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BadGrammarFag - Oreo the changeling chapter3

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:16:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: neQYqyZM.html
  3. Date: FEB 2ND, 2016
  5. ------
  7. >There's a briuse in the shape of a hoof around your right eye.
  8. "Man, this looks like shit."
  9. >And hurts like hell too.
  10. >You're Anonymous, the only human in Equestria extraordinaire.
  11. >First sun rays of a new day, found you standing before a mirror, in your poor ass bathroom.
  12. >You were examining a giant black eye on your face.
  13. >Courtesy of Oreo's nightmare.
  14. >The conclusions you came up with, were quite simple.
  15. >The briuse was painful and it was going to stick around on your face, for at least a couple of days.
  16. >Who knew that a badly injured changeling under-queen could kick with such force.
  17. >Though, it must have been a one fucked up nightmare, for her to behave, like she was the previous evening.
  18. >You really didn't want it to happen again.
  19. >When she'll finally be able to talk with you normally, you should ask her about it.
  20. >Also, about those two hostile drones you found her with.
  21. >You were guessing that they were somehow connected to her fukced up dreams.
  22. >What has Oreo been through?
  23. >Why those two changelings were trying to off her?
  24. >Was there some kind of a war between changeling hives, or some shit?
  25. >Also, are there any other hives except the one ruled by Chrysalis?
  26. >Maybe Oreo was Chrysalis daughter and was trying to take over, but was caught in the act by her vicious mother?
  27. >Will you ever get your bedroom back?
  28. >Those were the questions you'd have to ask her in the near future.
  29. >You were really curious just in what kind of shit you stepped in, when you saved here back there.
  30. >Sooner or later it could bite you in the ass.
  31. >Not that you thought saving Oreo's life was a bad decision.
  32. >Your white knight attitude drove you into many problems in the past and you were prepared for those.
  33. >You flexed before the mirror, like a retarded bodybuilder.
  34. "Unf, alpha as fuck!"
  35. >Yeeah, not so much.
  36. >With that shiner on your face, you looked like if you lost a drunken fight in an Irish pub.
  37. "Fug."
  38. >You could already tell that this freaking black eye will be a bother.
  39. >Not because it was painful, but because it was so visible.
  40. >It will probably bring many unnecessary questions and troublesome suspicions.
  41. >You really hoped that your friends weren't an overprotective and curious bunch.
  42. >Well, you'll cross, or burn that bridge when you'll get there.
  43. >In the corner of your eye, you saw your shower cabin.
  44. >A shiver ran down your spine.
  45. >You remembered yesterdays Oreo's bath.
  46. >Especially, the last part of it.
  47. >You still had a little moral hangover, after what you asked her to do with her tail and all.
  48. >Nevertheless, it had to be done.
  49. >Sighing and shrugging your shoulders, you began brushing your teeth.
  50. >A couple of moments later, you entered your bedroom, carring a bowl of fresh porridge.
  51. >You really should find something new to eat for her, before she kills you in your sleep.
  52. "Good morning Oreo. It's breakfast and medicine time!"
  53. >She stirred in bed and slowly turned her head in your direction.
  54. >You smiled at the sight.
  55. >She was getting stronger already.
  56. >Good, maybe she'll be able to feed herself without your help.
  57. >You also noticed that the stump protruding from her broken horn, grew quite a bit.
  58. >Hmmm?
  59. >Whether you're a damn good nurse, or her kind regenerates pretty quickly, even from such a grievous wounds as hers.
  60. >Oreo wasn't all there yet.
  61. >She looked sleepy as fuck.
  62. >Her gaze was absent and she was smacking her lips audibly.
  63. >She had a nasty case of a bed-mane, every strand of her silky, white hair pointing in different direction.
  64. >Yawning loudly, she started rubbing her snout and eyes with her front hooves.
  65. >Her look and behavior was understandable.
  66. >After all, you woke her up earlier than yesterday.
  67. >You didn't have any other choice though, you didn't want to be late for work again.
  68. >When Oreo was rubbing her muzzle, a few strands of her unruly hair rolled under one of her hoof.
  69. >Almoust instantly, those tickled her nose and she sneezed with the force of a thousand suns.
  70. >Her head was pushed backwards and hit the pillow behind it.
  71. >If not for the bowl of porridge in your hand, you would collapse on the floor from laughing then and there.
  72. >Oreo rose from her lying position once more and squinted her eyes in annoyance.
  73. >Unexpectedly, she licked her front hoof a few times.
  74. >Then, she started stroking her mane with it, arranging and straightening her unruly hair.
  75. >Doing that, she looked like a giant changeling kitten.
  76. "Hhhnnnggg!"
  77. >You grabbed your chest, looking at the adorable display before your eyes.
  78. >When she heard you, she stopped what she was doing.
  79. >She was finally fully awake.
  80. >Her yellow eyes fell on a bowl of porridge in your grip.
  81. >Like always, she gagged audibly and her snout twisted in disgust.
  82. >You looked at her with an apologetic expression on your face.
  83. "I know, I know. I promise, if you eat it today, you won't ever see this shit again. Cross my heart, hope to fly and all that."
  84. >Oreo eyed the sticky mass in the bowl for a while and then sighed in defeat.
  85. >She chirp-clicked something under her nose, blink once and opened her muzzle.
  86. >A lesser man would start to dance from joy, if he was in your place, but not you.
  87. >Being aware of her fickle temper, you just chuckled and started feeding her.
  88. >When you were done, you gave her her medicine.
  89. >Then came the hard part of the morning.
  90. >Gulping loudly, you knew you were about to breach her privacy one more time.
  91. >Nevertheless, this couldn't wait any longer.
  92. "O-Oreo, I... erm... I need to ask you something."
  93. >She looked at you with interest.
  94. "Practically, it's your third day here and I was wondering, do you... um, do you need to... do you need to go to the bathroom?"
  95. >There, you said it.
  96. >Now you can finally commit sudoku.
  97. >Maybe it won't be so bad, stay stronk Anon.
  98. >You'll just sit her on the loo and leave.
  99. >Then, you'll be back when she's finished and take her back to your bedroom.
  100. >yeah, that was a good plan.
  101. >Surprisingly, Oreo wasn't offended by your question.
  102. >An evil smile bloomed on her snout and she blinked once.
  103. >She won't make this easy on you, ain't she?
  104. >Well, fug.
  105. >...
  106. >You were walking through the town in a hurry.
  107. >Your mind was full of fuck after-
  108. >No, no!
  109. >You didn't want to remeber that!
  110. >Burn, burn this memory to cinders, Anon!
  111. >Luckily, after a long lecture filled with a lot of hand waving and curses, Oreo promised she'll never do it again.
  112. >You sighed tiredly.
  113. "Oreo, I'm going to end up in a loony bin because of yo-"
  114. >A loud gasp interrupted your line of thought.
  115. >Looking around, you saw that ponies were looking at you with widened eyes.
  116. >Many of them were whispering among each other, pointing at your face.
  117. >Especially mares.
  118. >What the hell, you thought you got rid of that smell from-
  119. >Oh, right... you forgot about your nice and juicy black eye.
  120. >Still walking, you raised your hands in front of you.
  121. "H-Hey, take it easy everyone. Nothing bad happened. It was just an accident, nothing else! Bye!"
  122. >You started running through the town, just like yesterday.
  123. >When you were closing on the Spa, you were out of breath.
  124. "God *huff* fucking *huff* dammit! Why can't I *huff* get to work normally for once these days!"
  125. >Slowing down, you entered the Ponyville Day Spa.
  126. >You saw Lotus sitting behind the counter.
  127. >"Welcome Mr. Anonymous, I see you're in time toda-"
  128. >Her jaw dropped on the floor.
  129. >"Oh my Celestia, what happened to you?!"
  130. >You walked up to the counter and pointed at your right eye.
  131. "You mean this?"
  132. >Saying nothing, she nodded her head.
  133. "Naah, I lived through far worse. This was only a little accident. Just forget about it and let me get to work."
  134. >She didn't looked convinced, but slowly nodded her head one more time.
  135. >"I-If you say so... How's your marefriend doing, Mr. Anonymous?"
  136. >You raised your eyebrow at that.
  137. "She's erm... fine."
  138. >Lotus gulped audibly.
  139. >There was an awkward smile on her muzzle.
  140. >"G-Glad to hear it."
  141. >Ok, something was wrong here.
  142. >Better nip it in the bud.
  143. "Yeah, about that. We'd like to keep our um.. relationship a secret, so I want to ask you, to not speak about it with anyone and-"
  144. >"Lotus, my dear! I want to ask you abut this lotion you... Oh, good morning, Anonymous darling, how are you this fine morning?"
  145. >Oh crap, it was Rarity!
  146. >You forgot that she had an early morning appointment today!
  147. >Time to bail!
  148. "Hi Rarara, I'm fine, but enough of this chit-chat, I need to go."
  149. >You covered your bruised eye with your hand and started walking away.
  150. >Only to be stopped by a marshmallow white hoof.
  151. >"I'm sorry darling, but I can't let you go, before you tell us what happened to you."
  152. >Ugh.
  153. >Lie, lie out of your ass Anon!
  154. >You quiclky rolled with your golden d18 dice.
  155. "I fell down the stairs!"
  156. >FFFUUUUUUU.png
  157. >You fucking dumbass, why can't you lie like your human politicians back home?!
  158. >"Oh, pish posh! I never heard about the stairs, that leave bruises in the shape of a hoof!"
  159. >Yep, she didn't buy it.
  160. >Well, even you wouldn't believe you.
  161. >"Now tell me darling, who did this to you?"
  162. "N-no one did, Rara. It was just an accident."
  163. >She came closer to you and looked you deeply in the eyes.
  164. >"I don't want to be the one, who throws unfounded accusations around, but I think it was that new marefriend of yours, Anonymous."
  165. >You shoot Lotus a dirty glare.
  166. "Seriously?! You told Rarity about her?!"
  167. >Suddenly, Lotus became very interested with the floor beneath her.
  168. >"W-Well, until now I didn't know, you wanted to k-keep it a secret."
  169. >Fug, she was right about this.
  170. >You felt Rarity's hoof tapping your thigh.
  171. >"We're not done yet, dear. Tell me, is your marefriend a colt-beater?
  172. >She suddenly stomed with her front hoof.
  173. >"Is she an uncouth, savage, vulgar colt-beater! Is she, Anonymous?!"
  174. >The fuck?!
  175. >You were caught off guard with her sudden outburst.
  176. "Wow, Rarara! Watch your blood pressure there!"
  177. >Though yeah, with such a big gap between the number of stallions and mares, a 'colt-beater' was a thing in this world.
  178. >It was also a very, very rare occurrence.
  179. >Nevertheless, a mare found guilty of being one, was usually sentenced mercilessly and shunned by the society, for the rest of her miserable life.
  180. >You patted Rarity on the head.
  181. "Listen Rares, it's nice to see you care, but it was really just an accident. Please, let me go."
  182. >She sighed loudly.
  183. >"Well, alright darling. However, this isn't the end of our little talk. Not by a long shot."
  184. >Walking away, you just waved your hand in the air.
  185. "Yeah, yeah see you later, Rarara."
  186. >Though, you were trying to act cool, you knew you dodged a pretty big bullet back there.
  187. >Hopefully Rarity will quickly forget about this matter and won't pester you, about your non existent, abusive marefriend anymore.
  188. >You were never more wrong in your life.
  189. >Go figure.
  190. >You found out about this a couple of hours later.
  191. >That particular moment found you sitting on the couch, in your living room after work.
  192. >Oreo was still sleeping soundly and you were reading the 'Changeling Encyclopedia', you borrowed from Spike the day before.
  193. >Particularly, you were reading the chapter, where that one pone professor were speculating, that there may be more than one changeling hive in Equestria.
  194. >Though, he has no solid proof, to back up his theory.
  195. >You were about to turn the page, when you heard a loud knocking at your main door.
  196. >When you opened those, you saw Lotus, Aloe and Rarity standing before you.
  197. >Well, shit.
  198. >Try to remain calm, Anon.
  199. >Be like a temple full of meditating monks.
  200. "Yes, can I help you?"
  201. >Rarity was the one, who answered you.
  202. >"Aren't you going to invite us inside, Anonymous?"
  203. >On the one hand you were pretty tempted to tell her no and shut the door on her snout.
  204. >On the other hand, she came to you, with your two 'bossmares?'in tow and you couldn't afford to lose your job at the Spa.
  205. >Well played dress horse, well played.
  206. "Please, come in and get comfortable on my poor ass couch."
  207. >"Why thank you, darling. You're most kind."
  208. >Without further ado, the three mares came inside and placed their shapely flanks on your couch.
  209. >"You've got a nice... house Mr. Anonymous. It's so cozy and... peaceful."
  210. >Ah Aloe, she always tried so hard to be polite.
  211. "Thanks Aloe, I appreciate it."
  212. >You stood before Rarity in all your annoyed glory.
  213. "Alright, can you tell me now, what do you want from me?"
  214. >Truth to be told, you were scared shitless.
  215. >After all, Oreo slept in the next room, just behind the closed door.
  216. >Rarity looked at you with a small smile on her muzzle.
  217. >"Aren't you going to offer us some refreshments, my dear?"
  218. >You felt a vein popping in your eye.
  219. >Oh you little, fuckin-
  220. >Looking at you, Lotus leaned forward and raised her eyebrow.
  221. >You clenched your fists, teeth and buttocks.
  222. "D-Do y-you want some tea?"
  223. >"No, thank you, I'm fine"
  224. >>"Me too, I didn't came here to drink tea."
  225. >>>"I concour. We're not here to take advantage of your hospitality, Anonymous. Nevertheless, thank you for asking."
  226. >She was a troll!
  227. >Rarity was a fucking, well mannered troll!
  228. >Before you managed to jump and strangle her, she opened her prissy mouth once more.
  229. >"We came here to talk with your marefriend, darling."
  230. >Color drained from your face.
  231. >You quickly pressed L+R to evade.
  232. "W-Well, then you're out of luck. She's not here. You can go home, sorry for the inconvenience."
  233. >Rarity wasn't amused.
  234. >"Yes, I gathered as much. I have two more questions then. Where is she and do we know her?"
  235. >Fug, Rarara was onto something.
  236. "Um... No, you don't know her a-and she's not in town at the moment. She, erm... she went on a trip to the Crystal Empire for a few... months."
  237. >Aloe hoped off the couch and stood before you.
  238. >"It's really sweet how you're trying to protect her Mr. Anonymous, but please don't lie to us. We're here to help you."
  239. >Holy shit Aloe, you're losing your brownie points like crazy there.
  240. >Though, you couldn't resist and ruffled her mane a little.
  241. "Be that as it may, my little, helpful pone, she's not here at the moment."
  242. >Suddenly, a rustling and bed squeaking sounds were heard from your bedroom.
  243. >Lotus and Rarity were out of your couch in a heartbeat.
  244. >"She isn't here, hmmm darling?"
  245. >Rarity started to walk in your bedroom's door direction, with Aloe and Lotus behind her.
  246. >You quickly jumped before them and opened out your arms.
  247. "Woah, why do you want to check out my bedroom, where there's DEFINITELY NO ONE INSIDE!"
  248. >Aloe covered her ears.
  249. >"Why are you shouting like that, Mr Anonymous? We're standing next to you."
  250. >You were sweating like a pig.
  251. "W-Why? No reason, I was just curious, because THERE'S NO ONE IN MY BEDROOM!"
  252. >Lotus had enough of your behavior.
  253. >"Gah, move aside Mr. Anonymous!"
  254. >Before you managed to grab her, she pressed the door handle with her front hoof and opened the door.
  255. >"I-I can't belive it Mr. Anonymous!"
  256. >Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!
  257. >You were so fuuuucked!
  258. >"I never seen a bedroom in such a poor state!"
  259. >Huh... wut?!
  260. >You quickly went inside after the blue mare.
  261. >"T-The bed isn't made a-and there's dried porridge on the walls and it smells strange in here!"
  262. >Oreo wasn't lying on the bed.
  263. >You started looking for her stealthily.
  264. >"H-How can you even sleep in here, Mr. Anonymous?!"
  265. >Then, you saw yellow eyes, with slit pupils looking at you from under the bed.
  266. >As fast as you could, you grabbed Lotus and turned her around.
  267. "Y-Yeah, that's why I didn't want you to see it, boss. Let's get out of here."
  268. >You gently lead her outside and closed the door behind the both of you.
  269. >When Lotus told the rest about what she saw in your bedroom, Rarity sighed loudly.
  270. >"Phew! Now, I'm glad I wasn't the one who went there."
  271. >Nevertheless, before you managed to say something, she looked at you with a serious expression.
  272. >"Anonymous, I'm afraid I need to bring my hoof down."
  273. >What the hell did she meant by that?!
  274. >"Like Aloe said, it's really commendable of you to look after your marefriend like you do. Nevertheless, the time for games is over."
  275. >She took a step in your direction.
  276. >"We'll be back in three days. We just want to talk with your marefriend, but if she won't be here, I'm calling the guards. I'm sorry, darling, I really do, but nopony will hurt my friends and that bruise on your face, looks simply horrible."
  277. >Damn Rarara, why you so OOC?!
  278. >Though, on the other hand, she was just looking after your wellbeing.
  279. >You would probably do the same in her place.
  280. >When the three 'mares of justice' left your house, you quickly went back to your bedroom.
  281. >Oreo was still lying under the bed and you carefully pulled her out form there.
  282. >Holding her in your arms you turned to her.
  283. "I'm sorry Oreo. I couldn't done anything, to prevent Lotus from walking in here."
  284. >You gently laid her on the bed and covered her with the blanket.
  285. >To your surprise, she shrilled softly and delicately touched your bruise with her front hoof.
  286. >Her ears flatten on her head and she was looking at you with a sad expression.
  287. >Was she... was she trying to apologise for hurting you like this?
  288. >After all, she saw it in the morning and didn't care none.
  289. >Maybe she though it wasn't such a bid deal and until she heard the 'justice trio' making a lot of fuss about it.
  290. >Wow, she was really warming up to you, wasn't she?
  291. >Oh yeah, fucking progress!
  292. >You chuckled.
  293. "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault. Oh and thanks for the understanding, your highness."
  294. >You carefully patted her on the head.
  295. >She squinted her eyes juuuust a little.
  296. "Well, I'm glad you were strong enogh to hide yourself like that. I'm sure you'll be able to feed yourself from now on."
  297. >You sat beside her on the bed.
  298. "Listen Oreo, something urgent came up and I need to take care of it asap. I'll be back in the evening, I hope you're fine with it?"
  299. >She looked at you, doing nothing for a few moments.
  300. >Then, she looked away scrunching her muzzle and crossing her front hooves on her chest.
  301. >You even heard a quiet huff coming out from her.
  302. >Freaking tsundere bug pone.
  303. "Yeah, I know that sitting here alone, being unable to move much, is nothing fun."
  304. >You put your hand on one of her hind legs, covered by the blanket.
  305. "However, I don't want the guards to find you here. If they do, we're both fucked, Oreo. They'll probably throw you in the dungeons along with me. By helping you, I've practically became a traitor."
  306. >Oreo relaxed a little and sighed loudly.
  307. >She turn her head to look at you and blinked once.
  308. "Thanks, I'll try to be back as soon as I can. I'll bring you something to eat and your medicine. Then, I'll be off."
  309. >You quickly prepared boiled rice with fried vegetables, along with some green tea for her.
  310. >What?
  311. >You may not be a MasterChef winner, but at least it wasn't porridge again.
  312. >And becouse of that, you don't need to be concerned, about Oreo putting a knife in your back in the near future.
  313. >About an hour after that, you were sitting at Lyra's house, telling her about Rarara's plan.
  314. "...and that's why I need your help Lyra. I don't want the guards to harass me and all. Oh and please, don't ask me where I got that bruise, it's personal."
  315. >Lyra arched her eybrow at that.
  316. >"Alright, let me get this straight. In three days time, you want me to come to your house and act as your marefriend, before Rarity and spa sisters. I'll have to tell them that I kicked you in the face by an accident and act all sad and regretful about it, right?"
  317. >You nodded.
  318. "Precisely. They won't suspect anything, because you've been always obses- erm, interested in me."
  319. >The mint green mare scratched her muzzle, with her hoof.
  320. >"Sooo... if something goes wrong, I'll have three mares wanting to beat the hay out of me. Also, you still don't want to tell me who did this to you and why. If I agree to help you, what's in it for me, Anon?"
  321. >She smiled smugly looking down at your hands.
  322. >Feck, you thought she'd be happy only form getting your undying gratitude.
  323. >Guess you have no choice in the matter.
  324. "Ok Lyra, if everything goes according to the plan and those three mares leave my house, convinced that nothing really happened to me I'll..."
  325. >You gulped loudly.
  326. "... I'll let you experiment with my hands then and there."
  327. >After sealing the deal with the mint green devil, you've returned home.
  328. >It was already dark outisde, when you entered your bedroom to chek up on Oreo.
  329. >Using your ninja skillz, you tired to move as quiet as you could to not wake her up.
  330. >To your surprise, the light was still on inside.
  331. >At first, you noticed a distinct lack of an injured changeling under-queen under on the bed.
  332. >The only thing that was on it, was a bowl with a half-eaten rice and vegetables combo.
  333. >You didn't need to look far to find Oreo.
  334. >She was sitting beside the dresser, which you used mostly to contain your clothes.
  335. >Without a care in the world, Oreo was rummaging through your underwear drawer.
  336. >She was so engrossed with it, that she didn't even noticed you standing there.
  337. >A pair of briefs was dangling from her horn and she had a sock stuck on one of her pointy ears.
  338. >In spite of yourself, you smiled at the strange sight before you.
  339. >Still unaware of your presence, Oreo's head dived once more into your drawer.
  340. >She pulled out another pair of briefs from it.
  341. >If she start sniffing them, you swear, you're going to smack her on the head.
  342. >Delicately of course, you don't want to patch her up again.
  343. >Nevertheless, instead of using her nose, she put two of her front hooves, through the leg holes in your briefs.
  344. >With a goofy smile on her snout, she started stretching them in and out.
  345. >Her fun quickly ended when the abused material gave up and ripped.
  346. >Oreo looked at the torn briefs, shrugged her changeling shoulders and tossed it on the floor.
  347. >Was she ruining your underwear out of spite?!
  348. >Was it some kind of a stupid revenge, for you leaving her alone for the entire evening?!
  349. >Or, maybe she was just a perverted changeling under-queen?
  350. >Be it as it may, you were not amused.
  351. >Especially, when she produced a new pair of socks from the drawer and tried to put these on her front hooves.
  352. >She punctured them with her fangs and coated them in her saliva.
  353. >Also, she used too much strength, stretching them into oblivion on her hooves.
  354. >All in all, you had one pair of socks less.
  355. "Harumpf!"
  356. >You grunted loudly to get her attention.
  357. >A sock planted on her ear twitched in your direction.
  358. "Yeah, I'm right behind you."
  359. >Still looking at your dresser, Oreo stopped moving instantly.
  360. >She had a 'dear in the headlights' expression painted all over her features.
  361. >You slowly walked up to her and gently removed the pair of briefs hanging from her horn.
  362. "Alright, what do you have to say for yourself, your highness?"
  363. >Still not moving an inch, she didn't 'said' anything.
  364. >She wasn't even looking at you, her yellow eyes still plastered to the dresser in front of her.
  365. >Was she that scared of you, or was she playing 'dead and petrified' in hopes you'll leave her alone?
  366. >Tough luck on the second one, you're not some crazy bear from the woods.
  367. >Pulling the sock out of her ear, you crouched beside her and carefully grabbed her front hoof.
  368. >She wasn't resisting at all, like if she was a doll, or something.
  369. >When you removed the last sock, you looked in her still unmoving eyes.
  370. "Listen, I know what you're trying to do and it's not working."
  371. >Her slit pupils shrunk a little.
  372. >Good, looks like she heard you just fine.
  373. >You tried to sound serious.
  374. "Why did you sudenly decided to destroy my shit, Oreo? I want an explenation and I want it now."
  375. >Her ears flatten on her head.
  376. >"HHHSSSSH!"
  377. >She hissed loudly and jumped on the bed, quickly hiding herself under the blanket.
  378. >The half-eaten food went flying on the floor.
  379. "Yeah, I thought so too."
  380. >Why you weren't surprised.
  381. >Cleaning the food from the ground, you looked at the changeling-shaped lump under the blanket.
  382. >There was some of Oreo's white tail sticking out, at the edge of it.
  383. >Feeling a little mischievous, you pulled at it delicately.
  384. >It quickly vanished under the blanket and you heard a muffled hiss.
  385. >You stood up and crossed your hands on your chest.
  386. "Say, are you sure you're not exaggerating Oreo? You destroyed my stuff and I didn't even shout at you, you know. Hell, you even looked adorable for a moment in those socks there, so how could I."
  387. >The blanket lump moved, but you couldn't hear anything coming from it.
  388. "Oh, and I guess, if you're not sleeping yet, it's time for your medicine."
  389. >You produced a small package of painkillers from your pocket.
  390. >You took a few pills from it and put those at the edge of the blanket.
  391. "Here, bon appetit."
  392. >The lump under the blanket moved in the pills direction.
  393. >The edge of the fabric raised a little and you saw a black, chitinous snout, sticking out from it.
  394. >Oreo's nose was working overtime, sniffing out the exact location of painkillers.
  395. >When she finally found those, her tongue shoot out from her muzzle and grabbed them all in one, quick lick.
  396. >Then, the snout hide itself under the blanket once more.
  397. >Why wasn't she coming out?
  398. >After all, you did tell her that you wasn't mad about those destroyed briefs and socks.
  399. >Was she upset about something else?
  400. >You sat on the bed beside her hidden form.
  401. "Umm... I really don't know why you're upset with me Oreo. Though, if it's about me being so long at Lyra's place then I'm sorry, but I had to speak with her and it wasn't an easy talk. I did it to ensure your safety in the future."
  402. >Tfw you actually apologised for it.
  403. >Tfw beta as fuck.
  404. >...
  405. >Oreo didn't respond.
  406. >Guess it was your cue to leave, maybe she'll be in a better mood in the morning.
  407. >Suddenly, when you began getting up, the blanket moved and Oreo's head shoot from under it.
  408. >She grabbed your shirt sleeve with her teeth.
  409. >With the strength, you didn't even expect from her, she yanked on it and you fall backwards on the bed.
  410. >Pomf!
  411. "Wah! What are we gonna do on the bed, Oreo?"
  412. >What?!
  413. >You just couldn't resist!
  414. >At the moment, Oreo was lying right beside you.
  415. >She grabbed the blanket with her front hoof and with one swift motion, covered you with it.
  416. >What the fuck was with that development?!
  417. >First she was mad, then she...
  418. "Uhh... really Oreo, what's going on?!"
  419. >Moveing faster than your eyes could fallow, she snuggled up to you.
  420. >You felt her tail coiling around your right leg.
  421. >Wow, now that's a one fucking dexterous tail.
  422. >You didn't know she could move it like that.
  423. >She put one of her hind hooves on your thigh and one of her front hooves around your stomach.
  424. >Then, she laid her head on your chest and closed her eyes.
  425. >You were at least a little dumbfounded.
  426. >[spoiler]And a little aroused.[/spoiler]
  427. "Erm, Oreo? Do you really think that I'm going to sleep with you here?"
  428. >She opened one of her eyes and chittered softly at you.
  429. >Huh?
  430. >Maybe it was an equivalent of "Duh!" in the bug language?
  431. "Then you're wrong."
  432. >You started getting up, with her still on your chest.
  433. >"HISSS...."
  434. >You stopped getting up.
  435. >"...sssss..."
  436. >You laid down.
  437. >"sss..."
  438. >Silence.
  439. >Shit, it looks like you're going to spend the night here, after all.
  440. >No, there was still one more chance to escape!
  441. "You know, I can't sleep with the light still on. Let me switch it off, please."
  442. >Yep, you're going to stand up and run away.
  443. >This plan was fucking bulletproof.
  444. >Oreo huffed audibly.
  445. >She was going to let you go.
  446. >...
  447. >Any moment now?
  448. >...
  449. >Her head moved and in a blink of an eye, she turned it and grabbed one of the pillows behind her, with her teeth.
  450. >She threw it across the room, hitting the light switch with an amazing precision.
  451. >The room was covered in darkness.
  452. >You felt that her head was back on your chest.
  453. >Then you heard a soft humming noise and after that, quiet snoring coming out of its direction.
  454. >You sighed in defeat and closed your eyes to sleep.
  457. [Somewhere deep within the Crystal Mountains.]
  458. >"So, General Scarab, can you tell me where is my doughter?"
  459. >You are Firi, the royal advisor of Queen Flux.
  460. >The ruler of the Crystal Changelings.
  461. >At the moment you and the mentioned General Scarab, were standing before your queen, who was sitting on her gem encrusted throne.
  462. >The thorne room was located at the end of the royal tunnels section of your hive, deep beneath the Crystal Mountains.
  463. >The question aimed at General Scarab was spoken in a calm and collected tone.
  464. >Nevertheless, he gulped loudly when preparing his answer.
  465. >"I... I can't tell you this yet, my queen."
  466. >Queen Flux narrowed her yellow eyes dangerously, but was still speaking slowly and quietly.
  467. >"Really? Or, maybe my question wasn't accurate enough and you didn't understand, who I was talking about."
  468. >She leaned forward on her throne.
  469. >"I was talking about my daughter, General. The only heir of this hive's throne, princes-"
  470. >General made a mistake by interrupting her speech.
  471. >"I know who you are talking about, my queen and I'm affraid that the answer is still-"
  472. >"SILENCE, SCARAB!"
  473. >She hit the throne with one of her front hooves.
  474. >A web of cracks bloomed on the hard, gem encrusted surface.
  475. >"Am I to believe that your so called spy network, have no information regarding my daughter's whereabouts, General?! Is everyling under your command an incompetent fool?!"
  476. >You felt that it was time to rescue General's chitinous flank.
  477. "If I may, my queen!"
  478. >The Queen turned her attention at you.
  479. >She sighed loudly and once more spoke in a calm tone.
  480. >"I'm listening Firi, but please, don't test my patience."
  481. >You looked at General Scarab.
  482. >He better be grateful, for what you were about to say.
  483. "I think that the competence of our spies have nothing to do with the lack of information about your daughter, my queen."
  484. >Queen Flux raised her brow at you, in a silent question.
  485. "It's just that after our return along with the Crystal Empire, we didn't have much time to reastablish our spy network, to be as glourious as it was before. There are still many places in Equestria where we simply don't have any of our agents present."
  486. >Queen Flux straighten up on her throne.
  487. >"In my understanding, there was more than enough time to restore our spy network to its former glory, Firi."
  488. >You shook your head.
  489. "Not after what Queen Chrysalis did, my queen. After her attack on the pony capital, Equestrians became more than careful and suspicious. We simply can't afford to be hasty in that matter. If we do that, our spies will be captured and locked in their dungeons."
  490. >Your queen hissed lodly.
  491. >"CHRYSALIS! That young fool! I bet she's behind the disappearance of my daughter!"
  492. >For anyling out there, it would be strange to say something like this about Queen Chrysalis.
  493. >Though, Queen Flux was one of the oldest beings in this world.
  494. >She ruled the Crystal Changeling hive long before the hive from Badlands even heard the name Chrysalis.
  495. >Only the demi-gods like Celestia, or Luna could brag about being older and more powerful than her.
  496. "I... I don't think that Queen Chrysalis could be foolish and desperate enough, to attack an under-queen from the hive, that could easily crush hers, my queen."
  497. >When she heard you, Queen Flux laughed audibly.
  498. >"Chrysalis, not desperate enough?! General Scarab, tell Firi just how many warriors did 'Queen' Chrysalis used to lay siege on Canterlot."
  499. >Scarab doesn't need to tell you this, you knew those and any other numbers related to the Badlands hive.
  500. >It was one of the first things your spies got information on, after your return along the Crystal Empire.
  501. >Though, for the sake of yours and his health, you played along and pretend you didn't know it.
  502. >"She had around five thousand warriors under her command, my queen."
  503. >Queen Flux chuckled loudly.
  504. >"Ha! You see Firi! Chrysalis picture should be depicted under the definition of 'desperation' in the dictionary. If I would to lay siege on some podunk Equestrian town, I would used around fifty thousand of my best warriors. She used ten times less, when attacking their capital. A one million strong nation capital, Firi!
  505. >You didn't want to argue with your queen, but it looked like you didn't have a choice.
  506. "From what I know, she didn't had any more warriors at her disposal, my queen. Her hive isn't that great as it used to be during her mother's rein. Now, after the Canterlot fiasco, she have even less changeling under her command, so I still think it would be very unwise for her to do something to your daughter and she is not the one to blame here."
  507. >General Scarab looked at you with squinted eyes.
  508. >"Maybe yes, maybe not, advisor. However, if Queen Chrysalis hive is not the one to be blamed, for the disappearance of our princess, then the conclusion is only one. The ponies are the ones to blamed."
  509. >And that would be all about that old bug's gratitude.
  510. "We have no proof against them, general. The ponies don't even know about the existence of our hive."
  511. >Queen Flux raised her hole riddled front hooves, to silence you and General Scarab.
  512. >"Be that as it may, if there won't be any information about my daughter's whereabouts in a couple of days, I'll have to ask Celestia about her myself."
  513. >Yours and General eyes widened.
  514. "B-But, my queen! If you come out of our hiding, they'll learn about our hive's existence!"
  515. >She smiled bitterly, looking at you.
  516. >"You think I don't know that, Firi? My daughter is my only heir and I don't know how much time I have left on this world. She is crucial for this hive's survival, don't you ever think otherwise."
  517. >You blinked a few times.
  518. "E-Even though, Equestrians have no reason to help us, or provide us with any information."
  519. >Your queen closed her eyes.
  520. >"Then I give them one, good reason to do this."
  521. "And what is it, my queen?"
  522. >Queen Flux eyes opened and you gulped loudly.
  523. >You knew you wouldn't like her answer.
  524. >"Simple, my dear Firi. War."

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