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Rarity's Last Chance Part 1, by RareSF

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2020-12-30 18:28:40
Expiry: Never

  2. >“I told you, this is NOT what I am cut out for, Anon! Ugh!”
  3. >The white unicorn turns her face away in disgust and sticks out her tongue.
  4. >You are on your hands and knees in front of her with a handled scrubbing brush in your hand.
  5. >Next to you is a large bucket filled with soapy water and a rag
  6. >The day is sunny and hot, perfect for cleaning off your filthy patio.
  7. >It’s something you have been putting off for a while, and you were happy that your new pony would be able to help you out
  9. >But Rarity has been a mixed bag for you so far.
  10. >Unfortunately, the mixture has a lot of bad in it, too much.
  11. >Great at housework, but her attitude was negative many times.
  12. >She’s a drama queen, to say the least.
  13. >You could deal with that, but the worst thing about her was on display right now.
  15. >She refuses to do dirty tasks
  16. >Even when you tell her, she always manages to bargain her way out of it, offering to do something else instead,
  17. >and up until now you’ve given in.
  18. >But not this time, this is going too far.
  19. >She's not even respectful to you, and you've done plenty to help her feel at home and treat her fairly.
  20. >And it’s your fault, you let her do this too long.
  21. >You’re going to set this straight right now, this is the end for her.
  23. >“Rarity, I’m not asking you again. This time I’m telling you, get over her, pick up this brush, and start scrubbing.”
  25. >She groans, “Goodness Anon, I’ve already told you, my constitution is just not good for it! Please, reconsider! I’ll do the…”
  27. >URGH.
  28. >This shit had gone too far, you’re starting to think of something...
  29. >“NO. Get over here.”
  31. >“Anon, this isn’t my area of expertise…”
  33. >“It’s scrubbing. There IS no expertise. Get. OVER HERE.”
  34. >Your patience is thinner than a thread.
  35. >If she resists one more time, you’ll… you’ll…
  36. >You look down at the scrubbing brush, and the thought from before reenters your brain
  37. >And right then, you decide to go with it, commit to it.
  39. >Rarity huffs. She examines your patio with a scrunchy muzzle.
  40. >“Ack. I really don’t think you…”
  42. >You don’t care what she says after that, in fact you don’t even hear it.
  43. >You haven’t done this before, punishing your slave, but you will now.
  44. >You have to smack some sense into this prissy pony
  45. >Literally.
  47. >You keep the brush in your hand and stand up.
  48. >Rarity, whatever she was just saying, stops suddenly when she sees you get up.
  49. >The glare you’re giving her makes her frown
  50. >“Anon, what are you do… oww, oww!”
  52. >You grab her ear, and tug on it hard in the house’s direction.
  53. >She yowls, and starts protesting, but you don’t give her a chance to get a hold of your hand
  54. >You’re tugging on it very hard, and all she can say now is “Oww!” over and over again.
  55. >You drag her through the back door and down the hallway, and she is forced to follow you at your brisk speed, her hooves are barely even able to touch the floor.
  56. >You get to your room and you roughly pull her inside it.
  58. >“Ow, Anooon! What in the world are you d-”
  60. >“Shut up, Rarity.”
  62. >Thank fuck that gets her to shut her mouth immediately.
  63. >She looks at you accusingly, rubbing her red ear with her lips pursed open, breathing hard.
  64. >Then you put the big scrubbing brush with the long handle in view in front of you.
  65. >When she sees that, the huffy attitude disappears right away. She backs up, eyes getting big.
  67. >“Ohh, I… A-Are you g… Oh, please don’t! Don’t beat me, I’m sorry! I’m…”
  69. >“I thought I told you to shut up?”
  70. >You are being very harsh with her, but you’ve tried being firm in the past and it hasn’t worked, so you have to more than firm.
  71. >You have to be mean right now, shock her into submission. She’s your SLAVE for God’s sake.
  72. >It’s obviously working, too, especially since you’ve never physically hit her before.
  73. >That will change now, though.
  74. >Rarity’s shaking now, and she’s looking pleadingly at you and the brush.
  76. >“Ever since I purchased you, you’ve had an attitude with me. I was the first human to ever buy you, correct? So let me tell you something to put this all into perspective for you. I’m a nice master. I’m a man who won’t rape you, won’t force you to sleep out in a stable, won’t make you pull coal filled carts until you keel over, or beat you up for little mistakes. There are many men out there just like that, but you got to be with me instead. And this is the thanks I get, a refusal to do something simple because it’s dirty?”
  78. >Rarity is still watching the big brush in your hand with a terrified look on her face.
  79. >But she looks away from you in shame with your rhetorical question that you give her.
  80. >She backs up until her rear end is against the wall and crosses her back legs.
  81. >You advance, and she flinches, looking away from you.
  82. >“I’m sorry, Anon.”
  84. >“I’m Master. Your Master, and you are my slave, Rarity. That means you do what I tell you. But you don’t seem to get that, so I’m going to make sure you remember that and give you something that is long, loooong overdue.”
  85. >Rarity cowers away from you, and she begins to stutter when you walk toward her, “Please Anon… I mean Master! Master, I’ll scrub the patio, I’ll do it, please just give me the brush and I’ll go…”
  88. >“Oh, I’ll give you the brush Rarity.”
  89. >She whimpers when you grab her ear again, making her stand on the tips of her hooves. You drag her to the bed.
  90. >She’s crying now. You are being quite rough with her, and she’s obviously getting scared.
  91. >She should be, but you’re in control despite being pissed off.
  92. >You let go of her ear again right when you are both standing right beside the bed.
  93. >You pat the mattress with the brush and invade Rarity’s personal space.
  94. >“Bend over.”
  97. >Rarity’s looking at you now with a look of shock.
  98. >She shakes her head and steps back. Tears are falling from her eyes.
  99. >“Anon… Master! Master, I’m sorry… OWW!”
  102. >You swing the brush down hard on her butt, and she yowls
  103. >Rarity reaches back and grabs the spot on her flank where you just delivered the whack, and rubs it while the tears start flowing.
  104. >“OW, Master, that huuurt!
  107. >“Good! Bend over!”
  108. >You grab her groomed, curly mane and pull her, twisting her head a little.
  109. >Rarity sobs, but she finally moves her hooves and does what you say, crawling on the bed and putting her body over the edge
  110. >Her tail lowers to cover her backside, and when you see that, you grunt.
  111. >You grab her tail and roughly pull it away. Rarity yelps.
  112. >You pin her down, and she hyperventilates and squirms. She now is understanding what is happening.
  114. >“An… Master, I promise I’ll be good, I’ll listen! I’ll do all the dirty jobs, I’m sorry!”
  115. >She’s only now acknowledging you as her Master, something that only tells you how necessary this is.
  116. >Rarity’s been a disrespectful imp for too long. She’s your slave, and you are going to drive that point home.
  117. >“Rarity, you’ve had this coming. I’ve let you get away with way too much, and that’s stopping now.”
  119. >You raise the brush up
  120. >Rarity gasps, and tries to pull herself away
  121. >The brush wavers in your hands as the white butt you’re aiming for shakes back and forth
  122. >You don’t want to beat her, you want to spank her, and that means you need to be able to swat that rump.
  123. >Fuck this, you’re not patient enough to deal with this BS.
  124. >You’re going to show she has no power to avoid your punishment.
  126. >You get up onto the bed and sit on the edge, and put your leg over her croup.
  127. >Rarity hmphs and squirms, but suddenly she realizes that she can’t move.
  128. >She breathes hard and reaches back for her butt, but you grab her hoof and pin it down, too.
  129. >“Master, this is not necessary! Please let me go!”
  131. >“I like you, Rarity, but your attitude is going to change. You are a SLAVE and I am your MASTER. You’ve earned this spanking.”
  133. >“NO, WAIT!”
  135. >You finally whack her ass, swatting the mare’s white bottom with the brush with a hard, very loud WHACK
  136. >“OW, ANON!” WHACK “OWW, NOOO!”
  137. >Yes.
  138. >You lean forward and get a better view of the target of the spanking, and you get this punishment underway at last.
  139. >The scrubby brush pops the mare’s buttocks hard enough to leave red circles on her skin. Rarity screams and cries with the pain suddenly being introduced to her derriere, and she kicks her hooves wildly.
  143. >“That’s the whole point of the spanking, Rarity. And stop? You better get comfy.”
  144. >Rarity whines and thrashes her body around, making you really have to tense your legs up to keep her body clamped down.
  145. >Her hooves flail around in midair, making you glad you aren’t standing behind her.
  148. >Right and left, you spank both of her white cheeks, which bounce a little bit up and down with the spanks you give her.
  149. >You don’t hold back at all. Her crying picks up and she tries to push up on the bed, and wiggle away, but you’ve got her figured out.
  150. >She can’t get away, and when she understands your ability to spank her isn’t affected at all and the brush never stops whacking her ass, her sobbing breaks and she turns desperate.
  151. >“Pleease, I can’t OW take iiit!”
  153. >“You can, and you will, Rarity! I’ve had it with your resistance, your ungratefulness! I’m only punishing you right now because the only other option is to sell you back to the auction! Do you want that?”
  154. >Rarity wails, twisting her body as much as she can and wriggling her spanked butt from the pain. “NOO I DOOON’T!”
  155. >You knew she didn’t, but she had to realize that she had to work to prevent that.
  156. >This was the last straw: you would rather light her ass up with this brush right now than sell her later. This was giving her a final chance, even though it was a painful one.
  158. >“I know you don’t, Rarity. But you have to realize that you’re my SLAVE. I’m your MASTER, and you must, MUST do what I say! I’m always going to be fair to you, but you are my slave, do you hear me? Say it!”
  160. >You rapidly spank her a good dozen times in a row, one after the other. The weeping mare’s hooves thrash about and she squeals at the top of her lungs. She still struggles uselessly.
  162. >“Ahh! OW, I-I am your slaave! I AM YOUR SLAAAAVE!”
  163. >The howl feels like it tears half of the energy out of her.
  164. >Rarity’s sweaty body heaves and shakes and squirms.
  165. >You have continued endlessly smacking her bum this entire time. You don’t give her a break.
  166. >She’s finally starting to submit, though, but you can’t just stop yet.
  167. >There’s something else you’re going to do with her.
  168. >You count in your head, spanking her twelve more times in quick tempo and making her squeal and wail.
  169. >Then, you finally halt. You put the brush down and put both of your hands on her croup.
  172. >Rarity twists to and fro and gasps breathlessly. Her buttocks are redder than a tomato, and they twitch, tense up, and shake as much as your legs will let them.
  173. >So not much at all.
  174. >You wait for her crying to peter out, which takes a while. You spanked her pretty hard, so it makes sense.
  175. >When she’s calmer, you speak to her with a calmer voice.
  176. >“Rarity, the only reason I’m spanking you right now is because of your refusal to obey me. This is my last option for you. I need to know you’ll submit to what I tell you to do. I don’t care as much about mistakes, everybody makes mistakes, but when I tell you to do something, you do it. And sorry to say this Rarity, but your spanking isn’t over yet.”
  179. >Rarity hears this news, and lets out a piteous moan and sobs.
  180. >She bucks her hips under your legs. “Nooo! Ohh, Masterrr, please! I’ve learned my lesson, oowww…”
  182. >“We’re going to make sure you have learned your lesson. This is going to be different. You stay exactly where you are, or you’ll regret it, ok?”
  183. >You say strictly while you finally unpin her from the bed. You slide your leg out and stand up.
  184. >Rarity curls up her hind legs and whimpers tearfully, quietly begging you in whispers not to continue her spanking. You don’t respond.
  185. >You take up the brush in your hands, and breathe deeply.
  186. >“Rarity, get up on the bed, and stick your butt up in the air.”
  188. >“Anon, pleaaase! I’ll obey, I’ll obey you, no more…”
  190. >“Then not doing what I tell you is a funny way of demonstrating that. That’s why we’re going to do this. Stick it in the air.”
  191. >Rarity is getting weepy again, and she crawls forward on the blankets. You decide to be patient this time, since you want to give her a chance.
  192. >You nod your head when Rarity finally gets her back end in the air. Her head and shoulders are low on the bed, but her burned up butt is presented.
  193. >You even notice her tail is not covering her ass. Good girl.
  194. >“Ok, Rarity, I’m going to spank you 25 more times. You will count the spanks, and you will keep your rump in the air without blocking it with your tail or your hooves, or anything. I will start all over again if you don’t.”
  196. >When she hears the ultimatum she moans painfully. “I’m sorryyy! Please don’t, Master, it huuurts!”
  197. >You aim the brush at her butt. This thing has been a very effective punishment tool.
  199. >“Remember to count.” You swing the brush through the air. It whacks her right buttock with a vicious WHACK
  200. >Rarity rears her head and screams tearfully. Her butt shakes left away from the spank.
  201. >“WAAH! One, Master! Ahh, PLEASE!”
  202. >The second spank hits her left buttock. Rarity shrieks.
  204. >“Twooo! Oh, oh Celestia…” WHACK “OW, Threee!” WHACK “FOOOUR!”
  205. >Her butt is wriggling, but she’s keeping it up so far.
  206. >You knew she wouldn’t be still completely, that was too much for you to expect.
  207. >You get to ten, and her ass is glowing like a red neon lightbulb.
  208. >Fifteen, and she’s gasping for air from howling so much.
  209. >Twice she almost forgot to count, which would have meant starting over completely, but luckily she has been following your instructions.
  211. >“EIGHTEEN! Ah, Ahh!” WHACK! “OWWW!!! NINETEEN! Pleaase, Master, I caaaan’t!”
  212. >Twenty, Twenty one, Twenty two, and Twenty three go by, and Rarity’s breaking up.
  213. >You thought about stopping way back at ten, but you told her twenty five. So, you have to give her twenty five.
  214. >Then finally, it’s the last spank. The big TWO FIVE.
  215. >You rear the brush back, and deliver the final hard spank. It’s a vicious whack. The sound is like a firework going off.
  217. >“AAAAAH! OOOOWW!”
  218. >Rarity’s rear legs flex and her bottom bounces up and down. You wait for the number to be called out, and when you finally do hear it, it comes out barely coherent.
  219. >“TWENTY FFFIVE!”
  220. >Fine, that’s more than enough. You’ve proven your point, and right now, Rarity has proven herself.
  221. >You drop the scrubbing brush.
  223. >“It’s over. You made it through, Rarity. Relax, now.” You sit down on the bed.
  224. >Rarity wails loudly with relief. She reaches back and rolls over, grabbing her flanks with her hooves and rubbing her buttocks furiously.
  225. >She twists around and kicks her hooves, her tail flicks around wildly while she sobs, and she can’t say anything other than “Ow” and “Sorry” again and again.
  226. >You wait for her to calm down once more. It takes a long time, predictably.
  228. >Rarity is still rubbing her butt when she speaks again. She’s sniffling and bowing her head to you, appearing very submissive.
  229. >“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Master… I won’t do it again, I promise!”
  230. >This time, you believe her when she says it. You close your eyes tiredly.
  231. >You reach over to her and pet her between her shoulders. Rarity curls up into a tighter ball, but she bends her head closer to you.
  232. >Her head lays down in front of you, downcast eyes. It’s a very submissive posture.
  233. >You pet the side of her head. Rarity closes her eyes and sighs with a sniff.
  235. >“Rarity, this spanking was for all of the times you outright rejected my orders and disrespected me, copped an attitude, and showed yourself uncooperative. I punished you so severely today as a wakeup call: you are my slave, and I am your Master. I will never punish you even close to this severely again, because if I ever find myself in this position again, I will sell you back instead. This was my last attempt, my final resort to getting through to you, as everything else I tried you simply shrugged off. I had to make this count. Do you understand, Rarity?”
  237. >Rarity squeaks. Then she nods with a “Yes, Master” and nuzzles into your hand.
  238. >You smile a little bit. You really did probably go too far with her, but in this case that’s actually better than not going far enough.
  239. >You didn’t want to sell the little unicorn, and you sincerely hope this will get through to her.
  240. >Her hooves relax on her rump. Sniffling, she wipes her streak covered face on her Master’s hand.
  241. >“I promise, I’ll be good, master. I’m so sorry I was bad for so long… Thank you for not getting rid of me, I...”
  243. >“You’re welcome, Rarity. I only need your cooperation, and respect. Even if you don’t like it, I expect you to do what I say from now on. I’ve always treated you fairly, and now I expect you to show me some respect back.”
  244. >You gently wipe her teary cheek. Rarity sighs.
  246. >“I will, Master. I promise.”
  247. >Good, you’re glad to hear she’s fully understanding, now. You pat her shoulder and stand back up.
  249. >“Good, Rarity. Now, I want you to get up, but take your time, and follow me back out to the patio. There’s still work that we need to get done.”
  250. >You watch and wait carefully. You need to pay close attention to her face, and hear if she protests.
  251. >But nothing of that sort happens, and with a whimper and a congested snort, she wobbles to a stand and slides off the bed, rump first.
  252. >You see her spanked flanks and take a moment to appreciate your handiwork. Christ, you really did light her ass up.
  253. >Rarity is wincing, but she follows you with a simple “Yes, Master” and you both leave the room.
  255. >Turns out, if there was someone who could be an expert in patio cleaning, it would be your Rarity.
  256. >She scrubs the whole thing top to bottom with you, getting spots that even you missed, and eventually, it looks brand new and squeaky clean.
  257. >You cook a delicious veggie lasagna for the two of you that night, and you both eat it with smiles on your faces… even though hers occasionally turns to a grimace whenever she has to move her flank on the kitchen chair.
  259. >Usually, when it’s time for her to take her shower, you normally see steam from under the door.
  260. >But not tonight. You smile.
  261. >You guess that tonight, she preferred to take a cold shower instead.
  263. END

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