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/bootleg/ Angel Cake's Quest

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2021-06-05 05:12:14
Updated: 2023-09-06 02:36:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Alright, we're here."
  2. >That was quick
  3. >Maybe it helped that you slept for most of it
  4. "How much money does this take?"
  5. >"You paid for the trip and then some before I picked you up."
  6. >Did you?
  7. "I don't think I did."
  8. >"Well someone sure did then. We're quite a ways out of town, never been out this far."
  9. "Neither have I."
  10. >"Well, feel free to leave a good review! Thanks for the extra cash, or give my thanks to who paid for it."
  11. "Sure."
  12. >The back passenger door opens
  13. >You shake yourself awake and hop out
  14. >Not even five steps away and the Uber driver heads off
  15. >You're here
  16. >The closer you go to the building, the bigger it looks
  17. >There is only a wooden fence from what you can see that makes a border between the road with the trees and open land, and the mansion
  18. >It looks even bigger than a mansion
  19. >You stop at the front doors
  20. >They look like very sturdy, strong wooden doors
  21. >You sit at the doors
  22. >You were told that you were going to be expected
  23. "..."
  24. >After what feels like too much time, you reach up and knock on the right door with your hoof
  25. >Maybe they weren't expecting you right now
  26. >After a few moments the left door emits some whirring sound and opens
  27. >Didn't you knock the right door?
  28. >You wait for the door to open fully
  29. >A... blue pony is standing there
  30. >But she looks like she's wearing some sort of knight's armor
  31. >Her mane looks like a tight, short bob cut
  32. >"Oh hey, glad you made it one piece."
  33. >The same whirring noise comes from her that you heard from the door
  34. >Almost
  35. >The armor plates on her look faded
  36. " were?"
  37. >"Not me specifically. I was just told to watch out for you. I'm Skylar."
  38. "Hello Skylar. I'm Angel."
  39. >"Nice to meet you."
  40. >She sounds a little aggitated
  41. >"You planning on coming in? Or do you want to sit out there?"
  42. "Oh. Yes, please."
  43. >"Much better."
  44. >You stand up and trot past the threshold
  45. >Inside is...
  46. >Opulent
  47. >Almost like a Disney movie, even
  48. >You enter a large foyer that seems to double as a reception area with a number of benches and desks
  49. >All of them are pony-sized
  50. >"Welcome Home, Angel Cake. We call this place Home, because it's... well, it's Home. I said it was a silly name but I guess it stuck."
  51. >This isn't home to you
  52. >Home is where you came from
  53. >Your wings ruffle
  54. >You're nervous
  55. >You can't remember the last time you've ever gone anywhere completely alone
  56. "What happens now?"
  57. >"Now? I guess now we get you checked in. And because you're now Home, it's important that you meet everyone. But first is the main office. Your trip was paid for, right?"
  58. "Oh. Yes it was. Was that ok? The driver said he got a big tip."
  59. >"Yeah, don't worry about it. We're just..."
  60. >She sighs
  61. >"Incredibly generous. A little too much but that isn't my call to make. Anyway, leave sight seeing for when you're free. Follow me."
  62. >The door closes behind you
  63. >Now that you can see on the inside, it has a strong, shiny looking steel outline that makes it open and close
  64. >It reminds you like a very fancy version of a grocery store door
  66. >Except these doors are wood, obviously
  67. >You focus on Skylar and follow her curt pace
  68. >The armor plates on her don't really sound like armor plates
  69. >They don't clink
  70. >They glide together without any sound at all
  71. >You can see that there is grey and black between the plates
  72. >"You don't really talk that much, do you?"
  73. "Not to people I don't know, no."
  74. >"I guess that's understandable... none of us are bad guys, if that's what you're thinking."
  75. >Your wings ruffle again, the right wing flapping harder
  76. "I didn't... I'm sorry if I made you think that."
  77. >"Nah, it's fine. We've all been there."
  78. >Been where?
  79. >After too many twists and turns after going up a set of stairs, Skylar stops in front of another large wood door
  80. >Skylar raps her hoof against it a few times in rapid succession
  81. >She does so much harder than you would feel comfortable doing
  82. >You hear a muffled "thank you", as her knocking leads to the door opening
  83. >Must be another electric door
  84. >"Head inside. Come find me at the foyer if you would like a tour. Otherwise you'll be told where to go."
  85. >Though she hasn't had the friendliest expression, she smiles at you
  86. >"For what it's worth. I'm glad you made it here. I hope you like it. I still don't like the ritzy look, you know?"
  87. >Not really
  88. "Thank you."
  89. >You part ways with the armored blue pony and enter the office
  90. >It is just as ornate and fancy looking as everywhere else
  91. >An aged man is sitting on a very cushy looking chair
  92. >It looks low enough that you would be able to get into it
  93. >Near him, to the side, is a small desk that seems just as unusually low
  94. >"Good afternoon, Angle Cake. How was your trip?"
  95. >He knows your name too
  96. >"Please, take a seat. Any will do."
  97. >He waves his hand over and you take notice that there are at least six styles of chairs to choose from
  98. >Which one are you supposed to choose?
  99. >Without thinking of it, you go for something similar to his
  100. >After hopping into it, you can feel yourself... sink
  101. >He chuckles at your surprised expression
  102. >"Yeah, these tend to be the most comfy. I don't blame you."
  103. >He nods and rubs his hands together
  104. >You watch him
  105. >He isn't saying anything else
  106. >But he does seem happy
  107. >What is he waiting for?
  108. >He asked a question, didn't he
  109. "My trip was... short. I slept through a lot of it. The driver was very good."
  110. >"Ha, I guess I did right to give him a bigger tip then. To be fair we are a little out in the sticks, aren't we."
  111. >He nods to himself
  112. >"What can I say, open space helps."
  113. >Apparently so
  114. >"Anyway, welcome Home. I'm the head caretaker here, Anonymous. You can call me Anon, everyone else does. You already met Miss Skylar I take it. She's a great friend to have, but do let her know if she goes too fast for you."
  115. >You don't feel the need to reply to anything
  116. >He looks relaxed
  117. >Eager, even
  118. >"Now, I did get some information here, before your adventure here. But can you tell me why you've wanted to come here?"
  119. >Finally something that interests you
  121. "Yes. I was told that I could reach Heaven through here. My friend is in Heaven and I said I would meet him there. His mother sent me here and said that you would take care of everything for me. Please help me."
  122. >The man is still smiling
  123. >But something in his eyes change
  124. >"I... I see. Yes, Heaven is... it is certainly a place."
  125. "Then you can take me there?"
  126. >Your wings fidget again
  127. >"In due time, I promise we'll get you to where you need to be."
  128. "Thank you. I can't keep him waiting."
  129. >He nods again and looks down at his hands
  130. >"Now... the focus of being here, Home. It's to do a lot of things. It is to prepare for Heaven, yes. But it is for other things too. It is to help get better too."
  131. "What do I need to get better at? My friend is waiting for me."
  132. >Your voice rises higher than you wanted
  133. >Louder too
  134. "I need to go to Heaven. He misses me, I know it. We've never been apart."
  135. >"I understand that. And I'm glad you've always been there for him. With him. You will continue to be with him."
  136. "Then please show me how to get to Heaven. I am here to go to Heaven and I have done everything I was told to. I am ready. Take me there."
  137. >Your voice starts to shake
  138. >The agitation in your voice is spreading to your body
  139. >You're trembling
  140. >Anon watches you with an expression that you can't easily discern
  141. >He looks like he knows exactly what you mean
  142. >Why is he just sitting there then?
  143. "He's waiting. I told him I would be there as soon as I could. I've taken too long already, he's going to get lost without me."
  144. >You put more emphasis on your words
  145. >You can feel your throat go drier with every word
  146. >The more you speak, the more your vision blurs
  147. "His mother told me I could meet him there. You need to help me. You have to help me, please."
  148. >You don't remember the last time you've been so distraught
  149. >So lost
  150. >You are lost
  151. >You have no idea where you are
  152. >You don't know who you're talking to
  153. >Your friend is gone
  154. >Your friend's parents are gone
  155. >Your entire family is gone and you're in some sinking chair and
  156. >Your mind empties
  157. >You let out a loud wail
  158. >Your eyes shut hard
  159. >You can't handle that you've said these words
  160. >For the first time you've said those things
  161. >Your friend is in Heaven, and you're not
  162. >It wasn't his fault
  163. "I'm his guardian Angel, I have to be with him."
  164. >It took multiple attempts but you finally forced out that sentence
  165. >You know your purpose, you have to fulfill it for him
  166. >Why else would you be here if this didn't put you closer to your goal?
  167. >You expend all of your energy while just sitting there
  168. >Hooves stamping into the soft cushion, leaving no sound
  169. >Wings flapping and sliding against the arm rests and back
  170. >More wailing and repeating yourself through screams
  171. >Only when you feel like all of your energy has left you does Anon speak up
  172. >"I'm sorry. But I promise you I will help you through it. Any way I can."
  173. >That renews a new storm of tears
  174. >He means it
  175. >You can tell
  176. >You can hear it
  177. >It takes even longer to calm down
  179. >Your eyes feel sore
  180. >Your throat feels harsh
  181. >You've never felt this way before
  182. >Your vision eventually clears
  183. >The old man looks concerned
  184. >Like he knows exactly what you want
  185. >"Would you like to go for a walk outside? Some fresh air might help."
  186. >It takes what feels like hours for you to gather enough strength to nod
  187. >But you do
  188. >"Alright. Thankfully there are no real allergies up here so it'll save your throat from some extra grief."
  189. >He flashes a short-lived smile
  190. >"It... does for me, anyway. Let's go."
  191. >You get up almost at the same speed as him
  192. >You feel so lethargic
  193. >You can hear him huff and shift upward into a mostly straight standing position
  194. >"Good grief those chairs just suck you in, don't they?"
  195. >You can tell he means that as something to smile at but you don't have the will to
  196. >He nods to himself and waves his hand to the door
  197. >Without even touching it, it slides to an open position
  198. >"Follow me, I'll show you a shortcut outside. Better than going through the front door."
  199. >You oblige
  200. >After more turns and a distance you don't care to pay attention, you find yourself on a large patio
  201. >It's guarded by a semi-circle of stone, with a stair case off to the side
  202. >Now that you're back outside, and above ground level, you can see just how big the area is
  203. >A ton of trees
  204. >Some big hills
  205. >Even what looks like a little pond
  206. >"Home... kinda the home I always wanted. I'm glad I could make it. I hope it would make a good Home for you too. Others like it."
  207. "Home..."
  208. >It sounds weird to say that
  209. >Home is where your friends and family are
  210. >You have no family here
  211. >You have no friends
  212. >You stop yourself from sitting back down, your mouth twitching into a variety of expressions
  213. >"Anywhere you'd like to see up close, Angel?"
  214. >Nothing comes to mind
  215. >You see that one tree has a tire swing on it
  216. >One hill has some sort of unnatural blue lane on it that goes all the way down
  217. "Can we see the pond?"
  218. >"Sure can. I'm not much of a swimmer these days but that's good, since it doesn't go down super deep. Let's take the stairs."
  219. >You follow him to the stairs and stop
  220. >They look weird
  221. >One side looks like normal stairs
  222. >The other side looks like the steps are twice as small
  223. >Anon stops and waits for you to take it in
  224. >"They look kinda funny, don't they? I know how ponies are with some stairs so this is to make it easier for them. But you can use which ever set you like, there's more than enough space for both."
  225. >You decide on the shorter stairs
  226. >They actually feel quite nice to use
  227. >You reach the bottom before Anon does by maybe a third
  228. >He huffs, shaking his head
  229. >"Every year, it really seems someone keeps adding more steps."
  230. >He chuckles, giving you another smile
  231. >"But glad to see that someone is energized. Let's check out that pond, yeah?"
  232. >You look up at him
  233. >You don't know how this will get you to Heaven but you nod
  234. >It would be nice to see anyway
  236. >You walk with him, taking in the sight of it all
  237. >The air smells fresh, unlike anything you've noticed before
  238. >The sky seems so blue it's almost like a cartoon
  239. >You can see even a few other ponies playing in the distance
  240. >"Heh. Sometimes running around can solve a lot of problems. You know?"
  241. >He took notice of your attention
  242. "We used to play a lot outside."
  243. >"I bet. No amount of video games or reading can quite compare, can it?"
  244. >You eventually reach the pond with Anon
  245. >It looks deep
  246. >It looks like it stretches out really far too
  247. >"It's all natural, if you can believe it. Not a lot of fish, but enough where mosquitos aren't as big a problem as you'd think. I think that's how that works. We get a lot of birds out here too."
  248. >It sounds interesting but you don't know how any of that has to do with the pond
  249. "It looks nice."
  250. >"It's clean, too. We all do what we can to take care of it. Plus when winter comes around and it's all frozen over... pretty good fun. Just don't fall."
  251. >He pats his hip
  252. >"Trust me on that."
  253. >You sit down on the grass
  254. >Even the grass is soft
  255. >Back at home it was sometimes brown and felt like tacks in certain areas
  256. >Here it is all green and where you are feels soft
  257. >He sits down beside you, sighing
  258. >"I used to treat this little spot like a fishing spot. But I realized it wouldn't be so great if I caught me a pony instead of a fish. But... one day I could find a seahorse too."
  259. "Seahorses are only out in the ocean."
  260. >You remember that information quickly
  261. >"Ah, that's right... well, you never know. You know?"
  262. >You don't understand what he means by that
  263. >You keep watching the water
  264. >You get up, take a few steps forward, and sit back down
  265. >You're close enough that you can see your reflection
  266. >You can see your face
  267. >And the bright, vibrant blue sky behind you
  268. >Heaven is right in front of you
  269. >Or maybe it's just right behind you
  270. >You swallow and bring your head closer to the water line
  271. >Part of your mane dips into the water
  272. >Heaven is right in front of you
  273. >He's waiting
  274. >You know he is
  275. >All it takes is a small wave to disrupt the image of yourself and the sky
  276. >You can see a small portion of grass that's under the water line
  277. >You could see Heaven but now you only see the floor of the edge
  279. >"And here is our TV room. Our esteemed Miss Rylee takes care of our cataloging and maintenance of the projectors and such. She... where is she, anyway?"
  280. >Anon has been giving you a tour of the grounds
  281. >A lot of the ponies have introduced themselves to you
  282. >Some of them are weird and bulky looking, like Skylar
  283. >Some look like you
  284. >Most don't have wings, but a lot of them have the same hair style
  285. >Almost the same faces too
  286. >But you know that is probably a coincidence
  287. >You sit in front of an incredibly wide wooden shelf
  288. >It's three layers high, reaching a few feet above your head
  289. >DVDs
  290. >Blu-Ray discs
  291. >Old VHS tapes too
  292. >"I know, let's send her a little ping..."
  293. >Anon doesn't sound like he's talking to you
  294. >The movies are alphabetized
  295. >A lot of them are animated
  296. >There are at least a dozen movies lumped together, all titled 'The Land Before Time'
  297. >You think you remember that one
  298. >You reach out to touch the case
  299. >"N-no touching, please!"
  300. >A new voice calls out in a minor panic
  301. >"Ah! Rylee, glad you could make it. We have a new friend visiting today."
  302. >He must mean you
  303. >You keep your hoof raised and turn your head to the voices
  304. >Beside the old man is a svelte green pony
  305. >Her mane is long and straight, covering near half of her face
  306. >Like Skylar, she looks like she's wearing some sort of clunky armor
  307. >The green on the plates don't look nearly as faded
  308. >The front of her chest looks more vibrant than the bottom of her legs
  309. >She catches her gaze with her own and flashes an awkward smile
  310. >"Yes, thank you for pinging me Anon."
  311. >She trots up to you in a hurry
  312. >"I'm Miss Rylee, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."
  313. >She reaches up and pulls your hoof down
  314. >"Please don't touch the movies. I promise that I listen to every request but the cases, cover art, and discs are old."
  315. "Oh. I'm sorry. He liked that movie."
  316. >"He...?"
  317. >Rylee glances over you and turns her head back to Anon
  318. >You can almost hear the same whirring that Skylar made from her
  319. >He nods
  320. >"That... is correct."
  321. >Rylee looks at you again
  322. "My friend is in Heaven. My name is Angel. I was told to come here."
  323. >The color doesn't drain from her face
  324. >But her jaw drops a little
  325. >"O... oh. I see."
  326. >She looks over you with curiously bright eyes
  327. >"I'm indic... uh... I bet you would like to watch that movie very much right now."
  328. >You nod
  329. >Your head feels so heavy when you nod
  330. "Yes please. It was one of his favorites."
  331. >Rylee sits
  332. >"Tell me more."
  333. "He liked that movie. And... one with mice."
  334. >"Fievel?"
  335. >She perks up, smiling wide
  336. "I... think so."
  337. >Your head droops
  338. "I can't watch movies... I need to go to Heaven. I'm here so I can go there."
  339. >"I understand."
  340. >Rylee scoots forward to hug you
  341. >For having an armored body her plates feel soft
  342. >You don't return the gesture
  343. >"It's ok to breathe out. Sometimes giving a big, hard sigh can make a lot of things better."
  344. >Is that true?
  345. >"Can you try that for me please?"
  346. >You inhale
  347. >...
  348. >And exhale
  350. >You exhale for so long that you feel light-headed
  351. >You lean more into the hug
  352. >Rylee feels like a warm blanket
  353. >"Thank you. I know it won't solve everything but I promise that if you do that every now and again, you'll feel so much better."
  354. "Thank you."
  355. >Your eyes wander around the room
  356. >There are big, soft looking bean bag chairs everywhere
  357. >Each one has it's own color
  358. >Some look bigger than others
  359. >Some don't even look like they're made with the same materials
  360. >Your eyes wander to Anon
  361. >He's watching
  362. >His focus doesn't seem to waver to anything else
  363. "Thank you."
  364. >You repeat yourself
  365. >You aren't really sure who you're saying that to
  366. >You relax into the hug for so long you forget that Rylee is even hugging you
  367. >She has barely moved at all
  368. "...Can you release me? I'm hungry."
  369. >Rylee lets go of you, smiling
  370. >"Oh, of course. Your rea... er, really hungry I bet. You need to remember to eat to keep your strength up."
  371. >That's right
  372. >You remember that you used to tell him that too when he wasn't hungry
  373. >He would go entire days without eating
  374. >What little he did eat, it was something unusual
  375. >Like only slices of cheese and milk
  376. >You feel a heavy weight tugging at your chest
  377. >"You know, that would be a good idea. We haven't checked out the kitchen yet either. Would you like to see what we have?"
  378. >Eyes focused more on the past, you blink a few times to see the present
  379. "Oh. Yes. Yes please."
  380. >You look at Rylee
  381. "Would you like to eat with me?"
  382. >Rylee gives a shy smile
  383. >"Oh, me? I'm... uh. I'm not hungry. I usually save myself for dinner. Which is coming, in a few hours!"
  384. >You find that a little odd but you don't mind
  385. "Ok. Thank you for the hug."
  386. >You stand and distance yourself from her, following Anon
  387. >He only moves when you're close enough
  388. >"Thank you for the help, Rylee. I'll talk to you a little more later about those things."
  389. >"Of course, Anon! Say 'hi' to her for me!"
  390. >You try to keep your mind focused on your environment
  391. >How all of the art on the walls seem to be... not professionally made, or famous
  392. >Some of it looks really good, despite the weird styles
  393. >"And here's the dining room... but honestly, everyone is so tidy, we tend to eat outside or in the movie room. So this is only really for big events."
  394. >The dining room he leads you into is really something
  395. >What must be a thousand pictures are on all walls, all of them framed
  396. >Some are so small or at such an angle that you can't actually see many of them all that well
  397. >At the center are three long, narrow tables that are pushed up against each other
  398. >There are dozens of chairs on each side, each with a ramp that you could see yourself going up to sit without having to jump
  399. >The only exception is the chair at the far end of the table's edge
  400. >Even the chair on the opposite far side has a chair with a ramp
  402. >"Yup... back when we tried to be more 'official', I guess, we would have everything here. But some ponies would sway and fall and hurt themselves, or you might have little personality conflicts that might not make things so fun... we were really trying to just figure it all out. Guess it goes to show that sometimes less is more."
  403. >You gaze over the pictures while he speaks
  404. >One big one that isn't shining too bright from the sunlight shows just two in it
  405. >Anon and a pink pony
  406. >He really looks younger
  407. >The pony looks like a knight, like Skylar
  408. >But her plates look a little more dinged up
  409. >Both of them look happy
  410. >"And here's the... oops. Something up?"
  411. >He didn't even seem to notice that you stopped walking with him
  412. >He chuckles and makes his way back to you
  413. >"Guess I should've known our wall of milestones would've catch your eye. Which one are you looking at?"
  414. "This one. Who is she?"
  415. >You point up at the one that stands out to you
  416. >He carefully plucks it from the wall and kneels down to show it to you
  417. >"That... is yours truly. Way back when I first bought this land. To be honest, I couldn't afford it. Not a single acre. But I got a nice loan...or grant... whatever you call it, it's the same thing."
  418. "But who is she? The pony in the picture?"
  419. >You can hear Anon gulp
  420. >"That... that's my wife."
  421. >He chuckles to himself
  422. >It's a sort of chuckle where whenever it slows down, it picks up again
  423. >Like he's remembering a new reason each time
  424. >"She's... uh. Well."
  425. >He doesn't continue his words
  426. >He gulps again
  427. >"Yeah. She's my wife. And I love her more now than I ever could have back then."
  428. >He chuckles with a grin
  429. >"And no, it doesn't mean I didn't love you then either you goof."
  430. >Who is he talking to?
  431. >He seems like he's talking to the photo
  432. >"It was our idea to get a place. Not together, I mean we were always together. But a real place we could work out of."
  433. >He gulps once more
  434. >"Our goal was to help out others. To really, genuinely, make a difference in the world. Almost no one would believe in us but we got funding. Especially with the release of your types, we were always busy at the word 'go'."
  435. >He pets your shoulder
  436. >Another gulp
  437. >"Yeah, and... yeah. Heheh."
  438. >Another chuckle
  439. >But this one doesn't sound as real
  440. >"Yup. She's my wife. You'll probably see her one day. She's just like me, always busy busy busy."
  441. >He holds onto the photo and struggles to stand up
  442. >Rather than put it back on the wall, he keeps it
  443. >"Of course, you know. It wasn't just us. We had help from the very start. We were five. Five, we were..."
  444. >None of the pictures stand out to you
  445. >Not really
  446. >None of them include his wife, that you can tell
  447. >"Yeah... I'll tell you more history if you'd like, later. I don't mind it at all."
  448. "Yes, please. Thank you."
  449. >"So."
  450. >You hear a sniffle
  451. >"How about that lunch, huh?"
  453. >"How is your sandwich?"
  454. "It is good. Thank you."
  455. >You didn't realize how hungry you were
  456. >Anon asked you what you wanted and you just couldn't decide
  457. >So he made a little bit of everything
  458. >Grilled cheese
  459. >Crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich
  460. >Apple butter and blueberry jam sandwich
  461. >And a thermos of soup to wash it down, straw included for easy drinking
  462. >Instead of being sent to a room or outside, he led you to the TV room
  463. "Rylee?"
  464. >Miss Rylee had been watching you the entire time
  465. >It took almost an entire movie's length of time before you touched any of it
  466. >"Yes, Angel?"
  467. >Your head sinks
  468. >Not only did you eat a lot, you even were given a beanbag to lay on
  469. >It is a vibrant yellow, like your body
  470. >Your mane is different though
  471. >Sky blue
  472. >He liked how blue your mane was
  473. >"What would you like to ask me?"
  474. >The corner of your mouth twitches
  475. "Is it ok that I'm here?"
  476. >"Oh, of course it is! I'm very happy that you're here. Skylar is too. And Anon is really happy that you're here too. He always feels happier when he gets to help someone new."
  477. >He did seem happy to talk to you
  478. >Even though you didn't talk back for a lot of it
  479. " it expensive to be here? When I heard about medicine, insurance wouldn't a lot of it. They..."
  480. >You feel something stopping you from speaking
  481. >Like a hand on your throat
  482. "The insurance said..."
  483. >Your mouth twitches again
  484. "That because I was there, they couldn't do it."
  485. >Did you say that?
  486. >It sounded like whoever said that was crying
  487. >Or trying to stop from crying
  488. >You aren't
  489. >You blink a few times
  490. >You... are?
  491. >Rylee watches
  492. >Her armored face looks so unusual but you feel like she understands you
  493. >"No... of course not, you don't need to worry about this at all. Everything is taken care of."
  494. >How could that be true?
  495. >Everything costs money
  496. >Doesn't it?
  497. >"All that matters is that you feel better."
  498. >Rylee nods
  499. >"Trust me, I have spent my entire life helping people. Like Anon and like you too. Nothing else brings me such comfort."
  500. >You do not believe her
  501. >You do not think she is lying to you either
  502. "What do I do?"
  503. >You need to get to Heaven
  504. >He still needs you
  505. >"I wish I could tell you, Angel. But I can tell you what I believe would be a really good idea."
  506. "What is that?"
  507. >She smiles in earnest
  508. >"We're watching Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School during dinner! You can make some friends too. Everyone is really friendly here."
  509. >You did see other ponies outside
  510. "Who else is here?"
  511. >"Not a lot, actually. We're a pretty small group. There's me, Skylar, of course Anon is here and..."
  512. >She lolls her head back and forth
  513. >"I mean... I guess..."
  514. >She shakes her head
  515. >"Well, it's mostly us three. But then there's Berry Cake, Carrot Cake, Plum Cake and... now you, Angel Cake!"
  516. >You have never heard of them before
  517. "Are they... also looking for Heaven?"
  518. >Rylee's smile fades
  519. >"I... I suppose they are. In a way."
  520. >What does that mean?
  522. >"Plum has been here the longest. Please be nice to her, she's sorta like... an older sister to all of us!"
  523. >Rylee giggles with a nod
  524. >"She is super sweet, and she's always happy to play if you ask her."
  525. >She gently pats the soft carpeted floor with her hoof
  526. >"And then there's Carrot! She loves cartoons almost as much as I do! If not even more! She's never late, even if it means cutting other things short."
  527. >Rylee leans in, beaming
  528. >"Her favorite cartoon series is Scooby Doo too. She thinks she's Velma sometimes because she's orange and Velma always dresses in orange."
  529. >You've seen Scooby Doo before
  530. >You remember watching cartoons with him when he was healthy but it feels like it was so long ago
  531. >How long ago was it, really?
  532. >"Berry Cake is much more new. I think, like you, she might not want to stay here forever... but that's ok! She really is doing her best to feel better."
  533. >The joy in Rylee's voice fades with each word
  534. >"She... she's really doing her best. That's all anyone could ask. I remember when she first came in."
  535. >The light in her eyes don't fade
  536. >Her eyes look... weird
  537. >Did you notice this before?
  538. >Up close she doesn't look like a normal pony
  539. >It isn't just the armor plates on her
  540. "Will they be happy to meet me?"
  541. >She nods deeply, the smile returning
  542. >"Of course! We're all Home. Everyone is the most relaxed and have the most fun at home, don't they?"
  543. >You feel relief
  544. >At least a little bit of relief
  545. >"Dinner time is in another half hour. They'll all be in here. Carrot might not want to talk during the movie unless it's about what's going on, but Plum would love to meet you."
  546. "Can I sit near Plum?"
  547. >"Of course you can! You can sit or lay wherever you like. You can even take a nap, no one would mind it. Of course, bed time is after dinner..."
  548. >She leans in and whispers
  549. >"Though to be honest, sometimes we stay up late to watch more movies. Don't tell Skylar, ok? She likes the rules but Anon and I like to be lenient."
  550. >You like her
  551. >She's very kind
  552. "I promise I won't tell her."
  553. >"Great! Would you like to help me decide what we should watch for tomorrow at dinner time? If you want to watch something we don't have, I'm sure Anon will find it for us!"
  555. >Talking to Rylee has made you feel so much more at ease
  556. >You keep wanting to ask her questions but she wants to keep you focused on movies
  557. >You're happy that she's doing that
  558. >You aren't thinking about negative things when you're talking about that
  559. >"Rylee Doo, where are youuuuuuu!"
  560. >You jump at a shrill cry that echoes throughout the house
  561. >A bright orange pegasus gallops in, her wings flapping to give her extra speed
  562. >"Jinkiiiiiiiiiies!"
  563. >She takes a leap up and glides over your head, landing squarely on an orange beanbag chair
  564. >She looks... like you?
  565. >She looks like how you used to look, in an old picture
  566. >Except the sides of her bangs are much longer
  567. >"Are we ready? Where is everypony?"
  568. >Wait a minute
  569. >Where is that picture?
  570. >You didn't bring it with you
  571. >You don't have it
  572. >"Great landing! Sorry Carrot, you're still two and a half minutes early. Don't worry, being first means you get to have first dibs on where you get to watch!"
  573. >You don't have even a picture of him
  574. >The realization makes you feel like the back of your head is floating
  575. >How could you forget?
  576. >How will you ever get it?
  577. >"Ooh! New friend, new friend!"
  578. >You would never forget his face
  579. >But right now you can't remember it
  580. >What in the world do you do?
  581. >"Hellooooooo? New friend? Is anybody in there?"
  582. >Carrot is in front of your face
  583. >How did she get there?
  584. >All of your senses snap back to the point you feel dizzy
  585. "I... I'm sorry. I'm."
  586. >Who are you right now?
  587. >You aren't the pony he knew
  588. >Are you?
  589. >Still?
  590. "A-Angel Cake."
  591. >"An angel! So cool!"
  592. >Without waiting, she hugs you tight
  593. >"I'm Carrot Cake, I'm the biggest Scooby Doo fan you'll ever meet! Everypony wants to watch all sorts of stuff but I enjoy watching every mystery The Gang goes through, from A to Z! I've even made up my own mysteries! Wanna hear about them later?"
  594. >She speaks with so much energy
  595. >"Maybe... tomorrow? Angel is still new to all of this so let her just watch for tonight, ok? She's already eaten so don't get upset if she gets sleepy."
  596. >Rylee squeezes between you and her and gently pushes her away with a few steps
  597. >"I'm sure she would love to hear about it but let her adjust for now, ok?"
  598. >"Awww... ok. But I want to show her everything later!"
  599. >Carrot backs away and trots back to her beanbag chair
  600. >"From the sounds of it, Carrot is first. Is Berry here too?"
  601. >You hear what sounds like a more mature, relaxed voice
  602. >A dark purple pegasus casually trots in
  603. >Her mane is far less cared for, and longer than yours
  604. >It is swept all to her right side
  605. >Her face...
  606. >It is also like your own
  607. >Is it your imagination?
  608. >Your eyes meet with hers
  609. >"You aren't Berry. Anon told us that we would be getting a new friend."
  610. >She trots closer to you
  611. >She's a good size larger than you
  612. >"My name is Plum Cake. I'm happy that you've made it here."
  613. "I'm happy to meet you. I am Angel Cake."
  615. >"Another Cake? We should rename Home to a Bakery. Please let me know if you need any help getting around. Skylar isn't always the most patient."
  616. >She sounds like an authority figure
  617. "I will. Thank you."
  618. >"And you need to be careful about running inside. Remember last time when you knocked over that table?"
  619. >Carrot scoffs
  620. >"It was fine, nothing was hurt!"
  621. >"You were hurt."
  622. >"It wasn't even a big deal!"
  623. >"Well it wasn't to me."
  624. >Plum goes to her beanbag chair
  625. >It looks at least twice as big as yours
  626. >It fits, though she isn't twice as big as you
  627. >"Now Plum, Carrot was feeling ok. And she's still doing ok now. That's all that matters, right?"
  628. >Rylee is messing with a big plastic box
  629. >It doesn't look like a DVD case at all
  630. >Some sort of black brick sticks to the bottom of her hoof
  631. >"Looks like somepony didn't rewind it... again! We'll just have to wait a few more minutes."
  632. >"At least it means that Berry will get here on time."
  633. >"No way! I thought I rewound it for sure!"
  634. >The addition of two ponies make the room feel so much more lively
  635. >You feel out of place
  636. >Everyone is so friendly with each other
  637. >You aren't friends with any of them
  638. >Not yet at least
  639. >Rather than watching the whirring machine that took the black brick inside of fitself, you watch the open entrance to the room
  640. >A rich pink pegasus has been standing there
  641. "Berry Cake?"
  642. >The pegasus flinches and nods
  643. >She slowly trots in, trying to sneak her way in
  644. >"Finally, the last of our gang is here! No need to be afraid of Angel, I'll give you some Berry Bites if you really need it!"
  645. >Berry doesn't seem to react to Carrot's cheer
  646. >She takes a seat on her color-appropriate beanbag chair
  647. >Between you and Plum
  648. >You have the urge to talk to her
  649. >What could you talk to her about?
  650. >Would you want to be spoken to?
  651. >Rylee made you feel better
  652. >You turn your head and try your best to smile
  653. "I'm Angel Cake."
  654. >What is it that everyone else has been saying?
  655. "I'm... happy to meet you. I've been told that it is very fun here."
  656. >Berry avoids eye contact with you
  657. >Only after a short time does she nod
  658. >"I think so."
  659. >"Come on, isn't it done rewinding yet?! We got mysteries to solve!"
  660. >"You haven't seen this one yet, have you Carrot? There isn't a big mystery in the Ghoul School."
  661. >"Sure there is! Everything's a mystery if you think hard enough!"
  662. >It feels even more lively in here
  663. >It's only really missing Skylar and Anon
  664. >Where are they, anyway?
  666. >You feel so warm
  667. >You're home
  668. >You had such a terrible dream
  669. >If only you could remember it
  670. >At least it's time to wake up now
  671. >He's been a little under the weather but you know that with a little pep and stretching, everything will be ok
  672. >And if that doesn't work, a big breakfast will!
  673. >It has to
  674. >Even if he said it was something bad, you know you'll make it better
  675. "Ow!"
  676. >Your head hurts
  677. >What?
  678. >Why does it hurt?
  679. >You can barely see, your vision is too blurry
  680. >You wipe your eyes with your hooves until your eyes clear
  681. >You're facing a wall
  682. >In the background is...
  683. >Scooby Doo
  684. >Oh
  685. >You aren't home
  686. >You're in Home instead
  687. >The energy drains from your body
  688. >It was a dream
  689. >Of course it was a dream...
  690. >He didn't know it was going to be so bad
  691. >He told you everything
  692. >There was no way in the world he would keep that secret or act like it wouldn't be bad
  693. >You look over the room
  694. >Carrot Cake is sleeping on her back in her beanbag chair
  695. >Plum is sleeping too
  696. >Berry isn't where you last saw her
  697. >Miss Rylee isn't either
  698. >You luckily didn't stamp on your last sandwich or knock over the thermos
  699. >There is no clock in the room but you feel fresh
  700. >You don't remember the last time you slept so long you weren't aware of what was around you
  701. >Maybe talking to her might help
  702. >You stretch and sneak out of the movie room
  703. >You don't know how many times the movie has been replaying but it's probably ok
  704. >You enter the foyer and see that... no one is there
  705. >The main lights are off but there are a ton of little lights all along the walls and stairs
  706. >It outlines everything well enough to know where you can walk
  707. >You have the urge to call out but you don't want to wake everyone
  708. >What can you do?
  709. >You don't feel like you can just... go back to sleep
  710. >Go back to that dream
  711. >If you did, you wouldn't be able to handle waking up again
  712. >You close your eyes to focus
  713. >You can hear... something
  714. >Talking?
  715. >Keeping your eyes just barely open, you sneak toward the sound
  716. >You can hear Rylee
  717. >And Anon
  718. >Anon's voice stands out the most from everyone else
  719. >"...said she made up her mind."
  720. >You stop
  721. >You can hear enough from where you are
  723. >"You can't be serious. We were having fun today!"
  724. >"I know. I saw her too when I was with Miss Angel. She looked like she was at peace."
  725. >"But... doesn't she know that she'll miss more movies? And, and... what about the food you can make?"
  726. >"I can't believe she actually wants this..."
  727. >"I know, girls. But she's been here for almost two months now. Has it been that long...?"
  728. >"It isn't long enough for her to make this choice."
  729. >"It isn't long enough for her to watch all of our stuff..."
  730. >"I know. Trust me, I know. But I've been doing some digging into her past. What she has told me... I believe she understands her choice. She knows what this will entail. It isn't our job to... to force her to believe something. Our job is to do what we can. And... to ultimately let them decide the way their lives should go."
  731. >He sounds so sad
  732. >"We can't give back to her what she's lost. None of us can. But we can give her everything we have to offer and hope, really hope..."
  733. >Miss Skylar sounds more angry than sad
  734. >"Hope, nothing! You didn't give up on me and look, I'm still here! I'm better than ever!"
  735. >Miss Rylee sounds like...
  736. >How she sounded before
  737. >"...Chai was the same, you know. I still miss her."
  738. >"I do too, Rye. But that... that was something that we could have helped with."
  739. >"Listen. I told her that I would ask her again in a week. And if she hasn't changed her mind, I'll call Nona and... well. We can give her a party. At least we can give her a full day for just herself. You remember her favorite movies, right?"
  740. >His voice isn't steady anymore
  741. >"...I do."
  742. >"And Rylee? You'll set up the field?"
  743. >"...of course."
  744. >"Then alright. Sunday morning, she's our champ. And we don't let her forget that for a second. Even when she's walking through that gate, we don't let up for a second. Alright?"
  745. >He sounds completely different from the more... happy man who spoke to you
  746. >You don't hear anything from either of them
  747. >"...alright. Thank you for helping her with this. Maybe... maybe we can change her mind."
  748. >More silence
  749. >You can feel warmth going down the sides of your face
  750. >You get up, feeling the weight of inescapable guilt do it's best to hold you down
  751. >Before you can walk off, you hear Anon again
  752. >"How is Angel doing?"
  753. >Rylee speaks up quick
  754. >"The poor dear fell asleep almost as soon as the movie started. She really is a sweet girl, isn't she?"
  755. >"I... haven't had much time to talk to her. I'm going for a walk."
  756. >You can hear someone stomping off
  757. >Miss Skylar, from the sounds of it
  759. >"Did she eat? I kinda... well, I went overboard I think. She wasn't speaking up all that much."
  760. >"Oh no, she ate quite a lot. No one minded her getting her dinner early. I did leave her soup and last sandwich there though. Just in case she wanted it later."
  761. >"Thank you. I... I think..."
  762. >He sighs hard enough that you flinch
  763. >It sounded loud enough that he could be right beside you
  764. >"I think she might be ok. I hope. I'm talking to her family and... the mother isn't too helpful. But I'm trying to get something for her that I think she needs."
  765. >"What are you trying to get?"
  766. >"A picture. A video. Anything. As much as I can. If I were her, I would probably want something like that. A keepsake."
  767. >"I understand... Anon?"
  768. >"Yes?"
  769. >She sounds like she's making herself sound even quieter
  770. >You creep closer toward them
  771. >You still have no clue where you are but you think you're getting close to a door way
  772. >"...I never asked. But... about Piera..."
  773. >Who's Piera?
  774. >"I know... it might not be kind to ask. How are you doing?"
  775. >You hear another sigh
  776. >Much softer
  777. >"I'm... doing what I can. And that's focusing on what matters."
  778. >"Does that include yourself?"
  779. >"Right now, Angel matters. Berry matters."
  780. >"But you can't forget yourself..."
  781. >"I know. I haven't. But it... I... it's all I can do to feel better, right now. It's what she would have done."
  782. >"It's what she's always done."
  783. >"Exactly."
  784. >"...alright. I'm sorry for bringing it up. I-"
  785. >"No, it's. It's alright. It's about time I stop holding that sort of thing in."
  786. >"It is. I miss her too. None of us would be here otherwise."
  787. >"Yeah... it's late. I'm... gonna turn in. Can you watch over the girls for me? Plum wanted to talk to me, she said that she's been having trouble staying asleep. I think it may be stress."
  788. >"Of course. Those giant, colorful lumps are so comfy that I could spend a month on one. I'm sure they must feel like they're sleeping on a cloud."
  789. >"Thank you, Rylee."
  790. >Footsteps
  791. >They come closer far faster than your mind tells you to hide or leave
  792. >"W-whoops!"
  793. >Anon stumbles, nearly avoiding you
  794. >"O-oh. Hey there, Angel. Did you have trouble sleeping?"
  795. >You can't tell him
  796. >You simply nod and sniffle
  797. >You have not kept track of the flow of your tears
  798. >"Poor girl... I understand how that is. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping too."
  799. >He kneels down and pets your head
  800. >It's so dim you can't see his face
  801. >But you can see a pair of streaks down his face that catch the light
  802. >"Is there anything I can do to help you?"
  803. >You remember his words
  804. >Of course you would remember them
  805. >It takes a few choked attempts but you do manage to speak
  806. >"Can you sleep in the movie room too? I want a friend nearby."
  807. >"Me? Well I don't see why not. You might not have seen them but we do keep a nice stockpile of colorful blankets too, for when it's extra chilly. Let me grab a few to show you; I sleep like a rock every time I'm under one. Maybe you might too?"
  809. >He stands and you follow
  810. >Maybe you weren't supposed to hear all of that
  811. >He isn't chastising you
  812. >He isn't even acting like you might have heard it
  813. >If he's really trying to get something for you, you have to help him too
  814. >It's what friends do
  816. >"Alright, since this is your first morning here, we're gonna do something a little special. We used to do this every day, once upon a time but it... ah... well, after a while there's not always so much to talk about. Would you like to go first or last?"
  817. " last?"
  818. >"Alright, that works for me. Plum can start us off then."
  819. >When you woke up, Anon was still right there beside you
  820. >The blanket he had was so fluffy you ended up resting your head on it instead of the beanbag chair
  821. >For breakfast, you were told you could have anything
  822. >So you asked for toast with extra butter and oatmeal with bananas in it
  823. >You ate a lot of it
  824. >It used to be his favorite too, and so it was your favorite too
  825. >Everyone ate at their own pace but when everyone finished, Anon helped everyone get the beanbag chairs in a loose circle
  826. >Anon, Skylar, Rylee, Plum Cake, Carrot Cake, Berry Cake make up the circle
  827. >With you as the new point
  828. >"Thank you! I'm happy to start us going."
  829. >The big purple mare nods and gives you a smile
  830. >"My name is Plum Cake. I came from a big family. I've helped raise nearly a dozen children! Across multiple families, of course. My last family..."
  831. >Her smile shrinks
  832. >"Well. I was more of a surrogate mother. I took care of as much as I could. Due to liabilities, I was not able to continue. The man I helped raised his daughters with fell ill and his insurance wasn't enough to take care of him."
  833. >Her smile shrinks more until it fades completely
  834. >"He... passed. Almost two years ago. It's getting close to two."
  835. >Her wings rustle
  836. >She tries to smile again
  837. >"But! He has a brother that took them in. A-and I write letters to the dears every month. They write back too. Of course, Anon helps me with emailing them but I also like letters since I can physically feel them."
  838. >She nods to herself, her eyes falling to the floor
  839. >"I wish I could help be there for them. But I understand that I can't do what a human mother can. But that's why I'm here. I can still stay in contact with them, their uncle doesn't mind at all. I'm hoping that we'll be able to figure something out. I love those girls so much."
  840. >She goes silent
  841. >Is it normal for there to be such a gap?
  842. >"Anyway... while I'm here, I want to help out as much as I can. Having some time to relax and play never hurts either, right?"
  843. >"Not at all. I'm glad to help you. Mail should be here in a few days. Their handwriting is improving a whole lot, isn't it?"
  844. >"It absolutely is! I remember when they wanted me to read to them. Now they're writing their own little books every single letter."
  845. >She sound like she's happy, at least when she's talking about the girls
  846. >Another silence fills the room
  848. >"Well... I'll go next then."
  849. >The armored blue pony re-sits herself
  850. >"My name is Missy Sky. But you can call me Skylar. I'm one of Anon's aids when it comes to keeping track of things. Every Home needs an extra pair of eyes and hooves, right?"
  851. >The only reply she gets is a few nods
  852. >"Waaaaay way back when Anon was a young man. He helped me out. He helped me out a lot. A whole lot more than I would have helped me. And thanks to him, I... got better."
  853. >She stands up, striking a pose with one of her front legs brought up
  854. >"And this is his custom build too! My old body was getting hard to use and I couldn't really keep up after a while. Now I'm as strong as an ox, as fast as a tiger, and I can even grab stuff."
  855. >She holds out her front leg
  856. >A quintet of little prods poke out
  857. >They all move independently of each other
  858. >"These are kinda like fingers to me. It's really cool."
  859. >She sits back in her beanbag chair
  860. >What's an ox?
  861. >"If anyone needs any help, don't be afraid to come to me if you can't find Anon. I'm like his right hand. Hoof. Whatever."
  862. >"It's true. If I'm busy with something and it's something she doesn't have access to, let her know and she'll ping me. She's also an incredible athlete. I haven't once been able to outrun her."
  863. >"Frakenstein's outdone you, doctor."
  864. >Skylar sounds so proud of herself
  865. >"Yeah yeah, be lucky I didn't stick bolts in your neck."
  866. >Anon chuckles and waves his hand at her
  867. >"That means I'm next!"
  868. >Carrot Cake bolts up, waving her front legs around
  869. >She looks sorta like Plum
  870. >Who looks sorta like you
  871. >But she's far too loud and hyper to be you
  872. >"My name's Carrot Cake, I used to work at a library!"
  873. >You've been to one of those before
  874. >"That's probably why I get along with Miss Rylee so well, we both love cartoons, movies and keeping track of them! I used to help read to visitors and would also handle cleanup. Which, you know, a lot of people eat food in libraries..."
  875. >Her eyes narrow at most of the empty plates and bowls that are still littered in the room from breakfast
  876. >"Kinda like here! But they try to hide the trash too."
  877. >She sits there, looking like she's done already
  878. >All eyes are on her
  879. >You won't be looked at like this, will you?
  880. >"And... ah. The library shut down. Or the programs that let me be there shut down. I used to live there, too! It was great. But even if I skipped meals, they said it was too much money."
  881. >Her voice mellows out until it finally sounds normal
  882. >"I was never a mom like Plum. But I really got to be kinda like the fun big sister to a lot of visitors. I could help with homework but what I really liked was hosting little mysteries for my gangs to solve. There was even a police officer that would help!"
  884. >She leans forward, hissing like she's trying to tell a quiet secret really loud
  885. >"I was sometimes both the perpetrator behind the mysteries and the second officer to report things to. I even had a dozen monster masks!"
  886. >She leans back, smiling
  887. >"I hope the city changes their mind soon. I know everyone misses me and I miss making mysteries! Anon helps me try to change their mind. We even have a petition! It's picking up steam so eventually they'll have to let me back!"
  888. >"We can only hope, Carrot. Worst case scenario, there's always another city or smaller town that you could go to, right?"
  889. >Carrot shrugs
  890. >"I mean... yeah. But MY gangs aren't in another city."
  891. >Anon chuckles
  892. >"Yeah. True. At least we're sending them new mysteries too. You're very creative, they'd be really silly to pass you up."
  893. >Next in line is Rylee
  894. >After her is only Berry
  895. >Then you'll have to speak up
  896. >Rylee stands up, with far more finesse than Skylar
  897. >"Good morning everyone. My name is Missy Rye. But you can call me Rylee."
  898. >She gives a short bow to everyone in turn
  899. >"I'm like Skylar, I'm a friend to Anon from a very long time ago. He also helped me a whole lot. I really do love him and Skylar for sticking with me for so long and helping me get so much stronger."
  900. >She strikes a more modest pose than what Skylar did
  901. >"My body is also thanks to Anon. A lot of my old body was damaged back then. I was very... self-conscious about it. After a while, like with Skylar, certain parts of me would get hard. But it also it was starting to affect my memory."
  902. >She sits back down
  903. >"Thankfully most of it has been recovered. I don't remember everything but there are enough mementos, reports and more to help remind me. I wouldn't be who I am today without Anon and Skylar helping me out through the really tough times."
  904. >She smiles
  905. >Her face looks different from Skylar
  906. >Even the way she smiles is different
  907. >"That is why I love being here! I want to help out however I can. I keep track of most of our archives and systems. Along with our movie and cartoon collection, of course! I also handle further acquisitions. We have digital copies of everything too, but I really don't think digital media will ever truly surpass analog systems. But it sure helps to keep a backup just in case!"
  908. >That was quick
  909. >Both of them had really quick times
  910. >All eyes go to Berry next
  911. >She doesn't look like she's excited to share
  912. >"My name is Berry Cake."
  913. >She stops and looks over everyone
  914. >At you
  915. >"I... used to be a big sister."
  916. >Her eyes go to her beanbag chair
  917. >"We used to be the best of friends and did everything together. Until he got older."
  918. >Another pause
  919. >"He said that he was embarrassed by me. Because I wanted to make things with him and watch cartoons together."
  920. >She looks like it physically hurts to speak
  921. >"And... I'm here now. And... it's a lot of fun! I promise! It's just..."
  922. >She deflates
  923. >"That's... that's all."
  925. >"I'm glad you're here, Berry. All of us are. We'll make it better. It might take time but it will get better."
  926. >Anon sounds confident
  927. >But you remember how he sounded last night
  928. >No one is smiling
  929. >The room is uncomfortably quiet
  930. >Wait
  931. >It's your turn now, isn't it?
  932. "I'm... Angel Cake?"
  933. >Everyone focuses on you the moment you speak
  934. >You are worried but everyone has been nice and considerate
  935. >You have been paying close attention too, of course
  936. "I.. am here to go to Heaven. I had a friend too. Maybe I was his... sister?"
  937. >You aren't really sure what you were to him
  938. >You were his Angel
  939. >What else mattered?
  940. "I... helped. Uh. Take care of him. We didn't go outside a lot. He would watch me fly, I can fly."
  941. >You jut out your wings as if you need to give proof
  942. >Three others have wings so they obviously can too
  943. "He was... always having to go to the doctor's. For as long as I could remember. For as long as he could remember too."
  944. >It feels like you're still there, in his room
  945. >The smell of food always overpowered the smell of medical equipment and medicine
  946. >You look forward
  947. >You can almost see him sleeping there
  948. "He always saw me as his guardian Angel, because every time he was worried or scared, I would be there. I helped him with everything. And mom."
  949. >You blink
  950. >You can't see him now?
  951. "H-his mom. She trusted me. She knew that I wouldn't let anything bad happen."
  952. >You feel like you're flying right now
  953. >But the food in your belly also makes you feel like you're sinking
  954. "I was there every hour. I called for help when his machine started letting out a lot of loud noises. I was never told how to do them."
  955. >You blink again
  956. >You can see him
  957. >You can see a lot of people around him too
  958. "When he was taken away, I was told that it would be ok. I couldn't go with them this time. Before, I always went with him but not this time. I was told that it was serious."
  959. >It feels hard to breathe
  960. "Money wasn't an issue. And I know I didn't do anything wrong. But it was something else that did it. Something else caused an issue."
  961. >You aren't sure if you're saying too much
  962. "I don't know how much time passed. I couldn't get in contact with mo-his mom. I was hungry but there were snacks in his room. But they were his. And his drinks too."
  963. >What is she doing right now?
  964. "When she came back... she looked empty. She looked like she was crying. She said he had gone to Heaven."
  965. >Your mouth feels so dry
  966. "After a... week or two. I forget. She said that she found out about Home. And she said that the people here would help me to go Heaven too. She promised that. She knows that he misses me. And I miss him."
  967. >You blink
  968. >The last thing you remember is seeing him sleeping
  969. >Breathing weird
  970. >Machines beeping
  971. >People easing him from his bed onto something narrow with wheels
  972. >Not a single person spoke to you
  973. >It was like any other day
  974. >What made that day so special?
  975. >Why did it happen that day?
  976. >There was improvement
  977. >The doctor was positive it would all be ok
  979. >There was even a priest to pray with you and him
  980. >That had to be a good sign
  981. >"Do you like it here?"
  982. >The sound of someone else speaking whips your mind back to the present
  983. >It's almost hard enough to make you feel sick
  984. "H... huh?"
  985. >You genuinely don't know who said that
  986. >"Do you like it here, Angel?"
  987. >That was Plum
  988. >Of course it was Plum
  989. >That's what she sounds like
  990. "Oh. Well... yes."
  991. >You can't make yourself smile
  992. >You don't have it in you
  993. "Everyone is so nice. He would have loved it here too."
  994. >You don't have anything else to say
  995. >You don't think you could speak anymore if you needed to
  996. >Your eyes hurt
  997. >But they feel dry
  998. >"I'm glad you're here, Angel."
  999. >That's Anon's voice
  1000. >"I mentioned it before but I've been talking with mom. She's having a really hard time too. But she knows that you're strong. She misses you too, she's going to send us some stuff soon. But right now it's just trying to get everything together. It'll be alright."
  1001. >"I'm glad you're here too. You're very kind."
  1002. >Rylee speaks up
  1003. >"And you can fly well too? You're gonna have to show me a few tricks of how well you do!"
  1004. >And Skylar
  1005. >"I bet I can fly further!"
  1006. >And Carrot
  1007. >You're in good company
  1008. >"Maybe but I've seen how you land..."
  1009. >Anon sounds like he's teasing her
  1010. >"I'm glad everyone is doing well. I don't know who else wants to but I'll be going outside for a walk. Anyone can join me if they like."
  1011. >Anon eases himself up
  1012. >As big as his beanbag chair is, it must not be easy for him to wobble out of it so easily
  1013. >Rylee speaks up
  1014. >"While isn't really the normal, I'm going to set up some episodes of Tom and Jerry! We recently bought a lot of tapes from a collector."
  1015. >Rather than speaking, Skylar takes to Anon's side
  1016. >So does Berry
  1017. >Carrot starts talking to Rylee about something
  1018. >Plum sits beside you
  1019. >You haven't budged
  1020. >"We have a small room up stairs. It doesn't have much but it does have a bible and a few other things you might like."
  1021. >She hums for a moment
  1022. >"It is... not like a library, but a really big reading room. Would you like to join me and read some things?"
  1023. >You can't say anything to her
  1024. >Something inside knows that you'll start crying if you do
  1025. >You nod
  1026. >"Alright. When you're ready, we can go. You might even like some of my favorite books too."
  1028. >The reading room is bigger than what you thought
  1029. >You had to go up stairs with Plum but that helped lead to a really nice, full view of the side of the grounds
  1030. >There are book shelves against the walls that go up to the ceiling, multiple shelves and tables that go up to your chest, there are even a few book shelves that form a wide, carpeted platform that has a collection of pillows on it
  1031. >You don't think you would feel safe going up there
  1032. >"Anon really spent no expense for this room, Angel. I believe this is the one room that was built with commentary. The suspended circle up there... well, I think Miss Skylar thought of that. It really does enhance the view of outside."
  1033. >Small lights are all over, outlining where the book shelves meet the floor and any edges that any pony might stumble against
  1034. >"Would you like to read anything in particular? We have both fiction and non-fiction. We have a surprising amount of... history... too..."
  1035. >In the middle of her words you take a few steps
  1036. >At the end of your third step you melt onto the floor
  1037. >You lay there, wings relaxing until you've completely sprawled yourself out
  1038. "I'll figure something out."
  1039. >That is your only reply
  1040. >Plum lets out some alarmed noise but when it has become apparent to her that you have no intention of moving, she calms down
  1041. >"O-oh. Of course. Well, I have... something nearby to read. So I'll get started on that. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you."
  1042. "I will. Thank you, Plum Cake."
  1043. >Her name sounds so weird
  1044. >It sounds too much like yours
  1045. >She almost sounds like you too
  1046. >That entire morning circle drained your energy
  1047. >What are you even doing here?
  1048. >You can't reach Heaven through here
  1049. >You can't see him again by just laying here
  1050. >The feeling of your chest and stomach sliding down your body makes you feel ill
  1051. >It feels like your body has turned to jello and it started melting
  1052. >If he were here with you, you would probably be at a window
  1053. >He used to be much more energetic, and you would play
  1054. >Even though he really didn't like getting dirty
  1055. >You never paid it any mind, yourself
  1056. >You close your eyes
  1057. >Is there a point to playing anymore?
  1058. >Can you honestly play again when you know you won't be happy?
  1059. >Can you smile like you used to?
  1060. >The next time you open your eyes, it is much brighter outside
  1061. >Rather than feel relaxed, you feel stiff
  1062. >You can hear hummimg
  1063. >Shifting yourself as little as you can, you can see that Plum is still there
  1064. >Still reading something and humming to herself
  1065. >She picks up on your movement and gives you a warm smile
  1066. >"Good afternoon, Angel. Did you feel the need for a little nap?"
  1067. >Your eyes fall to the floor
  1068. >You nod
  1069. >"Well that's ok. This morning was very important. You're in a quiet place and no one minds at all where you take a nap, really. As long as you aren't alone. Buddy systems are important."
  1070. >Is she your buddy?
  1071. >It makes enough sense
  1073. >You stretch yourself out until you can feel your joints strain
  1074. >You retreat into yourself until you're more sitting than laying
  1075. >Your mind feels muddy
  1076. >Not at all like how you are normally
  1077. "Is it ok if we can talk?"
  1078. >Plum nods, almost like she was waiting for you to ask
  1079. >"Of course it is! Is there anything you would like to talk about with me, Angel?"
  1080. >You don't reply
  1081. >That muddy slowness in your head hardens around your heart
  1082. >You've been too open already
  1083. >Your lips flinch in an attempt to speak
  1084. >Or to stifle any words
  1085. >Plum closes her book and sits beside you
  1086. >"It's ok, I can talk more if you prefer."
  1087. >After another conscious effort, you nod
  1088. >"I can do that. You know... I never thought I would be a mother. The first time, I..."
  1089. >She laughs
  1090. >More at herself than to
  1091. >"I was so confused. I mean, I don't think I ever got any real training. One day it was just... 'poof, hey please help'. And I did! And it was then I fell in love."
  1092. >Her voice sounds so calming
  1093. >Full of experience and knowing
  1094. >She sounds like his mom
  1095. >"It has been... twenty years now, I think. I think I used to be part of a surrogate service, Angel. I... think. It was not very official at all. It was almost like it was just my calling, to help with young couples. They would always be so grateful. And scared. Terribly scared."
  1096. >She chuckles with a sigh at the end
  1097. >"We were all scared. Even when I got better, and I did, their excitement and horror was my own. I helped each family for at least a year. Hooves... they aren't so good for a lot of things. But my wings helped a lot."
  1098. >Something about her voice puts you on alert
  1099. >She sounds like she regrets it
  1100. >"But I did learn. Angel, was this your first family?"
  1101. >You nod
  1102. >How could you have another family?
  1103. >"Would you like to tell me about it?"
  1104. >You answer before your body has the energy to stop you
  1105. "It was pretty small. Mom didn't have a lot, but she did have me to help watch over him."
  1106. >You look at her out of the corner of your eye
  1107. >She's so much more physically imposing
  1108. >More so, she's had so much experience compared to you in... what must be everything
  1109. >How could she ever understand you?
  1110. "I was his Guardian Angel."
  1111. >That answer makes perfect sense to you
  1112. >If he had food that he didn't like, you would either eat it or squirrel it away so it seemed like he ate it
  1113. >If he forgot to clean up after himself, you would give him an extra hoof
  1114. >When he started getting homework, you would study with him and do some of it so he could get in some extra video game time
  1115. >Whenever he got worried or stressed, you would make him laugh and help him forget about whatever was bothering him
  1116. >Mom knew, of course
  1117. >She felt like she was your mom too
  1118. >Where where you, before him?
  1119. >There is no way you could have had multiple families
  1120. >"Have you thought about what you want to do next?"
  1121. >Plum's question brings you back to reality
  1122. >You don't like how quickly bile rises in the back of your throat
  1123. "I have to go to Heaven. He's waiting for me."
  1125. >You repeat yourself with a strong sense of self
  1126. >This is your goal
  1127. >This is why you're here
  1128. >"Do you know how you'll get there?"
  1129. "I don't."
  1130. >She doesn't sound like she's insulting your plan at all
  1131. >"What about once you're there? Are you just wanting to visit him?"
  1132. "No. He needs me."
  1133. >"Even in Heaven?"
  1134. "Yes."
  1135. >The questions push your resolve
  1136. >Of course he needs you
  1137. >Even in Heaven, where every problem he could have would be solved
  1138. >Even if all of his vegetables are hidden automatically
  1139. >Even if he already has help with homework
  1140. >Even if he has all the friends he could want
  1141. >Even if he could go out and play without getting tired or sick
  1142. >He needs you
  1143. >He's always needed you
  1144. >You're his Angel
  1145. >"Angel?"
  1146. >Hearing Plum speaks your name makes you blink
  1147. >This feeling of discomfort and dissociation is starting to leave a mark on your face
  1148. >"Heaven... do you know that if you try to force your way there, it won't work?"
  1149. >You refuse to believe that
  1150. >In some silent scramble of protest, your eyes wander to something they can rest on
  1151. >There is no cross on the wall
  1152. >There is no bible you can easily spy
  1153. >You so eagerly want to tell her that it would work for you
  1154. >"Heaven is a difficult place to go to. I know, for a fact, that you have a place there. I hope I do, too. But it will only be available to us when..."
  1155. "You're wrong."
  1156. >You stumble to your hooves
  1157. >Images and sections start to whip into a frenzy in your mind
  1158. >You know she's wrong
  1159. >You're here because Heaven is your next stop
  1160. >"Angel, I'm sorry if I've upset you. Please sit back down?"
  1161. "No. I'm going to Heaven. I can't wait."
  1162. >Your eyes have difficulty focusing on the large purple mare
  1163. >While you were so tired before, now you feel like you've been charged like a battery
  1164. "I can't wait!"
  1165. >In a nearly blind panic, you run out of the room
  1166. >The doors remained open and illuminated, as if they were waiting for your exit
  1167. >You run
  1168. >You have no idea where you're going
  1169. >You knock into a set of doors
  1170. >They're illuminated with little lights all around, like every other set of doors
  1171. >But to you, they'll take you to Heaven
  1172. >You need to find Heaven's doors
  1173. >You have to
  1174. >The doors open, whirring like the one you took when you first spoke to Anon
  1175. >And like the front doors
  1176. >You slip inside
  1177. >You inhale like you've been holding your breath for hours
  1178. >It actually does feel like you have not been breathing
  1179. >You see a bed
  1180. >A desk
  1181. >A computer
  1182. >A book case
  1183. >A chest at the end of the bed
  1184. >Pictures on the wall
  1185. >Pictures on the wall?
  1187. >Your charged delirium starts to wind down
  1188. >You've seen pictures like this before
  1189. >They're of Anon
  1190. >And that pink knight pony
  1191. >You don't remember her name
  1192. >She looks happy
  1193. >He looks different
  1194. >Younger
  1195. >Another picture nearby shows them both making silly faces
  1196. >Her face looks the same
  1197. >Damaged
  1198. >His face looks damaged too
  1199. >A scratch on the side of his eye
  1200. >Another picture
  1201. >What looks like Miss Skylar and Miss Rylee
  1202. >But their bodies look different
  1203. >There's another knight with them too
  1204. >Another picture
  1205. >And another
  1206. >There are a dozen pictures on the walls
  1207. >None of them make any sense to you
  1208. >The quiet, growing sense of panic begins to bubble up again
  1209. >You're somewhere you shouldn't be
  1210. >Furtive and hunched over, you run out of the room
  1211. >You take a mad leap and glide down to the foyer of the first floor
  1212. >You hear loud crashing along with screaming from the TV room
  1213. >It's enough to make your tension spike
  1214. >Hooves slipping on the floor, you gallop away at full force
  1215. >Somehow, you end up outside
  1216. >The fresh wave of air hitting you acts like a glue trap
  1217. >You can see Anon in the distance, against a steep hill
  1218. >You can see Miss Rylee and Berry with him
  1219. >Even as far as you are, you can tell that they're having fun
  1220. >They're enjoying being here
  1221. >They don't need to go to Heaven
  1222. >They're completely fine where they are
  1223. >Another breeze sends you into motion
  1224. >You glide off of the patio and flap your wings as hard as they can go
  1225. >You manage some lift
  1226. >It's enough to reach a distant hill, away from them
  1227. >You land near the top and gallop as far as you can go
  1228. >You clear at least another three hills before your legs fail you
  1229. >A misstep leads to a hard trip that leads to you sliding down a portion of a hill
  1230. >You have so much distance to go before you can reach what looks like a fence
  1231. >The same sort of fenced area you saw when you first came here
  1232. >It just doesn't end
  1233. >You're trapped here
  1234. >He's waiting for you
  1235. >Heaven is waiting for you
  1236. >And you're stuck here
  1237. >You're trapped
  1238. >You're abandoned
  1239. >Your only answer to this, face covered in grass, is some wordless wail
  1240. >Dissatisfied that your sorrow wasn't heard far enough to reach the pearly gates, you wail again
  1241. >If you can't see Heaven
  1242. >If you can't reach Heaven
  1243. >Heaven has to hear you
  1244. >It must
  1245. >He must
  1246. >Another bestial howl comes from you
  1247. >The sound scares even you
  1248. >It sounds like a wounded animal
  1250. >You remember the day he had first gotten sick
  1251. >The news didn't make much sense to him
  1252. >It didn't make much sense to you either
  1253. >He still wanted to play but mom wouldn't let him
  1254. >His mom
  1255. >Your mom too
  1256. >It took only one week for his energy to be all gone
  1257. >Seven days
  1258. >Six days, ten hours and twenty eight minutes
  1259. >That's exactly how long it took from when you first heard about it, to when you saw it on his face
  1260. >You saw that he didn't look like himself
  1261. >You didn't even notice that he changed until you asked him a question
  1262. >You asked him what he wanted to play for today, since he had just been given his first dose of medicine
  1263. >The tired look of resignation never left your mind
  1264. >You feel like you're somewhere nice
  1265. >Like a bed
  1266. >But you can still smell outside
  1267. >"I'm so sorry, Anon. I promise, I didn't try to upset her."
  1268. >You recognize that tone
  1269. >You want to tell Plum that it's ok but you feel so out of it
  1270. >"No, you don't need to apologize. I... I think she just needs to run herself out of it."
  1271. >That sounds like Anon
  1272. >"I didn't know... I'm sorry Anon."
  1273. >"You were busy with your own things, Rylee, it's ok."
  1274. >"Want me to watch her? Berry is still outside."
  1275. >"Yeah... would you be able to do that for me, Sky?"
  1276. >"Of course. You gave her some stuff already, right?"
  1277. >"Yeah. Let the IV run until the bag's empty. No solid food until dinner tonight."
  1278. >"What about me? I feel terrible."
  1279. >"Let's go talk with Berry. She was telling some really funny stories."
  1280. >"Really? I had no idea she was a comedian..."
  1281. >Many of the voices blur together
  1282. >You can almost keep track of everything but every few sentences all of the words melt around your head
  1283. >The next thing you're aware of is a vague sore spot on your shoulder
  1284. >Skylar is at your side
  1285. >You've been on your back
  1286. >That must be why you can't feel your wings
  1287. >"Hey there... good morning."
  1288. >Is it morning?
  1289. >As if sensing your question, she smiles
  1290. >"It's not really morning. But it sure feels like it."
  1291. >Her smile drops
  1292. >"How are you feeling? Your pulse dropped hard for a while there. Your O2 levels were low as well."
  1293. >None of those words mean anything to you
  1294. >She blinks
  1295. >"Your body was crashing. It was like it was trying it's hardest to just turn off."
  1296. >That makes sense
  1297. >Your eyes wander over the armored pony
  1298. >Her eyes focus keenly on you
  1299. >You can tell how unnatural they are
  1300. >"I'm not so great with words... but you can talk to me too, you know."
  1301. >That's good
  1302. >It takes some moments but you're able to rotate your head up toward the ceiling
  1303. >This room doesn't look familiar
  1304. >It's on the ground floor, you can tell that much
  1305. >The breeze from the window smells more like grass
  1306. "What do I do?"
  1307. >Some pony that sounds like you asks what you're thinking
  1308. "I'm all alone."
  1309. >"You do all you can do."
  1310. >You listen to Miss Skylar speak
  1311. >She isn't speaking
  1312. >Not like how you're speaking
  1313. >You're really speaking
  1314. >She is doing something else
  1315. >"You really booked it out there... you know, I'm impressed."
  1317. >You don't even know how far you went
  1318. >You may as well have taken five steps
  1319. >"...when you get to feeling better, want to race? If you win, I can get you a reward."
  1320. "Is it Heaven?"
  1321. >"W-well... I can't give something that big."
  1322. >You can feel your chest deflate
  1323. >Of course she wouldn't be able to give you something like that
  1324. >"But I promise it'll be cool! But you gotta be reaaaaally fast too. I'm really no slow poke."
  1325. >You don't really seem to care
  1326. >After some silence, you feel a hoof rest on the bed nearby
  1327. >"It can just be a walk-off too, you know... everyone needs a win every now and again, you know?"
  1328. >You can't bring yourself to answer her
  1329. >"I'm you're friend, Angel. No matter what you need, I'll see to it. You aren't alone here, I promise. You got me, you got Rylee, you got Anon. You even got Plum and Carrot and Berry."
  1330. >The mention of Plum makes your face contort
  1331. >You can feel warm, stray liquid go into your right ear
  1332. "P. Plum said..."
  1333. >Continuing the thought into a sentence is too much for you to bear
  1334. >"Y-yeah, she told me..."
  1335. >You want to wail more
  1336. >Instead your eyes continue to burn and your ears collect more warm water
  1337. >Any sounds you make are choked and weak
  1338. >You never stop feeling like Skylar has her hoof on the bed
  1339. >You want to reach for it
  1340. >You want to ask her if she'll stop you from feeling alone
  1341. >You lack the energy to do so
  1342. >"I'm not going anywhere. Count on it."
  1343. >She speaks up, loud and clear
  1344. >You aren't going to be alone
  1346. >Miss Skylar remains at your side
  1347. >You fall asleep multiple times
  1348. >Each time you wake up, you're startled at where you are
  1349. >Until you remember
  1350. >Worse than feeling sad, you feel embarrassed
  1351. >Every time you wake up, she asks you something
  1352. >"How are you feeling?"
  1353. >"Want an extra pillow?"
  1354. >"I changed your IV bag, is there something you would like?"
  1355. >"Anon and Berry are making cookies, do you have any favorite types?"
  1356. >You only answer the last question
  1357. >You like peanut butter cookies
  1358. >By the time you're up for real, the sun has already started to set
  1359. >Miss Skylar hasn't moved an inch
  1360. >Your eyes rest on her
  1361. >She smiles
  1362. >"Did the mention of cookies get you up?"
  1363. >It has
  1364. >But you also feel tired of laying in bed
  1365. >You start to move but she holds up her hoof
  1366. >"Hold on, you're still plugged into your IV. Let me take care of it real quick."
  1367. >You watch her withdraw the needle from your leg
  1368. >The dozens of little pincers and pinchers from the bottom of her hoof makes it look easy
  1369. >You couldn't do anything resembling this useful with him
  1370. >You could only watch from a chair or from the floor
  1371. >In moments the needle is discarded and a large bandage is over the spot
  1372. >You feel even more embarrassed now
  1373. >You'll have that on you
  1374. >You roll to your front and hop down from the bed
  1375. >You land fine but you feel a little woozy
  1376. >"You're alright, but you got up a little quick, don't you think?"
  1377. "Where are the cookies?"
  1378. >No matter how you think of it, you're hungry
  1379. >Skylar barks out a laugh and takes the lead
  1380. >"They're still being made, silly. Anon and I have a pretty quick way of talking so they're probably breaking out the peanut butter."
  1381. >The room exits into a hallway, which empties to the foyer
  1382. >You can hear things going on in the TV room
  1383. >But you really don't want to go in there
  1384. >Not with the bandage on
  1385. >Skylar notices your apprehension and nods to the front door
  1386. >"Want to walk and talk with me for a bit? By the time we get back, you'll have the first of the freshest cookies with some milk. Or juice, if you're into that."
  1387. >You aren't in a position to argue
  1388. >You nod
  1389. >The front doors open moments before reaching them, allowing access to the outside world
  1390. >You follow her down the side ramp
  1391. >You don't feel sore or tired
  1392. >You more just feel... out of it
  1393. >Once on the ground, Skylar walks for a few seconds before breaking out to a brisk trot
  1394. >You follow her, your wings flapping to give the occasional boost to keep up
  1395. >Only when you begin to lag behind does she slow back to a walk
  1396. >You're far from the house now
  1397. >"Where were you going, Angel?"
  1398. >Your embarrassment reaches a new low
  1399. "I don't know. I felt like I had to run."
  1400. >"I saw that you went into Anon's room too."
  1401. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to."
  1402. >"No, it's ok."
  1403. >She slows her walk until she's just standing there
  1404. >Watching the world beyond the wooden gate
  1405. >"I've only really ever been in there once, myself. He was sick too, once. Sick enough where he couldn't get out of bed."
  1407. >That sounds terrible
  1408. "What happened to him?"
  1409. >"His wife went to Heaven. And left him here."
  1410. >You feel a little uncomfortable about how starkly she said that
  1411. "His wife? I think I saw pictures of her."
  1412. >"Yeah. There used to be a lot of pictures of her everywhere."
  1413. >Skylar sits on the side of the path, where it starts to become more grass than gravel
  1414. >"Most of those pictures are in his room now."
  1415. "I think I saw a few of those too. Was she like you?"
  1416. >"Like me?"
  1417. >She looks at you with a blank expression
  1418. >"Ah... no. I was nothing like her. I'm still not."
  1419. >She tries to reassure you with a smile but it comes and leaves too quickly
  1420. >"She was truly the best. She thought things I never could. She devoted herself in a way I found... distasteful."
  1421. >She tries to force another laugh
  1422. >"If she were here now, you would be all smiles and dancing on the roof."
  1423. "Was she sick?"
  1424. >Skylar shrugs
  1425. >"Something like that... I didn't mean to go off the beaten path like that. I would rather talk about you."
  1426. "Oh. Ok."
  1427. >She reaches out one of her legs to the horizon beyond the gate
  1428. >"Outside is the rest of the world. If you could run right now... and if I didn't stop you. Where would you want to go?"
  1429. >You frown
  1430. >You never thought about it
  1431. >Outside of your home, you didn't want for anything
  1432. >You had mom
  1433. >You had him
  1434. >You really did have everything you could want
  1435. "Nowhere. His mom wants me here... and he's no longer here, is he."
  1436. >Skylar shakes her head, her eyes focused on the horizon
  1437. >"T... that's right. He's in Heaven."
  1438. "There's nowhere I can run that would take me to Heaven. Is there."
  1439. >You say those words like you've been dying to say them
  1440. >Skylar doesn't respond
  1441. "The only way I can get to Heaven is if I pass... and leave everything here."
  1442. >She doesn't respond
  1443. " it so bad if I really want to?"
  1444. >"No. It isn't. But you won't make it there if you leave here too soon."
  1445. "That's part of the rules, isn't it?"
  1446. >"That's right. I think the same goes for everyone. For people like Anon, for ponies like you."
  1447. >She hesitates
  1448. >"And for ponies like Piera."
  1449. >You sit with her, watching the clouds go by
  1450. "Are you sure I can't go to Heaven sooner? I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make it up."
  1451. >Your words hang in the air before Skylar answers
  1452. >"There's no making up trying to go to Heaven sooner than you're allowed. We've had... had..."
  1453. >Her voice falters, like she's trying to stop herself
  1454. >"We have had... friends that have tried."
  1455. "Did they succeed?"
  1456. >"In leaving here? Yes. But I don't think they made it to Heaven."
  1457. >The sound of that idea makes your empty stomach twist into itself
  1458. "Where did they go?"
  1459. >No answer
  1460. "Skylar?"
  1461. >"Yes, Angel?"
  1462. "Where did they go, if they didn't go to Heaven?"
  1463. >She turns her head to look at you
  1464. >She tries to smile but even you can tell how sad she is
  1465. >"I hope she just got stuck in the waiting line."
  1466. >The waiting line to Heaven...
  1467. "It must be a long waiting line..."
  1469. >Skylar nods
  1470. >"Yeah. I'm sure she'll make it in. But I really don't know how long that waiting line is. I hope she'll be forgiven for trying to skip ahead."
  1471. >The idea of skipping in line makes you feel guilty
  1472. "I'm not trying to skip in front of others... or to take their place. I promise I'm not."
  1473. >"I know you're not. You wouldn't do that sort of thing to someone."
  1474. >You feel terrible
  1475. "When will I know when it's time? That way, I can leave for Heaven and know I'm not skipping in line?"
  1476. >"There's no way to know. But I hope you'll stay here for a very long time."
  1477. >She sounds nice while saying it but that bothers you
  1478. "But the longer I stay here, the longer he'll be alone in Heaven..."
  1479. >That thought alone distresses you
  1480. >Miss Skylar has to know this because she takes a step and immediately wraps you up in a tight hug
  1481. >It's the sort of hug that immediately warms you better than a massive, soft blanket
  1482. >"He's watching you from Heaven."
  1483. >You've never thought of that
  1484. >"If anything, he's sending down little bits of sun to help you until you're ready. If you're in Heaven, you get those little benefits to help out."
  1485. >Is that how that works?
  1486. >If that was true, who was watching out for him?
  1487. >The thought warps your heart into an aching ball but you don't have it in you to ask that
  1488. " you promise?"
  1489. >You want to believe
  1490. >You really want to believe
  1491. >"I do. I promise, as well as I understand this world."
  1492. >That helps
  1493. >As the hug helps with your shoulder and the rest of your body, her words put your mind at ease
  1494. >If only somewhat
  1495. "Where do I stay until my time to go to Heaven?"
  1496. >Skylar releases the hug and grins at you
  1497. >"Wherever you want! You can stay Home with us too, no one would ever be against it."
  1498. >You would have a home if you stayed here
  1499. >Would it be enough?
  1500. >Would you be able to help out enough?
  1501. "I... what happened with Plum though..."
  1502. >"You can talk to her on your own if you like. I promise that she'll understand. She visited you twice while you were sleeping. She was worried that she might have hurt you somehow."
  1503. >The guilt piles on
  1504. "She didn't... I promise, she didn't..."
  1506. >Skylar's eyes dart over something, like she's reading something on your face
  1507. >"Hey, it looks like those cookies might be done. Wanna have a race? If you win, I won't eat any of your cookies."
  1508. >Your draw drops
  1509. "Do you like peanut butter cookies? I can share."
  1510. >She shakes her head
  1511. >"Nope. If I win, I'm gonna eat them all. Every single one."
  1512. >She smirks
  1513. >"Unless you win."
  1514. >The front of the building looks like it's far away...
  1515. >But you're hungry
  1516. >And you want hot, fresh cookies
  1517. "I'm going to win."
  1518. >"Alright, says you. On the count of three..."
  1519. >Both of you prepare
  1520. >"Three!"
  1521. >What?!
  1522. >Skylar bolts off, her armor plates gleaming in the lowering sun
  1523. >You start running in a full gallop
  1524. >Halfway through, you're neck and neck
  1525. >Three quarters of the way, you're lagging behind
  1526. >Within the last twenty steps, Skylar slows down considerably, leaving you to win by a few steps
  1527. >You're left near the ramp, panting and huffing
  1528. >Skylar looks satisfied, even though she lost
  1529. >"You just got lucky, I was gonna win that for sure..."
  1530. >You defiantly shake your head, your mane windswept
  1531. "I was... not gonna lose... my cookies!"
  1532. >"You're totally gonna lose them next time, I'm gonna be twice as hard on you then!"
  1533. >Victorious but at the cost of fatigue, you plop down to a sit
  1534. >"You do seem thirsty despite that IV... milk or juice?"
  1535. >Between moderate gasps you warble out 'milk'
  1536. >"Awesome. I guess I'll be back, I'll get you your reward for winning. You can stay out here or go into the TV room, but it is air-conditioned inside..."
  1537. >Skylar leaves you outside, her tail gleefully swishing about
  1538. >You would like to go on that beanbag chair again...
  1539. >But you wouldn't want to bother anyone
  1540. >After a few more moments to catch your breath, you decide to go for the TV room
  1541. >Maybe no one will notice you coming in so there won't be any issues
  1543. >You sulk to the TV room after contemplating where would be best to eat your reward
  1544. >You want to be comfortable
  1545. >The familiar vaudeville music of rambunctious energy puts you at ease
  1546. >Rylee and Carrot give you a few seconds of attention but both seem absorbed in the cartoon itself
  1547. >The TV is really big
  1548. >You drag your beanbag chair back and it still feels like you have the front row seat
  1549. >The sound is everywhere too, like it's coming from every corner of the room
  1550. >It feels nice
  1551. >It feels even nicer when you sink into the beanbag chair
  1552. >It matches the color of your body, and it feels like it is just as firm as you like
  1553. >If you left, you would be leaving behind something so simple yet so comfortable
  1554. >There is no way you could carry the chair with you everywhere without it getting dirty
  1555. >Once you get comfortable enough, you catch Skylar at the entrance of the room
  1556. >Squatting down, she scampers to you
  1557. >"Hey there, trail blazer. I have six melty peanut butter cookies for you. And a nice, big cup of milk with a straw for you. They made more but the rest will have to be for dessert, ok?"
  1558. >The smell of cookies makes you sink into your chair deeper
  1559. >You really could tear into the cookies but you know that they're probably hot enough to burn your mouth
  1560. >"Hey... are there any for me?"
  1561. >You didn't notice but Carrot sneak out of her chair
  1562. >Her eyes are glued to your plate
  1563. >You don't want to be mean
  1564. >But you really don't want to share
  1565. >"Yeah, Rylee told me you like raisin and oatmeal right? We made a batch just for you."
  1566. >"Jinkies! Let's go!"
  1567. >She keeps her voice low but she sounds excited
  1568. >Both of them leave the room, talking about something
  1569. >You don't pay attention
  1570. >The cookies are perfectly melted, even after cooling down
  1571. >Almost like they're six lumps of hot dough
  1572. >When you finish, you feel...
  1573. >Warm
  1574. >Full
  1575. >You leave one, though you finish your milk in it's entirety
  1576. >Maybe it'll be ok
  1577. >If you can taste something this good and hot
  1578. >If you can drink something so refreshing and chilly
  1579. >If you can lay in something so comfortable
  1580. >Are things really so bad?
  1581. >Carrot and Skylar return with another plate and cup
  1582. >Part of you wishes that you could sneak some of her cookies
  1583. >They're talking about something but due to the volume of the cartoons, and the distance, you can't really hear them
  1584. >Not that you mind
  1585. >It feels good that what happened earlier today isn't the big focus
  1586. >You feel content just watching Tom & Jerry
  1587. >After some episodes, you see Plum enter the room
  1588. >For being such a tall mare, she seems to do a good job at keeping herself quiet
  1589. >No one even notices when she slips into her beanbag chair
  1590. >She gives a short-lived glance over to you but doesn't do anything else
  1591. >You feel guilty
  1592. >You really didn't plan on it
  1593. >Because you really don't want to
  1594. >But maybe she would like your last cookie
  1596. >You ease yourself out of your chair and bite onto your plate
  1597. >You lower it near Plum, making sure it's in her eyesight
  1598. "Plum... I'm sorry. Please have a cookie. It's peanut butter."
  1599. >Plum looks surprised
  1600. >"Angel, you really shouldn't. I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-"
  1601. "It's ok. I'm sorry. Please take it. It's good."
  1602. >You're adamant in wanting to share now
  1603. >Maybe a little bit of it is because you feel just how full you are after having to get up
  1604. "I want to be friends with you. I promise I'll do better."
  1605. >"Thank you, Angel. I would really like to be friends with you too."
  1606. >She reaches out and hooks you close with one of her front legs
  1607. >They're really long
  1608. >She hugs you tight, with her wing extending to further improve the embrace
  1609. >It feels warm
  1610. >Not warm like what Skylar's hug felt like
  1611. >But different
  1612. >Maybe it's even a little better
  1613. >When the hug ends, you feel a little too warm
  1614. >Skylar said the AC was on but the molten cookie dough in your stomach mixed with the hug makes it less than cool
  1615. >Not sure what else to say, you nod a few times and make your way back to your chair
  1616. >It's still far away from everyone else but you feel comfortable to have your own space
  1617. >You're ok with not being alone, but not being close to anyone
  1618. >The episodes come to an end after a few more mis-adventures of Jerry evading Tom
  1619. >You even got to see the video of Jerry's uncle playing guitar and breaking strings every few strums
  1620. >When the tape ends, the lights go from off to dimly lit
  1621. >"Alright everyone, it seems like we're starting to wind down for the day! I smell a lot of delicious cookies too, mmm."
  1622. >Rylee beams with a low-energy, comfortable energy
  1623. >"I don't think we'll be having an evening circle since this morning was already very eventful. Does anyone have any ideas on what would be fun to watch for the evening?"
  1625. >Carrot raises her hooves, waving them all around
  1626. >"Zombie Island! There are a ton of cats there just like Tom!"
  1627. >"I don't think those are the same cats... but does anyone else have any other ideas?"
  1628. >Plum raises her hoof
  1629. >"I wouldn't be against Secret of NIMH 2. We watched the first one a few days ago, just before Angel came."
  1630. >That movie sounds familiar
  1631. "Is that the one with the talking mice?"
  1632. >Plum and Rylee nod
  1633. "I would like to watch the first one first, if that's ok."
  1634. >Rylee backs herself away, watching all three reactions
  1635. >"Well we half have a consensus. Carrot, would you be ok with your movie being third?"
  1636. >Carrot lets out a defeated sigh... that lasts for a few seconds
  1637. >"Well ok but it's definitely gotta be the third movie!"
  1638. >"Absolutely. Plum, are you ok with watching the first Secret of NIMH again?"
  1639. >The big mare smiles, at you
  1640. >"Of course. It is quite the treat to watch things here on account of how good it sounds."
  1641. >Everyone seems absolutely ok with everything
  1642. >There isn't an ounce of tension in the air
  1643. "Excuse me, Miss Rylee... but what about Berry? What will she want to watch?"
  1644. >Rylee remains smiling
  1645. >You didn't notice but Skylar went off somewhere
  1646. >"She's going to continue to spend the rest of her day with Anon. Skylar will be with her too. They have some cleanup ahead of them, they made dozens of cookies!"
  1647. >You were told that there would still be some left over for later
  1648. "Will she be watching stuff with us after that?"
  1649. >"We'll see what she wants to do, dear. But when she does decide to join us, we'll make space for her on the queue."
  1650. >You're happy with that answer
  1651. >You do wonder why Anon has been spending time with her though
  1652. >Outside of this morning, you really haven't spoken to her any
  1653. >She doesn't seem that social either
  1654. >Hopefully you could be friends with her like you are with Plum
  1655. >As long as you don't have to share anymore cookies
  1656. >You don't have any left to share
  1657. >The rest of the evening goes by quick
  1658. >You don't notice but the sun went down all the way
  1659. >You like that there's no bed time
  1660. >Anon walked in and asked everyone how they were doing
  1661. >Especially you
  1662. >But he didn't seem to mind that everyone was up watching things
  1663. >He mentioned how he might come back later for Scooby Doo's Zombie Island but that was still a long ways away
  1664. >By the time you finish Secret of NIMH 2, there's still no sign of Berry Cake
  1665. >Halfway through Zombie Island, Anon does come back in
  1666. >He ends up laying near Rylee, near the front of the TV
  1667. >He isn't in the best position to actually watch the movie but he seems happy to use her as a pillow
  1668. >As much as you would like to ask him about if dinner was going to be late or not, you dozed off just when it was Terror Time Again
  1669. >It would just mean that tomorrow's breakfast would be big
  1670. >And maybe include some more cookies
  1672. >The next few days come and go without much thought
  1673. >Every morning, when everyone is awake, Anon takes orders and makes breakfast
  1674. >Twice now you've asked for chocolate chip pancakes with oranges and oatmeal
  1675. >Twice now, you've gotten chocolate chip pancakes with oatmeal and orange slices
  1676. >Plum and Carrot ask for more conventional things
  1677. >Berry doesn't eat breakfast with everyone anymore
  1678. >Rather than wandering off to explore, or to go out for a walk, or to go read, you've preferred to stay in the TV room
  1679. >Carrot watches stuff all day and she seems pretty happy
  1680. >Both her and Rylee never seem to get bored
  1681. >You don't hear a lot of their conversations but they seem to really get into it
  1682. >It's ok that you don't join in
  1683. >You aren't sure what you would say anyway
  1684. >Plum talks to you every now and again but whenever she asks you for a walk or a read you decline
  1685. >You do hug her a lot though
  1686. >At least once you've fallen asleep under her wing
  1687. >You apologize but she really doesn't seem to mind it at all
  1688. >The evening of the second day of living in the TV room, you do get the urge to get up
  1689. >Plum is taking a nap
  1690. >Carrot and Rylee are acting out a scene from a movie
  1691. >You haven't seen Skylar, Anon, or Berry all day
  1692. >You stretch and slink off, embracing the sense of freedom that you have
  1693. >Last time you were able to hear them talk
  1694. >There's no talking that you can hear on the first floor
  1695. >You don't see them outside
  1696. >Even though it's dark out, there are a lot of lamps dotted around the back hills to act as a trail
  1697. >There are a lot of lamps at the pond Anon introduced you to
  1698. >Including some form of movement
  1699. >Maybe they're out there
  1700. >It would give you a chance to stretch your legs and wings at least
  1701. >Halfway to the pond you can hear Anon
  1702. >You stop a few yards behind him
  1703. >He's in some weird looking chair
  1704. >Next to him is Skylar
  1705. >She's... glowing!
  1706. >An ethereal blue that seems to come from inside of her
  1707. >It makes her armor plates look like magic
  1708. >Opposite to him is Berry
  1709. >In a chair that's like Anon's but smaller
  1710. >"I really do appreciate the time you're giving me. I really hope that Angel is doing ok."
  1711. >That sounds like Berry
  1712. >She sounds dejected
  1713. >You haven't caused her any issues, have you?
  1715. >"Angel? Nah, she's doing alright. She's been eating a lot lately, which is good. Rylee has been keeping an eye on her."
  1716. >Skylar sounds confident, like normal
  1717. >"She's just under some stress. I think she's starting to warm up to here but it will probably take a while. It's taken a while for everyone here. Except for Carrot I suppose. She's acting like she grew up here."
  1718. >Anon sounds relaxed
  1719. >"Speaking of stress, how are you doing? I haven't baked any cookies in a long while but you kept me from making too many mistakes."
  1720. >"Oh you were wonderful, Anon. They were very delicious. Though I've never heard of cookies being made with banana and grapes... raisins are one thing but..."
  1721. >The man chuckles
  1722. >"Yeah... that turned out kinda goofy, didn't it? But I suppose I just had the urge to give it a shot. Still tasted good."
  1723. >"You didn't even put it into the oven!"
  1724. >"That's fine."
  1725. >"It totally wasn't!"
  1726. >"At least I'm not sick, right?"
  1727. >You can hear Berry give a hard sigh
  1728. >"You really need guidance for being a big brother, you know that?"
  1729. >"I guess so. But that's why you make such a good sister."
  1730. >He sounds happy
  1731. >She does too
  1732. >"Did you manage to get a camping tent?"
  1733. >"I... did not. They really get expensive these days. Since our camping has really just been picnics and all that, I was thinking that big quilt I brought might be good enough. Sleep under the stars, just like the cowboys used to do. That would be neat, wouldn't it?"
  1734. >"Maybe... but it's not going to rain on us, is it?"
  1735. >"Of course not, it'll... uh... ah. Er, Skylar, it's not going to rain is it?"
  1736. >Skylar scoffs
  1737. >"No, you're safe. But clouds suggest that we'll most likely get some light drizzle in four or five days, most likely PM shower."
  1738. >How did she figure out the weather so quickly?
  1739. >"Well then there you go. Perfect for cowboy-style sleeping under the stars."
  1740. >You hear Berry give another sigh
  1741. >"You're a silly man, Anon."
  1742. >It doesn't sound like a real sigh
  1743. >"Yeah... I know. You know, this place really won't be the same if you go."
  1744. >Even from where you are, you can feel that the atmosphere has changed from his words
  1745. >So suddenly, too
  1746. >"I know... but I don't belong here."
  1747. >"Says who?"
  1748. >No one challenges his question
  1749. >Maybe this is your chance?
  1750. >But you feel like you're intruding
  1751. >"I've been discarded, Anon... if I stay here, this place really will turn into a trash can."
  1752. >Berry says that as if it were the most natural opinion to have
  1753. >"Trash nothing. You're here, which means that you've been given a chance to do a lot. Just like Plum, just like Carrot-"
  1754. >"Plum has her daughters and Carrot is a local library hero. I'm just... I was..."
  1755. "You make Anon happy! That has to be a big deal!"
  1756. >Your sudden words cause Anon to jump out of his chair with a startled cry
  1757. >Berry seems surprised but less animated
  1758. >Skylar doesn't seem surprised at all and looks back at you
  1759. >Even her eyes are glowing, along with her plates
  1761. "I... I came out here to see what was going on. I-I wasn't listening in, I promise. But you said it, Anon makes for a good big brother and..."
  1762. >You weren't completely paying attention
  1763. >You don't know what the best things are to say
  1764. "Who else will make delicious cookies if Anon doesn't have someone to push him? I don't care if he has weird tastes, the peanut butter cookies I had were great! I even shared one with Plum!"
  1765. >"Who says I have weird tastes? Come on, that's just low."
  1766. >Anon seems focused on his own thing
  1767. >Berry watches you
  1768. >It's dark enough out that you can't make out her expression
  1769. >"Would you like to sit with us, Angel? It might be a lot better than sitting behind us."
  1770. >You feel like you're put on the spot
  1771. >But she's offering
  1772. >That has to be a good thing, right?
  1773. "O-oh. Yes. Yes please."
  1774. >You take a seat next to Berry, opposite of Anon
  1775. >He's gotten back in his chair
  1776. >You can still hear him mumbling about bananas and grapes
  1777. >"You know how it is to be a big sister, don't you Angel?"
  1778. "I do."
  1779. >"Do you love it?"
  1780. "I really do love being a big sister."
  1781. >"But you can't be one anymore... can you."
  1782. >It hurts to think of it that way
  1783. "I... don't know."
  1784. >"I'll never be able to be a little sister again. I'm ok with admitting it."
  1785. >You almost expect to hear a 'but' after that
  1786. >Something to sound hopeful
  1787. >"I don't know, I've never had a little sister. And you make a pretty awesome sister."
  1788. >"I don't, you're just hopeless Anon."
  1789. >"Same thing at the end of the day, isn't it? Big brothers are supposed to be clowns. It's what makes us so endearing."
  1790. >Berry sighs
  1791. >But she sounds happy
  1792. >Or at least amused
  1793. >"I guess so..."
  1794. >Could you be a big sister again?
  1796. >Berry and Anon seem to enjoy joking around while you listen
  1797. >He rolls out a super thick quilt after they finish bickering about bananas and grapes
  1798. >He really doesn't want to let go of the idea of banana cookies
  1799. >As much as you want to listen, you end up going to sleep almost immediately
  1800. >When you wake up, you find yourself curled up against Skylar
  1801. >She's really warm
  1802. >"Good morning, Angel. You were shivering throughout the night."
  1803. >You notice that you're resting your head on her back
  1804. >You lift up your head
  1805. >The air smells really nice
  1806. >The sun is up but it really isn't that bright yet
  1807. >You look for Anon
  1808. >He's resting on his back
  1809. >Berry's head is on his chest
  1810. "Anon... it's morning."
  1811. >"Let him rest, Angel."
  1812. >You stumble to your hooves
  1813. >You're hungry
  1814. >You nudge his shoulder with your hoof
  1815. "Anon, wake up. It's breakfast time."
  1816. >Anon mumbles something but doesn't look like he's waking up
  1817. >"Let him sleep, Angel. It'll be ok if you can wait."
  1818. "I can't wait. I'm hungry."
  1819. >You nudge him again
  1820. >Harder
  1821. >"Piera... I'm up. I couldn't hear your al..."
  1822. >He opens his eyes
  1823. >For a few seconds, he looks like another man entirely
  1824. >His face slowly melts down to a moderate expression
  1825. >He was smiling
  1826. >"...oh. Sorry. Was I oversleeping again?"
  1827. >Again?
  1828. "I-I'm sorry to wake you up... but... I'm hungry."
  1829. >You've gotten breakfast without fail so far
  1830. >It would really be uncomfortable if you had to wait
  1831. >You hear Skylar sigh
  1832. >"Go back to sleep, Anon. I contacted Rylee and Plum and Carrot are watching some shows. We can take care of breakfast."
  1833. >Anon looks straight up at the sky
  1834. >His arm tightens around Berry
  1835. >She nuzzles his chest, still sleeping
  1836. >"I... uh...yeah. I had such a nice dream, Skylar."
  1837. >He sounds... like he's defeated
  1838. >What sort of dream could be so great?
  1839. >"Yeah... I could tell. It was a good one, wasn't it?"
  1840. >"It really was."
  1841. "I'm sorry..."
  1842. >"No, you're alright Angel. I just... sometimes I end up sleeping in late."
  1843. >He closes his eyes and inhales
  1844. >"P... Berry and I are gonna get some more shut-eye."
  1845. >"Have a good rest, Anon. Angel, let's go. You can help me with breakfast since you're so hungry."
  1846. "Ok."
  1847. >You feel a little guilty for waking him up but shouldn't he be awake anyway?
  1848. >You follow Skylar back to the building
  1849. "Does he dream a lot?"
  1850. >Skylar keeps a brisk pace
  1851. >It takes a few moments before she answers
  1852. >"No. Not really so much these days. But when he does, he likes to sleep in."
  1853. "Oh..."
  1854. >You trot along and glance behind you
  1855. "Is it ok that Berry is still sleeping too?"
  1856. >"It is. Don't worry so much about what others are doing."
  1857. >Almost like the first time you spoke with her, you can hear some sort of edge in her voice
  1858. >You feel out of place in the kitchen
  1859. >Both Skylar and Rylee have already gotten started, using their weird hoof-things to crack eggs and start whisking away at bowls
  1860. >They talk to each other but you feel completely ignored
  1862. "I... Miss Rylee? I can have breakfast too, right?"
  1863. >Rylee gives you a warm smile and nod
  1864. >"Oh, of course! What would you like? Since Plum and Carrot are awake, we're doing their things first. Then after we make your breakfast we'll be doing something for Berry and Anon."
  1865. >How would they know what to fix when they're still sleeping?
  1866. "Thank you. What... do I do?"
  1867. >Skylar did mention you helping out but she hasn't once told you to actually do anything
  1868. >"Eh, I changed my mind. But I can teach you some stuff a little later if you want. Hang tight, we'll fix your stuff. But if you go outside, don't wake up Anon again. Let him wake up on his own, alright?"
  1869. >Rylee sounds surprised
  1870. >"Was Anon having that dream again?"
  1871. >"Yeah..."
  1872. >"He always has it during times like this..."
  1873. >What was the big deal about having dreams?
  1874. "I would like what I had yesterday. But could I have some of the cookies that were left over too?"
  1875. >"You got it."
  1876. "Thank you."
  1877. >Skylar sounds more friendly now
  1878. "I'm going to... go to the TV room now, ok?"
  1879. >"Do hurry, Plum picked out Looney Tunes! It's some really good classic stuff!"
  1880. >You kinda like Rylee more than Skylar
  1881. >She sounds much nicer
  1882. >You leave the kitchen for the TV room
  1883. >The room is as dark as always
  1884. >You almost feel like you've been blinded because the only lights are on the outlines of the room and the TV
  1885. >Plum and Carrot are sitting with their beanbag chairs close by
  1886. >"Good morning, Angel. You're quite brave to sleep outside. I could never get comfortable enough."
  1887. >"I say, uh, I say uh Angel! Yor a long way from a Kentucky-fried Breakfast!"
  1888. >Carrot speaks in a deep... accent?
  1889. >You don't understand what she's talking about
  1890. "I... uh... huh?"
  1891. >Carrot giggles
  1892. >"You need to catch up on your Foghorn!"
  1893. >You feel even more confused
  1894. "Wh... who?"
  1895. >Plum giggles and pats the space between their beanbag chairs
  1896. >"He's in this episode, you'll like him. Come here."
  1897. >You are hesitant but you squirm yourself into position
  1898. >Plum and Carrot seem to be having fun
  1899. >They're following entire conversations and jokes without missing a word
  1900. >Even Plum is making weird voices for some of her lines
  1901. >Breakfast really can't come fast enough
  1903. >Breakfast is enough to help you relax
  1904. >The old cartoons are funny but you don't get a lot of the references that Carrot and Plum make
  1905. >After a few more episodes, Anon brings you to where you first spoke with him
  1906. >"Please, sit wherever you like."
  1907. >You sit where you sat last time
  1908. >Anon is where he sat last time too
  1909. >He's smiling
  1910. >But not the way he was when he was sleeping
  1911. >"I tend to want to do some checkups every now and again. So far you've been here for... what was it again, four days? Is today the fifth?"
  1912. "I... think so. I don't remember."
  1913. >"Yeah... neither can I. Time flies when having fun, right?"
  1914. >You nod
  1915. >It has been fun
  1916. >Some of it
  1917. >"How have you been liking it here so far, Angel?"
  1918. "It's nice... I really like having breakfast."
  1919. >"Yeah, Skylar told me you were super hungry today. Do you usually have breakfast like what we have here?"
  1920. >You shake your head
  1921. "Not really. We used to share breakfast. Mom wasn't... good at cooking."
  1922. >It was good, even if it didn't look good
  1923. >But you didn't always get as much as him
  1924. "When he got sick... she really didn't cook anymore."
  1925. >"I can imagine there was... a lot of changes."
  1926. >You nod
  1927. >"I wish I could cook like you do."
  1928. >Anon chuckles
  1929. >"Oh, I don't do anything. It's mostly them. I can cook eggs fine but after so many years... I'm all thumbs with that stuff."
  1930. >He shrugs like he's embarrassed
  1931. >"But, you know... what I do cook, it tastes good. I like it, anyway."
  1932. >That makes you smile
  1933. >"How... uh, how're you doing otherwise? Are you doing ok with the others? Carrot, Berry, Plum?"
  1934. >You flinch
  1935. >Everyone must know that you ran off after spending time with Plum
  1936. "Y... yeah."
  1937. >He seems to pick up on your hesitation
  1938. >"Would you like to tell me what happened with you and Plum?"
  1939. >You don't reply
  1940. >Not at first
  1941. "...We talked about Heaven."
  1942. >"Is that right?"
  1943. >He probably already knows
  1944. >You can't hide it
  1945. "Yes..."
  1946. >A looming silence makes you feel uncomfortable
  1947. >He's waiting for you to continue
  1948. "She said that I can't force my way into Heaven."
  1949. >His only response is a nod
  1950. "And... Skylar said that I can only go to Heaven if I leave when I'm allowed to."
  1951. >The conversation makes your mouth taste bad
  1952. "Is she right? If I leave too soon, I'll be stuck in a waiting line?"
  1953. >Anon's smile fades
  1954. >"I'm afraid so, Angel. Heaven is... "
  1955. >He licks his lips and clears his throat
  1956. >"It's... really one of those sorts of places that are really hard to get into. Not that you or I couldn't get in. But... it's like we're holding a ticket for entry. And we can't enter until our number is called. We'll get in, rest assured. But..."
  1957. >He winces
  1958. >"But sometimes it takes a long time. And it can really hurt sometimes to think of how long it could take."
  1959. >He must know more about Heaven than Skylar or Plum
  1960. "Your wife is in Heaven too, isn't she?"
  1961. >Anon gulps
  1962. >He looks surprised
  1963. >But then sad
  1964. >Despite how sad he looks he smiles
  1965. >"Yeah... yeah, Piera's in Heaven alright. And she's watching me goof up from up there too."
  1967. "Can he see me from Heaven too?"
  1968. >Anon chuckles and nods
  1969. >"That's right. Since he's in Heaven and you're still here... he's kinda taking your role. He's your guardian angel now. At least until you meet him in Heaven again."
  1970. >This idea takes you completely by surprise
  1971. >Is he allowed to be a guardian angel?
  1972. >You're supposed to be his guardian Angel
  1973. "But..."
  1974. >You never thought of it this way
  1975. >Is he really allowed to do that?
  1976. "How?"
  1977. >Anon shrugs
  1978. >"As far as I understand it... which isn't much at all. From what I've been told, at least, is that if you're in Heaven and have a super strong connection to someone... you can become their guardian angel."
  1979. >You have never heard this before
  1980. "Do you really mean it?"
  1981. >"I do."
  1982. "But I'm not in Heaven, and I'm supposed to be his guardian Angel."
  1983. >Anon nods
  1984. >"That's true. You must've been made in Heaven then."
  1985. >He chuckles to himself
  1986. >"Yeah... sent from Heaven."
  1987. "I don't believe that."
  1988. >You would surely remember that
  1989. >"Well it's in your name. And you made his life Heaven, didn't you?"
  1990. >You feel your heart drop
  1991. >"You did everything for him that you could. And you were his best buddy, weren't you?"
  1992. >You nod
  1993. >You can feel warm wetness go down the sides of your face
  1994. "I tried."
  1995. >"And that's all anyone could have ever expected from you."
  1996. "I did my best."
  1997. >Your voice breaks
  1998. >You really did everything together
  1999. >Not once did you argue
  2000. >Not over anything serious
  2001. >"I know you did. Your mom told me so. She's..."
  2002. >He looks uncomfortable
  2003. >"She's going through some really hard stuff right now. But she told me that you really were the best."
  2004. >More warmth goes down your face
  2005. >"That's partially why you're here. I really... I'm not sure when she'll be alright. But she wants the best for you. And that involves you being here."
  2006. >He holds out a sort of towelette for you
  2007. >You take it and dry your eyes
  2008. >You're tired of crying
  2009. >You're really tired of it
  2010. >"I know everyone here is kinda older and it might be hard to make friends. But we really are a good bunch. And I think you'll fit in really well."
  2011. >You hold onto the towelette
  2012. >Something doesn't sit well with you
  2013. "What am I supposed to do while waiting to get into Heaven? Is just... reading and cartoons really ok?"
  2014. >He scratches his head
  2015. >"Well... I mean we could always expand our stuff. What are you wanting to do?"
  2016. >You frown
  2017. "I don't know... I want to help too. Can I learn to cook with Rylee and Skylar and you?"
  2018. >"Of course you can. If you like, you can even cook me some breakfast one day."
  2019. >That makes you laugh
  2020. >Laughing feels so good
  2021. >It feels like things don't feel so heavy
  2022. >"I wanna... help out with Berry too."
  2023. >He seems surprised by the mention of that
  2024. >"You... heard about that?"
  2025. >You shrug
  2026. "I don't know... but you're doing a lot of stuff to help her right? And it's really important?"
  2027. >He scratches the back of his head
  2028. >"Didn't honestly think you'd pay attention to that..."
  2029. >He mumbles that like he's talking to himself
  2031. >"I'm sure she would appreciate that. She's... kinda in a position like you. She isn't sure what to do with her life. And I would very much like her to stay here and not go somewhere that really would not be so good for her."
  2032. "Where would that be?"
  2033. >He frowns and shifts in his seat
  2034. >"It's... well, it's not Home. And until she's truly ready... I want her here. Where I know she'll be safe."
  2035. "Ready for what?"
  2036. >"To... be whatever she wants to be, really. Like with Plum. She truly wants to keep being a mother to her two girls. And until that can be set up, she's here. Same with Carrot, once her library accepts her again, I'm sure she'll want the first ride out of here!"
  2037. >The idea of them leaving... makes you feel sad
  2038. >If they left, wouldn't it be so lonely here?
  2039. "But will they come back?"
  2040. >Anon smiles and nods
  2041. >"Of course, if they like. This will always be their Home. I would never turn them away, no matter what."
  2042. >You frown
  2043. "If I leave... can I come back?"
  2044. >"You can. As many times as you like, for as long as you like."
  2045. >You feel better about here now
  2046. "What does everyone do normally?"
  2047. >"Well, I think I mentioned it before. But... whatever is nice. I used to want to keep schedules for everyone but it got to be too much work and... well, not everyone likes the same things. You know? Sometimes something more unique is better."
  2048. >That didn't answer your question that well
  2049. "Can I have a schedule? It feels weird not having anything to do."
  2050. >Anon chuckles, leaning back in his chair
  2051. >"Well, sure. Skylar or Rylee can keep track of time and help take you from place to place. If you'd like to learn how to cook, we can do that. What other things would you like to learn?"
  2052. "About Heaven."
  2053. >You've been told so much about Heaven
  2054. >You need to learn more about it
  2055. >"Well none of us are priests... but we do have a bible. And I can find some other books for you to read. Would you be ok with that?"
  2056. >You smile
  2057. >You don't remember the last time you've felt this smile
  2058. "Yes, please! I want to learn as much as I can so I'll know how he's doing!"
  2059. >Finally, a direction!
  2060. >You won't be able to see him but you'll be able to know what he's doing and how he's able to watch over you
  2061. >"Well alright, then we'll do that too. I heard you won a race with Skylar too... do you think you would enjoy hanging out with her to run around outside? You might be able to help stretch those wings more too."
  2062. "Can I get more cookies if I win another one?"
  2063. >Anon holds up his hands
  2064. >"Hey, you're gonna have to talk that out with her. I heard she was going easy on you... if you really win when she's serious, I'm sure she's gonna find something pretty dang awesome for you."
  2065. >You puff out your chest
  2066. >You feel confident now
  2067. "Of course I'll win! I beat her easy so when I get serious it'll be even better!"
  2068. >He laughs more and claps
  2069. >He seems really happy
  2070. >"Ah man, I hope I'm there to see the look on her face when you tell her that. I'll prepare the popcorn."
  2072. >The room feels so nice
  2073. >You really don't feel sad at all anymore
  2074. >You look around, almost expecting something else amazing to happen
  2075. >There's nothing else
  2076. >You do see a cross on the wall
  2077. >Was that there before?
  2078. "Can I have one of those?"
  2079. >"Eh?"
  2080. >He looks back at where you're pointing
  2081. >"Oh... oh yeah. Yeah, it was... ah. It was kinda one of the ideas we had when we first set up this place. Piera and I, I mean. She, uh... she really enjoyed that sort of thing."
  2082. >He pauses
  2083. >You can see him rubbing his fingers together on one hand
  2084. >"Yeah. I mean, we can get you one that you like. But that one... sorry, but it's going to stay up there."
  2085. >You feel a little let down
  2086. >But you like the sound of having your own cross
  2087. "Alright. When can we get one?"
  2088. >"That... is a very good question. I am not completely sure. But I will look into it. We'll get you one that's really nice that you can keep on you. Does that sound good?"
  2089. "Yeah!"
  2090. >"Well alright then, it's settled."
  2091. >Anon pauses for a moment
  2092. >"I'm glad we had this talk, Angel. And I'm very happy that we're going to fine tune things so that everything gets even better for you."
  2093. "I am too. Thank you, Anon."
  2094. >You look down at the towelette
  2095. " you think... Skylar is up for a race right now?"
  2096. >Anon lets out a loud scoff
  2097. >"Oh yeah, easy. Gonna school her, I take it?"
  2098. >You grin and nod
  2099. >His cocky attitude is rubbing off on you
  2100. >You're excited for a new level of rewards
  2101. >"Let's go find her then. I'll act as a witness. But remember, rewards are between you and her."
  2102. >If cookies are entry level rewards...
  2103. >Imagine what you can win if you race like you mean it
  2105. >Anon eases you down onto your beanbag chair
  2106. >"That was quite the spill, you know."
  2107. >The darkness of the TV room is comforting
  2108. >It also helps to hide your shame
  2109. "It... was a draw."
  2110. >You do your best to sound resolute but it was anything but close
  2111. >Not only did you trip, but Skylar was outpacing you far too much to be fair
  2112. >If anything, you're more tuckered out than hurt
  2113. >But it is enough that made Anon pick you up
  2114. >Skylar didn't have to brag about winning so much though
  2115. >"I recognize that fatigue... Skylar race?"
  2116. >"Skylar Race."
  2117. >Anon pets your head while Rylee approaches
  2118. >Some unfamiliar cartoon about some short redheaded scientist is playing
  2119. >You can only see Carrot
  2120. "Where did Plum and Berry go?"
  2121. >Anon shrugs, shifting on his knee
  2122. >Even when kneeling down, he's so completely bigger than you
  2123. >"That's... a good question. Rylee?"
  2124. >"Plum said that she was going for a walk. Berry is in the reading room."
  2125. >"Upstairs, huh... I'm gonna go check up on her in a bit then. Any abnormalities?"
  2126. >"Heart rate has been low, lethargic. She's been sleeping very deeply."
  2127. >"I see... I guess it's understandable. Thanks."
  2128. "What's wrong with Berry?"
  2129. >They're talking like you aren't even here
  2130. >"Ah... not much. Berry's just been getting more sleepy lately. It tends to happen when you think a lot."
  2131. "Oh."
  2132. >You think a lot but you don't sleep all the time
  2133. >Anon gets up, stretching out his back and arms
  2134. >"Well, I'll see you gals later. I'm gonna go do some stuff."
  2135. >With some sort of non-committal answer, Anon walks off
  2136. >You feel some energy come back but your legs are still jelly
  2137. "Hey, Rylee?"
  2138. >The armored pony turns her attention to you and smiles
  2139. >Her eyes move in weird ways, like she's reading something
  2140. >It really makes you feel weird
  2141. >"Sorry, just had to check something. What's up?"
  2142. "Is Plum ok?"
  2143. >"Yes, of course! She takes walks all the time. I think she gets restless."
  2144. >That's weird, you didn't see her at all when you were outside
  2145. >"Hey, Angel! How about some water and a snack? You certainly look tuckered out and I bet you could use some."
  2146. "I do? Sure!"
  2147. >"Alright! I'll be back then."
  2148. >Rylee trots off
  2149. >Talking to her right now feels weird
  2150. >Last time she didn't look so... focused on something
  2151. >Oh well
  2152. >You're comfy and in a cool, dark room
  2153. >"Dee-Dee! No... DEE-DEE! Deed-EE!"
  2154. >What is Carrot doing?
  2155. >"Deed-EE, you EE-diot!"
  2156. >She sounds like she's trying to have a different voice
  2157. >" I can't use that word. Deed-EE, you...!"
  2158. >She stops before coming up with a name
  2159. >She's too far away to talk to easily
  2160. >You can't really get up
  2161. >You don't want to
  2162. >Your hind legs scrunch up and kick out, propelling you off of the beanbag chair
  2163. >You kick yourself forward with your hind legs, stopping every other kick for your muscles to stop aching
  2164. >You would use your wings to help but even they're sore
  2165. >You stop only when your face boops into the side of Carrot's beanbag chair
  2166. "Carrot."
  2167. >"WAAAH!?"
  2168. >Carrot flops out of her seat, landing opposite of you
  2170. >Her head darts up, leering at who could have spoken
  2171. >She sees you and shakes one of her front hooves
  2172. >"DEE-DEE, YOU SNEAK!"
  2173. >Her fake angry expression breaks to one of revelation
  2174. >"That's it!"
  2175. >She hops back onto the beanbag chair
  2176. >The impact leads to the side of it booping your face like an airbag
  2177. >You try to say something but it comes out all muffled
  2178. >After a little shuffling the cushion is pulled away from your face
  2179. >"Oops, sorry."
  2180. "Why are you making weird voices?"
  2181. >"Oh yeah!"
  2182. >The orange pony kneads the seat, head waving from side to side
  2183. >"I'm practicing new voices and characters! If I can do more than just Scooby Doo stuff, that'll certainly help with my resume!"
  2184. >You blink at her
  2185. "Your what?"
  2186. >"The stuff that'll let me go back to the library!"
  2187. "Oh."
  2188. >You don't get it but as long as it helps
  2189. >"I was talking to Rylee about it and everything is in review so if that means I'm able to go back I gotta have a new bag of tricks so when it comes to helping out and setting up games I can do a whole lot more and everyone will be surprised and glad to have me back!"
  2190. >You think, on some level, you understood all of that
  2191. >But she said it all really fast
  2192. "Does that mean you're going to be leaving soon?"
  2193. >"Yes!"
  2194. >Carrot springs up onto her hind legs, front legs stretched out into the air
  2195. >Even her wings burst out, covering a lot of your view of the TV
  2196. >"I'll be able to see all of my friends and kids again!"
  2197. >Carrot always looks energetic to you but this looks different
  2198. "I'll miss you. Would I be able to go with you to see what it's like?"
  2199. >Carrot goes back to sitting, her wings adjusting themselves
  2200. >"I... think so? I don't know."
  2201. >She looks around for a few seconds and gives a hard wave
  2202. >"Rylee, hey over here! If I get to go back, can Angel come with me?"
  2203. >Rylee, balancing a lidded cup with a straw on her head, re-adjusted her course to go from your beanbag chair to where you were
  2204. >"I was wondering where you went! Thankfully not far. And sadly I don't think we would be able to do that. Carrot's request is still being processed and even then, it is only for a temporary return. Depending on how things turn out, she might not be out of the woods yet."
  2205. >The news deflates both you and Carrot
  2206. >The incredibly balanced pony lowers her head
  2207. >A weird thing comes out from the side of her neck, grabbing the cup and placing it right in front of you
  2208. >It retreats and also pulls out a large paper town that was crumpled up
  2209. >When it's placed down on the floor, the paper towel opens up to reveal a pile of trail mix
  2210. >"There we are! Ideal for your fatigue."
  2211. "Thanks..."
  2212. >Carrot looks at the mix
  2213. >"I guess it's at least a step in the right direction. Isn't it?"
  2214. >"Oh, absolutely it is! You've come very far, and you are very close!"
  2215. >Her words don't really stir you or the orange pony
  2216. >" is your Dexter voice coming, Carrot?"
  2217. >She continues to sound excited but her voice hesitated
  2218. >"It's coming."
  2220. >This has to be the first time you have ever heard her speak... normal
  2221. >A little more normal than always shouting or moving while she's speaking, anyway
  2222. >"Hey Rylee. Can I have some trail mix too?"
  2223. >"Of course! It'll cheer you up right quick! Would you like extra banana chips with yours?"
  2224. >"Yes please."
  2225. >"Alright!"
  2226. >Rylee seems to make up for Carrot's lack of excitement with her own chipper tone
  2227. >She trots off again
  2228. >Carrot watches her leave
  2229. >When her hooves are no longer audible, Carrot turns to you
  2230. >"Angel... this place is really fun. I like it here."
  2231. >She doesn't sound all that excited
  2232. >"But I wanna go home now... I really do."
  2233. >The tone of her voice doesn't sound happy at all
  2234. "I want to go home too..."
  2235. >Neither of you speak
  2236. >You're just watching her while she watches you
  2237. >She's been here for a while
  2238. >Long enough to know
  2239. "Is it really ok to be here?"
  2240. >"Well yeah. I like it here."
  2241. " something going to happen to Berry?"
  2242. >Carrot doesn't seem to understand you
  2243. >"Is something wrong?"
  2244. >You shrug
  2245. >As much as you can while laying flat
  2246. "I don't know. Anon is worried about her."
  2247. >Carrot finally smiles
  2248. >"Anon always worries. But that's what I like about him. He was the first one to tell me that I was close to going back. He said that I would have to really polish up on my skills to really impress everyone."
  2249. >It shrinks
  2250. >"He didn't say it was a temporary return. He just said that I would still be hopping back here and there. Like preparing for different shows. I would be ok with that."
  2251. >Was Anon lying?
  2252. >Or is Rylee just saying something mean?
  2253. >She wouldn't be mean, would she?
  2254. >Rylee comes back in and places another paper towel down next to yours
  2255. >When it opens, it's more than a third full of banana chips
  2256. >"Are you both alright?"
  2257. >Rylee sounds concerned
  2258. >Is she?
  2259. >Really?
  2261. >Despite, or because, of the mutual discomfort felt around Rylee, you and Carrot decide to watch cartoons together for the rest of the day
  2262. >With some help your beanbag chair is brought next to hers
  2263. >You even get to exchange ingredients in the trail mix
  2264. >Granola chunks for raisins
  2265. >M&Ms for peanuts
  2266. >Chocolate chips for cashews
  2267. >Rather than just watching, Carrot even talks about her life at the library
  2268. >It sounds fun
  2269. >But really tiring too
  2270. >You don't remember if you've ever been to a library
  2271. >Plum doesn't return to the TV room, even well into the evening
  2272. >Berry doesn't either
  2273. >Skylar did come in to check on everyone
  2274. >Including you
  2275. >You still felt sore about losing so soundly but after some jostling you're more ready than ever for a rematch
  2276. >But not tonight
  2277. >You spend the next day with her too
  2278. >You don't exactly learn a lot but it feels good to learn new things
  2279. >You even play a few games together
  2280. >It isn't all that detailed but it is based off of the games she used to set up at the library
  2281. >The evening is spent with both of you watching her favorite cartoon
  2282. >It isn't Scooby Doo for some reason
  2283. >It's something a lot older
  2284. >It involves a cartoon mouse in red shorts doing all sorts of weird things like going through mirrors, into haunted houses, and more!
  2285. >But a lot of it is in black and white
  2286. >And they only sometimes talk
  2287. >And whenever there's a piano, someone knows how to play it
  2288. >The music sounds happy
  2289. >"Hey, wake up! Angel, wake up!"
  2290. >You were sleeping?
  2291. >You roll off of your beanbag chair and onto your hooves
  2292. "What? What's wrong?"
  2293. >Carrot is already ahead of you
  2294. >"Something's happening outside, someone's visiting!"
  2295. >Who would visit here?
  2296. >Is it another pony?
  2297. >Is it your mom?
  2298. >You rush to follow Carrot out the front door
  2299. >It's open so there's no waiting
  2300. >Everyone is out there!
  2301. >And a woman
  2302. >"-early but since when was the last time I've stopped by to visit, Anon?"
  2303. >Anon is talking to the woman
  2304. >Skylar and Rylee are flanking him
  2305. >Plum is sitting near Berry
  2306. >Berry's head is hanging down low
  2307. >"You're early and that's all that matters. Berry has not decided yet. Even when she does, paperwork takes-"
  2308. >"Anon, paperworks takes as long as it needs to until I'm available. And I'm available now."
  2309. >You want to get closer but something at the back of your neck makes you feel uneasy
  2310. >The woman looks a lot younger than Anon
  2311. >Her hair is a weird shade of blue
  2312. >Her outfit looks like some sort of scientist outfit, except outside of the white coat everything is black
  2313. >"And she isn't."
  2314. >Anon sounds angry
  2315. >Actually angry
  2316. >"How long have we been doing this dance? How many times have you really proven me wrong?"
  2317. >The woman giggles
  2318. >"I mean... you've been doing this dance with my grandma and mom for how long?"
  2319. >"And it looks like we're gaining a larger audience too..."
  2320. >Her eyes roam around and rest on yÌ·oÌ´uÌ´
  2322. >"Is anyone looking to go home, back to friends and family? I'm here to help, after all."
  2323. >She raises out her arms with the blanket offer
  2324. >You look at Carrot
  2325. "She can take us home?"
  2326. >Carrot looks weird
  2327. >"I don't believe her... I saw someone like her at the library once and got the same feeling. Don't go near her."
  2328. >Don't go near her?
  2329. >"Anyone? Anon knows me well, I'm the next step after Home!"
  2330. >"You can shut it with your lying. Berry isn't going anywhere and neither is anyone else."
  2331. >Anon is quick to shout her down
  2332. >If she is the next step after here... where does that take you?
  2333. >You take a few steps forward, standing near Plum
  2334. "If we go with you, how does that take us back? Doesn't Anon do that if we can?"
  2335. >Anon's caught off guard by your voice
  2336. >He whips his head back to you
  2337. >He looks terrified
  2338. >The woman picks up on your voice and gives you a smile
  2339. >It's a little... off?
  2340. >"Why yes, little pony. But I do things faster. A lot faster. Best of all, you won't be here for weeks or months or years!"
  2341. >Before anyone has a chance to speak, you take another step forward
  2342. "Can you take me to Heaven?"
  2343. >That's all that matters right there, isn't it?
  2344. >You aren't looking to go home
  2345. >Your only friend is there
  2346. >"Why o f c o u r s e , l i t t l e p o n y . . . "
  2347. >Why are you trembling?
  2348. >You can feel hot tears going down your face
  2349. >What is this feeling?
  2350. >You can almost feel her reaching out to you but she isn't moving
  2351. >The sensations ends as quickly as it started when Anon takes a step forward and shoves her shoulder
  2352. >She focuses her attention away from you
  2353. >What was that?
  2354. >"Leave, now. I'm not having you do this."
  2355. >"Oh you spoilsport... you've always had a big heart, you know that?"
  2356. >She sounds like she's teasing him
  2357. >You've heard that tone before
  2358. >"How is that big heart doing these days, anyway?"
  2359. >He doesn't reply
  2360. >She steps back a few times, shrugging
  2361. >"Oh well. You know, you used to be a lot nicer about all of this."
  2362. >"I used to be more stupid, yes."
  2363. >"Who said you're any smarter now?"
  2364. >You so desperately want to ask everyone what's going on but you can't bring yourself to speak
  2365. >"I guess my visit wasn't all that needed then... a shame. You know, you aren't running a permanent bed and breakfast here. How long has Plum Cake been here, remind me?"
  2366. >Skylar finally reacts and comes to Anon's side
  2367. >"Your department is yours, Home is Anon's territory. Until transfer paperwork is started, finished, and sent, you can buck off. I don't recall anyone ever saying your lies mean anything, especially here."
  2368. >Rylee trots up to Anon's other side
  2369. >"W-we're experimenting with no forms of therapy and action all the time! We're growing and need assistants, there is absolutely no rules against anyone staying to help out if their cases are actively in process or under review! Our monthly overhead is exactly where it should be, and our budget has consistently grown for the last thirty years while you still work by yourself."
  2371. >You don't know what any of that means but it makes the woman look very mad
  2372. >Neither of them budge
  2373. >Skylar scoffs
  2374. >"And because of our increased budget and upgrades, I don't need to remind you that Home is as safe and secure as can be. Including seven cameras that have you in full focus with magnification keen enough to see those crow's feet that you've been trying to hide."
  2375. >The woman's arms finally drop down
  2376. >Her expression reverts to a more neutral state
  2377. >Out of nowhere you can feel Carrot hook a leg around you and pull you back to hide behind Plum
  2378. >"...this was so much easier when this was just some little redneck shack. I'm gonna be back, Anon. And I'm not leaving alone."
  2379. >"Goodbye, 'Nona'."
  2380. >You can't see what happens but after an uncomfortably long time you can finally hear someone walking away
  2381. >No one says anything
  2382. >Carrot squeezes you tight like you are going to somehow drift away
  2383. >The silence is broken by Anon letting out a staggered cough
  2384. >You peek out from behind Plum again
  2385. >Anon's on one knee
  2386. >"Anon, your stress level is far too high. Rylee, go grab Anon's beta-blockers and nitro tabs."
  2387. >Skylar is in front of Anon, staring right up at him
  2388. >"Eyes on me, Anon. You did great."
  2389. >What's happening?
  2390. >"I'm sorry... I thought if I could contact her directly, I could just go away... no one would have to know or do anything."
  2391. >Berry sounds so morose
  2392. >Plum shushes her
  2393. >"No, you're ok. I understand why you did it. But that wasn't safe to do. What if you went with her and forgot something? Or if you ended up missing us? I would have missed you a whole lot."
  2394. >What's going on?
  2395. >"Angel, are you ok?"
  2396. >Even Carrot sounds concerned
  2397. >She doesn't sound like she's trying to have fun at all
  2398. >What's going on?!
  2399. >Rylee rushes past you to Anon's side
  2400. >"Anon, keep your eyes on me and breathe, ok?"
  2401. >"I have your medicine, can you bring your hand up?"
  2402. >"I thought it would be ok..."
  2403. >"God help me. Where's Piera?"
  2404. >"His hand is shaking too much, give it to him direc-FUCK it, give it to me already you idiot!"
  2405. >"Plum, help me! Angel isn't responding!"
  2406. >Everyone is speaking so much at once
  2407. >You can't keep up with it
  2408. >You feel like throwing up
  2409. >You lose your sense of self
  2410. >For a split second
  2411. >For a fraction of a breath
  2412. >You see him
  2413. >You see Heaven
  2414. >You've made it
  2416. >You feel light as a feather
  2417. >You see one of your feathers drifting by
  2418. >You're flying!
  2419. >This has to be the easiest time you've ever had flying!
  2420. >You flap as hard as you can toward him
  2421. >He looks as healthy as he's ever been!
  2422. >You've made it!
  2423. >You're here!
  2424. >Before you reach him, he holds up his hand
  2425. >"Not yet Angel."
  2426. >Those words fill you with such immense shame
  2427. >You understand
  2428. >It feels like someone glued your mouth shut but you manage to scream it
  2429. "But I'm your guardian Angel!"
  2430. >He smiles
  2431. >"And I'm yours. I like your friends. Tell mom it's really ok for me. Please?"
  2432. >"ANGEL!"
  2433. >You feel someone violently shake you
  2434. >It's Carrot
  2435. >Almost instantly, relief bubbles up to her worried face
  2436. >"J-jinkies! That training actually worked!"
  2437. >It takes time for your eyes to focus
  2438. >You're outside, where you were before
  2439. >Plum and Berry are gone
  2440. >Anon is still kneeling on the ground, breathing hard enough that even you can hear it
  2441. >"In and out-there we go. That stuff is fast acting, you'll be alright."
  2442. >Is that Skylar speaking?
  2443. >She sounds completely different
  2444. >Rylee looks between Anon and you
  2445. >And comes to you
  2446. >She looks like she's not able to focus on just one thing
  2447. >"What happened to Angel? Where did Berry go?"
  2448. >"Angel just... collapsed. I don't know where Berry went, Plum went with her. They're both capable, please help me here. I did the CPR thing and kept her head from hitting the ground."
  2449. >"She stopped breathing?!"
  2450. >"N... no? But that's what the training included and it worked!"
  2451. "Listen, I saw H-"
  2452. >"Don't speak right now, Angel, look at me. Did Nona do anything to you?"
  2453. >How could she do anything to you?
  2454. >"This is good though, right? Did I do it right?"
  2455. >"Yes, you did it right. Thank you for your quick thinking, Carrot."
  2456. >"Skylar... did anyone ever tell you that you sound like-"
  2457. >"You're just imagining things. Focus on your breathing with me, ok?"
  2458. >Why is everyone speaking at once?
  2459. >It's almost too much for you
  2460. "No, I saw Heaven! I saw him!"
  2461. >You swat out your front legs, nearly hitting Carrot's face
  2462. "He was there! And he had clean clothing! And he said that I had good friends and that had to be you guys!"
  2463. >"Wait, Heaven? Jinkies, you were right here the entire time! There was no way you went there and came back already!"
  2464. >"Your vitals look fine. Carrot, please keep her nearby. I need to find Berry."
  2465. >Rylee gallops away at full speed, leaving no room for argument
  2466. >You manage to make it to your hooves
  2467. >You kinda... feel fine now
  2468. >You feel better than fine, really
  2469. "Who was that?"
  2470. >"I'm sorry, Piera."
  2471. >"You don't need to apologize for a thing Nonny, you're doing great."
  2472. "Carrot, is Skylar ok?"
  2473. >"I don't know... I've never heard her talk like this before."
  2474. >Everything was so sped up and hard to keep track of
  2475. >Now it has slowed to a crawl
  2476. >You can only see Anon's back, but he's still kneeling there
  2477. >With Skylar in front of him
  2478. >She sounds so different
  2479. >Who is she supposed to sound like?
  2481. >Carrot led you away from the scene outside
  2482. >You would like to ask what happened and who that woman was
  2483. >But you feel so elated
  2484. >You saw him
  2485. >You really spoke to him again
  2486. >You've been telling her about it again and again but she doesn't seem all that interested
  2487. >She listens and asks you questions
  2488. >But you get the feeling she isn't really listening
  2489. >Without the comfort, the TV room just feels empty
  2490. >Even if cartoons are playing
  2491. >Like a movie theater after a movie when the lights come on
  2492. "Hey... Carrot?"
  2493. >"Yup yup?"
  2494. "...can I go get a drink real quick? I'll be right back."
  2495. >"Oh, sure! Yeah, of course. Plum and Berry are sure to be back real soon."
  2496. >She sounds nervous
  2497. >She's trying to work the DVD player and TV
  2498. >You hope she doesn't break anything
  2499. >Rylee would be upset if that happened
  2500. >Rather than go to the kitchen, you gallop out the front door
  2501. >You're worried
  2502. >You don't see signs of Berry or Plum or Rylee
  2503. >But you still see Anon and Skylar!
  2504. >He's sitting on the grass near the path, no longer kneeling
  2505. >Skylar is sitting opposite of him
  2506. >You trot up to them
  2507. >They have to be greatly interested in your conversation with him
  2508. >"...and after that?"
  2509. >"After that, we... well, our room was the first to be furnished. Naturally. Kitchen was second; she already had utensils prepared, we just needed bigger equipment set up. And a fridge. I do not miss going without one, even if it was only for a week."
  2510. >What are they talking about?
  2511. "Anon! I saw him!"
  2512. >Both of them look at you
  2513. >Anon looks
  2514. >He looks like he's aged
  2515. >A lot
  2516. >Skylar looks annoyed at something
  2517. "Are you ok? What happened?"
  2518. >Skylar looks at Anon
  2519. >He looks at her
  2520. >Then you
  2521. >"I... ah..."
  2522. >He shakes his head at a slow, tired speed
  2523. >"Ah screw it... everything else, we're honest about. What's one more detail."
  2524. >He inhales hard
  2525. >Pauses
  2526. >And exhales
  2527. >"I'm getting old, Angel. Nona popping up uninvited just... set me off. I can't get angry like that anymore. Not without my hardware skipping a beat."
  2528. >He taps his chest with his index finger and chuckles
  2529. >"Some things you just can't upgrade or swap out. If only it were a human thing to do."
  2530. >You don't get what he means by that
  2531. >"Listen, Anon is still unable to stand. Do you really need to be out here?"
  2532. >Skylar speaks down to you with an edge in her voice
  2533. >She gets mad so easily
  2534. "I was worried..."
  2535. >Anon reaches over and pats Skylar's head
  2536. >She jolts upright
  2537. >"And I appreciate it. Don't mind Skylar, she's..."
  2538. >He smiles
  2539. >It's the type of smile that makes you think that he knows some sort of joke
  2540. >"She really is too good to me. And she shouldn't be. Right?"
  2541. >Skylar's head sinks down
  2542. >She glares at him
  2543. >"I'm geriatric support but I'll still buck you into a late grave."
  2544. >"Well ain't that just the cutest."
  2545. >This doesn't feel right
  2546. "So... you're ok now?"
  2547. >"Ye... not entirely, no. My chest still feels like it's going to burst. But the worst is over. Probably. I just need some time to... be alright."
  2549. >He wipes his forehead with his hand
  2550. >"Enough about me. Where's Berry? Where's Rylee?"
  2551. >Skylar sighs
  2552. >"She's... I don't know. Plum is with them. She doesn't need all of us to see her at once."
  2553. "Why not? I'm worried about her too."
  2554. >"It's not that easy."
  2555. >"Skylar's right. This..."
  2556. >Anon brings his hands to his head
  2557. >"What a mess."
  2558. >He sounds so bothered
  2559. >"I was prepared to start things to roll on that... but this? Who can prepare for this?"
  2560. "I..."
  2561. >"You're doing what you can, Anon."
  2562. >Skylar sounds supportive but she keeps giving you an unpleasant look
  2563. "I saw him. That's good news... right?"
  2564. >Anon picks his head up to look at you
  2565. >"I'm sorry, who?"
  2566. "I saw him! In Heaven!"
  2567. >His head drops back into his hands
  2568. >"Please go back inside, Angel. I think we could both use more of a break."
  2569. >"Please. You aren't alone in there, are you?"
  2570. "No, Carrot is with me an-"
  2571. >"Good. Go back to her then. Now."
  2572. >You shrink away at Skylar's authoritative demand
  2573. >"Don't worry about it right now, we can talk more later today. Alright?"
  2574. "Oh... alright..."
  2575. >You feel like neither of them wanted to talk to you at all...
  2576. >You were just worried
  2577. >Your head droops and you drag yourself inside
  2578. >You can hear Anon and Skylar talking
  2579. >Including more of that voice
  2580. >They're having fun and you're supposed to just sit alone and watch cartoons?
  2581. >It didn't sound like the worst idea
  2582. >But everything else is going on and they probably need help
  2583. >You can help
  2584. >You really can
  2585. >Somehow
  2587. >You leave the two to themselves and take the... long way inside
  2588. >Which means walking around to the back
  2589. >It still counts, right?
  2590. >When you're long out of their sight, you decide to trot into the hills
  2591. >If you can find the others, maybe you can help them instead
  2592. >As much as you walk, you really can't find any of them
  2593. >You stick to the tops of the hills to get the best view
  2594. >Eventually you do see Plum!
  2595. >And Rylee too!
  2596. >They're walking along the parameter of the fence
  2597. >You gallop to them at full speed and flap your wings to give you some extra push
  2598. "Guys! Guys, I saw him!"
  2599. >You slow down when you realize that they aren't so excited to see you
  2600. >"Please go inside, Angel."
  2601. >Rylee sounds concerned
  2602. >"We can talk but can it wait until dinner time?"
  2603. >Even Plum dismisses you
  2604. >But she's always happy to try to talk to you!
  2605. "...what are you two doing out here?"
  2606. >"Angel, please, g-"
  2607. >"We're looking for Berry, Angel. She ran off before we could catch up. Right now she's in danger and we need to find her and bring her Home."
  2608. >Plum speaks over Berry
  2609. >She sounds almost like your mom-his mom-for a moment
  2610. "Can... I help search for her? Maybe she'll want to see me?"
  2611. >"Go on ahead. I'll rejoin you in a second."
  2612. >Plum slows down until she's standing and facing you
  2613. >Rylee continues on, scanning back and forth
  2614. >"Angel... right now is incredibly important in Berry's life. And she needs our help. But right now she's... hiding."
  2615. "Why is she hiding?"
  2616. >"Because..."
  2617. >Plum sighs
  2618. >She looks like Anon
  2619. >Like she's more mature now
  2620. >Or maybe you didn't notice before
  2621. >"Because she's afraid of having help. And we need to show her that it's ok to have help."
  2622. "Can't I show her that it's ok to help too?"
  2623. >" You can't."
  2624. >You would feel more defensive if you weren't shocked
  2625. "W-why not?"
  2626. >"Because right now... you don't know how to. And right now, you may make things worse. So please. Be a good pony and go back inside? I promise we can read again soon if you want, but right now Berry needs me. Just as she needs Rylee. And... she needs Anon and Skylar too."
  2627. "Well that's easy, they're out in the front yard an-"
  2628. >"And Anon is also in a very bad spot right now... I know. And Skylar needs to stay with him. Not me, not Rylee. Certainly not you or Carrot or anyone else. Now I'm expecting to hear about how you went inside and relaxed and waited. Ok?"
  2629. >Your head droops down
  2630. >Not only are you not helping
  2631. >You're actively getting in the way
  2632. "...ok."
  2633. >"Thank you."
  2634. >Without another word, Plum gallops ahead to meet up with Rylee
  2635. >You stand there
  2636. >Until you're sitting
  2637. >You can't help anything
  2638. >You can't help anyone
  2639. >Things are going on and everyone could use some help
  2640. >But you're the last pony on earth they could use right now
  2641. >You aren't anyone's guardian Angel
  2642. >You've lost that title
  2643. "...hic... wh... what do I do..."
  2644. >Your voice wavers while tears stream down your face
  2645. >You're alone
  2646. >But a part of you remembers talking to him, deep deep down
  2647. >You aren't... completely alone
  2649. >It takes you far too long to go back to the house
  2650. >Every few dozen steps, you slow down to a crawl and lay down
  2651. >You feel so drained
  2652. >A tiny part of you hopes that at least Carrot needs help
  2653. >When you finally go back inside, you feel energized from the air conditioning
  2654. >Hanging your head low, you return to the TV room
  2655. >Carrot is on her beanbag chair, and sees you immediately
  2656. >Your beanbag chair is right next to hers
  2657. >"You went outside."
  2658. >You nod
  2659. >Carrot pats your seat
  2660. >You drag yourself on top of it and lay down, facing away from her
  2661. >"I'm glad you're ok."
  2662. >You don't reply
  2663. >"...are you sad about how you aren't able to help?"
  2664. >You don't respond
  2665. >But you nod
  2666. >Barely
  2667. >"I know how you feel, you know."
  2668. >You can feel one of Carrot's hooves patting your side
  2669. >"This one time, we had to call an ambulance. And I tried really hard to help. Long story short... I didn't help at all. Me panicking didn't make anyone better off."
  2670. >She sounds weird
  2671. >Like her voice is coming out of some hollowed rock
  2672. >Her lack of energy or tone is uncomfortable
  2673. >"And when it comes to being here... I'm not a mom. I'm not a nurse. I'm the wacky cartoon pony. So... what I can do, is sit here, wait for everyone, and cheer them all up like they know I'll do."
  2674. >She nudges you with her hoof until you look at her
  2675. >In the dim light, you can see her smiling
  2676. >But it looks off
  2677. >It doesn't look real
  2678. >"A-and... and even if A-anon is out there... and Berry is... i-is missing. I can just wait. I can only wait...!"
  2679. >She smiles wider despite a few gleaming tears going down her face
  2680. >"Until... t-they come back in, safe and sound. Will you wait with me? Please? We... w-we can watch all sorts of things!"
  2681. >You rotate in your chair and lunge at her chest for a hug
  2682. >She returns the hug, stifling some sort of... noise
  2683. >She understands
  2684. >She really understands
  2686. >It's been two days since you've last seen Anon or Berry
  2687. >You do see Rylee, sometimes Skylar, and even Plum
  2688. >But it has largely been just you and Carrot
  2689. >So you spent two days just talking to her and watching cartoons
  2690. >It does not feel right at all to just sit there and do nothing
  2691. >To stay out of the way and hear conversations going on that you know your opinion and help would be valuable
  2692. >But it wouldn't be
  2693. >You wouldn't be helping anyone
  2694. >You wouldn't even be helping yourself
  2695. >As Carrot said, it would just stress you out
  2696. >But how do you relax then?
  2697. >Talking and cartoons can only go so far
  2698. >You haven't once thought about Heaven since seeing him
  2699. >Or going there
  2700. >But you have thought about him
  2701. >How will he be able to help you?
  2702. >"Hey Carrot. Do you mind if I steal Angel away for a bit?"
  2703. >That voice
  2704. >You and Carrot turn your heads in unison to see Anon
  2705. >He's ok!
  2706. >He's leaning against the door frame, trying to act nonchalant
  2707. >Like that sort of stuff didn't happen out there
  2708. >"Yeah, of course!"
  2709. >You bounced out of your beanbag chair before Carrot finished
  2710. "Anon, you're up! Are you really feeling better? Where are we going?"
  2711. >"Up stairs for now, but we can take a stroll after too. I've been spending too much time in bed I think."
  2712. >As excited as you are, you clear the stairs in a quarter of a time it takes Anon
  2713. >You might have stumbled upward once or twice but it was all too worth it
  2714. >You end up entering that room you first spoke to him in
  2715. >You hop onto the seat you're now familiar with
  2716. >He takes his own seat
  2717. >"So... it's been a rough few days, I think."
  2718. >He's keeping a small smile
  2719. >He sounds like he's saying each word with care
  2720. >"I have been... well. I have been a little slow to wind back up. And... our Berry..."
  2721. >He gulps, running a hand through his hair
  2722. >"Well. We found her. And I'm glad we did."
  2723. "What happened to her? How was that woman? Where did she go, when did we get her, is she ok, why did Skyl-"
  2724. >He holds up his hand and chuckles
  2725. >"Well hold on now. I want to let you know what's been going on but one thing at a time, ok?"
  2726. >You slump down
  2727. "Alright. I'm sorry."
  2728. >"Nah, it's nothing to apologize about. I'd want to know if I were in your position. Heck, I was in my position and I wanted to know too."
  2729. >His smile turns bitter
  2730. >"I really wasn't helping anything by having a little episode there, myself..."
  2731. >He shrugs with a sigh
  2732. >"Well. Rylee found her. It wasn't until at night that Plum and she found Berry. She had hopped over the nice little wood fence we have here and just... well, what matters is that we found her. She was a little scratched up and more than a little out of it. But she's in one of our bedrooms. Once I kicked Skylar out of my room, she got it through that blue dome of hers that she should watch over her more than me."
  2733. >He pauses, allowing you to speak
  2734. >You want to say a lot
  2735. >But what do you say first?
  2736. >"Is Plum with her?"
  2738. "Yeah, she is. She hasn't left her side. I think to a mare like her, this sort of thing is... especially important to her. She told me that she saw you and sent you inside... which does mean that you didn't go inside like you should've when you were asked to."
  2739. >Oh
  2740. >Of course that would be remembered
  2741. >"But given the circumstances, and I told you were really desperate to help... well, it's ok to do that sort of thing. Sometimes. But when someone older tells you something, it can be very important that you listen to them."
  2742. "I understand... I'm sorry."
  2743. >You are
  2744. >Just as you are sorry that you couldn't actually do anything to make a difference
  2745. >"Don't go beating yourself up about it. I promise you that the best, safest place you could've been was inside, with Carrot."
  2746. >He says that
  2747. >He's probably right
  2748. >But maybe you could have seen Berry before anyone else
  2749. >Maybe you could have said something that would have really mattered
  2750. >"What would you like to know next?"
  2751. >The chance to ask another question snaps you out of it
  2752. "Are you really ok?"
  2753. >Anon lets out a chortle
  2754. >"Me? Yeah, never better. You really don't need to worry about me any, you know. I have everything I need seconds away, even when seconds count."
  2755. "Why was Skylar talking like someone else?"
  2756. >It takes a few seconds
  2757. >But Anon's carefree smile melts
  2758. >As do his shoulders
  2759. >"...oh. You... ah... you heard that sort of thing. Yeah?"
  2760. >His tone drops almost dead
  2761. >You know immediately that you've either asked something you shouldn't have
  2762. >Or something you needed to
  2763. "I did. Is it ok that I did?"
  2764. >Anon purses his lips and looks down
  2765. >He moves his hand to gesture something but it drops down after a few attempts
  2766. >"I... ah. Guess there's no point in asking if you want the long or short of it; the first time my heart had issues, it took everyone by surprise. I couldn't stand, I couldn't focus. I couldn't even really breathe. You know, we are pretty out in the sticks so an ambulance or something wouldn't get here if I really needed one."
  2767. >He wipes his mouth with the hand that tried to gesture
  2768. >And again a few more times, one pass focusing on his nose
  2769. >"And... Skylar. I don't know how she knew. Or if she did know. But that voice? It sounds exactly like my wife. It sounded just like Piera."
  2770. >He tries to force a chuckle and a quarter smile
  2771. >But even you can tell that his eyes are sad
  2772. >"And... she just spoke to me. Until it passed. I was delirious, I thought I was going to die right there, out of nowhere. But that. She. I really don't think I would be here today otherwise."
  2773. >He tries to shake his head and dismiss something with a wave of his hand
  2774. >"But... you know. They all had the same hardware, of course there would be some similarities. I guess I've been around them all for so long that the little inflections and tones make them entirely different to me. But... yeah. You know, she nailed it. Just completely."
  2775. >You're getting far more detail than you asked for
  2777. >You don't really know what he means about hardware
  2778. >"And... yeah. Sometimes if I have trouble sleeping, or if something happens. I guess that's something she just knows how to do."
  2779. >He tries to wipe his face with his hand again
  2780. >His hand is trembling hard enough for you to see it
  2781. >"And... I guess I'm hearing it more these days. Which is good. Right?"
  2782. "I... do you want me to get her right now?"
  2783. >"What? No, no. It's ok. I'm ok. Anyway, yeah, that's the long and short of it. I'm... I'm an old man."
  2784. >He says that like it's the first time he's noticed
  2785. >"And it's just a little thing to kinda help nudge me in the right direction when I get lost."
  2786. >He lets his words hang in the air before shaking his head and blowing through his lips
  2787. >"Anyway, sorry for the rant. What else are you wanting to learn about?"
  2788. "Ah... how's Berry?"
  2789. >"Good! A little scratched up. But I think most of her pains are more in than on.
  2790. "What do you mean?"
  2791. >"It means she's gonna need some more time. But... thankfully it might not happen again. I hope. I really hope."
  2792. >You watch him nod to himself
  2793. >You don't get it but you understand the gist of it
  2794. >That's all that really matters
  2795. "...I... went to Heaven. For a bit. And I saw him."
  2796. >"Yeah... yeah, I was told something like that..."
  2797. >He sounds...
  2798. >Like he doesn't believe you?
  2799. >"Can you tell me more about it?"
  2800. >You smile wide
  2801. "Well I felt dizzy when that woman showed up and everything kinda felt like it was just dripping away but then I saw him! He didn't have wings but he said that he was doing ok and to tell mom that he was ok and that he was going to be my guardian angel! And when I woke up, everyone wa-"
  2802. >He holds up his hand to stop you
  2803. "...I'm glad I got to see him."
  2804. >"Yeah... I bet. That sort of experience is really hard to forget. So... how do you feel now? These late few days?"
  2805. >You frown at him
  2806. "I don't like being useless."
  2807. >It's such a harsh word that your lip trembles when you hear yourself say it
  2808. >"Oh come on... I'm gonna nip this real quick; you aren't useless, Angel."
  2809. "Then why couldn't I have helped?!"
  2810. >"Because you don't know how yet!"
  2811. >You raise your voice
  2812. >But he raises it too, instantly dominating the conversation
  2813. >You can't argue against him
  2814. >"You aren't useless, Angel. But you need time to learn and grow more. If I need help with something I know you can do, I would ask you. But do you know how to cook certain things or to measure out medicine?"
  2815. >Of course you don't
  2816. "...well I could learn to, right?"
  2817. >"Right."
  2818. >He leans forward, a smile on his face
  2819. >Finally
  2820. >"You can learn! You can learn to do a lot of amazing things. But that sort of thing takes time, you know? If I got us a car, could you drive us to the store for food? Of course not. But not because you're useless. It's because you aren't old enough to learn how to."
  2822. >He shrugs
  2823. >"And... to be fair, cars aren't meant to be driven by ponies... but those are minor details. You can learn to cook, to help, to really be a genuinely strong source of support and strength. But that sort of thing takes time to build. You gotta buff up before you can carry me around, right?"
  2824. >He squints and flexes his arms
  2825. >"Oooo-ahhh. Gotta get buff."
  2826. >You laugh at how exaggerated his face is
  2827. >"Home wasn't build in a day. Plum, Skylar, Rylee... they've had a very long time to get a lot of really unique, unbelievable skills."
  2828. "I understand... but can't I learn faster?"
  2829. >"No can do, drumstick. No one can just download something into their head and have it become second nature. No matter what, you gotta learn to grow into it."
  2830. >This doesn't make you feel any happier
  2831. >But it does mean that you will one day be as good as Plum is when it comes to helping
  2832. >Maybe even better
  2833. >But she'll keep growing too so she'll still know more things than you
  2834. >The complex concept makes you sigh
  2835. "Alright..."
  2836. >You stare at the floor for a while
  2837. "Can I see Berry?"
  2838. >Anon shakes his head
  2839. >"No. Not yet, I'm afraid. After we take a walk outside to get our cardio in for the day, I'm going to go see her next. I know it won't be easy for her. But I'm really happy that she's ok."
  2840. >Anon stands up, giving one last show of buffness by rising into a muscular pose
  2841. >"Hooooooo....ah... I better rest more, otherwise I may get too strong."
  2842. >That makes you laugh again
  2843. >Now you feel happier
  2844. >"Come on, let's go. I'll even tell you about the wood we used for the fence if you want."
  2845. >You hop off of the chair and shy away from the offer
  2846. "Ehhhhh... that's... ok... how about I tell you about the cartoons Carrot and I have been watching?"
  2847. >"Cartoons?! Alright, you win. I'll lead the way and you tell me about what you've been digging into."
  2848. >He leads you out of the room
  2849. >You only just now realized that he never closed the door
  2850. >That makes you feel proud for some reason
  2851. >Like you were really talking back and forth with him
  2852. >Like you weren't even in trouble
  2853. >He understands you too
  2854. >He knows you just want to do your best
  2855. >That makes you want to do even better
  2856. >You will do better
  2858. >After a few days, you got to see Berry
  2859. >After a few weeks, things got back to more normal
  2860. >Every morning, you get exactly what you want for breakfast
  2861. >If you want lunch you get it
  2862. >Then for dinner you get what you like to eat too
  2863. >Every day you get to read with Plum
  2864. >You get to watch cartoons with Rylee and Carrot
  2865. >You get to try your luck and race against Skylar outside too
  2866. >You won again after spending two weeks trying to run faster
  2867. >Things are...
  2868. >Ok
  2869. >You don't want to be here
  2870. >There are friends here
  2871. >You want to go to Heaven already
  2872. >But you know you can't rush it
  2873. >But you're tired of being here
  2874. >You think Berry might be thinking the same way
  2875. >The way she looks at you...
  2876. >It worries you
  2877. >"How are we doing, Angel?"
  2878. >It's another discussion day with Anon
  2879. >You feel comfortable in his room
  2880. >He looks a lot better now
  2881. >He doesn't say anything about how he feels but you think he looks tired
  2882. >Or did he always look tired?
  2883. "I feel..."
  2884. >How did you feel?
  2885. >You're safe
  2886. >You've been eating what you want
  2887. >You're never alone
  2888. >But is this where you want to be?
  2889. >Is Home really home for you?
  2890. "Hollow."
  2891. >Anon looks surprised
  2892. >"Hollow in what way?"
  2893. "Just... hollow. Like if I left here, no one would miss me after a few days."
  2894. >Saying that makes you believe it more
  2895. >"Where would you want to go if you left here?"
  2896. "I don't know."
  2897. >You really don't have any answers
  2898. >You're starting to get that Anon doesn't have any answers either
  2899. >None of them do
  2900. >You've stopped asking questions
  2901. "What am I supposed to do?"
  2902. >"What do you want to do?"
  2903. "What can I do?"
  2904. >"What feels right?"
  2905. >Is it better or worse that he's only giving you more questions?
  2906. >You sigh
  2907. >"That's a pretty heavy sigh."
  2908. >It is
  2909. >You feel a little less weighed down
  2910. "I don't know what feels right... can I see my... his... mom?"
  2911. >"I had a feeling you'd want to. I've been talking to her and while... it's pretty rough going, she is planning on coming up here soon so you two can get things squared off."
  2912. >You perk up at the news
  2913. >Does she really want to see you again?
  2914. "When?"
  2915. >"Hopefully another week or two. I think... she just needed some time. Anyone would."
  2916. >Another few weeks
  2917. >Everything takes so much time to do anything
  2918. >"Speaking of."
  2919. >You focus on him
  2920. >He produces a little box from his pocket
  2921. >"I've been sorta holding onto this since yesterday. It came in and I didn't want to make a big deal about it, you know?"
  2922. >You can't help but feel excited
  2923. >You aren't fully sure of what it is
  2924. >But you can tell it is important
  2925. >You hop out of the chair and step up to him
  2926. >"I hope you like it. I know someone who's a bit of a fancy craftsman and I told him to keep it simple. Easy to clean, easy to take care of, you know?"
  2928. >He reaches in and pulls out
  2929. >He got it
  2930. >He really got it for you
  2931. >It's a cross
  2932. >A bright, lustrous gold cross on a copper wire
  2933. >He reseats himself and bends down so you can see it up close
  2934. >"And... because I know why you wanted it..."
  2935. >He uses his thumb to spin the backside toward you
  2936. >It has His name on it
  2937. >"It's... not really the same as those ash rings or beads. But with this. It'll be one step closer to always having him with you. You know?"
  2938. >You don't know what to say
  2939. >You don't even know what to think
  2940. >You never thought you would get something like this
  2941. >Your lack of response makes him clear his throat
  2942. >"I hope you aren't a fan of those... uh, white gold things. I don't know my metals so well so I just told him to get the ric-"
  2943. >You cut him off by latching onto his leg for a hug
  2944. >It's the sort of hug you give someone if you could only hug them once
  2945. >"I take it you like it then. Want me to slip it on? There's a clasp in the back but... uh, well, better for hands to operate than hooves."
  2946. >You rub your face into his knee with your nod
  2947. >It's on you before you know it
  2948. >You now have it
  2949. >A cross
  2950. >A connection to Heaven
  2951. >A direct line to Him
  2952. >"I understand if you're too shocked to say anything."
  2953. >He sounds amused
  2954. >You thank him
  2955. >You thank him so many times you aren't even sure if you're speaking English
  2956. >You thank him for so long you can't stop tears from coming
  2957. >Compared to the last few weeks, this feels like your life has been given... life!
  2958. >Anon pets your head and helps you calm down
  2959. >This doesn't feel like rubbing a raw wound
  2960. >Before it used to feel like salt
  2961. >Or a spike
  2962. >But this is a salve
  2963. >Rather than a stinging, agitated pain it feels like an ice cube kept away from the skin by less than an inch
  2964. >This has to be because he's attached to it
  2965. >When you calm down you look down at it
  2966. >It hangs down low enough that you can easily see it
  2967. >"It's a bit of a long cord. But that's so when you grow up and get bigger it'll still fit fine. If you ever need a replacement cord, let me know and I'll have him get to it."
  2968. >This feels good
  2969. >This feels right
  2970. "He's with me."
  2971. >That's all you can say
  2972. >"That's right. From what you told me, he said that he's your guardian angel now."
  2973. "And it's true."
  2974. >You sit there, on the floor
  2975. >You can't stop looking at it
  2976. >You raise one of your hooves up to touch it
  2977. >It's cool
  2978. >"Wanna show it off and see how well it can shine in the sun?"
  2979. "No thank you. I think I'm gonna go to the reading room for a bit."
  2980. >You want somewhere quiet so you can talk to him
  2981. >That would really make you happy
  2982. >"Sure, Angel. You let me know if you want anything else, alright?"
  2983. "Alright."
  2984. >Once you finally leave Anon's meeting room, you sit down by yourself in the reading room
  2986. >And you talk
  2987. >You talk to him for hours
  2988. >Every little thing that comes into your mind comes out of your mouth
  2989. >Every breakfast
  2990. >Every dinner
  2991. >Everything about all of the other ponies
  2992. >About the pictures of Anon when he was younger and his wife
  2993. >About when that woman showed up
  2994. >About your plans to talk to your mom again
  2995. "You'll get to see her too! I bet she'll be really happy to see us again. Maybe I can go back home after... I hope she kept your room the same. That blue blanket I like is still at home."
  2996. "Hey... do you think she sees me as her daughter? Is it ok that I want her to be my mom too still?"
  2997. "What do you think you would want for breakfast here? You could ask for a ten course meal and I bet you would still be able to get it! Skylar and Rylee are awesome cooks... I watched Anon too. I think he taught them how. I think he takes that sort of stuff too seriously though."
  2998. "That one movie you love... did you know that there's a sequel? I mean it's kinda like a sequel. But everyone has different voices. So maybe you wouldn't like it as much. I can have Rylee play it next time we're down there!"
  2999. "I really miss you."
  3000. "Would you have been able to meet Anon and everyone if I went instead?"
  3001. "You would miss me as much, right?"
  3002. >Dinner comes and goes
  3003. >So does tomorrow
  3004. >And then more days after tomorrow
  3005. "Mom is gonna be here tomorrow. Anon didn't say it but I want to ask her if I can come home. Wouldn't it be so cool to be able to sleep in our own bed again?"
  3006. >It isn't the same as talking to him
  3007. >It really isn't
  3008. >And...
  3009. >You know that he will never answer you again
  3010. >Because he's in Heaven
  3011. >He's gone
  3012. >But you will see him again
  3013. >You will do your very best to make sure of it
  3014. "Mom is sad again today... but we made breakfast together. Your favorite."
  3015. "Happy birthday. I wish you were still here. I went Home today and Anon helped me throw a little birthday party for you."
  3016. "Merry Christmas. Mom got me that game you always wanted. You've been watching me play it, right?"
  3017. "Anon got me a new chain and helped me polish you up."
  3018. "Mom wants to go to the state fair! I'll grab some funnel cake for you."
  3019. "Anon is sick again. I'm helping Rylee for the weekend. Will you please watch over him?"
  3020. >Every day
  3021. >Every week
  3022. >Every month
  3023. >And every year
  3024. >You always speak to him
  3025. >Some days you falter
  3026. >But you're always doing your best
  3027. "We're one day closer... will you please watch over me again today too?"
  3029. Matthew 5:4
  3030. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon