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Dazzlings on the 4th of July

By MactheTexican
Created: 2020-12-24 01:40:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >Ah 4th of July.
  2. >You remember it fondly back on real earth.
  3. >Hot dogs
  4. >Burgers
  5. >Aunt Questionable choking on Uncle Unspecified's hot dog that you accidentally walked in on.
  6. >Scarred for life.
  7. >Good times.
  8. >But you're in a different place.
  9. >Be Anon on horse-human earth.
  10. >First few days were a mind fuck.
  11. >You got your own place now though.
  12. >A backyard and all that shit.
  13. >Dadnon would be proud.
  14. >You were supposed to learn why the people here celebrate the 4th of their July for a different reason than you did.
  15. >You didn't give enough of a shit to care though really.
  16. >As long as you can still eat burgers and blow up fireworks you were fine with whatever they celebrated.
  17. >Today the weather was nice and warm, no cloud to be seen.
  18. >You got a grill ready for delicious meat.
  19. >...
  20. >Burgers and hotdogs you mean.
  21. >A creaking sound from your wooden fence door opening brought you back to earth and found three girls just walking in like they owned the place.
  22. "Hey there Dazzles."
  23. >Adagio, Sonata, and Aria.
  24. >Three girls you found to be the same situation as yourself when you got here.
  25. >No money or job.
  26. >They were, and still are, major pain in the asses.
  27. >But you've learned to love it.
  28. >They've all got bags in their hands.
  29. >Adagio with food along with Sonata and Aria holding fireworks.
  30. >A lot of them.
  31. >Thisgonbegood
  32. >Adagio was the first to greet you with the regular kiss to the cheek,
  33. >She really loves to tease.
  34. >"Hey there Anon. Sorry we took a bit so long, these two dimwits took a long time picking out some fireworks."
  35. "No problem, I'm just getting the grill up now anyways so you made perfect time."
  36. >"Yesss! Burgers!", Sonata jumped with joy and watered at the mouth at the thought of that meat she's going to shove down her mouth.
  37. >You got some patties ready on the grill and took out a couple of hotdogs from a pack the Dazzlings brought to kick this b-b-q up.
  38. >Adagio and Sonata started out the night with a few small sparklers while sitting on your bench waiting for the burgers.
  39. >Mid flip with your mad spatula skills you felt a tug on your shirt.
  40. >You turned to find Aria with her hand on your shirt letting out a small embarrassed cough in her hand.
  41. >God that's cute.
  42. "What can I do ya Aria?"
  43. >"H-hey Anon, when do you think we can get to the BIG fireworks?"
  44. >Oh boy, you knew this was coming.
  45. >"How about we get out some food before we get out the big guns, eh?"
  46. >She looked at the ground in contemplation before nodding in agreement.
  47. >Yeah sure right now she was compliant.
  48. >But once you got out ALL the fireworks.
  49. >This place was going to be a battlefield.
  50. >You'd like to at least have a full stomach before she destroys the place.
  51. >Aria had learned to control herself over the years thank god.
  52. >Sometime passed and the food was getting close to done.
  53. >Aria and Sonata blasting off someone shot explosions into the sky.
  54. >Adagio sort of just sitting on the bench texting.
  55. >This brings back memories.
  56. >...You miss Dadnon's burgers.
  57. >But you'll be damned if you don't live up to his legacy.
  59. >A voice over the fence brought you out of your daze, "Hey, Anon! Those burgers smell great!"
  60. >You don't even have to look to know who that is.
  61. >Motherfucking Timberwood.
  62. >Asshole always tries to get some food without contributing.
  63. >"Mind if I join in? I don't really have much going on myself today. Never was one for fireworks."
  64. >Fucking commie
  65. "Sorry Man, there's barely enough for us and Sonata's black hole of a stomach.
  66. >A loud "Hey" came from the depths of the fireworks, but you ignored it.
  67. "Maybe next time man."
  68. >"Well I don't have to eat, I'd like to try and hook up with one of the hotties you always hang around."
  69. >Not only did he mooch, he was the biggest creep.
  70. >Even the Dazzlings found him uncomfortable to be around.
  71. "Look, man, I just got this stuff together for me and the girls for a quiet night. Well, as quiet as it can be with fireworks."
  72. >He sighed and nodded in defeat as he slinked back inside his house.
  73. >Finally.
  74. >Oh hey and the food is lookin good.
  75. "Food is done!"
  76. >Three loud cheers came from the girls as you all sat down and finally started digging into the freedom burgers.
  77. >Also includes chips
  78. >You're glad you had a big grill to cook up a lot of stuff on.
  79. >God knows how much would have been left for you and the other two when Sonata was done eating.
  80. >With enough stuff in your stomachs, the main event was up next.
  82. "Alright Aria, IT'S TIME."
  83. >The purple menace let out a squee before searching through her box and pulling out a bunch of very large fireworks.
  84. >Fireworks that look like they'd be VERY LOUD.
  85. >As You let Aria off to do her own business, you walked toward the patch of grass in your backyard where Adagio and Sonata set up a few fireworks.
  86. "Hey girls, those look nice."
  87. >A very rapid bobbing in agreement came from Sonata as she lit a decently looking sized firework that let out five consecutive shots into the sky.
  88. >As Sonata and Aria were entranced with their fireworks a voice whispered from around the corner of your home.
  89. >"Psst, Anon you free at the moment?", You look over to see Adagio looking over from the side like she's trying to be stealthy.
  90. >A single tear came from your eye.
  91. "I'm always free."
  92. >You walk over and quietly as possible, getting tossed into the wall by Adagio when you got close enough.
  93. >Her lips pressing roughly against your own.
  94. >It wasn't long before you got your tongues into the action, a soft moan coming from Adagio.
  95. >You kept this going until a breath of air was needed.
  96. "Couldn't wait til later?"
  97. >"Shut up, I've been waiting all day for this holiday fuck."
  98. >You gave back a small chuckle before placing a quick peck on her lips and slowly moving the kisses down to her neck.
  99. >Adagio tried to keep her moans in check so the others wouldn't hear.
  100. >Which just made it more fun for you to keep pushing her.
  101. >Your continued your assault on her neck as one of your hands found its way on to one of her breast and the other on her thigh.
  102. >She let out a grumble knowing where you were getting at.
  103. >Carressing one of two big lumps on her chest and slowly sliding your other hand on her body got a better reaction from the poofy girl.
  104. >Moans a little louder than the previous ones left her mouth as she tried to bite on her finger to stop herself.
  105. >As you started to slide a hand down into the honey pot, a loud cough caught you both by surprise.
  106. >Looking over to the sound had you both looking at an Angry looking Sonata and an annoyed Aria.
  107. >Sonata huffed, "You guys just couldn't wait could you?"
  108. >Adagio shrugged in response with a smirk, "What? you guys were gonna get your turns later anyways."
  109. >Aria rolled her eyes before going back to the yard and continue her plan.
  110. >Sonata meanwhile just glared at you both before Adagio sighed in defeat.
  111. >"Alright fine."She gave you one last peck on the cheek before going back with Sonata.
  112. >All you could do was look down at the rager you were sporting.
  113. >You got god damn blue balled.
  114. >Returning back to where the fireworks were at, you saw the huge pile-up Aria had.
  115. >You and the other girls just looked at it in awe.
  116. "Jesus, this pile is bigger than last year."
  117. >Aria proudly nodded and gave the last firework she had a kiss before setting it up and walking to the front yard.
  118. >You all decided to follow her, seeing a long line of very long fuses.
  119. >When you all stopped in the front of your house the twin tail destroyer put on goggles and took out a match.
  120. >Ruhrohraggy
  121. "Ya know I'm having second thoughts about th-"
  122. >"TOO LATE"
  123. >And Aria was right.
  124. >The fuse was lit.
  125. >The spark went by and soon got to the backyard.
  126. >Only then did you remember.
  127. >You didn't bring in the grill.
  128. >FUCK
  129. >And as if on cue, the sky was filled with many explosions and sounds.
  130. >You had something almost like this once on regular earth.
  131. >Grandpa undisclosed almost died from the flashbacks.
  132. >If the skies could talk
  133. >They'd say really bad things about Aria.
  134. >You could even see a bunch of other people coming out of their yards to check out the explosions.
  135. >lots of "oohs" and "aahs"
  136. >Well so far so good.
  137. >And then it wasn't.
  138. >A bigger explosion than the others came went into the sky, but it looked like something had gone wrong with it.
  139. "Uh, Aria?"
  140. >"Yeah I see it. This is gonna be good."
  141. >And with those ominous words, the remaining thing that came from the final firework came crashing down into a house.
  142. >Timber Spruce'ss home to be exact.
  143. >Luckily he was outside as well.
  144. >You and the others kind of just looked with wide eyes as Timber screamed and ran to his home to try and stop the fires.
  145. >After whistles back into your backyard, as well as fist bumping Aria, you all took the remaining time to clean up Aria's destruction.
  146. >Aria was still laughing hysterically as she got rid of the last bit.
  147. >"Man, that was awesome."
  148. "Hell yeah it was."
  149. "Best god damn fourth of July I've had."
  150. >Deciding to call it a day, you put up the grill and walked to the door to your house before an arm stopped you.
  151. >That arm belonging to Adagio, Sonata, and Aria behind her with lust in their eyes.
  152. >"Not so fast Anon, we still have time left in the day."
  153. >Aria started to undo her shirt, a bit of her bra poking out."Those explosions made me pretty god damn hot, ya gonna help me with that?"
  154. >"Yeah, Time to light those bedroom fireworks!", Sonata ended with her cheesy seductive jokes.
  155. >Excalibur has been AWAKENED.
  156. >In the last bit of July 4th wind, you heard a faint voice.
  157. >"I'm proud of you son. Get that butt."

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