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BadGrammarFag - Nightmare Anon chapter8

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 06:59:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: ZZYFX5Pd.html
  3. Date: OCT 4TH, 2014
  5. ------
  7. >You are Anon.
  8. >Yep, you don't remember them, but probably your mommy and daddy wasn't creative as fuck.
  9. >What 'geniuses' name their own kid, like he wasn't suppose to exist?!
  10. >Maybe you were unplanned, and just, you know, happened to them.
  11. >As much as it was intriguing at this point, you had no time to think about it.
  12. >Why?
  13. >Well, because you decided, like the raw-est baws you were, that you want to be a daddy yourself!
  14. >In fact, the fate and heat of a moment helped you a little there, but it was still your decision and you intend to stick with it!
  15. >Nightmare was still yelling in your head.
  16. >It was her usual routine now.
  17. >Stupid pesant, fool, moron, retard, pleb and so on.
  18. >If you had it, you would gave her a whole tube of butthurt cream, free of charge.
  19. >Instead, you did a 'mute da bioche' trick, you had learned some time ago.
  20. >It was applied in the right moment.
  21. >Celestia just realised, that no one was listening to her, even you and her main 'yes-man' Twilight.
  22. >Thanks to your sudden 'application for a parent', everyone looked like a brain dead, wiede eyed zombies.
  23. >She didn't liked that at all.
  24. >She lifted one of her front hooves and loudly brought it on the ground.
  25. >That got everyone's attention, waking them up from their 'what the fuck?!' dreams.
  26. >All heads turned in her direction.
  27. >Her lips were smiling, but her eyes were not.
  28. >"Thank you, for your undivided attention."
  29. >Why the whole room suddenly got cold?
  30. >She looked at you with serious gaze.
  31. >"Mr. Anonymous, pray tell, why do you want to adopt this little filly?"
  32. >What is she now, Scootaloo's advocate?!
  33. >You looked at Hard Feather, as an orphanage representative, she should do the talking here.
  34. >That one look was enough for you, to see why Celestia had taken that position instead of her.
  35. >You would call her state "jelly on the outside, soup on the inside".
  36. >No surprise there, she had experienced a great deal of crazy shit.
  37. >She was in no position to talk right now.
  38. >Even more, you were about to kick her in the guts, with what you had to replay to Celestia.
  39. "Listen, I'm sorry for what I have to say, but it must be said. I know now, that Miss Hard Feather here, is innocent and all that."
  40. >You pointed at Scoots, which was still hugging your leg.
  41. "Regardless, during the stay here, her doppelganger changed Scootaloo's life into the living nightmare. I can't imagine how she felt every time, she had to go back to the orphanage. It was clear, that she was waiting there for her and that every day could have been filled with pain and suffering."
  42. >You saw that Hard Feather looked shocked beyond recognition.
  43. >They didn't tell her shit about what her 'copy' was doing here?!
  44. >Maybe there was no time to do that, or they were waiting for the right moment?
  45. >After all, when you 'visited' her hospital room, the bed was freshly made and there was no other patient there.
  46. >She was probably discharged in the early morning and brought here immediately after that.
  47. >You felt like a biggest asshole, but you had to finish your statement.
  48. "You see, she is wearing a 'permanent mask' of her greatest tormentor. Even if Miss Hard Feather won't be her caretaker from now on, seeing her every day will surely bring all those horrible memories back."
  49. >You had squint your eyes seriously, looking at everyone in the room.
  50. "In my opinion, that little filly suffered enough in her short life and I don't want to see her in pain ever again. Any objections?!"
  51. >Scoots huffed at what you had said.
  52. >"Hey! I-I'm not l-little anymore! I-I'm a y-young, s.. strong filly!"
  53. >Damn, she was probably trying to save her image in front of Rainbow Dash.
  54. >You couldn't resist and ruffled her mane.
  55. "Sure you are kiddo!"
  56. >There was a moment of silence after that.
  57. >OBJECTION!.jpg
  58. >Like in some crazy lawyer game, Hard Feather started to fling accusations and questions in your direction.
  59. >"N-NO! I will not allow for an adoption, just because of that! Is regret and pity the only emotions you have toward Scootaloo?! Will you be able to care for her, treat her right, even if she misbehave, be for her in the greatest and lowest moments of her life?! Can you... love her like a true parent would?"
  60. >In the last part she looked at you with sad eyes.
  61. >Man, after being pushed through hell and back, she still exactly knew what "her children" deserve.
  62. >You felt a little proud, that you could put her concerns to the rest.
  63. "I saved this filly from a manticore, brought her to a hospital in her greatest time of need and was at her side as soon as she was able to talk! I was ready to be punished severely for, let's call it, 'silencing' her greatest nemesis and even fought all of you there to ensure her safety. Of course I will be able to care for her, if someone says otherwise, he or she is a big, fat liar!"
  64. >At your last statement, Luna had a little muscle spasm on her features.
  65. >Right, you didn't apologised for calling her a 'liar' yet.
  66. >Well, she will have to wait, there are more important things going on here, than her hurt pride.
  67. >Beyond that, everyone except Hard Feather, were nodding their heads approvingly at your declaration.
  68. >Rainbow looked like if she had some sort of an attack, waving her head so much and shouting a loud 'Yeah!'.
  69. >What a bro, she really wanted Scoots happiness.
  70. >You noticed also, that Twilight forgot she was still holding her with magic and by shaking her horn, she was also shaking Rainbow "the toddler rattle" Dash.
  71. >Hard Feather turned to you again.
  72. >She was calmer now, but still concerned.
  73. >"Alright, I admit that I'm amazed with what you are capable of, but I'm afraid that being "powerful savior" is not enough. I will be straight with you. Will you be able to provide for her. Do you have a housing arrangements, which will be enough for the two of you to live in. Do you have a job that will ensure she won't be starving?"
  74. >Princess Celestia answered on the first part for you.
  75. >"There will be no worry about his place of living. I personally bestowed a gift of buying Mr. Anonymous a house he chooses. Paid in full, from the royal treasury reserves. Of course within reasonable limits, I won't buy him a whole residence, but I think, it will be more than enough for the both of them."
  76. >Beige mare made wide eyes and opened her mouth, without making a sound.
  77. >Yeah, suck it up bitch.
  78. >You had a favor of the crown upon yourself.
  79. >What better parent could she find for one of her charges?!
  80. >Only some noble bastard, could compete with you right now.
  81. >If the nobility here were similar, to what you had on your world, they would probably chop off their ears sooner, than adopt a filly, which doesn't have their 'blue blood' running in her veins.
  82. >About the other part of the question.
  83. "Thank you, your highness. Let me answer for the other part of your question Miss Feather."
  84. >You had put your hands on your sides.
  85. "Maybe it will come as a little shock for you, but I give lessons about art of perfume making. It's a very well paid job. I think that today will be my first class, with the spa owners. You are welcome to ask them about it."
  86. >Rainbow started to laugh at you, calling your job "girly" and stuff.
  87. >Well, she was right, you would rather fight for money, than teach anything to anyone, especially that kind of lessons.
  88. >However, it was the best what you had right now and when you told Rainbow how much they paid you, she had lost her shit.
  89. >"W..Wha..HOW MUCH?! This is ridiculous, you will earn my half-year salary in just a month time! That is so unfair!"
  90. >So, who's job sucks exquisite dicks now, Rainbow Poor?!
  91. >You turned to Twilight.
  92. "Um, Twilight could you let go off Dash? She won't do anything harsh right now."
  93. >Twilight blushed and smiled silly.
  94. >"Er.. right, right! Sorry Rainbow, I forgot about you!"
  95. >Before Rainbow could brought a whole world of verbal hurt on Twilight, Luna had something to say.
  96. >"There is no need to check, if you're telling the true with the spa owners. I can tell you are. What I'm more concerned about, is how did you obtained such knowledge? Rainbow Dash here is right calling it 'girly profession'. Was it the same on your world?"
  97. >Shit, you can't lie to her!
  98. >You must think of something fast!
  99. "W-Well, yes. I...I just haven't got any choice in that matter. I also had a surprisingly good mentor."
  100. >Luna looked at you curiously.
  101. >"You 'Had' a good mentor or maybe you still do? Was it a he or she?"
  102. >Fuck, quickly, kill it with fire, before it can lay any eggs!
  103. >Luna was probably trying to get on your nerves again with that questioning, stubborn cunt.
  104. >Regardless, one slip of your tongue, could cost you dearly and you didn't like that turn of events.
  105. "Had or have, he or she, what does it matter?! I think that, what is important here, is that I have a well paid job and could afford anything Scoots will need."
  106. >Luna had squint her eyes.
  107. >"I don't think so, I'm sure that..."
  108. >Suddenly, Celestia to the rescue!
  109. >"Sister, please. He is right, he gave us the correct answers. Let us not pray upon his past anymore, than we have to. We can give him a benefit of the doubt. He deserve it, for what he has done for this filly."
  110. >Luna just rolled her eyes, but didn't said anything else.
  111. >White alicorn looked at you.
  112. >"If I may, it is not uncommon in Equestria for a single individual, to adopt a little filly or colt. Seeing that there is a lot difference in populace gender quantity , those are mostly single mares."
  113. >She smiled warmly.
  114. >"Regardles, in my eyes, there would be no better parent candidate for a that particular 'young' filly, than you Mr. Anonymous."
  115. >Celestia turned to Scootaloo and even rhymed a little there.
  116. >"However, the final decision belongs to you, young Miss Scootaloo. Would you take Mr. Anonymous, for your parent too?"
  117. >Before Scoots could reply, Hard Feather started to walk in her direction cutting her breath away.
  118. >She was talking to her.
  119. >"Listen Scootaloo, think well over this. Ask yourself, how are you feeling about it. You are under no pressure and there is no rush here. Make the right decision. Remember that you can always go back with me to the orph..."
  120. >She was pretty close now and Scoots was once again crushing your leg, with her hug.
  121. >You wanted to say that everything is fine and that the green maned p0ne was right, but something else happened.
  122. >Suddenly, without any warning Nightmare started to power you up!
  123. >She was packing quite a punch there!
  124. >Main lounge started to shake and your body was surrounded by thick magic discharges, once again.
  125. >This time, though, this magic wasn't the manifestation of 'your' power.
  126. >Somehow you knew, that if anyone else than Scootaloo would touch you right now, he or she would be electrocuted.
  127. >Why Moonie was doing this, Hard Feather was no danger to you or her at all?!
  128. >Quickly thinking about it, you had a light-bulb moment.
  129. >She wasn't afraid about your combined safety.
  130. >She was protecting Scootaloo.
  131. >Confound this alicorn, she lives in a such deny!
  132. >By this power show, she was sending a clear message to Hard Feather.
  133. >'One step closer in Scoots direction and you will suffer!'
  134. >You must calm her down before the situation turns ugly.
  135. ~"Nighty please, calm your maternal instincts! There is no real danger for Scootaloo in here!"~
  136. >You felt she had some kind of a muscle spasm there.
  137. >~"Wha...WHAT MATERNAL INSTINCTS?! I-I... just don't like this mare and don't want her to c-come closer! T-THAT WHAT IT IS, N-NOTHING ELSE!"
  138. >Yeah right, concerned Mommare Moon, tell that to yourself.
  139. >She forgot that 'you' share some of your emotions there.
  140. >She didn't gave a shit, about the real Hard Feather, when she realised this is not the monster you fought before.
  141. >She started to dislike her, right form the bat, when she saw Scootaloo's reaction to her.
  142. >It even grew, when beige mare started to deny you a quick adoption, almost like she wanted for that to actually happen.
  143. >You didn't had time to argue with her though.
  144. ~"Okay, okay! You don't like her! I tell her to back away, but please stop what you're doing!"~
  145. >With a huff of displeasure, she switched off 'your' power.
  146. >When you focused again on what was around you, there were once again three power fields around your chest.
  147. >You raised your hands in a peaceful gesture.
  148. "N-No need for that! S-Sorry everyone, it was some kind of a reflex. I-It won't happen again, but please Miss Feather, take a few steps back."
  149. >She had done what you were asking for and the other, three occupants of the main lounge, also.
  150. >Hard Feather said that she understood your behavior, because she could only guess, what kind of things, her doppelganger had done to everypony.
  151. >Rainbow was beside Scootaloo in a blink of an eye.
  152. >"So how will it be squirt?! Do you want to have the most amazing, after me of course, powerful, cool dad like Anon?!"
  153. >She turned over and pointed at Celestia, Luna and Twilight.
  154. >"Look he even made that princesses here broke a sweat and that's saying something! So what do you say?!"
  155. >The three of them smiled or in case of Luna didn't changed their expressions.
  156. >They likely were accustomed to Dash shenanigans.
  157. >Scootaloo didn't need much time to decide.
  158. >"Why do you even ask! It would be totally rad, to be adopted by Anon! I-I know that I have you, AB, SB and everypony I could ever wish for, rooting for me. I j-just d-don't wanna be all alone, without a place to call my home and a real family waiting for me inside!"
  159. >She jumped into your arms.
  160. >You hugged her tightly.
  161. >Who better than you, in this strange world, could understand her.
  162. >You knew exactly how she felt, surrounded by friends, but still feeling out of place and alone.
  163. >She had closed her eyes, there was a hint of tears in them.
  164. >Luckily, cyan p0ne had diffuse the situation, with her yelling.
  165. >"Okay, okay! Enough with the mushy stuff!"
  166. >From her expression you thought, she was close to shed a tear or two herself.
  167. >She quickly turned around to Hard Feather.
  168. >She pointed at her with her hoof.
  169. >"What do you say about it?! It better be good!"
  170. >Beige mare closed her eyes, to sort her thoughts.
  171. >When she started talking, your heart was in your throat.
  172. >"I can not deny, that Mr. Anon and Scootaloo have some kind of a kinship between them. I also need to say, that all of the answers provided by him, were more or less correct. Sadly, I can't agree on the adoption."
  173. >The fastest to react was a pony, who was the most silent one, till now.
  174. >"WHAT?! WHY?!"
  175. >Everyone's heads turned in Twilight's direction.
  176. >Her mane looked a little unkept and there was one strand of hair coming out of it.
  177. >"I..I-If you won't agree on it, I will prepare a special royal premission to..."
  178. >Scared a bit, Hard Feather raised her front hooves to silence her.
  179. >"P-please l-let me finish. I can't agree on it because there need to be some kind of a probation first. So, from now on Scootaloo will live with Mr. Anonymous here, for lets say, two weeks. During this time, they will be visited by some other than me, orphanage employee. He or she will ultimately judge and decide about their future together, as a parent and child."
  180. >You never saw a pony so much embarrassed, like Twilight was right now.
  181. >She smiled apologetically.
  182. >Another strand of hair disconnected from her mane.
  183. >"R-Right! I..I-I'm sorry, I haven't studied the adoption laws for so much time now, there must have been some changes, that I didn't know of! I-I will corrected it r-right after this meeting ends!"
  184. >Holy mackerel!
  185. >Crazy Twilight has joined your party!
  186. >Princess Celestia quickly walked up to, disturbed like all hell, purple alicorn.
  187. >Using her huge wing, she hugged her tightly.
  188. >"Calm down Twilight, nothing happened. You are just one pony and I know you are very smart, but nopony can know everything. Even somepony as me, who lived for a thousands of years. It's simply impossible."
  189. >That calmed her down, she was once again looking more smart than crazy.
  190. >By the way, you realised Celestia was a real hug whore.
  191. >She was practically giving those for free!
  192. >You wish you had the pleasure to experience one of those warm, tight hugs.
  193. >Sadly, you knew what would happen after that.
  194. >Apocalypse would happen, or should you name it 'Nightmarecalypse'.
  195. >Regardless, happy with what Hard Feather had said, you once again ruffled Scootaloo's mane.
  196. >After that you had put her on your shoulders.
  197. >She was leaning with her fron hooves on your head and observed everyone from that new perspective.
  198. >Judging by her smile, you assumed she likes what she was experiencing there.
  199. >Even Hard Feather smiled a little.
  200. >However you had to drop your smile, because now was the time for the worst part.
  201. >The apologies.
  202. >It was rather easy with beige pone and two hugging alicorns.
  203. >Miss Feather, coz that's what you call her now, even told you that she completely understand your behavior.
  204. >She said that 'after all, you were trying to protect your... daughter there' and smiled.
  205. >Luna wasn't so easy to persuade.
  206. >She shoot down your every argument with her own.
  207. >For example, you tried to tell her that you were mad, because she didn't tell you about real Hard Feather.
  208. >She told you that she didn't knew where you were or that you were hospitalized.
  209. >Apparently 'your' still changing magic, was almost untraceable, she tried to reach you, but was met with zero success.
  210. >Other than that, as a princess, she had other important things to do.
  211. >Finally, with Scootaloo's help, who told her that a princess should know, when to accept an apology with dignity, you managed to apologise to her too.
  212. >Evidently, the story that Twilight told you, about Luna having a weakness to small children pleas, was true.
  213. >There was supose to be this little Pipsqueak colt in Ponyville, which was her apple of the eye.
  214. >Whatever he asked her for, if it wasn't plain dangerous or stupid, he was suppose to got it from her.
  215. >Maybe Scootaloo will be 'somepony' else's apple of the eye?
  216. >You could only guess.
  217. >As of now, you felt she was calm.
  218. >Maybe it was thanks to Scoots on your shoulders, or maybe it was just a 'silence before the storm'.
  219. >You also apologise for destroying their meeting like that.
  220. >You tried to ask what was it about, but heard from Luna that the details wasn't for children's or civilian ears.
  221. >You pointed out that Rainbow Dash was there as well and she was a civilian.
  222. >Dark blue alicorn told you, that she was also an element of harmony, national hero and was asked on this meeting because of her amazing speed.
  223. >You asked about those wonderbolts you heard so much about, why any of them wasn't here.
  224. >Luna looked like she had enough of your questions already, but answered nevertheless.
  225. >"All of wonderbolts are well known in Equestria and other lands. We need somepony that have a lower profile than that, but with similar set of skills. Rainbow Dash is a perfect match. Now, if you will please leave and let us finish this meeting in peace, me and my sister don't have much time."
  226. >Celestia looked at you.
  227. >"I'm sorry, but I have to agree with her. After all, the both of you should be looking for a house now and aren't you a little late for your perfume making classes as well?"
  228. >Shieeet, you forgot about it!
  229. >Time to leave.
  230. >Even, if you could stay longer, you wouldn't find out anything more, beyond what you were already told.
  231. >By connecting some dots, you were almost sure, that this meeting was somehow related to Hard Feather's
  232. 'ponynapping' and what Twilight and Celestia talked about in the corridor, right after you first met the main ruler of the land.
  233. >Maybe they were looking for a place where those three griffons teleported and Rainbow as a low-profile pony, could search their best guesses in those mountains.
  234. >Who knows, you won't probably ever know it.
  235. >Not that it was somehow important for you, you were just a little curious Anon, that's all.
  236. >You waved your hand to everyone.
  237. "So, I will be leaving. Once again, sorry for my behavior."
  238. >You pointed at the two, still uncouncious elite guards.
  239. "Please, pass my apologies to those two, when they woke up. Come on Scoots, we had an exciting day ahead of us."
  240. >Little orange filly shoot her front hooves in the air.
  241. >"Alright! Best day ever!"
  242. >When you were walking out, through the damaged main door of the castle, you faintly heard Rainbow asking something.
  243. >"So, who will wake them up?"
  244. >........
  245. >You are Nightmare Moon and you are an emotional cyclone.
  246. >You are angry, sad, content, concerned and many more at once!
  247. >Of course you are composed and calm on the outside.
  248. >Your royal image demands it!
  249. >If somepony ever saw that YOU of all ponies, were a slave to lowly emotions, that would be your worst defeat!
  250. >You help yourself by thinking about a proper punishment for the main guilty of your state.
  251. >This was all Anon's fault!
  252. >That IMPUDENT FOOL had crossed the line this time!
  253. >Without even a word between you both, that stupid pesant decided to ADOPT A LITTLE FILLY!
  254. >When you openly expressed your displeasure about it, he just blatantly ingnored you!
  255. >It was not long after he called 'your' cooperation 'team Nightmare'!
  256. >You were a benevolent queen though, you started to search for clues, which would turn this whole situation in his favour.
  257. >After all, he asked you to believe in him and his good intentions towards your mutual future.
  258. >Did he suddenly changed his mind about overthrowing that two main buffoons off their thrones?
  259. >Maybe that little filly, that Scootaloo, was suppose to be the first of many followers Anon choose to gather in your cause?
  260. >In your deep reverie, you had come to a conclusion, that in the long run you
  261. had nothing against that purple maned filly in your ranks, yet.
  262. >You kind of showered her, with your favour, that one time you spoke to her personally.
  263. >She was brave enough not to cover in fear, under your mighty gaze and e-even h-hugged you!
  264. >She was one truly thankful subject and you had rewarded that attitude, by stroking her mane.
  265. >You felt she really liked it, almost craved for that kind of attention.
  266. >On your part, you must admit it was quite an interesting experience.
  267. >Gratitude.
  268. >After Anon, this was the second being, which felt something like that about your actions.
  269. >Hers was a little different though.
  270. >It wasn't blurred by uncertainty, like his was.
  271. >It was...pure, freely given and you... liked it.
  272. >Yes, by the way she looked you in the eyes, you were sure she would be loyal to yours and Anon's cause.
  273. >Then, that BUCKER ruined this whole thing for you!
  274. >He didn't tell it stright, but you were sure he insinuated, that she was suppose to be your DAUGHTER from now on.
  275. >He accused you of having a maternal instincts, directed straight at that filly!
  276. >T..T-that was r-ridiculous!
  277. >Y-you felt you need to protect your new s-subject, from her personal enemy!
  278. >A good queen would DO that for her ponies!
  279. >After all, you also didn't approved of this new 'Hard-what's her snout' mare.
  280. >Why?!
  281. >J-just be-because!
  282. >A royal of your magnitude doesn't need to have any other REASON!
  283. >In your opinion, your reaction wasn't exaggerated at all.
  284. >If she didn't withdraw her advances towards her, you would just give her a little taste of your lightning spell.
  285. >You wouldn't kill her of course, you were a fair and merciful queen!
  286. >She would woke up, bearing some minor burns, a few hours later.
  287. >As always, Anon must had interrupt your justice, by hinting you could be a MOTHER for S-Scoots.
  288. >That wasn't a simple jest!
  289. >His tone spoke volumes, about him thinking that, if he was capable of being a father to this filly, you were capable of being a mother to HER!
  290. >That broke your concentration in utilizing of your power!
  291. >Of course he wasn't aware of this, you just made him think it was a gesture of grace from you.
  292. >Regardless, it made you re-think this whole setting, you were about to find yourself in.
  293. >Technically, you were a one being now, so whatever he decided, was supposed to be automatically, your decision as well.
  294. >You don't have a place in your heart for parental feelings!
  295. >Barely, Anon began to build his position in it!
  296. >Again, your thoughts were disrupted.
  297. >This time it was the behavior of the filly in question.
  298. >Sitting on his arms, she brought down that traitor Luna in her place.
  299. >You saw, that her words about dignity made Luna's pupils, like Anon were usually saying, 'perform the dance of their people'!
  300. >That floozy couldn't shoot that argument down, she was brought to compliance by a mere child!
  301. >Unimaginable amount of water flowed in the rivers, since you had such a good LAUGH!
  302. >Maybe there was a future for that Scootaloo, by your side, eventually?
  303. >You will have to focus your attention better, on her from now on.
  304. >After all, the position of the 'Princess of the Night' wasn't easy to obtain.
  305. >Also, when you were thinking about her, you had a very strange feeling, you just couldn't put your hoof on.
  306. >It wasn't particularly unpleasant, but you just hated to be kept in the dark, especially from yourself!
  307. >For now, you just kept yourself busy by looking for an object big enough, to hit Anonymous with.
  308. >This would be nice prologue for his future punishment, which his selfishness brought upon him.
  309. >You just have to wait for Scoots, to leave his shoulders, it was only his penance.
  310. >Already using the diminutive name of this orange filly?
  312. >YES!
  313. >A-and after all, w-what kind of being would dare to FORBID you this, if it wants to see itself alive the next night.
  314. >Anon was walking through that laughable excuse of a town, looking for the spa building.
  315. >Scootaloo was showing him were he should go.
  316. >Of course she need to do that, Anonymous orientation in the field wasn't worth a broken bit!
  317. >Hmmm... that bench, you saw with a corner of your eye, looks promising.
  318. >It will be nothing to you, to pull it out of the ground and...
  319. >"HEY, hey! Anonymous! Anon, wait!"
  320. >WHAT?!
  321. >You knew that VOICE!
  322. >In a second you forgot about the bench and its potential.
  323. >Coming in your direction was that mint green, unicorn whoarse!
  324. >She was wearing a single saddlebag with various groceries sticking out of it.
  325. >In the greatest proof of his stupidity, Anon stopped and WAITED for her!
  326. >You clenched your sharp teeth, with an audible crunch.
  327. >When you spoke to him, you tried to put as much venom into your voice, as possible.
  328. ~"Let's see how WELL you remember my generous warning, from the last time, SHE was around?!"~
  329. >You felt his tension rising a great deal.
  330. >You couldn't contain yourself and smiled viciously.
  331. >Anon gulped loudly, when she has gotten closer.
  332. >You knew he 'saw' your smile, thanks to your combined awareness.
  333. >With a shaky hand, he waved to her.
  334. >"H-Hey Lyra, w-what's up?!"
  335. >She gigled to that.
  336. >"He, he, and what's down Anon?! Seeing that I'm a lot shorter than you, I should ask you what's up. Get it?!"
  337. >Anonymous eyes were looking anywhere around, instead on her.
  338. >He really must have remembered, you talking about that 'lustful gaze' of his.
  339. >Well, that was worth some extra points.
  340. >Maybe that bench won't make an appearance in his future after all?
  341. >She lifted her head upwards.
  342. >"Oh, and speaking about this, who could you be, sweet little filly?"
  343. >Scootaloo puffed her cheeks.
  344. >"I'm Scootaloo and I'm not sweet and little!"
  345. >Still sitting on Anon's shoulders, she had crossed her 'normal size' front hooves on her chest.
  346. >Mint green pest raised her hooves apologetically.
  347. >"Right, right! Sorry, sorry! It was hard to see from down here! So, what're you two doing here, anyway?"
  348. >You squint your eyes dangerously.
  349. >How DARE she put her ugly muzzle into somepony else's affairs like that?!
  350. >You could see now clearly, that this rusty bench will show itself in somewhoarse's future, after all!
  351. >Eventually, sweaty and nervous Anon answered to her.
  352. >"W-we're going to see the spa owners, I got a little business with them. Seeing that its the weekend and she doesn't need to be at school, Scoots here is my 'navigator' through Ponyville."
  353. >He pointed at the orange filly sitting on his shoulders.
  354. >She had put her hooves to her sides, and lifted her nose high in the air.
  355. >"Of course, the best one there is!"
  356. >You kind of liked her attitude there.
  357. >She was just a little filly, but she knew her value well.
  358. >D-did you just complimented her?!
  359. >N-No, t-that would be impossible, it would be to early.
  360. >You were just noting the simple fact!
  361. >...
  362. >NO MATTER!
  363. >The green plague was smiling widely.
  364. >"Yeah, I'm sure you are! So, you have an appointment with Aloe and Lotus at the spa right?! Say, it is on the way to my home, can I walk with you for a while?"
  365. >NO!
  366. >You were sure Anonymous would refuse that offer, he knew what was good for him.
  367. >"Y-Yes, but we must hurry, I really don't want to be late!"
  368. >OH BUCK!
  369. >Have you forgotten already about his REBELLIOUS nature?!
  370. >You should've given him the ORDER to leave her, where she was standing and started move his lazy hindquarters!
  371. >Now you had to endure her annoying presence for even more!
  372. >At least he was walking once again and fast at that.
  373. >Of course she had taken the lead and was slightly at the front, walking beside Anonymous.
  374. >Scoots verbalised her disspleasure, to the fact that she was not his guide anymore, with a loud short growl.
  375. >She had the nerve to not notice this, and started spitting words in Anon's direction.
  376. >"By the way, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to see Aloe and Lotus in the weekend. You know that the spa is closed today, don't you?"
  377. >Anon was watching the clouds on the sky.
  378. >"Yeah I know and actually I don't want to talk about it."
  379. >Her eyes widen.
  380. >"OH! Now you really got me curious!"
  381. >She started to LIGHTLY PUNCH him in the thigh!
  382. >"Come on! Out with it! What juicy secrets are you hiding away from me?!"
  383. >You had a feeling that your eyes will fall out of their sockets!
  385. >Bending down delicately, not to drop Scoots off his shoulders, he grabbed that insolent limb of hers.
  386. >"Okay, okay, just stop this already, I'll tell you!"
  387. >He scrached his cheen.
  388. >"Well, you see, to tell you the truth, I'm giving them lessons in perfume making. I'm quite good at that whole 'smelly bussiness' you see."
  389. >He smiled silly.
  390. >Her cheeks puffed out and you saw a hint of tears in her eyes.
  391. >"Y-YOU a-are making pff-p-perfumes, l-like s-some high c-class mm-MARE! Bwaha ha ha ha!"
  392. >What was she, some kind of resident clown?!
  393. >You thought that this position was already taken by that empty-headed, pink element bearer.
  394. >Anon crossed his arms on his chest.
  395. >"Yeah laugh it up, it's all on the house!"
  396. >She was rolling on the ground, like some dirty animal.
  397. >"Y-You mean on the p-perfumery!"
  398. >You already felt her warm blood on your hooves.
  399. >Actually, the final lightening spell would leave only a crisp, which would vaguely resemble her, but you could live with that.
  400. >Before you could start to power up the spell, Scootaloo jumped off Anon's back.
  401. >She pointed at 'soon-to-be-ash' mare with her front hoof.
  402. >"HEY! You wouldn't be laughing, if you knew just how much bits he could get from that! I bet he could buy and sell your stupid horn, a few times over for what he's going to get and just for one lesson!"
  403. >She stopped lauhing and got her fat plot from the ground.
  404. >"Oh yeah?! How could 'you' know anythig about it?!"
  405. >She puffed out her little chest.
  406. >"I know it, because I'm his daughter!"
  407. >Her jaw dropped on the ground.
  408. >"!"
  409. >She pointed one of her front hooves at Anonymous.
  410. >"I-Is she telling the truth? W-why didn't you tell me about it?! How is this even possible?! With whom?! I bet that its Carrot Top, the colouring would almost match!"
  411. >You think she broke her mind with that revelation.
  412. >Good job, little one!
  413. >You would never admit it, but you felt a little pride there.
  414. >Anon rised his hands to silence her.
  415. >"Easy there! Relax! Let me get that from the beginning. Yes, she is telling the true, she is my daughter. I didn't tell you because you never asked. It was possible, but I won't tell you the details. Believe me, you don't want to ask that question and no, it's not Carrot Top. I never met her in my life. Satisfied?!"
  416. >She had pulled herself tougether.
  417. >"Y-yes, a-a little."
  418. >She suddenly grabbed her head with her hooves.
  419. >"Actually, no! I'm not! I was planning this from the beginning, but as always forgot about it. I want to say, that I'm sorry for what happened the other day! I was having to much fun and just went with the flow, I guess. Please forgive me, I didn't want to be creepy or anything!"
  420. >She really thinks she would earn 'your' forgiveness, that easily.
  421. ~"She is not forgiven! Tell her to go fornicate with a rotten tree! Pick up that orange filly and let us be on our way!"~
  422. >Anon has placed, still smiling victoriously, Scootaloo on his shoulders again.
  423. >"Don't worry, all is fine. I was just in a hurry that day. Now, please forgive us, we must really hurry!"
  424. >Soft, as always...
  425. >WHY?!
  426. >Why could he fight to the death with a manticore, but couldn't tell a mare, he is not angry with, to go buck herself?!
  427. >Humans were such wierd creatures.
  428. >You took the last look at the mint green pest before him.
  429. >She was still saying something!
  430. >"W-Wait! C-can I actually come with you? I wouldn't be myself, if I let the opportunity to see those hands at work, with all those vials and flasks, just pass in front of my snout like that."
  431. >WHAT!?
  432. >What was she, some kind of a hands PERVERT?!
  433. >Luckily, Anon was first to react.
  434. >"Sorry, not today. Maybe next time. See you later! Hold on Scoots, it will be a little bumpy ride."
  435. >Before she could say anything he started to run in the direction, only known to him.
  436. >Scootaloo was laughing and shouting from having a good fun.
  437. >Maybe if she wasn't there Anonymous could hear and see something interesting going on behind him.
  438. >The green menace was waving her hoof in a 'goodbye' gesture.
  439. >Suddenly a tiny lump of ground fallen on her nose, then a little bigger.
  440. >She lifted her disappointed features upwards.
  441. >There was a big, rusty bench, being hold by your magic, hovering over her head.
  442. >When her eyes grew twofold their size, the magic disappeared.
  443. >You just heard a loud racket and a broken cry.
  444. >Then a beautiful silence.
  445. >....
  446. >"Hey, everypony I'm okay! That bench missed me by the parasprite's wing's length!"
  447. ~"BUUUUUCK!"~
  448. >
  449. >You are Anonymous
  450. >You are running with the speed of hyperion-X double-special S class Kenyan spaceship.
  451. >There is a small orange filly sitting on your shoulders.
  452. >She is shouting happily at you, to go faster and to turn left.
  453. >There is also a 'bigger filly' present in your head, at the same moment.
  454. >She is yelling too.
  455. >Ffffuuuu.jpg
  456. >Actually she is using only one word, not exactly used much in your 'native' language.
  457. ~"BUUUUUUCK!"~
  458. >You knew quite well though, what this word means in this land.
  459. >I_sense..._butthurt.png
  460. >Why exactly, is she so pissed, right now?!
  461. >After all, Lyra stayed behind.
  462. >You could barely hear her shouting something about... parasprite wings?
  463. >You don't want to think about it.
  464. >Your last thought about her, was that you were happy, that she was still alive, after your short meeting.
  465. >With an incredible grace, Nightmare was constantly reminding you, that she was not her biggest fan.
  466. >You knew, that the vision of, at least, painful rehabilitation, hanged over the mint green mare the second she spotted you.
  467. >Surprisingly enough, during your quick talk, she was unharmed.
  468. >She was not electrocuted or there were no heavy objects, for example a bench, falling on her.
  469. >Maybe Nighty was just putting up a tough front?
  470. >All in all, life was still good and you could focus on the task ahead.
  471. >You should also slow down, everyone you passed was looking funny at you.
  472. >You don't want to have a reputation of a weirdo or even a kidnapper.
  473. >After all, almost nobody or pony knew that this orange filly on your back, was now your daughter.
  474. >You didn't even have any information, if other races were so freely allowed to adopt some p0ne child, like you just did.
  475. >Maybe the support from the main ruler of the land, had a greater impact on Hard Feather's decision, than you presumed.
  476. >Only time will show.
  477. >For the record, you wasn't ashamed of being Scoots dad, but at the same time, you were not about to sell that news, to anyone who won't ask.
  478. >By you being a human and all, everyone will quickly guess, that she was an orphan before.
  479. >Taking into account her pride, you were sure, that she won't like this kind of attention from others.
  480. >You changed your crazy run, into walking.
  481. >"Hey! Why do you slowed down, this was so much fun?!"
  482. >Seems that you ruined somefilly's delight.
  483. "I won't belive you, if you told me, that was the fastest you ever rode on something. I know of that cool scooter of yours! Remember, you tolde me about it, when you were escorting me and Twilight to the castle for the first time."
  484. >She smiled and laid her front hooves on the top of your head.
  485. >"Sure, I could ride faster on my scooter! Though, this was the first time I rode something like a big, bad minotaur, but it was my dad instead!"
  486. >Somehow you perceived, that she did a quick look around, if somebody was watching.
  487. >When she didn't found any onlookers, she pressed her cheek to your head, between her hooves.
  488. >"The coolest dad, an orphan like me, could ever wish for."
  489. >Ugh, right in the feels.
  490. >You knew that Moonie felt that 'love hug' too.
  491. >She was disturbed to high heaven, but tried to block it away from your senses.
  492. >Why couldn't she cope so well with other feelings, than those negative ones?
  493. >It was clear she liked this, but was unable to receive it without any problems.
  494. >Maybe being forged in one's mind, as a living embodiment of a 'conquering tool', did that to you?
  495. >You raised your hand and gave Scoots a good mane rustle.
  496. "Hey, you know, you are my favourite daughter also!"
  497. >She lifted her head.
  498. >"Because I'm the only one you have, but that's alright!"
  499. >Suddenly, she started whispering.
  500. >"Say, what about um... queen Nightmare, is she aware that I'm your daughter now?"
  501. >You smiled silly and lightly patted one of her front hooves with your hand.
  502. "Don't worry, she knows about this and I think she even approves of this."
  503. >You smug bastard, with what you said, you made Moonie more disturbed than before.
  504. >Good sir, going for the kill?
  505. >Hmm... but of course my faithful servant!
  506. "You know what, as nobody is listening, I can tell you a little secret."
  507. >You could almost hear Scoots smile and eyes widen.
  508. >"Awesome!"
  509. >Sooner or later, you would have to tell her about it anyway.
  510. "Imagine that, for the time being, me and Nightmare are some kind of a one um... pony. So, technically if I'm your dad now, she is your momma."
  511. >And now you will be soooo much fucking Mcfucked in the ass by Nightmare for saying that!
  512. >In 3... 2... 1...
  513. >Huh?!
  514. >Her reaction was... nothing.
  515. >Did.. did she come to terms with it?
  516. >What about Scoots.
  517. >Purple maned filly on your head fell silent.
  518. >She started to tremble a little.
  519. >Did you say something wrong?
  520. >Is she scared?
  521. >As you were about to ask, she started yelling like there was no tomorrow.
  522. >"WOOOOHOOOO! That. Is. The best. Thing. EVER!"
  523. >Guess, she liked what you told her.
  524. >"When can I see her? Huh? When, when?!"
  525. >Damn, you didn't have an answer to that.
  526. "Um.. well, maybe when we will find a house for ourselves, I can do that 'negative zone' trick again?"
  527. >Scoots was almost falling out of your shoulders.
  528. >You had to grab her back hooves, to prevent that.
  529. >"I can't wait for that. It will be so cool!"
  530. >Yeh, right, for you little filly.
  531. >You will probably feel like a wreck after that, but you just couldn't disappoint her, it would be 'un-dad' like.
  532. >Also you were so fucking curious of Nighty's behavior, when she will see her the second time.
  533. >As of now, you felt she wasn't saying anything... or actualy moving.
  534. >Have she been petrified by your little revelation to Scoots?
  535. >You didn't have time to think about this, because you finally reached the spa building.
  536. >It was closed, just like Lyra told you.
  537. >Regardless, you knocked a few times at the main door.
  538. >You heard some muffled steps on the other side.
  539. >When the door opened, blue maned mare's head appeared in them.
  540. >"Sorry, but today we're closed for..."
  541. >She recognized you.
  542. >"Oh.. Mr. Anonymous, you must be for our perfume making classes, please come inside."
  543. >She opened the door for you.
  544. "Thanks and just call me Anon. 'Mister Anonymous' feels like an old man."
  545. >She giggled at that.
  546. >As you were bowing down, to walk inside without bumping Scoots head on the door's frame, Aloe pointed her hoof at her.
  547. >"Um, why do you have that little filly on your shoulders?"
  548. >Time for some fun.
  549. "What little filly?"
  550. >She looked at you, like if a half of your brain just went missing.
  551. >"You have an orange filly, with a purple mane on your shoulders and head, don't you know it?"
  552. >Scootaloo, barely containing her laughter, played along.
  553. >She was pressing her hooves to your head, like on some console with buttons.
  554. >You knew what was going on.
  555. >You started to close and open your eyes and making weird faces.
  556. >Some of them required to show your tongue to the confused mare.
  557. >Of course the joke wouldn't be complete, without you spitting some random bullshit in her direction.
  558. "Again, what orange fi... banana tapir, Xbox ate my Doritos, do you even lift, check em! Um.. cantaloupe?!"
  559. >She was backing away from you now.
  560. >"S-Stop that, i-it isn't funny."
  561. >Scoots decided to take it a level higher.
  562. >She was pretending, that she was about to bite the top of your head off.
  563. >Aloe's pupils were a small dots now.
  564. >"Wh-Watch out, she is about to eat your brains!"
  565. >Time to stop this, before you lose your only job.
  566. >You grabbed Scootaloo and lifted her off your shoulders.
  567. >You were holding her in front of now, very disturbed pink mare.
  568. "No, she won't, after all it would be impolite to eat brains, in front of everyone, in the anteroom like that. Is it not Scoots?"
  569. >Orange filly in your hands, threw her front hooves in the air.
  570. >"Right dad! No brains for me today!"
  571. >Aloe's heart almost stopped before she realized what was going on.
  572. >"Veeery fuuunny both of you... did she just called you dad?"
  573. >You set Scoots on the floor.
  574. "Of course, she is my daughter after all! By the way, sorry to ask just now, can she be present at our first lesson?"
  575. >Aloe looked at Scootaloo who was utilizing the 'big puppy eyes' trick.
  576. >"Well, I didn't know that today is 'bring your daughter to work' day, but alright, she can stay."
  577. >Scoots jumped in the air.
  578. >"Alright!"
  579. >She even hovered on her small wings for a second there.
  580. >Aloe gave you a small tour over the spa, before leading you to their private quarters.
  581. >Lotus was waiting for you there.
  582. >She was quickly updated on the situation by her sister and looked at you and Scoots with a big smile.
  583. >"So, you gave my sister a good scare in the anteroom, good for her, she should loosen up a little sometimes."
  584. >Aloe gave her a quick hard glare, but didn't said anything.
  585. "Right, show me were are the ingredients and all, so we can start our lesson."
  586. >You tried to look cool on the outside, but on the inside you were a little scared now.
  587. >Your 'mentor' was not responding to your calls.
  588. >You knew she was still there, even when you were 'ruining' your image in front of Aloe.
  589. >Somehow she remained silent for all this time.
  590. >Without her knowledge and instructions you could change your name to Mr. Fucked!
  591. ~"Nightmare, let me say that again, it's time for that perfume making classes, if you won't tell me what to do, we will lose our face here!"~
  592. >No reaction.
  593. >Is that was her idea for a petty revenge?!
  594. >You were sitting now beside a big, rustic table.
  595. >What you could saw in front of you, looked like some deluxe equipment from mad scientist's lab.
  596. >All three ponies were beside you, waiting for the lesson to start.
  597. >Sweating bullets intensifies!
  598. ~"Nightmare, please think about what you're doing, i-if we lose this job, I'm going straight to Applejack, to ask for work at her farm!"
  599. >Nothing, fucking nothing!
  600. >You must play for some time here.
  601. >You pointed at that 'alchemist wet dream' before you.
  602. "I see you got quite a nice perfume making equipment here, were did you get it."
  603. >Lotus was the one who answered you.
  604. >"Oh, you know here and there"
  605. >She touched one of the bigger vials, with her hoof.
  606. >It contained some weirdly sparkling, blue liquid.
  607. >"We even asked one of our clients for a little favor to obtain this."
  608. >Man, you should say something, because in their eyes you are an expert.
  609. "Nice!"
  610. >Real smooth, you fucktard!
  611. >Aloe turned to you, with a smile.
  612. >"So what are we gonna do on that equipement, teacher?"
  613. >You knew, that there was some sweet pun taste there, in that question.
  614. >However, you were to busy trying to think of a solution, to Nightmare's silent treatment.
  615. >You were desperate now, so time for a shoot in the dark.
  616. >You hope that you didn't read her 'symptoms' wrongly.
  617. ~"Listen, if we lose this job, we are going to crush Scoots dreams about having a real family. So please tell me now, are you going to hurt this little filly, by making her believe, that she finally had found her place in life? For two weeks she will be happy, like never before and when the orphanage representative will find that 'I' lost this job, she will have to go back to the orphanage! Please, remember 'who' is waiting there for her."~
  618. >You sat there, trying to not fall apart before them all.
  619. >Now, even Scoots were waiting for your reply to Aloe's question with expectancy.
  620. >You bite your lower lip, it looked like there would be no answer fro...
  621. >~"W-WE ARE GOING T-to make a mix called 'vanilla nights delight' and you will do WHATEVER I tell you to, NOTHING more!"
  622. >You exhaled loudly.
  623. >On Celestia's crotch tits, that was close.
  624. >You had clap your hands together and turn to the spa sisters.
  625. "All right, sorry for the wait. I was just thinking, what would be the best recipe for the first lesson, and I think that 'vanilla nights delight' will be the best. Let's get to work."
  626. >You were measuring, sniffing, mixing and even heating and cooling all of this different ingredients, with a passion of a mad man.
  627. >Your fingers were like spiders legs, constantly holding and releasing different types of oils, petals, tools and small things you couldn't even named.
  628. >As you were playing on this table, like some musical genius on the greatest piano, you were also repeating what Nightmare was telling you, about the whole process.
  629. >Both of the spa p0nes were mesmerised with all you were telling them and the dexterity of your hands.
  630. >You were sure, that if Lyra was here, she would come buckets just from watching you work.
  631. >When you finished preparing the perfume, which smelled so good, you were close to actually drinking it, you started to told them in which situations this mix should be applied.
  632. >Nightmare's knowledge was incredible.
  633. >You knew that thousand years ago, Luna was trying everything to stop herself, from thinking that nopony appreciated her nights.
  634. >What you didn't knew, is the amount of passion she was puting in every little detail, in whatever she got her hooves on.
  635. >Perfume making was one of those things and Nightmare was there to witness it personally.
  636. >As you were explaining to the pink and blue mares, about complexities of applying different types of perfumes for various situations, Scoots decided that she was bored.
  637. >At first she started to making rounds around the table, humming some catchy tune.
  638. >No harm done there.
  639. >Then, she started to admire the different shapes of bottles at the table.
  640. >Suddenly, she grabbed the first in sight and started to balance it on her nose, standing on the table.
  641. >"Look everypony, maybe I'll get my cutie mark thanks to my incredible agility and balance!"
  642. >You were about to reply something parent-like to that behavior, but didn't got the chance.
  643. >At that moment Scootaloo tripped and fell on her small, careless ass at the table.
  644. >The opened vial was thrown in the air.
  645. >Suddenly everything slowed down.
  646. >Almost stopped.
  647. >You knew that this was Nightmare's doing, she was one more enhancing your reflexes and senses to insane proportions.
  648. ~"What is going on Nighty, are you afraid that Scoots will smell funny for a while?"~
  649. >When she answered you she was pretty nervous.
  651. >You took quick look at the vial in question.
  652. >It was the same Aloe told you, that it was a favor from one of spa clients.
  653. >The blue, sparkling liquid was almost spilling out.
  654. >With the speed of a hungry mantis, you grabbed the bottle and yank it out of the air.
  655. >When everything returned to normal, you felt something wet on your thighs.
  656. >You looked down and saw that in all this commotion, you grabbed the container upside down.
  657. >Now, all of its blue content was on your pants.
  658. >Good that you had blue jeans on, if not looking directly, no one should see that you are wet.
  659. >You looked at the spa sisters, to say you're sorry about this accident and if they want, they can compensate for this ingredient form your pay.
  660. >You didn't say anything though, after you saw the look on their faces.
  661. >They were totally terrified of what had happened to you.
  662. "Um, what's going on, why are you so scared all of a sudden?"
  663. >With a shaky hoof Lotus pointed at your wet pants.
  664. >"Th-This i-is a-a-a raw poison joke e-extract, y-you really d-don't know what will happen t-to you now?!"
  665. >Really, it was that bad?
  666. >Scootaloo had a different opinion on this.
  667. >"Hey, stop scaring him, even I know that there is a cure for a poison joke, my best friend had a close meeting with this crazy flower and lived through that with almost no troubles!"
  668. >Aloe gulped loudly.
  669. >"Y-yes b-but this is r-raw extract e-enhanced by pure chaos m-magic, from a f-friend of our client. There is NO CURE FOR THAT!"
  670. >Your eyes widen, pupils like pinpricks.
  671. >There goes your fucking nice day!
  672. >In the back of your head Nightmare just started to insult your intelligence.
  673. >Very, very loudly.
  675. End of chapter 8

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

by rmp

QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

by rmp

QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

by rmp

QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

by rmp

Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

by rmp