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BadGrammarFag - Derpy and Yandere Anon [RGRE]

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:12:55
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: Y11X0Fp3.html
  3. Date: JAN 16TH, 2016
  5. ------
  7. >You are Anonymous.
  8. >Big surprise there, eh?
  9. >Currently you're sitting at the cafe with your girl..erm, marefriend.
  10. >Drepy Hooves.
  11. >Also known as [spoiler]Ditzy Doo[/spoiler][spoiler]:^)[/spoiler]
  12. >That wonderful and generous mare took you under her caring wing, when you were broken and homeless.
  13. >Which, to say the truth, was not long after your ass was thrown in here by some unexplained magic shenanigans.
  14. >To this little marshmallow horses candyland.
  15. >At the beginning you thought you'd be fine and dandy.
  16. >However, you quickly learned about this whole reversed gender roles autism.
  17. >As a male your rights were worth less than a sack of shit in this place.
  18. >You couldn't own a house.
  19. >You couldn't get a job.
  20. >You even couldn't buy sharp, or seemingly dangerous things without the assistance of your mare.
  21. >All in all, as a single male you were screwed six ways till sunday.
  22. >Until you've met Derpy.
  23. >Well, she practically rammed you on the street.
  24. >When she started apologising for her clumsiness, she looked really adorable.
  25. >Unfortunately, it was quickly drowned in the sounds of laughter and bad jokes all around you.
  26. >Some mares who saw her crashing with you, were pointing their hooves at Derpy, snickering loudly.
  27. >She lowered her head and flatten her ears.
  28. >Then you saw a tear rolling down her muzzle.
  29. >Your white knight instincts kicked in!
  30. >In a blink of an eye, you grabbed her in your arms.
  31. >When you wrapped your hands around her, she looked more confused than scared.
  32. >Nonetheless, she hugged your neck with her hooves and your shoulders with her wings.
  33. >For a mare in this strange world, it must have been hard to seek comfort and protection from a male, like you.
  34. >Though, it was clear she was looking for a way to hide herself from her assailants.
  35. >You turned to the mentioned laughing mares.
  36. "Shut the fuck up, you stupid cunts! It wasn't her fault, it was mine, alright?! I wasn't looking where I was going."
  37. >They shuted their pie holes almost instantly.
  38. >There was a look of utter shock on their muzzles.
  39. >Guess they never heard a male talking in that manner.
  40. >One of them raised her hoof and was trying to say something.
  41. >"H-Hey, w-we were jus-"
  42. >You cut her off, with an angry snort.
  43. "Sorry "ladies", but I'm alredy late for the show called "I don't give a fuck". Bye, see you never."
  44. >You didn't wait for thier answer.
  45. >Still holding Derpy in your arms, you walked away, leaving them with their jaws on the ground.
  46. >Long story short, you and her became a new, loving couple.
  47. >She gave you home, financial support and unconditional love.
  48. >You gave her someone to talk to, confide in and call her own.
  49. >Although, you felt it wasn't enough.
  50. >She was doing so much for you, working her ass off everyday.
  51. >You decided you need to prote-
  52. >"AHEM!"
  53. "Er.. um.. Wha?!"
  54. >You were brought out of your thoughts, by a loud throat clearing sound.
  55. >Looking around you saw an earth pony waitress holding a pen in her mouth and a notepad in her hoof.
  56. >"Are you ready to order?"
  57. >Oh, right you were at the cafe.
  58. "Yeah, I'll have a simple black coffee, hold the cream and sugar."
  59. >Muh_plebian_taste.jpg
  60. >You turned to Derpy, who was sitting across from you.
  61. "What about you, my little bubble."
  62. >Her cheeks were redder than a tomato in an instant.
  63. >"A-Anon!"
  64. >You knew she loved that little nickname and you loved to call her that.
  65. >She scrunched her muzzle in thought.
  66. >"Well, um... I'll have..."
  67. >When she was thinking out loud, one of her eyes started to wander upwards.
  68. >You found her little condition lovey, but you knew how some ponies perceive it.
  69. >It was funny for the mares and ugly for the stallions.
  70. >In a corner of your own eye, you saw a laughing fit building in the waiters, who was looking at Derpy.
  71. >You clenched your fists and turned to her.
  72. "Oi, what are you looking at?! See something funny?!"
  73. >Her eyes widen and her pupils shrunk.
  74. >She dropped the pen she was holding.
  75. >"I-I d-don't!"
  76. >You squinted your eyes.
  77. "Yeah you better, or-"
  78. >You felt something touching your hand.
  79. >Looking down you saw Derpy's hoof caressing your skin delicately.
  80. >"It's alright Anon, nothing happened. She was just smiling because it's a part of her job, right?"
  81. >The waitress nodded nervously.
  82. >"Y-yes, you're a-absolutely right."
  83. >Derpy smiled happily at you, one of her eyes drifting left.
  84. >"See, there's nothing to worry about."
  85. >You sighed loudly.
  86. "You're too nice for your own good, you know that?"
  87. >Hearing that, she just giggled.
  88. >You turned your attention to the waitress.
  89. "As for you, next time I'll have a word with your bos-"
  90. >Your marefriend didn't let you finish the whole sentence once more.
  91. >"I'll have a cappuccino and a blueberry muffin, please!"
  92. >Surprised mare quickly picked up the pen from the ground and joted something down on her notepad.
  93. >"R-Right! I'll be back with your order."
  94. >When she left, Derpy put her second hoof on your hand.
  95. >"Thank you for protecting me like that, my big, sweet muffin, but I think you're overreacting sometimes."
  96. >You waved your second hand dismissively.
  97. "Nah, you're just too forgiving. Besides, when you're with me no one will ever laugh, or insult you. I can promise you that."
  98. >Her cheeks turned pink and she covered her face with her wing, embarrassed.
  99. >"I-I should be the one, to say such things. It's a mare's duty to care for and protect her stallion."
  100. >You chuckled.
  101. "And that's the problem, my little bubble. I'm no stallion."
  102. >Before she could say anything, you scratched behind her ear with your free hand.
  103. >"A-An-mmmm-mmm-mmhhh..."
  104. >Both of her eyes rolled upwards and a goofy smile bloomed on her muzzle.
  105. >Yep, your magic fingers always works.
  106. >Before you took your hand away, the waitress came back with your orders.
  107. >She began to place them on your table, her snout almost as red as Derpy's.
  108. >She was mumbling something under her breath.
  109. >"...l-lewd..."
  110. >It was the only thing that you managed to hear from her.
  111. >Yeah, deal with it, bitch.
  112. >Your stallion, if you even have one, will never be able to touch you like this.
  113. >At that moment Derpy noticed there was someone standing near your table.
  114. >She delicately catched your sleeve with her teeth and pulled your hand on the table.
  115. >"Th-that's enough Anon. W-We're in public place."
  116. >Still redder than a tomato, she turned to the waitress.
  117. >"Thank you and um... sory for that. Sometimes he just can't help himself, you know just how a happy stallions can be, right?"
  118. >The mare, who just finished putting your coffee down, looked at Derpy with a thousand miles stare.
  119. >"Y-yeah, of-of course I know."
  120. >Buuulllshit!
  121. >She don't know Zilch about having some happy guy around.
  122. >Seeing that you were silently judging her, the waitress gulped loudly.
  123. >"I-I'll be going now, have a nice time."
  124. >When she was trotting away, you saw her stealing a few glances in your general direction.
  125. >A very hungry glances.
  126. >Turning your attention at Derpy, you chuckled.
  127. "Bitch be jelly and horny."
  128. >She hit your arm playfully, with her wing.
  129. >"Anon, give her a break already. You know as well as me that there's a lot of single mares and stallion-less herds around."
  130. >You smiled and ruffled her mane a little.
  131. "Then you're a one lucky mare."
  132. >She didn't respond.
  133. >One of her eyes was already directed at the muffin before her.
  134. >Looks like you won't have her full attention.
  135. >At least, as long as this tasty pastry remained there, uneaten.
  136. >Chuckling one more time, you began to sip your coffee.
  137. >You wouldn't have it any other way.
  138. >Your cup was already half empty, when suddenly your yandere sense started tingling.
  139. >Looking around, you saw two mares sitting two tables away from you.
  140. >One was a pink unicorn and the other a beige earth pony.
  141. >They were sniggering uncontrollably, pointing their hooves at Derpy.
  142. >One of them started rolling her eyes, to mimic your marefirend's ailment.
  143. >They didn't even stop when they saw you were watching them.
  144. >You're just some harmless and innocent stallion to them, eh?
  145. >Oh, you'll show them just show harmless you are.
  146. >Luckily for her, Derpy was still focused on her muffin, so she didn't noticed their behavior.
  147. >You decided she won't have to.
  148. "I'm going to the bathroom."
  149. >Without waiting for her answer, you began your short trip to the table containing those two clowns.
  150. >When you stopped beside it, the pink unicorn looked at you with a sultry smile.
  151. >"Hey there stud, how about you leave that poor retarded filly and sit with us, the real mares, hmm?"
  152. >She batted her eyelashes at you.
  153. >In a blink of an eye you grabbed her firmly by the horn.
  154. "And how about I brake your stupid forehead-dick and shove it right up your ass, hmm!?"
  155. >Squeezing her horn, you started shaking her head and imitating her voice.
  156. "Oh yes I would like that! After all, I'm just a dirty, cock-hungry whore!"
  157. >Before you managed to make an even bigger scene, you felt something tugging on your trousers.
  158. >At first you thought it was that beige earth pony, who finally decided to help her friend, so you quickly turned around.
  159. >Time for some justice bitc-
  160. >Instead of the mentioned mare, your marefriend was standing in front of you.
  161. >"Anon, please, let them go. They're not worth it."
  162. >You looked at her with a sad expression.
  163. "B-but I want to beat the living crap out of them..."
  164. >You even pout a little.
  165. >Then you've noticed that everyone at the cafe was looking at you with a frightened expression.
  166. >Derpy shook her head.
  167. >"No my big muffin, leave them alone. Please, do it... for me."
  168. >Puppy dog eyes with a slight strabismus initiated.
  169. >HHNNNGGG.png
  170. >How can you resist?
  171. >Protip: you can't.
  172. >Just like on your first "date", you grabbed Derpy in your arms and turned to the mare working the counter.
  173. "Hey miss, we're leaving. Put everything we had on those two tab."
  174. >You noded your head at the pink and beige duo.
  175. >Still shaken by what happened, they didn't said anything.
  176. >Lucky for them.
  177. >Derpy started to wriggle in your hands.
  178. >"Anon, put me down, I can walk, or fly perfectly fine."
  179. >It was time for you to shook your head.
  180. "No, no. You walk and fly enough at work. Now you don't have to, becouse I'm here."
  181. >A few "awww" and a few "scandalous, she force him to carry her around!" was heard in the background.
  182. >Though, you didn't gave a single, minuscule fuck about it.
  183. >Still delicately holding your precious cargo, you kicked the door open and left the cafe.
  184. >
  185. >You're a grey pegasus mare and you're fidgeting in Anonymous arms.
  186. >That means you're Derpy.
  187. >Ever since you left the cafe, your coltfriend has been carrying you around, not letting you go.
  188. >Of course it was nice, but at the same time pretty embarrassing.
  189. >After all, you were the mare in this relationship.
  190. >You should be the one pampering him, not the other way around!
  191. >Also, he was so overprotective sometimes.
  192. >Nowadays you were more afraid about the wellbeing of the ponies, who made fun of you, than being made fun of.
  193. >Anonymous really have no patience for those who look down on you.
  194. >The scene he caused at the cafe was the solid proof of that.
  195. >To say the truth, you were half-tempted to let him teach those two a lesson.
  196. >You didn't get to eat your muffin because of them.
  197. >Unfortunately, there were still some ponies around, who saw you as a flying joke.
  198. >You were more, or less accustomed to this.
  199. >Anon on the other hoof...
  200. >You looked upwards, at Anonymous determined face.
  201. >His eyes and head were constantly moving.
  202. >Knowing him, he was probably looking for the possible dangers ahead.
  203. >You pressed your head to his broad, stalliony chest.
  204. >It was un-marely, but you felt safe and content in his arms.
  205. >Closing your eyes, you started nuzzling him.
  206. [Happy derp horse noises]
  207. >Your nostrils flared and you took a strong whiff of his intoxicating smell.
  208. >Almost instantly you felt a massive heat wave creeping on your muzzle.
  209. >No stallion you knew of, could even begin to compete with your big, sweet muffin.
  210. >You'd bet every bit you have to your name, that there are mares who would gladly snatch him away from you.
  211. >Especially, that Roseluck h-hussy.
  212. >You saw how she was looking at YOUR stallion, every time you were buying flowers from her.
  213. >No, no.
  214. >You certainly aren't some possessive, jealous mare.
  215. >Not you, this town's happy postmare.
  216. >Though, if Roseluck will ever make a move on your big muffin, the fur will FLY!
  218. >...
  219. >O-Oh no, n-now who's the overzealous one?
  220. >B-but you're a mare, i-it fits you perfectly to protect your sta-
  221. >"Look at this, does she have no common decency?!"
  222. >Your eyes opened and your smile vanished.
  223. >"You're right, to use a stallion, no matter how strong, as your personal carrier?! Scandalous!"
  224. >The mares around you weren't happy to see you in Anon's arms.
  225. >You didn't have anything against them, really.
  226. >After all, they were only looking for a stallion's wellbeing.
  227. >You started to wiggle a little.
  228. "Anon, you can put me down now."
  229. >He just smiled and hugged you tighter.
  230. >"You're concerned what the other ponies think, hmm?"
  231. >You noded your head.
  232. "Yes and I would like t-"
  233. >"Fuck 'em. I'm not letting you go."
  234. >You scrunched your muzzle in a mild annoyance.
  235. "Anon, I want to stretch my legs and that's final."
  236. >He made a fake pouty face.
  237. >"Aww, widle pegasus pony don't want to be carried around."
  238. >You've met his amused gaze with your serious one.
  239. >Hold it, show him you won't back down.
  240. >Hold it...
  241. >Your left eye began to drift left.
  242. >Ugh!
  243. >You won't win this staredown with only one eye!
  244. >Hold it filly!
  245. >You puffed your cheeks and used all of your will power to take control of your eye.
  246. >It slowly returned to its rightful place.
  247. >Anon smile widened and he sighed loudly.
  248. >"Well, alright. You've won. I'll put you down."
  249. >You've won?!
  250. >...
  251. >Hurray, you've won!
  252. >Who's the toughest badflank around?
  253. >You are!
  254. >That's right, you're th-
  255. >"But first I need to do something!"
  256. >Oh-oh!
  257. >You don't like the sound of that.
  258. "Y-Yes, my big muffin, what do you need?"
  259. >Still holding you firmly, he pulled one of his hands from underneath you.
  260. >He started wiggling his hoof-spiders in the air.
  261. >"I need to check if your little hoofsies are good enough to walk on."
  262. >Before you could say anything he grabbed one of your front hooves.
  263. >Then he started to delicately massage it, with slow circular motions.
  264. >Nothing was out of his reach.
  265. >The frog, the heel, the ankle, everything.
  266. "O-Oh my Celestia..."
  267. >Your mind went blank and your tongue found its way out of your mouth.
  268. >You must have looked really silly with it lolling out like that.
  269. >Though, you didn't cared in the slightest.
  270. >Then and there existed only you, your hoof and his amazing hoof-spiders.
  271. >Unfortunately, something, or rather somepony else came into existence a moment later.
  272. >"I'm sorry, but I can't watch you treating him like that any longer!"
  273. >To your greatest surprise it wasn't a mare, who was standing before you and Anon.
  274. >It was a stallion.
  275. >You think Time Turner was his name.
  276. >He was huffing and puffing, glaring angrily at you.
  277. >"H-how can you do this to him?! I bet you're threatening him with taking away his s-spa privileges, if he won't do what you want him to! You're probably some perversed colt-snuggler who..."
  278. >Aaand your marely brain tuned him out.
  279. >A whining colt can be a real pain in the flank.
  280. >You decided to only nod your head absentmindedly, to not irritate him any further.
  281. >Anonymous held out his hand in front of him.
  282. >"Easy there, fella! She doesn't force me to do anything. I'm doing all of this out of my own free will."
  283. >Time Turner's eyes became wide as carriage wheels.
  284. >"I-Impossible! I can't believe it! You know what I think? I think she told you to say something like that, in a situation such as this!"
  285. >Hey, now that was just plain wrong!
  286. "You're wrong! I didn't told him any-"
  287. >The angry stallion rudely cut you off.
  288. >"No! You shut up! Y-You... you slave driver!"
  289. >You felt Anonymous muscles tense.
  290. >His so called 'facial features' changed from amused to furious.
  291. >"What did you just told to my marefriend?!"
  292. >Anon delicately put you on the ground.
  293. >He walked over to Time Turner, who slowly began to look more frightened than angry
  294. >Then he crouched down to get eye level with him.
  295. >He grabbed his ears in the both of his hands and drew his head closer to his own.
  296. >His cold stare was only matched by his low and dangerous tone of voice.
  297. >"Listen there... buddy. I don't like getting blood all over my clothes, it ruins them. However I promise you, that if you won't leave us alone, I'll make myself a necklace out of your fucking ears. Are we clear?"
  298. >You heard a few stifled gasps from the crowd that gathered around you.
  299. >Those were stalliony gasps.
  300. >Mares on the other hoof looked really interested in what was going on.
  301. >With one of your eyes drifting left, you even saw that some of them were placing bets, pointing thier hooves at Anon and Time Turner.
  302. >Huh!?
  303. >It was just another catfight for them.
  304. >I-Immature foals, the lot of them!
  305. >"Y-Yes I..I-I understand p-perfectly."
  306. >Time Turner slowly nodded his head, scared for his delicate ears in Anonymous grasp.
  307. >Anon squeezed them a little eliciting a surprised yelp from the frightened stallion.
  308. >"One more thing, if I ever hear you insulting my little bubble ever again..."
  309. >He leaned to him even closer.
  310. >"The painful absence of your ears, will be the last of your problems."
  311. >Time Turner gulped audibly and started to shiver.
  312. >"Oh come on, we want to see some action!"
  313. >One of the more impudent mares from the crowd exclaimed loudly.
  314. >At the edge of your sight, some more bits changed their owners.
  315. >Guess it's your cue to step in, before the situation gets too much out of hoof.
  316. >With Anonymous zeal to protect you, it was very likely.
  317. >You extended one of your wings and gently pet Anon's head with it.
  318. "Alright, my big, strong muffin, that's enough. Let the poor stallion go."
  319. >You really hoped that would be enough to calm him down.
  320. >Anon squinted his eyes one last time at Time Turner and released his ears from his grasp.
  321. >"You're more than lucky. Now scram!"
  322. >Time Turner arched his eyebrow.
  323. >"S-Scram? W-What does it mean?"
  324. >Anon started screaming at him.
  325. >"It means: get the fuck away from here, before I'll break your fucking legs!"
  326. >Yes, your coltfriend was known to overreact from time to time, when defending your honor.
  327. >Anon stood up to his full hight, looking at the crowd around you.
  328. >He waved his hand at them.
  329. >"Show's over everyone! Take a hike!"
  330. >Why would Anon advise them to go hiking?
  331. >Strange.
  332. >A few dissatisfied murmurs were heard and the crowd dispersed.
  333. >Anon looked at you and smiled apologetically.
  334. >"Well, that killed the mood for the rest of the hoof massage, ain't it?"
  335. >You noded your head energetically.
  336. "Yep! Now we can finally go to the market, on our own hooves and um... feet?"
  337. >Anonymous started to walk beside you and ruffled your mane delicately.
  338. >"Say, what do you need from the market exactly?"
  339. >Looking at him and a big tree to your left, you smiled widely.
  340. "Ingredients!"
  341. >Anon laughed under his nose.
  342. >"Let me guess. Today we'll have muffins for dinner and supper?"
  343. >Awww, how well he knows you.
  344. "Of course, my silly stallion, of course!"
  345. >When you arrived, the market was already at full swing.
  346. >There were a lot of ponies walking and flying everywhere.
  347. >Stalls were opened and fully stocked.
  348. >The mares manning them were already haggling with their customers.
  349. >Your shopping was going quite smoothly.
  350. >Well, at least until you found yourselves at the stall with blueberries.
  351. >"Alright that would be seven bits, miss."
  352. >The mare behind the counter wanted to cheat you.
  353. >You mean, seven bits?!
  354. >For a cup of blueberries?!
  355. >You shook your head.
  356. "No, I think you're mistaken. I'll pay you three bits for it."
  357. >Owner of the stall chuckled unpleasantly.
  358. >"I believe, I don't stutter. Cup of blueberries - seven bits."
  359. >Ooh, but you need those blueberries.
  360. >You hunger for home baked muffins!
  361. >Thinking aloud, you cocked your head a little to the left, your right eye drifting downwards.
  362. "Maayyybeee... four bits?"
  363. >The yellow mare manning the stall leaned in your direction.
  364. >"Honey, from the first time I saw you, you didn't look like a smart mare. Let me tell it slowly then. S-e-v-e-n bit-"
  365. *BANG!*
  366. >Holy Celestia!
  367. >You almost had a heart attack!
  368. >Anonymous slammed his open hand on the stall, almost breaking it in half!
  369. >"Grrr!"
  370. >Looking at the yellow mare, he growled like some kind of a dangerous predator.
  371. >He was also showing his sharp canines to her.
  372. >Visibly shaken and wide eyed she turned to you once more.
  373. >"I-I mmmeant five bits, please?"
  374. >"Grrr!"
  375. >"F-four?!"
  376. >Anonymous looked at you with his and raised his eyebrows in question.
  377. >Oh my Celestia, it wasn't marely to use the help of a stallion like this, but you felt so much in charge!
  378. >With a small smile you shook your head.
  379. >"GRRR!"
  380. >A drop of sweat rolled down the muzzle of the yellow mare.
  381. >She blink a few times, carefully thinking about her next offer.
  382. >It was good she didn't know that Anon's canines wasn't dangerous.
  383. >Though they were good at gently nibbling your ears during your 'special moments'.
  384. >You were almost addicted to that chilling sensation running down your body when he was biting yo-
  385. >Erm, mind out of the gutter filly!
  386. >Your wings almost opened themselves on their own!
  387. >Forgeting your dirty thoughts, you looked at the yellow mare, who finally made her decision.
  388. >"T-three bits. I just can't get any lower."
  389. >Anon's raised his eyebrows once more.
  390. >Wearing a big smile, you noded your head affirmatively.
  391. [Happy human noises]
  392. >The mare let out a sigh of relief.
  393. >You took your cup of blueberries and paid her three bits finalising this transaction.
  394. "Thank you very much! See you next time!"
  395. >"Y..Y-Yeah..see you."
  396. >Waving at the mare you and Anon left her stall behind.
  397. >Once again Anon was walking beside you.
  398. >"Hey, what would you say if we make our dinner a little more romantic?"
  399. >Now he was speaking like a real colt should!
  400. >You faked thinking about it for a few moments.
  401. "Mmm.. yes, I think I would like that."
  402. >"Great! Now all we need is a couple of candles and some flowers."
  403. "Yep, it's a good plan. Candles and fl-..."
  404. >F-FLOWERS?!
  405. >You heard a faint whisper at the back of your head "Roseluck~".
  406. "Grrr."
  407. >Anon looked at you concerned.
  408. >"Is everything alright, my little bubble?"
  409. >Huh.. wha?
  410. "Um.. yes, yes I'm fine!"
  411. >He wasn't exactly convinced.
  412. >"You sure?"
  413. >No words came to your mind, so you only nodded your head.
  414. >You quickly acquired some candles.
  415. >Too quickly, if somepony ever ask you.
  416. >It was the time to visit ugh... Roseluck flower stand.
  417. >The mentioned mare saw you, when you were approaching her stand.
  418. >She happily waved to you and came out of her stand to meet to muzzle to muzzle.
  419. >Before she was near enough to speak, you stopped and turned to Anon.
  420. "Carry me, please."
  421. >He looked at you dumbfounded and scratched his head.
  422. >"Really? I thought you don't like it?"
  423. >You gulped and shook your head tousling your own mane.
  424. "N-No, I like it. Do it, please."
  425. >He crouched down and scooped you in his warm arms.
  426. >Ahh, alpha mare status achived.
  427. >Roseluck was already upon you.
  428. >She was smiling from ear to ear.
  429. >"Hi Derpy, hello... handsome."
  430. >You squinted your eyes and Anonymous chuckled loudly.
  431. >"Hi, Rose. We came to buy some of that beautiful flowers of yours."
  432. >Walking beside the both of you, she batted her eyelashes at him.
  433. >"Oh, I would give you my flower for free, you only need to ask~"
  434. >You felt your fur puffing up and you clenched your teeth so hard they almost broke.
  435. >Anon just laughed some more.
  436. >"Thanks for the offer Rose, but we got bits. We managed to get a really good price on the blueberries today. Right, my little bubble?"
  437. >By some miracle you managed to utter a sound through your clenched teeth.
  438. "Grrright..."
  439. >Oh my, that came out more aggressively than you planned.
  440. >B-but you won't a-apologise, you're a mare for Celestia's sake!
  441. >You felt Anon's gaze on your head.
  442. >"Is something the matter?"
  443. >You didn't respond.
  444. >You were too busy watching that... that hussy.
  445. >When you were beside her stand, she clapped her front hooves together.
  446. >"So, what do you need?"
  447. >Anonymous looked at the simple red roses.
  448. >"Just two, maybe three of those will suffice."
  449. >She blinked a few times and walked over to him.
  450. >"Are you sure you don't want a whole bouquet? I'm positive you'll be able to carry it, along with your marefriend, on those big, strong legs of yours.~"
  451. >Suddenly she stroked Anon's thigh with her front hoof.
  452. >Oh, no she didn't!
  453. >Oh, yes she did!
  454. >She did?!
  456. >You flatten your ears in a blink of an eye.
  457. >Time for some mare to mare talk!
  458. >With the speed of a starving parasprite you jumped out of Anon's arms.
  459. >You kicked her hoof away from his thigh pony-fu style!
  460. >She neighed loudly and jumped back.
  461. >Anon was losing his hay behind you.
  462. >"Erm, Derpy what's going on!?"
  463. >You didn't turn to him.
  464. "Not now, muffin! This is a matter between mares!"
  465. >Almost immediately you proudly presented your chest.
  466. *puff*
  467. >A reasonable patch of fluff appeared on it.
  468. >Eat my chest tuft you hussy!
  469. *PUFF!*
  470. >Roseluck's own fluff poofed up.
  471. >Being an earth pony, her chest was bigger than yours.
  472. >Hence her bigger tuft.
  473. >However, you had something more to show her.
  474. >You quickly opened up your wings, presenting your full wingspan.
  475. >Hers and yours eyes squinted, you started to circle around each other.
  476. >You were the first one to speak.
  477. "If you want a piece of MY STALLION, you must get through me first!"
  478. >She snorted audibly and pushed her chest further up front.
  479. >"Then I think I'm more than enough of a mare to do this!"
  480. >Your tail began to thrash wildly and your fur was standing on the end.
  481. >Seeing this Rose quickly reduced the distance between the two of you.
  482. >You were almost head to head at the moment.
  483. >As long as both of your eyes was at her, you decided to take more decisive actions.
  484. >However, before you managed to headbutt her, you were lifted of the ground by a pair of strong, human hands.
  485. >"Woah-woah-woah bubbles, calm down! What is going on?! What's the problem?!"
  486. >You started to flail your hooves at Roseluck.
  487. "She! She's the problem!"
  488. >Anon hugged you tightly to prevent you from falling down.
  489. >"Rose? What's wrong with her?!"
  490. >Really?!
  491. "She wants to steal you from me! She wants you to be her and her sisters herd stallion! I won't let her take you away!"
  492. >Anon turned to still fired up Roseluck.
  493. >"Is this true?"
  494. >She began to mumble something under her breath.
  495. >"Erm.. um.. you see.. uh.."
  496. >Anon had none of that.
  497. >"I asked: IS THIS TRUE ROSE?!"
  498. >She finally found her courage.
  499. >"Y-Yeah! It's ture. Me and my sisters can give you so much more than... than her!"
  500. >Almost immediately Anon turned away from her and started to walk away with you in his arms.
  501. >"Not interested Rose, BYE!"
  502. >She was visibly shaken by this instant rejection.
  503. >"B-but.. A-anon.. I-I..."
  504. >He didn't even turn to acknowledge her.
  505. >When you were far enough from her, he spoke to you.
  506. >"I'm sorry I didn't seen it before. I won't be buying any flowers from her, ever again."
  507. >You put your head on his shoulder.
  508. "You don't need to be sorry. I trust you."
  509. >He chuckled silently.
  510. >"Thank you. You know, it was nice to see you're ready to fight for me like that, my little bubble."
  511. >You nuzzled his cheek with all your might.
  512. "Then, I guess we're a perfect match, mister overprotective human."
  513. >He hugged you even tighter.
  514. >"I wouldn't have it any other way."

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

by rmp

QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

by rmp

QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

by rmp

QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

by rmp

Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

by rmp