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Drunk Anon and Scared Pone, by ReebAnon

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2020-12-30 21:55:16
Expiry: Never

  2. >You listen to the rain hitting the pavement, reminiscing of your old job.
  3. >You are Sprinkle Medley, a pegasus who used to work the weather.
  4. >’Used to’ is the key phrase.
  5. >That was before you left Equestria.
  6. >Before everypony did.
  7. >Not that anypony wanted to.
  8. >Rattling the chain attached to your collar and flexing your restrained wings only serve to reinforce that fact.
  9. >You don't know why they came, only that they did.
  10. >They dragged most of the ponies you knew from their homes, screaming and crying.
  11. >Not that you were any better.
  12. >You probably cried more than some of the foals.
  13. >You 𝑠𝑑𝑖𝑙𝑙 cried sometimes.
  14. >Quiet sobs echoing through your cage.
  15. >Waiting in the kennel was unbearable.
  16. >You'd only been here a few weeks but had heard the stories.
  17. >The other ponies would whisper them at night.
  18. >If you weren't sold to a human, you'd never been seen again.
  19. >Nobody knew what happened to those ponies.
  20. >That didn't stop some of the others from theorizing.
  21. >Some thought you were simply transferred to another kennel.
  22. >The few said they were just being shipped to humans who lived far away.
  23. >The unknown fate of the of those ponies was terrifying.
  24. >Despite that, most would rather disappear.
  25. >There was only one pony in the kennel when you all first arrived.
  26. >Lyrica Lilac.
  27. >She told stories.
  28. >She told stories of those who had abducted you.
  29. >The 'Humans'.
  30. >Her stories were horrible.
  31. >So bad that you couldn't sit through most of them.
  32. >Those stories were the reason you still cried.
  33. >Humans forcing themselves on ponies.
  34. >Humans working ponies to death.
  35. >Humans whipping ponies.
  36. >Humans beating ponies.
  37. >The stories went on and on.
  38. >Eventually you all woke up one morning to find her gone.
  39. >Nopony knew where she went but nopony had forgotten her.
  40. >So you all waited.
  41. >Waited to be picked up and face abuse.
  42. >Waited to disappear and face the unknown.
  43. >You wanted to disappear.
  44. ~~~~
  45. >You were eating your hay when he arrived.
  46. >He stumbled in, led by the kennel's owner.
  47. >"Sooo, what do you got here?"
  48. >He spun around and allowed a quick glimpse of his crimson face.
  49. >The owner placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
  50. >"Anon. Stop. Anon, you're drunk."
  51. >They stepped out your range of vision, a crash ringing out.
  52. >"Anon! Don't fucking damage the merchandise!"
  53. >The owner's shout echoes in your ears.
  54. >He must have hit a pony!
  55. >That's what the crash was.
  56. >The owner only ever called everypony merchandise and he said that this human damaged the merchandise.
  57. >As the sound of shuffling hooves and rattling chains fill the room, you shrink into the back of your cage.
  58. >The two humans shuffle around, presumably staring at each pony.
  59. >"How about this one? She's cute."
  60. >You hear a hiccup come from their direction, but otherwise the room is silent.
  61. >"Nah. She's a little baby horse. I don't want to get a baby horse."
  62. >Their footsteps begin to draw closer.
  63. >"Well, I keep the mares over here."
  64. >Your breathing begins to speed up.
  65. >Their small talk gets closer and closer.
  66. >The hiccuping sounds like it's only a few feet away.
  67. >"I was thinking, maybe one with wings? They always look cute. Like little birdies."
  68. >Your breaths become more and more rapid.
  69. >A cute mare?
  70. >He must be looking for a bed slave.
  71. >B-but you're a pegasus mare!
  72. >You can't get chosen.
  73. >You've never even been with a stallion, let alone...
  74. >You try to push those thoughts out of your mind.
  75. >"I think you mean a pegasus."
  76. >You try to calm down, but they keep getting closer.
  77. >"Wait. Shut up, Goldberg."
  78. >Their footsteps stop.
  79. >But you can't stop hyperventilating, your worst nightmares replaying through your head.
  80. >"Anon, I'm not talking"
  81. >"I get that. What's that sound?"
  82. >The footsteps move closer.
  83. >You give up on trying to be calm, squishing yourself as far into the cage as you can.
  84. >"I dunno sounds like one of the mares' freaking out."
  85. >You close your eyes, unwilling to tempt fate.
  86. >"Give me the keys, I wanna see this one."
  87. >You hear the rattling of keys.
  88. >Please.
  89. >"You sure? She's pretty spooked."
  90. >Please.
  91. >"Yeah, yeah. I'm greeaat with animals, Goldie."
  92. >You hear fiddling with the lock.
  93. >Pl-
  94. >You hear and feel your chain being unlocked.
  95. >You feel a hand on your flank.
  96. >You freeze in terror.
  97. >You stop shaking, stop breathing.
  98. >You feel yourself being pulled out, picked up.
  99. >The warmth of hairy arms contrasts with their normal environment of cold metal.
  100. >You feel yourself begin to slip away, hyperventilation and now the holding of your breath beginning to take its toll.
  101. >In the distance you hear a voice.
  102. >"She won't look at me?"
  103. >You feel something make contact with your nose, shocking back into reality.
  104. >Air fills your lungs, a welcome reunion.
  105. >You stare up into the face of your oppressor.
  106. >He smiles, practically a spotlight glaring down upon you.
  107. >Unable to maintain your nerve, you break away.
  108. >"So how much will she set me back?"
  109. >You heard him damage the merchandise before.
  110. >You don't want to get hit.
  111. >Tears slowly begin dripping onto the floor, your sobs silent.
  112. >"Well, let me talk to her first."
  113. >The owner sets you down on the floor.
  114. >"But wait, is she-"
  115. >He practically shoves Anon into the front of the shop, cutting him off.
  116. >When he turns around, you stare at the floor.
  117. >He doesn't like it when you look him in the eyes.
  118. >You're still crying anyway.
  119. >He doesn't like that.
  120. >When he gets close enough, he pulls your head up by your mane.
  121. >"You better not fuck this up."
  122. >His beady eyes stare directly into your tear-filled ones.
  123. >"Stop crying and put on a smile, got it?"
  124. "Y-yes."
  125. >He straightens his tie and glances at you for a second.
  126. >"Yes, what?"
  127. >The anger in his voice is barely restrained.
  128. >You suck it up, wiping away your tears with a wing.
  129. "Yes, master."
  130. >"Good, good, good. Let's not keep Anon waiting."
  131. >He hooks a fabric leash to your collar and walks you through to the front.
  132. >You're in a daze, all the old stories running through your head.
  133. >"You sure you're good to drive home, Anon?"
  134. >You just need to be strong.
  135. >"Yeah, yeah. I live five minutes away. You get the payment?"
  136. >The register makes a few odd noises.
  137. >"Yep. That all you need?"
  138. >The owner hands your leash to Anon.
  139. >Just don't cry.
  140. >Anon, your new owner, makes an odd waving motion with one hand.
  141. >"Got any of those little collar making machines?"
  142. >Don't speak unless spoken to.
  143. >Your old owner points to a big machine in the corner.
  144. >"Just be sure to use cash, card reader's been fucked for a while."
  145. >And remember to smile.
  146. >You feel your leash begin to tug at your neck as your master heads over to the machine.
  147. >You hear a few beeps and can't help but glance up at the machine.
  148. >"What's your name? Goldie didn't tell me?"
  149. >He's still staring at the screen.
  150. >Could he be talking to you?
  151. >He hiccups and turns to meet your gaze.
  152. >"Look, I just want to know what your name is."
  153. >This must be a test.
  154. >You know that some humans like to rename their ponies, he must be looking for you to mess up.
  155. "I-I'm whatever you want to call me, Master."
  156. >You end it with a genuine smile.
  157. >You won't fall for these games.
  158. >He hiccups again and slams his head into the machine.
  159. >"First."
  160. >He raises a finger, his head still pressed against the machine.
  161. >"I'm too goddamn drunk to do this. What name were you born with?"
  162. >"Second."
  163. >He raises a second finger on the same hand.
  164. >"I'm not 'master'. Call me whatever you want, as long as it isn't late for dinner."
  165. >He laughs hysterically at that for at least a minute.
  166. >After catching his breath, he pushes his head off the machine.
  167. >"Okay, that joke obviously doesn't transcend culture. So, what's your name?"
  168. >He stares at you, waiting for an answer.
  169. >You break away from his gaze before responding.
  170. "S-Sprinkle Medley, S-Sir."
  171. >You just can't look him in the eyes.
  172. >Staring at the floor, all you can hear is a series of beeps and the grinding of gears.
  173. >"Look up at me for a second."
  174. >So he's still looking for a reason to beat you.
  175. >At least he's looking for a reason.
  176. >That way you might have a chance.
  177. >Trying not hesitate any longer, you look up at him.
  178. >Not his eyes.
  179. >You can't look at those.
  180. >You stare at his rosy cheeks as he clips something to the lower loop on your collar.
  181. >He pulls on it, forcing you to lean down as he fiddles with it.
  182. >He tries to pull it away from your collar, to no avail.
  183. >"I guess you can't see it then. It says 'Sprinkle Medley'."
  184. >It most certainly doesn't.
  185. >He's probably got something horrible printed on there.
  186. "T-Thank you, M-Master"
  187. >You still can't seem to talk right.
  188. >Lyrica's stories just keep going through your head.
  189. >He brings his palm to his face and sighs.
  190. >"We're gonna go now."
  191. >He starts walking again, but this time you know better than to get dragged along.
  192. >You follow right alongside him.
  193. >Say what you want, but you're a fast learner.
  194. >He walks up to his car and opens two of the doors.
  195. >He turns towards you and you look away.
  196. >Something about that gaze just unsettles you.
  197. >Yeah, that's it.
  198. >You aren't scared.
  199. >Humans are just unsettling.
  200. >That's it.
  201. >You just can't help yourself.
  202. >He hiccups again, steadying himself against the car.
  203. >"Just hop in the back, I only live a few minutes from here"
  204. >Looks like this is the last you'll ever see of the kennel.
  205. >You want to glance back at it, but fear that would invite him to punish you.
  206. "Y-Yes, master"
  207. >He sighs as you both climb into the car.
  208. >"You okay beck there? I dunno if ponies can use seat belts or not."
  209. >Looks like he's changed tactics.
  210. >Now he's trying to earn your sympathy.
  211. >Lyrica told you about this.
  212. "Yes, m-master. I'm fine."
  213. >She said they liked to make you feel comfortable before abusing you.
  214. >She said that that made it worse when they did go through with it.
  215. >So you just won't play this game.
  216. >"Oooooookay, then."
  217. >He turns away from you, starting the car.
  218. >As he pulls away from the kennel, you steal one last glance.
  219. >You won't miss it.
  220. >Still, that doesn't stop you from worrying about everypony else.
  221. >The car turns, the kennel disappearing from your view.
  222. >You just need to be strong.
  223. >As you bounce around the car, lacking a seat belt, you try not to cry.
  224. >It's made harder by the fact that your master keeps swerving around and making sharp turns.
  225. >Every time he does that, you're slammed into the door.
  226. >He doesn't even notice, so you just suffer in silence.
  227. >You don't want to bring any attention to it, for fear of what consequences complaining could bring.
  228. >Luckily he wasn't lying about how close he lived.
  229. >After a few minutes, you pull into a cracked and grassy driveway.
  230. >Suddenly, the lights in the car go out.
  231. >You can't see anything, but you hear a car door open.
  232. >Is he going to leave you in the car?
  233. >You back into the door, your eyes still unadjusted to the darkness.
  234. >Still backing up, you hear the opening of the door.
  235. >For a second there's no seat beneath you.
  236. >No ground either.
  237. >Then that second is over.
  238. >"Got ya"
  239. >You recognize the limbs wrapping around your barrel as your master's.
  240. >Guess he didn't want you hurting yourself when he could do that himself.
  241. "T-Thank you, master."
  242. >You wouldn't want to be beaten for something as simple as not thanking him.
  243. >"No problemo."
  244. >You feel him start to move.
  245. >You know better than to struggle.
  246. >"So can you see in the dark? You backed right out of the car there."
  247. >He can see?
  248. "My s-sight hasn't adjusted, m-master."
  249. >"Hmm"
  250. >He hiccups, probably storing that info for later use against you.
  251. >"I guess humans adjust faster."
  252. >Your eyesight finally begins to return, a brown door forming before you.
  253. >He puts you down and attempts to unlock the door.
  254. >He uses both hands to do it, missing the lock several times.
  255. >While he continues to miss, you stare across the weed-ridden lawn.
  256. >Could you escape?
  257. >He's too busy fumbling with the lock to hold onto your leash.
  258. >Maybe you could.
  259. >You carefully raise one hoof off the stoop.
  260. >Then you're suddenly dragged backwards, into the house.
  261. >You gasp, your breath returning once you're inside.
  262. >It was only a matter of time before it truly began.
  263. >He closes the door, dashing your hopes at escape.
  264. >"You don't want to be outside at night. S'not a good neighborhood."
  265. >Of course that's what he wants you to think.
  266. >That way you would never try to escape.
  267. "Y-Yes, master. I'll k-keep that in mind."
  268. >He flicks at a switch, blinding you.
  269. >You try to cover your eyes with your wings, but they're still belted down.
  270. >"Aw shit. Sorry about that, Medley."
  271. >The light goes away, but you can't see again.
  272. >This must be how it starts.
  273. >Little 'accidents'
  274. >It's only going to get worse from here.
  275. >You feel tears begin to prick at corners of your eyes.
  276. >No.
  277. >You must stay strong.
  278. >Crying will only encourage him.
  279. >He must want you blind for what's coming next.
  280. >Oblivious to your struggles, your master begins to tug on your leash.
  281. >"C'mon. I'll guide you."
  282. >Is he going to bring you down into some dungeon?
  283. >You walk forward, following the pull of the leash.
  284. >Are you going to have to sleep in the backyard?
  285. >You stop for a moment and hear a door being unlocked.
  286. >As you torture yourself worrying, your vision starts to return.
  287. >You almost wish it hadn't.
  288. >A queen size bed takes up the majority of your vision.
  289. >The rest of your vision is taken up by your undressing master.
  290. >He strips down to his undergarment and then turns back to you.
  291. >It has only been a day.
  292. >He grabs you by the barrel.
  293. >You're paralyzed with fear.
  294. >"Up you go!"
  295. >It's too soon.
  296. >He hiccups before setting you down on the bed.
  297. >You weren't ready for this.
  298. >He slides in next to you.
  299. >You haven't been with a stallion yet.
  300. >The covers are pulled over the both of you.
  301. >Why couldn't he just beat you?
  302. >He pulls you close to his chest.
  303. >You prepare yourself for what comes next.
  304. >He leans in close to your ear.
  305. >You're ready.
  306. >"Good night, Medley."

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