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How many Anons does it take to turn a dykehorse straight?

By SmilesIsPasting
Created: 2021-01-09 21:53:00
Expiry: Never

  2. “How many Anons does it take to turn a dykehorse straight?”
  3. >”What, is that some kind of joke or something?”
  4. >Dash keeps her smug shiteating grin plastered on her face as she looks from Anon to Anon.
  5. >The first Anon, stationed behind Dash, presses his hand onto her flank and finds it flicked away by her wing.
  6. >”Forget it. I told you I don’t swing that way.”
  7. “Not yet.”
  8. >The other Anon’s mouth spreads to match Dash’s goading expression, which seems to falter slightly at those words.
  9. >”What, you’re gonna-?”
  10. >Her mouth is plugged instantly by fresh Anon tongue. It breaches her lips and rolls up along the rutted roof of her mouth.
  11. >She yelps, muffled, but her attempts to wriggle away are hampered by rear Anon’s heavy hands.
  12. >Her wings try to flutter, but he holds them tightly in place.
  13. >Even if her legs try to kick free, they miss every shot they take.
  14. >She’d clamp her teeth down onto front Anon’s tongue but in the moment she just doesn’t have the guts to go through with it.
  15. >Instead, she’s vulnerable to the wet suctions of the surprise kiss, he tastes the alkaline of her drooling spit, mashes tongue to tongue and forces his deeper.
  16. >He pulls away, a juicy pop that leaves drool slobbering from her mouth.
  17. >”You piece of fucking shit! Get offa me!”
  18. “Hold her for me.”
  19. >Front Anon complies, pinning Dash in place so rear Anon can get to work.
  20. >Resisting against the pegasus’ muscles he levers her tail away from her rear, thumbs her dock and watches her cunt squelch reflexively.
  21. >”You lay one finger on me and I’ll kick your fucking head off!” She squeaks, but all this struggling is tiring her out.
  22. >With a shuddered breath Anon carefully traces his thumb horizontally across her lips, watches them part and then snap back into place, already glistening.
  23. >His thumb is left gleaming with dash cum. He licks it off and finds the zest agreeable.
  24. >The sound of belt buckle unfastening sends panic into Rainbow.
  26. >”Don’t you dare! You fucking virgin piece of mule shit!”
  27. >He’s already pitching quite an erection in his boxers, tip dampened by pre.
  28. >He brushes the shape of his cock against Rainbow’s muff, teases her, feels her juices seeping through the thin cotton.
  29. >Warm and gloopy.
  30. >Unable to pent his desperation any longer, his meatsword is unsheathed. It pulses in his hand.
  31. “Don’t you worry, Ms. Dash. We have the cure for your filthy dyke habits right here.”
  32. >He’s sure to show it to her.
  33. >She rolls her tongue with visible disgust.
  34. “One injection coming right up.”
  35. >Hands sink into butt fur, grasp for support, and he drives his hips forward.
  36. >Her lips open up effortlessly to accept the package, but Anon soon discovers an obstruction.
  37. >Her inner muscles clenching as hard as they can.
  38. >With a grunt and a whole lot of force, his cock slowly feeds deeper inside.
  39. >It almost feels like her grip is going to crush him, but he perseveres.
  40. >She whimpers at the unfamiliar sensation.
  41. >All the way in.
  42. >He can feel her asshole pinch his pubes.
  43. >Each time he plunges inside the tension of her muscles weaken.
  44. >What starts as a tight, challenging hole gradually slackens into an effortless fuck.
  45. >Like a well-oiled machine.
  46. >Her body lurches forward with every thrust, and at the hilt of every impact a loud smack rings out.
  47. “Can a mare do this?”
  48. >The sound of malicious laughter.
  49. >The Anon holding her down joins in, and puts one hand to good use.
  50. >It circles her puckering asshole and rubs right along the center.
  51. >He pushes against the resistance of it. First one knuckle, then three.
  52. >The first Anon brings rude farty noises out of Dash’s pussy with the displacement of air, cock gliding along ruffled folds, aided by her natural lubricant.
  53. >He fucks harder and deeper, feels his prick wrapped in a comfortable heat, and his balls slap against her clit.
  54. >She winks, sighs; despite everything she can’t deny her body’s reaction to the stimulation.
  56. >This is what it feels like?
  57. >”You... fucking... assholes... mmf... are gonna... regret this...”
  58. >Rear Anon thrusts just a little deeper and it knocks the wind out of her.
  59. “Think it’s... hurgh... time to put her... agh! Mouth to work, too?”
  60. >The Anon holding her down loosens his grip. Her wild desperate floundering seems to have died down.
  61. “She’s not even struggling! I guess she must be dick crazy already.”
  62. >”Eat my farts, you f-fucking... nnf... you stupid...!”
  63. “Aww, has birdpone run out of insults?”
  64. >As he returns to his position in front of her he draws gossamer fingers along her mane.
  65. >She glowers over hot red cheeks.
  66. >She can’t allow herself to enjoy this. It’s against every instinct she has!
  67. >But that feeling of hard Anon cock impaling her quivering horsemound does something to her.
  68. >It puts every value she has into question, giving way to pure, undeniable pleasure.
  69. >”I hate you!” She barks, though her voice is hoarse and her vigor spent.
  70. >Front Anon undoes his belt and makes sure she’s watching every step of the procedure.
  71. >With a whoosh his pants descend to the floor and his erection bobs up against Dash’s face, nearly booping her on the muzzle.
  72. >She gives it a hateful glare and spits at it.
  73. “Wow, thanks! It’s good to get it nice and lubricated!”
  74. >Both Anons laugh at her compounding distress.
  75. >Rear Anon is still pounding away quite tenaciously.
  76. >He’s fucked mares before, but something about training dyke pussy is so much more satisfying.
  77. >It winks again, more intense this time, and sends Dash goo splattering to the floor.
  78. >Her wings flutter a little, loose stray feathers, as if they’re going to try and lift off, but she doesn’t have the energy.
  79. >Front Anon gently waves his cock in front of her face; her gaze follows it.
  81. “You really want to chow down on this thing, don’t you? I bet that stupid featherbrain of yours is all confused! It feels so wrong, right? You know you really shouldn’t be turned on by it, and yet I bet you really, really are.”
  82. >”N-Not a featherbrain.” She mumbles.
  83. >Anon wipes a little pre over her nostrils.
  84. “Give that a sniff. The smell of a man. The kind of smell that’s supposed to get mares like you excited. Is she getting excited back there, Anon?”
  85. >The rear Anon huffs as he maintains his rhythm.
  86. >The smell of her building sweat drifts up to him and acts as an aphrodisiac.
  87. “Her cunt sure isn’t putting up a fight. Smooth as butter.”
  88. “Huh. Sounds to me like you DO enjoy it, then. Maybe the issue all this time is you could never get a stallion to like you. Maybe you just needed to be shown what it was like. Well, Now’s the time to admit it. Go ahead. Tell me you want to taste my cock.”
  89. >Her lips tremble.
  90. “Say it. You must be curious.”
  91. >A whimper.
  92. “What was that?”
  93. >”I want...”
  94. “Huh?”
  95. >”I want to taste it.”
  96. >The expression over her face at letting these words pass her lips is one of utter shame.
  97. >It’s like a moment of self realization.
  98. “Well, sure! Go ahead and give it a good lick.”
  99. >He holds it upright in front of her, hooks his finger under her upper lip and pulls it away to reveal her teeth.
  100. >There is a moment of silence for a second, save rear Anon’s thrusting in and out of her.
  101. >With a visible hesitation she pokes her tongue through her lips, wraps it hot around Anon’s cock, and slowly draws up its length.
  102. >Her eyes are vast at the new flavor.
  103. >Alive with a kind of curiosity.
  104. >She goes for another lick, a little flick of her tongue against his balls, and within seconds she finds herself gently suckling on them.
  105. >She can’t help but moan.
  106. “Fuuck! That’s good, Rainbow. Lick all the sweat off my nutsack.”
  107. >Both Anons laugh at her apparent fervor.
  109. >She quickly moves to licking up and down the underside of Anon’s cock, dragging glossy tastebuds right up to the tip, like a filly in a candy store desperate to try one of everything.
  110. >The moment is suddenly interrupted by an announcement from behind her.
  111. “Fuck, I think I’m gonna-“
  112. >That’s all the warning she gets before he forces all the way in and paints her cervix white.
  113. >Crumples the pegasus up into a hot, fluffy mound and empties himself inside.
  114. >As she’s trying to comprehend the sensation of fresh cum filling her up, front Anon takes this opportunity to ram his cock past her lips, over her tongue, and right down her tightening throat.
  115. >With a few more pumps, rear Anon is spent.
  116. >Her slit spits his shrinking erection as it still unloads a few more droplets of cum.
  117. >Front Anon retrieves his own throbbing cock, tickles her uvula on the way up.
  118. >Dash gags and leaves spit and mucus connecting her lips to the head.
  119. “C’mon, I didn’t say you could stop licking it.”
  120. >And so she does—she swirls her tongue around his glans, maps out the strange shape of it. Explores every inch.
  121. “Jesus! Are you sure this is your first time working one of these? You’re good at it.”
  122. >Her only response is the slicking slops of tongue on cock and the humid gust of tremulous breaths.
  123. “I think it’s time.” Front Anon calls to the other, who nods and crouches down behind the waterfall of cum drizzling through her swollen lips.
  124. “See, we could just come here, give you a nice fuck, and leave, but that wouldn’t really achieve much. This needs to root itself deeply.”
  125. >She can’t even be bothered to ask what he means, her wide eyes staring up at him say everything.
  126. “We said we were going to make you love cock, and that’s what we intend to do.”
  127. >Rear Anon gives her meaty pusspuss a tight squeeze and her little cherry red clit pops right out.
  128. >As two fingers softly begin to strum at it she shuffles awkwardly and winces.
  130. >Front Anon withdraws, his cock in hand, and starts to jerk off in front of her.
  131. >It’s perfectly slippery under the sheen of her salvia.
  132. “I want you to say something for me. It’s nothing complicated; ‘I love cock’.”
  133. >She’s caught in a trance by both front Anon’s masturbation and rear Anon’s clitoral massage.
  134. “Go on—say it.”
  135. >”I love cock.”
  136. “Say it with meaning, dyke.”
  137. >”I love cock.”
  138. “That was a statement. I want an exclamation.”
  139. >”I love cock!” She calls out in her raspy tones.
  140. >She repeats it as both Anons pick up vigor.
  141. “Again. Keep saying it.”
  142. >”I love cock. I love cock. I love cock...” she intones.
  143. >The word still feels dirty on her tongue, but each time she says it it seems to ring more and more true.
  144. >Rear Anon starts violently fidgeting with the little swelling nub like it’s a joystick, mashes it in hard, polishes it with one determined finger like he’s shining a shoe.
  145. >Receptive nerves fire off with ferocity.
  146. >Her legs writhe at the intensity of the arousal.
  147. “I love... mmf... I... I love cock! I love cock!”
  148. >He rubs her clit as hard as he possibly can, so fast his fingers become a blur.
  149. >She starts to buckle at this forced climax that’s getting closer and closer.
  150. >”I love... oh my Gosh... I love... cock! I love cock!!”
  151. “She’s gonna blow!”
  152. “G-Great timing!”
  153. >Front Anon rolls his head up to the ceiling and his cock splurges out thick glue over her face.
  154. >It falls in white lustrous spangles, droops down her muzzle.
  155. >He yanks her tongue through her lips and lets the last few shots volley directly onto it.
  156. “Nice and loud now, dyke. Say it like you really, really mean it. I want it to be the single thing passing through your mind as you cum for us!”
  157. >”I love cock!” She screams, and her back arches.
  158. >Her pussy starts winking so hard it’s audible, sending gushing orgasmic syrup over rear Anon’s arm.
  159. >He doesn’t slow down rubbing her clit even a bit, though.
  161. >As she’s wobbly, back dancing with muscle spasms, he brings a second, even more draining orgasm out of her.
  162. >The floor is pooling with an iridescent cum soup.
  163. >”I love... cock...”
  164. >She falls forward into a breathless mess, still letting those words come through her lips, as weak and whispery as they may be.
  165. >In the heady afterglow, her mind begins to shift.
  166. >Rearrange itself.
  167. >Every single thing she knew to be true is taken into question.
  168. >The only thing that’s clear is that it’s no longer just a forced statement.
  169. >She really hungers for those sensations again.
  170. >A mare has never managed to make her feel that way, and probably never can.
  171. >She’s silently contemplating, lips moving unconsciously as that phrase plays over and over in her head.
  172. “God, it stinks in here.”
  173. >Front Anon wipes the vestigial cum over her coat and pops it back in his pants.
  174. >The air is thick with the musky smell of cum from all parties, and the sharp sweat of the tired pegasus that drips from her wingpits.
  175. “Yeah. You might wanna take a shower. Or not. You usually smell pretty bad as it is.”
  176. >Both laugh, get themselves tidied, and leave.
  177. >The blue cum depository shivers.
  178. >”I... love... cock.”

/mlp/ Rewatch Stream S1E01+02

by SmilesIsPasting

/mlp/ Rewatch Stream S1E05+06

by SmilesIsPasting

/mlp/ Rewatch Stream S1E07+08

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/mlp/ Rewatch Stream S1E09+10

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/mlp/ Rewatch Stream S1E11+12

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