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A Thrilling Nightmare Night [One-Shot]

By HK-FortySeven
Created: 2020-11-02 14:58:38
Updated: 2021-08-19 02:50:22
Expiry: Never

  1. @@@@@@@@
  2. @ A Thrilling Nightmare Night
  3. @ Originally posted to Pastebin on Oct 31, 2017
  4. @@@@@@@@
  6. "Stupid contest. Stupid princess. Stupid girls."
  7. >You keep kicking that same rock along the road, while muttering to yourself.
  8. >You can't believe it!
  9. >Before yesterday, the girls were all ready to help you, to help each other, with the Nightmare Night events.
  10. >Costumes, candy, even a small 'scary' play.
  11. >Oh, Rarity and Pinkie were really fond of the play.
  12. >But then that stupid letter from Luna went to everyone in Ponyville, a couple of days ago.
  13. >She was holding a contest, to see who could make the scariest thing for Nightmare Night.
  14. >Costumes, plays, whatever.
  15. >As long as it took the crown for 'scare factor'.
  16. >But the stupid contest only let three ponies team up, at most.
  17. >And you'd better believe those girls were teaming up with each other.
  18. >Leaving you, poor old Anon, without any helping hooves for your vision.
  19. >You had the best idea, too!
  20. >A little taste of Earth's scares!
  21. >It would've been amazing!
  22. >Aaaagh, stupid contest!
  23. >Why'd Luna have to throw it this Nightmare Night?
  24. >Now you're--
  25. >"--is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night-- Agh, no! That's not right, either!"
  26. >"I keep telling you, Sweetie, we don't need a musical! We need some explosions! Something to make everypony jump!
  27. >"Ah still think we should go with the scary costumes. Ah even got those potions right for it..."
  28. >Hello, what's this all about?
  29. >Whoever's having that little talk, it's coming from behind that hedge, over near Sweet Apple Acres!
  30. >Curiosity gets the better of you, and it's enough to break you from your melancholy, as you stroll over to the source.
  32. >Behind the hedge, is...
  33. >Oh hey, it's the Cutie Mark Crusaders!
  34. >Though, they don't look very happy.
  35. >Or organized.
  36. >All kinds of random things are scattered around them, and they look like they're arguing with each other!
  37. >"Costumes? Seriously, Applebloom? Everypony and their mother's gonna be doing costumes!"
  38. >"Not costumes with spooky potions, Scootaloo!"
  39. >Applebloom picks up a random vial with orange liquid in it, and drinks the whole thing in one go.
  40. >Seconds later, her irises start glowing!
  41. >Wow, that's actually really cool!
  42. >"See? Tell me that's not scary, with a costume ta go with it!"
  43. >"B-but it'd be even spookier with a musical number," Sweetie interjects.
  44. >"Sweetie, you've been tryin' for hours now to get a good number going! Ah don't think you can come up with one in time for the contest!"
  45. >The contest?
  46. >Oh.
  47. >Them too, huh?
  48. >They all throw their heads back at once, and groan loudly, before proclaiming in sync:
  49. >"This contest sucks!"
  50. >"This contest sucks!"
  51. >"This contest sucks!"
  52. >Boy, do you know the feeling.
  53. >Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie spots you.
  54. >And she screams.
  55. >N-no, you totally didn't scream back for a second there!
  56. >Shut up, nobody saw you do it, they can't prove anything!
  57. >The other girls whip their heads around, looking at your direction.
  58. >They scream for a second, too.
  59. >Scootaloo's the first to stop.
  60. >"Wha--?! Anon?"
  61. "He-hey, there, girls. Sorry to scare you like that..."
  62. >"Geez, you could've told us you were there before!"
  63. "Sorry, I just... didn't want to interrupt. Sounds like you three are pretty busy!"
  65. >"Uuugh, don't remind me," Applebloom groans. "This stupid contest has us all flustered!"
  66. "I know how that feels..."
  67. >"What do ya mean, mister Anon? Don'tcha have somepony helping with your entry?"
  68. "Nope."
  69. >The three of them all gasp in sync.
  70. >Sweetie's piercing shriek was the first to ring out:
  71. >"WHAT?!"
  72. >Oww.
  73. >No, that's fine, you didn't need those ears, anyways.
  74. "Yeah, your sisters, their friends, and me, were all supposed to do a big Nightmare Night project together, a few weeks ago.
  75. "But then, well, this contest came out, and..."
  76. >They complete the dots pretty quickly.
  77. >"Oh my gosh, really? I'm sorry, Anon!"
  78. >"Man, that's got to suck," Scootaloo adds.
  79. "Sister, you don't know the half of it."
  80. >The small chuckle you get is short-lived.
  81. >Now, the melancholy returns:
  82. "I had the best idea too, you know. It was gonna be a big, costumed musical, with flashy effects! You know, something from back on Earth!"
  83. >"Wow, sounds like you had it all planned out!"
  84. "I did! But now it's all for naught!"
  85. >The overdramatic proclamation is only half joking.
  86. >Applebloom, however, raises her eyebrow, almost like she's just realized something.
  87. >"Wait. Wait a sec there, Anon. Did you say, costumed musical?"
  88. "Yeah! And don't forget the flashy effects! What good's a scary musical without the smoke bombs, and the light flashes?"
  89. >Seriously, how do you do that without CGI?
  90. >You can't!
  91. >Man, why did Equestria have to have no CGI?
  92. >Or computers?
  93. >Heck, you'd settle with an old SGI machine, and go all Robocop 2 on the effects!
  94. >You can't say that face wasn't the creepiest thing ever!
  96. >Pulling yourself from your thoughts, you set your sights back onto the fillies.
  97. >They've all got that look of realization on them.
  98. >"Ah costumed..."
  99. >"Musical..."
  100. >"With flashy effects...!"
  101. >They all look at each other, with slowly growing grins.
  102. >What's up with them--
  103. >"IT'S PERFECT!"
  104. >"IT'S PERFECT!"
  105. >"IT'S PERFECT!"
  106. >Owww, your poor ears...
  107. >Sweetie rushes over towards you, the other girls following soon after.
  108. >"Anon Anon Anon! Could you help us with our Nightmare Night project?!"
  109. >"We've been trying for AGES to get an idea," Scootaloo adds.
  110. >"Pleeeeease?"
  111. >G-gosh, those huge smiles of theirs...
  112. >hnnnngh
  113. >cuteness overload
  114. >But your own growing smile was shot down, the more you thought about it.
  115. "Oh, girls, I'd love to. But... the contest only lets three ponies group together, remember?"
  116. >Their grins fall just as yours does.
  117. >"Aww..."
  118. >"Ah, shoot!"
  119. >"Gah, I hate this stupid contest so much!"
  120. >You said it, Scoots.
  121. >"Hey... wait a second!"
  122. >Whatever Scootaloo just thought of has everyone's attention.
  123. >"The contest said three PONIES, right?"
  124. "Uh, yeah...?"
  125. >She sports a devious grin for her next line:
  126. >"Anon, you're not a pony!"
  127. >You're--
  128. >Holy moly.
  129. >She's right!
  130. "I'm... not a pony!"
  131. >Your grin comes soaring right back, along with theirs, with the exception of Applebloom's.
  132. >"Uh, girls? Ah don't think Luna would agree..."
  133. >"Hey, who needs that prize, anyways? Isn't it more important that we all have fun with it?"
  134. >Seems good enough for her!
  135. >You kneel down to their level.
  136. "Of course I'll help you girls out!"
  137. >The small group hug is followed by a loud 'YAY!'.
  138. <...
  140. >"WAAHAHAHAHA!"
  141. >Man, that showing from Fluttershy's group was pretty good...
  142. >You didn't know she could laugh like that!
  143. >You could tell that she, Twilight, and Pinkie put a lot of work into that one.
  144. >And Luna looked really impressed, too!
  145. >Heheheh...
  146. >But it won't top your performance!
  147. >You and the girls worked too hard on this!
  148. >Heck, even they got a little scared during the practice!
  149. >And you've never danced that hard in your life!
  150. >But that funny music magic in Equestria carried you through it without a problem.
  151. >And now, you'll see if it'll work for the real thing!
  152. >Mayor Mare's about to announce the next contestants.
  153. >And...
  154. >It's your group!
  155. >Yes!
  156. >You whirl back to the girls, a huge grin on your face.
  157. "We're uu~up"!
  158. >Their excited giggles are the cutest and bestest thing!
  159. >Heck, you can't keep your own contained!
  160. >Quick as a flash, you all form a little arm-locked circle, wide grins and determined looks on each other's faces.
  161. "All right, girls! Just like we practiced!"
  162. >"Ohh, this is gonna be so awesome!"
  163. >"Ah can't wait to see those costumes and potions in action!"
  164. >"And the music's gonna scare Luna so bad! Thanks, Anon!"
  165. "Don't thank me just yet, girls! We've still got a princess to scare!"
  166. >Your grins become just a touch evil at that thought.
  167. >Heheheh...
  168. >This is gonna RULE!
  169. >The distant call of the princess and the mayor spur you into action.
  170. "All right, ready?"
  171. >"Ready!"
  172. >"Ready!"
  173. >"Ready!"
  174. "Break!"
  175. >And just like that, you all scramble into position, with you getting into costume, and making sure you had the potions in the right order.
  176. <...
  178. >"C-come on in, Princess Luna!"
  179. >Aw, Sweetie does such a good innocent act, when she's luring Luna into the fake cobweb-covered house.
  180. >It was almost enough to make you prematurely break out into your evil cackling.
  181. >Still, Luna smiles back:
  182. >"Of course, Sweetie Belle. I am looking forward to seeing what you have all created!"
  183. >Heehehehaha--
  184. >No, bad Anon!
  185. >Now's not the time for evil laughter!
  186. >That comes later!
  187. >The princess walks in, and doesn't notice Sweetie tying that little rope to the door.
  188. >And with that, everything's ready for the main event.
  189. >Looking through some peepholes in the knotty wooden walls, you keep track of the princess in question.
  190. >Sweetie joins the other two girls at their little 'display piece'.
  191. >A timberwolf carving with forty eyes.
  192. >It didn't look that scary, with the lights on so bright.
  193. >Oh, that's gonna change real quick...
  194. >"He-here's our spooky Nightmare Night project, princess!"
  195. >"Ahh, this item? A truly unnerving sight, to be certain!"
  196. >"Ah'll say," Applebloom pipes up, "The thing came right outta one'a my nightmares!"
  197. >"Did it truly? I am sorry I was not there to aid you with it, little Applebloom!"
  198. >"Ah, it's all right, princess. It was actually helping me in the nightmare! Still, it's mighty spooky..."
  199. >"Yes, indeed!"
  200. >The synchronized tail flick, initiated by Scootaloo.
  201. >And then another, started by Applebloom.
  202. >That's the signal.
  203. >You grip the lever.
  204. >"Well, a riveting display of terror indeed, young ones! Now, I am afraid I must be--"
  205. >You pull the lever.
  207. >The trap door opens beneath the girls.
  208. >And they all tumble down the hole, 'screaming' the whole time.
  209. >Her gasp rings out, just as the doors close behind them.
  210. >"What?! Sweetie Belle? Applebloom? Scootaloo?"
  211. >The next switch kills the lights in the house.
  212. >No doubt the girls were getting ready to help the performance now.
  213. >But while they got ready...
  214. >You pull on the magic headset that Sweetie gave to you.
  215. >Your voice rings out all throughout the house, modified by that awesome voice-changing potion Applebloom gave you.
  216. "There is no point in finding them, young princess! They are mine, now!"
  217. >Absolutely perfect Vincent Price impression!
  218. >You see Luna whirling around, trying to find the voice's source.
  219. >Hard to do when it's coming from everywhere.
  220. >"Who goes there?!"
  221. "I have gone by many names in the past, young princess. But you may call me... the Thriller!"
  222. >Right on cue, the wolf howls sound, and you begin to hear the beat kicking on.
  223. >"Foul creature! What have you done with those fillies?!"
  224. "They have been claimed by my foul powers! And soon, you shall be claimed, too!"
  225. >A few quiet knocks from behind.
  226. >You turn just enough to see Sweetie crawling through that little opening, her own headset on.
  227. >Your grin can't get any bigger, and neither can hers!
  228. >"Show yourself, monster! I shall make quick work of you!"
  229. >She gets an evil chuckle.
  230. >Right after it finishes, you down the other voice-changer potion, this time for your Micheal Jackson voice.
  231. >But Sweetie doesn't need it.
  232. >Her range is good enough to hit all the background vocals.
  233. >You whisper to her:
  234. "Hit it."
  236. >[Now Playing: Thriller - Micheal Jackson;]
  237. >The instrumentals go into full swing, the wolf howls and creaking sounds firing off.
  238. " » It's close to mii~idnight, and somethin' evil's lurking in the dark~"
  239. >"Wh-what is this?!"
  240. " » Under the moo~onlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart~"
  241. >BANG
  242. >That flashbomb hidden in the chandelier was genius.
  243. >Luna jumped super hard from it!
  244. " » You try to scree~eam, but terror takes the sound before you make it~"
  245. >"Enough of your games, creature! Show yourself!"
  246. " » You start to free~eze, as horror looks you right between the eyes~"
  247. >The chandelier drops right on cue, startling her again.
  248. " » You're paralyy~yzed~"
  249. >Sweetie duets the chorus with you:
  250. " » 'Cause this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  251. >" » 'Cause this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  252. " » And no one's gonna save ya' from the beast about to strike!
  253. " » You know it's thriller~, thriller night~"
  254. >" » You know it's thriller~, thriller night~"
  255. " » You're fighting for your life inside a~
  256. " » Killer~"
  257. >" » Thriller~"
  258. " » Tonii~ight!~"
  259. >Oh man, she's starting to look spooked!
  260. >"Foul creature! You will not get away with this, not with the backing of my friends!"
  261. >You have no idea why the musical magic makes them behave in just the exact right way.
  262. >But it's perfect for your performance!
  263. >She takes off back through the house, beelining for the door.
  264. >Good thing that string's there to close it right on up...
  265. >And close it does, with those extra-squeaky hinges that Scootaloo brought.
  267. " » You hear the do~or slam~"
  268. >SLAM
  269. >She skitters to a halt, before she hits the door head-on.
  270. " » And realize there's nowhere left to ru~un~"
  271. >"What is this trickery?!"
  272. >Good thing Applebloom's super-glue was on the frame, keeping her from opening it!
  273. " » You feel the coo~old hand~"
  274. >thump
  275. >She jumps, barely suppressing the shriek from the rubber minotaur hand landing on her lower back.
  276. " » And wonder if you'll ever see the su~un~
  277. " » You close your e~eyes~
  278. " » And hope that this is just imagination, girl~"
  279. >"You presume to play games with me, monster?!"
  280. >The creaking of Applebloom's hoofsteps on those wood planks she brought cuts her off.
  281. " » But all the whii~ile~
  282. " » You hear a creature creepin' up behind~"
  283. >And the creaks do come from behind her, from beneath the floor.
  284. " » You're outta ti~ime~"
  285. >She whirls around, but sees nothing there.
  286. " » 'Cause this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  287. >" » 'Cause this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  288. >She runs back into the house, right towards the girls' display.
  289. " » There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl~"
  290. >The strategically placed flashlights come to life, showering the forty-eyed timberwolf in the creepiest possible light.
  291. >Luna's shriek suppression is much less effective this time around.
  292. " » Thriller~, thriller night~"
  293. >" » Thriller~, thriller night~"
  294. " » You're fighting for your life inside a~
  295. " » Killer~"
  296. >" » Thriller~"
  297. " » Tonii~ight!~"
  298. >" » Tonii~ight!~"
  299. >While Sweetie sustains the note, you keep on singing:
  301. " » Night creatures call, and the dead start to walk in their maa~asquera~ade~"
  302. >The zombie-like groans from beneath the floor accentuate the creaking beneath Luna.
  303. >Now she's getting really freaked out!
  304. " » There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this tii~ime~"
  305. >" » They're open wi~ide~"
  306. " » This is the end of your lii~ife~"
  307. >"C-cease this madness immediately!"
  308. >Luna's beginning to panic, and runs back to the door.
  309. " » They're out to gee~et you~
  310. " » There's demons closing in on every sii~ide~"
  311. >The sparklers Scootaloo hid in the plank walls light up, and they start to make thumping noises down below.
  312. " » They will possee~ess you~
  313. " » Unless you change that number on your dia~al~"
  314. >"E-ENOUGH!"
  315. " » Now is the tii~ime~"
  316. >The smoke generators finally exhaust through the knotty holes in the floorboards.
  317. " » For you and I to cuddle close togethee~er~"
  319. >Like that's gonna stop you.
  320. " » All through the nii~ight~
  321. " » I'll save you from the terror on the screen~
  322. " » I'll make you se~ee~
  323. " » That this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  324. >" » That this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  325. " » 'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghoul would ever da~are try~
  326. " » Thriller~, Whoohoo!"
  327. >" » Thriller~, thriller night~"
  328. " » So let me hold you tight and share a~
  329. " » Killer~"
  330. >" » Thriller~"
  331. " » Chiller~"
  332. >" » Thriller here tonii~ight~"
  333. " » 'Cause this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  334. >" » 'Cause this is thriller~, thriller night~"
  335. " » Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghoul would ever da~are try~"
  337. >" » Thriller~, thriller night~"
  338. " » Whoohoo!"
  339. " » So let me hold you tight and share a~
  340. " » Killer~"
  341. >" » Thriller~"
  342. " » Ow!"
  343. >While the instrumentals play off, you quickly change your get-up for this next part.
  344. >"Yo-you will not get away with this, vile creature! M-my friends, m-my guards, shall all see to your capture and punishment! M-mark my words, you shall pay for what you have done this night!"
  345. >Having Luna's panicky words in the background was icing on the cake.
  346. >Your headset comes off, your fedora comes on, two potions are chugged, and the little black cane is picked up.
  347. >Sweetie hoof-bumps you, the evilest grin on her face, before you take the stage at the room with the carving, the lights now dead.
  348. >"B-by all my power, you will not--"
  349. "My name."
  350. >The Vincent Price voice is in full effect for this scene, much to your delight.
  351. >The sound effects from the girls below go quiet, the sparklers burn out, and the smoke machine stops producing.
  352. "If you are to make proclamations of my defeat, at least have the courtesy to use my name, young princess."
  353. >"Y-you filthy-- Th-Thriller! Show yourself!"
  354. "Your wish is my command."
  355. >Flash bombs go off together with smoke bombs along the corridor, going from the door to the carving room, the lights dimly turning on as they go.
  356. >It's there that she sees your sick get-up for this next part, in the dim light.
  357. >The black suit with the sharp white collared shirt, a black bowtie inside the collar.
  358. >The black cane, balanced perfectly for twirling around.
  359. >The black face paint, emphasizing the now glowing green eyes.
  361. >And a black fedora with a gray fabric piece wrapping around the base.
  362. >Sweetie and Applebloom seriously outdid themselves on this.
  363. >You flash Luna an evil smile.
  364. "But my wish comes at a cost..."
  365. >" » He's gonna thrill you tonight~"
  366. >You begin to very slowly pace forward.
  367. " » Darkness falls across the land...
  368. " » The midnight hour is close at hand..."
  369. >"Foul daemon! You shall--"
  370. " » Creatures crawl in search of blood...
  371. " » To terrorize y'all's neighbourhood..."
  372. >" » Thrill you tonight~"
  373. >Your growing evil smile comes along with the thumping resuming from below.
  374. " » And whomsoever shall be found...
  375. " » Without the soul for getting down..."
  376. >As you twirl the cane around, the thumping radiates out to the crawlspace holes.
  377. " » Must stand and face the hounds of hell...
  378. " » And rot inside a corpse's shell..."
  379. >" » He's gonna thrill you tonight~"
  380. >"St-stay back!"
  381. >You're halfway over to her.
  382. >The lights have been turning off from behind you this whole time.
  383. >" » Ooh, thriller, thriller~"
  384. >The slow hoofsteps of the other two approach from the sides.
  385. >You want to cackle so badly.
  386. >But that absolutely must wait until the end!
  387. >" » He's gonna thrill you tonight~"
  388. >That's your cue.
  389. >Sweetie should be all dolled up by now.
  390. " » The foulest stench is in the air...
  391. " » The funk of forty thousand years...!"
  392. >"Fo-forty thousan--?!"
  393. " » And grisly ghouls from every tomb...
  394. " » Are closing in to seal your doom..."
  395. >The glowy-eyed, zombie makeup-wearing girls all come forth, with Bloom and Scoots from both sides of Luna, and with Sweetie 'shambling' right beside you.
  397. >"N-no... Wh-what have you--"
  398. " » And though you fight to stay alive...
  399. " » Your body starts to shiver..."
  400. >Oh, she'd been shivering long before this part.
  401. >But now it's even worse!
  402. >"St-stay back..."
  403. >Her back's against the door.
  404. " » For no mere mortal can resist..."
  405. >"No..."
  406. >Your hand raises, pointer finger extended.
  407. >All of you converge right into her face, with your finger going straight for her muzzle.
  408. " » The evil of..."
  409. >"St-stop...!"
  410. >Applebloom's door glue should be dry and useless by now.
  411. " » The thriller!"
  412. >"NO!"
  413. >boop
  414. >Everything stops.
  415. >Luna sits there, frozen in place, with a look of pure terror on her face.
  416. >The door springs open, right on cue.
  417. >And Luna bolts like a bat out of H-E-double-hockey-sticks, screaming the whole way.
  418. " » Muahahahahahahahahaah!"
  419. >Your evil Vincent Price laughter rings out while this happens.
  420. >Soon, it's joined by the girls' own evil laughter.
  421. >Of course, now that the musical was over, none of you could stay in character anymore.
  422. >The staged laugh soon became real, and all of you double over, howling with laughter.
  423. >"Th-that was priceless!"
  424. >"Oh, mah stars!"
  425. >"Bwahahahahaha!"
  426. "Yo-you should've seen the look on her faaacehahahahahaaah!"
  427. <...
  428. >So.
  429. >Luna wasn't too happy with your stunt.
  430. >She disqualified your group for having four ponies in it.
  431. >Oh, well.
  432. >None of you wanted the prize money, anyways.
  433. >Because thanks to those hidden cameras...
  434. >You and the girls have something far more valuable than bits.
  435. >And as the photos develop, you all begin to crest into a proper evil laugh...
  436. @ >»~- A LA FIN -~«<

Thaumaturgy With Anon [1/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [2/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [3/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [4/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [5/?]

by HK-FortySeven