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You Complete Me [EQG, Incomplete]

By HK-FortySeven
Created: 2020-11-02 15:01:22
Updated: 2021-08-19 02:46:57
Expiry: Never

  1. @@@@@@@@
  2. @ You Complete Me
  3. @ Originally posted to Pastebin on Feb 10, 2018
  4. @@@@@@@@
  6. @ Currently on hold, due to a lack of available time.
  7. @ Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. @@@@@@@@
  11. >Ahh, what a beautiful day!
  12. >The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are oh so fragrant!
  13. >You pity those poor saps with allergies, you really do.
  14. >Truly, this is the greatest way to experience the peak of summertime!
  15. >You continue your ride through the fields, nearing the river, the quiet groans of your noble steed being the only thing interrupting your relaxation.
  16. >You always loved this about the area around Vanhoover, honestly.
  17. >No shortages of places to relax, and certainly no shortages of these flower fields.
  18. >Your thoughts on this continue, as your horse sallies forth, soon carrying you alongside the river.
  19. >You kind of wish it was a sunflower field, but hey, you're perfectly fine with the daisies and tulips here, too.
  20. >It just wasn't... 'summer' enough, you know?
  21. >Oh well, you can always drive up to the--
  22. >"Hrrrrmph..."
  23. "Hm?" you hum, "What's the matter?"
  24. >"Hrmmmph..."
  25. >Oh, dear, your poor horse's pace is starting to slow, the ride getting bumpier.
  26. "Oh, no," you coo in a sad tone, "Are you getting tired?"
  27. >Funny, his panicked snort almost sounded like a 'no'.
  28. >But you knew the signs of a lame horse when you saw one.
  29. >Damn it, and you were just starting to like him, too!
  30. >While he tries to push himself more, to convince you that he's really okay, you take the reins, steering him towards the riverside.
  31. >It always tears you up, having to end things like this.
  32. >But you know, in your heart of hearts, that it's for the best.
  33. >Horses live such painful lives, near the end.
  34. >And you refuse to have your friend suffer needlessly.
  36. "Whoa there," you say, pulling the reins in, a small groan leaving your steed, "Let's stop here for a moment, okay?"
  37. >Oh, rats, you should've been more subtle about your intentions.
  38. >He's shaking his head, moaning at you, wordlessly pleading to go on.
  39. >But you're having none of it today.
  40. >A little scratch to that special little spot on his neck calms him right down, his struggling coming to a quick stop.
  41. "Let me down, boy," you say in a stern tone.
  42. >He obeys, but a sad whine still escapes him.
  43. >You step off of your mount, taking a moment to stretch out, your joints making those oh-so-satisfying pops.
  44. >And with a heavy heart, you take stock of what ails your steed.
  45. >There lies poor little Incognito, down on all fours, hands and knees calloused, bruised, and bleeding a bit.
  46. >Instantly, you see the problem.
  47. >You didn't properly sterilize the area around where you cut the leg tendons, signs of terrible infection spread all around the very sickly, almost necrotic incision points.
  48. >You can't help but feel ashamed at the sight: mama always taught you how to treat wounds just right, and there you go, forgetting all about those ones.
  49. >Already, you can hear her lectures, heaven rest her poor soul.
  50. >"Mmmph! Rrmmmph!"
  51. >Oh dear, he's getting even more nervous.
  52. "Oh, you poor thing," you say with no shortage of sadness, moving over to pet him, "How could I have let this happen to you, old friend?"
  53. >"Mmmmph!!"
  54. "Shh, shh, it's gonna be okay," you coo, trailing your fingers down his forehead, and over the muzzle-shaped gag he wore, "Uncle Nonny's gonna make it all better."
  56. >Oops.
  57. >The instant you say that, his eyes light up with recognition, followed shortly by dread.
  58. "You know, Nito," you start, lifting his head up with a finger, looking him dead in the eye, "You were a lot of things in this life. Super-hero. Saviour. I was even proud to call you my nemesis.
  59. "But I really have to admit," you finish, giving him one last pet, "You made a much, much better horse, than you ever did make a man."
  60. >"Mmmmmph!!"
  61. >You sit by his side, pulling him close with your left arm, both of you looking out over the river.
  62. "I was always afraid this day would come," comes your depressed line, "I always just... thought we would do this forever."
  63. >"Mmph!"
  64. "You, being the hero Vanhoover wanted so desperately. Me, always there to keep those antics in check with a few hundred bodies and change, clogging up the morgues.
  65. "Honestly, I'm still not sure why you took such issue with me killing those hookers, what with that business with your father, and all..."
  66. >"Mph! Rrmmph!!"
  67. "Sorry, sorry," you placate, "That was in very poor taste, forgive me.
  68. "It's just... Wow. The Noble Savage, finally bested by the one and only Huntsman, it... it feels like yesterday, when we were tangling on the rooftops!
  69. "It reminds me of all those times, I looked under the tree before Hearth's Warming. You're so excited to get what you want, and then... poof! The surprise, the excitement, the magic, it all just... vanishes, never to be found again."
  70. >You finger your trusty revolver with your right hand, just as you feel the tears starting to build.
  72. "Y-you know, Nito," you say, your voice beginning to quiver, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but..."
  73. >You take a moment to sniffle, failing to repress the tears.
  74. >As the barrel of your gun presses against his temple, his struggling begins anew.
  75. "I'm really going to m-miss you...!"
  76. >"Mmmmph!!"
  77. "I-it's for the best, old chum," you choke out, turning away from him, unable to bear looking at him anymore, "Goodbye."
  78. >"MMMMMMP--"
  79. >BLAM
  80. >The birds flapping away lasts for a few moments, before the eerie stillness of just the river's sounds remains.
  81. >You finally turn to Nito's limp form, looking over--
  82. "No..."
  83. >Oh, no.
  84. >Wh-what have you done?
  85. "Oh, no, please don't tell me...!"
  86. >Your fingers dig into his neck, right at the spot, breaking the skin and pulling out--
  87. "Damn it! Damn it, damn it, damn it!"
  88. >You hit your damn 'microchip'!
  89. "Argh, you idiot!" you exclaim to nobody, "Never, ever blind-fire! Never! Son of a--"
  90. >Oh, you're so hopping mad at yourself right now!
  91. >It took a whole day's worth of blood magic to get the mind-control enchantment right!
  92. >A whole day!
  93. >And where are you going to find another perfectly clean virgin to blood-let like that, again?!
  94. >Aaaagh, stupid!
  95. "Well," you sigh dejectedly, "Better put this away, before I make another stupid mistake."
  96. >You quickly holster your gun soon after, pitching the broken 'microchip' into the river.
  97. >Seeing Nito's rapidly exsanguinating body only compounds your sadness.
  98. >Now, what are you going to do?
  99. >Without him trying to keep you in line, how were you supposed to have fun hunting anymore?
  101. >Rats.
  102. >What would your father do?
  103. >Well, before he gave up hunting and drank himself to death, of course.
  104. >Hmm...
  105. >Well, the police force is still as incompetent as ever: you'd need to seriously hold back in order to give them a fighting chance.
  106. >But holding back isn't fun, either!
  107. >Gah, stupid Nito, ruining the concept of holding back!
  108. >Going all-out is just so FUN!
  109. >Hmph.
  110. >It's not like another hero type will come up again, either, at least not in your lifetime.
  111. >You still don't know where he found that magical grappling hook, much less the big rune-swords!
  112. >Now that was the right way to bring a sword to a gunfight!
  113. >As his blood continues soaking the grass, it dawns on you what you might need to do.
  114. >Maybe, at last, it's time to leave for greener pastures.
  115. >You always dreaded this day.
  116. >When Mr. Noble Savage showed up, you were sure you'd never have to move like this, again!
  117. >But alas, the more you think about it, the more you come to realize that it might have to be the right call.
  118. >Oh, rats, how could you have been so obstinate?
  119. >The buzzing of a fly breaks you from your thoughts, and you follow the sound to a small band of them, already tucking into his legs.
  120. >Hm.
  121. >Maybe you should take a page out of their book: always looking for opportunities.
  122. >You can't help but smile a little.
  123. >Nature is just so fascinating, sometimes.
  124. >All right, you'll look into finding a new city, tomorrow.
  125. >This time, with some real heroes.
  126. >Ooh, maybe there will be some plural 'heroes'...!
  127. >Goodness, you're getting giddy at just the thought of it!
  128. >Maybe this won't be so bad!
  130. >But first, time to lay your good friend to rest.
  131. >You pick Nito up, bridal-style, taking one last look at his frozen, anguished expression.
  132. >Such a beautiful sight.
  133. >After walking to the riverside, you lay him face-up into the water, letting the current carry him off downstream.
  134. >You keep looking on at his quickly disappearing form, until finally, you can see him no longer.
  135. >Godspeed, old friend.
  136. >As you leave the field, returning to the city, your sombre thoughts slowly change to optimism.
  137. >You're sure there's more heroes, somewhere out there.
  138. >They'll never truly replace Nito; nobody ever can replace your first, you know that.
  139. >But stalking them night after night, observing their weaknesses, giving them that false sense of security?
  140. >You'd kill to experience that kind of thrill, again.
  141. >Well, you certainly intend to, anyways.
  142. > =-> Three Days Later... <-=
  143. >"...And in other news, Canterlot High has ended their biggest and most successful donation drive to date, raising over a hundred thousand dollars for the new children's hospital!
  144. >"According to sources, the majority of this income was thanks to the efforts of the graduating class of 2019, the generous alumni contributing an estimated one-third of the drive's closing goal!"
  145. >Pfft, charities.
  146. >What exactly did they think they could change, just throwing money at their problems?
  147. >Really easy, trusting prey, too.
  148. >Well, your route takes you through Canterlot, anyways.
  149. >Might as well drive over, stop for the night, see what the city has to offer.
  150. >Wonder what the nightlife is like?
  151. >...
  153. >"Oh, man, what a night!" exclaims Rainbow Dash.
  154. >Yeah, you'll say!
  155. >"You were right, Rarity," Twilight says, "That new nightclub was really something!"
  156. >"You see the bouncers they had there?" Dash throws in, "Wonder how long it took them to get that ripped?"
  157. >"Sure left an impression," Applejack says in a poorly masked dreamy tone.
  158. "Aw, what's the matter, Applejack," you pipe up in a mocking tone, "The bartender not good enough?"
  159. >Everyone shares a few giggles at her expense, but soon enough, she joins you all as well.
  160. >"Very funny, Sunset."
  161. >You try.
  162. >"Well, I'm very happy you all enjoyed it," says Rarity with a chipper voice, "I always make a habit of supporting the small businesses, and I'm glad to see they were up to standard!"
  163. "You sure about footing our bills, though? I mean, it's--"
  164. >"Ah-ah-ah, I'll have none of that, darling. You have enough to worry about."
  165. >Hm, you guess she's right, what with that crummy job of yours, but still!
  166. >You and the girls keep on chatting, as you walk down to the parking lot.
  167. >"I really hope that hospital gets finished soon," says Fluttershy.
  168. >She really wanted that to succeed, the most out of all of you.
  169. >"They'd better get it done soon," growls Dash, "If I find out they blew the money on--"
  170. "They won't, believe me."
  171. >"But--"
  172. "Trust me, the last thing they want is for all of us to raise hell about it."
  173. >"And failing that," adds Twilight, "Cadance knows some really good lawyers."
  174. >"I do hope it won't come to that," Rarity frowns.
  175. "I'm sure it'll be fine."
  177. >The warm summer air made the walk over to the parking lot so nice.
  178. >Before long, everyone said their farewells to each other, heading off to their respective cars.
  179. >Yourself included.
  180. >After getting inside, and coming very close to screaming at the jackass who did probably the world's worst parallel parking job right in front of you, you start driving down the road, over to your apartment.
  181. >Can't say that Daybreak Apartments was particularly good, but it was all you could really afford, right now.
  182. >Yeeeah, you know what, you need a distraction from that line of thought!
  183. >Let's just see what the radio has to say.
  184. >click
  185. >"--errible scene unfolded, in the small town of Hope, where the body of an unidentified male was found washed up on the side of the river.
  186. >"According to the police department, who have not released the identity of the man yet, they suspect this incident was caused by foul play, and will be conducting an internal investigation before releasing his identity to the public.
  187. >"The police have further stated that once the man's identity has been released, they urge anyone who knows about this man to contact them immediately."
  188. >Eugh, not much better, honestly...
  189. >You really wish the police here would step up their game, with that horrible gang they say is setting up here, out of Detrot.
  190. >Yeah, good luck fixing that mess!
  191. >Tch, almost makes you think that you could do a better job, yourself.
  192. >You still have that necklace from Camp Everfree, after all!
  193. >Maybe with a little bit of practice, you could try and do some more magic--
  195. >Ahahahah, yeah, Sunset?
  196. >You can stop that train of thought, now.
  197. >Pff, look at you, thinking you can just get up and fight criminals, like it's no big deal.
  198. >What does this look like to you, a Power Ponies issue?
  199. >"In other news, Vanhoover's infamous mass-murderer, the Huntsman as he calls himself, has not attacked the streets of the city in nearly--"
  200. >click
  201. >Yeah, that's enough of that.
  202. >Last thing you need on your mind is more killing and death, thank you very much.
  203. >You soon find yourself at the apartment buildings, and drive on over to the parking garage.
  204. >Good, some dick didn't take your usual spot, this time.
  205. >All right, let's just--
  206. >Oh, you're kidding!
  207. >'Elevator out of service'?!
  208. >Tch, should've known this night was going a little too well!
  209. >Fine, you'll take the stairs.
  210. >Heading down, you step out of the garage, heading over to your particular building.
  211. >All right, you should--
  212. >"--ay, get this piece'a shit workin' faster!"
  213. >Oh, no.
  214. >A bunch of guys in leather jackets, with their SUV badly parked on the side of the road.
  215. >"Yo, ya don't think I'm tryin', man?"
  216. >Those damn Detrot gangsters.
  217. >Alright, Sunset, just keep moving.
  218. >"Man, screw this! I ain't down for this shit! Ain't there a hotel or somethin' around?"
  219. >"I look like I got a damn map on me, man?"
  220. >If you're quiet and fast enough, they shouldn't notice--
  221. >"Yo, just go ask that bitch over there!"
  222. >"Wait, what bi-- well, hello there..."
  223. >Oh, damn it.
  224. >Just keep moving.
  225. >"Yo, hotness, where ya going?"
  226. >Oh God, they're following you.
  227. >And all you brought was some pepper spray.
  229. >"Aw, c'mon baby, what's the rush?"
  230. >Should've just taken Dash's advice, and gotten that concealed carry license.
  231. >The sound of running is heard, followed by one of the gangsters jumping out from the side, directly in front of your path.
  232. >"Didn't your mama ever tell you about manners?"
  233. >Shit.
  234. >Panning around, you see the gangsters forming a circle around you.
  235. >Damn, reminds you of when you escaped Princess Celestia's guards.
  236. >Except you had magic there, not lousy pepper spray!
  237. >"Ay, I'm talkin' to you, ho!"
  238. >Don't even dignify them, Sunset, just keep looking for openings.
  239. >"Ay boss, maybe we oughta... teach her some manners?"
  240. >A car could be heard coming to a stop nearby.
  241. >Whatever you do, keep cool...
  242. >"You mean, I'm gonna teach her some manners. Why don't we start with the closest hotel, huh?"
  243. >Still, you give him nothing.
  244. >No matter what you do, they're gonna try something; might as well stay an unknown factor.
  245. >A car door is heard opening.
  246. >"Bitch you best be deaf or some shit, 'cause I'm bout to fuck yo shit up if ya don't start talkin' to me!"
  247. >"Ahem."
  248. >Everyone's attention was grabbed by a voice, from the side of the road.
  249. >Standing there was a strange, green-skinned man, in jeans, a black shirt, and a far classier, better-kept leather jacket.
  250. >"Is there some sort of problem here, madam?"
  251. >His voice was smooth, and while upper-class sounding, was nowhere near as pronounced as Rarity's, and also had this strange, jovial quality to it.
  252. >"Nigga, the fuck you doing--"
  253. >"I wasn't asking you, friend."
  255. >Whoa, he's just gonna mouth off to them like that?
  256. >"Friend? Nigga, you think I'm your friend?"
  257. >Still, he remains the picture of confidence, even smiling a little bit.
  258. >"Well, did you want to be my friend?"
  259. >"What I want is for you to take yo jive ass, and keep walkin'!"
  260. >"Do you, now?" he says with a growing smirk, "But I've been driving, not walking."
  261. >"Nigga, didn't yo mama ever teach you some manners?"
  262. >"But my father also taught me to be nice to the ladies. I'm sure yours must've taught-- oh, wait."
  263. >Snrk...!
  264. >H-holy hell, this guy!
  265. >"Oh, hell no! You ain't leavin this pad alive, nigga!"
  266. >The head gangster storms over to the man, pulling free a knife.
  267. >His response is to give him a predatory smile, before reaching into his jacket and--
  268. >Whoa, okay, he's packing heat!
  269. >Instantly, the gangster recoils, followed by his flunkies.
  270. >"H-hey now, i-it's cool, man--"
  271. >"The only remotely cool thing here will be your corpse, if you and your 'friends' don't leave in the next ten seconds."
  272. >You don't know if his completely calm, yet totally menacing response, complete with his same smirk and confidence, pushed them to bolt as fast as they did.
  273. >But boy, did they ever bolt!
  274. >He eyes their fleeing forms for a few moments, before holstering his pistol back inside his jacket, and turning to you with a much warmer smile.
  275. >"Hope those guys didn't cause you too much trouble, there."
  276. "Whew, your timing couldn't have been better," you sigh, "Things would've gotten real ugly, if you hadn't shown up."
  277. >"Still cool-headed, after all that? I like it."
  279. "Let's just say I've had a few scuffles before."
  280. >Granted, they were back in Equestria, but still!
  281. >"I can tell. Still, before you go, I would like to ask something of you, ma'am."
  282. "Shoot."
  283. >"I'm pretty new to this town, and was planning on staying a few nights. Would you happen to know where the nearest hotel is?"
  284. >Certainly asked nicer than those guys!
  285. "Sure thing," you say, pointing in the distance, "The 'Mare Inn The Moon' is just down there, near the end of the Daybreak Apartments. Kinda seedy, but it looks like you can handle it."
  286. >"Thank you very much," he says with a small nod. "I'm guessing you live here, too?"
  287. "Mmhm, just in the building over here."
  288. >"Well, there goes my plan to give the fair lady a ride home."
  289. >That gets a giggle out of you.
  290. "Maybe another time."
  291. >"Well, I do hope we'll see each other again, on much more favourable terms, miss...?"
  292. "Sunset. Sunset Shimmer."
  293. >"Sunset? A lovely name, indeed."
  294. "And does my valiant saviour have a name, too?" you reply in a light, sarcastic tone.
  295. >"Oh, you wound me!" comes his own light-hearted response.
  296. >You both wound up chuckling.
  297. >"The name is Anonymous, miss Sunset," he says with a small flourish. "Everyone just calls me Anon, though."
  298. "Well, Anon, thanks so much for your help back there."
  299. >"It was my privilege, Sunset. Have a safe night."
  300. "You, too."
  301. >Anon gets back into his car, flashing you one last smile before he drives off towards the hotel.
  302. >Oh boy, what a strange day.
  303. >That Anon stays in your thoughts, well after heading back to your apartment.
  304. >Wait until the girls hear about this...
  305. >...
  307. @@@@@@@@

Thaumaturgy With Anon [1/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [2/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [3/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [4/?]

by HK-FortySeven

Thaumaturgy With Anon [5/?]

by HK-FortySeven