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BadGrammarFag - Oreo the changeling chapter4

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:17:20
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: ujW4FuXE.html
  3. Date: FEB 6TH, 2016
  5. ------
  7. >You are lying on the bed.
  8. >There's a sleeping changeling under-queen clinging to you, with no intention of letting you go.
  9. >That means you're Anonymous and the changeling snoring on your chest is none other than Oreo.
  10. >A mystery black and white changeling under-queen, you saved from certain death some time ago.
  11. >At the beginning she was a rather pompous and ungrateful kind of 'patient'.
  12. >Probably you were nothing else for her, than a food and medicine source.
  13. >You stirred in bed and looked at her sleeping form.
  14. >The situation you found yourself in, was a clear proof that she changed her opinion regarding you.
  15. >What was she thinking about you at the moment, you couldn't tell.
  16. >Where you her nurse, or a friend, or... maybe something more?
  17. >After all, she forced you to sleep with her, that must mean something, right?
  18. >...
  19. >Ooor, maybe she just didn't want to be alone that night and you were the only one she could turn to?
  20. >She's far away from her kin, injured and probably scared.
  21. >If you were in her place, you would try to seek comfort and normalcy in life too.
  22. >You slaped yourself on the forehead.
  23. "Man, I should stop overthinking things so much. It's not good for my health, or my sanity."
  24. >Also, it was morning already and you didn't want to be late for work.
  25. >It was time to get your lazy ass out of bed.
  26. >As if she's read your mind, Oreo's hooves curled tighter around you.
  27. >Your only way of escape was blocked.
  28. "Clever girl."
  29. >You looked at her once again.
  30. >Her eyes were closed and she was still snoring peacefully.
  31. >She also had a small smile on her muzzle, probably dreaming about something nice.
  32. >Shame that you had no other choice, than to end that dream prematurely.
  33. >You put your hand on her withers and delicately shook her.
  34. "Hey, Oreo. It's time to wake up. I need to prepare for work and you need to eat and take your medicine."
  35. >Not opening her eyes, she only tighten her vice-like grip on you and started to snore louder
  36. >Was she mocking you?
  37. >You shook her harder.
  38. "Oi, your highness! It's time to open that pretty eyes of yours and let me go!"
  39. >Her smile widened, but other than that, there was no reaction from her.
  40. >You arched your eyebrow.
  41. "So you think, you're a tough customer, huh?"
  42. >Oreo's ears started twitching, trying to determine what you were about to do.
  43. >You slowly prepared you finger of doom.
  44. >Hopefully, she won't try to bite it off this time.
  45. >Without further ado, you pressed her changeling snozzle with the force of a thousand fruit flies!
  46. "B00P!"
  47. >...3
  48. >...2
  49. >...1
  50. >Houston... we have a scrunched muzzle!
  51. >I repeat, we have a scrunched muzzle!
  52. >Oreo's eyes open widely.
  53. >She lifted her head from your chest and rubbed her nose with her hoof.
  54. >"You know, that wasn't very funny!"
  55. >You shrugged your sholders.
  56. "Yeah sorry, but you gave me no choic- WHAT THE FUCK, YOU'RE TALKING NOW?!"
  57. >You almost fell out of bed, from the pure shock of hearing her talk.
  58. >She grabbed you with her front hooves and pinned you to the bed.
  59. >"Oh and why shouldn't I? After, all you talk to me all the time.~"
  60. >Her voice was, let's call it unusual.
  61. >It was like hearing two similar feminine voices at the same time, with a little humming and buzzing noises in the background.
  62. >Being held in place by her, you gulped loudly.
  63. "W-Well, you 'said' you couldn't talk for as long as your horn remains broken and all that."
  64. >Oreo was pretty amused with what was going on.
  65. >She smiled smugly and shifted her weight on your chest.
  66. >You quickly looked at her front hooves on your chest and then back at her 'face'.
  67. >She brought it closer to yours.
  68. >"Yes, you're right, but as you can see it grew back enough for me to communicate, with the use of my basic magic."
  69. >You turned your eyes to look at the top of her head.
  70. >Indeed, the stump protruding from the broken part of her horn, was a lot bigger than it was the day before.
  71. "I see that it's not fully erm... healed, regenerated? Nevertheless, how could it grew so much, in such a short time?!"
  72. >Oreo chuckled audibly.
  73. >She laid her chest on yours.
  74. >Then, leaned down and whispered into your ear.
  75. >"Someling had a very naughty dream tonight. You gave me enough emotional energy, to speed up the regeneration process."
  76. >Y-yeah, you had those dreams full of sex adventures sometimes, but you are not a pervert.
  77. >[spoiler]At least you think you're not.[/spoiler]
  78. >A-After all, you were a single man in a world full of talking, marshmallow horses and you have your needs dammit!
  79. "R-Really?"
  80. >Her silky, white mane was covering your face, but you could clearly hear her licking her fangs.
  81. >"Oh, yes. I knew it was a good idea to make you stay with me tonight, Anonymous."
  82. >You could feel her warm breath on your ear.
  83. >"I wouldn't mind to sleep like that every night. What do you say, my hero?"
  84. >The "Changeling Encyclopedia" warned you about this.
  85. >Being with you and your 'intense' dream for the whole night, made her practically drunk with all the emotional energy she absorbed.
  86. >She was pretty unpredictable at the moment and you decided to act quickly before things could got out of hand.
  87. >Using all of your willpower, you grabbed under her front armpits to lift her up.
  88. "Sorry Oreo, you're not exactly yourself right now and I need to go to work soon. Be a good patient and let your nurse go."
  89. >She huffed loudly.
  90. >"Killjoy."
  91. >Lowering her on the bed, you chuckled.
  92. "Yeah, that's all me, I thought you got to know me already?"
  93. >Looking visibly annoyed with how the situation developed, Oreo laid her head on the pillow before her.
  94. >"I thought so too, but I guess that I was wrong."
  95. >Getting out of bed, you gently patted her on the withers.
  96. "Don't worry about it, we're all wrong sometimes. Now let me get you some food and medicine, alright?"
  97. >Her ears twitched in your direction, but she didn't looked at you.
  98. >"I don't want to eat anything that isn't an emotional energy. If you bring me normal food, I promise I'll paint the walls with it."
  99. >She was acting like an offended drunk, who got cut off from the booze.
  100. "You don't want it? Fine, I won't give you anything. I bet that this energy you took from me, will be enough for you."
  101. >She closed her eyes, not impressed with your little speech.
  102. >"Be that as it may, I still need more of it to get better. Think about it and get me my medicine, I'm starting to feel my stitches."
  103. >Ugh, lovely.
  104. >She was back to being a self-important cunt.
  105. >Though, this time she could talk.
  106. >Anon will have to smack a bitc-
  107. >No, no, no!
  108. >Stay calm, man.
  109. >Staaay calm.
  110. >You knew that her behavior, was just a side effect of her overdosing on your emotional energy.
  111. >From what you remembered from the book, you should leave her for some time alone and she'll get better.
  112. >You produced a few pills from your pocket and put them on your night stand.
  113. >Then you tapped it a few times.
  114. "You can find your medicine here, Oreo. Have a nice day and don't let me catch you destroying more of my stuff, are w clear?"
  115. >Not opening her eyes, she turned her head away from you.
  116. >"Hmph!"
  117. >Well, fuck you too.
  118. >Without saying anything to her, you walked out of the room.
  119. >...
  120. >When you returned from your work in the evening, you found her sitting on the bed.
  121. >She was looking at her hole riddled front hooves, with her shoulders dropped down.
  122. >Her ears were flatten on her head and her eyes and muzzle were mostly hidden behind her long, white mane.
  123. >All in all, she looked pretty miserable.
  124. >Before you could say anything,she lifted her head up and spoke to you, with a pretty fake smile on her muzzle.
  125. >"So, you're back at last, my little nurse."
  126. >You just raised your eyebrow, and leaned on the door frame, with your arms crossed.
  127. >She locked her gaze with yours for a few moments and her smile vanished.
  128. >Then, sighing loudly, she laid on her belly, mumbling something under her breath.
  129. >"Ehh, what's the point of acting high and mighty, when you don't feel like it."
  130. >She was once again looking at her front hooves.
  131. >Interesting, maybe you should say something.
  132. "Excuse me, your highness, what is the meaning of-"
  133. >"I'M SORRY, ALRIGHT! ...I'm sorry for my behavior in the morning, it wasn't... appropriate. I was a little... overwhelmed from all that energy I got from you."
  134. >Wow, she actually apologised!
  135. >That's a big plus in your book.
  136. >You entered the room and wave your hand in dismissal.
  137. "Yeah, I knew about it. I even told you, you're not yourself and all. Don't worry, everything's fine and dandy between us."
  138. >You quickly searched your bedroom for any damage and were happy to see that there was none.
  139. "I see you've taken your medicine. If you want more, I can givie you some now?"
  140. >She blew a few strands of her mane, from her muzzle and looked at you.
  141. >"No, I feel fine right now. However, I want you to answer some questions for me."
  142. >You sat beside her, on the bed.
  143. "Alright, but you have to answer one of my own first. What is your real name, your highness? Please, translate it to Engli... I mean Equish if you can."
  144. >And just like that she looked happier already.
  145. >She put one of her hooves on her chest and smiled smugly.
  146. >"Why of course, my dear subject. I am under-queen Collada, daughter of Queen Flux, princess of the Crystal Changelings hive!"
  147. >Damn, now you've got some more questions, but you'll have to wait for your turn.
  148. "Nice to meet you Princess Collada, I'm Anon the only human it this candyland called Equestria, but you know it already. Oh, and by the way, I'm not your subject. As much as it pained her, Princess Sunbutt granted me citizenship, so 'technically' speaking I'm her subject, not yours."
  149. >Oreo, or rather Collada mumbled something under her breath.
  150. >"...we'll see about that..."
  151. >Before you managed to ask her what was she talking about, she chuckled loudly.
  152. >"Well, 'technically' speaking you're a traitor and my first question is related to that. Why did you help me, Anon? I'm a changeling under-queen, Equestrians fears and hates my kind."
  153. >You pinched your nose in thought.
  154. "Simple, I don't fear or hate you. As far as I'm concerned, changelings are not my enemies and never did anything bad to me. As for the whole 'Equestrian way of thinking', I wasn't born and raised in Equestria, so I'm above their superstitions and many other things."
  155. >She blinked a few times.
  156. >"Now that you've mentioned it, I never saw any other humans in my life. Where were you born and raised?"
  157. >It was your time to chuckle.
  158. "Just on some shithole called Earth. I don't really want to speak about it, I have enough of that when I'm talking with Princess Spergle. Sorry, Collada."
  159. >"Fair enough. Oh, and you can call me Oreo if you want. At first I didn't like that name, but it grew on me. Now it's even a little weird, when you call me by my true name."
  160. >You couldn't resist and gently ruffled her silky mane.
  161. "You got it, your highness."
  162. >She shook her head and click-taped something in her bug language.
  163. >Probably told you to get your filthy peasant hands away from her, or something.
  164. "You know, you're adorable when you're mad, Oreo."
  165. >She huffed loudly.
  166. >"Gah! You're insufferable sometimes, nurse Anonymous!"
  167. >Then, a wide smile bloomed on her muzzle.
  168. >"That's why you're so interesting!"
  169. >You just shrugged your shoulders and laughed.
  170. "That's who I am, a mysterious, handsome and insufferable human. Glad you noticed."
  171. >Also an asshole and a troll, who have really short fuse when annoyed.
  172. >Though, you don't need to remind her of about it.
  173. >That evening and the next day Oreo learned many more things about you.
  174. >She was mainly interested in your magic immunity.
  175. >She learned about it, when she asked you why that death magic bolt, you were hit with when you were fighting those hostile dornes, didn't turn you into a steaming pile of shit.
  176. >To Oreo's greatest surprise, it didn't do anything more than ripped off your clothes a little.
  177. >Your complete magic resistance was also an answer for her next question.
  178. >She was curious why you didn't felt any negative effects of her feeding on your emotional energy, for the whole night.
  179. >Normally, she said that even a being as big as a Minotaur, would be totally exhausted and sleepy after something like this.
  180. >You were really happy that your anti-magic fuckery protected you once again.
  181. >It would suck some major dicks, if you went to sleep on the floor during your work at the Spa, or something.
  182. >Oreo and you didn't understand it, but for as long as she was concerned, she could feed of your emotional energy and it didn't do shit to you.
  183. >Like, at all.
  184. >Of course, you're not in love with her, so the 'nutritional quality' of your emotions isn't exactly up to her usual standards.
  185. >Nevertheless, she said you're the best thing that happened to her, right after the return of her hive along with the Crystal Empire.
  186. >She also told you, what she deemed necessary about her hive, her mother and what really happened to her, before you found her.
  187. >So, lets start from the top.
  188. >Her hive located beneath the Crystal Mountains and a big portion of the Crystal Empire, is one of the biggest changeling hives.
  189. >Being so close to the power of the Crystal Heart, let them grow in numbers and power unmatched by any other hive.
  190. >Her mother, Queen Flux was one of the oldest and most powerful changeling queens alive.
  191. >Oreo told you that she always was a very cunning and wise ruler, though not flawless.
  192. >When she had one of her bad days, she was very moody and dangerous.
  193. >Also, she was supposedly very demanding and strict with Oreo's upbringing, to the point she decided to ran away from the hive for at least some time.
  194. >That brought her little story to the moment before your 'meeting' in the Everfree forest.
  195. >You were not the only one she met that day.
  196. >As it turned out, Chrysalis spies learned about her escape and tracked her down before her own hive's agents.
  197. >They managed to capture her and brought her before Chrysalis herself, who was waiting for them deep in the Everfree Forest.
  198. >Even though Oreo was an under-queen from the hive that could easily crush Chrysalis's, she decided to dispose of her.
  199. >Before their fight, Chrysalis told Oreo that she knew she was the only heir of the Crystal Changeling hive's throne.
  200. >By removing her, she would assure that after Queen Flux death, crystal changelings would have no other queen to rule and care for them.
  201. >Oreo's hive would have to look for a suitable successor outside of their hive and Chrysalis would be there first, to pick up the pieces after Oreo's mother.
  202. >After their fierce fight, Chrysalis decided Oreo was not worthy enough to die by her hoof.
  203. >She ordered two of her drones to take Oreo away from her and then dispose of her.
  204. >Then, you saved her changeling flank and took her home.
  205. >Finally, the day of Rarity's return has come.
  206. >Oreo was safely hidden under the bed in your bedroom and you were waiting for Lyra, sitting on your couch.
  207. >You really hoped that she would be able to sell that 'I'm his marefriend' bullshit to Rarity and spa sisters.
  208. >You were also a little afraid that Rarity could bring Applejack with her.
  209. >If she did, you, Lyra and Oreo were as good as fucked.
  210. >Tree Kicker was a fucking, walking, living lie detector.
  211. >Also, you were thinking about your part of the deal with Lyra.
  212. >Just what will she do to you, after Rarity and spa sisters leave?
  213. >Especially, that Oreo will probably see it all through that little gap, you left in the bedroom door.
  214. >You silently prayed that it wouldn't be anything too crazy, life threatening or simply perverted.
  215. >There's no telling how Princess Collada/Oreo will react, when she'll see Lyra doing something like that to you.
  216. >You took a sip from the cup of tea, you were nursing.
  217. >It was spiked, quite the way you like it.
  218. >[spoiler]Which made it more booze than an actual tea.[/spoiler]
  219. >Then, you heard someone knocking on your front door.
  220. >Getting up from your couch, you looked at the wall clock mounted on the wall.
  221. "Heh, who would have guessed. Lyra is a pretty punctual pone."
  222. >At least you hoped it was her.
  223. >Opening the door, you saw the mentioned mint green unicorn, with a big smile on her muzzle.
  224. >"Hi, Anon! It's me!"
  225. >You raised one of your eyebrows.
  226. "Pretty energetic, aren't you? Please, come in."
  227. >When she walked past you, you noticed that she was wearing a pair of saddlebags.
  228. "Hey, Lyra. Whatcha got there?"
  229. >She patted one of the satchels with her front hoof.
  230. >"Ah, you know, painkillers, bandages, band-aid and so on. Just in case things go south with Rarity and the spa sisters."
  231. >You crossed your arms on your chest and chuckled.
  232. "Damn, you really expect to get your stuffing beaten out of you?! I'm surprised you have so little faith in your fellow ponies, Lyra."
  233. >She came up to your couch and put her saddlebags on it.
  234. >Then, she shook her head.
  235. >"It's not that, Anon. Those are not for me. These are for Rarity and the others."
  236. >You sat on the couch and leaned in her direction.
  237. "Really? Care to explain?"
  238. >She hopped on the couch and was trying to sit just like you, human style.
  239. >Shit looked weird, let me tell you.
  240. >"I train pony-fu, Anon. I'll try to stay calm, but if they'll attack me, I'm going to defend myself."
  241. >Kek, pony-fu.
  242. >Those marshmallow horses and their horse-puns.
  243. >[spoiler]They drive you to drink.[/spoiler]
  244. >Oh and you heard that Rarity also knew a thing, or two about pony martial arts.
  245. >She trained pone verison of karate, or some shit.
  246. >It would be "funny as fuck" if those start beating the crap out of each other, wrecking your house in the process.
  247. >Your line of thoughts was broken by Lyra's 'classic' behavior.
  248. >She looked at your hands and you swear, you saw her licking her lips a little there.
  249. >You slowly put them in your pockets.
  250. "A-Alrigh, Lyra. Before Rarity gets here, do you remember what's the plan?"
  251. >She took her eyes from your hidden hands and smiled widely.
  252. >"Yep! I'm going to tell them that I'm your marefiriend and that I accidently hit you in the eye, during our night of passion in your bedroom!"
  253. >Yeah, that was the pla- FUCK, WHAT?!
  254. "No, Lyra! You just need to-"
  255. >A loud knocking on your front door interrupted your shouting.
  256. >Immediately getting excited, Lyra jumped from the couch.
  257. >"By Celestia's beard, Anon! They're here!"
  258. >You quickly stood up and walked up to the door.
  259. "Just act normal, Lyra and everything's gonna be alright... I think."
  260. >Unless a certain yellow pone, wearing a stetson on her head was waiting for you, at the other side of your door.
  261. >Grabbing the door knob, you uttered a small prayer, to whoever might have listened, to spare you from seeing a hat on a pony.
  262. >Then, you opened the door.
  263. >"Good evening, Anonymo-"
  264. "Holy zombie Jesus!"
  265. >Yep, there was a pony in a hat standing there!
  266. >"What's the matter, darling? Never seen a pony wearing a stylish attire?"
  267. >Luckily, Rarity was the one wearing it and there was no Applejack in sight.
  268. "N-No, I just thought I saw a... a spider, yes a big and ugly spider!"
  269. >Aloe jumped from where she was standing and hugged your leg, shaking all over.
  270. >"S-Spider?! W-Where?!"
  271. >Even Lotus started to look around, with a nervous expression on her muzzle.
  272. >Rarity was not amused.
  273. >Using her magic, she slowly pried off Aloe's hooves from your leg.
  274. >"There's no spider, my dear. Only Anonymous lack of appreciation for fashion."
  275. >You actually chuckled at that.
  276. "Yeah, you got me there Rares. Though, I must ask, why the hat of all things? Are you trying to look like certain someone and scare the shit out of me?"
  277. >She smiled smugly.
  278. >"A lady don't need an excuse to look fashionable and I don't know what you're implying. Now, will you finally let us in?"
  279. >You sighed and did just that.
  280. >You knew she was fucking with you there, but had no proof beyond your suspicions.
  281. >Though, why she didn't brought Applejack with them, you didn't know.
  282. >Maybe she trusted you enough, or maybe she was just keeping a secret about your 'marefriend' from others, just like you asked.
  283. >All in all, you were happy that Apphul wasn't with her.
  284. >When the three mares came inside, Lyra started waving at them with her front hoof.
  285. >"Hi, girls!"
  286. >They looked at her dumbfounded.
  287. >Lotus was the first one to speak.
  288. >"Lyra?! I'm sorry, but what are you doing here?"
  289. >The mint green unicorn leapt forward and shoved her muzzle in Lotus 'face'.
  290. >"I'm Anon's mysterious marefriend! Isn't that exciting!"
  291. >God dammit!
  292. >Thanks a bunch for acting normal gurl!
  293. >Lyra couldn't keep her cool for shit!
  294. >Using her hoof, Rarity gently moved Lyra away from Lotus.
  295. >"Yes, I can believe it to be true. I heard about your obses-, I mean infatuation with Anonymous."
  296. >Unfortunately, Lyra heard the first term describing her interested with you, that came out form Rarity's mouth.
  297. >She jabbed her hoof into her white chest fluff.
  298. >"Hey! Why's everypony saying that! I'm not some crazy stalker and I don't have a shrine dedicated to Anon's hands in my basement, you know!"
  299. >Every pone and human opened their mouths in shock.
  300. >...
  301. "What?!"
  302. >You'll definitely need a therapy after all of this!
  303. >Rarity narrowed her eyes and turned to Lyra.
  304. >"Can you please remove your hoof from me, Lyra? Before, I'll do it for you?"
  305. >Feck, Rarity was acting hostile towards her.
  306. >She still believed that Lyra hurt you intentionally.
  307. >Lyra flatten her ears and squinted her eyes.
  308. >Holy shit the fur was going to fly!
  309. >If they start exchanging blows, you decided to grab your boss-mares and jump behind the couch!
  310. >To your greatest surprise, Lyra took her hoof away from Rarity and chuckled nervously.
  311. >"Y-Yeah, sorry about it. I went a little overboard there, he, he."
  312. >Rarity smoothed her chest tuft and also smiled.
  313. >"Thank you, for remaining civil about it Lyra. I also want to apologize for my inappropriate word usage, it was simply uncalled for."
  314. >Unfortunately, Lotus decided to add something.
  315. >"I saw you a few times watching Mr. Anonymous, with dreamy eyes and your tongue hanging outside your mouth. I call that an obs-"
  316. >Faster than your eyes could follow, Aloe covered her sister's muzzle with her hoof.
  317. >"M-Maybe we should calm down a-and talk about something else?"
  318. >Rarity noded at her
  319. >"Yes, darling. We certainly should change the course of this conversation."
  320. >When all of you sat down on the couch, you greedily grabbed your booze-tea.
  321. >You knew you were going to need a lot more than that, to calm yourself after this talk and what was going to happen after it.
  322. >Without beating around the bush anymore, Rarity asked Lyra the million bucks question.
  323. >"My dear, can you tell me what happened to Anonymous right eye? Did you hit him?"
  324. >Lyra swallowed quietly.
  325. >It was her time to shine!
  326. >Without anyone noticing, you wiggled your fingers at her.
  327. >Yeah, keep your eyes on the prize, Lyra and don't screw this up!
  328. >Seeing your human appendages, she visibly brightened and smiled a toothy grin at Rarity.
  329. >"Yes, yes I did!"
  330. >God dammit, Lyra!
  331. >Aloe's eyes widened.
  332. >Lotus cracked her hooves, like an alley boxer preparing for a fight.
  333. >Rarity stiffened and talked through her clenched teeth.
  334. >"R-Really now... darling?"
  335. >You facepalmed, like you never facepalmed before.
  336. "Oh for fuck's sake! It was an accident! All of this, is just a stupid misunderstanding. Am I right, Lyra?!"
  337. >Lyra's eyes widened.
  338. >"O-Of course! I never wanted to hurt Anon! I-I'm not a colt-beater, I thought it was obvious!"
  339. >Though the situation was still a little tense, the 'three mares of justice' visibly relaxed.
  340. >Lotus coughed in her hoof and looked at Lyra questioningly.
  341. >"Pray tell us, how did this happened?"
  342. >Oh, no.
  343. >Lyra and you never talked about this 'little' detail.
  344. >After all, you showed them your 'marefriend'.
  345. >She turned out to be a normal, none violent pone, they all know and... respect?
  346. >They even heard from her, what they heard from you.
  347. >That all of this was an accident and misunderstanding.
  348. >You really thought that would suffice and they would leave you and her alone.
  349. >Quick, before Lyra thin-
  350. >"H-He like's it rough..."
  351. >Your heart stopped.
  352. >Aloe gulped loudly and leaned in Lyra's direction, just like the two other mares.
  353. >"W-What do you m-mean by that?"
  354. >Your mint green 'marefriend' nervously started to draw circles with her hoof on your couch.
  355. >"A... Anon likes it r-rough, i-in the bedroom! P-Please don't ask me for more details!"
  356. >A deep blush bloomed on her green cheeks.
  357. >Then and there you swore a silent oath, that someday you're going to murder her and hide the body deep inside the Everfree Forest.
  358. >Aloe and Lotus looked at the floor embarrassed as all hell.
  359. >Surprisingly enough, Rarity was unmoved by Lyra's confession and turned to you.
  360. >There was a strange glint in her eyes, you just couldn't put your finger on.
  361. >"Is this true Anonymous, darling?"
  362. >Welp, you already dug your own grave by asking Lyra for help, so you had nothing to lose.
  363. >You nodded slowly, trying to look as embarrassed as the spa sisters.
  364. "Y-Yes, Rarity. It's my little, d-dirty secret..."
  365. >Oh you won't kill Lyra fast.
  366. >It will be a slow and painful death.
  367. >Rarity raised her eyebrow questioningly.
  368. >"Anonymous, am I to believe that such an independent, stubborn and sometimes rough around the edges stallion like you, is into that sort of 'entertainment'?"
  369. >Slow and painful, Lyra!
  370. >You nodded one more time.
  371. >"Really? Do you like when a mare takes the lead? Do like when she have a strong hoof? Do you like to be dominated and told what to do, during your moments of passion?"
  372. >Come on Anon, do it for Oreo!
  373. "M-More than breathing, Rarity... just don't tell anyone about this, please."
  374. >She closed her eyes and a small smile crept on her lips.
  375. >"Of course, I won't, darling. A true lady knows how to keep a secret!"
  376. "T-thanks, Rares."
  377. >She turned to the still embarrassed spa sisters.
  378. >"Alright, girls. I think we're done here."
  379. >Then she looked at Lyra.
  380. >"Lyra, please forgive us for being nosey like that. We were just looking out for our friend's happiness and wellbeing. I'm sure you can understand this."
  381. >With a big smile back on her muzzle, Lyra just waved her hoof in the air.
  382. >"Sure! I'd hate it if something bad happened to him, he's my coltfirend after all!"
  383. >Not for long.
  384. >You felt that your 'brake up' was around the corner.
  385. >Rarity and the spa sisters quickly told their goodbyes and went back home.
  386. >Though, not before Rarity pulled you aside and whispered in your ear.
  387. >"If someday you'll be unsatisfied with the firmness of your mistress hoof, you know where to look for me, darling."
  388. >Your jaw hit the floor and you mumbled something incoherently in response.
  389. >So that's why Rarara wasn't embarrassed with what Lyra have said!
  390. >She was into that sort of things herself!
  391. >You bet that she have a sex dungeon, or some shit like that in her basement.
  392. >When the three mares finally left your house, you turned to Lyra.
  393. "That went well. Please, remind me that I need to buy a shovel. It will come in handy, when I'll be burying your cold, dead body in the Everfree."
  394. >She giggled audibly.
  395. >"Oh Anonymous, you're such a funny guy!"
  396. >That wasn't a joke bitch!
  397. >Where is your axe?!
  398. >Oh, right... you left it in the forest.
  399. >A loud tapping on your couch interrupted your line of thoughts.
  400. >You saw Lyra already sitting on it, human style.
  401. >She had a big grin on her muzzle.
  402. >"Do you know what it's time for. Anon?"
  403. >Swallowing hard, you slowly raised up your hands and looked at them.
  404. >Her smile only widened.
  405. >"Yeees, time for you, to keep your part of the deal. Time for some... experiments!"
  406. >...
  407. "I need an adult!"
  409. >You are hiding under the bed in the bedroom, listening to the strange noises coming out from Anon's living room.
  410. >That means you're Princess Collada.
  411. >Or, Oreo as Anon liked to call you.
  412. >Lying there, with your head on your hooves, you were already bored as all Tartarus!
  413. >What was taking Anon so long!?
  414. >Why didn't he got rid of those pesky mares already!
  415. >You decided to investigate.
  416. >Maybe the guards came with them and he needed your help.
  417. >Surely he won't mind if you take a quick look through that gap, he left in the bedroom door.
  418. >You started to crawl in its direction.
  419. >Very un-princess like, but you had no bucks to give.
  420. >It wasn't like someling could saw you there.
  421. >When you were close to the gap, you heard Anon shouting.
  422. >"I need an adult!"
  423. >There was a hint of panic in his voice.
  424. >A second, more feminine voice answered him.
  425. >"I'm an adult! Come, sit with me Anon!"
  426. >This voice sounded a lot more excited than his.
  427. >You didn't know why, but you alredy wanted to beat the goop out of its owner.
  428. >Being as quiet as you could possibly be, you looked through the gap in the door.
  429. >The only thing you saw from your lying position, was the back of Anon's couch and his head behind it.
  430. >He was looking down at something, with an unpleasant frown on his features.
  431. >"Lyra, what do you think you're doing with my hands?"
  432. >Once again, you heard this annoying femine voice.
  433. >It probably belonged to the one he called Lyra.
  434. >"Shhh, Anon. Just let it happen."
  435. >Then, she started giggling like a mad-ling.
  436. >Dispite yourself, you beared your teeth and growled quietly.
  437. >You decided to stand up and see more of what was going on, between Anon and that Lyra mare.
  438. >Luckily, because of his delicious emotional energy you were already strong enough to stand, walk and even run on your own.
  439. >When your yellow, predatory eyes were high enough to see what was going on, you saw that Lyra was a mint green unicorn pony.
  440. >The annoying mare was holding one of Anon's hands in both of her hooves, turning it in all possible directions.
  441. >Of course Anon wasn't too happy with that.
  442. >"If you keep doing that, you're going to break my wrist!"
  443. >She stopped abusing his hand and blew a raspberry at him.
  444. >"Alright, alright you big foal. The first part of my examination is complete."
  445. >You felt your adrenaline level rising with each word she uttered.
  446. >Anon raised his eyebrow.
  447. >"What do you mean by first part?! There will be more?!"
  448. >She grinned at him.
  449. >"Oh, much, much more than this!"
  450. >Without waiting for his reply, she took both of his hands in her hooves and started put them on her head.
  451. >"What are you waiting for Anon? Scratch my ears, pet my mane, give my neck a gentle massage. Chop chop, get to work!"
  452. >You began to wonder how would her guts looked spilled on the floor.
  453. >Sighing loudly Anon started doing what she asked for.
  454. >She closed her eyes and started nuzzling furiously against his working hands.
  455. >During that she began moaning like a mare in heat, who was taking care of her 'problems'.
  456. >Looking at the scene before you, you felt a small pang of pain in your changeling hearth.
  457. >And a big flow of fury in your head!
  458. "HISSSSH!"
  459. >Surprised by your own behavior, you quickly covered your snout with your hoof!
  460. >"Huh? Did you hear that, Anon!"
  461. >You hid yourself behind the door.
  462. >"I-It was nothing probably. Do you want me to stop and check?"
  463. >>"Woah-woah-woah let's not be too hasty here, ok?! Please, continue!"
  464. >W-What is going on with you?!
  465. >Why did you felt so angry, seeing this mare playing with Anon's hands.
  466. >T-the same hands that saved you, fed you, bathe you, took care of you when you couldn't do anything yourself.
  467. >.....
  468. >...
  469. >Alright, you may have a thing about Anon there.
  470. >B-but who wouldn't, he was a blessing to you!
  471. >He saved you, he didn't saw you as an enemy, he was immune to the effects of your feeding, he-
  472. >"What the flying fuck, Lyra!"
  473. >In a blink of an eye, you looked through the gap again.
  474. >What you saw, boiled the blood in your veins.
  475. >Than insufferable mint green simpleton was licking one of Anons fingers!
  476. >"Whaaaat Anon, I just neeed to know how these mmm... taste."
  477. >If she won't stop, you're going to rip her bucking head off!
  478. >Anon was trying to take his second hand away from her, but she grabbed it in the air and put it beside her muzzle.
  479. >Your hoof clenched around the door knob and you whispered quietly.
  480. "Just try it, whoarse. I'll end you."
  481. >She smiled innocently at Anon.
  482. >"And now for the dessert."
  483. >Without waiting for his answer, she put all of his fingers in her mouth.
  484. >Everything turned red before your eyes and your hoof pressed the door knob.
  485. >A changeling princess gotta do what a changeling princess gotta do.
  486. >And that particular changeling princess have some unicorn blood to spill!

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

by rmp

QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

by rmp

QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

by rmp

QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

by rmp

Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

by rmp