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DangerousAmoeba - Ivan the WW2 vet (Oneshot, complete)

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 06:10:09
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: Dangerous Amoeba
  2. Pastebin URL: kNm6AyPa.html
  3. Date: Nov 16th, 2014
  5. ------
  7. This was a request for veterans day, for a Russian WW2 vet in Equestria. Not sure what emotions i wanted in this, but some Anons claimed there where feels juxtaposition with the humor.
  9. >”Then *Sniff* the captain, the captain he. *sniff sniff* cut *sniff* cut himself. On one of the cake knives, *weep* and we couldn't do anything. *cry*”
  10. >”*Sniff* Powerful, you can rest now, soldier. All our veterans deserve to share their stories, and us to pay our respects for their service. Our last veteran is a one of a kind. Ivan of Earth, hailing from the place he calls “Motherland”, please Ivan, share your story.”
  11. “DA, I am son of motherland! I fight fascist pigs for motherland! But, after listening to homosex stories, Ivan of wondering if tiny marshmallow pony can take pictures in Ivan’s head.”
  12. >”Go ahead Ivan; we’re projecting the events as you describe them, right from your brain.”
  13. “Da. It was of 1939, burger land was of depression, but glorious motherland and great leader kept us, happy soviets. I was farmer, I proletarian, work to feed all of motherlands children.”
  14. >The screen projecting a black and white video of, people working on farms, on a rural farm, growing wheat.
  15. “Motherland take Poland, news say German ally was attacking west, removing capitalist pig from lands. Ahh, but war so distant, Ivan not care, Ivan work farm, feed motherland.”
  16. “2 year, Ivan learn of fascist, back stab us. Attack mother Russia, kill her children, burn her land.”
  17. >Videos of Ju-87s dropping bombs on homes and farms, with flames in the background. The sky unnaturally dark, black with clouds of ash, tracers of AA fire occasionally replace the unnatural dark with unnatural light.
  18. >Ponies look in horror, some faces covered.
  19. “Ivan called by motherland to defend Ivan answer call of motherland. Front of line, to sign up, Ivan trained for 2 weeks, given glorious rifle of mosin nagant.”
  20. >Some ponies cover their eyes at the brutal training, and the drill sergeant screaming at the recruits. Grinding them beneath their boot heels, training is hell, so combat isn't.
  21. “Ivan was sent to front, Ivan ready to kill fascist pig. Ivan fought, Ivan fought like good Russian, Ivan defend motherland. But fascist keep coming, fascist always have new plane for when we shoot one down.”
  22. >Videos of clouds of smoke, with men downing with each barrage, and ejected shell casing littering the battlefields. A Il-2 gun strafing some tanks, empty carcasses of tanks and downed craft littering the landscape among the dead men.
  23. “Friend of Ivan once say “Comrade, to die for motherland is great honor, but never forget orders.” Comrades all cut down by fascist, like stalk of wheat by blade of farmer.”
  24. >The screen showed dead soldiers littering the ground, some missing limbs. Some faces seen, caked in mud, their helmets too big covering some of their foreheads and eyes, but they look at peace, relaxed, restful.
  25. “Comrades told to retreat, Ivan fought with comrades, Ivan also retreat with comrades.”
  26. “Ivan and comrades fight and retreat, fight and retreats, fascist keep taking more of motherland, kill more of children, burn more of land.”
  27. >The horrors of war continue on the screen, burning land and bodies, more destroyed machines abandoned, like their human operators.
  28. “But motherland, ahh motherland, she was tough Russian. Winter was motherland telling her children to fight on; fascist cannot survive of winter like true son of mother can.”
  29. >Snow stained with blood, mud where the snow ended. Cold, snow and mud covered miserable looking soldiers, eyes looking nowhere piercing the viewer’s soul. Eyes, of the dead, no life, no humanity, tormented souls begging for help.
  30. “We push fascist back, Ivan join with comrade to yell ‘Ura!’ And charge to fascist line, kill every pig.”
  31. >A charge of soldiers, most mowed down in a mist of smoke, where dust and bullets are just as common, their bayonets fixed.
  32. “We push fascist out of motherland, we push fascist back to fascist home. But motherland insulted motherland demand fascist blood for blood of sons and daughters.”
  33. >Street fighting, battle of Berlin, tanks destroying buildings. Corpses of civilians lie side by side with those in uniform. Some bodies smaller than others, cities being ground to dust by explosives.
  34. “Comrades raise sign of motherland on tallest building! Mark end of fascists!”
  35. >The flag of the union raised among rubble, which were once buildings. Streets with tanks on them, soldiers like ants walking around.
  36. “Ahh, but fight not end there, fight never end. Motherland fight more, Ivan go back to farming, feed motherland. Motherland fight capitalists now.”
  37. >A brief show of the arm race between the US and USSR shows, from automatic gun mechanisms to aircraft, typhoon class submarines, super carriers and nukes set off, ended with the Tsar bomb.
  38. “Motherland fight western capitalist, motherland children take arms against capitalist.”
  39. >Shows of the Korean War and Vietnam as well as Afghanistan invasion, among other wars of the cold war era.
  40. “Motherland strong through war, but no mother lasts forever. Motherland die, killed not by capitalists, not fascist, no motherland too strong for pigs. No, motherland killed by children, son and daughter of motherland kill motherland.”
  41. >Pictures of the final days of the Soviet Union, with the breaking of its states into other countries, more death, people driven from homes, starvation.
  42. “But motherland take away sprite of sons and daughter too, now children of mother left astray, children lack sprite no drive.”
  43. >Final few videos of youth squatting around barrel and tire fires, bottles around them. Eyes empty, no future in sight.
  44. “Ivan should have died in defense of mother; Ivan should have died in Stalingrad. But Ivan live, to see motherland stand on top, and fall. Ivan lose mother, Ivan never forget either mother.”
  45. >The final seconds of the video is a reflection in a cracked window.
  46. >Ponies cry like children, a literal river has formed around the stage.

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