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Dangerous Amoeba - What just happened? (Edge warning) Status: CUFN

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 06:16:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: Dangerous Amoeba
  2. Pastebin URL: rzZKaag5.html
  3. Date: Oct 20th, 2014
  5. ------
  7. >”Celestia damn it! That stallion is gonna go mess with somepony again.”
  8. >”Tough splint? The one that beat up that poor Big Mac?
  9. >”Yea that’s the one. Guy’s no good, but no stallion can even scratch him. One of these days, we girls gotta do something.”
  10. >”What? Tell him to stop, that isn’t gonna do apples, about this.”
  11. >”We all told him a bunch of times. Nah, I rather teach him a lesson, put a hoof in those pretty teeth of his.”
  12. >”And some mare lookin to score helps him, and then you get a year, at best, for hitting a stallion.”
  13. >”I know, I won’t do anything, girl can dream, right?”
  14. >”It begins!”
  15. --------------------------------------------------------
  16. >You stand by the large wooden cart, loaded to the brim, apples filling every basket and shelf, some spots reserved for other products made of the fruit.
  17. >In front of you is Big Mac, next to the cart, checking his cart supplies.
  18. >”Thanks fer yer help, Ah’non. Ah coulda never been done harvestin that field with Apple Jack gone.”
  19. “Nonsense, Mac. Anytime you need help, just ask, not like I do anything anyway.”
  20. >”Ya’re a fine stallion Anon. should ah pay ya now, or later?”
  21. “Woah, I never said anything about a pay. Don’t worry about it Mac, just helping a friend.”
  22. >”Are ya sure? Ahm countin this as an apple family favour anyway. If ya sure ya don’t want no-“
  23. >The Red stallion stops mid word, and his eyes widen to a location behind you, fear in his eyes and facial expression.
  24. >A moment later, he turns his head and stares at his hooves, while nervously fidgeting.
  25. >You turn around and move slightly out of the way. Your new field of vision holds a big stallion, standing just below your pecks.
  26. >His coat is a light leather brown, his hair dirty blond, eyes a dark crimson.
  27. >”Hey Mac! Ya doin good?”
  28. >His voice is mischievously playful, somewhat deep.
  29. >”E-ee-eeyup.”
  30. >You now notice 2 other average stallions standing about 7 meters from the stall. Both with shit eating grins seemingly directed at you.
  31. >Wanting to wipe that grin off their face, you perform a light snarl, especially showing off your left canines.
  32. >They see this, and somewhat recoil back.
  33. >Directing your attention back to the “boss” stallion. He is slowly eating an apple, talking to Big Mac, who is clearly scared for some reason.
  34. >”So yea Mac, I gotta say, ya put up the best fight.”
  35. >The stallion turns to you wearing the same shit-eating grin his friends had not a few seconds ago.
  36. >”What about yer friend here Mac? Who’s he?”
  37. >Mac is scared shitless, shaking even. He nervously looks everywhere, trying to avoid eye contact, and stutters like he has a speech impediment.
  38. >”He-he just visitin, don’t worry about him. H-he ain’t ever h-hurt a fly.”
  39. >Suddenly, the stallion grabs Big Mac by the neck using his fore hooves.
  40. >”Ya think this I’m playing, Mac? Ya think this is a mother bucking game?”
  41. >”N-n-n-no!”
  42. >”No, what?!”
  43. >”N-No, sir!”
  44. >Quickly scanning around, you see all eyes looking at the scene with pity.
  45. >Turning back to the stallion screaming about how he was going to ‘take care of the both of us’, right before a hoof sweeps macs face.
  46. >Causing the red stallion to hit the floor and curl up into a ball, his hooves protecting his head.
  47. >Facing you again, the stallion seems to be having fun and hardly looks mad more than just somewhat huffing. Like he just did some warm ups.
  48. >”You! Ya know who the buck I am?!”
  49. “You can swear you know, just say fucking. But no I don’t know.”
  50. >”Wise guy, eh? When I’m done, ya won’t be makin any jokes, for a while.”
  51. >The stallion huffs and pumps his cheeks out, and snorts with a mist, through his nose.
  52. >Without further warning, the stallion charges at you with a war cry like scream.
  53. >He stands mainly on his hind legs, using his fore hooves to attack you, somewhat stretching to reach your taller figure. You block his attacks easily, with your left arm.
  54. >He repeatedly hits you aiming for the chest region, with the force of an above average 10 year old.
  55. >Eyes of sympathy fall on you, and some mares comfort stallions looking away in pity and fear.
  56. “Can you stop that?”
  57. >You ask the question in mild annoyance, and a hint of anger crawls into the words.
  58. >The stallion starts panting and between huffs manages to say a few words.
  59. >”What *huff* you *huff*huff* gonna *huff* do *huff*?”
  60. >Getting annoyed, you answer his question.
  61. >Pushing the stallion away as he gets on hind legs to strike, causing him to fall on his back, and quickly get up.
  62. >He charges at you again. You lift your right arm into the air, all 5 fingers making a fist. Simultaneously aiming at the stallions head.
  63. >Bringing your arm down as the stallion begins a leap. Your fist collides above his right orbital ridge, at a force of no less than 3000 newtons.
  64. >The stallion rag dolls lefts before hitting the dirt ground and dragging a little, generating a proportional dust cloud, ending up a few meters from you.
  65. >All the onlookers watch in awe and disbelief.
  66. >You’re somewhat unimpressed.
  67. “That’s it?”
  68. >One by one the entire market place floods with the sound of stomping hooves and cheers of your name.
  69. >Looking over to the stall, Big Mac is lying on the ground peeking through his hooves.
  70. >You walk over calmly, and kneel down next to your terrified friend.
  71. >”How did ya-?”
  72. >Mac begins to ask, but then just leaps wrapping his for hooves around your neck and gently sobs.
  73. >”Ah! Ahms, sorry, ah didn’t help you! Did he hurt ya?”
  74. >You scratch him behind the ear, confused to all hell.
  75. “No Mac I’m fine. Don’t worry, everything is alright.”
  76. >After a few minutes of sobbing, You help Big Mac pack up his stall and take him to sweet apple acres.
  77. >He had a black eye from the attack, as well redness in both ocular organs from crying.
  78. >On your way home, stallions and mares cheer you on; some give you little trinkets and treats, a mare even gives you a basket to help carry all the treats. Word travels fast.
  79. >Getting to sweet apple acres, Mac leaves the cart in the shaded cool area of the barn. He then leads you to the farmhouse.
  80. >No one’s here, Mac walks to the kitchen and gets you a bottle of special apple family cider.
  81. >You sit on their couch with the cider mug in your hand, Mac looking at you as if you’re his crush, which you might be.
  82. >Staring into nothing, you look at the basket of things given to you. Some pricey desserts as well as little pieces of art and such overfill it.
  83. >You look down at the special apple family private cider, according to Mac it takes 9 months to make and made from a secret recipe. Only apple family has access to it.
  84. >Finally, your gaze wanders back to Big Mac, who is still giddy with joy, and awe, like Scootaloo is with Rainbow Dash.
  85. >Your beyond confused state asks a simple question.
  86. “Oi, what just happened?”

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