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Suzie the Ponymon, by Klaifferon

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2021-01-04 18:52:10
Expiry: Never

  2. Part one: It’s nice in your snowstorm
  4. >It's March 25th.
  5. >...and the spring is in its full glory
  6. >you're a typical edgy 17 years old Anon, living at the edge of a city with your parents and a little sister
  7. >the life is okay, you're guessing
  8. >you've had okay childhood, some friends to occasionally hang out with, parents are nice people, but you're at "that" age
  9. >that age where you can't seem to find your happiness
  10. >you're spending a lot of time in your room, at your PC, either just playing offline or with your online friends on discord
  11. >but you don't see them too often irl, mostly because you're a little lazy to go further than a few meters away from your house
  12. >and even though your parent do love you, they would like you to be a little more action-taking about your life
  13. >...but like most adults, they don't really have a good way to show their good intention, so it mostly feels like you're getting bullied into doing things you don't like
  14. >being taken along with them for shopping just for the sake of it, - when they clearly don't need you
  15. >constant questions about why are you like that, when will you get a girlfriend, etc etc
  16. >....your little sister on the other hand, she's still young enough to be their crown jewel
  17. >sociable, happy to spend time with them, a lot of friends in school....
  18. >and parents surely do show appreciation for the way she is
  19. >sometimes it feels like they really do love her more than you, but..... well you're giving them a reason
  20. >and while you do love your sister, since she really is a sweetheart most of the time, it's still hard not to be a little jealous sometimes
  21. >she's getting the most expensive gifts, a lots of attention....
  22. >yeah, you don't really like that much of an attention, but something's still bugging you
  23. >for instance, for her 7th birthday, they bough her this stupid ass expensive animal that looks like some kind of cartoony miniature horse
  24. >some new, artificially created specie
  25. >it was SO damn expensive, if they'd given YOU this money, you could have had first class, top spec PC by now
  26. >instead, there's just this colorful creature roaming around the house
  27. >and to be honest,.. you don't really like the thing
  28. >each time you look at it, it's reminding you of your uncomfortable position in the family
  29. >life too
  30. >parents said it's not just for your sister, that it's a new family member,... like that dog you wanted before - but they wouldn't get it for you
  31. >hypocrites...
  32. >but damn, dogs can at least be cool
  33. >this thing is far from cool, quite the opposite, it looks just.... funny
  34. >they keep telling you to give it a chance: go walk it outside, play with it, but Jeez, don't wanna
  35. >plus, if any of your friends or schoolmates saw you with it, they would surely laugh their asses off
  36. >that would be so lame....
  37. >anyway, right now it's 8:21, your parents are watching TV, your sister probably with them, while you're in your room, trying to spend some quality time alone, when-
  38. >your door creaks, so you carelessly eye behind you what is it this time your parents want
  39. "Sorry mom, I don't really like the TV shows you're-..."
  40. >but it's not your mom
  41. >not dad either and certainly not your little sister
  42. >it's Suzanne, the weird animal
  43. >also known as "Miss Preeny", because she's constantly going trough the feathers on her small wings, even though she can't actually fly
  44. >but she's sure annoying enough to know how to open doors, goddamn
  45. "Oh what the hell do you want here?!" you pause your game and turn around "Hush! Go away!"
  46. >it's enough of a hostile reaction to make her hastily back out of your room
  47. >but it's not like she's closing the door after herself
  48. "Stupid goddamn animal..."
  49. >now you have to go close it
  50. >you're reaching for the handle when you notice two big eyes, reflecting the bit of light coming from your room
  51. >she's still there in the corridor for some reason
  52. >so you stare into the sparkly orbs for a few seconds, then close the door, heading back to your PC
  53. >about to sit down when you hear the handle click once more
  54. "I said go away!!" you run up to the door, stomping the ground to emphasize on your anger
  55. >the creature eeps a high pitched noise, in attempt to turn around bangs her head into the doorframe and is clopping away into the darkness
  56. > you might have overdone it just a bit
  57. >maybe you should go check on it
  58. >so you step out of your room, switching the lights to see where has it gone
  59. >well,... it's nowhere here
  60. >hope it didn't hurt itself when it hit it's head, the thud was pretty loud
  61. >clumsy creature
  62. >eventually, you find an opened door to the living room, where your parents are watching TV on the couch
  63. >...and it's there with them, curled under their feet, curiously eyeing at you
  64. >good
  65. >>"Hey Anon, came to join us?"
  66. "Uhh, not exactly,.. I was just checking on ya'll!" you’re doing your best to make it sound casual, not awkward at all "AND to get some water, got real thirsty, have fun though!"
  67. >you slam the door without actually getting the water and go rush back to your room
  68. >phew, safe and sound again
  69. >when-
  70. "Jesus not again...."
  71. >the door are open and the creature is hesitantly standing there
  72. >you're getting angry again, clenching your fist, about to throw something at the animal-
  73. >but then you swallow that emotion, inhale,…
  74. >and exhale as slowly as you can to calm down, closing your eyes for a second
  75. >guess this is something you just have to learn to live with
  76. >….
  77. "....What do you want?" you’re now asking in a lot more composed tone
  78. >...
  79. >of course it wouldn't answer, it can't speak
  80. >but it tilts it's head, making a few small, hesitant steps forward, as if asking whether it can enter
  81. ......
  82. "...Alright. Come here then."
  83. >could it be just the tone or color of your voice, but the creature seems to understand, walking towards your chair where it sits on it's rump, watching you with great interest
  84. >you've never let her too close to you before, because of your little prejudices about it's lame appearance and of course, your great jealousy and feelings connected to it
  85. >purposely kept disdain, especially to show your parents your disagreement of buying such a thing
  86. >but now you're alone with her in the room and.....
  87. >.….it's kind of hard to utterly hate her
  88. "Why aren't you with my sister and parents?" you raise your hand towards the creature's head to pat her, but she flinches away
  89. "...Did I leave such a bad impression?" you chuckle
  90. >....
  91. >guess you did
  92. >why is it still here though? Shouldn't it be running away again?
  93. >...
  94. >so you try it again, this time very slowly, letting her smell your palm before touching her
  95. >and after the short ritual, she lets you bury your fingers into her soft mane
  96. "There... there. You know,...... I guess I'm sorry. ........It's-.. not your fault."
  97. >that was kinda harder to say out loud than you thought
  98. >thank God nobody else can hear you
  99. >but the creature curiously glances in your eyes, as if it partly understood what you're talking about
  100. >it's strange, considering how goofy she looks with it's bright colors, big eyes and a tiny horse body, she must be a lot smarter than a regular pet, such as a dog or even a cat
  101. "So, will you tell me now, why did you come here?"
  102. >”....”
  103. >nope
  104. >instead she in a very sneaky fashion uses her front hooves to pull herself closer to your chair, dragging her rump on the ground behind her
  105. >the sight made you snicker
  106. "Jeez,. I guess you're alright." you snicker "Hate the TV shows too?"
  107. >of course she wouldn't answer
  108. >but she whines a quiet high pitched sound
  109. "So you do!" you laugh, taking it as an obvious yes, even though it could have meant literally anything "At least one thing we have in common."
  110. >then reach your hands towards her again, to fondle the fluffy ears on her head
  111. >they're covered with silky fur and are incredibly soft to touch, just like with most animals, but you could swear these ears are even softer
  112. >....and it doesn't take long till she devotedly closes her eyes, resting her head in your palms
  113. >could swear this thing is a friendship incarnate, how easily she comes to like you even though you were nothing but disdainful to her before
  114. "Okay Suzanne..." you eventually let go, her head somewhat falling out of your hands before she realizes she has to keep it up herself again "But I'm gonna play vidya now, can't give you the attention forever either.... But I guess we're cool now."
  115. >giving her one last grin and turn around in your chair to doubleclick a game icon
  116. >Sekiro it is
  117. >dun dun dun, the loading rolls, game’s starting and you're immediately immersed in it's world
  118. >it takes a while for you to realize that Suzzanne hasn’t left
  119. >eventually, you find a safe spot for the game character to lay low and turn around in your chair again
  120. "Come on, what is it you want??.... Are you like,.. hungry or something?"
  121. >the creature slowly pulls her front hooves on your desk, very closely watching you eye to eye and sniffing your face
  122. >then pokes her tongue out, about to lick you, but freezes right before doing that
  123. >your father already taught her not to lick anyone's face, despite of how much she'd like to
  124. >and she's seems to be a quick learner
  125. > she's just staring at you, her orange tongue still hanging out of her mouth for a while before she licks her lips and slides it back it
  126. >you snicker
  127. "You're this much from actually speaking, you know that?" you’re showing with your fingers "But I still have no idea what you want. Is it really just someone’s attention?"
  128. >...the pegasus resembling creatures still staring at you from up close, to a point that it's almost weird
  129. "Alright Suz,.." you give her a few thorough scratches on her neck, running your hands up into her long mane behind her ears again, which she seems to like the most of all, judging by the faces she's making
  130. >and you keep it up for a few minutes, till you let go of her again and go back to your game
  131. >she's still on her rear, leaning onto your desk, but now it's the videogame that's catching her attention
  132. >fast movements and figures running around the screen, some getting stabbed, other slashed, protagonist jumping around...
  133. >eventually she reaches her hoof towards the screen, trying to touch your character in the middle
  134. "Hey!"
  135. >her hoof immediately retracts and she even slides back down on the ground, eyeing up at you with visible guilt
  136. >....
  137. "Look, I'm sorry, but I was in the middle of a boss fight and got killed just now......... You can look if you want to, but no touching the screen, alright?"
  138. >and you even pull a second chair to the PC, so that she can sit on it and see, without having to stand on her rear
  139. "Come come." you pat the chair "This one's for you."
  140. >a little hesitantly, she firstly puts one of her hooves up there, then glances at you as if asking whether it's really okay
  141. >they aren't letting her on the couch or other human surfaces because your mother doesn't want to have her hair everywhere, so she only has her own little mattress in the living room and a few carpets
  142. "Of course you can, this is my chair and my parents have no power over here." you grin "......Just don't get used to doing the same with other furniture around the house. Just this one here okay?"
  143. >it's strange, but she's giving you looks as if she caught at least the very essence of what you've said
  144. >not words, but like…. the meaning?
  145. >then she pretty elegantly jumps up on the cushioned chair and makes herself comfortable there, her head resting on the armrest, softly leaning her cheek on your elbow right next to it
  146. >guess that's alright
  147. >and she's watching you dying to the same boss over and over again
  148. >that is, until...
  149. "YES! FUCK YES! FINALLY GOT YA, NIGGERRRRRR!" you laugh, spontaneously hugging Suzzanne right next to you, as if it was your shared victory "See that?! Shinobi execution!"
  150. >she has absolutely no idea why are you happy like that ,..but quickly joins you in your sudden joy
  151. >swishing her tail and-... making sounds very similiar to human giggles
  152. ".…You can laugh?... Am I hearing right?" you slowly let go of the hug
  153. >and you could swear she’s smiling, too
  154. >now that you’re thinking about it, a lot of her emotions look very humanlike
  155. "Oh wow, just what exactly did my parents really buy? Is that why you were so expensive?"
  156. >"Ni-ggaaaahhh." Suzzanne suddenly speaks with a voice of a deaf, adolescent girl
  157. "Uh,.... what?"
  158. >"Niggaaah!" she chirps excitedly, this time articulating a lot better
  159. >'re unable to really comprehend what you should even feel right now, so you're just staring at her while she goes on and on:
  160. >"Nigga! Nigga!"
  161. "Uhhh, MOM?! DAD?!" you finally yell, loud enough for them to hear you two rooms away
  162. >>"YES DEAR?!" your mom yells back
  165. >>>"DID YOU TEACH HER ANYTHING YET?" dad joins in
  166. "NO! I MEAN, MAYBE..."
  168. "Shit."
  169. >Suzzanne is watching you with a big, human like smile on her face, still excited about her word causing such a massive reaction
  170. >"Nig-"
  171. "Stop." you close her muzzle before she finishes it, looking her straight in the eyes "We don't say that in public. Okay?... Do you understand me?"
  172. >but she just looks pretty confused about all this
  173. >eventually, you have to let her muzzle go
  174. >"Ni-"
  175. "Don't." you only put your index finger in front of her mouth this time
  176. >she wouldn't finish it, understanding well that you don't want her to say it
  177. >but judging by that grin on her face, you get the feeling she's totally gonna abuse this to get a reaction from people
  178. "...You're horrible, you know it?"
  179. >"Haw! Eeble!" she's wagging her tail and opening her tiny wings
  180. "Yes, that's you...."
  181. >can't really hold a serious expression any longer, sincerely snickering, over the absurdity of this situation
  182. >sure, you could hit her each time she says the word to make her remember not to do it, but you don't exactly have a stomach for it
  183. >and as much as you hate to admit to yourself,... she's totally being adorable right now
  184. >and you kinda like what her first word was
  185. >AND mostly, that she learned to speak from you, not your sister or parents
  186. >seeing you're grinning too, she rears up, resting her front hooves on your shoulders, and gives you a big, lengthy lick over side of your face
  187. "Jeez." you chuckle while wiping her saliva off your cheek "Gross."
  188. >alright, so now you're definitely "that member of family" who lets her do stuff others wouldn't let her get away with
  189. >even though your little sister isn't exactly the rule enforcing type either, first week or two, your dad was filling that role around her, so you know that Suzzanne won't disobey her either
  190. >and surprisingly,... you're kind of okay with what's happened
  191. >feels good to be someone’s favourite, even if-.... even if it's just a family pet
  192. >"Harweeble!" she chirps again
  193. "No,...try to say: "Suzzanne." Suzz-anne!" you chuckle "Can you say it? Suzz-anne."
  194. >it takes her a few tries, but
  195. >"Sooz.... Soozaine!" her tiny wings victoriously spring open
  196. "Great! That's your name!" you point at her with a grin on your face "You're Suzzanne."
  197. >"Soozan!.. Soozzan!"
  198. "You're just like a pokemon now." you snicker, raising a hand for her "...Can you do a high five too?"
  199. >but she's just watching you with a confused smile
  200. "Yeah, that's stupid, but how about a fist bump?"
  201. >still smiling at you widely, but still totally clueless
  202. "Like this." you pick her hoof up and bump it with your fist
  203. >she’s letting you move her hoof around, watching what you're doing but still doesn't understand too well
  204. >or care
  205. "Fist-bump." you'd try that one more time "....No?"
  206. >guess not
  207. >she just keep on smiling
  208. >when she suddenly springs up towards your face, vigorously licking you like an excited dog
  209. "Ew! Stop it!" you're laughing while softly trying to push her away, but it's only making her think it's a game now, trying to get to your face even more
  210. >so you eventually push her a little harder, enough to make her fall over on her back, but catching her so that she won’t hit her head again because of you
  211. >and then bury your hands in the fluff on her chest
  212. "Aww, who's a fluffy monster?" you're laughing in the heat of the game as you're trying to keep your hands around her belly, tickling and scratching the creature while she's rolling around and playfully kicking her hooves as if she wanted you gone, but not for real
  213. >and you're messing with her, letting her fight with your hands until you hear the steps of your parents in the corridor
  214. >upon that, you immediately stop, spring back up and sit down to the PC as if nothing
  215. >gotta keep your "edgy" composure
  216. >even though she is pretty fun, you ain't openly admitting she's cool
  217. >meanwhile Suzzanne had picked herself up, panting and gazing at you whether you're going to continue or not
  218. >but your parents are already at the door
  219. >>>"Hey, so it looks like you two finally became friends now." your dad laughs upon seeing the pegasus, all her attention centered only towards you
  220. >while you're doing your best to look as careless as if you were just disturbed from your videogame
  221. "Yeah, as if. She just keeps following me, I dunno what's her deal. And she even started to repeat my own swear words when I tell her to go away. I had no idea she can learn to parrot!"
  222. >>"You shouldn't be swearing at her anyway, if you need to teach her not to do anything, you gotta be firm, but not angry. …What did you teach her?"
  224. >so you eye back on the eversmiling creature, sitting there in the center of everyone's attention
  225. >"SoOOozzanne." she says importantly in her high voice
  226. >>"......Her name?"
  227. >>>"So it's her name you've taught her?" laughs your dad patting your shoulder "I knew you two would get along in the end."
  228. "But I-...! Yeah, I mean no! I'm not befriending her just because I taught her to say her name. I just wanted you to pick that stupid thing up, so that she doesn't keep opening my door!" and you point her direction "Go, you!"
  229. >>>"Well, alright,.. maybe some other time." your dad smiles somewhat disappointedly and slowly walks away to the door "Come, Suzzanne."
  230. >and Suzanne glances at you, no longer smiling, before reluctantly walking towards your dad and mom, leaving your room
  231. >....
  232. >you're left alone in your room again, thinking whether it really was a good thing you did
  233. >you might have kept your pose, but at what cost?
  234. >in the look the poor thing gave you,... there was a visible hurt
  235. >it made you feel pretty bad
  236. >on the other hand...
  237. >... it's just an animal, she can get over it
  238. >hopefully, she doesn't have a memory of an elephant
  239. >still,...
  240. >it's bugging you before going to sleep that night
  241. >of course you wont come back with a sudden public confession, that you didn't mean it
  242. >what's done is done
  243. >but it doesn't feel good either
  244. >surely,.......she won't even know about it tomorrow
  245. >still... you might make it up to her somehow when you'll see her
  248. Part two: It's too late to be hateful
  250. >A new day cometh, a beautiful sunday morning and you're just getting out of your bed
  251. >the rest of the household has been up for quite some time already, but it’s nothing unusual
  252. >you’re always oversleeping on weekends
  253. >everyone's mostly finished with their breakfast, so you just lazily greet your parents and sister and head to the fridge for something to bite on
  254. >but on your way to the table in the living room, you’ve walked into Suzzanne, resting on her mattress
  255. >she heard your steps with her big ears, opening her eyes and timidly backing up further away
  256. >shit
  257. >guess she remembers...
  258. >it’s making you feel a little guilty
  259. >but your dad is seeing you, he's sitting in a chair nearby
  260. >....and you definitely wouldn't try to apologize in front of him
  261. >how stupid would it look anyway?
  262. >admitting your mistakes like this... and to an animal
  263. >no, instead you’re gonna make some breakfast and act as if nothing
  264. >that is, until your dad finishes his coffee and moves back to kitchen, leaving you in the room with her
  265. >she's now back on her mattress, eyes closed, but she isn't sleeping, just resting
  266. >so you sneakily stand up from your chair, leaving the rest of the bread there and slowly creep up to her so that she won't run away
  267. >then put a hand on her head,-....
  268. >which she immediately flinches away from
  269. "Hey, look, I'm sorry. You're not annoying, okay?" you’re attempting to touch her again and since she’s already in the corner, she has nowhere to dodge
  270. >but the smoll pegasus is still at least disdainfully resisting and avoiding eye contact
  271. >so you let her go and just sit down next to her, frowning
  272. ".…..I just wanted to make my point in front of them,.. so that I wouldn’t look stupid… I know that my problems aren’t your fault. Sorry if that hurt, I didn’t mean it."
  273. ….
  274. >it really does feel stupid talking to her like that
  275. >but then you feel something nuzzling your hand, seeing how she’s cuddling up closer to you
  276. “Heyy…..So we’re good..?” you softly scratch her chin with one hand, picking one of her ears in the other to fondle it
  277. >and judging how she’s succumbing to your petting, even closing her eyes and softly giggling,..
  278. >you might have earned her back
  279. "Ooooh right we goooood then.” you grin, burying your fingers into her chest fluff to give a few deep scratches while she’s trying to nibble on your nose “......Just don't let them know alright?"
  280. >had no idea just how deeply this creature can feel, or even understand
  281. >...pretty sure she can’t actually make out the words, but she must be really empathic as far as emotions go
  282. >because she could definitely tell that you’re honestly sorry
  283. ".….Okay, I'm gonna have to go finish my breakfast over there." you eventually boop her nose as a bye bye after a few minutes of playing with her
  284. >giving the pegasus a little grin before sitting back at the table
  285. >for which you're returned a happy smile, before Suzanne contentedly lays her head down again closing her eyes for another nap
  286. >it feels like she just earned some of your respect with her personality..…
  287. ….
  288. >the upcoming days, you’re still trying not to pay Suzzanne too much attention around your parents, but whenever she comes for a visit into your room, you’re always glad to have her as a company
  289. >she somehow must have understood it’s a place reserved for your openness
  290. >it’s not like you’re spending a lot of time somewhere else when you’re home
  291. >...sometimes she's just sitting in the chair you basically gave her, watching you do stuff at your computer, other times you’re playing-fighting
  292. >considering she's basically a tiny horse that’s moving a bit like a cat, it could hurt to get kicked by the end of her hoof, but she's mindful about it and overally as gentle as her own character
  293. >and she's a total cuddlebug too, often trying to sneak her head on your lap, or even climbing there whole, but yeah,.. she's a little too big to be a lap dog
  294. >so she's mostly fine with just leaning herself over you while you're sitting by the PC
  295. >and as embarrassing as it is,.. you've grown fond of the strange flightless pegasus pretty quick
  296. >it really feels like she's listening to you, even if she doesn't understand the words
  297. >only the emotional charge of your sentences, body language, etc...
  298. >and that's making her,... somewhat easy to talk to
  299. >since she's probably not going to tell anyone what exactly you're saying and won't judge you either
  300. >so yeah,.... you’re occasionally talking to her too
  301. >and by "occasionally" is meant: maybe more often than to your parents
  302. >it's hard to not see them as an enemy sometimes, since when they want something from you, they feel you’re obligated to do it
  303. >there's always the argument winning card "You'll get kicked out of the house when you're 18."
  304. >and man, you're gonna be 18 soon
  305. >pretty sure you'd die on the streets,.. if they’re really serious
  306. >so you're somewhat forced to listen to them, don’t wanna find out
  307. >but Suzzane, she isn’t forcing you into anything and she feels..... more trustworthy and supportive of you dealing with your personal problems than them
  308. >you're "talking" about life, what happened in school, what made you happy today, who was a total asshole, but even philosophize about universe
  309. >even though it's just you speaking, unless her occasional random words should count
  310. >.…but sometimes you’re coming up with a new perspective on things when you glance at her, searching for some answer
  311. >always a positive one, because she's smiling all the time
  312. >it DOES feel like a way of communication to you
  313. >but she’s slowly learning some new words from you too
  314. >sometimes parroting right back and rarely even accurately naming things
  315. >mostly those she can connect with some strong emotion
  316. >but it's in no way that she’d be forming any real sentences of her own
  317. >doesn’t even try, prefers being silent most of the time unless she wants something
  318. >.…the only thing she likes to repeat very often is her name
  319. >yeah, that she understood well enough, and it’s her way to express everything
  320. >it's easy enough to articulate and to remember too
  321. >she's even always announcing herself before entering the room
  322. >...hard to deny it's cute how she’s the closest thing to a real pokémon you’ve ever seen
  323. ….
  324. >the only downside is that due to spring, she’s losing some of her fur, leaving her favourite places covered with it
  325. >and a single week, they are covered with her colorful hair!
  326. >well,.. not completely “covered”, but it’s apparent she was there and you still lowkey don’t want your parents to know that you’re letting her in your room
  327. >...wanted to vacuum it today
  328. >so right now, you're about to return there, bringing a hoover
  329. >when you run into your dad
  330. >>>"There you are, I was looking for you- Hey, what happened champ that you actually took the initiative to clean your room?" he laughs, patting your back
  331. "N-nothing." you chuckle "I-I always clean my room, it's just not as often as ya'll do."
  332. >>>"Yeah, right." grins your dad "Anyway, I was gonna talk to you about:"
  333. >a sentence that’s resulting into one of his “totally not forced” pep talk conversations about going outside
  334. >it's about five minutes when he finally brings up that you could at least TRY to take Suzzane for a walk
  335. >which is pretty convenient for you, because you'll kill two fly with one swat with what you're about to say:
  336. "Alright then,... I'll go with her dad, but you'll stop with these conversations, please?" you're pretending a defeat, seeing the valuable points of your dad's arguments about healthier air outside and dangers of getting fat if you aren't moving enough
  337. >in reality, you've already considered going outside with her a few times before, but you’ve been waiting till someone else brings that up
  338. >...this way you're a martyr who’s forced into it in front of your parents
  339. >+1point for your ego
  340. >>>"So you'll go? Great! I knew there's some sense in you." your dad pats your back again "I'll prepare the leash and you can go after lunch. Your mother has it almost ready."
  341. "Yup, sure..." you're still posing as apathetic until he closes the door after himself
  342. >then you victoriously dab because you’re a zoomer “I’m a fucking master of illusion!"
  343. >.…and it really doesn't take too long till you're summoned to the kitchen table for a lunch
  344. >being there, you bring up Suzzanne because since you "have" to take her for a walk
  345. >..for safety, of course
  346. "...So how long are they even supposed to live?"
  347. >>>"We were told that theoretically around 60 years. But since there isn't a live specimen this old, it's hard to say. ....She may probably outlive us, that's why you should hone your relationship with her a bit. Might eventually end up having to take care of her one day." dad chuckles
  348. >>>>"If Anon won’t like her, I can take care of her too!" your little sister raises her fist and resolutely bangs it down the table "One day I'm gonna be a BIG girl and I'm gonna save EVERY poor animal without a home!!"
  349. >>"Sure you will." your mom laughs, fondly touching her head
  350. "....So how intelligent can these things really get?” you return back to the topic “Will she grow too?
  351. >>"God no. She’s already almost as big as that horrible St. Bernard dog you wanted. As adorable as she is, I wouldn’t allow anything so big here, even if it was a single inch more.”
  352. >>>”And she won’t get any smarter either.” your dad adds to fully answer your questions “But she can learn a lot of things the way she is. I’m planning to teach her how to use a toilet so that we won’t have to let her out each time she has to go.”
  353. >>”Practical as always…” mom chuckles “But do you really think she can do that?”
  354. >>>”If some cats can...What do you think Anon?”
  355. “Me?.. I uh, guess Suzzanne’s pretty smart…”
  356. >hearing her name, she raises her head from the mattress, interrupting her nap
  357. >"Soozane....?"
  358. >>”I think she likes you Anon. Even though you’re not really giving her a lot of reasons for it.”
  359. >so you have another morsel of your lunch to avoid giving any answers
  360. “...So and why did you pick one that’s so colorful?” you ask after swallowing it “She’s like a parrot in all aspects.”
  361. >>>>”Because it’s cuuuute!” your sister’s just finished her meal, while the rest of you were talking
  362. >which makes your dad chuckle before adding:
  363. >>>”It’s not like we had any big choices. They were all extremely similar. Almost as if they were cloned from each other. But we liked those bright green eyes, most of the others had magenta or red ones.”
  364. "Huh, really?"
  365. >>>"Yeah, I don’t know how they did this, but it's interesting."
  366. "It sure is...." you eye at Suzzanne, continuing in her nap, then dig into your lunch again
  367. ….
  368. >after everyone’s finished eating, just like you've promised, you dress to go outside while your parents prepare the leash and a collar for Suzzane
  369. >"Suzzane! Suuzzane!" she's excited to see outside again, trotting and jumping around the front door
  370. >it's always a big moment, since your parents don't have enough time to walk her every single day
  371. >and while your sister would like to walk her on her own too, she's too tiny for it
  372. >so when Suzzanne’s outside,.. well they warned you it’s almost impossible to get her back
  373. >but she supposedly obeys, since your dad smacked her with the leash at least once
  374. >and you know now, that she HAS indeed a memory of an elephant
  375. >>>"…And keep her close to you! Don't let her run off somewhere!" your mother is still standing in the door when you're already outside
  376. "Sure mom...."
  377. >and then the door finally close
  378. "Phew..." you sight, glancing at excited Suzzanne walking next to you "... It's hard to stand her sometimes isn't it?"
  379. >but the pegasus is way too busy with the awe of the wide world around her to notice that you’re talking to her
  380. >though, she isn’t pulling on the leash, moving pretty much within it’s range because of the choker collar
  381. >she’s smart enough to figure out how it works from her previous walks
  382. >looks trustworthy enough…
  383. >so after a few hundred meters, when you’re out of sight of your parents, you stop and walk up to her
  384. "What do you say we take it off?"
  385. >but the pegasus just sits, curiously gazing at you, thinking about what exactly you want from her
  386. >so you reach for the collar, lifting it up a little
  387. >that she understands, a wide smile appearing on her face and wings shooting open like two tiny umbrellas
  388. "But no running off, okay?” you laugh “At least not while we're still on the streets... Once we get to the fields, you can run wherever you want. As long as you return."
  389. >but she's way too excited to really listen to you, clopping her hooves on the ground and flapping her wings
  390. >so you crouch down face to face, to get her full attention
  391. "No running off, okay?"
  392. >something in her expression’s telling you she must have understood at least something, so you loosen the collar completely and pull it up over her head
  393. >...but the second you let her go, she jets away straight ahead
  394. "SUZZANNE!" you yell as loudly and intimidatingly as you can, seeing how she took off
  395. >and surprisingly,.. she completely freezes
  396. "No running off, okay?" you catch up with her, crouching down and speaking in a way softer tone
  397. >but she still looks pretty scared of you
  398. >so you look around if there’s nobody around watching you before hugging her “Come on Suzzie, I’m sorry,… I know you don’t like being yelled at, but see, I’m worried about you. We might be at the very edge of the city, but there are still cars around."
  399. >and soon the pony seems to relax in your arms again
  400. >tousling her mane and giving her a few scratches, you let go again when you’re sure it’s okay
  401. >"No wunning.." she parrots, empathizing on it by softly waving her head
  402. "Clever girl." you laugh, patting her neck before finally standing up
  403. >from then on, she’s doing her best to stay at least relatively close
  404. >on one hand, you're glad she's not putting herself in danger, but it's bugging you that you're behaving like your parents do
  405. >maybe she'd be careful enough, you never know…
  406. >.…you just didn't even take the chance to find out
  407. >man, this is making your head hurt
  408. >you don’t ever wanna be like your parents, don’t wanna take anyone’s freedom away just for safety
  409. >next time you’ll be better, calmer
  410. >somehow
  411. >soon you’re finding yourself at a backalley, one that’s leading around a few houses and trees to a dusty road
  412. >from here, you're pretty sure it's safe to let her enjoy the spring in any way she wants to
  413. "Hey Suz, you can run free now."
  414. >"No wunning." she stops seriously
  415. "Yes running." you laugh, gently slapping her rump to nudge her forward
  416. >and run up front trough the alley, around the fences
  417. >that's enough of a sign for her to take the initiative and chase you
  418. >before you know it, she's at your back, giggling as if she was having a time of her life
  419. >and while passing around you, you’re getting slapped back just like you did her, except she’s using her her small wing as a hand
  420. >just before she gains lead and disappears around the corner
  421. >... must be thinking you’re playing tag or something
  422. >but even though you can’t see the pegasus, you aren’t really afraid of losing her, the path’s leading only one way and emerges into open fields
  423. >though…
  424. >once you find yourself at the end of it, she's still nowhere to be found
  425. >around you, there's a handful of trees that are growing around a small waterstream, following the edge of the crop fields
  426. >you were planning to take a tiny bridge over the creek and venture into an open space, trough the dusty road in the middle of it
  427. >.…at least it used to be dusty the last time you were here, which was the last summer
  428. >now is everything a little muddy
  429. >but where IS Suzzane though?
  430. >she should be visible here, unless she managed to jump over a fence to someone’s garden…
  431. >couldn’t possibly return back the same way, you’d have to bump into her
  432. "Suzzanne…?" you're looking around, trying to remain calm
  433. >but inside of you, man you’re getting worried as fuck
  434. “Suzzanne where are you??!”
  435. >when-
  436. >"Suzzan!"
  437. >emerging from behind of a tree nearby, the tiny mare’s charging at you...!
  438. >and just about the time you turn her direction, you’re being pounced on like a wild cat’s prey
  439. "Wha- WHOA!" you fall over on your back, getting pinned on the ground, mercilessly licking your face "No, Suzzane please stop!"
  440. >you eventually muster enough strength from your shocked body to lift her up and escape from under her
  441. >.…you probably should have gotten angry, considering the fall wasn't completely painless, there's dirt on your back and your face is sticky from her saliva, but...
  442. >'s really hard to be angry at that artless excitement she's watching you with
  443. "...You're horrible, you know that?" you painfully grin, still sitting on the ground and wiping your face
  444. >"Haweeble!"
  445. >if there was any ego left in you, it must have been totally murdered by this experience of getting knocked down on the ground and being drooled on by a creature you utterly hated a week ago
  446. >yet here you are, chuckling over it
  447. >maybe you have even deserved it, a little
  448. "Still struggling with the "R's" huh?" you poke her about her articulation while standing up
  449. >then crack your back to make sure every vertebra is in place, looking around
  450. "Okay then, let's go."
  451. >you went deep into the plains, occasionally chasing her, but since she's too fast, you're mostly just letting her run and fool around
  452. >even when she's so far away that she's merely a spot on the horizon, you aren’t afraid of losing her because she’s always coming back to you
  453. >not sure whether if it’s for you to check on her still being there, or if she just doesn’t want to lose you
  454. >maybe both, maybe it doesn’t really matter
  455. >anyways, each time she returns, you’re getting slapped with her wing and she’s gone again
  456. >of course, her stamina isn't unlimited, so she's progressively slowing down, running shorter and shorter distances, till she returns pretty much satisfied, panting and all sweaty like a racehorse
  457. >eventually, she’s just slowly walking at your tempo right next to you
  458. "So, had enough for today?" you laugh, patting and scratching her wet back "Well we've come pretty far. There's still the same long way back. Do we go home now?"
  459. >she's seems tired alright, but she agreeably smiles at whatever you were saying
  460. >good of an answer as any
  461. >so you turn around and slowly walk back
  462. >she's walking closely next to your leg, almost leaning on your thigh
  463. >can't tell whether is it from affection or exhaustion
  464. >maybe both
  465. >but she surely does deserve a little rest
  466. >when you find yourselves home, you're greeted by your mom again
  467. >>"So how did it go? Was she behaving? And where were you so long? Was it that you were enjoying the walk so much or because you lost her?"
  468. "Geez mom, calm down. It was pretty okay, but what are you talking about? I must have been out there hour at max."
  469. >>"Over two. …Whatever have you been doing that you're both so dirty?"
  470. "We’ve been at the fields behind the residential zone… And I, uh-... fell."
  471. >>"And what about her? There's mud all the way up to her belly..."
  472. "The land’s not dry yet, duh. Should have expected that."
  473. >>"…I'm gonna have to wash her." your mom frowns, realizing you're right, but wouldn't admit it
  474. "Well then, have fun then." you chuckle "I'll go change my clothes." and continue to your room
  475. >the jacket's back isn't that badly stained, so you’ve manage to scrape off and wipe away with a wet cleaning rag
  476. >by the time you're back in the living room, you’re already finding Suzzanne back on her mattress
  477. >she’s sleeping, fur still wet from the full body shower she must have received from your mother
  478. >no one's around, so you crouch next to her, softly petting the fluffy mane on her head and watching her gently snore for a while
  479. >yep, she definitely has a place in your heart by now..…
  482. Part three: Feels like a head to lean on
  484. >Monday after school, you’re returning home once again
  485. >and you're being greeted with vigorous excitement right at the entrance
  486. >first thing you see is Suzzanne charging at you and before you could react, you’re pinned to the door and the orange pegasus tongue is spreading saliva all over your face
  487. "Oh Jeez, Suzzanne, not again..!" you're trying to squirm away, but since there’s no space behind you, you’re just sliding with your back down on the ground
  488. >eventually, you manage to hold her head still between your palms while she’s trying to reach her tongue towards you
  489. "Enough, okay?" you chuckle and glance directly into her bright green eyes
  490. >which makes the pegasus giggle and friskily smile before slowly calming down
  491. "Good girl..." you whisper so that dad doesn't hear, giving her a few scratches around her neck and chest before she goes back on all four
  492. >>>"….That's strange Anon, I thought I already taught her not to lick anyone's face."
  493. "Yeah, hi dad."
  494. >>>"Sorry, hi. …I was just a little surprised that she’d do this. Especially with you, who wouldn’t even let her near you most of the time."
  495. "I guess it's because of the walk yesterday… She was really enjoying it."
  496. >>>"So you're finally friends now?"
  497. "I haven't said it's mutual." you’re unconvincingly trying fake a frown "…It's just that she-.. isn't that-....bad…"
  498. >>>"Way to go Anon!"
  499. "Still, we could have had a pretty cool new car for that sum."
  500. >>>"Can't always compare things like that son. Plus, you know your mother and sister. Even if I was against them, I'd get outvoted anyway."
  501. "Yeah,.." you chuckle
  502. >>>"So,.. are you going to walk her today too?"
  503. "Say, what? Do I have to?"
  504. >>>"Well, no... This time you don't. But look how much she wants to go."
  505. >Suzzanne's sitting on her rump not far from you, preening her wings, but just when you glance at her, you’re given a big smile with a feather still between her teeth
  506. "I'll.... think about it. But even if I’ll go, then not right now. I just got back from school, I need some time for myself."
  507. >>>"Sure champ." you dad grins as you're walking to your room
  508. >soon to be followed by a clopping of hoofsteps
  509. >"Soozan?" the pegasus opens the door just when you pull your jeans down to switch them for something more comfortable
  510. >so you automatically pull them back up
  511. >though,.. it's not like she's gonna take pleasure in watching you or something
  512. ".…Sure, come in." you carry on changing clothes
  513. >and while doing so, Suzzanne sits right in front of you, glancing in your eyes and stating with utmost importance:
  514. >"Wunning."
  515. "..You really wanna go outside so bad?" you snicker "......Okay, we'll go then, but later........"
  516. >but it’s not as if she could understand what you’re saying
  517. >”…….Wunning..?”
  518. "L-a-t-e-r. That means-.…” you’re scratching your chin while sitting in your chair “…how to explain.... Nevermind, we will go running, but not now okay?"
  519. >"Wunning!" Suzzanne excitedly jumps up on her own chair, nudging your shoulder with her muzzle
  520. "Yes, but later." you chuckle, shortly pet her and turn around in your seat
  521. >but she isn’t leaving you while you’re scrolling through facebook, trying to ignore her
  522. >you don’t really mind her presence though, she’s just being there, quietly watching what you’re doing
  523. >after a few minutes, you remember about something, open the youtube website and type in what's been playing in your head all the way home
  524. "...Hey, know this song?" you turn your chair Suzzanne’s way again, turning up the volume
  525. >it's "Style", from Foster the people
  526. "We're born to die so I'm gonna fight for how I wanna live!..." you're singing the first few verses to her ".....Of course you don't know it, but do you like it?"
  527. >and while the pony’s smiling as if she completely understood, she’s again pretty much clueless what you want from her
  528. "The song." you point at the speaker and turn it up a little bit more "Mu-sic."
  529. >"Moosic." her smile gets even wider
  530. "Yup." you grin, reaching closer to fondle her ears for a bit
  531. >....but with the way she's delighted by a touch of your hands, closing her eyes and stretching her neck towards you,.. it’s kinda hard to stop
  532. >until the song finishes in the meantime
  533. >it seems to snap her out a little, eyeing at the speakers
  534. >"…No mooosic."
  535. >which catches you so off guard you loudly snort and snicker
  536. "Hey, you know the difference between yes and no! Who taught you?!"
  537. >"...Soozan?"
  538. "Of course." you laugh, pulling her towards you and seating her on your lap "You're a WAY smarter than I thought..."
  539. >and she’s fondly cooing under your hug-scratches, nuzzling into your neck
  540. >"Suuzzan…"
  541. "Sure you are..." you're still amusedly grinning while continuing to pleasure her this way
  542. >but since she’s not exactly holding onto you in any way, the lower part of her body starts sliding down from your legs
  543. >of course, you wouldn’t let her just fall like that, so you pull her rump back up and adjust her there
  544. >except she’s like jelly right now and slowly keeps sliding away
  545. “...Are you doing this on purpose?”
  546. >so after the third time, you just slowly lay her down on the ground where she devotedly plops on her back, exposing her belly to you
  547. "So you want belly rubs huh? Mayyyyyybe we can do something about that."
  548. >and you bury your hands into her chest fluff, scratching your way lower to her belly while she’s spreading out, eyes closed and mouth slightly open
  549. >something inside you lowkey wants to blow raspberries on her, but it would be awkward as it if anyone walked into the room just now
  550. >so you at least keep on scratching her, trying to find THE spot, one that makes her hoof twitch
  551. >every animal has that, Suzzanne must too
  552. >but while running your hands around the pegasus body, you notice a barcode tattooed somewhere on the inside of her thigh
  553. >so you look closer, reading the 13 digits
  554. >’s probably the same number as on the ring that dad got with her
  555. >holding the thigh in you hands though, it suddenly feels kinda weird
  556. >like holding a human one,.. except with fur
  557. >so you let go before it gets any more awkward for you
  558. "Alright Suzie. Guess that's enough. We'll be going for that walk soon. Ehh, to go running."
  559. >"Wunning!" she springs up immediately, in full attention
  560. "Yup, just a few minutes." you tousle her mane before sitting back to the PC to finish something there and then start switching clothes again
  561. >but the smoll pegasus suddenly disappears, trotting away
  562. “Suzzanne?”
  563. >only to return with her leash and a collar from yesterday
  564. “Hey, where did you even get that! Did my dad gave it to you?” you laugh before clipping it to her neck “…Alright then, let’s go.”
  565. >today you aren’t planning to go as far as yesterday, not even the same direction
  566. >on the crossroad to the fields, you’re going to turn right instead of going straight, and follow the creek with trees growing around it
  567. >it might not even be that muddy there today…
  568. >this time you’re also trusting Suzzanne enough to unleash her pretty much right in front of the house, hoping she won’t do anything stupid
  569. >mom would call that “risky”
  570. >but you don’t like using a leash
  571. >.…and it seems to be working so far
  572. >Suzzanne's staying nearby, not really straying towards the asphalt road next to the sidewalk you’re walking on
  573. >there’s not a lot of vehicles around in the residential zone of course, but you’d still prefer her not going there
  574. >though it's not like she has any business on the asphalt anyway,- she’s much more enjoying to walk on the grass that’s growing around the fences of family houses
  575. >trotting happily on the soft surface, occasionally sniffing something or tasting some of the spring flowers growing there
  576. >...compared to yesterday’s gloomy weather, the sun is shining in it’s full glory too
  577. >which is a good thing overall, but now there are people outside and you don’t really wanna bump into someone you might know, having to explain what IS that strange colorful parrot-horse-dog with you
  578. >God forbid, running into someone with an actual dog
  579. >it’s not like you’re afraid of what Suzzane might do, she'd never hurt a fly, but what would you do if she wanted to befriend him and he turned out to be aggressive...
  580. >in your head, you’re playing out a scenario of what to do if something like that happened
  581. >you’d probably start kicking the dog, it’s better to use your shoes than fists
  582. >the imaginary Suzzanne in your head just got her hoof badly bitten but you saved her by your quick action
  583. “Huh?”
  584. >you were spacing out for a while in your thoughts, not actually paying attention where she really is in the meanwhile, so you yank when she isn’t next to you
  585. >... but she's just stopped to take a leak
  586. "Oof." you exhale
  587. >you’re terrible at looking after someone, thank God this creature doesn’t need to be constantly supervised…
  588. >a few minutes later, you’re finding yourself standing in front of the back alleys again, just like yesterday where you set her free
  589. >before you turn around at the pegasus, you’re being slapped from behind and she’s running off again
  590. “Suzzanne wait!”
  591. >"WUNNINGGG!"
  592. >man, looks like you've taught her a thing again…
  593. >so you’re running after her, trying to keep her in your sight
  594. >if you yelled harshly enough she would probably stop, but it’s pretty much safe here and you kinda want to chase her
  595. >she's fast though, increasing her lead so quickly that you’re only catching a glimpse of her tail in each turn
  596. >but it's enough
  597. >eventually, you emerge at the same spot as where you lost her the last time
  598. >and she’s gone again…
  599. >.…but you aren’t falling for the same trick again, especially when there’s a colorful tail poking out from behind one of the trees
  600. "Suzieeee! Where are youuu? I wonder just where could she be??" you’re pretending to look for her elsewhere
  601. >when you hear a rustle
  602. >so you turn around, taking a stance this time, arms open and fully prepared for all of her kinetic energy
  603. >the next second, you catch the pouncing Suzzane, spin her around and pin her down to the ground
  604. “Ha! Gotch-” you were about to say
  605. >but she eeps in her highest tone as if you just hurt her, using your shock to spring up and back away
  606. "Whoa hey, what did I do?" you crouch up from your knees
  607. >...pretty sure she didn’t hit herself or anything
  608. “...Did you just get scared..?”
  609. >"S-Suzzan?..." the pegasus steps a bit closer
  610. >...thought she would fully trust you by now to know you aren’t going to do anything bad to her
  611. >but it looks like it takes just a little bit more than that
  612. "Hey, c'mere..." you slowly reach out your palm to her muzzle, scratching her chin and moving closer
  613. ".…There we go." you chuckle when she’s nuzzling into your chest again ".....Don't like it when I see trough your tricks huh?"
  614. >"Sooz..." she coos, attempting to lick your chin
  615. >...and you’re letting her
  616. "What a drama queen you are.” you grin “So do you trust me now?"
  617. >....
  618. >who knows
  619. >.…but you aren’t really judging her
  620. >not only you let her down once before but it’s also taking you quite a while before you trust someone completely
  621. >can kinda sympathize with her in this
  622. >so you’re crouched down, scratching her neck, playing with the soft mane growing from the back of it…
  623. >when she friskily raises her front hooves on your shoulders
  624. >...and tumbles you over on you back with her weight
  625. "Hey....!"
  626. >but you already fell and the pegasus is climbing on top of you
  627. “So this was all just an act?!” you laugh “Just you wait!”
  628. >and you’re wrapping your arms around her, rolling over to the side and pinning her on her back
  629. >this time she’s just giggling, but she’s still trying to break free
  630. "What'tcha gonna do now huh?" you're grinning victoriously at the defeated pone
  631. >but it’s not like her defeat is upsetting her anyhow
  632. >so you boop her nose before letting go and standing up
  633. >”Sooz!”
  634. “Yeah yeah, I know.” you chuckle while dusting the dirt off her as well as your own clothing
  635. >but before you could finish doing that, she's slapping you with her wing again, taking a playful stance at a safe distance
  636. >this creature is relentless
  637. "Nope, I’m not chasing you. I know you're just pretending to give me a chance." you’re acting all uninterested
  638. >and slowly walk along the path, as if nothing
  639. >almost passing her, standing nearby
  640. >she's about to stand up from her pose, thinking you really don't care at all
  641. >but the truth is...
  643. >with a quick movement, you leap from your left leg straight at her, trying to grab her
  644. >... but she's still too fast, slipping away from your grasp by a few centimeters
  645. >dang it
  646. >"Suzzan!" she laughs cheerfully
  647. "Just you wait!"
  648. >really though, she is waiting for you just a meter further
  649. >so you try catching her again!
  650. >and again...!
  651. >...and again
  652. >man you have no chance
  653. "Alright then..." you roll your eyes
  654. >and you’re walking normally again
  655. >it's only after you walk past her she realizes you aren't faking anymore, so she trots up to you from behind, nudging your thigh with her muzzle
  656. "You're too fast for me. This is no fun." you shrug your shoulders
  657. >so she slaps your buttcheek with her wing like before
  658. "No, this isn't how it works." you laugh "I just don't want to chase you. That's all."
  659. >but you’re getting slapped again
  660. "Enough alright?" you chuckle, slapping her rump back “I am not playing tag.”
  661. >and while you’re sure she knows the word "enough" by now…
  662. >’re still getting slapped right back
  663. "...Are you seriously playing with me like that Suzzane?" you stop walking "Don’t you have at least a little respect?”
  664. >but your reaction only spawned a big wide smile one her face
  665. >it’s still a game for her
  666. >for a second, you’re thinking of smacking her rump with a leash
  667. “...”
  668. >but when you glance in those big playful eyes
  669. “...Jeez, how am I supposed to be mad at you?” you chuckle
  670. >and the pony walks closer, affectionately brushing herself over your legs and waving her tail around you
  671. >”SoOOoz…”
  672. >alright're probably gonna let this one slip
  673. >pretty sure that your dad would have already asserted his dominance, if she was testing his patience like that
  674. >but you aren’t your dad…
  675. >and she already likes you better than your dad
  676. >not sure how big of an achievement it is and if you won’t regret it
  677. >but you’re kinda feeling like you did the right thing…
  678. >and she’s closely walking by your side for a while, occasionally bumping into you
  679. >until she gets distracted by a bird flying around
  680. >it sat on a one of the shrubs that was growing alongside the creek you’re following
  681. >...kinda thought Suzzanne would scare it away as soon as she approaches it
  682. >but the bird jumps over on her nose instead
  683. >which made the pegasus freeze completely, just following it with her eyes for a while
  684. “Hey…”
  685. >until it flew away again, moving onto one of the branches of a nearby tree
  686. >”Sooz!”
  687. “I know right?” you chuckle “That was pretty cool indeed.”
  688. >but Suzzanne’s already trying to climb after the bird
  689. >with the first try though, her rustling scared it away
  690. >nonetheless, she’s relentlessly trying again and again
  691. “It’s not there anymore…” you stop and watch
  692. >but the pony just importantly glances your way,
  693. >”Suzzanne.” announces,
  694. >and she’s at it again
  695. >feels like this isn’t about the bird anymore
  696. >so you’re observing her attempts, how she’s running up the tree trunk, trying to grab onto the branch with her front hooves
  697. >and while she’s actually getting pretty high, it’s not high enough
  698. >with the fourth try, she realized she could try flapping her small wings to help herself a little
  699. >...which is pretty much the first time you’re seeing her actually use them for something
  700. >but now she's furiously flapping them while running up the tree and-
  701. >she has actually managed to grab onto the lowest branch with her hooves!
  702. "Wow! Nice work there!" you’re applauding her in amusement
  703. >didn’t actually expect her to make it
  704. >...except now she's just sort of hanging there, still flapping, but unable to lift herself up on the branch
  705. >until she lets go
  706. "Hey, that was still pretty impressive, girl." you walk up to her, appreciatively scratching her back with a grin on your face
  707. >and while standing under the branch,...
  708. >why not try that as well!
  709. >so you jump up, bounce from the tree trunk towards the brach and you’re grabbing onto it on your first try
  710. >.…your height is still a pretty big advantage
  711. >"Suzzan! Suzzan!" the pegasus is cheering for you in excitement as you’re pulling yourself up
  712. >..and you did it!
  713. >you're up on the branch, sitting like a gargoyle
  714. >"Suzzan!" she's still jumping and dancing around the tree
  715. >it wasn't THAT much of a feat, but she made you feel kinda proud about it
  716. >so you grin before jumping down again
  717. "Hey but I'm sure you can do it too. You were almost there!" you nudge the pony towards the tree again
  718. >"Suuu...?" she gives you an uncertain look over her shoulder
  719. "Of course!" you laugh, trying to cheer for her just like she did with you "Come on! Suzzanne! Suzzanne!"
  720. >which gives her enough confidence to jump and-!!
  721. >she's hanging onto the branch again, trying to pull herself up just like before
  722. >.…but she just can’t do it, her front legs aren’t made for that
  723. >so you help her a little, pushing her butt a little higher so she can reach with her rear legs as well
  724. >which is enough for her to slowly pull up her whole body there
  725. >"SUZZAAAAAN! Eeeeeee!" she's cheerfully celebrating
  726. "See? I knew you could do it!"
  727. >and Suzzanne's chirping in happiness for a few seconds more,.. until she realizes just how high she is
  728. >upon looking down, her eyes widen as she hugs the branch as if there was a molten lava underneath her
  729. "Come on, it's not that high!" you’re snickering "You fell from there once before."
  730. >technically she wasn't all the way up, but that half a meter isn’t that much of a difference
  731. >"Suuuuuu...."
  732. >didn’t sound like you convinced her
  733. ".......So should I catch you?" you open your arms
  734. >"S-Suz..." she nods
  735. >and while clumsily trying to figure out how to even begin, with a suprised "Eeeeep!" she slips around the branch, holding on it from bellow with all four of her hooves
  736. >”SUUUZZAAANEEE!!!”
  737. "Just let go! Let go! I'll catch you!"
  738. >but she wouldn't even look down, eyes closed and ears folded like a cat
  739. >though, she can't really hold on too long like this and starts slipping down
  740. >....right into your arms
  741. "There we go! I told you I'd catch you." you laugh, holding her like a bride or a very big baby
  742. >upon realization what happened, her eyes slowly open and her face muscles uncringe from expectating a fall
  743. >seeing you saved her, you're instantly being bombarded with a number of wet pony kisses all around your face
  744. "No, wait, have mercy on me!" you're laughing, trying to dodge away, but in vain
  745. >and you almost fell too, so you slowly set her down on the ground
  746. >thankfully, there's still that creek right next to you, so you crouch down to wash your face from her saliva while the happy pegasus is jumping around you
  747. "Alright... that would be it. A nice detour we got here." you chuckle while standing up again "Do we go a little further?"
  748. >"Suzzan!"
  749. "I thought so." you smirk, patting her before getting to walk again
  750. >on the way, she’s jumping over the water from side to side and occasionally running further away, but not even remotely as far away as she did yesterday
  751. >she might be too exhausted from her previous activities or she just doesn't want to leave your side
  752. >or as always, a mixture of both, or neither
  753. >...can't exactly see into her head, she’s a bit more complicated than you initially thought
  754. >but you're glad to have her around as a company
  755. >maybe it’s the main reason too
  756. >at some point, in one of her jumps across the water, her hoof slides over the wet surface and she slips with her front part of the body right into the water
  757. >eeping again in the shock from cold at first, but quickly realizing that nothing happened
  758. >except she can’t seem to pull herself up from the creek, flowing a little lower than the surface
  759. "Oh Suzie, why are you so clumsy?" you laugh, watching her rump and flickering tail sticking out of it while she's unsuccessfully attempting to push herself back up
  760. >you'd help her, but first you want to see if she can do it herself
  761. >...she can't though
  762. >at least not this way
  763. >so if she she can’t go backwards, then forwards it is
  764. >letting her rear legs slide into the cold water as well and then it’s easy to jump out
  765. >but she doesn’t jump back on the surface
  766. >instead she’s mesmerizedly watching it flow around her hooves, a big smile already forming on her face again
  767. >and before you know it, there’s water splashing all around, Suzzanne’s rear hooves kicking into the air and making a mess
  768. >... maybe you really should have helped her before
  769. >now she's all wet
  770. "Good thing it won't be me who’ll have to wash you back home." you snicker when she's done, running up to you as if asking whether you would want to join her too "I'm certainly not going in there. You can count on that. But feel free to enjoy yourself before we head back."
  771. >since she's already dirty enough, it doesn’t matter whether she goes in there again
  772. >she’s still getting a full body bath anyway…
  773. ….
  774. >about half a mile further you’re turning around, seeing Suzzanne had her share of fun for today and even though you didn’t walk as far as the last time, she’s equally exhausted
  775. >you’ve been a little more active too, quite a bit actually
  776. >so you’re feeling pretty satisfied about yourself while unlocking the door to your house again
  777. >when you realize
  778. >'s car is missing
  779. >and you know what that means
  780. >shit, they did say something about doing groceries
  781. "Mom?! Dad?!" you enter the vestibule, putting down your shoes
  782. >no reply
  783. >so they're really gone
  784. >...who the hell is gonna wash Suzzanne now?!
  785. "Moooooom?!"
  786. >still no reply
  787. "Aw man..." you eye down on the mudpony, sitting on the doormat next to you "What did I do to deserve this?"
  788. >"Suzzan!"
  789. "Right..." you chuckle ".....I can't leave you here in the cold while you're still soaked like that. But you owe me, understand?"
  790. >just to be sure, you undress to your shorts before picking her up to avoid staining your clothing in the process
  791. >and carry her to the bathroom, so that she won't make any mess inside either
  792. >funnily enough, she’s enjoying being carried around like that, not knowing it’s exclusively for practical purposes
  793. >once she’s in the bathtub, you pick up the showerhead
  794. "Ready for the second round of water today?”
  795. >the smile means yes
  796. >so you set the temperature to warm and start washing the dirt off her while she’s watching it flow away into the drain
  797. >expected her to struggle at least a little, but she even seems to be enjoying it
  798. >especially when you add your hand to work, scratching trough her fur and working in the lavender shampoo
  799. >”Sooo…” she’s cooing under your touch and closing her eyes
  800. >until she just slides along the tub’s wall on her back
  801. “Hey don’t fall asleep on me, we’re not done yet.” you laugh
  802. >but it’s kinda easier for you to scrub her belly and inner parts of legs this way, so you’re letting her lay like this
  803. >as for her crotch, you just spray it with the water to wash away the dirt
  804. >surely, your mom wouldn’t be so shy about it, since Suzzanne’s “just an animal” and doesn’t care about human morals
  805. >but it would feel kinda weird to you, touching her there
  806. >... the “place” looks really weird too, is this what horses have?
  807. >anyway, when you’re done with everything, even her tail and mane, you announce:
  808. “Alright, Suzzanne, up!”
  809. >but the pony doesn’t listen, just wriggles herself, hoping for more rubs
  810. “I mean it Suzzane…” you chuckle, turning the water down
  811. >which makes her open one eye, noticing you’re really planning to quit
  812. >so she springs up
  813. >and slips right back down on the slippery surface
  814. “Geez…” you’re snickering while watching her try again
  815. >this time successfully
  816. “Good girl.” you pick up the same big towel your mom was using yesterday "Just don't-"
  817. >but the pegasus has already turned into a colorful spinning drill, spraying water everywhere
  818. >luckily, you were quick enough to cover yourself with the towel
  819. >which you threw right at her after she's done, picking her up, placing on a bathroom rug and rubbing the remaining water out of her fur
  820. >and boi, is she enjoying it, even though she can't see a thing from underneath that, just feel your hands running around her body
  821. >when you're done, she stick her head out from under the towel, looking like a little ringwraith or a way too cheerful sith lord
  822. "We're done, Darth Suzie." you snicker before standing up "I'm gonna go spend some quality time on vydia and you can go rest on your mattress."
  823. >and you’re being followed to the living room, where you expected her to stay
  824. >except she’s almost automatically going with you to your room
  825. "Stay here Suz. You can dry here better, your mattress is just next to the radiator."
  826. >but Suz doesn’t understand, or simply doesn’t want to understand
  827. >so you patiently walk back with her to the mattress and seat her there, pointing on the surface
  828. "Stay okay? This is your mattress."
  829. >"Mattess....."
  830. "Yup." you grin "Suzzanne's mattress."
  831. >and you slowly pick yourself up, heading towards your room, checking behind you whether she’s really staying
  832. >...and this time she is
  833. >which is cool, you nailed everything today
  834. >finally some time for the vydia
  835. >so you wake your PC up and get straight to gaming
  836. >and you're about ten minutes into the fight when you hear the door behind you open
  837. >"Suzzan mattess." the pegasus standing there announces
  838. >and she’s even pulling the frickin mattress beside her
  839. "Jeez,... alright." you snicker at the sight "Come in then."
  840. >so she pulls her whole “lair” all the way to your chair, laying in it beside you
  841. "So you like me this much huh? Or is it because there’s no one else in the house?"
  842. >but it’s not as if you would get an answer
  843. >besides a sleepy yawn before she closes her eyes and lays her head down
  844. >it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, heavily enough to not be disturbed even with the sounds from your PC
  845. >it seems you might have jumped a step further above your sister in her list of favourite hoomans...
  847. Part four: God knows I’m good
  848. >it's been about a month now and you life is beginning to slowly change with Suzzanne in the house
  849. >you've even got used to walking her almost every day, realizing, -even though not openly admitting,- that spending time outside with her counts the same, if not better quality than sitting at home
  850. >and it’s improving your relationship with your parents too
  851. >even though it’s probably impossible to make them fully satisfied with you, but it IS a way better than it used to be
  852. >haven't even heard about getting kicked out for a while
  853. >.…still wondering whether it's just to keep you in line or if they'd really do it
  854. >anyway,.. you're also slowly realizing just how fond of Suzzanne are you getting too
  855. >to a point she might actually be your very best friend right now
  856. >... and you're by no doubts her's too
  857. >since you're slowly calling off your “hater pose” in front of dad and mom, she's happily showing some affection even in front of them
  858. >so they already got used to her demanding attention from you, cuddles and often visiting your room when she has nothing better to do
  859. >it felt kind of good, to stop pretending that you don’t like this sweet creature
  860. >and admitting to yourself she's one of the better things to come into your life…
  861. >.…maybe better than a new PC
  862. >but one day after school, you're noticing she's acting a little different than usual while you’re on your daily walk
  863. >she's always really cuddly, but this time she's almost overly clingy to you for no reason at all
  864. >not running around as always, not even gazing at birds - her most favourite things out there
  865. >she’s just constantly by your side, almost rubbing herself over you, occasionally nickering at you or urgently calling “Suuzzan! Suuuzzan!”
  866. >...but you have no clue at all what she wants
  867. >it doesn’t look like she’s hurt or something though
  868. >still,.. back home you’re gonna ask about it
  869. >>"Oh I’m sure she’s fine, Anon. I think she’s just in heat, like regular horses. It's half a spring already and she’s adult enough for it." you mom glances over her shoulder from the kitchen counter
  870. "Uhh, okay. … I guess that’s making kind of sense."
  871. >>>"…Was she giving you any trouble? Tried to run away or something?" dad joins in
  872. "No, no. The other way around, she wasn’t running at all. I was worried if she isn’t sick or hurt... Hopefully it'll be over soon."
  873. >>"Don’t worry about her, it can't last too long…" your mother’s adding while you're already disappearing in the corridor, on your way to your room
  874. >you've left the pony in the living room, while she was distracted with something your sister was drawing, but you know she's probably gonna come for a visit sooner or later
  875. >she always does
  876. >and no longer than 20 minutes, she's at your door
  877. >"...Soozan!"
  878. "Hey there... Come in." you glance her way with a smirk, but you’re a little busy reading something interesting on the internet to give her any more attention than that right now
  879. >it's been a few weeks since you've taught her to close after herself too, so you don't even have to stand up every time she wanders in
  880. >and now she's sitting in front your chair, gazing up at you and once again urgently calling at you in her high voice
  881. >"Sooooozzan! Suzzan!"
  882. "I know now what you want, but sorry. …Not the guy you're looking for." you chuckle without looking away from the screen
  883. >but that isn’t exactly serving as an answer to her
  884. >seeing you’re purposely trying to ignore her, she keeps nudging you with her muzzle to give her attention
  885. >and under normal circumstances, you would stop reading and play with her a little, but you don't want to give her any ideas,.. just to be sure it doesn’t get weird
  886. >...since you know that you can't help her with what she wants anyway, so it’s probably better to leave her be
  887. >and after a few minutes of trying she really stops demanding attention, so you’re assuming she's finally given up and will be relatively normal again
  888. >...she'll be fine with napping on the chair next to you as always
  889. >it even looks that way, since she climbs up there and she's just vibing next to you for a little while
  890. >eventually, when you finish what you were doing on the PC, you turn around and reach your arms towards her, to give the pony some cuddles
  891. >but she's constantly nibbling on your hands, occasionally trying to lick them as well
  892. >so you’re tying to not pay it too much attention, accepting she's just being weird right now
  893. >at some point, as many times before, the cuddles are slowly turning into a little wrestle in which she’s trying to defeat your sly hands
  894. >but in the heat of fun, the wild Suzzanne suddenly rears up and she’s attempting to hump you
  895. "Whoa, there." you laugh, pushing her softly away, back into her chair "... No need for that. You’re not even a boy. Now you're being like seriously wei-."
  896. >but before you finish the sentence, she’s at it again
  897. >that’s what you get for always allowing her everything…
  898. "Stop Suzzanne, alright?" you add, this time very firmly
  899. >which makes her freeze for a second and obediently sit back down
  900. >...for a while
  901. >but it doesn’t take long for her to try reaching you once again
  902. >she really must be testing your patience now
  903. >and while you’re almost infinitely patient with this little pegasus most of the time, this particular behavior is making you really uncomfortable for reasons of your own insecurity
  904. >so you push her away more harshly this time, almost yelling
  905. "Enough Suzzane!"
  906. >...which made her realize just how much you're really upset at her and she’s cautiously backing away
  907. >even jumping down from her chair and sitting in the distance
  908. >....
  909. >....…
  910. >with the way she's guilty looking at you from there, it's hard to stay mad at her though
  911. >so you eventually turn her way and open your arms with a chuckle
  912. "Oh, come here then. I know…"
  913. >and the pegasus happily rushes back to you, into the embrace, and she's licking your face
  914. >as always, you're turning away for the sake of not being completely covered in her saliva but you lowkey don’t mind that much anymore, fondly scratching her neck and sides
  915. >but today it feels a little weird
  916. >could be just the fact you know she’s in heat and your brain’s just connecting the two things together
  917. >and when a single image flashes trough your mind while her wet tongue is sliding across your cheek…
  918. >it suddenly put some of the automatic body functions in work, making your member slowly rise underneath your pants
  919. >you’re trying to not pay attention to it, but Suzzanne’s somehow quick to sense that, stopping and sniffing the air
  920. >before you know it, she already traced the smell to your crotch, burying her muzzle in your pants and curiously inhaling your pheromones
  921. “Hey Suzzanne, stop that.” you’re trying to push yourself a father away from her in your chair
  922. >but there’s a table behind you
  923. >and the next second, the pegasus grabs the fabric of your pants with her teeth, trying to either rip it or pull it down
  924. "S-Suzzanne s-stop that!!!" you yell eventually, your body shaking in the mix of emotions and confusion going trough you
  925. >it was enough to make her back away a few steps again, staring at you whether you’re really this mad
  926. >.…she was "this" close from actually getting trough the pants and-.... whatever she was gonna do next
  927. >your heart’s still beating like a drum and you’re sweating like hell
  928. >..…
  929. >for some reason you’re now unable to escape the horny thought
  930. >...what if you just let her have her way..?
  931. >what would happen if you didn't stop her..?
  932. >you gulp nervously, as the ideas are fueling your erection
  933. >...most of the guys in your class are already having some sexual experiences, some even plentiful, while you were still pretty much untouched by a female
  934. >just how would it feel to-
  935. “Don’t Anon.” you’re telling yourself in your head “Think about something else, literally anything.”
  936. >...but the more you’re trying to escape it, the more is your mind returning to that almost vivid made up image of her soft and slimy tongue around your donger
  937. >can see it so vividly you can almost feel it too…
  938. >you gulp again
  939. >maybe you could-.…
  940. >...
  941. >maybe you could let her do it again, let her attempt to pull your pants down and see what she would do
  942. >maybe she wouldn’t even do anything, ..right?
  943. >and if,..
  944. >then way it would be her own doing, not yours
  945. >so,....
  946. >you're somewhat staring at each other for a little while longer, until
  947. “H-hey Suzzanne… It’s okay, I’m not mad.” you gesture nervously towards her
  948. >”Sooz..?” the pegasus trots closer and leans her front hooves on your thighs, sorrily nuzzling your face
  949. >but she knows the reason why you yelled at her before, so she’s doing her best to not even look at the bulge on your pants
  950. >...which isn’t exactly according to your plan, thought you could pretend in your head to be just a victim of her lewdness towards you
  951. >then it wouldn’t be your fault
  952. >except Suzzanne is now holding herself back
  953. >seems like you gotta admit to yourself
  954. >if you want “it” it happen now, you’ll have to take the first step
  955. >...are you horny enough to initiate such a thing?
  956. >eyeing at the door behind her, whether it's really tightly shut, you hesitantly pull your pants down, shyly letting your swollen erection to be presented to her
  957. >and her big sparkly eyes are all over it
  958. >before she does anything though, she glances up at your face whether it's really okay for her to come closer after you shooed her away so harshly the last time
  959. >’s so embarrassing to nod “yes” and even slide yourself closer to her
  960. >your heart is racing too hard, like never before, as if you were at the face of death but you aren't able to stop now, - to turn away
  961. >you’re already a sinner
  962. >and the next moment, Suzzanne’s taking a few curious whiffs around your shaft, then lower around your testicles, pressing her muzzle right into them, making little snorts while she's breathing
  963. >then she pokes out her tongue and... she gives them a little hesitant lick, tasting the odour she was drawn to so much
  964. >then another one and-
  965. >God, you could still stop her, pull up your pants and quit it, you still can-
  966. >it’s not too late…
  967. >...but it is too late for you, after you felt the warm touch
  968. >you crave more, just like an animal not being able to overcome it’s instincts
  969. >so as much as you’re hating yourself for this, you grab your phallus into your hand, nudging her muzzle with it, hoping she would pay more attention to your sensitive areas
  970. >and since there's already a big drop of precum on the tip,.. it really does spark her curiosity
  971. >shortly sniffing it, she curiously licks the liquid away to have a taste
  972. >... you can get only so erect, seeing her gulp it down and then eagerly wait whether there's more to come
  973. >and since you’re still slowly leaking it, soon you’re given yet another lick
  974. >but you want, NEED more
  975. >so when she questioningly glances up at your face again, you gently grab her head and hesitantly push your tip towards her teeth
  976. >...Suzzane’s both smart and happy to help, especially when she’s drawn to this part of your body for reasons she can’t quite understand
  977. >so she opens her mouth for you, slowly taking your phallus inside and inspecting it with her tongue while at it
  978. >soon even trying to softly chew on the member
  979. >needles to say that this is making you absolutely diamonds
  980. >her molar teeth, covered with sticky saliva are providing strange kind of stimulation, while her tongue’s tickling you with each movement of her jaw
  981. >and it feels just too good, combined with the feeling of wrongness behind this, the forbidden fruit
  982. >you’ve got a real alive being here, devotedly doing it’s best to sexually pleasure you and the fact she’s not even a human is somehow making this even hotter for you
  983. >on one hand you want to close your eyes and don't look at her because it's filling you with immense shame, but on the other hand it's so damn exciting to watch her play with your genitalia like with a chewtoy
  984. >...and if she keeps it up, you won't be able to contain yourself any longer
  985. >merely after a minute or two, you can feel yourself peaking and even though everything in your mind is telling how wrong it is, your hands are slowly wrapping around her head again
  986. >your thoughts are filled with the want of pushing her muzzle all the way down to your root, ejaculating right into her throat, but-
  987. >that's a little too much even for your perverse driven consciousness
  988. >...or is it?
  989. >before really you get to decide, you feel a massive orgasm coming through you body
  990. >and even though you DID at least contain yourself from violating her throat that way, you're still holding her from flinching away while her maw is getting filled to the brim with a sticky white liquid
  991. >she's totally shocked by the sudden load, gurgling it back onto your penis after you let her go of her and almost fainted in your chair
  992. >but once she's no longer choking on it, she starts licking it off again, gratefully lapping and cleaning your crotch from all the mess
  993. ….
  994. "Uuhgh..." is all you're able to say when you're slowly snapping back, realizing what just happened and what is still happening
  995. >and with that realization: a swiftly coming sense of guilt
  996. >it’s been there the whole time, but it was only fueling your horniness before
  997. >except it’s gone now and there’s only shame remaining
  998. >…
  999. >by god,.. what have you done...?
  1000. >...this is too much for your fear driven ego
  1001. >you can't possibly take this, you have to-
  1002. >....
  1003. >it wasn't you, she MADE you do it!
  1004. >it's not your fault!
  1005. "Jesus, Suzzane...! S-stop!"
  1006. >she flinches away from cleaning your crotch, slowly retracting her tongue back into her mouth
  1007. "P-please, go away..!" you almost whimper and turn around in your chair to escape her gaze
  1008. >... but she’s cheerfully following you, no clue what's wrong out of sudden
  1009. >wasn't this what you wanted?
  1010. "For fuck sake, Suzzanne, leave me alone!!!" you yell in desperation, because you literally can't stand the sight of her right now
  1011. >and it was.... intimidating enough to make run away from your room
  1012. >.....
  1013. >the silence is starting to reign now
  1014. >terrible, terrible silence
  1015. >it's just you and the voices in your head
  1016. >.........
  1017. >and you're feeling quadruple times worse than you did before...
  1018. .....
  1019. ...…
  1020. >you’re such a horrible person
  1021. >a sodomite, a rapist, a zoophile and a betrayer of trust
  1022. >you took advantage of her
  1023. >used her
  1024. >and when you realized it, instead of dealing with it yourself,..
  1025. >you threw the guilt at her, yelled and lashed out on her
  1026. >...your very best friend
  1027. >poor, poor Suzzanne
  1028. >she must be so confused and hurt, even though you promised you’ll never hurt her, that you’ll be the best human in the house
  1029. >but you’re the worst, don’t even have the slightest competence of being a decent human being
  1030. >isn’t that right, Anon?
  1031. >what would your parents say?
  1032. >and the tears are dripping from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks, dimming your soul’s remaining light
  1033. >you hate yourself
  1034. >if only you could undo this,..
  1035. >but you can’t undo this
  1036. >what’s done is done and it can never be undone again
  1037. >the only thing you can do now, is to at least apologize to Suzzanne
  1038. > hard as it will be to look into her eyes now
  1039. >you wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t want anything to do with you now, but you HAVE to at least try
  1040. >and you can’t possibly waste a single second more by sitting here and pitying yourself
  1041. >so you pull up your pants and go
  1042. ...
  1043. >you’ve found her sitting in the dark corridor, waiting not far from your door
  1044. >thought she would be in the living room with the others,..
  1045. "Suzzanne,..." you make a step towards her, expecting her to flee
  1046. >"...."
  1047. >but she’s still there, turning her eyes away from you
  1048. >that alone is giving you more confidence to get down on four and cautiously creep up to her, not even turning the lights on
  1049. “Suzie..” you finally touch her shoulder, trying to make her look at you, but she’s still evading your eyes
  1050. >so you pick her hoof up, fondling it in your palms like a fair lady’s hand
  1051. “Suzie I’m such an idiot… I know it now, I know none of that is your fault,. please?.. I’m so sorry…” you’re trembling while trying to nuzzle her cheeks like she always used to when she wanted to show affection “…Please girl, can you forgive me?”
  1052. >don’t even care how could this look like to someone else, humbling yourself and pleading to a family pet
  1053. >but she’s much, much more than that
  1054. >she’s smart, has her own personality, emotions, moods, games, even completely unique way of communication, a strong memory but most of all,.. she’s way more precious to you than “just a pet”
  1055. >so your heart skips a beat when she finally glances your way and nuzzles you back
  1056. “Suzzanne!” you quickly hug her, tightly wrapping your arms around the warm pegasus body and whispering “I’m sorry girl, I’m so sorry.” into her fluffy ear
  1057. >but by that time she’s already yours again, even though you feel like you don’t really deserve it
  1058. >her tail’s wagging on the floor and she’s cuddling up to you like a naive sweet thing she is..
  1059. >...
  1060. >, not naive, her character is just too pure to hold grudges, especially when she can tell so good when someone’s honest or not
  1061. >and you’re definitely honest right now
  1062. >so you’re getting back all of your love right now in the same share
  1063. >wishing you've had any words to tell her, other than the way you're clutching her in your arms, sniveling with emotion
  1064. >....but it's not like she's a mare of many words either
  1065. >after a few minutes of hugging and fondling her, you eventually let her go to look at her silhouette in the dark
  1066. "So,... we're really cool again, right?"
  1067. >to which you’re getting the tip of your nose licked as an answer
  1068. >...everything is well again
  1069. >well,... almost everything
  1070. >after making it up with her, you swore to yourself that you’d never do anything like this ever again
  1071. >not only because of her, but also because of you
  1072. >and you were pretty sure about keeping this promise, everything seemed to return to the normal again
  1073. >Suzzanne was back to her usual self too, for an hour or so
  1074. >just playing with you, cuddling or watching you play video games seemed to be enough, until…
  1075. >”Suzzan! Suuzzan!”
  1076. “What is it?” you turn around in your chair “…Please don’t tell me that-”
  1077. >”Suuzzan.” the pegasus steps with one of her front hooves on your thigh, bumping into your nose with her muzzle
  1080. “Come on Suzie,.. I’m already bad enough of a person after what I’ve done. Why would you still want me even after what happened? Were not the same specie…”
  1081. >”Sooz…” she smiles with an unusual coyness to her forward personality, moving her whole front part of the body on your lap, her butt still staying on her own chair
  1082. >and she lays herself down like this, her head leaning upwards on your chest, looking in your eyes and waggling her tail
  1083. “God,..” you sigh embarrassedly “I love you too, but this is just wrong…”
  1084. >”Wong…”
  1085. “Yeah.” you chuckle “I know you’re really horny, but…”
  1086. >...not sure what else to say or how to finish the sentence
  1087. >you know that she’s horny, wanting you to help her with it
  1088. >and you know you shouldn’t be even thinking sexually of her
  1089. >still though, for some reason your body’s getting an erection under her weight
  1090. >but you’re just trying not to pay any attention to it
  1091. >”…WONG!” Suzzanne suddenly springs up, noticing it the movement in your pants under her
  1092. “No Suzie…” you cringe a little, but then pick her head up in your palms to make her stop looking down at the bulge “Please…”
  1093. >...
  1094. >”…No wong…” she frowns
  1095. “I’m sorry.” you hug her, tightly wrapping your arms around her body and burying your face in her mane
  1096. >you’re feeling so conflicted right now
  1097. >why, just why would she want this from you of all people?
  1098. >and just why, even in a moment like this, are you still getting hard?
  1099. >kinda wish you could just cut the thing between your legs so that it wouldn’t cause any more problems to you or anyone else
  1100. “Suzie…” you’re stroking her back, trying to keep this completely innocent but touching her dainty body feels so exciting now
  1101. >your hands really want to slide down from her back to her round butt or to touch her thigh the way you would touch a girl your age, but-
  1102. “I can’t do this Suzzanne…” you softly push her away into her chair “It’s better this way for both of us.”
  1103. >”Sooz…” she whines very quietly before jumping down from it and slowly moving onto your bed nearby
  1104. >it’s not really making her happy
  1105. >but she understands
  1106. >giving you a one last look before laying her head down and closing her eyes to take a nap
  1107. >things might just get back where they used to be....
  1108. >hopefully
  1110. Part five: I wanna make it with chu
  1112. >after Suzzanne went to sleep, you turned back to your PC and did your best to try and forget about everything that happened
  1113. >how you took an advantage of her state
  1114. >how you hurt her afterwards
  1115. >how she forgave you
  1116. > she still wanted you to do it properly
  1117. >and how all of this made you question your sexuality and almost your sanity
  1118. >yes, you were trying your best to forget about all of this for good
  1119. >playing video games, watching funny videos, even attempting to be a little creative and draw some human figures
  1120. >but none seems to work
  1121. >your mind just keeps returning to a thought that you might have gone too far, that something inside you has changed or it’s been there the whole time and it just awakened
  1122. >...what if things will never be the same?
  1123. >would you just have to face it? Live with it? With yourself?
  1124. >what if you don’t want to? What if you’re scared?
  1125. >what then?
  1126. >...
  1127. >.…all of this is making you so tired you can’t even think straight anymore, you want to sleep
  1128. >but you probably won’t fall asleep this soon, it’s merely 8pm
  1129. >so you’ve just created a playlist of random songs that hit the mood and laid on your back on the bed, staring into the ceiling
  1130. >Suzzanne, napping on the other side of it, quickly felt the change in the surface tension and opened her eyes
  1131. >”Sooz..”
  1132. >before you know it, she’s cuddled up to you
  1133. > aren’t even fighting it, just letting her make herself comfortable there and hug her, hoping to find some comfort in her warmth - even if your personal problems revolve around her
  1134. >it’s not her fault,.. it’s yours
  1135. >you should have been the responsible one who is able to control his libido
  1136. >none of this is her fault,..
  1137. > you close your eyes and just concentrate on the music, accompanied by the pulse and rhythmic breaths of the carefree pegasus,..
  1138. >and suddenly as if nothing mattered anymore, all the worries that were troubling your mind are disappearing into nothingness, dissolving in the melodies of the tunes playing over your thought processes
  1139. >there’s just music and warmth of Suzie’s body
  1140. >and you’re indulging in the feeling of peace so rare that it felt impossible just a few minutes ago
  1141. >...maybe nothing really matters after all
  1142. >maybe you should just follow whatever is making you happy
  1143. >and right now,.. her presence is making you happy
  1144. >not even in a sexual way
  1145. >you’re merely holding her with only pure affection
  1146. >it’s the feeling of not being alone, having someone precious and loving in your life
  1147. >your parents should probably be filling this role, but you doubt that they would actually help you if you told them about your problems
  1148. >as always
  1149. >at least not without judging and guilt tripping you first to make things even worse
  1150. >but Suzzanne…
  1151. >she really loves you unconditionally, even though she knows you less than two months
  1152. >such a precious little being...
  1153. "...Come here you!" you suddenly come alive with a laugh and roll around, holding the pegasus in your arms
  1154. >and while the jolt waking confused her at first, she’s quick to take an initiative and start a frisky wrestle with you
  1155. >which is exactly what you had in mind, to blow off some steam
  1156. >even though she can’t understand your language, she can always understand you as a being
  1157. >and you’re laughing and giggling like two innocent children, losing all of the worries in the heat of a fun until the pony ends up on her back, a little tired to fight back anymore
  1158. >just grinning and panting while her chest’s raising up and down, her hooves still lazily reaching towards your face
  1159. >so you glance straight into her eyes that she’s following yours with,. into that spark of “pure life” that’s shining in them
  1160. >something so incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing
  1161. >something that’s always been there
  1162. >something that only she has
  1163. >and in a way,.. it’s making her equally beautiful and mesmerizing
  1164. >both as a creature, but also as a.. female
  1165. “You know what Suzie,..?” you gently take her front hooves in your hands and lean above her “One thing I know, I really love you… whatever that should mean.”
  1166. >and before she gets to react anyhow, you bury your face in the fur on her belly and blow raspberries on her, just like you wanted to back then, a long time ago
  1167. >”Eheheheeeeeeeeee!” the surprised pegasus eeps an amused squeal
  1168. >but that’s just a start!
  1169. >your hands run up her body, picking out the most sensitive spots to tickle her at, to get the highest kind of noises out of her
  1170. >and she’s laughing and squirming under your touch until it’s just too much to take for her without peeing herself
  1171. >before that should happen, she slips away from you, playfully pushing you on your own back, to later pin you on the mattress
  1172. >”SuzzaAane!” her voice cracks in her most victorious moment, breathing heavy breaths right into your face
  1173. >and while you could easily push her away and turn it around…
  1174. “You win, I surrender.” you grin instead, slightly raising your hands to show it
  1175. >’re totally letting her have this one
  1176. >which makes the little pegasus satisfiedly whinny and settle down on top of your chest, still smiling and gazing directly into your eyes
  1177. >before fondly licking your lips
  1178. >and you’re letting her
  1179. >it just doesn’t feel wrong, this pure feeling of affection between the two souls
  1180. >...the other way around actually
  1181. >it’s making you want more, you want to know how it feels to kiss her back
  1182. >so you reach closer and shortly put your lips onto hers, keeping them connected for while
  1183. >feeling their fuzziness and warmness
  1184. >and relishing the moment…
  1185. >...
  1186. >”Soozzane?” the pony smiles with just a little hint of confusion over what you just did, twitching her right ear
  1187. >the bit of her saliva is now slowly cooling down on your lips after letting go
  1188. “...That’s what I meant when I said I love you.” you smile back and fondle her cheek in your hand
  1189. >feels like releasing such a heavy weight from yourself by doing this
  1190. >by even allowing yourself to think this way
  1191. >”Wuw yuu.” she grins, trying to repeat after you
  1192. “Exactly…” you shortly kiss her again, gazing into her big green eyes..
  1193. >before closing yours, just stay nose to nose and exchanging warm breaths
  1194. > doesn’t even matter that she still sometimes sounds like a deaf girl, trying to repeat the words
  1195. >you’re understanding each other via different meanings
  1196. >...and yes, Suzzanne isn’t a human
  1197. >never will be
  1198. >but maybe it’s okay
  1199. >because she doesn’t need to be…
  1200. >she’s completely perfect the way she is
  1201. >so you wrap your arms around her body and feel the feminine curves around her elegant back
  1202. >the way it transitions into that bubbly little butt, covered with her fluffy tail
  1203. >it makes you chuckle out loud as you trace your fingers alongside it all the way to it’s root
  1204. >and from there to her thighs, wide and strong for a creature of her size
  1205. >this feels so weird, but so exciting at the same time
  1206. >and she must be enjoying your touch as well, judging from her breaths getting a little heavier
  1207. >as if not sure what to do, she reaches her tongue towards you again, slowly dragging it down and up your lips
  1208. >so you stick out yours too, gently making contact with it
  1209. >...while Suzzanne doesn’t understand human kissing yet, as curious as she is, this kind of new sensation is surely interesting for her
  1210. >enough to go along with it, sliding her wet orange appendage against yours to explore the texture and taste your saliva too
  1211. >might have even taught her a real kiss just now, if she didn’t register your throbbing erection under her belly
  1212. >it makes her slowly slip her tongue back into her mouth and sniff the air
  1213. >”…wong?” she asks really hesitantly
  1214. >which makes you chuckle just now
  1215. >right,.. you’ve been attempting to kiss her while sensually touching her past few minutes
  1216. >you had to know which way this is leading
  1217. >and while you could still stop this, having a wank later and call all of this just your horny teenager phase…
  1218. >you don’t want to
  1219. >it would feel like an insult to what you’re feeling towards this pegasus
  1220. >this is something deeper than just confused hormones
  1221. “I love you Suzie…” you’re shaking a little while repeating the sentence again
  1222. >but you can’t help yourself but to smile at the same time, happy you said it, fondly booping her nose with yours
  1223. “...And if it’s wrong for the rest of the world, then so be it.”
  1224. >and Suzie is smiling back as if she could understand completely
  1225. >maybe she even does, but in her own way
  1226. > what if people would call this bestiality, zoophilia or whatever
  1227. >for you it’s a love between two souls, just like it’s for her
  1228. >and both of these souls happen to desire each other more than platonically
  1229. >she chose you, not your dad or anyone else
  1230. >so bite your lip and you playfully slap her butt like a confirmation
  1231. >not too strong to make it hurt, but enough to hear a smack
  1232. >”Sooz!” the mare shortly eeps in surprise, but then snickers and inches herself even closer to your face, bumping into you with her nose and grinning
  1233. >pretty much all you can see is her snoot at your lips and her big eyes, right in front of yours
  1234. “I’m gonna make it up to you Suzie, the same way you did…” you grin back “Right here and now.”
  1235. >...except this time the she didn’t exactly caught the meaning of what you said, because there’s a bit of cluelessness in her smile
  1236. “Um,.. yes wong?”
  1237. >”WONG!” the pony energetically springs up on top of you
  1238. >there’s a word understanding after all
  1239. >but while Suzzanne’s definitely ready and excited, she probably isn’t sure what exactly is supposed to happen now
  1240. >only that the sweetest release her body has been craving might finally come now
  1241. “Right.” you chuckle while slipping from under her hooves “Lemme take care of you, young miss.”
  1242. >and you gently guide her to turn around, pointing her rump at you
  1243. >..which, even after her previous eagerness, makes her just a little bit stiff, when she loses the sight of your face
  1244. >probably hoped you would guide her through it
  1245. >so you’re given a few looks over her shoulder, somewhat worriedly watching what you’re gonna do, her tail sheepishly hiding the exotic flower between her round buttcheeks
  1246. >one that you can smell blooming nonetheless
  1247. >this is the aroma of a turned on pegasus…
  1248. >it’s making your heart beat like mad
  1249. >and while the scent felt just a little too intense at first, as if you suddenly couldn’t get enough
  1250. >still though, upon touching her rump, about to gently pull the tail away, you can feel her stiffness about all of this
  1251. >so…
  1252. “Hey Suzie, relax…” you move over to her head, picking it up in your palms and fondly kissing her muzzle “This time you can trust me, I’m never gonna hurt you again, okay? I promise you…”
  1253. >…
  1254. >”Suu…” the orange tongue slides across your face once
  1255. >and you keep fondling her ears and cheeks until she’s completely relaxed again
  1256. >only then you slowly start moving back towards her rump, stroking her body along the way
  1257. >this time you aren’t being watched with nervosity, but with rather with a mixture of trust and anticipation
  1258. >and upon touching her rump, her tail almost automatically goes out of your hand’s way, revealing the plump and steaming hot pony vulva
  1259. >your heartbeat rises again as if your heart should tear through your chest at the sight and even more intense scent
  1260. >it feels so alien exciting at the same time
  1261. >but that’s before the strangely looking genitalia “winks” at you
  1262. >never have you seen anything like that
  1263. >and it’s making you diamonds on so many levels
  1264. >thought you would have to force yourself at least a little, but it’s actually the other way around
  1265. >’re being drawn to her like a bee to the honey
  1266. >man, you SO want to taste her
  1267. >so you put your hands on her flanks, massaging them with your fingers and fondling them while closing your face in
  1268. >can already feel the heat and moisture emanating from that special place
  1269. >and then you finally stick out your tongue to softly slide it’s tip up and down the whole labia, savoring the salty taste
  1270. >God…
  1271. >her slimy fluids are making it feel like she’s made of jelly down there
  1272. >and she’s almost melting in front of you
  1273. >even from here you can hear her breaths getting heavier and her tail flickers even further away as if she begged for more
  1274. >needless to say, you’re feeling quite the same
  1275. >before that though, you quickly glance towards the door of your room, whether they are closed
  1276. >'s after 8pm, your parents are surely watching the loud TV two rooms apart and your sister’s likely with them
  1277. >there’s nothing to worry about
  1278. >but you gonna slow down, relish this a little,..
  1279. >so you let go of her furry rump with one hand and touch her "lips" with the tips of your fingers, feeling their softness
  1280. >then spread them apart a little, seeing her sticky juices webbing between them
  1281. >...can’t possibly keep your fingers any longer where you tongue should be, you move your palm back on her rump to circle your hungry appendage around her puffy vulva, just experiencing it’s texture before you get to it’s center
  1282. >there you lick away a few drops of her bodily fluids and hungrily swallow them before pressing your lips against her winking clit
  1283. >to softly kiss it each time the pegasus clenches herself
  1284. >"Suuuu....." she quietly moans in pleasure, glancing over her shoulder
  1285. >and it’s just that you notice her watching you in the corner of your eye
  1286. "...You like that, Suzie?" you smile, fondling her right flank while leaning your head on her left one
  1287. >but she doesn’t answer, just scrunches her muzzle and somewhat embarrassedly buries her head into the sheets, wiggling her rump at you
  1288. >oh yeah, she definitely likes it
  1289. >so you get back to work, scooping up her juices with your tongue and pushing them back inside of her while slowly moving your appendage around
  1290. >but it just keeps on pouring back, sliding into your mouth and mixing with your saliva until there’s so much you have to gulp it down
  1291. >this sticky sensation is making you horny like an animal and you’re lapping onto her juices, some of it even dripping down around your mouth as you just can’t get enough
  1292. >...just what IS making you any different from her before, when she just wanted to have a taste of something that was so alluring to her?
  1293. >maybe nothing at all…
  1294. >meanwhile you can hear her dampened, high pitched noises of pleasure, as her face is still buried in the pillows
  1295. >except now she’s even starting to needily push her rump against you
  1296. >and since she wants more, you’re starting to concentrate on the clit alone, just licking on it up and down at first, then pressing your tongue against it
  1297. >that’s when the occasional sounds are starting to turn into almost continuous squeal of ecstasy
  1298. >you must be doing good to please this adorably horny pegasus
  1299. >so you put your fingers to work as well, massaging her jelly-like outer walls and softly probing inside of her while progressively adding on intensity of the teasing
  1300. >up to a point that you just munch on her vulva without letting go, suck and let your tongue go crazy
  1301. >by now, it's not just soft squeals coming from her, but straight up moans with incomprehensible gibberish as if she was talking something to herself and occasional horse noises
  1302. >the bubbly rump is being pushed against your face with such force that if you weren’t properly grounded in your knees, you would surely get tumbled over
  1303. >in order to breath, you have to open your mouth enough to let some air from below since your nose is getting pressed against the wet marehood too tightly
  1304. >and she's begginning to tremble in her thighs, just as her high pitched noises are getting so urgent they get only barely muffled by the sheets she’s still burying her muzzle into
  1305. >...she must be definitely almost at her peak
  1306. >it’s making you so excited to be the one to bring this little creature into such bliss all by yourself, to actually be someone this special to her when-
  1307. >"Aaaaaaah!"
  1308. >her whole body suddenly stiffens and pents up for a second or two, and then she yelps a desperate cry in her highest voice, pushing against you with all her body’s might
  1309. >at the same time, you're being blasted with a thick fluid right into your face, catching you completely off guard with the intensity and amount of the juices
  1310. >...your natural reaction is to flinch away, just like she wanted to when you had her at your crotch, except there isn't exactly where to
  1311. >instead you’re just losing your stability and getting tumbled over on your back, while your head is getting buried deep into the mattress behind you by a pony rump sitting on top of your face
  1312. ….
  1313. > could easily push her away to the side to free yourself, but not only you kinda feel like you deserve this, but it’s pretty hot at the same time
  1314. >so you’re letting her stay like this, still lapping on her flower until the last of the trembles leave her body and her head falls down between your legs in exhaustion
  1315. >...
  1316. >now she’s just still quietly whining in the slowly fading pleasure accompanied by the occasional twitches around her body, barely even noticing that her cheek is leaning on your swollen member
  1317. >by now, you’re starting to free your head from her by softly pushing her whole body a few inches lower and wipe your face from her fluids, using her tail
  1318. >...she’s gonna need a proper wash anyway
  1319. "Wow, Suzzane, just wow." you chuckle at the sticky mess
  1320. >"Suzzanne..." she gibbers back in half consciousness and keeps resting the way she is
  1321. >you're thinking about finally pushing her away,..
  1322. >but decided to give her a little more time to do so herself
  1323. >and having her peach still right in front you, you reach your fingers towards her to entertain you both a little more
  1324. >a drop of her fluid is about to drip onto your chest from her, so you pick it on your thumb and circularily massage it back into her clit
  1325. >"Sooooo......." she rasps back exhaustedly, but that's about the most she's able or willing to react
  1326. >it's not like you want to go straight for a second climax anyway
  1327. >just wanted to explore her visually a bit more, opening and gently stretching her walls, tracing every fold with your fingers
  1328. >you're really getting fascinated by that unusual shape
  1329. >never seen anything like this in such detail, not even on the internet
  1330. >.…can't wait to feel her from the inside too, once Suzie’s ready enough
  1331. >though,... judging by the way she is now, it might not even be today
  1332. >who cares though, it was still totally worth it
  1333. >you've repayed your debt with all interests too and it was a magnificent experience
  1334. >don’t really even feel guilty about it
  1335. >or maybe just a little, but you love her
  1336. >.…it's just when you've made your peace with this being an end, you're starting to feel a soft tickle around your member…
  1337. "...Suzzanne?" you lift your head to see better what is she doing
  1338. >the pony’s fully awake now, realizing the thing that smelled so interesting to her before is right under her face
  1339. >so she’s inspecting it, pretty much the same way you were doing with her a while ago
  1340. >except a pegasus doesn’t have hands, therefore it’s her mouth and teeth nibbling at your penis
  1341. “Hey…” you chuckle, letting her do what she wants
  1342. >this could easily turn into a 69 if you could reach better
  1343. >but there’s probably nothing sexual about it for her, she’s just being curious right now
  1344. >...or is she?
  1345. >suddenly you notice her vulva that’s been calm for while, winking at you again
  1346. "Jeez, so you're still horny..?.. Well that’s good actually, but we're trying something a little different now." a grin’s rising on your face as you’re gently pushing her body off your chest
  1347. >then her head, out of your crotch
  1348. “Stop it Suzie…” you actually have to use your palm to softly grab her muzzle and make her look at you
  1349. >”Suu..?”
  1350. >you’re being given a look of guilt, as if she done something wrong, her eyes escaping yours
  1351. “No no, that’s okay…” you lift her chin with your finger, very softly kissing her muzzle to let her know she’s a good girl
  1352. >...wanted to make this merely a gesture, since she had you penis in her mouth just a second ago
  1353. >but then you pull her into your embrace as well, passionately pressing your lips onto hers again until you’re sure she’s 100% relaxed in your arms
  1354. >”…Wuw yuu?” the tousled pegasus glances at you after letting go
  1355. “Yeah,..” you smile “I promise not to ever hurt you again. Do you trust me Suzie?”
  1356. >”Sooooz.” she nuzzles your face approvingly at whatever you said
  1357. >so you lay the devoted mare on her back and bury your hands into her chest fluff
  1358. >fondly scratching her, till her eyes start closing in pleasure
  1359. >then you lean above her and press your lips on her furry pony cheek and kiss it, slowly making your way down to her neck
  1360. >you always wanted to have your first time romantic and it’s starting to take shape of how you’re imagined it
  1361. >..well except the fur of a pegasus in place of a human girl’s skin
  1362. >but hey, it feels almost like an improvement right now
  1363. >and you’re cuddling her like that for a while, slowly positioning yourself in front of her spread legs…
  1364. “Are you ready Suzie?..” you whisper into her ear, brushing your tip over her moist, clenching entrance and very gently probing in with the head
  1365. >she can feel that alright, judging by her expressions, but the strange sensation isn’t scaring her or making her nervous at all
  1366. >those big pupils aren’t even eyeing down there to see what you’re doing with her as her gaze is fixed onto your face
  1367. >and you keep slowly poking inside of her, bit by bit
  1368. >...having the tip already inside, you no longer have to keep your hand at your phallus to keep it from slipping away
  1369. >so you use that hand to support yourself and lean even closer to her, pushing a bit further in while watching her face reacting
  1370. >”Suz!” the mare starts breathing way heavier than a few seconds ago, her front hooves wantingly touching your body
  1371. >and you’re almost bumping nose to nose as you slowly make your way inside of her in almost complete silence
  1372. >only the exchange of warm breaths from lungs to lungs
  1373. >only the touch of a silky fur on a naked skin
  1374. >only the feeling of a male and female becoming one for a while…
  1375. >a moment you’ll probably remember till the rest of your life
  1376. >one at which completely disappeared all the differences between a human and an animal
  1377. >because it doesn’t matter for the two of you now
  1378. >you’re on a shared ground
  1379. >...only when you’re sure you can’t go deeper, you’re starting to slowly and rhythmically pump against her body, feeling the incredibly hot and warm inside
  1380. >the air is filled with the scent of her heat and it feels like you can never really get enough of it right now
  1381. >an energy of pleasure is circling through your joined bodies and it’s very slowly adding up on intensity until one of the rear hooves, leaning on your body, starts twitching as well
  1382. >that’s when the orange pegasus tongue pokes out of your lover’s mouth as well, blissfully drooling a little drop on the sheets underneath
  1383. >it’s both making her look a little silly but sexy at the same time, seeing how she’s losing control
  1384. >...but it there’s still a long way to finish this
  1385. >at least for you
  1386. >so you slowly straighten yourself above the little pegasus
  1387. >grab onto her jerky rear legs
  1388. >and start pumping harder, as deep as you can go
  1389. >Suzzanne doesn’t even know about her belly bulging each time, since she’s unable to keep her eyes open now
  1390. >it’s just continuous high pitched noises of pleasure from her side because she must be getting dangerously close to a climax
  1391. >and seeing her like this is exciting you even more, pushing as deep as you can go and trying to bring yourself forth to your own peak as well
  1392. >only when the whole mare is starting to quiver and almost vibrate under you, it feels like you might be catching up with her
  1393. >with a few more righteous thrusts, you’re starting to feel a riptide of pleasure rising through your body from the tips of your toes to the very top of your head, while your colorful partner stiffens like a statue before-
  1394. >”EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” she squeals on top of her lungs
  1395. >if you weren’t overwhelmed by the very same feeling, you’d probably worry if your parents can’t hear that even over their loud TV
  1396. >but the truth is, right now you don’t even remember having any parents
  1397. >there’s just “NOW” and it keeps on “being” for what feels like an eternity, spent in a place where nothing matters, aside from this moment
  1398. >you’re feeling in detail each of the separate waves of your hot seed travelling your shaft and spurting deep inside of the dainty pegasus, all the way through her cervix and into her fertile, yet incompatible womb
  1399. >through the almost spasmodically intense seconds of unending, you’re hugging onto Suzzanne almost as if you should crush her in your embrace while her teeth are biting into your shoulder to withstand it
  1400. >...until you’re “back” again, panting at each other from up close and exhaustedly gazing into each other’s eyes
  1401. >no longer having the strength to hold yourself up, you eventually fall down next to her and almost pass out with your face buried in the colorful mane
  1402. >and the peace is reigning for a while, only your heartbeats and breaths slowly calming down, with noises from the loud TV playing in the background a few rooms away
  1403. >mustering some strength, Suzzanne is first to move, turning herself around to face you and affectionately lick your face a few times, snapping you out of falling asleep
  1404. “...huh?” you open your eyes to see the pegasus face smiling at you
  1405. >in your post nut clarity, you thought you might be regretting some of what just happened
  1406. >but being confronted with her now again,.. it’s filling you with happiness instead of shame
  1407. >it feels so right, despite everything
  1408. >so you smile back and reach your hand to fondle her cheek with your palm before lazily kissing her
  1409. “I love you…”
  1410. >”Wuw yuu…” the mare’s repeating with a grin, adding a little whinny to it
  1411. >it makes you snicker and wrap your arms around her again, pulling the stained blanket over both of you while cuddling up to her
  1412. >and the calmness is enrapturing
  1413. >...kinda wish you could just fall asleep now
  1414. >but there’s a lot of mess that need cleaning…
  1415. >a little worriedly, you glance at the door to your room to make sure nobody is standing there
  1416. >hope that nobody heard Suzzanne’s loud orgasm either
  1417. >the thought that a family member could have entered the room, seen the two of you and left without you knowing suddenly sends a cold shiver down your spine
  1418. >...then they’d bring it up at some point when you least expect it
  1419. >or they’d casually call for you to have a “talk”
  1420. >and then-
  1421. >...that definitely didn’t happen though, there’s no way they wouldn’t immediately start screaming and give themselves away
  1422. >still, you should probably get up
  1423. >so you slowly let go of her warmth and pull the blanket away
  1424. >noticing you’re leaving her, Suzzanne starts picking herself up as well, but that’s when you notice that some of your semen is still dripping out of her
  1425. >quickly grabbing one of the tissues, ready by the bed, you reach to wipe her before all of that leaks out on the mattress cover
  1426. >your little pegasus didn’t really notice she’s leaving a sticky mess under her, so she’s a little surprised about you reaching to her crotch once again
  1427. >but also quick to understand the idea
  1428. >when you’re done, about to stand up, she twists her spine enough to actually reach there with her own tongue and clean herself even more properly
  1429. >leaving you wondering whether is it sexy or really weird
  1430. >probably both
  1431. >but she isn’t taking any more time than is absolutely necessary, since it probably isn’t too comfortable for her
  1432. >standing up, you open the windows to ventilate the room a bit
  1433. >...should start getting rid of all the evidence
  1434. >so you pull down all the sheets as well, since Suzzanne is up now
  1435. >she’s following you around and trying to help, even though she isn’t quite sure what you’re doing
  1436. >eventually you throw all of the dirty fabric into a corner to wash it later
  1437. >.…cause now you’re kinda hungry
  1438. >bet Suzzanne is too, this was all pretty exhausting
  1439. >surely it can all wait a bit
  1440. >the semi cold air from the outside is now ventilating the room, replacing the stale and sex reeking one with it’s freshness
  1441. >and you crouch down to the pony, burying your fingers in her mane and bumping nose to nose with her
  1442. “Hey Suzie, wanna-”
  1443. >but before you even say what you wanted to say, you’re getting your mouth licked in her outburst of affection
  1444. >normally, you’d at least pretend to fight her, but this time,..
  1445. >this time you’re letting her have her way completely, even gently fondling her ears and enjoying the pony kisses
  1446. >a kiss is a kiss, isn’t it?
  1447. >for the fun of it, you poke out your own tongue as well and lick her back the same way
  1448. >but it confuses the pegasus a bit, stopping for a second
  1449. “Oh yeah, this is exactly how it feels” you giggle, shortly eyeing on the closed door to your room “…I can teach you how humans do it though, how about that?”
  1450. >”Soozzan!” the mare’s enthusiastic about your proposal/question
  1451. >surely it’s gonna be something nice again
  1452. >and you’re gonna make sure it is
  1453. >so you lick your lips with a little excited grin and sit on the ground behind the bed, so that even if someone entered the room, he wouldn’t see you
  1454. >and the equally excited Suzzane is taking her place next to you, hyped about what kinda game you’re planning
  1455. “Come a little closer.” you pat your thigh, slowly wrapping your fingers around the back of her head, playing with her mane
  1456. >even though you literally just had sex a few minutes ago, your heartbeat quickens just a little when you’re closing your lips with hers
  1457. >but it isn’t that obvious for the clueless mare
  1458. >she doesn’t really know what to do with her lips, so she’s just trying to lick you again
  1459. >so just like before, you poke out your tongue as well to touch her’s with it
  1460. >and very slowly, to not scare her away, start making it’s way inside of her mouth while letting the orange pony appendage slip into yours
  1461. >Suzzanne knows you’re teaching her something new, so she isn’t pulling away
  1462. >but she isn’t really doing anything with her tongue either
  1463. >just sorta waiting for you to show her more about this strange new activity
  1464. > aren’t a very experienced kisser either though, merely saw it on the internet before
  1465. >still, you’re trying to gently probe around, exploring the soft and perfectly pink inside of a pegasus mouth
  1466. >and it doesn’t take long for Suzzanne to understand the idea now, clumsily attempting to do the same
  1467. >moving and wallowing her big tongue around yours, mixing the human and pony saliva together without parting your lips, opening and angling her mouth to reach better
  1468. >guess this is how kissing is supposed to feel like
  1469. >because it already feels great
  1470. >and Suzzanne’s enthusiasm about it is growing each second too
  1471. >...until she’s so wild and reckless she’s pretty much just lapping on the inside of your mouth
  1472. >that’s when it start feeling more silly than romantic, enough to make you giggle
  1473. “Hey…” you’re very gently pulling her away from your face while fondling one of her ears “….that was almost amazing.”
  1474. >”Soozan!”
  1475. “I know.” you grin, still amusedly biting on your lower lip “Good girl…”
  1476. >come to think your first proper french kiss would be like this…
  1477. > actually aren’t disappointed
  1478. >it was perfect in it’s sloppiness and imperfection
  1479. >but to think it would be with Suzzanne, a family pet
  1480. >well,.. right now you aren’t disappointed either
  1481. >because she’s no longer a pet to you…
  1482. >you’re already seeing her as a real person
  1483. >don’t think you can ever go back after what happened
  1484. >but you almost forgot what you were planning before...
  1485. “Suzie, are you hungry? How about we get something to eat?”
  1486. >”Eat! Suzzanne!”
  1487. “...I think I did that already.” you snicker “But I guess you understand what I meant.”
  1488. >how could she not, since learning the meaning of a word “eat” was crucial to know when her feeding time is
  1489. >so you pick yourself up and slip into a bathrobe
  1490. “Let’s go get something nice then.”
  1491. >you’re aware you should probably take a shower first and get rid of the stained sheets
  1492. >but since you’re still hearing the TV when you step out of your room on the corridor, you’re betting that you still have some time before any random encounter
  1493. >sneaking through the kitchen door, you creep up to the fridge and open it to check it’s contents
  1494. "So-oo, what do we have here?"
  1495. >it's gonna be some kinda hodgepodge for you today
  1496. >a pack of Lotus biscuts, a milk for hot chocolate, a few slices of eidam, some sauce/dressing to dip it in,-...
  1497. "...But what would YOU like to have?" you step to the side to make space for Suzzanne, gesturing with your hand that she can pick whatever she likes
  1498. >and you’re getting another one of her visibly confused looks
  1499. >except you know exactly what it means right now
  1500. “Of course you can pick something yourself!”
  1501. >it sparks a smile on your face as you nudge her towards the shiny light in the otherwise dark room
  1502. “Anything you want.”
  1503. >that’s enough to convince her you’re serious and after her eyes swiftly scan the whole fridge, sniffing it through as well..
  1504. >her hoof eventually points at nothing else than,… a simple and plain tomato
  1505. >tastily ripe, but still just a tomato
  1506. "You're sure?" you chuckle "You can pick some more stuff, anything you want. Isn’t there anything else you wanted to have as well?"
  1507. >seeing you've put the tomatoes next to the other stuff you’re taking while still holding the door open for her, Suzzanne hesitantly points at her second choice
  1508. >a cucumber,..
  1509. >then changing her mind to an ice salad
  1510. "You really are a veggie lover, are you?" you laugh, grabbing both of her choices, tousle her amen and close the fridge "…I'm just gonna prepare it a little, okay? Wait just a sec."
  1511. >for which you’re given her usual understanding smile for when she’s supposed to wait
  1512. >but when your parents tell her to, she’s doing her best to sit still and be patient
  1513. >with you, she’s curiously joining you by the kitchen counter, even pulling her front hooves up to see what you’re gonna do with the veggies
  1514. >and what you do with them is slice them, heating the milk in a microwave meanwhile, arrange all the food on the biggest plate you could find and then mix the hot milk with some cocoa powder and sugar
  1515. >when you’re done, you turn off all the lights, take the big cup of hot chocolate in hand and the plate into the other..
  1516. >and you’re blindly, but carefully making your way back to your room through the dark corridor when
  1517. >about two steps out of the kitchen, the lights suddenly turn on, flashing onto you and almost making you drop the plate in shock of bumping into your mom or dad
  1518. >except it’s neither of them
  1519. >Suzzanne’s standing near the lightswitch next to your room, chirpily smiling and visibly proud of herself about helping you
  1520. >oof
  1521. >forgot she knows how these things works as well, even if she’s almost never using them- like most of the things she knows
  1522. >and while you would easily get there even if it was complete darkness, since you know this house,
  1523. >...this is really sweet of her
  1524. >back in your room, you lay the things on the bed and make yourself comfortable
  1525. >the mattress cover will too need replacing anyway
  1526. >Suzzanne hops right next to you, eyeing at the food, but waiting for you to do something
  1527. "..Alright, so what do we have first?" you pick up a piece of tomato, softly nudging her muzzle with it
  1528. >only then she licks her lips, reaching her tongue towards the red piece of fruit
  1529. >and slowly slide it in her mouth, carefully chewing it to feel the taste as if she wasn’t gonna receive another one
  1530. >looking pretty elegant at it too
  1531. "Come on, you can take whatever and however you like!" you laugh, nudging the plate to her while taking a piece of a veggie as well
  1532. >must be the first time for her to eat from one plate with a human, no wonder she’s unsure about it
  1533. >but in your case.. she’s quick to understand you’re letting her do yet another of human things
  1534. >”Sooz!” a wide smile rises on her face before picking up another piece of a tomato from the side of a plate
  1535. "...Try this thing." you're holding a lotus biscuit between your teeth, moving closer towards her to let her take a half from your mouth
  1536. >a pretty clear sign of your intentions
  1537. >this time without too much hesitation, she chomps on it and she’s chewing it down with growingly excited expression on her face
  1538. >can literally see the delight coming through her after tasting this,.. even hear from the noises
  1539. >might have just found her new favourite food
  1540. >so you leave all of the few biscuits you brought for her, watching the poner happily munching on them while chewing on a slice of eidam and a cucumber yourself
  1541. >and to your surprise, when she’s about mercilessly devour the last one, she stops
  1542. >only picking it up and holding it in her mouth like you did before
  1543. >…. needless to say, it caught you so off guard it even made you blush a bit
  1544. “For me?” you’re grinning “Hey thanks Suzie…”
  1545. >and before actually grabbing on it with your your own mouth, you fondly kiss the tip of her muzzle
  1546. >then’s the time to finish the rest together
  1547. >despite her new acquaintance with the biscuits, Suzzanne still loves her veggies
  1548. >and it doesn't hurt for you to have some as well
  1549. >it’s been ages since you've had just a plain tomato or a cucumber, just like that
  1550. >but now you’re wondering what have you been doing all that time
  1551. >it could be Suzzanne’s own appetite that made you enjoy it so much, the great hunger after making love or you’ve just never had a properly ripe tomato before
  1552. "You might even make me go vegan with you." you snicker at the pony, watching her nibbling at a piece of a cucumber
  1553. >not for real though, don’t think anyone has enough power for that
  1554. >there's still the eidam too, which you've been progressively making disappear throughout the whole time
  1555. >so you try handing her a bit of the cheese to try out as well
  1556. >but after sniffing and tasting merely a tiny bite of it, the pegasus goes “No no” with both her head and expression
  1557. "...You don't like cheese?" you grin and dip a piece into the dressing "How about now?"
  1558. >and while she actually gives it a hesitant shot
  1559. >... the disgust in her face after swallowing it is emphasizing even further that this just isn’t her thing
  1560. "Aaw man, alright then." you laugh
  1561. >but you’re lowkey wondering how could she lick your crotch clean off your semen before and NOT like eidam
  1562. >anyway, since there's only the eidam left on the plate, you put it away, eating one more piece of it, and grab the cup of hot cocoa from the nightstand nearby
  1563. "This is cocoa."
  1564. >"Co-coo..."
  1565. "Right." you chuckle, having a sip "And I know you're not used to drinking from the cup, but let's try to drink it like this, alright?"
  1566. >after demonstrating how, you put the cup to her lips for her to do the same
  1567. >......and there goes her elegance
  1568. >not having any experience of using her lips for such things, some of it starts pouring down from the corners of her mouth, dripping down onto the mattress cover
  1569. >but it's pretty much what you've expected
  1570. "You gotta like... suck the liquid in than just letting it slide in your mouth." you're grinning while showing heron your own side of the cup, making a very distinctive sucking sound "Like this."
  1571. >which makes the pony don a total textbook example of "Ah-a!!" and eagerly press her lips on the cup before you're even finished drinking
  1572. >and!.... she still misses a few drops, staining the fur under her mouth
  1573. >..looking visibly disappointed in herself about it as well
  1574. "Hey, that's alright." you laugh, wiping her chin with a tissue "I'm sure you'll get there. We can perfect it tomorrow, with water."
  1575. >..she might have not caught the water part, but the tone of your voice cheered her up
  1576. >enough to try once again
  1577. >this time doing a little better, almost flawlessly,... almost
  1578. "See, easier than it looks." you're wiping the corners of her mouth with a tissue while you could almost swear she's blushing at you
  1579. >and you really want to kiss her right now
  1580. >not in a perverse manner, rather just out of fondness
  1581. >you lean in and softly press your lips onto her’s like you did a few times before
  1582. >never before were you kissed back from her though, if you don’t count the french one
  1583. >wondering if you could teach her that as well..
  1584. >so you pucker up your lips a bit, trying to get the mare do the same before kissing her once again
  1585. >and after the third try, she’s already imitating you
  1586. >...but she looks kinda silly while attempting, because of the way she's exaggerating
  1587. >it’s as if she was doing faces at you
  1588. >she's trying her best though
  1589. "Like this." you chuckle eventually, picking her hoof up into your palm and demonstrating on it for her to see better
  1590. >except the mare understands it the way that she should practice on your hand as well
  1591. >so she’s grabbing onto it and puckering her lips, trying to make them smack the same way as when you do it
  1592. >and..!
  1593. “Hey, there you go!” you laugh, slipping your hand away from her hooves “I knew you could learn that in no time. Such a smart girl…”
  1594. >and you scratch her head, slowly leaning in to kiss her lips again
  1595. >this time receiving a clumsy one back
  1596. "See we've both learned a plenty of new things today." you chuckle, moving away a strand of mane from her face to touch her cheek and fondly scratch a side of her neck ".......But there’s still some work to do for me. I should wash us both get some new sheets."
  1597. >with the sheets being a number one priority, you sneak out to get a new ones as well as a clean mattress cover, spray all of the dirty fabric with a lot of deodorant to mask the smell..
  1598. >and stuff them all into the washing machine for mom to wash later
  1599. >then make the bed, using fresh ones
  1600. >once you’re done, you’re heading into the bathroom
  1601. >of course, Suzzanne was “helping” you with all of that by curiously poking her nose into everything and she’s following you around even now
  1602. >might as well take a shower together…
  1603. >but on the other hand,. that’s pretty risky, considering what you got away with before
  1604. >wouldn’t want anyone entering the room and seeing you
  1605. >it would be easier to explain why you’re washing Suzzanne’s coat in the middle of a night than why are you naked behind the shower glass with her
  1606. >at this hour, it’s even quite possible someone might enter since the movie must have already ended
  1607. >so you quickly wash the pegasus first, dry her fur with a blowdrier and only then have a shower yourself
  1608. >leaving the door open for her if she wanted to go somewhere else or check on your parents and sister
  1609. >which she does, leaving you alone for a while
  1610. >only to return once you’re done, brushing your teeth
  1611. “...Heyyy, you weren’t showing them what you learned today didn’t you?” you laugh a little worriedly about letting her there
  1612. >but she’s more interested in your toothbrush than to even attempt to decode what you’re saying
  1613. >...hope she didn’t
  1614. >still, you quickly take a peek on your parents in the living room to see if they’re not discussing you or Suzzanne
  1615. >>>>”But Mom!”
  1616. >>”It’s late enough sweetie. You should go to sleep. Brush your teeth off you go! …And say goodnight to your brother.”
  1617. >>>>”Okay…” your sister is hanging her head
  1618. >so you quickly slip back into the bathroom
  1619. >knowing you can soon expect your little sister’s visit
  1620. >and that they probably don’t have a slightest idea what you’ve been doing past few hours
  1621. >nice
  1622. >after saying goodnight to your sister, leaving her in the bathroom, you’re heading back to your room
  1623. >still closely followed by Suzzanne
  1624. >which isn’t actually THAT unusual, since she’s been occasionally sleeping in your room for a while now
  1625. >but she was always laying either on her own mattress or somewhere on the other side of your own bed
  1626. >this time though…
  1627. “Come here then..!” you’re patting the place next to you under the blanket
  1628. >and the pegasus happily snuggles up to you, pressing her furry body tightly onto yours while nuzzling your face as if this was an old routine for her
  1629. >must have understood by now that today brought her some new privileges
  1630. >it feels kinda obvious too, since she’s-…
  1631. >well she IS kinda like your girlfriend now, isn’t she..?
  1632. >... you’d surely like to consider her that way
  1633. >not quite sure how exactly is she explaining what happened to herself
  1634. >or if she can grasp the concept
  1635. >but in a way you’re surely someone special in her life, just like she’s special to you
  1636. >we’ll see how this all works out, don’t really feel like ruining the mood by any thoughts about the future
  1637. >right now you’re just enjoying the incredibly comfy feeling of a warm and dainty pegasus in your arms, her calming heartbeat, as well the intimacy
  1638. “Goodnight Suzie..” you kiss her snoot and smile before closing your eyes “I love you…”
  1639. >”Sooz…” she’s replying sleepily, giving your cheek one last, wet, pony kiss
  1640. >you’re falling asleep in the matter of minutes
  1642. Part six: Something human
  1644. >you flinch, waking up from a dream that’s already slipping away from your mind
  1645. >the next second, you’re feeling the soft pillow cuddled up to you moving
  1646. >and as most of the things that happened yesterday start coming back, you’re opening your eyes to a sight of a pair of fluffy ears poking from a ruffled up mane
  1647. >…
  1648. >right,.. that’s no pillow
  1649. >you’re only hesitating less than a second to tighten your embrace around the pegasus and pull her a little closer
  1650. >still no regrets
  1651. >”Mmhm…”
  1652. >Suzzanne’s humming to herself in her high tone while nuzzling deep under your neck and absolutely refusing to open her eyes just yet
  1653. >so you’re staying like that for a while, gently fondling her body under the blankets, paying attention to her tiny wings
  1654. >which makes your bedmare wiggle in pleasure, making a few more satisfied noises and slowly raise her snoot from under your chin to smile at you
  1655. >then those big, brightly green eyes open, piercing you with their enchanting gaze
  1656. >...and while she may not know it
  1657. >she’s totally worth it
  1658. >so you lean in to softly kiss her lips as a good morning
  1659. >only to get lazily licked back as a response
  1660. >guess she’s preferring her own way of showing affection
  1661. >and you wouldn’t even mind right now, if it wasn’t for her morning breath
  1662. >but on the other hand,
  1663. >yours isn’t any better right now…
  1664. >so your stinky breaths aren’t ruining the atmosphere that bad
  1665. >and you bury one of your hands into the mane on the back of her head
  1666. >kissing her once again
  1667. >this time even getting a clumsy one back
  1668. >…
  1669. >the present moment’s filling you with a deep feeling of belonging
  1670. >and you know that none of which happened was a mistake
  1671. >it was all meant to happen
  1672. >thinking about it, you wouldn’t really even want anyone else in Suzzanne’s place right now
  1673. >not even Stacy from the class above yours
  1674. >.…it would be worse explaining to someone else though
  1675. >...
  1676. >a familiarly cold shiver ran up your spine just now
  1677. >no one must ever know
  1678. >but it hurts so much to think you’ll have to keep all of this a secret to everybody
  1679. >and forever…
  1680. >on the other hand, you can still show your “girlfriend” all the affection you want in front of anyone
  1681. >as long as it doesn’t take turn towards anything sexual…
  1682. >scratches, rubs, nuzzles and even some kisses should be fine
  1683. >... “normal” people do that with their “normal” pets all the time
  1684. >so you smile over the thought
  1685. >feeling kinda ready, even somehow energized to get up and face the day
  1686. >a few minutes more spent cuddling won’t hurt though…
  1687. >after pushing yourself up from the bed at last, you’ve been expecting Suzzanne to come with you
  1688. >but she’s staying under the blankets, even pulling them back onto herself and eyeing at you from under them
  1689. >what a lazy little pegasus, you chuckle
  1690. >can’t expect her to follow you everywhere like your own tail all the time though
  1691. >probably wouldn’t even like if she was that clingy, always appreciated her relatively independent personality, within limits of a housepet of course
  1692. >so you give her a smirk, step back just to boop her nose sticking from under the blankets and head to the kitchen
  1693. >you know she'll catch up sooner or later
  1694. >upon entering the kitchen to fetch yourself some breakfast, you run into your parents who are there for the very same reasons, surprised to see you up so soon on the weekend
  1695. >despite sleeping like a total log this night, you went to sleep pretty early compared to usual
  1696. >and you’re being invited to a family breakfast for the occasion
  1697. >it’s been a while since you all actually gathered like that
  1698. >so you join them at the table, greeting your sister who’s already snacking on something
  1699. >their presence is making you only a tiny bit uncomfortable though, since you’re not used to spending time with all of them at once anymore
  1700. >plus, you have a secret you must not ever tell, not even accidentally hint
  1701. >but they’re your family after all, so you’re slowly managing to relax around them
  1702. >munching on your toasted bread with hummus helps too…
  1703. >then after a while, when you’re all almost finished, Suzzanne roams into the room as well
  1704. >announcing herself in the door and greeting everyone individually from up close with her smile
  1705. >...funny how important it is for her, not to leave anyone behind
  1706. >and you’re feeling pretty relieved she didn’t attempt to kiss anyone or something, but she seems to remember that she isn’t allowed to lick anyone’s face
  1707. >with an exception of you of course,.. everyone knows you were soft on her as far as any rules go, long before yesterday
  1708. >but since you’ve already been greeted by her wet tongue in the bed before, she’s not doing it again now
  1709. >just nuzzling you like everyone else, only a bit longer, and staying by your side while you’re fondling her ears
  1710. >then you return to your breakfast
  1711. >..
  1712. >>"…Shoo, Suzzanne stop begging for food..!” mom notices the pony is still sitting by your side even when you’ve returned to your breakfast “…Anon she wasn’t doing that a few days ago, were you always feeding her straight from the table?”
  1713. "I don't think she wants food mom..."
  1714. >>>"He's right honey. She has it scrambled in her brain right now when she's in heat. Doesn’t know herself what she wants. We’re lucky she isn’t making those weird noises like cats do.”
  1715. >>>>"Dad! What's a heat-"
  1716. "I didn't mean that.” you cut your sister off, glancing at the disappointed but obedient pegasus that’s now walking away to lay down onto her mattress “… Suzzanne is very social and I think she just wants to be present… with us.”
  1717. >>>"Well, first you couldn't even stand her existence and now you're an expert over how she's feeling. What a turnaround champ." your dad chuckles, not sure whether mockingly or just in amusement
  1718. >it made you embarrassedly blush either way
  1719. >...hope you didn’t went too far by defending her like that
  1720. >>>>"Dad's right! I think Miss Preeny already likes you more than she does me, bro…” your sister whispers as if she didn't want the pony to hear
  1721. "... That's just because I'm walking her everyday sis,..” you whisper amusedly back “…you can tag along sometimes if you want to."
  1722. >>>>"Can I go with you today then?!"
  1723. "Sure… Surprised you didn’t ask sooner.”
  1724. >>>>”Yes!”
  1725. >can’t have her all for yourself
  1726. >it wouldn’t be healthy anyway
  1727. “Alright then. I’ll finish this, brush my teeth and we can go,. let’s say,.. in half an hour?”
  1728. >and as you said, after breakfast you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth while mom’s feeding Suzzanne some granulate and oats
  1729. >...thought about telling her you can do it yourself, or to give her some fresh veggies instead, but you don’t wanna raise any suspicions at all that something may have changed
  1730. >still though, Suzzanne wasn’t acting as horny as she was yesterday, hope that isn’t suspicious either
  1731. >could they tell she’s a bit relieved somehow?
  1732. >could they connect the dots all the way to you?
  1733. >but this isn’t a NCIS, no one even has a reason to look for any weird patterns
  1734. >which calms you a bit again, spitting the toothpaste into the sink
  1735. >...only to realize the pegasus that’s been on your mind the whole time is now standing next to you
  1736. >curiously eyeing at the toothbrush, just like yesterday
  1737. “What is it Suzie? Want your teeth brushed as well?” you grin and hand her the clean brush so she can inspect it closer
  1738. >surprisingly enough, she uses her hoof to pick it up, not her mouth
  1739. >and she’s even trying to imitate your movements in front of her muzzle
  1740. >the sight makes you snicker
  1741. “Can I help you with that..?” you chuckle, touching the brush in her hoof
  1742. >which she lets go of, watching you squeeze some toothpaste on it and kneel down to her
  1743. >and she’s letting you slide the thing into her mouth, even showing her teeth for you to see better
  1744. >they’re as white as pearls, don’t really need any maintenance
  1745. >but some fresh breath won’t hurt, plus, prevention
  1746. >funny how much this little creature wants to be like a human
  1747. >and you’re gladly gonna make her feel that way when she’s around you
  1748. >so you're gently brushing on her teeth, while using your other hand to softly open or close her jaws, depending on where you need to get
  1749. >never were you doing this with someone else’s mouth, so it’s a new thing for you as well
  1750. >but an entertaining one
  1751. >how she’s standing still, looking all excited about something so trivial while wondering what to do with her evermoving orange tongue
  1752. >but you aren’t stressing it too long, soon her mouth is getting filled with toothpaste bubbles and saliva, so you let go
  1753. >expecting her to spit it in the sink
  1754. >except the curious pegasus gulps half of the liquid down her stomach
  1755. >and she’s immediately regretting it
  1756. >so you pull her front hooves up the sink, to spit there at least the rest
  1757. >...this time it’s pouring down the drain
  1758. “It’s way better this way, trust me.” you’re patting her back and holding her mane so that she won’t stain it
  1759. >but you aren’t getting an answer because of her sudden interest to inspect the strange freshness in her mouth
  1760. >rolling the tongue around making faces in the mirror
  1761. "...So, the same thing in the evening?" you tousle her mane with a grin, crouching next to her when she’s back on all four
  1762. >”Sooz!”
  1763. >which you’re taking as: “We’ll see.”
  1764. >once you’re done and dressed, it’s just about time for the walk
  1765. >so you call on your sister that’s also ready by now
  1766. >and you’re on your way
  1767. >throughout the walk, you’re actually giving the two of them as much space as possible, trying not to “take the cake” from their time outside together
  1768. >it would feel kinda wrong to have Suzzanne fixated only onto you, even though you’re already her favourite human
  1769. >she needs a richer life than that
  1770. >still though, you’re already planning some kind of “date” or something in the future
  1771. >not only to break the routine
  1772. >but to make your animal girlfriend feel like a human, if at least for a few hours
  1773. >...thinking of it
  1774. >most of all you’re wishing you could make your parents treat her with more respect
  1775. >she surely deserves it, but they can’t or don’t even want to see her as something more than their pet
  1776. >true, you weren’t any different
  1777. >it’s easier that way
  1778. >but things have changed now
  1779. >and you’re seeing the little pegasus as your equal
  1780. >”SuzzAAN!” you’re suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when she’s running at you, trying to make you join the chase with your sister
  1781. >so you grin and run after her
  1782. >at least she’s happy right now…
  1783. …...
  1784. >later that day, you’re sitting at your table, pondering about the same thought from yesterday that keeps returning
  1785. >can’t get Suzzanne out of your mind, even when she isn’t around
  1786. >she seems to be happy most of the time nowadays, but you’re worrying about the future
  1787. >will this life always be enough for her?
  1788. >you’re gonna be adult one day and become completely independent
  1789. >but Suzzanne will never “grow up”, get a job, buy a house, plant a tree…
  1790. >probably won’t even learn human language enough to speak for herself
  1791. >she’ll probably have to stay dependent on someone,.. which makes kinda sense for a house pet
  1792. >but you’re feeling like the little pegasus deserves a bit more than that with her intelligence and learning capabilities…
  1793. >at least a bit more freedom, a bit more recognition…
  1794. >...
  1795. >....
  1796. >”Suzzan..? the pegasus chirps upon entering your room to announce herself, even though she knows she doesn’t have to do that anymore
  1797. "Hey Suzie...." you raise your head, giving her a tired smile
  1798. >and the mare’s heading straight to you, softly licking a tip of your nose before laying her head into your lap
  1799. >eyeing at you, as if asking "What's up?"
  1800. “.…I might be overthinking you, Suzzanne.” your fingers are burying deep into her colorful mane to give her some thorough scratches “…Will you always stay like this? ..All those 60 or 70 years?”
  1801. >”Suz!” she answers enthusiastically without really catching what you’re saying
  1802. >there’s no way she could have understood that sentence
  1803. >but she always understands how you’re feeling and she’s trying to cheer you up now
  1804. “...Come here.” her smile makes you smile as well, picking the gentle front hooves on your lap to hug her “... one day, when I’ll stand up on my own feet,... I'm gonna take you with me. And I’m gonna show you the world out there! What do you think?"
  1805. >”Sooo…” the mare coo’s into your ear in response
  1806. “Yeah..” you chuckle “I guess you’re right. We should focus on the presence… For now, I was thinking of taking you on some kind of date. Would you like that?”
  1807. >for which you’re given another one of her affirmative responses, this time a little nicker
  1808. "Heh, you're a total "Yes-mare.", are you?" you laugh letting go of the hug to glance at her, still softly caressing her chest from the sides “But I don’t know what kind of date… what would you like?”
  1809. >but the pegasus just grins real wide instead of answering
  1810. “Don’t know either huh? Then how about,…….”
  1811. >.…you’re thinking of a cinema or some kind of lunch
  1812. >but can’t say for sure if they’d even let her into the cinema, even though you know she does enjoy watching movies with you
  1813. >ones in which isn’t a lot of dialogue of course
  1814. >and a restaurant probably isn’t that good of an idea overall, a picnic or something would probably be better… although
  1815. “.….I know! There’s a lunapark in the city! I really wanted to go there one day but I didn’t want to go alone. How about we go there together?!”
  1816. >”Suzzaan!”
  1817. >she might not know what you’re so excited about, but she’s happy to celebrate with you by covering your face in pony kisses
  1818. “It’s settled then.” you grin fondling her cheeks in your palms and glancing into her eyes “…I’ve been saving some money by skipping lunch sometimes, it’ll be enough for us to have some fun. Now… how are you feeling after tomorrow? Satisfied a little bit?"
  1819. >to which the mare gently shakes her head
  1820. >she might know the word “satisfied” already, but not the current context
  1821. >’s usually cuddles
  1822. "Reeeally?" you're chuckling while finally wiping the pegasus saliva off your face and bumping nose to nose with her "…But I don't mean the scratches, I mean your uhh.…, other kind of problems."
  1823. >tilting her head at you, it’s not as if she could understand this either
  1824. >so you move your hand towards her rump, pointing at it with your finger
  1825. “I meant this kind of problem.”
  1826. >for which you’re given an understanding grin, right before she turns around, eagerly lifting her tail aside
  1827. >right,... still ready for action
  1828. "Not now Suz..." you snicker and gently turn her back around to face you again "You’ve surely got a libido and it’s pretty tempting buuuut,… maybe tomorrow."
  1829. >"Tomow-…tomoRRow..!"
  1830. "Say whaa? Hey that was a nice articulation. Have you been practicing?”
  1831. >”Tomorrow!” Suzzanne’s flexing her new ability, even though it still doesn’t sound completely right
  1832. >but it’s a lot better than ever before
  1833. “Alright then, tomorrow it is!” you grin “A feat like that surely needs to be celebrated…”
  1834. >although, don’t think she knows the meaning of the word she just learned
  1835. >but you’re gonna keep the promise anyway
  1836. >so tomorrow is the day of changing bedsheets… again
  1837. >just hope it won’t be too suspicious, maybe you should learn how to use washing machine yourself
  1838. >can’t be too hard…
  1839. "...Come to think, how long is the heat of yours gonna last though..?" you pick Suzzanne’s front hooves up to have her a little closer, as if hoping she could tell you herself
  1840. >...but that’s kinda silly
  1841. >"Suu...." she just cooing, cuddling up to you and trying to climb on you lap
  1842. >so you pull her rump there, seating her on you thighs and gently squeeze the pony in your arms before glancing into her playful eyes
  1843. "Right,.. you have no idea either... Well, your body looks a bit equine, so let's check out the internet about horses."
  1844. >with one hand you're still hugging the pegasus to keep her from falling down and typing your question into the browser with the other one
  1845. “How long does a horses heat last.. hmm.” *click*
  1846. >...
  1847. "21 days?!!" your eyes widen upon reading the first result in a big font ".....Oh wait, that’s the length of a whole cycle, the estrus itself if aprox. 6 days….. But still, this means it’s at least one week in each month!!"
  1848. >you glance at Suzzanne, as if she should explain herself somehow or say at least something about it
  1849. >but she’s just proudly grinning at being addressed, reaching closer to give you a sloppy kiss
  1850. >a human one even, not one of her usual lick-kisses
  1851. "Let's hope you're not completely like a horse." you chuckle almost worriedly "I mean,... not as if it wasn't possible to keep you satisfied somehow, but Jeez,.. you can't just be horny for a whole third of the summer AND spring..… or can you?"
  1852. >but all you’re getting for a response is a girly giggle and a nuzzle
  1853. >...sometimes you’re wishing she could really talk
  1854. >on the other hand, it’s a part of her charm
  1855. >and even if she could form sentences, she probably wouldn’t know this either
  1856. “Guess we’ll have to find out.” you grin while the pegasus in your lap is getting friskier and friskier
  1857. >even trying to grind her rump over your thighs
  1858. >and while the look and smell of her is getting pretty inviting,
  1859. >you just softly kiss her and seat her down
  1860. “Later Suzie, okay?.. Tomorrow.”
  1861. >”Tomowrow…” the mare’s silently repeating to herself
  1862. >it feels like it’s just now that she realized that it means “some other time” basically
  1863. >looking just a bit sad about it too
  1864. >but she isn’t pressing onto you, just frowning a bit before moving onto your bed nearby, about to curl up for a little nap
  1865. >before that though, she stops to reach her muzzle towards her vulva to wipe off the few drops of liquid excitement
  1866. >shortly glancing at you while sliding the orange tongue all the way up and down to clean herself properly, as if hoping you might change your mind
  1867. >and damn,..
  1868. >it took an incredible amount of willpower for you to resist
  1869. >but you did eventually, forcefully looking away until the shlicking noises stopped after a short while
  1870. >you’re still afraid of getting caught if you’ll do it too often
  1871. >tomorrow Anon,..tomorrow
  1872. >..
  1873. >.…
  1874. >looking back, Suzzanne’s eyes are closed already and it seems as if she was asleep already
  1875. >what a talent though…
  1876. >so you turn back around to your PC with a chuckle
  1877. >...lunapark date, then some bedroom fun,
  1878. >it’s gonna be a fun Sunday

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