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Loonaspiracy Archive

By Lurkernon
Created: 2020-12-20 02:57:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Introduction: This bin is for tracking progress associated with the "Loona" tumblr and decryption effort.
  3. (ctrl-f to get to the proper section)
  4. I-I Introduction
  5. I-II Theoretical timeline
  6. I-III Listing of individual threads and occurrences within.
  7. I-IV Art!
  9. ------
  11. I-I Introduction
  13. To give a brief introduction, this project is associated with http://askloona.tumblr.com/ and messages transmitted from the same. It appears to indicate that Luna is trapped on Earth's moon, while infected with a black "miasma" which continually leaks from her body. She appears to have had hostile interactions with astronauts, and is using or used equipment attached to lunar probes to transmit.
  15. Since then, additional information has been accrued: Luna's banishment was apparently pre-planned in response to something Luna encountered or discovered on the moon. It also became clear that Luna is capable of visiting Earth at least temporarily. Critically, it also seems increasingly likely that Apollo 17 may have recovered Luna's gameboy, leading to hostile contact during Apollo 18, 19, or other missions.
  17. Celestia appears at times. Whether this is literally Celestia or a manifestation of some portion of Luna's consciousness is unclear.
  19. ------
  21. I-II : Theoretical in-universe timeline, started at >>23791847 :
  23. >Equestria, unknown date
  24. Official documents state that Princess Luna has discovered something related to the moon, became unstable, and was banished for the safety of Equestria.
  26. >18 & 20 July 1967
  27. Luna is photographed by what may be Surveyor 4.
  29. >23 July 1969
  30. Luna is caught on tape by Apollo 11.
  32. >? November 1968
  33. Luna is spotted near Apollo 12's landing spot.
  35. >? ? 1970
  36. Luna poses in front of what looks to be Luna 16.
  38. Luna encounters NASA surveyor program.
  40. >? ? 1972
  41. Possible Luna encounter. Might be Apollo 16 or 17.
  43. >5 December 1972
  44. Luna sighting, possibly by Apollo 17.
  46. >11 - 14 December 1972
  47. Apollo 17 steals Luna's Gameboy, and it is taken back to Earth (notably as artefact 2). This might be what causes Luna to attack Apollo 18 and possibly Apollo 19. Luna recovers the Gameboy shortly thereafter, leading to closure of Byrd Station underground facility.
  49. >? ? 1973
  50. Possible Apollo 18 attack. The mission is covered up.
  52. >5 December 1973
  53. Possible Apollo 19 encounter. Also covered up.
  55. >? ? 1968 - 1974
  56. Luna poses in front of a seemingly deserted Soviet Lunniy Korabl lander.
  58. >? ? 1974
  59. Luna responds to the Arecibo message with her own version.
  61. >15 July 1975
  62. Luna reacts to the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project. It is speculated that she reacts because it marks an end of the Space Race.
  64. >? ? 2015
  65. Luna visits Earth, and is briefly caught on a security cam. Presumably she visited an eastern European country, based on "CCCP" tag on video.
  67. >15 January 2015
  68. Confirmed Luna sighting by Curiosity, possibly in the Mojave. Luna did not engage the rover.
  69. http://ask-itsshyheart.tumblr.com/post/116783385311 [Archiver's note: This seems out of line with previous sightings, but is included here for the sake of completeness.]
  71. >19 - 21 May 2015
  72. Luna visits Everfree Northwest.
  74. ------
  76. I-III : Thread-by-thread archive.
  78. From early threads; dates missing:
  80. So, here's what we've got so far: (If the thread is gone, just plug the post ID into archive.moe)
  81. > Areicibo Luna variant message ( >>23730509 >>23738151 ) - see >>23790168 for a breakdown of individual elements.
  82. > A couple morse code messages in the thread ( >>23751950 >>23752526 )
  83. > A decoded SSTV image from that audio file ( >>23759958 >>23760206 )
  84. > 6EQUJ5 6 7 code (Wow! signal)
  85. > A fuckton of date references to various lunar- and space-related events.
  86. > Some generic spoopy messages in morse.
  87. > New document in >>23764347 - indicates cover-up regarding Luna's presence on the moon.
  88. > New image: >>23767489 - yielded name reference "Luna Probe 3" and date reference "4/27/1971"
  89. > New image: "Celestia" possible - >>23769909 - yeilded 3-digit code.
  90. > New image: "Sad Luna" - >>23771084
  91. > New video 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qydibab6e411xou/itsr.wmv?dl=0 yielded unknown gif code.
  92. > New video 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh1llomtr2u4kv5/help00.wmv?dl=0 - yielded nothing so far.
  94. Shit that might be a reference, but we aren't sure:
  95. > Possible reference to Lunar Module construction encoded in the "forever" response ( >>23761723 )
  96. > Possible indication that Luna is using one of the Lunokhod rovers to communicate ( >>23761784
  97. > Possible indication that Apollo 11 seismometers detected Luna's activity ( >>23761848 , note that it references the same post as #2 above)
  98. > Possible bar code hidden in image: >>23765527
  99. > Code - see >>23763499 >>23763546 - ROT13 refers to Apollo 13, date and time matches for onboard explosion. Messages read "LET ME LEAVE" and "CAN'T BREATHE" respectively. Note that these messages were not delivered in the same format as others from Luna; their authenticity is suspect.
  101. And shit we still need to figure out:
  102. > 1/2/3 code - see >>23769909
  103. > Unknown symbol in the upper-right corner and 'rainbow' seen around Earth in >>23762543 >>23763800 - can anyone confirm if the latter does or does not appear in an open-source, original photo?
  104. > 24h18m10s ± 7s - see >>23762956 - possible geographic location?
  105. > Date references - 10/28/1972 - see >>23763552 , "Luna Probe 3" and "4/27/1971" ( >>23767489 )
  107. > Possible star-based lettering - >>23772007 >>23772025
  108. > Unknown entity seen in image, see >>23803441
  109. > What is the role of "Celestia" in this? Is she a manifestation of Luna's consciousness, actually Celestia, or something else? If she is literally Celestia, what is her purpose?
  111. Finally, we had a new post briefly go up on the tumblr containing image at >>23769458 → - contains unknown code and possibly URL fragment.
  113. (Archiver's note: I may be missing data from before this point, as I was not able to track the threads entirely)
  115. ------------------
  117. Thread #4, Run through Thurs. 7/9/15, >>23772295
  119. Notable events in order of occurence:
  121. > Images Received - unknown triangle or pyramid-based pattern and Explorer 1 outline, >>23773173 >>23773176
  122. > Image received - unkonwn lander or probe - >>23775033
  123. > Image received - possible LEM or CSM schematics - >>23775077 - note that the text is likely indicated to be a lie, based on earlier statements in the blog.
  124. > Image receieved - yielded schematics of Saturn V rocket. See >>23775377
  125. > Image received; "having fun?" - >>23775721. Attached code " 12113112321312 12222311111 " was formatted as Morse code, yielded message "LUNA 15". Brightening of image listed above yielded message "You are close. But I am closer." in plaintext and image of Celestia(?), plus unkonwn star pattern. See >>23775739. Note that 3-digit morse interpretation does not work with prior Celestia image above.
  126. > New morse code message on tumblr - https://a.tumblr.com/tumblr_nr8iy6APw71rtkb9do1.mp3 - vanished after a short while. Cleanup yielded message "FORGOTTEN TRAJECTORY HAS BEEN CALCULATED / STA EIGHT IS CONFIRMED DOWN / THE ANTENNA CONTINUES TO TRANSMIT DATA / PROCESSING COMPLETE / DELTA V CALCULATED / ERR UNCONFIRMED / COORDINATES TRANSMITTED / DATA COMPLETE / AWAITING SIGNAL ACQUISITION FROM ISS". Meaning of "STA EIGHT" and "ERR" unknown, may mean "stage eight" and "error" or "ETA".
  128. --------
  130. Thread #5, run Thurs 7/9/15 - to Fri 7/10/15 >>23784013
  132. Notable events in order of occurence.
  134. > POSSIBLE indication that Luna is "angered" by Apollo moon missions. Unconfirmed as legitimate response. See >> 23778923
  135. > Significant discovery of numerous images associated with the askloona blog sent to other blogs - >>23780202 >>23780238 >>23780297 >>23780305 >>23780336 >>23780703 >>23780834
  136. >> See http://penumbrabard.ponyblogs.info/post/114023879313/askloona-00-00-00-3 for all images in the gif found above or >>23783352 >>23783374 >>23783398 >>23783428 >>23783454 >>23783463 for critical frames. Notably, contains more references indicating NMM?Luna's banishment was pre-planned, unknown flight plans, text excerpt referencing multiverses, and
  137. >> Loona responds in thread again - >>23781469 - file name is determined to read "H E L P" in morse code.
  138. >> Loona posts in thread: >>23782285 - image determined to contain morse code reading "0900 ZULU" (see >>23782312 >>23782361). Note that this refers to 9 AM GMT.
  139. >> Image discovered on related blog - >>23783965 - date attachment (1973) matches no known moon expeditions, but may reference cancelled Apollo 18 mission which would have taken place in this year; Apollo 18 had been referenced before, suggesting it may have actually occurred and made contact with Luna.
  141. ------
  143. Thread #6, run Fri 7/10/15 - >>23784013
  145. > Anon immediately notes that the 1973 date appeared to coincide with an image of an astronaut being attacked. Suggests that it indicates Apollo 18 was attacked by Luna, resulting in coverup and no further lunar missions.
  146. > Possible reference to MH08-S finally found: May image it accompanied has a possible match in panorama taken from Apollo 17 Station 8. Anon suggests decoding audio file it accompanied, other anon suggests it may be S-80HM (referencing Station 8). See >>23785850
  147. > Alternate blog owner (Penumbrabard) arrives in thread, talks a bit. Shenanigans ensue, they reveal that Loona often calls them on skype with static and/or silent audio.
  148. > Alternate blog owner posts a new picture - >>23787075
  149. > Loona updates blog, "T-2". Refers to 0900 Zulu being 2 hours out.
  151. ------
  153. Thread #7, run Fri 7/10/15 - >>23787149
  155. > PenumbraBard comments that a few months ago Luna said she was injured by 'a sharp object' and bleeding from her leg. Picture of what was probably the Luna 24 unmanned lander accompanies.
  156. > PenumbraBard posts new images from Luna - >>23787399 no context found - >>23787491 image of earth, accompanying message "it's you".
  157. > PB posts image (from some time ago) - >>23787560 - comments that the image represented a "thanks" for supporting Luna. Numbers in the image are similar to gif code found in itsr.wmv during early threads, meaning still unknown.
  158. > New image from PB of Luna's gameboy in NASA lunar specimen case - >>23787681 - comments that Luna said "THEY TOOK IT" in relationship to the image. Tag associated says "Apollo 17"; note theories about Apollo 18 hostile contact above.
  159. > New images from PB - >>23787825 >>23787878 >>>>23788021 - determined to probably be a Celestia selfie (even Princesses can't make selfies good, apparently), closeup of Luna's eye, and probably Surveyor 1 probe respectively.
  160. > Askloona updates to read T-1. 1 hour to 0900 Zulu remains.
  161. > New PB image - >>23788072 - basic rocket schematics.
  162. > New PB image - >>23788225 - note that drawings on left are derived from code in the image. "VLA" may reference "Very Large Array" telescope.
  163. > 0900 arrives. New gif - >>23788806 - 12/5/73 date tagged.
  164. > Luna posts in thread - >>23788838 - image of gameboy on the moon despite previous specimen case image.
  166. ------
  168. Thread #8, run Fri 7/10/15 - >>23788504
  170. > 12/5/73 date determined to probably reference either Skylab or a comet near-pass.
  171. > Anon notes that there are coordinates listed in specimen case image above, plugs in coordinates and determines they do not match any known Apollo 17 excursions but are within possible rover range of Apollo 17. See >>23790368
  172. > >>23793235 - Numbers from an earlier image are found to read "8128218217273371779823515516231263462351680015212332". Meaning unknown.
  173. > >>3793340 - Hex code from "thank you" image above found to likely be linked to similar hex code in itsr.wmv.
  174. > Variant of itsr.wmv found on Penumbra's blog - >>23793556 - note clearer gif code and initial animation again suggesting hostile contact with Astronauts. See >>23793634 for image of cleaner hex dump.
  175. > Anon notes that "S-Band uplink:2101.802083 MHz" used to submit messages to the blog is the communications band used by Apollo 15 sub-satellite. Note that Apollo 15 sub-satellite was unexpectedly placed into a permanent lunar orbit rather than a rapidly-decaying one.
  176. > Image noted: >>23794803 - seems to show Luna interacting Mars rover "Curiosity" test unit in the Mojave Desert in 2015. Unknown context compared to the rest of the blog.
  177. > Anon notes that image of Luna crying - >>23794583 - contains references to Apollo-Soyuz test project. See >>23795336 >>23795533
  178. > Anon points out that an alternate variant of an existing image on the askloona blog suggests that purging the miasma "feels good". See >>23796046
  180. ------
  182. Thread #9, run Fri 7/10/15 - >>23796045
  184. > New image of Celestia briefly appears on the askloona blog - >>23796138 >>23796860 - with associated morse code ".-- ..- ..- .-- ...– .-- ..- .-- .-- ...- .-- ..- ...- ..— .-- ...- .-- .-- .--" - Later determined to read "PLANS"
  185. > PenumbraBard says that Luna has indicated she has visited earth several times - >>23796933 .
  186. > Code from prior update is determined to read "LT / T / L L6EXF" in text or "01001100 01010100 00001010 / 01110100 00001010 /
  187. 01001100 00100000 01001100 00110110 01000101 01011000 01000110 in binary. [Archiver's note: Slashes here seperate sentences in the code]
  188. > Image posted: >>23797203 - date does not correlate. Context unclear.
  189. > Penumbra posts new image he was sent: >>23798396 - appears to show Celestia dripping with miasma and surrounded by eyes. No context given.
  190. > Luna posts new image to the thread - >>23798703 - appears to show her on Earth, confirming ability to travel between the earth and moon. Some anons speculate she may be in Europe, based on time frame image was posted in and timezones.
  191. > Anon notes a heavy degree of similarity between a constellation image Luna posted before and a screencap in S1E1, when Twilight talks about "the stars will aid her escape". Possibility that the constellation posted is responsible for her escape. See >>23799735
  192. > Anon notes that help00 video found above may contain slowed speech, see >>23800315 . Possible interpretation is "all systems are damaged" or unkown Russian statement (glove in video appears to of soviet design), see >>23800937
  193. > Anon posts previously unknown image deleted from the blog - >>23800607 - shows possibly injured Luna having drawn a Soyuz capsule. Note that no known Soyuz missions reached the moon.
  194. > Further images deleted from the blog are shown: >>23800773, showing a contact circa 1970 with "NASA Surveyor program"; >>23801093 showing Luna nearby Apollo 12's landing site; >>23800869 showing Luna observing earth.
  196. ------
  198. Thread #10 - Run Fri 7/10/15 to Sat 7/11/15 - >>23801612
  200. > Audio from help00 video noted in previous thread further analyzed - >>23802239 - possibly says "and then we'll do a swoopity swoo" (?)
  201. > >>23802742 and >>23805112 - Anons examining an older image transcribe text from it. Note similarity of document in the image to the document containing the Wow! signal.
  202. > Anon completes heavy documentation of dates referenced in the blogs - see >>23805165 >>23805366 >>23805428 >>23805442 >>23805451 >>23805559
  204. ------
  206. THread #11 - Run Sat 7/11/15 to Sun 7/12/15 - >>23806414
  208. > Anons continue decoding Celestia code found in earlier images. Possible results are found, but nothing conclusive. See >>23810763 >>23810980
  209. > New gif of lunar surface - >>23812128 - may contain possible tracks or Luna's shadow to the right.
  210. > Anons begin analyzing images using notepad - >>23813030 - no useful information found.
  211. > Update of constellation / "the stars will aid her escape" theory posted in thread #9 - >>23815626
  212. > Analysis of alternate 'Wow!' document and earlier coordinates yields new possible location of interest - >>23817087
  213. > Anon notes that the tags for certain posts - previously thought to be code - may in fact represent heartbeats - >>23818547 Note that if true, this would reinforce earlier suggestions that the miasma is inherently tied with Luna's life.
  214. > New deleted post found - >>23819481 - gif appears to depict Luna observing or interacting with an unmanned lunar probe.
  215. > New deleted post found - >>23819673 - gif depicts lunar probe from previous gif landing.
  216. > Askloona updates - >>23819770 - audio only, no tags. SSTV code; decoding results in images >>23819909 >>23819921 . See >>23820290 for numbers in the image.
  217. > New images found on another blog - >>23820309 >>23820361 - note that second image may show a human figure standing between Luna and Celestia, who is standing under what may be a portal.
  218. > Coordinates from update found - >>23820669 >>23820817 - close to Indian Lunar impactor, LCROSS probe, and coordinates received in an earlier message.
  219. > Cleaning up askloona update image yields: Morse code - >>23821038 >>23821541, decoding yields text "THANKS" with 4chan clover (>>23822134); unknown coordinates, reference to itsr.wmv, and unknown code on the top. ID3 tags of SSTV yield "Album: ERS1112 Year: 1978". Meaning of "ERS" is unknown.
  220. > Anon suggests that anomalous coordinates of images showing astronauts - including some outside of the range of most astronauts' suits oxygen supply - may be the result of Luna moving the Astronauts after their deaths.
  222. ------
  224. Thread #12 - Run Sun 7/12/15 to Tues 7/14/15 - >>23824203
  226. > New image found submitted on other blog - >>23825848 - appears to show a camp or facility in snowy terrain. Coordinates from "thank you" image submitted in previous thread found to reference antarctic location on Earth, suspected to be the same location. "1112" ID3 tag speculated to be day/month or month/day combination in year 1978, possibly indicating itsr.wmv occurred on those dates, see >>23825972.
  227. > Coordinates found to match location of Byrd Station, a former antarctic station operated by the United States military. See >>23827261 or >>23827311 for general information on US Military activities on the site. Note that Byrd Station housed an underground facility until 1972.
  228. > New image found on other blog - >>23828430 - date referenced is accurate for a solar eclipse as depicted in the image.
  229. > It is noted that the askloona's background is adjusting - >>23828639 - if this is important is unknown.
  230. > Date referenced for solar eclipse image is also found to be a "supermoon" (unusually close approach of Earth and Moon) - >>23828713. Possibility that eclipses or supermoons represent Luna's window for travelling to Earth is speculated.
  231. > It is noted that a supermoon occurred in 1972 within a day Apollo 17 splashdown and a few weeks of Byrd Station's underground facility closing. See >>23829775. It is speculated that Luna retrieved the gameboy taken by Apollo 17, leading to facility closure.
  232. > New image found submitted on other blog - >>23830257 >>23830301 - found to show Luna standing in profile. No context or meaning.
  233. > It is noted that an early image showing an astronaut encountering Luna in a cave may show miasma appearing from elsewhere than Luna. It is speculated that this might be the "source" of the miasma. See >>23831642
  234. > Meaning of WH-08s possibly discovered: It may refer to the Westinghouse TV cameras used by the Apollo-series missions - >>23845549.
  235. > It is noted that the 2004 closing of Byrd station matches abandonment of immediate Moon-return plans. It is speculated that both of these events may be related to Luna being observed on the moon.
  237. ------
  239. Thread #13 - Run Tues 7/14/15 to Thurs 7/16/15 - >>23853830
  241. > STA EIGHT portion of message found in in thread #4 linked to STA:7 reference found in seperate image - >>23855956 - it is speculated that STA may be a secret space mission identifier (as shuttle missions were labeled STS-#) or a reference to Apollo 17 sample stations 7 and 8 (linking to indications of secret or covered-up activity during Apollo 17).
  242. > Image in above point also noted to be tagged from 2004 - the same year that Byrd Station was closed, further indicating a connection with Luna being spotted and Byrd Station closure.
  243. > Askloona updates, text message "T-24" - presumed to indicate an update will occur in 24 hours.
  244. > Morse code accompanying image of Celestia from thread #9 finally cracked - >>23877988 - revealed to be a 2-stage cipher that ultimately reads "PLANS". Context unclear.
  245. > In response to "tfw when you will never see Luna" post in thread, Luna posts an image of an eye with the text "KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN" - >>23880679 - note pupil modified to look like crescent moon. File name decoded to read "EYES".
  246. > 24-hour time limit passes. Askloona updates to read "T-3", expected further 3-hour delay.
  247. > Askloona updates with significant video addition - Later remove, see https://www.dropbox.com/s/dvv0jhu7kswnt9x/.mp4?dl=0 [Archiver's note: This now only gives you a file named "mp4". Just add a .mp4 attachment to the end of the name (e.g., "mp4.mp4") and it will play correctly.)
  249. > Codes in video - >>23886018 - "00002015" presumed to be date; string of zeros, meaning unknown; 00000HELP00000; "1111313121131221" is HELP in morse; "yyawq1gg4yx7q4" meaning unknown. Spectrogram at end of video found to reveal image of miasma-active Luna, see - >>23886197 >>23886414
  250. > Speculation: Dark spot seen around 0:44 may be a cave; Luna was previously seen being discovered in a miasma-infested cave; some claim to see smoke emerging from the spot. Scene of Miasma-infested gameboy speculated to mean that gameboy is either source or incarnation of miasma. Note that Luna previously referred to the Miasma as "life", giving double-meaning to text message.
  252. ------
  254. Thread #14 - Run Thurs 7/16/15 to Sat 7/25/15 - >>23889342
  256. >Someone notes that the background of the blog has changed; 0000 has now appeared underneath the image of the Earth.
  257. >Fuckton of art gets dropped. See section I-IV
  258. >Just as thread is closing, Askloona updates - >>24016058 - picture of three pyramids or triangles, repeated three times. Accompanying text, "LLL". Context unclear.
  260. ------
  262. Thread #15 - Run Sat 7/25/15 to Tues 8/4/15 - >>24016441
  264. > Considerable speculation that the triple-triangle/pyramid item from prior threads may reference astronomical or astrological relationships of the Pyramids at Giza.
  265. > Updated/more accurate version of 'the stars will aid her escape' file created - >>24034597
  266. > New image found on other blog - >>24037092 - image of Celestia + "125118106923". Meaning of code unknown.
  267. > Askloona updates - >>24042676 - text reads "20". Expected to refer to update in 20 hours.
  268. > Askloona updates - video - see >>24047319 - https://vt.tumblr.com/tumblr_ns4zojVpki1rtkb9d_480.mp4 - video appears to show Luna lifting and walking with a camera, later looking at the camera. Heavy static audio.
  269. > Loona posts in thread - >>24042896 - text in image reads "CAN YOU SEE ME?"
  270. > Large section of nonhappening bumps
  271. > Askloona updates: Image at >>24096133 and SSTV audio at >>24119729 .
  272. > Decoded SSTV signal yields >>24096278. Text transcribed to >>24104037 - "The [I see a C followed by a capital L... Lunar?] samples (005Re - 002Re) yeilded no results as they were in too critical of a condition to the [post starts with a b... regale or repair[. However, -REDACTED- showed -REDACTED- of anorthite, [misspelling of Anorthosite? (common moon mineral)] iron, and oxygen.
  274. I regret to inform you that -REDACTED- -REDACTED- initial -REDACTED-. These samples were concluded -REDACTED- from their -REDACTED- containers [Looks like SCAR 1f] had no recorded artifacts, and no sign of blackmail was clearly observed. This would probably be -REDACTED- or -REDACTED-. I cannot be sure if these events correspond to the -REDACTED- [it starts with ex... exhibit? exterior?] of missing artifact -REDACTED-. Investigation is still under way.
  276. I have included -REDACTED from the -REDACTED- -REDACTED- show high -REDACTED- and -REDACTED- activity. Unknown relations to -REDACTED- studies.
  277. > Loona begins significant contact with tumblr user ask-sorelestia - >>24104215. No solid data yet.
  278. > Askloona updates - >>24108626 - image of Luna 'crying' miasma.
  279. > Loona contacts Skype group user - >>24148990 - no audio, image of moon. Note that this style of contact matches earlier contact with other unassociated users.
  281. ------
  283. Thread #16 - Run Tues 8/4/15 to - Thurs 8/13/15 - >>24149835
  285. > Loona contacts an anon on Skype - >>24176497 - message contains static, no video, and text post " ▓̲̲ ̲̲||̲̲|̲ |̲̲|̲̲ |̲̲|̲̲ ". Text post translated as "SII" - >>24176587 - and speculated to refer to S-II (Saturn V second stage).
  286. > Translation of earlier lines is confirmed by translating earlier post in blog into Morse, then to "L" - see >>24176719
  287. > Loona posts to unrelated blog - >>24219368 - context or meaning unclear, no references.
  288. > Askloona updates - >>24233402 - image which, once brightened, reveals image of "eyes" and Miasma surrounding a Surveyor moon probe. Meaning of code in image unknown. Associated text - >>24233411 - image of an "eye" formed by text and phrase "WALLSHAVEEYES"; also possible reference to A4 rocket.
  289. > Askloona updates - >>24233542 - image of miasma-covered hand seen from the moon with Earth in the background. "FATE" is written on the image. Note lack of spacesuit. Associated text: loop of "ONEDOWN"
  290. > Anon notes that the Surveyor probe depicted may be Surveyor 3, which was visited by Apollo 12 and speculates that "WALLSHAVEEYES" may refer to Luna realizing the Surveyor probes were observation devices for the race executing the Apollo landings, leading to the eventual hostile contact during Apollo 17/18: "FATE" of the contact.
  291. > Askloona updates - >>24247639 - GIF mostly consisting of black, with one frame depicting more "eyes". See >>24247783 for frame with eyes.
  292. > Luna responds to Anon - >>24273275 - sends a pixellated (8-bit?) cartoon of Luna on the moon.
  293. > Askloona updates - >>24275106 - heavily distorted image of Celestia and text " )̲̲̲̅S̲̲̲̲̲̲̅̅Ê̲̲̲̅T̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅̅1̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̲̅̅̅ˆ̲̲̲̅@̲̲̲̅4̲̲̲̅V̲̲̲̅ä̲̲̲̅…̲̲̲̅.̲̲̲̅P̲̲̲̅P̲̲̲̅i_Ð̲̲̲̅@̲̲̲̅O̲̲̲̅L̲̲̲̅̲̲̲̅Á̲̲̲̅ã̲̲̲̅—̲̲̲̅l▓▓ ". Meaning of text unclear.
  294. > Anon records Skype video call with Luna in video - >>24275313 - see >>24275669 for video contents. Appears to depict a Gameboy (Luna's?) in darkness, with the Gameboy turning on and displaying the typical "on light" and turn-on chirp. File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ciuvcvkvzhh516d/loona%20call.mp4?dl=0
  296. ------
  298. Thread #17 - Run Thurs 8/13/15 to Tues 8/18/15 - >>24276996
  300. > Askloona updates - >>24280107 - " .̲-̲.̲ ̲ -̲.̲-̲.̲ ̲-̲.̲.̲ _ " - alternately translates as "rcd" or "rcx"; meaning unknown - see >>24285252
  301. > Luna contacts anon via skype - >>24299558 - described as 'heavily distorted' talk. Then sends test message to same skype address: "H̶?̶\Œ̶S̶_Ú̶(̶·̶ Ì̶̶̶̶,̶J̶ ||ù̶ ". Then sends new image to skype user; image shows "eyes" and "it hurts". When asked what hurts, she responds that it is her 'side'.
  302. > Askloona updates - >>24299821 - audio file and text: " VxÚ:‚!G\wÈ–™3óÉœ´NG,7Ÿ\½ÞTÅ’ ░╞░░ ▓ ". No context found for text; audio reversed and sped up. Audio determined to be Apollo 8 transmisson describing the moon's surface.
  303. > Luna sends image to Skype member - >>24316454 - image of Luna 'hugging' another. Note that this image has been seen before.
  305. ------
  307. Thread #18 - Run Fri 8/21/15 to Tues 8/25 - >>24389722
  309. > Askloona updates - >>24389722 - gif and associated code. See >>24389768 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xelrhjusx118rf/loona%20update%208-21-15.rar?dl=1 for file containing images of the gif; note that some images have been seen before; note confirmation of Surveyor probe and Soviet probe contact.
  310. > Code from last update found to point to dropbox URL - >>24389806 - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gdfspcp6zfiezdv/AACTGemJucKy-FqVTRiyye0Ba?dl=0 - contents include images of cells, image of NASA report previously seen in thread 15, and unknown audio file.
  311. > Alleged contact from Luna to skype user - >>24415322 - Loona allegedly sends skype user image "depicting Celestia". Image not provided.
  312. > Anon speculates that the images of the document provided in the second dropbox refer to a cell sample researched by NASA, which was unusual in that it anomalously acted as a single organism.
  314. ------
  316. Thread #19 - Run Mon 12/14/15 to Fri 12/18/15 - >>25764449
  318. After a ~4 month delay, a new thread goes up. I will separately parse updates that went up during the interim period and those that occurred during the thread.
  320. Prior updates:
  321. - http://robyreshy.tumblr.com/ now acts as a reserve of deleted Askloona posts and captured skype conversations. Invaluable resource; thank you!
  322. - 7/1/15: Askloona updates: Distorted image of distant astronaut on the moon, accompanied by text: "é̲̲û̶̲̲MM̶̲̲_̶̲̲Û̲¬̶̲̲¼̲̲ "
  323. - 7/2/15: Askloona updates: Another distorted image of an astronaut on the moon, accompanied by text: "▄̿▀̿▐̿ ))"
  324. - 7/7/15: Askloona updates: Third distorted image of astronaut; note that astronaut has been growing steadily closer. Accompanying text: " 9̶̲̲̅6̶̲̲̅ ̶̲̲̅4̲2̶̲̲̅ ̶̲̲̅30̲ ̶̲̲̅6̲̲ ̲4̶̲̲̅2̲ 5̶̲̲̅1̲ 2̶̲̲̅1̲ 7̶̲̲̅2 ̶̲̲̅2̲1̲̲ ̲̲__= "
  325. - Second update on the same day: Fourth distorted image of astronaut, in the same pose as previous image but shifted. Accompanying text: " 9̶̲̲̅6̶̲̲̅ ̶̲̲̅4̲2̶̲̲̅ ̶̲̲̅30̲ ̶̲̲̅6̲̲ ̲4̶̲̲̅2̲ 5̶̲̲̅1̲ 2̶̲̲̅1̲ 7̶̲̲̅2 ̶̲̲̅2̲1̲̲ ̲̲_ [][]CAM "
  326. - 7/13/15: Askloona updates: Close-up image of astronaut with severely damaged faceplate. Accompanying text: " ▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅▐̶̲̅ "
  327. - 7/19/15: Askloona updates: 'Sketchy' image astronaut on the moon. 'Eyes' are seen above the moon's horizon. Accompanying text: " ▀̶̲ ╦̶̲ ╦̲ ▀ ╪̲ ╦̶̲ "
  328. - 8/23/15: See ** post, Luna sends Skype user image of Celestia with background stars. No text, but file name is the same as the content of .txt file linked in earlier dropbox found via in-image code.
  329. - 9/9/15: See ** post; Skype user is sent sketchy image of 'sad' Luna. No text.
  330. - 9/13/15: See ** post; Skype user is sent sketchy image of miasma-active Celestia with 'eyes' in the background. No text.
  331. - See ** post, same day, Skype user is sent sketchy image of Celestia; gameboy is visible in background if gamma modified. No text.
  332. - 9/20/15: See ** post, Skype user is sent sketchy image of Earth. Luna indicates by chat that 'day' is somehow 'different'. Meaning unclear.
  333. - 9/26/15: Askloona updates: Color image with Luna in the foreground; an astronaut is seen in the distance.
  334. - 9/27/15: Askloona updates: Gif of 'sketchy' image of an astronaut. Vaguely similar to 7/19/15 update. No text.
  335. - Second update on the same day: Series of four images of an 'eye'. No text.
  336. - 9/29/15: Askloona updates: Audio file with repetitive 'beat' noise, unclear context. Maybe slowed down? Accompanying text: " —– – — - —– — ———– — — —— —- / —– — ———– — / —– — ———– — " EDITOR'S NOTE: If this is Morse, I can't figure it out. I tried treating the shorter dashes as dots and vice versa, but got nothing.
  337. - 10/4/15: Askloona updates: Heavily blurred image, light section vaguely resembles as '6'. Meaning unclear. No text.
  338. - 10/5/15: Askloona updates: Blurred image of Luna on the moon. Camera appears to be on the ground. Accopmanying text: " ▀̶̅▀̅▐̅▀̅|̅▀▀̅|̅▀̶̅▀̅▀̅▐̅|̅▀̅_ "
  339. - 10/21/15: Askloona updates: Text only, " -07▀̲̅ "
  340. - 10/29/15: Askloona updates: Sketchy gif of numerous 'eyes'. Text: " -1▀ " [Note: In light of the following update, these two are probably a countdown to a major post, as she'd done in the past.]
  341. - Second update: Video of an astronaut standing and walking on the moon, recorded from a camera held by the astronaut. Luna appears as a shadow next to the astronaut at the end; astronaut appears to be surprised and is visibly backing away from Luna. Image of Celestia appears for a brief moment at the end. No audio. Accompanying text: " █̲▐̲̲ ̲̲█̲̲▐̲_̲̲▐̲̲ ̲̲█_̲̲▐̲̲ ̲█̲̲▐̲▐̲̲_̲▐̲̲ ̲̲█̲▐̲▐̲̲_̲▐̲▐̲̲_̲̲█̲̲▐̲_̲█̲̲ ̲█̲̲▐̲ "
  342. - 11/1/15: Post by Sorel-estia; image shows Astronaut working with a tool on a sensor of some kind. Miasma 'tentacles' are visible on the lower border of the image, suggesting the camera was held by miasma. Accompanying text: " [̷̡͍̌̉]̶̨̻̅̕_̷̙̝̈͝[̷̨͎̀̑]̷̻̰̏͐_̸̗͚̈́̋[̴̢͎̀̊]̸̻̃̎͜_̶̘̼̅́[̴̛̼͉̃]̷̠̞͐̔_̸͓̟͑͝[̴̺̳̐̀]̸̗̙͋͆_̸͈̥̉̄[̶̨̛̭́]̴̗͕̌͗_̴̱̳̀͠[̴̺̻͛̈́]̵͙̃̓͜_̸̢̙̄͑[̴̪̘͑̐]̸̗͈̋̋_̴͚̭̎̚[̴̞̞̇̅]̶̭̙̈́̾_̷̘̞̒͝[̶̢̻̐̒]̶͓̫̑͘_̷̺̜̓͌ " Some similarity to morse?
  343. - 11/3/15: Luna posts to /moon/ - >>25311978 - no text, closeup image of miasma-active Luna staring into a camera. Although a gif, no animation appears to be present. No text.
  344. - 11/5/15: Askloona updates: In response to question "Do you wish you could see somepony/ponies again? If so, who?" image of Luna stomping on or pointing at an astronaut's footprint on the moon. Camera is held above her, looking down. Accompanying text: " ≡▀≡▀ ". Image is confusing in context of Luna's apparent ability to travel to Earth. Were Astronaut's special somehow?
  345. - Same day: Luna contacts skype user, indicates that Celestia 'knew'. Fits in context of older images indicating NMM was allowed to happen.
  346. - 11/10/15: Askloona updates: Distorted animation of miasma-active Celestia. Of particular interest is that her throat appears to be cut; the dripping line on her throat does not match her peytral.
  347. - 11/13/15: Luna contacts skype user, indicates Celestia is 'dangerous' but has not yet seen the other skype users.
  348. - 11/16/15: Skype user is sent distorted, static-ey image of Celestia. No accompanying text, but indecipherable text appears in the background of image.
  349. - Same day: ** post: Robyreshy updates a series of old images sent by Luna. For archival purposes, they have been backdated on this archive to their proper dates; see similarly notated posts.
  350. - 12/1/15: Askloona updates: Image of Luna looking at a camera. Text addition: " MTIyMzEzMjEyMTMxMjMyMTMyMzExMTMxMzEzMjMxMTExMzEzMjIzMTEyMjINCg== / MjMxMTExMzEzMjEyMjMxMjExMjMxMTMxMTEzMjMxMTEyMg==
  351. / MjMxMTExMzEzMjEyMjMxMjIzMTIzMjMyMTIxMzExMTEzMTEyMzExMTMxMjMxMjExMzEyMTEzMjIyMjE= / MTIzMjEzMjExMzIzMTExMTMxMzIxMjIzMTIxMzEzMjEyMTMxMjMxMjExMzEyMTEzMTEzMjEzMjIxMzIyMjIyMzIyMTExMzIyMjExMzIyMjIxMzIyMjIxMzIyMjIyDQo= ". Fed through base64 and then morse decoders, they produce: "WECANTSEETHEM2 / THEYEXIST3 / THEYWATCHUSALL9 / ANDTHEYRECALLING078990". Possibly refers to 'eyes'?
  352. - Same day: Skype user is sent image of orbital diagram; appears to show smaller objects in orbit of both moon and Earth, with dotted lines drawn from Earth to moon-object and straight lines drawn from moon-object to Earth-object. Luna indicates "not me", but that she likes the (the objects?) because "they see me". Then indicates they "see" the skype user, and that "they are calling". SPECULATION: Luna has already confirmed she has hijacked old satellites to communicate. Possibly indicates that the truthfulness of her communications depends on whether she is communicating directly to Earth or via Earth-orbit satellite?
  353. - 12/7/15: Askloona updates: Animated of Luna on the moon with 3/2/1 flashing in the background. No text. Code allegedly translates to "AONNECG" - not able to translate it myself, need the actual numbers posted.
  354. - 12/9/15: Luna sends skype user image of the Earth. Somewhat pixellated, no obvious background images.
  356. At this point, the /mlp/ thread begins.
  358. > Anon confirms that some of the text portions in updates can be translated - >>25775738 - 10/29/15 video's accompanying text goes to Morse and then "CALLING", 10/5/15 update reads "FIVE".
  359. > Askloona background image briefly updates, new images present. >>25775901 - images include Celestia next to the Earth, an eye with the word 'alive', an Apollo lunar lander, 2 sets of line graphs (meaning unclear).
  360. > Speculation: It is increasingly clear that the miasma and/Celestia is able to modify or interfere with communications.
  361. > 3/2/1 code in 12/9/15 update noted as being similar to a code encountered early on in the archive. That code also remains unsolved.
  363. ------
  365. Thread #20, run Thursday 5/12/16 to >>27335509
  367. Update of activity since previous threads:
  369. - http://robyreshy.tumblr.com/ continues to act as an archive of Askloona posts.
  370. - 12/22/15: Luna posts to /moon/ thread on /mlp/ - >>25847617 - image of the moon's horizon with Earth in background. No text.
  371. - 12/24/15: Askloona updates; image of miasma-affected Luna looking at camera. Accompanying text, 'Begin'.
  372. - 1/26/16: Askloona updates; image of miasma-affected Luna looking at camera with a lunar mountain in the background. Accompanying text, "ty�cho��". Probably indicates the mountain is the peak at the center of Tycho crater. Note that Tycho crater was visited by Surveyor 7 probe; Luna has previously confirmed using the Surveyor-series probes to communicate.
  373. - Same day: Skype user is contacted by Luna, who indicates she missed the contact. When questioned on why she was absent, responds "ty c". Possible indication she was busy or hiding at Tycho crater.
  374. - 1/28/16: Tumblr "cookiesoupmusic" receives image of their OC in Loona's style. Numbers on image: "0632_674+18T"
  375. - 2/6/16: Askloona updates; image of saddened Luna laying on the moon. Accompanying text: "AS14 64 9088"
  376. - 2/17/16: Askloona updates; 'stuttering' stereograph image of Luna on the moon. Accompanying text: "F2c"
  377. - 3/2/16: Askloona updates; image of miasma-active Celestia looking at the user. Text on image: "FILE 023 UNNAMED". Accompanying text: "sta_Li4tLS0gLi0tLS0gLi0tLS0gLi4uLS0gLi4tLS0gLi4tLS0gLi4tLS0gLi4uLS0gLi0tLS0gLi4tLS0gLi0tLS0gLi4uLS0gLi0tLS0gLi0tLS0gLi0tLS0gLi4uLS0gLi0tLS0gLi4tLS0gLy8vLyAxMTMyMjMyMTExMzEyMTMxMTMxMTIzMjIvLy8gdHJfcyByZWMgbGFtYmVydA==", translates to "sta_dorsa //// imbrium/// tr_s rec lambert ?" May refer to a dorsal image from the Mare Imbrium; note that it was the site of 2 Apollo landings and a recent Chinese rover. Other meaning unclear, decoding required.
  378. - 3/17/16: Askloona updates; in response to the question "Does it even hurt anymore?", image of miasma-affected Luna showing her gameboy displaying 'YES'. Accompanying text: "Hadley" Note that Hadley crater was the landing site for Apollo 15.
  379. - 3/18/16: Askloona updates; black and white image of Luna accompanied by text "home".
  380. - 4/13/16: Askloona updates, image of Luna with a distorted black-and-white image of miasma-active Celestia in the background.
  381. - Same day, Skype user is sent contact from Luna. Provided are coordinates for 3 craters (-30.0686,-17.1030; -44.4755,84.6924; 7.6270,-69.9698). Note that Luna has previously incidated she is active in certain craters; may refer to where she lives.
  382. - Same day, Skype user recieves further message: "YOU ARE STILL HERE?", "CANNOT HURT YOU", "SHE STORY" / "SHES TORY"? (Third statement unclear.)
  384. At this point, the thread begins again on /mlp/: >>27335509
  386. > Askloona updates with a major video posted. Video found at https://www.tumblr.com/video/robyreshy/144242291985/700/
  387. > Latter half of video is accompanied by 'screaming' noise.
  388. > Text seen in video is as follows: "LIVE FROM THE SURFACE OF THE MOON" (accompanied by camera pan until Luna comes into close-up view), "HELLO" (accompanied by black screen), "WELCOME TO THE MOON", "OVEREXPOSURE IS IRREPARABLE", "SHADOWS ARE HAZARDOUS", "THEY FESTER IN LIGHT ABSENCE" (accompanied by video of astronaut working on the moon, with active miasma emerging from rock in the background; camera slowly zooms on miasma-rock), "THEY ARE IN CLOSE PROXIMITY" (black screen), "DO NOT LOCATE THEM" (pan and zoom into lunar landscape), "AVOID FINDING THEM" (black screen), "DO NOT SEE THEM" (image of Tycho crater mountain previously seen in 1/26/16 update), "COME TO US C" (video of miasma-active Luna, camera holder appears to be approaching her), "IT IS AWARE OF YOU" (image of Tycho crater mountain; the top of the mountain breaks off and drifts up out of screen), "ONE IS MISSING" (image of Apollo LM descent stage; stage flickers before vanishing), "THE MOON IS ALL AROUND US" and "IT HAS YOU" (black screen).
  389. > Video accompanied by the following text: " □▄██▌□▄██▌□▄██▌M102565253RE" Text found to refer to data from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter pointing to Luna 13 landing site - see >>27335806 >>27336198
  390. > Several statements are relevant in the context of previous entries:
  391. > Images in the past have shown Luna encountering the Miasma in a cave or pit; video corroborates the miasma being active there.
  392. > OVEREXPOSURE statement along with Astronaut may imply what was assumed to be hostile contact with Luna was in fact her attempt at maintaining containment by killing astronauts exposed to Miasma.
  393. > ONE IS MISSING may imply two things: One, previously referenced secret Apollo 18 mission that made hostile contact with Luna, "missing" referring to the mission being absent from history. Two, it may imply one Apollo unit has been stolen by Miasma/miasma-Celestia for unclear purposes.
  395. ------
  397. Thread #20, run - 28050653
  401. ------
  402. I-IV: Art!
  404. > Drawfag pops some hilarious art - >>23803632 >>23805460 >>23811221 >>23811696 >>23813123 >>23831568 >>23832387 >>23837358
  405. > Other art - >>23853830
  406. > A poem - >>23811971 >>23812549
  407. > Logo, AESA version 1 - >>23829599 >>23830147
  408. > Logo, AESA vsersion 2 ("gameboy AESA") - >>23830524 >>23830899 (1080p wallpaper version)
  409. > What happens when drama arrives in thread: >>23846915
  411. [Thread 14]
  412. > >>23913846 - Dead Space Loona
  413. > >>23914274 - "Yo, space hoers!"
  414. > >>23920260 - Loona creeping on Anon
  415. > >>23918596 - Light/Shading practice, and animated: >>23943236
  416. > >>23918732 - Anon rides Loona
  417. > >>23920867 - "Sweet dreams, Anon!"
  418. > >>23938955 - Loona and Miasma tentacles
  419. > >>23939276 - Loona rearing up
  420. > >>23939735 - Celestia creeping on Anon
  421. > >>23946441 - Creeping on Anon again
  422. > Lunatic Loona comic series: Pt. 1 - >>23948210. Pt. 2 - >>23955788
  423. > >>23957930 - Loona with her gameboy and miasma
  424. > From seperate Drawthread - >>23966244 - Loona wants a hug.
  425. > >>23979772 - Lewdna
  426. > >>24002705 - "Why are they quiet?"
  427. > >>24008645 - "Don't lose hope."
  429. [Thread 16]
  430. > >>24152452 - "I'll never end this ride!"
  431. > >>24190385 - "Revival"
  432. > >>24194277 - "Looking at the moon"
  433. > >>

Sgt. Anon (COMPLETE)

by Lurkernon

SgtAnon, Part 2:

by Lurkernon

Breaking Gilda

by Lurkernon

Anon the Royal Snuggler (ONESHOT)

by Lurkernon

For Soarin's Sake (ONESHOT)

by Lurkernon