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BadGrammarFag - Oreo the changeling chapter7

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:20:26
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL: 122LJf5p.html
  3. Date: FEB 26TH, 2016
  5. ------
  7. >You have your head stuck between iron bars of your dungeon cell door.
  8. >A bunch of royal guards is looking at you and they're laughing their asses off.
  9. >... Yep, you're Anonymous and your glorious plan of escape turn out to be shit.
  10. >Big surprise there.
  11. >Somehow turning your head a little, you spoke to one of the laughing armored pones.
  12. "Hey guys, stop laughing and help me... please?"
  13. >The mentioned guard started catching his breath and tried to talk to you.
  14. >"Wh-heh-Why a-are huh yyou all covered i-in-he-food?!"
  15. >Not amused by his question, you rolled your eyes.
  16. "Weeell, this hideous goop you call food, was supposed to help me squeeze myself through the bars..."
  17. >However, it didn't and now you not only feel like shit, but smell like one too.
  18. >When the guards heard your answer they began laughing harder.
  19. >Some of them even dropped their weapons and started rolling on the floor, holding their poni bellies and crying the tears of joy.
  20. >Fug.
  21. "So, I guess I won't get much help from you, eh?"
  22. >One of the guards, this time a mare, pointed her armored hoof at you.
  23. >"M-ha-Maybe later p-he-prisoner. A-As for now *hehe* t-try to imagine that you've got y-ha-your head stuck between the he-hind legs of your changeling lover."
  24. >All of the pones exploded with a new wave of laughter.
  25. >You just sighed loudly, already accustomed to their way of treating you.
  26. >Read: like crap.
  27. >No, they didn't beat your imprisoned ass, or something similarly extreme.
  28. >Though, being dubbed a "changeling lover" didn't help your case either.
  29. >The only good thing about this whole situation was the fact, that you didn't have to share your cell with some other prisoner.
  30. >Actually, the whole section of the dungeons you were in was empty.
  31. >You weren't surprised, in this poni-poni land crime wasn't as common as it was back in your world.
  32. >Nevertheless, you decided that if you'll ever be released from your imprisonment, you're going to move out from Equestria.
  33. >After all, you've got nothing left here that would make you stay.
  34. >Although, you've heard from one of the guards, that Rarity and the spa sisters talked with Celestia about your case.
  35. >They were trying to ask her to let you go, telling her that you're a good boi who dindu nuffin and have nothing in common with the "vile changelings".
  36. >Of course, Celestia had none of it.
  37. >She's too afraid that if she release your magic immune ass from her grasp, the changelings will grab you and somehow turn you into a weapon of mass destruction.
  38. >A sound of the key turning in your cell door pulled you out of your thoughts.
  39. >"Alright, let's get your head out from between those bars, genius."
  40. >You noticed three royal guards looking at you, with an amused smirks on their muzzles.
  41. "Hey, I never claimed that I have a doctorate in the art of escaping out of prison."
  42. >One of them opened your cell door and you felt a tug on your head.
  43. >"I'd never guess that... hmm. Are you able to crouch down to get eye level with us?"
  44. >As it turned out, you could.
  45. >Two of them stood behind you.
  46. >The "talkative" one stood in front of you and pointed your hoof at them.
  47. >"Alright guys, on my mark grab his legs and start pulling. I'll grab his head and start pushing."
  48. >Then he looked at you.
  49. >"Let's hope your ears stay in place after all of this. On my mark guys! In 3... 2..."
  50. >You closed your eyes and prayed that Oreo will fulfill the promise, she gave you before disappearing in the bushes of Everfree Forest.
  51. >"...1! PULL!"
  52. >Hopefully, sooner than later!
  54. >You're Berry Punch.
  55. >Alcoholic extraordinaire.
  56. >It was early morning in Canterlot, where you were visiting your family.
  57. >You were on your way to the train station, to return to Ponyville, when you remembered about something.
  58. >One of your family members gave you a bottle of one of Canterlot's finest wines, as a gift.
  59. >You really wanted to know how it taste.
  60. >As it turned out, it was amazing and pretty strong.
  61. >You couldn't help but to drink the whole bottle at once.
  62. >Although, you severly underastimated its power.
  63. >At the moment you were lying in some abandoned back alley, completely smashed and mumbling something to yourself.
  64. >They definitely wouldn't let you on the train in that state, so you decided to get some sleep instead.
  65. >After all, it was pretty early in the morning and the wine made you sleepy.
  66. >Before you managed to close your eyes, you heard a weird crackling sound to your left.
  67. >When you turned your head in that direction, you were temporarily blinded by a sudden explosion of a bright green light.
  68. >"Now that's what I call a powerful teleportation spell, my queen."
  69. >>"Flattery will get you nowhere, Cannonball."
  70. >When you regain your sight, you saw that there was steaming crater in the ground, where a part of the pavement was just a moment ago.
  71. >Surrounded by the smoke, there were five pony-like figures standing inside of it and talking among each other.
  72. >"...of course, my queen. Mad-dog turn yourself into a pegasus and scan the area. Find us the best way to get to the castle."
  73. >>"Okey dokey artichokey, bossling!"
  74. >You saw another burst of a green light and a yellow pegasus stallion flew out from the smoke into the sky.
  75. >Then, your drunken brain decided to let them know about your presence.
  76. "W-Whhat ish... whaat the bucksh was thhad!"
  77. >In an instant, the biggest changeling warrior you've ever saw came out form the clearing smoke.
  78. >"I'm going to turn you into a paste, fool!"
  79. >You wanted to scream, but he was quick enough to grab you by the snout and pinned you to the wall.
  80. >When he raised his hoof, you saw your whole life flashing before your eyes.
  81. >Luckily for you, a smaller warrior grabbed it before it could smear your brain matter on the surface behind you.
  82. >"Stop B.A.! She can be of use to us."
  83. >He turned his bug head to the remaining two mysterious figures.
  84. >"Sonut, are you sure that this Rarity mare told you the truth, about hyumin being kept in the Canterlot Castle dungeons?"
  85. >You heard a short laughter coming out from the clearing smoke.
  86. >"Easy boss, you've asked me this already a milion times."
  87. >When the smoke disappeared you saw a lean changeling sitting on a large wooden crate, smiling in your direction.
  88. >Maybe it was the alcohol speaking, but he was quite handsome, even for a changeling.
  89. >You wouldn't mind surendering yourself to him and-
  90. >Suddenly, your line of perverted thoughts was interrupted by the sight of a changeling quuen sitting beside him.
  91. "H-Hoooly Celsthia! Y...Youh're a bigh o-one!"
  92. >She didn't even look at you
  93. >The smaller warrior seemed to be unsatisfied with the answer, that he got from the handsome one.
  94. >"Well, are you sure, Snout?"
  95. >The handsome changeling chuckled once more.
  96. >"Yes, that Rarity mare, which princess told us about, was very helpful. I never saw a mare so enamored with my impersonation of a lonley, charming noblestallion. She was ready to give me her money and virginity, along with the information about the hyumin."
  97. >The smaller warrior nodded his head at him and turned to his giant of a queen.
  98. >"My queen, can I ask you to make our little, drunken friend here more cooperative?"
  99. >She quickly found herself beside you, leaning down to look you in the eyes.
  100. "O-Ohhh, yorsh teeth a-are bigher than my earsh!"
  101. >She smiled gently, when she heard you.
  102. >"You shouldn't be concerned about my fangs, little pony. Look higher."
  103. >Then you saw her widened, golden eyes with slit pupils.
  104. >They were so... beautiful and hypnotizing.
  105. >You... you could do... absolutely everything for somepony with such lovely eyes...
  106. >...
  108. >What teleported inside the alley was five changelings, who stumbled upon the frightened drunken pony.
  109. >What came out of the alley was five royal guards carrying a large wooden crate, followed by a happy drunken pony.
  110. >You are Queen Flux of the Changeling Crystal Hive.
  111. >Of course, you have many more titles than this, but you were never the one to care about such things.
  112. >The experience you gained during your long life made you who you are, not the titles you bear.
  113. >Disguised as a typical Equestrian royal guard, you were walking down one of the many streets of Canterlot.
  114. >Beside you walked, similarly disguised, four of your best changeling agents.
  115. >Two of them were carrying a large wooden crate, which contained something most crucial for your mission, along with the royal armor everyling was now wearing.
  116. >When you saw the Canterlot Castle at the horizon, the one called Cannonball turned to you.
  117. >"My queen, with all due respect, this is the last moment to turn away and leave this mission to us. We won't disappoint you, your highness."
  118. >As always, you were touched by the concern of your subjects.
  119. "Thank you Cannonball, but I must decline. You know as well as me, that the distraction I'll couse, with what I'm about do, will be vital for this mission success. There's way too much guards in the dungeons and we must lure them out somehow."
  120. >He blinked a few times and adjusted his royal guard lieutenant's helmet.
  121. >"Yes I know, but you'll be against Celestia herself, my queen. Please, reconsider."
  122. >You smiled at him warmly.
  123. "Don't worry, I always wanted to compare my power with hers. With princess Luna being far away on a diplomatic mission in Saddle Arabia, there's no better time for me to do this. Besides, if something happen to me, I have full confidence in my daughter to be the new queen of our hive. Just don't tell her that, I don't want overconfidence to be her weakness."
  124. >He nodded his head eagerly.
  125. >"My lips are sealed, your highness."
  126. >Then he turned to the others.
  127. >"Alright guys, we're almost at the gate! Look sharp!"
  128. >The one called Mad-dog giggled silently.
  129. >"We'll be sharper than the neighponise kitchen knife."
  130. >Noling gifted his statement with an answer and you quickly found yourself standing before two of Celestia's royal guards, who were guarding the main gates of her Castle.
  131. >When they saw Cannonball's lieutenant armor, they stood at attention and saluted.
  132. >"Sir!"
  133. >Your agent walked in front of your group and looked at one of the guards.
  134. >"At ease, ponies. We've got an important delivery for the Castle's smithy and we're already late. Let us through."
  135. >The armored ponies looked at each other nervously.
  136. >"S-Sir, we haven't been informed about any deliveries today. Also, I'm required to check your identity. Those are the orders, I'm sure you'll understand, Sir."
  137. >Cannonball narrowed his eyes.
  138. >"Listen here, I'm not paid to ask questions like you, so I didn't ask if you're expecting this package here. My job is to get it safely to the Castle's smithy and I'm already running late! I don't have time to-"
  139. >It was a perfect moment for a certian drunken mare, to show herself.
  140. >She came up to the one of the guards, swaying on a wobbly legs.
  141. >"Hhhi thereh handsome... wouldh you like mhe t-to ssshow youh- BLARGHHH!"
  142. >And just like that she puked all over his meticulously cleaned armor.
  143. >"By Celestia! What have you done!"
  144. >Of course the guard wasn't happy about this, you could smell the distinct odor of vomit and strong wine in the air around him.
  145. >The drunken mare, put her hoof on one of his shoulder plates.
  146. >"I-I'mh sho shorry, I- BLEEECHHHH."
  147. >By the gods, how much more wine was there in that little belly of hers?!
  148. >The guard covered from head to hoof with a new portion of her semi-digested food and drink, grabbed her and started shouting at the one talking to Cannonball.
  149. >"Just let them through and help me here, for buck's sake!"
  150. >>"B-But our orders, the-"
  151. >"I don't give a buck! I got vomit under my armor and some of it inside my ears. MY EARS!"
  152. >The guard who was not trying to detain a crazy, drunken mare turned to Cannonball.
  153. >"All of you can go through, Sir! Just please don't inform our superiors about this!"
  154. >Your agent saluted him briefly with a smile.
  155. >"Of course, guardspony! You just saved my flank from a lot of angry shouting at the smithy. Now help your friend there, I see that he'll appreciate it."
  156. >When he turned around, you and your agents walked inside the castle grounds unhindered by anyling.
  157. >Walking down through the one of many castle corridors, you were admiring the many costly looking sculptures and tapestries hung on its walls.
  158. "I'll see that Celestia has a refined taste in decorating her surroundings. If I'll live through this day, maybe I'll too decorate my throne room in a similar manner. I think Collada's paintings would look fine, hanged beside Chrysalis's severed head when I finally get it."
  159. >Yes, from time to time your doughter was showing her artistic abilities, by creating various works of art.
  160. >You were never aginst it.
  161. >Every queen needs a little hobby to get away from the burdens of the crown.
  162. >Yours was wrapping yourself in a blanket, with a good book in your hooves and a bottle of the finest wine standing on the little table beside you.
  163. >Agent Snout interrupted your thoughts.
  164. >"My queen, from what I remember from the last time I infiltrated this Castle, those are the stairs leading to Celestia's private chambers."
  165. >He pointed with his hoof at the spiral stairs leading upwards.
  166. "Good. That means it's time for me to leave you. Stay in touch inside the hive mind. I wish you good luck."
  167. >They also wished you all the best and went their separate way leading to the dungeons, two of them carrying a large wooden crate on their backs.
  168. >When you were upstairs, you found an empty room full of brooms and other cleaning supplies.
  169. >You ditched your royal armor there and changed your disguise into a tall and beautiful, pink mare.
  170. "Ah, a little taller once again."
  171. >You quickly found yourself standing before the large double doors with a sun symbol on them.
  172. >The two guards standing in front of it, looked at you with a mix of surprise and a little arousal.
  173. >It was good to know that after a few thousand years you still got it.
  174. "I'm sorry to bother, but I got a very urgent message for Princess Celestia."
  175. >One of the guards, who was an unicorn, raised his eyebrows at you.
  176. >"It's still early in the morning. After raising the sun, the princess is resting in her chambers. What is so important, that it couldn't wait for the day court to begin."
  177. >You looked left and right as if afraid of something and whispered to him.
  178. "I... I got the information about that newly discovered changeling hive a-and I'm afraid they going to get me, before I can tell the princess all about them. Please, you must believe me."
  179. >They looked at each other and nodded their heads.
  180. >The horn of a unicorn guard started glowing and he pointed it at you.
  181. >"We believe nopony, ma'am. Though, after we check if you are, who you seem to be, we'll let you in to see the princess."
  182. >You sighed audibly and smiled evilly.
  183. "Well, well, well I guess you're more competent than I thought. Bravo! I know from experience that its really hard to find yourself some good personal guards."
  184. >Before he was able to cast his detection spell, you lose your disguise.
  185. >You hit him in the chest, quickly sending him in the air.
  186. >With a loud bang, he bounced off of the double doors behind him and collapsed on the ground unconscious.
  187. >You looked at the other guard who was standing in front of you in an aggressive pose.
  188. >There was no fear in his eyes, only determination to protect his princess.
  189. >The smirk on your snout only widen.
  190. >You really need to ask Celestia how was she training them to be so good.
  191. >It was time for some evil monster talk.
  192. "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Listen, I see you're quite eager to attack me, but I'm sure you know that you can't harm me! Be a good, little pony and go get your guard friends to help you! I insist!"
  193. >You lowered your head and casted a teleportation spell at him, sending him somewhere else in the castle.
  194. >Then, you heard the doors to celestia's chambers creaking.
  195. >A head of the big, white alicorn showed itself between them.
  196. >"Guards, what is that ruckus, I-"
  197. >Suddenly, her eyes widened and her snout opened when she saw you.
  198. >It was hard not to, you were at least a head taller than her.
  199. >When she closed her muzzle, you nodded your head at her and showed your long fangs in a wide smile.
  200. "Hello Celestia, I am Queen Flux, it's nice to finally meet you."
  202. >Your mane and tail move on it's own and you're looking at the biggest changeling queen you ever saw.
  203. >That makes you Princess Celestia of Equestria.
  204. >You always liked how your name rhymes with the name of your land.
  205. >Though, at the moment you had other thoughts running through your head.
  206. >For example, what did this queen want from you.
  207. >It was probably related to the human Anonymous, who was locked inside the dungeons.
  208. >You turned to her with a serious tone of voice.
  209. "Speak, what is the purpose of your presence here and don't try anything."
  210. >Narrowing your eyes dangerously, you continued.
  211. "You hurt one of my personal guards to get to me, Flux. I don't look indulgently on those who harm my little ponies."
  212. >Both of you started walking in circles, looking at each other.
  213. >She nodded slightly at you.
  214. >"Then, we've got something in common, Celestia. I'm also not fond of those who hurt my changelings. Actually, I'm here to get my hooves on one of them. Anon, is his name."
  215. >You raised your eyebrow questioningly.
  216. "Anonymous? From what I learned, he saved a life of a changeling under-queen. I gather she's from your hive and she's your daughter."
  217. >Queen Flux started laughing audibly.
  218. >You noticed that made the many guards standing all around you more than uneasy.
  219. >Almost half of the castle's guards were present and you turned to them.
  220. "Stay down, everypony! There's no need to make this situation dangerous, yet."
  221. >Flux stopped laughing and finally spoke.
  222. >"Yes, she 'was' my daughter and 'saved' is an over exaggerated word. You see, a manticore killed her inside that dreadful forest of yours, when she was running away from your guards."
  223. >If the situation wasn't so tense, you'd say you're sorry for her loss.
  224. >However, it already was.
  225. "So, what do you want from Anonymous, then?"
  226. >She stopped smiling and squinted her eyes.
  227. >"I wan him dead."
  228. >WHAT?!
  229. >What was the meaning of this?!
  230. >You must have used all of your diplomatic expirience, to not shout at her then and there.
  231. "Please, elaborate."
  232. >She shook her head lightly.
  233. >"Don't think, I'm doing this out of spite, or cruelty. No, he simply knows too much. He's too dangerous for my hive to stay alive."
  234. >You snorted loudly.
  235. "Firstly, I don't belive you. Secondly, do you really think I'm just going to give him to you, after what I've heard from you?"
  236. >She smiled widely.
  237. >"Let's get some things stright. I came here alone, when my hive is busy mourning the loss of their princess, as a sign of good will. I don't want to start a war."
  238. >Still walking in circles with her, you quickly nodded your head.
  239. "As do I, but you didn't answer my question, Flux."
  240. >Her smile didn't disappeared.
  241. >"Why wouldn't you give him away to me? From what I know, he's a dangerous, immune to magic creature from the other dimension. I'll dispose of him for you, and you'll have a good excuse, as to why you gave him to me. After all, you saved Equestria from war. Believe me, my hive is more than capable to compete with Equestria's military power."
  242. >To your greatest shame, you considered her request inside your head.
  243. >Anonymous gone and your ponies safe... No!
  244. >No, you're not a monster to give away somepony's life just like that!
  245. >He may have his flaws, but he never outright harmed any of your little ponies!
  246. "My answer's still no. I give you one chance to surrende-"
  247. >Suddenly, you felt your teeth violently connecting with each other and your jaw exploaded with pain!
  248. >Breaking the doors to your chambers with your body, you were flung inside your room by the sheer force of her uppercut!
  249. >You crashed with the wall and the window build in it burst forth from the vibrations this coused.
  250. >Collapsing with the floor in a rain of glass shards, you started shaking your head to regain all of your senses.
  251. >With a blurred vision, you saw your guards attacking the queen.
  252. >They rushed on her, quickly burying her under the pile made out of armored and angry pony bodies.
  253. >You saw her horn glowing and with a loud bang all of them were scattered around the entire floor.
  254. >One of your guards hit the ground beside you, unconscious.
  255. >Under the barrage of magic bolts, that seem to not harm her, Flux started taunting the rest of them.
  256. >"Is this a joke?! This is the might of Equestrian royal guard?! Now, I see that Chrysalis is even more incompetent to lose to such a weak opponent! That hyumin is as good as mine!"
  257. >Your short fight with Chrysalis flashed before your eyes.
  258. >Looking at the unconscious guard before you, you clenched your teeth.
  259. >You'll never again make a mistake of underestimating a changeling queen.
  260. >Standing up, you released the full potential of your power!
  261. >The floor cracked beneath your hooves and your mane and tail turned to liquid fire.
  262. >Queen Flux stopped tossing your guards around and looked at you.
  263. >"Finally, a worthy opponent!"
  264. >You and her jumped at each other simultaneously.
  265. >When your horns and hooves loudly crashed, the castle shook in its foundations.
  268. [Couple of moments earlier.]
  269. >You're running through the corridor in Canterlot Castle.
  270. >Also, along with one of your subordinates, you're carrying a big wooden crate on your back.
  271. >That means you're Cannonball, the leader of the Alpha team of the CCSF - Crystal Changeling Special Forces.
  272. >The best of the best in the service of her majesty, Queen Flux.
  273. >You always loved when a plan comes together and up until now, it was running pretty smoothly.
  274. >Queen Flux was on her way to fulfil her part of the mission and you were already approaching the entrance into the Canterlot dungeons.
  275. >Luckily, except the guards at the gates, no pony guard saw you carrying that big wooden box through their castle.
  276. >Only a few servants looked at you briefly, but they didn't question you about your presence, or what was inside your package.
  277. >Probably royal guards carrying military supplies were a common sight here.
  278. >Snout turn his head to you.
  279. >"We're nearing the dungeons. Inside there'll be a lot more guards patroling the area. We should hide the package as soon as we can."
  280. >You nodded to him.
  281. "Don't worry. We'll put it inside the first empty cell we'll find. Any idea as to where to look for the hyumin once we're down there?"
  282. >Snout scratched his lower jaw with his armored hoof.
  283. >"Hmm... I bet he's being kept inside the closed off section of the dungeons. It's located near the entrance, behind a sturdy iron door. There's always five to eight guards present on the other side of those, watching the prisoners constantly. Oh and you need a special password to get inside, which only a few selected guards know."
  284. >It's never too easy with the Equestrians, isn't it?
  285. >You put your front hoof on his withers.
  286. "Do you know where's the castle's kitchen?"
  287. >"Yeah, I think it isn't too far away from here."
  288. "Great, go there and use that charm of yours to get me the biggest, most delishously looking and smelling pie you can. Be quick about it."
  289. >He saluted and quickly disappeared in another corridor, you were running by on your way to the dungeons.
  290. >When you finally got there, you left the package in one of the empty cells, along with Mad-dog to watch over it.
  291. >You and B.A. were looking at the iron door Snout mentioned earlier.
  292. >"Those door look like they're million years old. I can open these with a good buck. We don't need no fancy tricks to get inside there."
  293. >As always Barracuda opted for the most violent solution possible.
  294. >You patted him on the back.
  295. "Easy B.A. If you'd do that, you'd make a lot of noise. Also, we'd have to fight with the ponies on the other side. You know just how many guards are in the area."
  296. >He snorted loudly, pretty dissatisfied with your decision.
  297. >"Fine, but Mr. gallant there should hurry up."
  298. >As if on cue you heard hoof steps behind you.
  299. >Turning your head you saw Snout walking towards you, with a big smile on his muzzle.
  300. >He was carring a big, delicously looking pie on his back.
  301. >"Got your pie here, boss. Also, I've got a hot date tomorrw with the cute mare working in the kitchen."
  302. >From under your armor, you pulled out a small vial containing a colorless liquid.
  303. "Of course, you're not going to show on that date. Now give me that pie, I need to spice it up a little."
  304. >You poured the liquid on the entire pastry and gave it back to Snout.
  305. "Alright, it's time to give those guards inside a nice treat. Hopefully they're bored and hungry enough to let us in without the password."
  306. >Then, you knocked a few times at the iron doors before you.
  307. >You heard some noises on the other side and the visor placed in the door opened with a screech.
  308. >"Yes? What do you wan- L-Lieutenant?"
  309. >Smiling to the guard looking through the visor, you pointed at the pie Snout was holding.
  310. "At ease, guradspony. That lucky son of a whorse is dating a cute mare in the kitchen. He's constantly bringing as various pies and delicacies from her. This time we decided to share with others and we instantly thought about you, locked up in here, hungry and boared out of your mind."
  311. >He swallowed hard, when he saw that pie.
  312. >"Y-You know that I can't let you in without giving me the password, right Sir?"
  313. >You chuckled audibly.
  314. "Yeah, yeah. How long do you think I serve in the guard? Listen, let us in, we'll give you the pie, chat for a bit and leave. If you won't this delicously smelling pie will go to waste."
  315. >His nostrils flared when the sweet smell finally reached him and you saw a drop of sweat running down his forehead.
  316. >He turned his head around, probably looking at the other guards, who you bet were listening to your conversation.
  317. >When his eyes were on you again, he nodded his head at you.
  318. >"W-Well alright, I let you in, but only for a moment, Sir."
  319. >Hook, line and sinker!
  320. >When the door opened, on the other side you saw four other guards standing at attention and salutiong to you.
  321. >That made a total number of three stallions and two mares looking at you at the moment.
  322. >You saluted them briefly and smiled.
  323. "Relax, guardsponies. I'm not here to order you around. Now, do you have any table in here?"
  324. >With the pie cut neatly with the sword, that belonged to one of the guards, the "feast" started quickly.
  325. >Snout was chatting up a storm with two giggling guardsmares, telling various dirty jokes and anecdotes.
  326. >What else was new.
  327. >B.A. was occupied talking to the only stallion, who surprisingly wasn't eating the pie.
  328. >"So you don't like the taste of the pie? What are you, a bucking changeling fool?!"
  329. >The poor guard gulped loudly.
  330. >"N-No, I just don't like it, t-that's all."
  331. >The other armored pony sitting beside him, who was stuffing his muzzle with the pie, looked at him.
  332. >"Sucks to be you. More for us!"
  333. >Then, you heard your main target, the hyumin, talking from his cell.
  334. >"Hey guys, can you give me one little slice of that pie, please. I haven't eaten anything normal for three days straight."
  335. >One of the mares waved her hoof at him dismissively.
  336. >"Shut up, changeling lover! You got your tasty goop to eat!"
  337. >The hyumin mumbled something under his breath and sat on the floor of his cell.
  338. >You turned around to see Barracuda getting annoyed with the guard who was not participating in the "feast".
  339. >"...if you don't like what we broght you, maybe I can intrest you with a bucking armored hoof sandwich!"
  340. >Noling had time to react and B.A. punched the guard so hard, that he instantly fell unconscious on the ground!
  341. >The stallion beside him tried to say something, but only managed to sputter a few incoherent words.
  342. >Just like the two mares talking with Snout, he collapsed on the table senseless.
  343. >Seeing this, the hyumin stood up and grabbed the bars with his smaller version of minotaur hands.
  344. >"What the fuck is going on?! You drugged your own men?!"
  345. >Looking at him, you dropped your disguise and his eyes widen.
  346. "Her highness, Princess Collada sends her regards, hyumin. We're here to get you out."
  347. >Without waiting for his answer, you casted your disguising spell once more and turned to the big iron doors.
  348. "B.A., Snout get him out of the cell! I'll go get the package and Mad-dog in here!"
  349. >Hopefully, the hyumin won't scream for too long when he sees what is inside that wooden crate of yours.
  350. >When you found yourself in the cell where you left Mad-dog guarding the box, you saw four unconscious guards, neatly stacked under the only bed that was in there.
  351. >You looked at the silently whistling Mad-dog with a raised eyebrow.
  352. "They were curious what you were doing in here?"
  353. >"Yep."
  354. "You told them, that it's none of their business?"
  355. >Yep."
  356. "They tried to make it their business?"
  357. >"Yep."
  358. "I hope noling else saw you?"
  359. >"Yep."
  360. >Shaking your head, you closed your eyes and contacted your queen via the hive mind.
  361. ~"My queen, we're ready to begin the next phase of the operation."~
  362. >Almost immediately, you heard her response.
  363. >~"Understood, agent Cannonball. If everything goes according to the plan, we'll meet in the town for extraction. If not, use that rare teleportation crystal I gave you. Remeber, you got only one try with it, it's one of its kind. Now go and make me proud, my changelings!"~
  364. >~"We live and die by your will, my queen. Cannonball out."~
  365. >When you and Mad-dog found ourselves back behind the big iron doors, the hyumin was already out of his cell.
  366. >You felt the ground shaking under your hooves.
  367. >Time was of the essence!
  368. >Without further ado, you opened the wooden crate, showing its contents to everyling present.
  369. >The hyumin grabbed his head with his hands.
  370. >"W-Whate the fuck, man?!"
  371. >Yeah, you know he'd react like this.
  374. [The night before the mission]
  375. >You're Princess Collada, also known as Oreo.
  376. >At the moment you were looking at your mother, who was leading you to the medical section of the hive.
  377. "Mother, why are you taking me back to the medical section? I told you that I'm fine."
  378. >Your mother shook her head, not stopping in her tracks.
  379. >"No, Collada, you misunderstood. I'm not taking you there because I'm affraid about your health."
  380. "Then, why?"
  381. >She looked at you with serious eyes.
  382. >"Now that you know most of my plan, I need you to meet someling."
  383. >Most of it?
  384. >There was more to it?
  385. "Alright. Oh and by the way, I'm sill not comfortable with you going out there to distract Canterlot guards, by fighting with Princess Celestia. I know it's hard to believe, but I love you mother and I don't want to lose you."
  386. >Her eyes flicked at you and you saw her smiling genuinely.
  387. >"I know that... thank you, my jewel."
  388. >You had an urge to hug her, but acted against it.
  389. >It was no time for public displays of affection.
  390. >She opened the door leading to the small room in the medical section.
  391. >Inside, you saw an old changeling warrior, lying on the bed and looking at you with a smile on his muzzle.
  392. >When the both of you came up to his bed, he nodded at you and coughed a few times.
  393. >"My princess, my queen, I feel it's time to act."
  394. >You didn't understand any of this and turned your head at your mother, looking for an explanation.
  395. >She leaned to the old changeling and touched his horn with her giant one.
  396. >Closing her eyes, she casted a spell, which encased him all and brighten the room for a few moments.
  397. >Then, breathing heavily, your mother turned her attention at you.
  398. >"Collada, *huff* I need you to *huff* give him some of your energy *huff* that you've got left from Anon."
  399. >Your eyes widened.
  400. "What?! Why?! A-Also, what was that spell that it got you so tired all of a sudden?!"
  401. >Your mother took a big breath, seemingly feeling a little better.
  402. >"That was my most powerful spell, that only I know -the "permanent change" spell."
  403. >She looked at the old changeling who was looking at you with half lidded eyes, with a smile and coughing a little.
  404. >"I want you to give him the energy from Anon, because when he receives it, he'll be able to turn into him. Though, normally this would be possible for only a few seconds, my spell will make the change permanent. He'll look like Anon even after his death, which I'm sure you can see is not far away."
  405. >Your pupils shrunk and you looked at the smiling warrior.
  406. >Putting your front hoof on the bed beside him, you tried to say something.
  407. "I... I-I..."
  408. >He delicately grabbed your hoof with his shaking one.
  409. >"Please, don't worry about me, your highness. *Cough!* I lived long enough. It'll be an honor to serve my hive, with my dying breath. *Cough!* Every warrior would wish for an end such as this."
  410. >You felt his hoof squeezing yours gently.
  411. >He was trying to give you courage.
  412. >...on his dying bed.
  413. >Not saying anything, with tears in your eyes, you leaned in his direction.
  414. >Touching his horn with yours, you transfered some of your 'Anon energy' to him.
  415. >He closed his eyes and smiled wider.
  416. >"Ah, now I can see it. That Anon is quite a strange fellow, let me *cough* tell you."
  417. >You squeezed his hoof with yours.
  418. "T... Thank you."
  419. >Not opening his eyes, he turned his trembling head in your direction.
  420. >"I live and die by your will, your highness."
  421. >Your mother carefully pushed herself between you and him.
  422. >She kissed him on the forehead, at which he hummed contently.
  423. >"You make me proud, mighty warrior. I'm privileged to be in your presence."
  424. >You saw a single tear trickling down her chin, which landed on his pillow with a quiet tap.
  425. >Still smiling widely, he squeezed your hoof even tighter.
  426. >His breath gotten shallow and raspy.
  427. >With his final breath, his horn glowed and you saw him turning himself into the exact replica of the one who saved you in the Everfree Forest.
  428. >"Anon's" unmoving body was lying on the bed before you, "his" limp fingers slowly unwrapping themselves from your hoof.
  429. >Though, you still seen the old smiling warrior, when you were looking at it.
  430. >Your legs began to wobble and you collapsed beside the bed.
  431. >Not saying anything, your mother hugged you and you started crying like a new hatched nymph.
  434. [The present time.]
  435. >You're back to being the leader of the Alpha team, Cannonball.
  436. >At the moment you were looking at the hyumin freaking out at the sight of "his" dead body before him.
  437. >"What the fuck, man?! What the fuck?! This is me... a-and I'm dead!"
  438. >You raised up your hoof to silence him.
  439. "Calm down! We're not going to hurt you. Also, you won't be seeing 'him' for too long. We need 'him' to stay here."
  440. >You nodded at B.A. and Mad-dog, who grabbed the body and started carrying it into the hyumin's cell.
  441. >He on the other hoof, didn't stop his frantic questioning.
  442. >"Wh-What for? Why?!"
  443. >Sighing loudly, you looked at the closed iron doors behind you.
  444. >"When they come in here, looking for you, they'll only find "him" and assume we've killed you. After all, you could spill valuable info about our hive to them. With no info about us, they'll leave us alone. Also, there won't be any search parties send after you, because you're already dead."
  445. >The ground shook slightly and you heard a loud banging on the iron doors.
  446. >"Her highness is under attack! Any guard able is to assist her immediately! Anypony inside, please respond!"
  447. >You came up to the doors and shouted at it.
  448. "Of course! Just give as a moment, we have to secure the prisoner! We'll be there shortly!"
  449. >You heard his confirmation and he galloped off from the door.
  450. >Turning around you pointed your front hoof at the opened, empty wooden crate.
  451. "We've got no time to lose! Get your hyumin flank inside that box!"
  452. >His eyes widened and his jaw opened.
  453. >"You wot, mate?! Why should I?!"
  454. >You rubbed your forehead under your horn, getting a little annoyed with him.
  455. "You're immune to magic, that means we can't normally extract you from here by teleporting you out. This box is a specially enchanted item, which allow us to do this. Now get inside!"
  456. >He started clumsily lying himself down inside the box.
  457. >"Man, I feel like I'm walking inside the coffin."
  458. >You smiled at that.
  459. "Well, one dead-ling was already in there, so your name for this box is quite accurate."
  460. >When you close the lid, you heard him speaking from inside.
  461. >"So, if you're going to teleport us out now, why didn't you teleport yourselves in here?"
  462. >Looking at the B.A. and Mad-dog inside the cell, you answered his question.
  463. "We simply couldn't. You see, to get you out of here, first we need to get out of the castle. It's protected by the powerful anti-teleportation spells, casted by Celestia herself."
  464. >"A-Alright, then."
  465. "Don't worry, everyling out there will think, that we're salvaging a valuable military equipment, or something like this from destruction. It's a standard procedure, in cases such as this."
  466. >"Which is?!"
  467. "Celestia and the castle under attack. Why do you think the ground is shaking?"
  468. >As if on cue, some dust fell from the ceiling and you felt another vibration spreading through the castle.
  469. >"... Holy crap!"
  470. >You didn't answer this.
  471. >B.A. placed the turned body of your old comrade leaning against the wall and lowered his horn at it.
  472. >"Forgive me, brother."
  473. >Then he shoot a magic bolt straight in his chest, to authenticate 'hyumin's' death.
  474. >You heard the human shouting when he heard the spell.
  475. >Tapping the box with your hoof, you spoke to him one last time.
  476. "Everything's fine! Now be quiet, valuable military equipment doesn't talk... usually."
  479. >You're Princess Celestia and you're not pulling any punches!
  480. >At that moment you were at your full power.
  481. >You liberated yourself from any of your limitations.
  482. >Just like your opponent, so called Queen Flux.
  483. >Screaming, you were hitting each other with all you've got.
  484. >In the corner of your eye, you saw opened muzzles of your guards, who didn't knew what to do with themselves.
  485. >None of them ever saw you attacking anypony with such fury and power.
  486. >Only some of them, who was unicorns, where hurling occasional magic bolts at Queen Flux.
  487. >Though, only when they have a clear shot at her.
  488. >You knew that with Luna away on the diplomatic mission and Twilight being in her castle in Ponyville, you were the only one who could protect them from her.
  489. >Bringing it down with inreadible speed, you rammed your armored hoof in queen's muzzle.
  490. >That caused your golden horseshoe to break into pieces.
  491. >A web of cracks appeared under her hooves and green blood flew from her nose.
  492. >"Exquisite!"
  493. >She shouted and hit you hard in the stomach.
  494. >With your breath pushed out of your lungs, you crashed with the ceiling above you.
  495. >You quickly opened your wings and flew in her direction, avoiding a powerful magic beam she shot at you.
  496. >The ceiling exploded behind you, only adding to your insane speed.
  497. >You tackled her with the force enough to kill a grown manticore with one hit.
  498. >Crashing through the floor, the both of you landed with a loud bang on the ground of the lower level of the castle.
  499. >She was the first one to get up and she jumped on top of you.
  500. >Before you managed to react, she started punching you in the snout, burying your head deeper into the damaged floor with each hit.
  501. >You felt the copper taste of blood in your mouth.
  502. >It was almost a thousand years ago, when you taste it last time.
  503. >You blocked her hoof with yours and shoot a powerful magic bolt in her chitinous chest.
  504. >The explosion drived you even deeper into the ground, but also threw her away from you.
  505. >She violently broke through the wall across the ruined room you were in.
  506. >Standing up, you looked at the hole she made and saw three green magic bolts shot from there, flying in your direction.
  507. >You evaded two of those, their destructive power evaporating half of the still empty floor behid you, in a rain of dust and debris.
  508. >The third one exploded on your right wing, painfully rendering it useless for the rest of the fight.
  509. >Waiting for the smoke to clear, you thanked the gods that your guards were still on the level above you.
  510. >You knew they won't be for to long, though.
  511. >Their zeal was sometimes their and yours greatest weakness.
  512. >Before you could react, Queen Flux flew out of the smoke and grabbed you by the head.
  513. >Not stopping her mad flight, she pressed it to the ruined ground.
  514. >She craved a long path of broken floor tiles and concrete behind you, still holding your head in her fron hooves.
  515. >You kicked her with the both your hind hooves in the stomach.
  516. >That time she was the one to crash with the ceiling above you.
  517. >You quickly fired a magic bolt at her, but just like you before she avoided it with ease.
  518. >Covered in dust and green blood from the many minor wounds on her body, she descended upon you.
  519. >Blocking her first blow, you clashed with each other.
  520. >Then you started landing hits on her and she on you, without bothering to block, or evade them.
  521. >Both of you were like two crazed berserkers of old, high on combat potions, trying to rip your opponent apart, no matter the cost on your side!
  522. >The entire floor cracked and shook around you!
  523. >In a way, under the vile of pain and furious determination, you felt truly alive back there!
  524. >Nevertheless, you knew you couldn't continue this for too long.
  525. >Your vision started to fade slowly and the pain was getting dull.
  526. >Seeing that your opponent was also standing on a wobbly legs, you decided it was time for your final solution.
  527. >You started shouting with your royal Canterlot voice.
  529. >Not hearing anypony, you crashed your head with hers and started charging up your horn.
  530. >Seeing with wide eyes, what you were about to do, she bared her sharp teeth at you and her horn also started glowing.
  531. >Screaming, both of you released your spells at the same time.
  532. >The whole castle floor practically vanished in a destructive, bright explosion, which blinded you temporarily and throw the both of you far away from each other.
  533. >Standing up form the crater you were lying in, you saw her unmoving form on the floor not too far away from you.
  534. >Judging from the green blood stains behind her, she was crawling in your direction, but didn't have enough strength to get to you.
  535. >You saw and heard an army of your royal guards pouring inside the devastated floor and surrounding her, with their spears at the ready.
  536. >Not listening to their concerns, you stood up on a wobbly legs and came up to her.
  537. >You saw that she was still alive and was breathing heavily, looking at you from her lying position.
  538. >"Forgive me... Celestia. I... attacked you, to... protect my hive. I-I'm sure you'll... understand..."
  539. >You blinked a few times and sighed.
  540. "And from what I see, you got yourself killed in the process. What good does it bring to your hive, Queen Flux?"
  541. >She smiled and closed her eyes.
  542. >"Please...lean down... I have... something important to tell... you..."
  543. >The guards were trying to say something, but you stopped them with a stern look.
  544. >You brought your head near to hers.
  545. >"Good... listen... I lied about being alone!"
  546. >Your eyes widened and she suddenly kissed you on the snout!
  547. >That threw you and your guards completely off balance.
  548. >That gave her enough time to charge up her horn and she relased a spell, which binded all of you at once.
  549. >[spoiler] Yep, it's the equivalent of Krillin's favourite move from DBZ. Solar Flare.[/spoiler]
  550. >You heard your guards shouting amongst each other.
  551. >"Anypony that is able, stop her at once!"
  552. >The only sounds that came to your ears, were the sounds of your guards bumping one on another.
  553. >When you got your sight back, you saw Queen Flux flying high in the air, above the castle grounds.
  554. >A few of your pegasi guards, who regained their sight along with you, threw themselves after her.
  555. >You didn't bother.
  556. >She was practically outside the castle now, she could teleported herself out from Canterlot at any given moment.
  557. >Suddenly she dived down into the city and after a moment you saw a distinct flash of the teleportation spell.
  558. >Tired and in pain, you slowly laid down on the cracked floor.
  559. >Along with that of the blood, you felt a bitter taste of defeat.
  560. >It didn't matter you bested her in combat.
  561. >Instinctively, you knew she got what she came for.
  562. >You almost told the guard, who brought you the news from the dungeons to be quiet.
  563. >Almost.
  564. >"I-I... prisoner Anonymous is... dead. T-The changelings got him, h-he didn't stand a chance against them... y-your highness?"
  565. >You closed your eyes and lowered your head on the floor.
  566. >Twilight and Rarity will be devastated by this news and you didn't know where to start looking for the hive responsible.
  567. >After all these long years of searching, your guards didn't even find Chrysalis's hive and you knew more, or less where to look for it.
  568. >Yes, the bitter taste of defeat was overwhelming.

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

by rmp

QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

by rmp

QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

by rmp

QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

by rmp

Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

by rmp