2602. >Bark bark your gonna stab someone with your horn.
  2603. >Seriously, the fuck is this shit.
  2604. >Anon not only gave you your own bed he gave you a whole room with a door you could actually lock.
  2605. >Now Mistress Alison expects you to curl up on a dog bed at the foot of hers?
  2606. >This is... ugh.
  2607. >"Well, go ahead. Is it big enough?"
  2608. >To your shock the human walks up behind wearing nothing but a lacy bra and panties!
  2609. >So white... a set that fancy can't be her casual 'sitting around the house' underwear...
  2610. >Even if it is though who runs around in their panties?
  2611. >Sure it's her house, but Anon at least wore shorts around you.
  2612. >"Hey no staring!"
  2613. >She scoffs and mockingly covers her chest with an arm while shaking a finger at you.
  2614. >"Naughty little fillies shouldn't ogle their mistress!"
  2615. >T-they're just so big...
  2616. >Not that you were staring!
  2617. >You were just...
  2618. >Why do human breasts even get so big? Like what's the point?
  2619. >Teats are for feeding young and you can't imagine monsters like those being necessary for that.
  2620. "I-I wasn't... I umm..."
  2621. >"I'm just teasing Twilight we're both girls here, I don't mind.."
  2622. >The squats down to pinch your cheeks!
  2623. >Ow!
  2624. >This of course gives you an even better view of her mostly bare assets.
  2625. >They look so smooth...
  2626. >So much for her being modest though.
  2627. >"Now come on. In bed with you!"
  2628. >Before you can react a hand releases one of your cheeks and lightly slaps another!
  2629. >This isn't your face she slaps though it's your rump!
  2630. >You squeak in embarrassment and practically jump into the tiny dog bed.
  2631. >It was a playful swat but both the spot and your face burn with indignity.
  2632. >"So soft..."
  2633. >The hand that just make contact with your derriere rubs it's fingers together as if to savor the sensation!
  2634. >Come on!
  2635. >You grumble a little angrly as you spin around to find the perfect way to fit into the sad excuse for a bed.
  2636. >If you curl up just right you can fit but this is far from comfy.
  2637. >Is a real bed so much to ask?
  2638. >"Aww don't be mad I'm sorry, it just looked so inviting!"
  2639. >Your butt is not inviting!
  2640. >Or at least it's not meant to be inviting HER to touch it.
  2641. >You give the hand approaching you a baneful look but it doesn't stop.
  2642. >"You can glare all you want my little pony but when mama wants to touch mama gets to touch. Understand?"
  2643. >That sounds strangely familiar.
  2644. >You turn the destructive gaze up to 11 yet it still lands your side and starts to pet.
  2645. >"See? Not so bad."
  2646. >You bury your muzzle in your forehooves so she doesn't have to see how much this annoys you.
  2647. >At least she said you could glare.
  2648. >She could be one of those 'you'll let me do this and you'll like it' types.
  2649. >You tense up when her hand slips to the flank she just spanked.
  2650. >"Shhh it's ok. Nothing bad's going to happen just relax."
  2651. >You'd love to trust her but the way she's fondling your cutie mark...
  2652. >"I absolutely love your cutie mark Twilight. Most ponies seem to have mundane little pictures but yours looks so special."
  2653. >Compliments are cool but there's still a mostly naked human with her hand on your ass.
  2654. >She's not doing anything too inappropriate yet, but your instincts are screaming at you to run away.
  2655. >It's a woman though.
  2656. >What's the worst that could happen?
  2657. >You gasp and raise your head the instant you feel her finger slip under the base of your tail!
  2658. >No no no tail stays there!
  2659. "M-mistress?!"
  2660. >She giggles as you fight her for control of your own tail.
  2661. >You attempting to clamp it down and her bouncing it up and down ever so slightly.
  2662. >"Oh my gosh your modest too! That's soooo cute!"
  2663. >She puts a little more effort and your tail starts to rise!
  2664. "P-please mistress no."
  2665. >She gives you a pouty look but relents.
  2666. >"Seeing your mistress half naked but not returning the favor? What a selfish little pony."
  2667. >To your relief she stops trying to expose you and moves her hand back to your mark.
  2668. >To your chagrin she rubs the mark a few times then gives it a light pop once again!
  2669. >"I guess it is your first night though so I can forgive you."
  2670. >She stands and walks over to her bed but not before winking at you?
  2671. >Wut?
  2672. >Why'd she wink?
  2673. >What does all this mean!?
  2674. >You aren't the more socially adept pony but you feel like you should be less confused about what's going on here!
  2675. >Does the wink mean she's joking?
  2676. >Or does it mean next time she shows up in her panties she'll be expecting you to show off some feminine parts as well?
  2677. >But why?
  2678. >She's a woman she shouldn't be attracted to a mare!
  2679. >Like sure you've been with other mares before but that's because Equestria's largely female.
  2680. >Earth's almost perfectly 50/50 so women should have no problem finding men to pair off with instead of having to settle for each other.
  2681. >Plus women don't even have to deal with heat so there's even less excuse.
  2682. >When you've no stallion and heat's killing you you'll settle for a horn or tongue but it's not the same as the real thing.
  2683. >They do say humans are always horny though...
  2684. >Does that apply to the women as well as the men?
  2685. >Maybe she's had no luck with men so she's settled for ponies?
  2686. >Why not get a stallion though?
  2687. >Despite having lower overall numbers stallions aren't nearly as popular for domestic ownership so they're easy enough to buy.
  2688. >Does she just have some mare fetish?
  2689. >Is she some kind of deviant?
  2690. >You start to shudder a little.
  2691. >You thought you'd be safe with an owner who lacks a penis but if she's some kind of pervert...
  2692. >You've seen pictures online of women with rubber phallus strapped onto them like a man...
  2693. [spoiler]It was research![/spoiler]
  2694. >You'd just taken them for perverts though.
  2695. >Mistress Alison seems nice surely she can't be like that...
  2696. >Your worry carries you into the night.
  2697. >Maybe tomorrow when she's at work you can poke around, see if you find anything odd.
  2698. >Not that you can do much if you find it but it'll make you feel better to know.
  2699. >At least you hope.
  2701. >This does not make you feel better.
  2702. >Mistress went to work around the same time Anon does just as expected.
  2703. >She gave you a quick speech about your collar being geofenced so no running off blah blah blah.
  2704. >The usual rundown of 'don't break shit or I'll break you and don't run away'.
  2705. >You've no intention of causing trouble, best to just keep your head down until you can contact Anon somehow.
  2706. >You'd let her get a bit down the road before starting your snooping.
  2707. >In retrospect you wished you hadn't bothered.
  2708. >In your magic floats the largest blackest... 'toy' you've ever seen.
  2709. >That's what Rarity would call it at least a 'toy'.
  2710. >Not only is it's stature intimidating but it's attached to a harness just like the ones you've seen online.
  2711. >The more you look at it the more you fear it could tear you in half, and it's easily wearable by your touchy feely mistress who tried to lift your tail last night...
  2712. >You clamp your legs together and whimper in fear.
  2713. >Anon Anon Anon Anon Anon!
  2715. >Just do the chores Twilight.
  2716. >Just act normal Twilight.
  2717. >First laundry, then vacuuming, then start dinner.
  2718. >Don't think about the studded leather collar and hoof cuffs you found in her other drawer.
  2719. >Don't imagine just where she could possible put that big black monster without permanently damage a part of you.
  2720. >Your stupid curiosity also lead you to find a riding drop and a small leather paddle.
  2721. >The paddle had little red hearts on it though, so you hope and pray it's not for serious use.
  2722. >Not that you plan on giving her a reason for serious use, but if she tells you to present yourself for that strap-on there's no way you can quietly comply.
  2723. >Will she be reasonable?
  2724. >Will she listen to you?
  2725. >Or will she crack the whip until you spread your haunches willingly for total flank destruction.
  2726. >You do your best to forget your fears, but they plague your entire day.
  2727. >The chores weren't even that bad, but an overwhelming sense of dread permeates your every thought.
  2728. >It doesn't help when you see more of her panties in the laundry.
  2729. >Seeing Anon's boxers was no big deal, but these are so all bladently sexy.
  2730. >You can already picture her sneaking up on you in the silky black pair you're currently folding.
  2731. >The woman must spend a fortune on underwear based on what you've seen so far.
  2732. >Ugh no wonder she wants somepony to get an eyeful.
  2733. >Before you know it you hear a key in the front door!
  2734. >Home already?!
  2735. >It's only 4!
  2736. >Shoot, are you ready?!
  2737. >Did you finish everything?
  2738. >You can't seem to remember all the sudden!
  2739. >Buck buck buck buck.
  2740. >"If you want me to wear those all you have to do is ask."
  2741. >!!!
  2742. >You freeze up when you realize she's caught you awkwardly staring at a pair of her panties!
  2743. "No!"
  2744. >Don't say that!
  2745. "No mistress!"
  2746. >Not that either!"
  2747. "I-I mean you don't have to..."
  2748. >This isn't working!
  2749. "Not that I don't want you too..."
  2750. >Ahh just stop!
  2751. "T-the ones you had last night were lovely too..."
  2752. >Stop talking!
  2753. >Thankfully she giggles and reaches forward to put a finger to your lips.
  2754. >"You are the blushiest bedmare i've ever met and I absolutely love it! Muah!"
  2755. >!!!
  2756. >She kissed you!
  2757. >Right on your plushy purple cheek she gave you a big ole kiss!
  2758. >Your face bursts into flame and you feebly attempt to squirm away but it's no use, she's slipped behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist!
  2759. >"You play so chaste, it's absolutely adorable."
  2760. >Her other arm wraps up and around your chest sinking her fingers into your fur as she goes!
  2761. >"I just knew we'd get along from the minute I saw you. Respectful, cute, no arguing, no disobeying, just a adorable little pony to welcome me home and blush like a virgin when I do this!"
  2762. >You gasp and squirm even harder when she kisses the side of your face again!
  2763. "Mistress!"
  2764. >Stop kissing!
  2765. >Kissing is only for Anon!
  2766. >She's right though, you do blush, both from the kiss and the two soft mounds pressing up against your back...
  2767. >"Did you make your last master work so hard for affection Twilight? That must've drove the boys mad."
  2768. >Affection!?
  2769. >Twilight no give affection!
  2770. >"Most mares in your position would just offer it up, but I can absolutely appreciate being made to work a little for it!"
  2771. >It?! It!?
  2772. >She isn't working for anything you swear!
  2773. >"Unlike a man I'm patient though."
  2774. >Oh thank Celestia, she released you!
  2775. >As soon as all four hooves hit the floor you scurry a few feet away and turn around so she can't sneak up on you again.
  2776. >That look she's giving you...
  2777. >The way she just licked her lips...
  2778. >Once again some deep instinct tell you you're about to be devoured whole.
  2779. >"Just know you that WILL be mine sweet little mare."
  2780. >The way she says it is sugar sweet, she even pokes your muzzle with a finger.
  2781. >"I'm going to find out what makes you tick inside and out. Every little spot, every little secret, where you're sensitive, where you're tough, and all your hidden desires."
  2782. >Poke poke poke goes the muzzle.
  2783. >If you weren't mesmerized and cross eyed watching the finger you'd have probably already bolted.
  2784. >Your desires?
  2785. >Where your sensitive?
  2786. >Gulp!
  2787. >"Can't tease on an empty stomach though. You started dinner yet?"
  2788. >You regain some composure when she finally backs up and gives you space.
  2789. "I-I was just about to mistress! I didn't know when you'd be home so early, I'm sorry!"
  2790. >You drop your face to the floor in a shallow bow.
  2791. >"It's cool. I usually get in around 4 and like to eat around 5:30 or 6. Can you do that?"
  2792. >You sit back up and hop to work.
  2793. "Yes mistress!"
  2795. >Cooking cooking cooking!
  2796. >You were never the chef Rarity is but you can cook... on a basic level at least.
  2797. >You'd rather impress the first time if possible though.
  2798. >You went with a bookmarked recipe: Shrimp and grits.
  2799. >She's opted to leave both horn rings on, so your restricted to the most basic of levitation, but you can work with that.
  2800. >All the ingredients seem to be accounted for, so it's just a matter of not burning anything.
  2801. >First impressions Twilight!
  2802. >Your new master returns to the kitchen wearing some tiny cheer shorts and a tank top.
  2803. >It's certainly form fitting, but at least she's not panty clad again.
  2804. >"Oh good girl that's a favorite."
  2805. >Success!
  2806. >You smile and promise it'll be done soon.
  2807. >She returns the expression and walks off towards the living room.
  2808. >This is ok, you can do this, you can do all of this just one step at a time.
  2809. >So she's teased you so far.
  2810. >Teasing in and of itself is no big deal.
  2811. >She did promise that you'd be 'hers' though...
  2812. >Ugh no, focus Twilight.
  2813. >Now dinner, worry later.
  2814. >By some small miracle everything turns out tasty.
  2815. >Some ponies enjoy seafood and some don't, thankfully you happen to be on the 'do' side.
  2816. >Mistress was ready to eat as soon as you called her and dives right in.
  2817. >"Mmmm, this is good."
  2818. >Happy!
  2819. >"You know, I've been really impressed with you today. I checked in on you a few times and you always seemed to be on task."
  2820. >C-checked in on you!?
  2821. >The surprise must be evident on your face.
  2822. >"Sorry girly but I couldn't leave you totally alone on your first day. There's a few cameras around to keep an eye on mischevious little ponies."
  2823. >Buck, does that mean she saw you looking through her toys?
  2824. >She softens the 'mischievous' blow by taking a spoonful of her food and offering it to you.
  2825. >Naturally you open your mouth to accept the offering without a second thought.
  2826. >"Oh my goodness, spoon feedable on day one too!"
  2827. >M-maybe that was a mistake.
  2828. >But food...
  2829. >Food is good...
  2830. >Note to self: more self control.
  2831. >"I swear, I am never letting you go."
  2832. >You hesitate to eat the second spoonful now that she's made such a big deal out of it.
  2833. >I-is it that weird to let yourself be fed...?
  2834. >Ok maybe it is...
  2835. >"Aww don't get bashful now. Come on, open up."
  2836. >She pokes your closed lips insistently.
  2837. >You look away and try to act like you aren't interested anymore.
  2838. >"Twilightttt open uppp."
  2839. >You aren't a foal!
  2840. >The bumping gets a little more insistant each time.
  2841. >You close your eyes to better ignore her, but the sensation takes your imagination to a dark place.
  2842. >Mistress may be bumping a spoon against your lips, but you know there are mares who've had much worse things put in their muzzles on their first day in a new home.
  2843. >You're being fed a proper meal by someone who just finds it cute.
  2844. >You could be chained to the wall having a human protein shake shot straight down your throat instead.
  2845. >If you upset mistress you just might end up in one of those homes too...
  2846. >You part your lips and accept the feeding much to her delight and your chagrin.
  2847. >The rest of your meal is served one bite at a time from your new master's hand.
  2849. >"Noooo, sit with me!"
  2850. >It's not a command, more of a playful request.
  2851. >Still you' are tryingto play nice so you stand back up and cross the couch to get closer to her.
  2852. >Or rather you would if she didn't grab you halfway and drag you into her lap!
  2853. "Eeep!"
  2854. >Flailing quickly proves worthless as she easily out wrangles you.
  2855. >At least her lap's comfy.
  2856. >Sitting in Anon's lap is fine by comparison but it's main draw tends to be the prize poking you somewhere in your plot.
  2857. >Mistress Alison's lap lacks such a probing sensation, but is undeniably a far more comfortable seat.
  2858. >So soft and smooth, she must use a lot of lotion.
  2859. "Mistress do you really have to-ohhhhh..."
  2860. >Your sentence dissolves when she finds that one sensitive spot between your shoulder blades.
  2861. >"Looks like I found one spot."
  2862. "M-mistress..."
  2863. >Your protests are weak and far too quiet for her to care about.
  2864. >"It took Sapphire weeks to warm up to me but you're already puddy in my arms."
  2865. >She sounds incredibly satisfied.
  2866. >"You like that hmmm? You like being my little puddy pony Twilight?"
  2867. >Little puddy pony...
  2868. >You aren't a toy but she sure seems to act like you are.
  2869. "Mistress please. Can we just talk for a momentttt! Oh!"
  2870. >Your hind leg kicks involuntarily when she finds another satisfying spot on her new pony.
  2871. >"Later sweetheart, I'm having way too much fun right now."
  2872. >And that's the difference in Mistress Alison and Anon.
  2873. >Anon would always hear you out, but with Alison it's her way first and foremost.
  2874. >Your verbally protests are ignored as she continues to explore every minute feature of her new property.
  2875. >To your relief she stays away from your most personal bits, merely brushing up against your tiny teats at worst.
  2876. >You still try to roll over and get away, but she only seems to enjoy the snuggle struggle more.
  2877. >It's so easy for her she even starts to watch TV while she does it!
  2878. >Eventually your squirming and fighting wears you out to such a degree you begin to doze off in her arms.
  2879. >You vaguely remember her laughing and smiling at you when you sleepily use her as a pillow.
  2880. >In your dreamlike haze it didn't quite click that it was her breasts you were laying your head on, but she clearly doesn't mind.
  2881. >You must have totally fallen asleep at some point as the next thing you knew you're being deposited on mistress's bed.
  2882. >Now at least somewhat awake you cracking an eye to see what's going on.
  2883. >What you see is...
  2884. >Well, it's a butt.
  2885. >A pale white naked one no more than a foot from your face.
  2886. >She pulls up the black panties you were folding earlier to cover her bare bottom before catching your eye in the mirror.
  2887. >"Like what you see?"
  2888. >You grumble and move to curl up into a ball of sleepy pony.
  2889. >The peace is short lived though as a finger starts to softly caress your cheek.
  2890. >"Ogling me then pretending to sleep huh? I'll forgive you but only because you're so cute."
  2891. >You aren't cute, you're just sleepy...
  2892. >"You've got to move over for mama though little one. Can't let you hog the whole bed."
  2893. >Hog the bed?
  2894. >So you don't have to sleep in the doggy bed tonight?
  2895. >"I thought I'd have to wait a few weeks to do this, but your been such a good girl I figure why not."
  2896. >Do this?
  2897. >Buck it you'll actually ask.
  2898. "This?"
  2899. >"You know."
  2900. >She shoos you so you slowly roll over to the other side of the bed.
  2901. >Ugh, she's crawling in.
  2902. >Your officially sharing a bed with her now.
  2903. >You, her, and her silky sexy underwear...
  2904. >"Good ponies get rewarded, isn't that right?"
  2905. >Rewarded?
  2906. >You can only think of a few kinds of rewards that happen in bed and you aren't eager for any of them.
  2907. "You don't have to do that mistress. I'm happy to help, really."
  2908. >Her arms wrap around you again and drag you face first into her bosom!
  2909. >"Oh I know you are. That's why we're doing this already, because your so perfect."
  2910. >You'd rather not be perfect if it means a facefull of boob!
  2911. >Her bra's so low cut your currently suffocating in the softest flesh you've ever felt!
  2912. >"Go on, feel around a little. I got to know you today, now's your chance to explore."
  2913. >No want! No want!
  2914. >You move your hooves to try and push yourself away but she's holding you tight.
  2915. >"Oh and want to hear a secret?"
  2916. >She leans down and whispers in your ear.
  2917. >"I got a taste while someone was sleeping and she. Is. Delicious."
  2918. >She...
  2919. >She what?
  2920. >She got a taste?
  2921. >Of you?!
  2922. >While you were sleeping?!
  2923. >How did that not wake you up!
  2924. >Did she lick you or just use her fingers or...
  2925. >No matter how she did it your face burns with shame.
  2926. >S-she's practically raped you already...
  2927. >Touching you without your consent or even knowledge.
  2928. >Anon would have never done that!
  2929. >This is bad!
  2930. >She clearly has no respect for you if she'll just play with your bits anytime the fancy strikes her!
  2931. >"Come on, don't be shy. They don't bite and I trust you not to either."
  2932. >Your shock only grows when she pulls down on the bra allowing both fleshy mounds to escape completely!
  2933. >Two completely bare breasts assault your face, one nipple even poking you in the cheek!
  2934. >What does she expect you to do? Latch?
  2935. >You aren't a foal!
  2936. >"Aww little pony doesn't want to get a taste of her own?"
  2937. >She literally wants you to latch?!
  2938. >You're not hungry! She's not your mother! None of this is how this works!?
  2939. >Are all human females this crazy and perverted?!
  2940. >"Well tonight is your reward I guess. Maybe it's only fair you get your turn first."
  2941. >Your turn!?
  2942. >As soon as she lets you go you try to run only to be grabbed by the tail!
  2943. >Ouch!
  2944. >"So flightey! There's nothing to be embarrassed about Twilight, I promise you'll love this."
  2945. >You grunt and struggle as she pushes your head down to the bed and lifts your haunches into the air!
  2946. "Mistress please you don't need to do this, really!"
  2947. >"Oh, but I really really want to! A tiny sample just isn't enough for something that tasty!"
  2948. >You struggle valiantly to lower your tail but she's having none of it.
  2949. >"The scared virgin act is super cute Twilight but mistress wants your tail up now, ok?"
  2950. "Please mistress I'd really rather-"
  2951. >SLAP!
  2952. "AH!"
  2953. >That was no play spank!
  2954. >"Obey Twilight. Tail up, now."
  2955. >You start to lift the only thing between you and her but your nerves fail you.
  2956. >WHACK!
  2957. "Ah! Quit it!"
  2958. >Giving her a command is apparently the wrong thing to do.
  2959. >"Quit it? Bratty girl! You do NOT tell mistress what to do! Do I need to put you over my knee and teach you how to behave, or will you lift for me like a good mare?"
  2960. >She's either gonna beat your ass then molest you or just molest you.
  2961. >The choice is easy but oh so hard to follow through with.
  2962. "P-please be patient mistress! I'm trying but i-it's been a while..."
  2963. >"Forget how to present? You must have been on the run for a while. Here I'll show you."
  2964. >With one hand she pushes your head down into the bed sheets and with the other spreads your hind legs!
  2965. >"Head down like your bowing, good. Now legs spread for easy access, see how nice that is?"
  2966. >You know your trembling like a leaf but she doesn't seem to mind.
  2967. >"I want you to do the next part Twilight. Lift your tail, show mistress what you've got."
  2968. >Please no please no please no.
  2969. >When you hesitate her hands move to either side of your haunches.
  2970. >"I didn't want to discipline tonight Twilight, but I will if I have to."
  2971. >You whimper as her right hand starts to pat your cutie mark insistently, silently threatening discipline if your defiance continues.
  2972. "P-please I'm trying..."
  2973. >"Aww you really are rusty aren't you? Just present and mama will take care of the rest don't you worry. Here I'll even help."
  2974. >Help!?
  2975. "Ah!"
  2976. >She's touching it! She's touching you!
  2977. >A finger gently slides up and down your outer folds!
  2978. >That's only for Anon! Those lips are only for Anon!
  2979. >Really it's a mild teasing but it's been so long for you that your tail starts to lift on it's own accord!
  2980. >"See? Just let it happen, it's totally natural."
  2981. >Having your slit teased by a woman is 100% not natural!
  2982. >Too bad no one told your body that.
  2983. >Even with you trying to hold it down your tail's soon fully flagged for a mate.
  2984. >To say you're feeling ashamed right now would be an understatement!
  2985. >She knows just how to work your body to get the results she wants though, so here you are presented for a mounting!
  2986. >"See? Isn't that nice? Oh and winking too."
  2987. >Y-you are not winking...
  2988. >Only a slut would be winking from that little teasing...
  2989. >"So warm."
  2990. >Of course your pussy's warm she's running her fingers all over it!
  2991. >"It really must have been a while for you huh? When was the last time, your last owner?"
  2992. "Y-yessss ah!"
  2993. >Always with the giggling from her!
  2994. >"So sensitive and I'm not even in there yet. I knew you'd be a fun one."
  2995. "D-don't please..."
  2996. >The plea is so small you doubt she heard it.
  2997. >"Since this is your reward I'll even let you choose tonight. Do you want me to do you myself or do you want to try Mr. strap-on out."
  2998. "What?!"
  2999. >"I know you found him earlier, I promise he doesn't bite."
  3000. "No no please no! Not Mr. Strap-on!"
  3001. >"Aww he's not that mean! He looks intimidating but I'll can be real careful I promise."
  3002. "Please don't mistress please please please I'm begging you!"
  3003. >"Shhh it's ok. If you don't want to try him yet you don't have to. You must be a tiny mare to be this scared."
  3004. >And just like that she's in.
  3005. >No warning.
  3006. >No asking.
  3007. >Just two of her fingers jammed in your foalhole as deep as they'll go!
  3008. "Ahhh!"
  3009. >"Mmmm you are pretty tight I guess."
  3010. >Get her out, get her out, get her out!
  3011. >You clamp down to try and push her out to no avail.
  3012. >"You like that?"
  3013. "Mmmmm!"
  3014. >Once again you try to get away but the hand outside you has a firm grip on the base of your tail.
  3015. >"How about this?"
  3016. >Oh thank god, she's pulling out sheeeee-!
  3017. >This time three fingers slide into your now shamefully slick slit!
  3018. >"Oh you like that even better huh?"
  3019. "Ah oh, please! Please mistress it's too much too soon I can't... I just can't..."
  3020. >"It's ok you don't have to do anything. Just relax and let me do all the work."
  3021. >All the work seems to entail exploring every inch of pussy she can reach!
  3022. "P-please..."
  3023. >Your protests grow more and more feeble as the heat overtakes your body and mind.
  3024. >Everything's suddenly so incredibly hot and dreamlike...
  3025. >"More? I guess it's all coming back to you huh?"
  3026. >What? No that's not what you your please meant! Eep!
  3027. >Four fingers!
  3028. >They can't reach as far as three but they can push your portal to it's limits!
  3029. >"So tight!"
  3030. >She pulls on your tail for leverage to force you more and more open!
  3031. "Ahhh! Mistress!"
  3032. >"Good girl, say my name!"
  3033. "Mistress Allison! Please mercy!"
  3034. >With those magic words she moves in for the coup de grâce.
  3035. >Removing her fingers she grabs both sides of your hips to lift you higher and drive her face directly between your haunches!
  3036. >To say your mind went blank would be an understatement!
  3037. >Anon ate you out plenty of times but never like this!
  3038. >You don't know how a human tongue can reach reach all the places she managed but in mere seconds she's pushed you over the edge!
  3039. >You've never been more ashamed of an orgasm in your life, and would have collapsed into a heap if she wasn't holding you up and still going at it!
  3040. >It's not until she forces a second climax out of you that she finally stops.
  3041. >Your gasping breath and tear streaked cheeks evidence just how intense she was with you.
  3042. >You can't let her see these tears though.
  3043. >The truth is that you're a bedmare only by experience not by formal training.
  3044. >If she finds out that doing your basic job makes you break down into tears she'll return you and your next owner might get off on a mare that sobs around his cock.
  3045. >"Mmm two so quickly! I told you we'd get along just fine!"
  3046. >You wipe your face before she can see just how little you actually enjoyed that.
  3047. >"And so delicious, I could get used to that taste."
  3048. >To your chagrin she she runs her tongue along your length one more time to clean you up.
  3049. >"Good girl."
  3050. >She pats one flank with a hand and kisses the other gently.
  3051. >"You can lay down now, I'm sure your tuckered out."
  3052. >You collapse onto your side only to be pulled into her bare chested embrace again, your back against her body.
  3053. >"That was fun! I hope you took notes because next time it's my turn!"
  3054. >You can only gently nod in her grip.
  3055. >You've licked other mares before at least.
  3056. >It's not something you enjoy but how hard can it be?
  3057. >Better that than screaming with Mr. Strap-on.
  3058. >"And what does a good pony say?"
  3059. "T-thank you mistress."
  3060. >Thank you for using me...
  3062. Rarity Belle - Several days earlier
  3063. ~~~~~~~~~
  3065. "Master? Master?"
  3066. >You round the corner to find your master sitting at his computer.
  3067. >Again.
  3068. >You'd think nothing of it if the computer itself on.
  3069. "Master?"
  3070. >Still he sits there looking down with his head in his hands.
  3071. >You trot up to his side hoping he'll at least acknowledge your presence.
  3072. "Anon..."
  3073. >You'd never call any of your past owners by their name but Anon responds better to the familiarity.
  3074. >He's not like the others anyway.
  3075. >You lay your head on his leg so you can look up at his face.
  3076. "Anon it's time for lunch."
  3077. >Finally he notices you.
  3078. >"Rarity... hey. Yeah yeah, lunch sounds great, thanks."
  3079. >He carefully scratches behind your ear without messing up your mane.
  3080. "How long have you been sitting here?"
  3081. >"What?"
  3082. >He looks up to see that the computer's gone to sleep.
  3083. >"Oh, just a few minutes. Had a few bad games is all."
  3084. >Again.
  3085. >The poor thing can't even enjoy his favorite pastime without his partner.
  3086. "You're sure you don't want me to play with you? I know I'm not very good..."
  3087. >You'd tried to play his silly little games with him but...
  3088. >To say it didn't go well would be an understatement.
  3089. >Slaves are common but gaming slaves are apparently not.
  3090. >"Maybe we'll try again. Problem is I'm not really sure how Twilight did half the things she did so I can't really teach them to you, heh."
  3091. >At least he can say her name without trouble now.
  3092. "Indeed but it'll have to be later. Remember our plans for today?"
  3093. >"Plans?"
  3094. >Your glad to see him sit up straight and stretch instead of moping.
  3095. "We talked about it the other day, remember? We were going to go out?"
  3096. >Men truly are the same as stallions when it comes to listening.
  3097. >"Uh yeah, right... I totally... remember..."
  3098. >You give him a flat look but crack a small smile so he doesn't feel too bad.
  3099. "The park, we're just going for a quick walk in the park. If you don't feel like staying we can come right back. I just want you to get some fresh air and sunshine."
  3100. >"The park, that's right."
  3101. >He rubs the tip of your ear gently.
  3102. >"I did say we'd do that. Lunch first though?"
  3103. "Of course."
  3105. >Today's venture is literally Anon's first time out of the house in over a week.
  3106. >To say Twilight's sudden departure hit him hard is only skimming the surface.
  3107. >She'd asked him to prove how much he cared about her and the minute he'd done so she'd abandon him.
  3108. >The next time you see the mare you'll personally blister her flank for the callous act.
  3109. >You'd volunteer to hold her down for her master to punish, but you doubt he'd have the heart.
  3110. >How much he's changed in that respect.
  3111. >From your understanding he had no problem disciplining the purple minx before they became romantic.
  3112. >He'd do anything for her now though.
  3113. >Sadly.
  3114. >Not that you disapprove of his feelings for her, but the fact is you've no idea if she'll ever return.
  3115. >She didn't seem to quite be in her right mind when she'd left.
  3116. >Perhaps those cubes take some responsibility, perhaps not, you aren't sure.
  3117. >You hope she's safe and well, but will she return?
  3118. >Who can say.
  3119. >Anon looked for her personally for over a week.
  3120. >He even filed a police report saying she'd been kidnapped.
  3121. >Note he used the term 'kidnapped' instead of 'ran away'.
  3122. >A runaway would be treated rather roughly by the authorities, but stolen property is to be handled with care.
  3123. >Ever the gentleman that one.
  3124. >Right now said gentleman trails behind you as the two of you soak up the warm sunlight.
  3125. >The gem studded leash is mean to control you, but in reality it lets you drag him along.
  3126. >A newly passed leash law made the accessory necessary, but that doesn't mean you can't at least make it look good.
  3127. "Just a little further. How about we have a nice sit by the lake hmm?"
  3128. >He doesn't exactly protest so you take the initiative to lead him to the spot.
  3129. "Is this alright?"
  3130. >He leans against the tree and places a hand on your withers.
  3131. >"I guess it's not so bad."
  3132. >He's not enthused, but he at least doesn't look miserable.
  3133. "We don't have to stay if you don't wish to."
  3134. >His hand travels up the base of your neck and slips into the bottom of your mane.
  3135. >He'll surely mess it up if he's not careful, but you know this is how he pet Twilight.
  3136. >"It's fine. You were right I needed to take a break."
  3137. >You lay your head on your hooves and offer your quiet presence as comfort.
  3138. >The moments pass into minutes before he speaks again.
  3139. >"You don't have to force yourself to play games with me if you don't want to."
  3140. >That's kind.
  3141. "It's no inconvenience. I quite liked the dress up parts, cosmetics they were called? That Crystal Maiden girl understands the importance of jewels."
  3142. >A chuckle, that's a start.
  3143. >"I think you playing on Twilight's account was part of our problem though. You get to play with all her cosmetics, but Her MMR is even higher than mine."
  3144. "Higher than yours? Really?"
  3145. >"Well yeah, she spent all day playing computer instead of working."
  3146. >Ha, that does sound like her.
  3147. "I just can not imagine a mare shirking her duties like that."
  3148. >He chuckles even more and scratches you behind the ears this time.
  3149. >"Not everyone has your sense of duty Rares."
  3150. "Well I do try..."
  3151. >A little praise never hurt anyone.
  3152. >"Yeah, you do."
  3153. >He runs a finger up the length of your bare horn.
  3154. >Your bare horn.
  3155. >Oh my.
  3156. >You forgot to put it back on for the trip out today!
  3157. >After the Twilight disaster Anon was rather... unstable.
  3158. >When you'd tried to talk to him he'd quickly removed your ring and collar, and told you you might as well go too.
  3159. >You miss your freedom sorely, but that's not the way to have it returned to you.
  3160. >Not only is it not legal for you to simply trot out the door a free mare, but where would you go?
  3161. >What would you do?
  3162. >Diamonds in the rough only happened because you were setup to inherit the company.
  3163. >A pony can't simply go out and get a job wherever she likes.
  3164. >She certainly can't start climbing the ranks.
  3165. >No, for better or worse your dependant on an owner again and Anon is as good as they come.
  3166. >So you'd stayed.
  3167. >You'd stayed and vowed to nurse his broken spirit back to health.
  3168. >Only in your efforts to do so you'd forgotten your horn ring today.
  3169. >What are the consequences for an unrestricted unicorn?
  3170. >At best a fine, at worst you aren't sure.
  3171. "Anon perhaps we should go. I seem to have forgotten my ring and I'd hate for us to get into trouble."
  3172. >He looks at the bare appendage and runs a finger up and down it calmly.
  3173. >T-that's a little inappropriate...
  3174. >As a human he wouldn't understand but horns are somewhat... intimate.
  3175. "A-anon don't touch it like that!"
  3176. >"Hmm? Like this?"
  3177. >You gasp quietly when he wraps his whole hand around it!
  3178. "Anon!"
  3179. >You slap the hand away with a burst of telekinesis!
  3180. "T-that is not something you do to a lady! Especially in public!"
  3181. >If he was chuckling before he's really laughing now.
  3182. >"Ok ok I'm sorry hahaha. I'm just used to teasing the pony I guess."
  3183. >You 'humph' loudly and stand.
  3184. "Yes, well, some ponies are teasable I admit, but this one is not. Shall we go?"
  3185. >"Not yet. Come here, just relax."
  3186. >He holds out an arm but you hesitate.
  3187. "Anon I really must insist. What if I'm caught without my ring?"
  3188. >"Then we'll pay the fine. I'll take care of you, you just have to trust me."
  3189. >The weight of him asking for another pony's trust isn't lost on you.
  3190. >What choice have you but to give it?
  3192. A few days later
  3193. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  3194. >"Rarity let's go!"
  3195. "I told you just a minute!"
  3196. >"You said that 10 minutes ago! Our reservation is at 6 not 6:30!"
  3197. >Ugh, men.
  3198. >They just don't understand that beauty takes time.
  3199. "I told you I needed to get ready earlier."
  3200. >"An hour is plenty of time."
  3201. "Not for a lady! Some of us like to look our best!"
  3202. >He pokes his head inside the bathroom and gives you a funny look.
  3203. >"You look great but do you really need to dress up that much? Most ponies don't even wear clothes you know."
  3204. "Yes well most ponies aren't going to dinner at a nice restaurant. Fix your collar dear."
  3205. >His shirt collar of course.
  3206. >You'd traded your own normal collar for a gem studded one so match your dress.
  3207. >Despite Equestrian gems flooding the earth market jewels still hold an expensive air in the mind of most human.
  3208. >As a result you look even more like a million bucks here than you did back on Equestria.
  3209. >Excellent.
  3210. >"Good? Good. Let's go."
  3211. >You scoff and check your mane in the mirror one more time.
  3212. "Surely they'll not give away our table so soon."
  3213. >"Probably not? I don't really know but I'd rather not risk it. You've been doing all this nice stuff for me, I want to do something for you and I want to do it right."
  3214. >Awww.
  3215. "That's very sweet. Since your intentions are pure I suppose I look fabulous enough to be seen by your side now. Ready?"
  3216. >"Ready."
  3218. >Dinner was lovely.
  3219. >To be frank you find yourself shocked they allow ponies in a restaurant such as this.
  3220. >You only had to wear a leash from the car to the door, so you don't quite look like a pet once inside.
  3221. >You're unsurprised to find yourself the only pony, but the staff all treat you with enough respect that you didn't take offense.
  3222. >Sure they asked him for your order and things like that, but who could be really be shocked?
  3223. >In the end you get to have a wonderful meal, you get to dress up, and you get to see him out and about instead of in his room moping.
  3224. >For a moment you'd swear he's forgotten all about his recent heartbreak.
  3225. >Until you get home.
  3226. >Until he finds the letter.
  3227. >Until he books the flight for the very next morning.
  3228. >You aren't disappointed, on the contrary you're overjoyed to hear your friend's been found in one piece.
  3229. >Just... just don't break his heart again Twilight.
  3231. Twilight Sparkle - The morning after
  3232. ~~~~~~~~~~
  3234. >For one glorious minute everything's fine.
  3235. >You let out a tiny yawn and worm your way deeper into the warm bed.
  3236. >The sheets are soft.
  3237. >The birds are chirping.
  3238. >The sunlight gently warms the room.
  3239. >For one calm peaceful minute.
  3240. >Then you remember last night.
  3241. >Mistress holding you against her naked body.
  3242. >Mistress pushing your head town and lifting your tail up.
  3243. >Mistress parting your lips just to find out how 'tight' you are.
  3244. >Mistress lifting your haunches, driving her tongue between your legs, and bringing you to a shaky shameful orgasm completely against your will.
  3245. >You swing your tail between your legs to hug and curl up into a ball.
  3246. >She even said it was your reward for good behavior!
  3247. >Her ravaging you is your reward!
  3248. >You have to get away of here! Away from her!
  3249. >Last nights violation was bad enough, but from the sounds of it it's just the beginning!
  3250. >Next time it's her turn?!
  3251. >Does that mean your mouth will be the busy one?
  3252. >You've gone down on mares but never a human female.
  3253. >Will she be mad at you if your bad at pleasing her?
  3254. >Will she punish you for it?
  3255. >P-punish you with that horrifying strap-on!?
  3256. >Breathe Twilight, just breathe.
  3257. >The exercises Celestia taught you so long ago still help when you feel a panic attack coming on.
  3258. >Nothing bad is happening at the moment, so there's no need to freak out.
  3259. >Let's just think of what to do.
  3260. >Mistress commented on how t-tight you were...
  3261. >Ignoring how sick her way of determining that was, maybe that means she'll hesitate to put the rubber mare killer between your legs.
  3262. >You're absolutely sure that THING would result in tearing, and hopefully she now knows that as well.
  3263. >If nothing else she'll want her property in working order, and medical bills are nothing to scoff at.
  3264. >Your trying to think about things objectively but even thinking about this stuff is getting you emotional.
  3265. >You needed to be strong last night, but with mistress gone for work already you're free to let it all out.
  3266. >S-she'd played your body without even asking!
  3267. >L-like you were just a doll or a toy!
  3268. >T-the way she picked you up and dove right in...
  3269. >You came for her and there was nothing you could do about it...
  3270. >Is this what most new slave mares go through?
  3271. >When Anon first bought you you thought you'd be raped, but nothing ever happened.
  3272. >You assumed the old mares at the auction had been exaggerating, but you really did dodge a bullet with him.
  3273. >You just need to get back to him before Mistress decides to bed you.
  3274. >Somehow...
  3275. >You don't have a hoofphone anymore but Mistress has a house phone.
  3276. >Too bad you never memorized his number...
  3277. >Why would you need to? It's right here on your speed dial...
  3278. >You could kick yourself now, but it never seemed important before.
  3279. >Maybe you could call the auction house and ask if they'd seen him?
  3280. >They'd probably think you were crazy and ignore you.
  3281. >Plus now you know there's cameras around the house watching you.
  3282. >Does she have audio too?
  3283. >Unauthorized phone calls sound like a quick ticket to spankey town.
  3284. >Wow, ok, never using that term again.
  3285. >What about trying to escape?
  3286. >Again...
  3287. >Technically it worked the first time!
  3288. >Though you had some help both chemically and magically...
  3289. >And it didn't really work out in the long run...
  3290. >But you just need to get back to Anon!
  3291. >You slide out of the bed and trot to the bathroom.
  3292. >This has to be the one place she doesn't have cameras right?
  3293. >Like, it's her own bathroom, that would just be weird.
  3294. >You get as close to the mirror as you can to inspect the collar.
  3295. >It's still the same one anon gave you just with a new hard drive and with the 'Property of Anonymous' nameplate removed.
  3296. >you'd never actually looked into it's locking mechanism because you never wanted it off before.
  3297. >Or rather if you'd really wanted it off you could just have used magic.
  3298. >The twin military grade bands around your horn say that's not an option this time though.
  3299. >How the buck does this thing even latch?
  3300. >You can't find a seam much less any kind of locking mechanism.
  3301. >Stupid smooth comfortable leather.
  3302. >Yeah yeah yeah, you know what leather really is but you got over that years ago.
  3303. >Is that it?
  3304. >Must be, it's the only tiny seam in the entire thing.
  3305. >Way too small to mess with with your big clunky pony hooves.
  3306. >All pony races under Celestia's sun are created equal, but you have no idea how Earth ponies do it.
  3307. >What shred of telekinesis you have access to doesn't do much either.
  3308. >You run to the kitchen and fetch a butter knife.
  3309. >Don't want to hurt yourself with something too sharp of course.
  3310. >With a crappy combination of hooves and magic you try to free yourself.
  3311. >Now if you can just...
  3312. >A little bit...
  3313. >Ugh.
  3314. >How the hell does this thing come off!?
  3315. >It's probably some remotely controlled electronic lock if your being realistic.
  3316. >But right now you aren't being realistic.
  3317. >Right now you're being desperate.
  3318. >You stab at the thing for a few more minutes to little avail.
  3319. >All you really manage to do is poke yourself in the neck a few times.
  3320. >See? The butter knife was the best choice.
  3321. >Maybe this time if you come at it from this - Ahh!
  3322. >I-it shocked you!
  3323. >Was that an automated tamper response?
  3324. >You quickly drop the knife not willing to risk another zap.
  3325. >It's not like you were really making progress anyway.
  3326. >That plans a bust then.
  3327. >With your collar firmly around your throat there's no way you can leave her property.
  3328. >She'd instantly be notified and probably have the police/animal control come by or just shock you into submission remotely.
  3329. >You doubt she'd hesitate to push the button...
  3330. >Ugh, don't imagine her frying your neck!
  3331. >You have to get out of here but what can you do?
  3332. >The phone rings before you can consider your options further.
  3333. >A quick canter to the kitchen shows you the caller ID: 'Mistress'
  3334. >Shit!
  3335. >Be cool! Be casual!
  3336. >You pick up the phone in a COMPLETELY CALM MANNER!
  3337. "M-mistress, hi."
  3338. >"Twilighttt heyyyy. Whatcha doin?"
  3339. >Trick question! Abort!
  3340. "Just umm just about to... vacuum?"
  3341. >"Oh? Didn't you just vacuum yesterday?"
  3342. >Crap!
  3343. "I... well not the whole house. There's more to do..."
  3344. >"And you're sureee that's what you're doing?"
  3345. >Fuck fuck fuck! She knows!
  3346. >Do you own up to it?
  3347. >Is this a test?!
  3348. "I ummm..."
  3349. >Think filly think!
  3350. "I was watching some TV actually. I hope that's ok but it was just a short break I swear!"
  3351. >Own up to a lesser sin to avoid the greater one!
  3352. >"Haha don't worry about it Twilight, watching TV's fine. It must be something steamy though? Animal planet? I can see someone's heart rate spiking you know... Having fun without me? I thought I got you off good last night!"
  3353. >The biometrics!
  3354. >Your vitals must have been through the roof between panicking and trying to get your collar off.
  3355. >There's hope though, it sounds like she thinks you were... playing with yourself...
  3356. >The heightened heart rate and respiration must look similar.
  3357. "I uhhhh I..."
  3358. >"Hehe, it's ok you don't have to tell me you little minx."
  3359. >Twilight is not a minx!
  3360. >"Just don't wear yourself out ok? We'll have fun later I promise."
  3361. "You really don't have-"
  3362. >"Anyway I got to go, just wanted to tease you a little. Bye now."
  3363. >You hang up and breathe a sigh of relief.
  3364. >At least she thinks your horny rather than rebellious.
  3365. >Though the former might have consequences of it's own...
  3366. >Best to act normal for a little either way.
  3367. >If her suspicions about your activities are raised she might be watching.
  3368. >You actually do go drag the vacuum out of the closet.
  3369. >With your limited magic it takes a combined effort of mouth, hoof, and horn to operate the dern thing.
  3370. >You feel like a freakin invalid with so little magic, but you get the job done.
  3371. >The house isn't that dirty so no challenge really.
  3372. >Easy tasks give you time to plan your next move at least.
  3373. >You can't get the collar off.
  3374. >You can't leave the property.
  3375. >She's probably going to molest you again soon.
  3376. >Anon is either on the way or in town, but has no way of knowing where you're at.
  3377. >If she catches you acting out or plotting anything you doubt she'd hesitate to punish you one way or another.
  3378. >Without knowing Anon's number your options are pretty limited.
  3379. >Hope he somehow get's mistress's info?
  3380. >Unlikely.
  3381. >You have to contact him somehow but how?
  3382. >You know where he works.
  3383. >Maybe you could call there and have someone give you his number?
  3384. >Pretend to be a customer or something.
  3385. >It's worth a try but it carries several risks.
  3386. >1. Mistress's computer is the only one in the house and you doubt ponies are allowed to use it.
  3387. >2. It's extremely likely she'd find out about an unauthorized phone call.
  3388. >What other choice do you really have though?
  3389. >Taking a feather duster to her office is a good excuse to look for cameras.
  3390. >Surely there's one here but you can't seem to find it and you've dusted everything twice.
  3391. >Buck it.
  3392. >It's just a matter of time until she molests you again.
  3393. >If you want results you absolutely have to take risks even if you don't want to.
  3394. >You pull the keyboard out and wake up the desktop.
  3395. >Password protected but as luck would have it Mistress is the type to put the password on a convienent sticky note.
  3396. >It goes without saying such a blatant security flaw would never fly in the Anon household, but you'll count your blessings.
  3397. >Ok so his company.
  3398. >Contacts.
  3399. >Of course he's not going to be right on the page.
  3400. >There's a number though?
  3401. >You jot it down and canter to the kitchen.
  3402. >You can act right?
  3403. >If you can this is the time.
  3404. >You take a deep breath gather your courage and start dialing.
  3405. >Only to be greeted by some odd tone?
  3406. >'Please enter special pin'
  3407. >What?
  3408. >You hang up and try again.
  3409. >'Please enter special pin'
  3410. >No no no!
  3411. >Is this some kind of security device?!
  3412. >Is it going to tip her off?!
  3413. >You hang up and back away fearfully.
  3414. >You knew you were taking a risk but what choice did you have?
  3415. >Why can't things just work out?
  3416. >Why can't you just go home?
  3417. >You plop your plot down and rub your watery eyes.
  3418. >You just want to go home.
  3419. >You just want Anon, and Rarity, and even Sweetie.
  3420. >You want your own room, and respect, and safety, and love, and none of mistress's abuse!
  3421. >Why'd you run away...
  3423. >She said you can watch TV so you do.
  3424. >You're feeling pretty down over the failed escape plot so a little slacking off suits you well enough.
  3425. >You still hop up when the door opens though.
  3426. >Dinner is already started, but you'd rather not seem like you're ignoring her.
  3427. "Good day mistress?"
  3428. >She walks right past you, but not without giving you a quick pet.
  3429. >"Oh it was so long! Especially knowing what fun someone was having without me!"
  3430. >Why's she gotta wink at you like that...
  3431. "I-I really wasn't..."
  3432. >Annnddddd she's gone to her room.
  3433. >You swear to whatever god humans believe in if she comes back out here half naked...
  3434. >To your relief her casual clothes are reasonable today.
  3435. >She slides past you and grabs some chips out of the pantry.
  3436. >She's gonna ruin her dinner.
  3437. >You'd scold Anon for it but not her.
  3438. >Dinner is ready soon enough and everything goes relatively normally.
  3439. >She tells you about a difficult coworker who bugs her and you nod and agree with whatever she says.
  3440. >After dinner she goes to relax in the living room while you do the dishes.
  3441. >You'll just do this, slip away, and stay out of sight/out of mind for as long as possible.
  3442. >Too bad the instant you try and slip off into the back rooms she calls for you.
  3443. >"Hey come hang out with me! I want to hear about your day too!"
  3444. >Crap.
  3445. >You sit close enough to her on the couch that she doesn't drag you closer, but far enough away that you aren't immediately touching.
  3446. >That part lasts for all of 5 seconds though, her fingers land on your scalp and begin to scratch.
  3447. >"Do anything fun?"
  3448. >Nope nope nope, no fun here!
  3449. "Just the chores mistress. I guess I did watch a little TV. You said that was ok right?"
  3450. >"Sure you don't have to work 24/7. Feel free to relax a little if everything's taken care of."
  3451. >Phew, so far so good.
  3452. >"That all you did though?"
  3453. >Or not?
  3454. "Y-yes mistress."
  3455. >"You sureeee you didn't do anything else today Twilight?"
  3456. >She rubs up and down one of your delicate ears, the branded one infact.
  3457. >Does she know?
  3458. >Another test?
  3459. >If this morning's call was one she didn't give it away, but why else would she be asking like this?
  3460. >You should just give up.
  3461. >Confess and throw yourself on her mercy.
  3462. >You can't imagine she has a ton of mercy though...
  3463. >Best to stay the course?
  3464. >If she already knows then your doomed no matter what.
  3465. >It's really just a matter of 'will she beat you' or 'will she beat you harder'.
  3466. >You'd rather try your slim chances for the 'no beatings' ending thank you very much.
  3467. "Just cleaning and TV mistress... I slept in a little?"
  3468. >"Aw, Twilight, I believed in you."
  3469. >What?
  3470. >Oww!
  3471. >She's pulling your ear!
  3472. >"Come on, fess up. I'll give you one last chance."
  3473. >No no no!
  3474. >What do you confess too?!
  3475. >Everything?!
  3476. >What does she know!?
  3477. "Ow, wait wait stop!
  3478. >"Be a good girl now."
  3479. >Shit!
  3480. >What do you do?! What do you do?!
  3481. "I-I snooped around your office!"
  3482. >She sighs and scoops you up under one arm!
  3483. >Was that not the right answer?!
  3484. >She's taking you back to her room!
  3485. >Do you confess to more?
  3486. >Is that all she wanted to hear and now she's going to punish you for that, or is she going to punish you for not telling her more?
  3487. >You have to escape but her grip is like iron!
  3488. "Mistress please wait! I'm sorry I'll never snoop again!"
  3489. >Something has to work! Anything!
  3490. "I-"
  3491. >Sit sits on the bed and throws you over her lap!
  3492. "No not this please!"
  3493. >She yanks your tail up and pins it to your back with the hand holding you down.
  3494. >"One last chance because I believe in you. Fess up."
  3495. >Her other hand rubs your cheeks threateningly!
  3496. "Ok ok, I tampered with my collar! I'm sorry! I'll never rebel again! I'm yours! I belong to you! Please don't, please don't, please dont!"
  3497. >SMACK
  3498. >Eeeeeep!
  3499. "Mistress no I-"
  3500. >WHAP WHAP WHAP!
  3501. "Ow ow owwwww!"
  3502. >"I thought you were a good girl Twilight."
  3503. >WHACK!
  3504. >"We were off to such a good start."
  3505. >SLAP!
  3506. >"I really couldn't understand how you earned that brand."
  3507. >SPANK!
  3508. >"But I get! It! Now!"
  3509. >She punctuates every word with a heavy slap to your quickly reddening hindquarters!
  3510. >Ow ow ow, she's really not holding anything back!
  3511. >You squirm like you always do, but she's got you firmly pinned in place!
  3512. "P-please I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
  3513. >"No. You're sorry you got caught. You'll really be sorry by the time I'm done though."
  3514. >This is bad! This is bad!
  3515. >"Now I'm going to let go of your tail and you're going to keep it up, do you understand? I want to see you cooperating or things will get even worse for you filly."
  3516. >She lets go before you fully comprehend the command.
  3517. >You'd been attempting to clamp your tail down protectively over your backside so it immediately flies towards your hind legs.
  3518. >Fortunately your brain catches up just in time to prevent disaster and lifts it sky high instead.
  3519. >The fact your putting yourself on display is embarrassing to no end, but secondary to avoiding pissing her off further!
  3520. >You'll choose blushing at both ends instead of being having your bottom upgraded from red to blistered!
  3521. >"So you can behave."
  3523. >You can't help but kick your hooves as she goes to town on your purple posterior!
  3524. >"I warned you I knew how to discipline a filly."
  3526. >"I hoped I wouldn't have to show you."
  3527. >Oh gods, she's not slowing down!
  3528. >The tears already starting to slide down the side of your face as she applies more and more discipline!
  3529. >"But I don't mind putting a filly in her place!"
  3530. "Owwwww ow ow ow! Quit pleaseeee!"
  3531. >A half dozen slaps later the rapid fire lesson stop though her hand doesn't leave your steaming cheeks.
  3532. >"You're pretty warm already aren't you?"
  3533. >She squeezes and pats your cheek making you blush and squirm, but you dare not offer real resistance.
  3534. >"Learning yet?"
  3535. "Yes mistress yes! I've learned I promise!"
  3536. >"Shhhh it's ok."
  3537. >She gives your tailend a few light pats.
  3538. >Not enough to hurt but enough to send the message that this is hers and she'll do what she wants with it.
  3539. >"How did your old master spank you Twilight? Was it like this?"
  3540. >You're glad she can't see the humiliation on your face as you stare at the floor.
  3541. >Looking straight down like this reminds you of when Anon had you over his knee.
  3542. "Y-yes mistress. H-he put me over his knee too..."
  3543. >You gasp and squirm when her rubbing hand grazes your marebits!
  3544. >You know you're already getting worked up down there so you definitely don't need more stimulation!
  3545. >"Naughty filly."
  3546. >SLAP!
  3547. "Ahhh!"
  3548. >Was that for the state of your pussy?!
  3549. >You sure hope not because that's not going to get any better!
  3550. >"He must have fucked you after didn't he?"
  3551. >!!!
  3552. "M-mistress?!"
  3553. >"Don't be coy, it's a simple question. Did he fuck you after frying your cute little tushy? I know a lot of guys are into that."
  3554. "H-he..."
  3555. >Just say no!
  3556. "He umm..."
  3557. >Just lie!
  3558. >Sure you're a shitty liar but if there was ever a time to fake it it's now!
  3559. >WHACK!
  3560. "Yes, ow yes!"
  3561. >Why'd you admit it!?
  3562. >"You poor little thing. He trained you to be his little pain slut didn't he?"
  3563. >No!
  3564. >You aren't a slut and you certainly aren't a pain slut!
  3565. >"That's kinda hot you know..."
  3566. >!!!
  3567. >SMACK!
  3568. "No! Noooo!"
  3569. >"I can tell this is still getting through to you too though. We can have fun after if your in the mood, but that doesn't excuse you from your misdeeds!"
  3570. >No fun! No more spanking! Please!
  3571. >Your opinion doesn't matter anymore though.
  3572. >It's her hand violently sending your buns bouncing and her decision when it'll stop!
  3573. >All you can do is beg, so beg you do.
  3574. "Mistresss pleaseeeeeee!"
  3575. >It's harder and harder to keep your tail raised for the ass assault but you have to!
  3576. "Pleaseeee!"
  3577. >You have to be bright red back there now and she's showing no signs of slowing down!
  3578. >If you were crying before your bawling like a filly now!
  3579. >"You will! Behave! And you will! Confess! When I tell you too!"
  3580. >In your struggles to escape you catch a glance of yourself in the mirror.
  3581. >Over the knee.
  3582. >Tail lifted.
  3583. >Mistress's hand applying itself over and over to your tush.
  3584. >Face a terrible mess of embarrassment, sorrow, and regret.
  3585. >"Are you ready to confess yet?!"
  3586. >Yes!
  3587. "I used your computer! I made a phone call! I tried to run away! Please please stop I can't take anymore please!"
  3588. >To your amazement the beating actually does stop.
  3589. >In the mirror you can see her wipe the sweat off her forehead and shake her sore hand.
  3590. >"Stubborn little thing aren't you. Sapphire confessed at the drop of a hat, but I see you'll be different to deal with."
  3591. >You slump over her knee in exhaustion.
  3592. >Your keister throbs with the wrath of a thousand suns, but at least it's finally finally over.
  3593. >She shifts underneath you but you're too tired to bother looking.
  3594. >At least until you hear the drawer open.
  3595. >I-is she...
  3596. >I-is that...?
  3597. >A thick wooden hairbrush emerges from the bedside drawer.
  3598. >Easily 6 inches long, 3 wide, and 1 thick.
  3599. >A bottom buster you've seen once before.
  3600. >In Rarity's hooves.
  3601. >'Diamonds in the rough'
  3602. >'Pony Punisher'
  3603. >Damn you Rarity! Damn you straight to Tartarusssss-ahhh!
  3604. "Owwww! Mistress no, please nonononono!"
  3605. >Again the wooden butt breaker crashes into your sore cheeks!
  3606. >You scream louder than ever as the training tool is brutally applied to your seat of learning!
  3607. >It just keeps going!
  3608. "I'mmm sorrryyyy!"
  3609. >"I! Know! You! Are!"
  3610. >Each impact leaves you gasping for air and howling in agony!
  3611. >This isn't a spanking anymore, this is a straight up beating!
  3612. >If you weren't purple already you are now!
  3613. >Any begging or apologizing you want to offer dissolves into pathetic howling and crying.
  3614. >You'll never be able to sit down again!
  3615. >Your open bawling must tell Mistress your spirit's finally broken.
  3616. >A few more light pats with the brush are replaced with her hand lightly peppering and eventually straight up massaging your cheeks.
  3617. >Not that you can really feel much anymore besides throbbing.
  3618. >"Shhhhh, it's ok it's over now. Now you can be a good pony again."
  3619. >You'll be a good pony any day of the week if it means avoiding more of that!
  3620. >"Everypony makes mistakes and now you know the consequences. You'll be a good filly for mama now won't you?"
  3621. >You pathetically nod as she scratches your ears with one hand and rubs your rear with the other.
  3622. >"Gooood girl."
  3623. >If only you could actually relax.
  3624. >Instead you tense up when the hand behind you rubs up against your puffy portal again.
  3625. >"Hmm someone's last master trained them well."
  3626. >H-he didn't!
  3627. >You aren't a pain slut! You aren't!
  3628. >You keep trying to convince yourself as she slips her fingers into your humiliatingly wet flower.
  3629. >"Mmmm master would be proud. Ready to be a good girl for mistress instead?"
  3630. >You don't answer but that must be enough.
  3631. >Carefully picking you up she deposits you on the bed and slips away.
  3632. >Oh Luna your poor aching ass!
  3633. >You curl up into a ball and rub your flanks with both hooves.
  3634. >Fucking Rarity and her stupid company selling those stupid brushes!
  3635. >You were sore before, but now you can feel distinctly brush shaped bruises forming on your abused fanny.
  3636. >That'll take days to heal at best...
  3637. >She better not expect you to go to the store or anything until the marks are gone.
  3638. >Against your better judgement you check yourself in the mirror behind you.
  3639. >Oh yeah.
  3640. >It looks awful.
  3641. >Your posterior is positively ruined and if that wasn't bad enough you're distinctly ready for another kind of action as well...
  3642. >A-are you a pain slut?
  3643. >What would the princess think if she knew her #1 student was a painslut now?
  3644. >Before you have to contemplate how awful that would be mistress returns.
  3645. >Naked.
  3646. >With something strapped to her crotch!
  3647. >You immediately try to scramble to the other side of the bed!
  3648. >"Hey! just relax, I promise it's not going to kill you!"
  3649. >She drags you back to the edge of the bed by the haunches and holds you there!
  3650. >"Be still ok? I can see your ready for this, you don't have to be ashamed, I don't judge."
  3651. "N-no p-please..."
  3652. >Yesterday you'd decided it would be a tactical error to show how inexperienced of a bedmare you really are.
  3653. >She might return you.
  3654. >She might return you to who knows where and you might get picked up by someone 10x worse.
  3655. >Today though all you can see is that pussy ruiner to change your life forever!
  3656. "P-please it's too big. I'm not ready, I can't."
  3657. >You claw at the covers as she pulls you back to lean you over the edge.
  3658. >"You're a bit tighter than sapphire but it'll fit don't worry."
  3659. >Like hell it will!
  3660. >You continue to claw your way away until a handful of your mane yanks you back!
  3661. >Damn it!
  3662. >You lock up completely as the ancient pressure point immobilizes you for your stallion.
  3663. >Only this time it's not a stallion it's a psycho lady!
  3664. >"Oh wow that works well on you."
  3665. >Some weird maneuvering later and she backs up, but the pressure on your mane doesn't let up!
  3666. >"They say hair clips are a girl's best friend. It's perfect, now you won't hurt yourself and I get to use both hands!"
  3667. >As if to prove her point she grabs both your burning cheeks and pries you wide open!
  3668. >No no no, this can't really be happening!
  3669. >You shudder and cry when you feel the giant toy poke at your entrance!
  3670. "Please don't! Please I don't want it, please!"
  3671. >Buck not holding back!
  3672. >Buck everything!
  3673. >You'll do anything to avoid one good thrust right now!
  3674. >Shockley she doesn't ruin you right off the bat, but she doesn't back off either.
  3675. >"What's the matter?"
  3676. >She runs the rubber cock up and down your lips making you whimper, leak, and wink like crazy!
  3677. >"I don't think you can get much wetter sweetie. I'm trying to be considerate here, but I've wanted to do this since day one."
  3678. >Backing up slightly she runs two fingers from the bottom of your needy bits to the top.
  3679. >"See? Soaked."
  3680. >Too add insult to injury she wipes the excessive fluids off on your ass!
  3681. >The liquid feels kinda nice on your flaming behind, but the knowledge of what it is makes it beyond humiliating.
  3682. "Please Mistress, it's too big! You'll ruin me!"
  3683. >It's all you can do to pant out the requests over the combination of heat and terror flooding your body.
  3684. >"Hmmm."
  3685. >You gaps and tense up as the cock returns to pressuring you for admission!
  3686. >Can't! Keep! It! Out!
  3687. >As the insistence grows it soon starts to part your body around it!
  3688. >At first it's tolerable, even a little nice given how heated you are, but as the inches vanish and the width grows the pain starts to set in!
  3689. "Too much! Too much! It hurts!
  3690. >You've already spread your legs as wide as you can go relieve the pressure, but it's simply too big for you!
  3691. "It hurts, take it out! Please!"
  3692. >She takes a moment to spread your haunches with her hands, but it's clear nothing will makes the invasion any easier.
  3693. >You breath a prayer of thanks when she back out of your aching hole.
  3694. >"I really thought you'd manage it. Sapphire's first time was tough but she got the hang of it... Oh well, I've got just the thing."
  3695. >You don't even want to think about what 'just the thing is', you're just glad she's out of you.
  3696. >Too bad you can't get up and run while she's gone with the hairclip still holding your mane.
  3697. >Before you know it she's returned to grab another handful of twilight tushy.
  3698. >"Right where I left you. Still ready?"
  3699. >Without warning two fingers penetrate your pussy and set to warming you back up!
  3700. "Ohhh! Mmmmm M-mistress!"
  3701. >"Good girl, cry out, that's cute."
  3702. >A minute is all she needs to get you involuntary winking again.
  3703. >Before you can even process how terrible that is something large and phallic rams it's way right in!
  3704. "Mmmmmm!"
  3705. >"You like that?"
  3706. >She slams her hips home on your sensitive cheek filling you completely!
  3707. >It's nowhere near as bad as Mr. Strap-on but it still pushes you to capacity!
  3708. >"Mmm yeah. You've got the softest ass you know that Twilight? I bet your previous master always did you from behind!"
  3709. >Your mind is wayyyyyy too busy registering what's inside you to respond right now!
  3710. >"Just give me a minute this one's double sided."
  3711. >Oh so what the other one wasn't?!
  3712. >Wow it's almost like that thing was too large for any female and she's stupid for using it!
  3713. >You gasp as she pulls it out then fail to contain your moan as she pushes back in.
  3714. >This is really happening!
  3715. >She's really taking you!
  3716. >The tears stream down your face as the humping sets in in earnest!
  3717. >I-it's not even a real cock claiming you in the most intimate way possible!
  3718. >An unfeeling rubber toy stirs your insides and explores your most personal depths again and again!
  3719. >You try to clench to keep her out, but she's really pounding you with all her weight now!
  3720. >What did you do to deserve this!
  3721. >Is this what you get for running from Anon? For breaking his heart?
  3722. >"You like that don't you? Imagining I'm a big strong stallion?"
  3723. >Buck her!
  3724. >You're in no condition to answer any stupid questions as she makes you her mate!
  3725. >"You've got the cutest little moan!"
  3726. >Out.
  3727. >"And you've got the most adorable little ass!"
  3728. >In!
  3729. >"I knew you were made for me the minute I saw you!"
  3730. >Out! In! Out! In!
  3731. >Your body betrays you and gets more and more into it!
  3732. >"And now..."
  3733. >Ahh! In In In!
  3734. >She slaps your ass at the same time she hilts in you hard!
  3735. >"You're mine!"
  3737. >'Field notes on female human sexuality' by researcher Twilight Sparkle:
  3738. >Human females last longer than human males.
  3739. >Some human females don't mind taking on the role of male using various toys.
  3740. >Unlike their male counterparts human females aren't necessary spent after a single climax.
  3741. >Researcher's conclusion:
  3742. >Human females suck.
  3744. >You pass out in your crappy dog bed the minute she sets you down.
  3745. >Maybe you'll dream.
  3746. >Anything to take you away from this reality.
  3748. >You don't usually dream.
  3749. >When Twilight Sparkle finally goes to bed it's usually because she passed out at her keyboard/book.
  3750. >In the old days spike would put a pillow under your head.
  3751. >In more recent times Anon would carry you to bed and tuck you in.
  3752. >Either way sleep was deep and dreamless.
  3753. >Not tonight though.
  3754. >Considering how physically and emotionally exhausted you are from mistress's rough treatment, sweet oblivion would be prefered, but it seems that's not to be.
  3755. >Instead you tiptoe around a dream version of your new home.
  3756. >Like it's not bad enough living here, now you have to visit it even in your dreams.
  3757. >You're currently... hiding in a closet.
  3758. >Dream mistress is twice as tall as real mistress and wears a tool twice as large!
  3759. >She'd come home with a gift for her favorite little mare: a maid outfit.
  3760. >As if that wasn't demeaning enough the panties included a little red bow tied just above the tail.
  3761. >Ponies aren't meant to wear panties.
  3762. >As AJ might put it 'just ain't natural'.
  3763. >They rub and hug places you aren't used to feeling sensations 24/7.
  3764. >You know human females always wear the silly thing, but the only ones you've seen yourself are Mistress's and the women on Anon's computer.[spoiler]Not to toot your own horn but he stopped looking at those... well ok, they're mares now instead of women though.[/spoiler]
  3765. >There's probably undergarments not meant to seduce, but your sample size is limited.
  3766. >Either way the lacy white material stretched over your flanks just scream for attention.
  3767. >AKA the last thing you want.
  3768. >Don't like it! Not one bit!
  3769. >Even that wouldn't be all that bad if the skirt actually covered your rump.
  3770. >Instead the panties hold your tail up enough to put everything on display!
  3771. >When you mentioned how you felt like a christmas gift mistress had offered to 'open you up'.
  3772. >So of course you ran.
  3773. >You can hear her calling you and promising discipline, but there's no way you'll give yourself up to be tormented again.
  3774. >Maybe she won't check the closet.
  3775. >Maybe dream mistress doesn't know how accurate the gps on this expensive collar is.
  3776. >You try to pull it off but even in this realm it's the perfect slave accessory.
  3777. >Does it hurt to be abused in a dream?
  3778. >Like your hind end isn't sore enough in real life already...
  3779. >You blush as you lift your skirt and pull the panties back to see if your flanks inherited the damage suffered in the waking world.
  3780. >Oh yeah, as red as Big Mac. [spoiler]And about as large[/spoiler]
  3781. >Now that you've noticed your state the soreness comes flooding in both to the your flanks so sorely beaten, and your flower so roughly bucked.
  3782. >Wait.
  3783. >Sore in a dream?
  3784. >That's... not right...
  3785. >You are dreaming right?
  3786. >Oh crap! If you've disobeyed mistress again she'll either take the belt to your butt, or just take you up the butt!
  3787. >But no, she's not 10' tall in real life... right?
  3788. >"Apologies. Dreams become a bit more real when walked into."
  3789. >You practically jump out of your skin when the dark blue Alicorn crammed in the corner speaks!
  3790. "Luna! What the buck?! Why are here?! You scared me half to death!"
  3791. >"We can never know quite where we'll end up when entering a dream, again apologies. We are just glad to have found you at last."
  3792. "So this isn't a part of my dream?"
  3793. >You boop the alicorn's snoot making her cross her eyes and recoil before slapping your hoof away
  3794. >"Cease that! The royal muzzle is most sensitive! One does not simply 'boop' it as things are called now a days."
  3795. >You can feel where she slapped your hoof so maybe she's telling the truth
  3796. >"Impudent fillies today. Back in our day none would dare assault the royal snout as such."
  3797. >Yeah, that's the real Luna.
  3798. "Ok I'm sorry, I'm just so glad to see you I couldn't believe you were real!"
  3799. >You'd give her a hug but you don't want to seem like an 'impudent filly' again.
  3800. >Then again you're dressed like a maid right now so what does image matter?
  3801. >"We are glad to have found you as well. The human technology at their infernal base interferes with even dream magic. Once we heard you may have been returned to Earth we began our search in earnest but there was much... interference.
  3802. >Interference?
  3803. >You give her a questioning cock of your head.
  3804. >"Your... previous master we suppose. His fevered dreams of you, or perhaps we should say nightmares, shine like a beacon. Normally we'd not notice human dreams, but his proximity to you and your magic marks him in a unique way."
  3805. >!!!
  3806. "You've seen Anon's dreams!? Do you know where he is?! Is he ok!? What do you mean nightmares?!"
  3807. >Luna has to hold you at a hoof distance to keep you from mobbing her.
  3808. >"We have... shall we say, noticed his dreams, yes. We do not walk in them, as he is not one of our people. I could not tell you much of him besides he dreams of you, yet they billow with a dark ominous aura."
  3809. >Oh no.
  3810. >Your ears splay back at the idea of causing him torment.
  3811. >But at least he's still thinking about you... right?
  3812. "I-I need him Luna. Can you walk his dreams? Please, my new master is awful. We sent Anon a letter about where to come buy me, but a lady picked me up first. She's... she's just terrible..."
  3813. >The elder mare's brows knit in concern.
  3814. >"What has she done to you? Are you hurt? We've heard tales of human females expressing cruelty to mares for little or no reason at all."
  3815. >She tilts her head this way and that to get a look at you.
  3816. >Under the new scrutiny you're suddenly thankful you have the outfit to cover you.
  3817. "S-she..."
  3818. >Used you?
  3819. >Beat you?
  3820. >Raped you?
  3821. >You look away as the tears start to gather.
  3822. "I just want to go home Luna please... C-can you get a message to Anon? Can you tell him where to get me? He'll keep me safe, I just want to be safe."
  3823. >A dark hoof starts to raise your chin but relents when you pull away.
  3824. >"Home. Twilight that man's home isn't yours. We can get you back here, back where you'll really be safe. We'll keep you in the empire where no one will ever touch you again I promise."
  3825. >Home.
  3826. >Where even is home now?
  3827. >And when did you start thinking of Anon's home as your home?
  3828. >You did personally pick that house out but it's in his name.
  3829. >Besides that there's the matter of the empire itself.
  3830. >Not that you had an awful time there you just felt...
  3831. >Is it weird to say you felt trapped in the only place for free ponies?
  3832. >That's just it though, it's the ONLY place for free ponies.
  3833. >Ignoring all of what Dash said about a conspiracy, even if everything is legit, it's still a prison in it's own way.
  3834. >A nicer word might be refuge or retreat maybe even reservation, but the bottom line is if you go back neither Cadence or Luna will ever let you leave again.
  3835. >Why does that fill you with a strange sense of dread?
  3836. >A slave with an advanced collar such as yours can go wherever she wants because she's tracked.
  3837. >Anon doesn't watch your every move though, he doesn't really restrict you at all.
  3838. >Infact you could argue you'd be MORE free with Anon than under house arrest with Luna.
  3839. >You don't dare tell her that though.
  3840. >A slave saying she'd be more free with her master just screams stockholm syndrome or some other mental illness.
  3841. >You aren't sick though, you just want to go home.
  3842. "I-I don't know Luna. I was lucky to get to Equestria the first time and that only happened because of the cubes and the elemen-"
  3843. >Shit shit shit abort!
  3844. "ttttttttsssssssbecause I was lucky!"
  3845. >"Hold young Twilight."
  3846. >You and your big stupid mouth!
  3847. >"The elements? The elements of harmony? You know where they are? Do you have them?"
  3848. >Whyyyyyyy did you say that?!
  3849. "I..."
  3850. >"Twilight this is very important. Where are the elements?"
  3851. >You look away and slowly scoot backwards.
  3852. >"Twilight Sparkle."
  3853. >She grabs your face with her magic and forces you to look her in the eye.
  3854. >Stay strong.
  3855. >Just say you have no idea
  3856. >Don't squeal on yourself.
  3857. >Don't do anything stupid.
  3858. >Oh that Alicorn stare though!
  3859. >Both immortal sisters seems to have to 'tell me the truth right now filly' stares.
  3860. >Hold out! Hold out mare!
  3861. "I... I umm..."
  3862. >Ohhh she's going to be so mad at you!
  3863. "I... DID have them...?"
  3864. >Her glare hardens enough to make you whimper.
  3865. >"Explain."
  3866. >That's a royal command if you've ever heard one.
  3867. "Luna please j-just don't be upset I... Umm well I sorta..."
  3868. >Stall filly!
  3869. >There has to be a way out!
  3870. >Can you run away from her in a dream?
  3871. >A mote of magic grabs your good ear and tugs!
  3872. >Why does everyone do that!?
  3873. >Your mom never used ear pulling, but ever since Celestia started doing it it seems like everyone does!
  3874. >When the sun princess had finally had enough of your staying up all night reading she's eventually resorted to yanking on your ear until you listened.
  3875. >It was just a few years later she gave up on that and painted your flanks red instead, but both punishments seem to be stuck with you for life for some reason!
  3876. >Must be some kind of curse, only reasonable explanation. [spoiler]It's definitely not YOU to blame that's for sure. What a crazy idea, you're perfectly behaved in every way.[/spoiler]
  3877. "Ok ok I left them at Anons!"
  3878. >"You what?!"
  3879. "I used the raw magic to jump start my teleport back to Equestria! I thought they'd come with me but they must have been left behind! Ow ow quit it please!"
  3880. >"You did what?! You left them!? With a human!?"
  3881. >Ow ow ow she's yanking harder!
  3882. >Why does everyone bully you!?
  3883. "I'm sorry ok!? Stop it, you're hurting me!"
  3884. >You completely fall over the instant she let's go.
  3885. >"We... we did not mean to hurt you, forgive us. We just..."
  3886. >She sighs and puts a hoof to her forehead.
  3887. >"We've been looking for the elements for a very long time and to find out they've been lost so carelessly..."
  3888. >Wow thanks, like you don't feel bad enough about it already.
  3889. "We don't KNOW they're lost. If you can get me back to Anon I bet he still has them."
  3890. >"He would just hold onto ancient all powerful magical relics? Not sell them, turn them over to the government, something sensible like that?"
  3891. >How the buck you supposed to know what happened AFTER YOU LEFT?
  3892. "Well I wasn't there so I don't know! I do know I never told him what they were. Rarity would recognize them instantly, but would she say anything? Maybe she just told him they were jewelry and held onto them. Can you find her dreams?"
  3893. >She slowly shakes her head.
  3894. >"It is, doubtful. We've not seen Miss Belle in years so her magical signature is all but forgotten to us. We were able to track you only because of our recent proximity to you."
  3895. "Send me back then!"
  3896. >Ez out!
  3897. >It's the perfect excuse to get her help returning to Anon instead of going with her!
  3898. >No need to awkwardly explaining why you'd willingly choose a human over your princess!
  3899. "If you help me get back to Anon I can find them! I'm sure they're still there and the we can use them to... Actually what would we even do with them?"
  3900. >Ponies are obviously in trouble, but there's on single target to light up with the friendship cannon this time.
  3901. >Discord was simple, Nightmare Moon was simple, shoot the bad guy.
  3902. >You can't shoot all of humanity though.
  3903. >Not that what they've done isn't evil, but what are you gonna do? Drive by friendship beams on each and every one? That might take a while.
  3904. >Plus not even all of them ARE evil.
  3905. >Some like mistress and Dr. Rogers are, but ones like Anon aren't.
  3906. >Sure he still owns ponies but if freedom was an option he'd have given it to you.
  3907. >Right?
  3908. >Ok maybe, but you don't think he's even in the same moral ballpark as the darker examples of humanity.
  3909. >"Suffice to say the elements would be a great boon to our cause. Our current state of affairs with the humans is far from ideal."
  3910. >That's kinda vague.
  3911. >If she has a plan why not just share it with you?
  3912. >Does she not trust you?
  3913. >And what does she mean by 'state of affairs'?
  3914. >A more conspiratorially minded pony might take this as an indication she's involved in some kind of plot or deception.
  3915. >Dash.
  3916. >It could just be her odd grasp of modern equish, and really the phrase isn't wrong in the sentence, just odd.
  3917. >Maybe you're overthinking stuff.
  3918. >Can't hurt to ask though.
  3919. "Yeah but like, what? You can't just blast all of earth with them."
  3920. >She gives you an odd look.
  3921. >What?
  3922. >Not used to ponies asking questions?
  3923. >"Just know that we need them. They're an invaluable tool and one of the last equestrian relics the humans have failed to acquire."
  3924. >Okkkkkkk weird.
  3925. >"Are you sure of this plan though young Sparkle? We can see why you wish to be away from your 'mistress'-"
  3926. >She gestures to your outfit with a hoof.
  3927. >Thank the stars she can't see your lower half: panties, bow, freshly spanked, and rutted raw.
  3928. >"But are you sure it safe to return to the master you ran away from? We only know his dreams are dark in nature, not what exactly that means. What if he seeks vengeance or harbors resentment? We hesitate to expose you to further harm especially when we can already see you to be in pain."
  3929. >Oh come on!
  3930. >You stammer, blush, and squirm at the casual comment.
  3931. >Does she know you're lower half is a nexus of pain and mortification?
  3932. >Does she just think you were spanked or does she know you got your first taste of good ole slave rape?
  3933. >H-holy shit...
  3934. >Maybe you were trying to avoid thinking about it before, but now that you've said it to yourself you really were raped weren't you?
  3935. >You tried to run and she dragged you back.
  3936. >You said no and she forced her way in.
  3937. >You begged and she put your pussy through it's paces until you were an exhausted mess of pain, panting, and liquid shame.
  3938. >The more you think about it the more you want to curl up into a ball and cry.
  3939. >Y-you tried to keep her out but she's stronger than you...
  3940. >She wasn't even gentle about it, she just fucked you like the toy you are to her...
  3941. >With the hair clip holding the back of your mane you could just lay there and take the dildo over and over...
  3942. >She called you a good girl when you got off during the abuse!
  3943. >She laughed when she found out that slapping your ass made you moan and buck your hips!
  3944. >She even said you were a natural when you came a second time!
  3945. >You didn't mean to!
  3946. >You couldn't help it!
  3947. >She just kept fucking until your body performed on it's own!
  3948. >It's been forever since you had any relief, so of course you reacted to a hard bucking!
  3949. >"-Wilight!"
  3950. >But you didn't like it! You didn't!
  3951. >Just because you got off doesn't mean you wanted it!
  3952. >"Twilight!"
  3953. "Wa? Huh?"
  3954. >Luna's hooves shake you out of your spiral.
  3955. >"We lost you there. Are you ok? Look at us."
  3956. >Crap, when did you start crying?
  3957. >You wanted to be strong for Luna.
  3958. >You need to convince her to help you get safely back to Anon otherwise it's a risky trip back to the empire, or you get to feel the real Mr. Strapon tear you apart.
  3959. >This isn't the time to be weak.
  3960. >This isn't the time to tear up as she looks at you with kind concern.
  3961. >"Twilight did she hurt you?"
  3962. >You weakly nod your head.
  3963. >"In a different way than your master ever did?"
  3964. >You nod your head again.
  3965. >"First time?"
  3966. >She knows.
  3967. >You nod your head again and again as the tears start to flow.
  3968. >The princess gathers you up in her forehooves as you bawl like a filly.
  3969. "I didn't want too!"
  3970. >"Shh, we know."
  3971. "S-she held me down! It hurt! It was so big!"
  3972. >"We know Twilight, we know. You'll be ok. Just let it all out."
  3973. >The moments comfort in a sea of fear is just the rock you need.
  3974. >She pets the back of your mane and rocks back and forth while you cry out the trauma.
  3975. >"We'll get you out of here. We'll contact your Anon just as you wish and have you rescued. If he's not the hero you expect him to be we'll have somepony else pick you up and bring you here. You'll make it, we promise."
  3977. >It's hard to say how long you cried, but Luna stays with you the whole time.
  3978. >Really does time even matter here?
  3979. >It IS a dream.
  3980. >Either way the shoulder to cry on is welcomed.
  3981. >"It wasn't your fault."
  3982. >You know it wasn't, but you still feel ashamed.
  3983. >"You didn't do anything wrong."
  3984. >You sniffle and snuggle deeper into the ethereal mane.
  3985. >Most pony's assume the eternal sister's astral manes intangible or immaterial.
  3986. >In truth they're like a warm living blanket.
  3987. >The stars breath and pulse around you in a steady comforting rhythm.
  3988. >She's gives you time to compose yourself before speaking again.
  3989. >"Will she let you go?"
  3990. "... Perhaps."
  3991. >"Perhaps?"
  3992. >She continues to hold you, but you can feel the head tilt from here.
  3993. "Up until now I was trying to be strong so she didn't get rid of me when I had no idea where I'd be sent. If Anon is coming though maybe I can just let it all out. Tell her I'm not ok with all this. Tell her she really hurt me and I can't live like this. She's s-strict but I think she expected a trained pony who just needed keeping inline. Not a completely resistant pony she'd have to teach from the ground up."
  3994. >"So she would release you and seek an easier to manage pony?"
  3995. >You know it's not what she means, but that sounds like you're dooming another pony to the fate you'd escape.
  3996. >You aren't responsible for Alison's actions, and you certainly don't need to stay here and be abused just so another doesn't take your place, but it still sound bad.
  3997. "I think so."
  3998. >The elder mare breaks the hug to look you in the eye.
  3999. >"That is a very dangerous plan Twilight Sparkle. Are you sure you are able to handle it?"
  4000. >No but what choice do you have?
  4001. >You can't live like this.
  4002. >It would be even more risky to let Luna send somepony to pick you up, plus you'd never see Anon again that way.
  4003. "I can do it..."
  4004. >"Are you sure?"
  4005. >You wipe your eyes with a hoof, and look her square in the eyes.
  4006. "I can do it."
  4007. >This time with resolve.
  4008. >Well, at least a little resolve.
  4009. >"You are a hero of Equestria many times over young Sparkle. We will trust you in this if that is your wish."
  4010. "Yes. Please talk to Anon and give him this address. Tell him to come as soon as possible. I'll be ready one way or another."
  4011. >"Very well."
  4013. Rarity Belle
  4014. ~~~~~
  4015. "Describe her."
  4016. >"What? I dunno, she was dark blue and really big? Like almost as tall as me. I didnt think ponies got that tall."
  4017. "Only a couple. Did she have both wings and a horn perchance?"
  4018. >"Both? Uhh yeah now that I think about it I guess she did? I've never seen her before though so I don't know why my head would make that up."
  4019. >Because a pony god stepped into your head dear.
  4020. >"Mean trick for my dreams to play on me when we just came all this way to be disappointed."
  4021. >Disappointed, yes.
  4022. >The two of you flew halfway across the country only to find Twilight already gone.
  4023. >Of course it wasn't company policy to give out customer information so you'd spend the last day trying to come up with any sort of plan.
  4024. "Well yes, I doubt you would know her. I imagine she's been trying to keep a low profile."
  4025. >"She? Who? Rarity it was a dream."
  4026. >How to put this delicately...
  4027. "Anon. Darling."
  4028. >"When you talk like that I know you're about to say something I don't want to hear."
  4029. >You scoff and bat a hoof at him.
  4030. "Perhaps, but it's something you must hear. Do you remember the address she gave you? Write it down now before you forget it."
  4031. >"Rarity it was a dream there's no point."
  4032. >You give him a good natured smile and place a hoof lightly on his leg.
  4033. "Be a good boy and trust me. Write it down."
  4034. >He rolls his eyes, but scribbles down the address nonetheless.
  4035. >"You aren't one of those lucid dreaming people are you? Like, that stuff sounds cool and all, but I could never get it to work for - "
  4036. >You gently place a hoof to his mouth to silence him.
  4037. >He's cute but this isn't the time for his usual babble.
  4038. "No no, nothing like that, but this is very important so I want you to listen very carefully you understand?"
  4039. >He moves your hoof off his face and holds it.
  4040. >"You're acting weird."
  4041. >Manners.
  4042. "This dream pony, did she give you a name? Was it Luna?"
  4043. >"Luna? Um yeah that sounds right. It was something that started with a L."
  4044. "Was it princess Luna?"
  4045. >"Princess? Maybe? She did have a tiny crown. I've never even seen a picture of the Equestrian princesses though."
  4046. "No, you wouldn't have, they've been kept rather under wraps for whatever reason. What do you know of them?"
  4047. >"About the princesses? Not much. Just that they were some kind of government officials, or like were the actual government? Some kind of old fashion medieval ruler system? No offense."
  4048. "None taken, and yes you are correct Princesses Celestia and Luna were... are the diarches of Equestria. Celestia of the sun and Luna of the moon. Each had their own unique aspects and abilities, but one of Luna's was dream walking."
  4049. >"Dream walking?"
  4050. "Don't give me that look. Yes, dream walking. I've not been on the receiving side myself but it's very real. If she mentioned Twilight and gave you an address then we should listen."
  4051. >He pinches the bridge of his nose and runs a hand through his messy hair.
  4052. >Ugh, so messy.
  4053. >You've half a mind to run a brush through that bedhead, but he did just wake up so you'll let it slide.
  4054. >You probably look a fright yourself to be fair.
  4055. >"Freakin magical horses. I find it a little hard to believe in blue space horse invading my brain while I slept."
  4056. >So dramatic.
  4057. "Then believe in me. I doubt visiting a human mind was Luna's first choice, but it's very likely Twilight needs us badly. Can we go? To the address that is, just to check. What can it hurt?"
  4058. >He sighs and starts to stretch.
  4059. >"We don't have many other leads so I don't see why not. Just... don't get your hopes up."
  4061. Twilight Sparkle
  4062. ~~~~~~
  4063. >Sunlight's streaming in the window by the time you wake up.
  4064. >You must have overslept, but you guess she didn't mind.
  4065. >In fact you can hear someone bumping around in the kitchen already.
  4066. >Did she not go to work?
  4067. >Wait no, it's saturday, duh.
  4068. >You wrap your blanket around yourself and start to shuffle your way down the hall.
  4069. >Time to chat before you lose your nerve.
  4070. >Anon is coming.
  4071. >Luna said she'd pass along your message last night so you have to believe he'll come.
  4072. >Your aching flank and marebits demand you get out of here before she bends you over for round two, so he must be coming.
  4073. >"Morning sleepy head."
  4074. >Huh, she handed you a mug of coffee, that's kinda nice.
  4075. >You stare into the steaming mug as you gather your nerves.
  4076. >"I thought I'd let you sleep in after last night. You practically passed out in my arms in the end!"
  4077. >Fighting off a rapist is pretty tiring yeah, especially when you lose.
  4078. >"I think someone had fun though if her cute little moans were anything to go by!"
  4079. >Buck it.
  4080. "You raped me."
  4081. >Silence.
  4082. >"Excuse me?"
  4083. >Too late to take it back down now, buckle up filly.
  4084. "I said no and you raped me... It hurt a lot..."
  4085. >You shift in your seat just thinking about your aching vagina.
  4086. >What would have happened if she'd used the real Mr. Strap on?
  4087. >Tearing for sure...
  4088. >"Your kidding right? You seemed to be enjoying yourself just as much as me."
  4089. >You blush but you'll not let her shame you!
  4090. "That's a perfectly normal biological reaction to sexual contact and vaginal penetration, but I still said no!"
  4091. >You're yelling but you don't care.
  4092. "I tried to get away and you held me down! I begged you not to and you forced me! That's rape!"
  4093. >The coffee cup begins to tremble in your grip as the tears begin anew.
  4094. >Despite your rising temperament her voice remains calm.
  4095. >"Twilight you were leaking all over the bed from your spanking. No offense, but what better time to break you in?"
  4096. "Break me in!? I'm not a dog! I don't need to be broken in!"
  4097. >A bit of annoyance seeps into her voice.
  4098. >"No you're clearly not because dogs are better behaved. Do I need to take you back over my knee again already?"
  4099. >Again!?
  4100. >No no no, you can't survive another!
  4101. >You put down the coffee, hop up from the table, and start to back away.
  4102. "You can't just keep beating me and expecting things to get better!"
  4103. >Shit shit shit she's coming towards you now!
  4104. "I'm not your toy to spank and fuck whenever you want!"
  4105. >But you are in her eyes aren't you?
  4106. >"Look I don't want to hurt you, but bed slave is your job around here. When I want some of that ass I'll get it, and you'll be good about it. Why are you being so different than Sapphire? She was ecstatic to please."
  4107. >Buck that, no more ass for her!
  4108. "Well I'm not."
  4109. >"Is it because I'm a woman and you're used to a man? That's why I started with something phallic, so it'd be familiar."
  4110. >Wow, how nice.
  4111. "It's because Anon respected me! He didn't just tell me it was time to be bed he ASKED ME!"
  4112. >"He... asked? I can be more polite if that's all you need?"
  4113. >'I'll ask but you better say yes' is the implication.
  4114. "He asked and if I said no that was that!"
  4115. >"It's one thing to ask your property permission for anything, but asking a bed slave to do her job? When sapphire got back from training she walked around the house with her tail up 24/7 and was happy to please. She even told me she was glad to be mine."
  4116. >Yeah because 'training' probably broke her mind with a combination of drugs and 'husbandry' racks!
  4117. >A lesser evil is still evil though, and gentle rape is still rape!
  4118. >Not that Mr. Strap on could possibly be that gentle!
  4119. >"I got you because your paperwork said you were already trained, but you really aren't acting like it. I'd really rather not shell out the cash for another pony to go to school, but if we've have to we've have to."
  4120. >Yeah, 'School'.
  4121. >'Ok class today we're going to learn the correct way to beg for a rutting.'
  4122. >What a joke.
  4123. "The paperwork said that because I'm a good partner to Anon. I care about him and he cares about me. I enjoyed being with him both romantically and physically because we were partners.
  4124. >Ante Up!
  4125. "Real partners, as in a real relationship! Not just slave/master but marefriend and boyfriend! Even if you try to send me to 'school' I'll never care about anyone else like I care about him!"
  4126. >Does that even matter to her though?
  4127. "Sapphire may have done her job out of obligation, or fear, or something else I don't know. I just know I can't."
  4128. >"She was NOT afraid of me. We got along great and she was happy to be here. If I have to ship you off for more training then I wi-"
  4129. "Was she really happy or was she just resigned to her fate like so many hopeless ponies?"
  4130. >Looks like that got her a little upset.
  4131. >"I told you we got along great and she enjoyed being with me. I always made sure she finished-"
  4132. "No! I didn't ask if you got her off! You got me off twice and I was crying the whole time! Was she happy? I don't see how any mare could be if her quality of life is measured in orgasms, much less if she was on the receiving end of that monstrous strap on!"
  4133. >"Of course she was. We went to the park, I bought her nice things, I made sure she had fun too. She was well taken care of in every way a pony would want and knew she could talk to me about anything."
  4134. "But did she? Did she tell you about her hopes? Her dreams? Her past? How she really felt? Anon made sure I was happy because he doesn't just care about my ass he cares about me!"
  4135. >That at least gets a curious look out of her.
  4136. >"Honey he did all that because you were lower maintenance pussy than a human woman would be. I get that you liked him because he was nice, I can be a nicer too, but you have to realize that at the end of the day he took you to bed just like I did."
  4137. >Just because he's bedded you doesn't mean he's evil.
  4138. >Intentions matter and there's more than one way to sleep with a pony.
  4139. >Anon mated you with respect and love, Mistress raped you selfishly while you thrashed about.
  4140. "It's not the same. I was with him for years before he ever touched me like that, and only then because I approached him first. Just because you don't respect ponies doesn't mean everyhuman doesn't.
  4141. >She gives you a skeptical look.
  4142. >"Well that's very nice of him, but this is your job now and you need to-"
  4143. "I wanna go back."
  4144. >Time to throw all your cards on the table, all in!
  4145. "I wanna go back to Anon."
  4146. >That gets you a raised eyebrow to say the least.
  4147. >"I'm sure you do but you're mine now. If he was a better owner you'd have never got away but-"
  4148. "It wasn't his fault. He trusted me and I... I broke his trust... I wasn't in my right state of mind, I did something stupid, and I ran away. He'll pay you double, no triple what you paid then you can get a properly trained pony instead of dealing with me. I-I'll rebel... I'll be difficult every step of the way and I'll never be your new sapphire."
  4149. >You're trotting on thin ice but there's no going back now.
  4150. >"Twilight come on, think about this. You've been gone for a long time. He probably already got a new pony to replace you by now. Even if he didn't you don't know how much he'd be willing to pay."
  4151. "He would! I swear he would! Please, I can't do this. I can't be your toy! Just laying there last night taking it broke my heart! Maybe some ponies can get used to or something but I'm not one!"
  4152. >"But you were fine with Anon doing it? Do you just need me to go slower? We can do slower, I can work you into all this. I guess I was just used to Sapphire and your charts said you were experienced so I assumed you'd be the same."
  4153. >Ugh, she just doesn't get it!
  4154. "It's not about how fast or how slow you go, I just don't love you!"
  4155. >She kinda snorts a little at the L word.
  4156. >Probably one of those folks who think ponies and humans loving one another is crazy.
  4157. >"Look, you're upset because last night was a big night. Why don't you go take a nice relaxing bath to get some of the soreness out, then we can talk about this some more."
  4158. >You stubbornly shake your head.
  4159. "No. I told you I'd be rebellious, and I wasn't kidding! Sell me back to Anon or I'll resist everything you say!"
  4160. >Her mouth twitches in annoyance.
  4161. >"I'm trying to be understanding here Twilight, but you're really pushing your luck. Go take a bath right now."
  4162. "N-no..."
  4163. >She pulls out her phone and clicks a few buttons.
  4164. >You feel the electric contacts on your collar warm up but not quite shock you yet.
  4165. >"I don't want to do this after punishing you last night but I will."
  4166. "If you didn't want to then you wouldn't do it."
  4167. >"Go take a bath right now."
  4168. "No, I - ahhh!"
  4169. >The shock isn't enough to knock you off your hooves, but it makes you jump and recoil in pain!
  4170. >"Take. A. Bath."
  4171. >You stomp a hoof on the floor as soon as you recover and give her a defiant look!
  4172. "Is this how you treated Sapphire?"
  4173. >If she was annoyed before she's mad now.
  4174. >Bzzzz!
  4175. >That one was worse than the last!
  4176. "Was she happy when you were shocking her into submission!?"
  4177. >ZAPP!!!
  4178. >Ouch! Despite your best efforts that one drops your to your knees!
  4179. "Y-you can't torture ponies for disobeying one minute then expect them to be happy the next..."
  4180. >Oww! This one's bad enough to send you sparling onto the floor!
  4181. >It's nowhere near the levels that jackass coworker of Arnold used but it still stings!
  4182. "Stop it! Stop hurting me! Did you do this to Sapphire too? Is that what happened? Shocked her until she had a heart attack?! Or did you just rail her so hard she bleed out!?"
  4183. >The expected shock doesn't come, but by expression alone you can tell you really pissed her off now.
  4184. >Is this a good idea?
  4185. >Being difficult might make her want to get rid of you, or it might make her want to beat you senseless until she wins!
  4186. >"Jesus christ Twilight we were in a car wreck! I didn't kill her! I lost her to a drunk driver! And I didn't have to do this to her because she listened!"
  4187. >She angrly scoops you up and throws you over the table.
  4188. >With your muscles too numb to resist you can only speculate as to your fate.
  4189. >More spanking?
  4190. >Raped until you submit?
  4191. >At least you're bone dry this time so she doesn't have an excuse if she decides that'll teach you.
  4192. >"Why are you being like this all the sudden? You were so good before."
  4193. "Because you raped me! Is that so hard of a concept?!"
  4194. >She sighs and holds you down on the table with one hand.
  4195. >"Well excuse me! I sure as shit didn't expect this kind of reaction from asking an experienced bedmare to do her job!"
  4196. >That's kinda fair actually, you never actually told her you weren't official trained for the job.
  4197. >"Do I really need to do more of this?"
  4198. >You can't help but whimper when you feel her hand pat your rump!
  4199. "N-no..."
  4200. >"Then are you going to go take a bath like I told you?"
  4201. "..."
  4202. >Buck you've got to stand your ground here.
  4203. >Prove that you're too much trouble to keep around so she'll let you go.
  4204. "No..."
  4205. >Ow! She pinched your flank!
  4206. >"You're bruised back here Twilight I'm not even sure it's safe to spank you more. Can't you please just stop this?"
  4207. >Oh celestia she's rubbing your blistered hiney.
  4208. >If your face didn't match your seat it does not!
  4209. "S-sell me to AnonnnnaaAH!"
  4210. >Normally such a light pat wouldn't even sting, but it's another story when you're backside's still deep fried from Rarity's damn brush!
  4211. >"You're right you're nothing like Sapphire! At most she needed was a firm talking to from time to time! She'd never go full brat like this!"
  4212. >You aren't a brat you just want to go home!
  4213. "I'm not her and I never will be! Please just let me go and find another pony who can be!"
  4214. >Without warning she picks you up again, flips you over, and sits you down hard on the wooden table!
  4215. >Ow ow ow your aching ass!
  4216. >It's like sitting on hot coals!
  4217. >Any attempts to find a less painful sitting position are stopped by an angry mistress.
  4218. >"Sit on it Twilight. Maybe you'll remember your manners!"
  4219. >Damn her!
  4220. >You'd really rather she not see your blush, but when she grabs your face to look you in the eye you've no choice.
  4221. >"Now talk to me. What's really going on here?"
  4222. >She! Raped! You!
  4223. "I don't know how else to put it! I didn't want to have sex and you made me!"
  4224. >"So I made you do you job? That's it? Why is that a problem?"
  4225. "Because it's NOT MY JOB! I don't want to do this! I can't do this! I was never trained to do this! I can't take sex casually, I can't separate my feelings from it, and I can't just lie there without it destroying part of my soul!"
  4226. "Y-you what...?"
  4227. >This has to work it just has to!
  4228. "Maybe Sapphire did love it! Maybe she loved you! I don't know! I just know that I don't! I'm sorry I didn't tell you up front b-but..."
  4229. >Do you tell her? Just be honest?
  4230. "I'm not a real bedmare. I was never formally trained for this I just liked taking care of Anon because I liked Anon. I-I thought maybe you'd keep me out of worse hands until Anon found me...
  4231. >"Shit..."
  4232. "I sent him a letter a few days ago to come pick me up at the auction house, but then you snatched me right up... I-I thought you'd be safe to stay with until I could find him. I didn't think you'd... I didn't think a woman would... do that to me."
  4233. >That seems to hit her hard.
  4234. >She lets go of your chin and sits down with a sigh.
  4235. >Without her to hold you in place you fall on your side to give your flaming backside a break.
  4236. >"Why didn't you tell me any of this?"
  4237. "I didn't think it would go over well to tell my new mistress I was just trying to use her..."
  4238. >That's reasonable right?
  4239. >"I get where you're coming from, but how was I supposed to know all this? Your recommendation from that 'Gentlehoof' place was glowing: 'Perfect loving bedmare' it said."
  4240. >Bucking Gentlehoof...
  4241. >Still, the whole crying and begging thing should have been an indication of how you felt.
  4242. >"I thought the whole 'shy virgin' act was just your thing. A lot of guys love that stuff and they said you were good at what you do."
  4243. "It's not an act..."
  4244. >"Well yeah you tell me that now..."
  4245. >You break eye contact when she looks at you, but at least she's not mad anymore.
  4246. >Maybe even remorseful?
  4247. >"Look, I didn't mean to hurt you like that."
  4248. >Uhhhh has she seen your ass?
  4249. >"I mean the discipline I stand by but not the... yeah. I really thought you were just playing a role."
  4250. >The fact that 'scared victim' is a role she enjoys says something, but you let it slide.
  4251. >"You may not believe it but Sapphire was happy here. She was the only damn family I had, and I took care of her like it. I was fucked up for weeks when she died, but I thought maybe I could make another mare's life just as good..."
  4252. >Good?
  4253. >Really?
  4254. >"I guess I fucked that up too..."
  4255. >You want to say yes, but there's no sense being cruel.
  4256. >She meets your eyes again and you shy away.
  4257. >Wait...
  4258. >Did she just sniffle?
  4259. >"Fuck, I'm sorry."
  4260. >Wut?
  4261. >"God dammit I just screw everything up don't I? They said runaway ponies had it the worst so I thought maybe I could help one. They said you had to be firm with them since they have issues, but it's either a heavy hand or some work camp or breeding farm."
  4262. >That man who came by and bid on everypony, was he from one of those?
  4263. >Did she save you from that fate?
  4264. >You even see her rubbing moisture from her eyes when you turn back around.
  4265. >"I mean I missed the sex too, but I thought if I just got a mare used to that it'd be fine."
  4266. >You suppose that technically she was just trusting the paperwork, and you do love paperwork.
  4267. >"I followed all the rules and guidelines for dealing with a troubled pony and all I managed to do was screw everything up again!"
  4268. >This is officially weird.
  4269. >You want to hate her, but it's harder and harder to fault her for doing things in a way she thought was right.
  4270. >Would she have done all this if you'd been upfront with her?
  4271. >How could you have known that was the right call though?
  4272. >She acted so in control from day 1 it seemed like suicide, but now you wish you'd just told her straight up.
  4273. "It would have helped if I'd told you I guess..."
  4274. >"It would have helped if I'd just asked!"
  4275. >She's right but so are you.
  4276. >Can you both be in the wrong here to some degree?
  4277. >Maybe not equally, but it wouldn't have come to this if either of you had done things differently.
  4278. >"Sapphire is probably looking down at me from pony heaven and hates me now too..."
  4279. >Don't feel bad for her!
  4280. >Why are you starting to feel bad for her!?
  4281. >"She helped me through so much shit in my life. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for her, and how to I repay her? By hurting the next pony to come through my door."
  4282. >S-should you say something?
  4283. >Something comforting?
  4284. >"It was her idea to go to school so she'd be a better match for me."
  4285. >Wait what?
  4286. >School was HER idea?
  4287. >You find it hard to believe a pony would CHOOSE that fate, but she doesn't seem like she's lying...
  4288. >"But then I was useless at protecting her from that fucking drunk driver!"
  4289. "You can't blame yourself for a car wreck ..."
  4290. >"I sure as hell can! I should have reacted faster! I should have just gone the normal way home! I should have learned CPR so I could have saved her!"
  4291. "Mistress it was an accident!"
  4292. >Shit she's getting hysterical!
  4293. >What do you do!?
  4294. >"That's no excuse! She trusted me to take care of her and I let her die! I ruined my parents life, I ruined my ponies life, and now I've ruined your life!"
  4295. >Against your better judgement you do the unthinkable.
  4296. >To this human who hurt you, abused you, maybe even scared you for life.
  4297. >Yet to this human who's also hurting in her own way.
  4298. >You hug her.
  4299. >You don't have to forgive her.
  4300. >You don't have to agree with everything she's done.
  4301. >You don't even have to like her.
  4302. >But what's the Equestrian thing to do when someone is hurting?
  4303. >What's the pony thing.
  4304. >What would harmony have you do?
  4305. >Try.
  4307. >The hug seems to take her by surprise, but she soon returns the gesture.
  4308. >Just a day ago you'd have been uncomfortable being touched at all by this human, but not this time.
  4309. >Things are different this time.
  4310. >"I'm sorry!"
  4311. >What do you do? What do you say?
  4312. >The normal thing to do would be to tell her that it's fine, that you forgive her, but you really don't.
  4313. >She scared you, beat you, raped you, even just got finished shocking the crap out of you.
  4314. >Hell, even climbing down off the table to embrace her was difficult because of the pain she'd just dished out.
  4315. >Even if her intentions weren't quite what you expected that doesn't change her actions.
  4316. >You MIGHT could forgive her for the spanking part.
  4317. >MAYBE!
  4318. >Only because she was trying to discipline you in a way that was both technically safe and something you were used to.
  4319. >As weird as that is...
  4320. >She even used one of Rarity's brushes expressly designed to paddle pony rears without breaking and injuring the poor mare or stallion.
  4321. >No more than they were meant to be injured at least.
  4322. >Even if all that resulted in you bawling and burning like crazy as she blistered your poor poor flanks...
  4323. >The other stuff though, the more selfish stuff she did just for her own sick pleasure...
  4324. >There's no way you could ever forgive her for that.
  4325. >She sniffles and breaks the hug.
  4326. >You had hopped down off the table to embrace her, but she picks you up and deposits you back on the hard wood now that the hug is over.
  4327. >Unfortunately that put your abused cheeks right back in contact with the solid surface!
  4328. "Oh!"
  4329. >"Shit!"
  4330. >As soon as she realizes her error you're scooped back up into her arms.
  4331. >"I forgot I swear!"
  4332. "I-it's ok, you didn't mean too."
  4333. >You're glad to be up off the table even if it means being in her arms!
  4334. >"Oh my god I really beat the hell out of you didn't I?"
  4335. >Right, she can feel just how hot and abused your rear is...
  4336. >What do you say?
  4337. >Yes?
  4338. >She painted your back porch bright red and you both know it.
  4339. "J-just please don't do it again..."
  4340. >"No no no, not anytime soon!"
  4341. >You're forced to grab on tight as she stands up and carries you across the kitchen.
  4342. >"Here."
  4343. >The couch is a most welcome landing pad.
  4344. >You hop down to lay on your stomach as she retreats back to the kitchen.
  4345. >"This'll help right?"
  4346. >Ah sweet merciful Celestia, an ice pack!
  4347. >It falls out of your feeble magic when first grabbed, but you manage to connect it to your damaged posterior.
  4348. >You sigh in relief and stretch out a bit more on the comfortable couch.
  4349. >"I'm guessing you'll want to go back to your master no matter what huh? I've got a friend who was assaulted, I know just how bad It can fuck someone up. Just being around me could give you flashbacks."
  4350. >She's not wrong, but at the same time you don't want to totally crush her spirit.
  4351. "I... I think it would be best if I went. Anon will compensate you generously, you can..."
  4352. >You were going to say 'you can find a new pony' but does she even want one after this?
  4353. "You can... do whatever you want with it."
  4354. >Wow that was lame.
  4355. >"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I won't get another pony. I'm 0/2 so far, it'd just be stupid to fuck up another life."
  4356. "Mistress-"
  4357. >"Alison. You can just call me Alison."
  4358. >But can you?
  4359. >After she put the fear of Celestia into you you can't help but think 'mistress' when you look at her.
  4360. "A-alison..."
  4361. >Stuttering only makes it weirder Twilight.
  4362. >You don't have a problem calling Anon 'Anon' though, so why is it so much harder for her?
  4363. >Who are you kidding? You know the answer to that.
  4364. >One human you're comfortable around and the other you fear.
  4365. "You don't..."
  4366. >How to put this...
  4367. "You don't have to avoid ponies forever. You had good intentions you just need to ask and listen. I'm sure Sapphire wasn't afraid to speak freely around you and that's why you two did well together. The first thing you did to me was buzz my collar and tell me you wouldn't hesitate to beat my flanks... I get you felt you needed to be firm with a t-troubled pony-"
  4368. >Your branded ear burns with shame.
  4369. >You aren't troubled!
  4370. >You aren't a bad pony!
  4371. >You were just... confused... and drugged...
  4372. >Maybe you made some poor choices but you aren't bad pony!
  4373. "But when your pony is too afraid to voice her opinions or tell you the truth things can only end in misunderstandings."
  4374. >"I'd have to think about it. I just don't feel like I can be trusted to care for anything anymore. Sapphire lived with my parents for years with no trouble then she's here for only just a couple years and bam! Dead."
  4375. >It's totally illogical to blame herself for a car wreck, especially one she wasn't at fault for, but can you talk her out of it?
  4376. >"Then I get in my head that I should buy another pony and what happens? I break her too."
  4377. "You didn't..."
  4378. >Didn't she though?
  4379. >Your body's a mess from flanks to neck due to her treatment.
  4380. "I'm not... broken..."
  4381. >Not totally.
  4382. "But look we're talking right now! Really talking! This is good! You're listening to me instead of commanding me, that's fantastic!"
  4383. >You slid off the couch and walk over to where she's sitting to put a hoof on her leg.
  4384. "It's really as simple as this, talk. If you get a troubled pony again you might have to be careful about it, but you should still listen to them. Let them voice their opinions. Let them tell you they disagree and discuss things with them in a reasonable way."
  4385. >She gives you a weak smile and moves her hand to your chin but hesitates.
  4386. >You smile back and lift your chin with a small nod.
  4387. "And if communication is rule number 1, then consent should be rule number 2."
  4388. >You nicker in pleasure as her scratching grows more confident.
  4389. "If you buy another bedmare she'll probably be ok with what you want to do, but ask! If she says no then talk about it. Maybe she's not right for you, maybe there's some other issue the two of you can talk through."
  4390. >The small happy tears in the corners of her eyes tell you just how much she appreciates the trust you're showing by allowing her touch you again.
  4391. >Screw it, you'll take things one step further.
  4392. >Without warning you climb up into the recliner with her, spin around a few times, and curl up in her lap.
  4393. >Once a cat pony always a cat pony.
  4394. >When she hesitates you use your magic to guide one hand to the side of your neck and the other to your back.
  4395. "I don't think you're a screw up Mistress. I think you got ahead of yourself and made some mistakes. That doesn't make you hopeless."
  4396. >The fingers digging into your coat feel so nice you almost forget where else those hands have been.
  4397. >"Thank you."
  4398. >Her voice is small and fragile, but not nearly as miserable as it was just a few minutes ago.
  4399. >Did you help?
  4400. >Did she deserve to be helped?
  4401. >It doesn't matter, redemption is the Equestrian way.
  4402. >If you can maybe her become a better person, despite what she's done, then you'll try.
  4403. >"You're a wonderful pony Twilight, thank you. I'm sorry I called you a brat earlier. I'm sorry I hurt you, and I'm sorry for... last night..."
  4404. >You shake your head.
  4405. "I'm sorry for not being more straightforward with you. The truth is I WAS rebelling when I tried to call Anon yesterday. I went behind your back and tried to scheme without you finding out. You had every right to be mad at me for that even... discipline some might argue..."
  4406. >That's really awkward to admit it.
  4407. "Being f-forced though... I didn't deserve that. No pony deserves that."
  4408. >You shudder and squirm just thinking about last night.
  4409. >The fact of the matter is you're so sore you might need Anon to take you to the vet to be sure she didn't seriously damage something.
  4410. "I'll never be able to be that pony for you, especially after last night."
  4411. >"I understand."
  4412. >Would things have been different if she didn't push matters so quickly?
  4413. >You have to admit she's pretty, doubly so in all her fancy bras and panties.
  4414. >She knew just where to touch a mare to make her feel good and she's oh so soft to the touch herself.
  4415. >If you'd never met anon, and she was your first master, maybe things could have gone differently?
  4416. >Either way, none of that matters now.
  4417. >It's far far too late for that at this point.
  4418. >The two of you sit quietly for a few minutes before she speaks again.
  4419. >"I'll sell you if that's what you want."
  4420. >You give her a small smile and a nod.
  4421. "Please. Being with him means a lot to me."
  4422. >She cups your face with a hand and rubs a cheek with her thumb.
  4423. >"I just hope he appreciates such an adorable and devoted mare."
  4424. >You smile and lean into the petting.
  4425. "He does, I promise."
  4427. >Instead of having you make breakfast mistre- Alison decides she'll take you out to eat.
  4428. >You've heard of IHOP, but since both yourself and Anon are night owls you've never actually been to one.
  4429. >It.
  4430. >Is.
  4431. >Amazing!
  4432. >As such you're currently stuffing your 3rd Belgian dark chocolate mousse pancake down your perfectly healthy throat!
  4433. >Why have you never had dark chocolate mousse pancakes before in your life?!
  4434. >You've never lived before this moment!
  4435. >For her part Alison finished her single pancake a while ago so she simply watches.
  4436. >And judges...
  4437. "I like pancakes..."
  4438. >"I can see that."
  4439. >Is she judging you?
  4440. >Not that that'll stop you from raming more chocolate into your muzzle, but it's the thought that counts.
  4441. "I eat healthy enough!"
  4442. >"Hey, I didn't say anything!"
  4443. >She holds up her hands in mock surrender, but you know what she was thinking.
  4444. >Whatever, you still get your pancakes either way.
  4445. >"So you said this Anon fellow is already coming? How's he know where to go?"
  4446. >Uhhhhh.
  4447. >Crap.
  4448. "... Magic?"
  4449. >"Twilight."
  4450. "No like, really. Dream magic to be specific. Somepony did me a favor and reached out to him. It's just your address so you know like... no big deal... right?"
  4451. >Crap! Talk about trouble!
  4452. >She clearly didn't want you contacting people if your sore ass is anything to go by, and here you are admitting you did it another way!
  4453. >Thankfully she gave you one of Sapphire's dresses so the whole restaurant can't see the price sneaky ponies pay, but will she scold you here anyway
  4454. "I hope that's ok..."
  4455. >She snorts a little and gives a small lopsided grin.
  4456. >"It kinda isn't but I guess it doesn't matter anymore."
  4457. >You give her a small guilty apologetic grin in return.
  4458. >Just a few hours ago you'd have expected another session with the brush for telling her that.
  4459. "Thank you."
  4460. >"Hmm? For what?"
  4461. "For not making a big deal out of it."
  4462. >"Twilight I'm about to sell you. It doesn't really matter anymore."
  4463. "I know, but I'm still yours right now. You'd be within your rights to take me home right now and 'adjust my behavior' from now until the moment Anon knocks on the door."
  4464. >She frowns a little.
  4465. >"I didn't just spank you for fun Twilight."
  4466. >Does she really have to use the 'S' word in public?
  4467. >You're already awkwardly laying on your stomach in the booth instead of sitting up.
  4468. >"I was doing what's best for you so you wouldn't act up again. Not to say you don't deserve a spanking for this, but you aren't recovered from the last time at all. Maybe if you were here for a few more days we'd have a little talk, but you'll probably be out of my hands by then."
  4469. >Hopefully!
  4470. >"Plus if you're going back to a master you ran away from, one that's also trained you with discipline for years, you'll probably be regretting a lot of things soon anyway."
  4471. >Wait, what?
  4472. >He wouldn't would he?!
  4473. >Sure you ran away...
  4474. >Right after he took your horn ring off as a show of trust...
  4475. >Luna said his dreams were ominous, but didn't know if that mean sad or angry...
  4476. >What if he really DOES beat your ass?!
  4477. >Not like a foreplay one, but a real 'bad runaway pony' spanking!?
  4478. >Your anxiety must show on your face.
  4479. >"You really didn't think about that? Twilight you ran away! Not only is he having to hunt you down cross country, but he's going to have to buy your ass again for even more than the first time! You'll be lucky if you sit down for a month!"
  4480. >Buckkkk!
  4481. >You wilt in your seat just thinking about a pissed Anon using another of Rarity's damn brushes...
  4482. >He can't!
  4483. >You're still sore from last night!
  4484. >D-did he bring it with him from home?
  4485. >Will the whole hotel hear some old fashion slave discipline?
  4486. >"Hey, I didn't mean to scare you. It's gonna be ok."
  4487. >She reaches across the table to stroke your cheek reassuringly.
  4488. "You can still stay with me if you want, but I think I know the answer to that."
  4489. >Crap!
  4490. >Even if you wanted to stay with her, which you don't, she just got through saying you'd be punished in a few days time for contacting Anon without permission.
  4491. >You're a sore pony either way!
  4492. "I-it's fine. He's reasonable, I'm sure we can come to an understanding."
  4493. >She kinda chuckles at how much denial you're in.
  4494. >She knows it's going to happen.
  4495. >You know it's going to happen.
  4496. >Maybe it'll be worth it to reconcile with him...
  4497. >Even if it does cost you your flank for a few days...
  4498. >Or weeks...
  4499. >Gulp... months?
  4500. >Ugh just relax Twilight!
  4501. >Anon loves you he'll only want what's best for you!
  4502. >You just hope what's best for you isn't being taught to never even think about running again...
  4504. >It's late in the afternoon before the doorbell rings.
  4505. >You're in bed still icing your cheeks when you hear it.
  4506. >Could it be him?
  4507. >"Twilight? You've got a visitor."
  4508. >Oh boy.
  4510. >He's here!
  4511. >You can't decide if you're excited? Nervous? Both?
  4512. >You hop out of bed and quietly make your way towards the front door.
  4513. >Maybe you can get a read on his temperament before you have to face him.
  4514. >Instead of a human's voice you hear a pony's.
  4515. >"Perhaps I could fetch her miss? Twilight is a dear friend of mine. I'm very eager to see her again."
  4516. >He brought Rarity all this way too?
  4517. >"If you want. Just down the hall and to the left. She may have fallen asleep."
  4518. >This is good.
  4519. >Rarity can tell you what to expect beforehoof.
  4520. >You wait around the bend of the hall in ambush.
  4521. >Not that you're going to literally ambush her but -
  4522. >Wait, why are you explaining this to yourself?
  4523. >A singsong voice calls to you before you can think about it anymore.
  4524. >"Twilighhhtttt. Where's my dear little sleepy head?"
  4525. >You aren't little...
  4526. >As soon as the rude mare rounds the corner you reach forward to put a hoof over her mouth!
  4527. >She squeaks in shock and tries to rear back, but you manage to keep her from making too much noise.
  4528. "It's me! It's me! Rarity, it's me!"
  4529. >She calms herself as soon as she gets a look at you and gently pushes your hoof away.
  4530. >"Darling you scared me half to death!"
  4531. "Shh, not so loud. Back here, come on."
  4532. >She cocks an eyebrow at you, but follows you back to Alison's bedroom as commanded.
  4533. >You close and lock the door while she looks around.
  4534. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you first away from the humans."
  4535. >She purses her lips and gives you a concerned look.
  4536. >"Twilight, whatever is the matter?"
  4537. >She gently brings a hoof to your chin and lifts you face to look her in the eye.
  4538. >"I thought you'd be overjoyed to see us! I know I'm ecstatic to find you in such good health."
  4539. >Why is she circling you?
  4540. >You backup a little while turning to keep you haunches away from the sudden inspection.
  4541. >At least you do until a firm telekinetic grip grabs your lower half and bring it around to her!
  4542. >"Oh, goodness. Relatively good health I suppose."
  4543. >She gently places a hoof on your red cutie mark and hisses.
  4544. >"I suppose she's a firm one then."
  4545. >No really?
  4546. >Clearly you just fell on your ass a lot... over and over and over...
  4547. >A twinkle of magic and sudden feeling of relief tells you Rarity found the ice pack.
  4548. >"But not without mercy?"
  4549. >You breathe a sigh of relief as Rarity's mostly free magic spreads the ice over your cheeks in a way your poor blocked horn couldn't manage.
  4550. >"Poor baby. We'll get you out of here I promise."
  4551. >You'd take offense to both the term 'baby' and all the attention she's giving you if it didn't feel so nice.
  4552. >You nicker and return the comforting nuzzle she offers without even thinking about it.
  4553. >It's nice to be taken care of for once, especially by someone you know cares for you.
  4554. >"Are you alright? We've been worried sick about you. Is this all she did or was there more?"
  4555. >No.
  4556. >"Twilight? Darling, you know you can tell me anything."
  4557. "N-no..."
  4558. >"What happened dear? Are you hurt elsewhere?"
  4559. >She lifts a hoof and pulls your collar aside to check for further damage.
  4560. >Mistress did shock you but not bad enough to really burn.
  4561. >No, the real damage is... elsewhere...
  4562. >Your eyes start to mist just remembering the experience.
  4563. >"Twilight look at me."
  4564. >You don't but she trots into your vision anyway.
  4565. >"What else did she do to you sweetie? Did she make you do things?"
  4566. >You nod.
  4567. >"Things you didn't want to do?"
  4568. >Another nod.
  4569. >She gives you a sad look but pushes on.
  4570. >"Between... there? With a toy perhaps?"
  4571. >You want to stay strong but you just can't!
  4572. "It hurt!"
  4573. >You lunge forward to embrace the other mare!
  4574. "I told her I didn't want to, but she just held me down!"
  4575. >Oh gods how you've needed a shoulder to cry on!
  4576. >"Shhhh, I'm here."
  4577. "I said it was too big and she kept trying anyway!"
  4578. >"Shhh shhh shhh."
  4579. >She gently rocks you back and forth while patting your back and petting your mane.
  4580. >"We'll get you out of here. You'll never have to do that again I swear."
  4581. >You're making such a mess of her pristine coat, but neither of you care.
  4582. >"It still hurts?"
  4583. >More sniffles and nods.
  4584. >"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Twilight but was there any blood?"
  4585. "I-I don't think so... I kinda passed out at the end."
  4586. >The other mare breaks the hug and runs a soft hoof over your cheek, a hoof you lean into.
  4587. >"Do you want me to look?"
  4588. >What?!
  4589. >You blush and try to pull away but she doesn't let you.
  4590. >"It's ok to be bashful, but this is important Twilight. If you have serious issues we'll need to stop somewhere sooner rather than later. You won't be the first mare I've done this for, there's no need to be self conscious."
  4591. >No need but you still are!
  4592. >"Besides, we're friends right? It's nothing I haven't seen before!"
  4593. >She gives you a smirk and a quick peck on the cheek when you blush even more!
  4594. >Mare friends do do things like that for each other when a stallion isn't around...
  4595. >"Come on, I'll be quick."
  4596. >As much as you don't want to she's right.
  4597. >You probably shouldn't be in this much pain still, so it's only prudent to have somepony you trust check.
  4598. "Fine. D-do you want me to just..."
  4599. >You start to bend your forehooves in traditional position but she shakes her head.
  4600. >"Just hop up here, better angle."
  4601. >She pats the bedside and you obey.
  4602. >Soon your rear hooves dangle off the side of the bed putting your... 'bits' only a little below Rarity's normal height.
  4603. >You reallly don't want to do this!
  4604. >"Twilight."
  4605. >She pats the tail still clamped firmly between your haunches.
  4606. >At least she's not moving it herself.
  4607. "J-just give me a minute..."
  4608. >"Take your time, there's no rush."
  4609. >It's just Rarity.
  4610. >It's just your friend trying to help you.
  4611. >If you say stop she'll stop, no way she'd do anything to hurt you.
  4612. >It takes you a few tries but you manage to flick your tail to the side even as you bury your muzzle in the bedspread.
  4613. >"Good girl. Just relax this'll only take a moment. Tell me you're ready."
  4614. "R-ready."
  4615. >You still squeak when she spreads your haunches with magic!
  4616. >You're legs are too close together so you knew she'd have to, but it still sucks!
  4617. >"Shhh, it's ok, you're doing great."
  4618. >One hoof rubs your lower back reassuringly while the other pushes your cheek even wider!
  4619. >"You're just as beautiful as ever Twilight. I'm going to use my magic, ok?"
  4620. >You nod your consent, but still try to pretend you're anywhere else when you feel the tingle of her magic!
  4621. >Thankfully she doesn't pry or anything she simply... feels around.
  4622. >It's... not as bad as it could be?
  4623. >Awkward but not painful.
  4624. >"I know darling, I know. Almost done."
  4625. >It's no giant dildo trying to tear you in half, but it's still weird knowing a friend's reaching around inside you...
  4626. >Fortunately the invasion doesn't last long.
  4627. >"Well I don't feel any tearing."
  4628. >Feel... ugh.
  4629. >"It was just this umm entrance, yes?"
  4630. "Yes!"
  4631. >No butt stuff!
  4632. >As soon as she releases your rump you slide down off the bed and spin around to put as much distance as possible between her and your plot as possible!
  4633. >"Good thing she's no Dusty I suppose!"
  4634. >She gives you a good natured smile and boops your nose!
  4635. >"We both know that stallion's propensity for 'accidentally' ending up in the wrong spot!"
  4636. >As silly as it is you giggle too.
  4637. >Accident your hoof!
  4638. "I guess he told you it was an accident the first time too?"
  4639. >"Oh yes, of course. I was prepared though. He at least had the manners to be ashamed when I told him you'd warned me."
  4640. >The idea of Dusty getting called out while riding Rarity is even more funny.
  4641. >Is it weird to bond over knowing what's been up your friends plot?
  4642. >You briefly wonder if she's still prim and proper when he pulls out of her proper hole and begins to plunder the other one!
  4643. >No, bad Twilight!
  4644. >"Now there's the laugh I remember!"
  4645. >She leans in for another nuzzle as the two of you share the odd moment.
  4646. >"If things don't feel right later we'll stop by Angie, but I suspect you just need time. My first master was quite cruel so I know what to look for. Even if I was able to handle it myself some of his other fillies weren't so lucky."
  4647. >That probably says something about her... experience, but that's not something you'll think too much about.
  4648. "Alright. Thanks for... thanks for being there for me. I missed you too."
  4649. >"I suspected you just might, but what of Anon? I thought you'd tackle him with a hug the moment we walked in the door."
  4650. >You sigh and look down at your hooves.
  4651. "I ran away Rarity. Right when he really put his trust in me I took the opportunity to abandon him... He must totally hate me. I mean, I guess I knew he'd be upset, but I just recently realized how bad this could all be for me."
  4652. >"Bad? Whatever do you mean?"
  4653. "Is he... is he going to discipline me? Like he used too? I'm sure I'll lose a lot of privileges I used to have and probably most my magic. Will our relationship ever be the same?"
  4654. >"Discipline you? Twilight he spent weeks looking for you! He just misses you! I can't be sure how things will play out, but he never expressed anger towards you in all this time you were gone, just longing. Perhaps things won't be the same right off the bat, but that's fine, it's something the two of you can work on together, rebuilding trust."
  4655. "He looked for me?"
  4656. >"Tirelessly, I had to practically tie him to the bed to make him rest."
  4657. >She pushes her forehead against yours in a familiar gesture.
  4658. >"Some things may change as you say. I'm not sure. Just know that he cares about you and wants what's best. Alright?"
  4659. "Alright."
  4660. >"What do you say we join them out there?"
  4661. >You're still nervous, but with your friend by your side you feel a bit stronger.
  4662. "Ok, let's go."
  4664. >"There you two are. I was about to go look for you."
  4665. >Alison and Anon have taken up adjacent seats in the living room.
  4666. >Rarity slides up beside Anon's seat, so you settle in between her and Alison.
  4667. >"You were right about Mr. Anon here being generous when it comes to getting you back Twilight."
  4668. >You briefly wonder how much he paid.
  4669. >Five figures?
  4670. >Six?
  4671. >For that matter do you really want to know what the value of your life is?
  4672. >You swallow and finally turn to look at him.
  4673. >Well, he definitely looks happy.
  4674. >Can't seem to take his eyes off you in fact.
  4675. >That has to be a good sign, right?
  4676. >Slowly you stand and trot towards him with head bowed and ears lowered.
  4677. >His smile only grows when you stop right in front of him and awkwardly sit.
  4678. "H-hey."
  4679. >Wow nice first words Twilight.
  4680. >"Well hey to you too."
  4681. >His one hand slides up the side of you muzzle while the other goes straight for your ear.
  4682. >Your branded ear.
  4683. >You wilt a little in shame as he inspects the new permanent modification to his little pony.
  4684. "I-I'm sorry if it's ugly. I begged them not to, but they didn't really take requests... I know it's not fun to look at but-"
  4685. >"Hey, none of that now. I like it, It looks exotic. Think of it as some kinda cute tribal tattoo."
  4686. >Exotic?
  4687. >He is screwing with you or just trying to be nice.
  4688. >Arnold said the same thing but Arnold's Arnold, the man's ideal life was living in the woods so his taste is kinda strange.
  4689. >Still, your eyes well up at how accepting Anon is of you, how forgiving.
  4690. >Maybe he's not just being nice.
  4691. >Maybe he really does like it.
  4692. >He's always liked everything about you no matter what.
  4693. >You don't like it though.
  4694. >It's a permanent reminder of your disobedience, branded onto your flesh for as long as you live.
  4695. >You'll let him play with the ear though... He always seemed to love doing that.
  4696. >At least until Alison speaks up.
  4697. >"I hate to break up the reunion, but can I borrow Twilight for just a moment? While we wait on the back transfer to go through I'll get her ready to go."
  4698. >Get you ready?
  4699. >A snapped finger beckons you to follow as she heads back to the bedroom.
  4700. >You aren't really sure what ready means...?
  4701. >Still you reluctantly pull away from Anon's touch and fall in behind her.
  4702. >Rarity gives you a quick wink and smile as your gaze passes hers.
  4703. >"We'll wait right here darling. Just speak up if you need anything."
  4704. >Aka yell if you need help.
  4705. >You don't think you will though.
  4706. >You thank her and trot back to the bedroom to find Alison digging through her closet.
  4707. >"Hmm do you like the blue or the white one more? I think they all fit well enough so just grab your favorite."
  4708. "Wait what? I'm confused, you want me to wear another of Sapphire's dresses?"
  4709. >She pulls out the white one and holds it up to your side.
  4710. >"I feel pretty bad sending you out in public like... that."
  4711. >She gestures towards the evidence of slave misbehavior written all over your flank.
  4712. >Right, how'd you even forget about that?
  4713. >"Take a few outfits with you so you can cover up. I doubt I'll be needing them anymore anyway."
  4714. >That's actually really sweet of her.
  4715. "Mistress, thank you."
  4716. >You nuzzle up against her leg as she digs through the closet for more.
  4717. >"It's the least I can do. Besides, like I said what am I going to do with them after this?"
  4718. >She sighs and gives a particular dress a melancholy look.
  4719. >"You'll be the last pony in this house afterall..."
  4720. "Alison..."
  4721. >You push your snout into her the palm of her hand to get her attention.
  4722. "I don't have to be the last, I told you."
  4723. >She looks down at you with sad eyes.
  4724. >"But you should."
  4725. "But why? Look at you right now, you're thinking of me. You're doing something nice for me just to save me from being embarrassed. That's thoughtful, that's the kind of thing a kind owner does."
  4726. >She rubs an ear between her fingers.
  4727. >"I don't know, what if I screw it all up again? What if the next mare is afraid to confront me like you did, and just lives her life in misery instead?"
  4728. "No one's perfect, we all make mistakes, but if you can save another runaway from a worse fate you should. You just need to listen to her. Why don't you give me your email? I have my own computer at Anon's, we can stay in touch. You can run stuff past me if you are unsure about anything, I'm great at giving advice."
  4729. >Says the slave to her mistress, heh.
  4730. >She smirks at you.
  4731. >"He really gave you your own computer? Spoiled little thing."
  4732. >You are not spoiled!
  4733. >You earned that computer by...
  4734. >By...
  4735. >Playing support for him...
  4736. >Sometimes...
  4737. >"He know you might not get it back after all this right? Or if you do there might be new rules about what you can do it on."
  4738. >Hmm, she has a point.
  4739. "I'll talk to him, I'll make it work. I might not be able to answer you right away but just email me and I'm sure I'll get it soon."
  4740. >"Ask your master permission first and sure."
  4741. >Psh asking permission to email someone.
  4742. >That's just...
  4743. >Ok to you it sounds silly, but for most slaves it's probably perfectly reasonable.
  4744. >Will you be like most slaves now?
  4745. >Having to ask permission for every little thing?
  4746. >Being constantly monitored to make sure you aren't up to no good?
  4747. >Ugh, you sure hope not.
  4748. "Fine fine with his permission. Just write it down."
  4749. >Ow, she flicked your ear.
  4750. >You weren't that sassy...
  4751. >"Alright Miss bossy."
  4752. >You aren't bossy...
  4754. >"Well everything looks good to me. Here's her papers and I'll transfer her collar codes to you right now."
  4755. >"Pleasure doing business with you Miss Alison, and thanks for taking care of her."
  4756. >He probably wouldn't be thanking her if he knew what all has happened, but now isn't the time to tell him.
  4757. >You rear up on your hind legs to give your mistress a quick hug goodbye before trotting back to Anon's side.
  4758. >You can't help but smile when he clips the leash to your collar.
  4759. >It just feels right.
  4760. >[spoiler]Best not to think about what they says about you.[/spoiler]
  4761. >The white mare attached to the other leash rubs up against you in a welcoming gesture.
  4762. >Welcome back to the herd.
  4764. >>Continued in act 6

"Sparkle Spanker 2000" ~Complete

by Vega

"Rarity & the Minotaur" ~Complete

by Vega

"Twilight's Political Plot" ~Complete

by Vega

"Trixie's Magic Trick" ~Complete

by Vega

"Mortified Modeling" ~Complete

by Vega