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By AnonfillyArchived
Created: 2020-12-31 22:00:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >>25892497
  2. >Be Anon
  3. >Be turned into a filly by purple smart.
  4. >Be stuck with....THAT.
  5. >Nyx is your "sister" in the loosest way possible, of all the versions of this world you get stuck in it's this one.
  6. >Ever time twilight's gone, you take the chance you make Nyx's life living hell.
  7. >You wake up to find your self something you haven't felt in a long time.
  8. >Your horny as fuck.
  10. >You shout at the ceiling of your room, waking your sister up.
  11. >She looks over with her creepy ass eyes "Huh, is something wrong?"
  12. >Her eyes look at you blanket, which now has been stoked with your filly juice.
  13. >Her eyes go wide, "You wet your bed" She jumps into action.using her magic to lift your covers off.
  14. >You fail as you try to snatch them back, she stops when she sees your snatch. then she looks at the blankets giving them a sniff
  15. >"Hey this isn't urine...it's vaginal lubricate" she said, then to your horror she licks it.
  16. >She looks at you with heavy eyes "Hey anon, Mom let me read the Kama sutra one" she licks her lips. "I've always wanted to try it"
  17. "W-what no, go fuck off"
  18. She smiles just before she jumps on you, you struggle as she uses your magic to pin you to your bed.
  19. >"Just hold still, I'll make you feel better." She said and then she licked you pussy from bottom to top, a jolt of pleasure. God damn it your not feeling letting her get you off like this.
  20. >An idea pop into your head, using your hindlegs you smash her face into your snatch.
  22. "Lick deeper damn it, i can hardly feel that"
  23. >She comply plunging her tongue deeper into you. A moan escapes your lips, and you thank god twilight's 3 day tip started yesterday.
  24. > You feel an orgasm approach, the only warning you give your sister is the push her muzzle deeper into you. you scream in release as you cum, your filly juices flooding Nyx's mouth and noise, she inhales some, she trys to push away but you have earth pony straight on your side
  25. >to top it all off, he empty your full bladder right on her stupid face, she clench her eyes shut so you don't pee in them, only then you let her go, she falls back coughing, and gasping for breath.
  26. "That's what you ge-whatareyoudoing?"
  27. >your arms and legs are pin'd by her magic she trots up and whispers in your ear. "Now it's my turn"
  30. >Nyx stands over you, with her rump over your face, she lifts her. you clench your muzzle shut. Your not letting her use you to get off.
  31. >She smiles her horn glowing, she forced your jaw open. she lifts her tail giving you a few of her snatch, she is soaked, she lowers her self over your open mouth, your realize what was happening only a moment before it happens. SHe relaxes and a steam of urine flows into your mouth. "Make sure you drink it all." she coos darkly as her magic rubs your neck making you swallow inveterately
  32. >After what seems an entity, the steam of piss stops, you take a long breath.
  33. "You little fuck ta-"
  34. >your retort is cut off by her sitting of your face.
  35. >You get revenge by bitting her clit as hard as you can.
  36. >She moans loudly, louder then you did, She was enjoying it.
  37. >You double your efforts to get her off you, but everything you try she was liking more and more.
  38. >She gave a scream as her orgasm washed over her and most of your face.
  39. >Her magic impodes and you shove her off, then you hear someone clear cough.
  40. >You both turn to see a annoyed dragon watching you.
  41. >Both of you are so screwed.
  43. >Nyx and you look at spike, you forgot he was here, between you and Nyx, you must have awoken him.
  44. >"When I tell twilight you to are going to be in so much trouble"
  45. >It was good to hear your sister getting into trouble, but you on the other hand not so much. There are two of one and only one of him.
  46. >You look to nyx, and by the look on her face, she had the same thought, who said you were a bad influence.
  47. >In a flurry of magic, green hooves and a role of duck tap, he have the dragon secured, he is way past pissed now.
  48. "Well mind as well have some more fun, seeing how we are getting in trouble anyway"
  49. >Nyx Moves to where Spikes ears(do dragons even have ears?) and whisper. "I always wanted to know what dragon tastes like,...and if they really have two cocks"
  51. >Your hoof reaches between his legs, Using the rough part to attack his balls, while Nyx uses her magic to attack his erotic point.
  52. >Soon your prize appears, Spike gets an hard, his dicks appear. It's true he has 2 dicks.
  53. >You each take a dick, in you both suck, he grunts as both his cocks are assaulted.
  54. >Soon his hips buck as he draws closer to cumming.
  55. >You both stop, spike gets a look of pleading to let him cum.
  56. >You both turn and sitting back to back, you slide a cock into your filly snatch, your sister did the same. You ride the dragon back to back.
  57. >Soon he grunts as he climaxs, dragon cum fill both of your snatch.
  58. >Soon both of you cum hard on the dragon.
  59. >Painting hard, you hear someone knock.
  60. "OH FUCK ME"
  61. >Nyx giggled "I think we just did."
  63. >You walk over the door. and opens it.
  65. >Sweetie belle looks at you in confusion. "Anyway...Can you guys come over for a bit, I've been working on a new song, and your guys are going to be in it."
  66. >You blink, and look over at nyx. she shrugs.
  67. "Why not"
  68. >So you and nyx shove spike into a closet and on your way out grab a copy of "Kinky magic spell for the teenage unicorn" From it's shelf by the door and stuff it in a beg.
  69. >It's not like being in a room with 4 other fillys and maybe, if your really lucky, a colt.
  70. >The three head to the tree house club house, where applebloom,scootaloo,and pipsqueak,You groin as you see the last one, his dick is literally the smallest in the town. you have been keeping a running tally.
  71. >You quickly grab your sister and pull her asside
  72. >"What?" She asks,
  73. "calm you tits, i want you to cast this spell on us"
  74. >You open the spell book to a page, Nyx smiles as her dark blue glow envelops your groin one again.
  76. >You rejoin the group and everyone enters the club house, a smile crept on your face as you lock the door.
  77. >You inhale and play along, casting glances at nyx, she better not loose her nerve now.
  78. "hey guys, before we begin, Me and Nyx have a surprise."
  79. >"Really" Scoots asks "Well what is it?"
  80. >The smile widens.
  81. "Nyx now."
  82. >With a pules of her magic, Nyx picks up the three fillies and traps them in a plane of magic energy, so their rear legs exposited their mare bits.
  83. >"W-what's going on?" Pipsqueak asked, You looked to him,
  84. "Hay pip,ever had a mare before?"
  85. >"w-w-w-what?"
  86. "I bet you never get a chance to ever get to do it."
  87. >You circle him using your tail to waft the smell at him, his hormones take over and his tiny pecker grows to it's sad length.
  88. "You can have any one you want, you get to choose first"
  89. >He starts to pant heavy.
  90. >"S-shut up"
  91. >you know that look in his eye, he was trying to hold back
  92. "Just let go"
  93. >You kiss him on the nap of his neck, that seemed to be the braking point, He charged scootaloo and mounted her.
  94. >"Pip what the hell are you...Oooooh~" she says as pip enters her
  95. >You stand on your hind legs, you showed the prize of Nyx's labor. A 14 inch cock shot up between your legs, it was good to have this again
  96. >Nyx mirrors her motion sporting a slightly smaller but still impressive cock.
  98. >You charge Applebloom while nyx takes Sweetie.
  99. >"W'at in Tarnation gotten into you two?" Apple bloom asked as you approach.
  100. "I don't know, but i know what's going into you"
  101. >She screams as you enter her backdoor. your large cock ravaging her anal cavity.
  103. >You hump like the little sex demon you are, Appleblooms screams are joined in with sweeties as Nyx enters her.
  104. >All too soon you feel your self about to cum, you plunge your self deep into her bowls.
  105. and unleash a torrent of cum into her.
  106. >Your moans are joined by your sisters as she finishes deep into sweetiebelle.
  107. >Scoot just gives a disappointed sigh.
  108. >All of you fall into a pile of sweaty bodies to tired to move for a few moments.
  109. >Then you see a light blue glow around you,Nyx and Pip.
  110. >Rarity turns you around. "Nyx...Pip I thought you were better then this, Green....I learned to expect this type of thing from you, now I have to punish all three of you."
  111. >She trots along holding high off the ground and away from each other
  113. >After being floated through the town like a bag of flower. you soon arrive at Rarity's shop. about a hundred things run through your head on what she was going to do to you.
  114. > She takes you to a back room and puts you each in a cage. As your eyes ajust to the dark you see other cages and a table covered with a sheet. you swallow at look at the cage that held nyx.
  115. >"I'll only be a moment, I can't believe you did that to poor spikeywikey" Rarity was saying as she left the room. you rush to the edge of the cage.
  116. "Nyx damn it get us out of here right now"
  117. >Nyx tried to do something but her magic seemed to choose now to not work.
  118. >"She's warded the cages" she said in disbelief, and then she got angry.
  119. >You backed a way a bit, you seen what she can do when she looses her temper, she once nearly crushed you with a bookcase.
  120. >After storming around the cage for a few minuets and knocking anything in hoof reach of the cage over, and punching the lock a few times. she collapsed in a corner.
  121. >Rarity returned, and smiled darkly "Now then darlings who is going first?"
  123. >She levitate pip out of his cage and pulls the sheet off the table it has places to tire a pony down.
  124. >She ties pip down, his legs are spread. Rarity walks out of your line of sight.
  125. >you hear a switch being thrown. a huge dilldo, it is spinning raptly.
  126. >Pip struggles against his bonds as it gets closer to is tight hole.
  127. >You watch as in horror and lewed fascination as it rips into him.
  128. >You sister looks away in horror, Wimp.
  129. >The dilldo pulls out and stops spining, you see it's covered in pip bits, and it has teeth.
  130. >The table tips away, and dumps the ether dead or unconsciouses into a bin that says "New fabrics:needs possessing"
  131. >Rarity walks back into your line of sight, "Now that is done, what to do with you, Twilight would be disastrous if you where....ah disappear, But I am a generous soul, and I think the phrase 'do to others as you would wand done to you' fits here nicely"
  132. >Her horn glows as you and nyx are tied in very comprising possession to the walls of your cages, and then she loads you onto a cart and throws a sheet over you both.
  133. >You feel your self being pulled along, nyx is crying, no surprise.
  134. >You hear rarity talking so someone but you don't know how tell you hear a deep "Y'ep"
  136. >The cage comes to a halt Through a gap in the sheet you see a sign being driven into the ground by Applejack.
  137. >"What's going on?" Nyx whimpers, God damn it the only one who makes your sister cry is you.
  138. >You strain against your bonds in a fetal attempt of escape.
  139. >Suddenly the sheet is pulled away and you can see your in town center.
  140. >Snaking away is a long line of stallions,...Well hung stallions.
  141. >It normal would make you wat about thinking about it, but there has to be at least 200 of the bastards.
  142. >You look at rarity.
  143. "Your never get away with this, when star butt finds out."
  144. >Rarity just laughs, "Oh dear don't you know, Twilight was the one who wanted this, At at high noon, we are going to let the town have their way with, just like you did with my little sister"
  145. > An stallion with a bow for an ass mark whispers something in rarity's ear. She lets out an "Oooo" then follows him into town hall.
  146. >Nyx looks scared, she is counting how many stallions are in the line. "397...398...399, Sis there is around 400 of them, what are we going to do?"
  147. >Out open your mouth to respond when rarity returned, "Slight change of plan, we are not rapist monsters like you, we'll give you a chance to run, but one contrition, no flying and no magic for you." She nods to a gray stallion with a squiggle on his flank walks to your sister, he had a crooked smile and big orange eyes he chuckled "You know it's been a while since I've taken horns and wings from a pony" you know the voice but cant place who it is.
  148. >With a bright flash Nyx's horn and wings were gone...then the stallion looks at you.."MMmm not much to work with....I'll just take that." A flash from your groin and your dick was gone...again...
  149. >Rarity checked her watch. "You got a half hour to stretch" She said and undid the ropes and trotted off.
  151. >The half hour passes as you formulate a plan, if you can get out of town your scottfree.
  152. >The idea fly into your head. Then you look at nyx
  153. >You sigh as you fill her in the plan. She nods, you see a glint of hope in her eyes.
  154. >As noon approachs, you both get ready, And at Noon excatle the cages open.
  155. >The plan was simple, Cut through the Everyfree forest, loop around and enter cantorlot from the east, And twilight said you never learn geography.
  156. >You Burst out like a shot, Rarity was giving you a full minute head start.
  157. >as you run you note Nyx was falling behind, she did have your stamina.
  158. >You sigh and grab her and throw you on your back, you were slightly bigger then her, so carring her like a bag of meat you head east.
  159. >There was a bang behind you, you know rarity just started the stallions.
  160. >You enter the wood with a hoard of males on your heels. You tear ass up the trail, suddenly 2 timberwolfs joined the chase
  161. >Some of the males run off trying to getting away.
  163. >You run into the ruins of an old castle, according to twilight, it was a good place to hide.
  164. > "The third statue on the right, kick is right leg" Nyx said to you, you didn't have time to question her, you do that and the wall revolved shoving you both into a hidden room.
  165. >Outside you hear some voices "Fuck where did they go?""They can have gone far spread out""When I get of hold of that black bitch she's going to die choking on my cock."
  167. >You look at nyx.
  168. "How the Fuck did you know this was here?"
  169. >"Mom had a old book she found in here a while back, it gave me an layout of all the traps and hidden rooms in here" She said, She looked away, from you, you knew she was lying, at least in part.
  170. >But you had bigger problems.
  171. "Do you know a way to get out of here, far away from ponyvill if possible"
  172. >Nyx nodded, "Yeah follow me" she said and push a brick in and a hidden tunnel leading down opened up.
  173. >following her lead you descended deeper and deeper into the ruin.
  174. >Suddenly it opens up, it was a large cave,between you and the door of the far wall was hundreds of cages, with all sort of monsters inside.
  175. >About halfway was a huge 3 headed dog, you turn to nyx
  177. >Nyx Blinked. "I did?" she said confused.
  178. >You facehoof, when you get to a place that has it, her head is going into the first toilet you find.
  179. >You try to sneak past the dog, you both do so, but at a cost, you walked to close to one of the cages,
  180. >You feel fingers enclose around your neck.
  181. >Your yank backward and you see nyx being dragged into the same cage with a big red hand.
  182. >The centar looked at both of you. "Well it looks like to morsels have wandered into my pen." tirek said, then he opened his mouth and inhaled deeply, inhaling Nyx's magic first.
  183. >She drops, then he turns to you.
  185. >He starts to eat your magic, instead of feeling weak and feeble, you felt....Bigger.
  186. >Then it hit you, he was going to eat the enchantment that was keeping you a filly.
  187. >Suddenly...
  189. >As you yell you voice deepens. You swing as you do your fist hits him in the face.
  190. >You land as you compromised enchantment brakes.
  191. >Your human form rises and kick Tirek right in his jewels
  192. >His voice went up as orbs of magic ex-spelled from his mouth.
  193. "GET REKED"
  194. >you pick up Nyx and swing her over all the orbs, the fly into her with tiny dinks.
  195. >Then, with nyx under one arm, you use you STRONG HUMAN LEGS, to valet over the edge of Tirek cage.
  196. >You sprint to the other end of hell, and through the open door, you were in at the base of Canterlot mountain. in a heavily wooded area.
  198. >You feel great as you run with nyx under one arm. About half way up the mountain path you thought you see something.
  199. >A hint of red scales and a white tail.
  200. "Wha-"
  201. >A root snares your foot and you pitch forward.
  203. > There was a loud Crack and a feeling of being squeezed, the faint taste of burnt sugar and you blacked out.
  205. >You come to in a small bed, you rub sleep from your eye with your hoof....what?
  206. >As your vision clears your in a well done up cave, very homey, you look down, your an pony again,
  208. >Suddenly you see Discord, in a fucking nurses out fit. "Oh your awake, good, you little sister won't stop crying"
  209. >You sounds less then happy, good.
  210. >you demand to know by what fuckry your still a pony.
  211. >He laughs and said "Well, you have yet yo compleat your quest"
  212. >You blink....wut?
  213. >He hands you a bag. "This has everything you need"
  214. >Before you can say anything else he snaps his fingers and your teleported back to nyx...In a burst of burnt sugar.
  215. >Nyx had regained her horn and wings and was crying, in tell you appeared out of thin air.
  216. >She jumps on you and sobs "I t-t-thought you left me"
  217. "yeah that's great kid, let go"
  218. >She does reluctantly, "So what now"
  219. >You look around, and see smoke rising a little ways away.
  220. >You start walking and nyx falls in line behind you.
  221. >You get to a small cabin, by the light on the shadows, someone was home.
  222. >You walk to the door and knock.
  223. >and bright green colt opens the door, and stairs at you.
  224. >He looks like you.
  225. >In fact....you sure he is you.
  226. >"holy shit it's a female me" you say to you
  227. "Can we come in?"
  228. >"Sure, let me make some coffee."
  230. >The cabin was nice, little 3 room affair.
  231. >You and nyx sit at the table. as anoncolt made coffee.
  232. >He had a cute ass,...you bang your head on the table you brief time human again had made you hornyer.
  233. >You look up.
  234. >you make your decision. You vault over the table and pin the colt down.
  235. >"WHA-" His yell is cut off with a kiss as you stuff you tongue down his mouth your hoof works it's way to his crotch. Rubbing his sheath.
  236. >You kiss down his neck. then worked you way to his dick.
  237. >Working from the base, you plant your lips on almost every part of it.
  238. >Then you took the member in your mouth, and bobbed you head up and down.
  239. >He moans and bucks his hips in time with you.
  240. >You feel he is getting close, you stop, then smile as you lower your self to stuff his cock in your puss.
  241. >You work fast as he and you both moan loudly, soon you both cum.
  242. >you stand up,your full of his spunk.
  243. >You lean over and whisper.
  244. "I hope you left some for my sister."
  245. >While nyx had her way with the colt you clean up and loot the house, knowing they might be a while.
  246. >You make a cup of coffee and watch as the two of them fucked in the middle of the room.
  248. >after a few hours of taking turns fucking the poor colt dry, you take your leave.
  249. >Your almost to cantorlot city.
  250. >You Inhale, and look into the bag discord gave you.
  251. >Inside is a number of bottles, a strap-on, 5 cookies, a ziplock bag of bits, And an thing your not quite sure what it is.
  252. >One in cantorlot you stick to the shadows...well it is easier for nyx then it was for you in your bright green coat.
  253. >Your on the main street when you get pinned in by 2 guard patrols.
  254. >You grab nyx and step into a portapony
  255. >Or you thought it was, it is much bigger on the inside.
  256. >A stallion turns to you "Wha-"
  257. "Nyx stun him"
  258. >Nyx's magic flares out and hit him in the chest.
  259. >You go to the consle in the middle of the room, spin a few dials and pull a few levers.
  260. >Then you open door, dumping the stallion and with a grinding shudder you feel like the box is moving.
  261. >A few moment's later it stops with a grinding thud.
  263. >You open the door to the box. You are in the distant past in the cloud city of Cloudsdale.
  264. >Or that what it says on the console.
  265. >You dig around in the saddle bags a pullout a bottle labeled "Wings, WARNING: Do not take with HORN."
  266. >You chug the potion, Pain flares in your back as you grow a pair of wings.
  267. >Panting, you get up from the floor not remembering you fell over
  268. >Nyx helps you up, you turn to you.
  269. "Now we need to something about you"
  270. >"What do you mean?" she asks
  271. >You tap her horn
  272. "There is only 2 alicorns this far in the past"
  273. >You Pull an hat out an baseball cap and put it her head, then you take it off.
  274. >You groan, why did horns come so far down the head?
  275. >You pace tying to think, nyx tapped your shoulder.
  276. >"Ummm...I could just use and Illusion to hide it."
  277. >You face hoof.
  278. "Right, you do that, I going to have a look around"
  279. >You step out of the blue box and look around. it was snowing, tiny flakes attack your eyes.

Who Are you? [Anonfilly][Incomplete]

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Trust Once Lost

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AnonFilly, Feat. Abusive Twilight

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Anonfilly, feat. Abusive Twilight Part II

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Anon to her Filly

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