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Black Mass, by Norlf

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2021-01-18 15:17:20
Expiry: Never

  2. >You feel the vehicle comming to a stop, and quickly after the engine goes silent.
  3. >The driver gets out, then slam shut the door of his cabin.
  4. >Shakilly, you try to get up, your muscles sore from being stuck in such a cramped space for so long.
  5. >This crate is so small you can't even get up properly, you can only prop yourself on you knees.
  6. >The door of the truck open, and you try to peer outside from one of the holes, but bump your horn on the crate.
  7. "Ouch!"
  8. >"Shut up in here!" Comes the rough, grumpy voice of the driver.
  9. >There is the rattling of metal against metal, then suddenly the crate tilts forwards, sending you face-first into the wooden wall.
  10. "Ow!"
  11. >"I said shut the fuck up!"
  12. >You clamp your hooves to your muzzle and try to muffle your winnies as much as you can.
  13. >You're jolted back and forth as the man gets your crate out of his truck, swearing all the while.
  14. >The man roll your crate around for a few seconds before comming to an alt and dropping you on the ground without a warning, sending you once again against the wall, thankfully this time back first.
  15. >A doorbell shimes, and not a second after the door open.
  16. >"Finally you're here! You were supposed to come at six!" Complains another male voice.
  17. >"Trafick sucks around here, be thankfull I came at all, there's an accident down the road."
  18. >"Yeah yeah whatever, I need that pony right now, do I have to sign something?"
  19. >"Just right there."
  20. >There is no other sound for a few seconds.
  21. >"Alright, it's yours now. Have fun."
  22. >"Hey wait, can't you help me get it inside?"
  23. >"No."
  24. >The truck's door close, then the engine starts again.
  25. >"Fucking asshole... fuck!"
  26. >The man outside walks away, then come back.
  27. >"Man, that shit is huge."
  28. >Another voice.
  29. >"Yeah, that's why I'm asking for help, dumbass."
  30. >"Fuck you I'm not carrying this inside, I don't want to ruin my back."
  31. >"We don't have time for this, just help me!"
  32. >"Can't we just open it here?"
  33. >There is a long sigh, a short silence, then a loud groan.
  34. >"Okay keep an eye on it."
  35. >The first voice walks away.
  36. >You try once again to look outside, being mindful of your horn, but you can't see much.
  37. >There is an open door not far away, but you can't see what's inside.
  38. >Suddenly the hole from which you were looking is obsured by a green eye.
  39. "Eep!"
  40. >You try to lean back, but can't get far inside the crate.
  41. >The eye looks up and down, probably not seeing much of you as you sit in the darkness.
  42. >"Don't worry, we'll get you out of this crate very soon," says the man with a southing tone, but that just makes you worried more.
  43. >What does he want from you?
  44. >The first voice comes back runing, audibly exausted.
  45. >"Fuck those stairs! Here, move."
  46. >There is a cracking sound before suddenly the front pane of the box fall down, revealing two man, all clothed in black, looking at you with awe, one of them carrying a crowbar.
  47. >"Damn it's cute."
  48. >"Shut up you homo."
  49. >"Are you fucking done you bastards? Where is the pony!?"
  50. >This third voice is female, you notice.
  51. >"Yeah we got it, we're comming!"
  52. >"Hurry up, the Dark Lord is waiting!"
  53. >The man olding the crowbar crounch down in front of you, allowing you to fully take in his worried face, dark long hairs falling down his shoulders.
  54. >"Come here, little one, we don't have time."
  55. >He reach out a hand toward your collar, you hesitate for a second to bite down but decide against it. The man grabs you, then pull gently to force you out.
  56. >You crawl on your knees out of the box, finally able to stand on your four hooves once you're out.
  57. >"Fuck it's skinny, you sure we can use it?"
  58. >The crowbar-man looks you up and down, making a face while hissing trough his teeth.
  59. >"We don't really have a choice... we'll be carreful."
  60. >He then looks at you in the eyes, making sure you listen to him.
  61. >"Listen, I know this is gonna be a bit scarry bu-"
  62. >"For fuck's sake hurry up or I'll sacrifice your balls!"
  63. >"-fuck, ok don't panic, it will be fine."
  64. >From his pocket he takes out a leash that he swiflty claps to your collar, then right after he gets up to head inside the house.
  65. >You don't have time to look back before the door shut behind you.
  66. >You have no other choice but to follow.
  67. >The other male human walks past you and disapear behind a door further down the corridor. The female is standing beside the door, and hand to crowbar-man - he dropped the tool as he entered the house, but you decided to stick with that name for him - a long black cape with a hood, herself wearing the exact same piece of clothing.
  68. >Crowbar-man hand her the end of the leash as he put on the cloth. You raise your eyes to the woman to look at her face, and exchange a glance with her.
  69. >You can't really tell if she hates you or if she just tolerate your presence. A chill run down your spine.
  70. >The man get back your leash, and you focus your gaze back to him.
  71. >With the cape drapped all around him, and the hood falling low on his face, you though for an instant that it was another human.
  72. >"Let's start the ritual," say the woman in a solemn tone, walking past the door.
  73. >It's only now that you realize that this are stairs, going down toward the darkness. A quiet mumbling can be heard from down there.
  74. >You have a terrifying feeling about this.
  75. >But crowbar-man nudge you forward with his foot, and once again you fnd yourself walking forward against your will.
  76. >As you make your way downstair, the mumbling quickly gets more audible, and you realize that it is more like a murmured prayer, repeated over and over by multiple voices.
  77. >You distinct the flicker of a light as your eyes grow accustomed to the darkness, comming further down, right pass this turn to the right.
  78. >When you reach the turn, you also reach the foot of the staircase, and you see...
  79. >You frezze in terror.
  80. >Twenty or so humans, all wearing the same black cape are kneeling, place right and left in lines, allowing for a cenral path toward the only piece of furniture in the bare room: A sculpture of a sinistre creature, with the torso of a human, the head of a goat, and large wings like a pegasus, or a griffon. The statue held his hand in the hair, two fingers raised, and some sort of star is carved in his forehead.
  81. >At the foot of the bloodcurdling sight was naked women, bent over an altar.
  82. >Crowbar-man walks past you and starts pulling on the leash to force you forward.
  83. >As you approach the altar, the naked woman gets up and only then did you realise that blood was oozing from her arm.
  84. >A man - or a woman, with those capes you couldn't be sure - came next to her to bandage her wound, then offered her a black cape to cover herself.
  85. >You were so terrorized by what you were seeing that you didn't even thinked about running away. You couldn't even think at all.
  86. >Another man - this time you could tell as he started to speak - walked beside you and crowbar-man as he presented you to the assembly of hooded humans, andstarted to talk.
  87. >"Now that the blood of the whore has been shed, the Lord asks now for the blood of the innocent."
  88. >You don't have time to react before two pair of hands grab you and force you to stand above the blood-soaked altar.
  89. >You try to scream but instantly a cloth is shoved in your mouth, muffling your cries of protest.
  90. >Tears are running down your face as you try to kick and fight, but the humans are too strong, you are hopeless against them.
  91. >The talking human approach you, you can see him in the corner of your eyes, but you are far more focused on the serpentine dagger firmly held in his hand.
  92. >Your open your eyes wide in fear at the sight, and can only guess what is about to happen given the way that the hand grasping your mane held your throat above the altar.
  93. >Behind you, the prayer is still going on and on.
  94. >"Eniraf ed emmarg etnauqnic tnec xued."
  95. >The knife is approaching you.
  96. >"Sfueo ertauq."
  97. >A hand grabs your foreleg and raise it.
  98. >"Tial ed ertil simed nu."
  99. >You close your eyes shut.
  100. >"Les ed eécnip enu."
  101. >Your direct your last thoughts to your friends, your familly, all the loved ones back in Equestria...
  102. >"Ercus ed epuos à serèlliuc xued."
  103. >A sharp pain comes from your front leg, and that's all.
  104. >"Eliuh'd epuos à erèlliuc enu."
  105. >You open your eyes.
  106. >One of the human is already strapping a bandage around your leg, making sure it is tighten enough to stop the bleeding, but not too much as to not hurt you.
  107. >The prayer as come to an end the instant a droplet of your blood fell on the altar.
  108. >The hands holding you in place let go of you, only crowbar-man staying close to you, nursing your leg.
  109. >Every human is leaving the room, without a sound.
  110. >Once the last of them is out, leaving only you, crowbar-man, his friend and the first woman in the room.
  111. >A flick his heard, then a light bulb hanging from the ceiling illuminate the place.
  112. >Crowbar-man grabs the cloth in your mouth and remove it gently.
  113. >"That's it. You're okay, pony?"
  114. >You're quite flabbergasted by the sudden change of atmosphere, and can't come up with an answer yet.
  115. >"She's shocked."
  116. >"Yeah this I can guess. I knew we should have bough her sooner to prepare her for it!"
  117. >"Hey it's not my fault, you know it's Anon's fault if we didn't had a pony in time!"
  118. >"You two stop arguing, and bring this poor thing upstairs," says the girl as she removes her cape.
  119. >She kneel next to you and smiles widely. "I bet you will feel much better with an ice cream and a nice blanket, don't you?"

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