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Doctor Red, by Norlf

By SlavePonyGeneral
Created: 2021-01-18 15:20:19
Expiry: Never

  2. >Another day in the human world.
  3. >You sip your coffee, taking a look at the news with a lazy eye.
  4. >The usual, nothing really stands out to you.
  5. >It seems like it's not the same for Anon, your legal owner, as he comments excitedly:
  6. >"Look at that! The Colts made it to the final! I can't wait to see it!"
  7. >You roll your eyes.
  8. "Sounds great, yeah."
  9. >"Don't be a bummer you Horse, this is gonna be great! I'll tell Josh to bring Fluttershy with him, you two get along, don't you?"
  10. >This girl has ASR, agoraphobia and probably is an alcoholic, but she's still a nice one.
  11. "You don't have to, but I would still appreciate to have someone to talk to about anything beside sport."
  12. >"I'll call him at noon then."
  13. >You finish your cup of coffee, and look at the clock on the wall.
  14. "It's time to open, Anon. Should I do it?"
  15. >"No I'll do. You go to your desk, I'll send you the first one once he arrives."
  16. >With that he gets up and heads out of the break room, which double as your kitchen outside of working days.
  17. >You get up as well, and take the same exit as Anon. But instead of going straight ahead to the reception desk, you go to the right, and enter in your office at the end of the corridor.
  18. >There, you trot to your desk and grab the clipboard reading your list of appointment for the day. The first one is a new patient you never saw, coming for a booster, and should be coming...
  19. >You hear a knock at the door, the second one in the room.
  20. >...right now.
  21. >You don't waste time and go open the door right away.
  22. >Behind stands a dark-blue stallion that just looks straight at you, dumbfounded.
  23. "Hello Mr. Noteworthy," you simply say with a smile.
  24. >"Y-You are a pony?"
  25. >It's more or less the same reaction every time when a new patient comes in.
  26. "I am. But maybe you'd prefer to see a human veterinarian? I'm kidding, please, come in."
  27. >With a smile, Noteworthy steps in.
  28. >"Wow, you actually have a real doctor's office! I didn't expect that. The last time I got to the vet... well, it was not pleasant at all."
  29. >You go and take your seat at the desk.
  30. "That's the point, Mr. Noteworthy."
  31. >"Please, call me just Note."
  32. "Alright, Note. As I said, the point here is to not be treated as an animal. My master, the doctor Anon Y. Mouse, is very mindful of us ponies, and he 'hired' me to work just like a doctor would, back in Equestria."
  33. >"That's... that's really comforting to know such places exists here."
  34. "I know, right? Well, since you are a new patient here, I'd like to ask you some questions and fill a new file for you."
  35. >"A-All right."
  36. "If you don't want to answer a question, it's alright. Just keep in mind that me and the doctor Anon are here to help you, as much as any other pony."
  37. >You grab some sheets of paper and an empty folder. On the latter you write the name of the stallion, then take a pause.
  38. "You need to know something, Note. Before Anon bought me, I suffered many fates. My early months on Earth were not too joyfull, at all. Whatever it is you went through, I may have experienced the same. There is no shame between us, you can tell me everything, do you understand?"
  39. >He looks at you with a bit of uncertainty, but nods nonetheless.
  40. "Every appointment you'll have here will last an hour at least, no matter why you come. That is because I'm also here to listen to you, and to give you support if you ever need someone to talk to. Pray tell, since where are you here on earth? And since when did your mistress own you?"
  41. >You start taking notes as Noteworthy answer you.
  42. >"It's been two months, and Mistress bought me two weeks ago."
  43. "You were in one of those taming camp before that?"
  44. >"Yes."
  45. "Did you fought back?"
  46. >He doesn't answer.
  47. "There is no shame, Note. I didn't fought when I was there."
  48. >"N-No, I didn't either."
  49. "That's good, so that mean they didn't beat you?"
  50. >"No, they didn't."
  51. "Good, good. What about Mistress? She isn't too rough with you?"
  52. >"No, she is really nice actually. She buys me whatever food I want, she doesn't yell at me if I do a mistake, and she even got me one of those tablet computer!"
  53. "Sounds like you got lucky, Note. Why did she bought you? Do you have to do house chores? You're an earth stallion, manual labor in her garden maybe?"
  54. >"Yes, and no. She lives in an apartment. I just have to tend to the house, and... hmm, keep her company."
  55. >You raise your head at that.
  56. "Company?"
  57. >"Y-Yes, you know..."
  58. >His cheeks are getting slightly red.
  59. "I see. How do you feel with that?"
  60. >He fumbles a bit while rubbing his forehooves together.
  61. >"It's... a bit... I don't really feel comfortable talking about that."
  62. >You give him a sly smile.
  63. "Just tell me then: do you hate her for it?"
  64. >He shakes his head. "No, I don't hate her."
  65. "Good then. You said you lived in an apartment, do you go outside with her? Or do you stay inside all day?"
  66. >"I stay inside. I only go out when she needs help to carry the groceries."
  67. "We'll ask her to take you out on a walk from time to time then," you say, as you continue taking notes.
  68. >"Please, don't scold her, I don't want to cause her trouble!"
  69. "Don't worry, Note. She sounds like a decent owner, she probably just doesn't know ponies need to do some exercise. And given the kind of relation she seems to want with you, she probably won't mind going out with you from time to time."
  70. >Noteworthy seems reassured.
  71. "How are you feeling? On a mental point of view? Depressed, I suppose?"
  72. >He nods. "Yes, a little. But I know others got it way worse than me. I think I still got lucky."
  73. "You probably are, Note. Do she talks to you about your old life? Have you two talked about your situation?"
  74. >He nods again. "Yes, a bit. She does her best to comfort me when I'm feeling down."
  75. >That's pleasant to hear.
  76. "Well, seems like you're in good hands. Still, I'd like to examine you, if you don't mind. I need to be sure you are in good health, especially considering your 'private activities' with her."
  77. >You get up and motion for him to go sit on the examination table.
  78. >He does as told while you put on some gloves.
  79. "Alright, just lay down and relax. You said she gives you any food you ask for, what it is you ask usually?"
  80. >You start massaging his jaw for any sign of ganglion, then proceed down his chest and belly.
  81. >"Nothing fancy, I guess. Salads, veggies, a bit of cheese."
  82. "Good. What do you drink?"
  83. >"Water mostly. And Pepsi. Mistress made me try it the other day, this is so good!."
  84. "Be careful with sodas, they do tastes good, but too much can cause you some severe health hazard."
  85. >"Oh no, Mistress drinks a lot of those!"
  86. "That's her to sees with her own doctor."
  87. >You grab your blood pressure cuff and strap it around Noteworthy's foreleg. Everything looks fine.
  88. >You remove your gloves and put on another pair.
  89. "And now for the unpleasant part. I'll ask you to let me take a look at your equipment, gentlecolt."
  90. >"Hmm, is it r-really important?"
  91. >You roll your eyes.
  92. "Yes, it is. Ponies and humans bodies are not initially designed to work together that way, but since ponies and humans tends to both have a liking for having fun with their anatomy despite of the risks, I still have to check to be sure nothing is going wrong."
  93. >"T-The risks? What risks?"
  94. "Oh you know, the usual: your stallionhood can fall off, or your nuts explode."
  95. >"You're kidding right?!"
  96. >stallions... this joke works every time with them.
  97. "Of course I'm joking! But really, let me do my job. The sooner I get started, the sooner I'm done."
  98. >Although being still reluctant, Noteworthy spreads his legs and lets you inspect his privates.
  99. "You're a bit irritated, but otherwise everything is fine. Do you use lubricants?"
  100. >"No..."
  101. "Then do. Alright, now to the reason of your venue here. You need to be vaccinated, right?"
  102. >"Y-Yes. I got vaccines at the camp, but apparently I have to have a booster."
  103. "That's right. Two months after the first injection, then every four years."
  104. >You throw your gloves in the bin then head to the small fridge near your desk. Inside you quickly spot the vaccines labeled with the name of the stallion, then trot back to him.
  105. "That will be two injections, you're not afraid of needles I hope?"
  106. >He chuckles.
  107. >"I may not be the bravest of ponies, but no, needles are fines."
  108. "Anypony that goes through taming camp is brave enough in my book."
  109. >You put on a third pair of gloves, apply some alcohol on Noteworthy's neck, then finally proceed to jab him with the two vaccines.
  110. "And done," you comment as you gently dab on his neck with a cotton wool.
  111. >Checking the clock, you notice that there is some time left for the two of you.
  112. "So, Note, there is fifteen minutes left, would you like to talk a little, or do you prefer to return to your mistress ? I can brew you some coffee, or hot chocolate if you prefer."
  113. >He considers the offer, but shakes his head no.
  114. >"Thank you, but I don't want to let Mistress wait longer."
  115. "I understand. I'll let you meet her then. Just wait in the lobby while I write my recommendations for the Doctor Anon, he then will informs your mistress about the points we just discuss. Don't worry, I won't tell anything about the lubricants to not embarrass her, but I do count on you to tell her about it."
  116. >"I'll do!"
  117. >You walk up to the door and open it for him.
  118. "Well then I hope I'll see you again for a check-up some time later."
  119. >"Thanks Doc, have a nice day!"
  120. >You look at him trot happily toward a small plump woman that immediately stands up from her seat to welcome him. You smile.
  121. >You close the door and head to your desk. You still have a report to write before the next patient.

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