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Anon vs. Adoption End

By AnonfillyArchived
Created: 2020-12-31 22:39:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Princess Luna, Goddess of the night and protector of dreams
  2. >Be guarding the dreamscape over Manehatten
  3. >Nothing really of note so far tonight, just some minor nightmares about ponies insecurities and what not
  4. >but you have one last stop
  5. >The orphanage
  6. >The dreams there are always just so…. Sad
  7. >The constant cries for love and affection are neigh unbearable
  8. >So many dreams where they just dream of having parents
  9. >It’s a shame Celestia has prevented you from personally adopting the whole orphanage
  10. >You understand logically that you cannot take care of 150 or so foals by yourself
  11. >But Damn you if you didn’t want to try
  12. >At least you can donate as much money as you can
  13. >Those 12 bits you had in the bank really gathered interest over your 1000 year banishment on the moon.
  14. >You hope the mistress of the orphanage used the money properly
  15. >And you still have to check up on that one filly with the really weird dream from the previous night
  16. >Well let’s see how the foal’s dreams are tonight
  17. >The first dream you visit is of a filly being hugged by 2 faceless adults as they tell her how much they care about her
  18. >Next there’s a dream where a little colt is being told a bedtime story
  19. >There’s one with 2 fillies playing tennis
  20. >A pretty tame night so far
  21. >You feel the looming presence of a nightmare somewhere nearby
  22. >Better take care of it before it festers
  23. >You quickly find and enter the nightmare that demanded you attention
  24. >You find yourself in a dark classroom, lit only by moonlight poring through an open window
  25. >Broken instruments scattered all around the floor make it difficult to maneuver around and the ceiling is too low to hover properly
  26. >You can’t seem to find the dreamer as you look over the room
  27. >Certainly they must somewhere in here, nightmares most certainly never show up by themselves
  28. >You think you faintly hear something, your ears pivot to hone in on the sound
  29. >It sounds like ragged breathing is coming from behind the teacher’s desk
  30. >As quickly as you can you head towards the sound
  31. >Just you find a little green filly lying just behind the desk
  32. >She looks to be in severe pain, something silver gleaming on her side
  33. >She had been stabbed in her dream!
  34. “Who has done this to you little one?”
  35. >The filly jerks suddenly and looks wearily towards you
  36. >She looks so much older than she has any right to
  37. >”Nobody stabbed me Nighthorse, I was just imagining another fillies fate”
  38. >This can’t be good
  39. “Please explain”
  40. >”A filly was murdered here, stabbed with a rather ornate letter opener and left to bleed to death, I don’t know what happened to her body but I talked to her spirit not too long ago:
  41. >A haunting?
  42. >In your orphanage?
  43. >Not if you had anything to say about it!
  44. “Where is the spirit now?”
  45. >”She passed on, I helped’
  46. >What
  47. “What?”
  48. >”I don’t really know to be honest lady, but she seemed pretty content when I killed her murderer for her”
  49. “You killed somepony? At your age?”
  50. >”She deserved far worse than death, and I’m older than I look. Believe me”
  51. >How are you even supposed to handle a confession like this
  52. “Do you know who you just confessed to?”
  53. >”No, and to be honest I know I’m dreaming so I don’t care, but if you knew what Strict did you’d trust me that her death was for the best”
  54. “I doubt that”
  55. >The filly, who had been lying on her side the whole time suddenly jumped up and glared harshly at you
  56. “She killed a kid, stole from an orphanage, sold child porn and nearly raped me! If that’s not worth a death sentence to you I don’t care what you think!”
  57. >Those are some pretty bucking serious crimes if she’s telling the truth about all this
  58. >Something is seriously wrong with this filly
  59. >Maybe even beyond the whole murder thing
  60. “You know this means I'm going to have to look into this in the waking world”
  61. >”I don't know what that insinuates but do your thing dream pone”
  62. “I mean that I'm going to look into this when I wake up!”
  63. >”I guess you're right figment of my imagination, I will need to answer for this”
  64. >This filly
  65. “Do you not know who I am?”
  66. >”I know exactly who you are, and I'm sure you also know what's actually bothering me”
  67. >If being a murderer wasn't the problem what the ever-loving buck would be?
  68. >You didn't even want to know
  69. “And that'd be?”
  70. >Damn your curiosity!
  71. >”I never thought I'd ever play coy with myself, but I supposed I might as well play along and play as my own therapist. I don't know who I am anymore. Am I a man named Anon or a filly with the same name?”
  72. >That's.... weird
  73. “What is a man?”
  74. >”Male humans, I miss having a dick”
  75. >How soon were we giving fillies 'the talk' these days? Seriously!
  76. “I, uh, anything else?”
  77. >”They are also human ADULTS, I don't like being this young again. It makes me feel small and vulnerable. I mean I was very nearly raped a few hours ago! I'm compartmentalizing all this so I don't have a Goddamn brain aneurysm!”
  78. >Humans must be what she calls that monkey thing
  79. >But she used to be grown up?
  80. “You used to be an adult? What happened?
  81. >”That stupid purple alicorn!”
  82. >She couldn't mean that Twilight could he/she?
  83. >”She turned me into a filly and teleported me to Manehatten for no reason!”
  84. >The dream is starting to break
  85. >She must waking up
  86. >”When I get my hands....hooves..FUCK! on her I'm going to-!”
  87. >With a 'poof' the dream ends and you're back in the dreamscape
  88. >This was going to be either weirdly simple to deal with or take years of therapy and police intervention to solve
  89. >Fortunately you are a princess of the realm so you are a natural procure of deus ex machinas and macguffin's
  90. >Still might require the ponice and some some serious therapy sessions afterward though if that filly was telling the truth
  91. “Buck my life”
  97. >Be Anon
  98. >Other than some weird dreams the rest of your night was uneventful
  99. >Especially in comparison to yesterday
  100. >But that’s not important right now
  101. >What was now important was getting away with it
  102. >No juvy or it’s cutesy pony equivalent for you
  103. >But even more important in the short term
  104. >Breakfast
  105. >You head downstairs
  106. >Passing by the crime scene you created
  107. >Bitch had it coming
  108. >It was corded off with police tape and there was a pony in blue looking aound the still open window
  109. “So what happened officer?”
  110. >The stallion jumps at your sudden appearance
  111. >”I can’t tell you about ongoing investigations, and this isn’t any place a filly like you should be
  112. >This is probably the most competent adult you’ve met
  113. >He turns around and goes back to examine the window
  114. >You take that back
  115. >While he is otherwise occupied you spy the remains of the bottle rocket you launched
  116. >As subtlety as you can hide it in your mane
  117. >He didn’t seem to notice
  118. >You continue on your way to the cafeteria
  119. >Looks like they have bacon and eggs with toast today
  120. >Overjoyed by the prospect of bacon you grab your food, take your usual seat and dig in
  121. >The eggs were good on toast
  122. >But the bacon was disappointing
  123. >it seems to be made of hay somehow
  124. >You forlornly take a bite, expecting greasy hay
  125. >What you taste nearly brings you to tears
  126. >It tastes like real goddamn bacon
  127. >You eat it slowly, savoring every bite
  128. >But like all good things it ends far too soon
  129. >With breakfast out of the way it’s time to go to class
  130. Pfffffff fuck that
  131. >With nary a second thought you head towards the front door, throwing away the bottle rocket on your way out
  132. >With Strict dead the stupid barrier is probably down
  133. >Your weird permanently affixed stickers seemed to have disappeared too
  134. >How convenient [spoiler] I have totally forgotten about what I wanted to do with those [/spoiler]
  135. >You open the front door and exit the orphanage
  136. >”Anon wait!”
  137. >Just as you place your first step outside you turn you head and see Quick Serve running to you
  138. >”You’re going to leave without saying goodbye? You’re my only friend! You can’t just leave me!”
  139. >Your ears lower as you feel bad for forgetting all about Quick like that
  140. >Then an idea comes to mind
  141. “Wanna come with me?’
  142. >”Where would we go? What would we do?”
  143. “We can go wherever we want and do anything we want. It’ll be great”
  144. >“I don’t know, I’ve never even been outside the orphanage before”
  145. “How about this, we explore around Manehatten for a while and if you don’t want to stay with me we come back here”
  146. >”Can we get some tennis balls?”
  147. “I don’t see why not”
  148. >”Then what are we waiting for let’s go!”
  149. “Hey wait up!”

Who Are you? [Anonfilly][Incomplete]

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Trust Once Lost

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AnonFilly, Feat. Abusive Twilight

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Anonfilly, feat. Abusive Twilight Part II

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Anon to her Filly

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