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BadGrammarFag - Oreo the changeling chapter5

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:18:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: F5DExauT.html
  3. Date: FEB 13TH, 2016
  5. ------
  7. >You're Anonymous.
  8. >There's a mint green unicorn mare sucking on your fingers.
  9. >...
  10. >It all happened so fast!
  11. >You literally had no time to react!
  12. >Though, you should've seen this coming a mile away.
  13. >Lyra was always cray-cray fo yo hoof spiders, bro.
  14. >You heard a slurping sound coming out of her stuffed muzzle.
  15. "Ugh..."
  16. >Then, you felt her tongue coiling around one of your fingers.
  17. "Lyra, stop this shit, right fucking now!"
  18. >Not letting you go in the slightest, she only moaned something incoherently in response.
  19. >God dammit!
  20. >That crazy hand fetishist was too far gone to listen to any reason.
  21. >You started looking for anything that could potentially help you escape her clutches.
  22. >A rolled newspaper on your coffee table quickly drawn your attention.
  23. >Without thinking much, you grabbed it and started pummeling her head with it, like you would a disobedient dog.
  24. "Bad pony, bad! Let me go!"
  25. >You didn't take into account that your newspaper attack will startle her.
  26. >She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth around your meaty appendages.
  27. >You totally didn't scream like a little girl there.
  28. >That would have been embarrassing for such a manly man like you and all that.
  29. >...
  30. >Well alright, alright!
  31. >You squealed like a pig and dropped your newspaper on the floor.
  32. >Though, then and there it turned out to be a good thing.
  33. >Your screaming drowned out the sound of your bedroom door opening.
  34. >Fortunately, Lyra's eyes were still closed, so she didn't see Oreo coming out of the room.
  35. >What the fuck was she doing anyway?!
  36. >You saw that Oreo was looking at Lyra with furious eyes and her muzzle twisted into an angry scowl.
  37. >Cursing silently under your breath, you looked at the changeling under-queen with the most serious expression on your face, you could muster.
  38. >You just couldn't believe it!
  39. >All of a sudden, Oreo decided to kick Lyra's marshmallow butt and ruin everything you've worked so hard for!
  40. >Fuck that noise!
  41. >You grabbed one of the pillows lying on the coach and hurled it at Oreo.
  42. >It hit her straight in the snout.
  43. >She scrunched it violently upon the contact with the soft fabric and looked at you with narrowed eyes.
  44. >You quickly pointed a finger at her and then at your bedroom.
  45. >It was your nonverbal way to tell her to 'get the fuck back there and close the door behind you!"
  46. >Of course, she didn't budge an inch.
  47. >She raised her hole riddled hoof and pointed it at Lyra, who was still nomming on your fingers with gusto.
  48. >Then she brough it to her long neck and drew an arch on it, as if she was slitting her throat.
  49. >It was her way of telling you 'I don't give a shit! I'm going to end her!".
  50. >Was she serious!?
  51. >Why was she so mad at Lyra?!
  52. >What did she ever do to her?!
  53. >You didn't even noticed when Oreo found herself standing behind the couch, scaring the crap out of you.
  54. "Sweet, merciful Jesus on a stick!"
  55. >Almoust immiedlietly, you heard Lyra's head moving.
  56. >She was about to open her eyes and see a big, fucking changeling under-queen baring her fangs at her!
  57. >Not on your watch!
  58. >With the speed of a thousand shitposters autism, you bent down and picked up the rolled newspaper from the floor.
  59. >Now you had two targets for your mighty weapon of mass scolding.
  60. >One after the other, you started hitting the both of them on their horned heads.
  61. "Bad pony, bad change- erm, pony!"
  62. >Under the barrage of your newspaper justice, Oreo laid on the floor, trying to hide herself from any more hits.
  63. >This was exactly what you wanted.
  64. >Lyra couldn't see her hidden there and you could finally do something with those teeth around your fingers.
  65. >You threw the newspaper away.
  66. >One last time pointing your finger at Oreo and then at the floor, you whispered to her under your breath.
  67. "Stay there and don't move. Become one with the floor, dammit."
  68. >She cocked her head to the side and looked at you as if asking "are you serious?!".
  69. "As a fucking heart attack."
  70. >Without waiting for her answer you turned your head away, and looked at Lyra.
  71. >You grabbed one of her soft, squishy ears pone ears.
  72. >Then you twisted it a little, eliciting a surprised yelp out of the absent-minded mare.
  73. "The fun is over, Lyra. Let go of my fingers, or I'll swear I'm going to rip off your goddamn ears!"
  74. >Her eyes widen and she quickly spat out your hand.
  75. >"Wow Anon, overreacting much?!"
  76. >You raised your slimy hand on your eye level.
  77. >Ughh... poni-poni saliva.
  78. "Yyyeah, like you're the one to talk."
  79. >She looked at you with a nervous smile on her muzzle.
  80. >" er I-It was an... o-organoleptic test, y-yeah only that, a test! Nothing more!"
  81. >You slowly started wiping your hand on her coat.
  82. "Naaah, I'm not buying this crap, my little pone. You got a screw lose in that head of yours and you know it sister."
  83. >She crossed her front hooves on her chest and pouted.
  84. >"You know Anon, you should be more considerate, of what you're saying about your marefriend."
  85. >You heard a faint growl coming out from behind the couch.
  86. >Oh, for fuck's sake, Oreo was getting railed up again!
  87. >You decided to act quickly and grabbed one of Lyra's hooves.
  88. >"Oh, so bold Anon! You want to take our relationship on the next level so fast?~"
  89. >Wut?!
  90. "What, no! Listen harps, you and me, that'll never happen for real, sorry. I was just going to walk you up to the door. I think it's time for you to go home."
  91. >You started pulling and she started to struggle.
  92. >"Wait, Anon! I... but..."
  93. >Somehow you managed to shove her outside your cottage.
  94. "No buts, Lyra! I think today I gave you enough fap-material for at least a month! Go home and have some fun with it, bye!"
  95. >She was about to say something, but you had no fucks to give and closed your front door, cutting her off.
  96. >Clenching your fists, you came up to your couch and looked behind it.
  97. "Now you, you damn irresponsible, bad-tempered bug horse! What the fuck came over you?! Do you want the guards to take you away?!"
  98. >Oreo stood up from the floor and was looking at you with an unreadable expression on her features.
  99. >She hadn't said anything, though.
  100. >What the hell was with that sudden silent treatment?!
  101. >It only made you more pissed.
  102. >You put your hand to your ear, as if listening intently.
  103. "What?! What did you say, Oreo?! You had a stroke and suddenly decided to beat the living crap out of Lyra?! Because you know, I don't see any other reason for your behavior, back there!"
  104. >Oreo's eyes shifted from your face, to your still wet hand.
  105. >You raised it up and looked at it too.
  106. "Oh, this?! This is your reason?! She licked my hand like a retarded puppy and you got all jelly about-"
  107. >Oreo didn't give you a chance to finish that sentence.
  108. >She pounced at you, like a wild animal!
  109. >You landed on your couch, with her on top of you.
  110. "What the fu-"
  111. >"SHUT UP AND KISS ME!"
  112. >She pressed her muzzle to your lips, with the force of a thousand rapists!
  113. >You felt her tongue entering your mouth and coiling around yours.
  114. >She moaned softly and wrapped her front hooves around your chest.
  115. >You were totally surprised and dumbfounded, so you didn't fight back.
  116. >When she broke the 'kiss' there was a faint line made out of saliva between your lips.
  117. >You felt her warm breath on your face and her back legs hugging your pelvis tighter.
  118. >"Noling will lick any part of your body, but me.~"
  119. >Her voice was low and seductive, with a hint of buzzing in the background.
  120. >You... You must admit, you didn't see that coming.
  121. >Before you could've said anything, the front door of your poor ass cottage opened.
  122. >With a big smile on her muzzle, Lyra barged inside.
  123. >"Sorry Anon, I forgot my saddle..."
  124. >She saw you and Oreo on the couch and stopped dead in her tracks.
  125. >"...bags."
  126. >All three of you were looking at each other with wide eyes and opened jaws.
  127. >...
  128. >You swear you saw a tumbleweed, rolling through the room with a sudden gust of wind.
  129. >...
  133. >Lyra pointed at Oreo.
  134. >"Anon, look out! There's a changeling queen lying on you!"
  135. >Really?!
  136. >You gently removed Oreo from your chest and laid her on the couch.
  137. >Then, you slowly started walking in Lyra's direction, with your hands stretched before you.
  138. >"Easy Lyra, just calm down, everything's fine."
  139. >In a blink of an eye, she jumped between you and Oreo.
  140. >"Don't worry, Anon! I won't let her hurt you! I'll kick her flank!"
  141. >Oreo quickly rose from her lying position, hissed loudly and bared her fangs at Lyra.
  142. >You almoust facepalmed then and there.
  143. >Grabbing Lyra's shoulder, with one hand, you pointed at the changeling under-queen with the other.
  144. "No! You stay there! I don't want any fighting in my house!"
  145. >Then you turned to Lyra.
  146. "Lyra, I know this will sound crazy, but you don't need to protect me. Oreo is my friend and she'll never hurt me."
  147. >The mint green unicorn looked at you with sad eyes.
  148. >"O-Oh, no... I'm to late..."
  149. >Then, she started screaming.
  150. >"She already brainwashed you, with her changeling magic!"
  151. >Oh fuck.
  152. >You firmly grabbed her with both of your hands and started shaking her.
  153. "No, Lyra! No! Please, just let me exlpa-"
  154. >She pushed you so hard off of herself, that you landed flat on your ass on the floor.
  155. >"I... I-I'm sorry, Anon! I'll get help as fast as I can, please wait here!"
  156. >She turned away from you and ran out of your house.
  157. "NOOOoooo... crap!"
  158. >You sat there quietly, looking at your opened front door.
  159. >All was lost.
  160. >Lyra will come back here with each and every royal guard from Twilight's castle.
  161. >You bet your left testicle, that Twiggles herself also will be with them.
  162. >Oreo's hoof wrapped around your shoulder.
  163. >"What will happen now, Anon?"
  164. >You knew, you couldn't do shit for yourself, but you could at least try to help her.
  165. >...for the last time.
  166. >You stood up and sighed loudly.
  167. "Now... now you run and I... I'll try to stop them for as long as I can."
  168. >Oreo's eyes widen and she hugged you tightly.
  169. >"NO! I don't agree on this! You... You can come with me! To my hive! You'll be greeted there as a hero!"
  170. >You gently pushed her off of you and walked up to the couch.
  171. >Grabbing Lyra's saddlebags packed with medicine, you calmly turned to Oreo.
  172. "No, I'm sorry. I just can't. In your state you'll never get enough distance between you and them, without someone stalling the chase."
  173. >You came up to her and patted her on the head.
  174. "Don't worry. Ponies are not cruel. They won't keep me in their dungeons for long."
  175. >At least you thought they won't.
  176. >You didn't know jack shit about their justice system, and their actual level of cruelty aginst those who did them wrong.
  177. >Nonetheless, you played it cool before Oreo, to not worry her even more.
  178. >Tfw white knight intensifies.
  179. >Tfw it will probably cost you your freedom and friends.
  180. >...
  181. >"Anon, please! Come with me!"
  182. >Oreo's shouting interrupted your line of thoughts.
  183. >You quickly strapped the saddlebags around her midsection.
  184. "Here, take those. There are painkillers and everything else you'll need inside."
  185. >You crouched down to get eye level with her and scratched her ear.
  186. >Ah, that soft, squishy and flexible feel of those.
  187. >You'll probably never feel it again.
  188. "Take care of yourself, your highness. Find your kin and be happy. Who knows, maybe someday will see eachother again."
  189. >You saw a hint of tears in her eyes.
  190. >Damn, what happened with the proud and rowdy under-queen you knew?
  191. >"A-Anon, p... please."
  192. >A-and why your eyes were wet too?
  193. "S-sorry Oreo, you must go now. They'll be here any moment now. I-I'll walk you to the edge of the Everfree Forset."
  194. >She sat on the floor and crossed her hooves on her chest.
  195. >Then, she huffed lodly.
  196. >"No! I won't be going anywhere without you."
  197. >God dammit, there was no time to argue.
  198. >Just like the first time she came into your house, she'll leave it.
  199. >In your arms.
  200. >You gently picked her up from the floor and not listening to her protests, left your house with her.
  201. >When you were outside you saw that there was some kind of a commotion in town.
  202. >The guards were probably marching through the town with Lyra and Purples in tow and every pone out there was curious why.
  203. >You ran to the edge of the forest with your changeling cargo in arms.
  204. >You didn't have much time left.
  205. >Catching your breath, you put Oreo back on the ground and patted her on the head for the last time.
  206. "Alright, we're here. You must go now."
  207. >She wasn't moving.
  208. "God dammit Oreo! There's no time to be stubborn! Go now! GO!"
  209. >She looked deeply into your eyes.
  210. >"I won't forget what you did for me. I'll come back for you, you hear me?! I PROMISE!"
  211. >Then, without waiting for your answer she dashed into the bushes and vanished from your sight.
  212. "... goodbye, Oreo. I wish you luck."
  213. >Turning around, you started walking in your house direction.
  214. >You got there just in time to be greeted by the sight of at least twenty royal guards approaching your cottage.
  215. >Of course, Twilight and Lyra were also present.
  216. >The mint green unicorn saw you first.
  217. >"Look out everypony! Anon is under the effects of the changeling mind magic! He can be a danger to us and himself!"
  218. >When the guards have heard her, they quickly surrounded you, with their weapons held at the ready.
  219. >You quickly raised your hands up, in a surrendering gesture.
  220. "Jeez, Lyra! Thanks for your 'help'!"
  221. >The one who actualy tired to help you was Twilight.
  222. >She turned to the guards surrounding you.
  223. >"Lower your weapons everypony and let Anon go. He's not under the effects of any magic."
  224. >Reluctantly, armored pones did what she asked and gave you some breathing room.
  225. >Lyra looked at Twiggles dumbfounded.
  226. >"You're letting him go?! I told you he-"
  227. >Twilight put her hoof on her mouth, silencing her.
  228. >"Anon is completely immune to magic, Lyra. No changeling, no matter how powerful, could brainwash him to do his, or her bidding."
  229. >Both of them turned their eyes at you and Twilight continued her speech.
  230. >"Which makes even more disturbing what he told to you. Anon, why did you called that changeling your friend?"
  231. >Think Anon, think!
  232. "I... I panicked, alright! I didn't want to see that changeling fighting with Lyra. She, I think Oreo was her name, cast some strange spell at me. Just like Lyra here, she didn't know about my magic immunity and thought I was brainwashed and all that. I even used that to get out of my house, away from her."
  233. >Guards, Twilight and Lyra looked at your poor ass cottage.
  234. >You chuckled loudly.
  235. "Yep, she's still inside. She thinks that right now I'm telling you that she ran away into the Everfree Forest, sending you on a never ending chase after her."
  236. >Twilight narrowed her eyes and turned to one of her guards.
  237. >"Lieutenant, let the half of your ponies surround Anon's house, to prevent her possible escape. The other half is going with me and you inside to catch her. Lyra, you'll stay here with Anon."
  238. >The armored pone saluted his princess.
  239. >"It will be done, your highness!"
  240. >Twilight shuddered a little when she heard him.
  241. >Kek, guess it was true when she was telling you, that she's not a big fan of her royal title.
  242. >Lyra giggled and hugged your leg.
  243. >"And I will stay here and protect my coltfriend!"
  244. >God dammit, you braindead, perverted, mint green imitation of a little girl's toy!
  245. >This was supposed to be a secret that only Rarity and spa sisters knows about!
  246. >Twilight's eyes widened and she looked at you.
  247. >"Lyra is your marefriend?!"
  248. >... fug.
  249. "No! Erm, Yes! I don't know! Um, don't you have a changeling to catch, Princess Purple Nurple?! Your guards are waiting for you, you know."
  250. >Twiggles cringed a little when she heard your new nickname for her.
  251. >"O-Oh yes, you're right! We'll talk about it later."
  252. >Wonderful... simply, wonderful.
  253. >She turned away from you and started trotting in your house direction.
  254. >Keeping the facade of a poor changeling victim, you shouted after her.
  255. "Be careful there, Twi! She can be dangerous!"
  256. >Purple pone smiled a little, hearing that you were 'truly' worried about her.
  257. >"Don't worry, Anon. I'll be fine."
  258. >One of the guards opened your front door with a firm kick.
  259. >Then, all of them poured inside your cottage SWAT style.
  260. >You heard the lieutenant shouting.
  261. >"Changeling, this is the royal guard speaking! We know you're here! Come out peacefully of your hiding and nopony will be hurt!"
  262. >You almost heard Oreo shouting in your head at them "Come and get me yourself, fucking pig!" and then gun shots.
  263. >Yeah, you watched too much action movies back on Earth.
  264. >Lyra stroked your thigh with her hoof.
  265. >"It will be all right, Anon. Twilight will surely subdue this evil changeling. She almost win a fight with Tirek and he's a demon from Tartarus!"
  266. >You grabbed her hoof and crouched down to get eye level with her.
  267. >"Lyra, when all of this will be over, I'm going to kick you in the ass so hard, that Luna will have to fly you back from the moon back here."
  268. >To your surprise, a blush bloomed on her cheeks.
  269. >"Y-You promise?"
  270. >Huh?!
  271. >You... erm... she...
  272. >Brain.exe stopped working.
  273. >Rebooting now....
  274. >Suddenly, you heard a series of loud bangs and cracks coming out of your house.
  275. >Twilight and the guards didn't find shit and probably started overturning your poor ass furniture, to check if Oreo wasn't hiding under them, or something.
  276. >Great, they'll turn your cottage into even bigger dump than it was before.
  277. >Twilight came out through your front door and signaled you with her hoof to come to her.
  278. >You quickly foud yourself standing next to her.
  279. >She was visibly disturbed.
  280. >A few strands of her mane were sticking out in various directions.
  281. >"A-Anon, we searched your whole cottage and didn't find anypony there. Are you sure she didn't run away into the Everfree?"
  282. >Crap, you need to buy Oreo some more time.
  283. >It was almost getting dark outside and you hoped that they won't be able to chase after her in the night, inside the forest.
  284. "I... Um, I told her to hide in my basement. Come on, I'll show you where it is."
  285. >You went with them through all the rooms in your cottage, in search for the elusive basement door that you "forgot" where these were.
  286. >When by some miracle all of you were standing in your bathroom, Twilight turned to you.
  287. >"Anon, what is going on here? Where is your basement?"
  288. >Through your bathroom window, you saw the stars shining brightly outside.
  289. >The night was finally at its full swing.
  290. >You did it, you let Oreo ran away safetly.
  291. >Sighing quietly, you stroked the back of your neck.
  292. "Well... you see, Twi. Funny thing, I just remembered I don't have a basement here."
  293. >Twilight's and Lyra's jaws hit the floor.
  294. >"W... w... WHAT!?"
  295. >An unicorn guard pointed his armored hoof at you.
  296. >"I think I know what is going on here!"
  297. >His horn flashed with magic and you found a pair of iron handcuffs closing on your wrists.
  298. >"Anonymous Incognito you are hereby under arrest for harboring a dangerous changeling in your house and obstructing any attempts at apprehending mentioned creature!"
  299. >Lyra couldn't belive it.
  300. >She jumped at you and hugged your legs tightly.
  301. >"No, Anon! Please, tell them this isn't true!"
  302. >You looked down at her and smiled apologetically.
  303. "Sorry Harps, but I think cat's outta the bag already."
  304. >She just pressed her muzzle into your thigh and didn't say anything.
  305. >Twilight looked at you with sad eyes.
  306. >"What have you done, Anonymous?"
  307. >It was more of a statement than a question.
  308. "I don't know, Twi. I hope I did the right thing."
  311. >You're running as fast as you can, through the thick bushes inside Everfree Forest.
  312. >That means you're Princess Collada/Oreo.
  313. >Not stopping in your tracks, you looked behind you.
  314. >You didn't see anyling coming after you and didn't hear any sounds of an incoming chase.
  315. >Knowing that Anon definitely deserved credit for that, you clenched your sharp teeth tightly.
  316. >He was out there, the man who saved your life, giving his all to stop the royal guards from going after you.
  317. >Meanwhile, you were running through the forest like a coward, not being able to even help him from being thrown into the dungeons.
  318. >You were so mad at yourself!
  319. >Why didn't you fight harder for him to join you in your escape?!
  320. >You hissed loudly in frustration!
  321. "Don't worry Anon. I'll come back for you and free you. You can be sure of that. Just let me get to my hive first."
  322. >You knew he couldn't hear you, but saying it out loud made you feel a little better with yourself.
  323. >Looking upwards, you saw the stars on the night sky.
  324. >Anonymous did it, he stalled them for long enough for the night to fall!
  325. >Then and there, you were pretty sure that no royal guard will be going after you.
  326. >Unlike yours, ponies eyes weren't adapted to see in the dark.
  327. >They wouldn't risk going inside this cursed forest in the night, only for one 'insignificant' changeling.
  328. >You were about to start laughing, when suddenly you crashed with something bigger and harder than you!
  329. >Lying on the forest floor with your eyes closed, you clutched your aching head.
  330. "Ooow... stupid tree! I'm going to burn you to the ground!"
  331. >You heard a loud chuckle, coming out of the 'tree'.
  332. >"I'm afraid it won't be so easy."
  333. >That voice!
  334. >No, this couldn't be!
  335. >Quickly opening your eyes, you looked upwards.
  336. >A large changeling queen was standing next to you, looking at your lying form with a big, evil smile on her snout.
  337. "Chrysalis!"
  338. >She leaned down to get muzzle to muzzle with you.
  339. >"In the flesh! Hello, you little vermin. Fancy meeting you here!"
  340. >You tried hitting her with your hoof, but she easily blocked it with hers.
  341. >"So feisty! I like it!"
  342. >Before you could do anything else, her horn glowed green.
  343. >Using her magic she threw you at one of the trees nearby.
  344. "Augh!"
  345. >When you crashed with it some of your stitches opened and you started bleeding on the grass.
  346. >Chrysalis saw it and raised her brow.
  347. >"Oh, I see someling patched up your worthless flank, after beating the goop out of my incompetent drones!"
  348. >She teleported beside you and hit you in your underbelly.
  349. >You gagged loudly and collapsed on the forest floor.
  350. >Chrysalis pressed your head to the ground with her hoof.
  351. >"Shame it was all in vain."
  352. >Fighting through the pain, you hissed loudly at her.
  353. "Do what you must, you lousy excuse for a queen."
  354. >Chrysalis took her hoof away and started laughing.
  355. >"Look at you, so courageous! Don't fret little vermin, you'll die, but not by my hoof. I'm sure you remember you're not worthy enough for that."
  356. >Then, she shrieked loudly in her hive's dialect and around ten of her drones came up from the bushes, quickly surrounding you.
  357. >She backed away from you and licked her fangs.
  358. >"Dispose of her and do it here. This time I'll be watching."
  359. >You saw their horns began to glow.
  360. >If all ten of them hit you with their deadly magic bolts, there will be nothing left of you.
  361. >You closed your eyes and tried your last resort.
  362. >Knowing that your horn regenerated enough to connect you with your hive's hive mind, you began screaming for help through the mental link.
  363. >Last time, before Chrysalis broke your horn, you didn't do it because of your stupid pride.
  364. >Luckily, you learned from Anon that acting high and mighty wasn't always a good choice.
  365. >You really hoped that your mother - Queen Flux, would hear your mental screaming.
  366. >She was the most powerful changeling in existence, you knew of.
  367. >There was that old rumor spreading through your hive, that your mother was so old because even death was afraid of her wrath.
  368. >If there was anyling capable of teleporting herself here and helping you, it was her.
  369. ~"Mother, save me please!"~
  370. >You couldn't hear anyling, your hive mind was silent.
  371. >Opening your eyes, you saw Chrysalis drones lowering their heads, their horns ablaze.
  372. >You slowly stood up on your wobbly legs.
  373. >If you were about to die, you're not dying lying on the ground and crying like a little nymph.
  374. >You'll do it with your head held high, looking them in thier eyes.
  375. >Like a true changeling princess.
  376. >Chrysalis started shouting at her drones.
  377. >"What are you waiting for imbeciles! Shoot her!"
  378. >All ten of them released their deadly spells at you and you smiled.
  379. >In what you thought were your last moments, you couldn't help but think about Anon.
  380. >At least he was safe and alive somewhere out there, in what he called the land of colorful, marshmallow pones.
  381. >You closed your eyes, before the death bolts hit you.
  382. >The sound of an ear splitting explosion filled your sensitive changeling ears.
  383. >This was it, you were done for.
  384. >It didn't even hurt so much, you thought it would.
  385. >Wait...
  386. >You still felt the pain coming from your ruined stitches!
  387. >And you were still standing on your wobbly, hole riddled legs!
  388. >Opening your eyes, you saw that someling created a powerful energy shield around you.
  389. >It saved your flank from the effects of those deadly spells.
  390. >Just who did tha-
  391. >"I would advise you aginst hurting my doughter. If you do that, this can realy make me very angry."
  392. >Chrysalis slit pupils turned to pinpricks and a shiver ran down your spine from hearing that voice!
  393. >Then and there, it was the voice you were hoping to hear the most of all!
  394. >Your mother's voice.
  395. >Queen Flux came out from between the large bushes behind Chrysalis.
  396. >Her horn was shining with the use of magic, which kept the shield protecting you in place.
  397. >She was alone, but that didn't mattered.
  398. >You knew that even if those ten drones around Chrysalis, were all mighty behemoths she was more than bucked.
  399. >Being so close to the power of the crystal heart for many centuries, Queen Flux could be a real force of destruction, if she only wanted.
  400. >Looking down at Chrysalis and her shuddering drones, your mother narrowed her eyes dangerously.
  401. >"I give you one chance at explaining your actions here, Chrysalis. Why are you trying to hurt my daughter?"
  402. >Chrysalis snorted audibly at her.
  403. >"You're in no position to ask me anything, Flux!"
  404. >She looked at one of her drones.
  405. >"Get her! All of you! Now!"
  406. >All of them looked at her, with fear painted on their snouts.
  407. >"B-But, my queen! Th... This is Queen Flux, that Queen Flux! Sh-She'll destroy us!"
  408. >Chrysalis bared her teeth at the speaking changeling.
  409. >"I'll do it myself, if you don't move now! I'll repeat one last time, get me her head! Go!"
  410. >All ten of them had raised in the air, flapping their changeling wings furiously.
  411. >Then they threw themselves at your mother, trying to attack her all at once.
  412. >Her horn glowed brighter and the section of the forest you were in, was flooded in incredibly bright, green light.
  413. >When you were able to see anything, you saw Chrysalis drones falling on the forest floor, like autumn leaves.
  414. >All of them unconscious and unresponsive.
  415. >Chrysali actually raised her brow at that sight.
  416. >"You... you didn't kill those poor fools?!"
  417. >Queen Flux just cocked her head to the side.
  418. >"Why should I do this? It's not their fault, they serve a coward like you."
  419. >Chrysalis eyes widen and she hissed loudly.
  420. >Your mother's words really railed her up!
  421. >"I AM NO COWARD! I am Queen Chrysalis! The scourge of Canterlot! The undisputed ruler of the Badlands! The one and only winner of the duel between me and Celestia herself!"
  422. >Your mother smiled softly.
  423. >"Also, you talk way too much."
  424. >Screaming bloody murder, Chrysalis opened her transparent, hole riddled wings.
  425. >Faster than your eyes could fallow, she jumped straight at your mother, with her hooves held high.
  426. >Landing beside her, she strucked her with one of those right in the muzzle.
  427. >Queen Flux didn't even flinch, not bothering to block Chrysalis hoof.
  428. >Her head only turned a little to the side, being moved by the power of Chrysalis attack.
  429. >The mentioned vicious changeling queen, hit your mother two more times, with the similar outcome.
  430. >Then, she fired a dangerous bolt of green magic from her horn straight in your mother's snout.
  431. >Queen Flux's head vanished in the puffs of smoke, which came from the exploding spell.
  432. >When the magic fumes cleared away, you saw that your mother was practically intact.
  433. >Only a small trail of green blood was coming out of her nose.
  434. >She licked it with her long tongue and smiled like a mad-ling.
  435. >Being at least a head and a half taller than Chrysalis, she looked down at her.
  436. >"I must admit something Chrysalis. After all that bragging, I expected much more from you. Let me guess, you're not at your best at the moment, aren't you."
  437. >Chrysalis didn't manage to answer her, because she was flying through the air once more.
  438. >However this time, she wasn't moving becouse she wanted.
  439. >She was launched in the air by the shear force of your mother's powerful uppercut.
  440. >With the accompaniment of her broken teeth, she bounced off of a nearby tree and collapsed on the ground, like a sack of manure.
  441. >From what you saw, she won't be moving from that place any time soon.
  442. >The force shield around you disappeared and your mother came up to you.
  443. >In a rare display of motherly care, she hugged you gently and you hugged her back.
  444. >Her snow white mane smelled like a fresh, winter air.
  445. "I'm sorry, I ran away, mother. I won't do it ever again."
  446. >She delicately stroked your head.
  447. >"Shhh, we'll talk about it later. Now, let me look at you closely."
  448. >She leaned back and for the first time, she saw the stitches and wounds on your chitinous body.
  449. >Her jaw almost hit the ground at this sight.
  450. >"BY THE GODS! Collada, what happened to you!?"
  451. >You nodded in Chrysalis direction, who by some miracle was standing getting up from the forest floor, on a shaky legs.
  452. "She happened, mom."
  453. >Showing her massive, sharp teeth and with her ears flatten on her head, your mother quickly looked at her.
  454. >"YOU!"
  455. >Chrysalis spat some of her green blood on the ground and smiled innocently.
  456. >"I guess, this is my cue to leave."
  457. >Your mother shoot a powerful magic bolt in her direction.
  458. >Unfortunately, Chrysalis managed to teleport herself before it struck her.
  459. >Instead, your mother's spell literally evaporated the big tree, she was leaning on just a moment before.
  460. >When your mother saw that Chrysalis ran away she growled audibly and turned to you.
  461. >"I promise, I'll mount her head on the thorne room wall for what she did to you. However it won't be today. Come Collada we must return to the hive. You need medical attention."
  462. >You looked at the ten Chrysalis unconscious drones, lying on the forest floor.
  463. "What about them, mother?"
  464. >Your mother's horn glowed green and the drones unconscious bodies raised from the ground encompassed by her magic.
  465. >"They're coming with us, Collada. They have valuable information about our new enemies hive."
  466. >You raised a brow at your mother.
  467. "But what if they'll lie about what they know. There's no way for us to know what is the truth and what is a lie. We don't have any agents inside Chrysalis hive."
  468. >Your mother looked at you with an evil smile on her snout.
  469. >"Quoting General Scarab - 'Noling is able to lie with electric crystals strapped to his gonads', my dear daughter."
  470. >You swallowed loudly, not envying the fate of those ten changelings before you.
  471. "Mother, I'd like to talk to you about someling, or rather somebody."
  472. >Queen Flux shook her head dismissively.
  473. >"There's no time for that now. We'll talk in the morning. Come, let us get back to our hive. I'm getting weary of this cursed forest."
  474. >Before you could say anything, you, your mother and the ten unconscious drones disappeared in the bright magic of your mother's teleportation spell.
  476. [OK, so the last part with Queen Flux was a bit rushed and I didn't explain a few things. One of the Anon's in the /bug/ thread asked about it, so here's my reply to him, before I try and explain those things in the next update:
  478. >(that was an) absolutely causeless deus ex machina.
  479. Flux heard Oreo screaming in the hive mind and was able to determine her current position. Being an OP ancient changeling queen, she was able to teleport herself just in time to save her from exploding. Oreo didn't hear anyone in the hive mind because her horn was still badly damaged and she was able to only 'talk" with it but not 'hear' with it.
  480. I must really write about it somehow in the next update.
  482. >Do ALL changeling queens neglect finishing off their opponents?
  483. Flux didn't know what Chrysalis did to the very end. Being so old and powerful, she knows that hastily killing anyone without a good reason, tends to do more harm than good.]

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