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Unforeseen Consequences - Chapter 10

By Trotte
Created: 2021-02-25 09:06:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >A cold wind blew through the jelly marshland, and all of its inhabitants, from the four winged flamingos, to the cow-frogs, to the many other weirdly shaped creatures gathered together, forming a peculiar audience.
  2. >What was the reason for this? Well, the answer was pretty simple, they wanted to witness the spectacle that unfolded in front of their eyes, and you know what? I couldn’t blame them.
  3. >Honestly, if I heard about a draconequus using a whole lotta explosions to fight off a giant alligator that can stretch its limbs like bubblegum, then I’d be the first one to buy a ticket and put up a gambling rig.
  4. >Just like all the other times, my little audience cheered when another explosion happened, and like all the other times, the jelly alligator shrugged it off and I grew more frustrated.
  5. “Oh, come on! Why won’t you go down already?!”
  6. >I mean, it’s not like I haven’t tried to make a change of tactics, I ain’t that dumb. If a massive explosion didn’t work the first time then it ain’t gonna work a second time.
  7. >The main problem was that I just couldn’t do any other thing! And that stupid lizard was a stubborn one, I’m telling you!
  8. >That thing quickly stretched its jaws up into the sky so it could eat me, luckily, it was a very clear attack, making it easy for me to dodge the bite by just flying away from the alligator’s long reach.
  9. >It was a good thing that I could at least fly at will without a problem. Otherwise, I’d have been riding the alligator’s intestine roller-coaster ride by now.
  10. >So after avoiding a couple more attacks from the crocodile, I stopped for a bit to mock my reptilian friend.
  12. “Nye! Nye! Too slow, jelly-toad! You’re gonna need to come up with something better than that if you want a taste of my… butt?”
  13. >The crocodile had quickly stretched one of its claws right after the last bite attack had missed, and by the time I noticed, it was too late to dodge the impact.
  14. “Oh, brother! I should’ve seen this one co- UNF!”
  15. >I crashed into the ground so hard that the entire jelly marshland violently rippled for several minutes.
  16. >As I poured my strengths into getting back on my hooves, the alligator roared in victory and then darted towards me with an incredibly high speed.
  17. >Feeling nothing but annoyance and frustration, I shook my head and groaned.
  18. “Getting happy, huh? I’m sorry, dude, but I gotta fly off. There’s some stuff I need to do.”
  19. >Not wanting to wait until the last second to fly away from the danger. I immediately jumped into the air and… hovered for less than a second before falling on my face into a puddle of jelly mud.
  20. >It was close, but I managed to quickly wipe the mud off of my face and ran away on my four limbs before that thing could take a much outta me.
  21. “What?! I can’t fly now?! Give me a break, dude!”
  22. >I didn’t waste any more time with useless complains, after all, the chase was back on, and that frickin’ alligator was way faster than your average reptile.
  23. >I tried to fly away many times during the chase, but my attempts always ended up in miserable failure, and that alligator really did its best to catch up to me each time I failed.
  25. >After a good while of jumping, running, dodging and more running, my luck apparently decided to show its good size as I noticed on a small hill, not too far from my position, a hole on the ground big enough for me to fit in, but not enough for my hungry friend to be able to follow. Perfect!
  26. >Without thinking it much… or at all, I dashed to this new refuge as fast as my limbs allowed me to, and jumped inside of it right in time before the croc could land a bite…
  27. “So long, suckeaaaaAAAH!”
  28. >…Only to end up falling for what it felt like forever and landing right on my butt.
  29. “UNGH! Okay! I’m gonna admit that maybe… probably this wasn’t my brightest idea.”
  30. >It really didn’t take a genius observer to tell just how stupid of a move that was. The hole was cramped as heck and while the alligator’s jaws couldn’t stretch far enough to get me, they were close enough to ensure that I couldn’t do anything except for lying on my back.
  31. >So yeah, I was trapped, with no real option to defend myself unless I wanted to blow up myself in the process, and to make things even better, I also had to endure the croc’s stinky breath that was amplified by the cramped space.
  32. >Seriously, dude, it was so bad that it could kill a dragon, or at least bad enough to make it harder for me to breathe.
  33. “Ew! You should see a doctor for that… Oh, who am I kidding? I’m screwed, dude! And it’s all my fault! I can’t do anything right! I can’t stop doing the same stuff with my magic, I can’t fly… and I can’t do anything for my dork…”
  35. >I tried to hold back my tears, but… yeah, it was of no use, the frustration I felt was just too darn big.
  36. “Might as well drop the towel here… I just ain’t cut for this stuff.”
  37. >I was absolutely ready to accept my fate as an eternal loser when a voice rang across the hole, and muted the constant roars from the croc. It was Discord, of course. “Of all the wrong things I’ve heard you say, this one must take the prize. I’m not kidding, my dear, it’s so wrong that I need to invent a new word just to come close to describe how wrong you are.”
  38. “Shut up, you big oaf! There’s nothing else I can do ‘cause I suck at this!”
  39. >“There we go again! Oh, my dear Eris, it’s just amazing how little patience you have! Throwing the towel after a few misfires is just plain silly. Magic, and especially the chaos type, is not a particular easy subject to master, not even for a natural like yourself.”
  40. “A natural? Me?! Pfft! Now you’re talking garbage, dude! I actually tried to do something else than blowing stuff, you know?! I snapped my talons like you always do, but no matter how many times I tried, that never worked!”
  41. >“Let me get this straight. Even when you already that the result would be a failure, you still went and did the exact same thing over and over again, with no attempts of trying something else? My dear, that’s where your problem is! You are confusing chaos with sheer insanity!”
  42. “I ain’t that dumb! I snapped my stupid talons in like, a hundred different ways!”
  44. >“Which is essentially the same thing. Eris, have you ever stopped for a moment and thought that maybe, snapping the old talons is MY particular way to cast magic?”
  45. “Uhhh… no? Why would I? It’s not like I’m an expert on this sorta stuff!”
  46. >“My dear, your mistake was to not think outside the box. If something is simply not working, then you must move on and do something else. That’s the very essence of chaos!”
  47. “Well, if that’s true… have any sick tips on what I should do?”
  48. >“Honestly? Do whatever suits you, the best advice that I can give to you is to relax, use your brain for once and above else, have fun. There’s no point to chaos if YOU, my dear Eris, are not enjoying it”
  49. “So I gotta come up with my own style, huh? I… I think I can do that”
  50. >“Of course you can! As I said, you’re a natural born chaos user! But if you want another advice, I’d recommend you to do it fast… our reptilian guest doesn’t seem like the waiting type. Ta-Ta, my dear!”
  51. >With a final laugh that echoed throughout the entire place, Discord’s voice disappeared, leaving me all alone again.
  52. >Discord wasn’t completely joking about that last point, the croc was now contorting and throwing bites like crazy, and the hole looked like it was gonna collapse any time soon.
  53. >So yeah, things were way worse than before Discord decided to butt in, but at least now I had a better idea on what to do… yay.
  55. “Okay, Eris! You just gotta come up with your own shtick. This should be easy-peasy… just ignore the giant alligator and for the love of everything that’s good, don’t freak out…”
  56. >The little confidence I had regained quickly disappeared when a new thought popped inside my head:
  57. “What the heck am I even supposed to do now?!”
  58. >I mean, snapping my talons didn’t work at all, and throwing punches like a pro also brought me horrible results, and then I gotta factor in the fact that the stupid croc was getting closer and closer!
  59. >More than ever before, I wished that Resonance was here, that colt was a darn pro at coming up with ideas.
  60. >I’m sure he would’ve thought on a plan to make a nice bag outta the croc, then we would laugh and rough play and make lame jokes and… and I would have my little brother with me…
  61. >I had to really stop with these kind of thoughts, they simply didn’t help and instead hurt more than any bite in the world could. My little brother was not here and that was it.
  62. >I turned away from the ever closing jaws and instead used my paw to carve a small drawing of my little dork on the walls of this trap.
  63. >It wasn’t anything spectacular, just three circles connected with each other, forming a caricature of a smiling colt.
  64. >I let out a melancholic sigh as my paw gently traced the circles over and over.
  65. “I miss you a lot, buddy…”
  66. >Much to my surprise, the crude drawing suddenly frowned at me and barked, “Then how ‘bout you stop being such a drama queen and do something, huh?!”
  67. “What the heck?!”
  69. >The drawing stopped moving at the exact moment I pulled my paw off. That didn’t happen right? I must have hit my head or something, right?! Or maybe, this was another one of Discord’s shenanigans.
  70. >There was no way that was real… but just to be absolutely sure that I had finally lost my marbles, I traced the circles once more and asked in a more or less shyly manner.
  71. “Did you… just speak?”
  72. >Lo and behold, the drawing actually came back to life and even shook its head in disbelief, “Duh! Of course I did! What else do you think I was doing? Making a sandwich?!”
  73. >As I continued tracing the circles at a much more frantic pace, I raised an eyebrow at the drawing and threw another question.
  74. “O-Okay? B-But I don’t get it, how are you even able to speak? No offence, dude, but this ain’t something you see on the regular.”
  75. >“With your chaos magic, dumbo! What else could it be?!”
  76. >A spark of hope had finally appeared within myself, this could be the turning point, but I had to be absolutely sure that this wasn’t just a coincidence, after all, my frickin’ life depended on it.
  77. “MMM! You don’t say?”
  78. >It took a couple of tries, but everything was starting to click now. The little drawing could only continue with those annoying complains if I traced circles with my paw, which meant one thing…
  79. “Oh yeah, baby! I just found my style!”
  80. >With a much needed regained self-confidence, I smirked and traced a circle around the drawing one last time.
  81. >The little thing groaned as its reply and pointed to the croc, “What are you waiting for?! Show that lizard who’s boss!”
  83. “That’s rude, dude! I just wanted say thanks! But fine! Have it your way!”
  84. >He wasn’t wrong, though; the croc had made so much progress while I was goofing around that the tip of its mandible was now pressing against my muzzle.
  85. “A’ight! I know we have had a fun time but...! EWWW!”
  86. >I really shouldn’t have gone for the one-liner, the croc took this chance to lick my face with its icky, gritty tongue.
  87. “Okay, that’s it! No more nice Eris for you, mister!”
  88. >Remember what Discord said, Eris; you gotta chill out before doing your move. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then, think on what you’re gonna do.
  89. >The first problem I had to take out was me being trapped inside this hole, and while I probably could use my magic to poof in and out like Discord does, there’s the other thing he said…
  90. >I gotta have a blast when using chaos, so maybe there’s a much more fun way to get outta this mess than simply copying what Discord does.
  91. >Thankfully I didn’t have to ponder for too long as a rather amusing idea came to me.
  92. >I had to admit that, as I started to trace a circle with my paw, the idea of failing yet again made me a bit nervous, but at the same time, I wasn’t gonna give up, not now.
  93. >I had to shake off all my fears and there was no better way than with another silly one-liner.
  94. “You think I’m gonna be your dinner?! Well, I’ve a shocking surprise for you, buddy!”
  95. >My body became pure electricity the moment I finished doing the circular motion, and immediately after that, I was shot through the croc’s body with the speed of a missile.
  96. >The jelly marshland now laid bare below me, illuminated by the purple glow of the erratic sky of the Void.
  97. “I… I dunno what… did I just… win?”
  99. >Everything happened so fast that it took a couple moments for my brain to register that not only my magic actually worked, but that I also had managed to defeat the giant croc with a single blow.
  101. >It’s almost impossible to describe how excited I felt when my magic actually worked the way it was intended.
  102. >I darted back and forth, up and down, I laughed and laughed until my chest hurt. Eventually, I landed by the still immobile and now fried croc and gave it a promptly kick on its tail.
  103. “Nyeh, nyeh! That’s what you get for being a big jerk!”
  104. >The hit was powerful enough to make the giant mass that was the alligator to violently ripple, causing my big friend to wake up and turn to me.
  105. >I wasn’t scared anymore. So instead of running away, I smirked and defiantly showed off my paw.
  106. “Oooh! So you want a rematch? Good! ‘cause there’s plenty more chaos from where it came from!”
  107. >To my big surprise, the giant croc shook its head and spoke with a very meekly voice, “And geet shocked again? Are ya crazy, mate? Oi don’t even like meat.”
  108. >The big croc dropped his butt on the ground, which actually made the entire place to quake so much that my hooves lifted off the ground for a second, then, he let out a sigh that caused a strong wind.
  109. >This was the perfect opportunity to escape the jelly marshland, and while I’d have normally done that, that croc looked so bummed out that it just felt wrong to leave him like in such a miserable state.
  111. >So against all my instincts, I flew up and rested the upper half of my body on the croc’s massive snout.
  112. “I know this is gonna sound weird after that beating, but… why the long face, big guy? Getting worried about dinner?”
  113. >With an awry smile, the croc let out another sigh and replied, “Nah, Oi’ll just puk some chups and capsicum from the cupboard. Oi reckon ya haven’t try those? Ya get a choice meal if ya cook them wuth some aioli.”
  114. “A’ight, so if it ain’t food… then, what’s the problem, dude?”
  115. >The croc looked away and stood silent, but since I was feeling way more confident, I sat on the croc’s snout and patted it.
  116. “Come on, big guy! I may not look like it, but I can come up with something to help you out!”
  117. >“It’s them…” The croc pointed at the various inhabitants of the jelly marshland who, despite hiding behind some tall blades of grass, were snickering at the poor guy “My nana was the terror of these parts, but Oi just don’t like eating others! Oi’m more into cooking some choice veggies”
  118. >That kind of reminded me of Res. He used to get super sad whenever some rich idiot would look down at him, “I just ain’t good like them” is the type of stuff my dork used to tell me while trying not to cry.
  119. >As for me, well… let’s say I know very well how to take these type of situations.
  120. “So, if you ain’t fond of hunting and that sorta stuff, wanna know my opinion, though? Screw those guys and what they think! You gotta do you! What are you into, by the way?”
  121. >“Racing, mate! Everyone thinks Oi’m a drongo because of that, but Oi just love the thrill of speed, ya know? That’s why I chased ya all over the land! Ya’re pretty fast, bro!”
  124. “Well, what can I say? I HAD to be fast, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this talk. Seriously, dude, if you like racing then go for it and don’t let those idiots to drag you down. I mean, life is about having fun, right?”
  125. >With a wide smile, the croc slowly stood up, giving me time to hop off his snout “Chur, mate! This talk really helped to get me spirits high!” As he finished saying that, the croc’s belly growled like an angry lion “Heh, heh! Think I better go and puk some food in the oven, bro, want to come? I have some choice board games back at me place.”
  126. “Thanks for the offer, but gonna have to pass on this one, sorry… gotta do some stuff, you know?.”
  127. >“Don’t worry, mate! I understand! Maybe we can have another race next time ya come ‘round these parts, though?”
  128. “Sure! Just get ready to lose big time! Oh, but you don’t know my name, right? I’m Eris!”
  129. >“Hah! Name’s Peter, and we’ll see about that!” The croc then dashed off at an actually high speed, but not without extending his tail and waving it as a goodbye “Thanks for everything, Eris! Ya’re a real bro!”
  130. >As Peter got lost in the distance, I placed my paw and talons around my hips and took the time to contemplate while I aimlessly floated around.
  131. >Despite how weird, dangerous, and really frustrating this ordeal was… I actually ended up feeling better than ever before, and this is not just ‘cause I got a better handling on my magic.
  132. >I mean, don’t get me wrong, that was an awesome power trip, and I couldn’t wait to see what else was in store, but… helping Peter the croc felt more fulfilling. Like, making this change, even if it was a small one, gave me hope and all sorts of fuzzy feelings.
  134. >It also helped me to rethink my plans with a new perspective. Maybe I should listen to what Discord has to say before coming up with a betrayal… but that’s a maybe, I can’t drop my guard around that guy just yet, not until I know for sure what he has done with my dork.
  135. “I ain’t gonna get my answers if I stay here! So get ready, Discord! ‘Cause we’re gonna have a looong talk!”
  136. >I raised my paw over my head, and traced a circle while thinking on Discord. Not sure if that’s how teleportation worked, but hey, gotta experiment, right?
  137. >In the blink of an eye, I went from the jelly marshland to crash straight into a pile of magazines, furniture and other garbage. Not the most ideal landing, but it did the job alright.
  138. “OUCH!”
  139. >Much to my pleasure, my dust bunnies quickly came in and removed all the stuff that was piled over me. I was in the same living room that supposedly blew up. Shouldn’t be a surprise, though, I bet Discord just made it reappear with a snap of his talons.
  140. “Thanks, dudes! Y’all a bunch of angels! Would you know where that Discord is, though?”
  141. >When the dust bunnies were over with their duties, the cute fellas hopped on my shoulders and pointed to Discord who was painting the walls with all sort of crazy color combinations by hitting floating balls of goo with a racket.
  142. >“Hmm! The air is still breathable…” Discord said as he hit a good that left a neon green splotch when it hit the wall, “I’ll take that it won’t be necessary to prepare a shower then.”
  145. “That’s your answer? Thought there would be a bit more to it, like a riddle or some crazy trap, or a rematch, or something cool!”
  146. >“Well, I was about to congratulate you on your success, my dear…” Discord hit another ball of goo, this time, the splotch was made of yellow and black stripes, “But if it’s another fight what you want, then I’d be happy to oblige”
  147. “That sounds fun, but nah! I ain’t here for that… I actually wanna have a talk with your ugly butt, a serious one.”
  148. >“A much more boring option, but whatever you want, my dear, just let me change the scenery so it can be more appropriate for your request.” With a snap of his talons, Discord brought us to a cozy wooden room lit by the blue flames of a fairly normal brick chimney.
  149. >The only pieces of furniture here were couple of puffy arm chairs that we were now sitting at and a thick red carpet lying in between us.
  150. >“Now, what do you wish to talk about, my dear?” The illumination made Discord to look creepier than normal, despite half of him being covered in hard shadows, his eyes and toothy grin shone with a weird glow.
  151. >I didn’t care though, I wasn’t here to have a parade, I wanted my answers and I was gonna get them.
  152. “Don’t play dumb with me, Discord! You know that answer darn well! Where have you taken Res?! What… what did you with my dork?”
  153. >Despite my best efforts to look tough, I couldn’t help but to shed a couple tears at that moment, it just hurt to think that the worst could’ve happened to my little brother.
  154. >Discord only answer was to remain silent and bring his paw and talons to his lips as he got lost deep within his thoughts.
  156. >I couldn’t believe the nerve of this jerk! Feeling my anger coming back, I curled my talons into a fist and slammed them on the armchair.
  157. “I’m asking nicely, dude! Better tell me what I want or else get ready to for a…”
  158. >“Pray tell, my dear…” Discord interrupted with a serious tone as he looked at me right in the eye, “What do you plan to do with that information?”
  159. “What are you babbling about?! Are you trying to set me up?!”
  160. >“More or less, I’m using what is called a call a lead-in, a general question that will take us to the specific points. Now, please give me your answer, my dear.”
  161. “I’ll go there and take my dork back with me! That’s what I’ll do!”
  162. >“Can’t really say that your answer surprises me, so let’s move on to the far more interesting dilemma…” Discord rested his head on his paw and with a faint yet mocking smile he continued, “How do you plan to act in case the young Resonance is actually enjoying himself? Would you rob him out of that happiness?”
  163. >Who does this guy thinks he is?! I ain’t gonna take any of his garbage anymore! With an angry growl, I jumped out of the arm chair and poked Discord’s chest as I yelled.
  164. “Now you listen to me, Discord! If you think I’m gonna fall for this trash, then you’re dead wrong! There’s no way that can be true!”
  165. >Discord didn’t really put much attention to my reaction, he just chuckled and rolled his eyes, “If that’s your answer, then I must ask: Why not? Do you think that you are the only being able to make the young Resonance happy? Or perhaps it’s even worse and you believe that no one else but you has the right to ever make that colt happy.”
  167. >Those words pierced me like a hot knife, I backed away from Discord and desperately tried to think on a comeback, but I could only mumble…
  168. “What?! N-No! I… I just…!”
  169. >I fell to the floor and slammed my paw against it as a couple tears fell down my face.
  170. “I dunno anymore, dude! Is just… could be so easy for him to forget about me?”
  171. >“Of course not, my dear…” Discord replied with a softer tone, “I can assure you that the young Resonance still cares about you, all I’m saying is…” Discord put his talon under my chin and gently lifted my head, “That considering the suffering that both of you went through, you have every single right to enjoy your new lives!”
  172. “B-But… what if Res becomes like the other ponies and their stupid company?”
  173. >“The company? Oh, please! Do you think that someone like myself would ever cooperate with simpletons like those? Don’t make laugh, my dear! The dimension that I took Resonance is much more fitting for such a promising talent like him.”
  174. “W-What do you mean? You were saying something about having plans for him and having benefactors! What about those, huh?!”
  176. >Discord let out a sigh and slowly shook his head “I’m not the cruel being you that are trying to paint me as, my dear. Those plans that you are talking about entailed giving two very hard working ponies the foal they always dreamt of, and in exchange, I’ll get a pretty hefty reward, it’s that simple.”
  177. “So… he’s not gonna be like one of those company ponies?”
  178. >“I may be the spirit of chaos, but I swear that the pair of ponies who are taking care of that little colt have nothing to do with that nasty company and their world is absolutely nothing like yours.”
  179. >I scratched my chin and thought a bit on what he had just said. My dork wasn’t gonna with the company zombies, which was awesome, but the problem now was about those two ponies that Discord handled Res to.
  180. “…Are those folks you talking about at least good? Seriously, dude, how can I know Res ain’t with a couple of psychos?”
  181. >“While I’m not a particular fan of them, you can trust me when I say that the young Resonance couldn’t be in more capable hooves. Don’t worry about anything, my dear, that pair is truly something else.”
  182. >Simple answer, which was kinda lame and a bit shady to say the least, but on the other side of things, Discord looked super serious about it, and let’s get real, the guy hasn’t lied to me since I met him.
  183. “A’ight, Discord, I’ll believe you, but I’m gonna see my dork, right? Like, that wasn’t a trick, right?”
  185. >“As I have stated for who knows how many times, that reunion will happen… eventually, of course, in the meantime…” Discord then hopped out of his arm chair and stretched his limbs before patting my shoulder, “Just enjoy what you have right now, my dear. Seriously, life is too precious to let it go to waste with worries.”
  186. >Feeling way more relieved about basically everything, I rolled my eyes and lightly punched Discord on his chest.
  187. “Shut up! I get it already! Sheesh! I ain’t dumb, you know? But I have another question for you!”
  188. >“Oh, dear!” Discord slapped his face and groaned in annoyance, “Are we going to loop back to the conversation we just had?”
  189. “Nah! I’m thinking on other stuff you said, the one about other dimensions or something, are you really telling me that there are more?”
  190. >Now that actually made Discord to suddenly become way more cheerful, it’s like the guy was shot with new energy “Why, yes! In fact, there are more dimensions than I can possibly count” Discord chuckled as he poked my shoulder with his elbow, “I suppose we can call ourselves lucky that the Void only connects to a small fraction of them, eh? I mean, I highly doubt we would even be here talking at this moment if that wasn’t the case.”
  191. >I looked at Discord with a bit of bafflement and shrugged.
  192. “I’m sorry, dude, but I just ain’t following you anymore.”
  193. >“Really?” Discord replied in surprise as he started to caress his white beard, “Hmm! My dear, do you know what exactly the Void is?”
  195. “I’m just rolling with what your stupid pre-recorded message said: that this is supposed to be another dimension.”
  196. >“Mhm! And that would be correct… for the most part, there’s a little bit more to what you were told. You see, my dear, what makes the Void unique a particular trait that any other realm simply don’t possess.”
  197. >The blue flames jumped out of their confinement and formed a floating blue sphere that connected to several smaller ones by a thin string of flames that constantly and erratically rippled.
  198. >I raised an eyebrow and turned to Discord.
  199. “Lemme guess, the big one is supposed to be the Void, right?”
  200. >“Absolutely correct, my dear!” Discord chuckled before continuing with his explanation, “Now, you must be thinking what about the smaller spheres, am I right?”
  201. “I mean, kinda? It’s kinda obvious where this is going. If the big blue ball is supposed to be the Void, then the smaller ones gotta be other dimensions or something.”
  202. >“Correcto! The Void acts as a nexus to different planes of existence, one of them being yours, of course. Sadly, things are not that simple, as you can see in my little example, the connections to the other worlds are faint and quite frankly, very unstable, so in order to safely traverse across dimensions, you will need an extra something. I’m sure that you know what it is.”
  203. “…Chaos magic, right?”
  205. >Discord’s only reply was a slow nod and a genuine smile of anticipation.
  206. >Well, now I wasn’t just curious, I was also feeling pretty pumped thanks to a little idea that popped in my head.
  207. >I hovered above the spheres and turned to Discord with excitement
  208. “So, tell me! Think we can go back to my old place and cause some trouble?”
  209. >“It’s curious you say that, my dear.” Discord smirked and floated near me, “Because that’s exactly what I was going to suggest.”
  210. “Really? Thought you’d come up with some boring speech about responsibility or other cheesy trash like that”
  211. >Discord started laughing heartedly and patted my back “Pfft! That’s a good one, my dear! No, I just have some suspicions to confirm, that’s all.”
  212. “…Now you’re being shady again! I don’t like it! What kinda stuff you wanna know?”
  213. >“I could tell you right now and spoil the surprise… or you can find it out for yourself and improve your chaos abilities along the way”
  214. >I scratched my chin, but really didn’t think much about it, the options was like, totally obvious for me.
  215. “What are we waiting, then?! Let’s rev up that chaos!”

Unforeseen Consequences - Chapter 1

by Trotte

Unforeseen Consequences - Chapter 2

by Trotte

Unforeseen Consequences - Chapter 3

by Trotte

Unforeseen Consequences - Chapter 4

by Trotte

Unforeseen Consequences - Chapter 5

by Trotte