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[AnonFilly smut] Tea Party with CMC

By AnonfillyArchived
Created: 2020-12-31 22:04:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >The brew is starting to bubble in the borrowed mixing bowl
  2. "Ok so this should be like... potassium nitrate and... something with carbon?"
  3. >You groan in frustration and refer back to your chicken scratch notes covered in previous attempts
  4. >You scan the desk for other notes, pushing papers and stacks of books aside
  5. >The library is cluttered with dark stains, crumpled pages, and bent back books
  6. >Spike, struggling to balancing another stack, walks over to you
  7. >"You know, Twilight is gonna be home soon. Dontcha think we should start cleaning?"
  8. "Not now, dammit! I'm so close to finally being human. I can't give up now!"
  9. >"N-not for nothing but, I don't really think you know what you're do-"
  10. >You scurry over to the other side of the table, knocking him over intentionally, and shuffling papers around, uncovering a torn out advanced alchemy page that reads "THIS TIME FOR SURE" in red ink across the top
  11. "AH HA! I forgot the water! And keep your opinions to yourself Spike or I'll scrap that 'love potion' plan."
  12. >He drops his head in defeat and begins organizing the discarded books on the ground
  14. >Meanwhile Twilight and Applejack begin to approach the library, standing just out of earshot from the door
  15. >"Ahy don't know Twi, mahybe you should just change 'em back. Funs fun but, he seems like he's calm down a bit. Mahybe he's changed."
  16. >"Maybe you're right Applejack. It is starting to get a bit weird acting like a motherly figure to somepony that was a fully grown adult.. well at least in body."
  17. >Twilight starts going for the door
  18. >"Maybe he really has changed. It'd be nice to have him as his shy old self instead of..."
  19. >"bein' a pig for one thing." Applejack finishes for her
  20. >"Exactly. Proof that he's isn't going to harass ponyville like that again is more than fair."
  21. >Twilight finishes as she opens the door
  22. "The second this is done, Lyra is mine!"
  23. >The water in the brew bubbles and starts to smoke,
  24. >"Annie?..." Twilight's upward inflection turns into a disapproving yell as she glares at you from across the tatter battlefield that used to be her library
  25. "H-hey Twi... Just uh... making something to eat while you were-IT WAS SPIKE'S IDEA!"
  26. >Spike looks at you in furiosity and is about to retort but you cut him off with the concoction rattling more and more violently in the background
  27. "He's crazy about Rarity. He told me he'd set me on fire if I didn't do it. You gotta believe me Twi-"
  28. >Just as you finish, the bowl erupts in a small explosive cloud of fire and smoke, pushing the various papers across the room
  29. >As the smoke clears, you see Twilight's staunched face and a familiar paper, floating next to her, with the words "LYRA WILL HAVE MY HUMAN COCK: POTION v2.2" across the top
  31. >"So now what do I do AJ?" Twilight gives a heavy sigh, discussing your punishment just outside
  32. >You can barely make out what they're saying as you gather the various litter on the ground, grumbling obscenities under your breath
  33. >She peers over to you ever so often, keeping you busily cleaning
  34. >"Ya know what I think..."
  35. >Applejack then buries her mouth close to Twilight's ear and blocks her lips from your view with her hoof
  36. >Twilight coos in devious agreement and shoots a look back at you
  37. >The look sends a terrified shock through your body
  38. >It's identical to the one she gave you before she turned you into filly
  39. >Your worried mind scrambles as you quickly clean up faster, doing your best to avoid punishment
  40. >She smiles and nods at Applejack who walks out the door
  41. >"See you in a bit, Twi!" she adds deviously before disappearing from your view
  42. >"Spiikkee? Could you help Annie here? She's has plans later today she cannot miss."
  43. >Spike, being dutifully obedient to Twilight, begins cleaning without a word in edge wise
  44. "W-what plans?!"
  45. >"Oh I wouldn't want to spoil it. Just make sure to come see me when your done."
  46. >Her grin and tone are witchlike, leaving you unsatisfied and worried
  47. >She snickers at your reaction and walks up the step as you put your head down, drawing out each second you can from what little time you have left
  49. "No. Nope. No way."
  50. >She holds up a plush dress, adorned in pink frills sitting atop a white soft fabric, insisting you should get ready if you want to show up on time
  51. >"Whyy Annie? I think you'd look wonderful. You can't expect me to let you go in your current state, can you? I'm sure the girls would rip you to shreds."
  52. >She's patronizing playfully knowing she's going to win
  53. "I refuse. I'll stay as a stupid little pony girl the rest of my life. I don't care. I'm not being stuffed into a dress."
  54. >She smiles and brings her head next yours for added effect
  55. >"Lyra still doesn't know yet..." she whispers and your eyes shrink
  56. "You wouldn't..."
  57. >She nods
  58. >This evil bitch
  59. >Lyra isn't just lustful playmate
  60. >You're convinced she's your lover
  61. >But things got a little sour between the two of your before you changed
  62. >You're desperate to patch things up
  63. >Plus she seems to know every pony thus if she knows, everyone will know
  64. >Especially with how things left off
  65. "...You'll change me back after?" you utter with painful compliance
  66. >"Cross my heart and hope to fuck Spike."
  67. "...Alright help me put the stupid thing on."
  68. >"Great!" Her eyes light up "They could use another pony in their group."
  69. "Where am I going again?"
  70. >"Oh right! Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo are having a tea party. They've been dying to have you over ever since I told them you've changed."
  71. "You told them-"
  72. >She cuts you off, stuffing the dress over your tiny body, preparing you for one of the most humiliating moments of your life
  74. >"Have fun girls! And do be careful, I don't want to a single stain when I get back" Rarity cautions as she heads out the door
  75. >"We will!" the CMC assure in delightful unison as they set the table around your displeased disposition
  76. >"And don't cause any trouble Annie." Twilight teases, following Rarity out the door, "We'll be back later tonight, girls!"
  77. >"Byyeeee!!" the girls sound almost anxious, waiting for them to leave but, you don't think much of it
  78. >Instead you sit cross armed in a bright green plastic chair, scrunching your nose and scowling at no one in particular, counting the seconds
  79. >The door closes and the 3 scurry about around you
  80. >"There!" Applebloom is gleaming with satisfaction as she places the porcelain kettle atop a plate in the center of the setting "Ah think we're ready to start girls."
  81. >The table is dumbly decorated with it's dumb pure white table cloth, cut and trimmed to fit, dumb cups paired with dumb plates that had a lavish, robin's egg blue, hand-painted floral design coupled with opulent real silver spoon, and centered around that stupid dumb stupid extravagant kettle with graceful curves, matching it's infinite floral art work
  82. >SweetieBelle and Scootaloo walk in mocking gaudy fashion, extending their legs out and throwing their noses up, giggling the whole way before swishing their tiny flanks, daintily in their respective chairs
  83. >You sigh annoyingly and keep your gaze locked on the wall past Scoot's head
  84. >"Would you like some tea, madam?" Sweetie offering to Applebloom first in a thick prestigious accent
  85. >She giggles and responds with a similar tone
  86. >Sweetie offers the same way to Scoots then all eyes turn on you before she even offers
  87. >You ignore them but they persist incessantly
  88. >"Awe come on Anon. Ah I promise, you'll never have tea better than this." She shoots a look to the others as she takes another sip
  90. >Their smirks peak out and their faces glow a slight tinge of pink, burying them in their cups as well
  91. >You stay rooted in anger and just sigh heavily in response, crunching your nose up more
  92. >"Yea come on Anni-" You shoot Scoots a sadistic look "er... I mean Anon. It can't hurt just to have a little tea."
  93. >You won't budge
  94. >"Drink it or we'll tell Lyra ourselves" Sweetie pretentiously looks away and sips her tea
  95. >Knowing your reaction, she smugly pours you a cup and you quickly bring it to your lips, gulping some of it down
  96. >It tastes... off
  97. >The brown liquid burns your throat on the way down and immediately you spit what you can back into the cup, catching some of the heat in your throat
  98. "Are you all out of your minds?!" you cough
  99. >"Well now, I wouldn't say that's very lady like, wouldn't you girls?" SweetieBell smiles and looks at the other, giggling their reassurance
  100. "Booze. At a tea party..." you're enraged, still coughing up what you can "...I outta just leave and tell the others-"
  101. >"Betcha AppleBloom could out drink ya!" Scoots yells in excitement
  102. >You pause for a moment, considering the outcomes
  103. >What worse, enduring this longer or having to hear how you got out drank by a little filly?
  104. >You gaze hard into AppleBloom's competitive look and then swing the cup to your lips once more, this time finishing the cup
  105. "Pour it" you motion to Sweetie as the 3 jeer at your sudden enthusiasm
  106. >Shouldn't be too hard to out drink a blankflank for 20 minutes...
  108. >...19 minutes later
  109. >'One...more...minute' you're starting to gag at each sip and thus slowing down
  110. >Thank Sunbutt you started early; AppleBloom is still one behind
  111. >You can feel the spiked tea clawing its way down your throat
  112. >But your eyes go wide as you watch the last few sips slosh down your muzzle
  113. >The tea tries to make its way back up but you've lock your mouth shut
  114. >You slam you hooves down and bury your face in your forelegs, letting the tea cup roll onto the table as you pant heavily
  115. "Sorry... AB...looks like I..." you look up to gloat but are stunned almost immediately
  116. >She has two cups raised to her wide open mouth
  117. >Two waterfalls of alcohol, dumping down her throat for what seemed like minutes
  118. >"TIME!" Sweeite yells out
  119. >You stare at AppleBloom in anticipation; her face curled up in pain
  120. >Then, like switch, her face goes blank as she puts both cups down
  121. >Slowly tears well in her amber eyes and her lips sink
  122. >You raise your head in glee, ready for her to say it, ready for her to admit it
  123. >"A-anon..." She starts
  124. >This is it
  125. >"" her voice cracks
  126. >Oh thank god. If you had lost
  127. >"JUST GOT WRECKED!" She announces, flipping the two empty glasses with out so much as a drop on the table cloth
  129. >The three gloat and cheer as you slump back in your chair, disheveled and beaten
  130. >"Wow Annie, I thought you said you could out drink anypony. What happened?" SweetieBell cooed sarcastically
  131. >You try flipping them off but... hooves
  132. "What *hic* ever you got lucky" you wave off, heading towards the bathroom
  133. >"Hurry back, will ya? We gotta play a few game before 'they' show up" AppleBloom shouts
  134. >Judging by the shocked looks on Sweetie's and Scoot's, you feel implored to ask:
  135. "Who's they...?" The concern in your voice causes the three to stutter, struggling for an answer
  136. >"Uh... wehlll... they're..."
  137. >"Just some friends!" Scoots interject AppleBloom "Annndd they already started drinking a while ago so we need to... catch up!"
  138. >You don't buy it but your bladder doesn't care
  139. >Rolling your eyes, you stumble a bit to the bathroom and slide your dress up a bit so as not to ruin it
  140. >Sitting on the toilet and releasing, you can just barely make out whispering
  141. >Unable to even hear a syllable, you just lean back; trying to compose yourself
  142. >The tea is starting to hit you and you can feel your mind getting cloudy
  144. >You look down at your dangling furry hind legs and... you think it looks kind of cute
  145. >I mean it's not you but, if weren't you, you'd be the cutest damn thing in this town
  146. >You decide, just for fun, to kick your legs back and forth while resting your hands on your knees, humming some familiar tune you can't name
  147. >'God damn' you think to yourself 'I must be the most adorable thing ever'
  148. >You've finished and begin to wipe
  149. >And man, is that toilet paper soft
  150. >It's really soft
  151. >You're on your third sheet, unconsciously rubbing your flaps slowly
  152. >Picking up the pace a bit, you start to lean back
  153. >But you catch yourself, stunned that you just starting doing... that
  154. >You pull out your hoof and see bits of toilet paper scattered across it
  155. >Looking down, you see where most of them went
  156. >They're practically coating your puffy lips
  157. >You panic, noticing that you're also dripping into the toilet as well
  158. >Frantically you search for answers and come up with the perfect plan
  160. >After spitting into your hooves, you begin trying to kneed away all the lose pieces off your furry snatch
  161. >Your head is cocked back and you let out soft whimpers, blindly exploring your outer regions
  162. >You can feel your hairs standing up like pin pricks as your travel closer to the center, pulling your lips apart
  163. >The bathroom is silent except for quiet gasps and a soft 'shlicking' sound
  164. >Your vision and hearing begin going numb as you start rubbing one hoof faster
  165. >Up and down your silk pink slit
  166. >A more prominent scent of salt fills your nose as you rub faster, guiding your other hand to your tiny bead
  167. >You push your back hard against the cold seat cover and almost lay down on the entire seat, rubbing both hooves sloppily
  168. >Each stroke sending a heat wave up your tiny shivering body
  169. >You're becoming more and more uncoordinated, wildly rubbing what you can, longing for something deep inside you
  170. >You can imagine it
  171. >A long shaft lined up
  172. >Prodding against the wall
  173. "..yess.." you mutter to yourself
  174. >Pushing deeper
  175. "oh god please"
  176. >Before it-
  177. "uhhn"
  178. >Before it
  179. >You yelp out a moan
  180. >You can imagine it pushing through, sending your orgasm over the edge
  181. >Literally
  182. >You fall off the toilet seat, mid squirm
  183. >Your white hot love dripping onto the floor under your shuttering body
  184. >Gasping for air you can barely hear the voices
  185. >"You ok in there Annie?"
  187. >You race to clean the floor and yourself up, hoping they're none the wiser
  188. >Flush the toilet
  189. >Splash water on your face
  190. >Dry your self off
  191. >And pray you don't smell like sex
  192. >You draw a deep breath, trying to straighten out your warped senses still floating aimlessly on the orgasmic and drunken high
  193. >You empty your lungs and open the door, revealing the 3 of them...
  194. >You find them sitting calmly at the table, seemingly preoccupied
  195. >You also notice an odd smell saturating the air
  196. >It's sweet entangled in a warm citrus that's strangely intoxicating
  197. >You see the steaming kettle on the table and assume it's the tea
  198. >As you approach the table, you're expecting a continuous juvenile barrage of berating laughter; all well deserving but a first for you
  199. >However, the group instead welcomes you warmly, mentioning that they're playing a game called higher or lower
  200. >You feel uneasy, still waiting for the attack but, you play along regardless
  201. >"The rules are simple," SweetieBell explains in weak voice "you guess the card in the dealer's hand and the dealer responds if it's higher or lower. You get 2 chances. If you get it on your first choice, you only drink once. Wrong twice and you have to drink the difference you were wrong by. So if you said Jack and it was a ten, you only drink one-"
  202. >"Annddd we get ta ask you truth or dare!" AppleBloom butts in, half cocked gaze pointing at you, obviously much more intoxicated now that the tea has set in
  203. >SweetieBell laughingly agrees as she sets up to start on AppleBloom
  204. >Seeing this, AppleBloom drinks first before slamming her cup down shouting "KING!"
  205. >"Lower" Sweetie giggles, though you sense another, more sensual emotion
  206. >Regardless, you get the hint that AppleBloom is not very good at this when her next guess is "queen"
  207. >But you also notice how much she loves alcohol as you see her finish drink, amped to pour herself another
  208. >"Truth or Dare!" Scoots shouts excitedly
  209. >"Dare" She says before she regrettably letting them run ice cubes down her back; the ice water running down her flank and the smell is starting to come back
  210. >You get the premise and decide to join in, still anxious of what's to come
  212. >"Dare!" Scootaloo yells bravely to you
  213. "Hmm... I dare you to..." you stall, trying to think of something unique
  214. >You're at a loss
  215. >Not a single of them has given up
  216. >What's more bizarre are the dares
  217. >They all seem somewhat... sexual
  218. >Your curiosity gets the better of you and decide to test your theory
  219. "...umm sit on Sweetie's lap for two turns?"
  220. >She looks at Sweetie with heavy eyes and it's starting to confirm your suspicion
  221. >Scootaloo approaches Sweetie from under the table, running her snout slowly between her legs before rising to her lap
  222. >SweetieBelle looks devilishly as Scoots mounts her, assisting her as she slides chest to chest, never breaking their focus on each-other's eyes
  223. >You start to breath heavily and your mind starts doing laps, looking for how to react
  224. >"I think it should be your turn, shug" AppleBloom coyly peers at you from across the table
  225. >You look back to Sweeite, whose turn it should be, to find that she has no objections
  226. >At least, none that you could read with how deep she was looking into Scoot's eyes
  227. "A-alright..." you feel anxious
  228. >Sexual situations were always unbelievably awkward for you, even with just a single human girl and you alone in a room together
  229. >This is...Are you sure you want to do this?
  230. >"Commee on Annie..." her words are like velvet
  231. >You choke back a swig of tea and guess 10
  232. >She smiles and shakes her head no, pointing lower
  233. >You really shouldn't be here
  234. >What if Twilight finds out?
  235. >What if anyone finds out?
  236. >...what if they don't like you?
  237. >"Anniiee? Something on your mind?" AppleBloom's words slither out and she points her eyes to the two next to you
  238. >The two are locked lipped, Sweetie running her hooves up and down from the back of Scoot's neck, down to her flank
  240. >You just now hear them moaning in between the sounds of quiet tongues sliding across each other
  241. >Your eyes follow the two petite bodies downward, watching Scoot her slide herself slowly on Sweetie's backleg
  242. >Scoots forelegs wrap around Sweetie's neck and the two embrace tightly before pulling their heads back, exposing they're small pink tongues, wrapping lovingly around each other, covered in thin trails of saliva
  243. >AppleBloom giggles and asks again, realizing that you were staring
  244. >Just say you can't do this
  245. >It's not right morally or legally.. right?
  246. >And your body still seems to crave men; you don't want this
  247. "Jack" you blurt out, realizing immediately you've made a mistake
  248. >"Hehe looks like you're up for truth or dare, cutie.."
  249. "F-fine!" You can feel yourself blushing and unable to concentrate as the lewd noises continues to grow, the smells making you numb in thought "Truth!"
  250. >"Mmm okay... Who do ya think would cum faster me or you?"
  251. >You blush hard, speechless
  252. >You hear the two next you stop their seemingly unbreakable commitment to giggle at the question
  253. "I-I don't know! Wh-what kind of question is... I've never..."
  254. >You're nervous but the 3 are seductively unconvinced
  255. >"I think you've won that already AppleBloom," Scoots lets out in a heavy breath "you were still going way after Annie was done in the bathroom."
  256. >Your eyes go wide tempted to provide excuses but, you can't find the words
  257. >"Hehe, you look surprised? Perhaps even a little-AHN..." Scootaloo interupts Sweetie by biting her neck almost animalistically in lust "scared she might win"
  258. >The two get back to each other and you are left staring at an empty chair
  260. >She's gone for only a moment before she pounces on you, locking her lips with yours
  261. >You're stunned, unsure how to react
  262. >You don't want this
  263. >You can't want this
  264. >Get her off...
  265. >After she's done... maybe
  266. >She is very warm
  267. >The two of you ferociously wriggle your tounges around and over each other
  268. >Her tongue attacking yours and vicea versa
  269. >Her hooves pinning your forelegs above your head
  270. >You let out muffled cries and moans before she lets up, sitting atop your stomach
  271. >"Let's see if you're better in bed then you're at drinkin'" She challenges as she slowly slides her soaked flaps against your fur, downwards
  272. >The warm sticky filly juices, quickly cool, sending a shock wave down your stomach and to your fillyhood, itching for pleasure
  273. >Her crotch meets yours and the two of you lock eyes for a moment before she slides up, clit against clit
  274. >You moan loudly and go limp, letting her drag herself back up your stomach
  275. >You can feel your pussy quivering and a massive wave of ecstasy pushing you so close to cumming
  276. >She smiles lewdly, noticing your half lidded eyes, opening panting mouth, and shuttering body but a competitive fire sparks inside you
  277. >You toss her to the side, putting her on her back and you immediately mount her, locking your mouth against her's while you reach down on her with your free hoof
  278. >You push against the sides, noticing how puff they really are
  279. >You can feel how smooth her fur is despite being sodden in her own lust
  280. >Each push closer to the center causes her to buck a little more
  281. >She tries pushing your hoof away weakly but you kiss deeper, pushing her head to the floor and stroking her mane, knocking her bow off
  282. >You slowly drag your hoof in circles, edging the inner walls before stopping on her clit and then flicking it up
  283. >She pulls her head back to gasp and bites her lip, looking longingly at you with her orange eyes; her deep red mane scattered lazily underneath her head with only one slumped ear visible
  285. >You flick once more and she moans heavily before you dive back into her lips; locking yourself against her once more
  286. >You begin pushing your hoof against the moist openings of her fillyhood
  287. >She bucks fiercely into you, wrapping her legs and whole body around you, wanting you to make her cum
  288. >You keep rubbing gently till a loud thump can be heard just in front of you
  289. >The other two had fallen entirely off the chair but don't skip a beat, still pleasuring each other, still locked muzzle to muzzle
  290. >They roll, flanks facing you
  291. >Scootaloo's and SweeiteBell's pussies are swelled and dripping with desire
  292. >Their lips and asses lined up, pressing against each other, soaking each other with their love
  293. >Their legs inner locked and bodies arched to be as close as they can to each other
  294. >Orange on white fur sliding slowly, Scootaloo's juices rolling downwards like syrup onto Sweetie's winking, box and beading around her puckered anus
  295. >Back and forth, they rub clit to clit, making out lovingly and only stopping to let out a fierce moan
  296. >Letting out another one but a bit louder, they start soaking the carpet and Sweetie's tail underneath them
  297. >Moving a little faster, their fur darkens all the way up to their stomachs
  298. >Scoot's purple tail, swinging joyously left to right, obscuring your view momentarily still doesn't distract you from the sight
  299. >AppleBloom takes advantage of your absent-mindedness and lightly slaps your pussy with her hoof
  300. >You lurch forward from the touch, slowing your hoof, unable to concentrate
  301. >Suddenly, your vision starts to go blurry
  302. >You can smell the sweet, sugary smell of the two ponies less then a foot away
  303. >You can hear their moans and slurping of each kiss, driving your passion further, heating your young snatch in an enveloping, controlling desire
  304. >You feel yourself being rolled over closer towards the two, and you wail quietly in unsatisfied desire
  305. >You see AppleBloom smirk wickedly as she slowly runs her tongue down the fur the entire length of the front of your body
  306. >The two snatches drizzling onto each other are now inches away, lips interlocked, flicking their sweet nectar onto your face, wafting into your nose
  308. >Just as your mind is at a peak of unrelenting ecstasy, you feel a warm tongue lick around the outer edges before prodding the opening of your filly hood
  309. >You feel her tongue pushing your tender skin in concentric circles, each slowly closer to your inner purity, purposely dodging your clitoris, dragging each moment out
  310. >Back leans forwards off the floor, neck arches back, head pressed to the ground, your eyes closed
  311. >Each drag completing its circle drives you maddeningly close; the heat and itch becoming unbearable as you reach to stop her but she pushes your defensive hooves to the side
  312. >The smell of orange citrus mixed with a sugar, nearly cotton candy, aroma body engulfing the air around you so much you can taste their sex in your mouth
  313. >And you are becoming addicted
  314. >You can’t help but kick your tiny green back legs in delightful anguish, hitting AppleBloom a few times, causing her to stumble and pulling her snout away just momentarily
  315. >You can feel release coming but you can’t let it happen
  316. >Competitive or innate sexual response, you can’t choose your reasoning
  317. >Kicking her away, breathing heavily in between deep moans, you feel your senses coming back
  318. >Her tongue being pulled off a switch, bringing you back to life
  319. >“A-anthiee! Dthon’t be stho wought!” she pleads casually, with her palate still extended, pointing it doggedly as though she were fencing with it, trying to force her way back to your crotch
  320. >However you keep her away, no longer in mind-bending, body-locking, mouth-gaping, eyes-rolling-into-the-back-of-your-head stupor, and most importantly, not going to lose
  321. “This isn’t… right, AppleBloom. You’re- … we’re too young for this” your lie comes out in short breaths, still feeling your hot desire sopping between your legs
  322. >Giggling she gets back to it, trying to dive her tongue deep inside you, childishly ignorant of the act she’s committing
  323. >She’s used to the intense lust, breaking your mind down to impulsive reactions
  324. >Each of your muscles becoming their own
  325. >They act like organism waking from an enslaved slumber
  326. >Acting without thought or purpose
  327. >Just acting
  328. >You start to wonder if it’s healthy for it to feel that intense
  329. >You manage to push her away once more
  330. >But only momentarily
  331. >“Ah think ah need some help here, girls!” she cheerfully commands
  332. >”Ooo, someone wants to play dirtly” Sweetie coos and slips off of Scoot
  333. >And like Spike to Twilight, they are more than obedient
  334. >They playfully begin pinning your weak body down with ease
  335. >SweetieBell and AppleBloom, on each of your back legs, rubbing their snouts against your inner thighs, Scootaloo atop your forelegs, her moist muff meandering momentarily as she gives you a decadent and devilish grin from above
  336. >You feel the two at your crotch first, each of their tongues interloping your private folds, exploring each crevice in a tantalizing balance that blinds you mentally
  337. >You yelling an obscenity you don’t remember passing through your thoughts
  338. >One heads up, nibbling softly on your clit
  339. >The other, working delicately on the bottom, edging and over lapping slightly on your taint, playing chicken with your anus
  340. >You feel spots appearing in front of your lidded eyes
  341. >Gasps stuck in your throat as you hold your breath on each of their passes
  342. >Drool leaving the corner of your mouth as you inhale the sweet, fresh orange citrus of the still dripping box above your forehead while a light orange hoof caresses it, hastily
  343. >Instinctively you raise your mouth to its fluffy brown-tangerine folds, coated in stringy, creamy white mare cum
  344. >Your assumption was right
  345. >It tastes nearly identical to a Creamsicle
  347. >You lap her sweet pink walls, just under her folds, in a blinding acceptance of your blooming female sexuality
  348. >Scoot’s texture is as soft as silk, even as you enter inside her, slowly pulling your tongue against her insides, your tiny snout sitting just at the end of her labia
  349. >You can feel her twitch to each tiny movement you make; her gasps and moans becoming good indicators of how close she’s getting
  350. >Suddenly she shutters frantically and falls onto your stomach, moaning desperately for you not to stop
  351. >You don’t dare move your tongue any farther and instead press hard against her g-spot
  352. >Meanwhile, Sweetie and Apple are continuing to drive you mad, their tongues still teasing the outside of your box
  353. >”Unf… P-please Annie! Don’t stop ahh… I’m close” her words spill out passionately
  354. >You keep pressing and still delicately touching her with your tongue but you feel the two at your crotch taking turns entering you
  355. >Unable to concentrate your strike Scoot’s g-spot and stuff your face deep into her pussy
  356. >Her wailing intensifies as she orgasms and you begin licking madly; her delicious cum squirting across your cheeks and nose before slowly rippling down to the floor underneath you
  357. >You’re unsure if it’s the two tongues, ravaging your young snatch or if it’s the intoxicating scent covering your face and throat, but you’re close
  358. >Very close
  359. >Each breath against your body is heightened to a gale force
  360. >Every touch to your skin electrifies the nerves under your short fur
  361. >Each smell drowns your brain in unfathomable lust
  362. >You can feel it coming
  363. >The wave is starting to run down your body
  364. >Your mind is pulsing and your eyes slam shut, Scoot’s pussy still in your mouth
  365. >Nothing in your body is responding except your tongue still bouncing around inside
  366. >Scoot’s pleas for you to stop are met with faster, more violent movements
  367. >She’s shivering; her legs wobbling
  368. >It’s coming
  369. >It’s close
  370. >But, Scootaloo, now unable to keep her balance, falls face forward, face first into the others
  371. >You feel a sharp pain on your clitoris and the warm of their mouths leave your pussy
  372. >You open your eyes to see the three of them rubbing their heads, giving an adorably annoyed look at Scootaloo while she just raises her front hooves
  373. >”I gotta give it to Annie, she’s pretty good at this” her excuse is met with a stern slamming on the door
  374. >”Ah’ll get it!” AppleBloom says as she practically races to the door
  375. >Your curiosity causes you to look up and see 3 ‘ample’ stallions, eyeballing the four of you with hungering desire
  377. >”Look atter go!” Applebloom yells in unsure shock at the rest; all of them still standing stiffly to the side, gawking at you and the grey, brooding, and powerful stallion making out with such fierce intensity
  378. >He falls onto his back and onto the table letting out a pained grunt but, keeps his stride in his lustful pursuits
  379. >The shattering of fine china might have concerned you a few minutes ago but, your mind is in absolute disarray as you grind yourself on his chest, unable to even reach his cock while kissing him
  380. >Your hooves run rampant up and down his face and mane; he slowly follows suit and runs his hooves south on your tiny body, groping your flank
  381. >You can feel their stunned glares as the drug sets your consciousness ablaze; you only assume he is so alive because he’s finally engaging in such a hidden fetish
  382. >The two of you are eloped in an inferno
  383. >Your mind acts like a one way mirror, letting you slowly slide down, without even recognizing the existence of your audience, mumming the uncomfortable stallion forced into staging this morally conflicting situation as you drag your nectar across the length of his body
  384. >Light strands sit across the top of his fur like dew on the morning grass
  385. >Each of his hairs tingling your inner labia, some even brushing against your tiny, raised clitoris
  386. >The feeling of small strokes shake your spine and raises your bottom lip
  387. >You clench and bit your bottom lip for relief, glazing your eyes at his
  388. >The heart in your chest is causing your whole body to twitch; each beat stunting your shallow breaths for a moment, forcing you to gasp softly
  389. >As you progress farther down, the slight hint of chlorine and something metallic from his precum drops you in insatiable haze
  390. >You can feel that member already sloshing around in your mouth, its length and girth causing you to tear and gag
  391. >You’d bathe his cock with your tongue
  392. >You’d sop each inch you can and pull with every ounce of power your mouth could muster
  393. >He would quiver as his erection tremors before unloading mounds of sperm, traveling down your throat and then, abruptly, your windpipe before the gooey substance would eject out of your nose, leaving you helplessly embellished in his scent, ready to be fucked like the cock craving dog you are
  394. >Due to your fantasying, you to clumsily misplace your back hoof on the edge of a tiny chair, the static friction of the plastic isn’t enough to hold your weight and you suck in, fearful of the sudden weightlessness
  396. >You slip off the table, bouncing muzzle first off his erection
  397. >You can feel the embarrassment heating his cheeks just from the look he gives you, peering between his rear legs
  398. >The wavy chuckles around awkwardly meet an abrupt silence
  399. >Your upper lip feels warm and you are greeted with a sudden taste of copper
  400. >The room sits silently for a moment before each of their faces twist and each of them panic, giving them a reason to break up the tension
  401. >You’re aided with sudden pity as AppleBloom rushes to your side first; her questions are answered with your inattentive stare at her cute, supple lips
  402. >With each letter formed, they contract into an ‘O’ and recede back to the sides of her face like a hypnotic dance inviting you
  403. >“Ahhrr” her petite mouth opens, pulling her lips back thin
  404. >“ueeww”, now they’ve shrunken into a wide pucker
  405. >“ohhh”, the retreat slightly, looking softer
  406. >“kayy?” they finally fall back into a delightful smile that melts something soothing in your chest
  407. >Your body heats up more, conscious still stripped down to the most basic of primordial instincts
  408. >You crave swift, pressing and unrelenting satisfaction; the passion building within you holds your breath and locks your gaze
  409. >You need it bad
  410. >It’s hard for you to recall but, as you straddled Applebloom’s soft, plush body whilst attacking her mouth with your tongue and your hoof on her twitching pulse between her soft folds, you’re 95% sure you wiped the blood on the carpet
  411. >The others, stopped their momentary hysteria to watch you and the young blonde furred filly wrap yourselves around the others body
  412. >You become a tightly wound pretzel with each of your legs interlocked and your hips moving to their own rhythmic pulse
  413. >Ride up
  414. >Left to right
  415. >Push forward and down
  416. >The other does the opposite
  417. >Each lip interlocking
  418. >Each bead twinging at the feeling
  420. >Either out of social pressure or their own desires, they begin making their own moves, slowly riding their hooves closer to each other, ready to be with respective stallion without protest except for Scootaloo’s who pulls Sweetie away for a quick exchange
  421. >“I-I don’t know if-“she asks after she excuses herself from her recently aquatinted lover
  422. >But she is cut off by a quick kiss and a tantalizing swipe underneath before Sweetie gently pushes her back, causing her to fall underneath the stallion
  423. >Her mouth only a few inches away from his erection
  424. >Sweetie giggles and turns away
  425. >Scootaloo and the stallion just stay like this for a moment, unsure who should go first
  426. >Both of their privacy completely exposed to the other
  427. >Scootaloo tries to act dominate at first, clumsily rubbing her hooves along the shaft and then begin to put the tip of it in her mouth
  428. >However, the angle and the suddenness of the situation is abrasive, if not just terrifying
  429. >She can’t stop thinking about gagging on it
  430. >Worried that she’d underperform, she stops, hoping he would guide himself around from there
  431. >The light blue stallion acting on his own unsure accord, stands patiently, waiting for her to continue
  432. >“H-hey uhh…” she could barely whisper through her social angst
  433. >“Oh! Right…” he is no different except in expectation as he thrusts his length forward into her mouth, her nose on the underside
  434. >She gags slightly and he apologies immediately, standing stoically letting her recover, daring not to make the same mistake again
  435. >Scootaloo, unsure herself, tentatively obliges his stillness, hyper critical of each lap of her tongue running against him, even as he moans in delight
  436. >”I-is this… right?” She lets out in a gauche breath, hoping that he doesn’t mind if she begins to rub herself; he is able to get a good view from his perspective, maybe he could get even closer
  437. >”M-mmhmm” The stallion could barely utter his approval; the sight alone drives him mad
  438. >He continues to watch the tiny orange filly cautiously tap and lick his raging shaft while kneading herself and letting out quiet, adorable forced moans at every moment she could before her wide purple eyes become half lidded with true lust as she tries engulfing his whole rod, her nose nearly pushing hot air onto his balls
  439. >In and out
  440. >Suckling the tip
  441. >Coddling each tingling and twinge with her soft mouth
  442. >The sound of slurping dancing with the moans from both
  443. >He beings taunting himself to return the favor
  444. >A lithe showing of untrained bravado, she begins trying to take more of his girth
  445. >He loses it and pushes forward, a surprised and muffled yelp grows from underneath him as he lowers his snout, burring half his tongue inside her while he buries her with his lower body, forcing her to flail her hooves wildly against his flank
  446. >He apologies and she laughs lovingly towards him, the two stare at each other for a moment before she asks with her cheeks bright red and her face to the ground
  447. >“S-soo uh… should we…. Try it the uhhh…”
  448. >“O-oh yea the otherway…” he feels the need to say something “…I…I hope you don’t mind I’m so… shy and weird…”
  449. >Just as he lays back she crosses over him, covering herself in sudden embarrassment, she meekly but in a relieved tone responds “n-no worries heh… happens to all of us”
  450. >He accepts her contrived assurance and she moves her hooves before picking up where she left off, slipping her muzzle back onto his still wet cock as slips mimics the action with his tongue into her pink slit
  452. >In contrast, SweetieBell is sitting atop of her stallion, her juices riding up and down the top of his girth, giving him an angered look as she does so
  453. >The coffee brown stallion and her banter make up most of the room’s chatter; their overbearing and feigned confidence grants quick glances from even the most preoccupied in the room
  454. >“What?! Does a tiny, cute little filly like me turn you on? Huh?” He whispers a shameful yes and his cock jerks in response “You want me that bad, huh? You’re filly fiddler. A disgusting filly fiddler. What makes you think I’ll give this sweet ponut of mine to you? You’re barely even hard. You must be gay. I’ll go back my sweet flank up to one of your buddy’s cocks. I’m sure they’d actually want it.”
  455. >He looks dejected momentarily but, turns with a devilish grin
  456. >“Like I’d want your dirty snatch. I’m sure you’ve had plenty of others before me. Last time you were so eager. What you couldn’t wait for me to fuck you senseless?”
  457. >“T-that’s not true, you jerk!”
  458. >“Ohhh so it’s like that then? You really want me to be your first time?” his casually holds her back from rubbing any further, feeling himself about to cum
  459. >Sweetie notices and flips her worried expression “Let’s make a bet… who ever has to stop first has to admit they want the other more”
  460. >He matches her grin, both masking their fear as she continues rubbing, exposing her pink pussy to his shaft
  461. >It’s becoming slicker
  462. >His massive red cock is now coated in a hot, white glaze
  463. >Faster
  464. >She flexes her hips up, putting her fore hooves on his for balance
  465. >Faster
  466. >He flexes his hip up, pushing farther against her as he leans forward for a kiss
  467. >The two have lost all competitive drive and instead focus solely on each moment
  468. >He can feel her clench, pulling her sticky pussy closer to her body with each cycle
  469. >Up then down
  470. >She can feel his cock grow and his tip flare, shuttering each time she rides his entirely length
  471. >Back down
  472. >They kiss deeper and her eyes open wide, feeling a complete loss of control
  473. >He feels her separate from her mouth and hears her loudly moan
  474. >Up and then stop
  475. >He grins, putting on a poker face and speaking between rapid heart beats
  476. >“Giving up, eh?”
  477. >She breaks her cock craved face and moans “not even close”
  478. >However the two fail to coordinate, still fixed on each other’s eyes longingly as she move up just above his shaft and he pushes his hip forward
  479. “Oh my f-fhhh—uckkkk….” Followed by loud slapping fills the room as blue stallions tip just barely prods Sweetie’s walls
  480. >You continue to scream in meld of incredible satisfaction and pain while the other stop to watch what none of them had dared to do

Who Are you? [Anonfilly][Incomplete]

by AnonfillyArchived

Trust Once Lost

by AnonfillyArchived

AnonFilly, Feat. Abusive Twilight

by AnonfillyArchived

Anonfilly, feat. Abusive Twilight Part II

by AnonfillyArchived

Anon to her Filly

by AnonfillyArchived