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Hunter Anon (combined) by CaptainAnonymous

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2020-12-19 02:59:22
Expiry: Never

  2. Day 1
  3. >You can't help but flex a little as you're stood by a mirror.
  4. >Or a window.
  5. >Or any reflective surface really.
  6. >This time you're holding your Glock 17, tight dark grey t-shirt on, Bullet Proof vest on top, 'MLP' written on the front of it.
  7. >You tense, admiring your biceps and forearms as you look at the van door window you're stood by.
  8. >Leon aint got shit on you.
  9. >You smile to yourself before getting your head in the game. You press a button on the pager like device on your belt, count to three under your breath, and then you kick next to the lock of the door in front of you.
  10. "Hands in the air, Mythical Legends Police!"
  11. >Damn do you love this shit.
  12. >Across from you and to the right, the other two doorways burst open.
  13. >You take a split second to relish that your door looks to have gotten fucked up more than theirs.
  14. >Glass shatters from above as more agents enter the place, coming down on ropes.
  15. >Yeah it's cooler. But if you had done that you couldn't effectively shout.
  16. >And you love shouting.
  17. >There's a panic as the rows of seats are knocked over, buyers tripping over each other to try and escape.
  18. >You cock one over the head with the bottom of your gun.
  19. >Fun stuff.
  20. >And it should help remind the rest that you're holding a fucking gun.
  21. >Fat wealthy people aren't a problem though, it's the sellers.
  22. >Two of them have to be shot as they get the bright idea to try and pull their own weapons while having a half dozen guns trained on them.
  23. >As you pull the trigger you briefly wonder what to have for dinner tonight.
  24. >The others promptly give up, and once you've made sure everyone's in one place, and unarmed, the arresting team comes in, different people being filed out and locked into different vans for processing.
  25. >You walk towards the stage to take a look at the products.
  26. >As you do, so does that woman you like.
  27. >You don't want to date her or anything, you honestly prefer training, playing games, watching movies, and shitposting, but damn do she got a booty.
  28. >Your eyes flicker to her great big juggs, looking for the nametag.
  29. >"Christ, more of these multicoloured ponies."
  30. "Mhm." You briefly answer, looking to the six mares in front of you.
  31. >For about three quarters of the beings you have to deal with, it's impossible to tell what sex they are.
  32. >It's easy with these things though, cute and girly looking.
  33. >They're all huddled together, shivering and looking back and forth between you two, as well as behind to the two corpses being wheeled out.
  34. >Looks like you have to do the awkward part of the job.
  35. "I'm Anon, Captain of this squad. You're safe now, I promise. I've dealt with one of your cases before, and I know that you can understand me."
  36. >You get down on one knee and hunch over a little to get more on their level, the ponies only the tiniest bit over three foot tall.
  37. >And that's including their hair.
  38. >Manes.
  39. >Whatever.
  40. >They still look scared, but not as much. Except the pale yellow and pink Pegasus. Fucking terrified.
  41. >Honestly, it's easier dealing with the creatures, or more appropriately, monsters, that try ripping your face off.
  42. >Just knock them the fuck out, they wake up in one of the zoo like facilities, done.
  43. >You have to have one of the suits by your side as they're the ones that do the transfers and paper work associated with this.
  44. >You usually just write up a report saying 'Killed however many people, illegal goods safe'.
  45. >"While we're all very appreciative of your goodwill, I assure you this isn't necessary." The white one with the purple mane and tail says to you as you fit a collar and leash around her neck.
  46. "It's procedure, it's either this or a cage."
  47. >She's lucky they're obviously intelligent, otherwise it would be a tazing and the cage.
  48. >She's also obviously... Fancy. A little charm couldn't hurt.
  49. "Don't worry, in human society this is high class fashion. I'm sure a lady like you can pull it off."
  50. >You were hoping it would just make her more agreeable to the idea, now though she looks almost proud of it.
  51. >You gently apply the collars and leashes to the others, fighting back the desire to tug on them like they were dogs.
  52. "Alright, lets go."
  53. >You walk out to your own van. Non descript, but decked out, blacked out windows, fast and powerful. You watch as they each hop on up into the back, and you tie their leashes onto a railing.
  54. >Even though she has wings to assist her, the pale yellow one hops up and down, nervous and unsure if she can jump up.
  55. >Like a puppy wanting to get on the couch.
  56. >You crouch down, cradling her with an "Eep" sounding out from her.
  57. >You place her in the van and tie her leash to the railing as well.
  58. >The white and purple ones could probably untie them with magic. They can only just about leviate objects, being so far away from their destroyed homeland.
  59. >But they probably wouldn't.
  60. >And if they tried escaping you could just let out a few bursts of knockout gas in the back.
  61. >You drive while the suit, the man in black, sits next to you.
  62. >He stares straight forwards, not attempting any communication.
  63. >Creepy things.
  64. >You're not even sure what they are, but they're good at obeying orders and looking official.
  65. >Once you're back at the compound, you walk the ponies to your accomadations.
  66. >Getting a few looks on the way.
  67. >So what if you're bringing six fantastical beings that most of the rest of the world is unaware of, and all six of them have human level intelligence, and sexual deviants are usually the ones trying to buy them.
  68. >Jenkins has a Dodo in his office and no-one gives him shit.
  69. >You ask the ponies their names to take your mind off the stares you're getting.
  70. >Once 'home' you take their leashes off, and uncollar them, except for Rarity who insists she keeps it on before trotting away to explore your home with the others.
  71. >You sit on the couch and warily watch the suit going over paper after paper from a briefcase you didn't even notice he had. After half an hour of constant writing, stamping, and ticking, he hands you a single sheet of paper, which you sign.
  72. >He promptly files the stacks of papers away, stands, and walks to your front door.
  73. >You open it for him and he steps out, and turns back, offering you a hand to shake.
  74. >You stare at it for a few seconds, before wordlessly closing the door on him.
  75. >You look through the peephole to see him standing there.
  76. >Unblinking.
  77. >Unmoving.
  78. >Unbreathing.
  79. >For two minutes.
  80. >Before he turns and walks away.
  81. >You swear you're gonna kill one of those things one day.
  82. >You turn and go to find where the six ponies are.
  83. >AppleJack and Dash are both trapped beneath a barbell, trying to lift it, while Rarity and Twilight both try and assist with their magic, Fluttershy weeps over the situation, and Pinkie stares into the business end of a thankfully unloaded shotgun, wondering what it is.
  84. >You suspect you'll soon be in court for having an endangered species die under your watch.
  86. Day 2
  87. >You gasp and pant slightly.
  88. >Dragging three incredibly thick and soft matresses into the house would be fine.
  89. >Three incredibly thick matresses, six blankets and covers, and eight pillows would be fine.
  90. >The six childrens beanbag chairs for children, and the vanity mirror and desk, also fine.
  91. >But dragging and carrying them all from the parking lot, down half a mile of sleek metal corridors to get to your 'home' inside the facility and making return trips was horrible.
  92. >You place the three very thick soft matresses down into the spare room. These damn ponies will look like royalty sleeping on these things, absolutely iant in comparison. They could all fit on one, but would roll into each other through the night.
  93. >You wanted to get two.
  94. >They wanted three.
  95. >So you got three.
  96. >You put all the covers on, and throw the extra, extra blankets, and extra pillows down.
  97. >They wanted that as well.
  98. >You put down the desk and vanity mirror, a few feet away from the door to bathroom that's connected to the bedroom.
  99. >You throw down all the beanbags into the living room, each one a different colour, their colours.
  100. >Finally.
  101. >Now you just need to bring in the new giant fridge that can fit your six new roommates dietary needs.
  102. >Fuck.
  103. >At least it's worth it in the end.
  104. >You get to see six cute pony faces beaming up at you from the floor as you sit on the couch, breathing hard.
  105. >The purple one, Twilight smiles happily.
  106. >"I don't think we really got it across to you before but... Thank you. Thank you so much for all of this. We know you're putting yourself through a lot of trouble to house us and keep us safe, together, and, and..."
  107. >"Thank you!" Pinkie yells out, tackling you.
  108. >Well, sort of tackling you.
  109. >Theres a soft pomf sound as she pounces onto the couch and into your side, trying to hug all the way around your waist, nuzzling her face side to side.
  110. >They all look a little teary eyed.
  111. "Um, girls, really, it's okay... If I ever stumbled into your strange pony lands I bet you'd help me out too."
  112. >It's always weird dealing with something with human intelligence, that looks so vastly different to you.
  113. >You remember the first time you had a philosophical debate with a longsword.
  114. >You live a strange life.
  115. >"So what do you do for fun?" Pinkie asks, sitting back, smiling up to you as you resist the notion to scratch behind her ears.
  116. >They look like pets, they're very friendly and affectionate..... And they look like pets.
  117. >You didn't like the feeling when a Frost Giant tried to take you home, pet you, hug you, and call you George.
  118. >These guys probably wouldn't appreciate it either.
  119. "Well uh, I usually work out about now, and you guys can't really uh, leave." You scratch the back of your head.
  120. >You're basically a slave owner.
  121. >Just a really really nice one.
  122. "But I have tonnes of movies you've never seen before." 'That won't scar you for life.'
  123. >One of the other things you did was hide away all the non family friendly DVDs you have.
  124. >From what you've read, and experienced so far, their homeland was incredibly child friendly.
  125. >Dash hovers close to you. "Sounds cool Anon, just make sure there's lots of fighting will ya?"
  126. >She starts to perform some pony equivalent of karate while flapping her wings to keep in the air.
  127. >From what you've read it also looks like they have to put in a lot more effort into flying, Pegasi using the abundant magic in the air of their homeland to assist them and gain greater speeds.
  128. >Some of them hop up onto the couch, others jumping back into their new beanbags.
  129. >Pinkie starts grabbing and handing out snacks as you look for a movie to put on.
  130. >Snow White and the Seven dwarves would do.
  131. >And yes. You do own that.
  132. >You also don't want to show them the latest and greatest CGI effects, and then work your way backwards.
  133. >As the movie begins to play you head into the other room with a cool pint glass of water, getting ready to lift.
  134. >Sweat runs down your forehead as you grunt, your feet trying to plant themselves through the floor as you lift, your core tensing.
  135. >You love this feeling.
  136. >The last few nigh impossible reps of the last set.
  137. >Throughout your workout, you can hear the muffled Disney songs through the door.
  138. >When you've finished, weights clanging back into place, you head out as quietly as you can, seeing the ponies watching the tv with absolute amazement, before you continue sneaking, going to shower.
  139. >You towel yourself off, put on some different comfortable clothes before heading out and to the kitchen. By the time you've finished making yourself something to eat, the movie is just ending, and you turn to see the mares.
  140. >They look happy, but are also a blubbering mess.
  141. >The ones on beanbags have all migrated to the couch, all huddled together and comforting each other as the credits play.
  142. >Rarity dabs her eyes with an embroidened handkerchief.
  143. >Where the fuck did she get that?
  144. >You walk over to them, into their line of sight.
  145. "Girls... Are you alright?"
  146. >"Th-that... Was THE most... Romatic thing I've, I've.... WAAAAA!"
  147. >She bursts into tears, the others joining her.
  148. >You roll your eyes and move to scoop them up in your arms, unsure what's taken over you.
  149. >Fucking crying girls.
  150. >One of them is light, but lifting all six while also not applying enough pressure to crush them is like holding two huge bags of cement.
  151. >It becomes a lot easier as you turn to sit back on the couch, bringing them against your body as you hold them.
  152. >Over time, their crying and shivering turns into light hiccups as your hands and fingers lightly stroke over their manes and their backs as you're surrounded by comfortable softness.
  153. >Luckily they really don't mind being treated like pets.
  154. >They're soon moving closer into you for warmth, while also trying to move back against your petting hands.
  155. >Silly ponies.
  156. >"Ahve said it before and Ahll say it again, fingers are amazin."
  157. >You move your hand to just under the rim of Applejacks hat, scratching behind her ears.
  158. >She almost melts.
  159. >After a short while more of holding them, but less petting and scratches, they're now very comfortable and relaxed.
  160. >Rarity looks up at you. "So Anon, are you our Prince Charming?" She giggles, as do the others.
  161. >You notice the collar she's wearing now has the pattern of her Cutiemark stitched in.
  162. "Oh yeah, a regular Prince Charming, that's me." You let them each hop off of you, allowing you to finally eat your post workout meal.
  163. >You can see that they're starting to look ever so slightly tired.
  164. >They're really a lot like children.
  165. "Alright girls, feel free to... Do whatever. I need to leave in a while..." You don't elaborate as you stand, putting the DVD back in its case and going into your bedroom, changing into something more formal.
  166. >As you're readying to leave you see each of the mares has a cup of warm milk to drink.
  167. >Seriously, just like children.
  168. >"So where are you going Anon?" Dash asks.
  169. "Ah.. Well as you already know this isn't the usual thing for Agents, especially Captains to do. I need to meet with some of the more influential people in order to sway them over, let them know I've got this handled as well as to give them any reports I need to."
  170. >And by that you mean you have to go on a date with the Directors gay twink son.
  171. >You open the front door and leave.
  173. Day 3
  174. >You unlock, open, and step through your front door.
  175. >Pink glossy kiss marks are left on your neck, face, and lips, and your shirt is buttoned up all wrong.
  176. >You're not sure how to feel about this.
  177. >The Directors son has certainly... Changed.... Since last you saw him.
  178. >At least you've secured the ponies chances at staying here.
  179. >You close the door behind you, locking it again.
  180. >It's 2AM.
  181. >You quietly creep to the second bedroom, opening the door a crack.
  182. >They have a teddy bear nightlight plugged into the wall, illuminating the room enough for you to see them, all six in bed.
  183. >The three huge mattresses are all pushed together, covers over them, the six ponies splayed out on top, with blankets on top of them.
  184. >You daaw internally at the sight of ears twitching, and a few hooves sticking out, twitching.
  185. >You quietly close the door before going to wash up and go to sleep yourself.
  186. >You have one more day to help them settle, as much as they can be when currently their entire world is supposed to just be your home.
  187. >And then you'll be on the clock again.
  188. >Sent out on a moments notice.
  189. >On top of all the neccesities they need you're also going to have to buy them some luxuries, games maybe, anything to keep them from being bored as hell.
  190. >You have no idea how long this arrangement may last.
  191. >So you put it out of your mind.
  192. >Strip.
  193. >And flop into bed, pulling the covers over you.
  194. >"Wakey wakey eggs and horrible murder that I'm super uncomfortable with so Fluttershy had to make it please get it away from me this is horrifying."
  195. >A voice manages to sing song all of that.
  196. >You blearily open your eyes to see Pinkie pushing a tray onto your form, on top of the covers.
  197. >You grunt and move to sit up in bed, exposing your naked torso from your belly button and up.
  198. >Pinkie looks horribly uncomfortable, her face reddening, sweating slightly, eyes transfixed on you.
  199. "Uh, sorry Pinks, I guess you must be super freaked out by meat as a herbivore."
  200. >You take the tray, pulling it into a more comfortable position, getting it further away from her.
  201. >"Yes... Yes that's right." She answers, breathing deeply.
  202. >She starts to slowly moonwalk out of the room.
  203. >"Well I hope you like me. It. It, I hope you like it. Breakfast. Because you look delicious. It. The breakfast. It looks delicious. Umm, bye!"
  204. >She opens the door, leaps through, and slams it closed.
  205. >Well.. That was nice of her.
  206. >You hungrily wolf down the tasty breakfast of champions, before getting dressed for another day of 'Look after the rare mythical creatures that apparantly aren't as important as Chupacabras, Mothmen, Tooth Fairies, Skinwalkers, Mermaids, Krampus, Manticores, Weeping Angels, Zombies, Golems, Lizardmen, Splicers, Dodos, Bunyips, Yetis, Minotaurs, Chimeras, Centaurs, Thunderbirds, Cockatrice, Sirens, Sickel Weasels, Gremlins, Ya-te-veo, Griffins, Harpies, Giants, Cyclops, Wendigos, Sphynx, and a whole host of grey spindly deceptively strong things'. Seriously. Fuck all those things.
  207. >Okay, most of them are cool, but still.
  208. >You head on out to the sounds of Pinkie saying something about "super muscular and-" they turn to you.
  209. >Fluttershy hides behind her curtain of a mane. "D-did you enjoy breakfast?"
  210. "Yeah I did, thanks Shy."
  211. >Twilight then jumps in "Well he have to try paying you back in some way, for now kindness will have to do."
  212. >The girls all smile to each other and you.
  213. >You chuckle a little, they're so enthusiastic.
  214. "Well thanks. So, is there anything else you'd like? Now that I've gotten you all the things you really need, anything else I won't really have to worry about getting it quickly, so we can just buy online."
  215. >You see six quizical looks all directed at you.
  216. "Right... Let me just show you." You say, grabbing your laptop.
  217. >A few hours later you've bought a tonne of glow in the dark space stickers for the ceiling of their room, a ridiculous amount of pampaering products, a lot of famous literature, stuffed animals, and a giant exercise wheel.
  218. >Luckily you managed to hide all the bdsm stuff that surrounded the link to that last one.
  219. >Looks like you've never afford going on holiday though. Ever.
  220. >You've also set up your music system for easy access to all the super girly songs these mares actually like.
  221. >You end up spending most of the day just talking and hanging out with them.
  222. >This is so comfy.
  223. >You have six mares all trying to cuddle with you as you talk about your life and theirs, your arms around them, hands idly stroking through their manes.
  224. >"The worst part is I never even got to kiss a stallion. I thought I'd have my whole life ahead of me for something like that, and now I'm stuck here with you."
  225. >Four other girls all agree with her plight, voicing their own similar situation.
  226. >You can't help but think that Rarity must be lying though.
  227. >And Dash makes a 'bleurgh noise' and acts disinterested by the whole thing.
  228. >Twilight blushes. "I-I don't mean it like that though, o-of course I'm happy to be here, it's just-"
  229. >You decide to put a stop to this before she accidentally summons a spaghetti monster.
  230. "Twilight, it's alright, I get what you mean."
  231. >There's a comfortable silence for a minute.
  232. >"Anon, are human kisses nice?"
  233. >Now it's your turn to blush.
  234. "Uh well uh, yes, I mean kisses are always nice."
  235. >"Well I don't know about that Anon, I can't imagine kissing a Griffin would be too great." She smiles.
  236. >You forgot how easy ponies are with the idea of intimacy with another species, having come from a land where... Well, that sort of just happens.
  237. >"Do you think, maybe, you could give me one kiss? J-just so I know what it's like is all!" Twilight blushes hard.
  238. >"Well darling that's not really fair to the rest of us is it?"
  239. >"Yeah, I want one too!"
  240. >Well Dash sure fucking changed her tune.
  241. >There's another not quite so comfortable silence for a minute.
  242. >And then another.
  243. >You let out a sigh.
  244. >You are supposed to keep these beings content...
  245. >And one chaste kiss won't change anything.
  246. >You fucking freak.
  247. >You're going to kiss a pony.
  248. "One kiss. Just so you know what it's like. It's not going to be this life changing event, it's just sort of nice." You let out another sigh.
  249. >Your heart is beating so hard.
  250. >Thump thump thump.
  251. >You can hear it in your ears your heart is pumping so hard over the idea of the thought of doing something so... Unholy?
  252. >No, it's not that bad, but it sure is fucking weird.
  253. >Your heart beats so loud as she closes her eyes and puckers her lips.
  254. >Right, they're like children.
  255. >This'll be nothing.
  256. >You'll barely have to do anything, and she'll probably think you've infested her with cooties, run off, and rinse her mouth out.
  257. >Your heart beats so loud, you don't hear the knock at your door.
  258. >Twilight must be in a similar boat.
  259. >Pinkie however, being the sweet and oblivious to consequences pony that she is, calmly trotted to the door, unlocked, and opened it.
  260. >And there stands Jenkins, holding one of your reports in his hands, probably here to complain that the information on your last report wasn't detailed enough.
  261. >Again.
  262. >I mean come on, this isn't a school essay, he can't just tell you the minimum number of words you can use.
  263. >But that's not really the problem right now.
  264. >The problem is that the door opened, and his sight landed on you, just as your lips connected with Twilights.
  265. >You do barely more than move your lips and suckle ever so slightly, for a meager two seconds.
  266. >You pull your head back to look at her.
  267. >A few seconds pass before her eyes finally flutter open. She lets out a shakey breath.
  268. >"Oh... Oh my...."
  269. >You can barely even hear her.
  270. >Your eyelines notice the other ponies aren't looking at you, they're instead looking at....
  271. >Oh fuck.
  272. >The door closes slowly.
  273. "Oh no...."
  274. >You lower twilight to the couch, she seems to be... Pretty much out of it. It must be from embarassment. Nothing else.
  275. >Nope.
  276. >You however are slightly freaking out.
  277. >No. No need to panic.
  278. >This is like when a parent catches their son masturbating.
  279. >They look away quick, walk away, never discuss it, but the son always cringes over the memory of it.
  280. >You sit there for ten minutes, the girls, Twilight now included, asking if you're okay.
  281. >No.
  282. >Jenkins is a cunt.
  283. "I'll uh, I'll be back in a while. Just need to see if... If everything's okay."
  284. >As you exit your home, the first thing you see across the hall is a printed sheet of A4 paper, laminated, stuck to the wall.
  285. >'Anon Kisses Ponies' is the title, it goes over Jenkins account of the event, and has a photo of a horse, the hue changed to purple, mouth pressed to a photo of you taken from your file, and a love heart above the two of you.
  286. >Ten minutes.
  287. >You start to walk down to different open offices, finding more posters.
  288. >The fucker did this in ten minutes.
  289. >Your eyes are affected by the gravitational pull of great heaving jugs.
  290. >You turn to see Cassie in all her tight uniform voluptuous glory.
  291. >"I can't believe I was going to make you my booty call."
  292. >She strides away, shaking her head.
  293. >What.
  294. >WHAT.
  295. >You start marching to Jenkins closed off office.
  296. >You'll destroy him.
  297. >Just one good punch, leaning all your weight into it, that should disfigure him nicely.
  298. >You storm all the way to his office, raising a hand to knock at the door.
  299. >You let out a breath.
  300. >No, this is a bad idea.
  301. >You can't do this.
  302. >This isn't you.
  303. >You're better than this.
  304. >If you're going to fuck someone up, you're going to make an entrance at least.
  305. >You take a short step back, and then bring your foot up, extending it out hard and fast, your other foot planted firmly against the ground like a mighty tree.
  306. >The doorframe around the lock almost explodes from the impact, the door swinging open wildly.
  307. >And there before you is Jenkins.
  308. >Balls deep in his Dodo.
  310. Day 4
  311. >You step out of the shower, barely drying yourself before you can no longer keep away the temptation.
  312. >You look in the mirror and flex.
  313. >'Damn I'm fine.'
  314. >Since you caught Jenkins fucking the Dodo in his office, and subsequently shouting out for as many people to come look while holding the door wide open, everyone has seemingly forgotten about you kissing a pony.
  315. >Especially as Jenkins was the only witness to it.
  316. >While there were many witnesses to Jenkins.... Oddity.
  317. >Plus the semen leaking from the Dodo as it went wild and ran out of his office, giving many unsuspecting people a fright.
  318. >It's not every day you're confronted by a thought to be extinct creature with a gaping asshole dripping cum as it squawks in panic.
  319. >And hell, anyone who does remember the story of you kissing a pony would probably think it was just Jenkins trying to throw people off of his own weird sexual fancies.
  320. >Poor Dodo.
  321. >At least Jenkins was on the small side.
  322. >You spent the remainder of the evening finding every one of those pony kissing posters and tearing them down.
  323. >And of course the mares other than Twilight all kept pestering you for their own kisses.
  324. >You had to cave in. You'd get no sleep otherwise.
  325. >One after another, you give them small, two second long kisses, each of them having the same sort of reaction as Twilight.
  326. >You're not sure if it's good or bad for them, or a mixture of the two.
  327. >You're also not sure if throughout the ages Stallions just sucked at kissing, or maybe it's your vastly different biology.
  328. >Like, chemicals coming together, or something.
  329. >Fuck, you don't know, you mostly just punch or shoot things.
  330. >As they staggered to bed, Twilight began to mumble "You know, I'm not sure if I got the full experience of that first kiss....-" Before deciding not to risk any more and continuing to the bedroom.
  331. >You apply an odourless deodrant to yourself, having gone through the rest of your routine.
  332. >You're like Patrick Bateman.
  333. >If he was also concerned with not being pounced on by monsters.
  334. >You don't want anything to potentially catch wind of your scent, or the scent of the chemicals in other deodrants.
  335. >Yes. You're on duty today.
  336. >Once again the girls made you breakfast without even having to ask.
  337. >They're real nice.
  338. >You dress, and arm yourself.
  339. >Stepping out to begin talking to the mares, you notice they seem more shy and bashful around you than they did before.
  340. >But with your phone going off, you don't really have the time to wonder why that is.
  341. "Sorry girls, thanks for breakfast, but I've got to go, have a good day."
  342. >You smile to them as you leave, answering your phone.
  343. >You're soon in your van, being given the rundown of an abandoned military base whilst you're driving.
  344. >Oh boy.
  345. >You're pretty sure you've read about this on /x/.
  346. >And two gun toting 'innawoods' survival type campers have gone missing.
  347. >Well, one and four fifths of the campers.
  348. >They did find a leg.
  349. >You find yourself bouncing in your seat a little.
  350. >This is gonna be cool.
  351. >And more importantly, it'll take your mind off of potentially getting the ponies taken off your hands.
  352. >And who knows what would happen to you.
  353. >Being seen kissing one of them, however brief. Is a big no no.
  354. >You're definitely not supposed to get sexually involved with the completely different species, that's also endangered, that you're looking after.
  355. >You haven't seen Jenkins since. No word of firing, just gone.
  356. >And that was for fucking a stupid bird that would walk up to a rifle and happily get wrecked by it.
  357. >Obviously you should never do that in an office environment, but... Your head will start hurting if you keep thinking about this.
  358. >Just don't kiss the ponies.
  359. >You let them get a taste of it, so to speak, now it's done. No more.
  360. >You look to your weapons, deciding to take your mind off of it for reals this time.
  361. >Sawn off shotgun, cartridges full of rock salt.
  362. >Flask of holy water.
  363. >Rosary beads.
  364. >A bible.
  365. >wooden stakes.
  366. >Silver knives.
  367. >Oak baton.
  368. >Hey, you never know right?
  369. >Reports of, 'Guys got killed, good luck working with that' don't exactly give you a lot of information on what you're up against.
  370. >And of course, your Glock 17, standard ammo, as well as an AS50. A sexy fucking sniper rifle.
  371. >Unfortunately, whatever you're up against, you're expected to bring it back alive unless the global facilities already contain a certain number of the creature.
  372. >In which case, kill it before it kills you, leave no evidence behind.
  373. >Joy.
  374. >You are officer Nick Jackof.
  375. >Your partner is off sick, and the department couldn't afford to assign you another.
  376. >That's okay though, you're only a year away from retirement, and after all the medals you've earned, and cases you've solved, you've been stationed on a nice, empty, long, empty, deserted, very empty, very long, and extremely empty, section of road.
  377. >You let out a long happy sigh, listening to your favourite tunes on the radio. You're about to open the box of poptarts your wife Mildred made for you, when you see in your rear view mirror, an incredible sight.
  378. >A van.
  379. >Driving down this section of road.
  380. >The road where you haven't seen any other vehicle of any description, ever.
  381. >You perk up slightly at this, might as well do your job every once in five years right?
  382. >You watch as the van drives passed, going the speed limit exactly.
  383. >The left tail light is busted.
  384. >Eh, might as well.
  385. >You let off a short woop woop of siren as you drive after the van, which promptly slows to a crawl, and pulls over.
  386. >You step out of your car, and wiggle your belt about before striding up to the drivers side.
  387. >The blackened window rolls down, to reveal a young man, sweating bullets, on the seat next to him a small mountain of tissues, all soaked with red liquid.
  388. >"Evening officer, is there a problem?"
  389. "You've just got a tail light out, thought I'd let you know. I won't write you up or anything. License and registration?"
  390. >He pulls open his glove compartment, and a flood of different passports, licenses, and bricks of different currencies of paper money wrapped in cellophane fall out
  391. >Must be a busy guy.
  392. >"Ah, h-here you go officer."
  393. You briefly look it over.
  394. "Ah, everything looks in order here." You go to hand him back the items, ready to leave.
  395. >There's a great thump in the back of his van, followed by a moaning.
  396. >You decide to hold onto his means of identity a little longer.
  397. "... Sir, I'm doing to look through the back of your van, do you mind?"
  398. >".......... No...."
  399. >You walk to the back, and open the doors.
  400. >There you see a naked, genderless, dirty being, very tall and large, with sinewy yet vastly powerful looking muscles. It's tied up with many steel cables, and has a head that looks halfway between a mans and a deers, including the antlers.
  401. >You can see where it's popped it's bones out, trying to escape from its bonds.
  402. >The fingers of its hands are twice as long as you'd expect, ending in four inch long razor sharp claws.
  403. >Its legs are longer than normal, ending in hooves, making it even taller if it were to stand.
  404. >The eyes are blood red as it stares into your very soul.
  405. >And it has an erection.
  406. >It opens its mouth, revealing multiple rows of jagged teeth, drool dripping from them.
  407. >"It's okay. Go to sleep."
  408. >You stare at it for a few seconds more, then slowly close the doors to the van, and walk back up to the drivers side.
  409. >You hand him back his license and registration.
  410. "Have a good day sir."
  411. >You walk back to your car, and start to reverse, and reverse, and reverse.
  412. >Mildreds getting beaten tonight.
  413. >Fuck your shoulder hurts.
  414. >Fucking Deer Men.
  415. >Fucking terrifying Deer Men.
  416. >You drive back to the facility, parking your Van in a containment area.
  417. >You go to meet one of the suits, one of the men in black, and you give them the rundown of what happened, and obviously the type of creature that it is.
  418. >He stares wordlessly at you.
  419. >You want to reach up and poke his face.
  420. >It's probably a mask.
  421. "Well, alright, have a good day."
  422. >At that he smiles the biggest grin.
  423. >You almost die.
  424. >And then you walk out of there.
  425. >For fuck sakes, the higher ups are trying to teach them about emotions and customer relation type shit again aren't they?
  426. >Your whole body shivers at the vision of that grin being pounded into your memory forever.
  427. >You could fuck Hitomi Tanaka like a runaway freight train and not cum for a year.
  428. >You enter your home.
  429. "Hey girls, we'll talk in a second, just need to go to my whiskey room."
  430. >You try not to smile at the thought, wanting to maintain your cool guy illusion.
  431. >The whiskey room is a tiny coat room.
  432. >With a single light.
  433. >A stool.
  434. >A table.
  435. >A sewing kit.
  436. >A lighter.
  437. >And a bottle of whiskey.
  438. >It's where you go to patch up your wounds and feel like the biggest badass in the world.
  439. >As you make the slightest of turns however.
  440. >"GAAAASP!!"
  441. >The six mares are all over you, moving you towards the couch.
  442. >"Now you just lay right there mister! Um, if you want to, that is."
  443. >What?
  444. >"Oh my that looks so painful, you're being a brave colt to endure this."
  445. >The girls strip you of the upper half of your clothes, and you feel rivers of blood treakle down from your right shoulder blade.
  446. "It's fine I can do it myse-"
  447. >"There there Anon, it's okay...."
  448. >Pinkie lightly strokes your head.
  449. "Really, I can-"
  450. >"I'll put some hot chocolate on for him."
  451. >"I'll grab his blankets!"
  452. >Rarity and Dash both make their intentions known as Fluttershy is already starting to do what you would usually do.
  453. >Except without leaving a jaggedy sewing pattern from trying to sew your own back.
  454. >"Ahll get the marshmellows, Twi?"
  455. >"Way ahead of you." She smiles and zips off.
  456. >You're soon patched up, holding a mug of hot chocolate, marshmellows floating in it, covers lightly draped around you, Twilight placing plasters with smiles on them over the smallest of scrapes you have, and kissing each of the 'booboos' better.
  457. >The beginning of Lady and the Tramp starts to play on the tv as you're once again surrounded by soft cuddling poines.
  458. "I'm a man damnit..." You grumble.
  459. >Pinkie slides the stem of a flower through the locks of your hair, you can just about see the blurry redness of the flower coming from the corner of your vision.
  460. "A manly man..."
  462. Day 5
  463. >You wake up.
  464. >Apparently you fell asleep on the couch, as did the girls.
  465. >You're covered in a blanket of sleeping soft cuddly ponies, nuzzled up to your sides, your legs, laying over your torso...
  466. >And Pinkie is nestled between your legs.
  467. >Face against your crotch as she slowly breathes in and out.
  468. >Well...
  469. >Lets just hope you didn't grow hard at any point during the night.
  470. >You carefully extract yourself from the sleeping ponies, removing your limbs out of their grips, one at a time, laying them on the couch away from you.
  471. >After six goes at this, you're finally free.
  472. >It's another work day, so you eat, and decide to leave before you have a chance to accidentally wake them.
  473. >Tomorrow will be the day when everything is normal and you won't have conflicting feelings over these adorable sweet ponies.
  474. Yeah, tomorrow.
  475. >You are Pinkie.
  476. >"Oh my, that has got to be the most wonderful nights sleep ever."
  477. >"My goodness he's so comfy, better than the beds at Canterlot." Rarity beams.
  478. >"Psh, forget that, he's more comfy than clouds!" Dashies voice cracks halfway through.
  479. >"I know girls, it was heaven. He radiates warmth, and that scent!" Twilight shivers.
  480. "And he was booping me throughout the entire night!"
  481. >You smile wide, you knew you picked the best sleeping spot.
  482. >And if Twilight thinks the scent by his chest was good...
  483. >You shiver in place, tongue lolling out just from the memory.
  484. "Oh yeah that's the good stuff...."
  485. >The others look at you strangely.
  486. >Like they don't know what you're talking about.
  487. >"So, um, what are we going to do? I mean... He's really nice, and kind, and sweet..." Fluttershy blushes.
  488. "And he's got a huge-"
  489. >"And them kisses? I thought ah could only feel like that when ahm in heat!" Applejack starts to fan herself with her hat.
  490. "And he's got a massive-"
  491. >"And so handsome! I never thought I could look at someone that wasn't a pony and feel so... I mean... What a hunk right?!" Rarity exclaims brightly.
  492. >The others all nod their heads and smile in return.
  493. "And he's got a giant-"
  494. >"So girls, what are we going to do about this? We obviously feel... Something for him. We live with him, he's perfect for us, do you think we should.... Help him get over the species gap between us?" Twilight asks.
  496. >You pant for breath, before looking around to bemused faces.
  497. >"Pinkie darling, this isn't the time for one of your random outbursts. We need to come up with a plan. He just needs a... Little push in the right direction."
  498. >"Who knows girls, we might end up better off than in Equestria, a colt-friend, er, human, man, friend, to give us belly rubs and call us pretty ponies!" Twilight squees and clops her hooves together.
  499. >You are Anon, coming back to your home after having run around like a headless chicken, chasing after and catching Jackalopes all day.
  500. >As you open the door, you see that the lights have been dimmed, but not turned off.
  501. "Girls?"
  502. >You call out. You would think that they'd dimmed the lights to better watch a movie, except you can see the couch and tv right there, no one sat down, tv off.
  503. >"Oh, good evening Anon."
  504. >At that, candles light up around the room, particularly around the kitchen area.
  505. >You don't even own any candles.
  506. >You wonder if you'll end up regretting teaching them of online shopping.
  507. >At least you put all the child safety locks on your laptop.
  508. >And all your porn is hidden in a file called 'Boring documents'.
  509. >The perfect crime.
  510. "Uh, hey girls, you have a good day?"
  511. >With more light you can now easily see Flutters and Dash flying up to you, as Rarity titters.
  512. >"Oh no darling, how was your day? You're the one who had to go out and work so hard for us."
  513. >Flutters and Dash help you out of your jacket, hanging it up, as well as unstrapping gear from you, placing it on a table.
  514. >Gentle pushing moves you more to the others.
  515. "Oh well, you know, same old stuff."
  516. >Applejack lightly pushes you back into a chair.
  517. >It's now you notice....
  518. >Are they wearing dresses?
  519. >And makeup?
  520. >What?
  521. >"Now now shugacube, you don't have to hold back with us. Come on, how was your day?"
  522. >She takes off your right shoe, and Pinkie your left, then taking off your socks.
  523. >Twilight magics a soft lowdown stool you've never seen before beneath your heels.
  524. >The two earth pony girls start to gently massage the soles of your feet.
  525. "Well... It was actually kind of tough actually."
  526. >"Oh I bet it was darling, our poor Anon, working so hard, you don't get the respect you deserve."
  527. >Rarity stands on her back hooves, nuzzling into your side lightly.
  528. "Well... Yeah actually. I always bring my A game, always achieve results, but my bosses never even thank me."
  529. >"My poor Anon."
  530. >With you sat down, and her stood on her back hooves and leaning against you, she's tall enough to kiss your cheek.
  531. >This is actually kind of nice.
  532. >Fluttershy rests her head against your thigh, looking up at you, her mane hanging across her legs.
  533. >"Dinner will be ready soon honey, you just relax."
  534. >H-honey?
  535. >Pinkie and AJ smile up to you as well as they massage your feet, Pinkie quietly giggling at feeling your toes.
  536. >Dash hovers behind you, hooves massaging around the top of your shoulders and neck.
  537. >"Damn Anon, you're real muscular you know that? Our big strong man."
  538. "Th-thanks."
  539. >Fluttershy gently flaps her way to the oven, and with you feeling thoroughly more relaxed, your dinner is plated and set in front of you on the table. Your tair is tucked in while you're still sat down, and soon you have six cute mares sat mostly across from you, a few candles between you.
  540. >You all eat as they ocassionally ask you questions about your day, you compliment Shy for the dinner, and their eyes seem to sparkle as they look.... Genuinely interested in your thoughts and feelings.
  541. >After dinner, you find yourself on the couch with six mares, lightly hugging them, petting them, hearing soft coos coming from their lips.
  542. >You don't even have the tv on.
  543. >As the evening winds down to night, they start to stand.
  544. >"Thank you for the wonderful evening Anon." Rarity smiles, kissing your cheek, catching the corner of your lips.
  545. "Y-you too."
  546. >One by one, they each give you a soft kiss on your cheeks, just barely brushing against your lips.
  547. >They each blush after the action, Pinkie says 'boop' as she kisses your nose as well, and one after the other they trot to their room, leaving you alone to think on things.
  548. >Oh God.
  549. >That was nice....
  550. >That was really nice...
  551. >That was better than any date, any kind of interaction you've ever even had with a woman.
  552. >You can't do this.
  553. >It's bad for your job.
  554. >And they're little fucking brightly coloured ponies.
  555. >That are incredibly sweet.
  556. >Cute and pretty.
  557. >With big butts.
  558. >No. Bad Anon.
  559. >........
  560. >You're going to fuck them aren't you?
  562. >Day 6
  563. >You wake up, already feeling confused.
  564. >Your brain has switched on straight away, you're highly alert, and remembering all of last night.
  565. >Maybe.... It wasn't as... Romantic, as you thought it was?
  566. >Maybe you were somehow getting the wrong signals from being doted on affectionately the entire evening by girls that had dressed to look their best for you and each kissing you goodnight.
  567. >Yeah, that's probably it.
  568. >You shower and change, stepping out of your bedroom.
  569. >Hi honey, ready for breakfast?" Fluttershy smiles at you, flapping to get to your height, and pecking your cheek softly.
  570. "Uh... Yes please."
  571. >What's happened.
  572. >A few days ago they were a lot more shy about these things.
  573. >Now the tables have flipped completely.
  574. >You're led out to eat breakfast on the couch, a pony cuddled up either side of you, Pinkie and AJ.
  575. >Twilight trots to you.
  576. >"Here's the paper Anon." She smiles.
  577. "Paper, I... What?"
  578. >"Oh, I took the liberty of using your intercom system to make sure the runners new to start bringing a newspaper to your door every day."
  579. >You... Didn't even know the facility had these things.
  580. "Ah, thanks Twilight."
  581. >You reach out, petting her, and lightly scratching beneath her ear.
  582. >She steps towards you, resting her head on your thigh, her ears flicking.
  583. >"Mmm, anything for my man..."
  584. >Either you're retarded or these ponies absolutely have a thing for you, and want to make it a reality.
  585. >But still, you might just be retarded.
  586. >Can't forget that option.
  587. "Thanks girls, for all this, this is uh... Amazing of you really."
  588. >You hope that will sate them.
  589. >M-maybe they're just being super friendly?
  591. Day 16
  592. >They're not just being super friendly.
  593. >Every morning and evening has pretty much been the same.
  594. >They show you so much love and affection.
  595. >It would probably be tiring for them, frustrating even, if there weren't six of them to all do their part.
  596. >It looks like they're not having to put any effort into the things they do for you.
  597. >They're just that wonderful.
  598. >And luckily they're more than sated by the touch of your hands.
  599. >Still, that's not all you do now.
  600. >At some point, the kisses on your cheek, just catching your lips, before they went to bed, migrated further, until they were just full on kissing you.
  601. >You kissed back.
  602. >You then started to give them the two second long kisses that left them looking completely blissful.
  603. >And then, from their encouragement, the kisses lasted longer.
  604. >For the past three nights, you've been kissing them each for around ten seconds long.
  605. >You can't even kid yourself any more.
  606. >This isn't for them.
  607. >This is for you.
  608. >You want to kiss them and take their breath away.
  609. >And now it's the morning of your sixteenth day with them.
  610. >Pinkie taps her hooves together, looking nervous as she tries to come up with some sort of explanation.
  611. >"I just think, in the interest of group morale, as well as to uh, keep our lips well exercised.... We should probably start kissing in the morning too. Not just because I want to, b-but because-"
  612. "Okay."
  613. >Your fingers sink into the fur covered warm flesh of her rump, squeezing softly as you lift her up, bringing her close to you.
  614. >Her eyelids sink to close as her front hooves touch your chest.
  615. >Your lips press against hers as you begin kissing, lightly sucking.
  616. >She tastes like cotton candy, of course, but without any of the stickyness.
  617. >She kisses back as she leans into you, soft cute moans vibrating over your lips.
  618. >Her big curly frizzy mane rubs against your forehead as you deepen the kiss.
  619. >While you want to continue it, you don't know where you'd stop.
  620. >And you're still pretty hung up about the whole bestiality thing.
  621. >You break the kiss, and you see her lower lip tremble.
  622. >Her eyes flutter to open, before she slowly stumbles away from you, then collapses onto her back on the couch, whimpering slightly, left back hoof twitching.
  623. >"Darling... It isn't polite to keep a lady waiting."
  624. >Of course.
  625. >Your arms wrap around her.
  626. >She prefers being surrounded by your muscle.
  627. >She barely lets out a "Oh you brute" before you start to kiss her deeply.
  628. >Your tongue parts her lips and slides inside, playing with her own.
  629. >She presses herself as close to you as she can as you hold the back of her head.
  630. >When you release her from the kiss, a strand of saliva connects your lips.
  631. >"Only you can touch my mane darling... Only you..." Her voice fades away as her body slides down next to Pinkies.
  632. >You see a very needy looking Twilight.
  633. >Your hands lift her just under her... Shoulders?
  634. >Either way this is how she likes it best.
  635. >You kiss her softly, for a second, before backing off.
  636. >She tries to gaze into your eyes for as long as she can.
  637. >You move back in for a two second kiss, before breaking it again.
  638. >She keeps trying to gaze back, eyelids falling while her eyes try rolling back.
  639. >You move forwards again, kissing her hard, and deliberately grunting into her mouth.
  640. >That's it.
  641. >She's draped against your body as her back hooves give out, and as she slides down you lean over more and more, kissing and pecking her lips again and again before you're hunched over.
  642. >Twilight almost falls to the floor before you hold her again, lifting her like a child, and placing her completely out of it form on the couch.
  643. >Applejack climbs up into your lap.
  644. >"Yah, yah don't mind do ya?"
  645. >You smile back assuringly.
  646. "Go ahead."
  647. >You actually find this the hottest.
  648. >She leans right up close to you, both of your mouths open.
  649. >As she breathes in, you breathe out. Sharing breath. She shivers, but tries to stay as still as she can.
  650. >You keep breathing each others breath as her head draws closer and closer.
  651. >With your mouth open, she pushes forwards, and her lips connect.
  652. >With your tongue.
  653. >She sucks your tongue deeper into her mouth, playing with your tongue with her own, while your hands start to squeeze and knead her big booty.
  654. >She makes lewd sounds from her suckling, and moaning.
  655. >You then crash your lips against hers, kissing her hungrily with your tongue in her mouth.
  656. >And she's out.
  657. >You lay her next to you, drool running down her cheeks and chin.
  658. >Dash lays on the floor, looking helpless.
  659. >You know what she likes.
  660. >You lift her up, cradling her in your arms effortlessly.
  661. >As you hold her up, you kiss her delicately.
  662. >Your lips only part enough to whisper.
  663. "You're such a girly pony."
  664. "So pretty."
  665. "You'd look beautiful in a dress."
  666. >Between each compliment your lips lightly suckle against hers, soft smacking sounds adding to the scene.
  667. >A hand meanwhile lightly plays with the fluff on her chest.
  668. >As she struggles to take more, you lower her to the couch.
  669. "What a pretty Princess..."
  670. >That did it.
  671. >And now for Fluttershy.
  672. >She hovers up to you, and you pretend you have your hands tied bhind your back.
  673. >"Th-that's right, take it."
  674. >She kisses your nose.
  675. >"Take it all, you, you handsome man."
  676. >Her kisses migrate around your face, her body seeming to grow heavier as her wings struggle more and more to keep her up.
  677. >As her lips land on yours, you hold the back of her head and kiss her back passionately.
  678. >As she squeels and soon goes limp, you stand, and place her body where you were sat.
  679. >Some of their requests are a little odd, but it's not like you don't kiss them more normally as well.
  680. >As you strap some equipment to yourself and throw on your jacket, you look to them. One by one starting to regain control of their senses.
  681. >You can't keep this up.
  682. >It's wrong....
  683. >You'll talk to them tonight about it.
  684. >And you won't get distracted by those big pony asses, or those dazzling expressive eyes and plump pouty lips.
  685. >Nope.
  687. Still day 16
  688. "If there's somethin strange! Doo doo, In ya neighbourhood. Doo doo."
  689. >You lightly kick your legs forward with each step.
  690. "Who ya gonna call?.."
  691. >Your head bobs back and forth, your torso doing the same.
  692. "Ghost Bus-"
  693. >A fat balding see-through green illuminated man with slashes down his chest and face, the upper half of his patients gown torn to ribbons lunges at you.
  694. >Your boom stick booms out as you send a load of rock salt smashing through his body. He evaporates into thin air with a wailing howl of torment.
  695. >You pump the shotgun, expending a round to clink onto the floor.
  696. >.......
  697. "Busters doo be doo ba doo."
  698. >You continue singing and dance walking as you travel down the hallway, always on the lookout.
  699. >Now this is what you love.
  700. >Poltergeists.
  701. >Can't catch them.
  702. >They're never endangered.
  703. >And everybody hates them.
  704. >There's none of that 'Oh, can you try and safely bring back this fast as fuck creature that's used to killing gun wielding humans?'
  705. >Nope.
  706. >Whenever you're told to go to a closed run down asylum, hospital, orphanage, or any of the clichés, you know you're gonna be in for a fun night of uncensored killing.
  707. >Helps take your mind off how you're going to broach the subject of 'I should probably stop playing tongue twister with the six of you ponies' too.
  708. >You trudge up and down the hallways, searching every room...
  709. >Alas, all good things come to an end.
  710. >You open up your bible and shout out loudly, voice echoing down the halls as you perform an exorcism.
  711. >You are Nick Jackof.
  712. >Your superiors didn't understand why you wanted to be moved from your regular section.
  713. >After all, it was the quietest area on the books.
  714. >Or off the books really. There's never anything to report.
  715. >But with all you've done for the city, they still tried to find another place you could be stationed at.
  716. >Your partner is sick again, the fucking weakling.
  717. >Back in your day, you'd be thankful to get sick, it would take your mind off of all you had to do in 'Nam.
  718. >You haven't missed a day of police work in... Ever.
  719. >Oh well, more of Mildreds' apple pie for you.
  720. >You open the box, when you here strange booming sounds coming from the old abandoned Asylum coming from the top of the hill.
  721. >You're already parked at the outskirts of the city, no one ever drives up here, it's a single road.
  722. >Darn kids.
  723. >Might as well check it out.
  724. >As you drive passed the gates... Weren't those supposed to be locked? You look over the fire blackened walls of the Asylum, trying to see if you can see any flashlights inside.
  725. >You park the car near the front doors, just before the window above them bursts out.
  726. >Two men land in front of you, on the hood of your car, making the back end jump.
  727. >You then notice that one of them is more than just a man.
  728. >He's a towering brute, wearing little more than rags, allowing you to see his mismatched body, like he was sewn together.
  729. >It roars out, the third arm that comes out of its side strangling the normal looking man beneath him, its other two mismatched arms beating down on him.
  730. >The guy below punches up, a clanging echo sounding out.
  731. >The creature falls back, and the man rolls on top of it, brutally punching its face in, blood splattering outwards as the face and skull is caved in by the golden knuckle dusters he wears.
  732. >All on the hood of your car.
  733. >You can hear him pant as he drags the body off, letting it fall in a crippled heap on the floor.
  734. >The body glows from the centre, and a dozen green glowing see-through people fly out, soaring upwards, where a brilliant white crack opens up in the sky, swallowing them before closing.
  735. >The man looks to you, and while your windows are closed you still hear him say ".... This isn't what it looks like."
  736. >You slowly reverse, and reverse, and reverse, back the way you came.
  737. >Mildred's getting beaten tonight.
  739. >Fucking thing.
  740. >Had to be Frankenstein-esque experiments didn't it.
  741. >No wonder all those apparitions were pissed.
  742. >.....
  743. >You just realise you've killed one of the very few examples of a being that has been brought back to life via scientific means.
  744. >Eh. Wasn't in the report so they don't know.
  745. >And if they don't know, you don't have to care.
  746. >You drag it by its giant feet, back into the asylum.
  747. >You then go back to your van, starting to whistle a happy tune as you grab what you need, then walk back inside, dousing as much of the place as you can with what you can carry in the two fuckhuge jerrycans.
  748. >You place the two now empty, significantly lighter jerrycans back in the van, and you grab a cigarette, lighting it up.
  749. >You don't actually smoke.
  750. >It just looks cool.
  751. >You stand before the trail of liquid that glimmers.
  752. >And you flick the cigarette.
  753. >And miss.
  754. >You try another two times, but it's okay, because in that time you thought of a badass line.
  755. "Smoking'll kill ya."
  756. >It connects, and the trail lights up, racing towards the Asylum
  757. "See you in hell."
  758. >You hold back a giggle and a little jump, wanting to remain badass, before you get back into your van and drive away, every once in a while checking your mirror to see the raging inferno.
  759. "Looks like I brought the heat."
  760. >Okay that's enough
  761. >Arriving home, you go through your new routine.
  762. >Namely, whatever the girls are willing to do for you.
  763. >You're laying back on the couch as six mares dote on you while asking about your day.
  764. >As you get to the part where you fly out the window, they let out a collective gasp.
  765. >"Darling no! Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
  766. "I'm fine Rarity, like all the other times, it's just part of the job."
  767. >As you go on though...
  768. >"That's it mister, you obviously must be hurt, and we're going to make you feel better, right girls?" Assertive Fluttershy is hot.
  769. >In a cute non sexual way you mean.
  770. >You feel mouths nipping at you as they slowly try and reveal your torso.
  771. >You lean up on your elbows, helping them.
  772. >As you soon lay back, upper body fully on display, you can see their cheeks redden.
  773. >However the bruises on your chest still worry them.
  774. >Can't exactly stitch a bruise, they'll probably get you an ice pack or...
  775. >Oh.
  776. >Kissing your booboos will probably help.
  777. >You gulp as they kiss your muscled torso, sucking slightly with each kiss.
  778. >They're obviously not just focusing on the bruised areas.
  779. >Fuck... You must be part God, or magic, or something, to have stopped your cock from bursting through your pants by now.
  780. >You grunt slightly.
  781. >"W-will you promise to be, um, more careful in the future?" Fluttershy asks.
  782. >"Are you kidding?! Look at him, he doesn't need to be careful, he could fight his way out of anything." Dash smiles, her hooves lightly pressing into and roaming around your bicep.
  783. >You can't help it, you raise and flex your arms, and tighten your stomach.
  784. >"Oh sweet Celestia...."
  785. >They all have similar reactions, eyes trying to take in as much of you as they can.
  786. >"You're simply divine darling."
  787. >"Could punch straight through an apple tree."
  788. >"Anon you're just so sexy."
  789. >You know you have a good body.
  790. >You're satisfied with your life.
  791. >You're happy with your job.
  792. >But this...
  793. >It's like nothing you've ever had before.
  794. >They burry themselves into you, cuddling, feeling, and lightly kissing as much of your torso as possible while you pet and caress them in return.
  795. >You know you're going to regret this but... If anyone found out about this.... You're done.
  796. >No more working here, possibility of disappearing off the face of the Earth, no more ponies... Ponies would be split up... Bad news for everyone.
  797. >The regret is already seeping in as you let out a sigh.
  798. "Girls?"
  799. >At your tone of voice they move back, looking down at you, ready to hear what you have to say.
  800. "This has all been... Honestly, just amazing... But, I think we need to talk about... This." You gesture with your hands to what's going on.
  801. >Twilight sighs as well. "I know this had to come up at some point and... It's okay, of course we have to talk about it. We can't just keep going as we have and pretend that everything's okay."
  802. >Damn... In the back of your mind you were hoping they'd just tell you to shut up or something.
  803. >"This situation isn't fair, to any of us. We don't want to just play with your feelings, or have ours in turn being played with, so.... We need to stop with how we've been acting. We can't just kiss and be held by you, and dote on you, it needs to stop."
  804. >"We need to make it clear that we love you and want you with us as much as possible. And we need to set some rules between us so we won't end up fighting over you or end up jealous of each other."
  805. >"So, what do you say, want to start a real relationship with us, and be our Special Somepony?"
  806. >"Manfriend."
  807. >"Thanks Pinkie. Manfriend?"
  808. >Six pairs of hopeful bright eyes gaze back at you, and you can feel their tails lightly brushing against you as they slowly trail back and forth.
  809. ......
  810. "Yes."
  812. Day 17
  813. >You wake up, feeling slightly nervous, but happy, over the brief conversation you had last night.
  814. >The girls wanted to talk with eachother in private after that. So you decided to go to bed.
  815. >After giving each of them a more prolonged, deep kiss.
  816. >You feel like a King with how dreamy eyed you left them, panting on the couch.
  817. >As you start to go through your morning routine, you wonder what they might have talked about.
  818. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  819. >Once all the girls are sufficiently alert, after those yummy, mouth watering, knee trembling.... Mmmm... Kisses... Twilight begins to speak.
  820. >"So, I think we all know what we need to talk about... If this relationship is going to advance, at some point we need to talk about..." She blushes. "Sexual relations."
  821. "Dibs on the dick!"
  822. >"Pinkie! This is supposed to help us to NOT get jealous of one another."
  823. "Dibs, dibs, dibs on the dick!"
  824. >Fluttershy lightly trots to you.
  825. >"Umm, if it's not too much uh, trouble, Pinkie, uh, if you wouldn't mind, could you please um, back the fuck up?"
  826. >"Come on girls." Twilight groans. "As you can see, I've drawn up some charts. Now I think as human calendars go by weeks, we should each have a separate day where each of us can uh, go all the way with him.... The others will be free to ah, watch if they wish, kiss and cuddle, but the act of penis in vagina goes solely to the mare whos day it's on."
  827. >She looks very happy with how her presentation is going so far.
  828. >"So, unless there are any particular days you'd prefer, lets just go by alphabetical order, so, Monday = Applejack, Tuesday = Dash, Wednesday = Fluttershy, Thursday = Pinkie, Friday = Rarity, and Weekend will be for me, Twilight!"
  829. >She beams. "Now onto the business of-"
  830. >"Uh, shugacube? Aint these human week things seven days long?"
  831. >Twilight stops in her tracks for a moment.
  832. >"Oh, uh, is it? Ah ha, silly me, I must have counted the weekend as being one day, uh... So Saturday will be for me, and Sunday will be on a rotation, and can also be given up to any other if that pony wishes."
  833. "I'll never give up the dick!"
  834. >"And, well, that's your right Pinkie. Soo anyway. Next up, snuggle time. I think we can all agree that's he's been very generous with his hands, hasn't left any of us out, and he's big enough that we can all easily cuddle him at once right?"
  835. >There are nods and 'mhmms' all around.
  836. "Big enough? You don't know the half of it Twi."
  837. >You raise your eyebrows up and down, wink, and nudge the ponies either side of you.
  838. >"Darling, are you having a stroke?"
  839. "Urgh come on, I'm trying to tell you that he has a massive-"
  840. >"Pinkie please, can you stop interrupting?" Twilight sighs as you sit on your flank, pout, and cross your hooves.
  841. >"Now I think it's fair to say that he smells, and tastes, absolutely wonderful?"
  842. >Again, nodding aplenty as you grumble.
  843. "Not as good as his dick..."
  844. >"Well I've been looking up things on the internet to see if we can make him even tastier to the senses... If you can even imagine. Now his diet is great already, and unfortunately I couldn't get all the information I wanted due to some locked content, but I've placed orders for different things we should secretly give to him for the..."
  845. >She taps her hoof on her chin.
  846. >"I think it was the holy grail of taste or something? I couldn't get to the more detailed images due to the locks. But still, L-Arginine, Soya Lecithin Granules, and Zinc with added Selenium. We'll also give him some more veggies like Celery, fruits like pineapple, and make sure to give him lots of water."
  847. >"Gee Twi, you think of everythin." AJ smiles and Twilight blushes at the compliment.
  848. "Hey um, Twilight, can I use the laptop more?"
  849. >She shrugs, "Well of course Pinkie, you don't have to ask me for permission."
  850. >"Now, lets continue with..." She shivers in place and smiles. "Belly rubs."
  851. >The girls fed you as usual, and at their insistence, you kissed them one after another while they layed back, and you rubbed and tickled their bellies.
  852. >You can't help but feel like a sex God as you have to do so little to satisfy them so much.
  853. >As you left for work Pinkie was muttering something about 'The D' while her hind legs kicked, and her tongue hung out of her mouth.
  854. >According to your reports, a cargo train is leaving a station, and on it are a host of mythical creatures.
  855. >No reports as to what those will actually be.
  856. >No accurate data as to which train it is.
  857. >Even with detection devices. So the creatures can't have any magical, radioactive, or thermal signatures.
  858. >And you can't just open the doors and let whatevers held inside storm out while there's a tonne of people on the platforms.
  859. >So different high level agents will be going after different trains.
  860. >Which means you're currently sat on a motorbike, behind some bushes. Waiting.
  861. >With a huge pair of warm fleshy juggs squashing against your back.
  862. >Cassie's here too.
  863. >You let out a breath of air.
  864. >You've been waiting like this for ten minutes.
  865. >Her arms around your waist.
  866. >She doesn't want to be caught unaware, always ready to go.
  867. >It probably helps that she no longer thinks you've been kissing ponies.
  868. >You can feel her juggs press against you a little more, and pulling back just slightly, with each breath she takes.
  869. >You glance at the small mirror on the bike.
  870. >You definately didn't position it so you can see her huge round shelf of a booty.
  871. >Nope.
  872. >Jesus, control yourself man.
  873. >..........
  874. >Looking never hurt.
  875. >You can hear the piston like rumbling of a train approaching.
  876. >As the train rattles passed, and ahead of you, you rev up the engine and accelerate, starting to follow.
  877. >After a brief minute of following, you accelerate faster, catching up to the train and then getting alongside it. You move further and further alongside it, and you feel those massive udders squash hard against your back.
  878. "You ready?!"
  879. >You shout over the wind.
  880. >Her body heat leaves you as she stands, hands on your shoulder and head for more balance as she stands on top of the bike seat, then leaps to the side of the train.
  881. >The push of her feet causes you to drift away from the train slightly.
  882. >Her hands grip onto the side, before she pulls herself on top.
  883. >She looks at you expectantly as her hair whips around in the wind.
  884. >You draw the bike up to the side of the train, and slowly, shakily stand, while keeping your hands on the bars, accelerating and keeping it steady.
  885. >Fuck, this is a lot more difficult than what she had to do.
  886. >The fear of having your head crack into rocks at 50 miles an hour keeps you and the bike steady.
  887. >Well, here goes.
  888. >You launch yourself to the train.
  889. >Immediately the bike falls, and starts to flip.
  890. >It seemingly disintegrates more and more with each flip, slamming into the hard rocky ground, bits of metal flying as it's wrecked.
  891. >You don't actually see this however as you get a face full of train, slamming into the side of it.
  892. >Your hands managed to catch onto the top though, and so you haul yourself up.
  893. >You look behind at the dust cloud that's formed from the shattered bike, before turning.
  894. >You and Cassie both crouch walking over the cargo holds, moving towards the front of the train and the two carriages for human travellers.
  895. >As you walk across, your feet feel like they're on fire, your mind swirls with thoughts of suicide, your stomach lurches, and the skies fade to black.
  896. >Oh yeah, this is the right train.
  897. >As you step onto the passenger carriage all thoughts, feelings, and visions drift away.
  898. >The two of you stand above a hatch, both taking a deep breath.
  899. >You burst through.
  900. >Your booted foot kicks into a mans face, making a crunching sound as you break his nose.
  901. >You lunge towards the next, sending your left fist into his solar plexus, before you land a hook with your right.
  902. >Cassie jumps down as well, promptly sprinting in the other direction, engaging the men on that side.
  903. >The two of you swiftly clear the first carriage, before running to the next.
  904. >By the time you get to the engine room your knuckles ache so good.
  905. >You elbow the driver in the temple, knocking him out, before setting the trains speed to about 35.
  906. >Time to check on the goods.
  907. >You walk through carriages, stepping out into open air and over the connectors for each one, before you get to the first cargo hold.
  908. >You open up the bolted from the outside metal door, and you and Cassie peak in.
  909. >You stare into the abyss.
  910. >And it glares back.
  911. >Eldritch horrors meet your gaze, the writhing mess of abominations wrapped with chains used to anchor the biggest of ships.
  912. >You see the chains and shackles glow slightly, from the runes etched and then painted into the metal.
  913. >At least you don't have to worry about them escaping.
  914. >These powerful spells can only be disrupted if the link between them and the casters have been cut, like if they were extremely far away, or if you had knocked them out.
  915. >........
  916. >Oh.
  917. >The groaning of metal, as thick as your wrist, being pulled on, stretched, and slowly broken, sounds out.
  918. >Cassie is already on her ear piece. Whilst you've been staring, she's been frantically telling them the situation.
  919. >"Please advise." She finishes, wondering what the hell could possibly be done to not unleash a constantly growing with power, growing with size, growing with wrath, unit of terrifying unworldly physics defying monsters.
  920. >Her eyes open wide as she sees you, arm cocked back, a split second from throwing.
  921. >Looped belt of pipe bombs in your hand.
  922. >As the munitions leave your hand, you slam the door closed, and pull a shocked Cassie back.
  923. >You need to be fucking quick.
  924. >You yank out the connector from the cargo hold to the carriage, the cargo starting to drift behind.
  925. >You grip Cassies wrist, and sprint.
  926. >You soon burst into the engine room, and slam the controls back up to the max limit of fifty miles an hour.
  927. >And then you wait.
  928. >There's a gargantuan explosion, and looking out the doorway you see the back carriage still connected to you get ripped up from the tracks.
  929. >And then the one right next to you is torn in half.
  930. >It's a lot easier to view now as you see the cargo holds blow up in a fiery inferno, electricity striking up into the sky, more and more explosions rumbling out, the train tracks being bent upwards and torn from the ground.
  931. >All air and sound is sucked away, and the rest of the carriage you're looking through is crunched flat. And then half of the engine room that you're stood in.
  932. >All at once, seemingly everything that's in front of you explodes in a ball of fire and rage.
  933. >Screaming faces swirl around trying to escape from the ball of energy, before it burns away, and everything seems to stop.
  934. >The engine has failed, and you're starting to slow down.
  935. >You stare into the abyss....
  936. >And it doesn't stare back.
  937. >You're now looking into the biggest crater you've ever seen, perfectly cut, like God just decided to take a big scoop out of the Earth, with no regards to anything else that might have been in the way.
  938. >Your hair has been blown back.
  939. >You shakily turn towards Cassie.
  940. >Time to impress her with a badass line.
  941. ........
  942. "I think I just pissed myself."
  943. >She stands there, eyes wide, looking at you, before slightly shaking her head.
  944. >"Well then... We should get you out of those wet clothes."
  945. >What?
  946. >She steps towards you, lips parted as she breathes, her great heaving juggs squashing against you.
  947. "Uh, uhh..."
  948. >You want this.
  949. >Or rather, you did want this.
  950. >But this wouldn't be fair to the girls waiting for you at home.
  951. >Her hands slowly grip your ass.
  952. >You can see the delight in her eyes as she breathes heavier, before they slowly close. She stands on her tiptoes, leaning up towards you, big thick lips trembling slightly.
  953. ......
  954. "I can't."
  955. >Her eyes snap open.
  956. >"What?"
  957. "I... I can't."
  958. >She takes a small step back from you.
  959. >"And why's that?"
  960. >Fuck, she wants an actual reason? ....Ah hell, you need to make it a good one, she might suddenly remember the pony kissing story and think it's that.
  961. "Well... I'm in a relationship."
  962. >"With who?" She asks, an eyebrow raised.
  963. >Fuck, okay, who could you possibly be in a relationship with?
  964. ......
  965. "The Directors gay son."
  966. >Why?
  967. >"Oh... So you're gay."
  968. "Well, no actually, I'm not gay, I mean, he used to just be a bit feminine, now, I mean, he looks like a really girly girl."
  969. >"He still has a dick Anon. That's gay."
  970. "That's........ How I like my girls."
  971. >The train finally slows to a stop.
  972. >She turns from you wordlessly and sits on the edge of the half destroyed engine room.
  973. >So now you just have to wait, with her, to be picked up by someone.
  974. >Great.
  977. Day 26
  978. >After an hour long awkward wait, you were picked up and dropped off back at the facility.
  979. >The Suits stayed behind to survey the scene, detect any lingering presences, and to think of an ordinary non-global panicking reason for the enormous crater left behind.
  980. >They'll probably blame a weather balloon.
  981. >You spent that evening cuddling and kissing the girls, and eating and drinking what they gave you.
  982. >Day after day was spent doing mostly the same, but it never got boring for any of you.
  983. >The girls are looking more antsy about something though.
  984. >Now, it's morning, and you're leaving your bedroom, wearing more casual clothes.
  985. >As you're pampered with kisses, hugs, and you're sat between your girlfriends, a plate of food is levitated into your lap.
  986. >You eat and drink whatever they give you, they seem to have a good insight into your dietary needs.
  987. >As you finish up, it's all levitated over to the sink, glowing with magic.
  988. "So, what would you girls like to do? I've got the day off."
  989. >They seem to grow quiet and reserved at that, before Twilight blushes hard.
  990. >"Well... We'd like to move the relationship between us forwards a bit... And, we think it should start with um... Well, it's Saturday you see, so... How about you and me start things off with some light kissing?"
  991. >You're not sure what she means by all of that.
  992. "I don't know what significance Saturday has with things, but it's actually Sunday."
  993. >At this, all hell breaks loose.
  994. >"Ah should be first, if we's gonna be doin this alphaspaghetti-whatsit, then A is for Applejack!"
  995. >"Well I'm the one who worked so hard to come up with this system anyway, so it should be my turn first!"
  996. >"Darling you wouldn't even be in this position if it wasn't for my expert flirting to get the ball rolling!"
  997. >"Well I'm obviously the most athletic pony here, you girls probably couldn't even keep up with him!"
  998. >As the argument goes from one to the other, all eyes fall on Flutters.
  999. >"Oh um, and, I'm Fluttershy..."
  1000. >Twilight speaks up yet again.
  1001. >"We're never going to get anything done like this, so lets put it to a vote. I vote for me!"
  1002. >She raises her hoof, then looks around, seeing no-one else has voted for her.
  1003. >"Anon! You're in this as well, are you going to vote for me?!"
  1004. "Wh-what am I even voting-"
  1005. >"We're voting on who is the most purple!"
  1007. >You are Pinkie Pie, and Anon looks flustered.
  1008. >"Well, in that case I'd have to vote for y-"
  1009. >"Don't fall for it shugacube! She's tryin ta trick you with her fancy magic! Quick Anon, I vote for me, and we're voting on who has the best hat!"
  1010. >The girls keep arguing, and poor sexy Anon doesn't know what to do.
  1011. "I vote for Fluttershy!"
  1012. >All at once the voices stop, and eyes are on you.
  1013. >Twilight's the first to speak.
  1014. >"Fluttershy? But... Why?"
  1015. "I just think she'd look real cute taking the dick."
  1016. >They blush slightly at that, before begrudgingly agreeing.
  1017. >"Wait, what?"
  1018. >Oh that's right, Anon doesn't know what you're talking about.
  1019. >"We want you to start fucking us and were arguing over who should be the first to be fucked silly by you. Fluttershy's first. So can we all go to your bedroom to watch?"
  1020. >He and Fluttershy are both blushing hard.
  1021. >"Well uh... Yeah.. Sure.. Yes.."
  1022. >You see his Adams apple move up and down as he swallows.
  1023. >Those wonderful hands squeeze into Fluttershys' flanks as he lifts her up, almost effortlessly... He's so strong...
  1024. >The five of you eagerly follow him into the bedroom as he lays Fluttershy down, and starts to strip.
  1025. >The sight of his upper body makes your knees go weak.
  1026. >But knowing that this time he'll be showing you more makes it even hotter.
  1027. >He takes off the lower half of his clothes, and you see a smaller version of what he just took off over his butt and crotch.
  1028. >Why do humans wear so many clothes?
  1030. >He takes a deep breath, and all of you hold yours as he slides the material down.
  1031. >And a massive fat throbbing cock comes springing out. His huge prize winning chicken eggs hang down low in a fleshy sack.
  1032. "I TOLD you he has a huge dick!"
  1033. >You smile as Dash then shouts "No you didn't! I think we would have remembered something like that!"
  1034. >Fluttershy whimpers and blushes as she looks up at it, the pole of meat throbbing above her.
  1035. >"I-it's so.... Wide..."
  1036. >His colossal pony pussy taming dick twitches at that, and his hands, slightly trembling, reach for her hind legs, parting them to look at her sweet little pussy.
  1037. >Is he... Going to fuck her with her laying on her back like that?
  1038. >He's so kinky...
  1039. >A fingertip slowly trails up along her lips as she whimpers and moans cutely.
  1040. >"Um, I know you want to um, be comfortable with me... A-and any other time I'd love for you to um, feel me with your hands, but, well... I've been waiting for this for quite a while, so, if you wouldn't mind, can you start fucking me? I-I need it..."
  1041. >You see him gulp again as his large body dwarfs her, huge dick lightly pressing to her.
  1042. >He looks nervous. You don't know if it's his first time, but it's definitely his first time with a pony.
  1043. >"Okay. You just... You just tell me if I'm doing anything you don't like okay?"
  1044. >"Um... I don't like that your dick isn't in me." She blushes.
  1045. >He blushes slightly as well at that, and starts to push, while his hands hold her hips, keeping her still, so his huge battering ram doesn't just push her away.
  1046. >It's a good thing you're all such great friends. Fluttershy probably wouldn't let you watch otherwise.
  1047. >As the five of you pant through open mouths, your breath gently blasts around his hips and tremendous dick as you're all crowding around to watch up close.
  1048. >You watch him stretching her open, slowly resizing her as more and more of him enters. Fluttershy rocks her head from side to side, squeaking and panting, but her front hooves hold his wrists, pulling, to let him know she still wants more.
  1049. >He stops. "Shy? I think I'm at your hymen now, are you.. Are you ready?"
  1050. >She gasps and lets out another cute moan, before taking a few breaths.
  1051. >"You... You already went through my hymen... That's my cervix... Keep going... Please."
  1052. >He looks surprised at that. Human girls mustn't like that.
  1053. >And most stallions when fully hilted would be pushing against, or stretching the cervix just a little.
  1054. >You look to Anons' veiny log of meat, throbbing in the open air.
  1055. >You sure lucked out.
  1056. >He keeps on pushing, his grip on her tightening slightly as he moves.
  1057. >He must be really stretching her cervix open to get passed it.
  1058. >Fluttershys' back hooves kick and twitch as he keeps going, her moans coming out high pitched.
  1059. >You watch as he fully inserts himself, and stays buried deep inside her.
  1060. >She pants for breath. "You're... You're brushing the back of my womb..."
  1061. >He grunts, and looks surprised again.
  1062. >You change positions to see Fluttershys' pussy and clit winking and clenching, kissing around the base of his fuckmeat.
  1063. >You guess human women can't do that.
  1064. >He draws his massive cock slowly out of her. It looks even more delicious when dripping wet.
  1065. >And then he thrusts forwards, filling her back up suddenly.
  1066. >She cries out, her whole body tensing, her back leaving the bed as her body arches.
  1067. >She wails out, her mouth wide open as her body shudders and spasms, before she drops to the bed, breathing raggedly.
  1068. >Rarity is the first to get over the incredible sight.
  1069. >"My WORD! How did we manage to stumble upon such a magnificent man? Giving her a full on maregasm on his very first try... So endowed... And lasting so long! ...How was it for you darling?" She gently rubs his strong hard chest with a hoof.
  1070. >"Well, uh, I'm not actually done yet."
  1071. >"WHAT?!"
  1073. >You are Anon.
  1074. >And everyone on the internet lies.
  1075. >'Oh, jacking off all the time causes you to lose feeling when you fuck a woman!'
  1076. >Not a chance.
  1077. >Fluttershy has been vice tight around you the entire time. And when she came? It was like a death grip.
  1078. >Well, she is a pony. Maybe it's different.
  1079. >Still, what's really on the forefront of your mind is that all the ponies around you, except a very dazed worn out looking panting Fluttershy, are all surprised that you haven't cum from forty seconds of sex.
  1080. "Uh, what is it?"
  1081. >Pinkie hops in front of you.
  1082. >"Stallions almost NEVER last that long, and a maregasm around a stallion penis will ALWAYS result in ejaculation. Erotic novels for mares usually talk about some legendary stallion that can last an entire minute. You keep going okay? Fuck Fluttershy retarded." She smiles warmly and lightly kisses your lips.
  1083. >......
  1084. >Well then.
  1085. >You slowly pull yourself back out of Fluttershy.
  1086. >You were rock hard throughout that entire exchange.
  1087. >Fluttershy twitches and whimpers, and you can feel her pussy spasm around you in pleasure.
  1088. >Especially that strange... Winking part of her.
  1089. >You slide in and out of her.
  1090. >You've never seen nor heard of a pussy this incredibly wet before.
  1091. >Yet still vice tight.
  1092. >You pump in and out of her with long, firm strokes.
  1093. >The girls pant around you as they watch you thrust.
  1094. >Wet slaps sound out as your wet balls and thighs lightly smack against her.
  1095. >As you lean over her, her front hooves mindlessly explore the lower half of your chest, and the top layer of your abs.
  1096. >As you fuck her with long deep strokes for a minute, her squeaking cries become louder.
  1097. >As she reaches her climax, you thrust into her a little harder, and stay there, grinding as she orgasms and silently screams.
  1098. >Again you feel her tighten around you, clenching, trying to draw you in even further, even though you're already brushing against the back of her womb.
  1099. >It feels amazing as it tries to milk you...
  1100. >But it isn't enough.
  1101. >She's arched in the air, gazing up into your eyes, hers filled with lust and love, a few tears rolling down the side of her face.
  1102. >Until she collapses back.
  1103. >Completely out of it, doing no more than breathing, with her mouth wide open, a glazed look in her eyes.
  1104. >You slowly pull out of her, a wet schlicking and popping sound making itself known as your dome pulls out of her.
  1105. >The girls all have their mouths agape.
  1106. >"T-two maregasms?!"
  1107. >"He still hasn't cum?!"
  1108. >"AJ can go next!" Pinkie calls out.
  1109. >Twilight turns to her, as AJ is already sliding Flutters unconscious blissful looking form across the bed.
  1110. >"What, why?! A-after seeing all that, why wouldn't you want a turn? He can only last so long Pinkie!"
  1111. >She just shrugs and smiles.
  1112. >"Don't worry Twilight, once AJ can't remember her own name you can go next."
  1113. >Twilight seems to be more than satisfied by this and asks no more questions.
  1114. >"Shugacube? I know you took Fluttershy on her back but... You mind if we did it pony style? Ah... Ah always dreamed of some day bein married, and consamatin our love in the traditional way..."
  1115. >She takes off her hat, flinging it gently to the side as she looks back at you, starting to bend over, raising her big succulent delicious ass up higher while her body gets down low.
  1116. >She looks back at you with bright shimmering eyes.
  1117. >"Make me... Your woman."
  1118. >How could you ever say no to that?
  1119. >Now less afraid of accidentally hurting them, you squeeze her flanks, fingers digging in.
  1120. >Her body shivers, and her hind legs attempt to kick back at you, while also being weakened by the pleasure coursing through her.
  1121. >"Ah, Anon... Ah don't know what that was..." She gasps for breath as you move closer to her, slowly sinking your cock inside her.
  1122. >Your hands keep squeezing and kneading her huge fat ass, fingers dragging down as they dig in, across her cutie mark.
  1123. >Her legs spasm and still try to kick you, as you sink further and further inside her, leaning your weight into her to assist your unyielding dick.
  1124. >She lets out one long, continuous moan as you fill her up, stretch her out, and resize her for your manhood.
  1125. >As you stay inside of her, her face collapses down into the bed.
  1126. >She grunts, and shakily raises her head back up to look at you.
  1127. >With your height difference, it's easy for you to move your mouth close to hers.
  1128. >And you start to breathe each others breath.
  1129. >You gyrate your hips as you constantly grind into her while you exchange breath.
  1130. >Her blasts of hot air come out shaky and fast, moans highlighting each one as her body shivers, pushing back against you.
  1131. >You keep kneading her huge butt as her tongue hangs out, and you move forwards to take it into your mouth, suckling noisily on it.
  1132. >Her cries are muffled as her entire body is racked with pleasure, her pussy trying to milk you, before she can no longer maintain the lip-locked act.
  1133. >Her head moves to look straight in front of her as she lets out a wailing moan. Her head collapses back to the bed, panting for breath.
  1134. >"Ah..... Love.... You..."
  1135. >You smile with happiness over the small yet monumental comment.
  1136. "I love you too Applejack"
  1137. >"I.... Love.. You too...." You hear an exhausted, still completely out of it Fluttershy whisper out to you.
  1138. "And I love you."
  1139. >You smile as you tenderly pet the pretty Pegasus, even as you start to thrust into AJ, with short hard motions of your hips.
  1140. >Going harder, your hips smack into AJs' ass, making the abundant flesh jiggle and ripple.
  1141. >Mesmerised by it you squeeze hard into the surrounding flesh, pulling her back, and forwards, in time with your thrusts.
  1142. >The smacking sounds grow louder as you go harder, and hooves start lightly trailing your sides, and lips kiss your tensed arms, as the four conscious girls all grow braver, eyes still fixated on your cock drilling into one of their best friends.
  1143. >You grunt as you feel her orgasm again, this time not making a sound, her booty in the air, body and jaw flat on the bed,tongue lolled out, eyes staring through the headboard in front of her.
  1144. >Your muscles tense as you have to redouble your efforts to move inside her clenching, tight pussy.
  1145. >It prolongs her orgasm, and once it dies down, you pull out of her.
  1146. >By now you realise it's not just your cock that's drenched.
  1147. >Juices are all around your nuts, lap, and down your thighs, to your knees.
  1148. "Get up here Twilight..."
  1149. >Applejack is enveloped by purple magic, levitated and settled down next to Fluttershy, as Twi soon moves up against you, kissing you slowly and tenderly as she wraps her hooves around your neck, pulling you down onto her.
  1150. >You kiss her lovingly, pouring your affections into it.
  1151. >You press the tip of your dick against her, starting to push as she moans into your mouth.
  1152. >As you reach the half way point, she breaks the kiss, gasping into the air.
  1153. >You can move your body into a more comfortable position as you had to hunker your down in order to push into her pussy and kiss her at the same time.
  1154. >Your hands move to caress around her stomach as you keep on pushing.
  1155. >"A-Anon.... Fuck me... Work in more and, Ah! M-mmmooore as you go... And in case I pass out... Ohh... I love you."
  1156. >By now Fluttershy has managed to crawl to you, collapsing next to Twilight, the two holding hooves.
  1157. "I love you too Twilight... Get ready."
  1158. >You pull back, and start to fuck her, pounding into her, without constant force your dick only making a little more progress inside her each time.
  1159. >Your battering ram hammers away regardless, as you're intent on filling her up.
  1160. >She holds Fluttershys hoof tight as she moans, body writhing and lurching as you piston into her like a machine.
  1161. >She climaxes before you're even fully inside her.
  1162. >Applejack is levitated, with great effort by Rarity, on the other side of Twilight, and you lean down.
  1163. >Oh yeah.... That was a great idea.
  1164. >You swap heated kisses between the three, even if they look fucked silly and have no control over their actions.
  1165. >They fight for your lips, sometimes kissing each other, sometimes licking your face.
  1166. >Your hands move to their winking pussies, and you start to massage their pussy lips, and clits whenever they're exposed to you.
  1167. >Strands of saliva connect all their and your lips together, and as you move back to Fuck Twilight properly again, you watch as the three girls all share passionate, mindless kisses with each other.
  1168. >You are easily the luckiest man in the universe.
  1169. >You once again start to thrust, Dash flapping her wings to move in front of you before gripping around you, kissing you as you're kneeling, pounding into Twilight.
  1170. >She squeaks through the kisses as Pinkie lays down on her back behind you, her head between your legs, licking and kissing at your huge nuts as they drag over her face.
  1171. >Rarity is clinging to the arm that's now busy finger fucking Applejack, kissing your bicep and nuzzling her face against the hard muscle, occasionally moving instead to inhale the scent from your armpit.
  1172. >All the while, you just fuck Twilight to heaven.
  1173. >You slam yourself inside her, finally filling her.
  1174. >The three girls stop kissing, instead focusing on their different sounding moans as you make all three orgasm at the same time
  1175. >They're open mouthed, tongues hanging out, with grins plastered on their faces, eyelids low, eyes rolling back.
  1176. >All too soon, they collapses in a sweaty heap against each other.
  1177. >You grunt and gasp, pulling yourself out of Twilight, the extreme tightness by now making the veins on your dick bulge out as if you'd been wearing a cock-ring.
  1178. >Pinkie moves in front of you, mane matted, face soaked from Twilights orgasm. "Rarity's next!" She beams.
  1179. >As the girls are moved, Rarity hops up to you, tackling you with a soft pomf as you're kneeling upright.
  1180. >"Anon... My Knight in shining armour... My Prince... My Lord..."
  1181. >She kisses your chest, nuzzling her face to it and inhaling your scent.
  1182. >She's still wearing the collar you first put around her neck.
  1183. >Only now, along with the diamond motif of her Cutie Mark, it also has stitched into it, your name.
  1184. >Followed by an s'.
  1185. >She wants you to own her.
  1186. >With your mind a little overwhelmed from fucking three ponies, you can't stop your mouth from saying,
  1187. "You know, you don't have to wear that collar if you don't want to. I know you love fashion and changing outfits."
  1188. >She looks up to you and smiles, kissing your chest, and then up to your neck, having to lean up.
  1189. >Her front hooves move around your neck as she stands, and kisses you slowly and deeply, before looking at you with bright dazzling eyes.
  1190. >"Darling... The fact that you gave it to me makes it the most priceless, most gorgeous fashion accessory in the world. I could never part with it. As I could never part with you."
  1191. >You can't help but smile giddily at that, even though your cock is raging hard, dripping with the fluids of three other ponies.
  1192. "I love you Rarity."
  1193. >"And I love you darling... Now... Take me!"
  1194. >She presses to you, kissing you deeply as you hold her.
  1195. >You lean back, your ass close by your heels as you're still kneeling, and with your hips extended forwards, your throbbing member points up towards her.
  1196. >Muscled arms wrap around her, and slowly pull her down, and down, impaling her pussy on your meaty rod.
  1197. >She gasps out, and as you lower her, her mouth leaves yours.
  1198. >"Oh, oh, OH! OH!"
  1199. >She can't stop moaning as you keep on stuffing her full of dick, stretching her cervix out wide and forcing your way passed it.
  1200. >Her hot moans blast hotly against your flesh as you slide her down, and she tries to kiss any part of you her lips can reach.
  1201. >Twilight lays passed out with Applejack, and the dazed Fluttershy is draped close to you, kissing along your thighs, as she slowly drags herself towards the main prize, your nuts.
  1202. >Dash is stood up behind you, massaging your upper back with her hooves and running her tongue along the middle.
  1203. >From all the exertion, you've started to sweat.
  1204. >And they seem to like that.
  1205. >"Oh fuck... Anon... His sweat... Salty... Everything about him's addictive." You hear Dash moan at your back.
  1206. >The girls hearing this, switch from kissing, to licking.
  1207. >A tongue laps along your thighs, towards your great balls, and Rarity runs her tongue over your muscled sweating chest.
  1208. >You grunt as you bounce her up and down on you, this feeling so strange.
  1209. >But good.
  1210. >Pinkie is laying under Dash, tongue wetly sliding over your ass cheeks, and a little between them.
  1211. >As Rarity crashes up and down on your cock, she starts crying out in ecstasy.
  1212. >This time you decide not to let up.
  1213. >You keep bouncing her, using her, fucking her hard, filling her with every thrust as her stylish mane bounces up high before dropping as she's thrown around like a rag doll.
  1214. >Fluttershy drops down, and manages to turn onto her back.
  1215. >Unable to move any more she just stays beneath your balls, lapping at them, ball sweat dripping into her mouth and on her face.
  1216. >Raritys' body is more loose in your arms as she loses control of all senses as you just keep ploughing into her.
  1217. >Dash joins Pinkie at your firm muscled ass, both of them licking, paying more and more attention to your crack, the most sweat gathering there.
  1218. >Raritys' moans grow more needy, crying out in desperation as her orgasm finally dies down from your rampant thrusting, yet another has already built up inside her.
  1219. >She climaxes again, throwing her head back and yelling towards your ceiling as you don't stop using her as a cock sleeve.
  1220. >This is the longest you've been consecutively fucking any of them so far.
  1221. >As her second orgasm finally dies down you gently lower her to the bed, your cock throbbing inside her.
  1222. >You pull from her, the veins on your shaft bloated, cock almost looking angry from the short sex sessions, and then nothing.
  1223. >"Well go ahead Dashie, what are you waiting for?" Pinkie asks from behind you, and soon a very nervous, highly blushing, wings flared out cute rainbow maned Pegasus is in front of you.
  1224. >"Can... Can you fuck me like you did with Applejack? But... Sort of... Use my tail as a reign? Maybe go nice and fast..."
  1225. >She's panting now, yet already turning and presenting herself to you, tail moving out of the way.
  1226. >"Maybe... Whisper in my ear that you love me?"
  1227. >Like you'd turn down that offer.
  1228. >Even if you would, you don't get a chance to.
  1229. >Pinkie is by your side, massaging your slick cock and slowly guiding it towards the tight, winking, incredibly wet pony pussy before you.
  1230. >You let her.
  1231. >You reach for the rainbow tail, before wrapping it around your hand once, holding it and pulling up, making sure she keeps her athletic toned ass high in the air.
  1232. >She lets out an appreciative yelping moan at this.
  1233. >Pinkie helps to force your cock inside her.
  1234. >"Do you like that Anon? Watching your massive fat veiny tree trunk of dick meat stretching out a sweet little pony?"
  1235. >She smiles up to you, and places a hot kiss on the side of your cock.
  1236. >You grunt as you're soon pushing that kiss into Dash.
  1237. >Pinkie is Goddamn hot.
  1238. >"Are you going to ruin this poor little pony pussy?"
  1239. >She kisses your cock again, this time opening her mouth wide to suck and lap around the side of your shaft.
  1240. >You grunt out, gritting your teeth, unable to respond as you sink deeper inside Dashie, giving her tail a yank.
  1241. >She lets out something between a cry and a gasp.
  1242. >As you fill her up with dick you start to lean over her, still pulling on her tail, keeping her ass pressed tight against your body.
  1243. >You're about to whisper to her as she asked you to, when Pinkie whispers into your ear.
  1244. >"Go ahead.... Fuck her like you're going to fuck my face."
  1245. >You swallow and then let out a hot breath of air as you whisper to Dash.
  1246. "I love you."
  1247. >You pull back, almost all the way out, and then slam forwards.
  1248. >"I.... aaaahhhhh!!" She half squeaks half screams out, body thrashing around against you as you ram into her, her pussy spasming around you.
  1249. "I love you Dashie."
  1250. >You grind into her, gyrating your hips as her moans are only interrupted as even larger spikes of pleasure course through her, taking her breath away.
  1251. >"I... I- Ahh Ah, AHH!"
  1252. >You pull back, and start fucking her with short fast hammering thrusts, steadily growing faster as you pull on her tail.
  1253. "I love you so much Dashie... You're so beautiful..."
  1254. >Your hips smack against hers quicker and quicker, almost like machinegun fire now.
  1255. >You grit your teeth to maintain the speed, muscles tensed.
  1256. >"Lo- LO-, I-I-I lo-loOOOve, yOOOUUUAAAAAAAAHH!"
  1257. >She loses all control as she orgasms again, harder.
  1258. >You don't see it, but her eyes roll back into her head, a fucked stupid grin on her face, drool falling onto the covers below.
  1259. >As her orgasm fades, you let go of her tail, and allow gravity to do the work.
  1260. >She slowly, slowly slides off of your raging erection, before slumping onto the bed, unconscious.
  1261. >You pant, one more left.
  1262. "Pinkie? Are you ready?"
  1263. >She smiles as she comes up to you.
  1264. >Her hooves ease you to lay on your back, surrounded by dazed or completely passed out, fucked silly ponies.
  1265. >"I love you Anon. You just lay back and relax okay?"
  1266. >You smile happily up to her, before she leans down, kissing you slowly and sweetly before drawing away.
  1267. "I love you too Pinkie."
  1268. >She moves to your cock, and kisses the tip just as sweetly as she did your lips.
  1269. >"I hope you really do know how much I love you Anon. I'm going to spend my entire life making you as happy as you make me."
  1270. >You'd respond, but you don't a chance.
  1271. >She hops on up, her light fluffy cuddly body not a problem as she stands on you.
  1272. >She lines your cock to her pussy, grinding against the tip slowly as she shudders.
  1273. >"I've been thinking about doing it this way a lot... I hope I can do it... Why'd you have to have such a giant pussy destroying, thick slab of fuck meat huh?" She giggles lightly.
  1274. >And then she takes a deep breath...
  1275. >And then she slams herself down as hard as she can.
  1276. >She takes all of you in one monumental go.
  1277. >As soon as her hips slam into yours, she cries out, and a huge gush of fluids explodes out around your cock as you fill her completely.
  1278. >Her orgasmic juices coat your lap, and run down the sides of your hips and your thighs as she just stays sat there, taking you to the hilt, body wracked with tremors.
  1279. >Her eyes are glazed over, and her mouth wide open as she starts to just breathe hard, small moans accompanying each breath as her pussy tries to milk you, clenching, massaging, squeezing all around you.
  1280. >Eventually, it's like she can actually see you again, and has been brought back to the real world.
  1281. >Her big fat ass rises, and she starts to ride you, taking all of you every time she comes down.
  1282. >"A-Anon!"
  1283. >She gasps out, going quicker, her front hoovers on your stomach as she breathes more raggedly.
  1284. >She bites her lower lip, gazing into your eyes as you gaze back.
  1285. >And she moves harder, moving higher up and down as she does so.
  1286. >She jumps up so high that your dome almost slips from her, before it's hammered all the way back into her.
  1287. >She moans up, eyes fixated on the ceiling as she orgasms hard, body shaking and twitching, her cries loud and full of passion.
  1288. >Before she faceplants into your muscled sweaty body, unconscious.
  1289. >Your cock throbs and pulses inside her.
  1290. >You were so close to shooting that time.
  1291. >You don't want to start thrusting up into her while she's passed out though.
  1292. >You could accidentally hurt her.
  1293. >Hopefully one of the first mares you fucked tonight will have recovered enough for one last round....
  1294. >...A pink hoof pushes against your abs.
  1295. >....Another pink hoof joins it.
  1296. >....A weakened, trembling Pinkie Pie, slowly starts to push herself back up.
  1297. >As she slowly rises back to full height, you see her face.
  1298. >A few tears roll down her cheeks, her eyes shimmer, bright even while half lidded.
  1299. >You see the love and affection, and the undeniable lust she holds for you.
  1300. >Drool runs down her chin and neck, her tongue just poking out as she pants.
  1301. >Her mane is an absolute mess.
  1302. >She takes a few longer, deeper breaths, as she starts to slowly, extremely slowly, raise her booty from your lap.
  1303. >"Why.... Why would I ever.... Ever want to go last when it comes to fucking you.... Why would I risk.... Not having... This huge fucking dick.... Fuck me insane?"
  1304. >She gasps as she talks, even though her body shivers with pleasure, your fat cock dragging along her vice tight, still spasming pussy walls.
  1305. >"Wikipedia..... Human ejaculation.... F-from entering... The pussy... To... Erupting all the hot goo in your big... Tasty balls... Oh fuck...."
  1306. >She takes a moment to compose herself as she struggles to keep raising her body up.
  1307. >"Five.. To seven minutes... Even... Ten... Amazing minutes... Fuck.... So good..."
  1308. >She's all the way up now, only your dome stretching her out.
  1309. >"Times up."
  1310. >She slams herself back down onto you, and even though she's moaning uncontrollably, she refuses to stop.
  1311. >She keeps taking you as hard as she can, her huge fat ass almost making your thighs sting as they smack down, making loud clapping sounds.
  1312. >You can see her huge wobbling backside rippling and jiggling from the force, even from this angle as her ass is so big.
  1313. >You groan out, grunting.
  1314. >"That's it! Fuck! Ah, AHH, flood me out! Knock me up! Give me your cum! Make me your whore!"
  1315. >She moans and cries out, shouting anything now, as your hands clench into fists, gripping the sheets tightly.
  1316. >And you cum.
  1317. >You can feel your cum thundering its way up through your dick as you close your eyes, and your hips push up involuntarily, grinding into her.
  1318. >She grinds back into you, gyrating down, and you hear her wails of pleasure slowly fade away.
  1319. >She stays sat on you throughout both yours and her orgasm.
  1320. >Your eyes open.
  1321. >Fucking hell. You've never cum like that before.
  1322. >And you don't just mean the intensity of it either.
  1323. >You look down as you breathe hard, your chest rising and falling rapidly, sweat dripping down your body as well as your forehead and face.
  1324. >Pinkie is still sat upright on you, completely passed out, her tongue hanging out of the side of her open mouth, eyes glassed over.
  1325. >Her body sometimes twitches, but she's completely gone.
  1326. >The only reason she's still upright is because of your huge cock, still hard inside her, keeping her propped up, like a hand inside a puppet.
  1327. >Her stomach is slightly swollen from you flooding her womb out, yet outside of her, you still see more cum than you've ever seen in your life.
  1328. >Thick pearly white goo has splattered all over her inner thighs, and the hot substance has drenched your lap, streaks of it having launched out across your stomach even.
  1329. >You can feel more running down your inner thighs, and completely covering your balls.
  1330. >How the fuck?
  1331. >Fluttershy, having had the most time to recover, weakly crawls towards you as you lift Pinkie up and off your spunk covered manhood, gently laying her by your side.
  1332. >Fluttershy lays by the side of your lap, and slowly runs her tongue along your cock, scooping up layers of thick jizz.
  1333. >After swallowing what's filling her mouth, she shivers and whimpers.
  1334. >"O-oh my.... This is incredible...."
  1335. >At that, the other girls move towards you, Dash being the most sluggish, barely moving at all.
  1336. >And Pinkie looks like she won't be waking up for quite some time.
  1337. >You gently lift Dash up, pulling her towards the other girls, five beautiful mares laying against your sides and against your legs, as they all start lapping and slurping up the cum that coats you, letting out small moans of approval.
  1338. >They especially focus on cleaning your cock and balls, occasionally sharing kisses between each other as multiple mouths kiss and lick around you.
  1339. >You'd quite happily let them continue until you cum again, but they're far too weak and tired, as well as now pretty full from swallowing all of your cream.
  1340. >Tired, almost zombie like ponies crawl up your body, until you have six mares collapsing in a heap on top of your chest, against your sides, and over your arms, wanting you to cuddle them all.
  1341. >They promptly fall asleep, gentle mutterings of how amazing you are and how much they love you floating from their lips before they're all dozing.
  1342. >Well...
  1343. >You didn't have anything else planned for the day.
  1344. >And you are sort of trapped.
  1345. >Might as well have a nap and wake up when they do.
  1346. >You close your eyes, and fall asleep with your lovers.
  1348. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  1349. >And you've just woken up after having the most Earth shatteringly intense, super amazingly powerful, pussy wreckingly destroying orgasms, that anypony has ever had ever.
  1350. >You only just manage to stand as you feel so weak.
  1351. >You look down, to see your wonderful Anon, with a load of ponies covering him.
  1352. >Poor Anon.
  1353. >He'll wake up with dead arms like that.
  1354. >As gently as you can, you extract yourself from the pile, and reposition each of the girls so he'll be more comfortable.
  1355. >You then move down between his legs, snuggling up, and resting your face against his huge dick and massive balls.
  1356. >You deeply inhale his scent as you start to drift away again.
  1357. "Dibs..."
  1359. Day 33
  1360. >You are the pony pleasurer extraordinaire, otherwise known as Anon.
  1361. >And your life has been improved dramatically since meeting these ponies.
  1362. >And then ten-fold when you started actually having sex with them.
  1363. >Since that fateful wonderful day, you've been fucking all of them, multiple times, every single day.
  1364. >With all of them fully aware of your stamina, their original plan of who gets to have sex with you on what day has been completely thrown out.
  1365. >Instead it's almost treated as a game, seeing who can make you cum first as you work your way through them, in a different order each time, allowing them a single intense orgasm before swiftly moving onto the next.
  1366. >You always have to go through multiple rounds of this.
  1367. >And once you finally erupt, they know that you're not just completely spent for the entire day.
  1368. >You always at the very least fuck them all in the morning after breakfast, go to work after leaving them fucked silly, and again once in the evening when you come back after you've had dinner.
  1369. >Life is good.
  1370. >Even though there's six of them, Pinkie still ends up winning half the time, and you've yet to figure out how.
  1371. >They've also moved from their room, to all join you in yours, sleeping with them snuggled up all around you.
  1372. >Pinkie always goes under the covers and uses your manhood as a pillow, face buried against your cock and balls.
  1373. >It'd be difficult to fall asleep like that if it weren't for how many times you were emptying your nuts every day.
  1374. >And while they kissed and licked over your muscled form, paying particular attention to your manhood, they've yet to try and actually suck you off, being too tired from getting ploughed into by your 'battering rams worth of dick' as Pinkie calls it.
  1375. >As it's your day off again, and as they've been draining your balls every chance they get, you're happy to do something for them.
  1376. >Knock down the wall to the spare room and adjoining bathroom, and convert it into one big spa type room.
  1377. >You've already bought all the items that will be fitted inside.
  1378. >Under normal circumstances, you'd be pissed at the thought of paying for this.
  1379. >But on the other hand, sex in an enormous bath, sex in an enormous shower, and having six mares clean you and dote on you all at once as water runs over you all?
  1380. >Yeah that's a pretty good reason.
  1381. >And so you get in contact with the guy who does those sorts of jobs.
  1382. >As this is for personal reasons, and not something the facility actually needs, you have to pay from your own pocket.
  1383. >As the guy comes around, the girls decide to wait in your room, Fluttershy for some reason using all of your used underwear as a blanket, head hidden.
  1384. >The guy, grey haired, grumbling voice, with a big bushy moustache, boiler suit and a cap, surveys things, and starts doing some work, before coming back to you in the living room.
  1385. >"All the pipes're connected under the floor, so you aint gonna have no shitter 'til I'm done."
  1386. "Right... How long do you think that'll be?"
  1387. >He ponders for a moment.
  1388. >"Could be half an hour, could be a week."
  1389. >What?
  1390. >He must be after a bribe or something. But you don't have any spare money after paying him and buying everything.
  1391. "I.... Have some porn magazines if you want them?"
  1392. >Why the fuck did you say that?
  1393. >"I agree to these terms."
  1394. >Oh.
  1395. >Well then.
  1396. >You walk to your bedroom with the girls, grabbing a box from under your bed, all the porn magazines you have.
  1397. >Well, goodbye human porn, you're a pony fucker now.
  1398. >You make sure the girls don't see the contents as you go back to the living room, giving him the box, before he promptly gets back to work.
  1399. >At the sound of work, Twilight nervously shuffles out to you, her back legs at an awkward angle.
  1400. >"Anon um... I guess it's related to our new spa room, but... Well... The toilet has emptied of water... Is it, well, working?"
  1401. >You shake your head.
  1402. "No, sorry Twi, think you could hold it for half an hour?"
  1403. >The colour drains from her face.
  1404. >"No."
  1405. >Oh well, you'll just have to take her to one of the public toilets in the facility.
  1406. >Now you could take her to the one down the hall, close to the entrance of the facility, that's hardly ever used, but is for men.
  1407. >Or you could take her to one of the further away ones that requires you to go through an open office and get funny looks from everyone, as since you brought the ponies here they've been staying in your 'home' the entire time.
  1408. >"Okay Twilight, we'll go to the toilets down the hall, let me just check and see if anyone else needs to go."
  1409. >As you do exactly that, you see that the five girls are busying themselves with going through your clothes, trying them on, and looking fucking adorable.
  1410. >You ask, and as they say no, you about turn, and recollar Twilight, and attach the leash.
  1411. >You exit your home and start going down the hall.
  1412. >Soon, you're making sure there's no one inside the toilets, before allowing her to enter and go into a cubicle, as you wait outside the room.
  1413. >"A-Anon?" You hear her call for you.
  1414. >You immediately enter, wondering if she's okay.
  1415. >You walk to the only closed cubicle door.
  1416. "Twi, everything alright?"
  1417. >After a few seconds of hesitation, she responds.
  1418. >"I... I can't go."
  1419. >Well what the hell are you supposed to do about that?
  1420. >You let out a sigh.
  1421. >She's naked all the time, and you fuck her every day, so there shouldn't be any embarrassment over this as she isn't going yet.
  1422. >You open the door wide, stepping inside.
  1423. "Why not?"
  1424. >She cringes slightly.
  1425. >"It smells really strange in here."
  1426. >What? The bathrooms are always sparkling clean. You could eat your food off the floor if it wasn't for all the-
  1427. >Oh. Ponies probably aren't used to the mass amount of chemicals you use to clean a lot of things.
  1428. "Soooo...?" You shrug.
  1429. >She hesitates again.
  1430. >"Well... Maybe I could smell you?"
  1431. >You sigh again.
  1432. >.....
  1433. >Lets just get this over with.
  1434. >You step to her, about to crouch to press her face against your chest.
  1435. >You don't get a chance to as she buries her face into your crotch, moving her face side to side as she inhales deeply.
  1436. >She starts to pee.
  1437. >And you start to grow hard.
  1438. >There MUST be something wrong with you.
  1439. >Her face keeps rubbing against your now rock hard member, making a large obscene bulge in your pants.
  1440. >You grunt as you can feel her tongue pressing against the fabric, the wetness slowly seeping in.
  1441. >Her horn lights up, and she unbuttons and unzips you, pulling your pants and form fitting boxers down slightly, before pulling out your cock, slapping it over her face.
  1442. >She pants against it as she finishes peeing.
  1443. >She soon flushes the toilet and repositions the two of you.
  1444. >You sit down on the edge of the toilet, lid closed as Twilight sits before you, half kissing half sucking her way up the side of your shaft.
  1445. >She gazes up to you as you gaze back, a hand moving to hold onto her horn.
  1446. >She lets out a moan at that, her lips vibrating slightly against your veiny throbbing dick.
  1447. >As she reaches the top, her tongue laps and swirls around your dome.
  1448. >You start to feel her magic around your balls, surrounding them, gently rubbing around them and being careful not to hurt the sensitive flesh.
  1449. >As your nuts are massaged by the warm surrounding aura, she starts to open her mouth, and slowly begins to take you.
  1450. >She sucks on your dome, lips wrapped tightly around it, all the while her eyes locked on yours.
  1451. >She opens her mouth more as she slowly moves down, her tongue always staying active, lapping and trying to coil around your girth as you grunt.
  1452. >You can see her cheeks puffed out a little as her mouth fills with cock.
  1453. >As you hold her horn, you also use it to gently push her further down.
  1454. >More and more of you is surrounded by her warm, wet, tight sucking mouth, and soon you hit the back of her throat.
  1455. >She gags on you, throat tightening around your tip before she pulls back a little.
  1456. >You lightly stroke her horn, no longer pushing, allowing her to go at her own pace.
  1457. >After taking a few breaths through her nose, drool escaping her lips and rolling down your throbbing cock, she starts to descend again.
  1458. >She gags at the same place as before, yet keeps going, forcing you down her tight throat.
  1459. >"Gluk... Gluk..."
  1460. >She gags and coughs slightly around you, sending ropes of drool splattering down your dick.
  1461. >She pulls back again, breathing a little longer while her magic weighs and massages your nuts, before she takes as much of the thick shaft as she can manage.
  1462. >Forcing herself down before rearing all the way up and spitting on it, smearing her saliva over it using her face, then
  1463. going back down again.
  1464. >She comes back up with a slurping sound, thick ropes of saliva connecting you to her mouth. "Oh I love your cock!"
  1465. >She gasps before plunging down on it again, her face becoming more and more of a mess, your balls now dripping with her saliva as it runs down.
  1466. >You didn't think Twilight would be so sloppy.
  1467. >She keeps bobbing her head, gagging and making lewd nasty sounds, yet still trying to take more and more despite it.
  1468. >As she gets closer towards the base, she tries to stick her tongue out as far as she can, to lick at your nutsack, even while her lips are gently stretched around your dick.
  1469. >Her head moves side to side, as if it would help your manhood further push and slide down her throat.
  1470. >You meanwhile can barely even think straight as she gives you an incredible, enthusiastic, wet messy blowjob.
  1471. >It's a good thing you're sitting down, legs feeling weak.
  1472. >You feel more pleasure the more she takes, and over time she gags less and less, able to work her mouth and throat on you with more fluid, less jerky motions.
  1473. >You grunt out as she works on you hungrily, her lips making contact with your crotch, having deepthroated all of your pole of meat.
  1474. >You fill and stretch her throat, her neck bulging out slightly each time she takes you.
  1475. >She occasionally gags, and moans while taking it, her drool spitting out around your lap.
  1476. >She deepthroats you, and stays down there, swaying her head side to side as your cock is massaged by her convulsing throat and worshiped by her tongue.
  1477. >Her magic lightly weighs your balls, roaming around them, caressing them lovingly better than hands and fingers could.
  1478. >You gasp and breathe hard.
  1479. >Unlike with fucking them, your cock doesn't receive such amazing tightness for a couple of minutes and then nothing.
  1480. >Instead she just sucks you, sucking and sucking, pleasuring you for as long as she needs to without break.
  1481. >The nasty sucking noises grow louder as she gives it her all, sucking on you hard each time her head draws back towards the tip.
  1482. >Fucking hell... You just can't take anymore.
  1483. >She never lets up, your balls lurching up and down, preparing your load to fire.
  1484. >You grunt out as you're brought to the edge.
  1485. "Twi... Fuck... I'm gonna..."
  1486. >You gaze into her eyes, and you can see them pleading, begging for your cum.
  1487. >As she brings you right up to the point of climax, her mouth wetly pops off of you, and instead her magical aura surrounds your cock, stroking up and down furiously fast while your balls are still being carefully, delicately massaged.
  1488. >You groan out, and your eyes close, as do hers.
  1489. >You feel your cum rocketing up through your shaft, firing from the tip as she strokes you for more.
  1490. >You hear the wet splattering sounds of your thick goo finding their mark.
  1491. >"Yes! Please! Cover me! ....mmmmmhhh.......ummmllllpppp.......So much.... ummm mmmm!"
  1492. >You can hear her slurping and swallowing between moans.
  1493. >Your hips start trying to buck up, and fuck the magic that's stroking you.
  1494. >"Aaahhhh....mmmmm.....shhhllllpppp......Love your cum......Can't open my eyes!"
  1495. >She says between a hungry swallowing moan.
  1496. >You grunt again and again, erupting everything you've got to give, before her magic slowly squeezes along your shaft, making you ooze out the last few thick drops.
  1497. >"I can't believe how much you can cum...."
  1498. >You open your eyes.
  1499. >Neither can you.
  1500. >Even though you heard her swallowing multiple times, her face is an absolute mess.
  1501. >The thick hot ropes of goo have covered her so much, landing and blending over each other, dripping and hanging off her face and horn.
  1502. >It's streaked into her hair even.
  1503. "Fuck... Twilight... That... Fuck..."
  1504. >You gasp out helplessly.
  1505. "How...?"
  1506. >If it wasn't for all the thick hot goo drenching her face and running down her neck, you'd see her cheeks blush.
  1507. >"Well... I read a few... Seventy three to be precise... Books on how to perform blowjobs correctly back in Canterlot and Ponyville... I always wanted to be perfect for my future special somepony. Sorry, manfriend...."
  1508. >"I never got to um, well, practice those techniques, and I had to put your Godly stamina and endowments into the equation as well but... I'll get better in the future."
  1509. >This fucking mare...
  1510. >"Would you like to help feed me your semen?"
  1511. >You almost answer without hesitation, but you don't want her to do it just because she feels like that's what a girlfriend should do.
  1512. "Well... Do you want to?"
  1513. >She smiles brightly.
  1514. >"I want to fill my stomach with your ejaculate every day, you taste incredible... And it's so hot inside me."
  1515. >It's a little weird seeing her beaming up at you when her face is caked with spunk, eyes unable to open.
  1516. >You slowly drag your cock along her face, before offering it to her mouth.
  1517. >She hungrily drags her tongue along your length, gathering up the goo on it, swirling it around in her mouth, and swallowing before shivering and letting out a little moan.
  1518. >You repeat the action.
  1519. >It takes a long while, but eventually her stomach is full of cum, and her face is wet and shimmering from her own saliva.
  1520. >She trots to the sinks, washing her face.
  1521. >As you stand, you notice a puddle where Twilight was sat sucking you.
  1522. >She came while making you cum.
  1523. >Nice.
  1524. >You are Nick Jackof, and you are about to uncover the truth.
  1525. >Due to your highly praised service record, all your medals, and all the times you've risked your life for the city, as the greatest cop there's ever been, you know people.
  1526. >And those people know people.
  1527. >And so through your insistence, you've been given an offer.
  1528. >To go through the records that aren't above a Level 3, whatever that means, in a facility that apparently deals with paranormal events.
  1529. >Files Level 3 and under might not be much.
  1530. >You won't be allowed to tell anyone what you uncover.
  1531. >It may take you the rest of your life.
  1532. >But by God, you WILL shed some light on the incredibly terrifying and bizarre sights you've seen.
  1533. >Even if it's just to make sense of them and settle your mind.
  1534. >But first off, you really need the toilet.
  1535. >Walking through the massive metal hallway of the gargantuan place, you see some male toilets.
  1536. >You quickly go inside, moving to the first cubicle, door wide open.
  1537. >There you see a man.
  1538. >Eyes closed.
  1539. >Huge dick.
  1540. >Cumming.
  1541. >All over the face of a small brightly coloured purple pony.
  1542. >You stand there for a few seconds, watching her get caked in the hot goo, mouth wide open to catch more and swallow it.
  1543. >"Aaahhhh....mmmmm.....shhhllllpppp......Love your cum......Can't open my eyes!"
  1544. >You turn 360 degrees and moonwalk out of there.
  1545. >You continue moonwalking, all the way down the hall, outside, and to your car.
  1546. >You turn on the engine and start to reverse, and reverse, and reverse.
  1547. >Mildred's getting beaten tonight.

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