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/sun/ and /moon/ /Completed/ A comfy Hearthwarming story

By Appreciationproject
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-22 19:33:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Edited using various anon's criticism.
  2. Reduced the number of exclamation marks, some spoken lines are redone.
  4. >Celestia laid on an enormous fluffy carpet in her chambers, her long elegant legs tucked under her.
  5. >Her golden aura held a large box, which she was in process of opening.
  6. >The lid floated away and out went the crude ceramic mug, engraved with “I love Tea!”
  7. >Celestia contemplated the mug for a second, with clear astonishment.
  8. >She turned to her sister, who was beaming with joy nearby. Beaming so intensely, that she could’ve been easily confused for a daytime-related alicorn.
  9. >”Luna, thank you very much. Although—”
  10. >”Do you like it, Tia? Want to know how I made it?”
  11. >”Yes..." Celestia trailed off, slowly rotating the mug in front of her muzzle, "Yes, I would love to.”
  12. >While being the younger one, Luna’s power was equal to her sister’s. And thus, as an alicorn, she needed to just imagine, what physical object she wanted to exist, and channel her will outwards for matter to arrange itself into the object in question.
  13. >So, the crudeness of the gift was surprising.
  14. >”I actually made it, Tia! Not in our usual way, but actually.”
  15. >Luna trotted along the chambers, excited to tell her story.
  16. >”I went to the Royal Sculptor and asked him, what clay I would need and where is it being extracted, then I flew there and scooped the whole bucket of it. I asked him to let me use his tools and made the mug.”
  17. >”You went to Cellini’s workshop? Used his tools? Made this with just your hooves and telekinesis?” Celestia smiled with mischievous amusement
  18. >”Yes, he said it was a great honor.” Luna laughed. “Oh, Tia, you have no idea how much fun it was! It’s like foal’s guessing game. When you know what you want to say, but must skate around the exact subject as much as you can.”
  19. >She trotted to Celestia and nuzzled her.
  20. >”Do you like it? I thought how those ancient masters were making things in your honor and I know how much do you like tea…”
  21. >Celestia levitated over a teapot and filled the crude clay mug. She sipped out of it with clear enjoyment.
  22. >”Yes, I do like it very much. Thank you, my dear Luna.” She hugged the dark alicorn with her neck, then got up.
  23. >With a pop, another decorated box appeared in the room. Right in front of Luna, who caught it in her magic.
  24. >”For me?” she asked rhetorically.
  25. >”Yes. Merry Hearthwarming, sister.”
  26. >Luna opened the box and took out an enormous warm scarf. She donned it around her neck and jumped to the mirror.
  27. >Her horn lit up and the scarf came alive, fluttering like from an oncoming wind, much like alicorn’s mane and tail.
  28. >”Thanks, Tia.”
  29. >Celestia smiled sheepishly.
  30. >”Although, I must admit you outdid me. I made it the usual, alicorn way.”
  31. >Luna approached her and laid nearby, beckoning her with a toss of her head. Celestia joined Luna and both sisters snuggled to each other.
  32. >”By the way, speaking about the ways to do things, I wonder what Anon is up to?” Celestia mused.
  33. >”Me too. You should encourage him to do something related to his home more often. That book was the most interesting.”
  34. >”You mean that book he remembered?”
  35. >”Yes. The one you transcribed from his memory while making him to relive it.”
  36. >”Well, he liked that.” Celestia moved her ears a bit, an equine equivalent of a shrug.
  37. >”That’s what a literature should be like, Tia. It reminded me so much of olden times. Politics, survival, forbidden love, clashes between the powerful nobles…” Luna’s expression became dreamy. “And in a completely different reality, to boot—”
  38. >Her excited tirade was cut off by a knock to the door.
  39. >”Yes, you may enter.” Celestia called.
  40. >The gilded door to the Royal chambers opened and there entered Anon, pushing the dinner cart loaded with a large cake.
  41. >He parked it at a safe distance from the carpet and bowed to his Royal hostesses.
  42. >”Greetings, dear Anon.” Celestia smiled at him.
  43. >”We are glad you have come.” Luna reaffirmed her sister’s point.
  44. >”Merry Hearthwarming, Your Majesties.” he answered, “Those bastards in the kitchen tried to give me the boot; politely of course; but I sneaked there and still managed to make this!”
  45. >He made a "voila!" gesture.
  46. >Celestia extended her neck and examined the cake.
  47. >”It looks like that Prench dessert, yet different…” she commented.
  48. >”It’s a dessert from my home. My grandma used to make this for every holiday. I remembered the recipe.”
  49. >”If it’s anything like what Prench ponies do, the recipe must be a rather complex one.” Celestia said, betraying her vast knowledge of things related to desserts and bakery.
  50. >”I have practiced for a bit at first. That’s why they tried to get me out of the kitchen, they didn’t want to swab it once again—”
  51. >”Anon, come here.” Luna interrupted.
  52. >She tapped the floor between her and Celestia with her wing.
  53. >Anon complied, sat on the carpet, and was immediately caught in a feathery embrace from the two alicorns.
  54. >”Luna, shall we?”
  55. >”Yes, sister. Although, the lack of fun notwithstanding, I’m afraid we must do it the ‘usual alicorn way’.
  56. >Their horns lit up at the same time. A part of Celestia’s tea set ceased to exist.
  57. >Just a moment after, Anon looked, flabbergasted, how right in front of him, from the thin air, appeared a somewhat crude teacup, decorated with a stylized, cutesy bear.
  58. >A moment later, a silver teaspoon appeared in the cup as well.
  59. >”Wha— Wha— How— Hey it’s my teacup! I mean the one I had as a kid. And the spoon as well!”
  60. >”I’ve seen it in your dreams, Anon.” Luna smiled. ”Merry Hearthwarming!”
  61. >Anon took the cup in his hand and carefully caressed it.
  62. >”Fucking onions, somewhere here, I swear…” he mumbled, flicking off a tear from the corner of his eye.
  63. >Celestia hugged him tighter.
  64. >And then, they ate cake.

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