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A Dazzling day out

By MactheTexican
Created: 2020-12-24 01:44:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Aria
  2. >And right now you're having a nice day at the park with your family.
  3. >Well, your family and Anon.
  4. >He isn't technically part of your family yet.
  5. >Which you found aggravating.
  6. >Why didn't he just propose already?
  7. >N-not like you were anticipating it.
  8. >It's just been months since you've seen both your mom and Sonata this happy.
  9. >Sonata, swinging next to you without a care in the world and that dopey smile on her face.
  10. >Your mom and Anon sitting together comfortably on the bench, watching over you both.
  11. >You'd be lying if you didn't say it was refreshing to see.
  12. >But there will always be that little doubt.
  13. >That tiny bit inside you that's stayed there anytime a man even showed some interest in your mom after your dad.
  14. "It won't last."
  15. >Non of them showed anyway that they really cared for your mom or either of you.
  16. >Not until Anon.
  17. >At first he seemed like another creep on the street, especially so when he gave you and your family a spot in his home.
  18. >Still, despite your better judgment you all went along with it.
  19. >Maybe deep down you all knew that could be the start of something beautiful.
  20. >But that sounds gay so you'll just say it was luck that you all came across Anon.
  21. >The wind blows against you both as you continue to daydream and swing.
  22. >And as usual, Sonata's voice is what drives you out of your momentary peace.
  23. >"Hey Aria! Can you push me a bit more?"
  24. >With a sigh you looked over to your sister with a slightly agitated look, while hers was more of a puppy dog."
  25. "We're swinging just fine, why do you need to go higher?"
  26. >"Because it's more fun to see how close you can get to the sky! Duh!"
  27. >Despite her last rude remark, Sonata kept an angel like innocence to her face.
  28. >You could never understand how she does it.
  29. >"Pleeeease? I'll give you my ice cream if you do!"
  30. >You turn your attention to the cone she shook slightly in her hand for emphasis.
  31. >Strawberry.
  32. >Not a bad flavor, if slightly melted. Some of it dripping on to Sonata's hand.
  33. >You had finished yours already, so why not?
  34. "Fine. Here, clean your hand up a bit at least."
  35. >With a push, you jumped off the swing and took out a napkin.
  36. >You cleaned part of Sonata's hand for her, along with some of her face which elicited a giggle from her.
  37. >You grumbled before getting her ice cream and giving her the napkin to finish up the cleaning.
  38. >It wouldn't help completely, but at least She won't have completely sticky hands.
  39. >You gave the ice cream a few licks to the side so it bits that were melting already didn't get to far down your hand.
  40. >At the same time, you pushed Sonata with some force into her back with your dominant hand to help.
  41. >Sonata wasn't all that heavy so that helped.
  42. >She let out small yelps every so often and then went into a giggling fit as she got high and higher.
  43. >You definitely wish you had some of Sonata's carefree attitude.
  44. >You had to stop pushing her at one point though for fear of her rocketing off into space.
  45. >S-shut up it can happen.
  46. >Nerd
  47. >Finally finding the perfect spot for Sonata, you tried to jump back on to the swing she was sitting on.
  48. >Emphasis on "tried".
  49. >Before you knew it, some other girl had taken your spot on the swing.
  50. >She had some weird hair, a bit pointed out like she was some mini johnny bravo or some shit.
  51. >It was also a snowy white color.
  52. >Weird.
  53. >Not like you cared about any of that.
  54. >What you wanted was your spot back.
  55. "Hey! Can you move? I was sitting there first."
  56. >She looked over to you with a bored expression.
  57. >"Move your feet, lose your seat." Was all she said.
  58. >You can already tell you aren't going to like her.
  59. "I moved for a second to help my sister, you chickenhawk! We'll be gone before ya know it so let me on."
  60. >She didn't take to kindly to that.
  61. >She sneered at you before shaking her head, "I ain't movin. What's with the twin-tails anyways? Starting those handlebars for future boys to hold on to in a back alley or something?"
  62. >Ok, you really didn't like this bitch.
  63. "I don't know what your problem is, grandma! I just want a turn before we leave this place and I never have to look at that dust mop you call hair again."
  64. >A small growl could be heard from the both of you, literally butting heads in a stare off.
  65. >Everything in you wanted to punch her lights out.
  66. >Before you could take a swing, a small tug on your shirt came from the side.
  67. >You look back to see a shaking Sonata.
  68. >"H-hey Aria, I wanted to play on the see-saw for a little bit. Can you come with me?"
  69. >You really wanted to tell her something, but damn if you couldn't.
  70. >The shivering smile on her face, as if she's scared you'll hit her.
  71. >Then you look over and see your mom and anon looking at you with worry.
  72. >Guess you were louder than you should have been.
  73. >Looking back at Sonata, you give her a stare which makes her wither slightly.
  74. >You could still do it.
  75. >But you just can't find it in you.
  76. >A sigh escapes your mouth before you move away from the rude girl you ran into.
  77. "Whatever. Let's go."
  78. >You huff as your hand wraps around Sonata's and you lead her to the see-saw.
  79. >It was in a bit of a spot Anon and Mom couldn't see, but you were sure they could still hear ya with you both made noise.
  80. >Especially the way Sonata screams in terror.
  81. >You can feel the smug look coming from the girl.
  82. >Along the way, you threw the ice cream away into a bin, a small 'awww' coming from Sonata.
  83. >You didn't feel like finishing it or making Sonata's hands any stickier.
  84. >You gritted your teeth as you climbed up on one side of the saw.
  85. >Sonata seemed to get over her initial terror and is smiling again.
  86. >You wonder if she'll ever change.
  87. >Be more assertive and less wimpy.
  88. >Although you felt you changed a bit yourself.
  89. >You would have pummeled that girl the second you talked back to you.
  90. >Before Anon came into the picture.
  91. >You look over to said person.
  92. >He's fidgeting around, looking at something in his pocket and back at your mom.
  93. >...
  94. "Man up and say it already"
  95. >"What was that sis?"
  96. "Nothin' Sonata. Don't worry about it."
  97. >You sigh before going back to rocking up and down on the ride.
  98. >Isn't this exciting.
  99. >At least Sonata was having a blast.
  100. >Your thoughts go back to how she reacted earlier.
  101. >How she tried to stop you and gave you that look.
  102. >It hurt a lot more than you thought it would have.
  103. >"Hey Aria. Are you okay?"
  104. "Why do you ask?"
  105. >"Cause you forgot to wipe your hands before getting on."
  106. >You raise an eyebrow at her before realizing what she meant.
  107. >Looking down and there it was.
  108. >God damn sticky hands on the handle.
  109. >Just great.
  110. "Uuuugh!"
  111. >You let out an annoyed sigh before pulling out another napkin and cleaning up.
  112. >The handle, however, stayed a bit sticky.
  113. >Not much to do about that now.
  114. >"You sure you're okay, sis?"
  115. "I'm fine Sonata. Just a little mistake."
  116. >You both rock up and down as you move yourselves to bring the see-saw up and down.
  117. >If anything, it was at least somewhat calming.
  118. >The wind blowing against you both and sun hidden behind the clouds.
  119. >Aside from a few things here and there it's been a perfect day.
  120. >Trees and grass in a wide area all around you.
  121. >The soft sound of cars that come with being at the park at this time.
  122. >Good thing it wasn't during rush hour.
  123. >You look back to the couple and see your mom conked out.
  124. >Her head rolled over to Anon's should, who shifted between watching you too and reading a book.
  125. >Well, at least he'd be able to hear one of you scream if something happens.
  126. >You've come here many times where mom was out like a light for a while so having someone actually awake to watch over you was more assuring than nothing.
  127. >Your mom deserved the nap anyways.
  128. >She changed over jobs sometime after Anon came into the picture. Longer hours, but better pay.
  129. >Most times he took care of you when she couldn't.
  130. >Said he took a bit of time off of work.
  131. >You told him he was just lazy, to which he confirmed.
  132. >He got back into a job shortly after though, so if neither of them have time you both get stuck with Sunset.
  133. >You can't complain though.
  134. >Better food. Better beds. Better overall life.
  135. >You were fine.
  136. >It's not like thing change much for you.
  137. >Gotta look after Sonata and Mom when bad things happen.
  138. >You've been fine with Anon.
  139. >Even gave in a little with the very first nice meal he gave you all.
  140. >But you don't really trust he'd be on your side.
  141. >Not yet anyways.
  142. >Time passed by a bit. A little after the saw, Sonata got bored of it and went on some other things in the park.
  143. >Good thing the damn place was one of the few nice ones in this stupid city.
  144. >The sun was looking to go down pretty soon.
  145. >You and Sonata were pretty exhausted to this point.
  146. >Looking away while Sonata was laughing and swinging on some animal on a spring, you saw that the white-haired girl wasn't around.
  147. >Good, glad that bi-
  148. >"Owie!"
  149. >Cut off mid-thought, you turn over to the sound to see Sonata on the ground next to the springy animal.
  150. >Up on top of it you see that fucking same girl with the same shit-eating smile on her face.
  151. >Right now thought all you could think about was Sonata.
  152. >You move to her side, looking her over for any bruises.
  153. >That girl must have some fucking arms to have given Sonata a bruise on her head and knee. Luckily they looked to be slight bruises.
  154. >Not lucky for that bitch when you're done with her.
  155. "Are you alright, Sonata?"
  156. >"I'm a-alright. It hurts a little. Owie."
  157. "Do you need any band-aids?"
  158. >"No! I'm a tough girl!"
  159. >She rubbed the scrapes but puffed herself up as if she was macho. Small tears shined from the corner of her eyes.
  160. >She was trying to give you a brave face.
  161. >It was failing, but it was still funny to see her acting like that.
  162. "Heh, alright tiger. Why don't you head back to mom for now? I'm sure she'd worry herself to death if you went back with those without telling her.
  163. >Sonata winced slightly as you pointed to the spots matter-o-factly.
  164. >She looked down before nodding and getting up.
  165. "You need me to come with you?"
  166. >"Nu-uh. I can walk fine."
  167. >Well, with how much you rough house with her, it's no surprise she's used to this kind of thing.
  168. >Although this itself was way worse than that.
  169. >She was pushed with malice from some girl who didn't even know her.
  170. >As soon as Sonata moved far enough away, you turned to glare at the culprit.
  171. >That shit for brains bird head looked down at you with that same dumb face of hers.
  172. "Hey! What gives you an excuse to push her off like that?! There's plenty more of those stupid animals!"
  173. >She put a finger to her chin as if in deep thought on how to answer.
  174. >Bitch, please.
  175. >"Well, she got the animal I wanted. And if she was anything like you I knew she wouldn't give it up. So I took it."
  176. >You took a look at the animal that both of them were interested in.
  177. >It was some kind of weird combination between an eagle or a lion.
  178. >Oh! A griffon!
  179. >You remember Sonata pointing this out once from a book.
  180. >Anon just called it a flying asshole.
  181. >Mom smacked him on the head for that.
  182. >Good times.
  183. "So, miss your mom so much that you had to push some other kid off of her to get some one on one time?"
  184. >"What the hell are you talking about?"
  185. >You smirked at her as she looked down at the animal and back at you.
  186. >It took her a few seconds before the realization dawned on her and she glared daggers at you.
  187. >"Fuck you."
  188. "Took you this long to crack that open? Guess that bird brain of hers got passed down to you, eh?"
  189. >She was a bit faster than you thought she would be as a solid punch smacks against your face. You didn't even notice her get off her mom.
  190. >"I'll fucking show you who not to call "bird brains"!"
  191. >Got more spunk in her than you thought.
  192. "Bring it."
  193. >Seeing that she had already gotten you once before, she threw another fist towards you.
  194. >Seeing it coming this time, you slide underneath it and got behind her.
  195. >Cha-cha real smooth.
  196. >You knee'd her in the stomach, a loud 'oof' coming from her.
  197. >She fell to the ground on her knees, giving you a split second for the one thing you wanted to do, but mom wouldn't let you try on Sonata.
  198. >You wrapped your arms around her torso causing her to squeak.
  199. >It sounded more like a squawk though.
  200. >She tried to move, but you were pretty good at holding on to frantic people.
  201. >Sonata might not look it, but trying to hold her is like bull riding.
  202. >At least you would assume so.
  203. >You've never ridin a bull, but that's beside the point.
  204. >She kept struggling before yelling, "Let go of me you freak."
  205. >Luckily there was some smooth grass and nothing else behind you so you took the chance.
  207. >All that could be heard was a loud scream as the girl was tossed over you, slamming her back into the ground.
  208. >You looked back at your masterpiece in a huff.
  209. >Took a bit more out of you than you thought it would.
  210. >But god was it worth it.
  211. >You surprised yourself with how well you did that.
  212. >You remember only seeing it once when Anon did it to some fag named Shining something's wife took the last pizza at a party.
  213. >Luckily all the adults were too drunk to remember who did what.
  214. >You felt great at this moment.
  215. >Invincible.
  216. >"What the hell did you do?!"
  217. >Oh. Well shit.
  218. >And just like that, faster than Sonata when you put a laxative in her cake, a looming figure was seen picking up the girl.
  219. >Let's focus on that and not the laxative.
  220. >Yeah.
  221. >Looking at the person above you, you see a woman with multi-colored hair glaring at you.
  222. >"I look away for a second and I find you putting your purple munchkin fingers on my daughter?! Who the hell do you think you are?!"
  223. "I-I..."
  224. >"I don't know what kind of shitty parents you got kid, but I'm gonna have a word with them!"
  225. >Wait a minute now.
  226. "Hey! My mom isn't bad and had nothing to do with thi-"
  227. >"Whatever! I'll give them a fucking piece of my mind."
  228. >"You wouldn't be giving her much then." A familiar voice popped in from behind you.
  229. >You both turn to see Anon making his way over.
  230. >"So, what's going on here?"
  231. >The rainbow-haired dyke puffed her chest a bit, if you could even call it that, as if she were trying to impress Anon.
  232. >Guess she hadn't realized by now he was taken.
  233. >"Well, my kid here,Gilda, was just going back and forth on the uh..."
  234. >"Flying asshole." Anon finished.
  235. >"Yeah, that, and then this girl attacks her. Grabbing her by the waist and flinging her backwards on the ground a-"
  236. >"Wait.Wait.Wait.Wait! Are you telling me that Aria here fucking suplexed your daughter?!"
  237. >"Yeah...wait, you know this girl?"
  238. >He looked towards you with a smile, "You're god damn right I do."
  239. >The look on his face was something you've honestly never seen someone give you before.
  240. >If you had to say a word for it, it would be...
  241. >Proud?
  242. >Oh hey there's a single tear going down his face.
  243. >He turns back to the woman.
  244. >"In any case, Missus...?"
  245. >"Dash. Rainbow Dash."
  246. >"In any case Missus Dash, I can I see where you're coming from, b-"
  247. >"Right?! The girl needs some good ol' spankin."
  248. >Anon sighed before continuing, "BUT, I can tell you that whatever you think happened is not the case."
  249. >Rainbow Dash gave Anon an incredulous look before a glare.
  250. >"Excuse you?!
  251. >He kept a blank look while continuing,"I know Aria. Well mostly. While hot-headed, she wouldn't start something if not provoked."
  252. >"They're lying mom, she started it!" The annoying voice of that girl Gilda piped up.
  253. >Rainbow Dash smirked and let out a 'hmph' as if victorious. Anon just raised an eyebrow.
  254. >"See?"
  255. >He stayed silent for a second before responding, "So I guess my other kid was lying when she came back a few minutes ago and told me some with white hair pushed her off that exact same ride?"
  256. >Skittles flinched slightly at that and looked down at her daughter, who was now looking anywhere but them.
  257. >Rainbow Dash gulps before steeling herself again and pouting, "Well, how do I know they aren't both lying to cover it all up?! My kid wins medals ya know! I don't your brats have done anything good in their lives."
  258. >Helheim had no cold as bad as the stare Anon gave the woman.
  259. >Dash visibly shrinked under his gaze as he moved closer to her.
  260. >"If you don't want what happened to your kid to happen to you, you'll take your little shit. Leave. And never talk like that way about my kids ever again."
  261. >She tried to give him a look of determination.
  262. >But a person can only gape into the jaws of a lion for so long.
  263. >Soon enough she had her kid and sprinted off in a dash.
  264. >Heh, "dash".
  265. >You snickered a bit to yourself before looking up to Anon and shutting your mouth.
  266. >While his gaze softened, he still has some of his stare.
  267. "I regret nothing."
  268. >"I know."
  269. >And with that he picked you up like you were nothing.
  270. >You just decided to stay there.
  271. >You've tried to struggle before and it just wastes energy.
  272. >"So, what exactly happened?"
  273. "The girl pushed Sonata and then punched me so I kicked her ass."
  274. >"And that's all of it?"
  275. "...I might have said some things to provoke her."
  276. >"Uh-huh."
  277. >You sighed. You knew this is how it would go.
  278. "How mad do you think she'll be?"
  279. >"Hmmm...Not as much as you're probably imagining."
  280. >Right after, he moved you around and was giving you a piggyback ride.
  281. >You gave him a puzzled look while he chuckled.
  282. >Thinking back on it, there was something he said that stayed in your mind.
  283. "What did you mean by "My kids"?"
  284. >You couldn't really see, but you felt like he was smiling.
  285. >"With how long we've all been together, it felt right to say it. Amongst other things."
  286. >What'd he mean by that?
  287. >Well whatever.
  288. >Soon enough you both came back to your mom and Sonata.
  289. >They both waved and smiled until a look of shock came across their faces, mom coming running first.
  290. >"Who did that to you, Aria?!"
  291. >You were a bit confused there.
  292. >Until you felt her hand press gently into your cheek.
  293. >Ouch!
  294. >Must have been that Gilda.
  295. >Sheesh she had a meaner punch than you thought.
  296. >"I want a name! Who hit you?!"
  297. "Relax mom. She's gone."
  298. >With a huff, she took out some first aid items from her bag.
  299. >Heh. She's always prepared for the worst when it comes to you both.
  300. >Anon put you down slowly on the bench while mom and sonata sat on both sides of you, cleaning up your face.
  301. >"I hope you at least got a hit in."
  302. >You swirled your head over to your mom, who said all that, with a smile on her face.
  303. "Y-yeah. I got her good."
  304. >"Good."
  305. >Meanwhile Sonata was on your other side, patting your head.
  306. >It didn't help, but it's what mom did to help soothe her.
  307. >"She hummed with that damn smile on her face, "Pain!Pain!Go Away!"
  308. >It was contagious dammit.
  309. >You hugged your sister as you both yawned.
  310. >She was nuts and constantly a pain in the ass.
  311. >But she was your family.
  312. >"Well, it looks like a certain two girls tired themselves out with a fun day." You heard Anon say, picking up Sonata.
  313. >Fun?
  314. >Well sort of.
  315. >It sure was something.
  316. >You felt your mom pick you up,though it was getting hard to see as you were fading to the snooze zone.
  317. >Before completely going though you saw your mom's hand hold you.
  318. >And her ring finger currently occupied.
  319. >He finally did it.
  320. >You smiled to yourself for a bit before a question came to you in your half-lucid state of mind.
  321. "Hey, Anon?"
  322. >"Yeah?"
  323. "If that rainbow-haired woman has so many colors in her hair, how come her kid had hers white?"
  324. >Anon let out a small chuckle, "Well, a few things."
  325. >"One: I doubt the rainbow is her real hair color. Probably."
  326. >"Two: Might be from her dad. Whoever that poor sod was."
  327. >"And three: I stopped questions those types of things when I met you girls.
  328. "What do you mean by that?"
  329. >He turned to look at you with a raised eyebrow.
  330. >...Oh.
  331. >You get it now.
  332. >Getting to the car, your parents put you both into the back seat. Sonata's head lolled over on to you.
  333. >As he finished buckling you in, Anon smiled and kissed your head.
  334. >"Proud of ya,Aria."
  335. >You smiled and slipped out a quiet line before passing out.
  336. "Thank you, Dad."

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