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/jacky/ IF Scenario G: Growing Wings

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2021-07-04 05:25:28
Updated: 2022-02-23 23:34:19
Expiry: Never

  1. "Hey Prism, I'm back."
  2. >"Welcome back, Anonymous."
  3. "Got groceries in the hallway still, gimme a hand?"
  4. >You bought enough food and toiletries to last for the next season or two
  5. >The pegasus is rather quiet at times but she does enjoy keeping stock of things
  6. >She doesn't look like it but she stresses easy
  7. >From what you know, she has mentioned that in the past she had to keep track of every scrap of food she had
  8. >A little odd since she came out of a box
  9. >But you have no reason to call her a liar
  10. >After putting everything up, both of you head to the balcony
  11. >She likes being outside
  12. >You've never seen her fly though
  13. >Whenever you ask about it, she gets nervous
  14. "Today's a good day out."
  15. >"It is. Even though it's more evening."
  16. >She's been around for a while now
  17. >She wasn't what you were expecting when you were looking for a Celestia pony
  18. >You were kinda wondering, if you did get a unicorn, if she would actually know magic or not
  19. "So you feel like sharing any more stories?"
  20. >"You really think they're just stories?"
  21. >She doesn't sound insulted
  22. >Surprised, maybe
  23. "Well, no. If you say they're from your past, I have no reason to believe that you would lie to me. Weirder things have happened, right?"
  24. >She scoffs
  25. >A playful smile grows on her sly face
  26. >"How courteous of you. And here I thought you were just another oafish man."
  27. >She reseats herself, her wings fidgeting
  28. >"So. This one time, Jacky and I were planning on stealing from a food bank."
  29. "A place where they freely give out food, presumably."
  30. >"Quiet, you."
  31. >She pauses
  32. >"...and yes."
  33. >You chuckle
  34. >"We were young. Really even among children we had the most warped morals. 'What wasn't ours could be', 'trust no one else', 'friends lie'..."
  35. >Her face sours for not even a full second
  36. >"I taught her these things, you see. I... I really don't remember when it started."
  37. >She gives you a side glance
  38. >"You have to understand. I thought I was doing a good thing. And I was. It kept strangers from taking us away. It kept us safe. It kept us... together."
  39. "Yeah. You've told me about her before."
  40. >She used to go on and on about this 'Jacky' character
  41. >Her name, Faint Prism, was on her box
  42. >She insisted that she was called something else but she couldn't remember what
  43. >And no matter in what way you ask, she never has an answer for what 'Jacky' stands for
  44. >You've stopped asking
  45. >"Mmm... so. Anyway. We got some... unicorn. Some little runt. We used to work with her on bigger things."
  46. "Yeah, I remember."
  47. >"So... we had a plan. I get attention, the runt finds her way to the biggest stores, and Jacky loads up things in a few sacks we made."
  48. >She clicks her tongue
  49. >And smiles
  50. >"Only I know what's going on... so I act surprised and buy Jacky time to run off. And the little runt gets the bulk of the attention."
  51. >She inhales, smiling like she's proud of herself
  52. >"I know how to act so, obviously, I play defense after when it comes to splitting up what we got."
  53. "Huh. You're a bit of a bitch. You know that?"
  55. >"I kept Jacky fed, she still had someone she could call a friend to play without, outside of myself, and neither of them found out. Call me what you want, I got results."
  56. >This defiant tone of hers is iron tight
  57. "Right. 'Friends lie', right?"
  58. >She doesn't reply immediately
  59. >"I was far more than her friend. I was her sister. Her protector."
  60. "She kept you going."
  61. >"Yes. And I would gladly, even now, sell you out so I could see her again."
  62. >If there's one thing you actually do appreciate in her, it's her honesty
  63. >You smile
  64. >You listen to the evening birds and watch a pair of squirrels duke it out over something on the side of a tree
  65. "You really think she's out there?"
  66. >"Of course I do."
  67. "Why don't you go find her?"
  68. >You get some almost sadistic glee out of asking her this
  69. >Every time you ask, she answers differently
  70. >It feels like, if you were less selfish, it could almost be treated like a karmic stab
  71. >"Because I need a human to do anything in this world. And you're it."
  72. >That's new
  73. "Why not find someone else?"
  74. >"You tolerate me. I tolerate you. You don't call me crazy to my face and I know you have a vehicle."
  75. "And because I bought you?"
  76. >She scoffs
  77. >"You can't be proud of buying something that has no value on it's own."
  78. >She sounds bitter
  79. >But you know it's not at you personally
  80. >From what you've learned about her, the vast bulk of her life has been one big shit show
  81. >And now she's been plopped into your life with no compass, map or sister
  82. "So what if I did help you?"
  83. >"What could you possibly want in return?"
  84. "What do you possibly have that I could want?"
  85. >She grimaces
  86. >"Do you think she remembers me, Anonymous? Truly, genuinely remembers?"
  87. "How could she forget you? You certainly can't seem to forget about her."
  88. >You stretch in the middle of your shrug
  89. "But she sounds like she had a cinderblock for a head so... who knows. If she valued making friends half as much as you claim, she wouldn't forget about family."
  90. >You snort
  91. "I haven't. Even if they aren't family anymore."
  92. >She seems satisfied by your answer
  93. >"You would have liked her. She actually was smarter, when she was younger. But sometimes, I... did keep her from wandering off. Schools, churches. Places like that asked too many questions."
  94. >She doesn't sound bothered in the least
  95. >"It was important to me that no one would take her away. So. I just made sure she wasn't going too far. That she didn't let her 'friends' deceive her."
  96. "Ahhh... now I see the 'friends lie' bit."
  97. >"Yes."
  98. "That's fucked."
  99. >She smirks like she's happy with your reaction
  100. >But it falters
  101. >"Tell me, Anonymous. Would you keep someone with you and happy even if it cost them opportunities that carried no promise of reward and had real dangerous risk?"
  102. "Are you trying to get me to agree that what you did wasn't that bad?"
  103. >It falters more
  104. >"Answer the question already."
  106. "Me, as I am now? No. I'd let them make their own mistakes. If they come to regret it, the full weight is on their shoulders and their failings will always be for them to suffer and bear."
  107. >You pause
  108. "...I mean, that's what you want me to say, right? To make it feel better for you?"
  109. >She leers at you
  110. "I would let them make their own choice but I'd help out where I could. If I really cared, I would help. Because that's all you can do, right? Let someone know that you're trying to control them and it's only going to end poorly."
  111. >"Even if it's for the best?"
  112. >She sounds incredulous
  113. "Absolutely. I'm some random fucking nobody on some cheaply-built building I so boldly call 'home'. And you're some feathered talking horse that makes me think that you'd work well in a slasher movie more than a buddy cop flick."
  114. >You playfully nudge her shoulder with a fist
  115. "What makes either of us so worthwhile that we can claim to know what is right for ourselves? Much less someone else."
  116. >You shake your head
  117. "Say if you did let her go to school more, or helped her out. Say she stopped living in that little gutter like you were doing. Would you be happy?"
  118. >You've prodded around the idea a few times but rarely do you take jabs are deeper topics
  119. >As critical as she is, she can sure take it
  120. >It reminds you of that saying about steel sharpening steel
  121. >"Are you trying to tell me I wouldn't be happy to see her succeed?"
  122. "If you would be, why would you feel the need to stop it?"
  123. >She has no immediate answer
  124. >"Tell me, I know I'm your only friend but is that because you chase off everyone else you know?"
  125. "No, it's because I'm the type of guy to buy a talking pony from some stupid website that is probably stealing resources from my CPU to mine crypto as we speak."
  126. >You feel emboldened
  127. "More so, I bought said talking pony with the vanilla wafer-thin fantasy that I'll have a friend to magically get along and spend my time with, becoming true friends over time to celebrate victories and embrace defeats over."
  128. >Neither of you speak
  129. >It sounds dire
  130. >But almost every time the both of you speak for any prolonged period of time it turns to petty insults or deeper, biting tears
  131. >But every single time that happens
  132. >Neither of you hold it personally to one another
  133. >An hour passes at least
  134. "So, anything in the freezer you've been wanting?"
  135. >"Those oatmeal raisin ice cream cookie sandwiches..."
  136. "Are your favorite. That's why I got you a four-pack."
  137. >You can see her smile
  138. >"You're stupid if you think you'll ever get affection out of me through petty bribes."
  139. "Fuck off, I can be nice if I like."
  140. >"And so chivalrous too, when speaking to a lady..."
  141. "Who's a lady, talking white horse that had issues with the toilet?"
  142. >That gets her flustered
  143. >"H-how dare you?!"
  145. >Finally, after all of this it takes just that to win
  146. >That makes you feel satisfied
  147. >More silence
  148. >If you had a lamp you'd have some sort of light
  149. >As of now, the sun goes down with nothing but the waning sky to keep things visible
  150. "You know, I gotta wonder. Do you ever honestly think-"
  151. >"The answer is no, Anonymous."
  152. "You never honestly think? Shocker."
  153. >"We aren't friends, Anonymous."
  154. >Before, when you tried being nicer, you really did want her to be your friend
  155. >You kinda don't mind this either
  156. >You guess
  157. "Yeah... I guess so."
  158. >Both of you watch the sun fade
  159. >Friends lie
  160. >You don't actually think that she's ever actually lied to you since you got her
  161. >You haven't lied to her
  162. >Before you weren't always to starkly honest
  163. >But you weren't lying either
  164. >Eventually, the moon rises
  165. >A new moon
  166. >Instead of fixing dinner, or a snack, or doing some sort of activity, the both of you just watch the night in silence
  167. >Like the company itself is what's really sustaining you
  168. >It's far better than being alone
  169. >Isn't it?
  170. "Hey Prism."
  171. >"Anonymous."
  172. >Your tongue feels around the front of your teeth for a few minutes
  173. "Find a way to get a few hundred bucks without getting caught by the end of next week."
  174. >"And why would I do that?"
  175. >She sounds amused
  176. "Because if you can show you aren't some useless eye candy. Then I guess we'll have no reason to not track down this Jacky of yours."
  177. >Her head spins to face you
  178. >Even in the dark she looks like you stabbed her with a knife
  179. >"Anonymous. I swear, if you..."
  180. >You aren't phased
  181. "Find the money, and we'll go see if we can find her. If you fail, you're failing her."
  182. >You've never seen her eyes go quite so big
  183. "We aren't friends. And friends lie. Right?"
  184. >After long enough, she nestles herself down
  185. >Sitting near your leg this time
  186. >"We're going to find her."
  187. "Sure."
  188. >She sounds confident
  189. >You've thrown around this idea for a few weeks now
  190. >After dealing with unwanted overtime and other workplace politics, why not just cash out and go for it
  191. >Not like either of you are used to living like royalty as is
  192. "Anyway. I'm going inside. Come on. Your feathers look fucked up and that comb I got works well on them."
  193. >You get up, brusquely nudging her away from your leg in the process
  194. >She leers at you
  195. >"Those tiny things are good for pigeons, not a pegasus."
  196. "Yeah and you're about as good at listening as a bird."
  197. >Who knows if this is going to end well or not
  198. >You wouldn't ever say that you trust her
  199. >But both of you understand that alone, there's nothing to keep you going

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon