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BadGrammarFag - Oreo the changeling chapter2

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:15:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: ewe2P0NF.html
  3. Date: JAN 24TH, 2016
  5. ------
  7. >You're Anon and you're in your 'table-less' kitchen.
  8. >The beginning of the next day you found yourself rummaging through your vast collection of breakfast cereals.
  9. >You decided to go for Celestio's.
  10. "Mmmm eating a whole bunch of Celestia's ponuts. There's no better way to start up your day."
  11. >As much as you disliked Sunbutt, they were quite good.
  12. >Also, apparently healthy, packed with vitamins and other shit.
  13. "Kek, ponuts and shit... Fuck, what am I doing with my life."
  14. >Instead of slapping yourself, you grabbed the ever informative flyer about them changelings.
  15. >Eating your cereals in peace, you learned that they actualy could eat normal food.
  16. >It didn't gave them much, but could keep them alive for some time, before their next 'emotional meal'.
  17. >Maybe you should give some food to your changeling guest?
  18. >You'll probably end up force feeding her, but at least you could give it a try.
  19. >You looked down at your bowl with Celestia-flavoured cereals.
  20. >Those won't do, they're too hard.
  21. >She won't be able to chew them properly yet.
  22. >Guess it's time to prepare some porridge for the old people.
  23. >Holding a new bowl with the mentioned stuff, you walked inside your bedroom.
  24. >You looked at the injured changeling under-queen in your care.
  25. >Good news:
  26. >She was lying on your bed, looking at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes.
  27. >That meant she was alive and you didn't need to wake her up.
  28. >Bad news:
  29. >Her sharp teeth were firmly clenched and she was trembling all over.
  30. >That alone told you she was in some serious pain.
  31. >Her wounds must have been acting up like crazy.
  32. >You quickly put the bowl of porridge on your night stand.
  33. >Remembering to have them with you, you pulled out the painkillers from your pocket.
  34. "Good morning. I see you're not feeling too well. Take those, you'll feel better in no time."
  35. >She looked at you, but didn't made any noises.
  36. >You crouched down to get eye level with her.
  37. >She warily eyed the pills you held in your outstretched hand.
  38. >Maybe you need to remind her just how stubborn you can be, when it comes to taking medication?
  39. >Before you could say anything, she opened her muzzle.
  40. >She chirped quite audibly, as if annoyed.
  41. >Her tongue shot out from her mouth and licked the pills off of your open palm.
  42. >It was the longest fucking tongue you ever saw IRL!
  43. >Are under-queens a cross-breed of a regular drone and a fucking giraffe?!
  44. >She closed her eyes and the both of you waited for the drugs to start working.
  45. >After the dreaded five minutes, those finally kicked in and she visibly relaxed.
  46. >She turned her head in your direction and opened her yellowish eyes.
  47. >A few strands of her silky, white mane fell on her snout.
  48. >She started to wiggle her nose to get it off.
  49. >You chuckled loudly and moved the hair out from it with your fingers.
  50. >She scrunched up her muzzle and squinted her eyes.
  51. >That only made you smile wider.
  52. "Wow, for being a half-dead bug-pone, you're such a dangerous looking changeling, 'your highness'."
  53. >Ok, maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to say.
  54. >Her eyes widen, but only for a second.
  55. >Almost immediately you were attacked by a furious clicks, taps and shrilling.
  56. >Her spit was landing on everything around you!
  57. >...
  58. >Really now?!
  59. >You saved her fucking life and she verbally drills you a second asshole, because you touched her hair and joked a little?!
  60. >Two can play that game.
  61. >You gasp loudly and pretend to be offended.
  62. "Oi, whud u said 'bout me mum?! For your information, she was a fucking saint!"
  63. >Silence.
  64. >She looked more confused than a jew working for charity.
  65. >However, not for long.
  66. >More angry changeling noises flooded your ear canals.
  67. >Yeah, you knew how to be a troll.
  68. >Though, maybe you should calm her down, before she hurt herself.
  69. >After all, she was already in a pretty bad condition.
  70. >You raised your hands in front of yourself.
  71. "Alright, alright I'm sorry for touching you without your permission. Jeez, somehow you weren't bothered by that yesterday."
  72. >Surprisingly enough, she stopped 'shouting obscenities'.
  73. >Although, if the looks could kill, you'd probably explode.
  74. "Listen, I know what I saw. You're so weak that you couldn't even lift your hoof to help yourself with your little 'mane problem'."
  75. >Oh, she was ready for another round alright, but you stopped her with your serious look.
  76. "Judging by that fact alone, you're in no state to fling your juicy changeling insults at me. Especially, if I'm trying to help you."
  77. >She remained silent, but her cheeks puffed out.
  78. >She was still clearly pissed.
  79. >Daaamn...
  80. "Oh, and sorry about this whole 'you're so dangerous' joke. I should've known better, than to annoy you like that in your current condition."
  81. >Luckily, your lame apologies did the trick.
  82. >She released the air she was holding and humm-buzzed something calmly.
  83. >You thought it was something between "What do you want, filthy peasant?" and "You're all forgiven my hero and savior!".
  84. >In other words - it could mean anything, really.
  85. "Erm... yeeea, let's go with that. Now, having that behind us, I wanted to ask you something."
  86. >You scratched your chin as if in thought.
  87. "You've surely guessed that I don't understand you, right?"
  88. >She barely nodded her head, lying on the pillow.
  89. >Besides talking, everything else still must be quite a feat to do for her.
  90. "I know you changelings can speak Engli-um, I mean Equish fluently.Why can't you?"
  91. >She just laid there, not making a sound and looking at you as if you were a retard, or something.
  92. >Yep, it was pretty fucking stupid to ask someone whom you don't understood and who couldn't even gesticulate, to explain things.
  93. >Though, what could you really do?
  94. >Suddenly, her eyes darted upwards.
  95. >She repeated that motion a few times.
  96. >Was she... pointing at something?
  97. >You looked at the top of her head.
  98. >There were her pointy ears, her white, silky mane and...
  99. >... a fucking, jagged broken horn.
  100. >In that moment you knew everything, you need to know.
  101. >In this crazy cartoon land there was always one explanation, when you couldn't find none better.
  102. "It's magic, isn't it? Your horn is broken and without magic you can communicate only with other bug hoers, but not with me?"
  103. >Once more, she bearly nodded.
  104. >You massaged your forehead nervously.
  105. "Great. Simply fucking amazing. Five starts out of five and all that shit."
  106. >She raised her non-existent brow at your behavior.
  107. "Heh, sorry. Listen, I see that whole nodding business is rather taxing for you right now. If you want to say 'yes', 'okay' or approve of something just blink once, if not, blink two times."
  108. >She blinked once.
  109. >Borat_Great_success.avi
  110. "Good, good. So, I know that there's no way you could tell me your name. However, try to tell me it really slowly, in your bug-language. Maybe I'll guess some of it."
  111. >She sighed heavily and looked at you.
  112. >"*Click*-*Click*-*Shrill*-*Tap*"
  113. >...
  114. "Alrighty, then I'll call you Oreo."
  115. >Two blinks.
  116. "Naaah, you'll love it, you'll see."
  117. >Two rapid blinks.
  118. "Was it one blink?"
  119. >Two blinks.
  120. "Yeah, I'm sure it was. Now, I need to go to work soon, so let's move on to the last thing in our morning agenda. Shall we, Oreo?"
  121. >She was looking at you in disbelief, but then just rolled her eyes and blinked once.
  122. >Guess she decided that there was no way to defeat your naming autism.
  123. >Protip: [spoiler]there is no way![/spoiler]
  124. >You grabbed the bowl with porridge from your night stand.
  125. >Mixing the tasteless substance with a spoon, you turned to Oreo.
  126. "Time for you to eat something, but before I start feeding you, I got one last question."
  127. >Her eyes were glued to what you were holding in your hands.
  128. >Nonetheless, she blinked once.
  129. "Will your horn grow back?"
  130. >She quickly looked you in the eyes, as if judging you.
  131. >For a couple of seconds she was just staring at you like that.
  132. >Then, one blink.
  133. >You smiled.
  134. "Neat, I'm looking forward to talk to you normally someday. Of course, as long as pones don't lock me up for harbouring the enemy of the state."
  135. >You took a spoonful of porridge.
  136. "Now, eat."
  137. >The spoon collided with her tightly closed snout, smearing its content on her chitin skin and pillow.
  138. >She blink two times.
  139. >You squinted your eyes dangerously and tapped her sealed maw with the spoon.
  140. >With no effect.
  141. >Holy shite on a rope!
  142. >You got no time for that kind of childish behavior!
  143. >Still trying to play it cool, you slowly spoken through your clenched teeth.
  144. "Oreo, your highness, I know you have your royal pride and all that shtick. However, if you don't let me feed you, you'll slowly lose your strength and you'll die."
  145. >Two, fucking blinks!
  146. >Fuuuuuuuuu.jpg.
  147. "Listen and listen to me closely. If you don't open your mouth, I'm going to shove that spoon right up your ass! This way, or another this porridge will get to your little changeling stomach."
  148. >Her ears flatten on her head and she hissed loudly.
  149. >Calling her bluff, you slowly grabbed her blanket and started to pull at it.
  150. >Oreo's eyes widened.
  151. >She click-chirped something at you, blinked once and opened her snout.
  152. >With the smile back on your face, you began to feed her.
  153. >Ten minutes later, half of the porridge was in changeling's belly, with the other half everywhere else, but there.
  154. >On you, on her, on the bed... and the walls.
  155. >Even ceiling.
  156. >What?
  157. >Feeding an uncooperative changeling under-queen is a serious business!
  158. >You practically felt like if you were stuffing a fucking turkey for a thanksgiving dinner!
  159. >Which you never did before!
  160. >After cleaning 'most' of the stuff, you decided it was finally time to go to work.
  161. >You were already late.
  162. >Before leaving the room, you turned to Oreo one more time.
  163. "I need to go to work. You should be fine till I come back. You need to get some sleep, it'll surely help you."
  164. >Without waiting for an answer, you closed the door behind you.
  165. >Unknowing to you, a piece of porridge detached itself from the ceiling.
  166. >It fell on the injured changeling's head.
  167. >"Click-tap..."
  169. >You were power walking through the town in a hurry.
  170. >Your legs were killing you after yesterday's run, but you didn't have time for their bullshit.
  171. >Some of the pones that saw you, waved at you in a greeting manner.
  172. >The local populace seen some shit during their lives here.
  173. >Technically speaking you were 'nothing out of ordinary' for them.
  174. >You were accepted pretty quickly.
  175. >Especially, whe-
  176. >"Woohoo, you stud, you!"
  177. >Wha-what?!
  178. >"Mmmmm, can I have some of that too?!"
  179. >No, really?!
  180. >WTF?!
  181. >Some of the mares around you were blushing furiously and winking at you.
  182. >[spoiler]With their eyes you pervert.[/spoiler]
  183. >Some others giggled and whistled loudly.
  184. >The fuck was wrong with this town?!
  185. >All in all, you were surrounded by catcalls and wierd compliments.
  186. >Sure, there were a lot more mares than stallions in this magical horsies candyland.
  187. >Nevertheless, you never felt like a meat on display to such an extent!
  188. >There was something strange going on.
  189. >You noticed that only the mares, who sniffed the air around you, were giving you this 'special attention'.
  190. "Huh?"
  191. >You grabbed your shirt and took a whiff.
  192. >Nope, it didn't smell like a promise of a good romp in the hay.
  193. >At least for you.
  194. >Also, you showered yesterday after this whole "Oreo-incident".
  195. >Though, if there was any logical explanation for what was going on, it was probably related to the injured changeling in your house.
  196. >You decided to visit the local "library-castle-architectural abomination" after your work.
  197. >Maybe you'll find some more information about Oreo there and-
  198. [Sniffing sounds intensifies]
  199. >Looking around, you saw that more and more mares were starting to look at you with bedroom eyes.
  200. >It was a horsefucker dream come true.
  201. >Unfortunately, you weren't exactly there, yet.
  202. >Even if you were, being raped in broad daylight, wasn't high on your life achievements list.
  203. >Channeling your inner Sonichu, you turned around in the Spa's direction.
  204. "Gotta go fast!"
  205. >With the speed of a Kenyan cocaine addict, who's looking for a drug dealer, you left the unusual 'sniff-fest' behind you.
  206. >You got no time for their shit, you were already late for work.
  207. >When you finally reached your destination, one of your employers was waiting for you.
  208. >A blue coated mare, looked at you from behind the counter.
  209. >"Mr. Anonymous, at last! I was starting to think that you'll need a special invitation, to show yourself at work today!"
  210. >Feck, it was Lotus.
  211. >The bitchy one of the spa sisters.
  212. "Uhm, sorry Lotus, I was a little busy in the morning and lost a sense of time. I promise it won't happen again."
  213. >She was less than happy to hear that.
  214. >"Pray tell, what was more important tha-"
  215. >Her nostrils flared and her eyes widen.
  216. >"WHAT!? Y-You didn't get here in time, because of... of some carnal desires!? I thought you weren't interested in ponies like that!?"
  217. >No, srsly wut?!
  218. >You crossed your arms on your chest.
  219. "What is wrong with all of you in this town?! I wasn't busy shagging some pony, griffon or whatever! I just... um, overslept!"
  220. >Fucking brilliant.
  221. >Though, what else could you told her?
  222. >'Sorry I'm late, but I was busy taking care of a magic, love sucikng parasite, all of you would probably be scared shitless of'?
  223. >Lotus came up closer and sniffed the air around you once more.
  224. >"Overslept, hmm? Please, tell that to the mare you 'overslept' with."
  225. >Presitent, little bitc-
  226. >Oh, wait.
  227. >Looking at you, she had a sly smile on her muzzle.
  228. >Guess, she have a playful side after all.
  229. >Having no choice in the matter, you decided to play along.
  230. "Yeah, yeah, fine you got me. What now?"
  231. >Her smile turned more sincere.
  232. >"Firstly, congratulations on finding yourself a marefriend. I hope you'd be happy with her, because judging by the smell, she's more than happy with you."
  233. >You just nodded absentmindedly.
  234. >You really need to get to the bottom of this 'lewd smell business'.
  235. >"Secondly, I can't let you work smelling like a walking orgy. We don't deal with 'happy endings' in our establishment."
  236. >She reached behind the counter and produced a small bottle with some kind of strange liquid inside.
  237. >You raised your eyebrow.
  238. "And what's that supposed to be?"
  239. >She tapped the bottle with her hoof.
  240. >"This is a 'smell nullifier', Mr. Anonymous. We find it very helpful in our line of work sometimes. Please spray it on yourself quickly now. Your first customer is about to finish her bath."
  241. >As if on cue, you heard a soft and melodious bell ringing from the bath section of the Spa.
  242. >It was Aloe telling you to prepare yourself and your massage table.
  243. >She was probably leading the customer into your section of the spa.
  244. >Wasting no more time, you grabbed the 'smell nullifier' from the counter and headed there yourself.
  245. >Your work was 'challenging' from that moment on, so to speak.
  246. >You had a lot more customers than usual.
  247. >Most of them were the mares, who saw (and sniffed) you in the morning.
  248. >The air was also filled with a lot more of unnecessarily loud moaning, during your massages.
  249. >Luckily, there was no 'happy ending' requests.
  250. >The potion Lotus gave you and your professional attitude was working like a charm.
  251. >Of course, there was an occasional lewd comment, or two.
  252. >Although, you showed no interest in those.
  253. >Seeing that, most of the mares quickly gave up in their attempts to get in your pants.
  254. >Leaving the Ponyville Day Spa, your hands were aching like a motherfucker.
  255. >However, that didn't deter you from visiting the Castle of Friendship.
  256. "Pure, fucking, crippling autism."
  257. >Loudly 'admiring' the name choice and architectural splendor of the mentioned building, you walked inside of it.
  258. >"Hi Anon, what are you looking for?"
  259. >You were greeted by Spike, his little dragon fist already waiting for yours.
  260. >Quickly reducing the distance between you, you walked up to him and completed the sacred brofist ritual.
  261. >You could swear, the ground shook a little, when your fists connected.
  262. "Hi Spike, I'm looking for some information about changelings. Got any good books about them?"
  263. >He chuckled loudly.
  264. >"Of course, we got books about everything anypony can ask in here!"
  265. >He walked up to the nearest isle and took a big black-rimmed book from there.
  266. >"Here, the 'Changeling Encyclopedia' should have what you're looking for."
  267. >Giving you the book, Spike arched one of his scaly eyebrows.
  268. >"Why are you interested in those nasty bugs, Anon. They're gross and scary."
  269. >You took the book from him, with a nod of thanks.
  270. "Well, I heard that some of them were spotted outside of the Everfree Forest. As you know, I live in its immediate vicinity. I have a good chance to stumble upon one of them. I want to know how to defend myself against them and all."
  271. >Spike shrugged his little shoulders.
  272. >"I think that the best course of action would be to turn around and run away. Though, what do I know. I'm just a baby dragon and you're the big, bad human."
  273. >Sitting down on the couch, you patted him on the back.
  274. "Nah, dragon bro. You're a baby dragon, who can breathe fire, has sharp claws and can crush rocks between his teeth. Also, don't forget about your armour-like skin. If there was anyone I'd like to have with me, when I happen to meet a changeling, it would be you, Spike."
  275. >His mood visibly improved.
  276. >"Wow, thanks Anon! Listen, I'll talk to you later. I must get back to my chores, or Twilight will have my hide for slacking off."
  277. >You gave him a mock salute and opened the 'Changeling Encyclopedia'.
  278. >When you closed it an hour later, you were astonished by how fucking boring it was.
  279. >Fortunately, you had found what you were looking for.
  280. >The reason for the mares behavior in the morning.
  281. >The reason being: Oreo's green blood.
  282. >As the future queen in the making, read under-queen, her blood was packed with various hormones, pheromones and shit.
  283. >Those helped in her future development and also with luring out and entrancing her main prey.
  284. >Marshmallow pones.
  285. >Yesterday, you were covered in her blood from head to toe.
  286. >From what you understood, it was practically a small miracle you didn't get raped in the morning.
  287. "I knew I should have washed myself better under that fucking shower."
  288. >Well, it was a quick shower after all.
  289. >Tired like all hell, you just washed the blood out of yourself, before going to sleep.
  290. >You didn't knew about any powerful pheromones, which stuck to your skin like an invisible glue.
  291. >Bah, you couldn't even smell them on yourself, back then.
  292. >Thank God for Lotus and her 'smell nullifier'.
  293. >You'd be in some deep shit, if not for her quick thinking.
  294. >Though, you're not exactly out of it.
  295. >You were forced to lie to Lotus that you found yourself a marefriend.
  296. >Sooner, or later she's going to tell somebody about it.
  297. >Your friends will want to meet 'her' then.
  298. >Especially Ponks.
  299. >She'll probably try to throw you a 'Nonny found himself a marefriend' party, or something like that.
  300. >How long can you lie, before they start to suspect something.
  301. >You don't want any of their attention on you right now.
  302. >If they found out about Oreo, it's the dungeons 4life for you and who know what, for her.
  303. >You need to speak with Lotus tomorrow and tell her to keep 'your marefriend' a secret.
  304. >After such a deep thinking process, you decided to just shoot the shit with Spike for a while and then go home.
  305. >Later, when you were standing outside of your door, a thought struck you.
  306. "Damn, the inside of my house must be smelling like a sex dungeon by now."
  307. >You should at least wash the floor in the kitchen one more time.
  308. >Also, ventilate the shit out of your house when Oreo gets better.
  309. >Btw, she should be waking up by now and ready to eat another portion of delicious porridge.
  310. >Entering your cottage, you immediately heard the mentioned changeling.
  311. >However, there was something wrong with the sounds she was making.
  312. >Those wasn't her usual chirps, clicks, or taps.
  313. >She was screeching some fierce, like if she was shouting at someone.
  314. "Shit, maybe the painkillers stopped working!"
  315. >In a blink of an eye, you found yourself in your poor ass bedroom.
  316. >Oreo was lying on the bed, with her back turned to you.
  317. >She was wildly trashing around and screeching even louder than before.
  318. >The changeling under-queen was mostly wrapped in her blanket.
  319. >Though, she was doing a great job in throwing it off of herself, by flailing her limbs like an aggressive drunk.
  320. >The most surprising part of this whole situation was, that her eyes were still closed.
  321. >She was still sleeping and by the look of things, having some fucked up nightmare.
  322. >Maybe she was dreaming of what happened to her, before you found her in the forest, with those two hostile drones.
  323. >No matter what it was, you couldn't let it go on.
  324. >Sooner, or later she'll ruin her stitches and start bleeding once again.
  325. >You grabbed her by the withers and shook her delicately.
  326. "Oreo! Oreo, wake up! Its just a dream, a bad, fucked up dream!"
  327. >She broke out of your grip and rolled on her side.
  328. >You could see her muzzle clearly now.
  329. >It was twisted in a frightened expression and she was still sleeping.
  330. >You leaned closer to her head, to shout once more.
  331. >Before you even took a good, deep breath, a million stars bloomed before your eyes.
  332. >Suddenly, you realized you were flying in the air and your right eye exploded with pain.
  333. >You crashed with the floor like a sack of potatoes
  334. >Admiring the ceiling and the stars dancing before your eyes, you were loudly wondering what happened.
  335. "Did Oreo just kicked me in the fucking face?!"
  336. >You saw that she was still fast asleep and kicking like a horse.
  337. >Guess your new black eye was nobody else's fault, but your own.
  338. >You slowly stood up, massaging your sore right eye.
  339. "Great, that's gonna leave a mark."
  340. >Of course, Oreo wasn't interested with your whining, still trapped in her nightmare.
  341. "Feck, I need to stop her from moving, before she'll hurt herself."
  342. >No one else can do it, but you.
  343. >And your name is...
  344. "JOHN CENA!"
  345. >Jumping high in the air, you dropped on Oreo like a true god of wrestling!
  346. >You managed to trap all of her limbs beneath your body and stopped her from moving.
  347. >Your autism was off the charts for a moment there, but it looks like it was worth it.
  348. >Now you just need to wake her up.
  349. >How the fuck could you do th-
  350. >Suddenly, Oreo took a deep and long breath and her whole body relaxed under you.
  351. >Looking at her muzzle, you saw that she woke up and was looking at you with wide eyes.
  352. "Yeeah, you see... this isn't what it looks like."
  353. >Did you just told her you wasn't trying to rape her!?
  354. >Her pupils shrank to pinpricks.
  355. >You quickly got up from her and the bed and started to wave your hands.
  356. "No, no, no! You get it all wrong. You were having a nightmare and was about to ruin your stitches. I couldn't let you do that and I had to improvise."
  357. >Great explanation, m80!
  358. >Sentenced for rape/10
  359. >As shitty as it was, Oreo looked like she bought it.
  360. >Her eyes returned to normal, she chirp-clicked once and also blinked once.
  361. >Though, you weren't out of the hot water just yet.
  362. >You gulped loudly and smiled nervously.
  363. "L-Listen, I hate to tell you this, but after you eat, I'll need to... bathe you."
  364. >Her eyes returned to her previous, shocked state and she opened her muzzle without making a sound.
  365. >Yeah, this will be one crazy evening, you could already tell.
  366. >You tried to smile as sincerely, as you could.
  367. "Calm down Oreo, this bath won't be as bad as you think."
  368. >She wasn't convinced by your words.
  369. >Actually, it was the other way around.
  370. >She crossed her hole riddled forehooves on her chest.
  371. >It was probably a pretty painful move for her.
  372. >Though, a pissed off under-queen didn't seem to care.
  373. >Her yellow eyes were boring a hole in your skull and she had a bad case of a scrunched muzzle.
  374. >You waved your hands in the air.
  375. "I know, I know you have your pride and all as a somewhat royal figure!"
  376. >She just blinked once in confirmation, not taking her eyes off you.
  377. "Though, do you know what I learned about you today?"
  378. >You leaned forward a little and arched your eyebrows.
  379. >Expecting a stare down contest, you were surprised when she blinked twice in response.
  380. "No? Well, let me tell you then."
  381. >You stood straight once more and scratched your chin.
  382. "The blood of a changeling under-queen is practically an equivalent of a spanish fly."
  383. >Her pointy ears perked up and she cocked her head to the side, like a confused dog.
  384. >D-Damn that was cute, even with that scowl on her features.
  385. "Awww- *cough!*"
  386. >You quickly coughed in your hand, before she could catch that.
  387. "R-Right, I thought you wouldn't know what I'm talking about. To put it simply, your blood is packed with powerful pheromones. A simple whiff is enough, to make most of those silly marshmallow pones sex-crazy."
  388. >You crouched down to get eye level with her.
  389. "Especially when you're all covered with it."
  390. >You delicately booped her on the nose for a greater effect.
  391. "Just like you, your highness.~"
  392. >Her ears flatten and she quickly looked at your still extended finger.
  393. *SNAP!*
  394. "Holy crap!"
  395. >She almost bite off your fucking hand!
  396. >Her sharp fangs practically brushed your skin!
  397. "God dammit Oreo! Stop acting like that!"
  398. >She squinted her eyes at your outburst.
  399. "I'm just trying to help you! Do you want to smell like an abused, dirty sex toy?!"
  400. >Aaand you lost it.
  401. >You stood up and threw your hands in the air.
  402. "Fine, you won! You can smell however you want! Even like a fucking cum dumpster, for all I care!"
  403. >Oh nigga, you just went full retard at your 'patient'.
  404. >With your fist clenched, you started walking to the door.
  405. >You wanted to calm down outside, before saying something you'll regret.
  406. "I'm going to be back later with your medicine and food."
  407. >You said it through your clenched teeth and put your hand on the door handle.
  408. >Before you managed to push it down, you heard a faint rustle behind you.
  409. >You looked over your shoulder, to see what happened.
  410. >Oreo laid splayed on the sheets and crumpled blanket in a strange position.
  411. >It looked like if she was trying to hop out of the bed after you, but was to weak to actually do this.
  412. >Almost entirely covered behind her white mane, her slit shaped pupils were looking in your direction.
  413. >With ears still flat on her head, she shrilled audibly at you.
  414. >It sounded almost like... an apology.
  415. >You looked at your hand on the door handle.
  416. >Suddenly, it became painfully obvious that she didn't wanted to hurt you back there.
  417. >It was just a warning.
  418. >If she so desired, she could've easily bite off a good chunk of meat out of your hand.
  419. >You'd never had time to react.
  420. >Even in her weaken state she was blindingly fast.
  421. >Letting go of the door, you sighed loudly.
  422. "Ok, I'm cool now. Sorry for blowing up like that, Oreo. Though, your reaction wasn't any better."
  423. >She looked down at her hooves and didn't made any more sounds.
  424. >Ohh, a mighty changeling under-queen was ashamed of her actions, against someone, who saved her life.
  425. >Neat!
  426. >You walked up to her and carefully picked her up.
  427. "Alright let's get you more comfortable, shall we?"
  428. >She didn't fight, or shouted any changeling obscenities at you, wish you took as a good sign.
  429. >Maybe she was warming up to you, like she really should have?
  430. >Who knows?
  431. >You repositioned her pillow and put her head on it.
  432. >Moving a few strands of her silky hair from her eyes, you talked.
  433. "Good, stay like this. I'm going to prepare some of that yummy, smelly porridge for you and then I'll give you your medicine."
  434. >A shiver ran down her chitinous body and she gagged audibly.
  435. >You chuckled.
  436. "I see you can hardly wait to try my delicious coocking."
  437. >An evil glare was her only response.
  438. "Seriously though, please try to be more civil while eating. I don't want to find any more porridge, inside my ears this time."
  439. >An evil smile joined the disturbing display on her feuters.
  440. >Well, shit.
  441. >You silently hoped she didn't remembered, just how far she could spit out that sticky mass, you were feeding her with.
  442. >It was time to leave, but after you opened the door, you turned to her one more time.
  443. >With your own version of a smug smile on your face.
  444. "Also, that bath is still in our schedule for the evening, your highness."
  445. >She chirp-click-taped loudly.
  446. >Welp, she probably told you to go fuck yourself with a rusty sword, or something.
  447. >You just shrugged your shoulders and walked out of the room.
  448. >That evening saw a little less food outside Oreo's snout.
  449. >Although, you have found some porridge in your hair after feeding her.
  450. >Probably that "choo-choo train is coming, open wide!" comment had something to do with it.
  451. >...
  452. >Nah, the look on Oreo's muzzle was worth it.
  453. >You were also 'graced' by the sight of her long tongue, when you gave her some more painkillers.
  454. >Dear merciful tits of Gabe Newell, your hand was never coated in so much saliva.
  455. >Of course, Oreo didn't mind to wrap it around your fingers a few times over.
  456. >She knew just how disturbed you were with her tongue and was having the time of her life then and there.
  457. >Nevertheless, the time for her bath has finally come.
  458. >When you announced it to her, she turned her head away from you, like an offended, old cat.
  459. >You just rolled your eyes and delicately scooped her in your arms.
  460. >There was no resistance from her and you carried her out of your bedroom.
  461. >A moment later you walked inside your poor ass bathroom and laid her inside your poor ass shower cabin.
  462. >Still not looking at you, she was trying to stand up on her wobbly legs.
  463. >You slowly put your hand on her back.
  464. "Easy there Oreo, please lie down. Believe me, this is as awkward for me, as it is for you. Nevertheless, it must be done. The smell of pheromones is one thing, but possible infection is another."
  465. >She didn't stop looking away from you, but she started to lower herself down.
  466. "Here, let me help you."
  467. >You positioned your hands under her chest and belly.
  468. >She had put her weight on your hands and you helped her to lay down.
  469. >You didn't saw how well she taking it all, because of her turned head.
  470. >Though, you could clearly saw her slender, jagged ears.
  471. >Those were pointed in your direction and twiched every time you made a sound.
  472. >You chuckled quietly and started pouring the warm water into your shower tray.
  473. >It was high enough for the water to cover all of your changeling patient's underbelly.
  474. >You added magical 'all in one' shower gel to it and stirred it a little, to produce some bubbles.
  475. "Alright, brace yourself, your highness."
  476. >You took a handful of water and ran it down her head and mane.
  477. >She visibly tensed and sneezed.
  478. >Probably some water got inside her nostrils.
  479. >This time she turned her head to look at you.
  480. >She did it so quickly, you were smacked by her wet, silky mane across the face.
  481. "Ow! Watch the mane, lady!"
  482. >From that moment on, you knew the taste of changeling hair, covered in bath water.
  483. >[spoiler]It was nothing special.[/spoiler]
  484. >There was fire in Oreo's eyes.
  485. >You raised your eyebrows at that.
  486. "What?! I did warn you, you know."
  487. >Not waiting for her answer, you grabbed her head in your hands.
  488. "Hold still, please."
  489. >Delicately, you started working on her white mane, trying to untangle it and wash the blood off of it.
  490. >You silently prayed to be careful enough, to keep the bubbly water away from her eyes.
  491. >After all, she had a perfect opportunity to leave her teeth marks, on at least one of your hands at that moment.
  492. >Though, when you looked at her, she wasn't watching you, or what were you doing with her hair.
  493. >Her eyes wasn't even opened.
  494. >She was keeping her head high, letting you work without making a sound.
  495. >You noticed there was a small redness on her cheeks and a minuscule smile found its way on her muzzle.
  496. >Dayum son, you were good at this!
  497. >Maybe you should ask Aloe and Lotus, to let you try your mad skillz, in the bath section of the Spa.
  498. >She barely opened one of her eyes, when you started working on her ears, but then quickly closed it again.
  499. >And those ears, those long, pointy and jagged ears, man!
  500. >They were so soft, squishy and flexible, man!
  501. >If you only could, you'd be playing with those for hours.
  502. >Unfortunately, or not, you quickly finished washing her white mane and tail.
  503. >Then, you grabbed your trusty loofah and began to scrub her long neck and back.
  504. >You remembered to be extra careful when working on her delicate bug like wings.
  505. >When you were done with those, you turned to her.
  506. "Alright, we're halfway through. Now I need you to be sitting for the next part."
  507. >She opened her eyes and scrunched up her muzzle, visibly annoyed with your demands.
  508. >Probably she found you guilty of destroying her relaxed state of mind.
  509. >Boo-fucking-hoo, cry me a river and all that.
  510. >You were already soaked and a little upset by what she was doing with her tail, when you were washing it.
  511. >Who knew a relaxed and (probably) happy changeling wags its tale, just like a happy dog would?!
  512. >Though, an under-queen's tail is at least three times bigger than your average canine tail.
  513. >Hence a metric shit ton of water found its way on you, your clothes and all around the shower.
  514. >As always, you helped Oreo to move and sit down.
  515. >She was watching you closely.
  516. >Not wasting anymore time you began to work on her front hooves and chest.
  517. >To your surprise, she was preety cooperative.
  518. >She had even lifted her hooves when you asked her to.
  519. >When you finished with her chest you started to scrub lower and lower.
  520. >Suddenly, when you were near her underbelly, your hand was stopped by one of her hooves.
  521. >You looked up and saw that she was blinking rapidly at you.
  522. >Scratching your chin with the other hand, you turned to her.
  523. "Huh, why are you nervous? I thought that your no-no zones are under your tail, right?"
  524. >She was looking at you for a moment and then blinked once in confirmation.
  525. "So you're just scared that I'll cause you pain, then? Don't worry, I'll be very delicate."
  526. >She huffed loudly when she heard the word 'scared', but took her hoof away.
  527. >You put your loofah on her underbelly and began scrubing it with slow circular motions.
  528. >Taking your sweet time with it, you were trying to be as careful as you possibly could.
  529. >Even though, you noticed that she visibly started to shake after a while.
  530. >Did you caused her pain and she didn't let you know about it?
  531. >Not stopping with your delicate work, you looked up, to see what was wrong.
  532. >What you saw made you to stop and widened your eyes.
  533. >Oreo's eyes rolled upwards, and her long tongue was hanging out of her opened muzzle.
  534. >Her breath was quickened and her cheeks were red like a tomato.
  535. >She was fucking getting off from you washing her underbelly?!
  536. >Holy crap, you remembered that you read that changelings have crotch tits, just like pones!
  537. >So that's why she was trying to stop you before!
  538. >You didn't felt those through the loofah, but you were definitely fondling them with it!
  539. >Then and there you felt like a fucking pervert.
  540. "E-Erm... I-I'm done... um, yeah I'm done washing your underbelly!"
  541. >She heard you quite well and quickly pulled her tongue back inside her opened maw.
  542. >The slurping sound she made while doing this, could've killed a lesser man.
  543. >Unlike yours, her blush vanished from her cheeks and she looked at you with her head cocked to the side.
  544. >She was probably curious with your sudden meek behavior.
  545. >You coughed loudly and loosen your collar a little.
  546. "O-Ok, now it's time for the last part. I want you to try and stand up."
  547. >After a few moments she was standing on her wobbly legs once again.
  548. >Holding her with one hand to help her stay on her hooves, you began washing her back legs.
  549. >It was quite tricky at the beginning, but you managed to clean those as well.
  550. >You also learned one more thing about changelings when you were doing it.
  551. >The frogs under the hooves are pretty damn sensitive.
  552. >When you applied too much pressure on one of those, Oreo almost bucked your teeth out, with one of her back hooves.
  553. >Fortunately you were positioned at her side and so she 'only' shattered one of the tiles on your wall.
  554. >That impromptu bath was getting more and more dangerous.
  555. >Luckily, only one thing remained to clean.
  556. >You really hoped you wouldn't overstep too many of Oreo's personal boundaries, with what you were about to ask for.
  557. >...
  558. >Eh, fuck it.
  559. >You already threw your moral code out the window, when you were washing her underbelly.
  560. "Ugh, Oreo um... don't be mad, but for the last part I... erm, I need you to lift your tail for m-me."
  561. >She looked at you with widened eyes.
  562. >Two blinks.
  563. >Yeah, you thought so.
  564. "No, please lis-"
  565. >Two blinks.
  566. "W-wait just let me expl-"
  567. >Two rapid blinks.
  568. >God dammit!
  569. >She was a creature that basically fucked with others to get food, why did she have a problem with it!?
  570. >Better question, why you didn't have any?
  571. >Eh, fuck that noise.
  572. "Listen to me Oreo! It need to be done! I'll be quick and I close my eyes to not violate your privacy more, than I really need to! Plese, just... just trust me."
  573. >...
  574. >She sighed loudly and turned her head away from you, so you couldn't see her muzzle.
  575. >When you began to thought that she doesn't really trust you, her tail started to lift.
  576. >You gulped loudly and closed your eyes.
  577. >Slowly, you put your loofah where her changeling pussy should have been.
  578. >You heard a soft moan in confirmation, that you found the right place.
  579. >Delicately scrubbing up and down, you tried to block out the moans and gasps coming out from Oreo.
  580. >You really fucking tried!
  581. >Though with each movement of your hand, she was getting louder and louder.
  582. >'Oh, hello there Mr. Penis what are you doing here, so hard and long?'
  583. >'Well, Mr. Anon, I'm here to inspect the source of that moaning sounds, of course!'
  584. >You were done, you were so fucking done with this bath!
  585. >In an instant, you threw the loofah into the water and pulled Oreo out from it.
  586. >She had closed eyes and was breathing loudly, but didn't seem to be in any pain.
  587. >Well, you knew exactly why she was looking like that.
  588. "Damn, let me tell you, I'll be the happiest man on the planet, when you'll be able to clean yourself without my help."
  589. >She didn't respond.
  590. >Not that you expect her to.
  591. >You quickly toweled her off and took her back to your bedroom.
  592. >She was so tired, she practically fell asleep in your arms.

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

by rmp

QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

by rmp

QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

by rmp

QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

by rmp

Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

by rmp