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BadGrammarFag - Oreo the changeling chapter8 FINAL

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-19 07:21:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: BadGrammarFag
  2. Pastebin URL:
  3. Date:
  5. ------
  7. >You're Anonymous the 'hyumin' and you can't see shit.
  8. >Being closed inside a coffin like container tends to do that to a man.
  9. >For quite some time you felt it shaking like crazy and you heard screaming pones all around you.
  10. >First it were the sounds of royal guards screaming out orders at each other.
  11. >Then those turned out into various shouts of disappear and shock of normal ponies living in Canterlot.
  12. >"Look at the smoke, the castle is being attacked!"
  13. >>"Oh my Celestia, is this another invasion?!"
  14. >>>"Buy my cabbages, before we all die! Special sale!"
  15. >Holy fuck, the jews were already in this dimension.
  16. >After a few more screams and over all panic noises, your magic box rattled violently.
  17. >You heard an ear-splitting *BANG!* sound and covered your ears.
  18. >When you took your hands off of your head, your ears were once more attacked by high pitched screams.
  19. >"No way! The whole castle floor just exploded!"
  20. >>"Please, let me through, my husband works at the castle!"
  21. >>>"We're doomed! Doomed!"
  22. >Some of the shouts belonged to those, who were carrying the crate you were in.
  23. >"... get out of the way fools! We're carrying a valuable military equipment here!"
  24. >After a few more shouts and bumps, you felt the box being placed on the ground.
  25. >You heard tapping sounds from the other side of the lid.
  26. >Probably that one changeling called Cannonball was trying to get your attention.
  27. "Yes!?"
  28. >"Good to hear you're still alive in there, hyumin! We've reached the extraction point!"
  29. >A new wave of hope filled your heart.
  30. "Does that mean we're finally getting out of here... of Equestria?!"
  31. >In anticipation for his answer, you put your hand on the wooden surface of the lid.
  32. >"Yeah! We're getting you out of here in five minutes, no matter if the queen show-"
  33. >>"Bossling, look at the sky!"
  34. >You heard some shuffling sounds and then a loud noise as if something heavy just landed beside your box.
  35. >"My quuen, you're bleedi-"
  36. >>"There's no time for that, Cannonball! Is he secured inside?!"
  37. >A few loud taps on the crate's wooden surface filled the air around you.
  38. >"... Good. Prepare yourselves, my changelings!"
  39. >You didn't hear Cannonball's answer, so he probably just nodded his head at her.
  40. >Suddenly, an insanely bright light poured itself through every gap inside your magic box.
  41. >You closed your eyes and felt a strong tug all over your body.
  42. >Then, utter silence and darkness attacked your senses.
  43. >You weren't in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.
  44. >The overwhelming stillness continued for a few more moments, until you heard something big falling on the ground.
  45. >"My queen! B.A. take her to the medical section of the hive! Snout, Mad-dog assist him, if anyling tries to stop you, use whatever means necessary to get them of of your way! Go!"
  46. >After you heard that they quickly did what he asked for, you tapped the lid on your side a few times.
  47. "Oi, don't forget about me! I'm still inside!"
  48. >"Don't worry, I didn't!"
  49. >Good, Cannonball was still in the room(?) with you.
  50. >After a few moments, the lid of the crate you were in opened cracking audibly and letting some bright light inside.
  51. >You saw a changeling wearing Equestrian royal armour looking at you.
  52. >"Well, don't wait for my invitation. Get out."
  53. >Slowly pulling yourself up, you smiled at him.
  54. "Nice to see you care, Cannonball."
  55. >He chuckled loudly and started searching for something inside his armour.
  56. >"From what I know, you could be the new prince of my hive. It's my job to care about you, you know."
  57. >That made your pupils shrunk and your eyes widen.
  58. >You moved your lips like a fish a few times, but finally managed to utter a sound.
  59. "W-What are you talking about?"
  60. >He produced something, that looked like a cigar from under his breastplate and closed the lid of the magic crate.
  61. >"Don't worry about it. Sit down. We're gonna wait here for someling."
  62. >You did as he asked and sat your ass on the wooden surface.
  63. >Looking around, you noticed that you were inside a room, which walls were made out of rough-hewn rocks.
  64. >It was brightly lighted by a few strange glowing crystals placed on the ceiling.
  65. >Biting off the tip of his cigar, Cannonball sat beside you.
  66. >Spitting it out to the side, he closed his muzzle on the cigar.
  67. >His horn glowed with the use of a weak fire spell and he took a drag from his freshy lighten roll of tobacco.
  68. >"Ahh, I love the taste of this babies after a successful mission."
  69. >He released the smoke through his nostrils and you cough a few times.
  70. "*Cough!* Damn, this smells like crap, man! What is this flavour, dried hay?"
  71. >Taking another drag, he smiled at you.
  72. >"I can see you don't know anything about a good cigar. I let you know that this babies were rolled between the thighs of the finest changeling females in the hive."
  73. >You raised your brow at that.
  74. "Let's say that I belive you. Though, what's inside this cigar would probably taste like crap to me."
  75. >This time he let out the smoke through his muzzle.
  76. >"Then it's your loss, Anon was it?"
  77. >Waving your hand to clear out the smoke, you nodded to him.
  78. "Yeah, who told you that? Was it Oreo?"
  79. >He took the cigar out of his mouth and tapped it a few times, getting rid of the ash at its end.
  80. >"Oreo? Never heard of her. Is she a changeling?"
  81. "Yeah, actually I just remember that she told me her real name was Colla-"
  82. >The door to the room opened abruptly.
  83. >You saw a certain changeling under-queen, whose name you were about give to Cannonball, standing there with two big warriors beside her.
  84. >Probably her personal guards.
  85. >When she saw you, her snout was splitted by the biggest smile you ever saw on her.
  86. >"ANON!"
  87. >Faster than your eyes could follow, she jumped in your direction and hugged you tightly.
  88. >You returned the hug and patted her on the head, once more feeling her silky, white mane under your fingers.
  89. "Hi, Oreo! I see you managed to get safely to your hive and are quite alright!"
  90. >She looked fantastic without all those stitches, bandages and cracked chitin skin on her.
  91. >Bringing her head up, she nuzzled you furiously on the cheek and whispered in your ear.
  92. >"With you back at my side, I feel more than alright."
  93. >Startled by her warm breath on your skin, you stumbled backwards a little.
  94. "T-thanks, it's nice to see you to-"
  95. >You were interrupted by a petite changeling female, who rushed into the room.
  96. >"Your highness, we need you!"
  97. >Oreo turned to her, with her eyebrows raising.
  98. >"Firi?! What do you need?"
  99. >Changeling female quickly came up to Oreo and grabbed one of her front hooves.
  100. >"It's about Queen Flux, your highness! Her condition is getting worse and she's being difficult to deal with! You must help us, with her!"
  101. >The under-queen pupils shrunk to pinpricks.
  102. >"M-Mother?! Lead us to her! Anon, come!"
  103. >Before you could say anything, you were running through the vast tunnels of what looked like an inside of the mountain.
  104. >Everywhere around you saw various changelings looking at you with interest.
  105. >Except for the difference in sizes and "muzzle features", they looked exactly like Cannonball and Firi.
  106. >They got white fin like manes and tails, bluish bug wings and white upper parts of thier carprace and underbellies.
  107. >Firi started shouting to the both of you.
  108. >"When we get there... Queen Flux is not exactly herself now! Though, maybe she'll listen to you princess!"
  109. >Oreo looked at her with a mix of fear and surprise on her muzzle.
  110. >"What do you mean by that?! Did the medical staff used the healing crystals on her?!"
  111. >Petite changeling female shook her head.
  112. >"They couldn't! All of those were used on you, when you returned to the hive, princess!"
  113. >Oreo's features dropped with a mixture of disbelief and guilt.
  114. >"I... I will be the one responsible f-for my mother's demise?!"
  115. >You patted her on the withers, because you felt she needed that.
  116. "Your mother will be fine! She's a strong woma-erm, changeling queen! After all, she rained shit and thunder on Sunbutt's parade and lived to tell the tale!"
  117. >At least you hope that she will.
  118. >Oreo smiled at you, as a sign of her gratitude.
  119. >Firi pointed her riddled hoof forward.
  120. >"We're almoust there!"
  121. >You saw a large double doors, leading to what you assumed was some kind of an emergency room.
  122. >It was guarded by something that looked like a cross between an elephant and a changeling.
  123. >Two of those.
  124. "Howlie fack, what are they?! Living tanks on legs?!"
  125. >Oreo shook her head.
  126. >"No Anon, they're called behemoths. They're not very smart, but only my mother's strength and durability can rival theirs. They are our hive's final line of defence."
  127. >One of them looked at all of you and huffed loudly.
  128. >"Hey, who do you call not very smart, you little- ou!"
  129. >The second living tank hit him on the shoulder with his giant hoof.
  130. >"That's Princess Collada you're talking to, you cretin!"
  131. >He squinted his eyes looking at the under-queen beside you.
  132. >"Oh... OH! I-I'm sorry, princess! Y-You can go inside if you want!"
  133. >Before any of you moved, the doors opened and a changeling doctor walked up to you.
  134. >You presumed that he was a doctor, because he was wearing a doctor's coat, a pair of thick glasses and was holding a hospital like chart.
  135. >Until the door closed behind him, you heard a loud shouting coming out of the emergency room.
  136. >"...and then I introduced my left hoof to that whoarse's snout! POW!!! Right in the kisser! She didn't see it com-"
  137. >When the tunnel became silent once more, the doctor was immediately attacked with questions from Oreo.
  138. >"How bad is it, doctor?! Is she going to survive?! Was that her shouting?!"
  139. >He cleared his throat and looked at the chart.
  140. >"Let's start from the last one, your highness. Yes, that was your mother shouting. She's... not good. Celestia's solar magic inflicted great amounts of damage to her body. It almost cooked her insides."
  141. >Oreo gasped loudly and put her trembling hoof to her snout.
  142. >"Right now the queen is high on various potions and healing magic we used on her, as well as her own adrenaline. Because of that, she became very... stimulated. Hence the shouting and erm, irresponsible behavior."
  143. >Your eyes turned to look at the princess, who became very shocked with what he just told her.
  144. >"M-My mother irresponsible?! T-This cannot be! I don't believe it!"
  145. >Firi was the one who answered her.
  146. >"Princess, we had to put two powerful magic dampeners on your mother's horn, to prevent her from teleporting out of the hive. She said that she need to do this to, I quote 'slap Sun-Cunt's shit some more'."
  147. >Looks like Oreo's mother is a feisty one.
  148. >Though judging by her dumbfounded reaction, she didn't know anything about it.
  149. >Changeling doctor adjusted his glasses.
  150. >"Princess, we need your help with her. Until the potions kick in, she need to be conscious. She ripped apart every restrains we had and royal guards do what they can to keep her on the bed. However, I'm afraid that they are fighting a losing battle."
  151. >You casually pointed your finger at one of the behemoths.
  152. "What about those guys? Aren't they strong enough to pin her to the bed?"
  153. >Doctor shook his head.
  154. >"In her current condition they could do more harm than good. Behemoths tend to be pretty clumsy performing tasks, which demands precision and self-control."
  155. >One of the giant changelings snorted audibly, but didn't say anything.
  156. >Without further ado you, Firi, Oreo and the changeling doctor went inside the emergency room.
  157. >Almost immediately your ears were attacked by more excited shouting.
  158. >"...and she was like 'I give you one chance to surrender!' and I was like 'buck you, whoarse!" BAM! I smacked her through her bedroom doors!"
  159. >At the hospital bed before you, sat the largest changeling queen you ever saw.
  160. >You assumed it was Queen Flux, because she was mostly covered in bandages and was flailing her hooves around, pretending she was fighting with someone.
  161. >Most of the medical staff looked at her with awe and two big warriors clad in heavy armour, unsuccessfully tried to catch her hooves.
  162. >She saw Oreo standing near the entrance.
  163. >"Collada, my precious jewel! Grab that hyumin and come here!"
  164. >Every head in the room turned to look in your direction and you quickly found yourselves beside her bed.
  165. >Oreo spoke first.
  166. >"Mother, please calm yourself. You're making a show-"
  167. >The queen grabbed her cheeks with both of her hooves.
  168. >"Oh, my little jewel! I can't stop thinking about it! I felt the blood rushing through my veins! I kicked flanks! I took names! I felt so alive!"
  169. >Suddenly she smiled like a crazy person.
  170. >"And then I kissed Celestia right on the lips!"
  171. >Yours and everyone else's minds stopped working for a moment there.
  172. >What the flying fuck she just said?!
  173. >She and Sunbutt almoust killed each other and she smooched her?!
  174. >Oreo wrenched out of her grasp and started shouting at her mother.
  175. >"You did what?! By the gods, Celestia really fried your brain! You always taught me to be mature and serious about everything I do!"
  176. >Queen Flux patted her on the head like a parent would a little kid.
  177. >"Enough about me, Collada. Let's talk about Anon."
  178. >...wot?
  179. >She pointed her hoof at you and turned to everyone inside the room.
  180. >"Everyling, I gave you Anon the hyumin! He's the hero who saved my daughter's life and our hive's future!"
  181. >Thunderous applause and hollering filled the room.
  182. >You really didn't know how to feel about it, so you just smiled stupidly and waved your hand slowly.
  183. "Um... Hi, everyone?"
  184. >Raising her hoof in the air, the giant of a queen quickly silenced them and turned to her daughter once more.
  185. >"So, what are your plans for Anon, Collada? Are you going to rut his brains out? Yes, or no?"
  186. >The whole room stopped breathing once again.
  187. >Oreo immediately put both of her front hooves on her mother's snout.
  188. >Her cheeks became red like a ripe tomato.
  189. >"S-Shut up, mother! I... we... him..."
  190. >Though your ability to think wasn't much better than Oreo's, you felt that you must help her somehow and straighten some things out.
  191. "Erm... your highness, you see... We're... We're not exactly an item and-"
  192. >Queen Flux expertly freed her muzzle from her daughters hooves and interrupted your speech.
  193. >"Nonsense!"
  194. >With an amazing speed, she grabbed Oreo and lifted her up without any effort.
  195. >In the air, she spun her around and almost pressed her ass to your face.
  196. >"W-What are you doing, mother! Let me go!"
  197. >Before you could take a good look at her naughty bits, Oreo quickly covered those with her silky, white tail.
  198. >Not taken by her daughter's protests, the queen started shaking her hindquarters before your eyes.
  199. >"Look at that flank, Anon! It simply begs for attention! Come on, slap it!"
  200. >Just like the others present in the room, you stood there completely dumbfounded, with your jaw on the floor.
  201. "Ugh.. I... I-I.. t-thanks, I rather not!"
  202. >Queen Flux gasped loudly.
  203. >"What?! Are you into males?!"
  204. >Did she... did she just call you a faggot?!
  205. >Oh_Hell_No.nigger
  206. "No dammit! I'm not a fag!"
  207. >She slapped Oreo's supple ass, eliciting a little jiggle form it.
  208. >"So why aren't you pumping my daughter full of nymphs yet, Anon?!"
  209. >Before you got any chance to answer her completely disarming and fucked up question, Oreo had enough of her mother's drugged antics.
  210. >She started flapping her bug wings and wriggled out of the queen's iron grip, taking off in the air.
  211. >Luckily for her, the ceiling in the room was quite high, so she didn't immediately crash with it.
  212. >When she landed beside her mother's bed, she didn't look very happy.
  213. >Her slender, jagged ears were flattened on her head and she was baring her fangs at Queen Flux.
  214. >"How dare you! I'm not some crap from the shopwindow, to be displayed in such fashion!"
  215. >Her mother waved her large hoof at her dismissively.
  216. >"Ha! A male buys with his eyes, my dearest jewel! Don't be so naive and th-...H-Helloooo..."
  217. >Suddenly, the giant queen's eyes opened broadly and her pupils widened to their limits.
  218. >Also, she started salivating a little.
  219. >Without warning, she started touching Oreo's still enraged snout.
  220. >"Ohhhh...C-Collada the texture of your chitin... by the gods, this texture is amazing!"
  221. >Oreo's eyes turned from furious to concerned and she turned to the changeling doctor standing in the room.
  222. >"What happened to her, doctor?!"
  223. >He smiled gently and produced a syringe full of some strange liquid from under his coat.
  224. >"Don't worry your highness, the potions and healing magic started working properly on the queen. We can put her to sleep now."
  225. >He walked up to the big changeling female and she drunkenly grabbed his head with her front hooves.
  226. >"W-Wow...your head iiit's sooo... round!"
  227. >His horn started glowing and with the use of his magic, he plunged the syringe in the queen's neck.
  228. >Almost immediately her eyes rolled upwards and she collapsed on her pillow, unconscious.
  229. >Oreo carefully covered her sleeping mother with the blanket and looked at the doctor.
  230. >"Is she going to be alright?"
  231. >He sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hospital chart.
  232. >"I'm sorry your highness, but I can't tell you for sure. The queen... she's strong, but the damage she received was also great. This night will be decisive, if she'll live through it, she'll be alright."
  233. >She nodded to him and looked at unconscious Queen Flux.
  234. >"I'm going to stay here with her for the whole night."
  235. >Firi came up to her and delicately tapped her with her hoof.
  236. >"No, your highness. You and Anon need to rest, it was a long and tiresome day for you. I'll stay here, with the queen. If anything change, I'll inform you right away."
  237. >You also put your hand on her withers.
  238. "She's right, you know. You should get some rest."
  239. >Oreo stroked her mother's unmoving hoof with her own a few times and nodded her head slightly.
  240. >"A-Alright... let's go."
  241. >When you were walking through the vast tunnels of her hive one again, with her personal guards behind you, you noticed how truly sad she looked.
  242. >You gently patted her on the head and smiled reassuringly.
  243. "Cheer up, Oreo. Your mother will be fine, I'm sure of it."
  244. >She half heartedly smiled back.
  245. >"I hope you're right and... thank you, Anon. It means a lot to me."
  246. >Then she really cheered up a little.
  247. >"Y-You know there's a rumor here in our hive, that my mother is so old and powerful, because even death is scared of her."
  248. >You chuckled hearing that.
  249. "Oh, really? Well, tomorrow it won't be just a rumor, but a hard, proven fact. You'll see."
  250. >She didn't say anything, but you saw that what you said made her almost happy.
  251. >Well, good enough for you.
  252. "Sooo... where's my room?"
  253. >She looked at you with a smug smile on her snout.
  254. >"Since I was your guest for so long in your house, there's no other way for me to repay you, than let you sleep in my chambers."
  255. >Before you managed to protest against it, she continued.
  256. >"Oh and guess what you'll be having for breakfast tomorrow?"
  257. >...No, she didn't!
  258. "Erm... porridge?"
  259. >Her smile only widen.
  260. >"Exactly!"~
  261. >Smacking your forehead with your hand, you started laughing.
  262. "Oh, man! I deserve that, don't I?!"
  263. >She also began laughing.
  264. >It was good to see her in high spirits once more.
  265. >When you found yourself standing inside her personal royal chambers, you were astonished.
  266. >To say the truth, your whole shitty cottage could fit in there easily.
  267. >Everything around you looked expensive as fuck, with various polished crystals adorning the walls only adding to this feeling.
  268. >You felt somehow guilty for keeping her in your poor ass bedroom, on your shitty old bed.
  269. >Then you saw Oreo sitting on a big, comfy looking couch.
  270. >She was looking at the floor, with her features hidden behind her white mane and her shoulders sagged.
  271. >You think, you even heard a crying sniff or two coming from her.
  272. >Quickly sitting beside her left side, you started rubbing her back, between her buggy wings.
  273. "Hey, hey everything's fine. Don't worry, I'm here and your mother is just resting a little bit, after she kicked Sunbutt's ass."
  274. >You felt her wings raising and she turned her head to you, one of her eyes still covered behind a few strands of her white mane.
  275. >Suddenly, without saying anything she locked her soft lips with yours.
  276. >It wasn't a needy, rapey kiss with a lot of tongue like before.
  277. >This one was gentle and loving.
  278. >Nevertheless, you quickly end it by retrating your head back.
  279. "O-Oreo... I..."
  280. >She hugged you tightly and you felt her hot breath on your ear.
  281. >"I need this, Anon. I... I need to stop thinking about my mother a-and you were the only one in my mind for the last couple of days and nights..."
  282. >Her body began to quiver and you felt her front hooves massaging your back.
  283. >Still feeling her taste on your lips, you licked those nervously.
  284. >Where you really going to do that?
  285. >To say the truth, you were thinking about Oreo a lot during your imprisonment.
  286. >You missed her presence around you, the sound of her voice, her smell, her... touch.
  287. >Then and there you came to a decision, that it was finaly time for you to fug that bug.
  288. >You gently grabbed her head, delicately burring your fingers in her silky mane.
  289. >Without a word you touched your lips with hers.
  290. >She immediately attacked you with a hungry, passionate kiss.
  291. >Your tongues intertwined with each other and you felt the texture of her long fangs, along with the taste of her saliva.
  292. >That sensation only made you more aroused.
  293. >You always liked dangerous girls.
  294. >Her smell of the fresh winter air filled your nostrils and you felt her long tongue exploring every inch of your mouth.
  295. >Then, she broke the kiss suddenly, tilting her head back.
  296. >With a visible blush on her features, she was breathing hard and there was a thin trail of saliva between you.
  297. >Still looking at you with half lidded eyes, she started getting off the couch.
  298. >"Lose that pants and shoes of yours and go to my bedroom. I'll be with you shortly."~
  299. >You quickly found yourself lying on the queen-sized bed, wearing only your shirt and briefs.
  300. >A moment later Oreo walked inside the bedroom and your eyes widened.
  301. >She was wearing a see-through nighty, sexy socks on each hoof and a pair of lace panties.
  302. >You were getting ready just by looking at her and she knew it too.
  303. >Lying down beside you, she gently stroked the bulge in your briefs.
  304. >"I knew you'd like to see me in those."~
  305. >Before you could say anything, she rushed at you like a wild animal.
  306. >She pressed her hungry lips to yours and quickly climbed on top of you, sliding her front hooves under your shirt.
  307. >You felt the delicate texture of her socks massaging the skin on your stomach and chest.
  308. >When your tongues wrestled with each other, you buried your fingers in her silky mane and moving it upwards delicately grabbed her slender ears.
  309. >"Ohhh."~
  310. >When you squeezed them a little, she moaned in your lips, definitely enamored with your touch.
  311. >She pressed her hips to yours and started rubbing her tightly clinging panties on the bulge in yours.
  312. >Almost immediately you felt a wet and warm sensation spreading on your dick.
  313. >S-She was already ready to go!
  314. >Tracing your fingers along her waistline, you grabbed her butt and squeezed it.
  315. >"Unfff!"~
  316. >She released another hot and steamy breath into your mouth when you did that.
  317. >Massaging her ass with one hand, you ran your finger through her soaked panties.
  318. >"O-Ohhh!"~
  319. >Her whole body trembled under your touch and she pressed her lips hard with yours.
  320. >You slipped your finger under the lace fabric of her wet panties and dipped it in her hot folds.
  321. >Rubbing her swollen clit, with gentle circular strokes, you elicited a few more lewd and audible moans from her.
  322. >She broke your long kiss and looked at you with bedroom eyes.
  323. >"Stop teasing me already and claim your prize."~
  324. >Using her back hoof, she slid your briefs enough for your throbbing boner to pop out.
  325. >Well, she didn't have to ask you twice.
  326. >Moving the wet fabric of her panties to the side, you positioned your dick at her entrance.
  327. >She raised herself up a little and you felt her warm love juices dripping on the tip of your boner.
  328. >"Ready?"~
  329. >You just nodded.
  330. >She impaled herself on you, her hot, contracting walls welcoming you inside.
  331. >Tilting her head back, she moaned loudly.
  332. >"Ooohhh, yesss!"~
  333. >Her hungry pussy swallowed all of your length and she started rocking her hips back and forth.
  334. >She closed her eyes and the whole room drowned in the sounds of her moans.
  335. >You felt her warm, wet coils clenching tightly on your dick.
  336. "Oh, yeeeah... You're so tight, Oreo!"
  337. >Her wet, swollen flesh tightened and clamped on your dick.
  338. >She began to ride you even faster, her moans turning into screams of pure, carnal pleasure.
  339. >"Ahhhhh, Yes! Yes! You're so th-thick and looong!"~
  340. >Seconds turn into minutes and she kept her tempo without missing a bit.
  341. >Everything else faded into the background of your common moans and groans.
  342. >There was only you and her, riding your dick like a champ.
  343. >Suddenly she lowered her head and started peppering your face and neck with wet kisses.
  344. >"I ahhh, I feel it ohhh c-coooming!"~
  345. >You started massaging her erect, pulsating wings with your fingertips.
  346. "Y-Yeah, u-unf I'm not f-faaar away either."
  347. >She pressed her whole body tightly to yours and put her head in the cape of your neck.
  348. >You felt her hot, quickened breath on your ear.
  349. >"O-Ohhh yeees, give it to me! G-ahhh-give it to me all!"~
  350. >She put her front hooves under your arms.
  351. >Her body started trembling and she hugged you tightly with her hind legs.
  352. >Even her tail coiled around your thigh and knee.
  353. >She was truly one with you now.
  354. >Then she pressed her muzzle up against your ear and you could hear her repeating the same phrase.
  355. >"It's ohhh, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming... IT'S COMING!"
  356. >Without warning she stopped moving and her body exploaded with pleasure!
  357. >She started thrashing on top of you, shuddering violently with each wave of ecstasy ripping through her.
  358. >You felt her walls trying to milk you desperately, covering your thighs and scrotum with her warm love juices.
  359. >To say the truth, you couldn't hold it much longer.
  360. "Oooohreo, I-I think I'm gonna...!"
  361. >Her pussy clenched even tighter and she started screaming in your ear.
  362. >"Yes! Yes! Claim ahhh your prize! Pump me full of nymphs!"~
  363. >In a final fierce thrust, you released your liquid load inside her, rolling your eyes from the pleasure it brought you.
  364. >When the both of you stopped shuddering, she slowly slid herself off of your dick and laid on your side.
  365. >Hugging your chest and kissing your already wet neck she cooed in your ear.
  366. >"I'm so happy you found me in that big, bad forest, you stud."~
  367. >You hugged her back and smiled.
  368. "How could I not. You're the best that happened to me Oreo, my sweet love bug."
  369. >After that, both of you fell asleep in each other's embrace, more than satisfied in a post-coital bliss.
  370. >...
  374. [Somewhere in the Badlands]
  375. >You're sitting on a big throne, holding a glass of delishous red wine in your hole-ridden hoof.
  376. >Before you, encased in your magic, floats a yellowed scroll on which a single quill is dancing.
  377. >You're Queen Chrysalis and you're writing a letter.
  378. >Taking a sip of your wine, you thought about what you were going to do and why.
  379. >You see, sometime before the evening, you received a very disturbing raport from your Canterlot spies.
  380. >Queen Flux, that Queen Flux attacked Celestia herself in her own castle for some reason.
  381. >Unfortunately, that reason escaped your incompetent agents, who blamed for it their small numbers and lack of support from the hive.
  382. >You told them numerous times that when they got better, they'll get their support.
  383. >The hive was already very understaffed without them asking for additional help.
  384. >Though, back to the report with you.
  385. >Flux not only managed to destroy half of the Canterlot Castle, but she also seriously kicked Celestia's flank and ran away.
  386. >You remembered that even after your brief fight with her, when you were high on an unthinkable amounts of love energy, Celestia recovered in about an hour, or so.
  387. >At the moment she was laying under heavy guard in the castle's infirmary, completely bruised, beaten and probably unconscious.
  388. >In your opinion, Flux showed that not only her hive was much too powerful, but she as well.
  389. >With that you lost any hope in conquering the Crystal Hive, be it by brute force, or deception.
  390. >That way, with your hooves tied, you decided to commit the greatest of crimes against the changeling-kind.
  391. >You were going to give away the location of a whole changeling hive to someling else.
  392. >In that case - the ponies from Equestria.
  393. >You didn't know the exact position of Flux's hive, because like in your own hive, it was a well guarded secret against any other hives members.
  394. >Though, you more, or less knew where to look for it.
  395. >Namely, in the Crystal Mountains.
  396. >Taking another sip of wine, you smiled evilly.
  397. >Celestia will surley appriciate that kind of information when she recovers, after what Flux have done
  398. >Even if it'll come from an unknown source, she'll surley check it out.
  399. >Then, when Equestria and the Crystal Hive throw themselves at their throats, you will be there.
  400. >Watching, waiting... laughing.
  402. >You're standing in the rain.
  403. >Tiny droplets of water are dripping from your wet fur on the ground of Ponyville's graveyard.
  404. >You're Princess Celestia and you're attending a funeral of one of your... subjects.
  405. >Yes, Anonymous is... was one your subjects, as much as that thought disturbed you in the past.
  406. >You like to tell yourself, that it was your concern for the wellbeing of your little ponies, which produced such prejudices against him.
  407. >After all, he was an unpredictable, immune to magic, flesh eating creature from another dimension.
  408. >Having little to no experience with such beings and being unable to read through his eventual lies, you just couldn't entirely trust him.
  409. >If he so desired he could have become a great threat to you and your subjects.
  410. >Although, under all that distrust and fear, you also felt a specific type of admiration and respect towards him.
  411. >Being ripped off of his own world, he managed to build his life from scratch, in a world where his magic immunity made him a true alien.
  412. >He didn't depend on others, only occasionally asking for help, when the task was way to big for him to handle by himself alone.
  413. >Also, he was one of the few, who wasn't afraid to speak his mind freely in your presence.
  414. >Where others would falter under your annoyed gaze, he was unmoved by it.
  415. >Often trying to rile you up even more, he had a habit of looking at you with a stupid smile on his flat muzzle and saying 'Sunbutt pls'.
  416. >Yes, he was a worthy adversary in a heated conversation.
  417. >Was.
  418. >At the moment you were looking at a simple coffin containing his lifeless body, being slowly lowerd into the wet ground.
  419. >Ponyville's graveyard gained yet another occupied grave.
  420. >Yes, you decided that it was only fair to lay him to his eternal rest, in a town he briefly called home.
  421. >Among the ponies, who knew him, with some even being his only friends in this world.
  422. >In the corner of your eye, you saw those friends saying their final goodbyes to Anonymous, each in their own individual way.
  423. >Some of them were shedding tears, some were simply silent and respectful and some were quietly talking about Anonymous's short life in Ponyville.
  424. >Rarity, element of generosity, she had it the worst.
  425. >Having the spa sisters and Fluttershy at her side, she was crying her eyes out like a newborn foal.
  426. >Her normally pristine mane was unkempt and her makeup was running all down her muzzle.
  427. >When you heard the distinct sound of the coffin hitting the bottom of the grave, you stepped away from it and came up to her.
  428. "Rarity, Anonymous was a stubborn, but kind-hearted stallion. I'm sure he wouldn't want to see you in such a state, crying your e-"
  429. >To your greatest dismay, she pointed her hoof at you and started shouting angrily.
  430. >"NO! YOU have no right to say that! What do YOU know about his kind heart?! To YOU he was always a nuisance... a... a CREATURE unworthy of YOUR trust!"
  431. >Gone was sophisticated and well behaved mare.
  432. >"I bet that deep inside, you're happy now! The monster is gone, everything's fine in Equestria once again! Hurray!"
  433. >Everypony were looking at you now, Twilight and the rest of the elements amongst them.
  434. >When your eyes met those of your former student, she averted her gaze and looked at the ground.
  435. >You heard Fluttershy trying to calm down her friend and looked at Rarity again.
  436. >Element of kindness was gently patting her sholder and soflty talking to her.
  437. >"Rarity, p-please calm down. I-I'm sure that princess had her r-reasons to-"
  438. >The white mare delicately grabbed her yellow hoof with her own.
  439. >"I'm greatly sorry darling, but no! I won't listen to any of her reasons. The truth is that Anonymous died with a hole in his chest, lying inside a dirty cell of the Canterlot dungeons."
  440. >Then she looked at you with her angry eyes.
  441. >"And guess what, Fluttershy?! SHE was the one who locked him there! Why you ask?! Oh, because he saved the life of another living being! Simply dreadful behavior! What a monster he was!"
  442. >Fluttershy hid herself in her mane and squealed silently.
  443. >You had enough of that.
  444. "Miss Rarity, I'd like to remind you that being Anonymous saved, was a dangerous changeling under-queen. She could have become a threat to all of Ponyville."
  445. >Of course, she wasn't swayed by your words.
  446. >However, before she was able to shout at you some more, a strong orange hoof clasped around her muzzle.
  447. >"Ahm sorry fo her, princess. She's just really upset, is all. Please, don't be mad at her, this is a very hard time fo her."
  448. >You nodded to Applejack.
  449. "Don't worry, I'm not going to punish her for her... attitude towards me."
  450. >Glaring at you, Rarity grabbed Applejack's hoof with two of her own and tried to free her muzzle from her grasp.
  451. >"Mmmmphh... mmmm... mmmphh!"
  452. >You decided that it was time to go, you didn't want to ruin Anonymous's funeral by pointlessly arguing on it.
  453. >Before Rarity managed to wriggle herself out of her friend's hoof, you charged up your horn and teleported out to Canterlot.
  454. >You decided to stroll through the streets of your beautiful capital to calm yourself a little.
  455. >Also, after lying in the castle's infirmary, under the watchful gaze of your sister for a couple of days, you really appreciated some activity in the open air.
  456. >When you finally found yourself back in your rebuilded chambers, you found two sealed scrolls waiting for you on your desk.
  457. >The seals had no insignia on them, making the scrolls anonymous.
  458. >Also, who, why and how left those in your chambers was a mystery.
  459. >Agreeing with yourself to check on it later, you grabbed first of those scrolls with your magic.
  460. >Opening it, your eyes fell on a very robust and sprawling penmanship.
  461. >'Dear Princess Celestia, I can't tell you who am I and what is the source of my information, but please bear with me here. I don't know if you're aware of this already, but let me tell you something about the changeling queen, who attacked your castle. Her name is Queen Flux and her hive is called the Crystal Hive. I can't give you the exact position of her hive, but I can assure you, that it's located somewhere in the Crystal Mountains, near the Crystal Kingdom. I hope that this information proves useful to you. Signed, mysterious helping hoof.'
  462. >With your mind full of conflicting thoughts, you grabbed the second scroll.
  463. >This one was in a far worse shape than the other.
  464. >It was wrinkled all over and stained with something that looked like wine and saliva stains.
  465. >Also, what was written inside looked like if it was created by a very trembling quill, which even pierced the paper in few places.
  466. >It was really hard to read, but you tried anyway.
  467. >'Dear Princess Celestia, buck you! You suck smelly cocks and your flank is fat. Actually, it's so fat that you should stick a warning on it, before you kill anypony with that wrecking ball! I mean, your personal guards, who walks beside you, never change sides, because it'd take them a whole week to run around those big, fat slabs of- "
  468. >You stopped reading and incinerated the letter with your magic.
  469. >Looking at your 'shapely' hindquarters, you cringed a little.
  470. "...No more pie for you, Celestia."
  471. >Then, you looked at the only scroll left and smiled a little.
  472. "So, your hive is located somewhere in the Crystal Mountains. Let's see how you like it, when somepony invades you in your own home, kiss stealer."
  475. >You're Anonymous, or like the changelings of the Crystal Hive like to call you, Prince Anonymous.
  476. >Yeah, somehow all of them learned that you're putting your wiener inside their princess vagoo and started calling you that.
  477. >You blame the hive mind and the jews.
  478. >At the beginning you tired to fight it, telling them that you're not officially horsemarried erm, bugmarried with Oreo.
  479. >Of course, they didn't give a shit about it, so after a few days neither did you.
  480. >Especialy, after your new title sticked to you for good, when you and Oreo must have to act as the acting rulers o the hive, when Queen Flux was bedridden.
  481. >You didn't know shit about it of course, so Oreo was in charge of all the ruling, with you only sitting on your ass, trying to look 'princely'.
  482. >Oh and you even got your own two personal guards following you everywhere around.
  483. >You wanted to be a turbo swag prince and asked for two hot changeling behemoth females.
  484. >Unfortunately, Oreo didn't agree on that.
  485. >First: she was jelly.
  486. >As it turned out, female behemoths were really gorgeous.
  487. >With their long legs, slim bodies and big eyes, their giant physique was somehow similar to pones supermodels.
  488. >Also, unlike behemoth males, they were smarter than a brick.
  489. >For you and every other male in the hive, they were just adorable silly and Oreo knew about it well.
  490. >Second: though female behemoths are a 'little' smarter than males, they're as clumsy, or even clumsier than them.
  491. >Princess just didn't want to see her prince squashed to death under their giant hooves.
  492. >All in all, you ended up being followed by two very manly changeling warriors, clad from head to toe erm, hoof in royal armour.
  493. >At the beginning you were a little grumpy about it, but quickly learned that they were pretty cool.
  494. >One of them named Riggs, was quite a player being the um, 'bugfriend' of the one and only royal advisor, Firi.
  495. >She rode his dick all night, just like Oreo yours.
  496. >Whenever you had some time to spare, you always tried to pull out of him all of Firi's weird kinks and fetishes, but he stood firmly against your barrage of questions.
  497. >You swear you're going to make him spill all of those delicious secrets someday.
  498. >Though, at the moment the only thing spilling was the spaghetti out of your pockets.
  499. >You stood alone before none other than Queen Flux, your future mother in law... you guess.
  500. >This time she wasn't badly injured, or drugged out of her mind, acting like Pinkie Pie after a bottle of whisky.
  501. >She recovered quite nicely and once again was the main ruler of the hive, an aura of power and seriousness around her.
  502. >"Anon, what are your intentions regarding my daughter, Princess Collada?"
  503. >Well... fug.
  504. >You felt that if you'll answer this wrong, you could end up as a dead, steamy pile of shit on the throne room floor.
  505. >As discreet as they could, your personal guards took a few steps away from you.
  506. >You looked at them with a grimace on your face.
  507. "Wow, thanks guys, I really appreciate your support."
  508. >You quickly learend that Queen Flux dosen't like to be kept waiting.
  509. >"I want to hear your answer now, Anon."
  510. >You can recognise a warning when you heard one, so you quickly turned your head and gulped loudly.
  511. "Erm... bugmarrige?"
  512. >Her eyes narrowed.
  513. >POP!
  514. >Oh, look a meatball!
  515. >It'll look nicely with all that pasta on the floor around you...
  516. >Queen Flux smiled regally.
  517. >"Good answer. Welcome in the family, Prince Anon."
  518. >You raised your shaking index finger in the air.
  519. "A-Actually, my full name is Anonymous Incognito, y-your highness."
  520. >She nodded her head and her smile didn't waver.
  521. >Though, at that moment you felt that there was something wrong with it.
  522. >"Then, know this Anonymous Incognito. You have my full support, but if you ever hurt my daughter, I'm going to find out. Then, I'll rip off your eyeballs and make you eat them, before I kill you."
  523. >She stand up from her throne and came up you.
  524. >You clenched your anus with the force of a thousand suns to not shit your pants then and there.
  525. >She put her giant riddled hoof on your shoulder.
  526. >"Oh and from now on, please call me Flux. After all, you're a part of the family now."
  527. >Then she hugged you and you awkwardly returned it.
  528. "Th-thanks, F-Flux."
  529. >Fortunately or not, the hug didn't last long.
  530. >A distressed looking, General Scarab barged into the throne room and started shouting at the both of you.
  531. >"Your Highnesses, we got a big problem on our hooves!"
  532. >The queen let go of you and looked at him with a serious expression on her muzzle.
  533. >"Speak, Scarab."
  534. >He bowed before her and took a big breath.
  535. >"Our agents from the Crystal Kingdom reports that the Equestrian army is gathering at the edge of the Kingdom. Along with the forces from the Crystal Kingdom itself, they are ready to venture into the Crystal Mountains. They are led by Princesses Celestia, Luna and Twilight. Also, Prince Shining Armour is with them. They know we're here, my queen!"
  536. >Total silence filled the room and Queen flux closed her eyes calmly.
  537. >You could have hear general's quickened brath, before she spoke.
  538. >"Mobilize our forces general... all of them."
  539. >He saluted an ran out of the room.
  540. >Flux looked at her royal guards, who were standing at attention near the giant crystal doors leading out of the thorne room.
  541. >"You two, fetch me my battle armour. Be quick about it. I'll need it to face Celestia and other alicorns alone."
  542. >They bowed simultaneously and charging up their hors, teleported out of the throne room.
  543. >You raised both of your eyebrows at her.
  544. "In all due respect, are you fucking insane, Flux?! Celestia almost killed you and now she have two more alicorns to back her up! Luna alone is probably even more powerful than her! From what I heard about her little Nightmare Moon episode, she kicked her ass so bad, that to win Celestia must have used the power of elements, to send her to the fucking moon! Twilight isn't a pushover either and now when she belives that you killed me, her friend, she won't be pulling any punches! Oh and don't forget about two whole fucking armies of angry ponies that are with them!"
  545. >Flux's royal guards choose that moment to teleport back with her armour and started to put it on her, piece by piece.
  546. >"Don't worry about the forces from Crystal Empire, Anon. You see, they may be more loyal to me, than to thier current prince."
  547. >Fucking wot m8?!
  548. "H-How so?!"
  549. >She smiled knowingly and looked at you.
  550. >"Have you seen any crystal ponies roaming through the tunnels of the hive, Anonymous?"
  551. >Acually, you did, but...
  552. "Y-Yeah, but I always thought they were disguised changelings, preparing to venture out of the hive, or something. You... you want to tell me that they were..."
  553. >She completed the sentence for you.
  554. >"...real crystal ponies? Yes, in the flesh."
  555. >You jaw hit the floor.
  556. "H-How... why... wut?"
  557. >She raised her hoof and one of the guards started to put her armor on it.
  558. >"When Sombra lost his mind and turned Crystal Kingdom into what I call a 'slave-fest', the Crystal Heart constantly feeding our hive lost its power completely. You see, the Heart itself was/is powered by the emotional energy coming from the happy population of crystal ponies. I never saw a happy slave in my long life."
  559. >She lowered her hoof and raised the other.
  560. >"At that moment, the population of our hive was almoust two times bigger than the population of the Crystal Kingdom. We desperately needed their positive emotional energy to survive. One by one we started "abducting" Sombra's slaves and putting disguised changelings in thier place."
  561. >You scratched your chin.
  562. "Hmm... and Sombra didn't have a problem with that?"
  563. >She shooke her head.
  564. >"No, as long as 'ponies' laboured and died in his crystal mines, he was happy. Yes Anonymous, my changelings were dying in his mines for the real crystal ponies to be free from enslavement deep in our hive. We never fed off of them so much to harm them and they didn't have a problem with that. After all, a short headache was better than the whole life in enslavement."
  565. >She raised her head and the guards started to put a neck parts of her armour on her.
  566. >Also, she was still talking, telling you the rest of her hive's history with the crystal ponies.
  567. >As it turned out some of them even found love here in a form of a changeling male, or female.
  568. >You were not the first and probably not the last one, who have fallen for those sexy bug horses.
  569. >When the Crystal Hive returned along with the Crystal Kingdom into the present times, some of them stayed here with their loved ones.
  570. >The rest of them, more than a half of current population of the Crystal Kingdom, returned to their land when they heard about Princess Cadence and Prince Shining armour, who were protecting the kingdom with their shield spell.
  571. >Hope grew in their hearts and Queen Flux allowed them to leave on one condition.
  572. >They needed to swear a powerful, magic oath that they would never tell about, or show to anyone the hive's location.
  573. >Some of them even return to the hive from time to time, to see their changeling friends that they made during their stay here.
  574. "Alright, I get it. Though, let me ask you this. You're as powerful as Celestia, why didn't you fight with Sombra when he fucked up everything with his black magic and slavery?"
  575. >She snorted, a little annoyed with something.
  576. >"I couldn't risk the destruction of the Crystal Heart. That bucking mongrel hide it somewhere. Also, a lot of crystal ponies were still his slaves and they could have pay the full price of our big fight. I couldn't risk their lives either."
  577. >Then, she put her helmet on her head, completing the whole set of armour that was on her.
  578. >"I hope this answers your question about the danger Crystal Kingdom forces poses to us."
  579. >You nodded your head and looked at her with wide eyes.
  580. >Wearing her full battle armour, she looked like a bug horse version of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings movie.
  581. >Also, there was a little hole in its chest piece, surrounded by magic runes and shit.
  582. "Well alright and what about the pretty pony princesses? Their combined ass kicking potential compared to that of an entire army."
  583. >She blinked a few times and looked at you with serious eyes.
  584. >"Last time, I wanted to test my strength in a fair fight. Right now, I cannot afford to stand on the same 'fair ground' as them."
  585. >As if on cue, one of the guards lift a small red crystal from the reinforced, engraved casket.
  586. >With the use of his magic, he placed it in that little hole in her armour.
  587. >You heard a soft click and the runes around it started to glow along with the crystal itself.
  588. >Even your magic immune ass felt the ridiculous amounts of magic power oozing from the large changeling queen at that moment.
  589. "What the fuck is this shit?!"
  590. >You asked ever so eloqently.
  591. >She chuckled audibly and looked at the red glowing crystal.
  592. >"Long time ago, there was a magic crystal of immense power, the only one of its kind. Unfortunately, it broke into two equal pieces and lost most of its untold power. This is one of these pieces. The second one was used to create an amulet, which I'm sure you heard about. It's called an Alicorn Amulet."
  593. >You know you heard about it somwhe-
  594. "Oh, are you talking about that amulet that give you crazy ass powers and brainwash you at the same time?"
  595. >Yep, you kinda, sorta listened to Twilight sometimes during her lectures about this world and her adventures in it.
  596. >"Exactly, though don't be alarmed. The brainwashing effects of the crystal work only on those with young, unexpirienced minds and those who are not skilled in the mind magic. Changeling queens are the masters of it."
  597. >Before you could say anything, Oreo ran inside the throne room, with Firi in tow, who you didn't even see leaving it.
  598. >"Mother I heard you want to face alone the whole equestrian army and the princesses! What is the meaning of this?!"
  599. >At first, Flux glared at Firi, who hide behind Oreo, but then looked at her nervous daughter.
  600. >"Collada, if my diplomacy fail, you'll take Anon, Firi and a small portion of our forces and leave the hive. You'll fly into the Griffon Kingdom and start your own hive, away from the war and destruction. I saw how you managed to keep this one safe and content, when I wasn't able to during my 'confinement' in the medical section."
  601. >You saw tears in Oreo's eyes.
  602. >Flux came up to her daughter and hugged her tightly.
  603. >"Maybe I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but I'm proud of you. I know you'll be a good and successful queen, my little jewel. Now please excuse me, I have a war to prevent."
  604. >Without any other warning, she charged up her horn and teleported out of the throne room.
  606. >The crisp winter air rushes through your self-moving mane.
  607. >Along with Luna, Twilight and Shining Armor you stand at the edge of the Crystal Mounstains.
  608. >You're Princess Celestia, the commander-in-chief of Equestrian army.
  609. >Before you saw a living, breathing sea of all kinds of ponies, clad in heavy armour.
  610. >The joint forces of Equestria and Crystal Kingdom were ready for war and to say the truth, you began to have second thoughts about it.
  611. >Was it really worth it?
  612. >You looked at the brave mares and stallions standing bravely in the cold air, ready for your every command.
  613. >Was sacrificing their lives really worth it?
  614. >Not even knowing the full potential of the Crystal Hive forces, you couldn't count on an easy victory.
  615. >Of course, your forces had experience in fighting against changelings.
  616. >Though, they always came from the Badlands Hive, which from what you learned, was a weak and malnourished hive.
  617. >If Flux's power was anything to go by, her hive was nothing like Chrysalis's.
  618. >Also, as bad as it sounds, Anonymous is the only known victim of the crystal changelings.
  619. >Where Queen Chrysalis destroyed hundreds of your little ponies lives, Queen Flux and her agents only rendered some of your guards unconscious.
  620. >They didn't permanently cripple, or killed them.
  621. >You also felt that there was something wrong with the assassination of Anonymous itself, but you couldn't exactly put your hoof on it.
  622. >A voice of Prince Armour pulled you out of your thoughts.
  623. >"My forces are ready, Princess. You just need to say the word and we start the search for the changeling hive."
  624. >You close your eyes and sighed softly.
  625. >Well... here it goes.
  626. "Thank you, I wish you luck in yo-"
  627. >Before you managed to finish that sentence, you were temporarily blinded by the flash of a bright light, distinctive for a teleportation spell.
  628. Almost immediately you felt an enormous magic power behind you.
  629. >You knew exactly, to whom it belonged to.
  630. "Flux!"
  631. >Turning your head around, you saw her coming out from the steam, which was rising of the snow melted by the teleportetion spell around her.
  632. >Just like you, she was wearing a full set of battle armour on her changeling body.
  633. >Though, where yours was gold coloured and ornamented, hers was black and clearly designed for war.
  634. >She looked at you with her yellowish, slit pupiled eyes.
  635. >"Celestia, I'm flattered you remembered me."
  636. >Before you could say anything, a part yours and Shining Armour's forces rushed at her.
  637. >She didn't even flinch, standing proud with her head held high and her chest pushed forward.
  638. >Looking as regal as she could, she was quickly tightly surrounded by the armoured mares and stallions from the Crystal Kingdom.
  639. >Though, there was something wrong with the way they cut off your own forces from her.
  640. >Firstly, none of them were even pointing thier weapons at her.
  641. >Secondly, most of them were standing with their backs presented to her, not even concerned of what she might do to them.
  642. >It really looked like if they were protecting her from you and your forces and not the other way around.
  643. >You saw that Luna's horn began to glow.
  644. >Knowing her well, you knew that she was casting a changeling and mind control detection spell.
  645. >When you silently raise your brow at her, she just shook her head in denial.
  646. >So... the Crystal Kingdom forces were acting out of their own free will...
  647. >That was... mostly disturbing.
  648. >Without any warning Luna pointed her armored hoof at Flux.
  649. >"How dare thou show thyself before us! We ought to break every bone in thy body, for what you've done to Our sister!"
  650. >When Luna opened her wings, ready to jump in changeling queen's direction, you put your hoof on her withers.
  651. "Luna, please wait. She came here alone, I'm sure she don't want to fight... yet. Let's hear what she have to say."
  652. >Your sister closed her wings and narrowed her eyes, but she didn't say anything.
  653. >Grateful, Queen Flux bowed her head slightly to you.
  654. >"Thank you, Celestia. As you said yourself, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to talk and show you something."
  655. >Before you could say anything, a second hoof was pointed at her.
  656. >This time, it belonged to your former captain, the husband of your pregnant niece, Prince Shining Armour.
  657. >"No! We won't listen to your lies changeling!"
  658. >Then, he turned to his Crystal Kingdom forces surrounding Queen Flux.
  659. >"Seize her, before she has a chance to escape! Now!"
  660. >A silent murmur ran through the ranks of armored crystal ponies, but none of them even twitched in Flux's direction.
  661. >Shining Armour's eyes widened in disbelief.
  662. >"What's with this act of insubordination?! Are you being mind controlled by her?!"
  663. >Luna was the one who answered him.
  664. >"No, We do not detect any of this foul type of magic, nor other changelings than her."
  665. >Your former captain started charging up his horn and turned to 'his' forces once again.
  666. >"If you want to be court-martialed, that's your decision! Now, get out of the way! I'm not going to let her escape!"
  667. >As in the moment before, none of them moved and you heard Queen flux speaking directly to the enraged Shining Armour.
  668. >"Think about what you intend to do, Prince Armour. Crystal ponies doesn't have good associations with the powerful unicorn stallions, who quickly resorts to violence. Especially, if said unicorns are in charge of their kingdom."
  669. >Twilight put her front hoof on her brother's armor shoulder pad.
  670. >"A-As much as I hate to admit it, I-I think she's right, BBBFF. You should calm down."
  671. >With one swift motion he shook her hoof off of him and glared viciously at Queen Flux.
  672. >"She's an evil changeling queen, Twily! Just like Queen Chrysalis, she can't be trusted! Her place is in the dungeons!"
  673. >As if on cue, one of the armored crystal stallions standing beside Flux, spat on the ground and turned to one of his friend.
  674. >"Hey, Topaz, can you feel the hatred oozing out of our... 'prince'. Looks like we have another King Sombra in the making on our hooves."
  675. >The one called Topaz narrowed his eyes at the Shining Armour.
  676. >"Yeah, I think he should cool off a little at the back of our forces, away from here."
  677. >A growing murmur of agreements ran through the gathered Crystal Kingdom forces and Shining Armour's jaw hit the snow on the ground beneath his hooves.
  678. >"I... I don't believe this! Are all of you traitors!?"
  679. >Your own jaw joined that of your former captain's on the ground, when all of "his" ponies pointed their spears at him.
  680. >Queen Flux looked at him with calm, but at the same time very serious eyes.
  681. >"They're not traitors, Prince Armour, because they care for their changeling friends who once saved their lives. Yes, you heard that correctly. My hive and crystal ponies were friends long before you were even born."
  682. >One of the crystal mares cleared her throat and turned to your former captain.
  683. >"Don't get us wrong, my prince. We're very grateful to you and your sister here for being a part of those, who helped Spike the Magnificent in setting us free, from King Sombra's foul dark magic. Though, at the same time, we can't turn our backs on those, who saved us before. We also won't attack their benevolent queen just because you don't like, or trust any changelings."
  684. >Shining Armour looked at you with hope in his eyes.
  685. >He knew that your word could change the outcome of this heated conversation.
  686. >You quickly exchanged knowing looks with your sister and turned to him.
  687. "Prince Armour, I think you should listen to your ponies. we're at the brink of war with the Crystal Hive and we really don't need more enemies at the moment."
  688. >Even Twilight shook her head at him.
  689. >He opened and closed his muzzle a few times, but then lowered his head.
  690. >"Of course, Princess. As always, I have great faith in your wisdom and experience and I shall comply to my ponies wishes."
  691. >Throwing one last hateful glare in Queen Flux's direction, he turned around and walked away.
  692. >Mares and stallions from the Crystal Kingdom forces breathed a sigh of relief and lowered their weapons.
  693. >Queen Flux spoke to them.
  694. >"Thank you crystal ponies, you honor me and my hive with your friendship. Know this, if the peace talks fail, we'll never hold against you not helping us fight the Equestrians. I only ask you to not participate in the upcoming conflict. That way you won't have to kill one friend for another."
  695. >Then she turned to you, Luna and Twilight.
  696. >"Before I show you what I have to show, I want you to cast your most powerful lie detection spells. After all, I'm a changeling queen. To many of you lie and deception is my game. Those superstitions will be silenced, if you'll know for sure that I'm always telling the truth."
  697. >You nodded in her direction and smiled.
  698. "A wise decision, Queen Flux. Most wise."
  699. >Then, you charged up your horn and casted your special lie detection spell.
  700. "Everypony listen, from now on if the magic aura around my horn turns green, the truth was spoken. However if it turns red, it was a lie."
  701. >The giant changeling queen bowed her head slightly in your direction.
  702. >"Fair enough Princess Celestia. Before I begin, do you have any questions for me?"
  703. >You blinked a few times, but didn't say anything.
  704. >She was very open and cooperative.
  705. >It really started changing your opinion about this whole invasion.
  706. >Though, there was one thing that bothered you the most in accepting, that you were going to start a conflict with a peaceful and friendly hive.
  707. >Anonymous's tragic faith.
  708. >Before you even opened your snout to asked about him, Twilight beat you to it.
  709. >"I got one for you! Why, please tell me why Anonymous had to die?! He was my friend and from what I learned, he even saved the life of your daughter a-and... your hive killed him in return!"
  710. >She was shaking all over in her brand new, deep purple battle armour.
  711. >Your castle smiths made it for her at your order, for occasions such as this.
  712. >Queen Flux sighed heavily and looked at her with a soft smile on her muzzle.
  713. >"Anonymous, or rather Prince Anonymous is alive and well back inside my hive, Princess Twilight. We never intended to hurt him in any way. After all, he's my daughter's future husband, who by the way is also alive and well."
  714. >Twilight, Luna and everypony else looked at your horn, which started glowing green as soon as she stopped talking.
  715. "You lied to me, Flux."
  716. >Her smile only widen.
  717. >"All's fair in love and war."
  718. >Her answer threw you a little off balance.
  719. >Despite yourself you briefly touched your lips with your armored hoof.
  720. >Luckily nopony saw it, because forgetting about where she was, Twilight started hopping in place like a little excited filly.
  721. >"It's true, it's true, my friend is alive! Rarity will be so happy to hear about it! I can't wait to tell he-"
  722. >Then she noticed that everypony was looking at her and her ears dropped in embarrassment.
  723. >"I... um, s-sorry."
  724. >Luna pointed her armored hoof at Flux.
  725. >"Then tell Us, whose body dwells in Anonymous's grave?! We saw it with Our very own eyes and it was surely his own!"
  726. >The changeling queen told you how she casted a 'permanent change' spell on one of her own dying warriors and your horn glowed green again.
  727. >"... and if instead of war, we reach an agreement today, I want to ask you to return his body to my hive. I want to bury him with all the honors he deserves."
  728. >Luna pushed her armored chest forward.
  729. >"If we reach an agreement, We'll see to it in pony! A noble warriors sacrifice should never be unrewarded!"
  730. >Your question was next.
  731. "Tell me, Queen Flux. What is this red glowing crystal mounted in your armour, I can't shake the feeling that it looks familiar."
  732. >She briefly looked at it and then back at you.
  733. >"This is a second half of the crystal used in the creation of the Alicorn Amulet. Don't worry, it won't brainwash a changeling, like it does a pony."
  734. >Your horn turned green once more.
  735. >This was bad, this was very bad.
  736. >That was the reason, why you felt that she was way more powerful than when you meet her for the first time.
  737. >With that power she could probably match, if not beat a full powered Tirek himself.
  738. >You, Luna and Twilight exchanged worried looks among yourselves, but before anypony could say something, Flux's horn started glowing brightly.
  739. >"I see that you have no more questions for me. Please, let me show you something now. Oh and don't worry, it's just an illusion spell."
  740. >Before you were completely blinded by her spell, you saw your horn glowing green, telling you that her words were true.
  741. >When you regained your sight, you were standing once more in the same place that you were just a couple of seconds ago.
  742. >The only difference was that it was a lot darker outside than before.
  743. >Probably a big, wild storm cloud was floating above you.
  744. >Luna raised her brow at Flux.
  745. >"What is the meaning of this, queen of changelings?!"
  746. >She looked upwards and spoke to all three of you.
  747. >"Look up and please remember that it's just an illusion."
  748. >When you did what she ask, your eyes widened in horror.
  749. >That was no storm cloud what blocked the rays of your sun.
  750. >No, it was thousands, upon thousands of changeling warriors descending upon your forces positions.
  751. >They crashed against your ponies like a giant wave made of black chitin, green magic bolts and sharp fangs.
  752. >The fighting began almost instantly.
  753. >Hundreds of armored changelings and ponies dropped dead in just a few first moments of this brutal encounter.
  754. >To your greatest dismay, you saw that forces of the Crystal Kingdom began to retreat from the field of battle.
  755. >They listned to Flux's words.
  756. >Looking at the horrors of battle before you, you heard Twilight shouting at Queen Flux.
  757. >"Wh-Why a-are you showing us this?!"
  758. >Her voice was frightened and brittle.
  759. >Unlike you, Luna, or Flux, she never saw death and violence of that magnitude.
  760. >"I want to show you the true power of my hive and what is probably going to happen when we start a war with each other!"
  761. >Your ponies stood bravely against the changelings of the Crystal Hive.
  762. >Not long after the battle started, warm blood spilled by both sides, melted the snow under their hooves.
  763. >The battlefield turned into a pool full of bloody mud, dead ponies and changelings.
  764. >On those dead bodies stood, fought and died more and more of their former friends and foes alike.
  765. >"This is just an illusion... this is just an illusion... this is just an illusion..."
  766. >You heard Twilight chanting to herself beside you.
  767. >She had her eyes closed and her front hooves pressed to her flatten ears, to block the sights and sounds of the slaughter before her.
  768. >You were afraid that this would be her reaction when she sees true war for the first time.
  769. >Though to tell the truth, you were also shaking a little in your battle armour.
  770. >Luna and Flux were the only one, who looked at the battlefield without cringeing, or flinching.
  771. >Suddenly, the bloodied earth opened behind your forces and a new wave of changeling warriors poured from it.
  772. >You saw giant changeling behemoths walking out of some of the holes, quickly joining the fray around them.
  773. >At that moment you knew that this battle was decided.
  774. >No matter how brave and furious, your ponies never stood a chance in this mountains.
  775. >More and more of them joined their friends on the ground, only adding their blood to the still growing, giant red puddle around the battlefield.
  776. >Without warning, you found yourself flying above it, seeing it only as a giant red dot against the whiteness of the snow.
  777. >Then you heard Queen Flux's voice once again.
  778. >"We won, because we had the advantage of the well known home ground, but that was just the first of the many battles."
  779. >Before your eyes, you saw the map of Equestria, with a big, bloody stain on the Crystal Mountains.
  780. >Then, one by one similar stains started growing on the largest cities and towns of Equestria.
  781. >"Don't be mistaken, my forces lost many of those battles. Though, the death toll was always enormous on both sides."
  782. >You saw flashes of the horrible events happening during those encounters.
  783. >A changeling male warrior kissing the forehead and closing the eyes of his lifeless female friend, just before being ripped apart by the stray magic bolt.
  784. >An unicorn guard mare crying and holding her strangely smiling coltfriend.
  785. >Only for you to see, that he was missing all of his lower body parts and she was kneeling in the puddle of his blood.
  786. >Not wanting to see any more of this you close your eyes and heard Luna's voice.
  787. >"What about all of us, Flux? What violent faith thou predicted for us in thine illusion?"
  788. >You heard the giant changeling queen, but was unable to see her through your closed eyes.
  789. >"I'm sorry, but I didn't have much time to prepare it. Hypothetically speaking, let's just say that with the power of my battle armour, I managed to kill one of you and gravely injured the other two, before you send me to my eternal rest."
  790. >Luna chuckled loudly.
  791. >"So, all of us are out of the picture, then?"
  792. >>"Yes, but wait until you see the grand finale. To say the truth it's starting now."
  793. >You opened your eyes and saw Canterlot in flames.
  794. >At the top of your ruined castle fluttered a bloodied and tattered flag, which looked like it belonged to a changeling hive.
  795. >This time Luna snorted loudly.
  796. >"Thou really think that We're so naive to believe such lies! Of course, thine forces would win! After all, this is thine illusion spell!"
  797. >You heard Flux laughing loudly.
  798. >"Please, look closer at who is holding the flag!"
  799. >You, Luna and even Twilight looked at the evilly laughing changeling queen, who was holding the fluttering flag.
  800. >Twilight and you recognised her immediately and shouted at the same time.
  801. >"Chrysalis?!"
  802. "Chrysalis?!"
  803. >Luna hummed intrigued and Flux's voice became very serious.
  804. >"Correct. You see, when our forces almost destroyed each other and we removed ourselves from the picture, she was the one who picked up the pieces. She conquered and enslaved Equestria, my hive and even the Crystal Kingdom. It was like a walk through the park for her. After all, there was almost noling who could stand against her forces. I'm willing to bet my head, that she was the one who told you where to look for my hive."
  805. >You sighed loudly.
  806. "I think I saw enough, Flux."
  807. >Without any warning, you were blinded again by the bright light of Flux's illusion spell.
  808. >Once more, you found yourself standing at the edge of the Crystal Mountains.
  809. >Looking around, you saw that everything was back to normal.
  810. >There wasn't a drop of blood on the white snow and everypony was still alive.
  811. >Queen Flux turned her head to look at all of you at once.
  812. >"So, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Twilight about that war, is it going to happen?"
  813. >You already had an answer for that question...
  815. [A couple of days later. Somewhere in the Badlands.]
  816. >You are reading the reports of your spies and over all have a bad day.
  817. >Yes, you're Queen Chrysalis and you have enough of this!
  818. >Not only the war between Equestria and the Crystal Hive didn't happen, but also both sides signed a pact of cooperation and non aggression with each other!
  819. >Appearently Celestia didn't have a problem with the crystal changelings.
  820. >She saw that despite thier rulers resentment, crystal ponies fully accepted changelings from the Crystal Hive.
  821. >Along with the infinite power of the Crystal Heart, their acceptance, friendship and in some cases even love, kept them well fed and content.
  822. >There was no fear of them feeding off of the innocent, unsuspecting ponies.
  823. >Also, one of Celestia's former subjects become a prince, a bucking prince of the Crystal Hive!
  824. >How did he manage to do it, was beyond you.
  825. >Crumpling the scroll in your riddled hooves, you throw it behind the bed you were sitting on.
  826. >Then, your eyes suddenly widened when you remembered about something.
  827. "Oh, buck..."
  828. >You forgot about those ten drones you left in the Everfree Forest with Flux.
  829. >They knew about your hive's location and if she offers them a place in her hive, with acces to more love energy than they could possibly eat, they could betray you and-
  830. >A loud knocking at your chamber's doors interrupted your line of thoughts.
  831. >Angry as all Tartarus, you stood up from the bed.
  832. "Guards! Who is this?! I told you, I don't want to see anyling right now!"
  833. >When you opened your doors you saw one of your royal guards lying on the ground, with the second one nowhere to be found.
  834. >Averting your eyes from the unconscious guard, you noticed that there was someling standing before you.
  835. >Someling big, two of them.
  836. >Your eyes widened and your slit pupils turned to pinpricks, when you saw just who was standing before you.
  837. >Princess bucking Celestia and Queen bucking Flux.
  838. >The giant changeling queen waved her hoof in a greeting manner.
  839. >"Hello Chrysalis, we would like to offer you a free ticket to the after-life. What say you?"
  840. >There was only one word in your mind at the moment.
  841. "Buck..."
  842. >Celestia looked at Flux with a dangerous smile on her muzzle.
  843. >"I think she's alright with it."
  844. >...
  845. >Yes, it was a beginning of a really bad day...
  847. THE END
  849. Roll out the credits!
  850. Recommended song: Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget about me)
  852. Where are they now:
  854. Anon - He bug-married Oreo like a boss, becoming a true prince of the Crystal Hive. Also, he reunited with his pony friends, Rarity being the greatest of them. With his help she quickly become one and only pony provider of various clothes for the whole hive. That way, she quickly became one of the most influential fashion figures in all of Equestria. If she have one, she could easily show her middle finger to Photo Finish, Suri Polomare and Prince Blueblood at once. Luckily for her, Anon was always there to provide his two middle fingers, whenever she needed them. Anon became the happiest and as always, the only human in Equestria
  856. Oreo - After becoming pregnant with Anon's nymphs, she roped him into marrige, making him a prince. He called it a shotgun weeding, but she didn't know what a shotgun was, so she was happy none there less. Also, she and Anon 'inherited' Chrysalis's Badland Hive after her sudden 'disappearance' from it. As it turned out, she didn't have any descendant and her changelings were more than happy to welcome a queen, who have strong connections with the one and only Crystal Hive. Her and Anon's nymphs turned out to be mildly immune to magic, but at the same time they could live without emotional energy for a very long periods of time. Like whole fucking months. It was enough for Oreo's hive to quickly become as powerful and influential as her mother's. Oh and she's still addicted to Anon's dick, [spoiler] it's the only one of its kind.[/spoiler]
  858. Princess Celestia and Queen Flux - Their mutual love bloomed like a fresh spring grass. They fucked like wild pigs in the mud all the time... Yeeeah, you wish! None of that happend! To say the truth, they learned to respect each other during their long talks about how to improve their subject's life. Though, the memory of that kiss after their fight, was always fresh in their minds...
  860. Queen Chrysalis - somehow she avoided the role of a wall decoration in Queen Flux's throne room. Though, she was locked in the Canterlot dungeons for her crimes against Equestria and the Crystal Hive. Sometimes she got visits from her former changelings, mainly her former spies. Mostly, they spit at her hooves telling her how shitty queen she was. [spoiler] Oh God, sorry to portray Queen Chrysalis like that! The story demanded this![/spoiler]
  862. Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour - Or, rather Prince and Princess Salty. Yeah, both of them were salty as fuck when Princess Celestia signed the pact of cooperation between her and Queen Flux. However, when more and more changelings started to live in the Crystal Kingdom, they started to appreciate them more after some time. Also, Queen Flux told them that she would kick their asses, if they ever hurt one of her changelings unprovoked. Cadence give birth to the one and only Flurry Heart,but this is the story for another time...
  864. Princess Twilight - She's still a turbo virgin. 'Nuff said.
  866. The rest of the mane six - Fuck 'em [spoiler]lewdly.[/spoiler] They didn't have enough impact on this story after all.
  870. Aaaand thus after around 150 posts, 54 000 words, 312 000 characters the story of Oreo and Anon ends.
  871. Thank you all for your support and tolerance of my shitty English. I hope that you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

QoC - Huntin' innawoods [(MLP) Anon/Gilda]

by rmp

QoC - Rainbow shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/RD]

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QoC - Horse Shenanigans [(MLP) Anon/Twi-teats]

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QoC - Sweet Talks are made of this [MLP/RGRE]

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Smollnon - Anon and smol birbfilly

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