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Dangerous Amoeba - Daughter and Mother (WiP)

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 06:24:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: Dangerous Amoeba
  2. Pastebin URL: Uqc6rcF7.html
  3. Date: Jul 28th, 2014
  5. ------
  8. >The knocking increases in intensity.
  10. >It’s almost a bang on now.
  11. >You where awake by the third series of knocks.
  12. >Turning your head towards the side table thing, you pick up your galaxy s4.
  13. >Fuck apple.
  14. >Pressing the home button, the lock screen pops up. 3:27.
  15. >*KNOCK*KNOCK*
  16. "Who the fuck at this time?"
  17. >You say to your self
  18. >Reluctantly getting out of bed, leaving your room, you walk down the small hallway.
  19. >At the end of the hall is a set of stairs leading down.
  20. >You look down the stairs, as if it were a challenge to walk down them.
  21. >Might have been that. Lifting a foot to place onto the first step, only to miss and fall.
  22. >Good thing the stairs are covered in thick carpet cos otherwise this would be a painful decent
  23. >It kind of hurt but after saving Rainbow Dash from that bar fight; you had grown a relatively good pain threshold
  24. >*Groan* apathetically you get up.
  25. "At least that woke me up a little." Thinking aloud.
  26. >You uneventfully walk to the weathered oak door
  27. >Turn the knob and opened the door, you discover it was raining and your driveway was soaked.
  28. >Feeling stupid for not understanding the plish plash of rainfall, which had been going on since you went to bed.
  29. "Who in hell is it?" In a slightly raised demeanor.
  30. >since being forced awake you had drained your anger, but some remained.
  31. >Wanting to close the door, through the mist from rain you made out a light grey mare, turning around and slowly walking, with her head hanging low.
  32. "Velvet?"
  33. >The mare turns her head around; her wet mane would give Rarity a heart attack.
  34. >She was sobbing, and you were sure those where tears falling from her face not rain.
  35. >"Anon? I’m sorry I shouldn't have..."
  36. >Cutting her off mid-sentence you walked closer knelt down and asked:
  37. "What’s wrong?"
  38. >She closes the 1-foot distance between you and her and shoves her head into your left breast.
  39. >She starts sobbing deeply.
  40. >Your inner nice guy senses tingle and you hug the mares head and neck region.
  41. >Through sobs she says, "Anon I miss him!"
  42. >It took a second for you to realize who the "him" was.
  43. >Crescent sparkle, her husband.
  44. ----------------------------------------------
  45. >You remember Twilights birthday party 7 days ago at sugar cube corner.
  46. >Pinkies party cannon works like a BB gun, intake air and then expel it.
  47. >Long story short the pump broke and she- seeing how you were kind of a handy man- asked you to help.
  48. >Replacing the pump with a jury-rigged one was acceptable, but it did remove a safety limiter.
  49. >It was completely safe! Until some pony dropped a veggie corndog into the cannon.
  50. >It wasn’t the corndog that killed Crescent, no the corndog just hit Crescent in the chest.
  51. >He would have been fine, unfortunately, that caused a rib to crack and cut his aorta.
  52. >2 days of chest pain later he was hospitalized, and died later of internal hemorrhage.
  53. >At that thought you feel guilt, the man treated you like a son. You stuck by him after the party even took him to a hospital, but you never where very “sonly” with him.
  54. >The last 5 days where bad for Pinkie and Twilights family.
  55. >Pinkie blames herself, even though every pony understands it was an unforeseen accident.
  56. >You haven’t been keeping up on the how people are taking it, just Rarity telling you whenever she comes over to chat and watch you work.
  57. >not that you get out much anyway, but the past 4 days have just been you staying in your study, designing better light bulbs.
  58. ----------------------------------------------
  59. >Putting your thoughts aside realizing: you’re soaked.
  60. "Let’s go inside." Your voice is almost monotonous.
  61. >Still sobbing "No I'm f-fine, I didn't tell Twilight I was leaving."
  62. "It’s raining cats and dogs; I'll tell Twilight you’re staying here.”
  63. >She reluctantly moves away from your chest, staring at her hooves.
  64. >A short sigh and a nod of her head.
  65. >You slowly walk towards the open door, turn your neck to make sure the mare is in tow.
  66. >Reaching the door, you stand to the left side:
  67. "After you." in an almost goofy way.
  68. >She lightly blushes and walks in through the oak doorway.
  69. >"Thank you, anon." In a low tone.
  70. "Anytime Velvet."
  71. >Even if it was a slightly cliché/goofy statement, you really meant it.
  72. >You have been pretty tight with Twilights family. It started with you being Twilights science experiment, and her treating you like a pet
  73. >Until you baffled her with human scientific knowledge, specifically the movement of the planets around the star and not the other way.
  74. >Proving the fact was easy (taking Galileo’s approach); the religious backlash that resulted was hell. It was worth it.
  75. >Surprisingly the princesses where cool with this.
  76. >Shining treats you like an older brother, even though you're 3 years younger than he is, he still puts a lot of trust and responsibility on you.
  77. >Getting him home after drinking, helping with his work, girl problems; that always intrigues you seeing, as you’re not that good with people in general.
  78. >Twilight Velvet unlike Crescent Sparkle always treated you more of a friend than a son, but still maintained that motherly attitude.
  79. >Not sure, what she sees in you, but you’re not complaining.
  80. >Crescent Sparkle always saw you as the better of the two sons. It was weird. Shining Armor would almost never get his praise, but your menial accomplishments would warrant a "good job son".
  81. >Crescent trusted you, even willingly lent you 5000 bits to help get Equestrias first and only Electronics Company off the ground.
  82. ----------------------------------------------
  83. >You walk through the door about 2 feet behind Velvet.
  84. “Go into the living room, you know where it is right?”
  85. >She nods and raises her head just enough to look at you.
  86. >”You’re bleeding!” She says in a panicked tone.
  87. “What? Where?” In a voice with little emotion.
  88. >”Your le-right eyebrow!” still slightly panicked.
  89. >Tracing your hand over and above your eye, it felt warm and wet.
  90. >Looking at the 3 fingers that touched the injury, sure enough there is blood.
  91. “I’ll live.” (Poor choice of words).
  92. >”No wait let me get some disinfectant!”
  93. >She quickly trots down the hall, past the living room into the kitchen.
  94. “I’m fine velvet, you worry too much.”
  95. >The lack of response is worrying.
  96. >using magic to open the first aid drawer above the utensils drawer, she retrieves a bottle of alcohol-based disinfectant and a Band-Aid.
  97. >She rushes back to the hallway where you are still standing:
  98. >”Kneel down.”
  99. >You do as told, more for her than yourself.
  100. >The cotton rubbing part on the bottle is cool and feels funny against the cut; you oddly always liked the sting of alcohol on an injury.
  101. >”There, now hold still while I put this on” her voice is soothing, motherly even.
  102. >Pressing the sticky part of the Band-Aid around the cut, she moves away.
  103. Still kneeling “Thanks mom.”
  104. >You comment in a sarcastic tone, even if you really appreciate her caring for you.
  105. “I need to change into something less wet, and let me get you a towel.”
  106. >A sweet smile appears on her face, which spreads to you.
  107. >She pulls you in for a hug, unexpected but it feels good.
  108. ----------------------------------------------
  109. >The hug lasted around 5 seconds it was warm and loving.
  110. >A sincere hug, not just a touch. A flow of emotions that’s hard to describe.
  111. >You slowly pulling away, made her reluctantly let go.
  112. “Don’t worry I’ll be back.” Almost teasingly.
  113. >You stand up, turn around and walk towards the stairs.
  114. >Walking up the stairs, you think of what you will say to her.
  115. >Should you be direct? Should you just let her vent? Never really seen her down.
  116. >Velvet has always been a “look on the bright side, it gets better.” Person.
  117. >Maybe that’s why it hit her so hard. Twilight is always worrying about her parents’ age.
  118. >When the time did come, she had thought about it in advance so it didn’t hit as hard.
  119. >Whereas velvet was always happy, she just didn’t think it could happen to her.
  120. >The thought of Twilight leads to the question of how the rest of the family is taking it.
  121. >The family was always close to each other, nothing could happen without all of them knowing, and help being there before needed.
  122. >This spread to you too, seeing how you became family despite lack of blood.
  123. >At first it was intrusive, kind of annoying, but they are understanding and will help you however they can.
  124. >Like when you made a homemade crossbow and killed a wild rabbit, thought they would be furious when they found you eating meat.
  125. >Fortunately they understand your needs, Twi even convinced the princesses to let you hunt deer.
  126. >It was worrying that Twi hadn’t visited you since after the funeral, because she visits you almost every day.
  127. >Shining spent most of the time with you whenever he’s in ponyvill. Even Twilight told him to move his stuff to my house.
  128. >Velvet and Crescent often stayed at your house instead of twilight’s library.
  129. >You have 2 guest bedrooms after all, even if you didn’t they’re family.
  130. >Your home is their home, because their home is yours.
  131. ----------------------------------------------
  132. >Standing once again at the top of the stairs, you catch Velvet looking up at you.
  133. >Pretending not to notice her, you walk to the closet in front of the bathroom at.
  134. >Inside the closet are neatly folded fabric items on 3 shelves.
  135. >The first shelf contains bed sheets and pillow covers.
  136. >The second has towels and gowns.
  137. >The last one has blankets.
  138. >Below the shelves: there is a drawer of some bits and pieces of electronic components and tools.
  139. >Reaching into the middle shelf, you grab the fluffy blanket Rarity gave you.
  140. >The blanket was made of what felt like cotton, it was purple and had a very soft texture.
  141. >It also absorbed water like a shamwow.
  142. >With an elevated voice:
  143. “Hey velvet!”
  144. >Looking up from her hooves, startled:
  145. >”yes anon?”
  146. “Towel! Catch!”
  147. >You toss the towel with a weak underhand; it arcs down the stairs.
  148. >Velvet catches it with magic about half way down the stairs.
  149. >A barely audible voice:
  150. >”Thanks.”
  151. “Anytime! I’m gonna take a minute!”
  152. >You turn away from her, to face the bathroom.
  153. >Enter. The tile floor cold, REALLY FUCKING COLD!
  154. >Close the door behind you, hanging on the back of the door is another pair of gears of war pajamas.
  155. >The ones that you packed in your bag when you made the (accidental) trip to Equestria.
  156. >You grab the inside of your soaked pajamas, and toss it into the basket next to the bathtub.
  157. >Then grab the gears of war pajamas and put them on.
  158. >A green t-shirt that was behind the pjs is hanging by the collar.
  159. >Your current shirt has the same fate as your soaked pajamas and you wear the green t-shirt.
  160. >Close the door as you leave the bathroom.
  161. >Still don’t know what to do with velvet.
  162. ----------------------------------------------
  163. >Walking down the stairs, not as eventful as last time.
  164. >Velvet is standing in the hallway in front of the entrance door.
  165. >The wet towel is levitating above her.
  166. >Reaching out:
  167. “Let me take that.”
  168. >She levitates the towel to your out reached hand, and you grab it.
  169. >It feels like you don’t know her.
  170. >Looking back, about 3 weeks back it was raining exactly this hard.
  171. >Velvet came into your house from the market, taking a shower so you were oblivious.
  172. >Came downstairs to a hot cup of cocoa.
  173. >Now it just feels like there’s a stranger in the house.
  174. >Hanging the towel on a door to let it dry:
  175. “Let’s go into the living room.”
  176. >She nods and walks down the hallway.
  177. >At the end of the hall is the kitchen, next to the kitchen is a double door leading into the relatively large living room.
  178. >Reaching the living room, she looks around and you’re impressed at its cleanliness.
  179. “Take a seat”
  180. >You motion to the leather/fabric loveseat. (Leather is a sign of wealth, seeing as it comes from animals.)
  181. >Velvet walks over, almost dragging her hoofs.
  182. >She takes a seat, and now you have a clear view of your friend.
  183. >Color drained fur, bags under bloodshot eyes.
  184. >The once bubbly velvet looks miserable.
  185. “Want some coffee?”
  186. >Startled, she looks up:
  187. >”No i-i don’t want to be a burden.”
  188. “Damnmit velvet.”
  189. >Her sad state, contrasting to her otherwise speed trip of happiness, is getting to you.
  190. >You walk into the kitchen, add water and turn on the electric coffee machine. Another thing you “invented”
  191. >The machine needs a few minute to boil the water, in the time you get a glass jar of ground coffee beans and put it into a chute at the top of the machine.
  192. >About 3 minutes later, the coffee is poured into a mug waiting in under the faucet.
  193. >Getting another cup, you replace the full one.
  194. >Both of you like your coffee with tons of cream and sugar, about 1/5 of the cup is cream and 4 teaspoons of sugar are used.
  195. >You retrieve the other full cup of coffee and give it the same treatment.
  196. ----------------------------------------------
  197. >Holding the cups in each hand, you walk back into the living room. There sits the miserable velvet on a loveseat.
  198. >You put each cup down onto a small coffee table, about 2 feet from the loveseat.
  199. >Sitting next to velvet, you scoot closer to her. Her butt is pressing up against yours.
  200. >She is looking away and down, staring at the red carpet depressed.
  201. >Without a word, you reach your arm around her and press her into your chest.
  202. >She accepts and places her head -at an angle so the horn faces away- under your chin.
  203. >A light sob catches your attention, you just press her closer.
  204. >Her sobs turned to a childlike cry, and all you could think of was to hug her.
  205. >The coffee was lukewarm by the time she stopped crying.
  206. >”s-whimper-s-sorry”
  207. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”
  208. >You say in a sincere voice.
  209. >She levitates both coffees over, seeing, as they are identical, you grab one.
  210. >Sipping the lukewarm coffee, you eye velvet doing the same.
  211. >Your arm wrapped round her neck, she leans in closer.
  212. >Both quietly sipping coffee.
  213. >After god knows how long of just silently sipping the beverage. You glance at the timepiece above the place you plan to put a TV.
  214. >4:26
  215. “We should hit the hay.”
  216. >She nods.
  217. >Using one hand to cup her under the jaw, turning her to face you:
  218. “You alright?”
  219. >Her expressionless face turns into a small smile; she quickly moves in and lays a peck on your cheek.
  220. >Then quickly nuzzles her head into your chest:
  221. >”Thank you.”
  222. “Anytime velvet.”
  223. ----------------------------------------------
  224. >About another 2 minutes of quite snuggling later:
  225. “Alright let’s go.”
  226. > Both let go of each other, she jumps off the couch kind of like a cat.
  227. >”Let me take that. Put it in the sink?”
  228. >Her eyebrow raises quizzing, before grabbing your cup with magic.
  229. “Yea just put it in the sink, and meet me upstairs.”
  230. >This is nice; she is acting like less of a stranger.
  231. >There is still some work however, seeing as normally she would clean up without your knowledge.
  232. >Both walk out of the living room, you flick the light off as you leave (something often forgotten).
  233. >You split at the exit; she heads into the kitchen you towards the stairs.
  234. >You walk up the stairs and head into the bathroom; you walk to the toilet lift the cover and take a piss.
  235. >Flush, wash your hands, open door and look down.
  236. >Your quick gaze slowed to a focus on light blue eyes.
  237. >You smile:
  238. “Bathrooms free.”
  239. >Velvet returns the smile, as you move out of the way.
  240. >She heads into the bathroom.
  241. >Turning to the hallway, you open 1 of the guest bedrooms.
  242. >There are 3 bedrooms. The one at the end of the hall is the master bedroom, and yours.
  243. >It’s very large by pony standards.
  244. >The guest bedrooms- whose doors open on each wall of the hallway- are not much smaller than your bedroom.
  245. >Each has a double bed, or king sized by pony standards.
  246. >Your bed sized to be a queen size by earth standards, cost you way too much money, but big beds are comfortable.
  247. >Entering the left bedroom, turn on the light to do a quick scan to see if everything is in order.
  248. >It is. The bed made, has a furry blanket, pillows, random stuff on the dressing table, other shit bedrooms have.
  249. >The room looks slightly dimer than it should; you look at the lamp on the roof.
  250. >One of the bulbs is out, the perfectionist inside stirs. Look away. Murmur:
  251. “Damn...”
  252. >Look back
  253. “...Fuck...”
  254. >Walk through the door. Murmur:
  255. “Well better replace it.
  256. >Walk back to the bathroom, turn to closet, look down, and check the drawers:
  257. >Some (very large) chips. Nope.avi.
  258. >next one has some wires, solder and your favorite screwdriver.
  259. >Third one holds broken electronics and a box with a bulb inside.
  260. >Thatzeldathingwhenlinkgetsstuff.gif
  261. >Beginning to turn towards the hallway, only to be stopped by 3 purple stars on a light grey background.
  262. >You look closer at it, confused. Realization hits when the starts wiggle.
  263. >Its Velvet’s cutie mark. Not sure what it means, most cutie marks are self-explanatory.
  264. >Your eyes move around a bit, before drifting towards her rump.
  265. >She is at an angle, leaning over the sink. The wall, along with most of her shoulders, obscures her head.
  266. >She is very fit and healthy, almost no signs of aging, although really the only example of age in Equestria has been granny smith.
  267. >Eyes continued on their own to the rump, and stopped.
  268. >Your train of thought is broken by a sight. Thick darker flesh faintly hidden by a luscious rump.
  269. >Feeling the heat build in your groin, and face.
  270. >Look away at the ground in embarrassment. What I wrong with you? She is like your mom! Your internal question.
  271. >Although that wasn't true, she may be aged to that of a mother, but her mannerism was always more friend.
  272. >Walk back to the bedroom, the image of her plot and vagina not forgotten. Not like that can be.
  273. ----------------------------------------------
  274. >The fresh light bulb hums to life, rectifying the room’s previous dimness.
  275. >Although you would be lying if that’s what you said you are thinking about.
  276. >They only thing on your mind is the light grey booty you had caught a glimpse of.
  277. >Fantasies where one thing, but having sex with the closest thing to a mother you have had.
  278. >Not to mention what Shining and Twilight would do, if another sibling banged the mom.
  279. >”Anon, am I sleeping here?”
  280. >Velvet is standing at the door, you turning to her causes some dizziness.
  281. >Maybe you shouldn't have stared at the light bulb for that long.
  282. “Huh? Oh yea, this is the room you guys always use.”
  283. >You felt odd saying that, seeing as ‘guys’ meant Velvet and Crescent.
  284. “I hope everything is fine, if you need anything go ahead and wake me up.”
  285. >Starting your walk outside, a voice makes you stop with a:
  286. >”Um. Anon?”
  287. >Turning around Velvet is sitting on her rump right behind you.
  288. >”Come here.”
  289. >She holds her fore hooves out, inviting a hug.
  290. >Crouching down you embrace her, much harder than you had originally intended.
  291. >However she doesn't mind, and nuzzles her head into your shoulder.
  292. >You let her go, and she stands up. Before you can stand up.
  293. >She lays a quick peck on your cheek, with a blush she tries to hide.
  294. >”Good night, Anon”
  295. >Before, she jumps onto the bed, and lies down covering her body below the neck in a thin blanket.
  296. >At the arch of the door, you flick the light switch.
  297. “Good night Velvet.”
  298. >You lay back into your bed, the fan humming its lullaby to you.
  299. >You turn and stare at the fan next to you, for god know how long; your thoughts are in the same 2 places.
  300. >Is Velvet ok? And, do I have fantasies about her?
  301. >The thought comes to your mind that twilight doesn't know where Velvet is.
  302. >Reaching over to your phone, press the home button 5:14, damn it must have been a while.
  303. >Remembering that only you have a phone, you sigh a sigh of defeat.
  304. >The hum of the fan is the only thing keeping your thoughts from turning you insane.
  305. >Soon, that hum is broken, clopping noises.
  306. >Velvet pokes her head in through the door,
  307. >”Umm, Anon?”
  308. >You turn, worried. What if she had a nightmare? How will you comfort her?
  309. “Yes, Velvet? Something wrong?”
  310. >”I um, I...I can’t get to sleep. There’s too much on my mind I...can I bunk with you?”
  311. >She sounded nervous, like when Twilight asked the same question a few years back.
  312. >In fact, the same sort of tone is in her voice, a fear of rejection, but a certainty of acceptance.
  313. “Heh, like you need to ask.”
  314. >You’re sure she smiled, but it’s very dark.
  315. >Velvet walks up to your bed, jumps in on the side opposite of the fan.
  316. >As she lies down next to you, you turn and face her.
  317. >Although its dark, her face is pretty visible.
  318. >She is looking at you, staring. Like Twilight the first time you met.
  319. >As if you’re a new creature in front of her.
  320. >You realize you have never laid in bed together; Twilight would often lay in bed with you.
  321. >Even Shining once bunked with you, after some heated fight he had with Cadence.
  322. >Never had velvet done so.
  323. >Velvet closes the distance between you and her. Then without warning she, cuddles into your chest.
  324. >Not one to reject a mare of this caliber, you wrap your arms around her.
  325. “Good night Velvet.”
  326. >Maybe she is just looking for another companion now that her husband died.
  327. >Maybe she always had a thing for you.
  328. >Maybe she is just being friendly.
  329. >The mare’s warm body, made you lose all care of her reasons.
  330. ----------------------------------------------
  331. >Waking to a warm softness next to you, still holding the mare from last night. Or today morning.
  332. >”Good morning.”
  333. >Her voice is soft; she is smiling looking down at you.
  334. >Rising to lean against the headboard, until you are on her level.
  335. “Good morning. How long have you been up?”
  336. >”Not long, maybe 5 minutes.”
  337. “Well. I usually just sit in bed for a while before getting up. Let’s me get the day straight.”
  338. >”Yea me too.”
  339. >Through the conversation, she smiled. Not sure what that smile means, but she looks happy.
  340. >She turns away to face the wall. You turn to pick up your phone, check the time.
  341. >12:27. Pretty early considering you went to sleep at 6ish.
  342. >And you’re not drowsy either, feel pretty fresh actually.
  343. >Turning back to Velvet, her small is gone. She looks like she is deep in thought.
  344. >Wrapping an arm around her got her out of her trance.
  345. >Someone might think it’s weird to put a arm around a married women, but ponies don't do that so you're safe from cultural criticism.
  346. >She leans her head on your shoulder and you on her head.
  347. >”Anon. I know it was weird for me to show up in the middle of the night. And I know you know how I felt then.”
  348. >You squeeze her tighter, and she continues.
  349. >”But thank you for not turning me away, thanks for...thanks ...being there.”
  350. >She nuzzles her head, rubbing her cheek into your shoulder.
  351. “Velvet, you have known me long enough to know there was no other alternative course of action.”
  352. >A tone of humor, but a heart of honesty is the presentation of that sentence.
  353. >Velvet moves away, worrying you. Did you say something wrong?
  354. >Doubt destroyed when she looks deep into your eyes, you also concentrating on a light blue orb ring surrounding a black center.
  355. >To say her eyes are intoxicating would be an understatement.
  356. >Quickly, the space between you is no more, as she hugs you.
  357. >Wrapping her hooves around you, your hands do the same. She presses her mouth into your neck, and slowly rubs the side of her cheek against your shoulder.
  358. >She slowly pulls away, but not before pecking you on your left cheek.
  359. >”Let’s get some breakfast.”
  360. >Hopping off the bed still smiling, walking to the door side of the bed, with a slight blush.
  361. >She announces in a playful childish tone:
  362. >”Bathrooms mine!”
  363. >She quickly trots down the hall; you jump out of the bed and yell back in the same tone.
  364. “Hey no fair!”
  365. >”Too bad! You had first last night, besides do I get nothing for the show?”
  366. >Walking down the hall confused, you question:
  367. “What show?”
  368. >”Don't you dare hide it, I saw you peeking.”
  369. >Your face turns red, she knew of your little voyeurism.
  370. >Another playful smile, before closing the bathroom door in your face.
  371. >”Sorry no encore.”
  372. >Too stunned to respond, your panicked doesn't even process what she just said:
  373. “S-so-sorry.”
  374. >”Don’t be, good to know this old mare still has something.”
  375. >Finally understanding her approval of your action, maybe because she understood it was an accident.
  376. >Whatever the reason, you weren't pushing it.
  377. >Pulling your phone out, you start coding on a little C# compiler.
  378. >Really just hiding confusion. Why is she ok with you being a voyeur?
  379. >It was a onetime thing to be fair, so maybe she just forgave you.
  380. >Velvet lightly steps out of the bathroom. you walk in.
  381. >”It’s a bit cold, are those socks still in my room?”
  382. >Like mentioned this being the Twilight families second home, it had all the items of the first.
  383. >Velvet kept some extra clothing a pony might want, even if they rarely wear clothing.
  384. “Yea, still in the dressing table.”
  385. >”K, thanks.”
  386. >She sounded happier, felt good paying back to the Twilight family. Always where kind of burden.
  387. >In the bathroom, you practice your washroom ritual.
  388. >Piss, brush, shave then stare at yourself in the mirror and wonder where you are going with your life.
  389. >The ritual is support to end with a realization your lack of reason to live.
  390. >Not today, today it’s just realizing how much you owe to the Twilight family.
  391. >They took you in when everyone was afraid of you, always treated you like an equal. Helped you become completely independent.
  392. >But have you given much back to them? The question lingers in your mind. The only answer you don’t have a problem with is: maybe.
  393. ----------------------------------------------
  394. >Walking out of the bathroom, Velvet is fixing the final sock on her left fore-hoof.
  395. >Ponies in socks always, In some weird way turned you on. This and the fact she was wearing socks that matched her mane, is now going to make you want to pin her down and gorilla fuck her.
  396. “Looking good there, getting ready for college?”
  397. >She blushes at the stupid remark. Stupid or not she looks fucking hot.
  398. >You walk down the stairs with velvet behind you.
  399. >Get to the bottom, walk to the kitchen and before you turn for the coffee maker.
  400. >”Good morning you two!”
  401. “Twilight? When did you get here?”
  402. >The mare magics a cup of coffee to you, you grab it and another cup floats above her.
  403. >”Breakfast is on the table, let’s talk over that!”

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

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QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

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QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

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QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

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Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

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