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"Not so Simple Needs" ~Complete

By Vega
Created: 2020-12-18 19:21:02
Updated: 2024-03-25 02:13:44
Expiry: Never

  1. "Now, Simple."
  2. >You poke Simple Needs' rump with the toe of your steel toe boot.
  3. >She at least had a glass of sweet tea ready for you when you got home, but you're almost out now, and still, no refill even after you asked once.
  4. >If you weren't looking right at the brown and white earth pony, you'd have missed the ghost of a pout vanish just as swiftly as it appeared.
  5. >She catches herself quickly, like she always does, and goes right back to hanging her head submissively at your feet.
  6. >"O-of course! I-I'm sorry but, but..."
  7. >She dips her head and nudges the boot that just prodded her cutie mark with her muzzle.
  8. >Huge pleading eyes look up at you from the groveling position at your feet.
  9. >You sigh before shaking your head and putting on the stern expression you know she's asking for.
  10. "I'm sorry, was that backtalk I just heard? Did I ask for any buts? I'm almost out of drink here, and you're just gonna sit there running your little pony mouth?"
  11. >The much more forceful application of boot to slave flank definitely qualifies as a kick this time.
  12. >Hard enough to leave a light shoe print, but not enough for any lasting harm.
  13. >With all the muscular earth pony padding she's got back, you know she can take worse [spoiler]a fact you were surprised to hear her tell you herself.[/spoiler]
  14. >Judging by the way she yelps, jumps, canters, and swings her tail up high though, that was just the motivation she needed.
  15. >It's always something like that with her.
  16. >You like your new mare, you really do.
  17. >She's absolutely adorable as far as you're concerned.
  18. >A mostly brown coat is broken up by splotches of white around her hooves, flanks, cheeks, and right up the ridge of her little nose.
  19. >Apparently she's NOT a pinto though.
  20. >At least according to the store.
  21. >Maybe it had something to do with the dark red mane and tail?
  22. >Either way, the different colored hooves give her the appearance of wearing permanent socks. The white butt splotch makes her look a bit like that blue princess horse, but like, the opposite, and hers is a lot bigger. And the white tip of her nose makes you always want to poke it.
  23. >Anyway, besides being easy on the eyes she's sweet, mostly obedient, and maybe a bit too into the obedience stuff sometimes if you're being honest.
  24. >The top marks on her paperwork made her look like a bargain, and she's never really been too rebellious, willful at best, but still, things just... haven't been what you expected.
  25. >You'd planned on being a tough master; you heard you've gotta be one with these little ponies or they'll run all over you, but you never thought your new slave would literally ASK for it!
  26. >Back when she was brand new you figured you'd break her in nice and slow.
  27. >No need to demand perfection when she's still new and scared, right?
  28. >Imagine your surprise when she'd dropped the crop off in your lap and presented herself for 'punishment' just for dinner being a few minutes late!
  29. >You tried to tell her it was fine, that you'd let it slide this time, but when she started to whimper and beg you to 'break her in' you sure as hell didn't know what to say!
  30. >They're supposed to want the opposite of that!
  31. >She made a convincing argument about wanting to get used to her new life and master as quickly as possible though...
  32. >Something about how it would be less stressful in the long run if she's trained on your expectations quickly.
  33. >When you picked up that crop and tapped her flank, however...
  34. >You'd spanked some naughty giggling girlfriends in the past, but that was nothing like whipping your slave!
  35. >She hissed, panted and gasped one moment, then told you she was an earth pony and deserved it harder the next!
  36. >Poor thing was so sore she couldn't even let her tail back down afterward!
  37. >Shaking all over too, even between her legs!
  38. >To your surprised though, instead of being afraid after you finished decorating her flanks, she started to cling to you like a needy little puppy.
  39. >It felt a little weird having her curled up around your feet, nuzzling your legs, calling you 'master', and promising to be such a 'good girl' for you.
  40. >These were the things they said would take a mile if you gave them an inch?
  41. >Needs returns to the room with a full glass balanced on her [spoiler]boot marked[/spoiler] flanks.
  42. >You take it and have a sip.
  43. >Yeah, she can make some good sweet tea at least.
  44. >Instead of going somewhere else though, she's just standing there next to your recliner as if waiting to be acknowledged.
  45. >Affirmation, that's what she always wants.
  46. "It's good. Good job."
  47. >The words are like treasure to the needy thing.
  48. >Hell, she's beaming like you'd just told her she won the lottery.
  49. >"Thank you very much, master! Are you sure it's sweet enough? I added more this time just like you said, but I'm still not totally - Oh!"
  50. >You silence the oncoming rambling by slapping a firm hand down on her dock, and rubbing back and forth between there and her slightly red cutie mark.
  51. "I said it's good. Don't change a thing, alright?"
  52. >The weird part is they don't even have to be nice words for her to eat them up.
  53. >If you're ever mad and have to scold her, call her a slave, tell her to get her lazy ass up and do something, she still loves it!
  54. >It's like any attention at all just fuels her enthusiasm!
  55. >And positive enforcement alone just flat out doesn't work.
  56. >There's all kinds of studies and stuff saying positive work better than negative, but none of those studies included Simple Needs.
  57. >You can pat her on the head all day, but it won't starve off laziness at all compared to a slap to the rump or a telling off.
  58. >THEN though, she practically lives for affirmation!
  59. >It's almost like aftercare or something.
  60. >And if words are treasures, then they're silver compared to the gold of physical touch.
  61. >Everything from the physical 'motivation' you gave her earlier, to good girl pets, and even weird shit like yanking her along by the collar seem to be what she lives for.
  62. >Shit, a small whimper from Simple brings you out of your musings.
  63. >Your hand on the mark must hurt more than you thought given the way her tail's rising.
  64. >You give her powerful muscles one last gentle pat before reaching behind you, grabbing a cushion, and throwing it on the ground.
  65. "Sit. Let's just watch some TV. It's been a long day."
  66. >There's that fleeting pout again.
  67. >Did you imagine it, or is she mad at you for sitting her down?
  68. >Whatever it is, she does as you said [spoiler]like always[/spoiler] then busies herself with nuzzling your hand for pets.
  69. >Real sweetie, but like you said, totally not what you expected.
  70. >What's even more unexpected is her running that long pony tongue up and down the finger you just stirred the tea with.
  71. "If you wanted some, you could have just gotten a glass of your own."
  72. >Just what goes on in that little horsey head?
  74. >You're Subliminal Message and you skid into the kitchen after being so 'motivated' by your master's big strong boot!
  75. >Mmmmm! That dull throb is to die for!
  76. >You wiggle your wide earth pony hips in delight, before shaking your head and lightly patting both sides of your face to regain your focus.
  77. >[spoiler]*Sigh* If only Master would slap you across muzzle like that.[/spoiler]
  78. >[spoiler]No, bad slave! Focus![/spoiler]
  79. >You're the mare formally known as Subliminal Message.
  80. >Technically it was Dr. Subliminal Message if you want to be accurate.
  81. >You left your accurate professional title and life far, far, behind when you donned your first collar though.
  82. >Now 'Simple Needs' lives a much, well, simpler life.
  83. >And you love it!
  84. >No more long grueling hours.
  85. >No more being burdened with everypony's deepest, darkest secrets and insecurities.
  86. >No more being on-call when all you want to do was get away.
  87. >No more dealing with that freak of a princess and her billion issues.
  88. >No more intense pressure to never EVER let somepony see you as less than perfect!
  89. >Your most important task right now was making sweet tea.
  90. >Not only were your responsibilities orders of magnitude easier, but if you did mess up then, what?
  91. >You'd be scolded?
  92. >Maybe sent to your room? Slapped a bit? Spanked?
  93. >Oh, wouldn't that be nice?!
  94. >Growing up studying 24/7 left you precious little time to pursue relationships, so imagine your surprise when you recently found out you actually didn't mind a firm swat or worse!
  95. >The humans at the training facility showed you a whole new side of yourself you never knew, and now you revel in the sweet sweet release of submission!
  96. >You felt bad for most ponies being forced into this life of course, but to you it was...
  97. >Well, as backwards as it sounds, it's freedom!
  98. >The snug collar around your neck called to you every time you saw it in a mirror, every time a strong human or thick chain pulls it.
  99. >'Forget yourself.'
  100. >'Forget all your stresses. Forget all your responsibilities. Forget even having to think for yourself!'
  101. >'Just, obey.'
  102. >And you do!
  103. >Perhaps sometimes you drag your hooves or let yourself be a teensy tiny bit sassy to get master's attention, but for the most part, you do!
  104. >You can't help but rub the light mark on your hindquarters and bite your lip again.
  105. >Unf, he can be so forceful!
  106. >Lucky for you, master either doesn't fully understand what a flagged tail means for a mare or for some reason doesn't care.
  107. >You wonder if he's holding himself back.
  108. >If so, then will he snap? Snap and throw you over the table to ravage his little slave like the growling primate savage that he...
  109. >You absolutely can't help but flag and, if you're being honest, wink a little as your thoughts get away from you.
  110. >Scolding you!
  111. >Tying you up!
  112. >Pulling you along by your mane!
  113. >Slapping your face and bratty ass!
  114. >Goddesses! Relax Simple! Not right here in the middle of the kitchen!
  115. >You slap your [spoiler]face[/spoiler] cheeks again as you slide his drink onto your flanks for transport.
  116. >It could have gone on your back or a tray, but, you know...
  117. >[spoiler] A chance to show off for master AND if you do spill it then guess who'll be in a delightful bit of trouble! [/spoiler]
  118. >With practiced grace though, you keep the cold beverage perfectly balanced as you make your way back to the living room.
  119. >You were taught good ponies have a nice perky trot, even when carrying things for their masters.
  120. >Perky is fun and perky you can do.
  121. >[spoiler]Oh goddesses can you do perky! You've heard rumors about what humans do with ginger roots when they want their ponies perky! Maybe you'll have to suggest that to master![/spoiler]
  122. >Through a combination of skill and pure luck you manage to make it all the way to the living room without a spill despite your head swimming in knee-weakening thoughts.
  123. >He takes the glass from you just as soon as our swing your 'other head' around.
  124. >Right, your cutie marks, the silhouette of a pony head with a puzzle piece for a brain.
  125. >[spoiler]He called it your 'butt-head' once which was kinda rude, but admittedly not too inaccurate.[/spoiler]
  126. >Everyone had always assumed your mark meant you were good at solving the puzzles of other ponies' heads as a psychiatrist, but nowadays you have to wonder.
  127. >The pony on the mark is sorta lowering its head. Was that so you could get at it, or was it a [spoiler]submissive[/spoiler] bow?
  128. >"It's good. Good job."
  129. >Simple job, simple affirmation, Simple Needs.
  130. >You try and casually slide a bit closer to him in the hopes of some 'good girl' pets, but none are forthcoming.
  131. >That's ok.
  132. >You can wait.
  133. >You'll take the opportunity to ask if it's just how he likes it, or if he'd like a bit more sug - oh!
  134. >Nevermind.
  135. >Words are canceled as those big strong fingers really dig into your powerful earth pony muscles!
  136. >Don't flag!
  137. >Don't flag!
  138. >Don't flag!
  139. >Have SOME dignity this time Simple, anddddd - oh buck it, get up there baby!
  140. >What does a slave need dignity for, anyway?
  141. >You've certainly no need for it!
  142. >Oh yeah, that feels so good...
  143. >Much to your annoyance, the pleasure only lasts a moment.
  144. >Always leaves you wanting, doesn't he?
  145. >You don't even think he does it on purpose.
  146. >When he takes you to bed [spoiler]Yes, he DOES rut you, though that took some... well... it was an egregious series of events...[/spoiler] he's generous enough, even if it's ultimately about his pleasure, not yours.
  147. >As it should be.
  148. >[spoiler]Not to mention he usually relents if you crawl and beg him to take care of you like only a master can![/spoiler]
  149. >Back to reality though, it's thoughtful of him to throw down the pillow to sit on.
  150. >Not as fun as his hands, or even better, his lap, but thoughtful, and more than you deserve.
  151. >You're more than content to wrap yourself around his feet like a good little pet waiting on her master's attention.
  152. >Doesn't mean you can't try and get more though.
  153. >You set to nuzzling and lightly licking his fingers as he turns on the TV.
  154. >Life is good.
  156. >The pony supply aisle is such a tease and humans don't even know it.
  157. >First of all, it's right beside the pet supply aisle, which itself says a lot about how humans think of ponies.
  158. >Not incorrectly, mind you.
  159. >Second of all, they don't hesitate to put the wildest things out in plain sight of everyone!
  160. >You turn the bridle around in your hooves again as you take the whole thing in.
  161. >Sturdy black leather.
  162. >A large metal bit that you KNOW would make your jaw ache in no time.
  163. >Even thick blinders large enough to totally cover a pony's eyes if closed, sending them into complete darkness!
  164. >You know that they put blinders on earth horses to keep them calm and remove distractions, but do they really think it's the same for ponies?
  165. >Ponies aren't dumb animals like their larger earth cousins.
  166. >For yourself at least, the idea of having your vision restricted or blinded entirely doesn't even come close to calming you down...
  167. >No, instead you're flooded with visions of your collar being yanked hard, causing you to stumble as you're dragged along on sightless hooves with no choice but to trust Master entirely!
  168. >Or maybe being strapped down to the bed, engulfed in darkness, gagged, and humiliatingly presented for master!
  169. >Maybe you'd hear him moving around behind you, your prey instincts tickling the back of your mind, telling you just how horribly vulnerable your soft pony body is like this!
  170. >Maybe he'd drag a crop along your haunches or a hand across our muzzle before slapping or smacking you for being so impatient!
  171. >C-could the metal bit possibly be exchanged for a nice wide ring gag to keep your cute little mouth open wide for his large throbbing -
  172. >"Simple."
  173. >!!!
  174. >The sudden voice causes you to throw the bridle straight up into the air in shock, before deftly catching it in your mouth on the way back down!
  175. >He always manages to get the jump on you!
  176. >Lip-biting-worthy thoughts of just how strong and clever he is run through your mind as you place the bridle on the floor, and lean forward into a deep ground-scraping bow [spoiler] complete with flank and tail held high [/spoiler].
  177. >"Did you find the cereal or did you get distracted? Up."
  178. >You don't need to be commanded twice.
  179. >You look up, then lift your neck even higher to present your heavy leather collar for the leash clip in his hand.
  180. >*Snap*
  181. >Immediately, the retractable [spoiler]dog[/spoiler] leash gives your most important accessory a gush-worthy tug.
  182. "I-I'm sorry sir. I was on the way but..."
  183. >You stumble over your words like you always do when caught disappointing him.
  184. >Is getting distracted a few aisles short of the cereal a huge deal?
  185. >No, of course not.
  186. >Is ANY sort of failure STILL a failure though?
  187. >Absolutely yes!
  188. "Please discipline me!"
  189. >"Simple - "
  190. "Please, sir! I won't be able to - "
  191. >The words die in your mouth as he grabs you by the collar and looks you right in the eyes!
  192. >Disappointment?
  193. >Anger?
  194. >No, he doesn't look mad he's just... checking his surroundings?
  195. >And was that a sigh?
  196. >Humans can be so hard to read.
  197. >Without expressive equine ears your ability to read them is nothing like your old pony patients.
  198. >"I won't be able to forgive myself if you don-"
  199. >SLAP!
  200. >Ow ow ow ow ow!
  201. >You don't cry out, but the heavy hand against your face was totally unexpected!
  202. >A good slave takes her beating with dignity, and that's exactly what you do, but OW!
  203. >The slap stings, and would have easily sent you staggering if he wasn't holding you by the collar.
  204. >Buck it stings so good though!
  205. >You totally had it coming too!
  206. >Some small, less heated, part of your brain says that a moment's distraction really wasn't worth that, but you ignore her.
  207. >She's boring.
  208. >She should go schedule a follow-up appointment with princess crazy again because those sessions were so productive and not frustrating wastes of time or anything like that!
  209. >"You do NOT talk over me! Especially after you can't even get one thing done!"
  210. >He angrily whispers, still holding you firmly by the collar.
  211. "Y-yes, sir..."
  212. >What a stupid naughty slave you are.
  213. >"Is this what you want?"
  214. >He asks, releasing his grip so you can look down at the bridle he's nudged with his foot.
  215. >"Put it on."
  216. >Put it on?! But you haven't paid for it yet!
  217. >You want to open your mouth again, but the stinging side of your face tells you that it's not your place to argue.
  218. >Picking it up with earth pony hooves is easy enough, but fiddling with all the straps and buckles is a different matter entirely!
  219. >You're no unicorn and the both of you know it.
  220. >Is making you pathetically fumble with it part of your punishment?
  221. >You can fit the bit in your bratty slave mouth, but there's no way you're going to manage the straps. Not in this lifetime at least.
  222. >After a few minutes of struggling he takes mercy on you and knees down to do the straps himself.
  223. >Tight!
  224. >Much to your surprise he also totally closes the blinders!
  225. >You know you fantasized about the pitch darkness, but you didn't think you'd be here so soon!
  226. "Come on. I get to pick out the cereal now."
  227. >Walking like this is a lot harder than you expected and sending off panic bells all throughout your little horsey brain!
  228. >You're going to run into something!
  229. >Some predator is going to going to gobble you up!
  230. >The pulls of the retractable leash keeps you close though, as you wonder just how many people and ponies are seeing you like this?
  231. >What must they all think?
  232. >Will master take his time to prance you around and let everyone see what happens to bad ponies?
  233. >It's not less than you deserve.
  234. >Though it may also make others uncomfortable, which isn't fair to them. They didn't sign up to see -
  235. >Shush boring side, master is in charge now!
  236. >No thinking, no analyzing, no stressing!
  237. >Just obeying!
  239. >You've gotta do something about this horse.
  240. >It's just a matter of time before some white knight sees you having to be firm with her, and decks you.
  241. >Keeping her in line at home is one thing.
  242. >Not that you enjoy being tough on her there either, but at least it's your own business.
  243. >Her doesn't-learn-without-a-smack ways don't change at all in public though, and soon or later that's gonna be a problem.
  244. >Just because you understand a crop first and then a pet works wonders for her, doesn't mean everyone will have the same opinion.
  245. >Could you ask the vet?
  246. >Some kind of pony trainer?
  247. >If anything, she's trained too well!
  248. >Do they make shrinks for pastel horses?
  249. >You mull over the options as you try and finish up the shopping asap and get home.
  250. >Of course folks are giving you a few looks as you drag a stumbling, blinded, and gagged pony behind you, but it's better than her groveling and making a scene begging for a beating.
  251. >This slave thing really isn't turning out to be as simple as you thought.
  253. >A blinded and bridled Simple Needs whinnys beneath you as you take her in a manly fashion.
  254. >The sound of hips slamming up against those fat flank of hers goes nicely with her moans, neighs, and useless attempt to say something around the bit she's still biting down on.
  255. >You've still got to figure out what to do about all... 'this' in the long term, but when you finished putting the groceries away and went to your room to find her bent over the edge of the bed with her legs spread wide...
  256. >"MMM! MMMM! MMMMMMMM!"
  257. >This really wasn't your intention when you bought her.
  258. >Some guys are super into fucking their slaves, and all kinds of other twisted shit, but you just wanted a maid and cook to make your life easier.
  259. >Not that you complained when she slapped that solid backside down on your lap after walking in on you watching porn that first time.
  260. >Maybe you'd just lucked out getting a slave that didn't mind human cock.
  261. >It was more than not minding though wasn't it?
  262. >She actively seeked it.
  263. >If her mouth wasn't full of thick metal bit right now, you know she'd be saying all kinds of lewd shit that sounded straight out of a porno.
  264. >You know they probably trained her to say that sorta stuff, and bend over for her master too, but with the amount of enthusiasm she puts into it, you really don't feel like you're forcing her.
  265. "Woah!"
  266. >The wild mare starts bucking backwards in an attempt to meet you, but with how strong she is, she's actually threatening to launch you off of her instead.
  267. >A hard tug on her reins and a heavy slap to her ass is enough to brings her to a trembling heel.
  268. "Settle down girl!"
  269. >Even if she can't talk, you can tell the whining, horse noises, and hard clenching she's doing is desperate.
  270. >Good.
  271. >If you're honest, you're not the most thoughtful of partners when you're with her, so if she can get off first then more power to her.
  272. >Not that she'd ever complain either way.
  273. >You'd just feel guilty.
  274. >Not much of course, but a little.
  275. >Running your free hand up and down her haunches and lower back, you can easily feel the tension and tremors in her powerful equine muscles.
  276. >She's holding still like commanded, but she'd much rather be frantically moving her hips to meet yours.
  277. >Was she just pent up?
  278. >It hasn't been that long has it?
  279. >Either way, it's pretty damn hot how much she's shaking, moaning, and milking the hell out of you as you slam into her totally-not-pinto backside.
  280. >Pulling both hands back to her hips you take a firm hold and crank up the intensity, driving her deeper into the bed.
  281. "Is this what you want?"
  282. >Her enthusiastic neigh and frantic nodding are cute, but you want to hear her say it.
  283. >Reaching forward, you quickly detach the bit and yank it out of her mouth.
  284. >"Oh goddesses! Fuck me master! Fuck your slave! Make me yours!"
  285. "You're already mine."
  286. >You grunt between thrusts.
  287. "Or did you already forget the last time I filled you up?"
  288. >She nickers loudly and throws her blind head left and right.
  289. >You wonder if she's disoriented with the blinders down like that.
  290. >Either way, this bridle thing was a lot more useful than you expected.
  291. >Having reins to pull instead of using her mane is a lot easier, and the bit will be another way to quiet her down the next time she gets a little rambly.
  292. >"N-no sir! I'd never forget!"
  293. >She barely manages to stammer out.
  294. >She's really close and it's cute.
  295. >"Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck! Give it to me! Give me a foal master! Put it in me! Fill me up, then paint my flank white!"
  296. >That was one fun part of her white butt splotch.
  297. >You could absolutely cover her hindquarters in 'master' and it would just blend right in.
  298. >It's almost like she was designed for it.
  299. >What she's not made for is getting pregnant from a human, but that doesn't seem to keep her from begging you to knock her up.
  300. >It's hot. You don't mind.
  301. >"Pull my tail! Spank me! Harder! Buck me harder! Tear my flank up!"
  302. >She can be a bit of a power bottom though.
  303. >It's sorta hot, but you've also got to be sure she remembers who's in charge even at times like this.
  304. >For that reason you hilt yourself inside her shivering body and stop completely.
  305. >"No! Master please! Master, don't stop!"
  306. >She must have been right on the edge, because the second you stop pumping she begins to frantically squirm and try to work your shaft herself.
  307. >Can't have that of course.
  308. >You pin her down to the bed with your arms and hold her dead still.
  309. >"Please please please please please!"
  310. >Her powerful inner muscles are going crazy, but without your participation, just sitting there inside her clearly isn't enough.
  311. "Are you going to tell me what to do again?"
  312. >She bangs her hooves on the bed in desperation.
  313. >"No sir! You're the master! I'm just your slave! Please use your slave!"
  314. >Damn, that's pretty hot.
  315. >Still, you don't want to encourage poor behavior.
  316. >You pull out of her pony pussy completely and line yourself up with the other hole back there.
  317. >No foals for demanding slaves.
  318. >"Oh goddesses... Master are you...?"
  319. >Even before you prod her backdoor she knows what's coming.
  320. >A bolt of tension shoots through her whole body as you start to penetrate her 'wrong hole'.
  321. >"M-master! T-that's not..."
  322. >She gulps hard and catches herself before she accidently complains.
  323. >This isn't the first time, and you're well lubricated from her mare juices so it won't be totally dry.
  324. >Still, she bites the bedsheets and whines loudly as you show her that master cares about all her holes equally.
  325. "Shit!"
  326. >You can't help but exclaim as she seemingly tries to crush you with her spasmic clenching!
  327. >She's being a pretty good girl taking it up the flank without complaint though.
  328. >You wrap one hand around her tail and pull HARD while slapping her now full ass with the other.
  329. >It's what she wanted.
  330. >Let no one say you aren't a nice master sometimes.
  331. >Instead of the single slap she was probably expecting though, you continue bringing your hand down on the same spot over and over.
  332. >The white hide quickly turns red as dozens of handprints glow and decorate her right cutie mark.
  333. >"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhhh!"
  334. >She's been spanked before of course, and with much worse than your hand, but a firm wearing her out while having her butt filled takes her a bit by surprise.
  335. >"Thank *ah!* you *Ohhh!* Sir *Owwww!*"
  336. >She's a handful sometimes, but damn can she be fun too.
  337. >Between her insanely tight ass, sexy noises, and obedience even with several inches of master up her backside is enough to finally push you over the edge.
  338. >You grab your property's hips with both hands and practically lift her off the bed as you drive the final thrust home.
  339. >You aren't sure if the nosies she's making as you pump her full are English or Equish or what, but either way she takes the hot load like a champ.
  340. >Until you let go at least.
  341. >The slave falls to the bed like a sack of potatoes as soon as you let go.
  342. >She's still alive judging by the panting, but pretty much dead to the world otherwise if her lack of response to you painting her backside with your last few spurts mean anything.
  343. >Gotta admit though, she looks pretty cute laying there covered in degeneracy.
  344. >You stumble over to the fridge first before collapsing onto the bed next to her.
  345. >Is she asleep?
  346. >You can't tell with the blinders still closed.
  347. >You roll over to her side and gently lift a blinder to find a tired but awake eye behind it.
  348. >She offers you a tired smile and nuzzles up against your arm.
  349. >Did she finish too?
  350. >You couldn't exactly tell, but she's pretty calm now so maybe so?
  351. >You crack open one of the bottles of water you grabbed and hold it up to her lips.
  352. >No instructions required for her to guzzle the whole thing down in one go.
  353. "Go clean up."
  354. >You command.
  355. >The tiniest of whines escapes her lips, but you'll let it slide.
  356. >She's earned a bit of leeway, and you're tired as shit.
  357. >A moment later she slides off the bed and zigzags her way towards the bathroom dripping a mess behind her the whole way.
  358. >Heh, hot.
  360. >You are Simple needs.
  361. >And you just came...
  362. >Three times...
  363. >You think back on how hard it was to get laid back in equestria with the awful mare to stallion ratio, versus now where all you have to do for a savage pounding is present.
  364. >Truly you've died and Earth is heaven!
  365. >You can feel the hot master-love on and in you as you weakly trot out of the bedroom.
  366. >So damn hot!
  367. >And he used your new bridle too!
  368. >You've never been bucked while wearing a blindfold, but if you have anything to say about it, you'll definitely be doing it again!
  369. >A less horny part of your brain says something about other senses being heightened when one is deprived, but you don't need Subliminal Messages to tell you that the loving you just got was amazing.
  370. >You opt for a quick shower given how overall sweaty you are.
  371. >Unsurprisingly Master is right where you left him when you return to the bedroom.
  372. >Is he asleep? Probably.
  373. >It would be rude to wake him, but after a bucking like that you need some good snuggles so you walk around to his free arm and nose your way underneath it.
  374. >Aw yes.
  375. >The big strong arm feels divine wrapped around your barrel as you cuddle up close.
  376. >Normally you'd sleep in your doggy bed on the floor, but you know he won't object for a quick nap.
  377. >Just as you wiggle into a comfortable position and close your eyes his hand starts to scratch your side.
  378. >Oh, you guess he's not asleep.
  379. "I never said it before so, thank you for the present master."
  380. >Referencing, of course, the bridle still on your head.
  381. >He looks down at you, seemingly just now realizing your still sporting the leather accessory.
  382. >"Sure. Looks good on you. Do you want me to..."
  383. >He gestures towards it.
  384. >'Do you want it off' he means.
  385. >It is fun, but you've been wearing it for a long time now and it's very tight.
  386. >You nod and hold still as he fiddles with the straps.
  387. >"We're gonna go the vet soon."
  388. >Wait what?
  389. >What for?
  390. >You just went last month and got several awful shots!
  391. "I-is it time already sir?"
  392. >You know proper healthcare is important, but at the same time you've always been bad with shots!
  393. >"Not for your normal checkup. I want to ask them about this though."
  394. >Y-your head?
  395. >Why would he want to ask them about your head???
  396. "I-I don't understand master. Did I do something wrong? Whatever it is I'm sure I can - ."
  397. >He clamps your soon-to-be-rambling pony mouth shut with his hand.
  398. >"It's nothing for you to worry about. Ok?"
  399. >It's not a slave's place to question her master, but you can't help your mind running wild with speculation.
  400. >Have you not been good enough?
  401. >That can't be it, if you were bad he'd punish you himself or take you to a trainer, not a vet.
  402. >He'd only take you to a vet is he thought you were in some way sick and he pointed to your head.
  403. >Sick in the head?
  404. >A tug on your ear pulls you out of your thoughts!
  405. "Ow ow ow!"
  406. >"I can tell you're overthinking it. Just relax. You trust master don't you?"
  407. >He runs his hand over the dozens of red handprints he left on your cutiemark just a few minutes ago.
  408. >A reminder to behave if ever there was one.
  409. "Yes Sir. Of course."
  410. >They don't allow clothes at the vet though, so there'll be no hiding that he recently has his aggressive way with you - ah!
  411. >The firm landing of his hand on those exact handprints drives the point home again!
  412. >No thinking!
  413. >This time however, the unspoken command finally gets through your stubborn runaway thoughts, clearing them away.
  414. >You settle your head down on his chest again and wiggle your haunches under his delightful attentions.
  415. >No thinking it is.
  417. >You rub your forearm awkwardly as you and Master wait your turn at the vet.
  418. >Oh, the vet.
  419. >Two large dogs, a cat, and some kind of colorful bird also occupy the waiting room with their masters; each is either on a leash or in a cage.
  420. >Ponies are, of course, no exception.
  421. >A leash is policy for all pets, and you're most certainly Master's lovely little pet.
  422. >Not only that, but just as all the other animals receive attention from their masters, yours idly digs his fingers into the base of your mane and scratches up and down your back.
  423. >No doubt, he knows the vet makes you a bit nervous.
  424. >Master knows everything so that sorta goes without saying.
  425. >The vet can just be so...
  426. >You get that they're more used to dealing with patients that can't speak, and you are JUST a pony, so you know you can't complain.
  427. >Even if they're rough, all it takes is a quick look at Master to know everything will be alright.
  428. >You do wish he'd let you wear something to cover up the fun you'd both had last night, though.
  429. >He said you were being silly, and you suppose he's right.
  430. >It's perfectly natural for a master to buck his mare, and what kind of mare would you be if your supple flanks couldn't entice him to give you a few loving smacks?
  431. >"Simple needs? Anon and Simple Needs?"
  432. >So soon?
  433. >You'd only just started to get comfortable rubbing up against him!
  434. >You jump up when patted, though, and fall in step as expected.
  435. >At least you don't have to worry about blood work or anything like that today.
  436. >The exam room you're taken to has a picture of a dog on the door.
  437. >You've never been to the cat rooms, no doubt because the tables in there aren't designed for pets of your weight class.
  438. >You still hate the cold metal tables in the dog rooms...
  439. >You know the drill, though, and you aren't gonna be difficult.
  440. >"Awww, there's a good girl!"
  441. >Coos the vet assistant as you hop up onto the table without being told.
  442. >Amanda, you think her name was. She's been pretty nice to you in the past.
  443. >Oh, and she's got a sugar cube!
  444. >You always knew being a good girl paid off!
  445. >It's a pretty big one, so you take it in your hooves and lay down on your belly to lick it into submission.
  446. >With you occupied, she walks past to chat with Master.
  447. >You aren't really paying a ton of attention to what they're saying since good ponies don't eavesdrop, but you do tune back in the end.
  448. >"That's definitely not something you'd go the usual trainers for, but we may have someone we can recommend. I'll get you their card."
  449. >Ugh, trainers.
  450. >They've got a hard job teaching unruly ponies their new place in life, but the one you went to at least was tough even on the obedient ones!
  451. >AKA you!
  452. >'Just doing their jobs' you remind yourself.
  453. >Plus, you should be thankful, really.
  454. >Your original trainers are the ones who helped you discover just how great it was to submit!
  455. >To be a simple-minded pet instead of a high-strung professional one bad day away from a breakdown!
  456. >If you somehow had to go back to your old life of listening to Princesses -
  457. >" - me to hold her down?"
  458. >Wait, what?
  459. >Your ears catch the tail end of whatever Master was saying and swivel on their own.
  460. >"If you wouldn't mind." Amanda says as she flicks the end of a very, very large needle!
  461. >No no no! Not more needles!
  462. >You know shots are important, but irrational fears are just that! Irrational!
  463. "I-I thought I was all caught up!?"
  464. >Oh sweet goddesses, that's such a big needle!
  465. "Didn't you say we were just here to talk about behavioral stuff - Oh!"
  466. >With your eyes glued on the large piece of metal that's about STAB you, you fail to notice Master slip to your other side to restrain you!
  467. >Before you know it, one firm hand grips the back of your neck and pushes your head down against the table, while the other elbow pins the rest of you by the haunches!
  468. >"Sorry, sweetheart. We were gonna do your rabies shot at your next visit, but since you're here, we might as well."
  469. >Rabies?!
  470. >You aren't going to get rabies!
  471. "P-please Master! I won't get rabies! I'll be an indoor pet! I won't go outside ever, I swear! Just no shots, please please please pl-"
  472. >He cuts you off when the hand on your neck moves to shut your pleading pony mouth.
  473. >You know you aren't acting like a good girl right now, but it's gonna really really hurt!
  474. >Just where is a needle that big gonna go anyway?!
  475. >You're acutely aware that she's hanging around behind you rather than in front.
  476. >Not a forehoof shot then but a... Oh no.
  477. >She's a medical professional, and it's only natural for slaves to be a bit roughed up, but you still hope she doesn't say anything about your handprints from last night!
  478. >You can't even look behind you with how well he has you pinned.
  479. >Is she about to do it?
  480. >The anticipation is doing a number on youuuuuu - OW!
  482. >You sullenly lick the sugar cube-to-go they gave you for taking your shot.
  483. >It's good, but it can't really distract you from the sharp pain in your bandaid covered flank.
  484. >At least Master isn't angry with you for making a scene.
  485. >You should probably be punished for arguing like that, but for now, at least, he's going easy on you.
  486. >Probably understands you're in pain already, and he can be deal with you later.
  487. >*Sigh* What did you do to end up with such a perfect Master?
  488. >A good slave doesn't take that for granted, and you know it.
  489. "I umm, I'm sorry about back there, Master. I'm sure I embarrassed you..."
  490. >He only glances your way a moment before returning his eyes to the road.
  491. >"It's not like I don't know you don't do well with needles."
  492. >Yeahhhhh...
  493. >The first time he took you in, you made an even worse scene.
  494. >You try not to blush at the memory.
  495. >It's a miracle he didn't send a wild slave like you back!
  496. "That's still no excuse. I - "
  497. >Not waiting for you to finish your thought, he pulls you by the leash until your head is in his lap!
  498. >S-so sudden!
  499. "Ohhhh... T-that, that feels s-so good, sir..."
  500. >Taking a hand off the steering wheel to scratch his embarrassed little slave behind the ears?
  501. >What a Master!
  502. >"Hush."
  503. >Unf!
  504. >"No one expects you to be perfect. There's plenty of humans who aren't good with needles either. What matters is you got it, and now everything's good."
  505. >You got the shot because he pinned you to the table like he's some kind of macho cowboy!
  506. >You suppose he does have plenty of experience wrangling animals into submission.
  507. >And by animals, you of course mean ponies!
  508. >Your tail flicks at the thought of how effortlessly he does what he wants with you!
  509. >Even in front of the vet!
  510. >Goddesses! At least wait until you get home, Simple!
  511. >Your internal struggles drag on for you aren't sure how long when suddenly the car comes to a stop.
  512. >This isn't the garage?
  513. >Are you not going straight home?
  514. >Ugh, you wanted to get home and lift your tail again!
  515. >It is a bit soon after last night, you know, but that does little to stop your heated thoughts as he pets.
  516. >He turns the car off and pulls the keys out of the ignition.
  517. "Where are we, sir?"
  518. >Opening the door and climbing out, all it takes is a light pull on your leash to get you following.
  519. >Some kind of office complex?
  520. >It's fairly indistinct, so you're even more at a loss as to why the two of you are here.
  521. >He doesn't answer your question as he leads you inside.
  522. >Once in the elevator, you notice him looking at a small card.
  523. >That must be the one the vet gave him, right?
  524. >Which means this is about the behavior stuff.
  525. >The behavior stuff you still don't understand.
  526. >Why won't he tell you what he wants?
  527. >More obedience?
  528. >More respect?
  529. >He must know you'll do anything he says.
  530. >It's clear your question will go unanswered, though, as he suddenly turns into an office.
  531. >You were looking around, so you didn't get a good look at the sign before coming in.
  532. >None of this looked like any training facility you'd ever heard of.
  533. >The inside of the office sure is fancy too.
  534. >Leather chairs and couches, paintings, warm wood paneling.
  535. >You miss what Master says to the receptionist, but do notice him handing her the leash.
  536. >"Stay here, ok?"
  537. >You nod dumbly, which seems to be good enough.
  538. >He goes into a nearby office as just what's going on starts to dawn on you.
  539. >First, he'd talked to the vet about some mysterious behavior thing.
  540. >Something with your head?
  541. >You wish you'd taken more time to analyze all this, but he very clearly ordered you not to.
  542. >And of course, you'll take being Simple Needs instead of Subliminal Message any day.
  543. >Now, though, it's getting hard to ignore the facts.
  544. >They said it wasn't something for a 'usual' trainer.
  545. >He'd brought you to a fancy office and was talking to someone in private, presumably about you.
  546. >The office reminded you of your old one back in Equestria...
  547. >The door cracks open again, and he motions for you to come in.
  548. >You've suddenly got a bad feeling about this...
  549. >You know Master knows best, but if this is...
  550. >You walk into the office and freeze.
  551. >No.
  552. >No no no no no.
  553. >For a moment, the unicorn mare on the other side of the desk is just as surprised to see you.
  554. >Then her expression softens into a soft, almost sad one.
  555. >"Subliminal. Come in."
  556. >Buck!
  558. >This is bad.
  559. "Faustie. Fancy seeing you here." You chuckle and give her a terribly awkward smile.
  560. >Faustian Slip not only knows you but can also read ponies like a book
  561. >You look anywhere BUT at your ex-colleague, as you slowly trot over to the couch where Master.
  562. >Princesses, what's she going to think?
  563. >Maybe she'll understand.
  564. >What you're doing isn't unhealthy.
  565. >Well... it's not THAT unhealthy!
  566. >Sure, there are some questions of consent, coercion, state of mind, self-worth, self-destructive beha - Ah! No no no! You don't want to think about this kind of stuff!
  567. >Faustian adjusts her glasses with a wing as she shifts through her papers.
  568. >“Small world, isn't it?”
  569. >You slide up beside Master on the couch.
  570. >He looks understandably confused.
  571. “Faustie and I, uhh, knew each other back in Equestria.”
  572. >“Colleague to be exact. Back when 'Subliminal Messages' was just that, instead of 'Simple Needs'.”
  573. >You cringe at hearing your old name said out loud.
  574. >Even Master didn't know it until now.
  575. >Hopefully, he doesn't think you were hiding things from him!
  576. >That would make you a bad, bad pony, and bad ponies get punished!
  577. >Not that you can't take some firm punishment, but what if he does it right here in front of Faustie?!
  578. >Maybe you can head this problem off.
  579. “M-my trainers renamed me. I wasn't, uhh, taking well to reeducation at first....”
  580. >You were a naughty mare, and it hurts to admit it both to Master and Faustie!
  581. “I think it all turned out well though! And I like the new name!”
  582. >You snuggle up a bit closer to Master's side and worm your way under his arm, forcing him to wrap it around you.
  583. >Happy Horse really had to break you down and rebuild you, and the name was just a part of that.
  584. >You took to it well once they tore you down, though!
  585. >The breaking parts were some... unhappy memories... and a bit fuzzy in places if you're honest, but that's fine with you.
  586. >Once you quit fighting, things were so much better, though!
  587. >By the time you 'graduated' they considered you a model slave!
  588. >You remember the swell of pride the first time you heard a trainer ask another mare why they couldn't be more like you.
  589. >That silly purple pony was having a really hard time getting with the program.
  590. >Understandable, but never good.
  591. >You hope she ended up learning her place, just like you.
  592. >Faustie clears her throat, pulling your out of your trip down memory lane.
  593. >“Well, I think we're all glad to hear that. It must have been a difficult thing to adjust to. Most ponies have had a hard time with that, adjusting.”
  594. >That's true for most, but things have been great for you.
  595. >After some tiny initial growing pains, at least.
  596. >A voice from the other side of the room alerts you to a second human you somehow missed browsing a bookshelf.
  597. >How did you not notice him?
  598. >Too focused on Faustie, you suppose.
  599. >“Would you describe yourself as well adjusted, Miss Simple?” he asks.
  600. >You know what they're doing, but what choice do you have but to answer?
  601. >Master brought you here, he'll expect you to cooperate even if you don't like it.
  602. >It doesn't matter what a slave likes.
  603. “I think so, sir...”
  604. >You look up at Master for reassurance and receive a small smile, as well as some scratches, from the arm wrapped around you.
  605. >“By all accounts, you're an excellent servant to Mr. Anon -”
  606. >According to the heavy collar around your neck you're his SLAVE, not his servant, but the compliment is appreciated nonetheless.
  607. >“- but there's more to a healthy pony than how well they can follow orders.”
  608. >That's... true, you suppose.
  609. >“Mr. Anon, if it's alright with you, why don't we let these two have a moment?”
  610. >No no no! Don't leave you here with Faustie!
  611. >You don't dare tell him what to do, though, so when he agrees, stands, and tells you to be honest, all you can do is nod.
  612. >Buck.
  613. >The human therapist (whose name you realize you didn't even get) starts to talk to Master about some sports thing as the two of them leave out a side door to an adjacent room.
  614. >And then there were two.
  615. “So...”
  616. >You and Faustie weren't exactly best friends back in the day, but you enjoyed a friendly professional relationship.
  617. >You never thought you'd be on the patient side of things with her though.
  618. >“They truly are gone. We can speak freely. No hidden mics, or cameras, or anything like that.”
  619. >The thought had occurred to you, but can she be absolutely sure?
  620. >She's wearing a collar too.
  621. >It's a much more elegant and subtle design than your own, but you're sure he's still her master.
  622. “That's very trusting of him.”
  623. >She smiles a bit.
  624. >“Doctor Andrews understands the importance of both trust and privacy. I've been very fortunate to end up with him. Have you been as fortunate with Mr. Anon?”
  625. “Yes! Yes, he’s been amazing.”
  626. >You wrap your tail around you a bit more to hide the handprints he’d left on your cutie mark last night.
  627. >Amazing indeed!
  628. >”Really? Well, that’s wonderful. No… trouble? Conflict? Disagreements?”
  629. >You know what she’s trying to do and you’d rather not play the long drawn out game.
  630. “Can we just… I know where this is going Faustie. Things aren’t perfect, nothing is, but we’ve come to a good understanding. He commands, I listen, everyone’s happy. So, why am I here?”
  631. >She looks up from her papers and gives you a brief analyzing look.
  632. >”He’s worried about you.”
  633. >What?
  634. >That’s not at all what you expected.
  635. >You thought you’d done something wrong or displeased him somehow.
  636. “I don’t understand.”
  637. >You reply, shaking your head slightly.
  638. >She looks back down at her paperwork and flips through a few pages.
  639. >”Begs for physical punishment. Refuses rewards. Even in one case asking to be branded?”
  640. >Admittedly, that wasn’t your shining moment, yeah.
  641. ”T-that last one was… a joke…”
  642. >It wasn’t. The idea of being permanently marked as his is hot af.
  643. >She gives you a flat look and raises an eyebrow.
  644. “I was just asking if he’d thought about it!”
  645. >”His statement says otherwise…”
  646. “I didn’t… he…”
  647. >You can’t call Master a liar, but how else are you going to get out of this?!
  648. >“Frankly Subliminal, most of these reports are a bit concerning. Do you feel like you aren’t allowed to be happy?”
  649. “Of course I am. It’s just that what makes me happy has sorta... changed.”
  650. >She maintains an even tone as she scribbles something down on her notes.
  651. >“Changed in what way? Does how you’ve been pushing him to treat you make you happy?”
  652. >Buck!
  653. “Well, maybe, but...”
  654. >“So a very physical and dominant approach to being treated.”
  655. “I… uhh…”
  656. >Just the term ‘dominant’ is enough to make you blush and flick your tail!
  657. >“It says here that you had to be slapped and muzzled in a store recently. Is that how you want to be treated? How did that make you feel?”
  658. >Did he tell them everything!?
  659. >W-what about you presenting for him as soon you got home?!
  660. >You’re sweating bullets both from the interrogation as well as remembering the string of his big, strong hand smacking you hard across the face!
  661. “I… I did sorta get distracted so…”
  662. >“Subliminal.”
  663. >You look up at the mention of your real name.
  664. >“There’s nothing wrong with making the best of your situation, but tell me. Are you ok? Your master doesn’t get it, but he hasn’t walked a mile in horseshoes like us. I’m not here to judge. If you’re into this sorta stuff then there’s nothing wrong with that, but I still need to be sure you’re in a safe and healthy mindset about it.”
  665. “It’s just nice to live so carefreely, you know?”
  666. >She nods again, this time more sympathetically.
  667. “No job stress, no family driving me crazy, no ‘friends’ expecting the world out of me. Just some housework, shopping, and uh, snuggling...”
  668. >Maybe even some struggle snuggles!
  669. >Who doesn’t love some token resistance to really spice things up?
  670. >Your powerful pony muscles straining against his even more powerful human ones! Unf!
  671. >“You're not the first to feel that way, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. But…”
  672. >Oh boy.
  673. >Instead of dropping a bomb about how unhealthy and deviant you are though, she instead laughs a tiny bit?
  674. >“I think you should talk with him about it.”
  675. >That’s not what you expected.
  676. >Talk with him about being his slave?
  677. “Like… about this whole thing?”
  678. >How would you even do that?
  679. >'Hey Master I know my entire body belongs to you but here’s a list of my likes and dislikes ok thanks.'
  680. >She gives you a small smile.
  681. >“I’ve only talked to him for a bit. He’s no bleeding heart, but he seems to be a nice human who cares about you and your health. There’s plenty of masters who wouldn’t need to be told twice to slap or kick their pony as motivation, and yet he’s brought you here because he’s worried about you. I’m not saying his motivations are completely pure, he did mention not wanting you to make a scene in public, but some would simply take you home and whip you raw for embarrassing them.”
  682. >That’s… true.
  683. >His punishments hurt, but they were always over quickly and never more than you could bear.
  684. >Back at Happy Horse, you remember being pushed well past your limits with the whip when you were still a bad girl.
  685. >Those were memories you usually kept suppressed and nothing like how you felt now, even when he’s taking a belt to your tough earth pony flanks.
  686. >“Is he gentle with you?”
  687. >Huh?
  688. >“You know…”
  689. >She inclines a wing tip towards where you’d accidentally let your tail fall to reveal…!
  690. >“As gentle as you’d like him to be I mean.”
  691. “Yes! Yes, no worries there, I promise!”
  692. >Her smile turns into a downright smirk.
  693. >“You approached him, didn’t you?”
  694. >Memories of your first time licking his hard humanhood flash across your mind.
  695. >He was watching porn!
  696. >You were just doing what any good slave mare would!
  697. >Your blush must be answer enough, judging by her covering her mouth with a hoof to hide her amusement.
  698. >“Subliminal, Subliminal, Subliminal… Or, I guess I should call you Simple now. You really fell hard down the rabbit hole here, but I still think you can land on your hooves if you just talk to him. He’s been indulging you so far. There’s no reason to think you can’t speak up and at least open a dialogue. There are lines in any relationship, even one like this.”
  699. >This isn’t exactly a normal relationship, though.
  700. >You can’t just ask for a safe word when his word is law, and the collar around your neck undeniably marks you as HIS.
  701. >If that’s what he wants, though…
  702. >You don’t doubt that he would prefer you in a healthy mental state.
  703. >Even if it’s for his own reasons: keeping you working, not embarrassing him in public, etc.
  704. >The motivation doesn’t actually matter.
  705. >It’s still his will.
  706. >Isn’t his will your command?
  707. “I guess I could try. Just to avoid upsetting him, you know?”
  708. >And worse case, what?
  709. >If he’s displeased by you speaking up, you have no doubt he’ll teach you the error of your ways.
  710. >Putting you back in your place like any good master would!
  711. >You bite your lip at the idea of having your mouth cleaned out with soap for daring to speak to him that way.
  712. >Maybe being forced to sleep outside, tied to a post in the yard like a dog.
  713. >You’re absolutely sure he can come up with creative ways to humble you if he doesn’t like you standing up for yourself, and if he does…
  714. >Images of complex rope bondage suspending you from the ceiling flash across your mind.
  715. >Now’s not the time for that Simple!
  716. >“Normally, we’d explore your feelings a bit more, but normally, I also wouldn’t take on a colleague as a patient, to begin with.”
  717. >True, you aren’t best friends, but you do have an existing relationship.
  718. >“That said, we’ve still got quite a bit of time before they check back in. We can just catch up, or…”
  719. >Fausty glances up from her papers and actually looks a bit… flustered?
  720. “What?”
  721. >“It’s none of my business, and this isn’t professional, but uhh… how is it?”
  722. “You mean like…?”
  723. >Surely she doesn’t.
  724. >She breaks the tensions a bit with a nervous laugh and hides a fresh blush behind her clipboard.
  725. >“Doctor Andrews is a wonderful psychologist and a morally upstanding human. He sought me out specifically for this job, and to serve him in a strictly professional capacity.”
  726. >So he’s never touched her at all.
  727. >Ouch!
  728. >Ponies have been on earth for years!
  729. >That’s a long time for a poor mare!
  730. >“I’ve no complaints, of course, but I also hear a lot of things from mares coming through here and can’t help but wonder…”
  731. “If the rumors are true? Crazy stamina, hands, all that stuff?”
  732. >You look the mare right in the eyes.
  733. “Abso-bucking-lutely.”
  735. >After half an hour of telling poor Fausty about the magic of hands, the humans eventually reappear.
  736. >They ask you both how things have been going.
  737. >You both give vague but helpful answers to make it seem like you’ve been making deep psychological progress and not talking about roaming human fingers.
  738. >At least Fausty managed to get her calm and collected professional demeanor back before they showed up.
  739. >[spoiler]It took a few splashes of cold water.[/spoiler]
  740. >In the end, it’s agreed you have a few things to talk about with Master in private, and further sessions can be arranged if necessary.
  741. >One tame but nervous car ride home, and you’re soon awkwardly explaining your ‘interests’ to Master.
  742. >He listens with an expression you can’t read.
  743. >Mad? Disappointed? Indifferent?
  744. >As usual, you’ve got no idea without expressive pony ears to be your tell.
  745. >You stumble over your words after presenting the idea of maybe having a safeword for both of you when things get out of hand.
  746. “So uhh, yeah… I know that’s pretty weird, and maybe not how you want me to feel, so if not then I can try to - woah!”
  747. >You weren’t expecting him to suddenly pick you up around your midsection!
  748. >He tucks you under one arm [spoiler]flank forward[/spoiler] and heads from the kitchen where you were talking to the living room.
  749. >“I should have guessed that’s what all this was about, but everyone always acts like ponies are so innocent.”
  750. >He throws you over the back of the couch with your plot towards him and laughs.
  751. >“Like you’ve ever been innocent, though.”
  752. >You’re pretty sure you recognize the muted jingling of his belt buckle, but that can mean one of two things:
  753. >He’s going to beat you for being an insatiable whorse!
  754. >He’s going to rut you for being an insatiable whorse!
  755. >You can’t look back to find out, with the tight handful of mane he grabbed, but both options have about the same exciting effect on your body either way!
  756. “Ah!”
  757. >A heavy hand violently smashes into your perky presented and already sore flank!
  758. >So it’s the former!
  759. >You’re a bad, bad mare to be punished by your Master!
  760. >“Safeword is Acorn.”
  761. >He says as he suddenly penetrates you to the core!
  762. “Y-yes, Master! T-thank you, Master! Oh!”
  763. >“And that includes when we’re out in public.
  764. “Yes, Master!”
  765. >“And when I’m tired and don’t want to have to smack you just for a glass of tea.”
  766. “Yes, Master! Yes, Master!”
  767. >It’s all you can say as he lays down the new house rules and fills your pony pussy at the same time!
  768. >“Good girl,” he says as he slows down his thrusting and reaches around you with his belt in one hand.
  769. >Your breath catches in your throat as he starts to bind your forehooves together.
  770. >So tight!
  771. >“If you’re good, I’ll show you some of the rope tricks a few of my old GFs liked, deal?”
  772. >!!!
  773. >“Yes, Master!”

"Sparkle Spanker 2000" ~Complete

by Vega

"Rarity & the Minotaur" ~Complete

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"Twilight's Political Plot" ~Complete

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"Trixie's Magic Trick" ~Complete

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"Mortified Modeling" ~Complete

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