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Humiliating Anonfilly Sexual Humiliation (Original Deleted)

By AnonfillyArchived
Created: 2020-12-31 22:30:35
Expiry: Never

  1. [I employed the literary device "unstructured repetition" in this story. Don't look that up if you don't know what it means or it won't work. While supposed to be subliminal, it backfired on some, but on others was libidinous and sexually lauded. The epilogue does not employ this device.]
  3. ---------
  5. Humiliating Anonfilly
  7. _________
  9. >You had arrived in Equestria in the middle of Ponyville as a young green filly.
  10. >The nakedness was something you never got used to.
  11. >Everypony was naked, and you could feel the breeze against your fur.
  12. >Sometimes ponies looked at your privates, and sometimes you looked at theirs.
  13. >It was always a bit embarrassing being completely nude in public.
  14. >You are an adorable filly, but you will always be self-conscious of your nudity.
  15. >Especially around Anon (uppercase).
  16. >Anon had arrived a few years before you, and whatever forces sent you here did not play this cruel joke on him.
  17. >Perhaps because they were saving it for you.
  18. >Anon had arrived as a nondescript gentleman in a suit, and Rarity had sewn him variants.
  19. >You stayed with Twilight for a few days, and Pinkie threw you a welcome-to-Equestria party that the whole town attended.
  20. >Since you and Anon were both from the same world and he volunteered, Twilight arranged that you stay with him for some time.
  21. >It was very embarrassing. To ponies, you were just a human male who had somehow been transformed into a filly upon arrival, but to him, you were another anon.
  22. >An anon (lowercase) who was in the humiliating position of being a naked little filly he was to take care of.
  23. >That was the other thing. You had no magic.
  24. >Ponies can use their hooves like hands with a sort of magic magnetism about which that they did not even have to think.
  25. >You had zero magic, nor any magical capacity. Nothing Twilight could do. Your hooves are as useless as, well, hooves.
  26. >Anon takes care of you, which is made even more humiliating by that he treats you like a filly.
  27. >He enjoys humiliating you, and you can never get over the fact that you’re naked in front of him.
  28. >And as embarrassing as it is, a part of you enjoys it too.
  30. >You had stayed with Twilight for two days, and Anon is now showing you around his home -- your new home.
  31. “I don’t like being naked in front of you,” you say. You kind of do.
  32. >”Aw, but you’re so cute when you’re naked.”
  33. “No I’m not,” you half-way pout. You are.
  34. >Because your hooves are useless you cannot open doors on your own even if you were tall enough.
  35. >When you get to his room, tidy and well furnished, Anon closes the door, trapping you.
  36. “Anon.. please leave the door open,” you say in your cute filly voice.
  37. >”Aw, but don’t you want your mane brushed?” he asked.
  38. “N-no. Of course not.” You do.
  39. >Anon kneels down and begins brushing your mane as you sit with a pouty expression on your face.
  40. >“What a cute filly,” he says.
  41. “I’m not a filly! I’m anon just like you! And I’m not a girl!”
  42. >”Aw, is someone still mad that she’s naked? Maybe we should play dress-up.”
  43. >You blush heavily. Anon saw. This could not be more embarrassing.
  44. >Anon picks you up and cuddles you in his arms; you are after all a little filly.
  45. >As he picks you up he places his hand under your tail for support; you feel the pit in your stomach drop.
  46. >Right, naked.
  47. >You feel yourself become wet, and turn an even darker shade of red, which makes you become even wetter.
  48. >This could not possibly get more embarrassing.
  49. >”You’re just the most precious thing,” Anon says, hugging you close, one hand pressing against your withers and the other against your filly privates.
  50. “I- I’m not precious! I’m a guy! Put me down!”
  51. >You couldn’t help but say it half-heartedly. Anon could feel it, literally. You are already completely emasculated beyond hope.
  52. >Anon lies down on the bed, carrying your light filly frame with him. He is holding you on his chest tightly against him, hugging and petting you.
  53. >”You’re a guy, you say?” he says, as he removes the hand that had been supporting you below your tail and.. inserts two fingers into your female privates.
  54. >Your jaw drops, and you feel the strange and at once humiliating sensation of you lubricating yourself.
  55. “I-.. I..,” you can only stutter, naked and humiliated and wet.
  56. >Anon slides his fingers further and rests his hand firm against you, his other hand firmly holding and petting you.
  57. >So this is what it’s like when your life is over.
  59. >Your eyes are closed tight as you try to be anywhere but here, anywhere but on top of Anon as he firmly holds your naked filly body, looks at your naked body, has his fingers inside of your body as you drip enjoying it and he knows it, knowing you’re anon.
  60. >But the humiliation only makes you wetter, which only makes it more humiliating.
  61. >You feel yourself lubricate again, your privates contracting around Anon’s fingers.
  62. >The humiliation of it only makes you contract a second time.
  63. “A cute naked filly who enjoys being humiliated,” he says, petting you and firmly holding you.
  64. >You struggle half-heartedly and he firmly holds you, contracting again. You let out a cute squeak.
  65. >This won’t end even when it does. Anon will never be able to look at you the same way again.
  66. >You are humiliated by your constant nakedness, humiliated by your marehood, humiliated by being a little filly under Anon’s care.
  67. >But most of all humiliated by your sexual response to being humiliated.
  68. >Your vaginal muscles contract again around Anon’s fingers, reminding you again of your total nakedness, and you feel yourself lubricate again. Anon never moves his fingers. He just smiles, enjoying your humiliation.
  70. >You can feel it building up, and though he never moves those humiliating fingers, you feel them.
  71. >What if you cum from the sheer humiliation alone? Cum in front of Anon, an emasculated naked filly, just from how humiliating it is to cum in front of him from being humiliated?
  72. >You feel your vaginal muscles contracting around his fingers.
  73. >No, anything but please. Please, don’t let me cum in front of Anon. Not ever, but especially not like this.
  74. >You let out a sexual filly-moan of humiliated pleasure. A sexual moan in front of Anon.
  75. >And that was the final straw. The floodgates open, your privates contracting around his fingers rhythmically, your body tensing rhythmically in what Anon knows is you, anon, cumming on top of him from the sheer humiliation of cumming from humiliation. And as you cum, the humiliation of it makes you keep cumming as you gasp in your little filly voice and he holds you tight as you spasm from the orgasm.
  76. >After those thirty seconds of total humiliation, you only feel more humiliated as he hugs your naked aroused filly-body close and removes his fingers. You had cum on Anon.
  77. >You immediately lubricate yourself again, and you whimper. Can you even call yourself anon after this, after what you just did in front of him, on him?
  78. “That’s a good anon filly,” he says, still firmly holding and petting your soft body.
  79. >He stands up and supports you under his tail again as he holds you tight and you struggle half-heartedly.
  80. >”We’ll have to play dress-up some time,” he says, placing you down and opening the door as you run to your guest bedroom in shame, closing the door trapping yourself and burying yourself under the sheets.
  82. >You lay there in shame for a long time, but you still had so much sexual tension.
  83. >You crawl out from under the sheets and lie supine. You need to masturbate.
  84. >Your hooves are firm but give slightly. Pony hooves here are different from those on earth.
  85. >Spreading your legs you begin shlicking. Your female parts feel fantastic and, to your shame, you imagine yourself cumming from humiliation on top of Anon. You couldn’t help it.
  86. >Just as you near climax, Anon opens the door, and you freeze. You are facing him, spread eagle, with your hoof on your privates masturbating.
  87. >You begin cumming.
  88. “No, no,” you whimper, but giving in, start shlicking again, milking your orgasm in front of him in humiliation, squirting slightly and moaning in your filly voice and spasming as he watches.
  89. >Afterwards you lay panting slightly as he stares at you in shock.
  90. >He then holds up a small dress, saying, “Come on my naked cum-soaked filly, it’s time to play dress-up.”
  91. >You whimper loudly, burying your face on the covers as he picks up your light filly frame, again supporting you under your tail and feeling your shame, and walks back to his room again, placing you down and closing the door.
  92. >He puts the cute little dresses on the bed as he says,
  93. >”I need to clean your up first you filthy little girl.”
  94. >You stand there just wanting to die as he fetches a wet towel from the adjacent bathroom and cleans your privates.
  95. >He then picks up the dress.
  97. >”This will help you feel less naked,” he says, and begins putting a girly dress on you, touching you, as you oblige in a state of humiliated shock.
  98. >The closet door is mirrored so you can see a reflection of your humiliation.
  99. >You oblige in shock as he moves you around like a rag doll, picking up your rear hooves and slipping it over your hind legs and rear and tail.
  100. >The dress, of course, does not cover your privates. It is a girly dress that begins at your midsection and extends just over your tail, leaving your rear and genitals completely exposed.
  101. >“That’s just adorable,” he says, as he picks up your light frame facing you slightly away from the mirror.
  102. >”Look at how cute you look,” he says, and you oblige. You see what you look like from behind in your exposing dress. You feel even more naked than before. You are still in a state of shock.
  103. >”Let’s go walk around town,” he says, walking out the door. In your humiliated daze you follow him out the door in your adorable dress that draws attention to your privates, and soon you find yourself in public at his side.
  104. >And then you come back to your senses.
  106. >You freeze. Everyone is staring at you.
  107. >The whole town knows you’re a guy in a filly body. Pinkie Pie had announced that during your welcome party.
  108. >And here you were in a cute open-ended dress in public. You could feel some ponies staring at your rear. You felt naked even in a town in which no-one wears clothes, and you were wearing a dress in public.
  109. >You are an adorable filly. It looks cute. But they know you’re not a filly on the inside.
  110. >You feel yourself lubricate again, and you crouch down with your forehooves trying to bury your face, exposed rear in the air. And then you realise what you look like now.
  111. >What would Twilight say? You couldn’t tell her what had transpired without humiliating yourself even more. And now you were in a dress.
  112. >You can’t even take it off. You know you would be able to push it around, but your hooves are useless.
  113. >Ponies are staring at you. You are still in a dress in public sticking your exposed rear in the air, showing everyone your engorged filly genitals.
  114. >Could you ask Anon to take the dress off you, here in the crowd? What would they think?
  115. >You could run back, but that would just draw attention to yourself, and then you would have to wait outside the door with your useless hooves, or struggle to try to open it.
  116. “We’re going back home,” you say to Anon, looking up pathetically.
  117. >You and he walk home, your face down in shame as you wear the dress and everypony keeps looking at you.
  118. >When you get home you run to your guest bedroom in shame, still wearing the dress, and scramble on top of the bed and bury yourself in the covers.
  119. >How is this your life?
  120. >Your privates are on fire, and you want to masturbate again.
  122. >You spread eagle on the bed again and begin masturbating, pulling the dress up slightly as it drapes over you.
  123. >Anon could walk in again, but you are in a daze and almost don’t care, and begin masturbating imagining yourself in public like that, burying your face in your forehooves and sticking your privates in the air while wearing that dress.
  124. >Of course, Anon opens the door, catching you spread eagle masturbating in your dress.
  125. >You weren’t quite as close to orgasm this time, but you look at him and it's just as humiliating as the first time considering the situation. Your vaginal muscles contract.
  126. >“It’s time to eat,” Anon says, smiling.
  127. “Just let me finish,” you say meekly in your cute filly voice, resigned with hoof on your privates.
  128. >”Go on then, anon,” he says, watching you.
  129. >He called you anon. And look at the situation you’re in. You feel your vaginal muscles contract as you lubricate yourself.
  130. >You begin shlicking violently, giving him a show in your dress as you bite your lip until you gasp cumming in front of him. You didn’t even have to imagine masturbating your filly privates in a dress in front of Anon.
  131. “I’m.. I,” you mutter.
  132. >”Let’s take that dress off you and clean you up,” he says, removing it.
  133. >You felt more naked in it, and you feel more naked now without it.
  134. >You put your forehooves over your privates in shame. Now you feel even more naked.
  135. >He fetches a wet towel and cleans your privates.
  136. >”It’s time to eat, my little filly anon,” he says.
  137. >Defeated, you follow him to the dining room with your head down.
  139. >At the dinner table, he serves you.
  140. >Because your hooves are essentially useless, you have to eat with your mouth.
  141. >Ponies understand, and Anon understands, but it’s still embarrassing.
  142. >Nothing was said. You just ruminate on the day’s events.
  143. >You retire to your room to sleep and bury your filly body under the covers, curling up in shame.
  145. >You wake up the next morning.
  146. >It all happened. It wasn’t a dream.
  147. >You can be Anon’s humiliation slut, but you are not wearing a dress in public again.
  148. >Did you really just consider being Anon's humiliation slut?
  149. >Push that thought out of your head.
  150. >But how could you ever recover from this?
  151. >You wander downstairs. You had had the foresight to leave the door open a crack.
  152. >”There’s my naked filly anon,” he says, smiling.
  153. >You’re naked in front of him. Of course you are. You can feel his eyes on you.
  154. >He is probably remembering you masturbating in a dress in front of him.
  155. >You whimper, standing still, looking to your side.
  156. >He picks up your filly body, supporting you under the tail again.
  157. >”You’re such an adorable filly,” he says, hugging you.
  158. >You make a pouty face and try to bury your face in your shoulders.
  159. >It doesn’t work. He begins petting and cuddling you.
  160. “Just put me down,” you pout in your cute filly voice. “I.. I need to go for a walk.”
  161. >You eat breakfast and have Anon let you out the door, and you wander into Ponyville.
  163. >You feel the breeze against your fur.
  164. >At least you’re not wearing a dress this time and ponies aren’t aren’t staring at you.
  165. >You’re enjoying looking at some of them, though.
  166. >How do they live like this.
  167. >Your hooves take you to Sugar Cube Corner, and you enter as somepony else leaves.
  168. >As soon as Pinkie Pie sees you she bounces up to you and hugs you.
  169. >”Aw, you were just the cutest thing yesterday in your little dress! I didn’t know you liked wearing dresses!”
  170. >You blush deeply in embarrassment. The whole town must have heard about it by now.
  171. “I-I didn’t want to wear that dress! Anon put me in it!” you squeak in your cute filly voice.
  172. >”Aw, no need to be shy! You wouldn’t have been walking around in it if you didn’t want to show off how cute you look! It’s so cute that you let Anon dress you up!”
  173. “N-no, it’s..”
  174. >How could you explain what happened without embarrassing yourself even more?
  175. >”I know! We’ll sew you the cutest dress! My present!”
  176. “Pinkie, I..”
  177. >”Don’t by shy, anon! We’ll meet at four at Rarity’s Boutique! Oh my gosh you’ll look so cute!”
  178. >And with that she pushes you out the door. It’s not as if you had any bits, though she’d probably give you a cupcake if you asked.
  179. “I’m not cute...” you mutter.
  181. >After wandering around for a while, you walk home and find Anon there.
  182. >”There’s my filly anon,” he says, sweeping you up in his arms and coddling you, supporting you by your filly privates.
  183. >You scrunch your face and try to bury your face in your shoulder.
  184. >”Pinkie told me you agreed to have Rarity sew you a fitted dress. You’ll look so cute in it,” he says.
  185. “Anon..” you say in your cute filly voice.
  186. >You are at a loss for words. Your life is humiliating. You’re a naked filly being supported and hugged by Anon by your privates, and you’re going to model for a fitted dress. And that’s not to mention everything that happened yesterday.
  187. >You feel you lubricate yourself. Anon feels it too.
  188. >”I know just the thing for my little filly,” he says, taking something out of his pocket and.. inserting it.. into your privates.
  189. “Anon!” you squeak. “Put me down!”
  190. >He puts you down and you lie supine, trying to use your useless hooves to take it out of your vagina.
  191. >You’re doing this naked in front of Anon.
  192. >You continue playing around with your genitals and trying to contract your vaginal muscles to get it out and you squirm naked on the ground in front of him, hooves over your vagina.
  193. >”It’s time to go to the boutique,” he says. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint Pinkie and Rarity, would you?”
  194. >You whimper. It looks like you’re going to the boutique with something in your privates.
  195. >Anon picks you up and cuddles you again. The pressure of his hand against your exposed privates makes you feel the egg-shaped object he put inside you.
  196. >You lubricate yourself heavily.
  197. >”Let’s clean you up first,” he says, fetching a wet towel and.. cleaning your genitals as he holds you.
  199. >You wander to Carousel Boutique at Anon’s side, feeling whatever he put in your privates with every step.
  200. >You are blushing and you know your exposed genitals are engorged, and here you are in public like this.
  201. >Hopefully nopony notices. Nudity may not be taboo, but sex certainly is. Your head is down in shame, and the humiliation turns you on.
  202. >You cannot tell anypony. You’re in far too deep.
  203. >You find yourself on a small podium as Rarity tries dresses on you and Anon and Pinkie Pie watch. You can see yourself in the mirror.
  204. >”You’ll just look so precious in this dress, darling. I’m glad you’re embracing your feminine figure."
  205. >You bite your lip.
  206. >And then whatever Anon stuck inside you begins vibrating.
  207. >Nopony can hear it, but you can feel it. You genitals swell and everypony is watching you. You are half-way facing away from them; they can see it.
  208. >”Oh.. oh my,” Rarity says, trying to ignore it. She then recovers and says, “Oh, I know just the dress!"
  209. >You try to ignore it too. The humiliation before was one thing, but this is something else.
  210. >You feel the vibrator setting turn up as Rarity removes the dress from your naked body and puts on another one. You feel Pinkie Pie and Rarity trying to avert their eyes from your winking genitals. No, not in front of them. This is real. This is actually happening. This isn’t Anon’s place. This is cumming naked in public in front of Pinkie Pie and Rarity.
  212. >”This dress will look dazzling on you, anon,” Rarity says uncomfortably, and puts another dress on you.
  213. >Your genitals are soaked and you begin dripping.
  214. >”Oh.. oh my,” Rarity says. Everypony freezes and Anon is watching you, as you bite your lip.
  215. >The humiliation is too much. You bury your face in the ground, sticking your winking privates in the air, the dress drawing attention to your hind. You are cumming and dripping in pure humiliation and doing everything you can to successfully suppress making any noise as Rarity and Pinkie Pie look on your privates in shock.
  216. >And then the vibrator stops.
  217. >”Well, anon,” Rarity says. “This has been, ahem, nice. But I do have other things to attend to,” Rarity says uncomfortably.
  218. >”Yeah..” says Pinkie. Even Pinkie is at a loss for words.
  219. >You put your head down and walk out with Anon in too much humiliation to even say thank you.
  220. >She’ll have to clean your sexual fluids from the podium.
  222. >You walk home in humiliated shock.
  223. >You couldn’t believe what you had just let happen.
  224. >When you get home, Anon picks you up, sits down in a chair, and firmly lays you over his lap, forehooves and hindhooves on opposite sides of his legs.
  225. >And he spanks your hind, part of his hand spanking your filly privates.
  226. >”That’s a bad filly! No cumming in public!”
  227. >You moan in humiliated pleasure. How is this your life? You didn’t think it could get worse than the total humiliation that was yesterday. You still feel the vibrator inside you, and though it’s not on, the spanking pushes it against the inside of your filly parts.
  228. >”Bad filly!”
  229. >Spank.
  230. >You gasp. He’s spanking pretty hard.
  231. >You struggle to get away, but he’s holding down your small filly frame as he spanks you.
  232. >”No cumming in public! That’s disgusting!”
  233. >Spank.
  234. >Spank.
  235. >The humiliation is too much. Your privates are on fire, and you feel him smack them with each spank.
  236. >”Disgusting filly, cumming in front of Rarity like that!”
  237. >Spank.
  238. >You are in a daze of humiliation.
  239. “I’m sorry master,” you say.
  240. >Did you just call him master? Oh n-
  241. >His fingers slip inside your privates and pull out the vibrator, and he begins jutting two fingers in and out of your vagina viciously.
  242. >You’re going to cum.
  243. >”Disgusting filly!” he says.
  244. >You think back on all that’s happened the past two days as you feel it building inside you, a filthy naked filly anon on Anon’s lap as he milks you to cum.
  245. >”Cum for me, anon,” he says.
  246. >He called you anon. You spasm and moan in your little filly voice, and he firmly holds you, milking your orgasm for everything as you writhe in for every bit of pleasure as much humiliation, and he keeps milking you for it.
  247. >You then lay panting, hind soaked in your filly juice, on Anon’s lap.
  248. >He removes his fingers from your privates and, petting you as he wipes your fluids on your back, says,
  249. >”That’s a good filly.”
  251. --------------

Who Are you? [Anonfilly][Incomplete]

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Trust Once Lost

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AnonFilly, Feat. Abusive Twilight

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Anonfilly, feat. Abusive Twilight Part II

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