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Anon Vs. Adoption 7

By AnonfillyArchived
Created: 2020-12-31 22:38:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Geez this mare was over dramatic
  3. >She was rolling around on the floor screaming in pain
  4. “As much fun as it is watching you writhe in pain I'm afraid I have a prior engagement I must attend”
  5. >Without another word you leave the orphanage infirmary
  6. >Slowly meandering to the game room gives you plenty of time to inner-monolouge
  7. >Christ the shit you put up with
  8. >Crazy ass ponies tried to erase your memories
  9. >Did you even have all your memories even?
  10. >Do you remember your parents?
  11. >You know you had parents, you were sure of it
  12. >What were there names again?
  13. >Shit what did their faces look like!?
  14. >Not good
  15. >You only vaguely remembered being human
  16. >The first clear memory you even have is being turned into a filly
  17. >At least you still remember being human
  18. >Still not good
  19. >You about-face and quickly trot back to the infirmary
  20. >As you walk back in you are relieved to see that stupid unicorn again, treating your wannabe moms head wound
  21. >Just the guy you wanted to talk to
  22. >Now you didn't need to track him down or anything
  23. “Hey fucker give me back my memories or I swear to God I will break off your horn and jam it up your stupid asshole”
  24. >So surprised by you appearance he answers your question
  25. >“I, uh..... can't.”
  26. “What the hell do you mean you can't!?”
  27. >You couldn't even remember how to play Dungeons and... something.... It was that one table top game you were going to play
  28. >How could you even DM now!?
  29. >You only skimmed the O' and O books because it was almost exactly like the game you already knew like the back of your hoof
  30. >You mean hand, yeah you had hands remember?
  31. >You don't know how to play anymore, let alone DM
  32. >How were you gonna play now?
  33. >Also who the hell were you parents?
  34. >Oh right the unicorn was explaining this to you
  35. “Well when I looked through you memories there were just so many! And so unusual! I thought you were highly delusional and got rid of as many of those downright weird memories as I could. You should be thanking me for it!”
  36. “I'm sure as shit not going to be thanking you for it! Give me back my memories you dick!”
  37. >”Even if I wanted to, which I don't. I couldn't get them back anyway, they are gone forever, erased”
  38. “Well isn't there some way for me to get them back?”
  39. >”Well there might be some way, but I'm not aware of it. Not that it really matters now”
  40. >He picks you up in his telekinesis
  41. >”I told Blossom Point you'd require another treatment, I suppose she didn't listen judging by her current condition”
  42. >”He brings you close to his horn as it starts to get brighter
  43. “Not this shit again!”
  44. >You struggle with all your might against his magical hold on you
  45. >Just as you are about to succumb to another memory spell you manage to get a fore-hoof free from his grip
  46. >You waste no time knocking his horn upwards and out of your face
  47. >A bean of bright light shoots out of his horn and bounces straight off the ceiling
  48. >Directly hitting him in the face
  49. >He unceremoniously drops you and collapses
  50. >Ow,, serves the idiot right though
  51. >The stallion starts to stir
  52. >You turn to leave
  53. >As you leave in the corner of you eye you see that mare you punched twice walk past one of the infirmaries privacy curtains
  54. >The stallion looks at her with wide eyes
  55. >”Mommy?”
  56. >You slip through the door
  57. >Well he'll clearly be of no help
  58. >Not now anyway
  59. >You go to the game room
  60. >If not O' and O, surely there was something else you could play?
  61. >You could really use a distraction to stave off your incoming panic attack
  62. >The Game room was just as you remembered it
  63. >Fortunately
  64. >You must have been early because you were the only one here
  65. >You look at the O and O books on the table dejectedly
  66. >Maybe you could re-learn the rules before everyone show?
  67. >You pick up the rulebook and start to read
  68. >You can still read at least
  69. >But only at like a kindergarten level
  70. >You have to spell out some of the big words and it takes forever
  71. >This doesn't make any sense!
  72. >You didn't feel any dumber
  73. >But this rulebook was beyond your current reading level somehow
  74. >Your only advantage, your intelligence was taken from you
  75. >You were too scared to even try attempting any math
  76. >Even worse you know you used to be able to read this kind of stuff so easily!
  77. >How could it become so difi- dificu..... hard?
  78. “Heh, That's what she said”
  79. >At least you had you sense of humor you suppose
  80. >Wait why was that even funny?
  81. “FUDGE”
  83. >Be Anon
  84. >What were you supposed to play now?
  85. >You dejectedly look through the game room for something else for everypony to play
  86. >Great, they got you using their dumb lingo too
  87. >Maybe you should go to your bed and brood or something
  88. >Whatever 'brooding' was
  89. >The whole 'remembering things but not understanding' thing was getting old
  90. >Maybe you should get some proper revenge on those idiots?
  91. >That unicorn seemed like he'd be a total wuss without his magic
  92. >Oh wait last time you saw him he got hit with his own memory spell
  93. >And that one mare who wanted to be your mom
  94. >That had to hurt
  95. >And you have no idea where that one guy who wanted to be your dad could be anywhere right now
  96. >Maybe you should go punch that mare again
  97. >This is a bad idea but you have nothing but your hatred of her to hold onto
  98. >Your sense of self has been forcibly changed so much...
  99. >You force yourself not to dwell on it
  100. >You are still Anon
  101. >Whoever that is
  102. >You leave the game room and slowly trot your way back to the infirmary
  103. >As you make a turn into another hallway Quick Serve notices you
  104. >”Hey Anon where you going? The game room's the other way. We were going to play OaO today”
  105. “I can't play today”
  106. >”What?! Why not? You're the DM”
  107. >You try your best not to sniffle
  108. “I don't remember how to”
  109. >”Huh?”
  110. “Some jerk took away all my memories and I can't remember how to play anymore! I can't remember anything that even happened before I got here... I don't even know who I am anymore”
  111. >You wipe away the tears now forming as best you can with your forehoof
  112. >”They took your memory? They only do that if you're getting adopted! I'll really miss you I'm sure you'll have a good new life”
  113. “I don't want a new life! I want my old life back! Whatever it was”
  114. >”Is starting over again really that bad? You even get to earn a cutie mark again!”
  115. “My cutie mark?”
  116. >Sure enough, the black question marks that were on your flank are gone, leaving only those stupid magic sticker things on your hide
  117. >No real loss there honestly, what does a question mark even supposed to represent in a world were the picture on your butt is literally the manifestation of your entire being in one image?
  118. “Huh, never noticed, I think I'm going to got to bed now”
  119. >”It's not bedtime for a long time though, why would you want to go to bed so early”
  120. “You can do other things on beds”
  121. >”Like what?”
  122. “Uhhmmmm....jumping?”
  123. >What was that thing that was really fun in bed? You know it was pretty entertaining but nothing really comes to mind
  124. >”Good point, jumping is fun, can I come with you?”
  125. “No offence Quickie but I'd rather be alone right now”
  126. >Oh, o-okay Anon, I guess I'm going to go play some board games, or whatever it is they do in the game room”
  127. >Quick slowly starts trotting to the game room and you head towards the dormitories
  128. >You getting mind wiped didn't bother her at all?
  129. >She's probably just too young to understand why it's such a horrible thing
  130. >As you go up the stairs and into your assigned bed you realize something
  131. >This places punishments were really really dumb
  132. >You go up another flight of stairs and into the room you were confined into for your first night here
  133. >They punished you by giving you your own room and bathroom
  134. >I mean sure the door locked on the outside, but still
  135. >It's not like they'd let you starve or anything
  136. >Probably
  137. >You look at the lock on the door
  138. >Just a key lock, no dead bolts or anything
  139. >Hmmm
  140. >Idea!
  141. >You run to the nearest classroom and get a roll of clear tape
  142. >If you tape the door latch shut so that the door mechanism doesn't shut properly
  143. >You apply the tape as needed
  144. >You test your idea
  145. >Success!
  146. >You do this to all the other solitary rooms, you never know which one they might put you in
  147. >Now that you know you haven't potentially locked yourself in a room you go lie down on the bed
  148. >Now what?
  149. >You weren't tired, and it was just you, this room and your thoughts
  150. >Well if you couldn't just escape and you didn't want to get adopted out. What was your goal now?
  151. >Well you could probably pin this all on Strict Rules, the jerk who ran this place
  152. >Jerk seems to be quite an understatement but no meaner terms really come to mind
  153. >Mindwipes, not even once kids
  154. >Well you probably couldn't beat her, and you definitely not going to just submit and be a good filly
  155. >Revenge
  156. >Of course!
  157. >If you could get some dirt on Strict about that child porn or whatever and get it to Summer she'd be ruined!
  158. >And if that fails you could sneak up on her and beat the ever loving tar out of her
  159. >From your experience unicorns aren't good at Cqc
  160. >You really want a bandanna right now for some reason..
  161. >Anyway if you were going to sneak into her office you were going to need some supplies and a plan
  162. >The only thing in this room you can remove are the gray bed sheets
  163. >You awkwardly fold the bed sheet and place it on your back as you leave for that abandoned classroom you got the tape from
  164. >There might be something useful there
  165. >You check in all the student desks
  166. >Mostly old workpapers and writing tools
  167. >Though you find a spool of what appears to be piano wire
  168. >What
  169. >You look around the classroom again
  170. >Using the moonlight coming in through the windows you spot old piano in the corner and the battered instruments strewn around this used to be a music room
  171. >How'd you miss that?
  172. >And how'd it get so late?
  173. >Whatever, you put the spool of wire in your mane and look through the rest of the room
  174. >What even happened here though? This place looks like it was abandoned in a hurry judging by the state of the room and it seems like nopony has been in here for a long time
  175. >And that weird brown stain on the floor by the teachers desk
  176. >Oh yeah the teachers desk!
  177. >Who knows what will be in this one this time!
  178. >It even has a drawer labeled 'contraband'
  179. >Neat, lets see what's inside
  180. >It's locked, of course
  181. “Dangit! There was probably some cool stuff in there too
  182. >Even with the initial disappointment you carefully look through the rest of the rather large desk
  183. >Other than some dried up ink pots and some music sheets there's nada
  184. “Ah come on! Nothing?”
  185. >You stomp a hoof angrily on the desk
  186. “Gimme something to work with here for once!”
  187. >You angrily stomp out to the hallway
  188. >Just as you reach for the door, you hear a quiet 'click' and then a muck louder 'Clunk' from behind you
  189. >You spin around
  190. >You're still alone
  191. >What the hay was that?
  192. >The noise sounded like it came from the teachers desk
  193. >Curiosity piqued you go back to investigate
  194. >Oh sweet the contraband drawer opened up somehow
  195. >You must have knocked something loose when you hit the desk or something
  196. >Let's see what we got here
  197. >The first thing you notice is a ornate silver letter opener
  198. >It has some crusty dark brown stuff on the tip and it seems really sharp
  199. >Picking it up in your hoof feels weird as it shines in the direct moonlight ominously, but it seems far too useful to leave behind
  200. >You wipe off the brown stuff on the desk and put it in it's little sheathe, which was right next to the letter opener and put it in your mane for safekeeping
  201. >Let's see what else is in here
  202. >Is that what I think it is?
  203. >it is!
  204. >A filly sized saddlebag full of various fireworks
  205. >Sweet!
  206. >Now if only you had some-
  207. >And a large box of matches
  208. >How the hay did anypony even sneak all this stuff in here anyway?
  209. >It's almost a shame the filly that had all this got caught, it seemed like she had something epic planned
  210. >Almost, but her loss was your gain and you needed all the help you could get
  211. >The rest of the drawer was just some kazoos, a few spitball straws and a whoopee cushion
  212. >You take the whoopee cushion with you because why not
  213. >Satisfied with your findings you take one last look through the room to plan
  214. >Jeez this room was creepy, better go back to your room
  215. >A melodious childlike giggle seems to pass though your very being as you leave
  216. >Must've been a voice carried by the wind or something

Who Are you? [Anonfilly][Incomplete]

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