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Staying Out of Trouble/Mouth of Anonymous Crossover

By Hawkeye
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-06 22:33:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >Wrapping up another successful match, Twilight hops out of her chair at the computer and heads into the kitchen.
  2. >Sweetie is diligently cleaning up lunch already.
  3. >Oh well, they must have eaten early because of the guest Rarity had in today.
  4. >No big deal, Twilight thinks, grabbing a bag of chips.
  5. >She'll just eat while she queues up.
  6. >"Don't you have any chores to do?" Sweetie asks accusingly.
  7. >But Twilight ignores her.
  8. >Cleaning the house can wait.
  9. >Cleaning up scrubs can't.
  10. >Putting the headphones back on, she is lost in her game when Sweetie knocks on her big sister's door.
  12. >Several matches go by before the computer suddenly goes dark.
  13. >Cursing under her breath, Twilight begins an investigation, climbing out of her chair and checking the tower under the desk.
  14. >Just as she discovers that the power is disconnected, a sharp yank on her tail pulls her off her hooves and out from under the desk.
  15. >"Tut tut tut" an unmistakable voice chides Twilight with an all too familiar air of sophistication.
  16. >"Rarity! You can't just turn a computer off like that!" Twilight barks, grabbing the cord and returning to the space under the desk. "There's a proper proceduuu-whoah!"
  17. >Once again, Twilight is unceremoniously pulled backwards.
  18. >"Stop that! I need to nnnnnngh! What the buuuuuuck!?" Twilight swears as she feels the magic damper kick all the way on.
  19. >"Now Twilight, Sweetie tells me that you haven't left that machine all day. And I don't see any of your share of the housework done." Rarity scolds her, walking up to stare down at the prone purple pony.
  20. >"Haaah, who cares?" Twilight wheezes, still recovering from the sudden loss of her magic. "I can do that stuff later!"
  21. >"Twilight, look at me." Rarity orders, using a hoof to lift Twilight's chin. "If you wanted a beating, all you had to do was ask."
  22. >"Rarity please, I don't- I mean, that's ridiculous!"
  23. >"Is it, Twilight?"
  24. >"O-of course it is! Nopony wants a beating..." she protests, rolling onto her hooves.
  25. >"But *you* do, darling." Rarity says, pushing her snout nose-to-nose with her friend's.
  26. >"No, n-no I don't!" Twilight denies with a nervous smile, backing up slowly.
  27. >Rarity, however, follows her until the purple plot hits the wall.
  28. >"Oh, Rarity, this must be your friend Twilight."
  29. >"Indeed she is." Rarity says evenly, not breaking eye contact with Twilight. "And she is in quite a bit of trouble."
  30. >Unable to see around Rarity's perfectly coiffed mane, all Twilight can do is try to place the voice.
  31. >It's familiar, but not somepony she recognizes.
  32. >If she could only catch a glimpse of her...
  33. >The resonating boom of metal horseshoes is like thunder as the mare approaches in the otherwise silent room.
  34. >Rarity never breaks her stare as Twilight's eyes nervously dart around the room.
  35. >Anything to avoid meeting Rarity's gaze.
  36. >She knows that Anon won't be home from work for several hours.
  37. >There is no rescue coming.
  38. >In fact, Rarity will probably leave her trussed up like a turkey, just waiting for Anon when he gets home.
  39. >Her thoughts are interrupted by movement beside Rarity.
  40. >A long, slender, white leg comes into view, wearing an incredibly delicate and beautiful golden shoe.
  41. >Twilight's jaw hits the floor as she realizes that the shoe is *locked* onto the mare's hoof.
  42. >What kind of friends does Rarity keep these days!?
  43. >Sidestepping around Rarity, the mare comes into view with a small smile.
  44. >"Hello Twilight. My name is Fleur de Lis, and Rarity has told me *all* about you!"
  45. >Twilights eyes briefly flick over to meet Rarity's before returning to gawk at her leggy friend.
  46. >How much did she tell this mare!?
  47. >"Now Twilight, it isn't polite to stare."
  48. >Panicking, Twilight begins to scurry sideways along the wall, trying to get past Rarity.
  49. >"Nice to meet you, are you here for a photoshoot?"
  50. >"Yes Twilight." Rarity answers, watching with amusement as her friend squirms. "We just wrapped up."
  51. >"Rarity and I share many followers online." Fleur nods. "It was overdue that we should meet."
  52. >The lithe model saunters across the room, pausing in the doorway just before Twilight reaches it, tail swishing excitedly.
  53. >"This has been fun Rarity, but let's get down to business." she giggles, running her tail across Twilight's nose with a flick.
  54. >"I suppose you're right." the seamstress sighs dramatically. "Such a shame it came to this."
  55. >Two horns light up simultaneously, and Twilight feels herself being lifted into the air.
  56. >"No! Wait! Please, I'll start cleaning right now!"
  57. >"It's too late for that dear. But don't worry, you're going to love this."
  59. >Too much time in front of a screen has left Twilight out of shape and pudgy.
  60. >While Anon might find it appealing, it leaves her helpless without her magic to help her.
  61. >Just where did Rarity learn to use the magic suppressor...?
  62. >Oh that's right.
  63. >She used to own slaves herself.
  64. >After being unceremoniously paraded through the hallway like the unhappiest balloon in the Macy's parade, Twilight is slowly lowered onto the bed in Rarity's room.
  65. >Before releasing her magic, Fleur pulls a forehoof to a hindhoof and cuffs them together with cold steel.
  66. >Rarity does the same, then flips Twilight's tail up and out of the way.
  67. >"Girls, please, come on..."
  68. >"Ah ah ah, who did Anonymous leave in charge today?" Rarity asks as Fleur pulls Twilight's mane back into a ponytail.
  69. >"Y-you..."
  70. >"That's right. And *I* am the one who is going to get in trouble if the chores aren't done." she continues, as Fleur takes another hair tie and links Twilight's mane to her tail.
  71. >"All done, and ready to go!" Fleur says gleefully, and the pair releases their magic, allowing their purple captive to settle gracelessly into a >"Face down, Tail up" pile of pony.
  72. >"Rarity, please, I'll make it up to you-"
  73. >"You'll make it up to me by showing Miss Fleur how good of a girl you can be, Twilight." Rarity scolds, levitating a hairbrush to where her captive can see it. "And you will call me Mistress until I say otherwise, understood?"
  74. >She emphasizes the instruction with a light, but firm swat of the brush.
  75. >It stings!
  76. >"Ow!"
  77. >A pair of blows in quick succession on the same spot immediately remind Twilight of Rarity's question.
  78. >"Ahhh! Owww... yes Mistress, I understand."
  79. >"I thought you said she was used to such things?" Fleur says, rubbing a gilded hoof over Twilight's freshly earned stripes. "We've barely gotten started."
  80. >Twilight exhales as the cool metal soothes the sting from the brush.
  81. >"Trust me, darling. This is only a warm up." Rarity assures her. "I think the protesting is half the fun for little Twilight, isn't it dear?"
  82. >She emphasizes her question with another strike of the brush.
  83. >"N-no! I mean yes, Mistress!"
  84. >"If you say so~" Fleur says, golden horseshoes now falling to either side of Twilight's head.
  85. >The bound mare strains to see what's happening, before catching a glimpse of the action in the mirror on the wall.
  86. >Two hooves land on her rump as Rarity leans over her, the tall model easily craning over to share a kiss with the seamstress.
  87. >Lewd...
  88. >"Oh, how rude of us, Twilight!" Rarity coos. "Would you like to watch?"
  89. >With a giggle, Fleur hops off the bed, followed by Rarity.
  90. >Getting muzzle to muzzle, Fleur takes a second to wink at Twilight before dipping her head down to meet Rarity.
  91. >Their lips part as tongues mingle, and Rarity lets out a soft moan.
  92. >Twilight looks away, blushing.
  93. >She can't believe this is happening!
  94. >Sure, she had fooled around with Rarity before, but she was a close friend!
  95. >She only barely recognizes this other mare!
  96. >"Oh, are you bored already?" the silky voice asks. "Then I shall let you have Rarity's attention again."
  97. >Two gilded hooves turn Twilight's head to face forward as the hairbrush impacts her plot.
  98. >"Why don't you count for us, Twily?" Rarity asks.
  99. >"W-what?"
  100. >"Your Mistress has ordered you to count the strokes you are about to receive." Fleur says, smooshing Twilight's cheeks in her hooves "Do you understand?"
  101. >"Yesh..."
  102. >"Yes what?"
  103. >"Yesh Mishtress..."
  104. >"That's a good girl." Fleur says, releasing Twilight and running a hoof gently over her mane.
  105. >It's supposed to be reassuring, but with a metal horseshoe on it feels anything but.
  106. >Before she can even begin to sulk, the hairbrush lands.
  107. >"OW!"
  108. >As Fleur's hoof starts to move, Twilight shouts out.
  109. >"One!"
  110. >"Good girl."
  111. >SMACK
  112. >"Two!"
  113. >And so it goes, Twilight's shouts slowly turning from wincing gasps to panicked shouts as she passes ten.
  114. >"E-ELEVEN!" she wails as Rarity rears the brush up again.
  115. >She hasn't been gentle, and there are telltale signs of bruising all across Twilight's plot.
  116. >After the twelfth count, Rarity sets the brush down and inspects her work.
  117. >Twilight lies trembling on the bed, as Rarity runs a hoof across the battered remains of Twilight's behind.
  118. >Fleur steps over Twilight's head, and uses her magic to pull, tug and generally knead the tender flesh causing her captive to moan in protest.
  119. >"So sore already?" she asks "Pity."
  120. >"She just needs a moment to catch her breath. Let's flip her over." Rarity suggests, getting a quick nod from Fleur.
  121. >Once again, Twilight is lifted into the air by their combined magic, only to be slowly rotated like meat on a spit.
  122. >Her mane and tail are released, and she is lowered onto the sheets again, hooves still bound and spread, tail hanging uselessly over the edge of the bed leaving her completely exposed.
  123. >Tilting her head around, she watches as Rarity plucks a feather from her hat making station, and floats it over to her friend.
  124. >Why don't you start on her hooves while I search for that crop?"
  125. >Hooves?
  126. >Is that... legal?
  127. >Wait, did she say a crop!?
  128. >"That sounds fun!" Fleur agrees, taking up the feather and once again straddling Twilight.
  129. >But this time the captive unicorn is left looking straight up at Fleur's glistening bits!
  130. >She really does have a lot in common with Rarity!
  131. >Perverts!
  132. >Anon too!
  133. >She'd think he's watching this on a camera if she didn't know for a fact that he's too-
  134. >Her body jerks involuntarily as the tip of the feather begins to drag from the base of her tail up across her plot and up the backside of her leg.
  135. >Twilight inhales sharply through teeth she hadn't realized were even clenched, exhaling as the offending feather touches the very back of her frog and breaks contact.
  136. >There's an uncomfortable pause, before the feather touches down on the opposite flank, earning the same response.
  137. >"Haaaaaaa~" Twilight moans in relief as the contact ends, before yelping as a light, but unannounced tap is given to her flank.
  138. >It seems Rarity has found her crop.
  139. >"You don't-you really don't have to Rarity, I've learned-"
  140. >WHAP
  141. >"Mistress! Mistress! I've learned my lesson!"
  142. >"Ha." the seamstress scoffs. "Hardly. But you will."
  143. >Twilight is cut off by her own gasp as the feather drops down to draw lazy circles across the frog of one of her hind hooves.
  144. >She instinctively bucks, but it just makes the others giggle as she flops around on the bed.
  145. >"Hey! Haha! Stoooop!"
  146. >THIS IS ABUSE.
  148. >"Oh, maybe you'd prefer something else?"
  149. >The feather is withdrawn again, only for the smooth leather tip of the crop to gently tap her sensitive underhoof.
  150. >"N-n-no!"
  151. >"Too late." Rarity says with a grin, bringing the crop down sharply on the center of Twilight's exposed hoof.
  152. >Before the stinging can subside, the tickling resumes -this time on one of her forehooves.
  153. >As she starts to squirm Rarity taps one of Twilight's hind hooves again.
  154. >"Now now, Twilight. Be still for Miss Fleur."
  155. >"I-I can't! Nopony could!"
  156. >Two sharp blows to the previously untouched hindhoof cause Twilight to practically bounce off the bed.
  157. >"OW OW OW"
  158. >"First off, a good girl can do whatever is required of her." Rarity titters, rubbing the struck hoof.
  159. >"And second, you are to address Miss Rarity as Mistress." Fleur reminds her.
  160. >"Owwww, I'm sorry Mistress."
  161. >"Maybe I could help hold her down?" Fleur offers winking at Rarity, tail flagging slightly.
  162. >"Soon." Rarity nods "But not quite yet."
  163. >"Pity." Fleur says, bringing the feather down to land on Twilight's inner thigh before beginning a slow meandering drag upwards.
  164. >Flailing only results in Twilights paired hooves being pinned down by Rarity's magic, leaving her spread like some perverse bound butterfly.
  165. >The squealing seems to entertain Fleur, who's tail flicks excitedly above Twilight, occasionally flicking her across the snoot as the model pony takes advantage of an opportunity to tease some truly sensitive places.
  166. >A sort of tension on her limbs causes Twilight to peer around Fleur's gilded hooves, where she can see Rarity pulling some knots tight, holding her in place on the bed.
  167. >"There!" she beams, looking up to catch Twilight looking. "That should hold you! Now the fun can really begin!"
  168. >"I-I think we're having enough fun..."
  169. >"Nonsense!" Rarity laughs, disappearing from view again. "We have only just begun! However, I have warned Miss Fleur that you have some ground rules..."
  170. >???
  171. >"So no strangers putting things in the unicorn today."
  172. >Oh thank Celestia!
  173. >Anon is one thing, but you just don't trust this mare!
  174. >"Luckily for us, I am not a stranger~"
  175. >Hey now!
  176. >Wait wait wait.
  177. >"Rarity, please! Don't-"
  178. >WHAP
  179. >"AAAAAA!!!"
  180. >"She is very vocal! How fun!"
  181. >No!
  182. >Not fun!
  183. >Unicorns are for respect!
  184. >"Oh? Are you getting that out already?" the now leaking mare asks, as she threatens to drip right onto Twilight's muzzle. "Why not try that oil I brought over? It's in my purse."
  185. >"Aha! Found it!" Rarity responds a second later. "I had nearly forgotten about this!"
  186. >"Mistress...?" Twilight asks, struggling to catch a glimpse of the item in question.
  187. >Fleur's head cranes around to look back at Twilight.
  188. >"Let's get this on you." she says, strapping a blindfold across Twilight's eyes. "I find sensory deprivation really improves the sensation."
  189. >"That's right." Rarity agrees, now somewhere just beyond the edge of the bed. "Just hold still for Mistress."
  190. >Without any further ado, a generous splash of something is applied right above her exposed mare bits.
  191. >Twilight's head jerks up instantly.
  192. >Fleur giggles above her.
  193. >"My, that was quite a lot Rarity..."
  194. >"Too much?"
  195. >"I would have built it up slowly, but it is too late for that now!" the model laughs, Rarity joining in.
  196. >As a hoof begins to spread the oil, Twilight slowly lays her head back.
  197. >It feels...nice?
  198. >It's just Rarity massaging her...well...
  199. >Mmmmm....oh!
  200. >OH!
  201. >Whoa! It's *cold*!
  202. >As Rarity breathes gently across Twilight's thoroughly coated labia, it's like a Winter wind even though it's late Summer!
  203. >The purple pony's back arches and her teeth clench as Rarity blows again, before smugly snickering at the effect.
  204. >"How long will she be like this? I might go get a fan!"
  205. >What the BUCK!?
  206. >Twilight starts to protest, but an errant wisp of air conditioning turns her objections into a groan instead.
  207. >"Only a few minutes, then the second stage sets in. That will last longer."
  208. >Second stage?
  209. >Longer?
  210. >"W-what did y-"
  211. >"Ah ah ah~"
  212. >"Mistress please...what is it?"
  213. >"Just a little potion Miss Fleur brought especially for you, Twilight."
  214. >"But what does it-"
  215. >"Shhhhh" Rarity says, pressing the tip of the crop to Twilight's lips. "You'll find out soon enough."
  216. >"But Mistress-"
  217. >"I think maybe now would be a good time to end her questions, don't you Miss Fleur?"
  218. >"Of course."
  219. >"W-what does-MMMFPH!?"
  220. >Without warning two white hips drop from above, burying an unaware Twilight muzzle-deep in Fleur's dripping marehood.
  221. >The model wiggles her rump slightly as she settles into a comfortable position, her juices already starting to mat the fur on Twilight's face.
  222. >"I've told Fleur quite a bit about you, including your reluctance to put that mouth of yours to good use!" Rarity chides, the leather tip of the crop rubbing circles on the inside of one of Twilight's upturned thighs. "And she has generously promised to help me work on that with you!"
  225. >Twilight's muffled objections are dismissed with a quick rap of Judge Rarity's crop on the defendant's exposed hood.
  226. >"Hnnnnnngh!"
  227. >"This is just how you thank Miss Fleur in advance, Twilight." she explains "I know you want to get down to business training that gag reflex of yours, but all things in due time."
  228. >Twilight most decidedly *does not* want to train her gag reflex.
  229. >It's not her fault Anon is so big!
  230. >But there's a real possibility that she'll cum if Rarity hit her there again, and for Fleur to see that...
  231. >Death would be preferable, maybe.
  232. >Sticking her tongue out, she takes a test lick.
  233. >At least she seems to take care of herself.
  234. >Opening her mouth a bit, Twilight sets to work, running her tongue along the length of Fleur's marehood.
  235. >What *is* that flavor?
  236. >It's familiar, but not so familiar that it comes to mind...
  237. >Working up and down in a slow but steady pattern, Twilight uses this mystery to distract herself.
  238. >She definitely is not into mares, even if they tie her up, spank her, and use strange lotions to push her to the edge of-
  239. >Twilight pauses as she hears a faint humming.
  240. >Fleur pushes herself down onto Twilight's face, forcing her to focus on her task, but she can't help but wonder.
  241. >Using her lips, she starts to nibble on the model mare's hood.
  242. >Fleur bucks slightly, encouraging Twilight to try it again.
  243. >"Ooh yes Twilight, that's a good girl!"
  244. >"Ah, well then it's good that I have this out, isn't it?"
  245. >As soon as "this" touches her body, Twilight immediately knows what "this" is.
  246. >If her gaming PC was Twilight's favorite electronic appliance, this one was Rarity's.
  247. >The Hitachi HV-270 was a wireless, waterproof, multi-speed maregasm machine.
  248. >And Rarity wasn't exactly using a light touch!
  249. >Or a low speed!
  250. >And the heating up!?
  251. >"MMMMMmmmmmph..."
  252. >"That's right Twilight, good girls are rewarded." Fleur says lifting up just enough for her captive to gulp down some cool air before burying her between her thighs once more.
  253. >The lithe white model squeezes those thighs together around Twilight's face, holding the poor pupil in place.
  254. >Her lips coated in sticky-sweet juices from Fleur, her *other* lips now warm from the oil and tingling from overstimulation, Twilight ceases to think and proceeds to act.
  255. >Bucking involuntarily under the stimulation Rarity was applying, Twilight feverishly resumes her attempts to please her unrelenting captor, as the model moans in approval.
  256. >Lashing Fleur's hood with her tongue, the model begins to wink as rivulets of her sweet juices stream freely down Twilight's face.
  257. >Twilight can faintly hear Rarity's voice, but being smothered by Fleur in three directions makes her friend impossible to hear.
  258. >Suddenly the hitachi speeds up, and Rarity begins to lightly slap her flanks with the crop.
  259. >Redoubling her efforts, Twilight is soon pushed into the mattress as Fleur sits almost upright- her back arching and legs trembling against Twilight's face as she is wracked by orgasm.
  260. >Rolling off of Twilight, Fleur catches her breath as Twilight gasps for air.
  261. >Rarity eases off with the crop, but keeps the vibrator held firmly in place.
  262. >A minute later, Fleur takes hold of the vibrator with her magic.
  263. >"I believe it is your turn now, Miss Rarity."
  264. >"W-wha?" Twilight mumbles before groaning as the Vibrator is pressed back against her sensitive bits.
  265. >"Did you forget about *moi* Twilight?" Rarity asks in feigned offense. "Tsk, tsk! But I think you'd rather watch this, wouldn't you? You always were fascinated with my plot~"
  266. >That's...that's not true!
  267. >Not entirely...true...
  268. >The blindfold comes off just in time for Twilight to watch her friend straddle her head.
  269. >Gazing up, she watches as the expertly curled tail lifts and those thick alabaster flanks come down.
  270. >Fleur had intentionally squeezed her legs together to hold Twilight in place, but Rarity needed to do no such thing.
  271. >Her flanks folded around Twilight's head and enveloped her in cushy flesh, denying her any chance to move, breathe or even think.
  272. >All she can do is focus on the already dripping wet folds pressed against her lips.
  273. >The heat radiates from Rarity's marehood as Twilight wastes no time in diving in.
  274. >She knows that there's only one way out of this.
  275. >As her tongue begins to explore her friends soaked folds, her tormentor du jour begins slowly ramping *down* the speed on the vibrator.
  276. >Not fair!
  277. >Twilight arches her back a little, striving to maximize contact with the toy while still pinned beneath Rarity's prodigious and pearly plot.
  278. >"Such enthusiasm!" Fleur coyly praises her purple plaything. "That should be rewarded!"
  279. >And rewarded she is.
  280. >The hitachi revvs up.
  281. >And Fleur de Lis carefully dribbles a small amount of her stimulating oil over Twilight's proffered teats.
  282. >BUCK!
  283. >Immediately the captive unicorn shrinks back, but that pulls her sensitive bits off of the vibrator, and she's so close!
  284. >Reluctantly she pushes her lower half forward again, exposing herself to the wicked whorse and settling her marehood back onto the toy.
  285. >Rarity even lifts herself off of Twilight for a moment, allowing her to breathe even as sticky strands of marshmallow mare juices form bridges between their respective lips.
  286. >Once her breathing normalizes, she watches in subdued reluctance as Rarity lowers herself back down, enveloping Twilight in her flanks once more.
  287. >The vibrator picks up speed, prompting Twilight to grind against it until a cold metal horseshoe on her sensitive underside causes her to squirm.
  288. >It's no good captain, we can't escape!
  289. >Fleur pushes the oil around until it positively covers Twilight's exposed underside.
  290. >She even applies it to her back door!
  291. >Leave that alone!
  292. >Her protests are unintelligible beneath the crush of porcelain plot though.
  293. >She isn't completely ignored however.
  294. >"What's that slave? Yes, I can do that."
  295. >Before Twilight can ponder what this crazy mare means, she blows gently across her defenseless teats earning convulsions and screaming.
  296. >"Oh Fleur, that felt incredible!"
  297. >"Shall I try it again?"
  298. >NO
  299. >DO NOT
  300. >"Please do, darling!"
  301. >AAAAAAA
  302. >As the model pony's breath washes over Twilights sensitive oiled flesh, she screams and bucks her hips.
  303. >She's burning up and freezing cold all at once in different places and it's driving her mad!
  304. >At the same time, Rarity screws her eyes and thighs shut before crumbling into a shaking orgasmic mess.
  305. >As Rarity rolls off of Twilight and collapses on the bed, Fleur picks up the crop.
  306. >She blows once more, watching her plaything writhe in her bindings with a coy smile.
  307. >Lifting her head, she waits for Twilight to settle down.
  308. >Making eye contact with Twilight, she lifts an eyebrow and holds it in position.
  309. >"Ready to cum, slave?"
  310. >She knows.
  311. >SHE KNOWS.
  312. >"I don't- what are you- AAAAAAAaaaaaaah~"
  313. >Immediately stars burst across Twilight's vision as pain and pleasure course through her.
  314. >Chest heaving as she comes back down from orgasm, she slowly lifts her head to look at Fleur.
  315. >"It seems you won't need a second stroke." Fleur quips. "What a mess you've made."
  316. >This bucking whorse...
  317. >"That reminds me..." the model continues "Rarity, didn't you say your friend here doesn't always pull her weight?"
  318. >HAY!
  319. >That's not true!
  320. >Not entirely true...
  321. >You help out lots!
  322. >"Hmmmm? Ah." your friend sighs, slowly looking up. "Yes, she just needs extra motivation sometimes."
  323. >Buck you Rarity.
  324. >"Well let's motivate her, shall we?"
  325. >"I haven't a clue where this is going" Rarity drawls, rolling off the bed and onto her hooves. "But I'm desperately curious to find out."
  326. >With that, Twilight finds herself lifted in their magic *again*.
  327. >And this time she's too tired to even whine about it.

The Mouth of Anonymous 1: Garden Arc

by Hawkeye

The Mouth of Anonymous 2: Candy Arc

by Hawkeye

[RockMongler] Geologic Assistant

by Hawkeye

Herd 01

by Hawkeye

Herd 02

by Hawkeye