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The Dazzlings go to an orgy

By MactheTexican
Created: 2020-12-24 01:41:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Adagio Dazzle
  2. >And holy fuck was tonight a weird way to spend Halloween.
  3. >After losing your gems to a bunch of fucking TEENAGERS
  4. >You and the girls kind of just dicked around town.
  5. >Well, "getting dick around town" would probably be better to say.
  6. >Soon enough, October rolled around with you and the girls going off to a store to get some candy.
  7. >You wouldn't waste it on little shits who probably lost it to their older siblings anyways.
  8. >A fuck ton of alcohol and candy to go with the horror flicks you guys were going to watch on Halloween.
  9. >You got the cash anyways.
  10. >Those dikes can keep their school.
  11. >You finished paying for the candy when you spotted the "carpet matching the drapes could make for a breakfast" bacon haired Sunset.
  12. >You had nothing else going on so like the gossipy bitch you were, you trailed on her as she took a phone call.
  13. >You couldn't hear it too well, but luckily heard enough.
  14. >"Yeah, I got the stuff ready for the Halloween party.Don't worry, Twilight, I've got everything under control. Trust me, your first orgy isn't something you'll forget. Just remember to bring a costume."
  15. >Well god damn.
  16. >The dyke 6 actually doing something that sounds interesting.
  17. >Howdeliciouslymoist
  18. >You hauled ass back home almost running over a small child.
  19. >No time for kids, mama's gotta get some dick.
  20. >You hurry out of your car and smash open the door.
  21. "Get dressed bitches, we're going to an orgy!"
  22. >A scream came from the living room as you found a puzzled Sonata and horrified Aria looking back at you.
  23. >Aria looked like she had about wet herself.
  24. >You look towards the tv that was playing an old horror movie.
  25. >Those always did make Aria a little bitch.
  26. >Aria hurriedly gets up and looks about ready to pop a blood vessel.
  27. >"What fucking reason do you have for just bursting in here like that?"
  28. >You give her a huff and an eye roll before responding.
  29. "First off, it's my name on the lease, bitch. Second, Didn't you just hear me. We. Are. Going. To. An. Orgy."
  30. >She gives off a grunt before sitting back on her chair and looking back at the movie.
  31. >Sonata soon steps in with her own questions.
  32. >"Why?I mean, not that I don't mind doing that stuff, but I thought we were going to use our weeks for spooooooky movies!"
  33. >She wiggles her fingers while making her best impression of a ghost "oooooooo".
  34. >Too good for this world.
  35. >You go over to Sonata and pat her head.
  36. "Well, we can still do that stuff. It'll only be one day anyway."
  37. >"Oh yeah? And when is that?" Came the purple grump that lived in the same home as you.
  38. "Halloween."
  39. >A frustrated groan came from both of your roommates.
  40. >Fucking Christ, this is gonna be a hassle.
  41. >A bunch of spooky movies could be heard through the house as the weeks went by.
  42. >You were getting kind of antsy over the party.
  43. >Despite how much you hated those rainbooms, you haven't gone to a good orgy in a long time.
  44. >...
  45. >Ok well you've never actually gone to an orgy.
  46. >B-but neither have Aria and Sonata.
  47. >You'll just have to keep your head straight as the alpha.
  48. >Sonata and Aria had decided they'd help each other with their outfits since you had already finished yours.
  49. >They stuck their tongues out at you when you asked to join in.
  50. >Sluts.
  51. >Not your fault they weren't prepared for Halloween.
  52. >You decided to go as a vampire.
  53. >You've gotten pretty good at sucking things out of a human, so it fits.
  54. >Was that in bad taste?
  55. >Nah.
  57. >The big day came by soon enough.
  58. >It was night time.
  59. >You had gone by the Shim Sham house and sure enough, people were already popping up.
  60. >You definitely knew what time it would start and totally didn't just guess.
  61. >You also definitely didn't stalk Sunset to find her house.
  62. >That'd be weird.
  63. >There seemed to be more people here then you'd have thought those nerds would have been able to bring here.
  64. >Well, not like you're complaining.
  65. >Hopefully they didn't check who you guys were at the door, or you'd be fucked.
  66. >To cause less suspicion you tied back most of your poof and tried to hide it under a hat.
  67. >If they found out who you were, it was going to be after all that dicking dammit.
  68. >You hoped out of the car and waited for tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee to come with you.
  69. "Come on girls, What's taking so long?"
  70. >"Hey! You try moving out of a car with this thing!" Came a voice from the giant grape costume.
  71. >Honestly even if you hadn't seen her change into it, you could easily tell it was Sonata.
  72. >You don't think the girls in there are dumb enough to fall for this.
  73. >And your bluefish sister soon followed with her own costume.
  74. >A giant fish taco.
  75. >When you saw her put it on you tried to give her the most encouraging smile you could.
  76. >Meanwhile Aria groaned about it for the whole car ride.
  77. >After some trouble getting poor Sonata in the house while she kind of cried, you all made it into the place.
  78. >Sunset's house was something. Inside was pretty plain, not like your fancy as fuck home.
  79. >Not too shabby though.
  80. >There were a few guys and girls here there that seemed familiar to you from that dump of a school you tried to run.
  81. >Brad, or whatever his name is chatting it up with that Twilight girl.
  82. >Their matching outfits made you want to throw up a bit.
  83. >Some guy with orange hair stood off to the side talking with that country hick from the rainbooms.
  84. >Tall and handsome.
  85. >Mommy like.
  86. >You're inner thoughts of what you'd do to that man were interrupted by A tag on your shirt from Aria.
  87. >"When is this thing starting. This outfit is killing me."
  88. "Serves you right. I told you I could give you the right material for a comfy one, but noooooooo."
  89. >Your argument was cut short as you both thought a similar thing that seemed to be the cause of many of your misfortunes in the past.
  90. >Where was Sonata.
  91. >A voice came from behind you that gave you the answer you wanted, "Wow! I love your costume!"
  92. >You both turned slowly to see Sonata giving the prissy white bitch that you hated most from sunsets click.
  93. >Charity or some shit.
  94. >"Uh, thank you, darling. I quite like yours as well. What would you happen to be if I may ask?"
  95. >"I'm a fish taco!"
  96. >Hnnnngh.
  97. >Honestly this would have already blown up in your faces if Sonata's hair wasn't covered by the taco.
  98. >You're not sure how Harity hadn't recognized Sonata's voice by now.
  99. >Maybe she's the dumb bimbo of the group.
  100. >Well it's fine as long as you didn't run into s-
  101. >"Hello there! Thank you for coming to our little shindig!"
  102. >Fuck.
  103. >You look over your shoulder to find Twilight and Sunset giving you and aria warm smiles.
  104. >Like hell they wouldn't notice you guys.
  105. >Twilight looks over Aria's outfit before giggling to herself. "That's a cute outfit! What is it?"
  106. >"...I'm a grape."
  107. >Smooth as butter Aria.
  108. >You turned and tried your best to just play along until this thing was over.
  109. "Thank you for letting us join. I and my, uh, friends were exciting to be able to join."
  110. >"Oh, well that's very nice to hear. Don't worry, we'll be starting it all soon enough." Sunset replied, soon going over to the windows and closing the shades.
  111. >Twilight then went on to turn down the lights. "Alright, everyone! Anyone ready to participate head on upstairs please!"
  112. >You nodded to Sonata and Aria as you all made your way with the rest of the group.
  114. >The bedroom was much more spacious than you had thought it would be.
  115. >A few candles were around the room for atmosphere.
  116. >Although the placement made it look more like they were performing a ritual.
  117. >As soon as the rainbooms were all present in the room, most occupants started to undress.
  118. >Luckily it seemed like keeping your outfit on was indeed an option.
  119. >Something Sonata and Aria had hoped for as they had made special holes in their outfits for the fuck fest.
  120. >You, however, were able to undo the front of your dress, finally letting the twins breathe.
  121. >You caught a couple of stares from some guys, along with some from a few girls as well.
  122. >Beauty never felt so good.
  123. >You eyes soon locked on to your target.
  124. >And wow was he packing.
  125. >A predatory grin crossed your face as you closed the gap between you and the stranger.
  126. "Hello there, lovely. Care to give this vampire a but of sustenance?"
  127. >You're not sure why you used a shitty cheesy pun.
  128. >But the smile and soft chuckling coming from him say it worked.
  129. >Hook, line and sinker.
  130. >He pushed you on to an empty spot on the bed, a grin on his face.
  131. >Unf
  132. >Your momentary moment of finding someone to yourself was cut short as a face soon hovered above your own.
  133. >"Hey there. Mind if I join in?"
  134. >While you don't mind a bit of two-on-one, you weren't too big on carpet munching.
  135. >That was usually Aria.
  136. >But, at this point denying would be a bit rude.
  137. "Got no complaints here. How about you fella?"
  138. >"Eenope."
  139. "Well, there ya go."
  140. >Bacon hair gave a giggle as she moved her lower half over your face and sat on you.
  141. >Oh hey you were right.
  142. >Carpet does match the drapes.
  143. >You felt a tongue slowly push itself against your lower lips and realized it was about time the three of you got started.
  144. >You worked your own magic on sunsets silt, keeping the tempo with your previous companion.
  145. >At this point it was hard to really listen to what Sunset might be saying above you.
  146. >From how her body is moving, it's probably mostly just moaning.
  147. >Heaving sounds of bodies slapping together could be heard around the room as well as the smell of sex soon making its way towards you.
  148. >There's a hint of blueberry and grape in there.
  149. >Guess the other two are nearby.
  150. >Your own moaning started to leak out as the tongue pushed itself into your folds, movings around freely trying it's best to get as deep into you as it can.
  151. >Fuck that's great.
  152. >Eating out Sun-buns wasn't that bad either.
  153. >You tried your best to move your hands.
  154. >One going underneath to give a certain nub the business.
  155. >The other gripped her thigh to keep Sunset in place as best you can.
  156. >It didn't take too long until Sunny-side-up let out a scream of ecstasy, juice starting to dribble down your chin.
  157. >Wow it didn't take much for her haha-
  158. >And just like that, You followed suit from a particular twerk done to your button from the rough hands of the man south of you.
  159. >You couldn't do much as he continued his assault, drool coming from your mouth slightly mixing in with Sunset's honey.
  160. >You'd be lying if this wasn't some good shit.
  161. >Sometime after you and Sunset rode out your highs, you both laid on the bed panting.
  162. >Bacon hair helped prop you up as you remembered the environment you were in.
  163. >Lookinger around you were able to spot the other two sirens.
  164. >Sonata getting spit-roasted by two large looking guys.
  165. >And Aria was standing over a man, straddling his cock with a shit eating grin on her face.
  166. >Honestly this would be a sexier sight if they weren't wearing those ridiculous ass costumes.
  168. >You looked back over to the guy who you had current dibs on as he stood up, his cock pointing up proudly.
  169. >Mama likes very much.
  170. >"You ready for this?"
  171. "Less talking, more filling."
  172. >He gave back a simple nod before pushing the beast into your pussy.
  173. >You bit your lower lip and closed your eyes tight as he started to fill you up.
  174. >This is exactly what you've been waiting for.
  175. >It took you a couple of seconds to notice Sunset was behind you, her hands wrapped around you as she started to massage your breast.
  176. >"Feelin good there puff?"
  177. "Oooooh hell yeah."
  178. >Soon enough you felt him push against your cervix.
  179. >You felt pretty proud to take the whole thing as you saw him bottom out.
  180. >You look up into his eyes and he looked back.
  181. >You just gave him a nod, having given yourself to the pleasure and what's to come.
  182. >He nodded back and slowly slid himself out.
  183. >You let out a small whimper, feeling empty and hoping for the feeling of being filled to return.
  184. >Gentleman as he was, the stranger thrust back inside.
  185. >A rhythm was made as he picked up the pace.
  186. >Good, you hated going slow.
  187. >Sunset twerked your nipples, bringing out a more audible gasp from you to go with the slamming.
  188. >This is what you waited for.
  189. >A rough dick to give it to you all night, sex scent wafting in the air, his heavy balls smacking against you.
  190. >Fuck you love Halloween.
  191. >The time certainly passed by as you felt him starting to get tense.
  192. >Big lug was getting close to nutting.
  193. >You wrapped your legs around him for security.
  194. >It didn't look like he wanted to pull out, but better to be safe than sorry.
  195. "It's ok big guy. Give me all you got. Dump your hot spunk into my pussy!"
  196. >He suddenly pulled you close to him and gave pushed his lips against yours.
  197. >It was surprising, but definitely not unwelcome.
  198. >You moaned into his mouth and closed your eyes as you felt him push completely into you one more time and release himself.
  199. >The filling feeling of his semen was worth this whole stupid costume thing.
  200. >You could feel the baby batter start to ooze out of the side as he unloaded like a horse.
  201. >A few more pumps went into you before the stud pulled himself out of you, the pop not all that audible as freaky things were still going on in the room.
  202. >You looked him in the eyes and looked back down to see he was raring to go another round.
  203. "Oh, naughty~."
  204. >This was going to be a nice long night.
  206. >Lots and lots of sex.
  207. >When the whole thing was over you were just kind of in a daze on a sofa downstairs.
  208. >Holy shit that was amazing.
  209. >Except for the excessive amount of cum on certain people.
  210. >You probably could have gone the day without seeing some of that.
  211. >But, like all good things it came to an end.
  212. >The man who had pinned you down and filled you as if you were just something to impregnate was talking around people you assume were his friends.
  213. >His knees shook every so often which put a smile on your face.
  214. >Mama's still got it.
  215. >Honestly most of the thing was great.
  216. >...Until you all heard Aria yell something about "graping" someone in the mouth.
  217. >The sex talk kinda dimmed down for everyone after that.
  218. >You looked around the room to see Sonata
  219. >She seems a bit out of it as she looked towards the food buffet.
  220. "You ok Sonata."
  221. >"Why is there a food buffet at an orgy?" She Whispered back.
  222. "What?"
  223. >She looks towards you as if her whole world was shaken.
  224. >"Why Dagi?"
  225. >You weren't really sure how to answer that.
  226. "Well, people probably get pretty hungry after sex."
  227. >"I CAN SEE THAT, BUT WHY IS THERE A FOOD BUFFET AT AN ORGY, DAGI?!" She replied yet again, the whisper getting a bit louder.
  228. >You gave her a small pat on the head and a smile.
  229. "Don't think too hard on it, Sona-sweetie."
  230. >She stayed looking at the buffet in horror as you made your way to Aria.
  231. >You gave her a smirk as she stared daggers at you.
  232. "Hey-"
  233. >"DO NOT!"
  234. "-how's it going, Grapist?"
  235. >The look on her face said everything.
  236. >If looks could kill.
  237. >Well, it had gotten pretty late by now.
  238. >As much fun as this was, you and the girls needed their beauty sleep.
  239. >Well, you needed it anyway.
  240. >Before you got ready to leave, you stopped by your new mate and gave him a card with your number on it as he stood next to Applejack.
  241. >A name you had become familiar with tonight as a certain other Rainboom screamed it. A lot.
  242. "Call me sometime." You gave him a kiss on the cheek and a wink before walking away, leaving a surprised Country boy and his sister who almost popped a blood vessel.
  243. "Ready to go girls?"
  244. >You caught up with the other dazzlings outside when Sunset made her way to the door.
  245. >"It was nice having you here! Come by anytime."
  246. "Oh, uh, sure thing!"
  247. >You gave her a smile and wave before turning to leave.
  248. >"See you next time, Adagio~."

Dazzling Christmas

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Dazzling Date

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Dazzling Family

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Am I blue?

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Mosquito Dazzlings

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