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World Wide Web [Paradise] [PiE #115] [PART 1]

By punki
Created: 2021-03-28 19:48:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Paradise Skies and you're currently a kick up the butt away from the end of your school day.
  2. >Thank Celestia for that fact too, because gahhhh lectures just really aren't your kind of thing.
  3. >You already know 90% of this stuff, but bleh, oh well, at least it frees up some time for you to work on other things while everyone else either naps or takes notes on stuff they're unfamiliar with.
  4. >Thank Sir Tim Berners-Lee for the wonderful world wide interwebs.
  5. >Updating a couple of sections on your site, you notice just how barren some of your pages are.. Eek.
  6. >Mental note to finally get your sweater collection page out of its 10 year "under construction" phase at some point...
  7. >[spoiler]... Somepoint this century, that is.[/spoiler]
  8. >While you ticka-tacka away at your keyboard, you finish up your diary entry and sign out of your sites control panel as you usually do, before switching back to your Google docs tab to finish off the last few lines of your most recent paper on comparisons between Earth and Equestrian internet history.
  9. >You've really enjoyed working on this one, you find the parallels between the two really interesting.
  10. >Hopefully you'll be able to post all of this stuff online some day, but sharing this kinda thingamajig before you've even finished your course isn't the best idea in the world. If memory serves, there's actually something in your student handbook about not sharing assignment briefs and whatnot online for ongoing courses.
  11. >Besides, you don't want anyone to steal your hard work and then get you accused of plagerisation! It happens, y'know!
  12. >Interrupting your thoughts, the voice of your teacher cuts in.
  13. >"So to wrap up todays lecture (...)"
  14. >Oh, thank Celestia, Luna, God, Satan, and whoever else is out there for the sweet release that is 13:30.
  15. >"... If each of you could check your emails, your latest assignment brief should be with you all in the next couple of seconds but should any of you want a physical copy for some reason, you know where to grab them from the end of my desk. For those of you who are done with classes for the day, enjoy your weekend and I'll see you at the same time next week."
  16. >And as always, in perfect synchronisation, the noise of chattering and chairs creaking fills the room as everyone gathers up their belongings to get out of the lecture hall as fast as possible.
  17. >You have a small giggle to yourself as you can't help but think to yourself that it's clear you're not the only one who can't stand lectures.
  18. >As everyone else filters out of the room, you opt to hang-fire in your seat at the back of the class so you don't get caught up in the chaos of everyone making their way out, instead switching tabs to your Googledoc where you find your assignment brief waiting for you.
  19. >May as well have a quick glance over it while you wait for things to calm down.
  20. >Putting on your glasses, you glance over things, talking aloud to yourself quietly.
  21. "Ooookay, let's see..."
  22. "Something something "pony focused technologies", something something create a real world example, yada yada.. Huh, this looks interesting... Accepted formats... Let's see, nope... Nope... Nope... Website and application development! Yes!"
  23. >Well, at least you're in luck there, this is your strongsuit.
  24. >1 month to complete... That's a heck of a lot of breathing room... This is looking good.
  25. >What to make for it though..? That's the real kicker.
  26. >Glancing up to an almost empty room, you hurridly close your ThinkPad™ and put it into your saddlebags along with your keyboard and trackball before making your descent down the steps of the lecture hall down to the front of the class to get a couple of copies of the assignment brief from your lecturer.
  27. >You don't really like to ask for things, but having two physical copies of your brief can come in handy when you're working on stuff.
  28. >One for the whiteboard, one for the at-desk notes.
  29. >Approaching his desk while he sorts out his desk, you see him look up from his bag at you with a smile.
  30. "Hello Paradise, what can I do for you today?"
  31. "H-hello! A-am I o-ok to take more than one copy of the brief..? I-it's just so I can make s-"
  32. >"Make some notes on one, have the other for your whiteboard at home. Of course, Paradise. You ask the same question every assignment."
  33. "O-oh.. Sorry.. I-I just like to make sure.."
  34. >With a knowing look, the old man just waves his hand before taking a swig of his water as he packs up his own belongings, no doubt ready to head off home himself.
  35. >"Don't be, it's nice to see somepony so enthusiastic about what they do - I have a feeling you're going to do particularly well on this one, I have high hopes for you. Seems right up your alley."
  36. >With a nervous but genuine smile, you can't help but feel both very motivated and slightly pressured by his remark.
  37. >He's a pretty good professor all-in-all. Very supportive of his students and tries his best to keep everyone motivated in their studies.
  38. "I-I'll try my best..!"
  39. >"I'm sure you will. Anyhow, no doubt you better be getting yourself home. Enjoy your weekend Miss Skies."
  40. "O-ok.. W-will do! [spoiler]Y-you too..![/spoiler]"
  41. >Hurridly grabbing your two sheets of paper, you head out of the room and say "bye" to your teacher and shout a thanks for the extra assignment brief.
  42. >"Keep up the hard work Paradise!"
  43. >Totally no pressure there or anything.
  44. >As you walk along the IT block and head across "the bridge" that connects to the main hall of your university, you idly think to yourself as you look out of the huge glass windows that overlook the main hub below, bustling with ponies and people alike going about their days.
  45. >What could you make that would make the lives of some of these ponies easier somehow?
  46. >You get that this is just an assinment for uni, but you can't help but feel the need to actually make something useful, this just seems like too good of an opportunity to pass up on.
  47. >Maybe you could make something you *personally* could find useful? Something programmer friendly maybe? Ehh.. Not exactly "pony-focused" enough, really..
  48. >Heading down the stairs off of the bridge to the main hall below, you catch a glimpse of the cafe out of the corner of your eye and figure you may as well grab a coffee [spoiler]or two[/spoiler] to clear your head and unwind a little before heading home.
  49. >Despite not being much of a people/pony pony, you do like to people/pony watch on occasion from your little corner in your favourite cafe in the university.
  50. >Trotting your way into the place, you notice the huge lines and immediately opt to just grab something from the card-scan coffee machine instead of grabbing your usual espresso from Vadim at the coffee counter, instead just giving him a wave which he misses amidst the crowd blocking you from his line of sight.
  51. >Poor guy looks busy enough shouting at students for messing up his fridges while juggling all of the orders coming through without you adding to his work load.
  52. >Scanning your student ID with a *Beedup*, you select a medium black coffee from the machine and immediately go back to thinking to yourself about what on Earth you're supposed to do for this assignment.
  53. >It's really gotten your sweater in a knot for some reason, maybe Anon can help you think something up when you get home?
  54. >*Ding*
  55. >Grabbing your coffee, you head on over to your usual quiet spot by the window and take a seat, leaning back and just taking a deep breath.
  56. >Flipping open your laptop, you get yourself comfy and fire up good ol' Notepad++ to start writing your diary entry.
  57. >Giving your coffee a blow and a little sip, you're ready to start brainstorming...
  59. (Go to for context into the next part, read the latest diary entry)

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