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Time Line

By TheBathWaterHero
Created: 2021-05-22 20:34:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Cutie Clash Note: A.I.(Programmer) Vivi(Virus)
  3. (Altare) Magic absorbing crystal that was discover in Midwestern Equestria
  4. 12 Years and a month since the Tabuck incident
  6. Monday Day-10 Born, get office supplies, die
  7. Saturday Day-9 Get clean suit, Escape mole, Find Spear
  8. Sunday Day-8 Eat meat for first time, scavenge
  9. Monday Day-7 Meet construction A.I.
  10. Tuesday Day-6 Death 2
  11. Wednesday Day-5 Find first security station, Find Spear again, Altare habitat
  12. Thursday Day-4 Tour, Failed Alicorn interview, Enter Conditioning labs
  13. Friday Day-3 Finish first job buy drugs Pay off rent early, Contact Wintermute > Disable 08-22, Mech, Find PB, Exit Hanger, Apollo, Kick PB's ass, Cooling system, Enter Climate hub
  14. Saturday Day-2 Get Wintermute job > Climate hub service level, Enter Aquatic labs
  15. Sunday Day-1 get Wintermute's info, save children, Almost die from withdrawal > Lobster boss, Dorms, Get ass kicked by bioform 20
  16. (Shared dream)Nadine is resurrected
  17. Monday Day 0 (Rent was due this day), Finish Wintermute, Mom and Find Ex, Club > Climb to Bio-processing find journal, chat with super on laptop, learn to overload spell
  18. Tuesday day 1 Tyra date > Meet Flushbolt > Match 1 dread poner
  19. Wednesday day 2 Patwrite tour Buy Android > Match 2 Charmlet (Whip poner) > Speckles learns about Spearmint and PB, Escape!
  20. Thursday day 3 Meeting with Judgement, Ivory encounter/ PBI meet, Construction site infiltration > Faffing with charmlet meet A.I. >Going up stairs, getting caught by the queen, Escape.
  21. Friday Day 4 File Gets paid for Printer Job (Drugs run out on normal dosage) Honey Spout's party, meet Twilight > Pizza with Owleyes and 1st bath
  22. Saturday Day 5 [Feb 14th] File wakes, Sends e-mail to twilight, ATEM attacks, pick up Wintermute mission 2, pick up Photobomb job>Meet programmer, Fight Doublecone, Meal with DC, Phone Vivi, bath with Owl 2, Short Fuse dies, Get Detective's number.
  23. Sunday Day 6 [Feb 15th] Obtain social security cards for photobomb, Meet Ace thruster and take his job, Meet judgement about email scope out old AI Stop Twilight from killing herself >game with Owl eyes (Quick reads comic)
  24. Monday Day 7 [Feb 16th] Wake up in Twilight's Hotel, Get Drugs from Dave, Sleep with Brandy, Take JP to the big dong,
  26. [Feb 22nd] Crow's sting

LandFall Move-sets

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by TheBathWaterHero