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10940 59.45 KB 1443
[Copied from]
>You are now looking at your front door
>It feels like time drags on forever
>The guy told you he will be here at 9. He is still not here.
>What's wrong with him?
>If you find out you were scammed, you--
>Finally, a knock on the door!
>"Sorry, i had trouble buyin--"
"Did you?"
>"Of course i did. It's in the car."
>You quickly go outside with him
>"Listen, there was another one interested. Had to rise the wage and--"
"How much?"
>"A grand"
>"Look, mang. I brought it here. I don't want to leave empty-handed."
"Shit, i barely have a hundred here"
>"Not enough"
>As you get near the car, you see a silouette in the back seat
>There she is
>Pinkie Pie, in all her glory
"... Wow."
>"At least now you know i'm not bluffing"
"Okey, okey. Think. Let's go to the laundry. There's an ATM nearby"
>"ATM? Shit, you really are a nerd"
"Shut up. You want money? Drive"
>You hear him saying "loner" between his teeth while you both get into the car
>As he drives, you look at your pony.
>She looks tired and unkempt
>Nothing some scrubbing and a nice bed can't fix, tho.
>"We're here"
"Okay, wait up"
>You go and withdraw almost all of your savings.
>Now he's driving you back home
>You look at Pinkie again
>You can't wait for her to call you "Nonny" and bake things for you!
>"What's with the grin? You like these things that much?"
"You don't get it"
>"And i might as well never do, weirdo."
>You arrive and he drops you with the pony at the entrance
>You give him the money
>"Good. Now remember, i don't know you and you don't know me. You might as well forget my phone and email because i won't use them again. If you want more of these things, i'll know and contact you"
"Sure, sure. Have a nice day!"
>"... Fucking weirdo"
>As he leaves, you pull the chain and bring your pony inside the house
"This is so unreal! Here you are Pinkie! Your new home"
"Oh, my. You haven't said a word all this time, you must be so tired! Here"
>You take her to her room
>Sure, it's the laundry room with a makeshift bed, but you'll make it better with time.
>And money
>You will have to make lots of extra hours now
"There you go. Sleep well, Pinkie! Good night"
>She just walks to the bed and sits on top of it
>You turn off the lights and lock the door
>You are so excited it gives you a hard time to sleep
>You now have Pinkie Pie and it's going to make you very very happy
>You wake up
>After your daily routine, you quickly go and check the laundry room
"Good morning, Pinkie!"
>She looks the same as last night, sit on the bed. The same gaze as before.
"... Huh... I hope you slept well. Let's go have breakfast, shall we?"
>She doesn't move. Strange.
"C'mon, Pinkie. Let's eat"
>Still not moving
"Geez, Pinkie. Don't be shy!"
>You yank her chain
>Finally she raises up and walks.
>You and Pinkie go to the kitchen. You already made pancakes.
"Alright, sit here. Do you want your pancakes with anything? Syrup, maybe? Or chocolate?"
>She sits were you pointed and grabs a pancake with her mouth
>She just munches it like a real horse.
"Okey, plain is also an alternative"
>You sit at the other side of the table and drink you coffee.
>You glance at Pinkie. She's still munching.
>You still wonder why she still looks tired.
>Maybe the trip was really long.
>You don't know how the fuck the bidders made a portal to Equestria, but by the looks of it, it must be very stressing to pass it.
"Well, Pinkie. I have to go to work. I left you some lunch in the oven, but you have free reign over the kitchen."
>She looks at you and then drops her head.
"Aww, don't worry. I'll come back, promise!"
>You pat her on the head.
"Well, better go now! You can sleep more, if you want"
>You lock the front door and head for the bus stop.
>And as you wait for the bus with the biggest grin you can make, a small thought crosses you mind.
>You didn't see her eating more pancakes.
>As a matter of fact, she kept munching the same pancake the whole time.
>Maybe she doesn't like your recipe?
>You'll talk to her later.
>For now you have to focus on your work.
>You are sitting on the bus, heading home.
>You are working overtime for the rest of the week. Probably the next one, too.
>You are glad the boss agreed with it.
>But the workload doubled because of that.
>You'll manage.
>You have your pretty pony back home to cheer you up!
>You wonder if she did anything special for you.
>Oh, shit! You almost miss your stop.
>Better stop daydreaming. This is real, Anon!
>You almost drop your keys from the excitement.
"Hi, Pinkie! I'm home"
>The house feels quiet.
>You look around. No signs of Pinkie.
>You go back to the laundry room.
>Her bed looks just like this morning.
>You go to the kitchen.
>She is still there, in her seat. The plates were also exactly where you left them.
"... Pinkie?"
>Not only she looks exactly the same as before you left, but she didn't eat any more pancakes.
>Even worse, there are pieces of pancake and spit all over her plate.
>It looks like vomit, but it's the first pancake you gave her.
>She didn't eat it.
>In fact, you check the oven and see that she didn't have lunch either.
"Pinkie!! You must eat! You need to eat to stay healthy"
>As you scowl at Pinkie, she looks at you.
>She has the same permanently tired look.
>It's beggining to annoy you.
"Well, the lunch must be spoiled by now, so i can only serve you some raw vegetables"
>You go to the fridge and grab some carrots.
"You could have said you didn't like the recipe, Pinkie. You don't have to act like this"
>You reach a carrot to her mouth.
"Now eat this"
>She looks at the carrot.
>Then she starts licking it.
"No! Not licking! I said eating"
>She beging to suck it.
>This is making you aroused, but you remember she must be starved, so you keep the lewd thoughts away.
"Pinkie, this is ridiculous! Eat the carrot!"
>She gazes at you and finally grabs a bite of the carrot.
>She munches it a little then swallows it.
"There! Was it too difficult?"
"Okey, now eat the whole carrot"
"C'mon, Pinkie. Don't be such a stubborn pony"
>She takes the carrot from your hand and eats it whole.
"Good! Good! Now, you look like you need a bath. Let's go to the bathroom"
>You realize after a while that she doesn't move anywhere unless you yank her chain first.
"Pinkie, do you really need that chain? You can't leave the house, but you can pretty much wander everywhere inside.... Well, except for my bedroom... For now..."
>You grin while you walk your pink bundle of non-apparent joy to the bathtub.
>You turn on the water and wait a little.
"Pinkie, i haven't seen any smiles, grins or chuckles from you. And that's not you!"
"I guess coming to this world made you tired, isn't it?"
>You grab the shampoo and begin to pour it all over her mane and back.
"Well, don't worry. A good bath and some nice rest will help you get better"
>She doesn't change expression or talks while you scrub her fur.
>You wash her mane and tail in silence.
>Now as you wash away the dirt, you look at her.
>She looks a lot less gray than before. More lively.
>And her mane is not rigid.
>But that unfazed look of hers...
"Pinkie, can you smile for me?"
>She looks at you.
>No change.
>You try something.
>Again, not a single movement.
>This is frustrating.
>You grab her chain and yank it.
>She looks at the chain and then at you.
>She then makes a disturbing expression.
>It looks like a grin, with exposed teeth and all, but her eyes are as soulless and devoid of any happiness as before.
"... Well, it's a start"
>You feel a little dissapointed now.
>She doesn't act at all like you wanted her to.
>After drying her up, you take her to her new bedroom.
"Okey, Pinkie. Now go to bed. You need to sleep"
>She goes and sits on her bed.
"No, Pinkie. I want you to get inside the bed, and sleep. I won't leave until you do that"
>She looks at you.
>She grabs the upper blanket and wraps it over herself.
>She lays down and closes her eyes.
"... Good. And remember Pinkie, you're safe here. Sweet dreams, my waif-- I mean, my beautiful pony"
>She doesn't move.
>You turn off the lights and lock the door.
>The days pass.
>Living with Pinkie has not met your expectations at all.
>It's more like living with a pet that with a sapient pony.
>Since you bought it, she hasn't said a word.
>She doesn't smile.
>She just obeys.
>And only if you yank her chain first and shout.
>Now you are really tired, coming back from those extra hours.
>And as you enter your house, you see the same thing you've seen since day one.
>Pinkie Pie is in the same place you left her in the morning.
>With the same
"... Hello..."
>You grunt while you go to the kitchen.
>Most of the vegetables in the plate remain uneaten.
"Pinkie, how many times i have to tell you to EAT!"
>You grab some tomatoes and shove them on her mouth.
"What is WRONG with you!?"
>She munches a little then swallows the tomatoes.
"Why aren't you happy?"
"Please, Pinkie. I am giving you a nice house. You have food. You are clean..."
"I don't want to yank you to move. I don't want you to starve to death unless i put something in your mouth. You even have a place to sleep!"
"... You DO sleep, right? I'm even starting to think that you don't actually sleep!"
>You start feeling angry.
"Yeah, you just close your eyes, don't you? You just lay there until a new day comes and i drag you along..."
"You could at least TALK TO ME"
>You now grab Pinkie and shake it.
>She is still unresponsive.
>You are now completely dominated by anger and frustration.
>You get up and grab a knife from the kitchen
>You get down to her level and put the knife closer to her face
>She looks at you
>Then she looks at the knife
>And you notice something
>Did she....
>... Did she move her eyebrows?
".... Oh shit."
>She finally reacted
>She is looking sad
>You feel like shit now
"... Uhm, sorry, I--"
>Then she grabs the hand that holds the knife with her hooves
>You look at her while she points the knife at her chest
>You quickly put the other hand in her chest and begin to push
>You struggle. She is strong.
>You try with all your force to keep the knife away from her
>But she keeps pulling
>You focus on the knife. You can't see her face.
>You think fast
>As you try to keep space between the knife and Pinkie's chest, you slowly put your legs in position
"Pin... Kie..."
>You slowly crouch
".... Stooop..."
>And you quickly stand up while releasing the knife from your hand
>Pinkie is now in midair, the force of her pulling making your hand pressed against her chest
>As soon as she notices that the knife is in the ground, however, she releases you and falls down to get it
>But with your free hand you grab her by her collar, and you kick the knife away.
>Now you are struggling to keep Pinkie Pie into place.
>She kicks you while extending her front hooves to the knife.
>Your hands burn and the kicks hurt you a lot, but you keep ahold of her.
>She tries to push your hands aside, but you quickly grab her in another place.
>The two of you fall over while she keeps fighting.
>Finally, she starts to get tired.
>She slowly stops moving
>The both of you are now on the floor. You keep grabing her, but she is still.
>You breath a little to gain some energy to talk.
"... Pinkie.... Why..."
".... You.... Don't..."
"... Ugg, why did..."
>You now notice some trembling over her body
>She is sobbing
>The sobbing turns into crying
>And she screams while doing so
"... Pinkie..."
>She keeps crying. She shouts while tears run from her eyes
>You stop grabbing her and begin to hug her
>She is now shaking while the tears are forming small puddles around her
>She keeps shouting while her nose runs and her mane begins to flat
>You feel worse than shit now
>You can't think of anything to say
>So you just let her cry
>You don't know how much time passed
>But it's well past midnight and Pinkie is now laying in your arms
>She cried for hours, then just sobbed and now passed out
>You are looking at her
>She is a mess, but at least she is sleeping
>You lift her and take her to her bedroom
>You tuck her in her bed and leave her there
>As you close the door, you release your body of all tension and slowly walk to your room.
>You are a monster
>You just bought a pony who was in fact the embodiment of laughter and happiness
>But she is not happy at all
>And it's your fault
>You pass a hand over your face while thinking of what to do
>There's no point on sleeping now
>You turn back, search the house for pointy objects and store them in your closet
>By the time the sun rises you have placed all dangerous things in there
>Even the cleaner products and pills
>You take a bowl of fruits and a glass of water and go back to Pinkie's room
>You slowly open the door
>She is still asleep
>You let the bowl and glass in the floor near her and close the door
>You drink a bunch of coffee and leave to work
>In the bus, you think what could have caused her to try suicide
>You feel kind of dumb, but 'being far away from her world' was probably the obvious answer.
>Still, you save those doubts for later. You'll have another busy day at work and you haven't slept.
>As you get out of your office building, you go to a pastry shop and buy some cupcakes
>You feel tired, but you must talk to her.
>You don't know how, tho.
>You can only hope this helps
>As you open the door of your house, you notice that everything looks the same
>You go to her room
>You see her in her bed
"Hello, Pinkie. Do you f--"
>"You will return me, don't you"
>She turns her head to look at you
>She has big bags under her bloodshot eyes and her mane looks completely flat
>"I'm not the happy bouncy waifu you wanted, so you will return me. Am i correct?"
>You are nervous.
>She is finally talking to you, but you didn't expect her to talk to you like this
>"I bet you brought those cupcakes to soften the blow, doesn't it?"
>How did she know? You left them on the kitchen table
>"Whatever. They'll drug me again to look 'normal' and i'll be some other owner's sex toy in no time at all"
>She turns around and faces away from you.
>"I'm not hungry. I'll wait here until they come to pick me up"
>You are trying to digest everything she said now
>You look next to her bed and see the glass and bowl untouched.
>You go and pick the glass.
>She doesn't move
"Pinkie Pie, can you drink this water, please?"
>She turns to look at the glass
"What do you mean, why? You need to recover all that lost water"
>"I'll manage. Leave me alone"
>You don't know what to do.
"Pinkie, it's an order. Drink this water"
>"Oh, i'm sorry master. Would you like me to BEND OVER TOO??"
>She hits your hand and makes you drop the glass.
>It doesn't break, but the water is splashed on the floor
"FUCK! FINE, STAY INSIDE AND DIE. Why should i care?"
>You close the door with full force as you leave her room and locked it.
>Your hand hurts
>As you pick some ice from the fridge, you look at the box of cupcakes.
"... Bitch"
>You go to your room to get some sleep.
>You are too tired, anyway
>A new day welcomes you
>But the pain in your hand reminds you of what happened last night.
>After getting dressed to work, you go to Pinkie's room.
>*knock knock*
"Pinkie. Can i come in now?"
>Your best guess is that she threw an apple to the door
"Pinkie, i'm going to unlock the door and leave you alone while i go to work. I hope we can talk when i get back"
"Please drink something"
>You unlock her door, then go outside and lock the door.
>As you go to the bus stop, you look at your house.
>You fear that Pinkie does something to herself while you are away.
>But you also fear that someone finds out you have a cartoon pony in your house.
>So as long as she doesn't bring attention, you'll be fine.
>But what about her?
>You take the bus to work
>As you walk home, you feel a little thankful tomorrow you'll only work half a day.
>Sure, you don't work on Saturdays, but the pony you used to desire made a huge blow ito your wallet.
>You open the door and see Pinkie getting out of the bathroom
>Her mane is still flat, but she doesn't look tired.
>"Did you bring cupcakes again for our talk?"
"Hello, Pinkie Pie. Nice to see you out of your room for once."
>"Whatever. I live in a fucking laundry room, but that doesn't mean i have to throw my shit on it"
>Did she just...???
>"Surprised about my outburst? You don't expect us to live in this piece of shit you call a world and not to learn some bad words, do you?"
"You could at least try not to"
>"Fuck off! You won't get to enjoy it much time, anyway"
"What do you mean?"
>"Did you already called them? Am i being returned?"
"Well, i--"
>"I bet they convinced you to keep me, faggot. 'Just try to be nice to her. Have these drugs. Your dick will be on her ponut in no time'. You FUCKING LOSER!"
"Please, stop!"
>You feel confused, but you try your best.
"Look, Pinkie... I'm sorry, ok? I'm trying to help you, but--"
>"Look, idiot. You can't help me. My friends are being sold and treated like slaves. If i go outside, i'll get killed by them. And if you complain, i'll be sell to another stupid pathetic excuse for a living being who will probably rape me to sleep. So no! You're not helping!"
>She begins to cry again.
"Pinkie, I--"
>"Why did you stop me? I want to die, i want all of this to stop. I hate everything about this"
>She throws herself on the floor and keeps crying.
>You go and pet her. She doesn't stop you.
>"I bet you find this adorable, *sob* faggot"
"Look, Pinkie. I might not know how to help you, but i'll try my best to make you feel better, ok?"
"Would you like some water now?"
>"... Yes, please"
>You go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of water
>She takes it and drinks it
"Now, are you hungry?"
>"... I am"
>"Me too"
>You are now at the kitchen
>Pinkie is eating some salad while you eat one of the cupcakes you brought yesterday
>She doesn't look mad, but she is not happy either.
>She looks bored
"Okey, Pinkie. Can we please have a normal conversation, now?"
>"Sure, I'll let the weird fucker and her tiny equine pet slave have a normal conversation. Bleh"
"... Sure... You see, as much as you complain, i can't return you. I bought you via a third party, and--"
>"And the smartass told you he threw his contact info away. I know, i was there."
"Well, i thought you weren't listening"
>"And i though you were going to contact him anyway, but i guess we can't have high hopes!"
"... So, since you're stuck here, i might as well try to make you feel at home"
>"My home got destroyed. I have no home"
>She drops her eyes and begins to feel sad.
"I'm sorry, Pinkie. We.. We humans can be pretty evil"
>"Pretty evil. Heh. You humans are worse that all of our Equestrian villains combined"
"... We can be good if we try"
>"And if i fall for that, you'll be making sweet love to me in 4 to 6 weeks, right?"
"Stop thinking that!"
>"So you bought me because you need a pony to keep your place clean? Because even with hooves i can do that better than you, fucker"
"... Okey, i admit i bought you because you're my w-"
>"Don't say it. I'm sick of that nickname"
>"So, what do we do now?"
"... Let's focus on you first. Then we can look out for your friends and your world, ok?"
>"And what do i need? Please, enlighten me. I'm being fed and have a bed. My master sure loves me, woof FUCKING woof!"
>You stand up and raise your hands to her head
>Her pupils shrink and she looks aside
>"Guess i'm back to the smacking, huh? I knew this wouldn't l--"
>You unlock the safe and release the collar.
>"... I...."
"My hand still hurts, but i'm sorry about what i said yesterday. I'm doing my best here, and it will help me a lot if you cooperate"
>"... I..."
"... Are you alright?"
>"... I feel unbalanced"
>You chuckle
"Okey, enough chit chat. Let's go to sleep"
>She stands up and follows you to her room
>"... Don't worry. I'll... I can go to my bed"
"Oh, okey... Good night, Pinkie!"
>"G-- WAIT!"
>You turn around
>"... This doesn't mean i trust you, but... What's your name?"
"Wait, i haven't said my name to you?"
>"No... Not at all"
"Well, my name is Anonymous"
>"Okey. Good night, Anonymous"
>As you go to sleep, you think of all that's happened until now.
>You feel bad for how you thought owning Pinkie Pie was going to be, but maybe you can help her.
>Weird turn of events, but you guess it's for the best.
>You are now having breakfast, eating another cupcake from the fridge
>Pinkie Pie looks a lot better
>But her mane is still flat
>You also notice she only eats fruits and vegetables. She hasn't even touched the pancakes and the cupcakes.
"... Okey, Pinkie. Since it's Saturday, i'll come back by lunch. Do you want anything special? I'm only good at making pasta"
"... Do you want--"
>"I'm fine with more carrots, please"
"... Okey"
>"Can I... Can i take a bath in the bathtub?"
"Of course. You can use the house as you please... Except for my bedroom"
>"For now?"
>"I'm teasing you"
"Oh, sorry. I didn't catch it"
>She looks at you, then drops her head
>"I'm still having a hard time believing you. I've never been treated like this since we were..."
>She keeps looking at her plate.
"... Well, i should be going. See you at 3"
>"Good bye, Anonymous"
>You go to the bus stop
>As the bus takes you downtown, you think of a way to make Pinkie Pie happy.
>Wait, you remember the pastry shop selling carrot cakes
>That's it
>You'll get one for Pinkie after work
>The workload was too much this time
>It seems your coworkers left you with more paperwork than usual
>By 4:30 you're getting out of the pastry shop and taking the bus back home
>You feel really bad for getting late
>When you get home, you see it cleaner than when you left
>Pinkie is at the living room, just standing on all fours
"Sorry, i had too much work to do and i got late"
"But hey! You cleaned the place. Thanks for that."
>"... I..."
"You are not obligated to--"
>"I know"
>"I know, but..."
"... Are you hungry?"
>"... Yes, i am"
"Me too, please join me for lunch"
>"Okey, Anonymous"
>You both go to the kitchen. You leave the package with the carrot cake on the table and grab some plates
>"... Is that..."
"Well, Pinkie. I know you said that you wanted carrots. But i thought 'maybe some sweets will help her raise her mood' and so...."
>You open the package
"I brought two pieces of carrot cake!"
>Pinkie looks at the pieces
>Then she looks at you
".... Well, what do you think?"
>You notice tears on her eyes
"... What?? I'm... Sorry? I--"
>"No, it's... *sob* it's okey...."
"Is something wrong?"
>"Anonymous, please sit down"
"Uuuhhh, okey"
>You sit. She takes the other chair and sits, too
>"I'm sorry if i didn't tell you this, but i..."
>"I--*sob* I mean, every owner thinks 'Oh, Pinkie Pie loves sweets!! I must give her lots of cakes and candy!'"
>You listen to her. The weight of what she's telling is begining to dwell on you.
>"I can't remember the last time i ate hay. Can you believe, that? *sob* I remember this guy that made me eat a whole cake while he f-- *sob*..."
>You look at your piece of carrot cake. It fills you with guilt.
>"... Your kind are monsters, because they took all the-- *sob* joy *sob* I had in *sob* making and *whimper* eating..."
>You raise from your seat.
>"I-I-I-- don't know if it was dumb luck *sob* or whatever, but that day you gave me a carrot I--"
>You hug the pink pony
"I'm sorry Pinkie"
>"I used *sob* to love sweets and *sob* now i *sob*"
>She cries in your arms
>Once she stops crying, you release her
"Do you feel better?"
>" *sniff*... No?"
"I can see why. It's horrible, to say the least. But i'll make sure you won't see any pastries again in this hou--"
>"No, no. I... Didn't mea-- I-- You can eat whatever you like and..."
>She looks to the side, very nervous
>You are puzzled. You don't know what to say next
"... Pinkie?"
>"Yes, Anonymous?"
"Can we... Like, talk about what you like and don't like?"
>She fiddles with her mane.
>"Okey, Anonymous"
"So... Only this, then?"
>You move the pencil aside
>"Yes, please"
>You sigh
>After a couple hours talking to Pinkie, you made a list
>The list looks very simple. But it makes you feel very sad.
>You shiver while looking at the donts
>And the dos make you wonder how will you acchieve them
>At least there's one do you can actually do
"Well, Pinkie. If there's nothing left to add, i'll put the music on"
>You see her. She avoids your view.
>"I would like... To... Go outside?"
"Outside? Like, to the backyard? You can do that at n--"
>"No, i mean... I've seen pictures of trees and lakes. And there was this owner who had a big house and took me to picnics in his yard with lots of grass"
"Oh, you mean the outskirts"
"Mmmmm... I'll see what i can do."
>You add "CAMPING TRIP" to the list and go to the living room
>You approach the cd player
>"No! Please don't!"
"... Huh?"
>"I don't want you to make the other slaves play music for me"
>You are confused.
>"Yes, i've seen the wardens making those little people play matches against each other in those black boxes. And there was this owner who liked to see them having sex"
>You try to piece it all together
"... Wait... You think we have little people inside this boxes?"
>"Uhuh. I mean, your kind seems to thrive on slavery."
>You cringe at that phrase
"Pinkie... How do i put this... You have phonographs in Equestria, right?"
>"HAD... Equestria is no more, remember?"
"Well, you had, at least and... Wait, what do you mean by 'no more'"
>"Did you forget that i said 'i have no home'. Equestria was destroyed. It's a desolate wasteland. You turned our place into a place just like this one"
>You sit down
>You rest your head in your palms
>This was too much to handle
>Trying to live with a traumatised pony was one thing, but a whole world destroyed?
>You didn't want to know this
>You didn't want all of this
>You wish your world and theirs would have never ever collided
>You look to the front
>Pinkie Pie is looking worried
>"Are you ok? Did i say something wrong?"
>You look at her eyes
>Despite the mane being a dead giveaway that she wasn't feeling well, you admire that she is worried about you.
>You take some air
>You need to be strong for her
"I'm fine, Pinkie. Where was i? Oh, yes, the phonographs"
>You point to your TV and CD player
"Those things are advanced phonographs"
>"Oh... You mean your kind can record images? Like, better than the movies?"
"Well, pretty much. We can also see things in real time from all around the globe"
>"Wow.... You fuckers have advanced technology"
>You feel a little uneasy with that remark
>"Too bad it comes with lots of 'not being nice to each other', am i right?"
>Did she make a joke?
>At least she is grinning
"Well, *cough* i guess i'll put a cd then"
>"What will you play?"
"I dunno. Something relaxing, i guess?"
>You look at your CD collection
>They are mostly things that were given as gifts
>You grab a 'The best of Mozart' disc and put it in the player
"Is this ok?"
>"... I didn't know your kind had classical music"
"Of course we do. Do you like it?"
>She looks at the player
>"... It's ok"
"Oh, good then. I haven't played this in forever"
>"... It's the first time i hear music in a long time"
>She sits while looking at the player
>Your mind is still on the list
"Pinkie, i'm going to check something in my bedroom. Do you mind?"
>She is focused on the music, it seems.
>You go to your bedroom
>You turn on your computer
>You don't exactly know where to start, but it won't be hard to find a forum about slave ponies.
>You begin by looking through the place you discovered ponies could be bought.
>Deleted. Great.
>After some research, you finally find a forum
>Some of the images are very hard to see
>There was this pegasus wich had his wings taken off
>And some ponies who were outright killed, their recorded executions shown in video.
>Some others are dressed up or shown having sex with their owners.
>You quickly try to find a pony that matches the mane six
>No results.
>You think. What if you see past bids and check who bought them?
>Good idea.
>After some hard search, you can only find one sale.
>Twilight Sparkle
>The details of the buyer are disclosed. But he has an IRC nick
>You search for that nick everywhere and it pops out in an unrelated discussion
>It's a long shot, but it's better than nothing
>No response, yet
>You keep searching for more data
>There is no sign of where do they get the ponies from
>You know they take them from Equestria. But there must be a place to get there.
>The rumors point to every place from eastern Russia to remote islands in Micronesia, and from an undisclosed silo in Arkansas to fucking North Korea.
>You sigh
>It's dark outside
>How much time have you been here?
>Oh shit
>You go to the living room
>Pinkie is curled in the ground, sleeping
>The player is still on, but the CD stopped playing long ago.
>You need to wake her up. The floor is cold and uncomfortable
>"... Ggggg"
"Pinkie, wake up"
>"No, please... D..."
"Pinkie, it's me. Anonymous"
>"Huh? Oh, did i fall asleep?"
"Yes, you did"
>"I liked that music"
"Good to know, i thought you wanted something more... I dunno, lively?"
>"That would be good, too. But this was a good choice"
>You smile
>"I'll go to my bed. Good night, Anonymous"
"You don't want to drink anything before bed?"
>"No, thanks. I'll be fine"
"Okey, i'll drink some coffee by myself. Good night"
>"Thank you, Anonymous"
>She looks at you
>Is she... Smiling?
>It's very faint, and the dim lights might add to it, but you can see a smile on her face
>"I... I now know that..."
>"... That there is at least one of your kind who is not a terrible piece of shit"
>That caught you off guard
"Uuhh, there's a lot of nice people in this world"
>"Well, at the moment i've just stumbled with you, so i guess you're being optimistic"
"Good night, Pinkie"
>"Good night"
>While she walks to her room, you make some coffee in the kitchen
>You grab the mug and take a seat in front of your computer again
>You will find something
>Even if it takes you all night
>You spend most of the night looking for clues about this whole "pony slaves" thing.
>You managed to narrow the location of the... Whatever thing they use to get to Equestria.
>It's either in Mainland China or in Western Georgia
>The country, not the state
>Two places are better than none, you think
>But still, you don't know how you'll manage to get there. You've barely crossed a few states.
>About the mane six, you now know that Rarity was seen in Bristol and Moscow. So she's probably somewhere in Europe.
>Fluttershy's wherabouts are very confusing. Some millionaire in Japan has photos of her as a geisha, but there are also pictures of her in the jungle and in a yatch.
>At least she seems to be well treated by her owners.
>Minus all that bondage and porn, of course.
>The guy you asked about Twiilight doesn't seems to know about pony slaves, so you got back to nill with that.
>After looking for advice about victims of abuse, you get to bed.
>Only to wake up at the pressure of a pony in your abdomen.
>As you gain focus, you notice that Pinkie has a strange gaze
>It's almost the same gaze she got when you bought her
>"Anonymous, i need to thank you"
"... Pinkie, are you al--"
>"I need to thank you and i know you want me"
"... Are you alright?"
>"Do you want me?"
"What? Pinki, wh-"
>You receive a small smack on the cheek
>"Tell me you want me"
"Pinkie, what ar-"
>"Stop disobeying, fucker"
>She turns around and presents her genitals to you
>"You bought me for this, right? You're my owner"
>You feel nervous.
"... Can i get--"
>"Why can't you say that you want me?? Huh? You think i'm filthy? You think i'm not the Pinkie you wanted? DO YOU THINK I'M NOT FUCKING WORTH?"
>You look to the side
"This is wrong, Pinkie"
>You receive another smack
>"WRONG?? You bought me, fucking prick. You want to fuck me"
>She begins to cry
>You don't know what to do
>"Let's stop the charade, shall we? If i don't do this, you'll return me and they'll find me a gross fucker who will be glad to be his sex toy"
"No, i w--"
>She stays still
>She stopped crying, but she still looks horrified.
>She gets up and jumps out of the bed
>You raise and sit on the side
"Pinkie, please..."
>She is still breathing heavely
"... Okey, let's admit that i'm a weird fucker. I can grant you that"
>She begins to calm down, but the streams of tears is still fresh
"Until... Shit, it's been a week already? Until i got you, i was pretty much an archetypical loner. I was obsessed with you as a way to... I dunno, find some joy in my fucking life"
>Pinkie is now sitted
"Uuuhhh, you can... Sit in the bed if you want"
>She slowly goes back to the bed and crouches
"So... Loner. As you can see, i only go to work and stay inside. Always been like this."
>She is now calm, you can hear her breathing getting slower and slower
"The idea of getting you was too tempting to me. I had to get you somehow, even if i had to thrust in a guy i didn't know and give him almost all my savings"
>She puts a hoof in your leg
"But now i see. If i had know that, for you be mine, you needed to be subjected to all those horrors... I would have prefered for you to still be in Equestria. And never met you"
>Your eyes are watery
"I'm sorry for this world to be so cruel. I.. I... I wish..."
>You go and hug her
"You don't owe me anything, okey? Please remember that"
>You pass your arm to remove the tears.
>As you release the hug, you notice that Pinkie has a different gaze
>Sure, she looks kinda sad. But she is not in another place.
>"I'm sorry, Anonymous. I don't... Can I..."
>You approach your hand to stroke her mane, but she suddenly moves away.
"Shit, sorry. Can... Can i stroke your mane?"
>"Oh... Uhm... Okay"
>You try again. She doesn't move this time.
>You feel her mane. it's very soft.
>You wonder if she will stay in Pinkamena mode forever, given all the pain she's been through.
"Pinkie, it's sunrise. I don't have to work today, but i feel really tired and i would like to sleep some more"
>"Okey, anonymous"
>While she goes to her room, you get back to bed
>You sleep until it's past noon
>After cleaning yourself up, you go and have something to eat.
>Pinkie is already in the kitchen. She seems she already ate some fruit salad.
>"Good morning, Anonymous"
"You might say it's afternoon already, Pinkie"
>"I know"
"... So, do you want to do something today? We have the whole day to ourselves"
>"Can i hear the classical music again, please?"
"Sure, i'll play the CD again"
>"Is that how you call the records?"
"Oh, right. Uhm, it's short for 'compact disc'. You noticed they are smaller than vinyl records"
>"Right, right"
>You make some coffee and go to the living room
"Pinkie? Do you like pizza?"
>"Uhm, well i haven't tried pizza in this world"
"You don't? Well, we must fix that. What do you think?"
>"I'm fine with whatever there is for lunch"
"Well, i'll get us some pizza"
>You start the CD and go call for the food.
>As you wait for the delivery guy to arrive, the CD finishes
>"Do you have more music like that, Anonymous?"
"Oh, i... Let me see"
>You check again
>It looks like you have another composer in your collection
>You put the CD
>"Mmmm... This one feels different"
"It's not from the same artist. It's..."
>You check the CD cover
>"Oh, i see..."
"I don't know much about classical music, to be honest. I do know that there are lots of different artist"
"And that is old"
>"I've heard lots of different styles in the time i've been here. Only glimpses, though."
"Oh, of course. We have pop, rock, electronic, metal, folk, country..."
>"Applejack plays country music"
"Right. 'Apples to the core' was pretty country"
>"I miss her a lot"
>"Have you... Did you find out anything...?"
"It's been hard, Pinkie. This world is pretty big, and at least two of your friends seem to be overseas"
"Pretty far away. Like, farther than a whole day train trip."
>She lowers her head
"Hey, Pinkie. Don't worry. This world is big, but we have the technology to talk with anyone anywhere right now. If i keep searching, i'll find your friends' owners and after that..."
>"... After that what?"
"Well, i..."
>"So your best guess is that those filthy people will somehow let aside the fact they can do anything they want and remove their dicks from my friends' mouths and let me talk with them... You really are retarded"
"... I'm just..."
>She puts a hoof on the face
>"I'm sorry, Anonymous. My mood sometimes makes me say things that--"
"No, no. It's okey. It's better to let it all out"
>While Pinkie focuses on the music, the delivery guy arrives
>You pay him up and bring the pizzas to the kitchen
>You bring the pizzas to the kitchen.
"Okey, pizza. This Pinkie is for y--"
>"Did you just swapped my name with the word 'pizza'?"
"Oh, did i? Sorry"
>Then, Pinkie chuckles
>You look at her. She didn't laugh like she used to, but still
>Her mood is slowly getting better
"Well, here's your pizza and here it's mine"
>You put the pizza in her side of the table and open it
>It's a vegetarian pizza with thin mass and extra tomato
>Yours is a pretty standard pepperoni and cheese
>You serve two glasses of orange juice and give one to her
"Well, let's eat!"
>"Okey, Anonymous"
>You wait until she takes a slice of her pizza and eats it
>She takes a bite
>You look as she munches
>She gulps
"Did you like it?"
>"This pizza is great, Anonymous. It has lots of vegetables and the mass is crunchy!"
>You calm down
"I'm glad you like it, Pinkie Pie"
>By the time you finish your pizza, Pinkie got back to the living room to listen to music
>She gulped the whole pizza in a few minutes
>She really enjoyed it
>You join her on the living room
>The music is much softer now. More relaxing.
>You sit on the couch
>You notice Pinkie next to you
>"Can i...?"
>"Can you stroke my mane, please?"
"Oh, uuhhh yes of course"
>You gently put a hand over her straight mane while the piano solo plays
>It makes you very relaxed. You wonder why you didn't even touched the CD before.
>Was it a gift from your dad or a female coworker?
>You can't remember now
>You feel very comfty
>And before you know it, you fell asleep
>You open your eyes
>It's pitch dark
>Pinkie is sleeping next to you. She managed to use your lap as a pillow.
"... Pinkie"
>The knocks from the door are louder this time
>She also wakes up
>"Wh... What??"
"I dunno, Pinkie. I don't expect anyone tonight."
"I'll better go check. Try to hide somewhere, please"
>"Okey, Anonymous"
>You raise up and turn on the lights
>You walk to the front door
>You open it
>And the first thing you notice is the gun pointing at your head
>"Hello, nerd"
>The gun is pressed against your forehead and makes you walk backwards
>The guy who sold youo Pinkie enters the house and closes the door
>"I'm sorry if i interrupted your filthy pony fucking session, but things have changed"
>"Yes. You see, there's this guy who is offering a big amount of money for your little cocksock. And i thought to myself 'since the moron i sold that pink piece of shit is an useless nerd who practically showed me his house and savings, why don't i just grab the pony from his greasy hands and keep his money too?' It's a win-win for me."
"Wh-- Why--"
>"Well, you got to fuck your slave for a week, so that's the win for you. Of course, it can turn into a loss very quickly if you don't hand it to me, because you'll be pretty much dead if you don't do so"
"B-But I"
>You sweat profusely
"T-The laundry r--"
>"Laundry room? So you're not having her tied to your bed. Heh, go figure"
>You point to the end of the hall
>"HEY. No tricks, you hear?"
"O-of c-course"
>You slowly turn
>You can feel the gun pressed against your back
>You both walk to Pinkie's bedroom
>With each step, you get more and more desperate
>You don't want her to go back to her previous life
>But you are being pointed with a gun. And you don't know anything about self defense.
>It's just you and your basic human instinct of survival
>The door knob practically slips form your hand because of all the sweating.
>You close your eyes and whisper as you open the door
"Sorry, Pinkie"
>The door opens
>You can feel the seller tossing you aside as he enters the room
>You open your eyes.
>The seller is kicking Pinkie's bed
>She is not there
"S-s--sorry... L-l-livin--"
>You get pushed to the wall
>"This better not turn into a hide-and-seek game, faggot"
>You look at him walking furiously to the living room
>You run to him, but he turns and points the gun at you
>"No running in the lobby, fucker"
>You both enter the living room
>You keep sweating as you notice that Pinkie followed your advice and hid
>"Well, where's the pony dude?"
"I dunn--"
>He hits you in the head with the gun
>The pain makes you fall on your knees
>He grabs your head and puts the gun in your mouth
>"I expect a better answer than "i don't know" at the moment, so i'm gonna ask you one more time. Since the pony i gave you couldn't do more than get fucked on every hole, WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT IT?"
>Suddenly, music starts playing
>You quickly turn your eyes. The CD player is putting the Chop-In concert at full volume
>The seller turns his head to the CD player
>Then, out of nowhere, you see Pinkie running to you
>You jerk back to take the gun off of your mouth as she gives a headbutt to the seller
>The hit sends her and the seller to the floor
>You quickly try to catch the gun, but the seller reacts and tries to hit you again
>You evade the hits and grab the gun
>You struggle with him. He tries to kick you while you try to keep the gun from pointing at you or Pinkie
>You can't see where Pinkie is again
>You are losing force
>The gun is pointing at your right arm
>Inbetween his clenched teeth, the seller is smiling
>But Pinkie quickly pops out from nowhere again and bites the seller's arm
>He releases one arm from the gun and punches Pinkie
>She gets hit in the eye and falls back on the floor
>You give another push with all your strenght
>It makes you both turn around
>You look as Pinkie approaches you
>You give one last push with all your might
>It's a very sunny day
>As he opens the door, an unicorn welcomes his arrival
>"Welcome back. Did you bring more work for me?"
>"Yes, Twilight. You've been doing great."
>He walks to the kitchen to drink some water
>"It looks very hot outside"
>"Yes, it is. This summer will be too hot for me to handle"
>The unicorn gazes at her owner
>"... Okey, i suppose having fur must be a pain in the ass with this weather"
>"At least i don't have to go outside"
>"I was thinking. Maybe we coul--"
>Twilight turns around to look at the door
>"Were you expecting someone?"
>"Not that i remember. Wait here"
>He opens the door
"Uhm... Hello, sir"
>"Who are you?"
"... I'm... I'm sorry to bother you. M-My name is Anonymous and..."
>"Sir, if you could please get to the point. I don't have all day"
"I need to speak with your pony, if you please"
>You try to keep a firm position, but you are too nervous and word are very difficult to come out
>"... How do you know--?"
"Please, sir. It's urgent. I won't bother you and you won't see me again. But i have to speak with Twilight Sparkle"
>"... You have five minutes. Come in"
"Okey, sir"
>You tremble as you walk
>Each step to the living room feels incredibly heavy
>You take a deep breath
>And another
>"Wait here"
>You think of every word that will come out of your mouth
>You try to remain calm
>You don't want to be here
>But you need to do this
>You need to put closure to this
>"Yes? How can i help you?"
>You look to the pony
>It really is Twilight Sparkle
>You finally found her
>You can't hold the tears
"I... I'm sorry..."
>"I'm sorry?"
>You take a deep breath
"I... I c-came..."
>"Sir, is there something wrong?"
>Twilight's owner comes from the hall. He looks somewhat upset at you
"No, no... It's ok. I'm just... I'm just trying to say what i have to say right now..."
>You look at Twilight
>But you quickly lower your view
"Listen, i met-- had... Your friend Pinkie Pie. She--"
>"What? Pinkie Pie? My friend Pinkie Pie! Did you hear that? One of my friends is here!"
>He looks at you and he seems to figure out what comes next
>"Uuuhh, Twilight. I think you need to lay down"
>"Why? What..."
>She looks at you
>"... No..."
>You have a hard time trying to stand up
>"Noo, please..."
"There... There was a... He--The seller tried to take her back and..."
>Her eyes begin to swell
>"Is... Is she...?"
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Twilight."
>She goes and tries to hit you with your hooves
>Her owner grabs her and tries to control her
>"Twilight, control yourself!"
>One of her hooves hits you in the stmoach
>And another goes straight to your left shoulder
>You just let your body fall to the floor
>You don't want to raise up
>You keep thinking about that dreadful night
>Twilight is carried away
>"Sir, are you okey?"
"... Yes, i am"
>You slowly stand up
"I'm sorry. I- I- I... She wanted me to look for her friends bu--"
>"Listen, i don't give a fuck about that. You just made my pony a crying mess and it's all because of you. Now, if you could kindly get the fuck out of my house i will appreciate it"
"U-- Yes, sir. Sorry"
>You walk outside, the pain in your stomach making it very hard for you to remain erect
"Sir, could you please tell her she told me to--"
>The door gets closed behind your back
>You try to hold the pain from the hits
>You feel blood in your mouth
>But you swallow it and keep walking
>You slowly drift out of that place
>Eventually, you feel too tired of walking and sit on a bench
>You have done literatelly nothing but walking until now
>You got a clue of the city where Twilight was
>And from there, you walked
>And walked
>And walked
>Until you found her
>In your head, Pinkie's words as she lied in your arms that night are as vivid as ever
>You look up to the bright sun up in the sky
"... Keep fighting... Stay strong..."
>You let the light surround you
>And as you close your eyes, you feel nothing.
>The lights is blinding out your view
>"Sir? Please keep looking at the light"
"... Keep fighting, be strong"
>Your minds focus back to where you are
"Oh, i.. I'm..."
>"Sir, did you receive any hits on your head during the assault?"
"... Well, i... No, i don't think so"
>The light goes off
>You see a paramedic checking your head
>"There are no signs of concusions. It seems it's only the bruise in your leg and the cut in your cheek"
".. Okey"
>You look to the side. An officer is taking notes as the neighbor gestures with her hands the sounds of the shots
"So i'm free to go?"
>"It seems so. If you feel a persistent headache during the next hours you'll have to go to the hospital"
"Sure, sure"
>You get up and approach the officer
"Is there anything else i can do to help, officer?"
>He looks at the report
>"Mmmm... No, it seems eveything is in order. I must warn you, though. Don't try to buy things from strangers on Craiglist or any other non-backed site on the internet, ok?" You got very lucky tonight."
"I know, i know."
>"Sir! You gotta see this!"
>"Excuse me. What do you got, Mike?"
>He goes to the seller's car, wich is being searched
>You look to your house
>The forensics are still checking everything inside
>The officer comes back
>"Sir, i'm gonna ask you to give a blood sample to the paramedics. Just standard procedure."
"Oh! Uuuhh, ok"
>You go back to the ambulance, followed by him
>"Sir, may i ask you why do you have a small bed in the laundry room?"
"Oh, i- my cat! I love my cat, but-- Oh, i haven't see him. He must have run away. Shit"
>"Yeah, cats tend to do that. But word of advice, chump? A girlfriend is much better than a cat"
>You gaze at him
>"Just sayin'"
>The paramedic takes the syringe as the forensics take away the body of the seller
>"So, you just bought a computer from this guy?"
"Uuh, yes! And some CDs, too!"
"Ehem. Sir, are you aware of the penalties involved with drug trafficking?"
>You almost turn around by the question, but you quickly remember your blood is being taken out and stay in place
"Excuse me?"
>"We will check you of any recent drug use. This guy's car has many opioid, barbiturants and some heroin"
"Oh.. But i'm clean, i don't do drugs."
>"Well, the house looks clean and you have a clean history, but we still have to consider it"
>You think for a moment
"So if the blood sample is clean, i'll..."
>"You won't be charged."
>You keep calm
>Eventually, the sample is taken and you go back to your front lawn
>Almost everyone is out
>"Sir, can you sign these papers?"
>"I think we're all done, here. Please take care"
"Will do, sir"
>The ambulance, the forensic van and the police cars leave the place
>You look around as the neighbors begin to get inside their houses and turn off their lights
>Finally you walk inside
>You pass the kitchen and go to the backyard
>The backyard looks pretty silent
"... You are very good at hiding. I still can't see you"
>Eventually, Pinkie Pie emerges from some nearby bushes
>"Is everything okey?"
"I think so... Shit, your eye looks terrible"
>"Well, you... Your face looks uglier with that cut"
>"... *chuckle*"
"Yeah, good joke Pinkie. Ha ha. Let's go put some ice on that eye"
>You and Pinkie go back to the kitchen
>"I'm sorry, Anonymous"
"There's nothing to be sorry now. The guy came, tried to take you, got shot, and luckily, we are alive"
>"But he came back for me!"
"No, he came back for the money"
>You lower yourself to her height
"Listen, for him you were nothing but a whore. A weird four-legged whore"
>"Very flattering, Anonymous"
"It's hard to say anything after all. We almost died tonight. Look, i'm still shaking"
>You show her your hand
>"Me too, but i'm not bragging about it"
>"What was your point?"
"My point... My point was that i care about you, and i won't let anyone hurt you again"
>"Oh, my white knight! Thanks for saving me from the foes of the outside!"
"Fuck you, Pinkie. I was trying to be nice"
>"... Well, thank you."
"... Huh?"
>"Thank you for being nice"
>She suddenly hugs you
>"Thank you"
>You look at her
>You gently pat her back
"... Shall we go to sleep?"
>"I won't be able to sleep after this"
"Mmmmm... Then come to my room"
"As friends, as friends. Nothing sexual, remember? It's on the list."
>She gives you a suspicious look
>"Well, i'll gladly accept the offer. Just for tonight, ok?"
"Good. I'm tired!"
>You both go and go to your bedroom
>Pinkie quickly takes a side and sleeps on top of the bed
>You sleep on the other side
>Your body feels terrible
>But it seems nothing bad can come after this
>You feel hopeful
>... It's just a matter of time
>The highway has a few turns, but it's easy to drive
>The only thing you are worried is the gas
>Your friend didn't tell you this van was actually a gasoline vampire in disguise
>"Look at all this trees, Anonymous. It looks like something straight from Equestria"
"The landscape is pretty beautiful in this parts, isn't it?"
>"Yes. But why do we have to travel in silence?"
"Oh, well. The chat's been good"
>"Yes, but some music will be nice. Let me see if i learnt this things right"
>She turns on the radio
"Good, Pinkie"
>"I'm getting used to this world. Too bad it's still shit"
>You chuckle
>It's been months since you bought Pinkie
>As you hoped, nothing bad happened after the assault
>You were clean, and the cops didn't bother you again
>Pinkie helped you clean and cook
>She even tried some pastries and sweets
>She doesn't eat them often, though
>Baby steps
>"Fake plastic trees?"
"Oh, yeah. Crappy song from a great band. A little depressing. Do you want me to--?"
>"No, leave it. I want to hear it"
>You keep driving while Pinkie looks at the radio instead of the forest
>She has been adapting well, but she still does that thing when she focuses on the music
>"It's... Fitting"
>"Yes... I don't know... It's like he knows. But he still does it."
"Mmmmm... I dunno. I didn't put much thought on anything at the time the song came out"
>She is now bobbing her head with the rythm
>You snicker a little
>She still is in Pinkamena mode. So you guess emo music must click her
>You hope this trip helps her
>You finally arrive
>You park near the lake side and go out
>After checking there's no one else, you sign Pinkie to come
>She practically turns her head completely while admiring the landscape
"Well, i guess 'going outside' can be checked out from your list"
>"... It's like home"
"... You miss your home"
>You feel a little sad that you haven't made any progress with that
>But, as you see the other van approaching your spot, you smile
"Pinkie, there... There was another reason why i brought you here"
>She turns to look at you
>".... You're not abandoning me, are you?"
"What? Why--?"
>"You're dumping me into the wild like a stray dog."
"C'mon, Pinkie. Don't be like that. Please, come here"
>She looks to the side, but she gets closer to you
>You lower to her eye level and stroke her mane
"Pinkie, we've been getting along pretty well in this months. Why would i want to change that?"
>"Maybe because i'm still broken"
"Maybe i'm dumb enough to believe everything can be fixed"
>"Well... You're pretty dumb then"
>"... Why is there a van coming here?"
"Is what i was talking about"
>"So you're not going to dump me, you're selling me to another human?"
"Still paranoid. Can't help it, do you?"
>"Listen, Anonymous. If the person driving that van puts a collar on me, i'll finish what the seller tried to do that night!"
"Geez, don't joke about that!"
>The van parks next to yours
>And as soon as the back door opens, a scream is heard
>"Pinkie Pie?"
>Pinkie's eyes widen
>Then she looks at you
>You smile and point to the van
>Twilight Sparkle goes out, with a collar on her neck. She looks very excited
>Pinkie runs to hug her, tears running from her eyes
>They hug while they cry and laugh that they have finally met after so much time
>"I never thought i'll see you again"
>You fall to the ground
>"Thank you, Anonymous. Thank you"
>You try to pat her back, but the curly mane block your view of the world
>... Wait, curly?
"Pinkie, are you alright?"
>"Yes, i feel great. I haven't felt like this in a loooong time"
"Wow. I thought... I mean, we still have to find your other friends and--"
>"But look, here it is. Twilight Sparkle"
>"Please, Pinkie. Calm down, we still have to catch up. My owner can only stay here for two hours"
>"What?? But whyyyyyyy???"
>"We have to travel a lot to get here. And we have to be back in time to leave the van in his workplace"
>She lowers her head
>"But don't worry, Pinkie. We'll keep in touch. There is this neat thingie that let's you talk with anyone and see them too!"
>"Oh, tat's good. Do we have that, Anonymous?"
"Yes, we do. Now if you excuse me, i'll let you girls talk. I'be with your owner, Twilight"
>"Thanks, Anonymous!"
>You look to the front seat
>There lies a very tired man
>"I guess by the screams this was worth it, right?"
"You bet it was"
>"Well, at least that pony has earned me a lot of money. It knows a lot, man"
"I bet she does"
>"Did you--?"
"Oh, right. Wait"
>You quickly go to your van and take the thermos
"Okey, here there are. Three liters of black coffee. They should still be warm"
>"Thanks, man."
>You both see the mares chatting and looking at the lake
>"Why is your pony without a collar?"
"Oh, well... I wanted to gain her trust"
>"But it still knows you're the owner, right?"
>You look at Pinkie Pie
>She smiles a lot and hugs Twilight while she talks
"I don't feel like i own her, now"
>"Ooh, i see...."
>"She's your 'stress reliever', right?"
>You look at him
>"Don't worry man, i don't judge"
>"Just try to clean it up often. I've heard ponies' genitals are not ver cl--"
"I got it, i got it. Thanks"
>After some hugs, lots of tears and a long goodbye, the other van leaves
>You both quietly go to your van and take off
"... You know, i thought you will be more talkative now that you feel better"
>"... Anonymous..."
>You turn to face her
>"I've come to enjoy these moments of silence"
"Oh... That's... Good, i suppose"
>"... What now, then?"
"What do you mean?"
>"Are we... Are we going to find my other friends?"
>You look to the highway
"... Pinkie, i'll try my best to help you find your friends"
>"YAY! Thank yo--"
"But. But but but but"
>She stays quiet
>And in midair
>It seems that she regained her mighty cartoony powers when she got back to normal
>Despite her being in your world
"But first we need a plan. We need to work together to make this work. I What do you say?"
>She stares at you
>But then she smiles
>"Sure thing"
>You smile
>And you go back home with the feeling that things can actually work for the better this time
>Who would have thought? You wanted a waifu, and you ended up buying a broken pony that ended up as your friend.
>You wish you could do more to help her kind
>But you'll think about that later
>She is Pinkie Pie again
>And you couldn't be happier about it
by SlavePonyGeneral
by SlavePonyGeneral
by SlavePonyGeneral
by SlavePonyGeneral
by SlavePonyGeneral