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"Staying out of Trouble" Afterstory ~Non canon epilogue

By Vega
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2024-03-25 02:13:36
Expiry: Never

  1. "Staying Out of Trouble: After Story"
  3. 'After story' is silly, half cannon, and probably all lewd. This will mostly be me kicking around ideas other writefags put in my head or that I just wanted to write, but didn't really fit in the main story. If you don't like what you read here then just pretend it never happened! The slightly more serious continuation of SOoT can be found in Swibble Scribbles.
  5. Sometime Earlier
  6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. >You purse your lips critically as you glance over the Instagram post you've prepared.
  8. >Anon and Twilight certainly look cute, but is it too soon to post more of the pair?
  9. >When you spoke to her on the phone The Princess stressed the need for subtlety in your new job, and it's barely been 24 hours since the last picture of the two.
  10. >Changing your usual content too quickly could alienate your core audience or even worse, raise suspicions.
  11. >Perhaps you'll save it for later.
  12. >The picture of the two asleep in each other's arms, in front of the TV, is simply too cute to pass up on... but it can also wait a day or two.
  13. >You close the app for now and instead check your email to see if any new orders have come in.
  14. >Unlike Twilight and Sweetie Belle, master saw fit to purchase you a real smartphone instead of one of those awful stripped-down hoof phones.
  15. >Not that he's playing favorites of course, that would be Twilight if so, but you needed the device for business as well as pleasure.
  16. >Still, it was nice of him.
  17. >You were sure to express your appreciation not only vocally, but in... other ways as well.
  18. >His emotional connection to you might not be quite the same as with Twilight, but he knows how to accept appreciation from a grateful mare.
  19. [spoiler] >Plus it's the one thing you've got a leg up on over Twilight! The little brat's mouth seems to only be good for sassing, no matter how much you try and train it for 'other' uses! [/spoiler]
  20. >Instead of making you smile though... the slightly naughty memory only makes you sigh.
  21. >He'd missed his appointment to come to your shop for some after hours 'service' the other day, and things had only gone downhill from there.
  22. >You'd worked yourself up in anticipation of a tight 'fitting' and then when he'd left you high and not so dry, well...
  23. >You probably shouldn't have done what you did in retrospect.
  24. >Oh, you'd covered your cutie mark like you always did for such shows, but you doubt he'd approve nevertheless.
  25. >A little dancing for the camera was your stress relieving dirty secret back when you were in power. Back then it was YOUR plot to shake.
  26. >It's his now.
  27. >He'd never flex his ownership in such a way, but you're comfortable with the truth that your shapely form is his to make decisions about, not yours.
  28. [spoiler] >So much so that he even calls you 'Rearity' jokingly sometimes when he's 'appreciating' that specific 'asset', and you DON'T feel the need to slug him! [/spoiler]
  29. >Perhaps comfortable isn't the perfect word to describe your feelings, but he's respectful and loving enough to make you feel at ease with the fact.
  30. >Previous humans that laid claim to your hide were far less kind about it to say the least.
  31. >Be that using you as a mere toy, or literal breeding stock, Anon's rule is infinitely more benevolent.
  32. >Perhaps you should confess to your crimes once he and Twilight return.
  33. >You expect he'll be cross, but coming forth of your own volition could lessen your chastisement to a mere slap on the hoof.
  34. >You'd rather not see him disappointed, but a good girl owns up to her mistakes instead of trying to hide them.
  35. >You can't very well expect to supervise Twilight and Sweetie Belle if you don't set a good example.
  36. >It's decided then.
  37. >As soon as he's had a chance to rest from his flight you'll tell him.
  39. >*Knock Knock*
  40. >Hmm?
  41. "Sweetie, would you see who that is?"
  42. >Anon and Twilight's plane landed a short while ago, but surely he'd just let himself in?
  43. >*Knock Knock Knock*
  44. "Sweetie? Sweetie Belle, are you listening?"
  45. >Just where is that filly when, for once, you actually need her!?
  46. >Oh sure, she's infinitely more useful than dear Twilight when it comes to the chores, but when it comes to helping YOU?
  47. >Ha!
  48. >*Knock Knock Knock*
  49. >Fine!
  50. "Coming!"
  51. >You put down the order you were working on and make your way down the stairs.
  52. >It's probably another door to door salesman or something of that ilk.
  53. >*Knock Knock Kn-*
  54. "I said I'm coming!"
  55. >Some people just have no patience!
  56. >With an indignant huff you round the corner and open the door with your magic.
  57. >Oh you'll give whoever this is a piece of your min- oh.
  58. >"Darling! So sorry, I thought you were a solicitor. Would it not open for you?"
  59. >Anon laughs as he pushes past you with a sleeping purple pony riding piggyback.
  60. "Can't reach my keys and I guess Twi's collar wasn't close enough for it to pick up."
  61. >One room over he somewhat roughly drops the purple ball onto the couch.
  62. >Of course, said pony continues to sleep like a rock.
  63. "I see. Rough trip then?" you ask, alluding to his slightly disheveled appearance.
  64. >"Delay after delay. I probably should have just let Twilight bring us home, but after that last trip I thought this would be safer."
  65. >He sits hard on the couch and beings to rub the other pony's back.
  66. "You poor things."
  67. >You trot around, climb onto the couch, and slide up under his other arm.
  68. "Are you hungry? We've already eaten, but I can whip something up."
  69. >He shakes his head and starts his hand up and down your side as well.
  70. >"Nah, we ate on the plane. I'm just glad to be home after all this."
  71. >You nod and place your head gently onto his lap.
  72. "An eventful few days to be sure. I never expected The Princess to pop back up so suddenly, much less to already be a part of her plans!"
  73. >"You and me both. I guess we'll have to see how things go, but if all I've gotta do is have my picture taken I guess it's not too bad."
  74. >You give him wink and confident smirk.
  75. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to catch your good side."
  76. >He lets out a small laugh and moves his hand to your delicate ears.
  77. >"Good luck with that. I was never very photogenic."
  78. "Really? I must say I find that a little hard to- "
  79. >"Is that master?! Master! Master, you're back!"
  80. >Oh NOW Sweetie shows up...
  81. >The lovable little upstart skids into the room and runs at Anon so fast he has no choice but to catch her!
  82. >"I'm so glad you're back! I umm, I need to talk to you. Please? Like in private?"
  83. >Strange...
  84. "What's wrong Sweetie?"
  85. >The young mare shakes her head.
  86. >"Nothing, it's nothing I just... Please master, just a moment?"
  87. >The human seems as curious as you, but it's an innocent enough request.
  88. >"Uhh, alright, yeah. Let's go upstairs I guess. Watch her for a minute Rarity?"
  89. >Twilight is a grown mare, she can sleep on her own.
  90. "Of course."
  91. >Not that you're going to say that though.
  92. >Oh, how he coddles her.
  93. >You scoot over to the sleeping mare as he stands and heads off with Sweetie.
  94. >Surely she knows how much he spoils her right?
  95. >She must.
  96. >Then again, he's her first and only master.
  97. >Some fillies really do get all the luck don't they?
  98. >A first master that not only lets her get away with murder, but genuinely cares for her.
  99. >Ah well.
  100. >You're happy for her of course, and now you share the same master so you suppose you can't complain.
  101. >"Rarity? Can you come up here?"
  102. >That was rather quick.
  103. "Coming."
  104. >You wonder what it was that was so important for Sweetie to speak to him about.
  105. >Trotting up the stairs you head towards his office and poke your head inside.
  106. "You rang?"
  107. >"Yeah, come on in. Close the door behind you."
  108. >Close the door?
  109. >You do as you're told, but your curiosity is certainly piqued now.
  110. "If you insist. What's this about? What did Sweetie need?"
  111. >And where is she?
  112. >Did she already run off?
  113. >You thought you saw a curly tail turn the corner right as you crested the top of the stairs, but you weren't sure.
  114. >Anon pinches his nose and lets out a tired sigh.
  115. >"There was something she thought I should know. What about you? Anything like that that you'd like to share?"
  116. >Something she thought he should know...?
  117. >You have no idea what that's supposed to mean, but right now you think sleep is more important for him than anything.
  118. "There's a few matters to discuss, but I think rest should be your priority sir."
  119. >You say as you walk up and put a concerned hoof on his leg.
  120. >The poor thing looks like he's about to pass out on the spot!
  121. >"Think carefully now. Are you SURE there's nothing?"
  122. >What on earth did she tell him?
  123. "Nothing that can't wait darling. Just look at yourself, you've got bags under your eyes!"
  124. >He sighs again and runs a stressed hand through his hair.
  125. >"Damn."
  126. >???
  127. >Before you can ask though he stands up from his computer chair, pulls a different straight backed desk chair out to the middle of the room, and sits down.
  128. "Anon, dear, you're really starting to worry me. Is something the matter?"
  129. >You aren't sure why he's swapped chairs, but you walk to his side again to find out.
  130. >He pats his knee in a typical 'hop up' gesture, but in a chair that uncomfortable you doubt he'd be able to hold you well.
  131. >Instead, you throw both forehooves over his legs and try to get a look at what he's looking at on his phone.
  132. >"I'm disappointed Rarity. I really am."
  133. >W-what...?
  134. >Your confusion only grows when he hooks a few fingers under your collar with his free hand and pulls you a bit closer!
  135. >It's not rough, but he never grabs you by the collar! Ever!
  136. >You often forget you wear one, but to have it dig into your neck like so...
  137. "I-I'm not sure I quite underst-"
  138. >"Do you remember what you said when we were hashing out this whole 'personal pony manager' thing?"
  139. >You hope he's not referring to what you think he is...
  140. "There were quite a few details we had to work out. Which specifically are you-"
  141. >"About my expectations of you, about who watches the watcher."
  142. >Oh dear...
  143. "Y-yes sir, I do..."
  144. >"I want you to repeat what you told me then."
  145. >...
  146. >Must you?
  147. "Master, if something's the matter surely we can talk abou-"
  148. >"Repeat it Rarity."
  149. >He doesn't raise his voice, but the authority is there nevertheless.
  150. "I... I umm... Well, we were talking about how I was permitted to discipline Twilight and Sweetie, but on the same note you would..."
  151. >You can't help but trail off and bite your lip nervously!
  152. >Why, oh why, did you say those things back then?!
  153. >"Come on, say it all."
  154. "You would... you would hold me responsible in the same manner. Is this about Sweetie sir? What did she tell you? I promise we can talk this out whatever it-"
  155. >Your protests die the instant he turns the phone around and shows you your worst fears!
  156. >The video's dark and grainy, but it's undeniably you wiggling your plot and swinging your tail for the camera in this very room!
  157. >"You were saying?"
  158. "I can explain!"
  159. >No you can't!
  160. "It was... well, I was... It was the night you were supposed to stop by for your 'fitting' so I was rather excited, but then you didn't show and I..."
  161. >This isn't a valid excuse and you know it!
  162. "I just felt awful about it! I was going to tell you tonight, but you seemed to tired, and I didn't know Sweetie saw and-"
  163. >"Do you still trust me."
  164. "I... what?"
  165. >"Do you still trust me? I remember that night you said you trusted me to make level headed decisions about you. That you wanted, no, demanded, equal treatment as the other girls and expected me to do what I thought best. Was that true?"
  166. >You could slap your past self right now, but if you back down from your promises now, why would he ever trust you again?
  167. >He's trusted you with a position of power.
  168. >You HAVE to prove yourself worthy of it!
  169. "Y-yes sir. I stand by what I said, I just want you to know the whole truth before making a-"
  170. >"Fetch the brush."
  171. >Mayday!
  172. "Wait wait wait, please sir!"
  173. >"I'll hear out your arguments, and we'll come to a decision together, but right now I want you to be a good girl and fetch your brush. Can you do that?"
  174. >You gulp.
  175. >He's not talking about any of your many mane brushes, he's talking about a very very specific brush built just for this task!
  176. >A brush you approved, marketed, and sold for years!
  177. "Y-yes sir."
  178. >Those must be the magic words as he lets go of your collar and gives you a light tap on the rear to get you cantering!
  179. >How can this be happening?!
  180. >You were going to tell him, you really were, but that little brat...!
  181. >Skidding into your workroom you open a specific drawer and float out a piece of wood you'd really rather not see at the moment.
  182. >W-was it always so big...?
  183. >You gulp as you feel its heft and weight in your magic...
  184. >Surely you can talk him out of this, right?
  185. >Fetching the brush is simply a gesture of obedience he wants you to prove yourself with, right?
  186. >"Quickly Rarity."
  187. >No time to second guess things now!
  188. >You spin on the spot and begin your run back to his workroom only to be distracted by a slightly cracked door to your sister's bedroom...
  189. >A cracked door and a shining eye!
  190. "You! How dare you?! After all I've done for you!?"
  191. >The little spy gasps and slams the door shut but that won't keep you out!
  192. >You move to open the door with your magic when...
  193. >"Rarity! Now! Leave your sister alone!"
  194. >Damn it!
  195. >You'll deal with her later, for now you have to run back to Anon's side as fast as you can!
  196. "H-here you are si-"
  197. >"I told you to get the brush not harass your sister for doing the right thing!"
  198. >Oh no!
  199. >No no no no no, this isn't how things were supposed to go!
  200. "I-I wasn't I merely wanted to-"
  201. >"If I hear a single peep about you retaliating over this you'll be getting lesson two three and four all at once! Do I make myself clear!?"
  202. >H-he can't!
  203. >Your wouldn't be able to withstand that much!
  204. "Yes sir! I'd never abuse my position! I merely wanted-"
  205. >"Wanted to what? Tell her to keep you secrets?"
  206. "No! I swear I was going to tell you sir! Please, you have to believe me!"
  207. >With a grunt he reaches down, grabs you around your midsection, picks you right up off the floor, and deposits you right over his knee!
  208. "No! Please, wait!"
  209. >He pushes your upper body down so floor rushes closer and closer until you catch yourselves with your forehooves!
  210. >This keeps you from falling off and flat onto your face, but also puts your beautiful tail and delicate round derriere straight up in the air!
  211. >"Now."
  212. >He says as he places a large human hand firmly across both your alabaster cheeks!
  213. >"Now I want to hear your side."
  214. >Like this?!
  215. >Surely you could have just as easily told him with your hooves on the floor!
  216. "P-please sir this position is rather-"
  217. >!!!
  218. >You get the message to quit complaining loud and clear when he starts to pat your exposed back end!
  219. "I made a mistake! I was lonely without you and I... well it was an old guilty pleasure of mine seeing everyone out there that wanted me. Reading their comments, seeing that they'd pay just to watch... I was going to slip the money into our finances and never do it again, I swear"
  220. >He listens quietly as you plead for your rear!
  221. >His hand never once leaving the trembling flesh you wish so badly to save!
  222. "I planned on telling you tonight, but you seemed so exhausted, I thought tomorrow would be better. I never meant to keep it a secret!"
  223. >"So you know it was wrong?"
  224. "Yes sir!"
  225. >"And you were going to tell me just as soon as the time was right?"
  226. "I-I know how it sounds sir, but please..."
  227. >You whimper as he squeezes a handful of soft marshmallow pony!
  228. >"If this was coming from Twilight I'd say she was just trying to get out of it, but I really want to believe you Rarity."
  229. >Please do!
  230. >You can't help but try and push yourself up a bit higher so the bottom of your cheeks aren't quite so exposed, but his other hand moves to hold you down!
  231. >"You've been a model mare, and everyone makes mistakes..."
  232. >I-is there hope...?
  233. >"But I promised you I'd hold you to the fair standards of this house, and I'm not going to break my word to you."
  234. >No!
  235. >"If Twilight or Sweetie had done this how would you have responded?"
  236. "I know I messed up sir, but-"
  237. >A light slap tells you that's the wrong answer!
  238. >"I'm proud that you're sorry, but don't avoid the question. What would you do?"
  239. >Must you really say it...?
  240. >You're already rump up over his knee after fetching your brush!
  241. >You and him both know what you're in for so why make you confess!?
  242. "I... T-They'd be disciplined sir. Please sir, please don't make me say it..."
  243. >The shame and weight of your collar make you begin to shiver.
  244. >Your old masters made you say things...
  245. >Horrible things...
  246. >They made you beg to be used and thank them for what they left in you...
  247. >To your surprise though he doesn't.
  248. >Instead of motivating you to obey he slips a hand underneath you and pulls you back up to sit on his lap.
  249. >"Hey, you ok? Seemed like you were having a panic attack or something there."
  250. >Are you ok!?
  251. >Of course you aren't ok!
  252. >You're about to be... Ugh, you can't even think the word!
  253. >Still, he must have noticed you shutting down and his concern is genuine.
  254. >You can't help but lean in when he pulls you in for a hug.
  255. "I'm just... It's just some flashbacks to less kind masters. I'm sorry. I'll say whatever you-"
  256. >"It's fine. You don't have to say it."
  257. >You nod in his embrace.
  258. >"I am still going to hold you to your word, but you don't have to say it. Understand?"
  259. >Aka, you'll still be a very contrite mare in just a few minutes...
  260. >Well, if there's no getting out of this perhaps you can face your fate with some dignity.
  261. "Yes sir. I... I really was going to tell you-"
  262. >He opens his mouth to interrupt you, but you return the favor with a hoof to his lips.
  263. "But I didn't. Even if I had confessed before being tattled on, I know I'd be in some trouble nevertheless. I apologize. It's not my place to show off your property to strangers no matter how needy I'm feeling. If you think I should be... you know, then I understand."
  264. >He rubs your back with both hands as the two of you continue to hug.
  265. >"Well I'm sorry too. I bailed on you at the last minute and that's my fault. It doesn't excuse what you did, but I understand why you did it."
  266. >Perhaps he'll go easy on you then?
  267. >"I'm not as upset about you showing off what's mine-"
  268. >He says as he slips a hand lower to grab your flanks once again!
  269. >"-as I am with you for taking such a risk. Even if you cover your cutiemark and hide your face someone can still recognize you. What if some creep tries to track you down or somehow ties you to your 'influencer' accounts? It's a dumb risk for a cheap thrill and I thought you'd be better than that."
  270. >That last bit stings the most.
  271. "You're right sir. It was a mistake made by my haunches and not my head. I-I fully accept any punishment you deem necessary..."
  272. >"There's the good girl I know."
  273. >He says with just a hint of pride.
  274. >Perhaps you can make him more proud if you...
  275. >Instead of making him do it, you break the hug and climb back into position with your 'discipline slave here' spot up.
  276. >You even flick your tail out of the way until it cascades down your back leaving your alabaster thighs and backside perfectly presented for his... consideration.
  277. >"Very good girl..."
  278. >He says, putting one hand on the small of your back and the other right where thigh meets cheek!
  279. "I-I'll do my best sir, but don't expect me not to protest when..."
  280. >When the lesson really starts to sink in!
  281. >"Say whatever you need. Just know you'll get what you've earned no matter what."
  282. >He says as his patting gets firmer and firmer!
  283. >I-is he starting?!
  284. "T-thank you sir. I know I don't deserve such kin- oh!"
  285. >His slow cooking approach for your cheeks gets turned up a notch as his hand goes from pats to straight up swats!
  286. "Oh sir, that's quite - Ah! That's quite firmmmmm!"
  287. >With his pace and intensity slowly but steadily increasing it's really starting to sink in!
  288. >He's really doing this!
  289. >He's really punishing you!
  290. >It's no horrible whipping or beating like some of your old masters would have done, but it's frightening nevertheless!
  291. >You've seen Twilight's cheeks after he's finished with her and that was from their love making!
  292. >Just how deep fried is your tush going to be after a real lesson!?
  293. >He knows you aren't used to a blistered tail like the resident brat is, doesn't he?!
  294. >Sure, he's put you over his knee once before, but that was a moment of passion after seeing what you'd done to his precious Twilight's cheeks.
  295. >This is different! This is deliberate, planned, calculated!
  296. >Making you fetch your own brush, making you admit what you've done wrong!
  297. >"Of course it's firm Rarity, that's the only way you'll learn."
  298. >The hand raining down on your behind doesn't take a break while he lectures!
  299. >"What on earth were you thinking, shaking your ass for strangers like that?!"
  300. "I'm sorry sir, I was truly - OH!"
  301. >"I know you're sorry girl."
  302. >He still hasn't given you a moment's break!
  303. >Your hind legs start to kick involuntarily the darker pink your backside grows!
  304. >"And I know you're going to be a lot more sorry by the time we're done."
  305. >!!!
  306. "Anon! Master! I - Owwww! Ow! Ow! Ow! Please sir, there's no need for-!"
  307. >"There is a need-"
  308. *Slap!*
  309. >"And this is happening-"
  310. *Smack!*
  311. >"You've dealt with a misbehaving Twilight enough times to know this isn't even the main event-"
  312. *Whack!*
  313. >"And that there's no way I'll be stopping anytime soon."
  314. *Slap slap slap!*
  315. >How did you get yourself into this!?
  316. >It's hardly been a few minutes and your well raised flanks are already on fire!
  317. "Please sir! I'm not Twilight! I'm not used toooooo- MMMMmmm!"
  318. >You try to shut your mouth and not cry out with minimum effect!
  319. >"You're not Twilight, but you've acted just as bad!"
  320. "I was going to - ohhhh!"
  321. >You can't even finish a sentence without being cut off by his rapid fire ministrations!
  322. >"And mare bottoms are more or less the same."
  323. >He says as he marehandles yours!
  324. >"Yours may be a bit larger."
  325. *Whack!*
  326. >"And a bit firmer."
  327. *Smack!*
  328. >Perhaps a compliment, but not one you really appreciate at the time!
  329. >"But this still seems to be the best way to get a message into your pretty little pony heads."
  330. >You really wish you could appreciate the sweet talk, but seeing as he's now moved from your lower cheeks to putting handprints all over your fat flanks you're quite distracted!
  331. "I've learned sir, I swear!"
  332. >It burns so much!
  333. >With your forehooves connected to the floor to keep you from falling completely, all you can do is dance back and forth!
  334. >"I'm proud if that's true, but we both know bad mares doesn't get off so easily. Don't we Rarity?"
  335. >For the first time in what feels like hours, he stops swatting your stinging cheeks!
  336. >You know he's waiting for a response, but it's all you can do to pant and wiggle you bottom in a vain attempt to cool it!
  337. >"Rarity? I'm asking you a question."
  338. >It's impossible not to coo when a large human hand starts to rub your smoking flanks instead of punish them.
  339. "I..."
  340. >As shameful as it is to admit, you find yourself pushing your cheeks up just a bit to meet his soothing touch.
  341. >What can you say to get him to stay at this stage?!
  342. "This would just be a warm up for our dearest Twilight, but we're very different mares sir. I'm not as headstrong nor tough bottomed as she so perhaps... perhaps I've learned...?"
  343. >Please Celestia please let this work!
  344. "I-I could... I could even show you my contrition in other ways perhaps?"
  345. >Supporting yourself on one foreleg is hard, but you do it anyway so you can reach back towards his...
  346. >Enduring a spanking fit for 3 mares may be Twilight's talent, but it's not yours!
  347. >Maybe if he'd let you use your own... 'unique' skills to apologize.
  348. >Instead of finding his 'bit' though, he takes a hold of your questing hoof in his own hand and rubs it kindly.
  349. >"Someone wouldn't be trying to seduce their way out of their well-earned punishment, would they?"
  350. >He asks in a mirthful tone.
  351. >How dare he find your offer humorous!?
  352. >This is not joke!
  353. "I-I'm merely offering an alternative sir. It was wrong of me to show others my body, so perhaps you could... you could reclaim what's yours?"
  354. >To your shock, instead of laughing, the hand rubbing your apologetic cheeks instead grabs one and spreads it!
  355. "A-Anon!?"
  356. >You feel him lean over to look before laughing and letting it go.
  357. >"Sorry."
  358. >He chuckles again.
  359. >"I just had to make sure you weren't Twilight in disguise."
  360. >If he was looking for HER normal response to such treatment you're quite certain he didn't find it.
  361. >"You're definitely not enjoying this too much though-"
  362. >No you are not!
  363. >"So I can actually believe your offer is real."
  364. >Oh, why must he rub your poor worn seat so?
  365. [spoiler] >It makes you squirm, wiggle, and coo in ways that are far from dignified! [/spoiler]
  366. >"However-"
  367. >Oh just get on with it!
  368. >"Punishing with sex really isn't a precedent I want to set."
  369. >You groan and whimper as the rubbing turns to patting!
  370. >"Maybe some of your old masters did stuff like that, but I'd rather you enjoy our time together just as much as I do."
  371. >That's actually very sweet, but if he's turning that offer down then that means...
  372. "Please sir, there must be some other agreement we can come to!"
  373. >You can't help but beg after feeling the first few pats of the brush!
  374. >"Shhhh, just try and relax."
  375. >Relax?! Easy for him to say!
  376. >It's not his bottom feeling the cold hard wood sliding across heated flesh!
  377. >"I know you aren't Twilight. I won't give you more than you can handle."
  378. >He's trying to be comforting with both his words and his fingers running through your mane, but you can't take your mind off the tool about to be applied directly to your errant slave ass!
  379. >"It won't be too much, but I want you to count them."
  380. >Oh, come on!
  381. >"Understand?"
  382. >The taps motivate you to respond much more than his words!
  383. "Y-yes sir!"
  384. >"Good girl. It'll be over before you know it."
  385. >You strongly doubt that, but what can you do but hope it's true?
  386. >Against your better judgement you look back over your shoulder to see just how red Mt. Belle already is.
  387. >You won't be going out without a dress for a couple days if those handprints are anything to go by, but that's not what makes your heart skip a beat!
  388. >The camera!
  389. >The little red light on the computer camera isn't off!
  390. "Anon wait the cam-"
  391. >*WHACK!*
  392. "Ouch! Wait sir, please! The camer-"
  393. >*SMACK*
  394. "Ahhhh!"
  395. >"They don't count if you don't count Rarity!"
  396. >What?!
  397. "Please please please, just wait a moment! I-"
  398. >*CRACK*
  399. >"There's no stopping til you get finished counting! That's zero!"
  400. >*WHAP!*
  401. "ONE! PLEASE-"
  402. >*CRACK!*
  404. >*SLAP*
  406. >With how fast the brush is coming it's all you can do to count, much less protest!
  407. >How does Twilight endure this thing?!
  408. >*SMACK!*
  410. >How many humans did you sell these awful things too?!
  411. >*SLAP!*
  412. "FIVE SIR! I'm sorrrryyyyyy!"
  413. >How many ponies did you doom to this very fate!?
  414. >*WHACK!*
  416. >You stand by a safe tool being for the best but-
  417. >*CRACK!*
  419. >But holy buck this hurts!
  420. >You'll never misbehave again!
  422. >A torturous 20 swats later, you can only moan and whimper pathetically with your now colorful ass in the air.
  423. >Your cheeks are THROBBING and your makeup absolutely ruined!
  424. >You know you made your own bed on this one, but did you really need to be thrashed so hard!?
  425. >To his credit, as soon as your lesson was over he'd put the brush down and taken to massaging your remorseful hide as best he could, but still!
  426. >"Shhh, it's ok. It's over now. You're a good girl again."
  427. >A good girl?
  428. >If you are you certainly don't feel it.
  429. >Still, you'll take what comfort you can get.
  430. >You unabashedly lift your dark red hind end as high as you can to meet the soothing caress.
  431. >The needy maneuver makes him chuckle quietly and dig his hand into slightly swollen pony seat a bit more.
  432. >At least he doesn't tease you about your eagerness to be soothed.
  433. >Wait.
  434. >Tease you? That's right!
  435. "M-master the computer camera! The light's still on! I-It's still recording!"
  436. >Surely you closed the stream right??
  437. >Heavens above, if all your followers just saw you reduced to the naughtiest of slaves...!
  438. >"Oh, so now you don't like being on camera?"
  439. >What kind of question is that?!
  440. >Of course you don't want others seeing your master taking a firm hand to you!
  441. >Not only that, but you're stark naked for your punishment! There's nothing keeping your spanked diamonds or identity hidden!
  442. >"Relax. I just turned it on to prove how dangerous it is. No one saw this but you and me."
  443. >That bastard!
  444. >You can admit you understand the idea, but to frighten you like that!
  445. "A cruel twist sir..."
  446. >But an effective one.
  447. >"You're right, but I think it worked. Want me to fetch you some clothes to make up for it?"
  448. >Clothes?
  449. >So the other girls don't see your shame must be his thinking, but cloth clinging to your derriere right now is only going to make things worse.
  450. "N-no sir. The open air cools best, but thank you for the offer."
  451. >He pats your back in silent understanding with his right hand and continues to tend to the site of your discipline with his left.
  452. >"Sure, your call. What about an ice pack? You look like you could really use one."
  453. >Well yes, he made sure of that!
  454. "That would be nice sir, thank you. Perhaps in a moment though..."
  455. >You rather need the kind and soothing hand back there at the moment!
  456. >You can't stay like this for too long though.
  457. >You're still supporting most your weight on your firmly planted forehooves and they're getting quite tired.
  458. >"If that's what you want. That position doesn't look too comfortable though."
  459. >How attentive.
  460. >You try and let out a weak laugh.
  461. "Not physically or mentally sir!"
  462. >Hearing that, the human hands quit what they're doing to slide underneath you and pull you up into a slightly more comfortable position.
  463. >Your soft belly rests on his knees now instead of most your body hanging off the edge.
  464. >"The lessons over now girl. You don't have to be uncomfortable. In fact, why don't you go lie down and I'll fetch that ice pack for you?"
  465. >The bed does sound divine...
  466. >"Can you walk?"
  467. "Well, I should hope so."
  468. >You joke as you slowly slide off his lap to the floor.
  469. >Walking does feel a bit strange you admit, but it's nothing you can't handle.
  470. >"You good?"
  471. "Yes sir."
  472. >You say, as you turn to inspect your ass in a nearby mirror.
  473. "As good as I can be at least... An icepack would be truly appreciated though."
  474. >He stands and walks over to look in the mirror with you.
  475. >Your alabaster rear is absolutely covered with hand prints, brush marks, and an overall red and beaten appearance!
  476. >To your surprise and embarrassment he doesn't just look though!
  477. >Without warning he drops to one knee and turns to really inspect his slave's discipline!
  478. "S-sir?!"
  479. >You blush as he takes a hold of you with both hands and rubs a thumb over a particularly spanked spot!
  480. >"Sorry. Just not used to seeing this ass like this. Twilight's lucky her coat hides a lot of the color huh?"
  481. "Sometimes I think she was born for it sir. Others, like myself, aren't quite so lucky."
  482. >You giggle slightly at the thought that pops into your head.
  483. "I must say thought sir. I know you're quite fond of purple rumps, but I was hoping you'd be satisfied with hers and not try to make mine match!"
  484. >He laughs, gives said rear a gentle pat, and actualls leans in to kiss it right on one of it's worse spots!
  485. >"I like white too you've just gotta behave yourself!"
  486. >You try!
  487. >"Now go lie down. I'll be there in a sec."
  488. >You nod.
  489. >No need to tell you twice, you're practically dead on your hooves! [spoiler] Plus him kissing your sorry flanks has you rather embarrassed! [/spoiler]
  490. >Exiting the office he goes one way and you go the other.
  491. >Fortunately, your tattletail sister seems to be hiding so she doesn't get a view of your agonized rump sashaying down the hall.
  492. >Oh how good it feels to lie down!
  493. >You curl up on your side, careful not to put pressure on any sensitive areas.
  494. >Why on Equus did you give him permission to discipline you!
  495. >It's only right for you to be held accountable the same as the other girls, but a little special treatment never hurt anypony!
  496. [spoiler] >Well, ok, that's exactly how mares get spoiled but still! [/spoiler]
  497. >Perhaps you can renegotiate your terms with him sometime soon...
  498. >It doesn't take long for him to show up with an amazing looking bag full of ice!
  499. >"Do you want to or should I?"
  500. >He asks, offering you the bag.
  501. >Usually your pride would have you do it yourself and banish him from the room, but attitudes like that make for a naughty mare.
  502. >Instead, you roll over onto your stomach and flick your tail out of the way for the second time today.
  503. "Please."
  504. >He brings the bag closer, but to your surprise, instead of putting it on your tormented tail he first grabs you by the hips and pulls said tushy closer to him!
  505. >What on earth is he...?
  506. >Oh!
  507. >Oh, that's nice.
  508. >With your legs partially over the edge of the bed your flanks are in the perfect position for a dual handed massage!
  509. "Mmmm! Thank you sir. I must admit, I'm impressed by the aftercare. I can't seem to recall Twilight receiving such attention when she's in trouble."
  510. >A hoof twitches in pleasure as he grabs your flanks and really works the sore flesh!
  511. >"To be fair I'm usually balls deep in Twilight right about now."
  512. "A-Anon!"
  513. >He laughs and gives you a careful squeeze.
  514. >"Sorry but it's true!"
  515. "I know but..."
  516. >Come to think of it...
  517. >He has you laying on the bed with your hooves dangling off the side.
  518. >With him standing directly behind you.
  519. >With his hands working your backside and your tail tossed aside.
  520. >Naughty boy...
  521. >You did offer to service him as an alternative punishment, but that was mostly to save your frightened hide from a licking!
  522. >You're as disciplined as they come now though and he's...
  523. >Well, he's not really doing anything but his positioning...
  524. >Perhaps you're reading too much into things, but you're quite sure this is how he takes Twilight after she's been reddened!
  525. >A test maybe...
  526. >You spread your hind legs slightly and turn up your hips.
  527. >If he doesn't do anything different then you'll - oh!
  528. >Just as quickly as you spread, his hands start to attend to your inner thighs as well!
  529. >The abruptness takes you a bit by surprise and before you can think about it you've spread and angled yourself even more!
  530. >His fingers move even closer to your...!
  531. "W-wait!"
  532. >Oh thank Celestia!
  533. >He not only stops, but he removes his hands from your lower end all together!
  534. "A-are we? I mean are you going to...?"
  535. >He lays a gentle hand on your upper haunch and rubs gently.
  536. >"All up to you. I thought I saw some signs, but I'm used to reading Twilight and we both know she's a little wild."
  537. >A little wild indeed.
  538. >You aren't like her though.
  539. >Not that his hand doesn't feel nice, but he just got finished...
  540. >In your contemplation you don't notice his hand being to wander until he's making small circles on your cutie mark.
  541. >There's no denying it's soothing, especially since half your diamonds were in the, ahem, designated discipline zone.
  542. "You know, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to seduce me sir."
  543. >"Seduce you? Now why on earth would you think that Mrs. Rarity?"
  544. >Mrs. Rarity is it?
  545. >Back to being his slave handler now instead of his troublemaker?
  546. >He did say you'd suffered your lesson and were back to being his good girl you suppose.
  547. "Well sir, unless this is how you treat all your contractors then your hands on my - Oh!"
  548. >You can't help but bite your lip and look back as he grabs quite the handful!
  549. >"Just the pretty ones." he whispers as he leans over you.
  550. >A hand besides your head supports his weight so he can lean down and...
  551. >"Unless you'd rather I go. I just thought you'd feel better-"
  552. >Scoundrel.
  553. >Getting you all worked up then offering to leave.
  554. >He probably gets some sort of pleasure hearing his mares ask...
  555. "Hush you." you say, slapping his side with your tail. "You know what you've started and you'll darn well finish it."
  556. >"Is that so?"
  557. >He may be back behind you now, but you can hear his smug grin without even looking.
  558. "I'm not Twilight though. Gently!"
  559. >You command as he begins to silently position you!
  560. "And don't you get used to this either! I never plan on being in such trouble again much less...."
  561. >Much less having your hind legs slowly spread so he can stand between them!
  562. "A-are you listening to me back there...? If you make me even the slightest bit less comfortable I'll - Ah!"
  563. >Why is he putting that there?!
  564. >The cool lubricating liquid he pulled out of who knows where is several inches north of where you were expecting him to be focused!
  565. "S-sir?! That's not-"
  566. >"Do you trust me?"
  567. >Trust?!
  568. >Of all the times to ask that he chooses now?!
  569. >Of course you trust him, he's currently hot dogging your buns in a way you'd never allow someone you don't trust to, but still!
  570. >You thought he'd...
  571. >Well, not there at least!
  572. >"Do you trust me? If you don't enjoy it we can try different things, but I think you'll like it if I'm careful."
  573. >Even carefully a rod like that is really going to push your plot to it's limits!
  574. >You're no stranger to males and their fascination with your wrong hole, but Dusty wasn't quite as large as Anon!
  575. >So very meaty though...
  576. >You bite your lip, and thank the stars he can't see you blush as he rubs your hot buns with a very different body part of his!
  577. "V-very well... but if I say stop then - oh!"
  578. >Prodding! He's prodding!
  579. >You bite the bedsheet as his tip grows more and more insistant at your back door!
  580. >It's so large!
  581. >It'll never fit!
  582. >It'll - Oh!
  583. >Oh my! It's feels every bit as large as your eyes told you it would!
  584. >"Mmmmmm! Good girl! Such a good girl!"
  585. >You gasp and claw at the bedsheet as inch after inch of him slowly vanishes!
  586. >You knew he was bigger than any stallion you've been with, but you don't remember him being this much to handle!
  587. >Where does it end!?
  588. >A heady mixture of pain, pleasure, shame, and desire fight for dominance as his hips suddenly accelerate to meet rather firmly with your once white ass!
  589. "O-oh! Oh sir!"
  590. >Not only does the hip spanking sting your bright red derriere, but you've never felt so full!
  591. >You're thankful he stops to give you a moment to adjust, but you aren't sure you'll ever be equipped to deal with THAT dominating your tush!
  592. >"Holy shit, it's just like I imagined! Very good girl! Just like that!"
  593. >The lewd clenching you suspect he's referring to isn't entirely voluntary on your end, but you just can't help it!
  594. >"You doing alright? You're awful quiet down there."
  595. "Y-Yes, well, it's a bit hard to focus when- Oh, goodness!"
  596. >If he wants coherent words out of you he's certainly not making it easy!
  597. >His final few inches work in and out in short thrusts making your flanks jiggle and sting in a way you suspect he deeply enjoys!
  598. "I can't...! Gracious, please I - Oh! You brute! You absolute fiend! You'll ruin me!"
  599. >If your time over his lap didn't clue you in, then the long deep thrusts absolutely having their way with your backside make it crystal clear! You're his!
  600. >You're his, but it's different than your old masters.
  601. >He disciplined you reasonably.
  602. >He's taking you with consent.
  603. >He's even looking out for your pleasure if that questing hand is going where you sorely hope it is!
  604. >You may end this night hot on the inside and out, but you won't go to bed weeping as you have in the past.
  605. >You'll go to bed loved.
  607. ************************
  609. >"Well... it's certainly a bit uncouth, but I'm not sure I see much of an alternative? I love Twilight as much as you, but I think we both know where she'd fall."
  610. >Ugh.
  611. >You roll your eyes and flick your tail at the sound of Rarity and Anon talking about you.
  612. >Can't even come downstairs for a popsicle can you?!
  613. >Something something, no rest for the weary, hear you were talking shit, blah blah blah.
  614. >You round the corner to find the two at the kitchen table [spoiler]scheming[/spoiler].
  615. "Fall into what?"
  616. >The purple maned mare and human look up from a table top of forms.
  617. >"Oh, hello darling. You've heard about the new law yes?"
  618. >No.
  619. "Yes?"
  620. >Go to keep them on their toes!
  621. >When she gives you a knowing look though you backpedal a bit.
  622. "Ok, maybe. Remind me?"
  623. >You plop your plush pony plot into a chair and side over to anon's side.
  624. >'Form for designation of pony employment type'
  625. >What this?
  626. >You were great at files and documents back in Equestria, but that was because Equestrian documents made sense!
  627. >Human governments, on the other hoof, seem to go out of their way to make things as convoluted as possible.
  628. >You're only part of the way through decoding the garbled mess when Anon speaks up.
  629. >"Basically the government's classifying ponies by job now. It's supposed to be an overall positive thing since it lets them set certain rules for certain jobs, but like anything Uncle Sam touches, it's also a big hassle."
  630. >Certain rules for certain jobs?
  631. >You could see how that'd be good, but you can also imagine it being used for dumb stuff also.
  632. "Rules like what exactly?"
  633. >Anon leans back and runs a hand through his hair with one hand while holding a form with the other.
  634. >"Well for example laborer ponies. Before, everything was pretty generic, but now they can't be made to work but so many hours if the temp is above whatever. At least that's the idea, I think."
  635. >Stuff like this was never his strong suit either.
  636. >Rarity though...
  637. >"In theory at least. The trouble now is Master must pick a role for everypony to claim us on his taxes."
  638. "So?"
  639. >The other mare gives you a slightly amused smirk.
  640. >"Well it's simple enough to put Sweetie down as a maid and myself as master's personal secretary..."
  641. >You notice she's also marked herself as 'head pony'...
  642. >"But multiple maids? For one home? Well, if we get audited, which with my side business isn't totally out of the question, then it'd be best to be truthful would it not?"
  643. >Is she trying to say...
  644. "So what? I can't be a maid too?"
  645. >She gives a tiny giggle before sliding off anon's shoulder and rubbing up against your side instead.
  646. >"Sweetheart, when was the last time you vacuumed, hmmm?"
  647. >You blush a bit at the close contact, but you aren't gonna let her distract you.
  648. "I... I mean it's been a while but I've cleaned before! Why? What else is there? I can tell when you're trying to butter me up for something, you know."
  649. >You're gonna hate it.
  650. >It's gonna be something dumb.
  651. >You can already tell from her smirk and the knowing expression the two of them exchange.
  652. >She slides you a paper from across the desk.
  653. >L-41, comfort pony.
  654. "No."
  655. >No no no no no~
  656. >"Now Twilight-"
  657. "You are NOT telling the government that I'm a bed pony!"
  658. >"Twilight, be reasonable-"
  659. "He bucks you too! Why am I the only bed pony!"
  660. >This is rude!
  661. >This is rigged!
  662. >"Darling, it's already in your paperwork, remember?"
  663. >Bucking Gentlehoof!
  664. >"I suppose we could apply to have you reclassified, but that's quite a few extra steps considering... well, the truth."
  665. >She says the last bit with another smirk!
  666. "Hey! I wasn't the one trying to suck the life out of him last night thank you very much!"
  667. >"Twilight!"
  668. >That, at least, makes her put a hoof to her chest in offense!
  669. >Well, for a moment at least, before she quickly recovers and takes a moment to climb up into and recline in Anon's lap.
  670. >Just jump up there like you own the thing why don't you?
  671. >"If you want me to train that gag reflex of yours we can talk about it tonight."
  672. >It's not THAT bad!
  673. >"But let's focus on one thing at a time, yes?"
  674. >You stammer a bit, the casual mention of 'training' your mouth isn't exactly the response you were expecting!
  675. >"So what do you think master? Comfort pony? She certainly is comfortable enough, I'm sure we can both agree about that!"
  676. >She says with a wink as she gives your cutie mark a pinch!
  677. >Ow!
  678. >"Well..."
  679. "Anon!?"
  680. >"It's really not a big deal right? I mean it's just a tax thing. I think it's fine, what about you Twi?"
  681. >You gasp and gawk for a few seconds trying to come up with an excuse.
  682. >Is it a big deal?
  683. >Not really, more than anything it's just another embarrassing reminder of your place in the world of humans.
  684. >You've got people around you who care for you though, and it is JUST a form!
  685. "Fine..."
  686. >It may make sense, but that doesn't mean you've gotta like it!
  688. >The day after you've mostly forgotten about yesterday's incident.
  689. >Mostly.
  690. >You'd given them both a bit of the cold shoulder in bed that night [spoiler]which sorta backfired when they got steamy with each other and left you awkwardly trying to pretend you couldn't hear her screaming for the princesses right next to you![/spoiler]
  691. >Whatever, you're over it.
  692. >They were right, even if it annoyed you a little, and you weren't going to dwell on it.
  693. >"Twilight, dear, we leave in 10 minutes, alright?"
  694. >Leave?
  695. >Anon's long gone for work. Where in equestria does she want you to go?
  696. >[spoiler]You've got shitposting plans![/spoiler]
  697. "Leave for what?"
  698. >"Why, the Vet of course! Comfort ponies have to be given a once over to be sure they're 'fit for service'!"
  699. >What?!
  700. >"We'll have to ask Mrs. Angie for the rest of the details, but I've also heard there are some... tests..."
  701. >Why does she have to say stuff that way?!
  702. >And with that devious smirk!?
  703. >"Hmm, yes. Let's see here. Ah. The Sexual Endurance Annual Test? SEAT? Testing your seat? Someone must think themself quite clever."
  704. >T-the what test?!
  705. >She must be joking!
  706. >This has to be a nightmare!
  707. >No no no no no especially not from Mrs. Angie!
  708. >No amount of shaking your head keeps her from wrapping around behind you and starting to shove you out the door by the plot!
  709. >"Now don't be difficulttt - " She practically sings! "You wouldn't want Mrs. Angie to find you sore would you?"
  710. >Why!
  712. >You cross your legs nervously as Angie walks around to your other side.
  713. >Stupid Anon.
  714. >"Say 'aah' for me Twilight."
  715. >Stupid Rarity!
  716. >Stupid government forms!
  717. "Aah..."
  718. >You can tell Rarity is enjoying you getting poked and prodded a bit too much.
  719. >She can try and hide it behind her magazine, but you know!
  720. >Mrs. Angie holds you by the chin with one hand as she pokes around your mouth with the wooden stick.
  721. >Vet visits are always so embarrassing. And this isn't even the bad part yet!
  722. >"Alright. Eyes, ears, and throat all look good."
  723. >But....
  724. >"Cardio and respiratory are all healthy, too, so you're fit for duty as far as that goes."
  725. >The term 'fit for duty' makes you blush hard given the context!
  726. >"Now, I know you don't like the next part, but be a good girl, ok?"
  727. >You grumble, but allow yourself to be guided into a standing position on the table with the veterinarian behind you.
  728. >Everyone in the room knows what's coming next, and it's gonna Suuuuuck!
  729. >It'll probably be even worse than a regular checkup since SOMEONE registered you as a legal bedmare!
  730. >You bite your tongue as Angie flip up your tail, and widens your stand, a little.
  731. >She has ways of restraining uncooperative animals, and you'd REALLY rather not fall into that category...
  732. >That doesn't mean you can't whine though, and whine you do as the speculum starts to push against your lips!
  733. "Mmmm..."
  734. >"Shhh, it's ok. You're doing great, just relax."
  735. >Angie whispers as pats and rubs your haunch with her free hand.
  736. >You hate the vet! You hate it! You hate it! You hate it!
  737. >All you can do is thrash your head though as inch after inch of cold steel disappears inside the registered bedpony in the room!
  738. >She did grab the pony-sized one and not the horse one right?!
  739. >After an eternity [spoiler]and far too many inches[/spoiler] the invasion finally stops.
  740. >T-that's not the worse part though and you know it!
  741. >*Click*
  742. >No no no, you hate this part!
  743. >*Click click click*
  744. >The fiendish device leaves you silently gasping and collapsing to your foreknees as it opens wide!
  745. >*Click click click click click*
  746. >Just how far is it going to go?!
  747. >Your eyes are practically bugging out of your head as the torture device opens you miles wide for the demented vet!
  748. >"Good girl..."
  749. >She coos as she scratches your embarrassingly presented dock!
  750. >"I know it's not fun, but these forms require a thorough looking-over for everyone's safety. Just bear with me."
  751. >Easy for her to say!
  752. >She's doesn't have her insides on display!
  753. >You can't help but claw at the table and groan in displeasure as she starts to probe around your deepest depths!
  754. >"No pain during intercourse lately, right? Any discomfort at all?"
  755. >Is now really the time for questions?!
  756. "N-no!"
  757. >"Great. And is he being nice to you?"
  758. >Is that medically relevant?!
  759. >Your legs tremble as she shines a light where it usually doesn't belong!
  760. "Yes yes, he's great! Can't you please just... ugh...."
  761. >You hear a click as she turns off and puts away the light.
  762. >The pat on your cutie mark is probably supposed to be reassuring, but given the circumstances, it really doesn't make you feel that much better...
  763. >"You're being a very good girl Twilight."
  764. >Naturally.
  765. >A sigh of relief escape as the fiendish device finally closes and is brusquely removed from your profusely plundered pony pussy.
  766. >"I'm a bit surprised Anon's registering you, but it's probably for the best, right? You guys have been together for a while?"
  767. >Do you really have to tell Angie of all people about your relationships?
  768. "I guess it's been a while now..."
  769. >You still suspect it was more Rarity's idea than his though!
  770. >You try and shoot her an angry look, but she's still hiding behind that magazine like you AREN'T face-down ass-up on an exam table right now!
  771. >Speaking of face-down ass-up, you try and stand now that she's done molesting you, only for a hand to slide down your back and hold you in place...
  772. >"Nuh-uh, not yet."
  773. "W-wait, why not? Aren't we - no... No no no no no!"
  774. >You struggle against her grip as what she's planning sinks in!
  775. >She can't!
  776. >You won't let her!
  777. >"You've been good so far Twilight. I know this isn't fun, but don't ruin all that now."
  778. >Easy for her to say she's not - eep!
  779. >You'll get Rarity for this, you swear it!
  780. >Oh Celestia!
  782. Rarity Belle
  783. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  785. >To say Twilight is mad at you might be a teensy tiny bit of an understatement.
  786. >You genuinely had her best interests in mind when you'd proposed all this to Anon, but it is all a bit... invasive.
  787. >Not that she can't handle it mind you.
  788. >You've stuck far more... 'demanding' things into Twilight with your own two hooves, and she's loved it!
  789. >[spoiler]Well, in the end at least.[/spoiler]
  790. >No, she's just a bit indignant at the handling of it all, which isn't unreasonable all things considered.
  791. >You wince as cold steel slowly sinks into the other unicorn's plot this time.
  792. >A pelvic exam is one thing, but even you are shocked to see the vet prying your friend's rear end open for inspection!
  793. >The tell-tale *Click Click Click* of the device lets you know that Twilight's rather loud protests aren't wholly unjustified, as 'where the sun don't shine' is redefined for mare.
  794. >You aren't sure what Angie could even be looking for back there, but, as much as you love Twilight, you weren't going to risk earning the vet's ire by questioning her methods!
  795. >Especially if these are her methods!
  796. >Twilight's no stranger to plot play, but that's far too unladylike for you!
  797. >"I know, I know. I'm sorry sweetie, but if you're gonna be a bedmare I've gotta check everywhere!"
  798. >Angie semi-apologizes as a probe passes through the speculum and into the quite unhappy purple pony's plot!
  799. >"No no no no no! Ahhh! Mmmmmm!"
  800. >You can't help but wince again as Twilight's eyes go wide and her mouth hangs open in a silent squeal!
  801. >It only takes the human a few minutes to finish her task, but you can see Twilight's every muscle tensed as she's put through the ordeal.
  802. >When the tools are finally withdrawn, the mare visibly slumps into an exhausted pile on the exam table.
  803. >Poor dear.
  804. >"Good girl..."
  805. >Angie reassures her purple victim with what you're sure is supposed to be some comforting pats on the haunches.
  806. >In reality it's more than a bit patronizing, but you suppose in her current position it is the easiest thing for the woman to pat.
  807. >You slide out of your chair to trot over and place a comforting hoof on the other mare's back.
  808. "I must say, that was rather thorough. I assume she's done now? It seems she may need a few moments to gather her senses after all that. If that's alright?"
  809. >"Well actually..."
  810. >What is this?
  811. >The human woman is usually so confident. You've never seen her look away and grimace awkwardly like so.
  812. >"There is... a bit more..."
  814. >Gracious!
  815. >It's like a porno!
  816. >You stand in mild shock beside the vet as a couple of her assistants marehandle Twilight into a VERY intimidating looking machine!
  817. >"Let me go!"
  818. >The strong young men do no such thing as she's forced to straddle the device!
  819. >"You can't do this!"
  820. >They clearly can as all four limbs are secured to straps on the side!
  821. >"P-please! I can't!"
  822. >But she soon will be, judging by the adjustments to the, ahem, 'testing apparatus' to line up with, well, her!
  823. "And this is really a government-mandated test?"
  824. >The woman's fingers start to scratch you behind the ears as the two of you watch Twilight be prepared for her 'endurance test'.
  825. >"Yeah, lobbyists are weird. I'm pretty sure it was some sort of sex machine that failed to sell, so just a bit of repurposing and... yeah."
  826. >You can see the worry in Twilight's eye as she looks over her shoulder at the device she's about to become intimately familiar with.
  827. >The 'bit' is even a bit larger than Anon's by your estimation, and it is called an endurance test to boot!
  828. >"Not to say the results aren't valuable though. It determines a pony's 'maximum capacity' as well as 'safe usage duration' so she's not worked half to death."
  829. >Goddess!
  830. >You can't help but bite your lip as the begging mare has her muzzle plugged with a shiny red ball gag!
  831. "Is that an approved medical device...?"
  832. >You just HAVE to ask!
  833. >It's a ball gag for Celestia sake!
  834. >"Well, no. But it's cheap and keeps the noise from upsetting other patients."
  835. >"Mmmm! Mmmmmmm!"
  836. >Strapped down, gagged, and soon to be 'tested'...
  837. >You have to fan yourself for a moment as you struggle and fail to take your eyes off the positively deviant scene before you!
  838. "When you say duration...? Well, I mean, I assume that's why it's called an endurance test, yes? How will it know when she's at her limit though?"
  839. >Twilight's eyes once again go wide as her new 'friend' slides forward to touch the outside of her nervous bed-pony bits!
  840. >She's frantically trying to wiggle her plot out of the line of fire, but with how securely she's strapped down it just looks like she's eagerly squirming for it!
  841. >"Heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, stuff like that. It's totally safe, and she's far from the first pony to get tested here. They actually send us two machines because they expect so many."
  842. >You had noticed the identical machine, parallel to Twilight's, just on the other side of the room.
  843. >Imagine two mares getting worked over side-by-side!
  844. >Goodness gracious!
  845. >"But she'll be fine, I promise. A lot of mares even end up enjoying it by the end. I mean, who can blame them, right?"
  846. >She laughs a bit awkwardly and pats your side.
  847. >"Why don't you just take your magazine and pull up a chair? I'm sure she'd feel more comfortable with you here and, uhh, to be honest, this may take a while."
  848. >"MMMMMMMM!"
  849. >Now that's a sound you're familiar with!
  850. >Not one you thought to hear here, but that doesn't stop the moans from growing even louder as the machine picks up pace pounding away at your dear friend!
  852. >The door closes behind you as Angie and her assistants exit the room, leaving just you, twilight, and the machine aggressively dilating her!
  853. >This is.... You know it's at least a bit wrong, but at the same time...
  854. >You can't help yourself as you bite your lip and trot over to the helpless mare.
  855. >Her pleading eyes meeting yours stirs something within you...
  856. >You lick your lips and lean in for a nuzzle with the squealing squirming mare.
  857. "A good girl indeed, Twilight."
  858. >You tell her, with a quick and careful peck to the forehead.
  859. >"MMMMMMMM!"
  860. "Oh, I know! It's just so wrong... and yet..."
  861. >Running a hoof down her spine, you can't help but walk the length of the machine until you see.
  862. >Unf!
  863. >It's even thicker up close!
  864. >And the way it's mercilessly drilling the bound mare!
  865. >You can't help but rub a hoof on the adorably trembling plot as you watch the simulated manhood vanish into her over and over!
  866. >Just how long can she last?
  867. >You and Anon have been known to tag-team her plot for hours, but you'd like to think you were a bit more merciful than this!
  868. >She's already lubricating well though...
  869. >And the way she's tensing up?
  870. >Why, you might say she's already starting to enjoy it if you didn't know better!
  871. "Such a natural."
  872. >You say as you slap the bound plot, causing the mare's whole body to spasm as you push her over the edge!
  873. "And it's only been a few minutes!"
  876. Twilight Sparkle
  877. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  879. >You don't remember how you got home yesterday, but you do remember your burning need for revenge!
  880. >Bucking Anon.
  881. >Bucking government.
  882. >And most of all, bucking Rarity!
  883. >You continue to grumble your grievances to yourself as you furiously fill out the form.
  884. >L-41b, part-time comfort pony application
  885. >Just because she already signed herself up as a secretary doesn't meant she can't also admit she sucks dick to the goverment!
  886. >Ohhhh you'll get your revenge and your revenge will be sweet!
  888. >"No, no wait! Just what are do you think you're doing?!"
  889. >The white mare's head whips back and forth as the same two assistants she chatted up the week before marehandle her into the machine!
  890. >"Please, there must be a mistake! Twilight, tell them!"
  891. >She pleads and whinnies as her hooves are strapped down good and tight!
  892. >You know from personal experience she won't be getting out of those bindings no matter how much she struggles!
  893. >A shrug is all she gets from you as her tail is tied up like yours was last week!
  894. "I just turned in the paperwork, you know, all those forms."
  895. >Your slightly maniacal grin must have tipped her off to the truth.
  896. >"You! You did this to me! I swear to Celestia when I get my hooves on - Mmmmmm!"
  897. >Now it's your turn to bite your lip as her pretty mouth is filled with the shiny red gag!
  898. >The tests for a part time comfort pony probably aren't quite as extensive, but knowing what's about to drill her prissy plot is enough to make your clop your hooves together in excitement!
  899. >Sweet sweet revenge, thy name is Twilight Sparkl - Woah!
  900. >What the buck?!
  901. >Your eyes were so busy being locked on Rarity, you didn't see one of the assistants coming around to pick you up by the midsection!
  902. >Just what is he?
  903. >Oof!
  904. >In one lightning-fast motion you find yourself again straddling the padded machine!
  905. >But you already did your time!
  906. "W-wait what are you - Mmmm!"
  907. >Angie herself gags you this time and runs a gentle thumb over your cheek.
  908. >"Anon's a lucky fellow you know. Not one, but TWO cuties like you to hug and to hold! And the things you girls go through for him! Well, I'll be sure to talk to him and make sure he appreciates it all."
  909. >Your heart sinks as you hear Rarity's device lurch to life and the mare loudly protest into her gag.
  910. >I-is Angie seriously going to... again...?
  911. >"Test number two for this one."
  912. >She says to the assistant making you naturally wonder what exactly test number two is...
  913. >She gives the man behind you a few more instructions and your eyes grow as large as dinner plates again!
  914. >No!
  915. >No they can't!
  916. >You look up at the woman with pleading eyes [spoiler]as the sounds of Rarity indignantly taking test number one permeate the room.[/spoiler]
  917. >"Be brave, Twilight-"
  918. >No no no no no!
  919. >"I know you can do it."
  920. >Why does it always have to be the butt?!
  923. ************************
  925. >Phew!
  926. >Collapsing onto your fainting couch, you throw a dramatic hoof across your forehead to wipe away the imaginary sweat from all your hard work!
  927. >Of course, it's just you in the living room right now, what with Anon at work, Twilight playing some silly game, and Sweetie doing sisters know what in her room, but you do the hoof gesture anyway.
  928. >It's called style, darling.
  929. >At least the housework is done now.
  930. >House cleaned, dinner cooking, even checkbook balanced, and your latest outfit well on its way.
  931. >You'd say you've earned a bit of a break, no?
  932. >In fact...
  933. >Ideeeaaaaa!
  934. >With a flick of magic you teleport a tub of your favorite ice cream out of the freezer and into your waiting hooves.
  935. >Why not? You've been a good girl.
  936. >Another quick summoning spell has a spoon appear beside you as easy as 1, 2, 3.
  937. >You briefly marvel at how nice it feels to have your magic limiter turned practically off.
  938. >Of course yours was similarly low back in your wild CEO days, but it's not quite the same as having a real human master trust you with access to enough magic to do essentially whatever you wanted.
  939. >Once again, you must admit to yourself that Anon turned out to be everything Twilight made him out to be and perhaps more.
  940. >Speak of the devil, is it that time already?
  941. >Time truly flies when you're busy!
  942. >Anon turns the lock and opens the front door after an undoubtadly similarly long hard day at the office.
  943. >It only takes him a moment to look around and find you lounged on the couch with a spoonful of ice cream between your lips.
  944. >T-that's quite the unusual look he's giving you though...
  945. >You're suddenly a bit self-conscious of your reclined position with your, ahem, posterior pointed in his direction!
  946. >You!
  947. >Self-conscious!
  948. >Why, he looks like he's positively ready to gobble you up though!
  949. >You remove the spoon from your somewhat stunned mouth, but find yourself a bit tongue-tied as he approaches you!
  950. "I... Umm, hello... master?"
  951. >Goodness, you suddenly sound like a nervous Twilight!
  952. >You feel more and more like a nervous Twilight too as he drops his briefcase, puts one hand on the back of your fainting couch, and leans over your oh so exposed body!
  953. "Anon, whatever has gotten into you? You're - Oh! "
  954. >A firm grasp of your upturned cutie mark throws whatever you were going to say out the window! Especially when he squeezes!
  955. >[spoiler]You'd be lying if you said your tail didn't twitch, very much on its own, from the aggressive display! So unlike him![/spoiler]
  956. >"You, bed, now."
  957. "W-what!?"
  958. >Has your kind and gentle Anon been replaced by some beast?!
  959. >A changeling perhaps?!
  960. >Why he practically speaks like a caveman!
  961. >The hand planted on your plot works its way further up your hip for a moment before reversing course, slipping right past said cutie mark, and sliding right between your flanks!
  962. "S-so forward!"
  963. >Is all you can stammer as he brushes a finger up against your most private bits!
  964. >Teasing a lady is most uncouth!
  965. >"I said get in bed. You're getting fucked."
  966. >You stammer, blush, gasp, and everything in between!
  967. >You've never heard him say the F word before!
  968. >Much less authoritatively tell you that you're about to receive it!
  969. >[spoiler]If you weren't flagging for him before you are now![/spoiler]
  970. "I'm not sure what brought this about, but I must say it's certainly an exciting change of p - Ah!"
  971. >He removes the two fingers from you as soon as he inserts them, but the shock is more than enough to shatter your concentration!
  972. >"Need I ask again?"
  973. >He asks as he wipes the wet fingers on your cutie mark before dragging his sharp fingernails through the fur!
  974. "N-no sir!"
  975. >Your legs tremble a bit already as you slide off the couch and attempt to follow his instructions.
  976. >If any of your previous masters had come home and insisted you climb into his bed the situation would be quite a bit different.
  977. >With all the gentleness, kindness, and general courtesy Anon has shown you though, you know he wouldn't really force you to do this.
  978. >He just...
  979. "Oh!"
  980. >He just really wants you today, and the motivating slap to your rump proves it!
  981. >Not a 'Twilight needs her attitude adjusted... again' spank, but a 'get moving, you beautiful young mare' one!
  982. >The swat and promise of a good time are all that's needed to get you cantering to the bedroom and pulling clothes out of your drawers.
  983. >Will he wants lingerie, or will he simply tear them off you and pounce you like a beast?!
  984. >[spoiler]The thought of him potentially damaging some of your good garments makes you cringe, but at the same time the idea of being wanted that badly is... Oh my...[/spoiler]
  985. >You quickly slip into a set of frilly black panties, stockings, garters, and choker that you've seen him eyeing on you in in the past, but never actually got his hands on, so to speak.
  986. >[spoiler]Yes, you had to take your collar off to put on the choker, but you're sure he won't mind. He gave removal rights to everypony long ago just in case something happened.[/spoiler]
  987. >Now, how to arranged yourself...
  988. >Your tail flicks excitedly as you climb onto the bed and flop onto your side with your back facing the door.
  989. >Perhaps he had a stressful day at work and simply needs relief?
  990. >Or maybe he got himself worked up looking at some of those pics he keeps on his phone.
  991. >You wonder if it was a red-faced and bottomed Twilight angrily staring at the camera mid-spanking or one of your more tasteful lingerie shots you enjoy sending him from time to time.
  992. >Given you're the one he unceremoniously declared was to be 'fucked', perhaps the latter.
  993. >Or you were simply the first of his equine gf's he saw when walking in the door.
  994. >Ah well, you snooze, you lose, little Twilight.
  995. >She'd probably make him wait for her to finish her game anyway.
  996. >That mare...
  997. >Your thoughts shift to more important things when the door opens to reveal the human with his shirt already unbuttoned coming right towards you!
  998. >Excitement and nervousness mix within you as he wastes no time walking right behind you to the end of the bed.
  999. >He'll be as gentle as usual... right?
  1000. >[spoiler]And do you even want him to??[/spoiler]
  1001. >Before you can think about that, you hear the light jingles of his belt as the trousers hit the floor.
  1002. >He doesn't even step out of them before patting your plot in a manner clearly meant to indicate 'up'.
  1003. >He hasn't even taken his shirt off!
  1004. >The beast!
  1005. >As ordered though, you roll off your side and onto your knees pushing your derriere backwards stretching the already tight fabric even tighter as it struggles to contain everything you have to offer!
  1006. >You gasp as he slides both hands under a garter strap, forcing them to the side and taking a firm grasp of your warm globes!
  1007. "M-master. I-I've never seen you like this..."
  1008. >You barely manage to pant out as the sensation of him treating the back of your panties like a hotdog bun floods makes you blush!
  1009. >Somewhere in the back of your mind you worry about white stains on black panties, but the large piece of stallionhood occupies far too much of your attention at the moment for you to care!
  1010. >"Been thinking about you all day. Safeword's banana, ok?"
  1011. >Thinking about Moi?
  1012. >The thought is flattering, and it's reassuring to hear he still cares about consent.
  1013. >Not that you had doubts he'd stop if told to, but still, bringing up the topic himself is leaps and bounds above what your previous masters would do to you in such a position.
  1014. >Such thoughts and feelings of security and love have you eager to present for him.
  1015. >You lower your upper body as far as you can into the bed and rotating your hips a bit more to offer up your backside in a way you know males go wild for.
  1016. >Let it never be said that you are anything less than an expert!
  1017. "Yes sir..."
  1018. >Already your affirmative is heavy and breathy.
  1019. >Goodness, when was the last time a stallion truly took charge with you?
  1020. >You clutch at the bedspread as he pulls away from your buns, no doubt in preparation for putting himself somewhere much more intimate...
  1021. >To your surprise though, instead of feeling his hands on your waistband to pull your panties down, he merely pulls them to the side!
  1022. >In such a rush he can't even properly strip you?!
  1023. >Before you can even ask, however, several inches of master quickly vanish into slave!
  1024. "Ohhhhh! Master!"
  1025. >Your back arches as he wastes absolutely zero time fully hilting into your already well-lubricated pony pussy!
  1026. >His groans join yours as he enjoys your grip for just a moment, before pulling almost completely out and slamming himself all the way back in!
  1027. "Goodness! Master you... You beast!"
  1028. >His belt buckles jingles around his ankles as the strong hands atop your cutie marks push and pull you back and forth at a breakneck speed!
  1029. >He's like a demon!
  1030. "Sweet Celestia! Master I-I... Mmmmmm! So rough! So good! H-harder sir, please!"
  1031. >You almost regret the rash request as your hips fly back to meet his fast enough for the slap to resound throughout the house!
  1032. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Buck yes! Buck me, sir! Buck me hard!"
  1033. >A quick and unexpected slap to your right cutie mark shuts your depraved pleading up, but only makes your body want his more!
  1034. >No doubt seeing the positive response, Anon moves his left hand from your flank to wrap up in your tail for a better grasp!
  1035. >With your movement well in one hand his other is free to -
  1036. *SMACK*
  1037. "Mmmmm!"
  1038. *SMACK*
  1039. "Yes sir!"
  1040. *SMACK*
  1041. "Thank you sir!"
  1042. >The slaps are FIRM, but not bottom breaking like Twilight would receive in this position
  1043. >Master knows his mares, otherwise, you'd be receiving the brush or belt like Twilight instead of just master's oh so firm and satisfying hand!
  1044. >You pull a pillow over to bury your face in as you're given thrust after thrust monstrous thrust!
  1045. >So great is his speed that the distinct slapping sound of his, well, dangly parts slapping up against you fills the room!
  1046. >Surely it's only been a few minutes, but you feel as though your body is already covered in sweat from the thorough workout!
  1047. >J-just how long can he keep this pace up?!
  1048. >Finally, after what seems like an eternity, a particularly firm yank to your tail forces your face up and out of the pillow.
  1049. "Banana!"
  1050. >Quietly cursing and finishing up one last slap he, with no small amount of effort, stops the rhythmic thrusts and pulls out of your soaked and hungry portal.
  1051. >"Shit. Sorry. Too much?"
  1052. >You have to catch your breath for a moment before you can respond.
  1053. "No! No no, nothing of the sort. In fact, I'm the one that's sorry sir. I just - oh my - I just needed a moment to catch my breath. You're like an animal!"
  1054. >He chuckles and starts to lightly massage both flanks.
  1055. >One aching and a bit abused and the other still pristine and perfectly white.
  1056. >"Legally, you're the animal you know."
  1057. >You swat him with your no-longer-being-pulled tail, causing him to laugh.
  1058. "An animal you clearly find quite fetching. Couldn't even take the moment to properly undress, hmm?"
  1059. >As if to prevent you from forgetting just how 'fetching' he finds you, you let out a quiet moan as you feel him slide his member under your panties to rub against your soft cheeks.
  1060. "Mmm. What a way with words you have..."
  1061. >Goddesses it's so big though.
  1062. >The more you catch your breath, the more your hunger for it returns.
  1063. >"Same to you. In fact, it sounds to me like you've got your breath back. Ready for it to be taken away again?"
  1064. >You are.
  1065. >As much as you hate to admit it though, you're lower lips are actually feeling a bit sore from the most forceful 'fucking' you've received in... well, maybe ever!
  1066. >You could let him take your breath away in a more literal sense, but you've let him use your mouth dozens of times so it wouldn't be anything that unusual.
  1067. >Plus, if he was that aggressive with your muzzle...
  1068. >The mental image of his forceful hands on the back of your head and in full control makes you blush.
  1069. >P-perhaps when you're feeling a bit braver!
  1070. "You're free to take it away sir, but if I may offer a suggestion, I believe something a bit different may take yours away just the same..."
  1071. >A spark of telekinesis lights on your horn and grabs the edge of your poor, and no doubt now stretched or even stained, panties.
  1072. >You continue looking back at him as you pull them even further to the side.
  1073. >No doubt ruining the delicate fabric, but more importantly revealing the one place Anon had never been.
  1074. >Sure, Twilight's naughty purple plot has had more than its fair share of plugs and strap-ons and penises penetrate it on a semi-regular basis, but trying to be gentle with you, Anon had never dared nor even asked to do the same to yours.
  1075. "You may rav - OH!"
  1076. >Dusty was a bit gentler when entering the back door!
  1077. "Oh! Ohh! Ohhh! Ohhhhhh! Anon!"
  1079. >An indeterminate amount of time later you lay on your side, exhausted.
  1080. >If your panties weren't ruined from the stretching and staining, then they certainly were when Anon eventually RIPPED THEM OFF YOUR BACKSIDE!
  1081. >You admit, it was rather hot in the moment though, so you can't fault him too much.
  1082. >He'll pay for the replacements anyway.
  1083. >Even if he hadn't torn them, you frankly aren't sure you'd be able to get all the liquids out anyway, just like these stockings and garters may be shot as well.
  1084. >So much liquid!
  1085. >Your entire rather generous backside is simply coated!
  1086. >Where did he get it all?!
  1087. >Humans are so very different from stallions!
  1088. >Still, you shan't complain.
  1089. >You may be sore in multiple places for the next few days, but you have no regrets, and in fact, can't help but appreciate being so ravenously desired!
  1090. >Perhaps a nap is in order now, though...
  1091. >You yawn and snuggle your cheek into his sweaty chest.
  1092. >You'll both have to take showers soon, of that you have no doubt.
  1093. >Just as you're about to pass out though, the hand gently massaging the back of your mane gives it a slight tug to lift your head and look at him.
  1094. >Oh, a kiss. How lovely.
  1095. >It's a simple chaste one, but the feeling is heartfelt.
  1096. >Now for a nice relaxing...
  1097. >Wait...
  1098. >Now what is he...?
  1099. >You blink a few times to confirm what you're seeing mere inches from your face.
  1100. "Again?!"
  1101. >He laughs and scratches your upper back with the other hand.
  1102. >"Only if you want, of course."
  1103. >You let out a tiny sigh and nudge the somehow already hard member with your nose.
  1104. >All 3 in one day would be a personal record...
  1105. "Very well, but this time more gently!"
  1106. >You close your eyes and open your muzzle as his hands take a hold of your head.
  1107. >O-oh dear...
  1108. >The things you do for love!
  1110. *********************
  1112. Anon
  1113. ~~~~~
  1115. >You kneel and inspect the damaged paint on your office door frame.
  1116. >Yep, this one too.
  1117. >Ever since you noticed your two mares squeeze through the bedroom door side by side the other day, you've started to find more and more spots.
  1118. >When you say squeeze you really mean *squeeze*.
  1119. >Like… they literally can't fit through without rubbing up against each other and the wall.
  1120. >Usually you'd be down for seeing the two rub plots but this is a bit different.
  1121. >So far you've found spots on the door frames to the master bed and bath, kitchen, Rarity's workroom, and your office.
  1122. >[spoiler]You never really realized how often the two come and go from your office, but they do like to surprise you throughout the day.[/spoiler]
  1123. >[spoiler]Yes, it can make getting work done difficult when one is under your desk.[/spoiler]
  1124. >Do they just not notice?
  1125. >They're both pretty wide back there so maybe it just happens and they're so well padded they think nothing of it.
  1126. >You head downstairs and both snuggling on the couch with the TV on.
  1127. >With a grunt, let yourself fall onto the last remaining spot behind Rarity.
  1128. >Of course, it's some home makeover show.
  1129. >No doubt the fashion-conscious mare's choice, especially given how Twilight is playing on her phone rather than watching.
  1130. >You reach over to rub a purple ear, and slap a white rump, in that order.
  1131. >[spoiler] Which makes the unrubbed purple ear turn in interest, heh. [/spoiler]
  1132. >It also gets your hip flicked with said slapped mare's curly tail.
  1133. "A moment darling. The shows almost over and I simply MUST see how the owners react to the positively GARISH color chosen for the bedroom! If they aren't as outraged as I, I'll simply lose all respect for them."
  1134. >All respect for a tv couple she met some 20 minutes ago.
  1135. >She doesn't remove your hand from her cutie mark though, which helps you realize just how easy it would be to bump into things with something like this.
  1136. >By your estimation [spoiler]and experience [/spoiler] Twilight's width isn't any smaller.
  1137. >They should probably both have a backup alarm…
  1138. >How to breach the subject without ending up in the doghouse though…
  1139. >Not that you could really be kicked out of your own bed by your slaves, but there's no point in starting an unnecessary fight, either.
  1140. >The show ends just a few minutes later, apparently with enough outrage to satisfy the resident dress horse.
  1141. >"Fortunately for us, moi handled the decorating around her home personally. Yes?"
  1142. >She puts a dainty hoof to her chest and gives you the humble-but-not-humble hair flick and fluttery eyes.
  1143. >"And you almost went with that awful off-white!"
  1144. >Twilight finally looks up from her phone and interjects.
  1145. >"Because it was such a small difference I'm not even sure they did anything."
  1146. >To which, of course, Rarity gasps.
  1147. >"Can't even tell!? Twilight, it's White Diamond now! It was Eggshell before! Why the difference is as clear as - "
  1148. "Speaking of the paint though, I've noticed a few… spots?"
  1149. >The self-appointed interior designer takes the interruption in stride.
  1150. >"Spots? Chips or stains? I'm fairly sure we have some of the original paint left if it's something we need touched up. I could potentially get the original contractor back out if it's serious."
  1151. >Getting it fixed would be fine, but won't solve the root issue.
  1152. >Aka the two bottom-heavy horses laying beside you on the couch.
  1153. "Come on, I'll show you."
  1154. >Maybe you can be a bit more subtle about it that way.
  1155. >Hopping off the couch has the two ponies obediently following you up the stairs and back to the bedroom.
  1156. >It's by far the most damage since it's one of the places the two come and go from the most often and commonly together.
  1157. >"In the bedroom? Why I haven't noticed anything and I do like to think myself observant."
  1158. >Maybe more so to fabrics than paint.
  1159. >Instead of showing through, you stop and gesture the two forward when you get to the room.
  1160. >Thinking nothing of it, they proceed side by side, catch the edges of the frame with a flank each, and freeze when you stop them with a sharp tug to the tails.
  1161. >"Oh! Anon, darling, if this was merely a ploy to get us to the bedroom you could have simply given Twilight a good slap or two."
  1162. >"Hey!"
  1163. >Instead of letting them get started, you snap your fingers and poke/point at where their rotund rumps are squished up against the frame.
  1164. >Rarity is the first to catch your meaning and blush before awkwardly coughing and freeing herself from her slightly compressed state.
  1165. >As expected, and to her slight embarrassment, the worn-down part of the structure lines up exactly with her freshly freed plot.
  1166. >"Ah, I… See…"
  1167. >She stumbles a bit with her words as Twilight looks behind her to see the same on her side.
  1168. >"Huh."
  1169. "You know I love you both just the way you are, but maybe just one at a time through the door?"
  1170. >Both nod a bit awkwardly at the revelation they've been damaging the house just with the size of their… yeah.
  1171. "And uhh, maybe take corners a bit wider too."
  1172. >The white mare looks like she's about to pass out from embarrassment, while the purple one lifts a back leg slightly so she can better give a curious look back at the cause of the damage.
  1173. >Probably to figure out how this happened without her noticing.
  1174. >[spoiler]Maybe wondering if an increase in size is responsible.[/spoiler]
  1175. >[spoiler]Honestly, maybe so.[/spoiler]
  1176. >"Dear me, it's more than just here?"
  1177. "This one's the worst, but I noticed a few other doors and the corner near the stairs and to the living room as well."
  1178. >"I see… Well, we'll just have to be more careful. Right Twilight?"
  1179. >"Or you could both lose some weight!"
  1180. >A still slightly squeaky voice calls from behind you.
  1181. >"SWEETIE BELLE!"
  1182. >Welp, there goes your quiet afternoon.
  1183. >At least it's the younger mare [spoiler]and the only one too short to leave those marks on the wall[/spoiler] that's in trouble instead of you.
  1184. >Twilight and you can only watch as the deeply offended mare races out of the room after her already scurrying younger sister [spoiler]rubbing up against the wall as she goes[/spoiler].
  1185. >Oh lovely, they're already in the kitchen if that clanging pot is anything to go by.
  1186. >"You don't think I'm fat... right?"
  1187. >Fuck.
  1188. >You rub the bridge of your nose, turn around, scoop up your purple horse and throw her onto the bed.
  1189. >Somehorse needs a confidence boost.
  1191. *********************
  1193. Rarity Belle
  1194. ~~~~~~~~~
  1195. >Dear sweet Twillight remains hot on your tail as you turn the corner.
  1196. >You absolutely adore the angel of a purple unicorn, but sometimes when she gets an idea in that head of hers…
  1197. >"I'm telling you Rarity, the numbers don't lie! Several countries and businesses have been piloting 4 day work week programs and the results are really promising! Better employee mental health, no loss of productivity, heck BETTER productivity in most cases! I'm just saying, with your 'influence' it might be a good thing to champion. Maybe we could even show it off ourselves, kinda like Celestia's plan."
  1198. >Huh, she even summoned a pair of phantom magical hands to do the air quotes for 'influence'.
  1199. >Since when did she pick up such human mannerisms?
  1200. >Perhaps, it was only a matter of time. Or perhaps you just hadn't noticed before now since you're usually looking down at actual work while she prattles on.
  1201. >No, bad Rarity. That's not a kind way to think of your friend.
  1202. >"Maybe we could - ah!"
  1203. >You stop so suddenly she has to swerve to miss you, resulting in the walking tangle of unicorn limbs tripping over her own hooves.
  1204. >Of course you catch her in a combination of magic and hooves, grasp her firmly by the shoulders and sit the both of you down right there in the middle of the hall.
  1205. "Two things darling. First, I know you aren't exactly sold on influencers nor social media in general, but there ARE complex strategies to it. I can't simply shift my message, my brand, on a whim. You understand?"
  1206. >She opens her mouth to protest, only for you to cover it with a hoof and a tsk tsk.
  1207. "I said two things. Patient please."
  1208. >She rolls her eyes but doesn't try to interrupt again.
  1209. >It's no big deal, really. She isn't Sweetie.
  1210. >You'll just file it away as an excuse to scold her the next time she's due for a good long chastisement.
  1211. >That was probably her plan anyway…
  1212. "Secondly… Do you actually work?"
  1213. >The taken aback Sparkle stammers.
  1214. >"W-what? O-of course I do! I... I'm a uhh, you know, an emotional support mare?"
  1215. >Diplomatic phrasing, but it does sound more respectable than the truth.
  1216. "Yes, yes of course. I do seem to recall a form or two on the subject. So then, that being as it were, on these theoretical extra days off, if we were to set an example, you would be... no longer supporting Anon and myself? Are you sure that's what sweetheart? Because the last time we let you go more than half a week without dragging you to bed by the collar you greeted us in the kitchen with your plot bent over the- "
  1217. >A more colorful recounting is cut off when the tables turn and it's her hooves frantically attempting to cover your mouth!
  1218. >"La la la la la! That never happened and you can't prove it in a human or Equestrian court of law! Forget I brought it up! Forget I brought anything up! I'm just gonna go, uhh…"
  1219. >With a pop of magic, the time-off-seeking mare vanishes to rooms unknown.
  1220. >4 day work week indeed…
  1221. >Why, back at your old company most ponies worked 6!
  1222. >Sometimes 7!
  1223. >Perhaps your little antiwork advocate needs a bit of overtime with Master Anon and Mistress Rarity to remind her just how fun working can be!
  1226. Rarity Belle
  1227. ~~~~~~~~~
  1228. >How could something like this have occurred without your notice?
  1229. >Reality is often a cold hoof to the face, but you like to think yourself to be an observant mare.
  1230. >Something like THIS going on under your own roof though?!
  1231. >You hold the tape measure up horizontally again and suppress the desire to balk at the number before your eyes.
  1232. >Measure thrice you always said, yet the results come back the same.
  1233. >"Umm, everything ok Rarity?"
  1234. >Your sister's voice shakes you out of your stupor, making you realize how strange spending 5 minutes on a simple measurement must seem to the poor thing
  1235. "Yes yes, of course darling. One can never be too careful with a fitting is all!"
  1236. >The way she's forced to lean to the side a bit before looking back at you to make eye contact only serves to drive the accuracy of your measurements home.
  1237. >The Belle bottom is as hereditary as one may expect, and as much as you've tried to deny it, It appears Sweetie is a filly no longer.
  1238. >The young mare in question shifts a bit awkwardly, no doubt uncomfortable with sisterly eyes glued to the source of your disbelief.
  1239. >Pull yourself together Rarity!
  1240. >An almost imperceptible shake of your head gets you back on track and you set about getting the last few measurements you need.
  1241. >Maid outfits were Twilight's idea.
  1242. >No doubt some degenerate Japanese… thing she'd watched or read recently, but you can't deny they quite an aesthetic and you're sure Anon will enjoy seeing his mare's prance around in the risqué skirts flashing cute panties.
  1243. >You hadn't made an outfit for Sweetie in some time though so new measurements were required.
  1244. >You just didn't expect earth-shattering revelations from a simple tape measure!
  1245. >Has Anon noticed?
  1246. >Who are you kidding, of course he has!
  1247. >How could anypony or master NOT!?
  1248. >You try to keep a neutral expression as you write down another eye-watering number for her hip measurements right below the… width one you refuse to look at again.
  1249. >She can't match her sister of course, few mares can, but her numbers give Twilight's a run for their money!
  1250. >She's supposed to be your innocent little sister!
  1251. >A mental image of the three of you lined up in your new outfits flashes in your head before you can shake it away.
  1252. >Sweet Celestia what are you going to do?
  1253. >You know master's type, and you know Sweetie falls more and more into it now!
  1254. >Is he just waiting for the opportune moment?
  1255. >Will he be as kind and gentle with Sweetie as he was with you?
  1256. >You're aware that Anon isn't Sweetie's first master, and it's no secret she's always been obsessed with pleasing him, but is that out of genuine desire or past trauma?
  1257. >In the past you'd told yourself it was just a cute fillyhood crush, but looking back you were just in denial.
  1258. >There's only one other member of the house you can discuss this with… unfortunately.
  1260. >"Well no shit Rarity."
  1261. "Twilight! Language!"
  1262. >The purple pony ignores your frown and continues.
  1263. >"There's no way you JUST NOW noticed she's a grown mare."
  1264. "Well of course not, it's been years since ponyville, I just… I suppose I hadn't exactly had it shoved in my face until recently."
  1265. >Literally!
  1266. "And you're just fine with all this?!"
  1267. >She rolls her eyes (which looks extra silly since she's lying upside down on the couch) and waves a hoof in the air.
  1268. >"I still think she's a little brat…"
  1269. >Ironic
  1270. >"... but heck if I care. Maybe I felt a little threatened by her at first, but after me and you both being with Anon for so long, I know he's not the type to play favorites. She may even get me a bit of a break…"
  1271. >She mumbles the last part as a hoof absentmindedly drifts back to rub her well-striped flank.
  1272. >You can't help but smirk at the memory of Anon turning her purple hide red with a thick doubled-over belt just a couple of days ago.
  1273. "Sorry darling, but we both know that you'll still be the only one getting that side of Anon's… affections. You'd miss it if you weren't."
  1274. >Your friend blushes and scrunches her muzzle at the tease.
  1275. >"S-shut up! If I'd know the belt was so bad I'd have never said I was curious about it!"
  1276. "Hmm, that's not quite what you said-"
  1277. >"Annnnddd we're talking about Sweetie, not me! Just go talk to Anon if you're so worried about it. He hasn't said a thing so he probably hasn't even noticed."
  1278. "Twilight, my dear, you're just as naive about stallions as always if you think he hasn't noticed… that! I can't say what his game is, but he simply MUST have noticed. How does one go about asking 'What do you think about my sister's flank' though…?"
  1280. "Anon… what do you think about Sweetie's flank?"
  1281. >Well, there's always the direct approach.
  1282. >Perhaps it's less than subtle, but you value the open communication you've had with him since starting your official relationship so maybe the straightforward method is the best.
  1283. >The question does take him aback enough for him to stop the lovely massage he was driving you into the bed with you though and cause him to lean back into a seated position on the bed.
  1284. >"I… what? I mean, she takes after her sister I guess? Sorry, that just feels like it came out of nowhere."
  1285. >You snicker at the deflection via flirtation.
  1286. "Good answer, but I mean it. I've recently realized that I may have been in a bit of denial about her until faced with the facts, but there's no avoiding the fact she's your type in the same way myself and Twilight are. It also goes without saying that she absolutely fawns over you. Looking back, I expect you were giving her some time to adjust to her new home here, but why haven't you made a move since then?"
  1287. >Goodness the poor human looks uncomfortable.
  1288. >Whatever for?
  1289. >"Is this one of those relationship test things?"
  1290. "A who what now?"
  1291. >"You know like the girl offers something to see what the guy will say but it's actually some weird secret test or whatever."
  1292. >Is that actually a thing human women do?
  1293. "Darling that sounds… rather juvenile. Do you really think I'd do such a thing?"
  1294. >He waves a dismissive hand.
  1295. >"Well no, not you, it's just… I mean she's your sister. I just assumed she was automatically off-limits so I never even thought about it. That's a fast way to get in trouble in human relationships."
  1296. >Every time you think you're all past these interspecies misunderstandings…
  1297. "I see. For a monogamous species I suppose that does make sense, but for a herding society sisters 'sharing' so to say is hardly unheard of. In fact, it can be rather common in areas with fewer good stallions to go around. I take that to mean you aren't opposed to the idea though? It was simply one you'd never considered? I could ask Sweetie, but I'm quite sure I know her answer."
  1300. >Your ears pin back at the string of vulgarities.
  1302. >Perhaps you should have expected this…
  1304. >Even if so, you aren't sure you'll ever be comfortable hearing stuff like THAT coming out of Sweetie's mouth!
  1306. >Even if the… vocalizations aren't to your style, you can't deny that they're having the desired effect and that the young mare is no amateur.
  1307. >A well-arched back pushes her eager backside up to meet her master's hips making her flanks jiggle just so with each impact.
  1308. >It's a strange combination of awkward and hot for you, but there's no denying both parties are enjoying themselves so over time you suspect you could get used to the sight.
  1309. >For now though, perhaps a distraction rather than watching your sister show just how experienced she is.
  1310. "I hope you're paying attention Twilight. See what I've tried to tell you about arching your back? And notice how she pushes herself up to meet Anon instead of making him do all the work?"
  1311. >The 3rd mare on the bed is indeed watching, but also most certainly not taking notes.
  1312. >Instead she's snickering behind a hoof at Sweetie's open moaning mouth and trying to sneak a picture of it with her hoof phone.
  1313. >No doubt for some stupid blackmail attempt or something equally silly.
  1314. >Well, you were looking for a distraction.
  1316. >"Rarity! Ah! No wait! Ohhh! Wait wait please it's too muchhhh! Ahhhhh!"
  1317. >A firm swat to the purple plot below you adds a nice hoof print to her belt stripes and shuts the begging brat up.
  1318. "Quiet! If you won't take the lesson Sweetie is providing seriously then you'll be quizzed on the subject right here and now!"
  1319. >Pushing your hips forward you mercilessly skewer the squirming purple and red plot below you with the strap-on.
  1320. >You'd chosen the large one, so her full attention was all but guaranteed.
  1321. "Now look at Sweetie! See how she lifts her flanks? If she can do it then so can a big mare like you!"
  1322. >The side-by-side white and purple mares moan and squirm as master and head mare slam into plushy plots behind them.
  1323. >One begging for more, the other for mercy.
  1324. >After a minute or so you share a sweaty flushed look with Anon beside you.
  1325. >His silly look he gives you crack a smile that grows into a full blown laugh as he lifts his hand for a high five as if you were frat bros celebrating some shared conquest.
  1326. >The absurdity of it all!
  1327. >Perhaps a little absurdity does the soul good though.
  1328. "I said hips up Twilight!"

"Sparkle Spanker 2000" ~Complete

by Vega

"Rarity & the Minotaur" ~Complete

by Vega

"Twilight's Political Plot" ~Complete

by Vega

"Trixie's Magic Trick" ~Complete

by Vega

"Mortified Modeling" ~Complete

by Vega