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Lively and Dazzling happily ever after

By MactheTexican
Created: 2020-12-26 02:57:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Finally finishing your last work shift of the year.
  3. >Fucking boss made you work on Christmas, but at least you finally have some time off til next year.
  4. >Leaving the building, you take out your phone and call your wife.
  5. >She picks up with her same sweet tone, “Hey, Honey. How was work?”
  6. >You smile to yourself, still getting butterflies in your stomach each time she talks. The feeling only grows every day.
  7. “It was boring and slow, but I’m just glad it’s over with for now. On my way back.”
  8. >” Don’t take too long, I’ve got a nice surprise waiting for you later.”
  9. “Oh?”, you reply with a flirting and knowing tone.
  10. >While you couldn’t see it, the brief pause let you know she was probably rolling her eyes with a smile at your remark.
  11. >” No, you doofus. Just get home first for dinner and I can show you the surprise. Maybe even more if you’re lucky.”
  12. >Hell yeah.
  13. >God Bless Christmas.
  14. >You drag yourself through the snow, into your car, and drive down the road until you find yourself back home.
  15. >With a heavy sigh you get out and make your way to the door.
  16. >The hours sure were long this time around, but it was all worth it.
  17. >Opening the door, you are assaulted with a wide variety of smells
  18. >From the turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, and ham wafting in from the kitchen.
  19. >To the smell of hot cocoa coming from the living room.
  20. >As you walk into the house, removing the winter wear after closing the door behind you, a small blue blur rams right into your stomach.
  21. >Recoiling a bit in surprise, you look down and spot the culprit, who was none other than your sweet daughter, Sonata.
  22. >She hugged you tightly and you returned the embrace as best you could while standing.
  23. >She looked up at you with that innocent smile of hers that was as bright as the sun.
  24. >”Hey, dad! How was work?”
  25. >You smile in return, giving her a pat on the head as you make your way into the living room.
  26. >She followed right alongside you, a cheerful small skip to her step.
  27. “It was boring as usual. Just glad to be back home with my favorite girls.”, You reply with a chuckle.
  28. >The living room was thankfully looking about the same as it was when you had left in the morning.
  29. >The differences being the fireplace lit to keep everyone warm in the cold night and one less than usual grumpy Aria sipping on her cup of hot chocolate.
  30. >You look at the adorable scene with a smile. When she finally looks up, she pouts for a second before finally giving a small one back.
  31. >” Welcome home, Dad.”, She finally says in the same gruff tone she’s always used. Although it was less harsh this time around.
  33. >You decide to sit down next to her by the small table in the middle of the room, Sonata also taking a place to your other side.
  34. >You look down to see there are three cups of hot chocolate and wonder why your wife would leave her cup here to get cold.
  35. >Your curiosity must be written on your face because Sonata giggles and tugs at your shirt to get your full attention.
  36. >” It’s for you!”, She exclaimed, sliding the cup over to where you sat, “Mom made it a little after you called and said you were coming home.”
  37. >You gotta say, you were incredibly tired when you walked through that door.
  38. >But the cheerful attitude from Sonata, the warm smile of Aria, and the hot beverage made for you by your lovely wife have really perked you up.
  39. >You take a small sip from your coup, the smooth chocolate flavor tasting much more delightful after the long hours you worked this week.
  40. >You sit around and chat about how the day went with Sonata and Aria before another voice rings from the kitchen.
  41. >” Girls! Anon! I finished dinner.” She calls out, to which you all decide to get up and make your way to the dining room.
  42. >Standing by the table where all the food laid out scrumptiously, was your just as delicious looking wife, Adagio, with a very cute apron on.
  43. >She looks over to you all with that smile that always grabs at your heart.
  44. >” Well? Don’t just stand around. Have a seat and dig in.”
  45. >You nod in response and followed along with your kids to sit at the table.
  46. >Sonata and Aria took their seats next to one another on your left while Adagio took the seat to your left.
  47. >And it was then that you all feasted.
  48. >The delicious taste of the food provided by the cooking your wife made throughout the day was nothing more than fantastic.
  49. >She really has gotten better as time had gone by.
  50. >Sonata and Aria were having a small sibling fight with their food before Adagio’s stare got them to behave.
  51. >You chuckle at the sight, seeing Aria giving Sonata some of her turkey as Sonata had gobbled down all of it that was on her plate.
  52. >Adagio hums in delight while eating her meal. Looking quite pleased with how it came out.
  53. >She turns slightly to face you with a bit of a playful smirk and moves a spoon with some corn on it over to your mouth.
  54. >Rolling your eyes at the cliche couple move, you smile back and accept the gesture.
  55. >When she moves her arm back you decide to play along as well; A spoon full of mashed potatoes and gravy make their way from your plate to Adagio.
  56. >She eats it with a happy “Mmm~” in return, which gets you both to laugh.
  57. >You both share a small kiss and look each other in the eyes, possibly both thinking about what you did to deserve the person who sat next to you.
  58. >A small “bleh” comes from your right and you see Sonata giggling as Aria has a “gonna hurl” facial expression.
  59. >Kids.
  61. >After the food was finished, you all made your way to the living room.
  62. >Sonata groans in mock anguish as she had eaten quite a bit more than everyone else.
  63. >Gonna need to have a bit of post-Christmas exercise for everyone.
  64. >With the food out of the way, you all sat around and watched movies as the time went on.
  65. >First was Sonata’s pick: Olive, the other reindeer.
  66. >Cute movie. And even if she didn’t say it, you could tell Aria was fond of it as well.
  67. >With that out of the way, it was time for Aria’s turn.
  68. >She went with ‘The Grinch’. The live one.
  69. >You weren’t particularly fond of it, but it had some charm you enjoyed.
  70. >As did the rest of the family.
  71. >And it made Aria happy, perhaps there is some semblance to it she relates to.
  72. >Either way, the wide smile she had all throughout it was worth the time.
  73. >Though, her ability to perfectly imitate the grinch signature evil smile was really uncomfortable to look at.
  74. >As that finished, the group turned to you for a suggestion.
  75. >You figured you’d give your turn to Adagio first, but she declined.
  76. >” It’s almost Christmas Day. You should have the last movie of the night.” She said matter-of-factly.
  77. >The other two look at you with a nod in confirmation before you sighed in resignation.
  78. >Well, if you’re gonna choose, might as well pick a classic favorite of yours.
  79. >You get up and put on “Santa Claus is coming to town.”
  80. >You smile through the movie as nostalgia hits you like a truck.
  81. >You remember a small time when you and your siblings didn’t always fight.
  82. >Hot chocolate with the family on the sofa as this movie played.
  83. >Your brother Incognito ruffling your hair in a usual sibling manner.
  84. >Simple time.
  85. >The bittersweet smile the memories brought to you must have been noticed since you soon feel a head on your shoulder.the poofed hair of your wife on your side is warm, while on the other side is your daughters giving you a hug of comfort.
  86. >A tear makes its way down your cheek as you chuckle softly at the scene.
  87. >You might have lost the love of your old family, but you gained the love of a family all your own.
  90. >With movies done with, and the clock hitting eleven, your daughters gave off small adorable yawns. It’s been awhile since they’ve been up past their bedtimes.
  91. >At least for a little while.
  92. >Had to remind them that Santa wouldn’t bring them their gifts if they stayed up all through the night.
  93. >They gave weak sleep nods, went to brush their teeth, and both fell into bed to sleep.
  94. >You and your wife laugh in a low tone by the door before closing it as to not wake them.
  95. >Soon after, you and Adagio sit by the fireside. The warmth against your face as well as the feeling coming from your side that she was pushed against was heavenly.
  96. >With a mischievous smile, you pull out a box from your pocket that was meant for your wife.
  97. >She said you didn’t need to get her anything, but you couldn’t resist.
  98. >Before you could bring it up to show her though, she quickly moves a box up for you to see.
  99. >You look over to her perplexed as she returns the smirk.
  100. >” Gotta be quicker on the draw.”
  101. >” You snort at the remark before resigning to be the second gift given tonight.
  102. “Thanks, Honey.”
  103. >” Well, this is a gift for me as much as it is for you.” she replies, looking at you in anticipation to your reaction.
  104. >You give a raised eyebrow in confusion before shrugging and opening up the box, seeing a small object inside.
  105. >On it was a plus sign, and soon enough you figured out what it was.
  106. “You mean you’re…?”
  107. >” Yup. Looks like this house is getting another person.” She confirmed, moving a hand over to her stomach.
  108. >You wanted to scream in delight and pick her up and laugh in happiness.
  109. >Knowing that’d wake up your daughters and probably half the neighborhood, you instead decide to hug your wife gently and kiss her head.
  110. >You move to give her the gift you bought, now paling in comparison to the news.
  111. >Still, she took it and put it on right away, a tear going down her face.
  112. >Following her in that regard you laugh and wrap a hand around her as you both continue to settle by the fire.
  113. >"Merry Christmas, Anon.”
  114. “Merry Christmas, Adagio.”

Dazzling Christmas

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