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Fights for Rights to Stripes and Delights

By Crushingvictory
Created: 2020-12-21 14:56:20
Expiry: Never

  1. If they lose, no biggie, they still end up with stripes
  2. However, they'll be making beats and thumps for your new herdmaster for the rest of their nights.
  4. Eventually they'll learn to accept your place, a well bred zebra to keep warm at night, uniquely transformed to match their tastes, and never far from hoof to back a lyrical fight.
  6. The day will come to pass that their lover's breath was unfortunately their last, and so with their destiny's chains lying on the floor, they go out and seek love once more.
  8. A braggart colt who'd talked up a storm, and eager fillies lined up to the door, a challenge to make a show of the dolt, and the chain continues yet evermore.
  10. However a striped equine with a sun on her behind, fled a neverending oroboros to live a life like a wild rose. Deep in a forest where chaos grows like thorny weeds, a zebra moves at elegant speeds to secure her wants and
  11. her very needs.
  13. A man in a ragged suit appeared from thin air, and the zebra was surprised to see him there.
  15. He'd been caught in a wild mishap, a magical storm that left him forlorn on a journey far from home to a place without a map .
  17. She'd offered him her home to stay with a simple meal and to keep safe from the beasts at bay, he accepted her deal and she lead the way.
  19. As the days rolled past into colder nights, the two of them eased into a life sans frights, but destiny has plans for all it sees, and a change happens deep in the trees.
  21. After a foolish motion, the man in the suit raised quite the commotion. The zebra mare made the man's arguements rather moot, and a transformation took hold in him, as if it was a root.
  23. As skin paled and his hair had blackened, she'd realized that she'd failed to prevent this to happen. A circle loops yet once more, as a striped stallion lay on the floor.
  25. On a trip to the nearby town, a well-learned scientist had learned what had went down.
  27. But this story doesn't end in a righteous blaze of glory, as new love found never bores me.

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