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Rarity's Last Chance Part 3, by RareSF

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2020-12-30 18:32:48
Expiry: Never

  2. >The hum of the road beneath your tires is all either of you hear as you coast down the country road.
  3. >The ground and the trees around you have a thin layer of snow, allowing you to see through the dense forest more easily
  4. >Your brights are also on
  5. >Hopefully that will ward off any deer that want to leap in front of your car.
  7. >If that happened, it would truly be the icing on the cake for today.
  9. >Your unicorn, Rarity, sits in the passenger’s seat.
  10. >On the way up here, her head was held up, looking at everything with attention and alertness.
  11. >You could notice some excitement in her eyes, taking everything in
  12. >It was her first big road trip, a drive of almost six hours
  13. >And she had been quite well-behaved, too!
  14. >Only a couple of “are we there yet” and “how much more time until we get there” questions were asked
  15. >and the one time she had to use the restroom, she’d asked you very politely.
  17. >You had smiled just before you arrived at your parent’s house where many of your relatives were also visiting for Thanksgiving.
  18. >Her great behavior on the way here had been a good sign, you thought.
  19. >You knew she was nervous, but you had talked with her thoroughly about how she wouldn’t have to do much of anything other than say hi, introduce herself to some people, and just stay close by her Master.
  20. >Your told her your family was nice, and they wouldn’t mistreat her. And sure enough, they didn’t one bit.
  22. >But then… there was the wine.
  24. >Rarity loved wine, but at your house you only allowed her to have a glass sometimes with a meal.
  25. >You knew what she could get like with more than that
  26. >Rarity was not the best at holding her liquor, and got drunk rather easily.
  27. >But with you there to regulate it, everything was ok.
  29. >However, at your parent’s house, with much of your family present, there was much more wine than that.
  30. >And during your conversations, you hadn’t even noticed how many glasses Rarity had levitated to her mouth.
  31. >She had snuck them by when you weren’t looking, despite knowing better.
  32. >Three, perhaps four had gone down the hatch
  33. >and it showed. Badly.
  35. >Many things had added up with Rarity’s behavior until the last straw that broke the camel’s back
  36. >You had heard the crash of the drink table falling over, spilling at least a gallon of red punch all over the floor
  37. >and drunken, stumbling Rarity had stood there, looking at the scene with shock and a swaying stance
  38. >and that was when you knew that you had to cut your visit short.
  40. >Because of her antics and poor behavior, a great Thanksgiving had been ruined, and not to mention a lot of work for you and your family to do to clean up.
  41. >And now, you and your still-tipsy little pony seated beside you were headed to your hotel for the night, a thirty minute drive.
  43. >Rarity is no longer alert and attentive like on her way up here.
  44. >Instead her head is hung low, and her legs bunched up together so as to shrink back into the seat.
  45. >She hasn’t said a single word since you left the house, almost 15 minutes ago.
  46. >Neither have you, but that’s about to change.
  48. >You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down
  49. >The truth is that you are very, very upset with her
  50. >but there is no reason to blow up at her, even for something as bad as this.
  51. >So, you speak calmly, but very sternly.
  53. “Rarity… I’m extremely disappointed in you. Going behind my back, drinking all of that wine… what on Earth were you thinking, Rare?”
  55. >Rarity breathes in through her nose, cringing when she hears you admonish her.
  56. >She’s been waiting since the minute you left for you to lay into her.
  57. >She shakes her head almost imperceptibly.
  58. “I… wasn’t, Master. I wasn’t thinking.”
  60. >You snort, and shake your head, too.
  61. >The road in front of you is getting more windy, now, so you have to wait until you’re at a straighter portion of road before you can focus on her again.
  62. “You’re damn right. You know, Rare, I didn’t even think I needed to go over something like that with you. You KNOW damn well that you get drunk easily. You know we agreed to a glass per sitting, and that was it. But you went behind my back… in a way, you lied to me. Deceived me.”
  64. >Rarity seizes up, suddenly.
  65. >Her eyes get very wide, even wider than before
  66. >and immediately, thinking on what you just said, you understand why.
  67. >For Rarity, the last time a “lie” was told by her was when she had purposefully hidden the scrubbing brush from you
  68. >And after that…
  70. “Yes, M-Master. I am s-so sorry.”
  71. >She doesn’t even try to make an excuse.
  72. >You know she doesn’t have any, not for this.
  73. >You know her apology is sincere, but quite frankly, you are still mad.
  74. >You sigh heavily.
  76. “And now, my Thanksgiving night’s been cut short, my family had to spend almost a half hour cleaning up a disaster you caused with your drunkenness, and the other things you did, all the other little comments you made… I’m supposed to be your master, but you thoroughly embarrassed me tonight. I am very, very upset with you, Rare.”
  78. >The little white unicorn’s quivering lip pouts out
  79. >She’s trying not to start crying, but she’s failing.
  80. >But she manages to get out another heartfelt, sincere apology, an apology being the only thing she can really say in response.
  81. “I am so, sooo sorry, Master. I am sorry I’ve betrayed your trust again.”
  83. “Yes, you have.”
  85. >She wipes her eyes, and sniffs as a tear rolls down her cheek.
  86. >You can tell she isn’t just doing this for sympathy, too.
  87. >It’s obvious that she feels terrible about what she’s done
  88. >but unfortunately, you and her both know that a simple sorry isn’t going to cut it, here.
  90. >She cries silently while you stare at the road ahead, cursing the fact that you’re finding yourself in this position again.
  91. >Months have passed since the last incident of this magnitude, but any length of time feels too soon.
  92. >It doesn’t matter, though.
  93. >You both know what has to happen next.
  95. >But being away from home, on the road, complicates things.
  96. >Firstly, you don’t have your scrubbing brush with you, the tool you have used to spank Rarity before, or even a belt with you.
  97. >And second, you’re going to stay at a hotel, and there is no way you are driving through the night to arrive back home
  98. >but you knew Rarity was going to cry, and cry hard
  99. >and those hotel walls were rather thin.
  100. >You didn’t want someone hearing you discipline your Rarity and think it was something else, something sinister.
  102. >Your options were suddenly very limited.
  103. >The thought occurs that perhaps you can wait to punish her when you got home tomorrow?
  104. >But that wouldn’t be fair to Rarity.
  105. >You didn’t want her to have to wait for her punishment a whole day!
  106. >How would she even be able to sleep?
  107. >No, you had to think of something else...
  109. >And then, an idea hits you
  110. >but your stomach gets butterflies thinking about it.
  111. >It seems too odd, at first
  112. >a little too, improper, maybe?
  113. >but the more you reflect on it, the more it makes sense, and the more plausible it is.
  115. >Rarity is going to be very confused at first, though…
  116. >but no matter.
  117. >She didn’t need to have a say in this.
  119. >You look down at your GPS, and see a side road branching off of this one coming up ahead.
  120. >It leads further into the woods, away from this more “main” road
  121. >even though you haven’t seen a car in at least five minutes on it…
  122. >but the more secluded, the better.
  124. >You flick your blinker, and turn right, heading down this road.
  125. >At first, Rarity says nothing, doesn’t react, but after ten or so seconds of driving, she realizes that this isn’t the way to the hotel.
  126. >She sits up straighter, and begins to breathe more unsteadily.
  127. >Barely daring to say anything, knowing how mad you are with her, she still squeaks,
  128. “Uh, M---Master?”
  130. >You frown solemnly, and looking in front of and behind you, you determine that this is far enough away.
  131. >You ease on the brake, and glide over to the side of the road, bordering you car on the woods.
  132. >You look past Rarity and into the woods, still shining your brights to get a better picture
  133. >and when you see some sturdy looking trees close to the road, still dusted with snow, you stop the car and put it in park.
  135. >Rarity stares over at you, her gaze intense and her body starting to shiver with fear.
  136. >She’s quite confused right now, totally in the dark about what you’re going to do.
  137. >You twist the key out of the ignition and pocket it; you weren’t going to leave it turned off when you came back, but there was no way you were going to chance being locked out of your car… or being locked out by Rarity.
  138. >You didn’t think she would do that, but still…
  140. “Stay right there, Rarity. I’ll be back.”
  141. >You say rather ominously, reaching into your side seat pocket and pulling out your handy utility knife.
  142. >Rarity looks at you with a scared and confused expression, but while her mouth hangs open, she doesn’t say anything back other than “Yes, Master.”
  144. >Leaving her sitting there, you walk over to the edge of the woods.
  145. >Your eyes lock onto a young tree, a hardwood maple, with many lower hanging branches quite close to the road, and you nod in satisfaction.
  146. >This is exactly what you were hoping to find.
  148. >Even in the cold weather, the wood of these trees is still very sturdy and hard.
  149. >It takes a bit of knife work to cut a small enough branch off the tree, but you get it done pretty cleanly
  150. >Next, you shred off all the twigs and whittle away the knots, leaving only a smooth rod of wood, a bit thinner than your pinkie finger.
  152. >You had some experience from when you were a boy with cutting switches.
  153. >Only now, you weren’t cutting one for yourself.
  154. >Content with the way it now looks, you hold the switch loosely in your hand and make your way back to the car.
  156. >You take out your keys, and unlock and start the car with your remote.
  157. >The lights blink, the inside lights turn on, and then, you see Rarity.
  158. >With the lights on, you can now clearly see each other through the car windshield…
  160. >And when she sees what’s held in your hand, she freezes, and her jaw drops.
  161. >You maintain a neutral expression when you approach her door, and she shrinks back when you open it up.
  163. >Rarity’s teary eyes look away from you with fear, and she shivers, nose pointed to the ground.
  164. >She knows what’s coming.
  165. >You close your eyes, feeling some pain in your gut seeing her like that.
  166. >But you have a job to do, right now.
  168. >You open up the back door all the way, too.
  169. >Sternly, but also softly, you explain what’s about to happen.
  170. “Alright, Rarity. We’re going to get your punishment done right here. Get out of the car, ok?”
  171. >Rarity starts sobbing.
  172. >You know this was very unexpected for her.
  173. >Perhaps she thought she would have a little more time to prepare for when you would punish her, but now you were sort of just springing it upon her.
  175. >But she nods her head, and does what you told her to do.
  176. “Yes, yes M-M-Master.”
  177. >Sobbing, she gingerly steps her hooves down on the snow-dusted ground, and stands right in front of you with her head low.
  178. >Even though she is in for a hell of a switching, you can’t help but admire her obedience.
  179. >Heart beating fast, you nod, and then point to the open back seat.
  181. “Good girl, Rare. Now, just get on up there and bend over the seat, butt facing out the door.”
  183. >Rarity blanches.
  184. >She shivers partly from the cold, but partly from the fear.
  185. >She can’t seem to take her eyes off the switch, held in front of you with both hands.
  186. >You see her hesitation, but you don’t snap at her.
  187. >She’s scared, and rightly so, and you need to give her some time.
  189. >The unicorn nods her head, breathing heavily while she scuffs the snow with her hooves.
  190. >They drag on the ground, but she does indeed do what you say.
  191. >Almost as an afterthought, she says breathily, “Y-Yes, Master.”
  193. >You stand aside, and watch as she tearfully steps up to the back seat.
  194. >She lays her body over it, and leaves her back hooves dangling over the edge.
  195. >Her right front leg grips the underside of the seat, while the other one covers her face.
  196. >She whimpers, and her legs go rigid, but she becomes still.
  198. >You don’t even have to tell her to move her tail.
  199. >Cooperatively, she lifts it and swings it off to the side, and her snow white bottom lays exposed in front of you.
  201. >You can’t help but recall the first time you had to do this to her.
  202. >She’d resisted you every step of the way.
  203. >But not anymore.
  204. >Her transgression today was bad on multiple levels, and you needed to punish her for it, but you have to say that you admire her bravery and obedience.
  205. >Not out of only fear, but for respect for you, too.
  207. >Feeling a space in your gut, you stand behind her with the switch brandished.
  208. >Rarity’s tail dock twitches when she hears your footsteps crunch in the snow.
  209. >Keeping your breathing steady, you bend the switch to test it.
  210. >Probably should have done that earlier, but whatever.
  211. >Satisfied by its strength and flex, you inhale and exhale through your nose before speaking.
  212. “Ok, Rare. Are you ready? Are you comfortable where you’re laying?”
  214. >It still feels odd that you ask her that question, especially given that you’re about to whip her rump.
  215. >But you are already going to be dealing her a great deal of pain, and the least you could do is make sure her body is in a comfortable position while it’s happening.
  216. >You wait for the answer, readying the switch in your hand.
  218. >Rarity breathes out hard, and with her hooves tensed up, she nods her head.
  219. “Y-Yes, Master, I am c-comfortable.”
  221. >Alright, good.
  222. >You just wanted to get this spanking done, now.
  223. >It was time to start.
  224. >You gently rest the length of the switch across her butt, taking aim.
  225. >Rarity feels the touch of the switch on her bare skin, and cringes, bracing for her spanking to begin.
  226. >You give her one last little announcement before you begin.
  227. “Ok, Rare. Here it comes…”
  229. >You lift the switch up high, and tensing your shoulder and arm, you swing it down.
  231. >THHHWICK!
  232. >The rod swishes through the air and strikes across both sides of her butt.
  233. >You wince from the sound of it making contact, knowing it was a hard lick.
  234. >Then, you watch for your pony’s reaction, gauging how she responds.
  236. >It takes a moment until the pain can sink in fully.
  237. >But when it does, Rarity’s head jerks up from the seat, and with a slight delay, you hear her cry out.
  238. “Aaah, OW! OWOWOW!”
  240. >Just from the first spank, Rarity gasps, and her bottom begins to squirm.
  241. >She had been so still before, ready to accept her punishment, but even from just the first lick there’s some movement.
  242. >A thin, scarlet red stripe begins to form on the center of her butt where you spanked her.
  244. >Obviously, it had been hard enough.
  245. >Steeling yourself, you raise the switch again, and deliver a second spank.
  246. >THHHWICK!
  247. “AAAH! Oww, Oh, oh no, oh nooo…”
  249. >The second lick slashes lower on her butt, creating another red stripe beneath the first.
  250. >Rarity squeals, and her whole body flinches, hooves kicking out once behind her before thumping back against the seat.
  251. >Her hips wiggle as the initial cry of pain turns into whimpers.
  252. >It hurts to hear her like this, but you knew this was necessary.
  253. >You had to temporarily detach yourself from the sounds she was making to be able to follow through with her much-deserved, and much-needed, punishment.
  254. >Her hips still weaving, you begin the spanking with a slow, steady pace.
  256. >THHHWICK!
  257. “Ah! Ow, OWW, OWOWOW!”
  258. >THHHWICK!
  259. “OWWWW! Oh, Celestia, OH CELESTIA!”
  260. >THHHWICK!
  261. “GAAH! AHHOWW!”
  262. >THHHWICK!
  264. >Rarity raises the front of her body, pushing herself up with her front hooves.
  265. >Her head shakes, unraveling her mane as her cries turn into howls of pure pain.
  266. >Hips shifting from left to right, raising and lowering one buttock at a time, Rarity tries to shake away the horrific, stinging bite of the switch
  267. >but it’s futile.
  270. “Nyaah, Gyaah, NOHOHOO!”
  272. “EEEEYAAHH!”
  274. >Rarity’s bottom jerks from side to side after each impact, futilely trying to escape the spanks.
  275. >You bite your bottom lip, keeping your pace steady.
  276. >Her buttocks are covered in red stripes, now, from top to bottom
  277. >She’s squealing, sobbing, and wildly kicking out her back legs, flailing her hooves around.
  278. >Luckily, you’re standing safely out of the way, and her bottom remains well in range of the switch.
  279. >Your breath clouds up the cold winter air as you continue to thrash Rarity’s tush.
  280. >Nice and steady...
  285. >Suddenly, it’s like all of the chilly air around you gets sucked into your bloodstream.
  286. >You pull the switch back, practically throwing it behind you.
  288. >Rarity yanks away her hoof, throwing it back in front of her with a sharp screech.
  289. >But it was too late.
  290. >You had swung at just the wrong second, and hadn’t been able to see Rarity’s hoof in time.
  291. >The switch had really thwacked it hard, and now Rarity was rolling onto her side, holding her hoof while tears dripped profusely from her eyes.
  292. “AH! OH, I’M SORRYYY! I’m sorry, Anon, owww!”
  294. >Next, her tail swishes over her butt for protection, and she pulls herself into the car.
  295. >Your hand shakes as your eyes become fixed on Rarity’s hoof, which had a fierce red stripe of its own across the fetlock.
  296. >She curls up, hiding her well-spanked butt behind her tail and clutching her whipped hoof to her belly.
  298. >You can only stand there, frozen to the spot, while your mind begins to race.
  299. >Rarity sobs, shivering and looking back at you fearfully.
  301. >When you see her expression, you remember the night when you first spanked Rarity with the brush.
  302. >You told her then that you would start over from swat number one if she reached back…
  303. >...and she just reached back.
  305. >And apparently, you’re not the only one who remembered that.
  306. >Rarity stammers through her sobs, sounding utterly wretched.
  307. “Master, ah, please… please, don’t start over, pleaase! OWW I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
  309. >But there was no consideration you had whatsoever for starting all over.
  310. >That was in the past, and this was a different situation.
  311. >You felt bad for hitting her hoof, even though it ultimately was her fault.
  312. >Frowning, you quickly reassure her that it wasn’t going to happen.
  314. “No, no, Rarity, there’s no starting over! I’m not starting anything over, ok?”
  316. >Rarity continues to cry, but her eyes peeping out to look at you widen a little bit.
  317. >She seems to understand what you told her, and slowly, you see her begin to uncurl her body.
  318. >A moan of relief leaves her when she hears that you aren’t going to start her whole punishment over again.
  319. >You honestly feel bad for her.
  320. >You can’t imagine how terrified she must have been thinking her punishment was restarting like that.
  322. “Ohh, oh thank you, Master, I’m so sorry… owhttp://www...”
  324. “Just don’t let it happen again, Rare.”
  326. >You reassure her, bluntly.
  327. >You did NOT want to hit her hoof again.
  328. >You saw the mark on her fetlock, and while it wasn’t serious, it was absolutely not an area you want to strike.
  329. >Next time could be much worse...
  331. >Rarity’s hooves are shuffling on the seat, wriggling her switched bottom cheeks.
  332. >It was obvious that your little switch was leaving a hell of an impression
  333. >but the fact still remained, that you had to continue.
  335. >You wait a moment for her to calm herself down, and for her hoof to stop hurting, before you sigh and tell her that you need to keep going.
  336. “Ok, Rare. We’ve got a little ways to go yet. Get back into position and…”
  338. >“NO! Ohhh Master, please, I can’t, I c-c-can’t hold still! It hurts t-too much, please…”
  339. >Rarity’s tail stays in front of her rump, but she earnestly pleads with you while looking over her shoulder at you
  340. >Her tear-filled, expressive eyes beg to you just as loudly as her words.
  341. “A-Anything, anything else Master… hold me down, b-but I can’t stay still enough…”
  343. >You are very surprised by her outburst.
  344. >Rarity’s head shaking, and the way her hoof once again reaches back to shield her rump, give you pause.
  346. >You know better than to think Rarity was trying to defy you.
  347. >The desperation in her tone of voice carries no whine with it, nothing but sobs and tears.
  348. >And her request that you restrain her so she can take her spanking confirms that she isn’t trying to get out of whatever you think she deserves.
  349. >You also start to understand just how badly this switch hurts…
  351. >But as much as you truly wanted to stop this punishment right now, you know that you can’t yet.
  352. >If you did, it would send the message that all Rarity has to do is reach her hoof back to end her punishments, on her own terms.
  353. >You had to assert that you had the final say, not her.
  354. >But seeing her squirm from the very beginning, you know that you need to honor her request.
  355. >Honestly, she hadn’t been able to take this lying still from the beginning.
  356. >She’d been wriggling, kicking, and bucking her hips and rump all over since stroke one.
  357. >You should have taken the hint that you needed to restrain her before you’d whipped her hoof.
  359. >You nod your head, and walk over to her.
  360. “Alright, Rarity, alright. I’m not angry, I’ll hold you down, it’s ok. There’s still some more to go, but it’ll be over soon. Now, scoot back out to where you were, ok?”
  362. >Once again, you give her plenty of time to comply.
  363. >She needs a chance to breathe before having to position her flaming rear end back in place for even more punishment.
  364. >Psychologically, that’s very difficult.
  366. >But Rarity does what you say with a sniffle and a gasping sob.
  367. >She slides her body back, and then obediently bends her striped up rump back over the edge.
  368. > “Yes, Master… th-thank you…”
  370. >It’s almost funny that she’s literally thanking you holding her in place and switching her.
  371. >Rarity knows she’s not escaping no matter what, however
  372. >so she takes the small comfort of knowing she won’t be having her hooves whipped again, or getting extra spanks (which you quite frankly would have given her if it happened again) and accepts the rest.
  374. >You gently set your hand on her hip and push her slightly outward toward the aisle of the seat so your hand can reach in.
  375. >Rarity’s pretty tail does flip to the side again, but you take no chances and place it all the way onto her back instead, pinning it down.
  376. >From up close you can better see how marked up her buttocks are, and you wince.
  377. >They have numerous red stripes that, while they don’t break the skin, are almost violet in color.
  378. >Both sides still tense up and squirm, but with your hand now pushing firmly down on her back they can’t wiggle very much anymore.
  380. >Now, just one more step.
  381. >You speak softly to her, tapping her on the croup.
  382. “Give me your hoof, Rarity.”
  384. >She nods at you with a fearful whimper.
  385. “Yes, yes Master…”
  386. >No resistance whatsoever, even though her last line of defense is about to disappear.
  387. >Her hoof, the same one that now sports a stinging line across it, shakes as she reaches back with it.
  388. >You take a firm hold of it and pin it down on her back along with her tail, but you’re careful not to twist it painfully as you do.
  389. >You also are careful not to dig your fingers into the little mark on the fetlock.
  391. >With your hand on her body, you can feel how much Rarity is trying to resist thrashing around.
  392. >You underestimated this little whippy stick.
  394. >When this is done, you’re going to make her a cup of hot cocoa when you get back to the hotel.
  396. >You once again rest the switch on her butt, preparing to add more lines to her cheeks despite the fact that you don’t want to.
  397. >But before you swish it down, Rarity’s voice squeaks.
  399. “M-Master, how m-much longer?”
  400. >She flexes her back hooves, and lightly kicks them out when she asks the question.
  401. >Pain underlines every word.
  402. >You sigh, and raise up the switch, pushing down your emotions.
  404. “Very soon, Rare. It’ll be ok, I promise. Here it comes.”
  406. >She cringes, and buries her face in her last free hoof, which is otherwise pinned against the back of the seat.
  407. >You swing.
  410. “Agh, Ahh, AHHHH! OWOWOWOWWWW!”
  412. >You begin exactly where you left off, spanking her at the same pace as before.
  413. >Being this close to her, her screams of pain are enough to make you want to kick yourself.
  414. >If you hadn’t hit her hoof, you could have ended this switching already, and poor Rarity wouldn’t have to suffer this anymore.
  415. >But you have to continue for a little bit longer.
  416. >Unable to avoid whipping areas that haven’t already been spanked, you pay very close attention to the skin on her rump, making sure that you don’t leave any actual cuts.
  420. >Rarity’s squealing and wailing reach their loudest peak, and she begins to struggle involuntarily in your hold.
  421. >The cries of agony are well contained within the car, and they hurt your ears.
  422. >Legs splaying out, hooves hitting the seat, head rolling from side to side, and her hips bucking as her switching goes on.
  423. >In what you know is an involuntary action, her hoof tugs at your grip around it, and her tail dock flexes with blinding efforts to reach back and save her blazing bottom.
  424. >When she said she couldn’t take it lying still, she had meant every word.
  426. >Just a little more to go, Rarity, you think.
  427. >Be strong…
  432. >Rarity can now only heave her lungs in between mournful, desperate wails for relief.
  433. >She tenses up every muscle in her body, for only a moment, the muscle rippling under her skin…
  435. >THHHWICK!
  436. “AAAAAH, AAAaahaahaaaaahhhuuuhhhhuhuhhh…”
  438. >...but then, with a tearful, broken wail, all of the tension suddenly leaves at once.
  439. >Rarity’s whole body falls limp, head thumping on the cushion, and back hooves ceasing their kicks out of sheer, agonized exhaustion.
  440. >Her chest heaves with sobbing breaths that push up on your pinning hand, and with all the remains of her willpower gone, her physical body submits to you.
  442. >You grit your teeth together, and your spanking hand freezes beside your head.
  443. >That was it.
  444. >Not one more stroke. Not one.
  445. >It was over.
  447. >With a look of revulsion on your face, you hurl the switch back into the woods.
  449. >Rarity doesn’t seem to know that you aren’t switching her anymore until at least a few seconds pass.
  450. >She moans and cries pitifully into her hoof, and the seat under her head is stained by a puddle of tears.
  451. >Her breathless, uncontrollable sobbing makes your heart ache.
  453. >You look back at her uncovered flanks, and let out some air through your pursed lips.
  454. >Rarity’s bottom has been worked over from top to bottom.
  455. >Mottled red and light blue lines stretch across her rump from end to end.
  456. >There is no white left on her rear cheeks, just deep red skin and welts scattered all over her butt.
  458. >You never thought it would happen, but… you went too far.
  459. >Her rump wasn’t bleeding, thank god, but it was still too far.
  461. >You let go of her hoof, and unpin her tail.
  462. >It takes some effort to keep your voice from cracking, feeling like there is a knot in your throat.
  463. “It’s over, Rarity. No more, we’re done! We’re done…”
  465. >Rarity lets out a sharp cry, and almost instantly swishes her tail over her rump.
  466. >She whimpers and whines with relief, and reaches back with her now free hoof to rub her spanked hindquarters.
  467. >But as soon as she tries, her hoof leaps away from her rear, and she yelps in pain.
  468. “Ow!”
  470. >That’s when you fully understand how far you went.
  471. >Rarity couldn’t even find relief after the fact.
  472. >Her butt was so well spanked that it actually hurt to touch.
  473. >Your jaw drops, and you place a hand over your mouth.
  475. >Rarity rolls onto her side, and her tail swishes wildly back and forth over her red rear
  476. >trying to perhaps fan some of the cool winter air onto her skin.
  477. >Her writhing, and escalating crying as she realizes that there’s nothing she can do to help ease the pain besides wait it out…
  479. >Suddenly, it hits you.
  480. >Eyes widen, and you look out at the snow covered ground.
  481. >When you turn back to Rarity, she is curling up into a ball, wiggling and kicking her hooves to shake away the pain.
  482. >You speak out over the sounds of her squeaks and low moans, and slide your hands under her shoulders.
  484. “Hang on, Rare, it’s ok, hang on…”
  486. >You pick her up, grunting with her dead weight as you carefully pull her out of the car.
  487. >Rarity tenses up, surprised, and her hooves curl up tightly under her so she doesn’t kick you.
  488. >You carry her a few steps away from the car
  489. >and you set her down on the snow.
  491. “Here, Rarity, sit down! It’ll feel good on your rump, ok?”
  493. >Rarity looks over her shoulder at you, her expressive, shining eyes wide as saucers.
  494. >In a moment, she suddenly realizes what you’ve done for her, and she immediately plops her butt down on the ground.
  495. >She gasps loudly with relief, hangs her forward, and pants with her tongue hanging out.
  497. >From a place a few steps away, you watch Rarity squirm her rump all around the ground, trying to get the whole surface of her butt touching the snow.
  498. >It’s so fucked up, but her wiggling and such is... actually cute.
  499. >But still, the circumstances behind all of this make that thought disappear quickly.
  500. >Rarity is always cute, but right now she’s in pain, pain that you caused.
  501. >You’re not going to diminish that.
  503. >Rarity cranes her neck back and lets out a weak whimper through gritted teeth.
  504. >You softly step around her.
  505. >When you see her from the front, for the first time since the spanking started, you can finally see her face.
  507. >It might be dark outside, but you can still see how tear-streaked her cheeks are.
  508. >Her pretty light blue eyes are tinted red from the force of her crying.
  509. >And now that she’s in the cold, she’s shivering like crazy…
  510. >At least, you hope it’s from the cold.
  512. >Getting down on a knee, you inch forward to her.
  513. >Rarity’s messy mane partially covers her eyes, but she looks up at you through it.
  514. >You can see the pain on her face, and in the way her body shrinks into the ground as you approach.
  515. >In fact, before you can say a word, she bunches up her legs beneath her and lays herself down in the snow.
  516. >She speaks with her snout low to the ground, and her eyes averted.
  517. “M----Master, I’m sorry.”
  518. >She sniffs.
  519. “Please forgive me, I’m so sorry.”
  521. >Something about that stabs at your heart.
  522. >You just got done spanking her, and despite all of her pain, her only apparent thought is to win back favor with you.
  523. >Your hand rests on her head, and familiarly… and come to think of it, the fact it’s familiar makes you sad inside… she scoots forward and presses her head back into your hand, the tip of her nose brushing your wrist.
  525. >Almost absent-mindedly, you pet her head.
  526. >For a few moments your hand seems to move on its own, and the sound of her loud cries replay in your mind.
  527. >They increase in volume, and you feel goosebumps on the back of your neck begin to rise…
  529. “I forgive, you, Rarity. It’s ok, it’s ok.”
  531. >You take your hand back, and stand up.
  532. >Rarity’s ears follow you with her ears folded down warily.
  533. >You tilt your head toward the car.
  534. “Alright, Rare. Let’s get back to the hotel, ok?”
  536. -----------
  538. >You let her lay down across the back seat on the way back.
  539. >Sitting down, after all, was not the best option after what your switch did to her rear end.
  540. >Rarity’s occasional sniffles had been the only sound other than the hum of the car over the road, and every time you looked back, she had been in the same position.
  541. >Turned away, face hidden, and curled up into a ball with her tail covering her flanks.
  543. >When you arrived at the hotel, you went in on the guests-only side entrance, not the front lobby.
  544. >And when you came into the light, the true state of Rarity’s flanks was revealed.
  546. >There was a reason she now walked with a slight sway in her hips.
  547. >Her butt is dotted with small welts, and the lines are well defined across her skin.
  548. >As you thought before, you fortunately did not break the skin, but the entirety of her rump is a very angry red and small dots of blue.
  549. >For sure, this is the worst you have ever spanked her, and while she had been very deserving of one today
  550. >you went too far.
  552. >Rarity’s head is lowered as she walks alongside you up the stairs.
  553. >She’s just so forlorn this time.
  554. >The last times, she may have been in pain, but the air had somehow felt clearer after the fact.
  555. >Not this time, though.
  557. >You swipe the card and open the door, and the rush of cool air hits you.
  558. >Must have forgotten to turn on the heat to the room when you left.
  559. >Oh well.
  560. >You got a room with two double beds, so after adjusting the heat by the blower under the window, you sit down on the bed closest to the door.
  561. >But strangely, Rarity does not do the same on hers…
  562. >Well, you can understand the sitting thing, but she doesn’t lay down, either.
  563. >Right now, she stands next to the foot of your bed, eyes flitting up to look at you before they point back down to the carpet.
  564. >Behind her, her legs fidget around, and her tail lightly swishes.
  566. >You have a feeling you know the answer, but you still ask the question anyway.
  567. “Hey, Rarity. Are you… are you going to be ok?”
  569. >Rarity’s ear twitches, and she gives a tiny gasp.
  570. >She gulps, eyes wide, but despite all of the evidence to the contrary you see her nod her head ever so slightly.
  571. “Oh, uh, uhh… yes, Master. F-Fine, I’m fine.”
  573. >Like hell she was.
  574. >She was so the opposite of fine it wasn’t even funny.
  575. >You gut is twisting up, and you’re regretting ever coming up with the idea of cutting a switch.
  576. >You shake your head and look at her with concern in your eyes.
  577. >She was probably still afraid, so you have to dispel those fears however you can.
  579. “Rarity, I’m not mad. I forgive you, ok? I am not angry with you, so… please, you can tell me.”
  580. >She doesn’t immediately respond.
  581. >But you can definitely see her lip quivering.
  582. >You place your hands on your knees and hunch your back, trying to meet her eye to eye.
  583. “I know things aren’t fine, and I know that you might be afraid of making me upset, but I prom--”
  585. “I thought you were going to leave me.”
  587. >She cuts you off before your rambling can get any further.
  588. >As soon as the admission leaves her mouth, Rarity cringes like you’ve raised your hand at her.
  589. >It’s a struggle for her to hold back her tears.
  590. “I thought you were going to leave me, Master. After everything today…”
  592. >At first, you feel confused.
  593. >Leave her? Why would she conclude that?
  594. >But then it hits you.
  595. >Last time, after she had lied to you by hiding the scrubbing brush from you, you had told her you were going to sell her in a fit of rage.
  596. >It had been a horrible thing to say, and to this day, you still regret it.
  597. >But after you had punished her, you thought you had already affirmed her that wouldn’t happen?
  598. >That you wouldn’t get rid of her, right?
  599. >But now, hearing her admit what she just did, and seeing her stare at you with an agonized look in her eyes, you realize that you must not have been clear enough…
  601. >However, you don’t actually understand, until she speaks again.
  602. >Inhaling deeply, she continues.
  604. “When you parked the car, o-on the side of the road, I th-thought… that you were going to drive off, a-and leave me there… but then, when... a-and when you got the knife out, I-I thought, I---I even thought that, ma-aybe you… you were going to...y-y-y...”
  606. >She brings up a petite hoof, covers her face while her eyes squeeze shut
  607. >and then, she breaks down completely, collapsing onto the floor and weeping into her forelegs brokenly.
  609. >You are floored.
  610. >Right now, you have no idea what to say.
  611. >Rarity does not look at you, but curls up in a protective ball, covering her head and sobbing almost as hard as she had in the backseat of your car only thirty minutes ago.
  613. >You didn’t think.
  614. >You didn’t consider what driving your car to a secluded country road at night and pulling over to the side of the road looked like.
  615. >And you hadn’t even told her what was happening.
  616. >How could she have known what was going through your mind?
  618. >You had been angry with her.
  619. >You shouted at her.
  620. >She must have known you would punish her for her misbehavior.
  621. >But you never would have thought…
  623. >You can only imagine how terrified she must have been.
  624. >And you were so dense, so shortsighted, that you hadn’t even bothered to let her know what you were doing.
  625. >And then, after all of that, you had subjected her to a terrible spanking that had even reduced her to blocking her rump despite herself.
  627. >Your eyes heat up, and your vision blurs.
  628. >Rarity is practically a puddle on the floor, and her whimpers are painful to hear.
  629. >Your voice cracks.
  630. “Oh, Rarity… oh god, Rarity…”
  631. >You rush over to her.
  632. >Kneeling down on the floor, you risk disrupting her in her vulnerable state, and wrap your hands around her shoulders.
  634. >You’re about to lift her up, and bring her into your arms
  635. >but she beats you to it.
  636. >You give a whoop of surprise as Rarity, feeling your hands on her, lunges forward with a cry of distress.
  637. >She bowls into you, and you almost fall onto the floor.
  638. >The little unicorn bawls into your shirt, tear filled eyes fluttering open and closed while she wraps you in a bear hug.
  640. >You are slightly taken aback, but you don’t hesitate to embrace her right back.
  641. >Rarity’s ribs heave against your thighs with sobs, and despite her uncomfortable, stretched out position, she doesn’t want to move at all.
  642. >You gently pet her head, and hug her around her withers as you try to soothe her tears.
  643. >Normally, you always try to be the strong one, the collected one
  644. >but this time, the guilt now weighing on your heart takes over.
  646. “I’m sorry, Rare!”
  647. >You speak loudly over her cries.
  648. “I’m so sorry… I didn’t think, I didn’t realize. I’m so sorry, Rarity…”
  650. >Screw it.
  651. >You’re not staying here, on the floor.
  652. >Clenching your jaw, you set one arm under her belly, and the other right in front of her front hooves.
  653. >You lift her up bodily, and her hooves dangle loosely as you carry her over to your bed.
  654. >Still holding her tight, you sit on the bed, and lay her down gently on top of your lap.
  655. >Rarity maintains her grip around your waist while she moans and weeps, and your shirt is wet with tears.
  657. >It takes ten minutes of holding her close, cradling her in your arms and petting her head, before she quiets down.
  658. >But while the rest of Rarity’s body lies motionless, limp in your embrace, you notice that her back hooves and tail still twitch, fidget, and squirm.
  659. >You wince on her behalf, and it occurs to you that worrying her half to death is not the only thing you have to apologize for.
  661. “Rarity, dear…”
  662. >There is a slight pause in your mind when that word leaves you, making you blink.
  663. “I went too far tonight. I really did. The switch... I am sorry, for everything--”
  665. “N-No, no Master. It’s ok, I deserved it, i-it’s ok.”
  666. >Rarity cuts you off, her ears drooping down.
  667. >She hugs you tighter and nuzzles your arm.
  668. >And yet, even as she says this, her back hooves wiggle with discomfort and pain.
  669. >You are surprised by that reaction, and rather than feel relief, you suddenly find yourself even more saddened.
  670. >You shake your head.
  672. “No, no you didn’t, Rare. Not that hard, not that harsh.”
  673. >You stroke her head steadily.
  674. >You know this punishment was harsher than any other you’d given her, by a large margin.
  675. >But Rarity, once again, has something to say back.
  676. >Her timidity underlines her questioning words.
  678. “B-But… I reached back, Master. I thought that meant… forgive me Master. I spoke out of turn.”
  679. >She retracts her objection almost right away, and flinches despite your gentle touch.
  680. >But she said enough for you to get a window into her mind.
  681. >And now, hearing her rationale, her reaction to your apology actually makes sense.
  682. >That had been why you’d switched her for longer, after all.
  683. >Didn’t change the fact that you should have kept her still from the start, though.
  685. >You shake your head.
  686. “Oh, no. You didn’t speak out of turn, Rare. I understand, but… I still wronged you tonight. In more ways than one. I hurt you.”
  687. >You feel like there’s a big marble in your throat.
  688. >Rarity scoots back, and peers up at you meekly with her bloodshot eyes.
  689. >She shivers, and inches further up your chest.
  691. “I’m ok, Master. I’m just… happy that I’m still here. With you…th-that you still want me…”
  693. >Something about her saying that to you makes you feel sick all of a sudden.
  694. >For the first time, you begin to have some serious regrets.
  695. >Not just about tonight, either.
  697. >You’d grown over the last year or so to think of her as not just a slave, but as a friend of sorts.
  698. >She still had her duties, and you expected obedience, but you still spent a good deal of time with her outside of that.
  699. >But you were wrong.
  700. >These were not the words of a pony who felt secure with you.
  701. >These were the words of a broken pony.
  703. >For a minute, you were forced to look back.
  704. >You thought about the first time first time you’d punished her.
  705. >That spanking had worked wonders, and afterwards… no, she hadn’t been like this.
  706. >But when she hid the scrubbing brush you used to spank her with, the incident when you told her you would get rid of her before coming to your senses… it had been noticeably different ever since.
  708. >You thought the matter had been resolved, that she knew you wouldn’t give her away
  709. >but it hadn’t been resolved.
  710. >Not in her heart.
  711. >You were more mistaken than you ever realized
  712. >and with tears springing to your eyes, you realize that Rarity was carrying more pain with her tonight than just the sting of the switch.
  714. >Feeling like a weight had been dropped onto your chest, you clasp the back of her head with your hand, through her mane, and snuggle her close.
  715. >Rarity gives a tiny, appreciating coo at your tender treatment of her, and presses her face into your chest in surrender.
  716. >The affection she returns to you feels so undeserved that you feel like a monster.
  718. >It’s necessary for you to say your words slowly, because you have to keep yourself under control.
  719. “Rarity, I don’t just… w-want you. I care about you. I care about you, and how you f-f-feel… and that’s why I feel horrible for how far I went tonight. Hell, I feel bad every time I punish you, b-but you did not deserve everything I gave you tonight. You did NOT, Rare. More importantly though, you DO deserve to know, in your heart, that I won’t throw you aside.”
  720. >You softly run your thumb up and down the back of her ear as you cling tightly to her.
  721. “I’ve been so, so unfair to you. I’ve made you fear me instead of respecting me, and i-it’s all my fault.”
  723. >Rarity’s pleasantly warm breath moistens your shirt.
  724. >A moment or two passes, and then you feel her angle her head up toward you.
  725. >Her eyes do their best to look straight up, try to see you, and realizing this you crane your neck back to meet her gaze.
  726. >And you are fortunately successful in keeping away the tears in your own eyes.
  727. >Rarity’s voice is little more than a whisper.
  729. “No-no, Master, I… I don’t f-fear you… I lo… I l-lo…”
  730. >Her lip quivers, and she inhales shakily.
  731. >But even when she quickly dips her head back down, seeking security by hiding her face in your chest, you keep staring down.
  733. >You already know.
  734. >You already know what she is trying to say.
  735. >Once again, you flash back to that night months ago, when you held her in your arms after the punishment had ended.
  736. >“I love you, Master.”
  737. >That’s what she said.
  738. >And then, she gave you a kiss on the cheek.
  740. >Then, you’d simply stayed silent.
  741. >For some reason, you shrugged it off…
  742. >Surely it hadn’t been THAT kind of love…
  743. >...right?
  744. >Perhaps just a pain-filled, addled statement, made with a tired mind simply showing appreciation for your embrace, your mercy?
  746. >In only one day, after you’d both gone to bed, you pushed it out of your mind.
  747. >But now…
  749. >It escapes.
  750. “I love you, Master.”
  752. >Instantly, Rarity’s whole body solidifies in your arms.
  753. >She cringes like someone expecting rebuke, and her tail swishes over her legs, wrapping around her body.
  755. >You don’t even realize when your arms go limp.
  756. >They slide down her neck and body, and simply rest loosely on top of her while your hands lose their grip.
  757. >One, single thought races through your head, over and over again, as you look down at the little unicorn on your lap.
  759. >What have I done.
  760. >What have I done.
  761. >What ha---
  763. >Rarity suddenly, with a panicked yelp, rises up from your lap.
  764. >She basically jumps into your chest, and hangs onto you with both forelegs for dear life.
  765. >You can only react with arms spread apart, a cry of surprise being cut off into a grunt as she lands into you with force.
  767. >And then, your body does the only thing it can do with the full weight of your little pony colliding into you.
  768. >You fall back onto the bed, with Rarity lying on top.
  770. >With the wind knocked out of you, and with Rarity’s desperate gasps for air reaching your ears, there is nothing you can do as you feel her soft lips press against the skin of your cheek.
  771. >Instinctively, you flinch your face away, but it doesn’t stop Rarity from kissing you over and over again while her body squirms on top of yours.
  772. >You’re in shock, unsure of how to even react to this
  773. >but your arms reach up to get a hold of her around her body without even having to think about it.
  775. “I love, mwah, love you! I l-love y-y-yoouuu…”
  777. >Rarity makes pained sounds as she repeats herself over and over, and only takes breaks from kissing you to aggressively nuzzle your cheek with her own.
  778. >She clings to you like someone is trying to snatch her away
  779. >and her kisses travel closer and closer to your own lips.
  780. >The fervor, the utter desperation to be loved, radiates from her body.
  782. >Your eyes bulge out of their sockets.
  783. >You want to shout.
  784. >You want to command her to get off, to admonish her
  785. >to stop RIGHT NOW
  786. >and the thought even flashes through your mind to pry her off of you, and toss her onto the spot on the bed beside you.
  788. >But the shouts of protest that nearly leave your body die before they can get out in the air.
  789. >Your jaw freezes in place, and it’s like you cannot move.
  790. >Rarity’s hoof slides up your back, and like you had done with her, she cradles your head with her hoof.
  791. >She pulls your face closer, smacking her lips against your cheek until you can feel wet kiss marks all over it.
  792. >Faint and breathy moans emanate from her throat, and her rear hooves brush up and down against your pant leg.
  794. “I love you, I love you, please, please Master… f-forgive me, I’m sorry, s-sorryyyy…”
  795. >You are still silent, but her teary voice and the constant stream of kisses makes your heart flutter.
  796. >The fact that not a word has managed to form on your tongue is something that shocks you.
  797. >But slowly, something begins to happen inside of you
  798. >a warmth spreading from your heart to the extremities of your body, a tingly sensation.
  800. >Rarity inches closer and closer, but she stops just short of pulling your head toward her.
  801. >Her kisses move up and down, from jawline and neck to the spot beside your rapidly blinking eyes.
  802. >Whimpers make her ribs heave; you’ve heard ones like it before from her, but never this intense.
  803. >They are whimpers of desperation, and a newfound fear of rejection, as she silently begs you for reciprocation
  804. >or maybe… for even the faintest assurance that things were still going to be ok, after all of this...
  806. >A switch flips inside of you.
  807. >Your hands, which had simply been clutching onto her out of startled surprise, drift up Rarity’s body until they rest on her withers.
  808. >There is a moment’s hesitation for what you do next
  809. >a part of you asking the question: “What the FUCK are you doing?”
  810. >But the thought disappears as fast as it enters.
  812. “Rarity…”
  813. >You whisper.
  814. >Rarity’s cheek, which had just been rubbing up and down your neck and shoulders, comes to a sudden halt to moment she hears her name.
  815. >She cringes, and stammers of apology and a weak, sad plea tumble out.
  817. “Master… oh no, Master, I’m, I shouldn’t have, I…”
  819. >You silence her before she can finish the apology, but not with rebuke or scorn.
  820. >Not with a calm rejection.
  821. >Not even with a wordless removal of her body from yours.
  822. >You take hold of her mane, and she squeaks as you turn her head.
  823. >She shuts her eyes tight, bracing herself for whatever you have coming her way…
  825. >and your lips meet hers, giving her the kiss she’s been seeking since long before you ever knew.
  826. >Rarity's closed eyes open up widely, and she stares down at you with an expression that reads pure shock.
  828. >She gasps when you break the kiss
  829. >and with a faint smile on your face, you pull her in toward you.
  830. >Your pulse throbs along with hers, and for the first time you can feel the beating of her heart against you.
  832. >And then you say it back.
  833. "Rare... I love you, too."
  835. >Rarity’s heartbeat, already fast before, speeds up even further.
  836. >She gasps, and with her tear filled eyes, she faces you.
  838. >Your heart flutters when you watch her face.
  839. >The shock of what she just heard, as well as the disbelief, shows on her expression.
  840. >That feeling from before, the swelling in your chest and the warmth on your cheeks, only intensifies.
  841. >You smile.
  843. >Silent moments drag by.
  844. >But eventually, the state of suspense evaporates.
  845. >Rarity’s eyes flutter close, and she lets out a sigh through her nose.
  846. >But her lip quivers, and it spreads into a smile just like yours.
  847. >A demure, happy sob chokes out of her, and you feel her body quiver in your hands.
  848. >And most of all, the tense muscles in her body turn into putty, and she collapses on top of you.
  850. >You can hear and feel the happy little squeaks and sobs on the skin of your neck.
  851. >And then, the kisses start back up, but less frenzied
  852. >just soft, tender, and affectionate.
  853. >You hear half-muttered words being spoken in your ear.
  854. “I’ve been so ungrateful… d-disobeyed you… I won’t do it again M-Master, I won’t be a bad mare anymore…”
  856. >Oh god, your heart.
  857. >Even now, she’s beating herself up.
  858. >You shake your head, and rub between her shoulders with your hands while your mind races.
  859. “No, Rarity, no no. I forgive you, ok? Your punishment is already over, it’s all ok. Oh, Rare...”
  861. >Your body feels like it is on autopilot when you pull her face in close, and kiss her cheek.
  862. >God her skin feels so soft, and smooth.
  863. >Rarity tucks in her chin, craning her neck like a swan’s, and blushes deep red.
  864. >You can actually feel the heat rise on her cheeks.
  865. >And while that tightness of hesitation in your chest was there before, the knot has been unraveled.
  866. >You smooch again, and again, returning the same treatment she gave you as you become lost in the moment.
  867. >You smile sadly.
  868. “I don’t deserve you, Rare. You… LOVE me, even… even after how much I’ve hurt you. I feel… I feel that I’ve broken you, Rarity. I feel like I’ve hurt you so deeply…”
  870. “Brok… What? Master, I do not understand...”
  871. >For the first time in a while… which was really since the Thanksgiving party… you hear that huffyness in her voice.
  872. >That unmistakable, well, Rarity voice.
  873. >It makes you smile, even though the question nonetheless makes your heart ache...
  875. >She sounds baffled, even a bit outraged, that you would ever suggest such a thing.
  876. >Her body scoots up on you and her hind legs squeeze around your barrel, and you suddenly find yourself gazing up at her with your head on the bed.
  877. “Master... without you, I’d… be pulling mine carts, o-or…”
  879. >God, this is so wrong…
  880. >You have never felt so weird, so trapped between a rock and a hard place, in your entire life.
  881. >You respond with firmness, but you keep the volume low.
  882. “That may be true, Rarity, but… no one, NO ONE, deserves to be told that they will be sold because they told a lie, o-or think that they’ll be offed a-and dumped into a woods for drunkenly ruining a family get together. Simply not subjecting you to a life as a mine pony does not therefore mean I am in the right.”
  884. >Rarity looks down at you sadly.
  885. >There’s a certain meekness in her expression, and she averts her eyes.
  886. >You run a hand over her mane, stroking her gently and reassuringly.
  887. >But your mind is racing, and it’s beginning to seem like none of this is even real…
  888. >Why your pony, your little Rarity, would ever love someone like you...
  890. >Rare lays back down onto you, positioning her head next to yours on the bed covers.
  891. >Once more, you feel her lips on your neck and cheek, velvety and smooth.
  892. >You can’t help but close your eyes.
  893. >Even while your mind contemplates, your heart aches, and your guilty conscience demands you end this…
  894. >... the feeling of her, her warmth, her affection...
  895. >It still feels right.
  896. >Just… right.
  898. >Rarity’s tail swishes gently, and it brushes over your legs and waist.
  899. >Her ear twitches as she talks softly into yours.
  900. “You’ve been so kind to me… fed me, sheltered me, spent so much time together… been fair, respected me, treated me with patience. A-and even when you’ve been angry, y-you’ve only spanked me when I’ve absolutely deserved it. You care for me, I-I can see it. I know it, Master.”
  902. >She gives you a nuzzle, turning her horn away so as to not hurt you.
  903. >Once again, she swishes her tail.
  904. >Only, this time, it glides over another spot…
  905. >And then, it does it again.
  906. >And again.
  907. >Your eyes widen with an almost silent gasp of air, and your fingers make small dents in her silky white coat.
  908. >Rarity speaks again, but not before planting a long, wet kiss on your jaw.
  910. “And even though you make mistakes, Master… you love me. You love me, a-and that’s enough for me. And I…”
  911. >You can’t see it, but you can feel the heat of the blood rushing to her cheeks on your own face.
  912. “I want you to let me love you, t-too.”

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