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BadGrammarFag - Oreo the changeling chapter6

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:19:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: ejhA57r0.html
  3. Date: FEB 18TH, 2016
  5. ------
  7. >You're Anonymous, master thumb twiddler!
  8. >Yes, you were bored as fuck.
  9. >To say the truth, you never thought you'd feel so much at ease, being a captured criminal and all.
  10. >Even your current 'cell' wasn't as bad and dirty, as you thought it would be.
  11. >Though, you knew all of this could change pretty quickly.
  12. >After all, you were only held inside one of the guest rooms, in Twilight's excuse for a normal castle.
  13. >The mentioned purple princess locked the door after you herself.
  14. >Of course, not before giving you a long lecture about how stupid you were and how much disappointed she was with you.
  15. >After that, she went to wake up Spike.
  16. >Apparently, Sunbutt didn't trust you for shit, because she ordered Twilight to report everything she would found suspicious about you ASAP.
  17. >Welp, what was more suspicious than breaking the law, by harbouring a dangerous changeling under-queen under your roof, you didn't know.
  18. >Nevertheless, you weren't eager to see Princess Sunny Flanks so soon.
  19. >Especially, after your last meeting.
  20. >Some time ago, before you even knew about Oreo's existence, she "dropped by" personally to check on you.
  21. >To check your cottage and everywhere around it.
  22. >To check under your furniture.
  23. >To clog your toilet...
  24. >Back then, you were pretty pissed at her and you wasn't afraid to let her know about it.
  25. >All in all, there was a lot of bad blood between you and good, old Celly.
  26. >You sat on the soft bed that was inside the room you were locked in and looked around.
  27. >Ugh, this castle was even more grotesque inside than outside.
  28. >Crystals_crystals_everywhere.png
  29. >Hmm... being a crystal changeling, Oreo would probably find it quite appealing to her eyes.
  30. >Wondering for a moment about her hopefully successful escape, you looked at the only window in the room.
  31. >The stars were shining brightly on the night sky.
  32. "You better be still alive and kicking out there, you crazy changeling. Ya hear me?"
  33. >Of course, she didn't.
  34. >Suddenly, a shape of Celestia's royal chariot flashed outside the window.
  35. >You sighted and spoke to no one in particular.
  36. "Great, it's finally time for the 'Ponyville's resident apelien VS almighty goddess of the sun' show."
  37. >Taking a big breath, you shouted at the closed door leading out of the room.
  38. "Oi, guards! Tell Celestia I don't accept visitors today!"
  39. >You heard a loud snort from one of the armored pones, who were standing in the hall.
  40. >"The Princess won't be coming to see you, criminal scum! When the time is right, we'll bring you to her!"
  41. >Then, you heard the other one.
  42. >"Yeah, I hope you'll resist! I can't wait to beat the hay out of you, for lying to us and Princess Twilight!"
  43. >Eww, edgy.
  44. >Nonetheless, you decided to not fuck with them anymore.
  45. >You didn't want to get hit by those armored horseshoes they were sporting.
  46. >[spoiler]It would be extremely painful.[/spoiler]
  47. >You didn't have to wait for long to hear the door to your room opening.
  48. >One of the guards came inside and look at you with narrowed eyes.
  49. >"It's time to move, changeling-lover. You're lucky, Princess Twilight came here to escort you in pony."
  50. >You cocked your head to the side and raised your eyebrow.
  51. >Did he meant 'in person'?
  52. >The armored pone must have taken your consternation as a sign of resisting, because he prodded you a few times with the dull end of his spear.
  53. >"Move, maggot! Don't make me use the sharper end of my spear on you!"
  54. >You began to walk.
  55. "Alright, alright![spoiler]Hold your horses![/spoiler] I'm going!"
  56. >You felt a small portion of your soul decaying from that pun you made.
  57. >...
  58. >Meh, you've been dead inside for years, so no harm done!
  59. >Shrugging your shoulders you came up to Twilight, who was waiting for you in the hall.
  60. >She had a bad case of a growing scowl on her purple muzzle.
  61. "You seem a little upset, Twi. What happened?"
  62. >Twiggy opened her snout and closed it and then opened it again.
  63. >"Wh...Wha..up-UPSET?! Anon, please stop joking! Do you even know just how bad your situation is right now?!"
  64. >You scratched your chin slowly.
  65. "Let me guess, Celly is furious and wants to slap my shit so hard, she's thinking out loud about sending me to the moon only in my briefs?"
  66. >Twilight looked at you with a very serious expression.
  67. >"With your actions you endangered the lives of mine and Princess Celestia's subjects. The wellbeing of 'Her' little ponies, Anon!"
  68. >She sighed and started to walk down the hall with you and the guards in tow.
  69. >"I tried to reason with her to reduce your potential punishment at least a little. For example house arrest combined with community service, instead of imprisonment in the Canterlot dungeons."
  70. >She turned her head in your direction.
  71. >"Guess what, Anon? She didn't agree to limit her options with you. No, it was rather the other way around."
  72. >All of you began to walk down the stairs, leading to Twilight's "throne room".
  73. >"Do you know what is the highest degree of punishment in Equestria?"
  74. >Her question actually made you nervous.
  75. "B-Banishment?"
  76. >Twilight shook her head sadly.
  77. >"No Anon, death."
  78. >Well crap!
  79. "D-Death? Um... I know Sunny Buns isn't exactly a fan of me, just like I'm not a fan of her. Nonetheless, senctecing me to capital punishment for what I've done, would be an overkill. Literally."
  80. >Twilight shook her head.
  81. >"I never said that Princess Celestia is actualy thinking about it. The last time Equestria saw a public execution was long before Princess Luna's banishment, more than a thousand years ago."
  82. >She put her hoof on one of the doors leading to her throne room.
  83. >"I asked you this, because I want you to act serious, Anon. Princess is already very upset with you."
  84. >No, she was probably happy you gave her a good excuse to get rid of you.
  85. >A big, unruly, magic immune, flesh eating creature from the other dimension, who's living among her little ponies.
  86. >Yep, you were boned.
  87. >Your inner asshole decided to at least have some fun out of it, so you decided to make no promises regarding your future behavior to Twiggles.
  88. >When you walked inside the throne room, you saw a few of Celestia's royal guards and the big white alicorn herself.
  89. >The both of you looked at each other.
  90. >Celly had an unreadable expression on her pone features and was the first one to speak.
  91. >"Anonymous."
  92. >You nodded slightly.
  93. "Sunbutt."
  94. >Twilight lost her shit instantly.
  95. >"ANON! I told you to be seriou-"
  96. >Celestia silenced her with her raised hoof.
  97. >"It's alright, Twilight. I'm acustomed to Anonymous uncouth behavior. Also, we're not here to exchange pleasantries, aren't we?"
  98. >Mumbling a silent acknowledgement to Celestia's words, Twilight stood beside her and looked at you with annoyance in her eyes.
  99. >With your hands akimbo, you turned to the both of them.
  100. "Alright, let's make this quick. Am I banish, imprisoned or what?"
  101. >Smooth.
  102. >Celestia chuckled softly at your question.
  103. >"Eager to receive your just punishment, aren't you, my dear subject?"
  104. >Before you managed to say anything, she continued.
  105. >"No, before I announce my judgment, you need to answer some of my questions first."
  106. >You smiled smugly at her.
  107. "Shoot!"
  108. >Instead asking you anything, she turned her head to Twiggles.
  109. >"You can call her now."
  110. >Purple pone nodded and began shouting at the other door leading to the thorne room.
  111. >"You can come in now, Applejack!"
  112. >The door opened and in came the mentioned yellow farm pone.
  113. >"Howdy, Anon!"
  114. >Your smile vanished.
  115. "Oh, shit."
  116. >Now it was Celestia's turn to look smugly at you.
  117. >"Indeed it is, my dear subject. Do you really thought, I forgot about your immunity to mind reading and lie detecting spells? Luckily, as an element of honesty, Miss Applejack here will help us to see the truth in your answers, or the lack of it."
  118. >The apple pone in question started fidgeting nervously in place.
  119. >Twilight put her hoof on her withers.
  120. >"Is something wrong, Applejack?"
  121. >She looked at her and nodded.
  122. >"Yes. You see Twi, Ah never talked with Anon much, so Ah don't know if I'll be able to tell if he's lyin'."
  123. >Ooh, did you just dodged a big, ugly bullet there.
  124. >Nonetheless, Celestia was having none of it.
  125. >"Let's test that, shall we. Anonymous, please tell us something that is an universal truth and and then lie about something."
  126. >Damn, she wanted to fine tune Tree Kicker's ability to detect your bullshit.
  127. >Clever girl.
  128. "You want the truth, here it goes. My dick is bigger than yours, Sunbutt!"
  129. >Twilight began shaking from annoyance and Applejack blush slightly.
  130. >To her credit, Celly was unmoved by your words.
  131. >"Well, I always was a mare, so you can say that's true. Now I want to hear your lie, Anonymous."
  132. >You sighed loudly.
  133. "I think you're fun to be around, Celly."
  134. >Applejack's ears drooped.
  135. >"H-He's lyin', Princess."
  136. >Sunbutt smiled to her.
  137. "That's alright Applejack, there's no law telling that my subjects need to like me."
  138. >Then she turned to Twilight.
  139. >"Now, let's not waste any more of ours and Anonymous time and get to questions. You first Twilight."
  140. >Twiggy nervously looked at you.
  141. >"W-Well Anon, from what I heard from Lyra the changeling she saw in your house, had a long mane and was too big to be a normal drone, or warrior. Was she a queen from some unknown to us, changeling hive?"
  142. >Heh, easy question.
  143. >You didn't even have to lie, or dance around the subject.
  144. "Nope, she wasn't a changeling queen."
  145. >Purple Wonder scratched her snout in thought.
  146. >"Then, she must have been an under-queen from Chrysalis hive, right?"
  147. >... fug.
  148. "M-Maybe?"
  149. >Sunny Flanks narrowed her eyes at you.
  150. >"For your own good, give us only stright asnswers, Anonymous."
  151. >Did the whole room became unbearably hot for a second there?
  152. >You decided it was time to test Applejack lie detection abilities.
  153. "No, she never told me who she was."
  154. >Two princesses looked at Aphul.
  155. >"He's lyin' through his teeth."
  156. >Fuck you, you walking lie detector.
  157. >Before you were able to show Background Pone your middle finger, Celestia leaned toward you dangerously.
  158. >"Is there a changeling hive we don't know about, which can be a danger to all of Equestria? You better answer me truthfully."
  159. >You crossed your arms.
  160. "How about no, Celly. I won't rat out a whole hive, so you could lock them up in your dungeons and watch them die from hunger."
  161. >Also, if what Oreo told you was true, her hive was more than capable to wage war with Equestria.
  162. >If Sunny here would showed up at their doorstep with her army to detain them, it would become a massacre.
  163. >You don't want to be the one responsible for so much death and destruction, thank you very much.
  164. >Surprisingly, Celestia looked at you with a little sadness in her eyes.
  165. >"Do you really think I'm that cruel, Anonymous?"
  166. >You shrugged your shoulders.
  167. "I don't know and I don't give a shit."
  168. >You were already pissed off by this illusion of a true, honest trial.
  169. "What I do care about, is why none of you asked me why I saved her life?! A life of another living, breathing being, which deserves respect and help, as much as any of you!"
  170. >Celestia finally lost it.
  171. >She jumped in your direction, bringing her snout to your face.
  172. >You must admit, you almost shat your pants.
  173. >Celestia's tone was low and dangerous.
  174. >"Respect and help you say. Do you know how a spell called "living magic projectile", which changeling use, look like, Anonymous?"
  175. >You swallowed audibly and shook your head.
  176. >"Let me tell you, then. It encases a flying changeling in a protective magic shield and accelerates his speed for a short time. That way, he can drop down on his enemies, squashing them into a paste, but is not harmed himself."
  177. "W-Why are you telling me this?"
  178. >"When Chrysalis hive attacked Canterlot, her drones used that spell against my little ponies."
  179. >Her angry nose was almost touching yours.
  180. >"Have you ever seen, or heard a mother crying and clutching what was left of her little filly, who just happen to find herself in the way of one of those "living projectiles", Anonymous? BECAUSE I DID AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE, OR HEARD IT EVER AGAIN!"
  181. >You fell flat on your ass, from the shear power of her outburst.
  182. >In a blink of an eye, Twilight put herself between you and her.
  183. >"Please princess, calm down!"
  184. >Celestia's eyes widen and she backed away from the both of you.
  185. >"I... I'm sorry, I was blinded by my emotions. Forgive me, it's unbecoming of a princess."
  186. >Aphul was the first one to react.
  187. >"Don't worry bout' it none, princess! We understand you. We've all seen what them bugs are capale of doin'."
  188. >Helping you to stand up, Twilight nodded her head, agreeing with Applejack words.
  189. >You patted her on the back.
  190. "Thanks, Twi. You're ok in my book."
  191. >Then you turned to Celestia.
  192. >"You know, your words just strengthen my resolve to not tell you shit about my 'guest's' hive. If I did, you'd probably see scenes like you described more than once, or twice again."
  193. >Celestia blinked her eyes and her features became unreadable again.
  194. >"Then, I got a final question for you, Anonymous. Did your 'guest' showed any romantic interest towards you?"
  195. >You wot, mate?!
  196. "I don't see how is this your damn business, princess."
  197. >"Just answer the question."
  198. >...
  199. "... No, I don't think so."
  200. >Everyone looked at Applejack.
  201. >Covering her eyes with her stetson, she only shook her head sadly.
  202. >Well, fuck you knocker head pone.
  203. >Twilight looked intrigued with Celestia's question.
  204. >"Forgive me princess, but I too don't see why her romantic interest in Anon is relevant here?"
  205. >The big, white pone looked at Twiggles.
  206. >"As you know Twilight, because of her shape changing abilities, changelings can produce offspring with any species they want. Just imagine how dangerous would be an army consisting of changeling warriors, who are immune to magic. All that, because their queen was lucky enough to mate with the only one who have this ability in this world."
  207. >Did she just accuse you that you'd be willing to fuck a changeling?!
  208. >Would you?!
  209. >... erm... Oreo was cute alright when she-
  210. >Before you answered your own question, Celestia looked at you with determination in her eyes.
  211. >That alone told you that she already knew what to do with you.
  212. >"Anonymous Incognito, I hereby sentence you to be imprisoned in Canterlot dungeons. You'll be staying there for as long as you won't tell us everything, you know about this new changeling hive and for as long as the changeling under-queen, you were harbouring in your house is free, or alive. Any last words, before I order my guards to lead you out of this room?"
  213. >Feck, bitch was serious.
  214. >"Princess, please reconsider your decision! Anon was just trying to help! He didn't know tha-"
  215. >Good, old Twilight was trying to fight for your freedom, but Celestia silenced her again with a raised hoof.
  216. >"I'm sorry Princess Twilight, but too much is at stake here."
  217. >You turned to Twilight first.
  218. "Thank for beliving in me Twigs. You're alright."
  219. >Then, you clenched your fists and looked at Celestia.
  220. "Yeah, I got some last words for you, Sunbutt. This trial was a farce from the very beginning , so fuck you and fuck your sense of justice, you massive faggo-"
  221. >Suddenly, you were tugged backwards by one of the Celestia's royal guards.
  222. >"That's enough! One more word and I kick your flank, changeling-lover! Now come, it's a long flight to your cell in the Canterlot dangeons."
  223. >Showing him both of your middle fingers, you let him and the other guards, to lead you out of the throne room.
  225. >You are Firi, the royal advisor of Queen Flux.
  226. >A pretty important changeling, if you may say so yourself.
  227. >Though, at the same time - very busy and it showed.
  228. >The Crystal Changeling Hive was just waking up early in the morning and you were already in a hurry.
  229. >You were walking in a fast pace through one of the tunnels located in the "royal part" of your hive.
  230. >Everyling who saw you, were politely jumping out of your way, to not obstruct your progress.
  231. >You were silently thanking them with small nods of your head, but inside of it your thoughts were somewhere else.
  232. >Why did your queen requested your presence in the throne room at the break of dawn?
  233. >It was probably related somehow with her daughter, who miraculously returned to the hive last night.
  234. >You and everyling else were really glad that Princess Collada was safe and sound.
  235. >Of course, as much as it was possible bearing in mind what has happened to her.
  236. >In that fateful night, everyling heard Princess Collada's desperate pleading for help.
  237. >Unfortunately, noling couldn't get any information from her about her situation, or whereabouts.
  238. >As it turned out later, her horn was broken and she only could "talk" inside the hive mind, but couldn't "hear" it.
  239. >When all of you started to panic, Queen Flux once again proved her immeasurable power and cunning.
  240. >In a blink of an eye, she stood up, casted a powerful scrying spell through the hive mind and teleported herself out of the throne room.
  241. >When she was back, Princess Collada was with her.
  242. >Also, ten unconscious drones from Queen Chrysalis hive.
  243. >When they were taken away by the guards, princess started talking about some hyumin creature called Anon.
  244. >Though, she only managed to tell you that he saved her life and helped her in her escape from Equestrian royal guard.
  245. >After that, she lost her consciousness from the blood loss.
  246. >Luckily for her, you called the medical staff into the throne room, right after your queen teleported herself out of it.
  247. >They quickly surrounded her and brought her into the emergency department in the medical area of the hive.
  248. >Queen Flux ordered them to use the rare healing crystals on her, to assure her survival.
  249. >Then, she requested one of the servant drones to clean and straighten a part of the wall behind her throne.
  250. >When you asked her why, she told you that Queen Chrysalis's severed head is going to look rather dashing, mounted on a neatly prepared surface.
  251. >Then and there you really didn't envy the fate of those ten uncouncious changelings from the Badlands Hive, or like somelings like to say "Bad-luck's" Hive.
  252. >You were brought out of your thoughts by the sight of the massive throne room doors.
  253. >Those were made out of the hardest diamond crystal your land have to offer.
  254. >As always, four royal guards were stationed in front of it.
  255. >Four broad-chested, big and strong males.
  256. >U-Unf.
  257. >Y-You wouldn't mind if one of them were stationed in front of your doors, if you catch-
  258. >"Welcome, royal advisor! Our queen is waiting for you!"
  259. >Unfortunately, there were all on duty, as you were yourself.
  260. >The one who greeted you, turned to the large doors behind him.
  261. >"Please, wait a moment and let me open that door for you."
  262. >His horn glowed green and the door began to move.
  263. >Thankful, you looked at him with half-lidded eyes and whispered.
  264. "I want to have your nymphs~"
  265. >By the gods, what did you just blurted out?!
  266. >Luckily, the guard only raised his brows.
  267. >"I'm sorry, can you repeat that, ma'am?"
  268. >You felt your cheeks burning.
  269. "N-Nothing! Thank you, I-I will go now!"
  270. >You quickly entered the throne room, not looking at any of the guards.
  271. >When the doors began closeing behind you, you heard one of them talking.
  272. >"Oh Riggs, you lucky son of a whoarse! The advisor got the hots for you!"
  273. >"Shut up, you mongrel. You know tha-"
  274. >Then the door closed with a bang and you couldn't hear the reast of their talk.
  275. "Hmm... Riggs? It sure have a nice ring to it."
  276. >A large, hole riddled hoof waved before your eyes.
  277. >Your eyes widened and you looked up, at its owner - Queen Flux.
  278. >"Are you done daydreaming about my royal guards attention, Firi?"
  279. >You shamefully flatten your ears on your head.
  280. "Y-Yes, my quuen! I-I'm sorry, my queen!"
  281. >She nodded her head slightly and started walking.
  282. >"Good. Wipe the drool off your muzzle and come with me. We're going to see that reckless daughter of mine."
  283. >Catching up with her, you asked her the question that was [spoiler]bugging[/spoiler] you.
  284. "My queen, I thought you'd like to have some quality time with the princess, without anyling interfering. After all you haven't seen her for days. What do you need me for?"
  285. >Queen Flux sighted softly, looking in the distance.
  286. >"Firi, as my trusted advisor you surley know I'm not flawless. I need you to stop me, when you decide the time is right to do this."
  287. >Dumbfounded, you almost crashed with the tunnel wall.
  288. "M-Me, stop you?! E-Excuse me, my queen, but even if you were after my very own life I couldn't stop you. Forgive me my word choice, but you're more than able to squash me like a bug!"
  289. >Queen Flux shook her head and chuckled quietly.
  290. >"You don't need to use the power of your muscles, or magic to stop me, my dear advisor. Just use the power of your words, that will be enough."
  291. >You calmed down a little, but was still unsure of what was going on.
  292. "A-Alright then. Though, can you tell me from what I have to stop you, my queen?"
  293. >She blinked a few times, but didn't look at you.
  294. >"You'll see soon enough."
  295. >After a few moments the both of you found yourselves standing before the bed containing sleeping Princess Collada, in the medical section of the hive.
  296. >She looked a lot better than the night before.
  297. >Her horn was whole once more and her chitinous carapace was clean from all those dreadful wounds and stitches made out of staples.
  298. >Who in his right mind uses stapler to close somelings wounds?!
  299. >That hyumin must have been really desperate to use it on your princess.
  300. >You looked at Queen Flux, who was busy talking with one of the doctors.
  301. "So you say that my daughter, the future queen of this hive, is fine and can leave the medical section whenever she wants?"
  302. >He nodded his head.
  303. >"Yes, my queen. The healing crystals you requested to be used on the princess worked like a charm. She's free to go, whenever she wakes up."
  304. >Your queen put her hoof on his shoulder.
  305. >"Thank you, doctor. You and your staff did a wonderful job and assured the very survival of this hive."
  306. >He bowed low before her.
  307. >"It was an honour. We live and die by your will, my queen."
  308. >You felt the pride overwhelming you, when you heard your hive's motto.
  309. >Ponies and the changelings from other hives would call you fanatics, but you didn't give a single buck.
  310. >Because of your queen's wisdom, sacrifice and benevolence your hive was the greatest to live in.
  311. >She was never the one to recklessly throw her subjects lives away.
  312. >You, just like everyling else, would be glad to give up everything by her command, even your very own existence.
  313. >Queen Flux smiled and nodded at the doctor, then she looked at her sleeping daughter and her smile vanished.
  314. "Collada, wake up!"
  315. >The princess stirred in bed and murmured something.
  316. >" Anon, I don't want to eat that awful porridge anymore..."
  317. >Then, her eyes opened and she sat up in bed, looking at the both of you.
  318. >"Wha.. huh... Firi?! Mother?! What are you doing here?! W-Where am I? Where's Anon?"
  319. >The queen didn't say nothing, so you decided to answer her questions.
  320. "You're in the medical section of the hive, princess. Don't you remember what happened last night?"
  321. >She closed her eyes and put a hoof on her forehead.
  322. >"O-Oh... yes, yes. I was in the Everfree a-and mother saved me from Chrysalis and Anon, he... Anon! We must save Anon! Equestrians will throw him into the dungeons, or worse for helping me!"
  323. >Queen Flux cleared her throat loudly, attracting the attention of everyling gathered.
  324. "Not so fast, Collada. First you need to tell me something."
  325. >The voice of your queen was cold and emotionless.
  326. >You saw that the princess swallowed audibly when she heard her.
  327. >She slowly turned her head to look at her mother.
  328. "Yes mother, what d-"
  329. >She didn't get to finish her question.
  330. >Queen Flux slapped her so hard, that the bed she was sitting on fell over and she collapsed on the floor tangled in the blanket.
  332. >You and the doctor covered your ears.
  333. >The both of you never heard your queen being so loud!
  334. >Princess Collada managed to free herself from the blanket.
  335. >Green blood was dripping from her nose and lips on the ground.
  336. >"What do you mean, mother?!"
  337. >In a blink of an eye Queen Flux found herself standing beside her.
  338. >She grabbed her head in the both of her front hooves and started shouting at her.
  339. >"Are you a little, mindless nymph, Collada?! What were you even thinking when you decided to ran away from the hive?!"
  340. >The doctor couldn't stand it any longer.
  341. >"No, my queen! You're going to hur-"
  342. >You put your hoof on his mouth and shook your head.
  343. "No, doctor. The princess is getting a lesson in responsibility. Don't worry, I'll stop the queen when the time's right."
  344. >Then and there you knew exactly what Queen Flux expected of you.
  345. >You were to stop her in case she went too far in punishing Princess Collada childish behavior.
  346. >The princess in question was shaking like a leaf.
  347. >"M-Mother, you're going to crash my head!"
  348. >Your queen didn't listened.
  349. >"Good! Maybe I'll squash that malfunctioning part of your brain!"
  350. >She leaned down to look her straight in the eyes.
  351. >"Do you know what you did, Collada?! By running away, you have not only endangered your life, but also the life of all of my subjects, YOUR subjects! Understand that you're my only successor, you spoiled, impulsive, reckless nymph!"
  352. >Before the princess have any chance to answer her mother, she slapped her once again.
  353. >This time she went flying across the room and collided with the wall.
  354. >The queen started charging up her horn.
  355. >It was your cue to act.
  356. >You stood between her and the princess with your front hooves raised before you.
  357. "That's enough, my queen! I think that the princess had enough."
  358. >The green glow died on her horn and she nodded in your direction.
  359. >"Yes, I think so too. Thank you, Firi."
  360. >You heard the princess standing up on a wobbly legs behind you.
  361. >She coughed some blood on the floor and there were tears in her eyes.
  362. >"I... I'm sorry, mother. I-I never thought I would be coughed b-by Chrysalis and jeopardise the future of the hive... I-I'm sorry! Please, forgive me!"
  363. >Queen Flux teleported herself beside her and in a rare display of parental care, hugged her crying daughter.
  364. >"It's alright, my little jewel. Fortunately, I was able to get to you in time. Please, next time you'll have a stupid idea like running away, remember that you're responsible not only for yourself, but for the whole hive. Now, tell me about this Anon, who helped you?"
  365. >You smiled at the touching scene before you and requested the doctor to bring something that would stop the bleeding from the under-queen's nose.
  367. >You are Princess Collada/Oreo and you're putting an ice pack to your head.
  368. >After swallowing your shame, you managed to tell your mother and her advisor, about what Anon did for you.
  369. "... and that's why I think Anon deserves to be freed from Equestrian dungeon and be allowed to live here with us."
  370. >Your mother nodded, acknowledging your words.
  371. >"Yes, I can see that. He gave a great service to our hive by saving your life and it would be only fair, to return the favour."
  372. >Then, her features became more serious and reserved.
  373. >"Unfortunately, this is more complicated than that, my dear daughter. I'm afraid there isn't much we can do for him at the moment."
  374. >Your eyes widened and you raised your voice.
  375. "Why, mother?! Didn't you just tell me to take care of my subjects?! I treat Anon like one of them, maybe even more than that!"
  376. >Queen Flux sighed loudly and looked at her advisor.
  377. >"I see that my dear, naive daughter can't see the whole picture here. Firi, please tell her what I'm talking about."
  378. >Firi nodded to your mother.
  379. >"Of course, my queen. You see princess, it's simple. Equestrians have a habit of casting a permanent tracking spell on their inmates. To put it bluntly, Anon's life isn't worth to expose our hive's existance and possibly it's location. That would probably ment war with the ponies."
  380. >To her and your mother's surprise, you smiled smugly.
  381. "I see no problem with that. I forgot to tell you about something. Anon is immune to magic, like totally immune. Also, he's life has more worth than that. When I was feeding off of him for a few days, he didn't felt anything. There was absolutely no side effects. As I understand it, he's the equivalent of the weaker version of the Crystal Heart."
  382. >You never saw your mother's jaw falling so low.
  383. >For the first time in her life, she was speechless.
  384. >Firi recovered quicker that her.
  385. >"M-My queen, If what princess said is true... t-that hyumin can be a real boon for our hive!"
  386. >You mother looked deeply into your eyes.
  387. >"Swear to me that it's true, so I don't need to cast a lie detection spell on you."
  388. >You blinked once, remembering for a moment your little "blinking conversations" with Anon.
  389. "Yes, I'm telling the truth."
  390. >Your mother slightly cocked head to the side.
  391. >"Do you have feelings for that hyumin?"
  392. >You felt yourself blushing a little there.
  393. "W-Well... I think so. He saved my life and took care of me l-like noling ever did a-and is not afraid of my royal status."
  394. >Your mother smiled.
  395. >"Good. Your union could produce a new and amazing type of nymphs."
  396. >Suddenly, the floor became very interesting, so you fixed your eyes on it.
  397. "L-Listen, I um... I don't know if he's interested in me like that at all."
  398. >Well, technically you kissed.
  399. >Though, you think it was more of a rape attempt from your side, than a proof of his feelings for you.
  400. >Your mother's smile didn't disappear.
  401. >"If he's not blind, he will. All in all, you inherited your good looks after me."
  402. >You looked hopefully at her.
  403. "Does that mean you're thinking about rescuing him from Equestrian dungeon?"
  404. >To your great delight she nodded her head.
  405. >"Yes. However, it won't be easy. Meet me in the throne room in a couple of hours and we'll talk. Come Firi, we've got much work to do."
  406. >Then, the both of them began to walk away.
  407. >"So Firi, you fancy one of my royal guards, but don't have the courage to ask him on a date?"
  408. >Firi looked like a breezie standing in front of a runaway train and your mother continued her speech with a stright muzzle.
  409. >"You know, I am the queen of this hive and I can order him to take you on a delightful date. If he knows what's good for him, he won't refuse."
  410. >>"M-My queen, I-"
  411. >You didn't hear the rest of it, because the door leading to the medical room you were in, closed behind them.
  412. >Pressing the ice pack to your head, you saw that the blood was still running from your nose.
  413. "Grrr, she didn't have to hit me this hard."
  414. >Or, maybe she did... who knows.
  415. >Couple of hours later, you found yourself standing before your mother once more.
  416. >She was sitting on her thorne and lazily playing with her snow white mane, not acknowledging your existence.
  417. >Probably an untold part of your punishment for your reckless behavior.
  418. >You growled under your nose and spoke to her.
  419. "Can you at least look at me, mother?!"
  420. >She didn't.
  421. >Instead she looked at her hoof holding a few strands of her mane.
  422. >"I was waiting for you to grow some gonads and utter a sound. I'm happy you managed to do that in this millennium."
  423. >Yeah, the punishment continues.
  424. >"Remember Collada, as a future queen you can't be afraid to speak your mind out loud."
  425. >You noticed the distinct lack of her advisor at her side.
  426. "Where is Firi?"
  427. >Your mother finally looked at you.
  428. >"I send her away for the rest of the day. You see, she's got a date she needs to prepare herself for. Though, I belive you're not here to talk about her."
  429. >You just nodded, already annoyed with your mother's antics.
  430. >"Fine, I have a few options prepared for you. I'll lay them down before and see what you'll choose. Bear in mind, that your choice will show me just how much potential is within you, as the future queen of this hive."
  431. >It was never easy with your mother.
  432. >There was always some hidden reason in everything she did and spoke to you.
  433. "I try my best, to not disappoint your mother."
  434. >She adjusted her position on the throne and smiled.
  435. >"Splendid. First we're gonna have to find where they keep this Anon of yours, or if he's even still alive out there. This isn't an option, this is a necessity."
  436. >It was obvious to you as well, so you didn't say anything.
  437. >"Now, for the options. First, I'm thinking about something called 'equivalent exchange' here. They got Anon, but we don't have anything to exchange him for. What would you say, if I told you that our army is prepared to invade the Crystal Kingdom. Our numbers would blot out their sun and we would win swiftly and effortlessly. Then, I would propose their freedom to Celestia in exchange for your Anon."
  438. >You shook your head and smiled.
  439. >Did your mother really think you're that stupid.
  440. "To easy, mother. I'm not taking that option. An invasion like this is an open declaration of war. That and we could lose the power of the Crystal Heart forever after something like this."
  441. >Satisfied with your answer, your mother clapped her hooves together.
  442. >"Good, good. What about something smaller than the whole kingdom. Something like a valuable hostage? I'm thinking about Princess Twilight, or Princess Cadance. The last one is expecting a foal soon, that would be two valuable hostages in one."
  443. >You chuckled loudly.
  444. >As much as you'd like to see the princess, who locked Anon away, in your dungeons, this wasn't an option.
  445. "Again, I must say no. Firstly, they would never forgive us for kidnaping one of their princesses and would seek to harm us by any means necessary. Secondly, if by some miracle the princess would ran away, the location of our hive would become a common knowledge to the ponykind."
  446. >Your mother's smile widened.
  447. >"You're doing great so far, my little jewel."
  448. >In truth, you had enough of this already.
  449. "Mother, please! I don't want to waste time, by talking about choices that aren't really true."
  450. >Your mother stood up from her throne and came up to you, looking at you intently.
  451. >"Alright, come with me."
  452. >You raised your eyebrow.
  453. "Where to, now?"
  454. >Queen Flux turn her head at the throne room doors and started walking.
  455. >"The only true option that we have, is to send a small team consisting of our best agents to free Anon. We're going to meet them now."
  456. >You followed your mother to the military section of your hive, where you met up with General Scarab.
  457. >He led you to one of the many training rooms in the section.
  458. >Inside you saw four changelings males waiting for you, who stood at attention almost immediately after seeing you.
  459. >General Scarab began his introduction.
  460. >"This is the best team that we have for occasions such as this."
  461. >He pointed at the handsome changeling.
  462. >"This is Snout. He's one of the best infiltrators in the hive."
  463. >Snout bowed politely before you and your mother.
  464. >"It is always a pleasure to meet royalty, your Highnesses."
  465. >Then Scarab pointed at the biggest changeling warrior you've ever saw, who wasn't a behemoth.
  466. >"This is B.A. Barracuda. The muscle of this team."
  467. >You cocked your head to the side and looked at the general.
  468. "B.A.? What does it mean, general?"
  469. >"'Bad Attitude', my princess."
  470. >Hearing his alias, the warrior clapped his large hooves together loudly and exclaimed.
  471. >"I pitty the pony, who'll stand in my way!"
  472. >Next was another worrior.
  473. >This one was smaller, but he looked like he has seen more action than most veteran warriors you ever spoken with.
  474. >"This is Cannonball. He's the leader and the brain of this team."
  475. >The seasoned warrior nodded at you and his queen.
  476. >"We'll do whatever it takes, to end this mission successfully."
  477. >The last one was a scrawny looking changeling, who was more interested with his hooves than anything else.
  478. >"Last, but not least, this is Mad-dog. He's the best flyer in our hive and possess photographic memory. I don't need to tell you how valuable this set of skills can become during any given mission."
  479. >At the mention of his name, Mad-dog started to look at the ceiling.
  480. >"Hmm...Mad-dog, Mad-dog? I know I heard that name before..."
  481. >B.A. shouted at him.
  482. >"That's your name, fool!"
  483. >The scrawny changeling pointed both of his hooves at Barracuda and clicked with his tongue.
  484. >"Ha! I knew it sounded familiar. Thanks, B.A.!"
  485. >The mentioned large warrior wasn't too happy to receive his thanks.
  486. >"Guys hold me, or I'm going to hurt him real bad this time."
  487. >Cannonball quickly silenced the both of them.
  488. >"Calm down, the both of you! You can develop your bromance some other time. Now we had a mission to accomplish."
  489. >Surprisingly enough, your mother was pleased with General Scarab's choice of team.
  490. >"I am pleased with what I see, general. I'm sure they'll succeed, where anyling else would have failed."
  491. >When the team heard that, they puffed out thier chests and saluted.
  492. >"We live and die by your will, my queen!"
  493. >Your mother smiled and looked at all of you with serious expression on her muzzle.
  494. >"Alright, listen. Here's the plan..."

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

by rmp

QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

by rmp

QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

by rmp

QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

by rmp

Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

by rmp